When will the Minister of Emergency Situations be removed from the post. Cases of Puchkov. Why does the public have more and more questions to the minister

Information appeared in the media about the possible removal of the current head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Andreevich Puchkov, from his post. The information is very controversial, as it was obtained from unnamed sources, but, as everyone knows very well, there is no smoke without fire.

Post of Minister Russian Federation on business civil defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief Puchkov took May 21, 2012, becoming the successor to Sergei Shoigu, who then took the post of Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. After almost twenty years of impeccable service, Shoigu was expected from Puchkov at least the same results, because for many years he was Sergei Kuzhugetovich's deputy, but ... He did not work out from the very beginning.

In July 2012, a month and a half after his appointment, a terrible incident occurs in the Kuban: the Kuban cities are experiencing a serious flood, in which the city of Krymsk suffered the most: 171 people died. Puchkov, although he acknowledged the failure of the warning system for residents during the emergency and agreed with the outdated actions of rescuers and local authorities, called the data on the 171th dead "an insignificant number of victims." As it turned out later, the liquidation of the consequences was hampered by the banal lack of simple equipment (shovels) among local rescuers. This was the first serious "bell".

The next four years, headed by Vladimir Puchkov, were not easy for the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The department was reshaped, from which ordinary employees repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with the innovations. One got the impression that the ministry was getting on a commercial footing: the number of services for the population, provided on a paid basis, was growing. In addition, rumors about corruption cases within the department repeatedly circulated, which was generally nonsense under Shoigu.

Annual forest fires, which every summer destroy not only thousands of hectares of Russian forests, but also areas bordering forests, are another test for the current minister. Among other things, he regularly underestimates the area of ​​fire-affected areas.

A series of Puchkov's mistakes is like a lump that rolls down, becoming bigger and bigger. But sooner or later someone breaks, so Puchkov's mistakes cannot be eternal. And the current year, apparently, will be his last in this position, because only in 2016 there were several very serious failures of the department:

- February 25 - an accident at the Severnaya mine. A series of explosions killed 36 people, including five rescuers.

- September 2 - the death of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Primorsky Territory, Oleg Fedyura, during a typhoon that hit the region.

Puchkov is a cloud hanging over the department, which has squandered the prestige earned over many years by Shoigu's impeccable activities because of her. This series of failures may well be the final straw in the decision to remove the current head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations from his post.

The Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrey Vorobyov, has once again been tipped to be the Minister of Emergency Situations. For Vorobyov, the possible appointment is unconditional career, but what can it become for the ministry?

Less people, more funding

The forest fires, which the Ministry of Emergency Situations is putting out worse and worse, have not yet burned out, and rumors are flaring up in the ministry itself about the possible appointment of a new minister. Several online publications immediately reported that Andrey Vorobyov, the governor of the Moscow region, could take his place. Vorobyov has already predicted the post of minister emergencies when Sergei Shoigu went to manage the Moscow region. The resignation of Vladimir Puchkov will not surprise anyone either. For five years under the leadership of Vladimir Puchkov, the department glorified by Sergei Shoigu has itself found itself in an emergency situation.

The first thing that Vorobyov will have to face if he is appointed is the monstrous results of Puchkov's personnel optimization. Downsizing messages personnel appeared back in 2015. Then Vladimir Puchkov reassured the employees of the regional headquarters, promising that they would retain their positions. Such statements outlined the nature of the future optimization - to reduce ordinary firefighters. In 2016, a presidential decree appeared, establishing the maximum staffing of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - 288,565 units. Of these, 251.3 thousand people are the personnel of the Federal counter fire service. By the way, the number of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the regions was reduced from 26.3 to 20.3 thousand people.

Puchkov fulfilled his promises. The cuts were almost unaffected. management team. The department fired all firefighters over 45 years old, that is, the most experienced and qualified, 50% of aviation units. Rescuers were also made redundant, including employees of mine rescue units. However, they also went over cabinet officials: in several regions, the departments for combating corruption in the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were disbanded. Shortly after the mass “optimization” was carried out, eight firefighters died at once while extinguishing a fire in Moscow warehouses. The tragedy became one of the main illustrations of Puchkov's personnel undertaking.

