Dasha's autobiography. Journalists revealed facts about the most mysterious participant in the “battle of psychics.” How to get an appointment with Swami Dashi

One of the strongest mystics, yogi, master of bioenergy practices. All this is he - Swami Dashi, a psychic. His biography is almost unknown, because during the entire time the seventeenth season of the “Battle of Psychics” lasted, he spoke about himself only once. And that's quite a bit. Let's try to get to know this great man in order to try to understand how he became like this, what preceded this, and how he lives now.

Magician, yogi or psychic?

Psychic Dashi Swami, whose biography interested many who watched “The Battle” with his participation, plans out his techniques several months in advance. And if earlier this “forward” took a couple of months, now it is much more difficult to get to him: the popularity of this person after winning the “Battle” is simply off the charts.

People who know him personally speak of him with warmth, characterizing him as a kind, strong and wise man. And Dashi himself, a psychic whose biography and personal life now arouses literally unbridled interest among television viewers who admire his talent, says that he is not a psychic: he is the most a common person, who managed to develop superpowers thanks to many years of training, which he conducted in many countries, including India. He says that he is one of the students of the famous Osho.

And all this is about him...

Swami Dashi, a psychic whose biography in this article will become a little more accessible to admirers of his talent, is a Russian master of Eastern practices, who became one of the favorites of the seventeenth season of the television reality show on the TNT channel.

He was one of the most secretive participants in this program. And while the others were talking a little about their family, about their lives, about how their abilities began to manifest themselves, this surprisingly calm man, who seemed impossible to anger, did not say anything at all about himself. Nothing or very little was known about his life. On his official website, Swami Dashi wrote that he deliberately does this, without disclosing any information about himself. He mentioned only once during the filming of “The Battle” about his Teacher Osho.

But the official forum of the “Battle of Psychics” fan club did not sleep, having found a little information about this person. It became known that he was born on August 22 in St. Petersburg. He spent about two decades of his life in India, in Pune, at the Osho Ashram.

Old new

Our hero is a relatively new face in the ocean of domestic television. He was not known to the general public. And yet, it would be a mistake to say that no one knew him before he became one of the participants in the “Battle of Psychics” project. Dashi Swami, whose biography (as far as possible) has been familiar to people interested in spiritual practices for more than 20 years, is truly an extraordinary person. You can verify this by reading this article.

Who is Dashi (psychic)? His biography and how old he is are described below. In general, is at least anything known about this? A huge part of fans are interested in the age of the magician. But Swami often deliberately confuses everyone by providing information about himself that is not true. For example, 4 years ago he started talking, as if by chance, about preparing for his 60th birthday. But it became known that at the time of participation in the seventeenth season of the “Battle of Psychics” he was 56 years old. The date of birth of this secretive man is known exactly - August 22.

From the heart...

He loves silence and solitude very much. Our hero believes that the life of both himself and his family members is taboo for others. He always says that dates, names, specific data about a person give curious people around him an extra opportunity to penetrate the protective barrier that he has long and painstakingly created, spending many years on it. So Swami did this in order to protect himself and his family from strangers, who are not always friendly.

Tell us your name!

The real name is another secret of Dasha. Psychic, biography, personal life, whose photo is of interest today to everyone without exception who saw him in the seventeenth “Battle,” never disclosed it or published it on any websites. He does not agree to call it even to his students. And yet this secret seems to have been revealed. Journalists managed to find out what was hidden behind the veil of silence of this extraordinary man. His real name is Peter Smirnov, he lives in the same city where he was born - St. Petersburg.

By the way, an important fact that will be very interesting to fans of Smirnov’s talent: Swami is not part of his pseudonym. This is something of an honorary title given to people who have the skill of a yogi. Translated, this word means “self-controlled” or “free from feelings.” It was received over two decades ago, in India.

Actually, at about the same time, it was received Indian name psychic - Dasha. The biography (“The Battle of Psychics” was another milestone in it) of this person is truly unusual, unknown to the extent that Swami’s admirers would probably like to know it. But that’s the beauty of it: the mysterious halo surrounding it gives the image some magical features. It seems that he can do everything or almost everything.

Finding your true calling

In order to achieve what Peter Smirnov is today, he had to do a long way. And it began from the moment when the young man decided to stop studying at the Institute of Pediatrics, where he was sent by his parents. For this independent act, he was deprived of the support of his loved ones.

