II. Independent work on the composition. Literary Arguments Trading Honor Can't Get Rich Arguments

Arguments for the final essay.

1. A. Pushkin"The captain's daughter" (As you know, Alexander Pushkin died in a duel, fighting for the honor of his wife. M. Lermontov in his poem called the poet "a slave of honor." However, Alexander Sergeevich has preserved his honor and good name in the memory of people.

In his story "The Captain's Daughter" Pushkin portrays Petrusha Grineva with high moral qualities. Peter did not tarnish his honor even in those cases when it was possible to pay for it with his head. He was a person of high moral character, worthy of respect and pride. He could not leave unpunished Shvabrin's slander against Masha, so he challenged him to a duel. Grinev retained his honor even on pain of death).

2.M.Sholokhov"The fate of a man" (In a short story, Sholokhov touched on the topic of honor. Andrei Sokolov is a simple Russian man, he had a family, a loving wife, children, his own home. Sokolov managed to endure all the hardships of the war with his head held high. for the Germans, unexpected: “Yes, so that I, a Russian soldier, would drink to the victory of German weapons?” The fascists appreciated the courage of the Russian soldier by saying: “You are a brave soldier. that this person deserves a life.Andrei Sokolov personifies honor and dignity. For them he is ready to give even his life.))

3. M. Lermonotov... The novel "A Hero of Our Time" (Pechorin knew about Grushnitsky's intentions, but nevertheless did not wish him harm. An act worthy of respect. Grushnitsky, on the contrary, committed a dishonorable act, offering Pechorin an unloaded weapon for a duel).

4. M. Lermonotov"Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich ...". (Lermontov tells about the permissiveness of people in power. Such is Kiribeyevich, who encroached on a married wife. For him the laws are not written, he is not afraid of anything, even Tsar Ivan the Terrible supports him, so he agrees to fight with the merchant Kalashnikov. Merchant Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov is a man of truth, a loyal husband and a loving father. And even despite the risk of losing to Kiribeyevich, he challenged him to a fist fight for the honor of his wife Alena. By killing the oprichnik, the Merchant Kalashnikov aroused the Tsar's anger, who ordered him to be hanged. Of course, Stepan Paramonovich could have yielded to the tsar, avoided his death, but for him the honor of the family turned out to be more precious.Using the example of this hero, Lermontov showed the real Russian character of a simple man of honor - strong in spirit, unshakable, honest and noble.)

5.N. Gogol Taras Bulba. (Ostap accepted death with dignity).

6.V. Rasputin"French lessons". (The boy Vova withstands all trials with honor in order to get an education, to become a human being)

6. A. Pushkin"Captain's daughter". (Shvabrin is a vivid example of a man who has lost his dignity. He is the complete opposite of Grinev. This is a man for whom the concept of honor and nobility does not exist at all. He walked over the heads of others, stepping over himself to please his momentary desires. dress again, but honor from a young age. "Once your honor is stained, you will hardly ever be able to restore your good name.)

7.F.M. Dostoevsky"Crime and Punishment" (Raskolnikov is a murderer, but the dishonorable act was based on pure thoughts. Is it honor or dishonor?)

8.F.M.Dostoevsky"Crime and Punishment". (Sonya Marmeladova sold herself, but did it for the sake of the family. What is it: honor or dishonor?)

9.F.M.Dostoevsky"Crime and Punishment". (Dunya was slandered. But her honor was restored. Honor is easy to lose.)

10.L.N. Tolstoy"War and Peace" (Becoming the owner of a large inheritance, Bezukhov, with his honesty and faith in the kindness of people, falls into the nets set by Prince Kuragin. His attempts to take possession of the inheritance failed, then he decided to get money in a different way. He married the young man to his daughter Helen In the good-natured and peaceful Pierre, who learned about Helen's betrayal with Dolokhov, anger boiled and he challenged Fyodor to battle. The duel showed Pierre's courage. respect. And the pitiful intrigues of Prince Kuragin, Helen and Dolokhov brought them only suffering. Lies, hypocrisy and sycophancy never bring real success, but they can tarnish honor and lose human dignity).

