Archive of bookmaker lines. What do you need to successfully interact with bookmakers? Archive of bookmaker odds

The archive of bookmakers Marathon and Betcity lines is a file in which you can track changes in odds for football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, handball, rugby and dozens of other sports. If in Parimatch the document is posted directly on the official website, and you can watch matches for any date from the main page, then everything is more complicated here. For “Marik” you will have to look for a line online or conduct it yourself. As a way out, there are special parsers, but they must be enabled before starting work. If you need to quickly get quotes and the history of their changes, you will have to try.

ATTENTION! There are even sites that sell the bookmaker’s “Marathon” line for crazy money – $5 for 1 sport or for 1 request.

In the instructions, we will analyze for what purposes the archive of the Marathon bookmaker line may be needed, where to find it for free, and how not to fall for the tricks of scammers and deceivers. If you have been betting successfully at bookmakers for a long time, you should be aware existing restrictions. The story is that the foreign bookmaker Marathon is prohibited by law. When you try to access, you see messages about technical errors and violations. The site does not open because the Russian authorities have blocked access to it!

The same situation is with the Betting League, 1xbet, Baltbet, Parimatch and dozens of other foreign bookmakers. Direct links to their sites do not open or work. You will have to look for programs, applications and other login methods. When you are already desperate, go to the legal bookmaker “1khstavka”. For the first registration in it you will receive up to 2,500 Russian rubles bonus.

Professional players say that it is better to open accounts in several bookmakers at once, so that you can bet with forks, corridors, and “launder bonuses.”

In the instructions we will analyze in detail the archive of BC Marathon lines and the principles of working with it. When there is no information on the site, this seriously complicates the search. You have to use spare links, search on the Internet, ask on forums and in in social networks. Experienced bettors launch special parser programs, but even those do not always “catch” the movement of the line.

What is the archive of bookmakers Marathon and Betcity? How to understand it correctly?

As in other bookmakers, in BC "Marathon" the archive of lines is a set of data on quotes for different types sports (tennis, volleyball, football, basketball, chess, rugby and others) for a certain period of time.

Bookmaker clients understand what odds are, but do not understand the lines and principles of betting on them. Statistics do not make it possible to fully assess the probability of winning a particular game.

For example, you decide to deal with meetings "Manchester United - Arsenal Tula". To predict the outcome, you analyze 10 last meetings. In them, Victoria was on the side of the Army team 7 times, the United team was able to win 1 time, and a draw was recorded 2 times. In the next match, the bookmakers estimate the probability of Manchester United winning with odds of 13.0. You look up the statistics and see that in the previous 10 games, Manchester United won one. Quotes should be at 10.0. Studying the bookmaker's lines allowed you to track the value outcome. You can safely bet on the triumph of the underdog.

The odds will be high and you will receive increased profits. Why not analyze bookmaker lines if it turns out to be so profitable? Professional handicappers try to improve not only the archive of Marathon odds, but also those of other bookmakers. For example, “Betting League”, “Pinnacle”, “Bwin”, “Winline” and others. This allows you to find profitable options and markets on which you can earn decent money by betting.

Stages of line formation in foreign and legal bookmakers

The +/- stages are the same. Differences, if any, are minor. You must know how a line is formed in a bookmaker in order to make the right bets, determine the moment to enter the market, and study technical features.

  1. A “raw line” is drawn up. This is approximate information on the basis of which more information will be given. detailed analyzes and forecasts. The entered information is borrowed from open access by bookmakers, usually geographically close to those clubs that will “fight” in the future confrontation.
  2. Tamping is being done. It is visible by changes in quotes 1 day before the start of the competition. Why does compaction occur when forming a line? Bookmakers see the result of comparing the lines of other bookmakers.
  3. Existing quotes are being updated. On the day of the competition, the next stage of drawing up lines begins. The activity of players is increasing: clients begin to bet on one or another market. Analysts look at demand, once again evaluate the odds of other bookmakers and adjust their own.
  4. Another adjustment is made. The opinions of different analysts and different bookmakers are brought to a single denominator. Odds for football, volleyball, tennis, basketball, futsal, badminton, rugby, floorball are subject to drastic changes due to the emergence of new facts. For example, sudden changes may be due to an injury to athletes, the imposition of disqualifications, the announcement of starting bids for a match) or due to the movement of money.

