Select a last name for the contact. What kind of last name can I put on VKontakte? If you don’t like your last name, choose a beautiful last name for VKontakte! Top surnames of VK girls

Few people wonder what generic nickname is the most common in the world or in a particular country? This information is also useful and interesting to know. Some nicknames are rare, while others, on the contrary, are owned by several million people. From this article you will learn about the most numerous bearers of generic names around the world and several individual countries.

The most common surname in Russia

According to the research of various scientists who came to one the final result, the most popular surname in Russia belongs to the Smirnovs. The origin of this family name goes back to the times of peasants. Quiet, calm, non-shouting children were called meek. Since then, the second name has stuck and gained many various forms(Smirnitsky, Smirenko, etc.) and became the most popular in Russia. Famous surnames domestic citizens: Ivanovs, Petrovs, Sidorovs, Popovs, Kuznetsovs, Sokolovs.

Popular surnames in VK

In this social network you won’t find any kind of female or male nicknames. Some provide genuine information about themselves, while others invent beautiful middle names for themselves (usually girls). This phenomenon can be found on the pages of young ladies, because who wants unfamiliar young people visiting the resource to see Durakova or Kisloukhova on the monitor screen? There is only one way out - to create yourself an unusual, original pseudonym. By the way, everything is standard for guys - the most common middle name is Ivanov. What popular VKontakte surnames for girls can you find:

  • Generous;
  • Rozhdestvenskaya;
  • Homeland;
  • Arman;
  • Vorontsova;
  • Romanova and others.

In the world

The most a large number of The same middle names that can be found all over the world belong to the Chinese - Li (more than 100 million people). Representatives of this eastern country occupy the three leading places in the ranking of family nicknames on the planet (also Zhang and Wang). This trend can be traced because there are about five hundred variations of middle names in China, and the population is one billion three hundred thousand people. In simple terms– There are many people, but few options. Interesting information: The most popular surname in the world (Li) means strength in Chinese.

English surnames

Middle names in England were given depending on the person’s profession and place of residence. In first place is the family nickname Smith, which was derived from the Yiddish meaning of the profession of blacksmith. Second place is Jones, which literally means son of John, and third place is Williams, from the name William. Other common English surnames:

  • Thomas;
  • Davis;
  • Brown;
  • Taylor;
  • Evans;
  • Johnson.

Popular American surnames

The US state was formed relatively recently, if we draw parallels with the whole world, however, even there there is a unique ranking of namesakes. Almost all family names have English origin. Some popular surnames in America that are often found even among popular people and celebrities are:

  • Johnson;
  • Brown;
  • Davis;
  • Miller;
  • Anderson;
  • Taylor;
  • Jackson et al.


In addition to the Ivanovs, Smirnovs, Petrovs and Sidorovs, other popular Russian family names are often found. Some common Russian surnames arose from professional activity ancestors - Kuznetsov, Goncharov, Bondarchuk. Geographical names, objects on the territory where people lived - another source of inspiration for those who assigned middle names: Moskvin, Ozerov, Luzhkov. Often the source was “bird” or “animal” surnames, for example:

  • Sokolov,
  • Lebedev,
  • Soloviev,
  • Sorokin,
  • Medvedev,
  • Kozlov;
  • Bykov.


In Germany, middle names began to be used at the end of the 18th century, and their origin is similar to the stories of the origin of such a process in other European countries. The most common German surnames taken, as a rule, from the names of professions:

  • Muller - miller;
  • Fisher - fisherman;
  • Schmidt – forge worker;
  • Schneider is a tailor;
  • Bauer is a peasant;
  • Weber - weaver, etc.


Jewish middle names appeared at the same time as in Russian Empire, thanks to the adoption of the relevant law. At that time, two titles were common among Jewish clergy: Levi and Cohen. From them the most popular Jewish surnames, which have acquired numerous forms over time. As in other countries, it has become widespread to give names according to place of residence, animal names, appearance features or professions:

  • Praeger (tailor);
  • Shuster (shoemaker);
  • Glazer (glazier);
  • Kleiner (small);
  • Stiller (quiet), etc.

