Classification of means of protection purpose their brief description. Individual protection means

  • 10. Fundamentals of mobilization preparation for healthcare mobilization.
  • 11. State material reserve for medical and sanitary purposes.
  • 12. Military registration and booking of medical workers
  • 13. Modern wars and armed conflicts.
  • 14. See Previously
  • 15. Means of armed struggle
  • 16. Affecting factors of modern types of weapons
  • 18. Hazards and their impact on the human body. System of measures to ensure the safety of organized teams.
  • 19. Measures to ensure the personal safety of citizens.
  • 20. Basic concepts, definitions, classification, medical and health consequences of emergency situations.
  • 21. Phases of development and damaging factors of emergency situations.
  • 22.Methods of forecasting and assessing the situation in emergency situations.
  • 23. Unified State System for Prevention and Elimination of Consequences of Emergency Situations.
  • 24. Basic principles and legal framework for the protection of the population.
  • 25. Fundamentals of the organization of rescue and other urgent work in emergency situations.
  • 26. The system of civil defense and the main directions of its activities.
  • 27. Fundamentals of organization and measures to protect the population in peacetime and wartime.
  • 28. System and methods of human protection from the main types of dangerous and harmful effects of natural and man-made origin.
  • 30. General characteristics and classification of protective equipment.
  • 31. Protective structures, individual technical and medical protective equipment.
  • 32. Sanitary and special treatment.
  • 33. Fundamentals of the organization of medical and psychological support for the population, medical workers and rescuers in emergency situations.
  • 34. The main psychological causes of erroneous actions and the occurrence of dangerous situations. (See earlier)
  • 35. Psychotraumatic factors of an emergency.
  • 37. Organization of medical and psychological assistance to the population, medical workers and rescuers in emergency situations.
  • 38. Safety of medical work.
  • 39. Characteristics of threats to the life and health of medical workers.
  • 40. The system of labor protection and safety in medical organizations
  • 41. Basic approaches, methods and means of ensuring the safety of the doctor.
  • 42. Features of ensuring fire, radiation, chemical, biological and psychological safety of personnel.
  • 43. Safety requirements when working in structural units of medical organizations.
  • 44. Safety of medical services
  • 45. Characteristics of threats to the life and health of hospital patients. The form of manifestation of threats to patient safety.
  • 46. ​​The system for ensuring patient safety in medical organizations.
  • 47. Therapeutic and protective mode of work of medical organizations.
  • 48. Sanitary treatment of patients. Evacuation of patients in emergency situations.
  • 1. The essence of the system of medical and evacuation support for the population in emergency situations
  • 2. Organization of medical triage during medical and evacuation support of the population and personnel of medical institutions during emergencies.
  • 3. Features of the organization of medical care for children in emergency situations
  • 4. Features of the organization of medical and evacuation measures in the case of the use of modern types of weapons.
  • 5. Medical and sanitary provision of the population during the liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations of a chemical nature.
  • 7. Classification of toxic and highly toxic substances (OVTV).
  • 9. The course of intoxication, the main clinical manifestations.
  • 10. General principles of emergency care, antidote therapy.
  • 11. Concept and medico-tactical characteristics of infection zones and foci of lesions created by OVTV.
  • 12. Features of medical and evacuation support (organizational, medical and diagnostic measures and means).
  • 14. Medical and sanitary provision of the population during the elimination of the consequences of emergency situations of a radiation nature.
  • 15. Types of ionizing radiation and their properties. Quantitative assessment of ionizing radiation.
  • 17. The concept of zones of radioactive contamination. Foci of radiation damage.
  • 18. Factors causing injury in nuclear explosions and radiation accidents.
  • 19. Medical characteristics of radiation injuries, immediate and long-term effects of exposure. Divide
  • 20. Medical and sanitary provision of the population during the liquidation of the consequences of radiation accidents.
  • 21. Means of prevention and therapy of radiation injuries.
  • 22. Medical and tactical characteristics of natural emergencies.
  • 23. Medical and tactical characteristics of transport and road traffic accidents.
  • 24. Medical and tactical characteristics of emergency situations of explosive and fire hazardous nature.
  • 26. Fundamentals of organizing and conducting sanitary and anti-epidemic measures among the population in emergency situations.
  • 27. Classification and content of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures.
  • 28. Principles of organizing sanitary and anti-epidemic measures in emergency situations.
  • 29. Features of the organization of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures in the context of epidemics.
  • 30. Tasks and principles of supplying medical equipment to formations and institutions of the QMS.
  • 31. Medical property: classification and characteristics. Determining the need for medical equipment.
  • 32. Organization of accounting and reporting on medical property.
  • 33. Tasks, principles, modes of functioning of the All-Russian Service for Disaster Medicine.
  • 34. Organizational structure, characteristics of institutions and formations of the All-Russian Service for Disaster Medicine.
  • 35. Legislative and regulatory framework for the management of the VSMK.
  • 1. Primary medical card.
  • 2. Individual anti-chemical package (IPP-8a, IPP-11).
  • 3. Individual dressing package (ppi)
  • 4. Filtering gas mask.
  • 5. X-ray radiometer (dp-5)
  • 6. Individual dosimeter (ID-1)
  • 7. Gas mask insulating (ip)
  • 8. Individual first aid kit (ai-1, ai-11)
  • 9. Respirator.
  • 10. Hopkalite cartridge.
  • 30. General characteristics and classification of protective equipment.

