Zhanna aguzarova musical ring 1989. Musical light - zhanna aguzarova

Zhanna Aguzarova is a popular Russian-American singer, the "queen of rock and roll", as defined by the media and fans. Her personality, character and creative image are often characterized by the epithets "eccentric", "unpredictable", "alien", "Martian" ... Indeed, Aguzarova is one of the most original and mysterious figures in Russian rock. At the same time, Zhanna's early work is characterized by an unusual looseness, openness, and sincerity of her creative manner. Her “Here I am, hello world” (from the song “I Believe”) became almost a symbol of Russian rock culture in the mid-80s.

She was born on July 7, 1967 in Central Asia. Her mother is a pharmacist. All that is known about his father is that he is an Ossetian (or Chechen) named Khasan, so in her youth Zhanna had the nickname Khasanchik. When Zhanna was very young, her mother moved to the working village of Kolyvan near Novosibirsk, where the singer spent her childhood.

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After Zhanna's mother got married for the second time and gave birth to a son, Zhanna began to live with her grandmother. Since childhood, she was extravagant - Jeanne went for water with a chic belt and a green leather purse on her chest. At the school amateur art show, she sang a song in English, collecting the text from all the foreign words she knew. Moreover, she dressed in such a way that guests from the district center complained to the district committee of the party and the headmaster of the school was slapped with a stricter.

Then he moved to Rostov. In the city, Aguzarova and her friends went to concerts of visiting stars at the Sports Palace for free.
"You just need to dress extravagantly and transform into a foreigner. Then you can sit in the first row", - she reported in letters to her homeland.

Rostov-on-Don served for Jeanne as a short stopover for transit to Moscow. Here are the lines from a letter to a friend: "I am very glad that I came to this city. Let the people here be spoiled by money, bargaining and depravity, but there are excellent guys and a theater ... How can you live there? and they will live, drink and make a car?

At the age of 16, Jeanne arrived in the capital (1983), enrolling indiscriminately where they gave a hostel, namely, to a technical school for a house painter. She fit perfectly into the bohemian crowd and began to look for a group. She auditioned for the role of a soloist in Crematorium, but refused to participate in the project. She studied at a vocational school as a painter, entered theater schools. At the exams at GITIS, out of 12 members of the selection committee, 11 people were against her admission. When Zhanna decided to enter the Gnessin Musical College, she was sentenced: “There is no voice!”. In the same year, under the pseudonym Ivanna (Iva), Anders (who was also listed in her Soviet passport) met Yevgeny Havtan (according to the latter, she called at 2 a.m., introducing herself as the daughter of a Swedish diplomat and a medical student), who immediately appreciated her extraordinary vocal data and offered to become a soloist of "Bravo".

The group is one of the first in the domestic rock that began to develop a retro style. The eccentric and stylish Jeanne turned out to be a born "star" - her high, strong, sonorous and clear voice, as if calling into unknown distances, fell in love with the audience, and her bright image (mini-skirts, men's suits, bold makeup, "trailed" braids, etc. ) has become a role model for hundreds of young girls.

With the advent of Aguzarova, the Bravo repertoire began to quickly take on a concrete shape. Zhanna always knew how to find good poetry, and therefore the compositions “Yak” (W.J. Smith), “Star Catalog” (Arseniy Tarkovsky), and also “Medical Institute” based on the verses of Sasha Cherny were prepared quite quickly in the group. The text of "Yellow Shoes" Zhanna wrote herself - as a generalized translation of several well-known rock and roll at once - something between "Blue Suede Shoes" and "Old Brown Shoe".