Ministry of Generosity

How many generals, colonels and other commanders there are for one firefighter can be a fascinating subject. sociological research. How did the rescuers and firefighters prevent the minister? To Puchkov's surprise, all these unobtrusive people wanted to receive a salary, which was not among the priorities of the ministry. In May 2016, the department's wage debts amounted to 3.8 billion rubles. These funds were put to better use by the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Thus, an audit of the Accounts Chamber conducted in 2016 revealed a whole bunch of financial violations. Among them are accounts receivable of the department. The accounts receivable of the Ministry of Emergency Situations increased sharply from 49.9 million rubles to 1.06 billion rubles. Who the officials saved with generous loans is unknown. There were also questionable purchases. The brightest episode that impressed the auditors was the purchase of fire tanks with improved performance characteristics. The cost of one tank in the department's purchases varies from 14 to 17 million rubles. A similar tank without improved characteristics, according to auditors, would cost the ministry 6.6 million rubles. However, the Ministry of Emergency Situations does not save on tanks and, under the wing of Puchkov, they spent several tens of billions of rubles on advanced automotive equipment. Won most tenders sole member CJSC "Production Association" Special fire extinguishing equipment ".

However, Puchkov's wards know how to spend money in a more sophisticated way. For example, for luxury cars Audi A8L for 7.6 million rubles, BMW 750Li XDrive for 6.9 million rubles and the "modest" Chevrolet Tahoe worth 4.2 million rubles. In the same row are premium dragoon sabers and other edged weapons, made by order of the ministry. The idyll was spoiled only by rescuers waiting for salaries, but Puchkov solved this problem in a truly elegant way. The number of employees of the “optimized” Ministry of Emergency Situations has sharply decreased, the wage fund has remained the same. The successor of Vladimir Puchkov can even be envied, but the rescuers and firefighters, if Andrei Vorobyov becomes the successor, can only sympathize.

The Greater of Two Evils

Andrei Vorobyov is a hereditary official. His father, Yuri Vorobyov, who is now sitting in the Federation Council, was nothing less than Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The minister then was Shoigu, with whom Vorobyov Sr. is still on a friendly footing and does not get tired of emphasizing this in every possible way. Even the most loyal media call the Vorobyovs part of the Shoigu clan. Therefore, Andrei Vorobyov in April 2012 was predicted to be the minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and a few months later he sat down to “wear out” the chair of the governor of the Moscow region for Shoigu.

Obviously, Vorobyov himself evaluated the appointment with exactly the same metaphor. It is not customary to regret second-hand, even if it is a whole region. Andrey Vorobyov became acting governor in November 2012, and in August of the same year, the construction company Samolet Development was created, among the beneficiaries of which was the governor's brother Maxim Vorobyov. Vorobyov's commercial sense did not disappoint, and during the years of his brother's governorship, Samolet Development became one of the largest developers in the Moscow region. Other developers also feel good, which cannot be said about the residents. Krasnogorsk and Mytishchi are protesting against the barbaric development of green areas.

The budget deficit of the Moscow Region is growing every year and in 2016 amounted to 35 billion rubles. Vorobyov's personnel policy also raises many questions. With the advent of Vorobyov in the government near Moscow, leadership has changed in many municipalities. The names of the new leaders are invariably associated with Andrey Vorobyov. So, the head of Naro-Fominsk, Vadim Andronov, who owns the Tonar company and the Stardogs network, is called the sponsor of the election campaign of Andrei Vorobyov, and the head of the Domodedovo district, Alexander Dvoinykh, is called the son-in-law of the governor. Not wanting to remain in history as an ineffective governor, Vorobyov pays great attention to his own image. With an official annual income of over 97 million rubles, Andrei Vorobyov does not have a personal car.

A grand gesture does not save a damaged reputation, so an entire PR service is working on the image of the governor right under the roof of the regional government. In 2015 alone, when officials were hotly discussing belt-tightening, Vorobyov allocated 2.6 billion rubles for information support (self-promotion) of the regional government. The governor also did not forget about the tightened belts - last year the Moscow region canceled benefits for free travel in transport, saving those very few billions for image makers. This is the portrait of the future emergency fighter. You don't have to worry about the image of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, oh fire safety better take care of yourself.

Large-scale emergencies in which the Ministry of Emergency Situations rightfully plays the first “violin” are always two sides of the same coin. On the one hand, this is a feat of rescuers, firefighters, sometimes at the cost of own life. On the other hand, there are those flaws in the work that are invisible to the general public, which are visible only to those who are at the epicenter of the trouble.

During the recent sensational fire in Rostov, which destroyed an entire residential area, many victims of the fire still spit in the direction of the firefighters, telling how they “acting according to the instructions” extinguished something that did not burn much, and as if point-blank did not notice the house, almost completely engulfed in flames.

There is no doubt - the rescuers did what they could, exhausted themselves - but, apparently, the organization of rescue activities in the rescue service is at a level far from necessary.

