Shelters from weapons of mass destruction. Collective remedies

Yu. G. Afanasyev, A. G. Ovcharenko, L.I. Trutneva

Biysk Technological Institute (branch)

Barnaul 2003


Protecting the population and productive forces of the country from weapons mass destruction, and also when natural disasters, industrial accidents is the most important task of the Office of Affairs civil defense and emergency situations. To solve this problem, it is necessary to create various types of protective structures at economic facilities and in populated areas to shelter people. Protective structures can be built in advance and upon special instructions. As a rule, free-standing or built-in structures in the basement of the building are built in advance and are designed for a long service life. IN Peaceful time it is possible to use these structures for various economic purposes such as household premises, classrooms, garages, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of using protective structures for their intended purpose in the shortest possible time.

Currently, the effectiveness of protecting people from modern weapons depends not only on the readiness to receive people and the technical serviceability of protective structures equipped with sophisticated equipment, but also on the training of personnel to maintain protective structures. The maintenance personnel of protective structures must be able to make the right decision in various situations and perform all the tasks that arise.

Responsibilities for planning, organizing and providing shelter for people are assigned to the relevant services of shelters and civil defense shelters. They must develop basic planning documents, distribute protective structures between workshops, departments, and services of economic facilities, outline routes of approach to shelters or shelters, and become familiar with the procedure for sheltering everyone who will use them.

Before drawing up documents, the capacity and protective properties of structures are clarified. If there is a shortage, basements and other premises are identified that can be adapted for protective structures. Determine locations for the construction of prefabricated shelters. Protective structures are distributed according to population size, taking into account the possibility of their rapid filling with people from nearby houses. The main principle is the minimum time to approach protective structures.

To maintain protective structures at the site, formations are created. The personnel of these formations are responsible for preparing the structure for receiving people, organizing its filling, proper operation while people are in it, and for evacuating them from the shelter in the event of its failure.

1. Theoretical part

Civil defense protective structures are designed to protect people from modern weapons. They are divided into shelters, anti-radiation shelters and simple shelters.


1.1.1 Construction of shelters

Shelters provide the most reliable protection of people from shock waves, light radiation, penetrating radiation and radioactive contamination during nuclear explosions, from toxic substances and bacterial agents, as well as from high temperatures and harmful gases in fire zones.

Modern shelters are technically complex structures, equipped with a complex of various engineering systems and measuring instruments that must provide the required standard conditions for the life support of people during the estimated time.

Based on capacity, shelters can be divided into the following types: low-capacity shelters (15-600 people), medium-capacity shelters (600-2000 people), large-capacity shelters (over 2000 people).

Depending on the location, shelters can be built-in or free-standing. Built-in shelters include shelters located in the basement floors of buildings (Figure 1), and free-standing ones include those located outside buildings (Figure 2).

In addition, buried rooms (basements, tunnels), underground workings (mines, mines, etc.) can be adapted for shelters. The shelter (Figure 3) consists of a main room, a mother and child room, a medical station, airlock chambers (vestibules), a filter-ventilation chamber, a sanitary unit, and has two exits. Entrances are equipped with security-hermetic doors. The built-in shelter must also have an emergency exit. A room (gateway) is provided at one of the entrances, which ensures the preservation protective properties shelter when people are allowed into it after other entrances are closed. Security-hermetic doors are installed in the gateway openings.

Shelters use filter-ventilation units with electric or manual drive. With the help of such installations, the outside air is purified from radioactive, toxic substances and bacterial agents and supplied to the shelter.

The shelter is equipped with water supply, sewerage, heating and lighting systems, and a radio and telephone are installed. The main room should have benches for sitting and bunks for lying on. People in the compartments are accommodated in places for sitting 0.45 x 0.45 m per person and for lying on tiers of bunks measuring 0.55 x 1.8 m per person.

The capacity of the protective structure is determined based on the norm of 0.5 m2 in a compartment per person. The height of the room must be at least 2.2 m, the total air volume per person is 1.5 m3.

Each shelter must be equipped with a set of means for conducting reconnaissance in contaminated areas, equipment, including emergency equipment, and emergency lighting.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the serviceability of shelter equipment.

1 – protective-hermetic doors; 2 – airlock chambers; 3 – sanitary unit; 4 – room for people to rest; 5 – emergency exit; 6 – filter-ventilation chamber; 7 – first aid station; 8 – food pantry

Figure 3 - Built-in shelter plan

1.1.2 Bringing protective structures to readiness

All protective structures must be kept in constant readiness to receive people. In peacetime, shelters are used for the economic needs of the enterprise (warehouses, labor protection office, civil defense class, etc.).

When bringing protective structures into readiness, the following steps are carried out: preparatory work. First of all, the approaches to protective structures are cleared, signs are installed - signs and light signals “Entrance”. All entrances and exits are opened to ventilate the premises. All equipment and property stored in peacetime is removed from them. Engineering and technical equipment is being reactivated. The ventilation system, heating, water and energy supply, radio and communications, shut-off devices (taps, valves, switches, etc.) are checked.

Bunks and benches are installed, drinking tanks are filled with water, and food is stored with a three-day supply. The diesel power plant is replenished with a three-day supply of fuels and lubricants. At the same time, the serviceability of protective and hermetic devices (doors, shutters, gates) is checked, and shelters are replenished with the necessary equipment.

1.1.3 Procedure for filling shelters and staying in them

When the civil defense headquarters reports the appropriate danger signals, the population should move to the nearest shelter in an organized manner. You need to take with you: funds personal protection, documents for all family members (passports, military IDs, diplomas, birth certificates for children, etc.), money, jewelry, food supplies in the form of dry rations (for 2 - 3 days) and water (1.5 - 2 liters for each family member).

The filling of shelters is carried out in an organized, fast and without panic manner. Those being sheltered in the shelter are placed on benches and bunks. Those who arrive with children are placed in separate sections or in the mother and child room. The elderly and sick are placed closer to the air distribution ventilation pipes. This work is carried out by the unit for filling and placing sheltered people. After filling the shelter, by order of the group commander, the flight personnel close the protective-hermetic doors and emergency exit shutters.

Latecomers fill the shelter through a special airlock.

In protective structures, the premises are cleaned twice daily by the forces of those sheltered by order of the senior groups. Maintenance of equipment and cleaning of technical premises is carried out by the shelter maintenance team.

Those taking refuge in a shelter are obliged to:

Follow the internal regulations and all orders of the personnel of the shelter service level;

Maintain calm, prevent cases of panic and violations of public order;

Follow safety regulations;

Assist the maintenance team in emergency response and damage repair;

Maintain cleanliness in the premises.

Those sheltering in protective structures are prohibited from:

Smoking and drinking alcohol;

Bring (bring) pets into the building;

Bring flammable substances, explosive substances, substances with a strong or pungent odor, or bulky items;

Make noise, talk loudly, walk around unnecessarily, open doors and leave the building;

Use light sources with open fire.

Exit from shelters is carried out only with the permission of the commandant (senior) after clarification of the situation (radiation, chemical, biological and fire).

Organization and conduct of rescue operations in case of damage to shelters

To successfully carry out rescue operations in the source of nuclear damage, it is first necessary to make passages (passages) in the rubble. This work must be carried out as quickly as possible to ensure the timely entry of rescue teams to the littered or damaged shelters.