Despite the obvious omnivorousness, Aguzarova's musical idol at that time was exclusively Nina Hagen, from whom Zhanna adopted an incredible expression and talent to disturb the general calm. From herself, Zhanna brought genuine romanticism, an element of healthy mischief and amazing abilities for instant improvisation and reincarnation into the Bravo songs. In "Cats" she meowed no worse than a March cat, in "Yak" she parodied Pinocchio's intonations, and in "Yellow Shoes" she burst into a whole cascade of improvisational interjections - like a hot dark-skinned diva in the movie "We are from Jazz".
...Despite the obvious craving for twists, swing and neck, Havtan built the musical platform "Bravo" on three pillars - Madness, Stray Cats and Police.

In 1984, Aguzarova nevertheless entered the Music College. Ippolitova-Ivanova to the department of folk singing, from where she was expelled three times: she did not want to learn solfeggio, harmony and sing in the choir.

With "Bravo" Zhanna recorded (taking part also as a co-author, selecting poems by famous and not very poets) many beautiful songs that are considered today the "classics" of the group. The first 20-minute tape recording (December 1983) immediately began to spread "from hand to hand" (songs: "Cats", "Yellow Shoes", "I Believe", "Medical Institute", etc.).

The first Bravo concert on March 18, 1984 at the Mosenergotekhprom Palace of Culture ended with an arrest and a drive to the police, and Zhanna, who had problems with her passport and Moscow residence permit, had to spend considerable time in a pre-trial detention center (she spent six months in Butyrskaya prison on charges of forging documents ) and the Serbsky Institute (where she so endeared herself to doctors that she was saved from the sadistic means of Soviet psychotherapy). The group "Bravo" got into the notorious "black list".

"And what papers did you mean?" - the investigators asked, citing lines from the song ("They don't care about different pieces of paper"). "But how dare you call the subway train a green mole ?! ("Old Hotel": "The green mole is taking me into the black tunnel"). The metro was built by the communists, Komsomol members! Zhanna was expelled from Moscow and worked for a year and a half in the Tyumen region as a receptionist at a timber industry enterprise.

After Zhanna returned to rehearsals, the ensemble joined the newly created Moscow Rock Laboratory and received the status of an amateur group. In 1985, another “samizdat cassette” was recorded (songs: “Wonderful Country”, “Leningrad Rock and Roll”, “Blue-eyed Boy”, “Black Cat”).

In 1985-1988 she performed as part of Bravo, gained all-Union popularity. But her eccentric character begins to manifest itself more and more insistently: the singer several times does not come to the airport, from where she has to fly on tour, because of which Havtan is forced to carry a “spare” singer with her.

In 1986 she collaborated with the Night Prospect group (a joint album was released).

For some time, Alla Pugacheva became Zhanna's producer: thanks to her, the first big BRAVO concert took place at the Olimpiysky Concert Hall. With the patronage of Alla Pugacheva, who also noted Zhanna's talent, the group took part in the concert "Account 904" to help Chernobyl (the song "I Believe" was performed), participated in the TV show "Musical Ring", as well as in major festivals "Rock Panorama-86 "and" Lituanika-86 "(in the latter case - already in the philharmonic status).

In 1987, the Melodiya company released a disc with all the hits of Bravo; the song "Wonderful Country" sounded in the cult film "Assa" by S. Solovyov, where Zhanna herself appeared. However, for personal and creative reasons, Aguzarova several times tries to leave Bravo (not without scandals), and in 1988 she leaves completely (Evgeny Osin takes her place in Bravo, then Irina Epifanova, Valery Syutkin and other soloists).

In 1988, Aguzarova took up a solo career, graduated from the Moscow Musical College. Ippolitova-Ivanova (1990).

In 1989, Aguzarova presents her new songs in the Musical Ring program.

In 1991, General Records released her solo album "Russian Album", the style of which is at the junction of Russian lyrical song, urban romance and Western "new wave".

The music of all songs was composed by Zhanna in collaboration with other musicians (“I feel good next to you”, “Come back to me”, “Zimushka”, etc.). The program is well received by the public, the songs occupy the top lines of the charts. However, work at the Alla Pugacheva Theater did not add up, and in 1991 Aguzarova decided to leave for the USA.

