The project "Introducing preschoolers to fiction using children's book graphics

The book provides a list of works of fiction for reading to children preschool age. Literary material selected in such a way as to ensure the development of artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers, their aesthetic taste, culture of perception of works.

The book is addressed to a wide range of workers preschool education, as well as students of teacher training colleges and universities.

Valentina Viktorovna Gerbova
Introducing children to fiction. Program and guidelines

Library "Education and training programs in kindergarten" under the general editorship of M.A.Vasilyeva, V.V.Gerbova, T.S.Komarova

Program for the introduction of children to fiction printed according to the text of the book "The program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova.


This publication is part of the methodological set for the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" (edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. - 4th ed., Revised and added. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006), which, in accordance with the modern tasks of preschool education, provides all-round development child based on his age and individual abilities.

The main goals of the "Program" are the creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of preschool children, the formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the personality, the development of mental and physical qualities, the preparation of the child for life in modern society, for school.

Brief "Methodological Recommendations" have been prepared for the "Program" (M .: Publishing House"Education of a preschooler", 2005; Moscow: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006), revealing the features of the organization and methods of work in all the main sections of the upbringing, education and development of a child in kindergarten at different age stages of preschool childhood.

More detailed methodological manuals for the "Program" are contained in teaching aids: Komarova TS "Visual activity in kindergarten" (M .: Mosaika-Synthesis), Gerbova V. V. "Development of speech in kindergarten" (M .: Mosaika-Sintez), Teplyuk CH, Lyamina G. M ., Zatsepina M. B. "Children early age in kindergarten "(Moscow: Mosaic-Synthesis) and others.

The manual "Introducing children to fiction" continues the series of editions of this educational and methodological set. The book includes a program and guidelines to introduce children 2-7 years old to fiction.


In the "Kindergarten Education and Training Program" fiction is considered as an art form of its own. Literary material is not directly related to any of the program sections, although it has a huge impact on the development of intelligence, speech, a positive attitude to the world, love and interest in the book.

The program works were selected especially carefully, taking into account their artistic merit, the availability of content to children of a certain age. We tried to present how classical works known to more than one generation of readers, as well as the works of modern domestic and foreign authors.

Educating the reader is a long and laborious process, therefore the lists works of art and the tasks of introducing children to fiction for each preschool age are different.

Children of all ages should, if possible, read every day (new and familiar works). Program problems must be solved both in the classroom and outside of them.

The program grants the educator the right to make certain changes to the lists of recommended literature, taking into account regional component the content of preschool education and the features of the mode of operation of a preschool educational institution.

First junior group
(from two to three years)

Repeatedly read works of art provided by the program for children of the second group of young age.

Continue to teach children to listen to folk songs, fairy tales, works of authorship. Accompany the reading by showing toys, pictures, characters table theater and other means of visualization, as well as teach to listen to a work of art without visual accompaniment. Accompany the reading of small poetry with play activities.

Provide children with the opportunity to finish words, phrases when the teacher reads familiar poems.

Encourage an adult to try to read the entire poem. Help children over 2 years 6 months old to play a well-known fairy tale.

Continue to involve children in examining drawings in books, encourage them to name familiar objects, show them at the request of the teacher, teach them to ask the questions: "Who (what) is this?", "What is doing?" Retell the content of simple plot pictures to children. Offer to reproduce the actions (movements) of the character ("Show how chickens peck grains, how a girl eats soup").

To draw the attention of children to a child looking at a book on own initiative, approve of his activities.

For reading to children

September October November

Russian folklore

Repetition of songs, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, read and told to children of the second year of life.

Songs, nursery rhymes."Our ducks in the morning ..."; "The cat went to Torzhok ..."; "Egorka the hare ..."

Fairy tales."Little kids and a wolf", arr. K. Ushinsky

Folklore of the peoples of the world"Three cheerful brothers", trans. with him. L. Yakhnina; "Boo-boo, I'm horned", lit., arr. Yu. Grigorieva.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. A. Barto. "Teddy Bear", "Truck" (from the series "Toys"), "Who Cries How"; V. Berestov. "Big Doll"; G. Lagzdyn. "Cockerel"; S. Marshak. "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse"; E. Moshkovskaya. "Order" (abbreviated); N. Pikuleva. "Fox Tail"; K. Chukovsky. "Fedotka".

Prose. L. Tolstoy. "The cat slept on the roof ...", "Petya and Misha had a horse ...".

Works of poets and writers different countries S. Kaputikyan. "Everyone is asleep", trans. with arm. T. Spendiarova.

December January February

Russian folklore

Songs, nursery rhymes."Our Masha is little ..."; "Chiki, chiki, kichki ...", "Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo! A raven is sitting on an oak tree."

Fairy tales."Teremok", arr. M. Bulatova.

Folklore of the peoples of the world"Kotausi and Mousei"; English, arr. K. Chukovsky; "Oh, you zayushka-by-arrows ..."; per. with mold. I. Tokmakova.

Introductionchildren tofiction.

It has long been known that the reading experience begins to take shape in childhood.

Preschool childhood is very important stage in educating an attentive, sensitive reader, book lover which helps him to learn the world and yourself in it, to form moral feelings and assessments, to develop the perception of the artistic word.

