Highlander alphabet 1 part lesson planning

By Order No. 699 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian...

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This benefit fully complies with the federal state educational standard(second generation) for primary school.
The manual presents detailed notes lessons on teaching literacy to the textbook by V. G. Goretsky and others "ABC. 1st grade", recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation and included in the Federal List of Textbooks.
This handbook offers a new, contemporary perspective on literacy education. Considering everything scientific approaches V. G. Goretsky, in lesson developments original methodological techniques included, lively and interesting literary material.
These developments will help teachers achieve good results in teaching primary schoolchildren correct reading and beautiful writing, and will provide intensive speech development first-graders, will replenish lexicon children will be taught to participate in dialogue and conversation in the classroom, to comprehend and solve educational problems with interest.
Order No. 699 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation teaching aids publishing house "Exam" are approved for use in educational institutions.
5th edition, revised and expanded.


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2 UDC: BBK 81.2Rus-922 Zh73 Under the general editorship of Dr. pedagogical sciences L.A. Obukhova Zh73 Zhirenko O.E., Obukhova L.A. Lesson developments for teaching literacy: reading and writing: 1st grade. 5th ed., revised. and additional M.: VAKO, p. (To help the school teacher). ISBN The manual contains detailed lesson plans for teaching literacy: reading and writing. The new edition was written in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary general education. Intended for teachers working with the educational and methodological set of V.G. Goretsky and others (textbook “ABC” and others; M.: Prosveshchenie). Can be used by teachers working with other teaching materials. Also addressed to students of pedagogical universities and colleges. UDC: BBK 81.2Rus-922 ISBN VAKO LLC, 2012

3 From the authors The proposed manual is intended for teaching 1st grade elementary school students reading and writing using an educational set (M.: Prosveshcheniye), including the textbook “ABC” (authors: V.G. Goretsky, V.A. Kiryushkin, L.A. Vinogradskaya, M.V. Boykina) and Propisi (V.G. Goretsky, N.A. Fedosova). This publication is new, it is written in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education. Contains materials for effectively conducting literacy lessons and an integrated section “Writing Lessons”, which allows you to consolidate writing skills. The manual presents a methodology for teaching students universal educational activities(UUD), personality-oriented developmental training. Contains tasks for the development of variable activities of students and the formation of their value attitude towards independent learning activities, which fully meets the requirements of the new Federal standard. At the beginning of each note, the tasks that the teacher needs to solve in the lesson are indicated, as well as the skills that students must master, and propaedeutics (here: preliminary knowledge, information about something). During the period of literacy training, work is carried out to develop children's phonemic hearing, teach basic reading and writing, expand and clarify ideas about the surrounding reality, enrich their vocabulary and develop speech. In teaching literacy there are three periods: pre-literate (preparatory), alphabetic and post-literate. Teaching the weak

4 PRE-BACKGROUND PERIOD Lesson 1. Oral and written speech Objectives: to form in students the concepts of “written and oral speech”, “sound”, “question mark”; develop attention, monologue speech, phonemic hearing, independent learning skills; introduce the textbook “ABC”, the copy book; instill interest in the subjects being studied, reading and writing. UUD training: familiarization with the textbook, its elements and contents (cover, title page, symbols helper signs); the ability to evaluate the activities of classmates. Propaedeutics: the concepts of “above”, “below”, “in the middle”, “under”, “above”, “behind”, “above”, “below”, “next to”. Lesson progress I. Inclusion in educational activities Guess the riddle and tell me the name of the building in which we are located. This is an unusual house, after all, people don’t live in that house. Whoever enters it will gain Uma. (School.) What is the name of the room in which we begin our lesson? (Classroom.) What are the names of all the boys and girls in this classroom? (Class of students.) In what city (village) is our school located? What is the name of the country we live in? What do people call their country, the country where they were born and live? (Motherland, Fatherland.)