Added "fuel to the fire" and relatives of firefighters. The wife of one of them said that due to the emergency situation in the city center, her husband, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, has been at work for the third day: “They are not allowed to go, they are not fed. Now they are waiting for the arrival of the minister. Interestingly, the minister is aware in general, what is the salary of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Rostov and what do the guys do for these pennies? No one understands what a dangerous job it is and how many guys just don’t come home: they either stay on fire or suffocate from smoke.”

And there were rumors around the city that the local fire department clearly did not have the strength to deal with such a major emergency. They say that there are few and old cars, there was not enough water pressure every now and then - and most importantly, people ... There was a feeling that the Rostov rescuers were thrown into the “battle” last strength- and if something else happened at that time, the department no longer had “combat-ready” units in reserve.

Maybe somewhere it’s just a feeling because of the unrest experienced by people, somewhere it’s just rumors - but the fact that the personnel problem in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is in a very sad stage throughout the country is definitely not “grandmother’s tales”. The fact is that the main rescue structure has been at the stage of strict optimization for more than a year - it has spread too much, overgrown with "fat". One point of optimization is a serious downsizing and the minister Russian Emergency Situations Ministry Puchkov, in most of his interviews, says that the reorganization and reduction of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is not a mechanical activity, but a calm, differentiated approach.

But, apparently, the problem is that the reduction has its own deadlines, which are either running out, or even came out “yesterday”. And, therefore, it is necessary to tear and throw about this issue - there is no longer legality, it would be better to report upstairs on time and beautifully.

Yes, and staff cuts have been going on for years - and, presumably, all legal or just more or less adequate ways to reduce the number have already been exhausted, and generals - although why are generals, specifically the head of the Central Regional Center of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, Major General internal service Kobzev issues a directive that is absolutely thoughtless and contrary to Russian law (available in the editorial office). At a conference call in mid-July this year, he instructs the heads of the Main Directorates of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the Central and Volga regions to organize work to prevent the presence personnel in a position that does not correspond to a military (special) rank and report on the work done by July 30.

That is, everything is so bad with the generals in terms of optimization that the usually clumsy personnel department of a huge rescue vehicle is obliged to find and “neutralize”, that is, fire everyone who “does not comply”.

Let's clarify the situation a little for those who are far from people in uniform. In paramilitary structures, which is the Ministry of Emergency Situations, each position implies a certain maximum rank, which can be reached by occupying this particular position. This is established by federal law, for example, for employees of the federal fire service of the EMERCOM of Russia, this the federal law dated May 23, 2016 No. 141 “On Service in the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” (Article 6). Also, this law (Article 47, paragraph 8) also provides for encouragement in the form of the assignment of the next special rank one step above the rank provided by the state for the position to be filled.

For example, Major Alexander S., who asked us not to give his last name, served in both Transbaikalia and the Caucasus. Now he holds the position of head of the department of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations in one of the regions of the Central Federal District. He has awards for valiant service and considerable experience in rescuers, not so long ago he received a lieutenant colonel, and holds a major's position. At the same time, conversations with superiors that, having become a lieutenant colonel, he will receive new position, was not - and Alexander himself is quite satisfied with his current one. Moreover, the Ministry of Emergency Situations is in no way more original than other federal power structures, where people come to work (or just hold a position), including through an acquaintance, through connections or for a bribe in an envelope.

Now the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia has undergone a series of various reorganizations, including changes staffing tables with a decrease in the maximum ranks corresponding to positions.

Thus, today the department employs hundreds, if not thousands of people with a higher rank than their position provides. Including Alexander S. - his department passed the fate of lowering the maximum rank for the head - she remained a major. But Alexander is a lieutenant colonel! And not by acquaintance, not by pull, and certainly not for the envelope. For the valiant long-term loyal service of one of the hottest operational departments. He has vast experience behind him, knowledge of people, excellent response to this or that emergency situation and a disregard for the approved work schedule. If necessary, he will not leave work for two days - until the problem that he is dealing with or in solving which he can be useful is solved.

Alexander is a little over forty - he has a lot of strength, the desire to work has no end. They say about such people - their eyes burn at work. And now every day he expects a call to the leadership, where, without looking into his eyes, they will show him some order from above and make a helpless gesture - they say, what can we do?

The fact that the stupid directive to fire everyone who has an imbalance in rank and position has not yet passed through everyone federal districts does not mislead anyone. The center and the Volga region are only for a warm-up. For a sample of the general's pen. All current heroes, all old-timers, all experienced operatives who received their military ranks, having distinguished themselves in some way, but remaining in their previous positions, and even those who, due to constant reductions, were transferred by order, for example, from a major to a captain's position - all these people have either already been fired, or already know about the dismissal, or, as Alexander, every day they come to work, as if it were the last time.