Where can you find the archive of the Marathon BC line and what do you need to do for this?

There are sellers who collect a database of odds using a parser, and then try to sell them on forums or social networks for 5-15 bucks per piece. But there is a risk that you will encounter a scammer who will try to “drive” another pig in a poke. As a result, you will lose money.

There is one more point that beginners should take into account. For a clear strategy/tactics based on the movement of the line and to understand the logic of the office, you only need to download the archive. You will have to study the experience of the masters and understand how to analyze it. Otherwise, you will have a lot of information that cannot be placed anywhere.

The best option is to find 7-8 points 2-3 days + analyze additional ones “to be on the safe side” (for example, on the last day within 24 hours or something like that).

A practical example of how to use the Marathon line archive. For example, you have already downloaded the odds, studied the movements and outcomes. Then you try to play short, based on the logic “Where they load, they are “stronger”!” You need to find the optimal entry point into the market (when the coefficient has not yet dropped below the plinth).

Let them extend the trend. We assess the situation and see that at the beginning of the match the odds, theoretically while the trend continues (but this is a controversial point: you never know where the line will move in the near future), are bent by 20%. When the current 10% is already de facto due to the deflection, in this case you will have to take it sooner (and then the deal will turn out to be more profitable due to the increased coefficient).

ATTENTION! There is a downside to the strategy. The “Open-closed” category often does not reflect the picture of what is happening at all (what and how actually moved there). In order for your research to be serious and not just like a fork in the water, you will also have to take into account the average odds for several bookmakers that hold the lion's share in their teeth. For example, among the “lions” are William Hill and Bet365.

What advantages does the archive of bookmaker lines “Marathon” provide and for what purposes can it be used?

The main advantage of the archive is the ability to do professional and competent analysis, draw up strategies and tactics. In the instructions we will describe the main advantages of downloading or purchasing lines.

  1. Testing strategies. You went to the bookmaker's office and began to create your own tactics/strategies. During the analysis, we noticed that in the RFPL all those clubs that are in the TOP 5 always lose to the gentlemen from the relegation zone 2 times less often than bookmaker analysts believe. This is a hypothesis, and to confirm it it is necessary to conclude 300-500 transactions. Only after this can you be 100% sure that your strategy is working. Roughly speaking, you will have to place 5 bets every week, and testing will last 2-3 years. It's long, tedious and useless. The line archive allows you to open quotes and study the outcomes in 2-3 clicks. The time needed is much less. At the same time, you do not risk any money, time, or balance.
  2. Movement of odds. The archive of Marathon rates allows you to quickly find “potentially dangerous zones” in which quotes strangely “jumped” (or increased, or fell). Even though in 7 of the last 10 tennis matches, the odds on Roger Federer (the example is taken arbitrarily) dropped by about 0.3-0.5 (from 1.9 to 1.5) 1 hour before the start of the match, but in the end he won. What conclusions can be drawn from this observation? There is a risk that MarathonBet or another bookmaker artificially inflated the odds and quotes. If you were betting, you could lose a lot of money. Thanks to line analysis, this will not happen.

Use the Marathon bookmaker archive when testing systems and strategies! But do not forget that you run the risk of “playing too hard” and losing all your money.

Where is the history of bets made by the client in BC Marathon? Is it possible to remove it?

They talked about the archive of lines of the bookmaker's office "Marathon". It remains to deal with the history of bets, which is located in personal account. In BC "1xbet" and "League of Bet" you can go directly to the official website and home page“punch through the results” of a particular meeting.

There is no such option on To see the transaction history and results for a specific single/express, you will have to log into your personal account. It is impossible to delete the archive of your bets! They still remain on the server (and tell the administration about arbs, deals on middles or about using a special software). The security service can “raise” this information at any time and convict you of attempts to deceive or violate the rules. The minimum penalty is a request for verification. The maximum is writing off illegal profits. Be careful!

Everyone has long known that it is possible to make money on bets, but statistics show a small percentage of successful cappers. To become a successful capper or trader on a betting exchange, you need to be fully equipped and have discipline in relation to betting rules and financial management.

Service Mellbet designed to help both experienced cappers and traders and beginners earn money on betting and trading before inplay.