5 Lesson 1. Oral and written speech 9 The homeland where you were born and grew up, The homeland is birch catkins, the smell of grass in the meadow and the river, the endless sky and clouds. The Motherland must be protected and loved, Carefully preserve the covenants of our ancestors, Remember those who, without fear in battle, gave their lives for their Fatherland. Homeland is where your father and mother are. We are not given the opportunity to choose our homeland. This is the homeland Mother country. There is only one homeland in life! You will study and learn a lot of interesting things about our Motherland in classes at school. What are the school activities called? (Lessons.) II. Updating knowledge If you like something, what word do you use to express your delight? (Excellent, wonderful, wonderful, etc.) Do you think you will use these words when evaluating our lessons? There is a book on your table. What colors did the artist choose to design the cover? What do these colors remind you of? (Sun and grass, garden, sand, etc.) What mood does it put you in? How many of you know what these marks are on the cover? (These are letters.) Who can name these letters? Who can read the word made up of these letters? (ABC.) Who knows what the alphabet is? What will you learn from this book? (The teacher further explains: in order to speak and read well, you need to be able to breathe correctly and pronounce sounds correctly.) III. Development of the speech apparatus (Hereinafter: description of exercises in the Appendix.) 1. Breathing exercises Exercise “The wind blows.” 2. Articulation warm-up Exercise “Lips”. 3. Work on diction Tongue twister: The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a squeeze.

6 10 Pre-letter period (The teacher pronounces the tongue twister slowly, clearly pronouncing each sound. Shows an illustration that conveys the content of the tongue twister. Practices the pronunciation of the tongue twister with the children. Encourages them to comprehend and memorize the text.) IV. Work on the topic of lesson 1. Concepts " oral speech" And " written language"We live in a world of sounds and signs. How do you understand this? We see the signs. Can we see sounds? How do we perceive them? There are concepts of “oral speech” and “written speech”. If, for example, one person writes a letter to another person, what kind of speech will it be? Everything we say is speech. Speech is called oral because we use our mouths (mouths), pronounce everything using the vocal apparatus, when the work of the lips is clearly visible. We use oral speech when we talk, listen, and ask. We hear and pronounce oral speech. I walked across the sky for a month, counting the bright stars. He saw the Bear and ran away behind a cloud. O. Zhirenko (The teacher reads a poem, the children repeat it several times in chorus until they are completely memorized.) What Bear? we're talking about in a poem? (About the constellation Big Dipper.) What names of stars do you still know? What we have just talked about is oral speech. But there is speech that is contained in books, newspapers, written, indicated by letters. We read it. This is written speech. We master writing skills in the process of learning to write. Where do you think we should start teaching writing? Look carefully at the cover of the Proceedings and tell me what is depicted on it? (Answer: The name of the copybook, the number 1, which indicates grade 1, and an indication that this is part 1.) Open the page of the copybook, which shows this number at the bottom. (The teacher writes the number 3 on the board.) You see all 33 letters of the Russian alphabet. How are they written? (Nice, neat, clear.) Circle green pencil those letters whose names you know.

7 Lesson 1. Oral and written speech 11 Circle the letters whose spelling you like best with a blue pencil. You will write just as beautifully by the time we fully study the ABC. Do you want to learn to write? Guess the riddles. 1. The little people sat in a row and told us everything. (Letters.) 2. He doesn’t look like a man, But he has a heart. And He gives his heart to work all year round. (Pencil.) 3. A white bunny jumps across a black field. (Chalk and board.) 2. How to sit at a desk Turn over the page of the Copybook. What is the boy doing? What is the girl doing? How do they sit at the desk? (Children learn the rules of sitting, handling a pen, a pencil. A poster “Sit correctly when writing” hangs on the board.) Now look at the poster that will remind you for all four years of your education in elementary school how to sit at your desk in order to to maintain health (posture and vision). Why is it important? Explain. 3. Writing utensils (The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the boy in the picture in the Recipe is surrounded by writing utensils that were used in the old days, and around the girl there are writing utensils and writing utensils last decades.) What is depicted above the boy’s head? And in front of him? At the bottom of the page? What is shown to the right of the boy? What's to the left of the girl? And on the right? What's at the bottom of the page? Now compare: what do you see on the right side of the page on which the girl is depicted? What is located in relation to you on the left side of the page? (Children conclude: what is on the left of the girl will be on the right in relation to them, and vice versa.) Twenty years ago, all documents were printed on a typewriter, but now texts are typed on a computer. How many of you already use a computer? What can you do with it? What operations can a computer perform?

