Central African Republic. Central African Republic

The Central African Republic is located in Central Africa and is landlocked. It borders countries such as Sudan (in the northeast), South Sudan (in the east), Democratic Republic of the Congo (in the south), Republic of the Congo (in the southwest), Cameroon (in the west) and Chad (in the north). The capital is Bangui.

Central African Republic on the world map

Climatic and natural conditions countries change direction from north to south. Only in the southwest do tropical rainforests remain. To the north-eastern side, the forests give way to grasslands and savanna woodlands. The average annual precipitation in the north is approximately 1250 mm per year, the bulk of which falls in the periods from July to September and from December to January. average temperature– +27 °С. In the south, precipitation amounts to more than 1900 mm per year, mainly from July to October. December and January are the driest months. The average annual temperature in this part of the country is +25°C.
The republic occupies the territory of an undulating plateau with an altitude of 600-900 meters above sea level. The surface is separated by the basins of Lake Chad and the Congo River. Accordingly, the western and eastern parts are distinguished. The latter is characterized by a general slope to the south, towards the Ubangi and Mbomu rivers. The main rivers in this region include the Mbari and Shinko.

Map of the Central African Republic in Russian

The main reserve of the country is Zemongo. This faunal reserve is located in the administrative region of Hout Mbomou, on the border with Sudan. The climate here is tropical, the territory is flat and arid, although it lies among the Goangoa and Vovodo rivers, and is also crossed by the Bita River. The fauna is represented by elephants, black rhinoceroses, antelopes, cheetahs, lions, leopards, giraffes, hyenas, monkeys, porcupines, mongooses, ferrets and others.
Most of the attractions are located in the capital of the Central African Republic, Bangui. In the center, on Republic Square, there is a unique monument for Africa - Triumphal Arch. Near the port are the Presidential Palace and the Marché Central market. The most complete exhibition about the culture of the pygmies, a collection of folk musical instruments and examples of African art are presented in National Museum Boganda. To the northwest of Bangui are the picturesque Buali Waterfalls.

The most big city The republic is Bangui with a population of over 726 thousand people. About 20% of the country's total population lives here. Other cities are much smaller. Thus, the next largest city, Bimbo, has less than 150 thousand inhabitants.
The CAR is divided into 14 prefectures, two economic prefectures (Sanga-Mbaere and Nana-Grebisi) and the capital Bangui. The largest prefectures include Mambere-Kadei, Lobae, Ombella-Mpoko, Ouaka, Ouham and Ouham-Pende. Photo materials used from Wikimedia © Foto, Wikimedia Commons

Russian soldiers and mercenaries arrive in the CAR April 26th, 2018

Interesting information I just read it. Of course, the article is colored by certain emotions aimed at creating a certain effect, but this is not important. In such articles it is not important general essence, and the details.

Here's what Rémy Ourdan writes:

In Bangui, they are talked about almost as much as about the rebels who are gathering in the provinces and threatening to attack the capital of the Central African Republic. They create the basis for a variety of speculations and fantasies, and the scale of their influence raises serious questions.

We are talking about Russians: military personnel, mercenaries, businessmen and shadow advisers.

The facts are well known to everyone. Following a meeting between Central African Republic President Faustin-Archange Touadera and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Sochi in October 2017, Moscow asked the UN Security Council for an exception to the arms embargo on the CAR for transfer to the government. military equipment and launching a program to train local armed forces. In December, permission was received, and the Il-76 Russian army conducted its first flight to Bangui airport on January 26.

The agreement between the two countries involves the supply of grenade launchers, machine guns, machine guns and pistols, as well as training in the use of these weapons for two battalions, that is, 1,300 people. A ceremony marking the completion of the training of the first group of 200 people took place on March 31 in the presence of President Touadera. This is official history. Only now it was accompanied by a number of surprises.

Bokassa "cannot rest in peace"

First of all, this concerns the provision of the Berengo Palace at the disposal of Moscow envoys. This abandoned building 60 kilometers west of Bangui was the home of Jean-Bedel Bokassa (in power from 1966 to 1979), who is buried on its grounds. This news gave rise to heated disputes between the government and the Bokassa family, which no one warned about the transformation of the palace and 40 hectares of land into a military camp.