Movement of odds generates a huge number of analytical tools to find out the reasons line movements. It is for analyzing the line of bookmakers that such tools have been developed and provided on Mellbet.

Odds monitoring- this is an integral procedure for successful cappers, not to mention traders who buy odds cheaply and sell them expensively, and make money on the difference in values. It is the movement of odds that feeds traders. Line monitoring bookmakers will give tips on choosing a winning bet or a bet at an inflated odds, because the odds move for a reason. Causes movement of odds you can easily find out thanks to the Mellbet service. By clicking on the name of the match, you will be taken to a page where you can view the history of the movement of odds on Betfair, as well as monitor the movement of odds in bookmakers over the last 48 hours.

Detailed statistics on team games are also provided here. Analysis of statistics is the same an integral part of when choosing a winning bet or choosing a market to trade on Betfair before inplay.

Below is an archive of team odds for the latest games, as well as an archive of odds for games between these teams.

If you hover over the name of the commands, a pop-up window will appear in which you can analyze the history movement of odds for this match at bookmakers. If you click on the name of the match, you will go to the internal match tab, where you can analyze the starting lineups for this game, information about players who missed this match, news, etc. Analysis of odds graphs only on the Mellbet service. Betfair charts can be found in each odds, which is located in the line archive, by clicking on the odds.

BC line archive is a tool thanks to which you can conduct an in-depth analysis of the coefficients. The odds of bookmaker companies are more than numeric value, which affects the size of the win. The coefficient includes the probability of the outcome, statistical indicators, team form, and in general, the state of the team as a whole. Line archive, or rather, analysis of the line archive will give you answers to many questions. Analyzing Betfair charts of completed matches is a unique opportunity that is provided only on the Mellbet service. Use our odds scanner to the fullest, analyze, find flaws in the line of bookmakers and make money from it.

In the " " section you will find the Betfair line archive, chart movement of odds Betfair, as well as the history of the movement of odds in bookmakers by date.

Quotes sporting events The bookmaker lays out in the form of a line. Movement of the line in one direction or another may indicate a change in the chances of the outcome of the event. Studying the movement of the line can warn the player against dangerous bets.

Love for sports, a controlled degree of excitement, the ability to guess/predict the results of sporting events with a certain degree of probability, the desire to make money on the results of the game - all this is not enough to become successful in sports betting.

As in any business, to grow to the level of a professional, you need theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Therefore, let’s move on to an analysis of the defining concepts of this entertainment, which, in a positive scenario, can bring serious dividends.

Let's define the terminology

A bookmaker's line is a listing of sporting events with different end results. These results are the subject of a bet between the player (better) and the bookmaker.

The point of the work of sports analysts is to conduct detailed analysis and give a forecast for the outcome of a sports competition. This is called "calculate line odds." The task is not easy, because it is important to take into account the interests of the parties: so that some of the players win, and the bookmaker’s office does not go into the red.

The main points of line formation

First, a raw line is drawn up. The information entered into it is borrowed from the public domain of bookmakers, usually geographically close to the clubs that will compete in the upcoming sporting event.

The next phase is compaction, which takes place the day before the start of the competition. Bookmakers receive the first data - the result of comparing the lines of other bookmakers.

On the day of the competition, the next stage of compiling bookmaker lines begins. The activity of players is increasing, and after tracking it and analyzing the “behavior” of other betting companies, bookmakers create their own lines.

Then comes the adjustment - bringing the opinions of bookmakers to a common denominator. During this period, odds are subject to dramatic changes due to new facts (athlete injuries, disqualifications, announcement of starting bids for the match) and the movement of money.

The more varied the bookmaker's line, the greater the client's chances of winning at the end of one match. Bookmakers with high popularity ratings have betting lines that include hundreds of indicators.

The history of current odds (values ​​that constantly change due to the financial participation of betters) is characterized by steep turns. It is important not to miss the moments when odds change and use the created situations to your advantage. Remembering this visible part of the iceberg, it is important not to forget about the underwater part that is hidden - the archive of bookmaker lines.

The archive of bookmaker lines stores the history of odds, which will help to scrupulously analyze the games that took place and, with a certain degree of probability, predict the final result of the upcoming sports match.