In some very rare interviews, he briefly touched upon the fact that after leaving educational institution For a very short time he was associated with the criminal circles of post-perestroika Russia. Still, it was a high risk. Realizing that this lifestyle is very destructive for him, Peter realizes that he wants to completely change his life. But how to do this? And then he remembers that, while still a child, he felt that he was involved in some supernatural processes that take place in our world and are invisible to the simple eye. Even then, the boy could somehow find something lost several years ago, predict an event that was important for his family.

Let's remember everything, the psychic Dashi (his biography in this article, although briefly, becomes public knowledge) decides to leave for Asia in order to find himself in communication with the greatest sages.

From Uzbekistan to India

He first stopped in Samarkand, where, after studying, he accepted Sufi Islam and received his new name - Muhammad al-Hadi. And only then he leaves for India, where he spent so much time long years. One of Smirnov’s mentors was Osho - Chandra Mohan Jein, who founded a system of ashrams (or communities) in several countries around the world and preached the doctrine of “neo-sannyas”.

By the way, it should be mentioned that Swami communicated a lot with (traditional healers who perform surgical operations using manual manipulations, without using instruments) and was even present at their operations on several occasions.

When he thought he had reached a certain point spiritual growth, I realized that it was time to return to my homeland.

We can say that at the heart of his “Spirit-Soul-Body” project, Western and Eastern approaches to solving various issues related to spiritual healing and development were combined. He implements a method (Dashi himself developed it) that allows a person to release negative energy, remove blockages at all levels, return the true feeling of your physical body.

A little about my younger years

Once in one of his interviews, the psychic Dashi (his biography is now, albeit briefly, but known to fans of his talent) said that during the collapse of the USSR he had to wear many attributes of a bandit. He even got into mortally dangerous scrapes. And only after that I decided to leave to study with Osho.

The father of the hero of this article is a Soviet and Russian biochemist, doctor biological sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Even less is known about my mother - only that she committed suicide when her son was 20 years old.

Dashi still remembers with regret that his parents practically abandoned him when he decided to change his life by leaving college. But now he has no regrets about how he lived his life. Indeed, as new knowledge was acquired, Peter Smirnov’s value system changed very much. And if in his youth he preferred Armani jackets, now he does not attach any importance to this.

Briefly about the family

Well, well, the secret of who Dasha’s psychic is has already been revealed a little. Biography, his family and children are of interest to ordinary people no less than his real name and the number of years he has lived. Let's try to dispel curiosity a little with the following information. His wife Irina Nogina is a practicing fitness and Pilates trainer. In parallel with this, she is Peter’s administrator. In this marriage, the couple had a daughter and two sons.

This extraordinary man has many tattoos on his arms and body. By the way, each drawing is quite impressive in size. The main topic images are animals. On his arms you can see bird wings and a snake, and on his chest - wolves.

It remains to mention that the psychic also has an eldest son, from a previous marriage - Roman Smirnov. The guy was a participant in the Beijing Olympics and is now a famous Russian athlete. And Peter’s grandmother, Claudia Smirnova, also achieved certain results in the sports field. At one time she was the first Soviet world champion in shooting.

The most mysterious and enigmatic participant in the seventeenth season of the “Battle of Psychics” surprises fans at every test. Swami Dashi combines incredible strength, warmth and abilities that are difficult for the human mind to understand. Fans confidently talk about him as the winner of the seventeenth season, and Marilyn Kerro considers him her main competitor. Fans have been interested for a long time family life the most unusual participant in the “Battle”, and also want to know details about the wife and children of Swami Dasha.

Why is Dashi hiding his family?

The mystic shares that he prefers solitude and silence, and also considers his life and the life of loved ones to be taboo for others. Specific dates, names and other data give strangers an extra opportunity to penetrate the protective barrier that the head of the family has long built for loved ones. At the same time, journalists learned that Swami Dasha has a beloved wife and four children. The mystic’s wife supports him in his favorite work and helps organize the work of a family meditation center called “Spirit-Soul-Body”. The spouses help those who want to improve their lives, health and well-being, and also share the secrets of harmony and happiness.

A little about Swami Dasha's children

A participant in the seventeenth season of the “Battle of Psychics” once mentioned that he has four children - the eldest of them is 32 years old, and the youngest son is six years old. Journalists managed to find out that Dasha’s eldest son from his first marriage is a famous track and field athlete, as well as a multiple champion of Russia and a participant in the Olympic Games in Beijing. Roman Smirnov is married to Ekaterina, a five-time Russian champion in athletics. With his current wife, Swami Dashi is raising three children - a daughter and two sons.