Before starting work on opening shelters, it is necessary, if possible, to turn off damaged water supply, gas pipelines, power supply networks, sewerage systems passing through or near the shelter, which can create additional danger for those taking refuge, as well as for personnel of non-military civil defense units conducting rescue operations. In case of malfunction of the ventilation equipment and lack of air supply, it is necessary to urgently make a hole in the wall of the shelter and organize the supply of air purified from harmful substances by compressors/

Depending on the nature of the destruction of the buildings under which the shelters are located, the following methods of opening them can be used: clearing debris from the main entrance; clearing littered emergency exit heads (hatches); making openings in the walls or ceilings of littered shelters; construction of openings in the walls of shelters from underground excavations.

Opening of shelters by clearing the blockage of the main entrance is carried out in the case when there are no emergency exits and when the nature of the destruction of buildings allows the use of this method. When clearing, the entrance is first cleared of heavy collapsed structures using truck cranes or manually, then from small debris and the doors are opened. Opening shelters by clearing debris from the head of an emergency exit is used in those shelters where there are emergency exits (Figure 5). Clearing work can be carried out using engineering equipment or manually. When working manually, it is enough to clear the exit hole in the head from the blockage or clear the hatch through which those taking refuge can escape.

In some cases, the evacuation of those being sheltered can be carried out through a punched hole in the ceiling of the shelter.

Depending on the current situation, other methods can be used to rescue people from blocked shelters. For example, the removal of people through adjacent basements after making an opening in the wall of the shelter adjacent to these rooms.

The task of the rescue formation commander is to choose the most appropriate method of opening a littered shelter. At the same time, in the event of a shelter being blocked or damaged, without waiting for outside help, work should be organized to ensure a way out of the shelter, with the involvement of people in it who are able to work.

Evacuation from the shelter is carried out by rescue teams in the following sequence: first, those who cannot get out on their own and children are brought to the surface. Particular attention is paid to children during evacuation. Then the rest are evacuated. If necessary, the victim is the first health care on the spot.

Evacuation of those sheltering from a destroyed or littered shelter, if necessary, is carried out in personal protective equipment.

1.2 Anti-radiation shelters

Radiation shelters protect people from radioactive contamination and light radiation and reduce the impact of the shock wave of a nuclear explosion and penetrating radiation. They are usually equipped in the basement or ground floors of buildings and structures.

It should be remembered that different buildings and structures attenuate penetrating radiation in different ways: the premises of the first floor of wooden buildings weaken penetrating radiation by 2 - 3 times; premises of the first floor of stone buildings - 10 times; premises of the upper floors (except for the very top) of multi-storey buildings - 50 times; the middle part of the basement of a multi-story stone building - 500 - 1000 times. The most suitable for anti-radiation shelters are the interiors of stone buildings with solid walls and a small area of ​​openings. If there is a threat of radioactive contamination, these openings are sealed with available materials: bags of soil, bricks, etc.

If necessary, separate anti-radiation shelters are constructed.

1.3 The simplest shelters

The most accessible means of protection against modern weapons are the simplest shelters. They weaken the effects of shock waves and radioactive radiation, protect against light radiation and debris from collapsing buildings, and protect against direct contact with clothing and skin of radioactive, toxic and incendiary substances.

The simplest shelter is an open gap (Figure 9), which is opened with a depth of 180 - 200 cm, a width of 100 - 120 cm at the top, and 80 cm at the bottom with an entrance at an angle of 900 to its longitudinal axis. The length of the gap is determined at the rate of 0.5 m per person being covered.

Subsequently, the protective properties of the open gap are enhanced by installing steep layers, covering with soil filling and a protective door. This type of shelter is called a covered gap.

In order to weaken the damaging effect of the shock wave on those taking cover, the gap is made zigzag or broken. The length of the straight section should be no more than 15 meters. It must be remembered, however, that the cracks, even if blocked, do not provide protection against toxic substances and bacterial agents.

When using them, if necessary, you should use personal protective equipment: in closed gaps - usually respiratory protection, in open gaps, in addition, skin protection.

The location for the construction of the gap should be chosen mainly in areas without hard soils and coatings. In cities, it is best to build gaps in squares, boulevards and large courtyards, in rural areas - in gardens, vegetable gardens, vacant lots. You cannot build cracks near explosive workshops and warehouses, tanks with highly toxic substances, near high-voltage electrical lines, main gas, heat and water pipelines.

Figure 10 - Covered gap

When choosing a location for a gap, one must also take into account the influence of topography and precipitation on the nature of possible radioactive contamination of the area. Sites for them should be selected in areas not flooded by groundwater, flood and storm water, in places with stable soil (preventing landslides). The distance between adjacent slots must be at least 10 meters.

The construction of the gap should begin with laying out and tracing it - indicating the plan of the gap at the selected location. At the boundaries of the future crack and at the places where it breaks, stakes are driven in, tracing cords are pulled between the stakes, along which grooves are torn off with shovels. The layout of the gap should be made in such a way that surface water flows freely to the sides without falling into the gap. When digging a gap, the soil is thrown out on both sides, at a distance of no closer than 50 centimeters from the edges. This will make it possible to subsequently lay the gap covering elements on solid, stable ground.

At one of the walls, cracks at a depth of 130 - 150 centimeters make a seat 85 centimeters wide. It is advisable to cover the seat with boards (boards). Cracks in the walls create niches (recesses) for storing food and water supplies. It is advisable to make the floor in the gap plank, but you can also limit yourself to earthen.

It is advisable to make the entrances to the gap 2 - 2.5 meters long, stepped, located at right angles to the gap.

To enhance the protection of people in the closed gap from the shock wave and to prevent the penetration of radioactive substances into it, the entrances to it should be equipped with doors or covered with attached shields.

To protect against fire, all open wooden parts of the cracks are covered with fire retardant compounds (lime coating - 62% slaked lime, 32% water and 6% table salt).

Covered gaps must be ventilated. To do this, install an exhaust duct in the crack on the opposite side of the entrance.

The box should be brought out to a height of 150 - 200 centimeters. There should be means of lighting in the blocked gap.

Work on the construction of cracks should be carried out at an accelerated pace in order to provide them to the entire population in need of protection within the shortest possible time after the danger of an enemy attack appears.

1. 4 Protective properties of the area

The protective properties of the area depend on the topography, the shape of local objects and their location relative to the explosion.

The best protection is provided by narrow, deep and winding ravines, quarries and especially underground workings. Hills with steep slopes, embankments, pits, low stone fences and other shelters of this type are also good protection from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. Small recesses, hollows, and ditches have some protective properties.

Forests weaken the effect of all damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. They reduce the impact of the shock wave and penetrating radiation; reduce radioactive contamination; weaken the effects of light radiation. However, it should be remembered that light radiation causes a fire in the forest. Young deciduous forests are least susceptible to fire; it should be used primarily for protection purposes. Since a strong shock wave breaks and destroys trees, it is best to be located in clearings, clearings and clearings covered with bushes.

If at the time of a nuclear explosion you find yourself outside a shelter or shelter, you must quickly lie down on the ground face down, using low stone fences, ditches, ditches, pits, stumps, highway and railway embankments for protection (Figure 11). You cannot take cover near the walls of buildings and structures - they may collapse.