Tracking archives of bookmaker odds and archives of bookmaker lines is the foundation of an optimal bet that strives to become a win. Experience and intuition are important in this matter.

The Betarch service provides players with an archive of line odds from bookmakers such as and. We will not tell you how important it is to use an archive of odds in sports betting, since this is a topic for a completely different article. Let's just look at the capabilities of the service to understand how it can be adapted for playing in bookmakers.

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Language support: Russian language

Betarch site review


On the one hand, the archive of the company’s line for three years will allow you to test many strategies, but the disadvantage of Betarch is that a full list is given only for the Betcity company, which is known for its high margin. Testing even profitable strategies at such low odds, the player will receive a minus in the long run, and full testing in the low-margin Marathon office will not be possible, since the lack of signature will not allow this to be done. It turns out to be a classic double-edged sword: there seems to be an archive, but there is very little use from it. Bettors can use the service only to review the odds of past events, but not to test betting strategies.

How to win at a bookmaker? This question is asked by both beginners and experienced players. You need to understand that there is no exact algorithm. If there was, then everything would simply be done according to the instructions, and the offices would go bankrupt.

The question is not how to win at bookmakers, but how to regularly make a profit from bets. Many people have the opinion that it is impossible to make money from betting. But it is not so. There is a certain, albeit small, percentage of people who receive stable income precisely from the bets in the offices.

Fast passage

Who wins against bookmakers?

What makes up the success of successful bettors? Made from small bricks. Each brick is:

  • Productive work with statistics;
  • Correct calculations;
  • Psychological stability;
  • Cool head;
  • Following the chosen strategy.

Some players in general outline understand how to win against a bookmaker, but when they place bets, this understanding disappears somewhere. It is replaced by excitement. During losses, they begin to win back using aggressive strategies and no longer control themselves. Even if they manage to win something, they will lose again later a large sum. Bank drainage in such cases is inevitable.

Gambling and unbalanced people should not play in offices. Despite the fact that these games are called, the ardor needs to be cooled. There is a category of people for whom simple calculations are tedious or inaccessible, and there is no need to talk about more complex ones. They are also not recommended to play BC. Without mathematics, you won’t be able to beat the office, except by agreement. These matches require a separate description, and a very limited number of subjects have access to them.

There are people who do everything right: they put the right percentage of the bank, follow, find matches with inflated odds, use the bank correctly. But in the end, they stagnate around zero, having neither profit nor loss. Many of them have potential, and with some work on themselves they will be able to regularly beat the bookmakers.

Experienced players break the bank into several parts for different strategies. This is a smart move. With its help, you can optimize spending and increase income. This technique will be useful if all strategies are tested by the bettor, and all bets are correctly selected for it.

You must always remember that the size of each bet should be determined in accordance with the chosen financial strategy. An unmotivated increase in the transaction is not allowed, especially the use of catch-ups, when each subsequent bet is multiplied.

Keeping statistics of your bets

Be sure to record all bets. It is better to make a table in Excel in which to keep a record of all bets made. On the Internet there is ready-made templates for players. They can be downloaded for free. Statistics are needed in order to know exactly how much money you won or lost at bookmaker. With its help, it is easy to find out whether a player is in the black or in the black. this moment. Experienced players know exactly how much income or loss they made in a particular month or week.

Use strategies

To win at bookmakers, you will need one or more strategies. There are sports and financial strategies for betting. By using financial strategies the player determines the size of the transaction with the bookmaker, calculates his odds and compares them with the odds of the office, and also determines the bookmaker’s margin and competently manages the bank. Examples of such strategies are:

  • Kelly criterion;
  • Flat;
  • Plateau.

Sports strategies are adapted to a specific sport. There are many football, tennis, basketball and hockey strategies. Examples are:

  • For a goal in the first half (football);
  • For total corners (football);
  • 40/40 (tennis);
  • Even – odd (basketball);
  • Total over 1.5 (hockey).

How to understand winning strategy or not? Even if you find the same strategy on every bookmaking site, this does not mean that it is correct and that it is easy to win using it. To assess its prospects, you can visit the forum where bettors communicate. Maybe you can find it there useful information in the form of feedback or results.