What does Swami Dasha's wife do?

In the world, the mystic’s name is Peter Smirnov. Previously, he was involved in pole vaulting, but did not achieve outstanding success in the sport, unlike his wife. Swami Dasha's wife Irina Nogina-Chernyshova is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Due to Swami Dasha’s busy schedule, the family lived in Moscow for a long time, but recently changed their place of residence to St. Petersburg. IN Northern capital Irina is engaged in teaching and successfully conducts classes in Pilates, yoga and stretching.

It is worth noting that Swami Dasha’s grandmother is also involved in sports. Claudia Ivanovna Smirnova is the first Soviet woman, who became the world champion in skeet shooting.

Life and popularity of Swami Dasha

Journalists learned that one of the contenders for a place in the final of the seventeenth season was born in St. Petersburg. At the same time, Dashi spent twenty years of his life in India and Tibet, engaged in spiritual practices. There he learned to heal people, which is what he does at this moment at your Meditation Center. Swami Dashi was not used to popularity and such a number of fans, so he shared on a social network that the increased public attention was pleasant for him, but at the same time unusual and very strange. At the same time, the participant in the seventeenth season is open to change and suggests that perhaps new experience is a signal for the need to start enjoying the benefits of civilization. Swami Dashi also warns fans that he prefers personal consultations to online communication, so he strongly recommends being careful and taking into account the large number of fake accounts on in social networks.

Unusual name of Swami Dashi

Fans have long been interested in the origins unusual name Swami Dashi. As the man says, he received his name from a mentor or Master. Swami is a title that is used quite often in Hinduism. The word denotes a person who is freed from feelings. In other words, Swami means a monk who serves other people by renouncing worldly desires. One of the practices that Dashi experienced was the need to ask himself every hour whether he lived up to his name. Over time, the need for questions naturally disappears - the person himself becomes the vector that was given to him by his mentor.

Swami Dashi (Petr Smirnov)

Psychic Date of birth August 22 (Leo) 1967 (51) Place of birth St. Petersburg Instagram @swami_darshi

The Russian project “Battle of Psychics” has presented hundreds of extraordinary and mysterious participants over 16 seasons. Among them, Swami Dashi looked bright and original. Master of spiritual practices, yogi and mystic who has comprehended the secrets human soul and bodies in India and Tibet, brought his own energy to the program. An army of fans watched his performance without taking their eyes off him. The mysterious participant attracted the attention of viewers with his supernatural abilities and the gift of reading people. His victory in season 17 was recognition of the effectiveness of his “Spirit-Soul-Body” system.

Biography of Swami Dasha

For more than 20 years he has been calling himself Swami Dashi. The mystic earned this spiritual name by studying Sufism and spiritual practices for years. Swami is a Hindu honorary title. It is used to contact yoga masters and spiritual mentors. Translated it means “free from feelings.” The real name of the psychic is Peter Smirnov. Information about his age and place of birth is conflicting. Swami prefers to remain a mystery to the public. He believes that the exact date of birth gives power over a person. Fearing damage and other magical attacks on energy, he did not advertise personal information until the finale of the “Battle of Psychics” program. The only thing that Dashi did not hide was his birthday - August 22.

Peter was born into the family of the famous Soviet athlete Claudia Smirnova. His grandmother was a champion of Europe and the USSR in skeet shooting. At an advanced age, she could shoot for the title of master of sports. The psychic's parents chose a different path in life. As a child, the boy was involved in athletics, specializing in pole vaulting. Peter did not achieve success and left the sport early. My father insisted on entering the Leningrad Pediatric Institute. The young man lived ordinary life- married, raised a child. It is not known what event made him change everything radically.

Smirnov dropped out of school, left his family and homeland, and went to India. He traveled extensively throughout Asia, visiting Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan. Dashi studied the Islamic esoteric movement Sufism. He lived for several years in an ashram - the abode of sages and hermits. Meditation, yoga, special purification rituals helped him to reveal internal forces. In Tibet, Swami studied the pulsations of human energy, and in Pune - Ayurveda massage.

Returning to Russia, the mystic began conducting unique seminars and master classes. He gathers students for meditations and individual sessions. At her seminars, Dashi helps people develop, teaches them how to manage their body and spirit.

