Ascendant in Libra. Venus is the ruler of the natal chart (1st house). Libra horoscope - ascendant in libra

The article presents a method for determining the Ascendant by a person’s appearance and behavioral characteristics.

Determining the Ascendant by a person’s appearance is not an easy task, but it can be solved. It must be remembered that the Ascendant is the crown, and the cusp of the 2nd field is the person’s feet. It should also be understood that heredity has a huge influence on a person’s appearance, so the references in this article to hair color, eye color, height and similar characteristics should be understood as classical. When determining the Ascendant, greater attention must be paid to behavioral manifestations - gestures, communication characteristics, gait, demeanor, etc.

  • 12 main types of appearance and external behavior according to zodiac signs
  • 4 types according to elements
  • 2 types according to male and female signs.

Stage 1: determination of the Female/Male sign of the Ascendant

Male rising signs: Fire, Air - average and above average height. They are open in behavior. They say what they think, do not hide their thoughts. They protect their inner territory with a smile, unlike female signs.

Female rising signs: Water, Earth - average and below average height. Secretive or reserved. They don’t say what everyone thinks or says—they hide some of their thoughts.

Stage 2: determining the elements of the Ascendant Fire/Air/Water/Earth

Fire rising signs are frank and say what they think, even if they are not asked. They are overwhelmed with energy, they want to show themselves, demonstrate themselves, discover their opinion. They strive for leadership in the company and take the initiative in conversations. They are not silent for a second. The conversation is always in good shape. Energetic in behavior, active, impulsive, temperamental. Tend to monologue in conversation. It is important to express your opinion, and not to listen to your interlocutor. Good physical build, even large, with a developed muscular system, wide bones, broad shoulders. They like to play sports, do exercises in the morning or run. They love the color red.

Air rising signs open, they say what they think, sincere, but not as frank as Fiery. They answer the question directly, i.e. when asked. Easy to communicate with. They are sociable, talkative, but always give their interlocutor the opportunity to speak out and even love it. Dialogue is important to them, but not monologue. The character is easy. Little energy, no temperament. Nervous, nervous, restless, easily worried, but the excitement is not strong. The physique is asthenic, thin, thin bones, narrow shoulders.

Water rising signs. Emotional in behavior. They hide their thoughts, but they splash out their feelings. Reactions can be very violent - with tears and hysterics. They love to talk and have heart-to-heart conversations about secret, secret things. They also talk about themselves in secret. Prone to round shapes. With age they tend to gain weight and become rounder. Short limbs.

Rising signs of the earth.

There are no external patterns. Restrained in emotions, hide thoughts and feelings.

Stage 3: determination of the Ascendant Sign

Ascendant in Aries e

Dark/light brown-haired. The eyes are light brown.

They tend to throw their head back (they look as if from high). Problem hair.

Very direct, frank, assertive, they literally capture a person and dump all their problems on him. They can literally talk about intimate things with strangers. Loud, energetic.

Ascendant in Leo

Brown eyes, blond hair.

Charming, pleasant, cordial, natural, charming open, heartfelt smile, captivating. Keep your back straight; if you sit in an awkward position, you always straighten your shoulders. Problem hair. The peculiarities of gait are more pronounced in women - graceful and beautiful - the gait of a fashion model. Often worn high heel. Natural in their behavior. But in a conversation they seize the initiative and conduct a monologue, although a little softer than Aries. They like to command and lead. They love to be the center of attention. They do everything to attract attention to themselves (clothing, conversation).

Ascendant in Sagittarius

Large blondes with blue eyes.

Well built, with broad shoulders. Takes the initiative, speaks loudly, attracts attention. Tendency to be overweight, sometimes become obese, often have a paunch and full cheeks. They combat this by playing sports. Slouch. Problem of the hip joint – clubbed feet, poor gait. They put their socks inside when standing or sitting, or vice versa - turn them out. Good hair, Early gray hair. They speak sharply, as if shooting from a bow. Each portion of words is a shot from a bow.

Ascendant in Libra

Blonde hair, light eyes. Stooped from lack of vital energy. Increased fatigue, youthful appearance, straight nose, delicate facial features. Cute in appearance. youthful appearance. Teenage face type, up to 60-70 years old they look like young men.

Very smiling and friendly, with humor and benevolence. They nod their heads as a sign of approval and encouragement to the interlocutor. Libra loves light conversation about pleasant things. They are peaceful, easily worried, but calm down quickly. They tend to blush more than others - they sometimes feel insecure and are easily embarrassed.

They speak beautifully with pauses, beautiful gestures. Artistic.

Ascendant in Aquarius

Brunette with black eyes. They smile often, but, as a rule, it is out of place and inappropriate for the situation. The smile is not as pleasant as Libra's. The character is easy-going, sociable, characterized by a sharp change in body position or direction of movement. Buffoonery, antics. When performing, they are restless and even twitchy.

Ascendant in Gemini

(brunettes with blue eyes). Long arms and legs. There are very tall and the tallest. Basketball and volleyball players. Narrow shoulders, asthenic build. Very sociable and even chatty. At the same time, like all air signs, they are capable of dialogue, unlike Fire signs. Nervous sign – characterized by trembling, tapping, swaying legs. When walking, they swing their arms and swing their shoulders. Tend to gesticulate in conversation.

Ascendant in Cancer

Blonde hair and blue eyes. Literally white in childhood, but can darken with age.

Tend to get fatter and rounder with age, Short legs and arms. Short fingers. In men, a cancer-like position of the arms is very noticeable - strongly bent at the elbows. Emotional incontinence, hysterics and tears (especially in childhood). Timid, shy, afraid to seem funny in unfamiliar company. Behavior is the opposite of Leo - it’s better not to pay attention. They strive to look like everyone else - otherwise you will attract attention to yourself, which is scary. Emotional, sociable, psychological, sensitive, sensitive. They tend to constantly move their eyes - as if they are testing their surroundings. Cancer's gait does not stand out from the general background. Often the nose has a hump.

Ascendant in Scorpio

Dark hair, dark eyes, aquiline nose (large nose). Some are quite well built. Men can look very masculine and athletic, muscular, like a fire sign. Masculine, rough facial features. Women have a masculine face type. There is red in the hair and beard.

They look extremely confident in themselves. The gait is firm, confident, masculine in women too), maybe a little swaying. Often an ironic and mocking facial expression. Strong expressive, hypnotic gaze. Rude in their behavior. They may use obscene language. Of course, this depends on the culture. Emotionally powerful, unrestrained, prone to emotional outbursts, scandals, uncontrollable. Secretive. In the photo, as a rule, there is a wary look. They can be confused with fire signs, but the difference is that they do not try to seize the initiative in a conversation and are too emotional.

Ascendant in Pisces

Blonde hair and eyes. Quiet, modest, timid. The most silent people in the company listen and remain silent. Dreamers and quiet people. At home, they may be prone to hysterics and violent emotional outbursts. With age, people tend to become overweight and their figure may become loose. Foot problem – pain in the feet, small foot size, shuffling gait, short stride, poor walker.

Ascendant in Capricorn

Square body and head.