It's better to test the strategies yourself. This can be done in several ways. The first is to bet minimum amounts. The second is to use a demo account. With its help, players place bets on virtual money. After making 100-200 bets, see how much the bank has increased or decreased after them. By comparing the numbers, it is easy to understand whether the chosen strategy is suitable or not.

To understand, at least theoretically, the prospects or utopianism of the method, you need to turn to statistics and find an archive of bookmaker lines (some offices provide line archives on their websites).

In the archive, find events that fit your strategy. Then you “insert” all the events into the strategy and count the wins and losses. Determine the difference. If it is positive, then the method of play is suitable; if not, set it aside. In this way you can simulate betting on totals and handicaps.

Finding favorable odds

If you find an event with odds that are higher than yours, then it can be considered for betting. This is a valuable event, it is called valuable. Your task is to find them in the line. You find an event with an inflated odds, calculate the transaction amount - a percentage of the bank - and bet the resulting amount.

Depending on the odds, the player must guess a certain number of bets. This value is called the break-even point. For example, to receive a profit of 5% from bets on events with odds of 1.7, you need to win 61.7% of the bet. To calculate the required percentage of winning bets, it is better to use a break-even point calculator.

On the Internet you can find enough services where lines of well-known bookmakers are monitored. Users can monitor changes in odds and view the archives of the lines of some companies.

Eat special applications (radars), which scan the odds of football championships from all over the world. If sudden changes in quotes are detected, the program highlights this match, and you can see how much the coefficient has dropped. The benefit of such programs is that they cover a huge number of matches, and you do not need to constantly monitor the odds.

Some players use such services to find fixed matches. You need to understand that there are no more than a dozen such fights a month, so it’s not easy to find them. Another thing is that you can focus on individual countries, in which the number of fixed matches is large. There are certain teams that stand out for this. If you discover such teams, find out more about the situation in the team and analyze previous matches to determine the fixed nature of the game, then you can carefully place bets on them.

If you learn to more or less accurately determine the chances of teams, that is, set the odds correctly, then the results in betting will significantly improve, and it will become much easier to beat the bookmaker.

Discipline and strict adherence to all rules

This may seem strange, but your most big win in bookmakers is a victory over oneself. Not in the sense, of course, that you will lose your bets at the office. The point is to follow all the rules even in situations where you are on a losing streak. You need to understand that if you bet up to 2% of the bank, use , then the probability of losing the bank is negligible.

Therefore, there is no need to be embarrassed when there is a series of several losses in a row. Yes, it’s better when everything goes well - the wins come one after another, and you get the feeling that you understand everything and everything is easy. Series of victories are replaced by series of losses - this is normal. The main thing is that the balance is positive. The most difficult thing is not to give in to the temptation and charge the amount in order to win back the lost money. Train yourself to have patience and composure. Turn off your emotions. Behave like a machine that can only count, and it will be easier to win.

Using a demo account

A convenient way to figure out whether you should play at BC at all is a demo account. Most big win in a bookmaker's office - virtual, of course. However, a demo account will save you from reckless spending and rash decisions. With its help, you can test your strategies and understand which competitions and championships you should bet on. A demo account is a good test of your betting abilities. With its help, it is easier to understand which sports bets are easier to beat the bookmaker.

Look for companies that give you the opportunity to open a demo account that is as close as possible to a real account. That is, to avoid this: on a demo account you can bet on an event, but on a real account you can no longer bet.

Remember that many players are not successful because they do not understand how to bet correctly or do not use strategies. They may know all the above-described methods of play well, but during transactions, excitement begins to rule them, and all calculations are no longer relevant for them. Low level gaming discipline is the reason for defeats. It’s like in sports: there are technical players and teams who demonstrate interesting and combinational play, but ordinary inattention and violation of game discipline lead to annoying mistakes and, as a result, defeats.

Is it possible to win at bookmakers? It’s possible if you approach this type of income as if you were working. If you take every bet seriously and draw conclusions from your losses. Remember that at odds of 2 you should be guessing more than 52% of your bets, at odds 4 more than 26% and so on.

How to choose events?

It is no secret that the odds for popular events do not reflect the real balance of power of the opponents. That is, they are underestimated for favorites, while they are overestimated for outsiders. Why is this happening? Most people bet on the favorite and think he can win easily, so the odds fall on them. The office regulates by lowering odds cash flows in such a way as to remain a winner in any case.