Here are 10 arguments on the topic of "Honor and dishonor":

    A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

    M.Yu.Lermontov "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov"

    N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

    A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

    Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace"

    EI Zamyatin "We"

    MASholokhov "The Fate of a Man"

    V. Bykov "Sotnikov"

    V. Rasputin "Live and Remember"

    A. V. Kaverin "Two Captains"

"Take care of honor from a young age" - this is the epigraph of the story of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". The concept of honor became central to the work. Honor is also decency, moral purity of heroes such as P. Grinev, his parents, the whole family of Captain Mironov; it is military honor, loyalty to the oath, it is, by and large, love for the Motherland.

Opposed in the story are Pyotr Grinev and Shvabrin. Both are young, of the nobility, officers, but how different they are in character, moral principles. Grinev is a man of honor, whether it concerns his relationship to Masha Mironova, or is it his loyalty to the oath, endurance to the end during the Pugachev rebellion. Without honor and conscience, Shvabrin (even his surname is disgusting). He is rude to Masha, an orphan, it costs him nothing to go over to the rioters, violating the officer's honor (Grinev: “I looked with disgust at the nobleman lying at the feet of a fugitive Cossack ")

Selfishness and selfishness are incompatible with the concept of honor.

Captain Mironov, commandant of the Belogorsk fortress, evokes deep sympathy. He did not lose his dignity, remained faithful to the oath, did not kneel before Pugachev (he, “exhausted from the wound, gathered his last strength and answered in a firm voice:“ You are not my sovereign, you are a thief and an impostor, hey, you! ”).

Honor is one of the highest moral qualities of a person. It is formed from childhood. The reader sees how in the Grinyov family the concept of honor was the basis of the character of Father Petrusha. Despite the fact that Peter, like all children, loved to play pranks, but the main thing was brought up in him - human dignity, decency, and this is honor. The hero manifests it both by returning the card debt, and without humiliating himself by betrayal, as Shvabrin did (Grinev to Pugachev:“I am a court nobleman; I swore allegiance to the Empress: I cannot serve you ")

The story of A.S. Pushkin is of great educational value. What to be, what moral ideals to choose as a guideline in this life - the reader of the work reflects on this.

M.Yu. Lermontov in "Song" touches upon one of the most important problems facing a person - the problem of honor. How to protect your honor and your loved ones, no matter what, how to remain human in any situation?

The action takes place in the distant 16th century, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, when the guardsmen could commit outrage, knowing that they would not be punished by the tsar. Kiribeyevich is shown as such an oprichnik, who, without thinking about the fate of the woman, Alena Dmitrievna, puts her in a terrible position. Neighbors see him trying to fondle her - a married woman, which in those years was considered the greatest sin("And he caressed me, he kissed me; on my cheeks they are still burning, with a living flame spreading his accursed kisses! ..").

Ashamed of an innocent woman. Outraged by her husband, the merchant Kalashnikov, who challenges the oprichnik to an open battle. Defending the honor of his wife, family, Kalashnikov went to a duel, realizing that he would not be spared from the tsar in any case. And so it happened. He was executed, although Kalashnikov won in an equal fight. The merchant boldly says to the king:I killed him free will, And for what, about what - I will not tell you, I will tell only God alone.

Stepan Kalashnikov dies, but remains true to his principles, a man of honor. Kiribeevich evokes a negative attitude. Although he is a "daring fighter", he is deceitful, selfish, even to the tsar he is able to lie (speaking of loving to Alena Dmitrievna, he concealed that she was married)

This work teaches a lot: how to protect the honor of the family, loved ones, not to give anyone offense. Of course, today there are other, more humane means for this. But you cannot ignore the dishonest attitude.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

The main character of the story "Taras Bulba" has two sons - Ostap and Andriy, but they are not alike. Ostap is an honest, courageous, open person. Even as a child, he took the blame on himself when he and the boys robbed the garden. He never betrayed his comrades, fought to the end with the Poles - enemies of the Motherland. And Ostap dies, heroically enduring terrible torments.