Before appearing on the TNT project “Battle of Psychics,” Swami was popular with an audience passionate about yoga and OSHO healing. During the program, he found himself surrounded by witches, magicians, and clairvoyants. The mystic's main rival was Marilyn Kerro. The clairvoyant and witch participated in the project for the third time, had great experience and an army of fans. Swami spoke more than once about rigging the results in favor of the Estonian. Several indignant participants left the battle early, but Dashi decided to stay until the end. He successfully passed all the tests - he found the man in the trunk, told the details of the murder, and discovered all the snipers. In the final of the “Battle of Psychics”, 53% of the audience voted for Swami Dashi.

The personality of the mystic and his practices to achieve a balance of spiritual, mental and physical activity have become popular among a huge number of people. Hundreds of people gather for his seminars, lectures and meditations. Dashi does not consider himself a Master, he continues to improve and expand the boundaries of reality.

“Battle of Psychics” celebrates its 10th anniversary: ​​what happened to the brightest participants in the reality show

Personal life of Swami Dasha

By hiding personal information, the psychic wanted to protect his family from excessive attention journalists and rivals at the battle of magicians. Peter is married twice. His first wife was a high jumper. She did not achieve much success and left the sport after the birth of her son Roman. The second wife, Irina Nogina, is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. She fully shares her husband's passion for yoga and spiritual practices. Irina helps in organizing the work of the Spirit-Soul-Body meditation center. She oversees Swami's social media pages. Irina Nogina teaches Pilates, yoga, fitness and stretching. The family has three children - two sons and a daughter. For the youngest child 6 years old, he has already managed to join the secrets of health and happiness known to his father.

The eldest son, Roman Smirnov, was born in 1984. In sports, he achieved impressive results. The young man is engaged in athletics and running. He is a 10-time champion of Russia, a participant in the 2008 Olympics, and a winner of European and world championships. The athlete is married to Ekaterina Smirnova. The couple plays together for CSKA and works with the same coach. Katya is a 5-time Russian champion. The Smirnovs have a son, Martin.

Dasha has many large tattoos on her chest and arms. Among them are images of animals, wings, the face of a woman and an old man. Each drawing carries a special mystical meaning. For a mystic, the wolf is a totem animal; it is a guide to another world and a protector from evil spirits. The next tattoo was a wolf paw. This image was made on Dashi’s neck in one of the tattoo parlors in Almaty. The face of the old man, stuffed next to the animal, represents the wisdom and help of the ancestors.

Psychics have interested humanity since time immemorial. Periods of favor towards fortune tellers and sorcerers were followed by severe persecutions and executions, but human curiosity associated with paranormal phenomena, never faded away.

The era of enlightenment and tolerance that has now arrived is again driving the curious closer to the spark of the supernatural - they come out television programs, books are written, seminars are held. Someone proclaims themselves a sorceress or telepath, someone tries to prove their abilities in live. Some people even succeed; such people receive respect and attention from the public. Let us lift the veil of secrecy that the participants of the “Battle of Psychics” project are lowering before themselves, and learn more about one of its most famous winners - Swami Dashi.

Swami Dashi is a famous diagnostician and bioenergeticist. He is trained in Eastern practices, is a real student of Osho and conducts thematic seminars and individual sessions for more than 20 years. Swami believes in the possibility of uniting Eastern and Western views on everything that exists, therefore he travels to different countries, studying views on life different Masters and creates from the collected knowledge a single philosophy to which he is committed.

Swami does not call himself a Master, Guru or Teacher. He considers the body the only honest indicator internal state person and his level of development. Thoughts, says Swami Dashi, can be replaced, you can deceive yourself for years, but reactions cannot be faked. He is well versed in Eastern physical practices involved in body development, and therefore can help other people diagnose their problems.

Important! Swami conducts his teaching meetings only in real life. No online courses or electronic instructions he doesn't send out. You can find many doubles of a real teacher on the Internet, so you only need to trust the information on Dasha’s official website.