Looking at such a “seizure” optimization, more reminiscent of agony, you already think that the word “rescue” will soon have to be removed from the abbreviation of the Ministry of Emergencies. The real rescuers will "leave". Who will put out fires on the territory of a couple of Europe, who will sort out the rubble in the mountains, who will rescue people from floods - someone's sons, who were simply "well arranged"? These “new Russian rescuers” will not be laid off for any reason - after all, they were arranged by those, or through those who are now under the general directive, all the fruits of their predecessors, including former Minister Sergei Shoigu, during whose tenure the Ministry of Emergency Situations really had a fundamental word "rescue". That Shoigu, about whom they still say that a hastily created organization that had neither premises, nor staff, nor a clear plan of action, but only a temporarily rented hotel room, he turned into a powerful Ministry of Emergency Situations.

This is not a general's business - saving the drowning

Sometimes personnel changes and layoffs also affect the "commanding staff" of the ministry. But for the most part, he is worried about two things - how to make money for a “quiet old age” and how not to ... sit down. In jail, I mean.

And scandals around the ministry, especially after Vladimir Puchkov came to it, are becoming more and more frequent. For example, the former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Vladimir Artamonov fell under a criminal case for fraud. And not alone - but in the company of his wife Galia Artamonova and the ex-head of the All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergencies Valery Akimov.

According to investigators, Artamonov arranged for his wife to work with Akimov at the Institute as a researcher, who regularly received a salary there, but did not go to work.

She “earned” about one and a half million rubles in this way, but the property of the spouses is now arrested for 42 million.

Artamonov himself is also one of the former "teachers" - he used to head the St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. But as soon as Vladimir Puchkov was appointed head of the ministry, Artamonov went on promotion, becoming deputy head of the department. A high-ranking "rescuer" was fired in May 2017 by decree of the President of Russia.

Knowledgeable people say that Artamonov should have been driven out of the ministry for a long time. The deputy Puchkov turned out to be too greedy for earthly goods, floating towards him by virtue of his position.

When he moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow for a promotion, he received a subsidy of 17.8 million rubles from the state - to buy himself a house in the capital.

Apparently, the Artamonov family really needed this subsidy. After all, the 200-meter apartment and the unfinished house with an area of ​​229 "squares" belonging to Galia Artamonova remained in St. Petersburg! And in the declaration of income Artamonov himself has “some” 27 million. What can you buy with them?

To begin with, as the media write, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are provided with permanent apartments with a length of service of more than 20 years. If so, why wasn't Artamonov, who had risen to the rank of deputy minister, placed in temporary housing? And now, when the official was dismissed from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and even under investigation, why should the apartment remain in his ownership?

Giving heat and cause for rumors, and Artamonov's assistant Mikhail Bunakov, who came with his boss to Moscow from St. Petersburg. Here and the use of cadets of the University of the Ministry of Emergency Situations as "maids" - for cleaning the house. . Here is also a video showing how a man resembling Bunakov inhales a white powder of unknown origin with the help of a five-hundred-dollar bill.

But even this is still “flowers” ​​in comparison with the swamp of corruption into which the ministry is being pulled deeper and deeper under the new head. Last fall, the Accounts Chamber published the results of an audit of the ministry's expenses for emergencies, revealing financial irregularities in the department for 3.5 billion rubles!

Ahead of the "planet of the whole", of course, public procurement. Walking distance for examples. An institution subordinated to the Ministry of Emergency Situations “purchased 4 MPS VFR1200X fire and rescue motorcycles based on the Honda VFR1200X model worth 2.6 million rubles each. Meanwhile, the estimated cost of such a motorcycle (including additional equipment) is lower than the purchase price by 923 thousand rubles.

The purchases of tanks for KAMAZ trucks were also overestimated almost three times. Their market price at that time was about 6.6 million rubles. But in 2015, officials from the Ministry of Emergency Situations bought tanks at a price of 15 million rubles apiece, and in 2016 - already at 16.6 million rubles! In total, 110 tanks were bought - and someone had a very good fuck on this.

Yes, sometimes the bosses-"rescuers" come across "hot". Last year, the former head of the department of the Novosibirsk Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Renat Aptrashov, was arrested, who, in return for not filing fines, took bribes from entrepreneurs with paving slabs and cement.