During a flash, you should close your eyes - this can protect them from damage by light radiation. To avoid burns, exposed areas of the body must be covered with some kind of cloth. When the shock wave passes, you need to stand up and put on personal protective equipment. If they are not there, you should cover your mouth and nose with any bandage (handkerchief, scarf, etc.) and shake off dust from your clothes.

2. Practical work

Subject: Collective means protection

Goal of the work:

Study the structure, protective properties of shelters, anti-radiation shelters, shelters of the simplest type and the rules of behavior in them;

Work out standards No. 1 and No. 2;

Material support:

Equipped shelter;

Personal protective equipment (GP-5 gas masks);


Completing of the work:

Study the structure of shelters, the procedure for filling and staying in them (clause 1.1.1, clause 1.1.3);

Master the skills of carrying out rescue operations when shelters are damaged (clause 1.1.4);

Study the device, purpose and rules of conduct in

anti-radiation shelters (clause 1.2);

Study the structure, purpose and rules for using shelters of the simplest type (1.3);

Study and master the protective properties of the area (clause 1.4);

Development of standards No. 1 and No. 2 (Tables 2.1, 2.2).

3. Test questions

What collective protection means do you know?

Give a classification of shelters by capacity.

What types of shelters are there by location?

Explain the structure of the shelter.

What are the seating standards for one person?

What are the seating standards for lying on tiers per person?

For what purposes are shelters used in peacetime?

List the procedure for bringing protective structures into readiness.

What should you take with you when going to a shelter?

How do latecomers get to the shelter?

Name the main responsibilities of those sheltering in a shelter.

What is it prohibited for those taking refuge in a shelter to do?

What is the procedure for carrying out rescue operations when a shelter with sheltered people is damaged?

Name the main methods of opening affected shelters.

How is the evacuation of shelters carried out?

What is the purpose of anti-radiation shelters?

What rooms are suitable for radiation shelters?

Explain the design of free-standing radiation shelters.

Name the simplest type of shelter.

When staying in simple shelters, do you need to use personal protective equipment?

How will you choose a place to build simple shelters?

Explain the structure of open and closed type slots?

How to use the protective properties of the area from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion?


1. Life safety / Ed. S.V. Belova. – M.: Higher. school, 1999. – 448 p.

2. Atamanyuk V.G. and others. Civil defense: Textbook for universities. - M.: Higher. school, 1986. - 207 p.

3. Rudenko A.P. and others. Educational and methodological manual for conducting classes on civil defense with the population not employed in the production sector. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1988. - 192 p.

4. Civil defense / Ed. E. P. Shubina. - M.: Education, 1991. - 223 p.

5. Semenov S.N. and others. Conducting classes in civil defense: Methodological manual. - M.: Higher school, 1990. - 96 p.

6. Rusak O.N. , Malayan K.R. , Zanko N.G. Life safety: Tutorial for universities. – St. Petersburg: Lan, 2000. – 448 p.

7. Kukin P.P., Lapin V.L. and others. Life safety: Textbook for universities. – M.: graduate School, 2002. - 319 p.

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Yu. G. Afanasyev, A. G. Ovcharenko, L.I. Trutneva

Biysk Technological Institute (branch)

Barnaul 2003


Protecting the population and productive forces of the country from weapons of mass destruction, as well as during natural disasters and industrial accidents, is the most important task of the Office of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations. To solve this problem, it is necessary to create various types of protective structures at economic facilities and in populated areas to shelter people. Protective structures can be built in advance and upon special instructions. As a rule, free-standing or built-in structures in the basement of the building are built in advance and are designed for a long service life. In peacetime, it is possible to use these structures for various economic purposes such as household premises, classrooms, garages, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of using protective structures for their intended purpose in the shortest possible time.

Currently, the effectiveness of protecting people from modern weapons depends not only on the readiness to receive people and the technical serviceability of protective structures equipped with sophisticated equipment, but also on the training of personnel to maintain protective structures. The maintenance personnel of protective structures must be able to make the right decision in various situations and perform all the tasks that arise.

Responsibilities for planning, organizing and providing shelter for people are assigned to the relevant services of shelters and civil defense shelters. They must develop basic planning documents, distribute protective structures between workshops, departments, and services of economic facilities, outline routes of approach to shelters or shelters, and become familiar with the procedure for sheltering everyone who will use them.

Before drawing up documents, the capacity and protective properties of structures are clarified. If there is a shortage, basements and other premises are identified that can be adapted for protective structures. Determine locations for the construction of prefabricated shelters. Protective structures are distributed according to population size, taking into account the possibility of their rapid filling with people from nearby houses. The main principle is the minimum time to approach protective structures.

To maintain protective structures at the site, formations are created. The personnel of these formations are responsible for preparing the structure for receiving people, organizing its filling, proper operation while people are in it, and for evacuating them from the shelter in the event of its failure.

1. Theoretical part

Civil defense protective structures are designed to protect people from modern weapons. They are divided into shelters, anti-radiation shelters and simple shelters.


1.1.1 Construction of shelters

Shelters provide the most reliable protection of people from shock waves, light radiation, penetrating radiation and radioactive contamination during nuclear explosions, from toxic substances and bacterial agents, as well as from high temperatures and harmful gases in fire zones.

Modern shelters are technically complex structures, equipped with a complex of various engineering systems and measuring instruments that must provide the required standard conditions for the life support of people during the estimated time.

Based on capacity, shelters can be divided into the following types: low-capacity shelters (15-600 people), medium-capacity shelters (600-2000 people), large-capacity shelters (over 2000 people).

Depending on the location, shelters can be built-in or free-standing. Built-in shelters include shelters located in the basement floors of buildings (Figure 1), and free-standing ones include those located outside buildings (Figure 2).

In addition, buried rooms (basements, tunnels), underground workings (mines, mines, etc.) can be adapted for shelters. The shelter (Figure 3) consists of a main room, a mother and child room, a medical station, airlock chambers (vestibules), a filter-ventilation chamber, a sanitary unit, and has two exits. Entrances are equipped with security-hermetic doors. The built-in shelter must also have an emergency exit. A room (gateway) is provided at one of the entrances, which ensures that the protective properties of the shelter are maintained when people are allowed into it after the other entrances are closed. Security-hermetic doors are installed in the gateway openings.

Shelters use filter-ventilation units with electric or manual drive. With the help of such installations, the outside air is purified from radioactive, toxic substances and bacterial agents and supplied to the shelter.

The shelter is equipped with water supply, sewerage, heating and lighting systems, and a radio and telephone are installed. The main room should have benches for sitting and bunks for lying on. People in the compartments are accommodated in places for sitting 0.45 x 0.45 m per person and for lying on tiers of bunks measuring 0.55 x 1.8 m per person.

The capacity of the protective structure is determined based on the norm of 0.5 m2 in a compartment per person. The height of the room must be at least 2.2 m, the total air volume per person is 1.5 m3.

Each shelter must be equipped with a set of means for conducting reconnaissance in contaminated areas, equipment, including emergency equipment, and emergency lighting.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the serviceability of shelter equipment.