Looks older than his age. Speaks in a quiet voice, may whisper, does not like to raise his voice. Serious, thoughtful. Often seems sad. An aspect of despondency, sadness or seriousness in the face. Most often they are short, thin, small, skinny. Black hair, black eyes. Ash and gray hair, expressionless eyes.

Ascendant in Taurus

Square body and head shapes. Large head, short neck. Dark hair and dark eyes. They love sweets very much and therefore are overweight. They are tall and eat well. Very slow, lazy. If they say so, they will put everyone to sleep, because... They speak slowly and are not emotionally expressed. Some suffer from tongue-tiedness and are too lazy to speak. Confident calm and slowness are the main difference.

Virgo Ascendant

Normal build, proportional. Blond hair, light brown, dark brown, light eyes - blue (transparent). Subtle facial features. The face is small. The nose is large. Outwardly younger than his age. Similar to Libra. Sociable, talkative, seems frank. But unlike Libra, Virgo speaks on one note (there is no voice modulation) and is inclined to jabber, talkative. There is no beautiful gestures characteristic of Libra.

based on lectures by Shestopalov S.V.
prepared by Kotenko A.Yu.

The first step in rectifying a horoscope is to determine the position of the Ascendant (Asc), the ascending degree at the time of birth. To do this, you should translate the horoscope into the house system of Jamaspa (or Brahmagupta), because it is this Asc that indicates character traits faces and body structure this person. It should be noted that in 90% of cases, if Asc is in the last three degrees of the zodiac sign, then the following constellation will appear in appearance. For example, if Asc in the Jamaspa house system falls at 29 degrees Leo, then this individual will most likely display Virgo features in his appearance. And if Asc is at 29 degrees Taurus, then we will see manifestations of Gemini traits. The Saraswati program contains a description of the most important external characteristics of a person with the Asc position in 12 zodiac signs and examples of various famous people. In addition, we suggest that you take a special test system, where you must select the appropriate Asc position based on three photographs or drawings. If you learn to determine Asc using tests without errors, you will be able to easily cope with this task with any person from your circle of acquaintances who turns to you for medical, astrological or psychological help or even seeing him in in public places or on TV. This will be especially easy to do when the time of birth is known within 2-3 hours, since Asc moves from one zodiac sign to another at a speed (depending on latitude) from 30 minutes to 2.5 hours.

The main difficulties may arise in rectifying the horoscopes of people whose Asc falls on certain planets, called “geniuses of birth.” Although in some cases they allow you to exclude or confirm the position of the ascending degree without further rectification steps. For example, if a person’s Chiron is in the orb of one degree in the XII house or two degrees in the I house, then the color of his pupils will necessarily be different colors (one is brown, the other, say, gray). Or, if Uranus is in the last 2-3 degrees of the 12th house or in the first third of the 1st house, then this person will certainly be tall and have at least a slight squint. We also provide a description of the “geniuses of birth” in the Saraswati program.

To control and train the determination of the ascending sign, use the “3 signs” tests, where, based on one photograph, you are asked to indicate the sign of the ascendant, and “3 photographs,” where from 3 photographs you need to choose the one corresponding to a given zodiac sign. Tests must be repeated until the answers are 100%.

Ascendant in Aries

  • The face fits into a triangle, pointing down.
  • Hair is often curly, chestnut, red or light brown in color.
  • Arched eyebrows and often brow ridges.
  • The eyes are large or medium.
  • The look is direct, open, often arrogant, perhaps militant, and sometimes naive.
  • The nose is large, often straight or curved down.
  • Lips are small or medium.
  • The chin is small.
  • Men often have bumpy skin on their faces.
  • Characterized by an athletic build, even among women.

Examples of an ascendant in Aries:

Ascendant in Taurus

  • The face fits into a square.
  • The hair is thick, often dark,
  • but there are also fair-haired ones.
  • The hairline is usually straight.
  • Eyebrows are medium and straight.
  • The shape of the eyes is beautiful, the eyelashes are often pronounced.
  • The look is soft, good-natured, “calf”, but in anger the face turns purple, the eyes are filled with “blood” and hatred.
  • The nose is usually small, often snub-nosed,
  • often with pronounced nostrils.
  • The lips are large and harmonious.
  • The chin is average.
  • Characterized by a short and wide neck.
  • Tend to be overweight.
  • In women, breasts, buttocks and thighs are prominent.

Examples of an ascendant in Taurus:

Ascendant in Gemini

  • The face fits into an oval.
  • Hair comes in different shades and is sparse.
  • They like to have their hair cut short.
  • Eyebrows are small and narrow.
  • The eyes are medium or small, often with squinting,
  • located closer to the nose.
  • The look is moving, interested.
  • The nose, lips and chin are average.
  • Tend to be thin, often short.
  • They usually look younger than their age.
  • It is difficult to sit still for a long time; they like to do different things at the same time.

Examples of the ascendant in Gemini:

Ascendant in Cancer

  • The face fits into a circle, a little puffy.
  • Pale skin color, sometimes with a yellowish tint.
  • The hair is dark, less often light brown.
  • The eyes are a little protruding, but the gaze is inward, somewhat childish, naive or confused.
  • The figure tends to be overweight, arms and legs are usually small.
  • Women have pronounced mammary glands.
  • The nose is small, often snub-nosed or “potato-shaped.”
  • As a rule, the chin is not very pronounced.
  • Characterized by drowsiness, slowness and lethargy.

Examples of an Ascendant in Cancer:

Ascendant in Leo

  • The "lion's" mane is characteristic.
  • Men often experience early baldness.
  • Hair is often chestnut, light brown or red.
  • If dark, there is a tendency to early gray hair.
  • The eyes are large, somewhat slanted and beautiful.
  • The look is friendly, inviting to play.
  • The nose is medium or large, usually straight (Greek or Roman).
  • In profile - a “lion” face.
  • The lips and chin are average.
  • The figure is better formed at the top: broad shoulders, well-developed arm muscles, large chest. In women, the size of the mammary glands is medium or large.
  • The shins are often narrow.
  • Posture is proud, straight, confident.

Examples of an Ascendant in Leo:

Virgo Ascendant

  • The face fits into a wide oval.
  • Almost all facial features have the same proportions, which makes the appearance unmemorable, without any special features.
  • Astrologers often joke that they have “ typical appearance Komsomol worker."
  • The eyes are medium in size, set close to the nose.
  • Bow lips.
  • Women often have pink or white moles on the nose and around the lips.
  • They love classic clothing styles.
  • Most often, the tendency towards youthfulness remains.

Examples of a Virgo Ascendant:

Ascendant in Libra

  • The face fits into an oval.
  • Hair is often dark or light brown, usually sparse.
  • The eyes are beautifully shaped, the gaze is cold, somewhat aloof, but not arrogant.
  • The smile is forced. The bridge of the nose is narrowed.
  • They keep their distance and don’t like familiarity.
  • The nose is small, often snub-nosed.
  • There are usually dimples on the cheeks.
  • The chin is large, but harmonious.
  • The skin is often pale.
  • The upper body is poorly developed: narrow shoulders, small chest, and in women the size of the mammary glands is small.
  • Buttocks, thighs and legs are well and harmoniously developed
  • Typically thin bone.