Only now the sense of such "hit" is often zero. The case of the corrupt official Aptrashev was extolled to the skies - they say, this is a real fight against such bad officials from the federal department! And the verdict was ... a fine of 800 thousand. With such talents, to beat off these eight hundred "Ostap Bender" in uniform is a piece of cake.

Yes, in Orenburg, the former head of the supervision department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Valery Pitanov, sat down for 3.5 years. But even then, by and large, not for fraud, engaging in illegal business and abuse of power, not for what he forced private company put a fire alarm of the company that he indicated. But because the equipment that he “recommended” turned out to be “left”, and the company had a major fire with damage of 12 million rubles.

But all the records were greedily broken by Leonid Belyaev, who managed to stay in the position of Puchkov’s deputy for some six months, but left the post with a whole collection of two dozen apartments in his property, including the one that he got from the state, as in special need.

Now, apparently, the department itself also needs it - in order to save on salaries, in 2015 alone, about 10 thousand people were fired from the ranks of the Ministry of Emergencies. And even for those who remained, they saved as much as they could. According to ordinary rescuers, at the end of the same 2015, the leadership of the Perm Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was advised from above to offer their subordinates to take pre-New Year loans in order to somehow hold out until the salary that ... someday will be. There was no talk of loans against bonuses to the authorities - here everything is on time and pleasant to the touch.

In general, according to the department, his debts only to firefighters at the beginning of last year were approaching 4.5 billion rubles - there is not enough money for salaries, even taking into account massive layoffs.

Now we can already say that the optimization aimed at reducing staff and, if possible, increasing the salaries of the remaining employees, failed miserably. According to statisticians, since the start of the “personnel revolution”, salaries in the Ministry of Emergency Situations have still fallen by 4-5%.

Looking at the lawlessness that is happening in the department, its head Vladimir Puchkov personally tries not to appear at the epicenter of scandals. However, it is difficult to assume that he does not know anything about what his high-ranking subordinates are doing.

And this, at least, is a reason for law enforcement officers to think - is the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations as crystal clear as his official rumor draws? And this is in addition to the fact that, as many experts say, the level of Vladimir Puchkov hardly reaches the leadership of such a huge and, most importantly, responsible organization as the Ministry of Emergency Situations. And with a weak boss, who or, rather, what becomes strong? That's right - corruption, theft, nepotism ... In general, everything except the work itself.

That is why the old-timers of the department, from those that still remained afloat, looking at what is happening around them, quietly and sigh: “Oh, if Sergey Kuzhugetovich (Shoigu - ed.) would come now - he would give them all a break here ... be.”

Such conversations are not completely groundless against the background of rumors that the head of the Ministry of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, suggested that the country's leadership attach the Ministry of Emergency Situations to the military department. Under his command, of course.

But while Vladimir Andreevich is at the ministry - and his the main task not at all lifesaving. The main goal is to reduce the number of rows as much as possible. Without looking back to tomorrow.

Will it be - that's the question? For example, Puchkov practically eliminated the fire supervision, whose employees, reduced by 70%, can physically visit each facility no more than once every 20 years.

But they say that the results of the insane spending on departments provided by the Accounts Chamber to the Prosecutor General's Office were still interested in the latter - just like the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations himself.

Maybe there is a god in the world, and Mr. Puchkov, of course, may not be imprisoned, but at least they will be put somewhere away from the leadership of the ministry, which itself is just right to be saved from its insane and thoughtless bosses. After all, there is always and at all times a lot of cases for the "EMChES" - only now, will anyone have a job if it is possible to open a separate labor exchange from among the former rescuers?

Russia will be saved - only if corruption does not interfere with this

The Ministry of Emergency Situations in detail: have there been problems with disaster warning before? How much does it cost to send SMS to all residents of the capital? What violations in the Ministry of Emergency Situations were revealed by the Accounts Chamber? Eduard Belozerov found out.

Flooding in Krymsk Krasnodar Territory, which began on the night of July 7, 2012, was the first serious test for the new head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Sergei Shoigu. Including due to warnings of an impending disaster: according to local residents, there was no SMS, no other signals - alarm sirens or ringing of bells.

On July 8, Alexander Tkachev, who was then governor of the Krasnodar Territory, said: information about the flow of water going to the city became known to local authorities three hours before the peak of the flood. The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations himself admitted mistakes two days after the start of the flood.

“Mistakes were made on the part of local leaders and individual services ... Not the entire population was notified in deadlines", Puchkov told the press.

The sudden flood killed 171 people. True, the sudden natural disaster was not for everyone: some of the local officials took the family out of the danger zone in advance. For example, the head of the Krymsky district Vasily Krutko, the head of Krymsk Vladimir Ulanovsky, the deputy head of the Department for the Prevention of Emergencies and civil protection district Viktor Zhdanov and the head of the Nizhnebakansky rural settlement Irina Ryabchenko.