It would be honest to say that Swami’s exact biography is not known to anyone in the media or close circle - Dashi diligently protects his privacy. But his worldly name, given to him at the time, is known - Peter Smirnov. Peter was born and raised in St. Petersburg, and in his youth he was fond of pole vaulting. Apparently, he didn’t succeed due to physical inadequacy, so he became interested in the teachings about the development of spirit, soul and body, which, as they believe in the East, are interconnected.
The sports sphere gave Peter something more valuable than success - loving family. His wife, Irina Nogina-Chernyshova, is a master of sports in. They presumably met back in those young years. The couple has several children - 2 sons and a daughter. Peter Smirnov was married twice, his first wife gave birth to his son, who is now 33 years old. His son's name is Roman, he has succeeded in sports much more than his father: Smirnov Jr. is a multiple champion of Russia in athletics and a participant Olympic Games in Pekin.

Before becoming a master of Eastern teachings, Pyotr Smirnov studied at the then Leningrad Medical Pediatric Institute. Disillusioned with its possibilities, he, as we have already said, became interested in Eastern philosophy, so he left for India, where he stayed for a long time and received his spiritual name. Afterwards he traveled through Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, communicated with Sufis and spiritual leaders, and then brought the knowledge he gained to Russia. Now he lives in two cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg, gives educational lectures and continues his studies.

Swami mainly relies on his huge life experience, acquired while traveling. He began his journey 23 years ago, when he decided to leave his usual way of life and go on a journey. The first country that Swami went to for spiritual enlightenment was. This trip enriched Dashi with new knowledge about the nature of the human body. He lived in Pune, where he improved his technique of working with the human body from the female master Ma Modak. She explained to him the principles of yoga and taught him.

A trip to India gave Swami Dashi the opportunity to settle in an ashram, join the rhythm of life of its inhabitants, get used to meditation and take a course of study with the greatest Indian master Osho, thus getting closer to the neo-Hinduism that he professes. The course of study with Osho encouraged Swami to develop further in the direction of Divine healing - he became interested in Chinese medicine and tantric teachings. Master Ma Krishna Rada, whom he also met in India, initiated Dashi into the art of tantras.

It was training with the Indian mystic Osho that became the defining moment in Dasha’s life. He then received his spiritual name, which eventually replaced the name given to him by his parents, and continued his spiritual quest, traveling through Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. At the same time, he lived with the order of Sufis - dervishes, calling themselves Naqshbandi.

Dashi did not consider himself a psychic at all, but believed that he had sufficient skills to participate in the project. He was supported by his wife, who also practices the philosophy that goes with it. Swami came to the project as an ordinary contestant, just like everyone else, he went through qualifying tasks and rounds and rose higher and higher, becoming a clear favorite. Dasha's number of fans increased from series to series, so that even after the completion of the project, he found many opportunities to realize himself as a healer and mentor.

Did you know? In Russia there is the Harry Houdini Prize. Its size is 1 million rubles. The prize is promised to be awarded to those who can prove their paranormal abilities under the conditions of a scientific experiment. psychic abilities before the selected commission. No psychic has yet managed to pass this test. A similar prize, only in the amount of 1 million US dollars, was established by the American illusionist and skeptic James Randi. The prize is still waiting for its owner.

Popularity literally fell on Dashi. He himself, who lived for more than 20 years in remote civilized world places, he said that the huge number of letters, comments, people eager to know more about him, initially put a lot of pressure on him.
Swami did not take advantage of people’s love to the extent that he could have, preferring mass seminars and remote consultations to personal meetings with small audiences. Mysticism and magic tricks would bring him large quantity fans, but Dashi emphasizes that he is mostly a physiotherapist and spiritual practitioner, who made an exception to participate in the “Battle”.

The name he received in India means a monk who has distanced himself from worldly temptations and is pure in soul. “Swami” means “free,” so it was good for Peter. Contrary to big name, Swami is attached not only to his family, but also to his clients, from whom there is no end after the “Battle”. The master has Accounts on social networks, own website with brief information and a schedule of upcoming seminars.
He truly reveals himself only with those who come to listen to him. O talks rarely and little, so as not to give his opponents the opportunity to harm him. The faces of his children are always blurred in photographs, and his wife, as an adult, is not hidden, but appears in the background.

Important! The yogic and meditative practices promoted by Swami require a certain amount of physical fitness. Sign up for a seminar only if you are confident in your ability to devote several days in a row to many hours of physical and spiritual self-mastery.

Previously known only in narrow neo-Hindu circles, Dashi brings Hinduism, self-improvement and fundamentals to the general public. The famous Russian witch Marilyn Kerro speaks warmly about him, calling him a strong psychic and a bright, gifted person. Swami has authored the book Rebirth, published on September 5, 2017.