    Personal protective equipment (PPE) includes:

    Means of respiratory protection;

    Skin protection

    They are designed to protect against radioactive, poisonous substances and bacterial agents. People should have PPE at work (gas masks) and at home (simple and improvised means).

    Respiratory protection equipment includes:

    Filtering gas masks PDF-D, PDF-Sh, GP-5, GP-7 protect the eyes and respiratory organs from gas, smoke, steam, fog, drip liquid agents, radioactive dust, aerosols, microbes and toxins. Protection against carbon monoxide is provided by screwing a hepcalite cartridge to the box. A variety of filtering gas masks are industrial gas masks with a helmet-mask and replaceable absorbing boxes for various hazardous chemicals, having the appropriate marking and color (for ammonia - the letters KD, the color of the box is gray).

    The insulating gas masks IP-4, KIP-8 isolate the respiratory organs from the surrounding air. Respiration occurs due to the supply of oxygen. They are used when conducting work in areas contaminated with hazardous chemicals, and under water.

    Respirators R-2D, R-2 protect the respiratory organs (but not the eyes) from radioactive dust and harmful aerosols.

    The simplest means of protection - an anti-dust mask (PPM), a cotton-gauze bandage - are used as respirators.

    Skin protection means protect the skin and clothes from the ingress of droplet agents, bacterial agents, radioactive dust, and partially from light radiation.

    These include:

    1. Filter clothes made of cotton fabric treated with special compounds are used for everyday wear. Sportswear with additional sealing means impregnated with an oil-soap emulsion can be used.

    2. Insulating clothing can be sealed (protective kit or suit, overalls) or partially sealed (cloak, cape). The duration of stay of people in insulating clothing is limited and depends on the air temperature.

    First of all, respiratory protection equipment is provided to: personnel of high readiness formations, other NFs, workers and employees of enterprises that will continue to work in wartime, then to the rest of the population of cities and rural areas. Children's gas masks are primarily provided to children living in chemically hazardous cities

    Insulating and filtering gas masks, as well as special skin protection products, are accumulated at economic facilities. The simplest means of respiratory protection and improvised means of protecting the skin are made (adapted) and accumulated by the population.

    31. Protective structures, individual technical and medical protective equipment.

    One of the most reliable ways to protect the population from the effects of SDYAV in case of accidents at chemically hazardous facilities and from radioactive substances in case of malfunctions at nuclear power plants, during natural disasters: storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, snow drifts and, of course, in the case of the use of conventional and modern weapons means of mass destruction - this is a shelter in protective structures (ES). A protective structure is an engineering structure designed to shelter people, equipment and property from dangers arising from accidents and disasters at potentially hazardous facilities (PHO) or natural hazards in the areas where these facilities are located, as well as from the impact of modern weapons (SSP). ). Such structures include shelters and anti-radiation shelters (PRU) and the simplest shelters

    Shelters are hermetic-type protective structures that protect against all damaging factors of emergency situations in peacetime and wartime. People taking refuge in the shelter do not use personal protective equipment for the skin and respiratory organs.

    Anti-radiation shelters are structures that protect people from ionizing radiation, contamination by radioactive substances, drops of AOHV and aerosols of biological agents.

    Shelters of the simplest type are cracks, trenches, dugouts. It does not take much time to build them, but they can effectively protect people from certain emergency factors.

    Protective structures are classified by purpose, location, construction time, protective properties, capacity

    According to their purpose, general-purpose protective structures are distinguished (to protect the population in cities and rural areas) and special-purpose ones - to accommodate controls, warning and communication systems, and medical institutions.

    According to the location, built-in and free-standing are distinguished. Built-in structures are located in the basement and basement floors of buildings; they are widely used, their construction is economically more expedient.

    By the time of construction, they distinguish between those erected in advance, which are capital structures made of durable fireproof materials and pre-fabricated, constructed in a special period with the threat of an emergency using improvised materials.

    According to the protective properties of shelters are divided into 5 classes. The protective properties are determined by the ability of the shelter, its enclosing structures to withstand a certain amount of excess pressure of the shock wave.

    By capacity, shelters of small capacity (up to 600 people), medium capacity (600-2000 people) and large capacity (more than 2000 people) are distinguished.

    Certain requirements are imposed on the protective properties of shelters, which require strict adherence to the rules of construction and operation. Only in this case, protective structures can fulfill their direct purpose:

    Shelters should provide reliable protection from all the damaging factors of emergencies;

    Enclosing structures must have the necessary thermal resistance to protect against high temperatures;

    Shelters must be appropriately equipped for people to stay in them for at least two days;

    PRU must provide the calculated multiplicity of attenuation of ionizing radiation;

    PRU must be provided with sanitary facilities for long-term stay of people in them;

    The simplest shelters are chosen in such a way that they can protect people from light radiation, penetrating radiation and shock waves.

    Classification of personal protective equipment.