In France

Second names in France appeared with a royal decree of 1539, according to which each clan must have its own name, be inherited, and recorded in government bodies/church documentation. Some of the most popular: Bertrand, Thomas, Robert, Dubois. For the most part, generic nicknames were formed from proper names, professional occupations to which the ancestors were devoted. What is the most common surname in France? According to scientists, this is the name of the Marten family, which numbers approximately 250 thousand people.


The most famous Ukrainian surnames end in “ko” - Shevchenko, Pisarenko, Goncharenko, Skripko. Several more forms of endings: -la/ -lo (Pritula, Minyailo); -ba/-da (Dziuba, Goloda); -uk/-yuk (Bondarchuk, Vasyuk), -y (Khmelnitsky) and so on. It was customary to spread nicknames among the people, as in other European countries, Tsarist Russia– derivatives from professions, locations of derived names. Many “names” also came from the Cossacks (harsh, sometimes offensive) - Krivoruchko, Tyagnibok, Neizhsalo.

Some common Ukrainian surnames from the top ten list:

  • Shevchenko;
  • Boyko;
  • Miller;
  • Kovalenko;
  • Bondarenko;
  • Tkachenko.


The recognizable “nazysko” (as gentlemen and ladies call their family nickname) in Poland ends in -skiy, which is typical for many Slavic peoples, however, was very common in this European country. An example can be considered with famous people: Kowalski, Tsiolkovski, Dzerzhinski, Brzezinski. Modern middle names have a slightly modified form, in which the last letter “y” may be missing - Zylkowski, Sarktowski, etc. Some popular Polish surnames from the top ten:

  • Novak;
  • Wuychik;
  • Kowalski;
  • Vishnevsky;
  • Lewandowski;
  • Kaminski et al.

As one famous character said Soviet cartoon Captain Vrungel: “Whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail.” Indeed, do middle names affect whether a person becomes famous or not? It doesn’t matter in what territory, place on the map people lived or will live, because after a few generations anyone can acquire a foreign nickname due to relocation, marriage or other reasons. Girls and boys, having Russian, German or English roots, thanks to their ancestors, become French, Poles or Ukrainians.


The word "surname" is translated from Latin language, how is the family". This means that this indicates that a person belongs to the clan from which he came. The emergence of family nicknames was often associated with the profession that the family practiced from generation to generation or with the name of the area in which the family lived, or the name of the family indicated character traits, specific appearance, and a nickname. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying “not in the eye, but in the eye” - people have always applied labels very accurately.

In Russia, at first there were only first and patronymic names, and the first surnames appeared only in the 14th century. Naturally, noble people received them: princes, boyars, nobles. Peasants received official family names only at the end of the 19th century, when they abolished serfdom. The first names of dynasties came from the names of places of residence, birth or possessions: Tver, Arkhangelsk, Zvenigorod, Moskvin.

Later, Russian surnames became a storehouse for the history of professions and life: Bochkarevs, Melnikovs, Telegins. But the most famous family nicknames were and still are those that came from the name of the head of the clan: Grishins, Sidorovs, Ivanovs, Pavlovs. As for the most beautiful Russian surnames, opinions converge here - these are the surnames of kings (Romanovs, Rurikovichs), noblemen (Volkonskys, Vyazemskys, Obolenskys). Many people like derivatives from the beautiful names of animals and birds: Sokolov, Lebedev, Orlov, Medvedev, Volkov.

The most beautiful surnames of Russian men:

  1. Sobolev
  2. Morozov
  3. Gromov
  4. Almazov
  5. Derzhavin
  6. Bogatyrev
  7. Mayorov
  8. Admirals
  9. Lyubimov
  10. Vorontsov

List of the most beautiful surnames for girls:

  1. Voskresenskaya
  2. Lebedeva
  3. Alexandrova
  4. Serebryanskaya
  5. Korolkova
  6. Vinogradova
  7. Talnikova
  8. Generous
  9. Zolotareva
  10. Tsvetaeva

A selection of the most beautiful foreign surnames

Foreigners believe that a beautiful surname helps the family, brings good luck and happiness. But, it’s true, a person with funny last name or his family nickname is teased by his peers since childhood, and subsequently he grows up insecure with a whole baggage of complexes. So it turns out that the family name brought bad luck. For people with a beautiful family heritage, everything turns out differently. From childhood they know that they can do anything in this world, so they walk with their heads held high.