Dashi holds meetings with different people V different countries peace. He said that he travels with his teaching to conduct a mutual exchange of experience and find new opportunities for. True, most of his lectures are based in Russia. Dasha’s wife, Irina, deals with organizational issues regarding lectures and seminars. Email indicated in the contacts on the official website.

Dasha gives lectures on the topic of healthy eating, biorhythms, and strengthening the body. In many ways they are similar to lectures about from various religious groups. Lectures last from 1 hour to 3–4 hours, seminars last for several days in a row. Their topics are different, so that each fan can choose an educational course to their liking. Swami teaches a lot - from spiritual liberation to self-organization and Tibetan pulsations, which helps to better feel your body.

In her seminars, Dashi touches on pressing issues - quality,... He teaches you how to properly take care of your body, stretch necessary groups, give therapeutic massage to yourself and people who need it, and heal by focusing on yourself. During seminars, Dashi not only communicates with the audience, but also encourages close communication between seminar participants.

There are a large number of groups on VKontakte and Facebook that gather people from different cities into pre-registration lists. Seminars are held once a week, and Dasha’s schedule is booked for the entire winter. He himself draws the attention of followers to the fact that he never communicates online, preferring live communication. If you are offered to pay for a remote improvement course from Swami Dasha, you have stumbled upon scammers.

Did you know? Despite the popularization of parapsychology and extrasensory perception and their popularity among the people, not a single scientific explanation has yet been put forward for this kind of phenomena. For example, the National Science Foundation of the United States lists extrasensory perception as one of the properties about which the largest percentage of the world's population is mistaken.

The healing direction is the basis of Master Swami's philosophy. He teaches his followers to look inside themselves, see their imperfections and positive sides, increase the good and change the bad. He stands for balance and harmony, which are at the core of Hinduism. The body's resistance and ability to recover largely depend on how a person listens to and controls his body. During the collective sessions that Dashi conducts for everyone, people learn to throw away the unnecessary and remain in silence, alone with themselves and what many call the Universe. Meditations can be short, an hour and a half, but there are marathons and original compilations that take more than 4 hours in one go.

Swami Dashi: "Rebirth"

The book was released in September 2017 and has already gone on sale both online and on the shelves of Ayurvedic and esoteric stores. It was published by the Eksmo publishing house. On the pages of the book, Swami tells with humor and inspiration episodes from his long and full of events life. He shares his experience gained during travel and life in the ashram, talks about meetings and acquaintances with incredible people. Essentially, this book describes Swami's life path, which led him to himself. Dashi shares how the decision to change irreversibly transforms a person into a new being, and that there is no way back.

Swami Dashi is a famous Russian psychic with mastery of yoga and excellent skills in the field alternative medicine. He gained his popularity after participating in the 17th season of the famous TV show “Battle of Psychics.”


There is little information about Dasha’s biography. His real name and surname are Peter Smirnov. His birthday is believed to be August 22. Place of birth: St. Petersburg. Exact date birth is carefully hidden by the psychic. He does not disclose it to anyone and even tries to confuse everyone by providing incorrect information every time. According to online sources, his approximate age is now 61 years old.

Dasha describes her life in more detail in her autobiographical book “Rebirth.” In it, he reveals many mysteries and secrets from life that have never been mentioned in the media before. For example, why he starved for 40 years, how he hid from bandits, how he sees his death and other interesting facts. In the book, Dashi paid attention to the previously unknown Marina Mikhailovna, the teacher of his entire life. It was she who always healed the wounds on the psychic’s heart.

Dashi is tall and most of his body is covered with tattoos. His totem animal, a wolf, is painted on his chest, and snakes and birds are painted on his arms. The psychic does not hide his love for animals. It is in them that he finds inspiration and connection with humanity.

Education and religion

In his younger years, the psychic entered a pediatric institute, but soon dropped out of school. According to Dasha, the decision to leave his studies is the most important and correct one in his life.

After that, he went to India, where he spent a lot of time studying spiritual practice and the culture of working with the body. His religion is Sufi Islam, which preaches asceticism and increased spirituality. Therefore, Dashi is a vegetarian and abstains from eating meat.

Participation in the battle of psychics

During the 17th season of the popular TV show “Battle of Psychics,” Swami Dashi was remembered by all viewers for his unusual behavior. The methods and techniques used by the psychic had not previously been used in this television show. The sounds he made were similar to the cries of animals and birds, and his Sufi attire attracted the attention of even the organizers of the show.