    According to the principle of protection, personal protective equipment is divided into filtering and insulating. The principle of filtration is that the air necessary to maintain human life is purified from harmful impurities when passing through protective equipment. Isolating-type personal protective equipment completely isolates the human body from the environment using materials that are impervious to air and harmful impurities.

    According to the method of manufacture, personal protective equipment is divided into means: manufactured by industry, and the simplest, made by the population from improvised materials.

    Personal protective equipment can be personal protective equipment, the provision of which is provided for by equipment tables (numbers) depending on the organizational structure of the formations, and non-equity, designed to provide formations in addition to the personnel equipment or in the order of their replacement.

    Means of protection of respiratory organs. The most reliable means of protecting the respiratory organs of people are gas masks. They are designed to protect the respiratory organs, face and eyes of a person from harmful impurities in the air. According to the principle of action, all gas masks are divided into filtering and insulating.

    Filtering gas masks are the main means of individual respiratory protection. The principle of their protective action is based on the preliminary purification (filtration) of the air inhaled by a person from various harmful impurities.

    Currently, in the civil defense system for the adult population, filtering gas masks GP-5, GP-5m and GP-4u are used. Components: filtering-absorbing box, front part (for the gas mask GP-5 - a helmet-mask, for the gas mask GP-4u - a mask), a bag for a gas mask, a connecting tube, a box with anti-fogging films. For children - DP-6, DP-6m, PDF-7, PDF-d, PDF-sh, as well as a children's protective camera (KDZ-4). It should be borne in mind that filtering gas masks do not protect against carbon monoxide, therefore, an additional cartridge is used to protect against carbon monoxide, which consists of hopcalite, a desiccant, an outer neck for screwing on a connecting tube, and an inner neck for attaching to a gas mask box.

    Insulating gas masks (IP-4, IP-5, IP-46, IP-46m) are special means of protecting the respiratory system, eyes, and facial skin from all harmful impurities contained in the air. They are used when filtering gas masks do not provide such protection, as well as in conditions of lack of oxygen in the air. The air necessary for breathing is enriched in insulating gas masks with oxygen in a regenerative cartridge equipped with a special substance (sodium peroxide and superoxide). The gas mask consists of: front part, regenerative cartridge, breathing bag, frame and bag.

    Respirators, anti-dust fabric masks and cotton-gauze bandages. In the civil defense system, the R-2 respirator is most widely used. Respirators are used to protect the respiratory organs from radioactive and ground dust and when operating in a secondary cloud of bacterial agents. The P-2 respirator is a filtering half mask equipped with two inlet valves and one outlet valve (with a safety screen), a headband consisting of elastic bands and a nose clip.

    Anti-dust fabric mask PTM-1 and cotton-gauze bandage are designed to protect the human respiratory organs from radioactive dust and during actions in the secondary cloud of bacterial agents. They do not protect against poisonous substances. Mostly the population itself makes masks and bandages. The mask consists of two main parts - the body and the mount. The body is made of 2-4 layers of fabric. In it, viewing holes are cut out with glasses inserted into them. On the head, the mask is fastened with a strip of fabric sewn to the side edges of the body. A snug fit of the mask to the head is ensured with the help of an elastic band in the upper seam and ties in the lower seam of the attachment, as well as with the help of a transverse elastic band sewn to the upper corners of the mask body. The air is cleaned by the entire surface of the mask as it passes through the fabric upon entry. Each worker or employee can make a mask.

    Cotton-gauze bandage is made by the population on their own. This requires a piece of gauze measuring 100 by 50 cm. A layer of cotton wool 1–2 cm thick, 30 cm long, 20 cm wide is applied to the gauze. The gauze is folded on both sides and applied to the cotton wool. The ends are cut lengthwise at a distance of 30–35 cm so that two pairs of ties are formed. If necessary, cover the mouth and nose with a bandage; the upper ends are tied at the back of the head, and the lower ends at the crown. Cotton balls are placed in narrow strips on both sides of the nose. Protective goggles are used to protect the eyes.

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    Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

    state educational institution

    higher professional education



    departmentTechnosphere safety

    in the discipline of life safety on the topic:

    Individual protection means

    Tyumen, 2014


    Classification of personal protective equipment

    Briefly about the use of PPE in some industries

    Infrared radiation and personal protective equipment against it

    Personal protective equipment against mechanical influences

    Harmful substances and personal protective equipment against them

    Noise protection equipment

    Ionizing radiation and personal protective equipment against them

    Personal protective equipment against electromagnetic fields

    Personal protective equipment against electric shock

    PPE quality control

    Rules for providing PPE at enterprises




    The safety of human life in the production environment is associated with danger and the occurrence of accidents, diseases and industrial injuries. Virtually every industrial process involves, to a greater or lesser extent, a risk to the health of workers. That is why any enterprise is obliged to protect its employees, provide them with work clothes and shoes. In addition, personal protective equipment should be available to every worker whose activities are associated with the risk of injury or illness.

    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used to protect workers. Means of individual and collective protection of workers - technical means used to prevent or reduce the impact on workers of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, as well as to protect against pollution (Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In accordance with GOST 12.4.011-89 Protective equipment for workers, depending on the nature of their use, is divided into two categories: collective protective equipment and personal protective equipment.