Each country has its own beautiful surnames, which are unusual to the Russian ear. But the origin of family designations is the same all over the world. Some took the name of their city, while others took the nickname of the founder of the clan, the occupation of the family, and their status. Among foreign surnames you can also often find the names of plants, birds, and animals. If a Russian person chooses foreign name, then, as a rule, he does not delve into its meaning, but makes a choice according to its euphony.

For example, Spaniards have beautiful surnames - not uncommon. The most common are:

  • Rodriguez
  • Fernandez
  • Gonzalez
  • Perez
  • Martinez
  • Sanchez

Russian girls often choose generic names of Spanish origin:

  • Alvarez
  • Torres
  • Romero
  • Flores
  • Castillo
  • Garcia
  • Pascual

French surnames

All variants of French surnames are endowed with special beauty and charm. This language is very different from its other European counterparts. While an English name is always pronounced correctly, French names are pronounced differently. For example, the popular Le Pen can sound like “Le Pen”, “Le Pen”, “De Le Pen”. First French names families were granted to the highest circle of nobility in the 11th century. It was only in the 16th century that a royal decree ordered that every French citizen be given a hereditary nickname.

Since then French surnames from generation to generation they are included in the church metrics. The most beautiful family nicknames in France come from proper names, from the occupation of the family, or from the geographical names in which the family was born. Widespread French male family names:

  • Robert
  • Richard
  • Bernard
  • Duran
  • Lefebvre

Female generic names are not much different from male ones. French history ordered that no differences or other endings, as in the Russian language, exist between surnames, therefore beautiful generic names for women also bear their own name, for example:

  • Leroy
  • Bonn
  • Francois


Generic names in Germany arose in the same way as in other countries: first they were received by the nobility, then by feudal lords and small landowners, and then by the lower strata of the population. The entire process of forming hereditary nicknames took about 8 centuries, and the first surnames appeared based on proper names. Vivid examples are German male generic nicknames:

  1. Werner
  2. Hermann
  3. Jacobi
  4. Peters

Beautiful family designations in Germany arose from the names of rivers, mountains and other words related to nature: Bern, Vogelweid. But the most popular generic names come from the occupations of their ancestors. For example, Müller means “miller”, and Schmidt means “blacksmith”. Rare German family names sound beautiful: Wagner, Zimmermann. Women in Germany, as a rule, leave their mother's surname, and the most beautiful are considered to be:

  1. Lehmann
  2. Mayer
  3. Peters
  4. Fisher
  5. Weiss


In America, genus names come from completely different sources. After all, this state was inhabited by different nationalities. People who arrived on the continent gradually modified the name of their clan, partly because they wanted a new life, partly because they wrote everything down by ear. Open American list Williams, Johnson and Smith. There have long been over a million of them in America. But there are also rarer family names that settle in one state. These include the Collins, Morgan, Brooks, and Reed. Learn more about American surnames.

Beautiful American family names compare favorably with other foreign ones - they are very consonant, and the owners wear them with pride. If surnames are not inherited, then any citizen of the United States can change his family name to a more harmonious one. So, the 10 most beautiful names of American men:

  1. Robinson
  2. Harris
  3. Evans
  4. Gilmore
  5. Florence
  6. Stone
  7. Lambert
  8. Newman

Concerning American women, then, as in the whole world, at birth they take the family name of their father, and upon marriage - their husband. Even if a girl wants to keep her family name, after marriage she will have a double surname, for example, Maria Goldman Mrs. Roberts (by her husband). Beautiful generic names for American women:

  1. Bellows
  2. Houston
  3. Taylor
  4. Davis
  5. Foster

Video: the most common surnames in the world

The most common surnames in the world seem beautiful, because their bearers are popular people, which means happy. For example, there are about one hundred million people on the planet who have the generic name Li. In second place in terms of polarity is the surname Wang (about 93 million people). In third place is the family name Garcia, common in South America(about 10 million people).