This is the age at which the ability to perceive a work of art through hearing, sight, touch, imagination is most clearly manifested; sincerely, from the fullness of the soul, to sympathize, to be indignant, to rejoice.

Any preschooler is a reader. Even if he does not know how to read, but only listens to the reading of an adult. But he chooses what he will listen to, he perceives what he hears, and hears what he is interested in. However, sensitivity to what you read does not arise by itself. It depends on what exactly, how often and how the children are read.

Children's literature as part general literature is the art of the word. Its features are determined by the upbringing and educational tasks and the age of the children (the interests, preferences and cognitive capabilities of preschoolers are taken into account). Children's literature contributes to the development of the child's aesthetic consciousness, the formation of his worldview.

The circle of children's reading includes:

Artworks oral creativity the Russian people and the peoples of the world;

Classical children's literature (domestic and foreign);

Contemporary literature (Russian and foreign).

Folk poetry - greatest achievement the national culture of each nation. High artistic perfection and accessibility to the perception of a preschool child made folklore an important means of education, familiarization with folk culture, native language The program includes songs, nursery rhymes, chants, calendar children's folklore, tongue twisters, riddles.

Extremely large pedagogical value fairy tales. Children of preschool age are told and read fairy tales about animals. In fairy tales different nations and at different times there are images of a rustic-stupid wolf, a cowardly braggart hare, a bumpy bear, a crafty coquettish fox, a warlike rooster, etc.

Fairy tales loved by older preschoolers. They unobtrusively teach the child to evaluate the deeds and actions of people in the light of the correct concepts of what is good and what is bad. On the basis of folk tales, literary author's tales arose. Elements of fairy tales about animals, everyday and fairy tales are often intertwined in them.

The introduction of children to poetry begins at an early age with folklore and poets A. Barto, K. Chukovsky and others. Older children are introduced to the perception of serious high poetry - the poems of A. Pushkin, F. Tyutchev, A. Plescheev, A. Maikov, And Bunin, S. Yesenin and many other remarkable Russian poets. Stories of various topics are widely presented in the program lists. Some reveal moral issues and in others - environmental, in the third - the "exploits" of children, inventors and dreamers, dashingly winning the right to independence.

So, the circle of children's reading is aimed at developing an interest in the book among preschoolers, at the gradual replenishment of their literary baggage, enrichment of literary experience that manifests itself in interest works a certain genre or a specific subject, in the need to consider illustrated books.

Consider the features of work on introducing children to fiction in different age groups.

(Educators talk about the work done in their group.)




To acquaint children with these topics in fiction.

Deepen the knowledge of the child on the topic of your choice.

To form children 's emotional and imaginative perception of works through the artistic description of images.

To foster the ability to enjoy an artistic word, the appropriateness of the use of his own speech (sayings, riddles, metaphors, folk sayings, onomatopoeia). To learn to feel and understand the imaginative language of the read works.

Through works to help children evaluate the deeds and actions of people in the light of the correct concepts of what is good and what is bad, fostering good feelings, interest in works of art. To cultivate the ability to marvel at beauty

Teach children to negotiate, share, help, provide support in work, show interest in a completed assignment.

Expand parents' understanding of children's literature.

Introduce the parents to the family, taking into account children's works of art.

The project consists of 3 stages:

Stage 1-preparatory (one week). Based on the interests of children,

Questioning parents, discussing the goals and objectives of the project with children, creating the conditions necessary for the implementation of the project.

Stage II - main (1 month). Implementation of the main activities in the direction of the project. Presentation.

III stage-final (one week). It includes all the processing of methodological, practical materials, correlation of the delivered and predicted results with the obtained ones, generalization of the project materials.

Under the condition of the implementation of this project, the following results can be assumed.

1. Creation of the necessary conditions in the group for acquaintance of children with the selected topic

a) creating a library

b) selection of a sound library

c) creating a corner for developing games;

d) the design of sketchbooks

e) the implementation of the project itself in the form of a composition (crafts).

2. Attitude of 80% of children to the book not only as entertainment, but as a source of educational interests.

3. Active participation of approximately 80% of parents in the implementation of the project.

4. Ability of 25% of children to express ideas and assumptions.

5. Creation of a system - work on acquaintance of children with children's fiction.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the work is carried out in three directions: children, parents, teachers.

Assessment of the interest of children, their success in the general case is monitored through observation and analysis of children's activities, classes, conversations with children.

Assessment of the interest and participation in the project of the parents is carried out through their participation in the activities, assistance in the implementation of the project ( homework with children, assistance in decorating a book corner on the topic chosen by the group).

Assessment of teacher activation is monitored for the quality of work with children within the framework of the project


  1. Counseling for parents
  2. Summary of the profiles of their group
  3. Drawings based on works (at home with parents, in the garden with educators, with specialists - a psychologist, speech therapist)
  4. Photo material in the group (classes with children, work in the book corner 5-6 photos)
  5. Photo exhibition “Mom, Dad, I Reading Family” in my group.
  6. A book corner on this topic.
  7. 1 summary of a complex lesson.
  8. The project itself (in volume), + filling in the table "Planning and organizing activities for the implementation of the project to introduce children to fiction."
  9. The final lesson (in the form of a quiz, leisure, you can unite with another group, connect teachers of additional education)
  10. Folder with the work done for the methodical office.