Bokassa's heirs said in a press release that they were "dismayed and surprised to learn of the presence Russian soldiers on ancestral lands in Berengo" and demanded that the military move away from the tomb of the leader, who declared himself "emperor" in 1976. His son Jean-Serge Bokassa, a former presidential candidate and interior minister, condemned the decision on Twitter: "Complete surprise. (...) Our father rests there, and no longer in peace." The government spokesman tried to quell the controversy with a statement that "Berengo belongs to state property." Although the situation with Berengo was not at all the only reason Jean-Serge Bokassa's disagreements with the president, he recently decided to leave the government. Today he claims that "the arrival of Russians in the country" was a "key element" of his departure.

The second surprise was that the Russians did not sit in Berengo at all, but scattered like antelopes on the savannah. Although they try not to attract too much attention to themselves, white-skinned people who do not own French people with a military bearing (even without a uniform) are easy to spot in Bangui. Over the course of several weeks, they were seen in the presidential administration, in some ministries, with CAR soldiers in their care, with patrols on the streets and even in Lebanese supermarkets on Boganda Avenue. Some of them were noticed even in the provinces.

Unlimited access to the President

From their presence and appearance The capital's residents concluded that, contrary to their initial assumption, Moscow's envoys were not officers of the regular army at all. When it comes to interventions abroad (for example, in Syria), Russia has become completely “Americanized”: apart from five military intelligence officers, almost all other Russians in the CAR work for two private companies, Seva Security Services and Lobae Limited.
Their first official appearance took place on March 30 at Bangui's football stadium on the occasion of the second anniversary of Touadera's election. These fighters quickly displaced the Rwandan soldiers of the UN mission in the CAR, who had previously provided security for the head of state. They are now standing in parking lots and at closed doors, while the Russians are directly with the president, and also have unlimited access to his schedule and surroundings. The administration confirms the appearance of “a detachment of Russian special forces to enhance the president’s security” without further clarification.

A Russian “adviser” also appeared under the head of state. This “security director” coordinates the work of the bodyguards, notes a local source. A Western expert with connections in the country, in turn, considers him “a key intermediary for contacts between the Central African Republic and Russia in the defense and economic spheres.”

The fact is that in addition to relaxations from the UN Security Council and military agreements, contracts for mineral exploration were also signed. The country has rich resources of diamonds, gold and uranium, but its potential is underutilized due to war and chaos. By the way, it was these deposits that became one of the reasons for the split of the country after the civil war between Christians and Muslims in 2013, as well as further internal squabbles among the rebels who seek to develop the mines.

"They shamelessly bribe everyone"

“Russian activities in the region along the axis through Sudan and Angola worry the Americans,” admits the European diplomat. “As far as the Central African Republic is concerned, they are waiting for France’s reaction.” In Bangui they are also wondering whether the ex will allow colonial power Moscow to establish itself in the center of Africa. “This is the CAR’s choice,” sighs the French diplomat. “Besides, the Russians do not use the same methods as we do. They shamelessly bribe everyone who opens the right doors for them.”

Be that as it may, the European Union continues its own training program for the Central African army. Washington, in turn, provided it with $12.7 million for the purchase of American equipment and communications equipment, as well as training with the participation of American officers.

If the goal of all these initiatives was to limit Russian influence, the only noticeable result looks simply paradoxical: Russian special forces are now driving around in the brand new Fords that the Americans gave to Central African soldiers, under the surprised but pleased looks of local residents. The fact is that after the departure of the French military, most of them do not believe that the UN forces will be able to protect them from the rebels.

It is worth noting that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially announced the dispatch of Russian military personnel to the CAR back in February. The Central African Republic (CAR) will receive military-technical assistance from Russia free of charge, including that provided by Russian military and civilian specialists sent to this country. It is noted that the reason for providing support to the African state was the request of President Faustin-Archange Touadera. The mission was agreed upon by the UN Security Council.

The CAR, one of the poorest countries in Africa and the whole world, a former French colony, even after gaining independence in 1960, still always remained a traditional zone of interest for Paris, a state that followed in the wake of French politics and previously had almost no ties with any Soviet Union, nor with modern Russia. It was in the CAR that France maintained one of its largest military contingents abroad for decades. However, since the beginning of the 21st century, the situation began to change radically.

In the CAR, a complex ethnic-religious conflict between Christians and Muslims began around 2003-2004, leading to several coups, mass bloodshed, atrocities and the loss of control by the central government in Bangui over most of the state's territory. In fact, the country is divided between various armed gangs, the main ones being the Christian Anti-Balaka group and the Islamist Seleka alliance.