Krymsk, flood, photo - drugoi.livejournal.com

Later they were put on trial: Krutko received six years in a colony-settlement and was released on parole in February 2016. Ryabchenko was sentenced to 4.6 years in a colony-settlement conditionally - they were convicted of negligence, and Ulanovsky sat down for 3.6 years for official forgery. Zhdanov received 4.6 years in prison: he tried to get compensation as a flood victim.

A similar story happened on May 29, 2017, when most of Muscovites did not receive hurricane notifications from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In the ministry, part of the responsibility was shifted to the forecast of Roshydromet - allegedly it did not fall under the category of "emergency". The operators themselves reported that it was the slowness of the Ministry of Emergency Situations that was the reason for such late alerts: people received messages by phone when news of the first victims appeared. In total, 16 people died from the elements, more than 170 residents of the capital suffered.

However, no one has yet answered for such a failure in the Ministry of Emergency Situations or other authorities. According to an anonymous employee of a special headquarters for investigating what happened in the capital's administration Investigative Committee Russia, active work in it has not yet been carried out: “Everyone is waiting for political will. There will be a command - the search will begin for those who installed the collapsed bus stops, advertising structures, who monitored the condition of the trees, who did not notify.

For warning people in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the All-Russian Integrated System of Informing and Alerting the Population in Places of Mass Stay of People, abbreviated as OKSION, is responsible. Among such means of notification are large screens in crowded places in 44 cities of the country. TV channels, radio broadcasting, SMS messages and the Internet are also used.

The system was started in 2006. For two years, about 2 billion rubles were spent on its development, and the exact amount of total costs for the system is unknown. The cost of servicing in Moscow alone costs about 800 million rubles, and in the whole country - 6 billion rubles.

However, even the simplest and cheapest way of notification - via SMS - does not work.

Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

No one from the top leadership can complain about it in the defense department. In 2012, when Puchkov only took over as head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, his annual income was 5.2 million rubles, and his wife's earnings were 2.4 million rubles. In addition, Puchkov owned 4.5 apartments with a total area of ​​217 sq. m (part of the living space in joint ownership with his wife and children), a plot of land (1500 sqm) and part of a garage. The wife owns a Toyota Camry and a garage.

In 2016, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations began to earn 12 million rubles a year, received a residential building of 403.1 square meters for use. m. His wife managed to change two cars in two years - a Mercedes-Benz E-class and a Mercedes-Benz GL-class. This is not surprising, because her income grew steadily by 2 million rubles a year: in 2013 she earned 4 million rubles, and in 2016 her annual earnings amounted to 11.8 million rubles.

Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov at a demonstration exercise to eliminate emergency situations, photo - © Grigory Sysoev / RIA Novosti

In September 2016, the press began to talk about the possible resignation of Puchkov from the post of minister. Enough claims have accumulated against him: the death of a rescue team at the Severnaya mine in the Komi Republic, the death of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Primorsky Territory during a flood, the loss of an Il-76 air tanker and its crew, which flew out to extinguish a fire near Irkutsk, and the systematic underestimation of forest fire areas .

Problems with fires are associated with bureaucracy - with a significant reduction in staff in 2012. The staff of the Federal Fire Service was planned to be reduced by 20% - by 40 thousand people. In 2014, it became known about the problems in one of the fire departments of the Altai Territory: according to ordinary employees, the reduction in staff took place with gross violations of the law. Because of this, local firefighters even went on a hunger strike. In 2016, Kurgan firefighters complained of a painful cut wages- by 5 thousand with a salary of 15 thousand rubles.

Corruption in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Not everything is in order with the department's public procurement. In 2016, the internal audit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations revealed violations for 10 billion rubles, found 3587 violations in the accounting of property and material assets. Most of the losses were in the North-West - 78.1 million rubles. In 2015, 2,492 cases of underpayment of monetary allowance by 12.1 million rubles were reported.

In the North-West region, the former deputy heads of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Murmansk Region, Mark Davidenko and Yulia Kondratieva, became defendants in criminal cases in 2014. Also under investigation were the head of the FGKU "1st Detachment of the FPS in the Murmansk Region" Andrey Lebedev and his deputy Sergey Artamonov.

According to the IC, in the period from 2009 to 2011, Davidenko, as part of a criminal group, stole more than 200 million rubles, which were intended for bonuses to employees of the department, for which he was sentenced to 4 years in prison in penal colony general regime and a fine of 900 thousand rubles.