Questionnaire for parents on the topic:


  1. Do you introduce your child to reading children's literature, if "yes", then how ________________________________


  1. Who reads books to a child?

Mom ____ Dad ___ others ____

  1. Where do you get children's books?

Library at home ____ In children's library ____

Buy ____ Other _____

  1. How often do you read to your child?

1-2 times a week _____ every day ____ more often ____

  1. Who more often chooses what to read to the child?

Child ____ Adult ____

  1. What topics do you read most often, why?

Fairy tales about animals _____

Poetry (about animals, seasons, about children, etc.) _____

Children's stories (about animals, about children, about nature) ________

Folklore genre (songs, nursery rhymes, proverbs, etc.) _______


  1. What kind of writers do you prefer to read to children?

Domestic ____ Foreign ______

  1. Do you discuss what you have read with your child, and if so, for what purpose?

Not really_____


  1. Favorite work of the child or what was the last one you read (read)? ____________________________________________

P.S. Check the box next to your chosen answer.


"Planning and organization of activities for the implementation of a project to introduce children to fiction."




Parents survey

Determine if parents read books to children. What do they prefer to read?

Library selection

Develop children's interest in children. thin literature

Promotion "Give a book to kindergarten" (on this topic)

Replenish the group's library with books on the selected topic, continue to form in parents and children a desire to take part in the group's events

Parent corner decoration

Educate parents

Selection visual aids, demonstration material for classes

Create conditions for the demonstration of works




Examination of books, illustrations by works

Develop children's interest in books

Book corner decoration

Create conditions for the implementation of the project. Develop an interest in books

Reading works of the selected topic

Awaken and maintain children's interest in fiction.

To teach to understand the idea of ​​a work, develop the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes (for children of senior age), perform actions, stage (for children of junior age)

Productive activity (indicate which)

Leisure on this topic (specify)



Correctional work. Psycho-gymnastics, tune

Support the emotional and psychological state of children

Inventing different options continuation of works (for st. d. age)

To develop the creative activity of children in the process of coming up with various options for the continuation of works. Develop communication skills.

Competitions, exhibitions (specify)

Album design

Design an album on this topic

Circle what you have done.

Irina startseva
Introducing preschoolers to fiction

Introducing preschoolers to fiction.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky spoke: “To prepare a person spiritually for independent life, it is necessary to introduce him into the world of books. "

Currently, there is a serious problem: children are losing interest in the book. Its place is taken by television and other technical means, which in many cases cannot replace a book. The decline in interest in reading is a factor in today's life. Preschool age - the time of active formation of the reader in a child, requiring attention and painstaking working together kindergarten and family.

Sociological research in our country and abroad revealed negative tendencies: noticeably reduced interest in reading among younger ones preschoolers and adolescents; the share of reading in the structure of children's free time has been sharply reduced.

Today, the urgency of solving this problem is obvious. To educate the reader in a child, an adult must himself show interest in the book, understand its role in a person's life, know the books recommended for children. preschool age, be able to have an interesting conversation with kids and help in the analysis of the work.

Without reading, a person does not develop, does not improve his intellect, memory, attention, imagination, does not assimilate and does not use the experience of his predecessors, does not learn to think, analyze, compare, draw conclusions.

The book, on the other hand, makes it possible to speculate, “fantasize”. She teaches to reflect on new information, develops creativity, Creative skills, the ability to think independently.

Fiction serves the mighty, an effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education children, it has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of children's speech.

In poetic images fiction makes emotions more intense, fosters imagination and gives preschooler excellent examples of Russian literary language , opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world human feelings and relationships.

Ability to perceive correctly literary work, be aware along with the content and elements artistic expressiveness does not come to the child by itself by myself: it must be developed and educated from a very early age. In this regard, it is very important to form in children the ability to actively listen to a work, to listen to artistic speech... Thanks to these skills, the child will form his own bright, figurative, colorful, grammatically correct speech.

It is very important to cultivate love and interest in the book on time. S. Ya. Marshak considered the main task of adults to discover in the child the “talent of the reader”.

Who then introduces the child to the world of the book? This is done by parents and teachers. preschool institutions... The library and the school are not the first, but the next stage in the formation of the reader.

Based on this, the most knowledgeable person in matters of children's literature and reading should be a tutor preschool ... He not only embodies the task introducing children to the book, the birth in them of an interest in the reading process and a deep understanding of the content of the work, but also acts as a consultant on family reading, a propagandist of books and book knowledge, a sociologist who quickly and accurately responds to changes in children's attitudes towards books and the reading process, a psychologist who oversees perception and impact artistic text for children.

Reading to children artistic works should be subordinated to the goals of ideological and aesthetic education. A consumerist approach to literature: if you need to educate cultural and hygienic skills - we respect "Moidodyra"; if there is a fighter in the group, read it "What is good - what is bad".

Critic V. Smirnova writes: "Cockroach", of course, the goal is to ridicule cowardice, to rid the child of fear; "Aybolit" wants to teach children to love animals, and "Moidodyr"- to teach to cleanliness ... But the point is not in these elementary tasks of good and useful. And when the writer proclaims cheerfully, ending "Moidodyr":

I must, I must wash my face

In the mornings and evenings ...