In Los Angeles, with the Nineteen Ninety's project, she performs in small clubs and the Black Sea Russian restaurant, located on Fairfax Street. Many immigrants from the USSR and many synagogues live in this area of ​​​​Los Angeles. However, the restaurant had to be left - the management demanded so that Zhanna dressed more modestly and sang songs of Soviet composers, and even one to one, without any improvisations. She had to sit "at the steering wheel" for six months. Zhanna served at the International Celebrity Center, where, in a state of mental crisis, various stars from the region turned to not only in show business, but also in law and other financial professions.This position required not so much an impeccable driver as a person who could keep his mouth shut: very famous personalities had to be transported.This place is located in Hollywood, right under the legendary white letters, in a luxurious palace built in 1901, with palm trees and waterfalls.Jeanne got behind the wheel of a luxurious white limousine four meters long a, dressed in glasses, cap, uniform and leather gloves. It was said to be an amazing sight! Graduates from DJ courses. The DJ from Jeanne turned out to be excellent, which is not surprising. Wherever her love of travel took her, Zhanna would not part with a small tape recorder and record different sounds, natural or artificial, in order to mix them later. And now, in a Moscow apartment, part of her room is occupied by a huge DJ console, next to which lies a couple of boxes of vinyl discs.

In 1993, General Records released an album of early things Zhanna Aguzarova and Bravo 1983-1988, the artist takes part in a world tour dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Bravo.

In 1993, the disc “Nineteen Ninety`s” was recorded in Los Angeles, all the songs of which were written by the former leader of the Center group Vasily Shumov - an interesting avant-garde experimental album, known in Russia as “Tektonika” (1993): with its sonorous, almost Zhanna performs Shumov's absurdist songs ("The Boy in Tennis Shoes", "Reading in Transport", "Numbers", etc.) in a "pioneer" voice against the backdrop of electronic arrangements.

Aguzarova returned to Russia on May 25, 1996. She walked down the stairs, waving only one handbag and a balalaika. With this instrument in Los Angeles, she did not part. Every evening, Jeanne sat on the threshold of her American home, from where a fantastic view of the whole city extended, and among the palm trees, eucalyptus trees, in the spicy night air, three balalaika strings sounded. At first, in Russia, he continues the "electronic-trance" line of creativity, speaking mainly in clubs and arranging pretentious performances.

Her image is even more eccentric - incredible, on the verge of "highly artistic kitsch" costumes and hats, "strange", detached and outrageous (perhaps artificially supported by the artist herself) demeanor on stage, in life, in dealing with the press. However, then Aguzarova returns to the songs of the Bravo and Russian Album times, discusses the possibility of a new collaboration with Yevgeny Khavtan, and in 1998 goes on the Bravomania anniversary tour (in which other soloists of the famous retro band also participate). But, despite the high hopes of the fans, the cooperation is frustrated.

In the spring of 1997, both possible participants in the project refuse to implement it. Zhanna gives several indistinct happenings, among which participation in a group concert at the Central House of Artists in Moscow in the summer of 1997 becomes the height of detachment from the hall and art.

Apparently, the singer herself feels this too - in early autumn she goes on a small cruise, where she restores her strength and improves her health. And in October, Aguzarova again gathers the accompanying group, and on November 1, the premiere of a new solo program follows, returning to the fans the former energetic and talented singer. Zhanna sings hits from the Bravo repertoire in it (and adds elements of techno and hard rock to the arrangements!), songs from the Russian Album and completely new ones. This is followed by a two-month tour of the country.

The concerts are very successful. As a result, Yevgeny Khavtan again returns to negotiations with the singer, and they conclude a contract, according to which they begin to work together again in the studio, and the limits of Aguzarova's experiments in the field of her work are strictly stipulated in the conditions. On February 7, 1998, Zhanna, accompanied by her own group, gives a big, very dashing and temperamental concert at the Manhattan Express club, which finally returns her fame as one of the best rock and roll singers in the country.