Among the British and Americans, the most popular surname is Smith (4 million people), and among Russians it is Smirnov, and not Ivanov, as is commonly believed. It comes from the word “pacification” or “to make peace”, which is typical for the original Russian population. Watch a video that takes a closer look at the most common surnames in the world:

Find out how to change your last name in VK.

Top surnames of VK girls

There are many options in the top best nicknames for fake. It could be a foreign name, Russian or fictitious. For a contact page, use any of the options provided.

The most romantic reason for changing your nickname on social networks is marriage. You are lucky if your husband has a euphonious surname that goes well with the girl’s name.

When creating a fake page, choose any of the top options offered:

  1. Noble option. The famous Countess Obolenskaya or Princess Romanova, let society be impressed by the girl’s noble origins.
  2. Qualitative adjectives. Sometimes women like to play pranks by calling themselves Sweet, Hot or Raging.
  3. Eloquent epithets, denoting celestial bodies, abstract objects, etc. Take the nickname Sun, Love, Cat.
  4. Funny phrases. By combining two short words into one, you can enjoy the cool result: Peipivo, Daizub.
  5. Surnames famous people. Bulgakov, Pushkin, Astakhov.
  6. Living beings. Orlova, Koshkina, Utkina.
  7. Slavic options. Woody, Ancient, Oriental.

You can even use combinations of phrases. For unusual name will do double surname on French manner like von Stein.

Use a phrase in any foreign language that goes well with the Russian name.

What unusual foreign surname should a girl choose?

If you were not given at birth Slavic name, and you have long dreamed of changing your nickname, choose foreign version. You can choose a suitable phrase using the table.

Check out original list popular nicknames:

Group Examples
Movie stars Hepburn, O'Hara, Jolie, Diaz, Reeves, Cox, Matthew, Stone, Bellucci
Polish options Podolskaya, Kovalskaya, Valevskaya, Vitovskaya, Vitkovskaya, Vilenskaya, Troyanovskaya, Yaguzhinskaya, Lewandovskaya, Koval
Bulgarian surnames Toneva, Vladova, Angelova, Apostolova, Angelova, Vladova, Danailova, Dimitrova, Blagoeva, Nikolova, Lyudmilova
English names Taylor, Mills, Day, Alison, Bailey, Brett, Cole, Day. Also Ellis, Evans, Gordon, Grant, Norman, Stone, Ray, Cooper
German versions Wagner, Koch, Richter, Mayer, Weber, Braun, Werner, Lehmann
Belarusian options Levitskaya, Kaminskaya, Poplavskaya, Polyanskaya, Galonskaya, Chaikovskaya, Belskaya, Sokolovskaya, Dobrovolskaya.

More Ostrovskaya, Sobolevskaya, Savitskaya, Snezhinskaya, Gurskaya, Larchenko, Kirilenko, Kovalchuk

In some cases, you will need to change the sound in the name. It is better to replace Veronica with Nicole, Natalia with Tasha, Masha with Michelle.

For a nickname, you can use any translation of the word: Sweet (sweet), White (white), Kat (Cat).

Having reached a conscious age, a person strives to expand his social circle, and often, in pursuit of this goal, he creates a profile on a social network. As they grow older, they change life priorities, he gets married, it becomes necessary to change the first and last name in his profile, for example, Vkontakte.

The site administration is jealous of such changes, sending every application to moderators for review. This is due to the site’s user agreement, which clearly states – the profile must contain only real data. The application will be approved in the following cases:

  • Changing your last name upon marriage;
  • Changes to initials in passport;
  • Errors when registering an account.

Don't be alarmed if the moderators ask for a detailed photo of your ID to confirm your identity.

Official way to change your First and Last Name

VKontakte provides one way to change initials, through the user profile settings. After saving the new data, an application is automatically generated and sent to administrators for consideration, which can be approved or rejected.

If the settings are changed frequently, the administration may block this feature for an indefinite period.