What should you do in this case? Bet on the underdog. Just not so straightforward - for his victory or a draw. Analyze the line, find popular events there where there is a favorite and an outsider. Check whether the odds are really underestimated for the favorite and overestimated for the outsider. As a rule, this is true. At large odds - such as 6,7, 9, you can often find a profitable offer.

Look at the statistics of the “outsider”. It may well be that he has not lost for a long time, so he can be taken with a handicap. Remember that your the main objective— first find events with inflated odds, and only then filter them out using statistics. Then you yourself will understand how to win against bookmakers.

Example strategy (Betting on corners)

Let's look at one interesting football strategy. It lies in the fact that you need to bet on the total number of corners in the second half football match. If you're wondering how to beat a bookmaker, this strategy might be the way to go.

What is its essence? The fact is that some bookmakers provide quotes for the total totals of corner teams before the start of the second half. They start from the average total for the entire match. The totals of corners for the entire match are in the range of 10-12. That is, totals 9.5 and 10.5 are the most popular. Based on this, the totals for the halves will be 5.5.

The office does not take into account the nature of the game in the first half. Whether there were 10 corners or 2, the second half total would still be 5.5. It's better for us if there are a lot of corners in the first half. If teams actively play the game and create chances in the first half, then we can quite expect the same game in the second, with big amount corner

Observations have shown that this technique is most effective in the following cases:

  1. In the first half of the match, the opponents served corners at least 9 times;
  2. The number of corners was divided approximately equally between the participants. The maximum advantage in corners for one of the teams can be 2;
  3. After the first 45 minutes of the game there should be no significant scoring advantage of one of the team, as well as deletions. If they are, then the red card count should be equal.
  4. The total for corners at half-time does not exceed 5.5;
  5. The total odds should no longer exceed 1.75.

The strategy can be improved by doing the following:

  • We find matches 15 minutes before the end of the first half in which more than 6 corners are taken, while making sure that points 2-4 are followed;
  • We find online broadcast games;
  • Let's follow the pattern of the game. It is necessary that it be equal, with moments where attacks take place mainly on the flanks with numerous crosses into the penalty area. British matches are great.
  • If there were no corners in 10 minutes and there were no prerequisites for them, then we skip this match and move on to the next one.
  • If all the points are met, then during the break we bet on the total of 5.5 corners.

Strive to play fairly

After a certain number of bets, the bettor discovers that he has no profit. Desperate, he can resort to various frauds and not very honest methods. This may be registering several accounts under other people's names, and other methods. However, you need to understand that bookmakers have known these methods for a long time. Sooner or later, they figure out such actions of their client and block his account.

Arbitrators are well aware of such methods of operation of the office. Such bettors do not always have their account blocked. It is enough just not to accept some bets so that they lose the desire to use arb strategies. For example, if you find a fork, you need to immediately bet the correct amounts on all outcomes. Knowing this, some bookmakers either change the odds for such players, and the sureb “breaks,” or block the possibility of betting at the most crucial moment, “when happiness was so close.”

More severe punishment awaits players who use other people's personal data. Having learned that one person actually uses 2 or more accounts, the administration can deprive such an individual of the opportunity to bet by blocking his account. Willful violators will have their account canceled without the opportunity to return the winnings.

It is better to initially set up an honest cooperation with the bookmaker. When registering, you must enter truthful personal data so that later disputes do not arise and you do not have to make titanic efforts to receive the funds won.

Don’t think that it’s impossible to win fairly against a bookmaker. This is far from true. The number of events with inflated odds is large. It is enough to find fights in which the favorites play. Quotes on their opponents are always favorable. Experienced bettors know how to use them when placing bets.


You can beat the bookmaker. Moreover, by and large, the office doesn’t care exactly how winnings are distributed among its clients. Its task is to set quotes correctly and obtain a stable margin. Therefore, you should not be afraid to do correct bets. Having an account in several offices and playing fairly everywhere, you can have a stable income.

The number of strategies can be endless. Watch matches, find interesting patterns, mark them for yourself important points. Sometimes a combination of such notes, observations, plus some idea or thought will help create a new betting method. Check it out, test it on a virtual account. If you master one or more strategies and comply with all the conditions stated above, you will consistently beat the bookmaker.

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