Journalists from the Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT), citing the French newspaper Libération, write that militants of all groups are engaged in ethnic cleansing, as well as racketeering and extortion on the roads, thereby ruining the already dying mining industry of this very rich in diamonds, gold, uranium and other minerals of the country. In the Central African Republic in last years UN peacekeeping forces from several African states were present, as well as, since 2013, a seventh French military mission. However, in 2016, French soldiers, who were repeatedly accused of various crimes, primarily mass rape, were withdrawn from the Central African Republic - after which there was virtually no one to fight the numerous armed rebels. Before the Russians arrived here - both in official uniform and without it.

Everyone loves adventure, but for the modern traveler you will have to shell out a considerable amount of money to get the maximum positive experience from a foreign country. If you do not intend to spend incredible amounts of money on European and American prices, then perfect option– go to the Central African Republic. Here you will not find prohibitively expensive hotels and restaurants, but the indescribable sensations from the local flavor will last a lifetime.

What you need to know about CAR? The history of the Central African Republic begins in 1894 as a French colony. An expedition led by Adrian Dolisi arrived in this territory. The journey was carried out along the Ubangi River, which is why the colony got its name - Ubangi-Shari. Constant uprisings of the local population brought great losses to the French colonists. From the beginning of 1907 to 1931, 4 revolts were suppressed in the colony, which led to the death of almost half of the indigenous population.

The colonialists realized that trying to pacify the locals was not so easy, so France chose the Minister of Uganda-Shari, who would represent the interests of Africans in the French parliament. For about 30 years he fought for the country's independence, which it received on August 13, 1960. Unfortunately, Barthelemy Boganda himself did not live to see this day; he died in a plane crash.

After the departure of the French colonists, the first president appeared in the modern Central African Republic - David Dako. The capital becomes the most Big city in the country - Bangui. But the troubles didn't end there. Regular battles for power began within the country until 2014, when self-proclaimed President Michel Jatida resigned. Through elections and voting in the same year, Faustin-Archange Touadera comes to power, bringing long-awaited calm to the CAR.

Now the country is just getting up from its knees, but its doors are already open to tourists from all over the world. The cost of food and goods is so low that anyone can afford to travel to the Central African Republic.

Popular tours

Since 60% of the country's total population professes local beliefs, tourists are attracted by the atmosphere of the CAR. Here you have the opportunity to get acquainted with a culture that is distinguished by its originality: shamanic rituals, treatment by healers and fortune telling using the horns of roe deer and the teeth of wild animals. Although tourism destinations in the CAR are underdeveloped, several first-class tours are already available.

Ledger Plaza Bangui

This is a real paradise, entering which it is difficult to imagine that you are in poor Africa. Main feature Ledger Plaza Bangui is that all the staff are local residents who will be happy to serve you or tell you about life in the Central African Republic. Also, any worker can serve as a translator from English into local languages, which is a godsend during excursions.

The hotel where tourists stay is called Ledger Plaza Bangui. The interior is made in a colonial style, which was given to Africans by the French. All your photos in social media can be posted via Wi-Fi operating within the complex. Here you don’t have to think about what to take with you; everything you need will be provided to you.

In the hotel restaurant, you can order both European delicacies and dishes national cuisine, striking with an incredible and unusual taste palette for tourists. In the evening, the whole family relaxes in a cafe or with friends in a bar. In the morning, after taking a shower, it is useful to go to Gym, if you are used to starting the day with a short run. And if the weather permits, then it’s time to take a swim in the pool, which offers a first-class view of the African forests.

Excursions are included in the price of the tour, but you can refuse the offer of guides and explore the life of the local population on your own. You will simply be given a booklet with local attractions that you can enjoy to your heart's content.



It's more a budget option. The hotel where visitors will relax is called Bangui. The hotel is not as fancy as the Ledger Plaza Bangui, but still has a swimming pool, inexpensive restaurants and cafes where you can while away your time and enjoy first-class shopping.

The tour itself is more adapted to the local flavor. The bariks are covered with roofs made of bamboo and reeds, finished with granite masonry. If you come to the country for the sake of relaxation, then the relaxing mode of the Bangui tour is suitable for you; if you are looking for some flavor, you will be offered dozens of excursions and walks to local attractions.