1 – protective-hermetic doors; 2 – airlock chambers; 3 – sanitary unit; 4 – room for people to rest; 5 – emergency exit; 6 – filter-ventilation chamber; 7 – first aid station; 8 – food pantry

Figure 3 - Built-in shelter plan

1.1.2 Bringing protective structures to readiness

All protective structures must be kept in constant readiness to receive people. In peacetime, shelters are used for the economic needs of the enterprise (warehouses, labor protection office, civil defense class, etc.).

When bringing protective structures into readiness, preparatory work is carried out. First of all, the approaches to protective structures are cleared, signs are installed - signs and light signals “Entrance”. All entrances and exits are opened to ventilate the premises. All equipment and property stored in peacetime is removed from them. Engineering and technical equipment is being reactivated. The ventilation system, heating, water and energy supply, radio and communications, shut-off devices (taps, valves, switches, etc.) are checked.

Bunks and benches are installed, drinking tanks are filled with water, and food is stored with a three-day supply. The diesel power plant is replenished with a three-day supply of fuels and lubricants. At the same time, the serviceability of protective and hermetic devices (doors, shutters, gates) is checked, and shelters are replenished with the necessary equipment.

1.1.3 Procedure for filling shelters and staying in them

When the civil defense headquarters reports the appropriate danger signals, the population should move to the nearest shelter in an organized manner. You need to take with you: personal protective equipment, documents for all family members (passports, military IDs, diplomas, birth certificates for children, etc.), money, jewelry, food supplies in the form of dry rations (for 2 - 3 days) and water (1.5 - 2 liters for each family member).

The filling of shelters is carried out in an organized, fast and without panic manner. Those being sheltered in the shelter are placed on benches and bunks. Those who arrive with children are placed in separate sections or in the mother and child room. The elderly and sick are placed closer to the air distribution ventilation pipes. This work is carried out by the unit for filling and placing sheltered people. After filling the shelter, by order of the group commander, the flight personnel close the protective-hermetic doors and emergency exit shutters.

Latecomers fill the shelter through a special airlock.

In protective structures, the premises are cleaned twice daily by the forces of those sheltered by order of the senior groups. Maintenance of equipment and cleaning of technical premises is carried out by the shelter maintenance team.

Those taking refuge in a shelter are obliged to:

Follow the internal regulations and all orders of the personnel of the shelter service level;

Maintain calm, prevent cases of panic and violations of public order;

Follow safety regulations;

Assist the maintenance team in emergency response and damage repair;

Maintain cleanliness in the premises.

Those sheltering in protective structures are prohibited from:

Smoking and drinking alcohol;

Bring (bring) pets into the building;

Bring flammable substances, explosive substances, substances with a strong or pungent odor, or bulky items;

Make noise, talk loudly, walk around unnecessarily, open doors and leave the building;

Use light sources with open fire.

Exit from shelters is carried out only with the permission of the commandant (senior) after clarification of the situation (radiation, chemical, biological and fire).

Organization and conduct of rescue operations in case of damage to shelters

To successfully carry out rescue operations in the source of nuclear damage, it is first necessary to make passages (passages) in the rubble. This work must be carried out as quickly as possible to ensure the timely entry of rescue teams to the littered or damaged shelters.

Before starting work on opening shelters, it is necessary, if possible, to turn off damaged water supply, gas pipelines, power supply networks, sewerage systems passing through or near the shelter, which can create additional danger for those taking refuge, as well as for personnel of non-military civil defense units conducting rescue operations. In case of malfunction of the ventilation equipment and lack of air supply, it is necessary to urgently make a hole in the wall of the shelter and organize the supply of air purified from harmful substances by compressors/

Depending on the nature of the destruction of the buildings under which the shelters are located, the following methods of opening them can be used: clearing debris from the main entrance; clearing littered emergency exit heads (hatches); making openings in the walls or ceilings of littered shelters; construction of openings in the walls of shelters from underground excavations.

Opening of shelters by clearing the blockage of the main entrance is carried out in the case when there are no emergency exits and when the nature of the destruction of buildings allows the use of this method. When clearing, the entrance is first cleared of heavy collapsed structures using truck cranes or manually, then from small debris and the doors are opened. Opening shelters by clearing debris from the head of an emergency exit is used in those shelters where there are emergency exits (Figure 5). Clearing work can be carried out using engineering equipment or manually. When working manually, it is enough to clear the exit hole in the head from the blockage or clear the hatch through which those taking refuge can escape.

In some cases, the evacuation of those being sheltered can be carried out through a punched hole in the ceiling of the shelter.

Depending on the current situation, other methods can be used to rescue people from blocked shelters. For example, the removal of people through adjacent basements after making an opening in the wall of the shelter adjacent to these rooms.

The task of the rescue formation commander is to choose the most appropriate method of opening a littered shelter. At the same time, in the event of a shelter being blocked or damaged, without waiting for outside help, work should be organized to ensure a way out of the shelter, with the involvement of people in it who are able to work.

Evacuation from the shelter is carried out by rescue teams in the following sequence: first, those who cannot get out on their own and children are brought to the surface. Particular attention is paid to children during evacuation. Then the rest are evacuated. If necessary, victims are provided with first aid on the spot.

Evacuation of those sheltering from a destroyed or littered shelter, if necessary, is carried out in personal protective equipment.

1.2 Anti-radiation shelters

Radiation shelters protect people from radioactive contamination and light radiation and reduce the impact of the shock wave of a nuclear explosion and penetrating radiation. They are usually equipped in the basement or ground floors of buildings and structures.

It should be remembered that different buildings and structures attenuate penetrating radiation in different ways: the premises of the first floor of wooden buildings weaken penetrating radiation by 2 - 3 times; premises of the first floor of stone buildings - 10 times; premises of the upper floors (except for the very top) of multi-storey buildings - 50 times; the middle part of the basement of a multi-story stone building - 500 - 1000 times. The most suitable for anti-radiation shelters are the interiors of stone buildings with solid walls and a small area of ​​openings. If there is a threat of radioactive contamination, these openings are sealed with available materials: bags of soil, bricks, etc.

If necessary, separate anti-radiation shelters are constructed.

1.3 The simplest shelters

The most accessible means of protection against modern weapons are the simplest shelters. They weaken the effects of shock waves and radioactive radiation, protect against light radiation and debris from collapsing buildings, and protect against direct contact with clothing and skin of radioactive, toxic and incendiary substances.

The simplest shelter is an open gap (Figure 9), which is opened with a depth of 180 - 200 cm, a width of 100 - 120 cm at the top, and 80 cm at the bottom with an entrance at an angle of 900 to its longitudinal axis. The length of the gap is determined at the rate of 0.5 m per person being covered.

Subsequently, the protective properties of the open gap are enhanced by installing steep layers, covering with soil filling and a protective door. This type of shelter is called a covered gap.

In order to weaken the damaging effect of the shock wave on those taking cover, the gap is made zigzag or broken. The length of the straight section should be no more than 15 meters. It must be remembered, however, that the cracks, even if blocked, do not provide protection against toxic substances and bacterial agents.

When using them, if necessary, you should use personal protective equipment: in closed gaps - usually respiratory protection, in open gaps, in addition, skin protection.

