What do you think real kindness is? How to learn to be kind? We fight selfishness

Kindness- responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, desire to do good to others.

Kindness- this is something that is done voluntarily, disinterestedly, for the general benefit and for one’s own benefit, and not to harm oneself

Kindness is the altruism of a reasonable person

Kindness is the light of the soul, illuminating the space around a person better than the strongest lantern.

Kindness is effective empathy for the people around you and the desire for the good of everyone.

Kindness is a process of mental creativity that results in good deeds

Kindness is a conscious refusal to blame a person for his mistakes and rash actions. Kindness is a positive attitude towards the world around him and the absence of rancor.

Benefits of Kindness

Kindness ensures openness - towards people, events and life in general.

Kindness gives vigilance - in order to notice the best and sweep aside the worst.

Kindness gives strength - to transform the world for the better.

Kindness gives opportunities - participation and help to others.

Kindness gives you the opportunity to become better yourself and help those around you to become better.

Kindness gives confidence - in yourself and in the future.

Kindness gives energy to do good deeds.

Showing kindness in everyday life

Family relationships. Parents who invest their energy in raising their children, in explaining to them “what is good and what is bad,” have children who grow up to be kind people.

Charity. Helping people who, for various reasons, find themselves in difficult life circumstances is one of the manifestations of human kindness.

Interpersonal relationships. People are drawn to a kind person not only in grief, but also in joy.

Choice of profession. A person who does not have kindness in his heart cannot be a good teacher or doctor.

Literature. A positive hero in literature is almost always a kind person.

How to develop kindness in yourself ..

Sensitivity to others. By showing interest in the people around him and caring about them, a person shows kindness.

Communication with children. A person who shows kindness to a child learns to treat adults kindly as well.

Pets. At the sight of the sincere and selfless joy that a puppy demonstrates when it meets its owner coming home from work, good feelings awaken in a person.

Participation in charity events. There is no kindness without compassion; By participating in charity events, people show compassion and cultivate kindness.

Reading. Both spiritual and most secular literature appeal to the best in man; It awakens, among other things, kindness.

Catchphrases about kindness

Those who help people have their wishes come true.

Kindness is the same for the soul,
what health is to the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in
in every matter.

- A lion
Tolstoy -

– responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, desire to do good to others.


Kindness- something that is done voluntarily
disinterestedly, for the general benefit and for one’s own benefit, and not to harm oneself.

  • Kindness is the altruism of a reasonable person.

  • Kindness is the light of the soul, illuminating the space around a person
    better than the strongest flashlight.

  • Kindness is effective empathy for others and
    desire for the good of everyone.

  • Kindness is a process of spiritual creativity, the result of which
    good deeds become.

  • Kindness is a conscious refusal to blame a person for his
    mistakes and rash actions.

  • Kindness is a positive attitude towards the world around us and
    lack of rancor.

Benefits of Kindness

  • Kindness ensures openness - towards people, events
    and life in general.

  • Kindness gives vigilance - in order to notice the best and
    brush aside the worst.

  • Kindness gives strength - to transform the world for the better.

  • Kindness provides opportunities to participate and help others.

  • Kindness gives you the opportunity to become better yourself and help
    become better for the people around you.

  • Kindness gives confidence - in yourself and in the future.

  • Kindness gives energy to do good deeds.

Showing kindness in everyday life

  • Family relationships. For parents who invest their energy in upbringing
    children, to explain to them “what is good and what is bad”, children
    grow up to be kind people.

  • Charity. Helping people who, for various reasons,
    found ourselves in difficult life circumstances - one of the manifestations of kindness

  • Interpersonal relationships. People are not drawn to a kind person
    only in grief, but also in joy.

  • Choice of profession. Can't be good teacher or a doctor
    a person who does not have kindness in his heart.

  • Literature. Positive hero in literature - almost always
    a kind person.

How to develop kindness in yourself

  • Sensitivity to others. Showing interest in the people around you,
    caring for them - a person shows kindness.

  • Communication with children. Man manifesting good relations To
    The child learns to treat adults kindly as well.