Examples of the ascendant in Libra:

Ascendant in Scorpio

  • The face fits into a wide oval or triangle.
  • The hair is often dark.
  • The eyebrows are thick - fused on the bridge of the nose or dicritical (dominated), often lowered low.
  • The eyes are medium-sized, often squinted.
  • The gaze is direct, “snake-like”, piercing through, like an x-ray.
  • The nose is large, often slightly curved downwards or with pronounced nostrils.
  • Lips are narrow or medium.
  • Characterized by a pronounced lower jaw.
  • Men like to wear a mustache, beard and long hair; their skin is most often lumpy.
  • Athletic figure, even for women.
  • They don't like to show emotions.
  • The timbre of the voice is low or hoarse.

Examples of the Ascendant in Scorpio:

Ascendant in Sagittarius

  • The face fits into a pentagon.
  • The forehead is large, straight or rounded.
  • Baldness, usually early from the forehead.
  • The eyebrows are wide and thick, but do not grow together on the bridge of the nose.
  • The nose is average of any shape.
  • Tend to be overweight.
  • Characterized by a large, rounded belly.
  • The hands are large, and the finger joints are often pronounced (knobby).
  • Women, as a rule, have a large overweight figure.
  • The look is somewhat arrogant, self-confident.
  • They like to put pressure on others with their authority.

Examples of the ascendant in Sagittarius:

Ascendant in Capricorn

  • In childhood and youth they look older, in old age they look younger.
  • Often the face seems to be forged from stone, there are many wrinkles.
  • Height is usually below average.
  • The eyes are often small.
  • Eyebrows are often wide but sparse.
  • The nose is massive.
  • The forehead is large.
  • The look is confident, stubborn.
  • Prominent chin.

Examples of an ascendant in Capricorn:

Ascendant in Aquarius

  • Tendency to be tall and thin.
  • They look youthful.
  • Characterized by strabismus.
  • They like to dress and behave very in a strange way like jesters.
  • The fingers are long and the joints are knobby.
  • The gaze is distracted or clouded.
  • Eccentricity and anarchy in behavior.

Examples of an ascendant in Aquarius:

Ascendant in Pisces

  • The face fits into a circle or an extended oval.
  • The hair is thick, dark or light brown, and flows down like a waterfall.
  • The forehead is large and usually straight.
  • Eyebrows are usually thick.
  • The eyes are incredibly beautiful.
  • The look is mysterious, a little sleepy,
  • directed inwards.
  • The nose is medium, of any shape, but harmonious.
  • The lips are big and beautiful.
  • Tend to be overweight.
  • There is some pallor and swelling of the skin.

Examples of an Ascendant in Pisces:

Planets – “Geniuses of Birth”

If a planet falls on Asc, then it affects appearance in the following way.

Each planet has its own orbs (tolerances), which we will indicate.

Sun (orb in the XII house up to 5-6 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives a charismatic personality, large slanting eyes, a playful, friendly and radiant look, a pink or reddish complexion. Women most often have voluminous hair.

Moon (orb in the XII house up to 5-6 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives a pale or pale yellowish skin color, a rounded face, some swelling, small arms and legs, as well as hands and feet, a tendency to be overweight, slightly protruding eyes, a thoughtful look.

Mercury (orb in the XII house up to 3-4 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives thinness, a mobile look, small eyes set close to the bridge of the nose. Tendency to wear short haircut, youthfulness even in old age.

Venus (orb in the XII house up to 3-4 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives large and harmonious lips, a beautiful eye shape, pronounced eyelashes. Women have a harmoniously proportioned figure (breasts, waist and buttocks). The hair is thick, often dark or light brown.

Mars (orb in the XII house up to 3-4 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives an athletic figure. A big nose. Typically arched eyebrows. An arrogant or too direct gaze.

Jupiter (orb in the XII house up to 3 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives charisma. Usually a pentagonal face. Early tendency to obesity and baldness from the forehead. Big belly. Thick eyebrows. Large brushes. Pronounced hips and buttocks. A self-confident, sometimes vain look.

Saturn (orb in the XII house up to 3 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives a tendency towards thinness, short stature. A large number of wrinkles Eyes with a small cut or medium. The look is firm and purposeful. Typically low forehead. Youthfulness after 50 years.

Uranus (orb in the XII house up to 2 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives high growth. Tendency to squint, even slightly. Unusual appearance. Large hands.

Neptune (orb in the XII house up to 2 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives a sleepy, foggy, mysterious look directed inward. Tendency to swelling. There is a feeling that a person always wants to sleep.

Chiron (orb in the 12th house up to 1 degree, in the 1st house – up to 2 degrees)
Gives different eye colors. The upper part is less developed than the lower part. The look is moving, the feeling of a mask on the face. Hair growth is developed in the lower part of the body (especially the legs).

Pluto (orb in the XII house up to 2 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives a fixed gaze, penetrating through and through. The sizes of the eyes vary, but, as a rule, they are squinted. They are most often tall. People usually have a feeling that the surrounding space is filled with this person and psychological pressure on others, regardless of volume and height.

Proserpina (orb in the 12th house up to 1 degree, in the 1st house – up to 2 degrees)
Such a person blends into the crowd and is difficult to distinguish from those around him. Everything is proportional, averaged. He can look like anyone.

Your ascendant and its role.

The Ascendant or rising sign (these terms are equivalent) is an important element in your horoscope. The Ascendant is a sign that reflects your outward behavior; it largely determines how the world around you sees you.
The word "external" is key when referring to your rising sign, as it represents the outer side of your personality. Taking advantage modern language, we can say that this is your image. Very often it turns out that the ascendant is responsible for what the world sees in you first of all, what is the first impression you make. Many astrologers believe that your rising sign reveals you more directly than your sun sign. The Ascendant is compared to the door of a house, the entrance through which the visitor must pass to see the dwelling itself.
In my astrological practice, I notice that the face you show is a fusion of the sign in which the sun is located and the ascendant. This combination determines the unique impression you make. The moon sign is associated with the more hidden aspects of your personality. This influence is deep and all-encompassing, but others feel it in your character rather than see it lying on the surface.
Since the ascendant is the sign rising above the horizon at the time of your birth (hence the term "rising sign"), it reflects the moment when your independent life in this world began. It characterizes your interaction with others, your individual style communication.
The Ascendant is called the sign of your “I” - your self-awareness, independence, interest in yourself. In many respects, the rising sign denotes your goals, aspirations, and indicates the main area of ​​application of your creative forces. To some extent, this sign also affects external characteristics and manners. This is your mask facing the world. Like any mask, it can hide the true face, but rather it is part of the real face. This is the face that you show to others with the greatest ease and naturalness.

What is the Ascendant?

According to the simplest definition, the ascendant is astrological sign, rising on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. To better understand what this means, imagine the earth as a small circle at the center of a larger circle. The second circle depicts the sky, the celestial sphere surrounding us. You lie on a small circle (the earth) and look up at the sky at the moment of your birth. If you draw a line from the eastern horizon to the surface of the celestial sphere, this line will indicate the exact position of your ascendant (some clairvoyants claim that they actually see this astral line of a person).