Long live fragrant soap

And the towel is fluffy ...

the child is happy not because he understood the benefits of washing, but because the writer turned this difficult, obligatory work for the child - washing in the morning - into a fun, exciting game, revived it with fascinating incidents and unusual characters, generously enriched his vocabulary, warmed him with an almighty sense of humor ... This is the meaning, the charm, and the educational effect of Korney Chukovsky's fairy tales ”.

For children reading artistic works - meeting with art; it is important that the meeting is emotional and exciting. If children do not care about reading, then the subsequent conversation will leave them indifferent. It must be remembered that the feeling of aesthetic pleasure is caused by rhythm, rhyme, intonations, sometimes serious, sometimes sharp, sometimes playful, sometimes affectionate, the melody of poetic speech, remembered by a line that struck the imagination, by a found image, by a well-aimed word.

The teacher is not a passive transmitter of the content of the book, it is he who helps children determine their attitude to what they read, to various literary characters , draws attention to a good image, an apt comparison, a sonorous rhyme, a funny play on words. We need an analysis of the work. True analysis does not diminish the emotional impression, but deepens it, helps to comprehend the image. It is necessary to teach children to think about the teacher's questions that attract their meaning not only to the topic, plot, but also to artistic structure of the work... A question that does not make the child think gives rise to indifference.

So what questions should you ask about the work you have read? Kipling's questions are a good foundation on which to stimulate thought and upon which many new questions can be built.

“I have six servants,

Agile, daring.

And all that I see around me

I know everything from them.

They are at my sign

Are in need.

Their name is: How and Why,

Who, What, When and Where. "

Questions lead children to comprehend the content, through comprehension linguistic means... Analysis allows children to experience more deeply the impression of a poem, story and more understand the thoughts and feelings of the author.

As an example, we offer work based on the story of E. Permyak "How Masha Got Big".

When reading a work, you should pay attention to direct speech, the remarks of the mother and father, which are pronounced with a special intonation of surprise.

Masha, are you really getting big with us?

We did not even notice how Maria grew up with us. Not only does the floor sweep, but also washes the dishes.

After reading the work, suggest preschoolers answer questions that allow you to find out how correctly they understood ideological plan writer, author's position, what new has this story brought to their lives.

Questions about the text of the story.

1. What did Masha do for everyone to consider her an adult?

2. When did the parents and those around them realize that Masha is really getting big?

3. How did you understand what to do to make everyone think you are great?

4. Are you big already or not? Explain why you think so.

There should not be too many questions in order to preserve aesthetic pleasure, emotional impact artistic text on peace of mind child.

We adults take reading for granted. For a child, reading is not an easy process, his mind is constantly working, trying to understand what he has read.

A family event is currently taking place in our group "A book for memory"... We invite everyone to take part by replenishing the kindergarten fund fiction... In each book, parents can leave their recommendations and wishes. And we, in turn, guarantee the daily reading of fairy tales, poems, stories to children.

The teacher is faced with an important task - each work must be conveyed to children as a work of art. After all, to teach and understand a book means to teach to think and feel.


teacher of the eldest, preparatory group

MBDOU kindergarten "Rainbow"

Elena Sergeevna Pugacheva

Introduction ………………………………………. ……………………………… 3

1.Goals and tasks of the work ………………………………………………… ..… 4

2. “Introducing children to fiction through reading fairy tales”… .. ………………………………………………………………… ...…. 5

3.1. Ways of forming a culture of perception of the book. …… .. …………………………………………………………………………… ..... 7

3.2. Features of mastering fairy tales ……………………………………… .. …… 8

Conclusion. ………….………….……………………………………………… eleven

Bibliography. …………………….……………………………………... 13

Applications. …………………………………………………………………… fourteen


Fairy tales are a kind of "educational system"

which includes moral, environmental, labor,

patriotic, mental, civic education, etc.

(T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva)

The problem of familiarizing preschool children with fiction is one of the most urgent, since, having entered the third millennium, society came into contact with the problem of obtaining information from publicly available sources. In this case, children suffer, first of all, when they lose touch with family reading. In this regard, pedagogy is faced with the problem of rethinking the value orientations of the educational system, especially the system of upbringing of preschool childhood. And here mastery of folk heritage, naturally introducing the child to the basics of fiction. According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky, "reading books is a path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds a way to a child's heart."

The pedagogical value of fairy tales is extremely great. Children of preschool age are told and read fairy tales about animals. In fairy tales of different peoples and different times, there are images of a rustic-stupid wolf, a cowardly braggart hare, a bumpy bear, a sly flirtatious fox, a warlike rooster, etc.

Fairy tales are loved by older preschoolers. They unobtrusively teach the child to evaluate the deeds and actions of people in the light. correct concepts about what is good and what is bad. On the basis of folk tales, literary author's tales arose. Elements of fairy tales about animals, everyday and fairy tales are often intertwined in them.

The value of reading fiction is that with its help an adult can easily establish emotional contact with a child. Treating fiction as cultural value oral creativity is the defining position of mywork.

Relevance : It is known that the reading experience begins to take shape from early childhood.

By instilling love for the book, we help the child to learn about the world around him and himself in it, to form moral feelings and assessments, and to develop the perception of the artistic word.

Acquaintance with literature for every child begins precisely with fairy tales that accompany all his childhood and remain with him for life.