The location for the construction of the gap should be chosen mainly in areas without hard soils and coatings. In cities, it is best to build gaps in squares, boulevards and large courtyards, in rural areas - in gardens, vegetable gardens, vacant lots. You cannot build cracks near explosive workshops and warehouses, tanks with highly toxic substances, near high-voltage electrical lines, main gas, heat and water pipelines.

Figure 10 - Covered gap

When choosing a location for a gap, one must also take into account the influence of topography and precipitation on the nature of possible radioactive contamination of the area. Sites for them should be selected in areas not flooded by groundwater, flood and storm water, in places with stable soil (preventing landslides). The distance between adjacent slots must be at least 10 meters.

The construction of the gap should begin with laying out and tracing it - indicating the plan of the gap at the selected location. At the boundaries of the future crack and at the places where it breaks, stakes are driven in, tracing cords are pulled between the stakes, along which grooves are torn off with shovels. The layout of the gap should be made in such a way that surface water flows freely to the sides without falling into the gap. When digging a gap, the soil is thrown out on both sides, at a distance of no closer than 50 centimeters from the edges. This will make it possible to subsequently lay the gap covering elements on solid, stable ground.

At one of the walls, cracks at a depth of 130 - 150 centimeters make a seat 85 centimeters wide. It is advisable to cover the seat with boards (boards). Cracks in the walls create niches (recesses) for storing food and water supplies. It is advisable to make the floor in the gap plank, but you can also limit yourself to earthen.

It is advisable to make the entrances to the gap 2 - 2.5 meters long, stepped, located at right angles to the gap.

To enhance the protection of people in the closed gap from the shock wave and to prevent the penetration of radioactive substances into it, the entrances to it should be equipped with doors or covered with attached shields.

To protect against fire, all open wooden parts of the cracks are covered with fire retardant compounds (lime coating - 62% slaked lime, 32% water and 6% table salt).

Covered gaps must be ventilated. To do this, install an exhaust duct in the crack on the opposite side of the entrance.

The box should be brought out to a height of 150 - 200 centimeters. There should be means of lighting in the blocked gap.

Work on the construction of cracks should be carried out at an accelerated pace in order to provide them to the entire population in need of protection within the shortest possible time after the danger of an enemy attack appears.

1. 4 Protective properties of the area


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The environment is always characterized by the presence of certain dangerous and harmful factors to human health. They surround a person always and everywhere: at work and at home, during work and rest, in summer and winter. Therefore, in a situation where a threat to human life and health arises, everything will depend on the level of theoretical knowledge and practical training of the latter.

Life safety is the science of preserving health and ensuring human safety in the living environment. This is achieved by identifying and identifying dangerous and harmful factors, developing methods and means of protecting people from their influence in everyday life and production conditions, methods and means of protecting people in emergency situations, as well as measures to eliminate the consequences of such situations.

Protection of the population in emergency situations (ES) is a set of activities interconnected in time, resources and location, aimed at preventing or minimizing losses of the population and threats to their life and health from the damaging factors of an emergency.

Protecting the population from emergencies is the most important task of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations (RSChS). Citizens Russian Federation have the right to protection of life and health, personal property; use of available collective and individual protective equipment; information about possible risks and necessary safety measures in an emergency.

The main ways to protect the population from emergencies include: timely notification, shelter in protective structures, the use of personal protective equipment, including medical equipment, and evacuation of the population.

This paper examines the issue of means of collective protection of the population.

1. Means of collective protection of the population

In cases where evacuation is impossible or impractical during an emergency, sheltering the population in protective structures is used.

Collective protection means (CPF) are protective engineering structures of civil defense. They are the most reliable means of protecting the population from weapons of mass destruction and other modern means of attack. Protective structures are classified: by purpose, location, time of construction, protective properties, capacity. Depending on their location, protective structures are divided into three groups:

free-standing (located outside buildings);

built-in (located in the basement and ground floors of buildings; they are widespread, their construction is more economically feasible);

equipped in mine workings.

Depending on the time of construction, protective structures are distinguished:

pre-built (capital structures made of durable fireproof materials);

pre-fabricated (constructed in a short period of time when there is a threat of emergency using improvised materials).

By capacity, protective structures are classified as follows: small (up to 150 people); medium (150-600 people); large (more than 600 people). When designing protective structures, 0.4-0.5 m2 is provided for sheltering one person; for organizing a control point - at least 2 m2, for a first-aid post - at least 9 m2.-

According to their purpose, protective structures of general purpose are distinguished (to protect the population in cities and rural areas) and special purposes (for the placement of controls, warning and communication systems, medical institutions).

There are certain requirements for the protective properties of shelters:

shelters must provide reliable protection from all damaging factors of emergency situations (construction, operation);

enclosing structures must have the necessary thermal resistance to protect against high temperatures;

shelters must be adequately equipped for people to stay in them for two days;

PRUs must provide the calculated attenuation factor for ionizing radiation;

PRUs must be provided with sanitary facilities for long-term stay of people in them;

The simplest shelters are chosen in such a way that they can protect people from light radiation, penetrating radiation and the action of a shock wave.

Protective structures, depending on their protective properties, are divided into shelters (U) and anti-radiation shelters (PRU), as well as simple shelters (PU).

Protective structures↓↓↓ShelterAnti-radiation shelterThe simplest shelters↓by degree of protectionby coefficient. weakening open overlapped I class - 5 kg/cm2I gr. - more than 200 times II class - 3 kg/cm2 II g - from 100 to 200 times III class - 2 kg/cm2 III g - from 50 to 100 times IV class - 1 kg/cm2 V class - 0.5 kg/cm2 for the purpose of public buildings special structures for air purification capabilities unventilated ventilated shelters with air regeneration according to design features of pit type underground shelters according to construction time stationary pre-fabricated

Shelters are special hermetic protective structures designed to protect people from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion, toxic substances, bacterial (biological) agents, as well as from high temperatures and harmful gases generated during fires.

People sheltering in them do not use personal protective equipment for their skin and respiratory system.

Shelters are classified according to their protective properties, capacity, location, provision of filtering and ventilation equipment, and time of construction.

Shelters should be located within the gathering radius and the areas of greatest concentration of sheltered personnel (population). The collection radius of those sheltering in shelters should be taken when developing the territory with low-rise buildings - 500 m, and with high-rise buildings - 400 m.

The time it takes to fill shelters should not exceed 15 minutes. In cases where groups of people being sheltered find themselves outside the collection radius, provision should be made for their shelter in a nearby shelter that has airlock vestibules at the entrance. The filling period should not exceed 30 minutes.

The shelter consists of main and auxiliary premises. In the main room, intended to accommodate those being sheltered, two- or three-tier bunks are equipped - benches for sitting and shelves for lying on. The auxiliary premises of the shelter are a sanitary unit, a filter-ventilation chamber, and in large-capacity buildings - a medical room, a food pantry, rooms for providing water from an artesian well and a diesel power plant.

As a rule, at least two entrances (exits) are installed in a shelter; in low-capacity shelters - entrance (exit) and emergency exit. In built-in shelters, entrances can be made from stairwells or directly from the street. The emergency exit is equipped in the form of an underground gallery ending in a shaft with a head or hatch in a non-collapsible area. The outer door is made protective and hermetic, the inner door is made hermetic. Between them there is a vestibule.