A completely different Andriy. This is a romantic, gentle nature. He is gentle, calm. However, first of all Andriy thinks about himself. And in childhood, he could deceive, and in Zaporozhye he went over to the camp of the enemy for the sake of love for the Polish woman. He betrayed his homeland, comrades, brother, father. Personal interests, feelings are in the foreground. He dies at the hands of his father, who could not endure the betrayal of his son.

One is a man of honor, dignity. The other is a traitor who dishonorably and ingloriously ended his life. How did this happen? Taras Bulba, himself a man of honor, devoted to the Fatherland, comradeship and brotherhood, cannot understand this.

The author makes it clear to readers how easy it is to succumb to feelings, especially love. But you always need to think about people who trust you, about those close to you, stay honest with yourself first of all. The most terrible act in the war is the betrayal of your comrades, such people have no forgiveness and understanding.

A family. This is the mainstay of society. It is in the family that the foundations of a person's character and worldview are formed. What should be the relationship in the family: husband and wife, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, all relatives? What principles should they be built on? What makes a family strong and the people in them happy? The author tries to answer these questions by portraying the heroes of the play.

By honor and conscience, by love, Katerina wants to build her relationships in the family of her husband. Raised in an atmosphere of trust, she thinks that everything will be the same in the Kabanov family. But how wrong she was! An imperious boar, a weak-willed husband, deception, money-grubbing, bigotry - this is what the heroine sees in a new family. Boris's love is both joy and sorrow for the heroine. Raised according to the laws of God, Katerina realizes that she is committing a huge sin. cheating on her husband(“It's not that it’s scary that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all your crafty thoughts.”). She punishes herself with a terrible punishment - she dies, realizing that suicide is also a terrible sin(... to be some kind of sin! Such fear is on me, such and such fear on me! As if I was standing over an abyss and someone was pushing me there, but I had nothing to hold on to.)
A man of moral purity, Katerina could not live according to the laws of Kabanova's world. To be dishonest is not according to her moral rules.

How easily Varvara adapted to life! (And I'm not a liar was, but learned when it became necessary ") But she is the same age as Katerina. For Barbara, there is nothing terrible in deception when everyone is lying around. And it was she who helped Katerina take the first step towards the fall - she gave the key to the cherished gate. Yes, in the world of the Kabanovs one must live without letting oneself be offended. But this does not mean that you need to lose your dignity, humiliate yourself., Become in a row with such as Dikoy and Kabanikha. To remain in any situation a man of honor, moral purity - this is what Ostrovsky's play teaches us.

Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" is dedicated to one of the most terrible wars that Russia experienced - the war with Napoleon in 1812. Society reacted differently to the war. Most - regardless of class, social status - defended their homeland shoulder to shoulder. The "club of the people's war" rose above the enemy, expelling him from our land.

But there were also those for whom the main thing was their own life, their own interests. They are far from the people, and they are alien to Russia.

People of honor are the main characters of the work : Andrey Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Natasha Rostova. Each in his place performed his feat, bringing victory closer: Andrei - in the Battle of Borodino(“I believe that tomorrow will really depend on us ... From the feeling that is in me, in him,” he pointed to Timokhin, “in every soldier”); Pierre - with his desire to be close to the people during the battle, the desire to kill Napoleon, Natasha - with her help wounded. How beautiful in soul they are, these people of honor and dignity!

Kutuzov, Alexander 1, Bagration and others are historical figures. They are patriots of the country, their talent and foresight also led to victory. And how many people from the people are shown by the author! Their moral purity, understanding of their duty, imperceptible daily work - all this led to victory. These are the artillerymen of Captain Tushin (Andrei about the Tushin battery, thatthe success of the day “we owe most of all to the action of this battery and the heroic staunchness of Captain Tushin”); and the soldiers of Captain Timokhin, and the cavalrymen of Uvarov, and the partisans of Denisov, and many - many people of Russia.

And let's remember Anatol Kuragin, confused, miserable after being wounded. And in peacetime he was not characterized by honor and conscience. And in war he is so far from the people, in fact, alone with his pain, his fear.