When a person says that he was born under a certain sign, he means the sun sign (that is, the sign in which the sun is at the time of birth). However, when astrologers talk about the sign under which an individual is born, they mean the ascendant. The ascendant used to be considered a more important factor than the sun sign, but this opinion was abandoned in the twentieth century. However, many astrologers believe that the ascendant line is the main component of the birth chart, since other parameters of the horoscope can be calculated based on its position. One thing is certain: without establishing the ascendant, the interpretation of the horoscope remains limited, and it will never become truly natal, that is, relating to the moment of birth.
If you know approximately your birth time, the ascendant chart will allow you to easily determine your rising sign.
When reading the description of your rising sign, keep in mind that it is not a direct characteristic of you. You are a fusion of several components, one of which is your ascendant. By studying yourself, you can discern which aspects of your personality are associated with the sun sign, which are associated with the moon sign, and which are associated with the ascendant.

What sign is your ascendant?

First of all, you must know the exact time of your birth, as well as the geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the place where you were born. Then you need to convert your local birth time to Greenwich Mean Time (the point used for official timekeeping is at English city Greenwich). Greenwich Mean Time is then converted to sidereal time. (sidereal, that is, sidereal, time is measured relative to the fixed stars; a sidereal day is four minutes shorter than an earthly day).

Your Ascendant is Aries

Aries is a very strong ascendant. If you were born under Aries rising, you are a pioneer with an adventurous streak. You enjoy being a leader, even in a small area. For example, in friendships you try to dictate where the meeting will take place, what restaurant or cinema you will go to. Child, rising sign which Aries is, will be the most domineering and selfish among his brothers and sisters.
You have pronounced likes and dislikes, which you express without any embarrassment. Your actions are straightforward and honest. You feel uncomfortable when faced with lies and sophisticated deception. You always try to speak to the essence of the issue, express your point of view without regard to the reaction of others.
Your enthusiasm is contagious. You are a man of action, not reflection. Warm-hearted, generous, lively, you are a people-oriented person. You love to be noticed.

Sometimes people with Aries as their rising sign have a reputation for being troublemakers. This is not due to malice (quite the contrary).

You reject old, traditional methods and try new, bolder, more direct approaches. You get involved in solving the problem and give it your all. It seems to you that obstacles exist only to be thrown away. However, if the obstacle does not give in, you will not smash your head against it. You will quickly lose interest and go looking for a new challenge, another tempting idea. You probably love exploring virgin soil, but if you get stuck in a furrow, you'll abandon the plow and move on to another area.
Aries is the sign of beginning. You are at your best when you start working. You are filled with energy. Once you are carried away by an idea, you will not wait until the plan for its implementation is worked out in detail.
People with Aries Ascendant are prone to accidents. Impulsive, boldly rushing forward, you usually do not look at what is under your feet. You stumble and fall, bump into objects, and get bruises. Your head and face are more likely to be injured than other parts of your body.
You probably have a radiant smile, a moving, piercing gaze, golden or reddish skin or hair, a muscular body and a fast gait.
Mars, which rules Aries, plays an important role in your horoscope. This planet gives you great willpower, endurance, aggressive sexuality, the need for success and recognition. It also gives rise to tension, conflict, selfishness, temper, accidents involving fire and sharp tools.

Your Ascendant is Taurus

You are unshakable and calm by nature. Taurus Rising communicates serenity and ease to you. You have charming social manners and artistic inclinations, since Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and aesthetics. You want to fill your life with beauty and harmony. Many people with such an ascendant are engaged in literary or design work, or compose music.
You do not impose your opinion on others. On the other hand, once you have weighed everything and made a decision, you rarely change it. You stand firmly in your position and can be very stubborn. You are conservative in your habits, although this is not always obvious at first glance. It's the little things that give you away: you can eat the same thing for breakfast day after day; if you love a certain color (perhaps blue or pink - the colors of Taurus), it will persistently appear in your clothes or home interior. By always doing the same things, you gain the sense of stability you need.

People with Taurus ascendant are considered, although not entirely deservedly, lazy.

You truly love comfort, beauty, luxury, physical amenities, and idleness. However, you know how to work hard, especially if your motive is money or the approval of a loved one. Tenacious, persistent, strong-willed, you have limitless patience and are able to bring what you start to completion.
Taurus is the sign of wealth and material possessions, which are extremely important to you. Are you worried about the future: will you be able to feed yourself? Will you be able to pay for the property? Your fears and anxieties have no basis in reality. You may have struggled with poverty in your youth, but over the years, people with Taurus ascendants tend to accumulate wealth. Owning things can sometimes become an obsession; you strive to own property; having received something, you jealously guard the desired object; losing him would break your heart. You cannot accept the fact that things deteriorate, become old, disappear, or are stolen.
In relationships, you are also a jealous owner, but you skillfully hide it. One of your weaknesses is vanity; you rarely forgive the person who laughed at you. The need to deal with competition weighs you down. You may pretend that the reward is not enough for you.
As a rule, a person with Taurus ascendant has a very Beautiful face, big round eyes and clear skin. Your neck may be short and thick, but your body may be strong and dense. In old age, extra pounds become a serious problem.
Venus, who protects Taurus, plays an important role in your horoscope. It endows you with beauty, charm, worldliness, and awakens a love of pleasure, art and jewelry. She is also responsible for self-indulgence, superficiality, jealousy and vanity.

Your Ascendant is Gemini

At first, you give those around you the impression of a person in constant motion: you constantly gesticulate, fidget in your chair, your eyes dart from side to side. Anxiety is the core of your personality; it indicates unfulfilled desires. You need change and variety, and are often dissatisfied with your present. Gemini is a sign of duality, and this manifests itself in the lives of people with such an ascendant. You can be happy and unhappy, satisfied and dissatisfied at the same time. Of course, this can be said for many people, but your disappointment has a specific reason: you feel that you are not living up to your potential. It seems to you that something is waiting for you over the horizon that can give complete satisfaction; you are annoyed by imaginary or real obstacles that prevent you from going in search of him.
Those born under Gemini ascendant are able to express their thoughts clearly. You place importance on clearly articulating ideas. You are informed, witty, resourceful. People with such an ascendant occupy a high position thanks not so much to their will as to their ability to get along with others. You need an audience. Many of you become actors and writers, achieving success in the entertainment industry and journalism, television and literary fields.
You are excitable and quickly react to stimuli, instantly find an answer to any question and easily succumb to excitement. You throw yourself into a new project with energy and enthusiasm, and then begin to worry and worry (often out loud) about the fact that things aren't going well, someone doesn't like you, and things are moving too slowly. However, you are exceptionally adventurous and your enthusiasm and interest are quickly restored. You go out of your way to keep yourself busy - if not with your main business, then with some side activity. You love puzzles, games and books - anything that can entertain you and feed your mind.
You are naturally reserved. Although you enjoy being social and display a charming warmth, you approach life mentally rather than emotionally. You treat feelings and people the same way you treat facts and figures—as something you can analyze. You are prone to manifestations of selfishness because you believe that you know everything better than others.
You enjoy being exposed to many different situations and people. You travel, change apartments and professions, and often get married more than once. Endowed with an innate theatrical flair, you know how to elevate and highlight any life experience.
A person born under Gemini ascendant usually has pointed facial features, lively, mocking eyes, a friendly smile, and beautiful arms and legs. You know how to use these advantages. Your gait is swift and graceful, and you remain attractive until old age.
Mercury, which rules over Gemini, plays an important role in your horoscope. This planet gives you developed intellect, sensitivity, ability to speak and write beautifully, ability to foreign languages. Mercury also gives rise to arrogance, sarcasticity, snobbery, cynicism and disorganization.