The decision depends on:

  • Popularity of Last Name (First Name). The less frequently they occur, the greater the likelihood of failure;
  • Errors made when writing;
  • Data realities. If you want to change your name to your school name, forget it.

I have contradicted all the nuances of the procedure, let’s move on to practice. Repeat after me.

1. Open your VKontakte profile. Click on the location indicated in the screenshot. Click "Edit".

2. In the specified fields, enter a new First Name and Last Name. Save your changes.

3. As you can see, the change occurred automatically due to the popularity of the specified data.

You may receive an information message that The application has been sent to the administrators for consideration, there is only one way out - wait.

What should I do if my request for a shift is rejected?

The moderators' decision comes within 24 hours from the moment the changes are saved. You can find it by opening personal messages. If the application was rejected, and you indicated your real full name, send it in writing.

2. In the marked fields, describe the essence of the problem in as much detail as possible. Take a photo of the passport spread, having previously covered up the series and number, use for this. Attach a photo and click "Send".

In no more than a day, you will receive a positive response, and your First and Last Name will be changed.

How to change your name to English (written in Latin)

VKontakte is a multilingual site that supports more than 80 languages ​​and adverbs, but the rules directly prohibit using characters other than the language set in the account when writing your full name.

To use the Latin alphabet when writing a surname, we will use a trick.

1. Install an extension in your browser that allows you to change the IP address. You can use our instructions for or.

3. Enter a new nickname using the English keyboard layout.

After saving your edits, go to home page profile and check the correct spelling.

Changing your last name without verification by the administrator

The creators of the site have provided the ability to quickly change a pseudonym, without bureaucratic delays. A common reason for changing a surname, especially among girls, is getting married, this is the whole trick. Find a person with suitable data among your friends or strangers and “legalize” your relationship in the site settings.

1. Add the selected person as a friend.

2. Edit your personal information in your profile by selecting married in the “Marital status” column. Below, select a specific user from your friends list.

3. Wait for confirmation from the other side and calmly change your last name to the one indicated in another profile.

No matter how absurd this method may seem, but it works flawlessly. If you were unable to obtain consent to carry out the “fraud”, use fictitious data and follow the same algorithm of actions.

How to change it on your phone?

The techniques described above work both in the desktop version of the site and mobile phones(regardless operating system devices – Android or iPhone).

If you do not find the functionality described above in mobile application, go to mobile version, by the address

Log in to your VK account, under your profile photo, find the line Edit page. A page will appear on the device where you can change your first and last name, write your s.p. and other facts.

To change your name in Contact, you must enter a new name in the cell labeled Name. If you want to change your last name, then in the line opposite the inscription Last Name you need to change the old one to the new one. Make the necessary changes, as well as the reason for changing the first and last names, and click on the box labeled Save.

After this, a message with the following content will appear at the top: Your application has been accepted. It will be submitted for manual review.

How to change your first and last name in VKontakte without an administrator?

If you entered all the data correctly, and the administrators rejected your application, you can solve everything without their help.

    There are 2 options:
  • If you have written real data, then you can write to the support agents so that they can decide this problem. Help is located near the exit panel. Next, enter the Name - click Resolve the issue with the name or None of the above is correct and describe in more detail the fact of the violation. They will ask you to send them a photo of the first page of your passport.
  • You can also look for a person with the desired last name and ask him to put Family status with your fate, and you set the status with his participation and then try again to change your data.

How to change your first and last name to English on VKontakte?

This means changing the data to translit. Personal data will automatically change to English language, that is, in transliteration, if you put Europe, America or other countries as your place of birth. Previously, because of the transliteration, you would not have been found, but today, if you enter a name in Russian, you can find a person with the same name in transliteration. Advantageous name change to foreign language will only be for foreign residents.

The history of American names and surnames has evolved over several centuries. In them you can trace the traditions of many countries and peoples who moved to these places. Thanks to the large flow of immigrants, over a long period of time a general culture countries and names and surnames changed, acquiring new forms of sound.