1. Goals and objectives of the work

Target: develop a sustained interest in fiction.

Tasks :

    to acquaint with the history of the creation of fairy tales;

    develop children's listening skills;

ability to cognize

ability to compare, contrast

ability to think in words

coherent speech





responsiveness and empathy;

    teach how to make fairy tales using Propp's cards;

    foster a love of fairy tales;

    respect to books.


- the study of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem;

- observation of children in the classroom for the development of speech, in independent activities;

Questioning of parents and children;

Analysis of the products of creative activity.

Direction of development of activities: complex, speech, cognitive, visual, theatrical, musical.

2. "Introducing children to fiction through reading fairy tales"

It's hard to imagine preschool childhood without a book. Accompanying a person from the very first years of his life, fiction has a great influence on the development and enrichment of a child's speech: it fosters the imagination, gives excellent examples of the Russian literary language. Listening to a familiar fairy tale, the child worries, worries along with the characters. This is how he learns to understand literary works and through this is formed as a person.

In folk tales, the accuracy and expressiveness of language are revealed to children. However, a literary work is fully perceived only if the child is appropriately prepared for it. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention of children, both to the content of a literary work itself, and to its expressive means.

Already in senior preschool age, children are able to understand the content, idea and expressive means of language, and further acquaintance with literary works will rely directly on the foundation that adults (parents, educators) lay in preschool childhood.

The perception of literary works by children in preschool age is quite difficult. Each child goes a long way from simple participation in the events depicted to more complex shapes aesthetic perception of a literary work. Aesthetic perception of a literary work occurs as a result of purposeful perception at a certain stage of development.

Growing up, children acquire the ability to analyze literary works, learn to convey a certain content in the unity of its artistic form, and also actively master the means artistic expression.

The significance of folklore is enormous: it has a cognitive, educational, and aesthetic influence on the child. It must be emphasized that folklore develops the ability to feel the melody, artistic form, rhythm native language... It is also peculiar itself art system Russian folklore.

In younger groups acquaintance with fiction is carried out with the help of literary works of different genres. At this age, children are taught to listen to poems, fairy tales, stories. Also, children are taught to follow the development of an action in a fairy tale, to sympathize goodies... Kids are also attracted to works of poetic genre, which are distinguished by rhythm, clear rhyme, and musicality. Children begin to memorize the text with repeated reading (or repeated repetition). At the same time, the child's speech is enriched with the words and sentences that are most remembered by him.

In the middle group children continue to be introduced to fiction. The teacher draws the attention of children, both to the content of the literary work, and to some features of the language (some epithets and comparisons, figurative words and expressions). After reading (telling) fairy tales, it is necessary to teach children to answer questions related to the content of the work, as well as to the simplest questions about artistic form... It is very important to formulate the questions correctly after reading. This is necessary in order to help children highlight the main thing - the main events of the work, the actions of the main characters, their actions and relationships.

In the older group when perceiving the content of literary works, children are taught to notice expressive means. By this age, they can already distinguish between genres of literary works and some specific features of each genre. So that children can understand and feel the artistic merits of the fairy tale and the deep ideological content, it is necessary that they love and be remembered for a long time poetic images... Questions about the work read should determine the child's understanding of the main content, as well as the ability to evaluate the actions and actions of the characters.

In the preparatory group the teacher is faced with the task of educating children in fiction, books, the ability to feel artistic image; develop poetic ear (the ability to catch sonority, musicality, rhythm of poetic speech), intonational expressiveness of speech. Reading literary works reveals to children all the richness of the Russian language, contributes to the fact that they begin to use this wealth in independent creativity and everyday speech communication.

Familiarization with fiction includes both holistic analysis works, and the implementation of creative assignments. All this has positive influence for development verbal creativity children and poetry.

3.1. Ways of forming a culture of perception of the book.

To instill in every child an interest in reading, to teach him to take good care of the book is one of the most important tasks of a teacher - educator.

Implementation methodological development began with a simulation of the situation, allowing to identify the problem, and involved a questionnaire survey of children and parents.

Parents' questionnaire (see appendix).

Questionnaire for children (see appendix)

As a result of questioning parents and children, I understood how a child and parents understand a literary work.

home distinctive feature the perception of a work of art by a child is the predominance of the "practical" over the "conventional". The prevalence of the "practical" over the "conventional" - the reason for the specific features artistic perception child.

In the answers to the questions, the parents name the different ages of the appearance of children's interest in the book.

Based on the data received,lists of literary works for children 5 - 7 years old were compiled (see appendix).

3.2. Features of mastering fairy tales.

Love for a fairy tale, interest in it arises in early childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life. On the role and significance of fairy tales in the formation positive qualities character and mental processes a lot has been written for preschool children.

The fairy tale penetrates into all the activities of the preschooler. It lies at the heart of visual activity(researches by TS Komarova, NM Sokolnikova and others); musical activities(S.I.Bukatina, Sh.A. Vetlugina, O.P. Radynova and others); game (T.A. Antonova, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, D.B. Elkonin and others). The fairy tale enjoys special attention in artistic and speech activity.

Almost all of the parents interviewed note that they preferred fairy tales in childhood. Many features of a fairy tale are learned by children early, but not all.