  • Pets. At the sight of sincere and selfless joy,
    which is demonstrated by a puppy greeting its owner coming home from work, in
    good feelings awaken in a person.

  • Participation in charity events. There is no kindness without
    compassion; By participating in charity events, people show compassion and
    cultivate kindness in themselves.

  • Reading. Both spiritual and most of secular literature,
    appeals to the best in a person; It awakens, among other things, kindness.

The topics of articles “come” to me on their own. The other day, for example, the following topic appeared: “What is the true kindness of a spiritual person?”, and today the answer came in the form of a verse:

Kindness has no boundaries or forms,
Kindness is light, light from all sides.
The light of Love is such that it cannot be described.
Kindness is the happiness of helping others!
Kindness is the joy of giving love,
Kindness is happiness to soar in Love.
You won’t talk about it or sing about it,
But you always understand kindness with kindness...

One could, of course, put an end to this, but I was drawn to understand more deeply the concept of “true kindness” and see how this quality manifests itself in the character of a spiritual person.

What is True Kindness?

Since childhood, my beloved grandmother Nina has been a truly kind person for me. She showed by her example how you can always be kind, open, sincere and truly conscientious person. Grandmother’s kindness was disarming and opened up some boundaries within so much that sometimes I wanted to cry from tenderness and some inexplicable and immense aching feeling coming from within, to which it was impossible to find words. At such moments, I hugged her tightly and realized that it was Kindness and Love that connected us all with an invisible thread. After all, no matter what country you live in, the language of KINDNESS and humanity is the same everywhere. As we can see, the root here is “good”. And then I remembered one phrase of a very wise man:

Good is short-lived, but if it is permanent, it is eternal.

Kindness has many manifestations and forms:

  • For me, it is often expressed by the word “yes” and has such facets as selflessness, unconditionality and simplicity. Kindness is a quality inherent in every person from birth. But whether a person manifests it into this world or not depends on his choice.
  • For me, kindness is also a STEP into something invisible, but united, it always fills me. Living in kindness since childhood, I considered it true manifestation any person, but gradually, growing up, I realized that this does not always happen in this material world. On my life path met different people, in which, as on the edges of a crystal, what was in the core was revealed, and I was always pleased that most people’s core was light, bright, attractive and kind. And at some point the realization came that it was true strong man- is, first of all, a kind person. Images from fairy tales and epics about Russian heroes immediately came to mind.

True kindness - how does it manifest itself in a person?

But still, in order to understand even more deeply the question: “What is the true kindness of a spiritual person,” I turned not to world literature and life experience, but to the books of my favorite writer Anastasia Novykh. Moreover, main character her books - a very unusual Personality.

Let's see what caught my attention first main character books - Nastya when meeting him: “God, what a familiar face.” And a little further, describing Sensei’s appearance, she will note:

I was even taken aback by surprise, looking into his eyes in surprise. In his attentive gaze there shone unfailing kindness and concern.

I specifically highlighted what Nastya noticed, and what always endears us to a person in the first place.

It is interesting that this same phrase is used by the author in his second book when describing the meeting of Antipius and an unusual old man in black clothes:

Grayish-brown hair with a snow-white beard framed his unusual face. A light, friendly smile wandered on his lips. And the extraordinary eyes, looking exactly into the very soul of the guy, radiated deep sympathy and unfailing kindness.

And here is a description of the appearance of Elder Anthony from another of her books, “Birds and Stone”:

He looked about ninety years old. A bit dry. Very tall, about ninety meters. Correct Slavic features faces. His beard and slightly curly long hair were white as snow. He was dressed in a warm, somewhat antique-cut cassock. On her feet are rural quilted burkas. The old man's legs were clearly painful, since every movement was difficult for him. with great difficulty. Despite such external darkness, his eyes radiated life-giving kindness and inner strength.

Pictures of disasters and natural disasters were intertwined with Rigden’s calm gaze. And this look gave some amazing effect: it calmed, caressed the soul with its unusually heartfelt kindness.