In shelters with a large capacity (more than 300 people), a vestibule-gate is equipped at one of the entrances, which is closed on the outside and inside with protective-hermetic doors, which makes it possible to exit the shelter without violating the protective properties of the entrance.

The air supply system, as a rule, operates in two modes: clean ventilation (cleaning the air of dust) and filter ventilation. In shelters of the highest category and located in fire-hazardous areas, a full autonomy mode with air regeneration inside the shelter may be additionally provided. The power supply, heating and sewerage systems of the shelters are connected to the corresponding external networks. In case of damage, the shelter has portable tanks for storing emergency water supplies, as well as containers for collecting sewage. The shelters are heated from the general heating network. In the premises of the shelter there are sets of means for conducting reconnaissance, protective clothing, special clothing, fire extinguishing equipment, emergency supply of tools.

Anti-radiation shelters provide protection for people from ionizing radiation in the event of radiation contamination of the area. In addition, they protect from light radiation, penetrating radiation (including from a neutron flux) and partially from a shock wave, as well as from contact of radioactive, toxic substances and bacterial (biological) agents on the skin and clothing of people. They are most often installed in the basement floors of buildings and other structures. In some cases, free-standing, prefabricated anti-radiation shelters can be built, for which industrial (prefabricated reinforced concrete elements, bricks, rolled products) or local (timber, stones, etc.) building materials are used.

All buried premises suitable for this purpose are adapted for anti-radiation shelters: basements, cellars, vegetable stores, underground mines and caves, as well as premises in above-ground buildings with walls made of materials that have the necessary protective properties.

To increase the protective properties of the room, window and additional doorways are sealed, a layer of soil is poured onto the ceilings and, if necessary, soil bedding is made outside near the walls protruding above the surface of the ground. Sealing of premises is achieved by: careful sealing of cracks, crevices and holes in the walls and ceiling, at the junction of window and door openings, entry of heating and water pipes, fitting doors and upholstering them with felt, sealing the narthex with a felt roller or other soft thick fabric.

Shelters with a capacity of up to 30 people are ventilated naturally through supply and exhaust ducts. Visors are made on the outer terminals of the ventilation ducts, and tightly fitting dampers are made on the inputs, which are closed during the threat of radioactive fallout. The internal equipment of the shelters is similar to that of the shelter.

In rooms adapted for shelters that are not equipped with running water and sewerage, water tanks are installed at the rate of 3-4 liters per person per day, a toilet with a portable container or a cesspool. In addition, benches, racks or chests for food are installed in the shelter. Lighting is provided from an external power supply or portable electric lanterns.

Retrofitting the basement floors and interiors of buildings increases their protective properties by several tens or even hundreds of times. Thus, the protection coefficient of equipped basements of wooden houses increases to approximately 100, of stone houses - to 1000. Unequipped cellars attenuate radiation by 7-12 times, and equipped ones - by 350-400 times.

Shelters of the simplest type. The simplest shelters include cracks, open and covered. The cracks are built by the population themselves using available materials.

The simplest shelters have fairly reliable protective properties. Thus, an open slot reduces the probability of damage by a shock wave, light radiation and penetrating radiation by 1.2-2 times, and increases protection from radiation in the radiation contamination zone by 2-3 times. The blocked gap completely protects from light radiation, reduces the impact of a shock wave by 2.5-3 times, and penetrating radiation and radioactive radiation by 200-300 times. It also protects against direct contact with clothing and skin of radioactive toxic substances and biological agents.

The location for the construction of cracks is chosen in non-fillable areas, that is, the distance to the crack from ground buildings should be 15-20 m greater than their height, in an area not flooded by melt and rainwater. The gap is initially arranged open. It is a zigzag trench in the form of several straight sections no more than 15 m long. Depth - 1.8-2 m, width at the top - 1.1-1.2 m, at the bottom up to 0.8 m. The length of the gap is determined from calculation 0.5-0.6 m per person. The usual capacity of the slot is 10-15 people, the largest is 50 people.

The construction of the gap begins with the layout and tracing (marking) of its plan on the ground. First, draw a base line and mark the total length of the slot on it. Then, to the left and to the right, half the dimensions of the width of the gap are set aside at the top. Pegs are driven in at the fracture points, tracing cords are pulled between them and grooves 5-7 cm deep are torn out.

The passage does not begin across the entire width, but slightly retreating inward from the tracing line. As you deepen, gradually trim the slopes of the crack and bring it to the required size. Subsequently, the walls of the crack are reinforced with boards, poles, reeds or other available materials. Then the gap is covered with logs, sleepers or small reinforced concrete slabs, and a layer of waterproofing is placed on top using roofing felt, roofing felt, vinyl chloride film, or a layer of clay is laid, and then a layer of soil 50-60 cm thick.

The entrance is made on one or both sides at a right angle to the gap and is equipped with a sealed door and a vestibule, separating the place for those being sheltered with a curtain made of thick fabric. For ventilation, supply and exhaust ducts (or one exhaust duct) are installed. A drainage ditch is dug along the floor with a drainage well located at the entrance to the gap.

2. Use of collective protective equipment

shelter anti-radiation lighting sheltered

Every citizen must know the location of shelters and other shelters that are located within a radius of 500 m from their place of residence or work.

The population takes shelter in protective structures upon signals (commands) from civil defense and emergency response agencies, as well as independently - in the event of an immediate threat (chemical, radiation damage).

The shelter (shelter) needs to be filled as quickly as possible, so everyone must know the location of the assigned structure and the route to it.

Routes to protective structures are selected based on the minimum possible time of approach to them from the place of work or place of residence of those being sheltered. Routes are indicated by signs in places where good visibility is ensured during the day and at night (at night, the signs are illuminated taking into account the requirements for blackout).

The filling of civil defense protective structures is carried out according to civil defense signals.

To ensure the readiness of protective structures for use in emergencies, they are serviced by personnel of 5-20 people, depending on the capacity of the shelter. If the shelter is used for domestic needs, then twice a year its equipment is reactivated, checked for operability, and the shelter is checked for leaks.

If there is a threat of emergency, 12 hours are given to prepare such a shelter. During this time, the shelter is cleared of property and equipment, bunks are installed, equipment that ensures the vital functions of the sheltered people is checked for functionality, collective first aid kits are replenished, tanks are filled with water, a radio point and telephone are connected, and fire-fighting shields are equipped with tools.

All entrances are opened to fill the shelter with people.

IN war time Food for 3 days is placed in the shelter; in peacetime, they are taken with them. People must come to the shelter (shelter) with personal respiratory protection equipment, food and personal documents. You cannot bring bulky items, strong-smelling or flammable substances, or bring pets.

IN protective structure It is prohibited to walk unnecessarily, make noise, smoke, go outside without the permission of the commandant (senior), independently turn on and off electric lighting, engineering units, open protective-hermetic doors, and also light kerosene lamps, candles, lanterns.

Emergency lighting sources are used only with the permission of the shelter commandant for a limited time in case of emergency. Those being sheltered must strictly follow all orders of the shelter (shelter) management team, comply with internal regulations, and provide all possible assistance to the sick, disabled, women and children.

In accordance with safety regulations, it is prohibited to touch electrical equipment, compressed air and oxygen cylinders, or enter premises where The diesel power plant and filter-ventilation unit were updated. However, if necessary, the commandant or flight commander can attract sheltered people to help troubleshoot engineering equipment and maintain cleanliness and order in the premises.