In March 1998, the Bravo super tour was scheduled with soloists of the group of different years - Robert Lenz (current) and Aguzarova and Syutkin (past). The song "Goodbye" is being recorded, where Aguzarova, Lenz and Syutkin sing together. But at the beginning of March, unexpectedly, at the very beginning of the tour, in Volgograd, Zhanna demands to place her images on city trolleybuses, “like Kirkorov’s”, and does not want to ride in the same bus with other musicians - she demands a personal limousine ... Whenever it was not possible to achieve either, she refused to speak and flew to Moscow.

As a result, the Bravomania tour continued without the singer. Aguzarova herself more and more often appeared to the public as a kind of “alien”, gave inconsistent but shocking interviews to the press - in general, she made an unexpected impression on many.

However, by the summer, unexpectedly for those whom she is the current one! - shocked, and for those who still considered her the best rock and roll singer in Russia, Zhanna again assembled the accompanying ensemble. And again she began to perform songs in the style of "Bravo" of the early 80s, slightly modernizing the sound with her spontaneous music-making, techno-exlibris and experimentation on the verge of cosmic transcendence!

Since the beginning of 1999, the singer begins to attend social events more regularly. So, on January 17, she participates in a party that brought together the stars of the 80s, who exactly 10 years ago sang Chris Kelmi's legendary hit "Closing the Circle" (songwriter Chris Kelmi appointed the celebration of the decade of the song on this day, although it sounded on television back in 1988 year). Then another important event follows in the life of Aguzarova - a very intelligent and tough director begins to work with her, at the same time being a leading employee of one of the best Moscow entertainment centers - Manhattan Express.

As a result, Zhanna now firmly monitors her health, regularly performs in clubs and does not violate performance schedules and a healthy lifestyle. Her new hit "You, and only you", made in the best traditions of the early "Bravo", is on hearing. The album "The Best" is released, including this and other new numbers, as well as songs from the "Russian Album" and famous songs performed during a career at Bravo (for example, "Leningrad Rock and Roll").

By the end of the year, new songs appear, quite similar to each other, but always gambling, sincere and a little eccentric in Aguzar's way.

In the autumn of 2000, together with the "Inveterate Scammers", the singer recorded a very dashing cover version of the famous Russian song of the last century - "Let's go, beauty, ride."

In 2001, she participated in the Maxidrom festival in Moscow. Being late for the appointed time of the performance, she was the last to take the stage and brought to the stage a group that was not announced in the program, performing ... grunge).

Among the most popular songs: Yellow Shoes, Cats, Old Hotel, I Believe.

Total on the account of Aguzarova:

Released 10 albums.
She starred in 10 videos.
Sold 5,000,000 CDs.
Singer No. 3 after Alla Pugacheva and Sofia Rotaru on "MK" 1986-87-88.

The best singer in 1996 according to the poll of the magazine "OM".

She has toured in Finland, Czechoslovakia, Korea, Sweden, Hungary, Poland, Italy, Israel, America.

She starred in the films "Bravo" and "Jeanne in Israel".

Soundtrack for the films “Disc Jockey”, “Assa”, etc.

Gold medal in Korea for contribution to the cause of Peace.

Honorary Citizen of Chernushko (Italy).

Participated in charitable events - to the fund for the victims of the earthquake in Armenia, the Children's Fund, the fund for the victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, etc.

Idol - A.B. Pugacheva.

The musical encyclopedias published in Russia included a section dedicated to the queen of Russian rock and roll - Zhanna Aguzarova.

“Here they are, the 10 main pop Divas of Russia of the 20th century: Anastasia Vyaltseva, Isabella Yurieva, Lyubov Orlova, Lidia Ruslanova, Claudia Shulzhenko, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Edita Piekha, Lyudmila Zykina, Alla Pugacheva, Zhanna Aguzarova”- A.K. Troitsky, “MK”.