8 12 Pre-literary period Turn the page. Will help you with your work cheerful pencil. It shows where to write letter elements or trace drawings. What is shown on p. 6? Trace the outlines of the drawings with a ballpoint pen. Shade them in with colored pencils. Look at your neighbors' copybooks. Please note: the task was the same, but your shading colors were different. Why did this happen? (Children explain that they chose their favorite color, and it is different for everyone.) Let's write ovals and semi-ovals, sticks with a slope. (The teacher introduces the children to the concepts of “wide line” and “narrow line”. He also explains: to make writing more comfortable, you need to hold the notebook at an angle, sit up straight.) 4. Introduction to the textbook (The teacher shows the children the textbook “ABC”, calls it authors.) The first letters of the Old Russian alphabet were called “az” and “buki”. What word does this remind you of? (ABC.) In ancient times, the proverb “First az and beeches, and then science” was born. How do you explain it? Open the textbook on p. 3. Look at the illustration and make up a story based on it. (Students complete the task. The teacher should draw the children’s attention to the fact that the illustration resembles a window into which they, the students, are looking. A world of new, unknown, bright and beautiful opens up before them.) What is shown in the center of the picture? (Forest and hills with clouds floating above.) What is shown in the upper left corner? (The growing month, towards which it flies space rocket.) How many of you know the name of our country's first cosmonaut? He was the first person in the world to fly into space. (Yuri Gagarin.) What is shown in the upper right corner of the page? (Sun.) What is shown in the lower left corner? in the lower right corner? What is shown in the background above the helicopter? (Church.) What is shown below, on foreground? Whom do the Russian people greet with a loaf of bread and a salt shaker on a towel? What do you think is fabulous in the picture and what is real? (Answer. The fairy month and the sun are smiling, have

9 Lesson 1. Oral and written speech 13 eyes, nose and mouth. Real forest, river, rocket, helicopter, temple, mushrooms, plants, birds, loaf on a towel, sheaves of wheat.) What feelings does this illustration evoke? (Joy, happiness, surprise.) Close your eyes and try to imagine the forest, the river in which you swam with your parents, the sky above your head, a clearing strewn with flowers, a village church, a spring of water. What mood did these memories evoke in you? Having learned to read, you can find out everything that interests you and unravel many mysteries of the world around you. What is the name of everything we said? (Oral speech.) When do we use oral speech? V. Physical education session VI. Continuation of work on the topic of lesson 1. Creative work Write a story about how you remember your first school holiday on September 1st. (Children make up a story.) 2. The world of sounds and signs How does a child cry? How surprised is he? How does a woodpecker knock? How does a dog bark? What sounds do a bumblebee and a mosquito make? (Students make sounds.) Did you see the sounds being spoken? (The teacher displays the alphabet with pictures for each letter.) We hear and pronounce sounds. To make sounds visible, letters were invented to represent them. What's in front of you now? (Alphabet.) Do you think a person needs letters to convey spoken or written speech? (Written.) The spelling of each letter consists of several elements. Before learning to write letters, we will learn to write the elements of letters. Open the Recipes on p. 6. Write the elements of the letters according to the model in narrow lines under the pictures. VII. Lesson summary Help me finish the sentence. All we say is (speech). Speech can be (oral and written). We can see the letter, but we cannot see (the sound). In writing, sounds are indicated by (letter).