Your Ascendant is Cancer

If your rising sign is Cancer, you are sensitive to other people's emotional signals and have an excellent understanding of their motivations. You build a barrier around yourself that is difficult to penetrate, but behind it lies a warm, loving, generous nature. You adapt well to different people, although you do not form friendships with them instantly. It takes time for you to truly become close.
People with such an ascendant are prone to melancholy and sudden mood swings; you are not always inclined to communicate. Sometimes you can be irritable, impatient, abrupt. At the same time, you are touchy, and others should be careful not to offend you. You are so sensitive that sometimes you get offended without any reason.
However, it is this quality that makes you stand out from the crowd. You have a great imagination and outlook. Among people with ascending cancer there are many talented writers, poets and artists. By clearly grasping the nuances of other people's motivations, you are able to absorb their feelings and thoughts. You gather opinions, thoughts, facts, and by being smart and practical (and visionary), you make that information work for you. You are financially savvy and careful and shrewd in business. You know how to invest wisely and get the best for your money. Although you usually climb to the top using your own strength (not others), over the years you manage to achieve material success.
You do not seek to be in the spotlight, but you want your talents to receive public recognition. It can be difficult for you to get applause, so you tend to feel sorry for yourself. You complain that the world doesn't value you, but you usually do so only to be told otherwise.
Obstacles await you, especially when you are young. However, by overcoming them and achieving success (ascending Cancers are distinguished by their persistence in achieving their goals), you become stronger and more confident.
You most likely have a round, expressive face, bright shiny eyes, thin arms and legs; you're probably waddling. Over the years, your waistline increases and you gain weight.
The Moon, which rules over Cancer, has a significant influence on your horoscope. She gives you kindness, imagination, depth of feeling, the ability to sympathize, cherish and protect, as well as a tenacious memory. It also emphasizes laziness, fickleness, restless nature, passivity and sloppiness.

Your Ascendant is Leo

Leo ascendant represents nobility, high ideals and charm. If your rising sign is Leo, you are generous-hearted, expansive and friendly. You believe that stooping to pettiness, pickiness, causticity and narrow-mindedness is beneath you. Your generosity does not allow you to think badly of others. You are the opposite of the Irish as described by Dr. Samuel Johnson: "honest, fair people - they never say good things about each other."
Of course, the world does not live up to our expectations, and those born under Leo ascendant are often surprised and offended by the meanness and greed of people. At such moments, you take on a majestic appearance and make it clear to your subject how much you despise him.
Leo ascendant tends to show off. You love to put on a luxurious show - showing off the expensive and beautiful decorations of your home to guests, appearing in eye-catching outfits and throwing magnificent receptions. More modest people you may appear pompous and prone to extravagance. But you don't put on performances just for the audience's attention; you approach life on a grand scale, truly striving for the best. This quality attracts people to you, helps you gain power and influence.

Leo ascendants have good luck in finances, careers and friendships. You do not exhaust yourself with work, but achieve success through your influence and the help of others. Fame and fortune come to you when you are not looking for them.

You skillfully organize people and inspire them to achieve accomplishments. You feel best in the role of a leader. You get offended if society doesn't put you in that position. When you don't get what you think you deserve, you become arrogant, irritable, and arrogant. Leo is a sign of pride, and Leo ascendants have this quality in abundance. Your self-confidence is unshakable.
People easily like you, partly because of your zest for life. You are endowed with a wonderful sense of humor. Rising Leos have a weakness for children and, spoiling them, spoil them.
A Leo ascendant often has a large, beautifully shaped head, thick, shiny hair, a dazzling smile, even white teeth and a majestic posture. Many of them receive an inheritance in old age. Whatever road you choose, you will always find yourself on the sunny side of the hill.
The sun, which protects Leo, has an important influence on your horoscope. It gives you enthusiasm, generosity, energy, warmth, creative expression, passion and courage. The Sun also emphasizes selfishness, arrogance, snobbery, vanity, pompousness and a condescending attitude towards others.

Your Ascendant is Virgo

Virgo rising indicates an analytical approach to life. However, the degree to which you become emotional depends on other astrological influences. Usually you perceive the world with your mind. This does not mean that you are cold and unfeeling. In fact, the opposite is true, since Virgo ascendants experience deep feelings and love their loved ones.
However, it is the process that brings you the deepest satisfaction. logical thinking. You enjoy the process of sifting through facts and information, establishing the truth, and bringing order and rationality to any situation. Virgo ascendants are firm in their judgment, but still flexible enough to change their mind after considering facts that contradict it. You consider it an unpardonable sin to ignore someone's ignorance.
Sometimes you are hampered by your inability to see the future, your tendency to get bogged down in details and lose sight of the big picture. You exaggerate the importance of details and become indignant when others neglect them.
Work is important to you and you usually achieve a lot in life. Often there is a war within you between the desire to get everything easily and the need to achieve success solely on your own. You gain a sense of security when you are in control of yourself and the situation. As a rule, Virgo ascendants achieve success through their own hard work, and not through the influence of other people.
Your charm and elegance are difficult to define with words. It can be difficult to get to know you intimately. Any person who wants to truly get along with you will have to overcome the barrier of restraint and arrogance (sometimes well hidden under a secular gloss). It is difficult for you to demonstrate your feelings, although in the depths of your soul there is always something going on.
During childhood, Virgo ascendants are sometimes sickly. Fortunately, their health improves over the years. For many of you, your marriage partner brings property or money. In old age, rising Virgos often purchase real estate in their homeland or in other countries. Your success is often associated with long journeys.
Virgos ascending usually have a soft, oval face, moving, attentive eyes; their bodies appear fragile, but are actually quite strong.
Mercury, which patronizes Virgo, has a great influence on your horoscope. This planet gives you a logical mind, keen powers of observation, an intellectual approach to life, sensitivity, scientific and literary activity. It also emphasizes fussiness, irritability, sarcasticness, pickiness and restlessness.