Today I found a musical ring in 1986 with Zhanna Aguzarova,

where Alla Pugacheva presents her for the first time on TV.

The discussions in this show are very interesting.

about a new wave of music in our society at that time. Very interesting!!!

See for yourself.)))))

After that, I decided to make a post before and after - 25 years later.


Zhanna Khasanovna Aguzarova (born July 7, 1967) is a Russian and Soviet singer, former vocalist of the Bravo group, who also made a solo career. Known, in particular, shocking and extravagance.

According to some sources, she was born somewhere in the Novosibirsk region, according to others - in Vladikavkaz, she herself denies both of these versions; in addition to those indicated, there is also a version that Jeanne was born in Uzbekistan. According to some reports, she was born on July 6, 1965.

Zhanna Aguzarova, entrance exam to the Muses. Ippolitov-Ivanov School


She spent her childhood in the village of Kolyvan. She unsuccessfully tried to enroll in several theater schools (in Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Sverdlovsk). For some time she lived in Rostov-on-Don. In 1982 she came to Moscow and entered a technical school to study as a house painter. However, soon Aguzarova entered the Moscow bohemian circles. At first, she hid under the pseudonym Ivan Anders (according to Zhanna herself, she had to live under a pseudonym due to the lack of her own passport, while the name Ivan (Ivana) was indicated in the fake one), posing as the daughter of diplomats. She tried to get a job as a soloist in the Crematorium group. In 1983 she joined the group "Bravo" (then still called "Postscript"). Already the first twenty-minute tape recording of the Bravo group with a new soloist was a great success.

Since 1984, after being arrested right at the concert (March 18), she was persecuted by the Soviet authorities, like many rock musicians. In particular, due to the discovery of a passport in someone else's name, Aguzarova was imprisoned for a whole year and a psychiatric hospital. Upon leaving the hospital, she continued to participate in the Bravo group. In 1985, the group was presented by Alla Pugacheva on Leningrad television, in the Musical Ring program. Since that year, the popularity of the Bravo group and, in particular, the strong vocalist Aguzarova began to grow (especially quickly after the performance at Rock Panorama-86 in May and the subsequent tour around the country); In 1987, the first disc of the Bravo group was released by the Aprelevka Record Factory. In 1986, Aguzarova also collaborated with the Night Prospect group, participated in a concert in support of the victims of Chernobyl (she performed the song “I Believe”). She took part in the music festival "Lituanika-86". Among the most famous songs dating back to the time of Aguzarova's participation in the Bravo group are Yellow Shoes, I Believe, Wonderful Country, Old Hotel, Cats. One song by Aguzarova is present on the soundtrack to the film “Assa. By the end of 1987, Bravo's popularity began to wane, and in 1988 Aguzarova left the group to pursue a solo career. In 1989, she performed with new songs in the Musical Ring program.

Zhanna Aguzarova Queen

In 1990 she graduated from the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music College, recorded her solo Russian Album and worked for a short time at the Alla Pugacheva Theater. In 1991, she moved to Los Angeles (USA), where she worked at the Black Sea restaurant, where she left two years later due to disagreements with the management - Aguzarova often improvised during her performances, which did not suit the restaurant owners. In America, in 1993, together with Vasily Shumov, she recorded an album of remakes of songs by the Center group called Nineteen Ninety's (and before that, in 1992, she participated in the recording of Shumov's album Tectonics). In 1993, she took part in the tour of the Bravo group in the countries of the former Soviet Union, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the group. The details of the singer's life in the US are little known; it is known, however, that for some time she worked there as a DJ, then as a driver at the International Celebrity Center.

"Touching Yesenin" Zhanna Aguzarova

She returned to Russia on May 25, 1996. She took part in the election campaign of B. N. Yeltsin "Vote or lose." In 1998, she went on another anniversary tour of the Bravo group, but, having performed in only five concerts, she left for Moscow. Currently (2006) gives concerts, mostly in clubs. The basis of her concert repertoire is the material of the "Russian Album" and the songs of the Bravo group of the 1980s; Zhanna also performs several new songs - "Maya", "You, Only You", etc. - reminiscent of the style of performing the songs of the Bravo group and differing from them, mainly in arrangements.