While in a state of trance, the psychic demonstrated his unusual abilities throughout the entire project. In episode 8, he even solved the murder of Grigory Rasputin, which aroused unprecedented interest in his personality among the historian invited to the program.

Dashi confidently overcame all the difficulties and trials and became the winner of the 17th season. As the main prize of this TV show, he received a “blue hand”, a symbol of victory over other psychics.

But the magician’s participation in the project did not end there. He was invited by the organizers to the finals of the next season, where he presented and gave his “hand” to Zhanna and Dan Alibekov, the favorites of the 18th season.

Dashi also took part in other TV shows: “Psychics Are Investigating” and “Battle of the Strongest”.

Personal life

There is not enough information about Swami Dasha's family. He lost his parents early. He has neither a sister nor a brother, and his only close relatives are his wife and children. But the psychic himself does not confirm this information, arguing that he is trying to prevent other people from interfering in his personal life. According to Internet sources, his wife’s name is Irina Nogina. She is an administrator in the business of a famous magician.

Swami name meaning

Swami is a special title in Hinduism, which translated from the ancient language means “self-controlled” or “free from feelings.” This title is used by clairvoyants to denote the skill of a yogi.

Letter meaning

The meaning of the letters in the name Swami is as follows:

  • C - sentimentality, prudence, prudence;
  • B - sublimity, creativity, attentiveness;
  • A - swiftness, perseverance, leadership;
  • M - calmness, shyness, love;
  • And - insight, ingenuity, success.

The meaning of the name Dashi

The meaning of the name Dashi implies happiness and prosperity. People with this name selflessly help others. They try to protect their loved ones and will sacrifice everything for the sake of their loved one.

Letter meaning

The meaning of the letters in the name Dasha is as follows:

  • D - kindness, balance, predisposition;
  • A - beginning, hard work, initiative;
  • Ш - ambition, independence, painstakingness;
  • And - honesty, peacefulness, romance.

The story of the stolen Bentley

In November 2017, traffic police officers stopped a Bentley car. The driver was Dashi. He was very nervous and behaved suspiciously, which led to a thorough check of his vehicle. As a result of the inspection, it was revealed that the vehicle's identification number was forged. As a result, the driver and his car were sent to the nearest police station for inspection.

The news that Swami Dashi was detained on suspicion of car theft quickly spread and caused outrage among his fans.

Work and activities

Dashi conducts her magical activities aimed at helping people in areas that include:

  • conducting various trainings, seminars and lectures;
  • participation in meditation;
  • charging protective amulets.

Throughout his life, a psychic studies Eastern and Western teachings. He takes only the best and most effective from them. His teaching is based on the balance of 3 forms: mental, spiritual and physical.

Trainings, seminars and lectures

Dasha’s trainings, seminars and lectures were popular even before the psychic’s participation in the famous TV show. They are aimed:

  • to a person going beyond his boundaries Everyday life;
  • destruction of primitive stereotypes;
  • search for solutions internal conflicts person;
  • discussions about life after death;
  • awareness of everything that is happening around, etc.

All practices are focused on human body, because most Dashi devotes time only to him in her classes. To participate in the seminars you need sportswear and comfortable shoes. They can last from 1 to 6 hours. Some of them are even designed for several days.

Reviews about Swami's seminars are only positive. Participants in the trainings are always satisfied and after a while they turn to the psychic again.


Dasha's main project is a meditation center. This center does not have an address. Therefore, meditations are carried out in various sports complexes in cities, where groups gather to conduct this type of exercise. Meditations conducted by a psychic are of the following types:

  1. Beating, Tibetan pulsations. This group type of meditation involves using a person's pulse as a source for transformation. Through special touches and influences, the body is filled with energy, activating the natural healing of the entire body.
  2. Dynamic meditation. This is a type of meditation where physical activity plays central role. This technique is considered a preparation for other types of meditation and is designed for a person who has undergone psychological impact.
  3. Chakra run. This type of meditation is based on human movement. While running, his body is filled with positive energy and activates endorphins. As a result, a person receives a healthy, toned body and normalization of the chakra system.

Amulets and protection

During my magical practice Dashi realized that a person’s ability to control his energy flows allows him to achieve the desired result. Various charged talismans and amulets have always helped to properly direct this energy. While participating in the TV show “Battle of Psychics,” Dashi resorted to using this kind of amulets many times.