V system of work with a fairy tale, I identified the following areas of activity:

    joint and individual work;

    classes with children to familiarize themselves with fiction;

    traditional folklore festivals and entertainment

In teaching and educational activities, I use the followingmethods, techniques:

Guessing and guessing riddles ... These tasks develop intelligence, observation. Children accept this game with pleasure. They love to think of riddles known to them, but they also come up with their own.

Reading proverbs, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes by heart ... These tasks develop the skill of expressing one's thoughts briefly, clearly, clearly and figuratively, and at the same time the ability to grasp the poetry, melodiousness, and rhythm of speech.

Coming up with definitions for a given word ... Such tasks are aimed at developing the ability to use given word in combination with others, since it is known that this often causes difficulties in children, even with a misunderstanding of significant words.

Constructing words, phrases and sentences - It has great importance in the development of means of expressiveness of speech of preschoolers.

Telling a fairy tale to children ... The child, learning the plot of the fairy tale and going through all the stages together with the hero, gets to know the possible life situations, forming, "educating" in oneself the necessary skills for their resolution, overcoming.

Retelling a fairy tale using plane theater - this task allows you to determine how emotionally and intonationally correctly the child perceives the heroes of the fairy tale. The purpose of this task is to reflect on the meaning of words, to strive to use them in such a way as to accurately characterize a particular feature, object, phenomenon.

Creative tasks for the content of fairy tales , it is necessary to ensure that the products children's creativity could be used by children in the future; v play activities, in the dramatization of fairy tales, in everyday life.

Coming up with a fairy tale on a given topic - is offered to children who, according to previous studies, have certain skills in composing coherent messages.

Dramatization of fairy tales ... Through dramatization, the child is liberated, masters the skills of managing his behavioral reactions

I use all these methods and techniques in the followingforms of work:

Collaborative and individual work ... In free communication with children, it is possible to offer the type of activity that is currently they are especially attracted. They develop and accumulate a certain store of knowledge and ideas, introduce new words and terms, get acquainted with possible life situations.

Classes with children to familiarize themselves with fiction are designed in such a way that the characters of fairy tales "come" to the children for classes, tell them something new, interesting, offer them game and creative tasks aimed at mastering practical material.

Traditional folklore festivals and entertainment as a result of the work done, where children reveal their creativity and knowledge in comprehending the culture of their people. Holidays are important for children, it is here that you can feel the relationship between the past and the future, love for the homeland, their people, their customs and traditions.

The result of the work with a fairy tale is:

    The ability of children to resolve conflict situations;

    the use of fairy-tale situations in free play activities;

    replenishment of the book corner with new and interesting fairy tales;

    active participation of children in folklore events;

    the formation in the child of a position of respect for the world around him;

    instilling love for their history, homeland;

    mastering the skills of relationship with the world;

    assimilation common human values and moral values ​​of culture;

    the formation of an active life position. Some children are careless about books, they are used to their abundance. The book has even ceased to be a welcome gift, so the work on fostering interest in the book should be started already in the younger group.

In the classroom, I teach children to perceive and understand correctly artistic word... Familiar literary works are placed in the book corner, and each child can come up, watch their favorite fairy tale, talk about it with their peers.
To arouse interest in books, with the help of toys we act out scenes from works of art, conduct didactic games such as: "What book is this from?", "Who said that?" (Kids guess words and dialogues from familiar fairy tales, poems, recognize books by the cover.)
When working with children, special attention is paid to the content of the book corner, which contains: books recommended by the program; sets of postcards related in content to the theme of fairy tales, literary works, cartoons; games for the development of speech: "Finish a fairy tale", "Get to know the hero", "Pick up pictures"; portraits of writers and poets; children's drawings based on their favorite works.
Thematic exhibitions "Funny books", "Books about our country", etc. are periodically arranged. Children also take part in their organization. The heroes of the books come to life in the drawings and modeling of preschoolers. From best drawings I compose albums, prepare exhibitions of handicrafts for the book corner.

Older preschoolers show great interest in fairy tales and perceive them meaningfully. But basically their knowledge and impressions are based on the material of the TV programs.

The lack of a rich literary and life experience limits the creative and speech abilities of children.

Parents do not pay due attention to this problem. Special work required to develop skills creative storytelling on the basis of acquaintance with fairy tales and fiction, their analysis.

The work carried out in the system to familiarize children with book culture gives tangible results: children know and follow the rules for handling books. I hope that this interest will grow, and I will apply all my knowledge and strength to this. After all, to teach to understand and love a book means to teach to think and feel.

Reading is a national problem, and the spiritual health and future of the nation depends on its state. Reading is seen as a sensitive indicator of the state of society.

Children's reading is not only an indicator of the state of society, but also the attitude of society to its future.

This is why I explain to parents and teach children to love the book, to show an interest in reading.

In our country, the problem of children's reading was not recognized, last years as an important task, due attention is still not paid to the problem of "Child - a book". Based on the experience of working with preschool children, I came to the conclusion that children's reading you need to pay special attention and actively involve parents in this.


    Alekseeva M.M., Ushakova O.S. Interrelation of tasks speech development children in the classroom // Education of mental activity in preschool children. - M, 2003. - pp. 27-43.

    Boguslavskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O. Educational games for preschool children. - M .: Education, 2004 .-- 213 p.

    Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten: A guide for a kindergarten teacher. - M .: Education, 2005 .-- 160 p.