All staff speak English and Sango. The tour price includes parking, rental vehicles, Wi-Fi, TV, transfer, butler, mobile phone service and a safe for storing personal belongings and documents. On Bangui you will meet both a European tourist and a local rich man who is engaged in mining precious metals and stones, which the Central African Republic is so rich in. The hotel has a small area and includes only 50 rooms, which affects its low cost.

Hotel de Ville

This, of course, is not a resort, but a small hotel built by locals for tourists. Despite the name, in addition to relaxation, the hotel provides good entertainment program and many excursions to places known only to the natives. Located in the city of Berberatti, whose population is 95% indigenous Africans.

The Hotel de Ville offers vacationers local dishes with European serving. No guidebook will tell you about this “local tour”, since its prices are affordable even for natives. Although the Hotel de Ville has a French name, it is designed in a colonial style, with massive columns and a wide porch.

A visitor to the Hotel de Ville will receive, complete with internet, television and delicious cuisine, a green garden for relaxation and local flavor. You have the chance to walk around Berberatti or take a tour with a local guide. If you are coming to the CAR for the African atmosphere, then best tour Can't think of a place to relax. Locals say that Berberatti and Bangui are twin cities: the same cuisine, weather, areas, holidays, there is something to try and see in the surrounding area. However, tourists still choose Bangui, since planes fly from other countries exclusively to the capital of the Central African Republic.

Sights of the Central African Republic

If Africa has captured your heart with its primitiveness, then best place There is simply no way for the CAR to study its culture. But it’s unlikely that luxury hotels and gourmet dishes will allow you to immerse yourself in African life. Local attractions are ideal for this. There are not very many of these in the CAR, as well as tours, but each of them has its own history.

Buali Falls

Buali is a complex of waterfalls that conveys the true spirit of the African shroud. Its height reaches 50 meters, but the length of the complex exceeds 250. Buali waterfalls are located on the Mbari River, which is a 40-minute drive from the city of Bangui. One of the first hydroelectric power stations in Africa was built on the river, which provides electricity to nearby areas of the country.

In the early 2000s, China helped Africans build a dam to regulate the flow of water, as during the rainy seasons the river overflows heavily, flooding the homes of local residents. If tourists come to see the waterfalls, the administration of the hydroelectric power station closes the dam so that they can get closer to the waterfall. First class tandem natural resources And modern technologies without harming each other.

During hot seasons, only a small trickle remains from the waterfalls, and the power plant reduces electricity production by almost 3 times. At this point, the station's downtime pays for itself through foreign tourists.


This is a small area in the Central African Republic, where the indigenous people, the Pygmies, still live in primitive conditions. These people live throughout midline Africa, but only in the Central African Republic do they get to know and communicate with them. A translator is hired or paid to a local resident who speaks English and will help translate the Sango language. Representatives of the tribe have average height 120 cm, which allows them to make their way through the jungle thickets much faster. Such a height will seem very low to a Caucasian tourist, but among pygmies it is rare to find those who at least grow to 1.5 m.

It is in this area that rubber trees and ebony trees are being cut down. Furniture with such texture in our area costs mind-boggling money and is considered very rare and exclusive. Unfortunately, foreign companies buy wood from locals for small change, who, due to their poverty, agree to any price.

In addition, the complex of waterfalls of the same name is very popular on the territory of M’Baiki. Of course, the size and scope of this waterfall is much more modest than Buali.



National Park of the Central African Republic. Here you will meet rare African animals, including black rhinoceroses, forest elephants, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas and many other representatives of the animal world. Directly in the park itself, you can book a car excursion, where you can take a closer look at these vast expanses of predatory animals.


The park was created in 1933, and was called Ubangi-Chari, occupying as many as 13.5 thousand hectares of land. In 1935 it was renamed Matumaru, and already in 1940 the name was adapted for American and European tourists - “Saint Floris”. In 1979, Saint Floris was merged with the former hunting reserve, which allowed the park to be expanded to 277.6 thousand hectares. After the unification, the National Park already received its modern name– Manovo-Gounda-Saint-Floris. Price entrance ticket and excursions will be affordable for any tourist.

Dzanga-Sanga National Reserve

You can see gorillas, chimpanzees and buffalos at national reserve Dzanga-Sanga, which was founded in 1990. Its area is 6866 sq. kilometers, and almost 80% of this territory is covered with dense tropical forests, in which primates live. There are also wild buffalos and real antelopes here.