Psychics charge their amulets with powerful energy. In addition to good luck, an amulet from Swami Dasha can be charged with money and wealth. Such a talisman will attract good luck and stable flows Money.

The owner of the amulet begins to pay attention to situations in life that he had not paid attention to before. Each of his actions is accompanied by a favorable combination of circumstances. This all contributes to income growth and protects against various problems and troubles in life.

Prophecies and predictions

Like all other famous psychics, Dashi also predicted the near future for Russia - for the current year. Unlike the forecasts of his colleagues, Dasha's predictions are more positive and optimistic.

He argues that economic and political relations between Russia and the United States will remain at a low level and will not be established soon. The psychic also predicted its appearance in 2018. large quantity sanctions that will negatively affect the Russian economy. But, thanks to development farm, the economy should pick up.

In his predictions, Swami Dashi named the next president Russian Federation. It turned out to be the current leader of the country, V.V. Putin, who won the elections.

The news that a psychic had announced the name of the new president of Russia quickly spread throughout the country and received wide publicity in the media.

According to Dasha's predictions, Russia's policy towards other world powers will change. It will retain its position in the international arena, and the United States will lose its leading position and its influence on other states. Trump's decision to oppose Russia will be his main mistake, which will entail the emergence of an economic crisis in America.

The psychic foretells large-scale disasters in the United States in 2018, which will be expressed in the form of floods and volcanic eruptions. It should also be taken into account that other psychics also predict the economic collapse of America.

According to Dasha’s visions, this year diamond, gold and oil deposits will be found on the territory of the self-proclaimed LPR and DPR. Such discoveries will allow these countries to improve their well-being and reach the global level.

According to the psychic, carefully planned changes play a big role on a person’s path to a new life. As soon as a person feels that he is ready for global changes in his life, he needs to act immediately.

To begin with, you should create full list their problems and difficulties that need to be overcome. This list must include dates and how to resolve them. After this, you need to make room for future changes in life. You should start with simple cleaning of the house.

the main task This kind of cleaning involves deciding which things to part with and which to bring in. Things that are associated with negative aspects in life should be gotten rid of immediately. According to the psychic, all the negative energy with which they are saturated will leave the house with them. For example, with unnecessary medicines, various diseases will leave the house, with unworn clothes - problems with obesity, with stacks of waste paper - thoughts about unfulfilled dreams and mistakes made in life.

After this, it is necessary to limit communication with those people who do not play an important role in a person’s life. This can be achieved by clearing your contact list on your phone and social networks. It is recommended to pay more attention to family and friends.

You should also devote more time to your development. You need to play sports and walk more in the fresh air.

According to a psychic, a person needs to listen to his thoughts and feelings, analyze his actions and actions, ask himself questions and give answers to them.

Swami Dasha's advice helps guide a person and change his life for the better. He actively shares his thoughts with fans. People comment on his quotes, agree with them and at the same time try to refute them.

Exposing the Magician

Internet blogger Mikhail Lidin tried to expose the famous psychic. Mikhail does not trust Dasha and considers him a fraud. The blogger claims that the actions of such deceivers and charlatans are aimed at causing harm to people who turn to them for help.

He presented his revelation in the form of a video. In it, Mikhail begins an investigation from the 1st episode of the 17th season of the show “Battle of Psychics,” where Dashi was introduced to viewers as a follower of Sufi Islam. In his video, the blogger refutes this statement, based on the behavior and evidence of the psychic himself. His exposure also affected the TV show itself.

Mikhail found evidence where, before the start of the 17th season, a list of all its participants is visible and the winner is indicated, as well as minor twists and turns of the plot are described. This indicates the presence of a script of this project.

In his video, Mikhail pays attention to the increase in the cost of services provided to Dasha after the end of the 17th season of the TV show. The blogger claims that the methods and techniques of this psychic are harmful to people’s health and can lead to death, as evidenced by Dasha’s own confession shown in his video.

At the end of his video, Lidin urges people not to be naive, to do something useful and under no circumstances turn to psychics for help. More details in the video:

How to get an appointment with Swami Dashi

The question of how to get an appointment with a famous magician is being asked more and more more people. This can be done through its official Internet portal or through profiles on social networks. He is a master of meditation and alternative medicine, his fame is growing every day.

It should be noted that Dasha does not practice online techniques. Only a fraudster can provide such a service, posing as a psychic. The technique of the famous magician is based on personal interaction with a person and direct influence on him.

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