    The choice of means of protection is made taking into account their purpose and protective properties, the specific conditions of the situation and the nature of the infection.

    The legal basis for ensuring life safety is formed by the relevant laws and regulations adopted by the representative bodies of the Russian Federation. According to these regulatory legal acts, the employer is obliged to ensure the purchase and issue at his own expense of certified special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment that meets state quality standards.

    Classification of personal protective equipment

    The classification of PPE in Russia is established by GOST 12.4.011-89, depending on the purpose, they distinguish:

    Insulating suits - pneumatic suits; waterproof suits; spacesuits;

    Means of protection of respiratory organs - gas masks; respirators;

    Special clothes - overalls, semi-overalls; jackets; trousers; suits; bathrobes; raincoats; short fur coats, sheepskin coats; aprons; vests;

    Special footwear - boots, over the knee boots, half boots, boots, low shoes, shoes, galoshes, boots, shoe covers;

    Hand protection means - mittens, gloves;

    Head protection means - helmets; helmets, balaclavas; caps, berets, hats;

    Facial protection means - protective masks; protective shields;

    Hearing protection - anti-noise helmets; headphones;

    Eye protection - goggles;

    Safety devices -- safety belts; dielectric mats; hand grips; manipulators; knee pads;

    Protective, dermatological means - creams, ointments, pastes.

    The use of PPE largely protects the worker from negative impacts in the process of working in production. The use of varieties of protective devices primarily depends on the type of activity of the enterprise, on the specific conditions of its work.

    Briefly about the use of PPE in some industries

    At mining enterprises, PPE protects workers and employees from high or low temperatures, high or low air humidity, dust, etc. For the manufacture of overalls, mixed (from natural fibers mixed with synthetic) fabrics are used, treated with special impregnations and having high wear resistance and good protective properties.

    When working with acids and alkalis, suits made of woolen, synthetic fabrics or fabrics with special impregnation are used. To protect against water and other non-caustic liquids, clothes made of linen fabrics or with special impregnation are used. The protective qualities of overalls for the conditions of flooded mine workings are also ensured by the use of rubberized fabrics or rubber-coated fabrics. Dust protection is achieved by using fabrics of increased density, but with sufficient air and moisture permeability. A significant number of types of overalls are provided for workers of underground mining enterprises - a miner's suit, a vapor-permeable suit for workers in flooded mines, etc.

    At the enterprises of the oil and gas industry, overalls with overlays made of oil and frost-resistant materials are used to protect against oil and oil products. Workers are protected from the harmful effects of oil and oil products by special oil and fat protective shoes.

    To protect the feet of workers from mechanical damage, temperature influences (burns, overheating, cooling, getting wet), from the action of various aggressive substances (acids, oil, oil products, organic solvents, etc.), special footwear is used. Of great importance is air and vapor permeability, as well as the hygroscopicity of the material from which the shoe upper is made. The higher the moisture absorption and moisture return of the material, the higher its hygienic properties.

    At mining enterprises, rubber footwear is used (glue rubber boots, shaped rubber boots with hard socks, molded rubber boots, semi-boots for general purposes), leather and felt boots.

    To protect against electric shock, special dielectric boots, boots and galoshes are used. To prevent inflammation of the periarticular bags of the knee and elbow joints, leading to bursitis, knee and elbow pads are used, microporous rubber plates 8-12 mm thick are used, which are placed in special pockets on trousers and on jacket sleeves. When performing production operations, in which the hands of workers come into contact with harmful substances that can cause skin diseases, term, burns, etc., use hand protection equipment (mittens, gloves).

    For mine conditions, pads are provided on the palmar and back parts, as well as on the tips. For the base and overlays, the same fabrics are used as for workwear, in particular with a rubber coating. To protect against electric shock, special dielectric gloves are used. One of the main PPE for the head at mining enterprises is helmets (helmets, hats, scarves are also used). Three types of polyethylene helmets are produced: for underground operational workers; drifters and vertical shaft maintenance workers; working surfaces of shafts - with a warming balaclava for winter time. Helmets of the "Labor" type are also widely used.

    An important element of hearing protection working from intense industrial noise are anti-noise (headphones, earbuds). According to the magnitude of the attenuation of the noise level, mass and pressing force, anti-noise devices are divided into groups.

    To prevent people from falling from a height or when moving along vertical and inclined mine workings, safety belts, individual rope parachutes (suspended on a safety rope stretched along the working), and other safety devices are used.

    The list of protective equipment, the terms of their wear are regulated by industry standards. At all jobs with harmful working conditions or at jobs performed under unfavorable temperature conditions, according to these standards, workers and employees are issued free of charge overalls, safety shoes and safety devices. Safety devices (dielectric galoshes and gloves, gas masks, etc.), when they are not specified in industry standards, can be issued to workers and employees for a period of wearing "to wear out" or as "on duty".

    Infrared radiation and personal protective equipment against it

    Infrared radiation or infrared rays is electromagnetic radiation occupying the spectral region between the red end of visible light (with a wavelength of 0.74 microns) and short-wave radio radiation (1-2 mm). Heated solids and liquids emit a continuous infrared spectrum.