The reserve is home to hundreds of bird species that have found shelter from bloodthirsty poachers. The park is located on the Sanga River, not far from the village of Bayanga. They also do not forget that next to this reserve there is another one - Dzanga-Ndoki, which is not used in great demand due to the small area.

This is almost the only place in the Central African Republic where there is active recreation. When it’s high season, the park administration will not only tell you about rare animals, but will also offer you a walk deep into the jungle with an experienced guide. He will teach you survival: how to move through the jungle, where you can step in the groves, what is food in the jungle and what is not, and will take care of your safety. In the ecological cottages, where you stop before or after the walk, the necessary provisions are purchased before the hike. Because of poverty in the CAR, everyone is trying to work for themselves, even the wild animals in Dzanga-Sanga.



In the CAR, trips to shamans and healers are very popular, whose location is learned from local residents. It is worth adding that, despite all efforts, the Central African Republic can hardly be called a tourist country, and therefore, in order to avoid difficulties with accommodation, food and transport, it is more reliable to contact travel agencies. They will explain how to get to the hotel, nearby attractions, nature reserves, or find transportation.

But despite this, many travel to the CAR on their own, because here you can find hundreds of campsites in the forests and jungles. What to take with you on such a trip? Bed sheets, medicines, money in local currency and a satellite phone for emergencies. The main thing is to get all the necessary vaccinations before the trip to prevent diseases, so that you don’t have to go to the shamans.

Always buy water in plastic bottles and try not to flash your money in poor areas of the state. Of course, you can’t go on such a trip with children. From the first minutes of arrival, it becomes clear where it is better to live: in your homeland or in Africa.

Despite all its shortcomings, the Central African Republic is primitive Africa. Bringing a souvenir from here is a difficult question, since they simply don’t exist. The Central African Republic is a country free from asphalt, dust, smog and concrete jungle. There's plenty to do here: most of countries - wild prairies, which are explored both with a guide and independently, experiencing the peculiarities of the local climate. Now you know where to go on your next vacation.

General information

Official name - Central African Republic (CAR). The state is located in Central Africa. The area is 622,984 km2. Population - 5,057,000 people. (as of 2012). The official language is French, Sango. The capital is Bangui. The monetary unit is the CFA franc.

The state borders in the south with Zaire (border length 1,577 km) and Congo (467 km), in the north with Chad (1,197 km), in the east with Sudan (1,165 km), in the west with Cameroon (797 km ).

The country's climate is subequatorial monsoon and hot. Average annual temperatures are +25+27°C. Annual precipitation ranges from 1,000-1,200 mm in the north to 1,500-1,600 mm in the south.


The ancient history of the peoples of the Central African Republic has been little studied. Due to its remoteness from the oceans and the presence of inaccessible areas, this country until the 19th century. remained a blank spot on European maps. Stone Age tools discovered during diamond mining in the Ubangi River basin give reason to believe that many of the Central African plains were inhabited in ancient times. Found in the early 60s of the 20th century by anthropologist Pierre Vidal in the southwest of the country, near Lobaye, the 3 m high stones date back to the megalithic era. Among the Gbaya people they are known as "tajunu", or standing stones.

The first inhabitants of this territory, apparently, were pygmies. The existence of lands to the west of the sources of the Nile, inhabited by dark-skinned peoples, was known to the ancient Egyptians. Deciphered inscriptions on Egyptian monuments tell about the country of Uam (in the area of ​​the Mobai and Kembe rivers), inhabited by “black dwarfs - pygmies.” On ancient Egyptian maps, the Ubangi and Uele rivers were called the Black Nile and were connected to the White Nile into one river. The ancient history of the peoples of the Central African Republic has been little studied.

The area of ​​the current territory of the Central African Republic found itself between the strong feudal state of Kanem-Borno in the north (formed in the 15th century on the western shore of the lake) and the Christian kingdom of Congo in the south (formed in the 14th century in the lower reaches of the Congo River), which had close trade ties.

In the 15th-16th centuries, the state of Gaoga was located on the territory of the Central African Republic. It was formed by rebel slaves. The main occupation of the population was cattle breeding. Haog's horse army had weapons traded with Egyptian traders. The found remains of household utensils have Christian symbols, which tell us that Christians lived in Gaoga.