Many common American names have their origins in Greek, Italian, Latin, even ancient Germanic origins. IN modern world are becoming extremely popular in America rare names, which are obtained by reducing historical places, last names famous people, there are even combinations of several names into one big one.

The origins of American names can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Names whose meanings are associated with the outlines of a person’s character (cheerful, brave, courageous) have gained most popularity;
  2. names related to the names of animals, flowers, trees, natural phenomena;
  3. names meaning different professions;
  4. names of a religious nature taken from the Bible.

List of the most popular American male names

America is a colonial country; depending on the state, the overall popularity of names differs significantly from each other. In the Spanish villages of Federico (Federico), in the Irish regions - Patrick (Patrick), in the Italian - Paulo (Paulo).

When choosing a name for a newborn, Americans give great importance two main principles in your choice:

  • the name should sound beautifully with the surname, as one whole;
  • Another main point is the secret meaning of the name and its origin.

Respecting your ancestors and family traditions, many families name their children in honor of their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. If several family members have the same name, specific person At the beginning of the name they put the prefix “senior”, “junior”.

Currently, Americans are trying to give special uniqueness (originality) to the names of their children, choosing their favorite brand of car, favorite politician, favorite city. In such a situation, the choice falls on the most unexpected objects. You can meet children named Lexus, Madison, Infinity.

Americans have old tradition associated with names - give to a child double name. For example: Anna-Maria (Anna-Maria), John-Robert (John-Robert), Matthew - William (Matthew-William). Explaining this by saying that as the child grows up, he will be able to choose a name to his liking.

The most popular American names today

  • Ethan (Ethan) - from English, “durable.”
  • Kevin (Kevin) – from Irish, “beautiful”, “cute”.
  • Justin (Justin) - from English, “fair”.
  • Matthew (Matthew) - from English, “gift of God,” “God’s man.”
  • William (William) - from English, “desired.”
  • Christopher (Christopher) - from English, “follower of Christ.”
  • Anthony (Anthony) - from English, “invaluable”, “competing”.
  • Ryan (Ryan) - from Arabic, “little king.”
  • Nicholas (Nicholas) - from French, “conqueror of nations.”
  • David (David) – Hebrew, “beloved”, “beloved”.
  • Alex (Alex) – from Greek, “protector”.
  • James (James) - from English, “invader”.
  • Josh (Josh) – Hebrew, “god, salvation.”
  • Dillon - Welsh origin, "big sea".
  • Brandon (Brandon) - from German, “prince”.
  • Philip (Philip) - from Greek, “horse lover.”
  • Fred (Fred) - from English, “peaceful ruler.”
  • Tyler (Tyler) – from English, “stylish”.
  • Caleb (Caleb) - from Hebrew, “loyal, brave.”
  • Thomas (Thomas) – Polish, “twin”.

List of common American surnames

Purchased yours modern look many years. Over time, they changed significantly. IN American cities There has always been a large influx of refugees and displaced people.

In order not to differ from local residents Without attracting much attention to themselves, the settlers deliberately modified and shortened their surnames in the local American way. main feature The surnames of US residents consist in the regular mixing of different nations and peoples.

List of the most famous names in America they open Smith (Smith), Williams (Williams), Jones (Jones), Wilson (Wilson). According to statistics, there are well over a million registered owners of such surnames.

Less known American surnames, but popular:

  • Johnson (Johnson).
  • Brown (Brown).
  • Walker (Walker).
  • Hall (Hall).
  • White (White).
  • Wilson (Wilson).
  • Thompson (Thompson).
  • Moore (Moore).
  • Taylor (Taylor).
  • Anderson (Anderson).
  • Thomas (Thomas).
  • Jackson (Jackson).
  • Harris (Harris).
  • Martin (Martin).
  • Young (Yang).
  • Hernandez (Hernandez).
  • Garcia (Garcia).
  • Davis (Davis).
  • Miller (Miller).
  • Martinez (Martinez).
  • Robinson (Robinson).
  • Clark (Clark).
  • Rodrigues (Rodrigues).
  • Lewis (Lewis).
  • Lee (Lee).
  • Allen (Allen).
  • King (King).
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