Methods of using personal protective equipment. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Volgograd State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

In the complex of protective measures, it is important to provide personnel of formations and the population with means personal protection and practical training in the correct, skillful and dexterous use of these means in conditions of the enemy’s use of weapons of mass destruction.

Personal protective equipment for the population is intended to protect against the ingress of radioactive, toxic substances and bacterial agents into the body, skin and clothing. They are divided into respiratory protection and skin protection. The first include filtering and insulating gas masks, respirators, as well as anti-dust fabric masks (PTM-1) and cotton-gauze bandages; the second category includes special insulating protective clothing, protective filtering clothing (PF) and adapted clothing for the population.

Based on the principle of protection, personal protective equipment is divided into filtering and insulating. The principle of filtration is that the air necessary to maintain the vital functions of the human body is cleared of harmful impurities when passing through protective equipment. Insulating personal protective equipment completely isolates the human body from the environment using materials that are impermeable to air and harmful impurities. According to the manufacturing method, personal protective equipment is divided into industrially manufactured products and simple ones made by the population from scrap materials. Personal protective equipment can be standard, the provision of which is provided for by equipment standards (standards), depending on the organizational structure formations, and non-standard means, intended to provide formations in addition to service means or as a replacement for them.

> Respiratory protection

When an emergency is declared, the entire population must be provided with personal protective equipment. The personnel of the formations, workers and employees receive personal protective equipment at their facilities, the population - in the housing office and public health department. If there is a shortage of gas masks at the site, they can be replaced with gas masks and respirators intended for industrial purposes. The rest of the population independently makes anti-dust fabric masks, cotton-gauze bandages and other simple means of respiratory protection, and to protect the skin they prepare various capes, raincoats, rubber shoes, rubber or leather gloves. Personal protective equipment should be stored in or near work areas.

The most reliable means of protecting people's respiratory organs are gas masks. They are intended to protect the respiratory system, face and eyes of a person from harmful impurities in the air. According to the principle of operation, all gas masks are divided into filtering and insulating.

Filtering gas masks are the main means of personal respiratory protection. The principle of their protective action is based on preliminary purification (filtration) of the air inhaled by a person from various harmful impurities.

Currently in the system civil defense countries, filtering gas masks GP-5 are used for the adult population. For children - DP-6, DP-bm, PDF-7, PDF-d, PDF-sh, as well as a children's protective camera (KZD-4). It should be borne in mind that filter gas masks do not protect against carbon monoxide, therefore, to protect against carbon monoxide, use additional cartridge

Insulating gas masks (IP-4, IP-5, IP-46, IP-46M) are by special means protection of respiratory organs, eyes, facial skin from all harmful impurities contained in the air. They are used when filter gas masks do not provide such protection, as well as in conditions of lack of oxygen in the air. The air necessary for breathing is enriched in insulating gas masks with oxygen in a regenerative cartridge equipped with a special substance (sodium peroxide and sodium superperoxide). The gas mask consists of: a front part, a regenerative cartridge, a breathing bag, a frame and a bag.

In the civil defense system, the R-2 respirator is most widely used. It is a filtering half mask with a headband. The mask is equipped with two inhalation valves and one exhalation valve with a safety screen. The outer part of the half mask is made of green polyurethane foam, and the inner part is made of thin airtight polyethylene film, into which two inhalation valves are mounted. Between the polyurethane and polyethylene there is a filter made of polymer fibers. The respirator has a nose clip designed to press the half mask to the face in the bridge of the nose. The principle of operation of the respirator is based on the fact that when you inhale, the air sequentially passes through the filtering polyurethane layer of the mask, where it is cleaned of coarse dust, and then through the filtering polymer fibrous material, in which the air is cleaned of fine dust. After cleaning, the inhaled air enters the submask space and the respiratory organs through the inhalation valves. When exhaling, air from the submask space exits through the exhalation valve.