10 14 Pre-literary period Did you like the lesson? What do you remember most? Books will help you make your speech correct and rich. First of all, you need to be friends with these books that we have at the exhibition. What kind of books are these? (Dictionaries.) (It is advisable to give each child a book at this lesson; the parent committee will buy books in advance. Fostering a love for books begins from the first lessons.) Lessons 2, 3. Sentence Objectives: to introduce students to the concept of “sentence”; develop coherent speech, the ability to compose sentences of two or more words, quickly and accurately find words to designate surrounding objects and classify words denoting names school subjects; form an understanding of oral folk art. UUD training: the ability to isolate a sentence from oral speech, name the basis of a sentence, distribute and simplify a sentence; consistently carry out the teacher’s tasks, listen and hear others, distinguish between forms of oral response (full and short answer); control yourself. Propaedeutics: concepts of “classification according to a general characteristic; supply model; main members of the sentence. Progress of lesson 2 I. Involvement in educational activities Guess Alla Kochergina’s riddle. Who is it talking about? The kids are the second mother, She will give a lot of knowledge, She will teach everyone to work, To learn not to be lazy, And to count, and to write, And to sculpt, and to draw. (Teacher.) What lesson have you come to now? (Literacy and writing lesson.) Who likes to raise their hand and answer questions? II. Updating knowledge What is a speech called if it is recorded? (Written speech.) What is speech called if it is not written down? (Oral speech.) What is speech used for? (Answer: To communicate, convey information, express thoughts and feelings.)

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State budgetary educational institution school 657 Primorsky district of St. Petersburg LESSONS LESSONS IN Speech Therapy DIFFERENTIATION Z-Z 2 “B” class Klyuchnikova Anasatsiya Anatolyevna teacher

Russian language lesson in 3rd grade. (UMK “Elementary school XXI century”) Topic: “Learning to designate the sound s after the sound ts. Lesson objectives: Educational: observation of ways to designate the sound [s] after [ts] in various

Lesson on reading and speech development, grade 3, fourth quarter, 165 Teacher: Senkina M.V. (combined lesson) Topic: E. Permyak “Lucky Fisherman.” Goal: 1. Continue the formation of correct reading based on work

Lesson-based developments for teaching literacy. 1 class. To the textbook of Goretsky V.G. etc. "ABC". Ignatieva T.V.

2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2012. - 480 s.

This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation) for primary school. The manual contains detailed notes on lessons on teaching literacy for the textbook by V.G. Goretsky and others “Russian ABC”, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and included in the Federal List of Lessons. This handbook offers a new, contemporary perspective on literacy education. Taking into account all the scientific approaches of V.G. Goretsky, the lesson developments include original methodological techniques, lively and interesting literary material. These developments will help teachers achieve good results in teaching primary schoolchildren correct reading and beautiful writing, ensure intensive speech development of first-graders, replenish children’s vocabulary, teach them to participate in dialogue and conversation in class, and comprehend and solve educational problems with interest.