The population sheltering in civil defense protective structures at their place of residence is recommended to have the necessary supply of food with them (for 2 days).

Those sheltered in civil defense protective structures are placed in groups according to production or territorial characteristics (workshop, site, team, house). Group placement locations are indicated by signs (signs). Each group is assigned a leader. Those being sheltered with children (under 10 years old) are accommodated in separate rooms or in places specially designated for them.

Those being sheltered are placed on bunks. When equipping protective structures of civil defense with two-tier or three-tier bunks, the order of use of places for lying is established. In the premises for those being sheltered, the premises are cleaned twice daily by those being sheltered by order of the senior groups. Particular attention is paid to the treatment of sanitary facilities, containers with household garbage and food waste with a disinfectant solution and compliance by those being sheltered with the rules of personal hygiene.

Personnel maintaining the shelter must ensure control of the air environment in the shelter. Before filling the shelter with people, it must be ventilated, and after filling with people, especially when the shelter is overcrowded, it must maintain the required amount of oxygen 17% and carbon dioxide no more than 30 mg/m3, and the temperature must be within 10-310C.

Staying in a shelter crowded with people should be short-lived, since due to increased humidity and carbon dioxide content, health may deteriorate, especially for people with cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, shelter medical staff must be ready to provide medical assistance.

Notification of those taking refuge about the situation outside the civil defense protective structure and about incoming signals and commands is carried out by the commander of the group (unit) servicing the protective structure or directly by the management body for civil defense and emergency situations (district, city, republic).

Collective means of protecting the population from hazardous factors in emergencies.

One of the most reliable ways to protect the population from exposure to hazardous chemicals during chemical accidents dangerous objects and from radioactive substances in the event of malfunctions at nuclear power plants, during natural disasters: storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, snow drifts and, of course, in the case of the use of conventional weapons and modern means of mass destruction - this is shelter in protective structures.

Depending on their protective properties, these structures are divided into shelters, anti-radiation shelters(PRU), prefabricated shelters(BVU) and simple shelters.


Shelters- these are structures that provide protection to people from the damaging factors of emergency situations. They are placed as close as possible to people’s places of work or residence.

The shelter protects a person from the debris of collapsing buildings, from penetrating radiation and radioactive dust, from the ingress of potent toxic and toxic substances, bacterial agents, elevated temperatures during fires, carbon monoxide, from collapses, debris of destroyed buildings and other dangerous emissions in emergency situations. For this purpose, shelters are sealed and equipped with filtering and ventilation equipment. It purifies the outside air, distributes it among the compartments and creates excess pressure (pressure) in the rooms, which prevents the penetration of contaminated air through various cracks and leaks.

Shelters are classified: by location (built-in and free-standing), by capacity and protective properties.

Rice. 1. Built-in shelter.

Rice. 2. Freestanding shelter.

According to the capacity of the shelter there are:

Small (150 - 600 people);

Medium (600 - 2000 people);

Large (2000 - 3000 people).

Depending on the protective properties Based on excess explosion pressure and protection from ionizing radiation, shelters are divided into 4 classes (see Table 2).

A typical shelter consists of main and auxiliary premises. TO main premises include: rooms for sheltering people, vestibules, airlocks. Auxiliary premises - These are filter-ventilation, diesel power plants, and storerooms.

Rice. 3. Shelter plan.

1 - protective-hermetic doors; 2 - airlock chambers; 3 - sanitary facilities; 4 - main room for accommodating people; 5 - gallery and head of emergency exit; 6 - filter-ventilation chamber; 7 - medical room; 8 - food pantries.

In the room (compartments) where people are, two-tier or three-tier benches (bunks) are installed: the lower ones are for sitting, the upper ones are for lying.

Standard floor area of the main room per sheltered person should be taken equal to 0.5 m 2 for a two-tier and 0.4 m 2 for a three-tier arrangement of bunks. Internal volume the premises must be at least 1.5 m 3 per person being covered.

The standard area of ​​premises for primary and auxiliary purposes in shelters of medical institutions should be taken according to Table. 1.

Table 1


Room area, m2, with shelter capacity

up to 150 beds

from 151 to 300 beds

1. For patients (per person being covered):

For room heights of 3 m or more

With a room height of 2.5 m

2. Surgical dressing room

3. Preoperative sterilization

4. Pantry with room for heating food

5. Sanitary room for disinfection of vessels and storage of waste in containers

6. For medical and service personnel (per sheltered person)

Note. Standards for the area of ​​premises for patients are adopted taking into account the location of hospital beds:

80% in two tiers and 20% in one tier in rooms 3 m high;

60% in two tiers and 40% in one tier in rooms with a height of 2.5 m.

Notes: 1. When determining the volume per person to be covered, the volumes of all rooms in the sealing zone should be taken into account, with the exception of diesel power plants, vestibules, and expansion chambers.

2. The area of ​​the main premises occupied by equipment that is not dismantled and not used for the shelter is not included in the standard area of ​​this shelter.

The height of the shelter premises should be taken in accordance with the requirements for their use in peacetime, but not more than 3.5 m. With a room height of 2.15 to 2.9 m, a two-tier arrangement of bunks should be provided, and with a height of 2.9 m or more - three-tiered. In shelters of healthcare institutions with a room height of 2.15 m or more, a two-tier arrangement of bunks (beds for non-transportable patients) is adopted.

During a feasibility study, it is allowed to use premises for shelters whose height, according to the conditions of their operation in peacetime, is not less than 1.85 m. In this case, a single-tier arrangement of bunks is accepted.

Seating in rooms for sheltered persons should be provided with dimensions of 0.45x0.45 m per person, and places for lying - 0.55x1.8 m. The height of the benches of the first tier should be 0.45 m, the height of the bunks of the second tier - 1.4 m, third tier - 2.15 m from the floor. The distance from the top tier to the ceiling or protruding structures must be at least 0.75 m.

The number of places to lie should be equal to:

20% of the capacity of the structure with two-tier bunks;

30% of the capacity of the structure with a three-tier arrangement of bunks.

Long-term stay of people in shelters is possible thanks to reliable power supply (diesel power plant), sanitary facilities (water supply, sewerage, heating), radio and telephone communications, as well as supplies of water, food and medicine.

Air supply system in turn, will provide people not only with the necessary amount of air, but will give it the required temperature, humidity and gas composition. Sanitary and hygienic parameters of the air environment of the shelter: the air temperature in winter should not be lower than 10 - 15 ° C, in summer - should not exceed 25 - 30°; relative humidity - not higher than 70%; CO 2 content - no more than 1%. The temperature is measured with a regular thermometer, holding it at a distance of 1 m from the floor and 2 m from the walls. Measurements are taken in pure ventilation mode every 4 hours, in filter ventilation mode - every 2 hours. Air humidity is determined with a psychrometer every 4 hours.

Shelters operate in three ventilation modes:

1. Clean ventilation mode(air purification from dust);

2. Mode filter ventilation(the air is passed through absorbent filters, where it is cleaned of radioactive substances, chemical agents, hazardous chemicals, and bacterial agents);

3. Full isolation mode and regeneration (i.e. restoration of the gas composition, as is done on submarines) - used when a cloud of hazardous substances appears in a fire.