The simplest means of respiratory protection are made by the population themselves. They are recommended as mass media protection of respiratory organs from RVs and BS. For protection against 0V, they, like respirators, are unsuitable. The simplest means of respiratory protection include anti-dust fabric masks PTM-1 and cotton-gauze bandages. Every person should have them at their place of residence or place of work.

> Skin protection products

Based on the principle of protective action, skin protection products are divided into insulating and filtering ones. Insulating protective equipment, leathers are made from airtight materials, usually special elastic and frost-resistant rubberized fabric. They can be sealed or not sealed. Hermetically sealed protective equipment covers the entire body and protects against 0B vapors and droplets, while non-sealed protective equipment only protects against OC droplets. Along with protection against agents, they protect the skin and clothing from infection with RV and BS. Insulating skin protection means include protective overalls and suit, light protective suit L-1 and general protective kit.

The protective overalls consist of a jacket, trousers and a hood sewn into one piece. The suit differs from overalls in that the jacket with a hood and trousers are made separately. The set of overalls and suit also includes a balaclava, rubber boots and rubber gloves.

The light protective suit L-1 consists of a shirt with a hood, trousers sewn together with stockings, two-fingered gloves and a balaclava. The dimensions of L-1 are similar to the dimensions of the protective overalls (suit). L-1 is used in reconnaissance units of the Civil Defense.

The combined arms protective kit (O3K) consists of a protective raincoat OP-1 and protective stockings and gloves. Winter protective gloves are two-fingered, summer protective gloves are five-fingered (rubber). The protective cloak has sleeves and a hood. The sole of the protective stockings has a rubber base. Stockings are worn over regular shoes and are attached to the legs with straps, and to the waist belt with ribbons.

Dear trade unionists of the structural divisions of Volgograd State Medical University! We ask you to provide information about the children of employees by November 20, 2017- trade union members - for getting New Year's gifts c It is possible to send by e-mail to: [email protected] Children's age: from 0 to 14 years inclusive.

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, holidays and weekends were established in 2017. Due to postponements in November to Day national unity Russians can expect three days of rest:
. the 3rd of November- working/school day - pre-holiday - abbreviated;
. November 4- holiday - National Unity Day- day of rest;
. November 5-6 - days off.

Administration of Volgograd State Medical University

Recently, another trip of the volunteer movement “In Good Hands” of Volgograd State Medical University took place to the “Tails” shelter. And although the weather did not allow the children to do the planned work of caring for the animals, cleaning and repairing the shelter, their help was already appreciated: thanks to donations from Volgograd Medical students, they were able to bring more than a hundred kilograms of food, a construction wheelbarrow, warm clothes and toys.

The trip had been planned for a long time. And the weather eventually played a cruel joke: on Monday it rained all day. " He almost ruined our lives, but we heroically bundled up and went", -- speaks Anna Panchikhina, movement leader. By the way, almost all the volunteers who went to the shelter this time are new to the movement. Anya tries to ensure that every activist can take part in the trip, even if he came to “In Good Hands” relatively recently.

Today the head of the department celebrates his anniversaryCardiology with functional diagnostics of the Faculty of Internal Medicine of Volga State Medical University, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, member of the presidiums of the board of the Russian Society of Cardiology, the Society of Heart Failure Specialists of the Russian Federation, the Association for Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology, Chairman of the regional department of the Russian Society of Cardiology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yuri Mikhailovich Lopatin!

Administration and staff of Volgograd Medical University with best wishes creative success, optimism, endless vital energy and good health congratulate the hero of the day!

Last Saturday another game of the student series took place. mind games 2017 "QUIZ VolgSMU". This is the 7th time that students have gathered in a large group to prove to everyone that it is fashionable to be smart. This time 21 teams took part in the game. Among them were: experienced players, and beginners alike.

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The master class season is coming to an end. On Wednesday, November 1, club members* will delve deeper into the topic of “Operative Urology” and consider the Bricker operation in theory and practice.