How many interesting adjectives have been written for this word! “Unchanging, life-giving, unusually soulful.” Moreover, in a real person, according to Sensei, this is the dominant quality. Talking in the book “Crossroads” about the return of Jesus to the body, he notes:

So, Jesus, as a Great Soul, entered his body almost instantly, and what a trace remained on the shroud. A person who is not spiritually prepared will not be able to withstand the manifestation of the Bodhisattva of Shambhala, if he appears in his true form, and not encapsulated in matter from birth in the world. As a rule, only a spiritually prepared person, free from attachment to matter, and morally pure, can withstand His high-frequency vibrations. Why? Because a person, cultivating the spiritual principle in himself, completely changes himself, changes inner world, astral. In him Love and Kindness dominate, that is, his brain begins to function at a completely different frequency. Therefore, there is no harm to him as such in manifesting the true essence of a Bodhisattva.

But it's not just the eyes that can express kindness. Nastya, talking about another dialogue with Sensei, notes:

Sensei spoke simply and clearly. His words were filled with such sincerity, such participation, strength and kindness, that even my “lotus flower” involuntarily began to work, spreading pleasant warmth throughout my body. And my soul felt so good, as if all the pretend masks had fallen off of me, revealing for a while my real Essence. And for some reason, it was in this free state that I really understood what Sensei was talking about. For this understanding did not come through words, but through my soul.

From the book "Sensei-II"

Thus, we gradually come to understand that when Love and Kindness dominate in a person, he, firstly, becomes a Human, and secondly, this is manifested in his appearance, thoughts, words and actions.

What is spiritual life like?

Let us turn again to the books of Anastasia Novykh, in in this case to the book “AllatRa” (p. 149):

Life is a series of events, where every moment is like a link in a chain, like a frame in a film, which captures all the thoughts and deeds of a person. It happens, you look good film and you get positive impressions from it, since most of the frames in it are light and bright. And sometimes you watch another film, and it creates a depressing mood, because most of the frames in it are dark and gloomy. So it’s important that your life film is light and bright, that it contains as many good shots as possible. And every frame is a moment here and now. The quality of every frame of your life film depends solely on you, because you make your life light or dark with your thoughts and deeds. The moment you have lived cannot be erased, you cannot cut it out, and there will not be a second take of it. Spiritual life is the saturation of every frame with Kindness, Love, good thoughts and deeds.

The main thing is to keep a clear focus in life on Spirituality, engage in spiritual practices, expand your horizons of Knowledge, do not succumb to the provocations of the Animal nature, create a feeling in yourself true love to God. And, naturally, do good deeds more often, live according to Conscience. This is daily work, a gradual victory over oneself. All of this makes up your path, which no one will walk for you and no one will do this spiritual work for you.

Thus - true Kindness spiritual Man- this is a spiritual quality given to us by God from birth, but from internal work It depends on oneself whether it will blossom in a person into the true Kindness of a spiritual Man. In Man with a Capital Letter it is developed and expressed in its maximum form, so it cannot be overlooked or missed.

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Although today it is rare to meet kind people, it’s still interesting why does a person need kindness, why he does good or wants to receive it from others. Doing good is good, but what is all this for? Perhaps this is a natural quality of a person.

Psychologists will sort it out today this topic in this article and will give some tips on how to not only understand, why does a person need kindness, but also how to learn to give it, to be kind and to receive reciprocal kindness.

A person needs kindness from others

Basically, many people do not want to give, but receive kindness from others. They want attention, respect, good opinion and behavior towards themselves, but they themselves do nothing for it. Of course, maybe someday you will meet a kind person who will decide to help you, but why wait, you need to do good around yourself, even if you yourself need help. Do you want to receive kindness from a person, do something kind for him yourself, at least show attention and respect. If everyone lived according to this principle, the world would become a paradise, but, alas, this will not happen.

Many people cannot understand at all why and for what purpose, I need kindness whether it is done for profit or comes from the natural qualities of a person. This is easy to determine when a person wants to benefit from you, trying to somehow fool you with his kindness, good manners insincere laughter and smile, then this kindness is done for the sake of profit and does not bring anything good in itself. If this kindness is natural, then a person, without even thinking, will help someone who needs help, both moral and physical. For this, it is useful to learn and read the guide on the path to happiness: how to form positive thinking, since thinking positively, you will attract positive moments, joy and happiness into your life.