    Depending on the wavelength, the penetrating power of infrared radiation changes. Short-wave infrared radiation (0.76-1.4 microns) has the highest penetrating power, which penetrates into human tissues to a depth of several centimeters. Infrared rays of the long-wave range (9-420 microns) are retained in the surface layers of the skin.

    The impact of infrared radiation can be general and local. With long-wave radiation, the temperature of the body surface rises, and with short-wave radiation, the temperature of the lungs, brain, kidneys and some other human organs changes.

    A significant change in the overall body temperature (1.5-2) C occurs when irradiated with infrared rays of high intensity. Influencing the brain tissue, short-wave radiation causes "sunstroke". At the same time, a person feels a headache, dizziness, increased heart rate and respiration, darkening in the eyes, impaired coordination of movements, loss of consciousness is possible. With intense irradiation of the head, swelling of the membranes and tissues of the brain occurs, symptoms of meningitis and encephalitis appear.

    When exposed to the eyes, the greatest danger is short-wave radiation. A possible consequence of exposure to infrared radiation on the eye is the appearance of infrared cataracts.

    SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises" regulate the permissible intensity of IR irradiation of the surface of the human body. The classification of intensity according to indicators of harmfulness and danger is presented taking into account the effectiveness of the personal protective equipment used.

    Thermal radiation increases the temperature of the environment, worsens its microclimate, which can lead to overheating of the body.

    Under production conditions, heat generation is possible from:

    Melting, heating furnaces and other thermal devices;

    Cooling of heated or molten metals;

    Transition into heat - mechanical energy spent on the drive of the main technological equipment;

    The transition of electrical energy into thermal energy, etc.

    The use of personal protective equipment (the use of shields and goggles with light filters to protect the eyes and face, protection of the body surface with overalls made of linen and half-linen impregnated canvas) contributes to a significant reduction in the risk of exposure to infrared radiation on the worker.

    Personal protective equipment against mechanical influences

    Dangerous mechanical factors: mechanical movements and actions of technological equipment, tools, mechanisms and machines. Personal protective equipment against mechanical influences includes work clothes, goggles, gloves. Head protection equipment should include special helmets and helmets designed to protect the head and face from mechanical injury.

    Harmful substances and personal protective equipment against them

    Conducting a number of technological processes is accompanied by the release of harmful chemicals into the air of the working area in the form of vapors, gases and dust. According to the degree of action on the human body, harmful substances are divided into four hazard classes:

    I. Extremely dangerous: MPC<0,1 мг/м3;

    II. Highly hazardous: MPC from 0.1 to 1.0 mg/m3;

    III. Moderately hazardous: MPC from 1.1 to 10.0 mg/m3;

    IV. Low-hazard: MPC >10.0 mg/m3.

    This classification is based on the average lethal concentration (MCC) and the maximum permissible concentration (MAC).

    MPCs of harmful substances are concentrations that, during daily work for eight hours or another duration, but not more than 41 hours a week, during the entire working experience, cannot cause illness or deviations in the state of health detected by modern research methods in the process of work or in longevity of present and future generations.

    By the nature of the action, they are divided into:

    1. General toxic - causing poisoning of the whole organism (carbon monoxide, benzene, mercury, lead, cyanides, arsenides - arsenic compounds);

    2. Irritant (chlorine, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, acetone);

    3. Sensitizing - allergens (formaldehyde, solvents and varnishes based on nitro compounds);

    4. Carcinogenic - causing cancer (nickel, chromium compounds, asbestos, amines, etc.);

    5. Mutagenic - affecting reproductive function (styrene, magnesium, mercury).

    Personal protective equipment against harmful substances:

    Personal respiratory protection. They are divided into: anti-dust masks-respirators; gas mask respirators (against dust and gas); gas masks (filtering and insulating).

    Personal protective equipment for the body. To protect the body, special suits are used, dressing gowns in acid-, dust-, poison-protective versions. To protect the hands, special gloves, hydrophobic or hydrophilic ointments. To protect the head - special helmets.

    Personal eye protection. To protect the eyes, special goggles, space suits, face shields are used.

    All personnel who work with hazardous substances periodically undergo control.

    Noise protection equipment

    Industrial noise is a chaotic combination of sounds of different frequencies that cause discomfort and have a harmful or irritating effect.

    The impact of noise on the human body causes negative changes primarily in the hearing organs, nervous and cardiovascular systems. The degree of manifestation of these changes depends on the noise parameters, work experience in conditions of noise exposure, the duration of noise exposure during the working day, and the individual sensitivity of the body. The effect of noise on the human body is aggravated by the forced position of the body, increased attention, neuro-emotional stress, and unfavorable microclimate.

    The use of personal protective equipment (antiphons, anti-noise headphones and ear plugs) contributes to a significant reduction in the risk of exposure to infrared radiation on a worker. These products should be hygienic and easy to use.

    Ionizing radiation and personal protective equipment against them

    Ionizing radiation - streams of particles and electromagnetic quanta formed during nuclear transformations, i.e. as a result of radioactive decay. The most common types of ionizing radiation are X-rays and gamma rays, fluxes of alpha particles, electrons, neutrons and protons.