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Take the suture tools, shift, robe and desire to learn in one hand. We meet at 17:00 at the OhiTA department.

* everyone who has passed basic stitches on a tablet is allowed to take part in the master class (a mandatory condition for participation)

Evgenia Konchenko

Everyone dreams of something, but many are afraid of their desires. More precisely, not specifically them, but to fail. Why do people give up and stop a few steps away from achieving their dreams? How to determine your true dream, and not one imposed by someone? How to find the strength to move daily and run towards success? All these questions were discussed at the “atmospheric” master class “Wish Fulfillment Machine”.

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in the discipline: “LIFE SAFETY”


Lipetsk 2011


Personal protective equipment is designed to protect people from the ingress of radioactive and toxic substances and bacterial agents into the body, skin and clothing.

Personal protective equipment is divided into respiratory protection and skin protection.

Respiratory protection equipment includes:

b Gas masks (filtering and insulating);

b Respirators;

b Anti-dust fabric masks PTM-1;

b Cotton-gauze bandages.

Skin protection products include:

b Protective kits;

b Overalls and suits made from special rubberized fabric;

ь Capes;

b Rubber boots and gloves;

ь Various available means.

According to the principle of protection, personal protective equipment is divided into:

1. Filtering;

2. Insulating.

According to the manufacturing method, personal protective equipment is divided into:

1) Manufactured by industry;

2) Protozoa, made by the population from scrap materials.


The most reliable means of protecting people's respiratory organs is a gas mask. It is designed to protect the respiratory system, face, eyes, and sometimes the scalp from harmful impurities in the air in the form of steam, fog, gas, smoke, droplets, microbes and their toxins.

All gas masks are divided into filtering and insulating based on their operating principle. A person wearing a filter gas mask breathes pre-purified air, and a person wearing an insulating gas mask breathes a mixture of oxygen in the cylinder and exhaled air after it has been cleared of moisture and carbon dioxide.

Filtering gas masks.

The main filter gas masks include civilian gas masks GP-5 (GP-5M and GP-7 (GR-7V)).

Civilian gas mask GP-5 is designed to protect a person from contact with the respiratory system, eyes and face of radioactive, poisonous and emergency chemicals hazardous substances, bacterial agents.

To select the required helmet-mask size (0, 1, 2, 3, 4), you need to measure your head along a closed line passing through the crown, cheeks and chin; measurements are rounded to the nearest 0.5 cm.

The GP-5M gas mask differs from the GP-5 in the presence of a ShM-66U helmet-mask with a membrane box for the intercom, in the front part of which there are through cutouts for the ears, which ensures normal audibility.

The gas mask is carried in the bag. The shoulder strap is thrown over the right shoulder, and the bag itself is lowered to the left side, with the flap facing away from you.

The gas mask can be in the following positions: “travelling”, “ready”, “combat”. The gas mask is in the “stowed” position when there is no threat of infection. The top of the bag should be at waist level and the flap should be fastened. The gas mask is switched to the “ready” position when there is a threat of infection, after information on the radio or upon the command “Get your gas masks ready!” In this case, the bag is secured with a belt strap, moved slightly forward, and the valve is unfastened so that you can quickly use the gas mask. In the “combat” position, the front part is put on. This is done with the command “gases!” or by other orders, as well as independently if signs of a particular infection are detected.

When transferring the gas mask to the combat position, you must:

Hold your breath and close your eyes;

Remove the headdress and hold it between your knees or place it next to it;

Take the helmet-mask out of the bag, grab it with both hands by the thickened edges at the bottom so that your thumbs are on the outside and the rest on the inside. Bring the helmet-mask to your chin and with a sharp movement of your hands up and back, pull it over your head so that there are no folds at the top;

Exhale completely, open your eyes and resume breathing;

Put on a hat, fasten the bag and secure it to the body, if this has not been done previously.

The gas mask is considered to be worn correctly if the glasses of the front part are against the eyes and the helmet-mask fits tightly to the face. The need to exhale forcefully before opening your eyes is explained by the fact that it is necessary to remove contaminated air from under the mask if it got there at the time of putting it on.