Anti-Corruption Department in the North-Western regional center The Ministry of Emergency Situations was disbanded only in June 2016.

Storm in Moscow at the end of May, photo - thegreenwhale

At the end of October 2016, the Board of the Accounts Chamber published the result of its own audit of the ministry's spending of budget funds. The service revealed overdue receivables of 1.6 billion rubles.

As noted in the report itself, in 2014-2016, the new employees in charge of public procurement in the department did not have “appropriate education in the field of procurement or placing an order for public needs.” Procurement schedules, deadlines for signing additional agreements and concluding state contracts were violated.

Inflated prices were found for the purchase of 110 fire tankers with improved performance characteristics: they were bought for 15 and 16.6 million rubles, although the average cost of conventional tankers based on KAMAZ is only 6.6 million rubles. In 2015, the federal state institution "Center for Activity Support" (DPC) purchased four special fire and rescue motorcycles for 2.6 million rubles apiece, although the estimated cost was lower by 923 thousand rubles.

Storm in Moscow, photo - pwebru

Some funds were simply inefficiently spent. For example, in 2014, the same data center signed a contract with Zlatoust Arms Company LLC for the supply of 15 sets of dragoon sabers and 15 sets of premium officer sabers for a total of 8.8 million rubles. It was planned to reward the citizens of Russia with these weapons. Apparently, there was no one to award: 360 sets accumulated in warehouses in two years.

Properly purchased cars BMW 750Li XDrive (cost 6.9 million rubles), Audi A8L (cost 7.6 million rubles), Chevrolet Tahoe (cost 4.2 million rubles) are not operated properly, the Accounts Chamber noted.

Separately, the report touched upon violations of contracts related to the purchase and construction of housing. As of December 31, 2015, the accounting records of the Ministry of Emergency Situations included 63 objects of unfinished housing construction in the amount of 5.7 billion rubles.

Most of them - 3.4 billion rubles (59.7%) - accounted for FKU UKS EMERCOM of Russia, the report noted. In total, financial violations as a result of the audit by the Accounts Chamber were revealed by more than 3.5 billion rubles.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations celebrates the Day of the Rescuer today. However, the most the best gift for the department there will be the resignation of Minister Puchkov.

December 27 is celebrated in Russia as a professional holiday for rescuers. Unfortunately, ordinary employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations should not have the most pleasant memories of this holiday. Last year, many, for example, were left without a salary. And some of the subordinates of Minister Vladimir Puchkov will generally celebrate their holiday in a pre-trial detention center.

The prosecutor's office referred to court a criminal case against the head of the supervisory activities department for Volgodonsk of the Rostov Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Alexander Sukhorukov.

The investigation believes that an employee of the department, during a visit to a furniture store, suggested that its owner skip a number of points related to fire safety in exchange for a “discount” on the purchase. Thus, Sukhorukov acquired a soft corner at a low cost.

Apparently, the rescuer is accustomed in his position from time to time to use official powers for personal purposes. In the summer of 2016, the head of the supervisory department of the Vologda Ministry of Emergency Situations received a small “kickback” for 30 thousand rubles. The official contributed to the contract for the performance of fire safety work was concluded with the "necessary" company, the owner of which "thanked" Sukhorukov.

Another “fresh” case against employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is the theft of 12 million rubles, in which they suspect former leader department of medical and psychological support of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Olga Lebedeva. The ex-official, according to investigators, in the company of her deputies and two “nimble” businessmen, made a purchase of X-ray diagnostic equipment at the state expense. The price was prudently doubled, thanks to which the “beneficiaries” of the scheme spread the “extra” 12 million rubles into their wallets.

Corruption in the rescue department has spread everywhere under Minister Vladimir Puchkov. They steal not only in the regions, but also in the center. True, the bill there is not in the thousands, but in the billions of rubles.

Recall that in October this year, the Accounts Chamber published the results of an audit of spending by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which stunned anti-corruption fighters. So, since 2013, the department has spent 3.5 billion rubles in violation.

Basically, state funds in the Ministry of Emergency Situations were "sawed" at inflated prices in the field of public procurement. "Surplus" pleasantly weighed down the pockets of high-ranking employees of the department. For example, last year, structures subordinated to the Ministry of Emergency Situations bought four Honda fire and rescue motorcycles, 2.6 million rubles were paid for each. that's just the market value of motorcycles is almost a million rubles lower.