    Borodich A.M. Methodology for the development of speech in preschool children. - M .: Education, 2004 .-- 255 p.

    Gerbova V.V. Work with plot pictures // Preschool education- 2005. - N 1. - p. 18-23.

    Gerbova V.V. Drawing up descriptive stories // Preschool education. - 2006. - N 9. - p. 28-34.

    Gritsenko Z.A. You tell the children a fairy tale ... Methods of introducing children to reading. - M .: Link-Press. 2003.

    Elkina N.V. Formation of speech coherence in older preschool children .: Author's abstract. dis. ... cand. ped. sciences. - M, 2004 .-- 107 p.

    From birth to school. Training program. upbringing and development of a child in kindergarten / Ed. NOT. Veraxes,

M.A. Vasilyeva. T.S. Komarova // Preschool education. No. 1-12.


    Speech development in preschool children: A guide for a kindergarten teacher / V.I. Loginova A.I. Maksakov M.I. Popova and others; Ed. F. Sokhina. - M .: Education. 1984.

    Tikheeva E.I. Development of children's speech. / Ed. F. Sokhina. - M .: Education, 2005 .-- 159 p.

    Shvaiko G.S. Games and play exercises for the development of speech / Ed. V.V. Stamp. -M., 1983.


Parents questionnaire

"Organization home reading in families "

Dear parents, please answer the questionnaire.

Your opinion is very important to us.

    Do you have a library at home, what is it?

a) several bookshelves; b) bookcase;

c) shelves with books; d) other ____________________________

    Does your child have their own bookshelf or a corner with books?

a) yes; b) no.

    Do you visit the children's library with your child?

a) often; b) no, not recorded and do not even know where it is;

c) no, we do not visit for another reason: __________________________

    Do you often read books to your child?

a) every day; b) every day before bedtime;

c) when he asks; d) sometimes.

    Please name your child's favorite books: ______________________________________________________

    Please name a few of the works you recently read to your child: _________________________________________________

    Are you talking to your child about what you read?

a) yes; b) no; c) sometimes.

    Can your child name books you've recently read with you?

a) yes; b) no; c) I don’t know.

    Names of which poets and writers does your child know? _____________________________________________________________

    Can your child retell an excerpt from a favorite book?

a) yes; b) no; c) I don’t know.

    Do you subscribe to children's magazines? Which? _____________________________________________________________

    At what age do you think a child should learn to read? ________________

a) yes; b) no.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Questionnaire for children.

    What is your name? What is your last name? How old are you?.

    Do you like books? (Not really)

    What do you like best - what they read to you (text), or pictures (illustrations)? (text, illustrations, both)

    How do you listen to reading adults? (I like to listen to different interesting books, even if there are few pictures in them; I like to listen only when there are a lot of pictures in the book).

    How do you view the pictures? (before reading, ask to show while reading, you can just listen, and look at the pictures after, you do not pay attention to the illustrations)

    Do you have books with black and white drawings at home or in kindergarten? (Not really)

    What pictures do you like best? (color, black and white, both)

    Do you want to color in black and white illustrations in a book? (Not really)

    Who writes the books?

    Name any writers or poets.

    Who draws pictures in books.

Do you think the illustrations in different books are drawn by the same person, or

various? (same, different, don't know)

What do you think comes first - text or pictures? (text, pictures, not

    Name some artists.

    Do you like to draw? (Not really)

    Do you draw pictures for the books you read? (often, no, sometimes)

Remember which books you drew pictures for. If you rarely draw or do not draw

from books, although in general you like to draw, why is this happening? I want to

whether to draw in a book without pictures? (Not really)

    What do you paint with? (with colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, simple pencil, handle)

Book - this is an integral part of raising a child. With its help, he will be able to find answers to questions of interest to him, learn about the world and himself, relive the stories of heroes, fantasize development further developments this or that work.

The book is the educator of human souls.The kid is growing, which means that every day more and more new impressions await him, he actively learns the world and makes many discoveries. Receives more and more diverse information necessary for him to further correct physical, mental and mental development... Children receive new knowledge from the people around them, primarily from their parents, as well as from books.

It is no secret that modern children read little, preferring the book to watching TV programs and videos, computer films. This sad reality should make us parents think and try to somehow fix things.
From a very young age, babies need to read as much as possible. more books... It is very important that he loves this activity. The book may interest both boys and girls, the main thing is to find an option that the child will like.
Scientists have found that a child who is systematically read accumulates a rich vocabulary.
By reading with mom, the child actively develops imagination and memory.
It is reading that performs not only a cognitive, aesthetic, but also an educational function. Therefore, parents need to read books to children from early childhood.

The variety of children's books is surprising, but not always happy. It is important to remember that in any book, including a children's book, the most important thing is the content.
Recommendations for purchasing literature:

In children 4-5 years old, there is an activation vocabulary, goes
the development of coherent speech. When reading literary works to a child, you need to pay attention to individual words and expressions. You can teach to retell short texts of Russian folk tales. Slowly start memorizing poems.

At this age, you can acquaint a child with fairy tales by foreign authors, with heroic folk tales, with stories about nature and animals, with the work of K. Chukovsky.

In order for a child to love a book, parents need to work hard.