When wearing a gas mask, you should breathe deeply and evenly. There is no need to make sudden movements. If you need to run, then increase the pace gradually.

The gas mask is removed by the command “take off the gas mask!” To do this, you need to lift the headgear, take the valve box with the other hand, slightly pull the helmet-mask down and remove it with a forward and upward movement, put on the headgear, turn out the helmet-mask, wipe it thoroughly and put it in the bag.

In winter, to prevent the rubber from hardening, you should periodically heat the front part of the gas mask by placing coats, jackets, etc. under the side. When wearing a gas mask, you can heat the valves with your hands while simultaneously blowing them out with a sharp exhalation.

The civilian gas mask GP-7 is one of the latest models. It reliably protects against many toxic and chemically hazardous substances, radioactive dust and bacterial agents. Compared to the GP-5, it has a number of advantages: breathing resistance is reduced, an “independent” seal (shutter) provides a more reliable seal and at the same time reduces the pressure of the front part on the head. This made it possible to increase the time spent in a gas mask and to use it for people over 60 years of age, patients with pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases. The presence of an intercom ensures clear understanding of speech.

The front part of the gas mask is made in three sizes. The selection of what is necessary is carried out based on the results of measuring the horizontal and vertical circumference of the head with a soft centimeter tape. Vertical girth - measurement along a closed line passing through the crown, cheeks and chin. Horizontal girth - measuring the head along a closed line passing from the front along the brow ridges, from the side - 2-3 cm above the edge of the auricle and from the back - through the most protruding point of the head. Measurements are rounded to the nearest 0.5 cm.

When putting on a gas mask, it is necessary to remove hair from the forehead and temples. If they get under the seal, the seal will break. Therefore, women should comb their hair smoothly back, remove hairpins, combs, pins and jewelry.

To properly put on the GP-7, you need to take its front part with both hands by the cheek straps so that your thumbs grip them from the inside. Then fix the chin in the lower recess of the seal and move your hands up and back to pull the headband over your head, pulling the cheek straps all the way.

The GP-7V gas mask differs from the GP-7 in that it has a device for receiving water.

Additional cartridges. Tests have shown that civilian gas masks GP-5 and GP-7, as well as children's gas masks PDF-7, PDF-D, PDF-1, PDF-2D, PDF-2, along with protection from hazardous agents, protect against some hazardous chemicals, for example such , such as chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, hydrochloric acid, hydrocyanic acid, tetraethyl lead, nitrobenzene, phenol, phosgene, cyanogen chloride, etc.

In order to expand the capabilities of gas masks to protect against hazardous chemicals, additional hopcalite cartridges have been created for them (DPG-1 and DPG-3). Inside the DPG-1 cartridge there are two layers - a special absorber and hopcalite. In DPG-3 there is one layer of absorber. The outside air, entering the filter-absorbing box of the gas mask, is pre-cleaned of aerosols and vapors of hazardous substances, then entering the additional cartridge, it is finally cleared of harmful impurities.

The cartridge has a cylindrical shape and is similar in appearance to the filter-absorbing box of gas masks GP-5, GP-7. At the bottom there is an internal thread cut for connection to the GP-5 or GP-7 filter-absorbing box.


They are lightweight means of protecting the respiratory system from harmful gases, vapors, aerosols and dust. They are widely used in mines, mines, chemically harmful and dusty enterprises, and when working with fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture. They are used at nuclear power plants, when cleaning scale at metallurgical enterprises, during painting, loading and unloading and other work.

There are two types of respirators:

® Respirators in which the half mask and filter element simultaneously serve as the front part;

® Respirators that purify the inhaled air in filter cartridges attached to a half mask.

According to their intended purpose, respirators are divided into:

® Anti-dust;

® Gas protection;

® Gas-dust-proof.