In some public procurement schemes, the “cutting” schemes have been worked out and are repeated from year to year. Only the overpricing ratio changes. For example, in 2015, officials of the department purchased fire tanks based on KAMAZ trucks at 15 million rubles apiece, this year - already at 16.6 million rubles apiece. Although a similar tank truck costs about 6.6 million rubles on the market. That is, the prices were inflated by almost three times!

378 million rubles, according to the report of the auditors of the Accounts Chamber, the budget lost due to a 43% inflated price for housing construction. The Ministry of Emergency Situations once concluded a contract with the VIP StroyEngineering company.

Not a single salary

One gets the feeling that it was the scale of theft in the department that prevented its leadership from paying off debts on time. Thus, the ministry's receivables have almost tripled since 2013, to 1.6 billion rubles. Over the same period, overdue debt jumped 21 times at once - up to 1.06 billion rubles.

Despite the dismissal of 10 thousand employees from the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2015, there was not enough money even to cover current expenses. On approaching new year holidays rescuers Perm Territory and six more regions will probably remember how last year the leadership left them on December 31 literally without a penny.

At the same time, bonuses were paid to the “top” of the department. Ordinary employees were offered to take a loan "for food".

Last year, with the account of the rescue department, apparently, 3.8 billion rubles of salaries to rescuers evaporated in an unknown direction. The debt to ordinary employees of the department at the beginning of this year has already exceeded 4.5 billion rubles ...

At the same time, the Accounts Chamber found out that the leadership of the rescue department is not alien to the desire for comfort and luxury at the expense of the budget. So, the department has acquired a whole line of expensive cars, including the BMW 750Li XDrive and the Audi A8L. The acquisition was made, apparently, in the interests of certain high-ranking officials, who are unlikely to extinguish fires at work themselves.

In addition, instead of paying salaries to the rescuers on time, Vladimir Puchkov's team continued to purchase premium "dragoon sabers" and "Cossack checkers". The auditors considered the replenishment of stocks of premium weapons a violation of a government decree.

Glorious traditions, when bonuses are paid to the regulars of ministerial offices and are not paid to those who save lives, are sacredly observed in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

For example, in the outgoing 2016, this was observed in the departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kurgan, Orenburg and Yaroslavl regions. In particular, the Orenburg firefighters received bonuses of ... 1% of their salary (!), While the "cabinets", who most likely saw the fires only on TV, received bonuses of up to 85%.

Kurgan officials demonstrated the most ardent adherence to the tradition of distributing bonuses. There, accountants and personnel officers received 120-160% bonuses for a “special risk” (cutting themselves with office paper?). Those employees of the department who daily pull people out of burning houses did not get anything.

Ministerial disaster

Experts have long been stating that Mr. Puchkov managed to destroy the department, which was once one of the best, in record time.

On the day of the rescuer, Mr. Puchkov spoke very Right words. For example, that next year he intends to “part” with those employees who do not master budget resources. The minister intends to strengthen control over budget spending, and expel embezzlers from the department.

Well, then he has to start with himself. Here it is appropriate to recall the history of the purchase of drones by the rescue department. Vladimir Puchkov solemnly presented one of these machines to Tula. Perhaps the minister thought that the drones were suitable for the purposes set before the rescue department. Unfortunately, professionals would not be able to agree on this issue with the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Indeed, according to their characteristics, purchased, of course, in China, drones looked more like household cars. The purchased vehicles retained controllability at a distance of no more than 2 kilometers, and the duration of the flight is a maximum of 23 minutes.

All these errors did not prevent Puchkov's officials from buying cheap drones at 1.5-2 more than the market value. In total, the Ministry of Emergency Situations purchased 200 such devices for a total of 38 million rubles. on the market, even the retail price of DJI Phantom 3 Advanced did not exceed 70 thousand rubles, but armchair craftsmen, apparently the very ones who accrue bonuses to themselves, managed to buy drones at a price of 190 thousand rubles.

The difference between the real price and the purchase price, according to rumors, was divided by the ministerial authorities. Without further ado, Vladimir Puchkov's officials purchased the next batch of similar drones. But already at an astronomical price of 210 million rubles apiece.

In the Ministry of Emergency Situations under Puchkov, they do not just steal in small ways and buy unnecessary equipment at an inflated price. Sometimes entire organized crime groups operate in the department and, as they say, the minister was aware of what was happening ...

Recall that in 2013 it turned out that an organized criminal group operated in the Khakass department of the department, which included high-ranking employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The criminals were engaged in collective and large-scale theft of budget millions.

However, in Lately there are rumors about the imminent resignation of Mr. Puchkov. Possible candidates for successors to the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are not encouraging, but the departure of the current minister from the department in itself will affect rescue work beneficial.

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