Your Ascendant is Libra

Libra is the most pleasant and harmonious ascendant. If you were born under it, you have natural charm and self-control. You are exceptionally sociable and enjoy communicating with people festive atmosphere. Libra ascendants love parties, celebrations, and laughter. You are a cheerful, friendly person, full of hopes for the future. No matter what disappointments today may bring, rising Libras fantasize about a happy future and look forward to it with anticipation.
Of course, you are not always like this. One of your problems is that you easily fall into despair and depression, especially under the influence of faint-hearted skeptics. Libra is a sign of balance, but it is impossible to get them out of this state a lot of work. However, most often you are optimistic and peaceful.
You are endowed with a sense of justice; nothing outrages you more than complete injustice. You are deeply traumatized by cruelty, bloodshed, and strife. You strive for well-being and serenity, but most of all, for justice.
Libra ascendants are sophisticated, neat and picky. You prefer to breathe mountain air. It is sometimes difficult for others to understand your coldness, but it is always noticeable, even though you successfully interact with other people.
Are you attracted to artistic and creative activity, but sometimes your abilities remain untapped because you avoid hard work and take the easy way out. You don't have to look for the lighthouse - it shines directly at you. You don't fight for success; luck often comes to libra the ascendant through a partner or close friend.
You love travel, new acquaintances and projects. You rush into an enterprise that promises pleasure or variety with joy. The problem is that you lack persistence, so many things remain unfinished. You have difficulty making decisions. You think about them carefully, wavering between various options actions; when the decision is made, you continue to doubt. Behind these thoughts are timidity and fear of risk.
You are unhappy alone and prefer to live in marriage. (this does not mean that you will live with one person.) Somewhere on your life path Libra ascendants often gain wealth and material possessions through their spouse. As a rule, you don't have too many children, but you get great joy from them.
Libra ascendants often have a beautiful face with delicate and symmetrical features, as well as a radiant smile. Your figure is curvy or round, but being overweight will not be an inevitable disaster for you.
Your horoscope expresses the influence of Venus, who protects Libra. This planet gives you beauty, charm, sociality, romanticism, love of art, music and design. It also emphasizes superficiality, jealousy, dependence on others and weak will.

Your Ascendant is Scorpio

If you were born under Scorpio rising, you put all your strength into any endeavor. You don't do anything carelessly. Scorpio rising is frantic, its energy bursting to the surface. You have tremendous will and determination.
Although you are sometimes considered a lone wolf, you are capable of working in a team - leading people. You have the ability to persuade and obsessively pursue your goals, as well as get others to work for you.
Your creative, inventive and fertile mind is an inexhaustible source of ideas and suggestions. Behind your calm facade lies a constantly working brain. You love to figure out how things work, take them apart, study them, and put them back together so that they function better. The same is true for artistic tasks. If you have Scorpio ascendant in your birth chart, you are capable of great insight.
You feel best when you are in control of the situation from behind the scenes. You are secretive and reserved; you avoid the spotlight because you prefer to be invisible. You exercise your power subtly, by influencing minds. Some people claim that Scorpio rising hypnotizes them; you have the gift of reading other people's thoughts. This is largely due to your keen powers of observation. You are a charming, witty conversationalist, but an attentive person will notice that most it is not you who speaks time. Scorpio rising tends to watch, wait, watch, accumulating information to use later.
Scorpio risings are known for their temper; this reputation is well justified. When put in your way, you can be ruthless and cruel. You use any weapon - from ridicule to threats. An angry Scorpio rising wants an instant victory. Later you will regret the wounds inflicted, but it is extremely difficult for you to admit it.
Scorpio is the astrological sign of hidden passions; Scorpio rising is likely to experience a secret romance at least once. He usually marries more than once. Astrologers have noticed a strange pattern - the first spouse of a Scorpio ascendant usually dies. It seems that Scorpio ascendants are more prone to financial setbacks and disappointments than people born under other ascendants. However, no one expects such a triumph in the end as often befalls the Scorpio ascendant in old age.
You may have pointed features, a large nose, large hypnotic eyes, dark thick eyebrows. Your movements are decisive.
Pluto, which protects Scorpio, is noticeably visible in your horoscope. This planet gives you strength of feeling, determination, perseverance, perseverance, as well as imagination and the ability to successfully start in a new direction. Mercury emphasizes secrecy, suspicion, jealousy and cruelty.

Your Ascendant is Sagittarius

Sagittarius Rising values ​​independence and freedom. You do not tolerate the suffocating pressure of outdated ideas, a capricious lover or a boring job. You are progressive and optimistic about the future. You have a restless nature, strive to find your place in life, and willingly accept new challenges.
Sometimes people around you misunderstand your intolerance. Your sensitivity to other people and your need for freedom are two sides of the same personality. You provide freedom to your loved ones and never try to limit or infringe on someone else's rights.
Sagittarius ascendants are humanists and idealists who are sensitive to injustice. In interpersonal relationships, you are honest and generous, and you are hurt by selfishness or unintentional cruelty. You expect too much from people.
You have a talent for making friends because your soul is open to new acquaintances and ideas. You love intellectual discussions and exchange of opinions. ( sagittarius ascendant are famous for their sincerity: the people around you always know how you feel about them.) You have a tendency to research work, you are endowed with imagination, the gift of foresight, and clear thinking. You like to travel, visit new places, and learn how the world lives. As a rule, you read a lot, watch news releases, subscribe to periodicals, discuss current events with friends. You prefer simple life, without traps and obligations. You love money, but most of all, the freedom it gives. You're afraid that taking success too seriously will make life boring.
One of your problems is the inability to assess the consequences of your actions. You are impulsive and sometimes reckless. The most important thing for you is to take some action, to do something to resolve the problem. You don't always think about where your steps might lead.
Marriage is not the most important part of your life. Sagittarius ascendants tend to marry the wrong person (at least once) and experience unhappy romances from which they have to get out. Travel is the leitmotif of your life; good luck accompanies you in other countries. Many Sagittarius ascendants live their last years Abroad.
They often have pleasant, cheerful faces, a broad forehead, sparkling, quizzical eyes and a friendly smile. You sometimes swing your arms widely, you have a strong, agile body.
Jupiter, who protects Sagittarius, has an important influence on your horoscope. This planet brings you luck and happiness, gives you generosity, broad-mindedness, sincerity and courtesy. It also emphasizes restlessness, self-indulgence, vanity, intolerance, extravagance, and a love of gambling.

Your Ascendant is Capricorn

If your ascendant is Capricorn, you have a serious mindset. You cannot be called melancholic, but you are alien to frivolity. Cautious in your actions, you don't make commitments until you know the stakes. With people you don't know well, you usually behave calmly, reservedly, perhaps a little shyly. But once you open up, you can be lively, friendly, warm-hearted and passionate.
Ascending Capricorns are strong, strong-willed, determined and purposeful individuals. They usually strive for better life- to money, high position in society. It is important for you to feel that your life is filled with meaning. You value yourself highly, are reliable and constant. However, sometimes, when you achieve your goal, you do not find happiness. You feel like something is missing and you keep searching.
You have an active mind, you think quickly and are able to concentrate. You know how to collect information, you see weak sides plan, plan your actions in detail. You may sometimes be accused of being overly calculating because you weigh the pros and cons before taking on a project. If your opponent has an Achilles heel, you will immediately notice it and use it to your advantage.
You tend to worry about little things and consider all possibilities. This gives you a sense of control over the situation - you don't want to be caught off guard by failure. Capricorn ascendants are victims of their own worries; in youth you worry about life, in old age you worry about impending death. As an adult, you worry about success.
It is not easy for Capricorn ascendant to express their feelings, although they can be strong. You are capable of truly loving, you spare no energy for good deeds. You are faithful and caring towards those you love. However, you are often tormented by jealousy and resentment (which you hide), and you never fully forgive the person who hurt you.
You achieve success through your own efforts, not through the help of other people. Although sometimes Capricorn ascendants become rich as a result of marriage, main reason Your well-being is your own hard work in alliance with your partner. Capricorn ascendants often compete with their brothers and sisters and quarrel with their fathers.
Capricorn ascendants often have a small, well-shaped head, deep, penetrating eyes, beautiful smile and good teeth. You have strong legs and love to walk and run.
Saturn, which patronizes Capricorn, significantly influences your horoscope. This planet gives you discipline, ambition, patience, determination, endurance and frugality. It also emphasizes stubbornness, melancholy, arrogance, pessimism and selfishness.