    GOST 12.4.120-83 SSBT “Means of collective protection against ionizing radiation. General technical requirements".

    Sources of ionizing radiation can be natural and artificial radioactive substances, various types of nuclear installations, medical preparations, numerous control and measuring devices (defectoscopy of metals, quality control of welded joints). They are also used in agriculture, geological exploration, in the fight against static electricity, etc.

    It is permissible for the population to receive an average annual radiation dose not exceeding 1 mSv (0.1 rem).

    If we take morphological changes as a criterion for sensitivity to ionizing radiation, then the cells and tissues of the body, in order of increasing sensitivity, can be arranged in the following order: nervous tissue, cartilage and bone tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue, thyroid gland, digestive glands, lungs, skin , mucous membranes, gonads, lymphoid tissue and bone marrow. personal protective equipment

    The effect of exposure to sources of ionizing radiation on the body depends on a number of reasons, the main of which are considered to be the level of absorbed doses, exposure time and dose rate, the volume of tissues and organs, and the type of exposure.

    The reactions of the human body to the effects of sources of ionizing radiation are conventionally divided into two groups. The first includes acute lesions, the second - long-term consequences (somatic and genetic effects).

    Hygienic requirements for the protection of personnel from internal overexposure when using open sources of ionizing radiation are determined by the complexity of the operations performed during the work. However, the main principles of protection remain unchanged. These include:

    Use of the principles of protection applied when working with sealed sources of radiation;

    Sealing of production equipment to isolate processes that can be sources of radioactive substances entering the environment;

    Planning events;

    The use of sanitary devices and equipment, the use of protective materials;

    Use of personal protective equipment and sanitization of personnel;

    Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

    Alpha rays can be protected by:

    Increasing the distance to IRS, because alpha particles have a short range;

    Use of overalls and special footwear, tk. the penetrating power of alpha particles is low;

    Exclusion of alpha-particle sources from getting into food, water, air and through mucous membranes, i.e. the use of gas masks, masks, glasses, etc.

    As protection against beta radiation, use:

    Fences (screens), taking into account the fact that a sheet of aluminum with a thickness of several millimeters completely absorbs the flow of beta particles;

    Methods and methods that exclude the ingress of beta radiation sources into the body.

    Protection against X-rays and gamma radiation must be organized taking into account the fact that these types of radiation are characterized by high penetrating power. The following measures are most effective (usually used in combination):

    Increasing the distance to the radiation source;

    Reducing the time spent in the danger zone;

    Shielding of the radiation source with high-density materials (lead, iron, concrete, etc.);

    Use of protective structures (anti-radiation shelters, basements, etc.) for the population;

    Use of personal protective equipment for respiratory organs, skin and mucous membranes;

    Dosimetric control of the environment and food.

    Personal protective equipment against electromagnetic fields

    It is known that near the conductor through which the current flows, both electric and magnetic fields arise simultaneously. If the current does not change with time, these fields are independent of each other. With alternating current, the magnetic and electric fields are interconnected, representing a single electromagnetic field.

    The electromagnetic field has a certain energy and is characterized by electrical and magnetic intensity, which must be taken into account when assessing working conditions.

    The sources of electromagnetic radiation are radio engineering and electronic devices, inductors, capacitors of thermal installations, transformers, antennas, flange connections of waveguide paths, microwave generators, etc.

    Electromagnetic radiation has a harmful effect on the human body. In the blood, which is an electrolyte, under the influence of electromagnetic radiation, ion currents arise, causing tissue heating. At a certain intensity of radiation, called the thermal threshold, the body may not be able to cope with the heat generated.

    Heating is especially dangerous for organs with an underdeveloped vascular system with low blood circulation (eyes, brain, stomach, etc.). If the eyes are exposed to radiation for several days, the lens may become cloudy, which can cause cataracts.

    In addition to thermal effects, electromagnetic radiation has an adverse effect on the nervous system, causing dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, metabolism.

    Prolonged exposure to a person causes increased fatigue, leads to a decrease in the quality of work operations, severe pain in the heart, changes in blood pressure and pulse.

    Special clothing made of metallized fabric and goggles are recommended as personal protective equipment against the effects of an electromagnetic field.

    Personal protective equipment against electric shock

    An electric current is an ordered movement of charged particles.

    Compared to other dangers, electric current is different in that a person cannot detect it in advance with the help of the senses (analyzers).

    Electrical installation - a set of machines, devices, lines and auxiliary equipment (together with the structures and premises in which they are installed) intended for the production, transformation, transmission, distribution of electrical energy.

    The thermal effect consists in heating the tissues and biological media of the body, which leads to overheating of the entire body and, as a result, to a violation of metabolic processes and related deviations.

    The electrolytic effect consists in the decomposition of blood, plasma and other physiological solutions of the body, after which they can no longer perform their functions.

    The biological effect is associated with irritation and excitation of nerve fibers and other organs.

    There are two main types of electric shock: electric shock and shock.