By doing good to people, you find true peace and balance.

Basically, people worry and fuss, although in fact they do not gain anything and do not know, why does a person need kindness, living with the idea that everything is done for profit, anger, deception, that all people are bad and evil. Start creating yourself and giving goodness to people, then you will find the most important thing, inner peace, harmony, joy and happiness. Never find happiness and peace in outside world, since it has long been inherent in us by nature.

Take care of kindness - do good and value people

The main thing is to preserve what was given to man by nature; no external manifestations will give you any happiness and spiritual harmony , everything has long been inherent in us by nature and our task is to build ourselves up in life and preserve all natural qualities, including kindness. Don't be confused kindness natural with benefit, since everything should come naturally, as it was intended by nature. Therefore, try not to wait for someone to take the first step, you take it - do the good that comes from your soul and appreciate those who, like you, do good and sincerely accept it.

Do you need to be kind?

The one who asks Why does a person need kindness? how to become kind, implies his own benefit by these issues. If you want to do good with some selfish purpose and benefit, then you will not receive anything, you will not be rewarded for it. To be kind, it's natural, good quality a person, laid down since childhood, but destroyed due to improper upbringing and bad manners and habits. Also, many are interested in knowing why we envy, but this is also a manifestation of an egoistic character that is developed and acquired due to incorrect upbringing and development. Appreciate the good, do kindness and love not only yourself, but also nature and all the world, since this is the main truth, which no one reaches because of the bustle and anxiety in the external world of illusions.

“He who does good to a friend does good to himself.” “When you give, you receive.” “It’s time to give when you don’t have much.” These and a million other quotes about kindness teach us to be compassionate, generous, honest, and understanding. For real. Human.

No matter how many fairy tales are written and films made, with different endings, good still triumphs over evil. And in life too. We believe in it. Today is World Spontaneous Kindness Day, reminding us of the importance of being human. Be, not seem to be. Dalai Lama XIV says that you need to do good deeds, and not just think about it. Taking action is the main thing.

We chose facts about kindness from different books. Read, think about it and, most importantly, implement good ideas. We think this is the most important thing in life.

1. Kindness changes the world

Everything we have done only for ourselves dies with us.

Everything we have done for others and the world lasts forever.

Albert Pike

Tal Ben-Shahar, a positive psychology scholar and author of What You Choose, writes about what many of us are afraid to think about. The fact that many events in the world around us do not depend in any way on the efforts of individual people, and yet we greatly underestimate our ability to change the world for the better.

In the movie Pay It Forward, a schoolteacher asks his students to give a report on how each of them could change the world for the better. One of them, Trevor, decides to do three good deeds, volunteer to help random people three times, and then ask them - instead of thanking them - to help someone else three times and have them ask for the same thing instead of thanking them, and so on.

If every person who is helped by someone in turn helps three other people, then in twenty-one “steps” every person on Earth will have received help from someone. The film tells the story of how Trevor's good deeds create a positive influence that spreads like ripples on water. This influence deeply touches the lives of people whom Trevor himself has never even met.

In our global village, social connections are strong and every action ripples through time and space. That's why it's important not to stop doing good.

Feeling helpless in the face global problems is rooted in our belief that an individual's contribution is a drop in the ocean. But if you find a way to do something good and “infect” other people with it - even just a few - you can create significant change.

Change the world for the better. Repay others for what they have done for you and inspire them to do the same.

2. Doing good makes us happier.

Without kindness, true joy is impossible.

Thomas Carlyle

Generosity and generosity are wonderful human qualities. They are very beneficial for physical and mental health. The ability to share time, energy or money with people helps to increase feelings of happiness and reduces the risk of depression, stress levels and has a beneficial effect on relationships with others.

It turns out that we naturally feel happier when we are generous. When we give something to someone, our altruism activates the parts of the brain that are responsible for pleasure, communication with others, and trust.

People who are actively involved in philanthropic activities increase their self-esteem and strengthen their faith in their own strengths. Simply put, we are happy - source.