Your Ascendant is Aquarius

If your rising sign is Aquarius, you make friends easily. You are witty, lively, honest and reliable, always acting openly. You are an inventive conversationalist who paints funny pictures with words. Smart and charming, you are perfect for the role of leader.
You are idealistic in your attitude towards the world and most of all want it to be happy and harmonious. Even the thought of conflict worries you. You want to see the best in humanity and look forward to the future.
You have a reputation as a fair and tolerant person, but you are characterized by noticeable rigidity. You are irritated by people who do not share your visionary or lofty ideas. Aquarius ascendant is a modern and progressive person, but in your habits you are conservative, like Capricorn or Taurus. We can say that you stand firmly in your leading positions. Most people are faced with a choice: accept society as they see it, or try to improve it. Do you want to create new world, corresponding to your ideas about the ideal.
You are often intolerant of the shortcomings of others and can be sarcastic and funny at the same time. Your keen powers of observation help you uncover people's weaknesses that you can laugh at.
You are made of paradoxes. You enjoy being in company, but are perfectly content being alone. You love to travel and relax at home. You are friendly and outgoing, but at the same time melancholic and reserved. You have both a scientific and artistic mind. In a career, you are often involved in two different areas of work.
Fame comes easily to Aquarius ascendants and often leaves them. Your life is marked by unexpected ups and downs. When fortune smiles on you, the situation often has a dark side. For example, many Aquarius ascendants inherit money, but sometimes the legal formalities turn out to be overly burdensome.
The Aquarius ascendant perceives new places and events with an adventurous spirit, which, however, quickly dries up. It's easy for you to get bored. Aquarius ascendants usually marry early and find peace in it. Although most of you end up quite wealthy by adulthood, you never earn as much money as you would like. Friends help you in your career and personal affairs.
Aquarius ascendants often have a broad forehead, beautiful features faces and dreamy, wandering eyes. Many of you are tall and muscular.
Uranus, which protects Aquarius, has an important influence on your horoscope. This planet makes you independent, original, friendly and versatile. You are a reformer who hates all fetters. Uranus also emphasizes rebellious spirit, unpredictability, tactlessness, eccentricity and stubbornness.

Your Ascendant is Pisces

If you were born under Pisces rising, you carry within you a powerful artistic gift that will find expression over time. You are distinguished by a wild imagination and an obvious romantic approach to life. You want life to be perfect and choose to close your eyes to what you don't want to see. Deep down, Pisces ascendants believe that only they experience disappointment in life; sometimes other people feel this secret sadness present in you. It often seems to you that you were born in the wrong place and era; you are attracted to the past.
As a rule, you are friendly to others. You are sociable, love entertainment, and enjoy friendships. You love a comfortable life - good food and drinks, beautiful clothes and travel. At parties, Pisces ascendants are lively and talkative (sometimes even too talkative); you enjoy speaking in front of an audience. The talent of imitation makes many rising Pisces interested in acting.
When describing you, one involuntarily recalls the word “sentimental.” You are touched by sad stories, animals that have lost their owners, unhappy people. Your mood often changes, sometimes you are melancholic and upset. Anxiety and imaginary dangers sometimes overwhelm you.
In everyday life, you are usually careless, a little absent-minded, always losing your things or putting them in inappropriate places. At work, however, you are a knowledgeable and creative professional. You can be disciplined when working in a team environment, especially on art project. You are successful in activities that involve writing and travel. Many ascendant fish often change their place of residence.
With Pisces ascendants, it often happens that a person who was your enemy in your youth later becomes a valued friend. You may face problems in your first marriage due to in-laws and relatives. You love children; your own children usually bring you a sense of satisfaction and happiness.
You may have big sparkling eyes and a sensual mouth, wavy hair and beautiful feet.
Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, has an important influence on your horoscope. This planet gives you compassion, sensitivity, keen intuition, creative abilities, interest in spiritual life and the occult. It also emphasizes confusion, indecisiveness, restlessness, absent-mindedness, frivolity and self-deception.


People with a Libra ascendant are pleasant and create a positive atmosphere around themselves, charisma is their middle name. They easily attract people to them. Seeing their charm and impeccable manners, you might think that their lives are rosy, but this is not always the case. Quite often, people born under this sign have problems in their personal lives. Despite this, they do not want to be alone. They really don’t know how to live while being single, and they do everything in their power to maintain the relationship. Not only because they are afraid of loneliness, but also because they do not like conflicts. At the same time, in times of crisis, they are ready to take on the challenge.

People of this ascendant sign are usually good looking. They know how to do beautiful hairstyle and they know which color suits them best. They love physical comfort, good service, and things that please the eye. They can be very persuasive, and when they want to influence someone, they prefer to act softly. They have a habit of shifting the blame to others, as well as pretending that everything is fine when it is not. They are excellent mediators and are completely non-conflicting.

They are attracted to those who are competent and active. They may argue or compete with their partners until they realize that it is best to be themselves. However, they can pretend that they have already understood this, even if this is not the case. They have creativity and artistic talents, and these qualities are reflected in their appearance. Even though they are friendly, they can appear emotionally closed and closed-minded.

People of this ascendant sign are usually polite. To some they may seem insincere, but this is not necessarily the case in reality. They feel most comfortable when they can maintain balance and harmony. Romantic and graceful. Saying no to them is very difficult.

On the other hand, Libra people can be antisocial, rude, or shy. They can be vain and obsessed with staying young, no matter what the cost. They can be terribly indecisive, but it is quite possible that they will turn out to be stronger than you think. No matter how soft they may be on the outside, you may find metal inside. They can go their own way while remaining diplomatic.

People born under this rising sign have many friends and acquaintances. If they try to see themselves through the eyes of other people, then this brings them a lot of worries, since sometimes, due to their sociability, they seem superficial. Sometimes they try to be everything to too many people, which again can cause trouble in relationships.

3.7.1. General characteristics

Dominants. Venus and retrograde Chiron.

Main principles. Compromise. Diplomacy. Agreement.

Constitution. Growth is often high. The physique is proportional. The figure is slender in youth, with age it tends to become overweight. Proper facial features. The hair is soft, light brown or chestnut in color. The eyes are large, blue or brown. Greek nose. Round or oval face. Cheeks are often dimpled. The chin is small and round. The skin is delicate and sensitive. Thin arms. The legs are slender. Beautiful appearance, friendly, friendly look.

Temperament. Quick response to external influences. Fast speech. Touchiness.