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Lesson 1. September 1 - Knowledge Day. Hello school. First school textbook"ABC" 7
Lesson 2. Oral and written speech. Proposition 10
Lesson 3. Proposal. Word 13
Lesson 4. Proposal. Word. Syllable 17
Lesson 5. Syllable. Emphasis. Stressed and unstressed syllables 22
Lesson 6. Word. Offer. Syllable. Accent
Lesson 7. Sounds in the world around us. Sounds in speech 28
Lesson 8. Vowels and consonants 33
Lesson 9. Formation of syllable 40
Lesson 10. Consolidating knowledge about the sounds of the Russian language. Designation of sounds in writing and typing 44
Lesson 11. Vowel sound [a]. Letter L, o 48
Lesson 12. Sound [a]. Letter A, a. Reinforcement 52
Lesson 13. Sound [o]. Letter 0, o; 57
Lesson 14. Sound [o]. Letter 0, o. Fastening 63
Lesson 15. Sound [and]. Letter I, and 66
Lesson 16. Sound [and]. In letters. Reinforcement 72
Lesson 17. Sound [s]. Letter b/ 77
Lesson 18. Sound [s]. Letter s. Repetition 82
Lesson 19. Sound [y]. LetterU,у 86
Lesson 20. Sound [y]. Letter U, y. Repetition of the passed 90
Lesson 21. Sounds [n], [n"]. Letter N, n 93
Lesson 22.3 sounds [n] and [n"]. Letter N, n. Consolidation 98
Lesson 23.3 sounds [s], [s"]. Letter C, s 101
Lesson 24.3vukm [s], [s"]. Letter C, s. Consolidation 105
Lesson 25.3 sounds [k], [k"]. Letter K, k 109
Lesson 2b.3 sounds [k] and [k"]. Letter K, k. Consolidation 115
Lesson 27.3 sounds [t], [t"]. Letter T,t 120
Lesson 28.3 sounds [t], [f]. Letter 7", t. Fastening 125
Lesson 29. Reinforcement of the material covered 133
Lesson 30. Sounds [l], [l "]. Letter Dl 139
Lesson 31. Sounds [l], [l "]. Letter Length. Consolidation 146
Lesson 32.Repetition and consolidation of the material covered 150
Lesson ZZ. Sounds [р], [р"]. Letter R,r 155
Lesson 34.3 sounds [р], [р"]. Letter Р, р. Consolidation 161
Lesson 35.3 sounds [v], [v "]. Letter b, c 166
Lesson 36. Sounds [v], [v"]. Letter b, v. Consolidation 172
Lesson 37. Vowel letter E, e 176
Lesson 38. The letter e is an indicator of the softness of a consonant sound 181
Lesson 39. Repetition and consolidation of the material covered 187
Lesson 40. Sounds [p], [p"]. Letter I, l 192
Lesson 41. Sounds. Letter/7,/7. Consolidation; ; .7. Y7
Lesson 42-43. Sounds [m] and [m"]. Letter M,m 204
Lesson 44.3 reinforcement of the material covered 211
Lesson 45.3 sounds [z], [z"]. Letter3, z 216
Lesson 46.3 sounds [z], [z"]. Letter 3, z. Consolidation 223
Lesson 47. Excursion to school library 227
Lesson 48.Children's Book Celebration 227
Lesson 49.3sounds [b], [b"]. Letter b, b 228
Lesson 50. Sounds [b], [b". Letter B, b. Consolidation 234
Lesson 51. Sounds [b], [b"] - [p], [p"]. Repetition and generalization of the material covered 238
Lesson 52. Sounds [d], [d"]. Letter D d 242
Lesson 53. Paired consonant sounds [d], [d"] and [t], [f]. Letters D d and 7", t 246
Lesson 54. Letter I,Lesson 55. The letter I is an indicator of the softness of consonant sounds 258
Lesson 56. Reinforcing what has been learned about the letters i, e. Reading texts 262
Lesson 57. Sounds [g], [g"]. Letter Г,г 266
Lesson 58. Paired consonant sounds [g], [g"] and [k], [k"]. Letters G, g and K, k... 271
Lesson 59. Sound [ch". Letter Ch,ch 276
Lesson 60. Sound [ch". Letter Ch, ch, letter combinations cha, chu. Consolidation.... 281
Lesson 61. The letter ь is an indicator of the softness of consonants 284
Lesson 62. Indicating the softness of consonants at the end and in the middle of a word with the letter ь 288
Lesson 63
Lesson 64. Sound [w]. Letter Ш, w 298
Lesson 65. Sound [w]. Letter Ш, sh. Pinning 303
Lesson 66. Sound [zh]. Letter Zh, zh 307
Lesson 67. Sound [zh]. Letter Zh, zh. Fastening 310
Lesson 68. The letter £, е, denoting two sounds [й "о] 314
Lesson 69. The letter e is an indicator of the softness of a consonant sound. Reading words with the letter ё, which comes after the soft separating sign and denotes two sounds [th "o] 318
Lesson 70. Sound [i". Letter Y, th 323
Lesson 71. Sound [th". Letter Y, y. Consolidation 328
Lesson 72. Sounds [x], [x"]. Letter X, x 332
Lesson 73. Sounds [x] [x"]. LetterХ,х. Consolidation 337
Lesson 74. The letter yu is an indicator of the softness of a consonant sound. The letter /o, standing after a vowel and denoting two sounds [y"y] 342
Lesson 75. Letter yu. Reading words with a soft separator and the letter u 347
Lesson 76. Sound [ts]. Letter C, c 352
Lesson 77. Sound [ts]. Letter C, c. Fastening 357
Lesson 78, Letter E, e. Vowel sound [e] 362
Lesson 79. Vowel sound [e]. Letter Yaz. Pinning 368
Lesson 80. Sound [у]. Letter Ш,ш 371
Lesson 81. Sound [у]. Letter Ш, Ш. Fastening 376
Lesson 82. Sounds [f], [f "]. Letter F, f 381
Lesson 83. Sounds [f], [f "]. Letter F, f. Consolidation 387
Lesson 84
Lesson 85
Lesson 86. Alphabet 402
Lesson 87. Alphabet. Sounds and letters 409
Lesson 88. Our Fatherland 415
Lesson 89. “Slovenian First Teachers” 420
Lesson 90. First ABC book 423
Lesson 91. A.S. Pushkin and his tales 425
Lesson 92. L.N. Tolstoy. Stories 431
Lesson 93. The great teacher and writer K.D. Ushinsky 436
Lesson 94. K.I. Chukovsky and his works “Telephone” and “Confusion” 440
Lesson 95. V.V. Bianchi and his work 445
Lesson 96. S.Ya. Marshak and his work 451
Lesson 97. M.M. Prishvin and his works 456
Lesson 98. AL. Barto and her poems 461
Lesson 99. ST. Mikhalkov and his works 466
Lesson 100. V.A. Oseeva and her works for children's reading 471
Lesson 101. B.V. Zakhoder and his works for children 474