Dust respirators protect the respiratory system from aerosols various types, gas protection - from harmful vapors and gases, gas and dust protection - from gases, vapors and aerosols with their simultaneous presence in the air.

Depending on the service life, respirators are disposable (ShB-1 “petal”, “Kama”, U-2K, R-2), reusable (RPG-67, RU-67M). secondly, replacement of filters is provided.

The simplest means of respiratory protection.

When there is neither a gas mask nor a respirator, you can use the simplest means of protection - an anti-dust fabric mask (PTM), a cotton-gauze bandage. They reliably protect the human respiratory system (and PTM - the skin of the face and eyes) from radioactive dust, harmful aerosols, and bacterial agents.

The PTM-1 mask consists of two main parts - the body and the mount. The housing has inspection holes into which glass or plates of plexiglass, celluloid or some other transparent material are inserted.

The body of the mask is made of 4-5 layers of fabric. The top layer is made of loose fabric - calico, staple, cotton or knitted fabric, tartan, etc. The inner layers (there can be 2-3 of them) are made of denser fabrics - paper, flannel, flannel, children's pique, cloth, cotton or wool brushed fabrics. The bottom layer can be made of satin, knit and other non-fading fabrics.

The fastening of the mask is made from one layer of any fabric, preferably lining or linen.

A cotton-gauze bandage is made as follows:

® Take a piece of gauze 100*50cm;

® In the middle part of the piece, on an area of ​​30*20 cm, place an even layer of cotton wool approximately 2 cm thick;

® The cotton-free ends of the gauze (about 30-35 cm) on both sides are cut in the middle with scissors, forming two pairs of ties;

® The ties are secured with thread stitches (sewn).

If you have gauze, but no cotton wool, you can make a gauze bandage. To do this, instead of cotton wool, 5-6 layers of gauze are placed in the middle of the piece.

When used, a cotton-gauze (gauze) bandage is applied to the face so that its lower edge covers the bottom of the chin, and the upper edge reaches the eye sockets, while the mouth and nose should be well covered. The cut ends of the bandage are tied: the lower ones - on the crown, the upper ones - on the back of the head. To protect the eyes, dust glasses of various types are used. You can make glasses yourself.

In order to make protection against hazardous chemicals more reliable, for example, if a cloud of chlorine is approaching, it is recommended to moisten the bandage with a 2% solution of baking soda, and to protect against ammonia - with a 5% solution of citric (acetic) acid.

It is not recommended to use cotton-gauze bandages for a long time.

A cotton-gauze bandage and an anti-dust fabric mask do not protect against many hazardous substances.


In conditions of radiation, chemical and bacteriological contamination, in accidents associated with the storage and transportation of hazardous chemicals, natural disasters, sabotage that contributes to the contamination of vast territories with high concentrations of harmful substances and for a long time, there is an urgent need to protect the human body.

According to their purpose, skin protection products are divided into:

® Special (service);

® Helpers.

Special (service) means.

Special skin protective equipment is intended to protect personnel of formations when they carry out rescue and emergency restoration work in areas of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological damage (destructions, accidents and disasters).

According to the principle of protective action, they are:

® Insulating (airtight);

® Filtering (air-permeable).

Structurally, these protective equipment are usually made in the form of jackets with hoods, bib overalls and overalls.

To protect against chemical agents and hazardous chemicals in the zone of chemical contamination, insulating type protective equipment is mainly used.

Insulating protective equipment.

Insulating clothing is made from materials that do not allow any drops or vapors of toxic substances to pass through, thereby ensuring the necessary tightness.

Isolating protective equipment includes: light protective suit L-1, protective overalls and suit, general protective kit.

Lightweight protective suit L-1 provides skin protection from exposure agents, radiation exposure and flammability when carrying out various work. The suit is made in three sizes (the first is for people up to 165 cm tall; the second is from 165 to 172 cm; the third is above 172 cm).