Showing kindness activates the production of endorphins in the brain. These biological reactions create euphoric feelings of peace and happiness in a generous and generous person.

3. Being kind means being a strong person.

The great thinker of the 20th century, Stephen Covey, calls courage the father of all virtues. Courage and respect help us become complete, whole individuals. It takes a lot to develop a personality life experience, you have to go around the built building many times and in different ways until you notice where it has sagged and where it has sagged as a result of past mistakes, and only in this way can you gradually come to integration of an internal nature.

That's why for construction strong character patience is required. Men who begin small and work on themselves every day with high principles in mind are sure to spread their influence until they become models of true character and, as a result, mentors and teachers to others.

There is always time for a good deed, source.

These individuals become catalysts for change and Transition Persons who can break cycles of negative behavior in their families, organizations or communities.

4. Kindness is an act of giving.

Generosity, whether material or spiritual, changes a person. For the most part, we tend to give, especially when it is convenient for us or socially approved. This is how man is made. If you look at it, we are constantly giving something away - time or energy. But when you spend time with your children, staring at the TV, surfing the Internet on your tablet, or constantly thinking about problems at work, this is not a real act of giving.

The most valuable gifts have nothing to do with money. They are associated with deeply personal and emotional manifestations human soul: understanding, moral support, spiritual closeness and kindness.

It is very important to give and love when you cannot demand the same in return. This is why giving is so difficult, but so important for personal growth, — source.

It's easy to be a giver when all you have to do is take money out of your wallet. Is it a matter of investing time and mental strength into someone or something. Giving gifts with soul is much more difficult than with money. But generosity changes everything when it comes from the depths of the soul. And this is the most important thing.

5. Kindness is the path to originality

The desire to help others helps the person himself. This is a natural consequence of being exceptional. To take the path of “otherness” from others, you need the ability to share experience. How can I purchase it? Doing good deeds again. Don't be afraid to get attached to something that will give you incentive and motivation. You can train with someone, take an art class, help animal shelters, or go on a charity mission to African countries. Over time, you will realize that you have acquired new experience, you can pass it on to others and you will become extraordinary, not on anyone. similar person- yourself.

Kindness changes people - source.

6. Kindness helps... in sales

Honesty is one of the facets of kindness. Maxim Kombat Batyrev writes about it this way.

Just at the everyday level, honesty helps both in life and in business. I once met an entrepreneur, Roman, who thinks the same way as me. This is what he said: “In general, I have the following rule about this category: try to live as if everyone around you knows everything about you. And actions, and deeds, and even thoughts. This is even cooler than “behind glass”. But you can imagine how simple everything is when you know that you will be ashamed of what you sometimes want to do, or you are thinking about something that you doubt, and at the same time you imagine that all this will become the property of everyone’s attention... Right after that, comes a clear and unambiguous understanding of exactly what needs to be done. And it’s immediately clear what’s good and what’s not so good.”

Honestly, it’s profitable to live, honestly, it’s profitable to work, honestly, it’s profitable to sell. But it would seem that kindness and honesty have nothing to do with work.

7. Kindness improves relationships

Talk to people as if they really are

what they would like to be - and you will help them become that way.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

When you treat people kindly, relationships will improve on their own. What's the secret? Remember that not everything revolves around you. “Everything” here means the world, the day, the conversation at the copier at work, the traffic jam in which you are stuck. The way to make sure that not everything revolves around you is to believe that everyone else is more interesting than you. A maid cleaning a hotel room, a driver in a nearby car, a businessman sitting next to him on an airplane. All without exception.

Notice those who are nearby - source.

Try this - ask questions. Sincerely. From the heart. If you ask people a question, most often they will tell you a story that will shock you, make you laugh, make you cry - there are many options. People will feel your involvement and attentiveness. If you behave this way, if not all the time, then at least sometimes, you will see that there will be more warmth in your relationships with others.

When we are open to goodness, goodness comes to us.

Do good deeds! Change for the better starts small. Change yourself, even just a little, and the world will change. Remember: The best way manifestkindness is action.

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