In the 17th century, the territory of the Central African Republic was inhabited by local Ubangi tribes: Gbanziri, Buraka, Sango, Yakoma and Nzakara. At the same time, new feudal states were formed near the northeastern borders of the country: Bagirmi, Wadai and Darfur. The population of these states was dependent on the Arabs and subjected to forced Islamization. The Sudanese peoples who resisted the imposition of Islam were forced to go into the interior of the territory. This is how the Sara, Gbaya (Baya), and Banda tribes appeared in the Central African savannah. The Gbayas headed west and settled in the northeastern, DRC and western CAR territories. The banda settled throughout the territory from the Kotto River in the east to the Sanga River in the west. Sarah stayed in the Lagone and Shari river basin in the north of the Central African Republic. With the arrival of the Sudanese peoples, local tribes were forced to make room and concentrated on the banks of Ubangi. The Azande tribes came to the upper reaches of this river from the Lake Chad region. The extraction of slaves in the territory of the Central African Republic was the main source of wealth for the states of Darfur and Wadai. An ancient caravan route passed through the territory of the Central African Republic through Darfur, along which they were transported to the Middle East. ivory and slaves. By the middle of the 18th century. slave hunters practically devastated these places.

In the 18th century, vast areas in the area of ​​​​the tributaries of the Shari - Auk and Azum were occupied by the Gula tribes, who were engaged in fishing and trade. The Gula language was widespread in the upper Shari basin. A little later, in early XIX c., agricultural tribes came to the Ubangi plateau from the east. The Sabang tribes occupied the area of ​​a huge quadrangle between Shari and Ubangi, as well as in the middle reaches of the Kotto. The Kreish tribes inhabited the upper Kotto and Shinko basin. In the areas from the Kotto River to Darfur lived numerous tribes of the Yulu, Kara, Binga, Shalla, Bongo and others, who almost completely disappeared. At the same time, part of the Gbaya people, who had previously settled in and called themselves “Manja”, that is, farmers, settled in the center of the Ubangi-Shari basin.

Europeans (French and Belgians) began to appear in 1884-85, in 1889 the expedition of Colonel M. Dolisi reached the rapids and established themselves in the place of modern Bangui. In 1894 and 1897, respectively, the French authorities concluded treaties with Germany and England to delineate the borders between colonial possessions, as a result of which the modern eastern and western borders of the CAR were drawn up. The conquest of the territory was finally completed after bloody battles at the beginning of the 20th century; in 1903, the formation of the colonial territory of Ubangi-Shari was officially formalized. In 1907, 1919-21, 1924-27, 1928-1931, uprisings of the indigenous population were observed on the territory of the modern Central African Republic, which were suppressed extremely brutally; in a number of areas, the population decreased by 60-80%.

In the post-war period, the first party was created and the first deputy from Ubangi-Shari was elected to the French parliament; it was Barthelemy Boganda, who is considered the founding father of the Central African Republic. Shortly before the Central African Republic gained independence, Boganda died in a plane crash.

On August 13, 1960, the Central African Republic was declared an independent state. David Dako became the first president. A one-party system was established in the CAR: the MESAN party (Movement for the Social Evolution of Black Africa) was declared the only political party countries.

On January 1, 1966, a military coup was carried out. The chief of staff of the CAR army, Colonel Jean-Bedel Bokassa, became the president of the country, head of government and chairman of MESAN. The CAR parliament was dissolved and the constitution was abolished.

The period of Bokassa's reign was marked by catastrophic corruption and various extravagant enterprises - for example, in December 1976, Bokassa crowned himself emperor and renamed the country the Central African Empire. The coronation ceremony cost half the country's annual budget.

At the end of the 1970s, the economic situation in CAI deteriorated sharply. In April 1979, anti-government demonstrations began and clashes with the police occurred.

In September 1979, Bokassa was overthrown by French paratroopers, after which the country was again led by David Dako, at whose invitation the action was formally carried out. The republic was restored.

Daco was, in turn, removed two years later by General Kolingba, who, under pressure from the West, ceded power to democratically elected authorities in the early 90s. This did not bring stability to the country; a series of coups and counter-coups followed, taking place against the backdrop of social instability and a deteriorating economic situation.