    Electrical injuries include:

    Electrical burn - the result of the thermal effects of electric current at the point of contact;

    Electric sign - a specific skin lesion, expressed in hardening and necrosis of the upper layer;

    Metallization of the skin - the introduction of the smallest particles of metal into the skin;

    Electrophthalpia - inflammation of the outer membranes of the eyes due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the arc;

    Mechanical damage caused by involuntary muscle contractions under the influence of current.

    Electric shock is the defeat of the body by electric current, in which the excitation of living tissues is accompanied by convulsive muscle contraction.

    To protect against electric shock when working with live electrical equipment, it is necessary to use general and individual electrical protective equipment.

    TOgeneral remedies include : protective fences; grounding, grounding and disconnection of electrical equipment cases that may be energized; use of safe voltage 12--36 V; warning posters posted at dangerous places; automatic air switches.

    All current-carrying non-insulated parts of electrical devices (wires, tires, switches and fuse contacts, etc.) are subject to fencing.

    Protective grounding, zeroing and automatic shutdown are designed to reduce voltage or completely turn off electrical installations, the metal cases of which are energized. Usually, artificial grounding devices are used: metal rods specially hammered into the ground, pipes with a diameter of 25–50 mm and a length of 2–3 m, metal strips 40x4 mm in size, horizontally laid in the ground.

    Protective shutdown serves as a means of protection against electrical injury in case of a single-phase earth fault. It is usually used in cases where electrical safety cannot be ensured by a grounding device, in rocky ground conditions or in a mobile nature of work. Protective shutdown is carried out using a device built into the switchgear or starting device.

    General protective equipment also includes warning posters, which, depending on the purpose, are divided into warning, prohibiting, reminding.

    Personal protective equipment divided into basic and additional. The main protective insulating means in installations up to 1000 V are insulating rods, insulating tongs and electrical voltage indicators, dielectric gloves, and assembly tools with insulating handles. The insulation of the listed means can withstand the operating voltage of electrical installations for a long time, and they allow you to touch live parts that are energized. Additional isolating protective means are means that by themselves cannot provide protection against electric shock at a given voltage. They complement the basic protective equipment, and can also serve as protection against touch voltage and step voltage. Additional protective equipment in installations up to 1000 V are dielectric galoshes, dielectric carpets, insulating stands.

    PPE quality control

    All PPE entering the enterprises is issued to employees after verification by the commission. Acceptance of working clothes, special footwear and safety devices received at the warehouse should also be carried out by a commission consisting of representatives of the administration and the trade union organization, which draws up an act on the quality and suitability for wearing and using the specified clothes, shoes and devices. After acceptance, the brand and stamp of the enterprise are put on the workwear and safety shoes with indelible paint. The main task of the commission is to prevent the use of PPE at the enterprise:

    Not relevant to the application;

    Not having a certificate of conformity;

    Not corresponding to working conditions;

    Not corresponding to the labeling for protective properties;

    Non-compliant with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation (GOST, TU, TO).

    PPE is checked as it arrives at the warehouse, but no later than 10 days from the date of receipt. For verification, a room with a desktop and measuring instruments, regulatory and technical documentation, catalogs, reference books, etc. should be allocated at the enterprise. Each batch of PPE newly received at the enterprise must be subjected to external inspection and verification for compliance with the declared range of models, sizes, heights, color, ancestry, purpose. Large batches are subject to selective control, but not less than 10% of the total volume. The main sign confirming the compliance of PPE with the standards is the certificate of conformity and the corresponding sign, marked in accordance with GOST 50460-92. Based on the result of the PPE check, an act of the established form is drawn up. In cases of non-compliance, the PPE shall be returned to the supplier.

    Rules for providing PPE at enterprises

    The main regulatory legal act that determines the procedure for providing workers with PPE is the Rules for providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of Russia dated December 18, 1998 No. 51. The rules provide for the provision of PPE according to the Model Standards no matter which branches of the economy include production, as well as regardless of the form of ownership of organizations. In some cases, in accordance with the specifics of production, the employer may, in agreement with the state inspector for labor protection and the relevant trade union body or other representative body authorized by employees, replace one type of personal protective equipment provided for by the Model Industry Standards with another that provides full protection from hazardous and harmful production factors: a cotton overall can be replaced by a cotton suit or a dressing gown and vice versa, a cotton suit can be replaced by semi-overalls with a shirt (blouse) or a sundress with a blouse and vice versa, a cloth suit can be replaced by a cotton suit with fire-retardant or acid-proof impregnation and vice versa, a tarpaulin suit can be replaced by a suit cotton with fire-retardant or water-repellent impregnation and vice versa, leather boots (half boots) with rubber boots and vice versa, leather boots (semi boots) with tarpaulin boots and vice versa, felt boots with tarpaulin boots and vice versa, rubberized mouthpiece - an apron made of polymeric materials and vice versa, mittens - gloves and vice versa, rubber gloves - gloves made of polymeric materials and vice versa, vachegi - heat-resistant gloves made of synthetic material and vice versa, plastic sleeves - sleeves made of polymeric materials and vice versa .