The protective overalls consist of trousers, a jacket and a hood sewn into one piece. It is made from rubberized fabric. Used to protect the skin when performing work in highly contaminated conditions.

The protective suit includes a jacket, trousers, rubber gloves, boots and a balaclava.

The combined arms protective kit consists of a protective raincoat, rubber boots and protective gloves. To protect against vapors, special uniforms are worn underneath the kit.

The protective raincoat comes in five sizes (the first - for people up to 165 cm tall; the second - from 165 to 170 cm; the third - from 170 to 175 cm; the fourth - from 175 to 180 cm; the fifth - above 180 cm). The cloak can be worn as a jumpsuit, a cape, or worn in sleeves.

Filter protection means.

Filter protection means are made from cotton fabric impregnated with special chemicals. As a result, the air permeability of the material is largely preserved, and vapors of toxic and toxic substances passing through the fabric are retained by the impregnation. In some cases, neutralization occurs, and in others, sorption (absorption).

Filtering agents include a set of protective filter clothing in the Western Federal District. The main purpose of this kit is to protect human skin from the action of chemical agent vapors. The kit also provides protection against aerosol agents.

The simplest skin protection products.

The simplest means of protecting the skin can be used, first of all, industrial clothing: jackets, trousers, overalls, robes with hoods, mostly made from tarpaulin, fire-retardant or rubberized fabric, coarse cloth. They are capable of protecting not only radioactive substances from contact with the skin during accidents at nuclear power plants and other radiation hazardous facilities, but also from droplets, vapors and aerosols of many hazardous chemicals. Tarpaulin products, for example, protect against droplet-liquid hazardous substances for up to 1 hour in winter, and up to 30 minutes in summer.

Among items of household clothing, the most suitable for this purpose are raincoats and capes made of rubberized fabric or fabric covered with vinyl chloride film complete with a cotton-gauze bandage or PTM-1.

Winter items can also provide protection: coats made of rough cloth or drape, padded jackets, sheepskin coats, leather coats. these items can protect for up to two hours, depending on specific weather and other conditions, the concentration and state of aggregation of hazardous chemicals.

Other types may also provide protection after appropriate treatment. outerwear: tracksuits, jackets, especially leather ones, denim clothes, raincoats made of waterproof fabric.

To protect your feet, it is best to use industrial or household rubber boots, rubber boots and galoshes. You can also use shoes made of leather and leatherette, but it is advisable to wear rubber galoshes over them. Rubber products are capable of preventing the passage of droplet-liquid hazardous substances for up to 3 - 6 hours.

You should put on rubber or leather gloves on your hands, you can use tarpaulin mittens, tie a scarf on your head or put on a hat with earflaps.

In order for ordinary clothing to better protect against vapors and aerosols of hazardous chemicals, it must be soaked in a special solution. Only clothing made from fabric materials can be impregnated. To impregnate one set of clothing and accessories (valve, hood, gloves, socks, etc.), 2.5 liters of solution is enough.

The impregnating solution can be prepared on the basis of aqueous synthetic detergents used when washing clothes. Another option uses mineral and vegetable oils.

poisonous radiation contamination bacteriological


The individual first aid kit AI-2 is designed to prevent the development of shock, radiation sickness, damage caused by organophosphorus substances, as well as infectious diseases. Comes in a plastic flat pack orange color(more often).

AI-2 includes seven therapeutic and prophylactic drugs (drugs):

® Analgesic agent in a syringe tube;

® a remedy used for organophosphorus poisoning;

® radioprotective agent №1;

® radioprotective agent No. 2;

® antibacterial agent No. 1;

® antibacterial agent No. 2;

® antiemetic.

The individual anti-chemical package IPP-8 is intended for decontamination of skin and clothing when affected by organophosphorus compounds, toxic substances of blister action (mustard gas), for disinfection, and washing off radioactive substances from the skin.

IPP-8 includes:

® Glass bottle containing degassing liquid;

® Hermetically sealed plastic bag containing five gauze pads and instructions.

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