IN currently the leader of the one who won the victory is in power civil war 2001-2003 François Bozizé faction

Sights of the Central African Republic

Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, is located in the south of the country, in the east of the undulating plateau that borders the Congo River and Lake Chad basins. The name of the city in one of the local languages ​​can be translated as “Rapids”, since this territory on the banks of the Ubangi River lies downstream of its rapids.

The central part of the capital is built up with modern buildings. Near the port there are Presidential palace and the Central Market, which is called Marchais Central.

Marchais Central, or Central Market, is the largest trading center in the city of Bangui. The quarter, which is occupied by the central market, is formed by Independence Avenue, President Mobutu Avenue, Navarre Street and Curyu Street. The central place on the market territory is occupied by a large covered shopping pavilion. The atmosphere of a real African market reigns here, comparable in color to an oriental bazaar. Most of the market's visitors are local residents. Finding yourself here at the height of market day, you can plunge into the atmosphere of the bustle of the market. In addition to food and clothing, you can buy national souvenirs at the market.

Andre-Felix National Park located in the northeastern part of the Central African Republic, in the Vakaga prefecture, near the border with Sudan. It is located 80 kilometers from the city of Birao, the center of the prefecture.

The park was created in 1960, shortly after the republic gained independence from. This was the first national park, created in this country. The park is surrounded by the Yata-Ngaya Nature Reserve, which acts as a buffer zone. Andre-Felix covers an area of ​​1,700 km2 and borders the Radom National Park, located in. The park occupies the northern and central parts of the Bongo forest. Forests occupy 51% of the park's territory, the remaining 49% is savannah.

The main types of fauna inhabiting the park are buffalos, ostriches, elephants, giraffes, hippopotamuses, and warthogs. Predators include crocodiles, lions, panthers, and leopards. The park is inhabited by 228 species of birds, of which 180 species live here permanently.

Dzanga-Ndoki National Park located in the southwestern part of the country, in the Sanga-Mbaere prefecture. The park, which currently covers an area of ​​1,143 km2, was founded in 1990.

The national park is divided into two sectors - Dzanga Park in the north and Ndoki Park in the south. The Dzanga sector is famous for its large population of western lowland gorillas, amounting to 1.6 individuals per square kilometer. The northern and southern sectors are separated by the Dzanga-Sanga reserve, which is part of the Dzanga-Sanga complex, which also includes the national park of the same name.

The park is home to large forest pigs, brush-eared pigs, forest elephants, chimpanzees, sitatunga antelopes, and duiker antelopes. African dwarf buffaloes.

Dzanga-Ndoki Park is an important bird area, with up to 350 species of birds, of which 280 species breed in the park. Poachers pose a particular threat to the park's inhabitants. In May 2013, 26 forest elephants were killed, alarming conservationists around the world.

Triumphal Arch, located in the capital of the Central African Republic, is one of the most significant local attractions. The arch is located in the central part of the city, at the confluence of Barthelemy Boganda Avenue - the largest figure in the history of the struggle for the country's independence - and Republic Square.

The arch was installed in 1977, during the reign of the most controversial and eccentric leader of Central Africa, Jean-Bedel Bokassa, who proclaimed himself Emperor Bokassa I. The arch is made of white marble and was installed by personal order of the emperor. Like the short-lived empire itself, the Arc de Triomphe of Bokassa - unique phenomenon for the African continent.

Residence of Emperor Bokassa, who ruled the country from 1966 to 1979, is located 65 kilometers from the capital of the country near the village of Bobangi, where he was born. Now the palace is in a neglected state and attempts are being made to create a full-fledged museum here. The residence has another name, Berengo Palace.

Jean-Bedel Bokassa, who moved into this residence on December 4, 1976, spared no expense in furnishing the palace and surrounding area. There was a bed trimmed with gold and diamonds, an imperial throne, a luxurious bathroom, and there was a Helipad. After the overthrow, the former emperor and his family left the country. After being pardoned in 1993, he returned to his now less luxurious mansion, where he lived until his death in 1996. Here, on the territory of the former residence, he is buried.

Cuisine of the Central African Republic

The national cuisine of the Central African Republic is distinguished by the widespread use of yams, plantains and cassava. Carbohydrate-rich cereal dishes are served with charcoal-grilled meat and sauces. Spinach stew with tomatoes is often prepared, different types pepper (including chili), garlic and peanut butter.

It is worth trying "bambara", a rice porridge with sugar and peanut butter, as well as meat from exotic animals.

Central African Republic on the map

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