    In cases where such personal protective equipment as a signal vest, safety belt, dielectric galoshes and gloves, dielectric rubber mat, goggles and shields, respirator, mask, protective helmet, balaclava, mosquito net, helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads, self-rescuers, antiphons, plugs, noise-protective helmets, light filters, vibration-protective gloves and others, not specified in the Model Industry Standards, they can be issued by the employer to employees on the basis of attestation of workplaces, depending on the nature of the work performed with a wear period - until worn out or as on-duty and may be included in collective agreements and agreements.

    Overalls, safety shoes and safety devices issued to workers in accordance with the standards are the property of the enterprise and are subject to return upon dismissal, when transferred at the same enterprise to another job for which the issued overalls, safety shoes and safety devices are not provided for by the standards, as well as upon completion terms of wear in exchange for the new overalls, special footwear and safety devices received. The issuance of work clothes and safety shoes, materials for their manufacture or money for their purchase in exchange is not allowed, except in cases where the administration cannot provide the appropriate size of work clothes. Overalls, footwear and safety devices issued to workers and employees must meet the requirements of GOST and TU, be suitable and convenient for use. The terms of wearing, overalls, safety shoes and using safety devices are calculated in calendar months from the date of their actual issuance to workers. The same applies to the period of wearing warm overalls, and the time when the employee handed over warm overalls and special footwear to the administration for storage is not excluded from the calculation. Warm overalls provided for by the norms, and special footwear are issued to workers and employees with the onset of the cold season. If the term for wearing warm overalls has ended in April, the administration must issue warm overalls with the onset of the cold season. The enterprise: is obliged to replace or repair overalls and special footwear that have become unusable before the expiration of the established wear period for reasons beyond the control of the worker. Such a replacement is carried out on the basis of an appropriate act with the participation of the construction committee (factory committee). Used overalls, special footwear and safety devices can be issued to workers and employees only after washing, disinfection and repair. The term for wearing them is established by a commission with the participation of a representative of the construction committee (factory committee). Pupils of individual and team training, students of urban and rural vocational schools, secondary schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, as well as temporarily working workers, overalls should be issued as permanent workers in accordance with the norms. Workers are obliged to take care of the overalls and safety devices issued to them, to inform the administration in a timely manner of the need to repair or replace them. Overalls, footwear and safety devices (safety goggles and masks, dielectric and rubber gloves, safety belts, etc.) e.) are issued to workers and employees so that they use them during work, and the administration of the enterprise must monitor this, if the employee violates this rule, she is obliged not to allow him to work. From the employee leaving or transferring to another job, the administration of the enterprise must accept the overalls, special footwear and protective equipment issued to him for use, and it is not entitled to make any deductions for premature wear that occurred through no fault of the employee.


    The use of PPE should provide maximum safety and inconvenience associated with their use should be kept to a minimum. Often, as a result of improper use of personal protective equipment or their absence at work, it leads to accidents, diseases and industrial injuries. In order to avoid work-related injuries, it is necessary to follow the instructions and use personal protective equipment correctly.


    1. Technical regulations on the safety of personal protective equipment // Labor safety in industry. 2010. No. 6. S. 61-85.

    2. Kukin P.P., Lapin V.L., Ponomarev N.L., Serdyuk N.I. Life safety. Safety of technological processes and productions. Occupational Safety and Health. - M.: Higher school, 2007. - 336 p.

    3. Efremova O.S. Labor protection from A to Z. - M .: Alfa-Press, 2010. - 624 p.

    4. Gridin A.D. Occupational health and safety in hazardous and hazardous industries. - M.: Alfa-Press, 2011. - 160 p.

    5. Senchenko V. Personal protective equipment as an element of corporate culture // Chelovek i trud. 2007. No. 3. S. 47.

    6. Badaguev V.T. Individual protection means. Classification and quality control. The procedure for issuing and applying. Storage and care. Accounting for PPE. - M.: Alfa-Press, 2010. - 160 p.



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    Personal respiratory protection. Their characteristics and indications for use.

    Wednesday personal respiratory protection- a necessary part of compliance with labor protection standards in many enterprises. The main purpose of personal respiratory protection equipment is protection from the harmful effects of the working environment, dust and dirt. Personal protective equipment for respiratory organs is widely used in many sectors of the national economy: mechanical engineering, chemical industry, metallurgy, public utilities. Personal protective equipment for respiratory organs (protective equipment) is divided into two types according to the type of protective action: insulating and filtering. Filtering means of personal respiratory protection purify the air inhaled by a person from impurities harmful to the body. Isolating means of personal respiratory protection completely protect a person from environmental influences.

    Types of personal respiratory protection equipment:

    Type of personal respiratory protection equipment Description of personal respiratory protection equipment
    Mask A device that protects the respiratory organs, face and eyes of a person from harmful substances in the environment in the form of gases, aerosols, vapors, suspensions. Protects against poisonous, radioactive, bacterial, etc.
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    substances. A person inhales air, which is filtered and purified in a gas mask cartridge.
    Respirator Means of individual respiratory protection against aerosols: smoke, dust, fog. They are a filtering half mask.
    The simplest means of personal respiratory protection Cotton-gauze bandages, anti-dust fabric masks. Protect against aerosols, dust and bacterial substances.

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