Physiological correspondences. Groin area. Uterus. Ovaries. Kidneys. Bladder. Adrenal glands. Spleen. Lower spine. Venous and nervous systems.

Diseases. The above mentioned organs and body parts. Skin diseases from the use of medications and poor-quality cosmetics. Diseases due to impaired metabolism. Inflammatory processes of veins.

Positive traits. Inner harmony. Friendliness. Courtesy. Politeness. Courtesy. Sociability. Peacefulness. Amenability. Original thinking. Caution. Forethought. Craftiness. Diplomatic abilities. Striving for harmony. Sense of justice. Honesty. Decency. Integrity. Mercy. Sympathy for people, other people's grief.

Negative traits. Superficiality. Spiritual emptiness. Vanity. Arrogance. Haste. Recklessness. Frivolity. Windiness. Recklessness. Carelessness. Suggestibility. Inconsistency. Indifference. Lack of interests. Indecision. Compliance. Compliance. Dependence on other people's opinions. The philosophy of non-intervention. Idle talk. The absence of your expressed “I”. Impersonality.

3 7 2. Specifics of the sign of Libra

Libras are natural diplomats. Outwardly, they always make concessions, but at the same time remain with their opinion, which they never advertise, hiding their thoughts behind a polite smile. They do not like to express their opinion, mainly due to the lack of one, and therefore most often they just assent to one side and then the other, agree with everyone and promise nothing to anyone. Many of Libra's decisions depend on feelings of sympathy or antipathy.

Any representative of the Libra clan strives to rise up the social ranks as high as possible so that they are noticed not only by a narrow circle of acquaintances, but also by the general public. That is why Libra is very selective and tries not to communicate with people who do not enjoy the respect of society, authority in the outside world, or who have a bad reputation. They know how to make acquaintances and establish connections even in our time, under such rapidly changing circumstances in society and politics.

Libras try to avoid all sharp corners and avoid pitfalls, as they have a good understanding of possible consequences. They are excellent at smoothing out any contradictions, when conflicts arise, they offer vague concessions, and skillfully steer the boat of negotiations in a safe direction. To achieve their goals, they masterfully flatter everyone, and this brings some success, although not for a long time.

Another feature of Libra is that it is absolutely contraindicated for them to be alone. Like their daily bread, they need connections and contacts with the outside world and, of course, flirting or love with selected favorites. Marriage plays one of the main roles in their life and destiny, just like love. Marriage usually takes place quite early, in adolescence or young adulthood, especially for Libra women. Despite the fact that after the wedding, Libra’s feelings do not fade, they cannot avoid family discord, and the matter often ends in divorce. As a rule, there are many separations in the life of Libra. The likelihood of a relationship breakdown and its specific cause should be sought in the overall picture of the horoscope. The most dangerous time, when separation from a loved one is most possible, is the period from 40 to 50 years old, and in younger years this happens much less often. But just as love affairs and marriages are easily and often thoughtlessly started, official divorces are just as easily filed.

3.7.3. Profession

Any Libra avoids physical labor, instinctively understanding that overexertion and overwork harm their beauty. They prefer intellectual work or art. In addition, they are pampered, lazy, and try to surround themselves with amenities and create a comfortable living environment, both physical and emotional. Modern Libras have a weakness for electronic technology, realizing that it is designed to create maximum convenience for them.

Libra foretells success in the legal profession, as well as professions related to harmony and the arts. This correlates with their exceptional observation, gift of oratory, refined speech, talent for imitation, skill, expressiveness, and unique plasticity. Libras are the best representatives of fashion and tailoring. They are also excellent painters, upholsterers, hairdressers, cosmetologists, perfumers, and specialists in various artistic crafts. There are many of them in places associated with recreation and entertainment.

3.7.4. Some aspects

For the Ascendant in the sign of Libra, a day birth is considered the best.

Information about marriage is given by the sign of Libra and its dominant.

The presence of the Sun in the VII field of the horoscope enhances the positive properties and qualities of the sign of Libra.

If Venus or the Moon have negative aspects with malefic planets, this is an indication of the harmful influence of the mother or danger to her.

If the Sun has a negative aspect with Saturn, then this is an indication of the harmful influence of the father or danger for him.

3.7.5. Influence of the Ascendant in the decanates of the sign Libra

First deanery (0° – 10°).

Dominant Venus and retrograde Chiron.

Organizational talent, love for social activities and secular lifestyle, sensitivity, desire for truth and legality. If Venus does not have negative aspects with Mars, this gives a successful marriage. The position of dominants in the elements of Air or Water guarantees external beauty, attractiveness, and popularity.

Second deanery (10° – 20°).

Dominants Uranus and retrograde Saturn.

External beauty, a serious outlook on life, a lot of knowledge, good awareness. In a good configuration between the Moon, Neptune and Mercury, genius is not uncommon. Here the influence is not as favorable as in the previous decanate, although a good configuration with planets and horoscope elements can promote spiritual growth.

Third deanery (20° – 30°).

The dominants are retrograde Mercury and Proserpina.

High intelligence, good style, elegant speech, skillful and convincing speeches. Many trips and changes, mostly successful, in general - a lot of joy in life. With a good position of the Sun - success, luck, fame, honor, popularity, fame. A stellium in this dean brings success in public service.

If damaged. Excessive materialism. The Ascendant at 22° – 24° degrees shows some exceptional character traits.

3.7.6. Mixed types

Libra/Virgo Border Area

Changed main principle: realistic way of thinking, practicality.

The frivolity and frivolity of Libra, their craving for flirting and a bohemian lifestyle becomes less pronounced, but the need for calm, harmony, luxury and external splendor remains unchanged. Carelessness and carelessness recede and their place is taken by prudence and prudence. Opportunities that can bring benefits are more clearly identified. Feelings of duty are more strongly expressed and responsibility increases. Love affairs are entered into more carefully, and marriages are concluded more thoughtfully and carefully, and in general these issues are considered from the point of view of utility and benefit. The choice of profession depends on the income it can bring. The love of art for art's sake is replaced by practicality in this matter.

The Sun, Moon or stellium in the sign of Virgo mutes the influence of the Ascendant in the sign of Libra. The light, airy heartfelt feelings of Libra are imprinted by the sober, cold mind, prudence and prudence of the Virgo sign.

Libra/Scorpio Border Area

Changed main principle\: increase in willpower, vital energy, self-will, self-will, criticism.

This position of the Ascendant reduces the sociability, courtesy, politeness, modesty and harmlessness of Libra, and their craving for harmony. Only traces of the desire to reconcile opponents, smooth out contradictions or compromise remain. This type of Libra makes his way in life confidently and independently. One’s opinion is already being imposed, and one’s own point of view is being defended with great tenacity and persistence. Personal goals are achieved quite energetically.

Pluto and retrograde Mars and their relationship with Venus and retrograde Chiron. The more Scorpio there will be strong planets, the better, since this increases the penetrating force. But the predominance of the Scorpio sign enhances sexuality, without reducing the romance and sentimentality of Libra. In choosing a partner, this type of Libra will show much more patience, perseverance and determination than “pure” Libra, while he will be more cautious, and in a partnership he will be more faithful and devoted.

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