The literary reading program was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Personality Education of a Russian Citizen, the planned results of primary general education, the “Literary Reading” program - authors L.F. Klimanova, M.V. Golovanova. , Goretsky V.G. Literary reading, in two parts: 1st grade.

Literary reading is one of the main subjects in teaching primary schoolchildren. It develops general educational reading skills and the ability to work with text, awakens interest in reading fiction and contributes to the overall development of the child, his spiritual, moral and aesthetic education.

According to the basic curriculum (educational) plan of educational institutions of the Russian Federation, the total amount for studying the subject “Literary reading in elementary school is allocated to 1st grade 132 hours (4 hours per week, 33 school weeks).

The study of literary reading in 1st grade begins with an introductory integrated course "Teaching literacy." Its duration is approximately 23 school weeks, 9 hours per week(curriculum hours in the Russian language and literary reading are combined).

After the “Literacy” course, the subject continues to be studied "Literary reading". It is allocated to 1st grade 36 hours (4 hours per week, 9 school weeks).

1. ABC. 1 class. Textbook for general education institutions with adj. per electron carrier. At 2 hours / V. G. Goretsky, V. A. Kiryushkin, L. A. Vinogradskaya, M. V. Boykina / – M.: Prosveshchenie, 2012.

2. Zhirenko O. E., Obukhova L. A. Lesson developments for teaching literacy: reading and writing: 1st grade. – M.: VAKO, 2012.

3. Volina V.V. ABC book holiday. – M.: AST-PRESS, 1996.

4. Boykina M.V., Vinogradskaya L.A. Literary reading: Workbook: 1st grade. - M.: Education, 2012

5. Klimanova L.F., Boykina M.V. Work programs. 1-4 grades. - M.: Education, 2012

6. Klimanova L. F., Goretsky V. G., Golovanova M. V. et al. Literary reading: Textbook: 1st grade: At 2 o’clock - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2012

7. Klimanova L.F. Literary reading lessons: Methodological guide to the textbook "Native Speech: 1st grade". - M.: Education, 2012


The Russian language program was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Personality Education of a Russian Citizen, the planned results of primary general education and the author’s program Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G., M.V. Boykin. Russian language: work programs. 1-4 grades.

The subject “Russian Language” plays an important role in the implementation of the main goals of primary education: the formation of the foundations of civic identity and worldview; formation of the foundations of the ability to learn and the ability to organize one’s activities; spiritual and moral development and education of younger schoolchildren.