Russian Lady Gaga! Prototype of Lady Gaga! This clip are 15-20 years old!

Star - Zhanna Aguzarova and Fidget 2010

Zhanna is very shocking, unpredictable on stage (which is why journalists call her the “goddess of shocking”), she dresses extremely eccentrically - on the verge of kitsch. In his few interviews, he often talks about his extraterrestrial origin and "internal connections" with the Martians.

Interview, (fragment 1)

Interview, (fragment 2)

I confess, this question sometimes visits me. Probably because she is one of the Great representatives of our Russian rock. There are few like her. And I am her big fan. But, listening to her recordings on personal collections of Russian songs, I understand that there is only early work ...

A little about Jeanne

She was born in the village of Turtas, Tyumen region. She spent her childhood in the village of Boyarka, Kolyvansky district, Novosibirsk region. Parents had nothing to do with music. After school, she tried to enter theatrical universities, but to no avail. In 1982 she came to Moscow and entered a technical school to study as a house painter. She began to hang out with bohemia, came up with a pseudonym Ivanna Anders, even pretended to be the daughter of diplomats. And once she met Yevgeny Khavtan and became the first vocalist of the Bravo group. Already the first twenty-minute tape recording of the Bravo group with a new soloist was a great success. At the very beginning, Pugacheva helped Jeanne. They write that the Bravo group also got to the Musical Ring in 1986, and also took part in a charity concert at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex in favor of the victims of the Chernobyl accident. I remember this concert very well, because, as a little girl, I was present there. And then for the first time I heard "Bravo". It was "Leningrad rock and roll")))

Bravo "Leningrad rock and roll"

The group was wildly popular. What can I say, in those days for us there were exactly two groups that played rock and roll: Secret and Bravo! But playing that kind of music was dangerous. In Soviet times, all lyrics were censored. During one of the performances of the Bravo group, the entire team and even the audience were arrested. Officials did not like the text of the song "Cats". They were embarrassed by the line about "spit on all sorts of pieces of paper." And then Zhanna Aguzarova was caught with a fake passport.

By the end of 1987, Bravo's popularity began to wane, and in 1988 Aguzarova left the group to pursue a solo career. In 1989, Zhanna performed with new songs in the Musical Ring program. Her songs are unique. It is almost impossible to repeat them.

Zhanna Aguzarova - Star

Zhanna Aguzarova - "I feel good" (Live) 1990

Zhanna Aguzarova - Marina ("Musical Ring" 1989)

In 1990, Zhanna graduated from the Ippolitov-Ivanov Musical College, recorded her solo Russian Album and worked for a short time at the Alla Pugacheva Theater. A year later she moved to Los Angeles. There she sang in the Black Sea restaurant, from where she left two years later due to disagreements with the management - during her performances, Aguzarova often improvised, which did not suit the owners of the restaurant.

Zhanna Aguzarova - And it's snowing

Of course, sometimes she visited Russia. She finally returned on May 25, 1996. Here, for example, Zhanna visiting Malakhov in the New Year's morning show at the FIRST in 2000.

Zhanna Aguzarova-White roses

Zhanna is the most mysterious Russian singer. Almost nothing is known about her. Sometimes she gives club concerts. But all her hits are from the past.

Here, I found a record of 2015 - Zhanna at Urgant. At the end she sings one of her hits.

Evening Urgant. Zhanna Aguzarova visiting Ivan Urgant (05/12/2015)

When preparing the post, I noticed that the comments under her videos are exclusively fan-made and enthusiastic. I share them. And I think that if there is nothing new to write, it is better to sing old hits with high quality)

What do you think of Jeanne's work?

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