Filters of the type FP-100, FPU-200, FP-300 are used as absorbent filters in shelters, protecting against HCN, COCl 2 and Cl 2. However, at high concentrations of these hazardous substances, these substances may leak through the filters.

In such cases, it is advisable to have shelters with a regime of complete isolation. In this case, air regeneration can be carried out using regenerative cartridges RP-100, regenerative units U-300P, which, unlike RP-100, provides simultaneous absorption of carbon dioxide and release of oxygen.

Shelters are characterized by the presence of strong walls, ceilings and doors, the presence of hermetic structures and filter-ventilation devices. All this creates favorable conditions for people to stay in them for several days. Entrances and exits are made no less reliable, and in case they become blocked, emergency exits (manholes) are made.

Water supply system supplies people with water for drinking and hygiene needs from the external water supply network. In the event of a water supply failure, an emergency supply or an independent source of water (artesian well) is provided. The emergency supply contains only drinking water (at the rate of 3 liters per day per person). In the absence of stationary tanks, install portable containers (barrels, cans, buckets). Food supply is created on the basis of at least two days for each sheltered person.

Each protective structure has sewage system allowing for the removal of fecal water. The bathroom is placed in a room isolated by partitions from the shelter compartments, and an exhaust hood must be installed.

Heating system - radiators or smooth pipes laid along the walls. It operates from the heating network of the building under which it is located.

Electricity supply necessary to power electric motors of the air supply system, artesian wells, pumping fecal water, and lighting. It is carried out from the city (facility) electrical network, in emergency cases - from a diesel power plant located in one of the premises of the shelter. In buildings without an autonomous power plant, batteries, various lanterns, and candles are provided.

Medical service carry out sanitary posts, medical centers of enterprises, organizations and institutions at whose disposal the shelter is located. This is where self- and mutual-help skills can come in handy.

Each shelter must have a telephone connection with the control center of your enterprise and radio broadcast loudspeakers connected to the city or local radio broadcasting network. Backup means of communication there may be a radio station operating in the emergency response network of an object (district).

For built-in shelters, an important part is emergency exit, which is arranged in the form of a tunnel leading to a non-fillable area and ending in a vertical shaft with a head. The exit from the shelter to the tunnel is equipped with protective-sealed and airtight shutters, installed respectively on the outer and inner sides of the wall. The heads of emergency exits are removed from surrounding buildings at a distance of at least half the height of the building plus 3 m (0.5*H+3m). Openings are made in the walls of the 1.2 m high head, which are equipped with louvered grilles that open inward. If the height of the head is less than 1.2 m, a metal grille is installed that opens downwards.

All shelters are indicated by special signs, the size of which is 0.5 x 0.6 m. They are located in a visible place at the entrance and on the outer door. Routes to the shelter are indicated by signs. Signs and indicators are painted white, inscriptions are made with black paint. The sign indicates the number of the shelter, who owns it, who has the keys (position, place of work, telephone).

Filling the protective structure and rules of behavior in it.

The population takes refuge in protective structures in the event of an accident at a nuclear power plant, chemical plant, natural disaster (tornado, hurricane) and military conflicts. Shelters must be filled in an organized and quick manner. Everyone should know the location of the assigned structure and the route to it.

In a shelter, it is best to place people in groups - in workshops, teams, institutions, houses, streets, marking the appropriate places with pointers. Each group is assigned a leader. Those who arrived with children are placed in separate compartments or in specially designated areas. They try to place the elderly and sick closer to the air distribution ventilation pipes.

People must come to the shelter (shelter) with personal protective equipment, food and personal documents. You cannot bring bulky items, strong-smelling or flammable substances, or bring pets. In the protective structure, it is prohibited to walk unnecessarily, make noise, smoke, go outside without the permission of the commandant (senior), independently turn on and off electric lighting, engineering units, open security doors, and also light kerosene lamps, candles, and lanterns. Emergency lighting sources are used only with the permission of the shelter commandant for a limited time in case of emergency. In the shelter you can read, listen to the radio, talk, play quiet games (checkers, chess, modern electronic ones).

Those being sheltered must strictly follow all orders of the shelter (shelter) maintenance team, comply with internal regulations, and provide assistance to the sick, disabled, women and children.

It is advisable to eat food when the ventilation is turned off. Products without pungent odors are preferable and, if possible, in protective packaging (parchment paper, cellophane, various types canned food). The following set is recommended for the daily nutritional intake of an adult: crackers, cookies, biscuits in paper or cellophane packaging, canned meat or fish, ready-to-eat, candy, refined sugar.

For children, taking into account their age and health status, it is better to take condensed milk, fruits, fruit drinks, etc.

For all those being sheltered, with the exception of children, the sick and the weak, during their stay in the protective structure, a certain order of food intake should be established, for example, 2-3 times a day, and at this time water should be distributed, if it is limited.

In accordance with safety regulations, it is prohibited to touch electrical equipment, compressed air and oxygen cylinders, or enter rooms where a diesel power plant and a filter-ventilation unit are installed. However, if necessary, the commandant can involve any of those being sheltered in work to eliminate any malfunctions and maintain cleanliness and order.

After filling the shelter, by order of the commandant, the flight personnel close the protective-hermetic doors, emergency exit shutters and exhaust ventilation control plugs, and turn on the filter-ventilation unit to the clean ventilation mode.

If you will be staying in a shelter for a long time, it is necessary to create conditions for people to rest.

The room is cleaned twice a day by the sheltered persons themselves, as directed by the senior groups. In this case, sanitary facilities must be treated with a 0.5 percent solution of two-thirds calcium hypochlorite salt. The technical premises are cleaned by the personnel of the shelter maintenance unit.

If toxic or poisonous substances are detected infiltrating the air, those being sheltered immediately put on respiratory protection, and the shelter is switched to filter ventilation mode.

If fires occur near the shelter or dangerous concentrations of hazardous substances or hazardous substances form, the protective structure is switched to full isolation mode and the air regeneration unit is turned on, if available.

The duration of the population's stay in protective structures is determined by the headquarters of the civil defense facilities. They also establish the procedure and rules of behavior when leaving shelters and shelters. This order and rules of conduct are transmitted to the protective structure by telephone or other possible way.

Peculiarities of filling and behavior of people during overdensification of the shelter

In cases where there are not enough shelters, they can be filled with overconsolidation. Then people are placed not only in the main compartments, but also in corridors, passages, and airlock vestibules.

In such conditions, the stay in the protective structure should be short. As a result of significant heat generation, increased humidity and carbon dioxide content, people may experience increased temperature, increased heart rate, dizziness and some other painful symptoms. Therefore, it is necessary to limit their physical activity in every possible way and strengthen medical monitoring of their health. There must be a sanitary post in each compartment.

Strict control of the air environment becomes important. If in a shelter the air temperature is below 30°C, the concentration of carbon dioxide does not exceed 30 mg/m3, and the oxygen content is 17 percent or more, then such conditions are considered normal. When the air temperature rises to 33°, the concentration of carbon dioxide reaches 50 - 70 mg/m3 and, accordingly, the oxygen content decreases to 14 percent, it is already necessary to limit the physical activity of those being sheltered and to strengthen medical supervision over them.

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