Place of the course in the curriculum.

In 1st grade - 165 h(5 hours per week, 33 school weeks): of which 115 h(23 school weeks) are devoted to writing lessons, 50 h(10 school weeks) - Russian language lessons.

Educational and methodological support for the program

    Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G. Russian language: Textbook: 1st grade - M. Education. 2012

    Kanakina V.P., Russian language: Workbook: 1st grade - M. Education. 2012

    Electronic supplement to the textbook by V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky. 1st grade - M. Education. 2012

    Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G., M.V. Boykina Russian language: work programs. Grades 1-4 - M. Education. 2012

    Goretsky V. G., Fedosova N. A.. Copybooks. 1 class. A manual for students of general education institutions. – M.: Education, 2012


The mathematics program was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Personality Education of a Russian Citizen, the planned results of primary general education, based on the author’s program by M.I. Moro, M.A. Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova, S.I. Volkova, S.V. Stepanova “Mathematics”.

4 hours a week are allocated for studying mathematics in the 1st grade of primary school. The course is designed for 132 hours (33 academic weeks).

1.Moro M.I. Mathematics. 1 class. Textbook for general education institutions. At 2 o'clock / M. I. Moro, S. I. Volkova, S. V. Stepanova. – M.: Education, 2012.

2. Moro M.I., Volkova S.I. Mathematics. Workbook. 1 class. manual for students of general education institutions. In two parts. Publishing house "Prosveshcheniye", 2012.

3. Sitnikova T. N., Yatsenko I. F. Lesson developments in mathematics: 1st grade. M.: VAKO, 2012.

4. Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution. Primary school / - M.: Education, 2010.

5. Volkova S.I. Test work for the textbook “Mathematics: 1st grade” - 64 p.

6. Electronic supplement to the textbook by M. I. Moro. 1 class.


The program was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Personality Education of a Russian Citizen, the planned results of primary general education and the author’s curriculum for the educational course “The World Around us” Pleshakov A.A. The World Around us: Work programs: 1- 4th grade – M. Enlightenment, 2011.

Each elementary school class is allocated 2 hours a week to study the course “The World around us.” 1st grade - 66 hours (33 school weeks).

Educational and methodological support.

    Pleshakov A.A. The world around us: Work programs: grades 1-4, M. Education. 2011

    Pleshakov A.A. The world around us: Textbook: 1st grade in 2 parts, M. Enlightenment. 2012

    Pleshakov A.A. The world around us: Workbook: 1st grade, M. Education. 2012

    Pleshakov A.A. The world around us Tests: 1st grade, M. Education. 2012

    Pleshakov A.A. From earth to sky: Atlas-determinant for elementary school, M. Education. 2009

    Pleshakov A.A. The world around us Teaching aid: 1st grade, M. Education. 2012

    Electronic supplement to the textbook by A.A. Pleshakova, M. Education. 2012


The program was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Personality Education of a Russian Citizen, the planned results of primary general education and the author’s curriculum for the “Technology” curriculum Rogovtseva N.I., Bogdanova N.V., Freytag I. .P. Work programs: grades 1-4––M. Enlightenment, 2011.

1 hour per week is allocated for studying the Technology course in each elementary school class. 1st grade - 66 hours (33 school weeks), 2,3,4 classes - 34 school weeks.

1. Rogovtseva N.I., Anashchenkova S.V. Technology: Work programs: grades 1-4. - M.: Education, 2012.


The work program in fine arts for grade 1 was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Personality Education of a Russian Citizen, the planned results of primary general education and the author’s program Nemensky B.M. and others. Fine arts: Work programs: 1-4 grades/Under. Ed. B. M. Nemensky-M. Enlightenment, 2011.

In accordance with the school curriculum for the 2012-2013 academic year, the work program is designed for 33 hours per year - 1 hour per week.

Educational and methodological support

1. Nemensky B. M., Nemenskaya L. A., Koroteeva E. I. and others. Fine arts: Methodological manual: grades 1-4 / Under. Ed. B. M. Nemensky – M. Prosveshchenie, 2012.

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