Tips for Parents:

Talk about the value of the book more often;
Foster respect for the book by showing off your family's book relics;
You prime example for a child, and if you want your child to read, then it is also worth spending some time with a book;
Visit the library, bookstores together;
Buy books that are bright in design and interesting in content;
Rejoice at the child's success, and do not focus on mistakes;
Discuss the book you read among family members;
Tell your child about the author of the book you read;
Have family readings more often.

Reading for children should become a daily habit, become a necessity

Why reading is important

a habit of your child?

Reading in the family is a long-standing tradition.Among the enlightened class, family readings did not have a special target setting, but were a natural attribute of spiritual communication between adults and children. But, unfortunately, many cultural traditions were lost, including reading in the family.

The main difference family readings from other types of it - classroom, extracurricular and home is that parents, using the book, begin to really engage in spiritualthe development of your child, the formation of his morality.

Family reading is literature that is of interest to all family members, discussion of what the whole family has read, it is communication that brings people of different ages together.


When choosing books for your child, pay attention to the following qualities:

1. How the book is illustrated.Children love watching pictures as much as listening. They value beauty, humor and fantasy. Avoid books where the drawing style is too business-like or oversimplified.

2. Does the book match the abilitychild as a listener. Do not judge by age, but choose stories that are complex enough to grab the child's attention, but simple enough so that he can follow the development of events.

3. Is this the book that liked exactly to your child. Don't be overly concerned with its educational value. Any story that the child likes will be valuable in this sense.

4. Does the book havethe power of emotional impact. Although children also like books that simply contain information, long time for the child, loved ones remain those that are close to him emotionally.

5. Is the book well written. Children listen to the sound of speech, not just its meaning.

6. Do you like the book. If you read what you like best, there is large base expect your child to like it.


By the way books that belong to a child's house look like, you can tell whether you give enough attention to instilling in your son or daughter the skills to use the book. Pay attention to whether your child adheres to the following guidelines for handling the book:

Before picking up the book, make sure your hands are clean;

The book is read and examined at the table;

Take a book: do not stain it, do not jam the pages, turn them over correctly, do not wet your finger with saliva;

Do not play with the book, it spoils from this;

After you have looked and read the book, do not forget to put it back;

Store the book correctly in a specially designated place for it - in a bookcase or on a shelf, and not among toys;

- if you notice that the book is out of order (the cover is torn or peeled off, a page has fallen out), fix it yourself or with the help of an adult.

1. Through reading, the child's speech develops andhis vocabulary is increasing.The book teaches little man express your thoughts and understand what other people say.

2. Reading develops thinking.From books, a child learns abstract concepts and expands the horizons of his world. The book explains life to him and helps to see the connection of one phenomenon with another.

3. Working with the book stimulates creative imagination , allows fantasy to work and teaches children to think in images.

4. Reading develops cognitive interestsand broadens the horizons. From books and periodicals, the child learns about other countries and a different way of life, about nature, technology, history and everything that interests him.

5. Books help the childknow yourself.It is very important for self-esteem to know what other people think, feel and react in the same way as he does.

6. Books help children understand others. By reading books written by writers from other cultures and eras, and seeing that their thoughts and feelings are similar to ours, children understand them better and get rid of prejudices.

7. A good children's book can beread out loud to the child.The process of joint reading promotes spiritual communication between parents and children, the establishment of mutual understanding, intimacy, and trust. The book unites generations.

8. Books - parents' assistants in solving educational problems... They teach children ethics, make them think about good and evil, develop the ability to empathize, help them learn to enter into the situation of other people.

9. Books give strength and inspiration.They are captivating and entertaining. They make children and adults laugh and cry. They reduce loneliness, bring comfort, and indicate a way out of a difficult situation.

10. Reading is the most accessible and useful activity for the intellectual and emotional-mental development of a child. You can take the book with you wherever you go. It can be borrowed from the library for free and does not need an electrical outlet.



If parents are seriously concerned about the child's lack of interest in reading, they can use the advice of the American psychologist W. Williams. Here is some of them:

1. Enjoy reading for yourself and develop an attitude of children towards reading as a pleasure.

2. Let the children see you enjoy reading yourself: quote, laugh, memorize passages, share, etc.

3. Show that you value reading: buy books, donate them yourself, and receive them as gifts.

4. Let the children choose their own books and magazines (in the library, bookstore, etc.).

5. In a conspicuous place at home, hang a list that will reflect the child's progress in reading (how many books have been read and for how long).

6. Set aside a special reading space at home (nook with shelves, etc.).

7. The house should have a children's library.

8. Collect books on topics that will inspire children to read more about it (for example, books about dinosaurs or space travel).

9. Invite the children to read the book the movie is based on before or after watching the movie.

10. Take turns reading each other's stories, or funny stories... Entertain yourself instead of watching TV.

11. Encourage your child to be friends with children who love to read.

12. Solve crosswords with children and give them to them.

13. Encourage children to read aloud whenever possible to build their skill and confidence.

14. Ask your children more often about the books they are reading.

15. Encourage reading of any periodical material: even horoscopes, comics, TV series reviews - let the children read whatever they want!

17. Have the children read in bed every night before falling asleep.

By reading together, you open up an interesting and colorful experience for your child. literary world... And remember like this in a simple way you give your child a huge amount of happiness and love.

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