And what are Boris Drubetskoy and Dolokhov guided by when they entered the active army? Far from the concepts of honor and patriotism. Career, ranks - that's what is main for them. And how low is the military official Berg, who is buying things cheap in abandoned Moscow. Compare: he and Natasha, the Rostov family, giving carts for the wounded. What a gulf between these heroes!

Fate put everyone in the same conditions, everyone had to survive the test. People of honor, patriots of the country - it is to them that Russia owes its victory over Napoleon.

EI Zamyatin "We"

E. Zamyatin's novel "We" was written in 1920. The author in a fantastic form tried to warn about the possible consequences of the beginning of the formation of a totalitarian regime in Soviet Russia. Suppression of personality, lack of freedom can lead to the loss of individuality, when people become a single mass, living according to uniform rules with a clearly defined schedule throughout the day. People have lost their "I", they have become "we", in which everyone has just a number.

However, the author shows that it is impossible to completely stifle the human in people. The main character - D-503, the author of the notes, is experiencing a gradual spiritual evolution. The heroine I-330 secretly shows him a different life, outside their One State, where the sun is shining, real, gentle, where the grass blooms, flowers smell so amazingly. So this Ancient House attracts to itself. Fighting with himself, the hero agrees to capture the Integral in order to leave this state. But the plan is revealed, the participants are subjected to operations to erase memory - according to"Removal of fantasy."

D-503 is calm again. However, I -330 does not betray his ideas, does not agree to the operation. And according to the laws of the state, she will be tortured, like the other participants in the conspiracy. The hero is already calmly looking at their torment, he is absolutely happy. No remorse about the fact that it was he who betrayed all the conspirators does not bother him anymore.

How much is read between the lines! What a deep meaning the author has put into the picture of this fantastic plot! There have always been and will be people of honor, ready to the end to fight injustice, with lawlessness, even at the cost of their lives. And, unfortunately, there are always those who betray their ideas, who will follow the path of dishonor, cruelty, indifference. How important it is for a huge mass of people to hear the honest voice of everyone, so that "we" become the personification of the unity of the people, its solidarity. “We”, consisting of separate “I” - personalities, morally integral, decent, not allowing dishonor. And although in the novel it is D-503 who utters the words:“I hope we will win. More: I am sure - we will win, because the mind is supposed to win ", - the author expresses his hope for the victory of reason in people, so that this utopia does not become a reality. It is no coincidence that the author defined the genre of his work as a dystopia, thereby emphasizing that this can happen if you do not take certain steps to combat totalitarianism. Honor, conscience must triumph in people.

How will a person prove himself in a war - the hardest test that fate has in store for him? Will it remain true to honor, moral principles, or will it cross the line beyond which - betrayal, meanness, shame, dishonor?

Andrei Sokolov in M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man" is a generalized image of Soviet people who survived the war, survived in it, in spite of everything and in spite of everything. It is not by chance that the author gives such a name to the story - he writes about a person during the war in it, about those people who remained faithful to their duty, did not tarnish their honor("That's why you are a man, that's why you are a soldier, to endure everything, to demolish everything, if the need calls for it.")
Every day in the war is already a feat, a struggle for life, the expulsion of enemies from their native land. Isn't it a feat when Andrey went on the attack, when he held out in German captivity, defeating even his enemies(“I wanted them, the damned ones, to show that although I’m disappearing from hunger, I’m not going to choke on their handout, that I have my own Russian dignity and pride, and that they didn’t turn me into cattle, no matter how hard they tried.”)
Wasn't he a moral feat when, after the war, he remained a man sympathetic to others who adopted the boy Vanyushka? Moral ideals and values, to which he was faithful to the end, helped Andrey to remain a man of honor, not to lose his human dignity. (“Two orphaned people, two grains of sand, thrown into foreign lands by a military hurricane of unprecedented strength ... Something awaits them ahead? , having matured, he will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way, if his Motherland calls for this. ")
Unfortunately, in the war, the meanness of the soul of some people was also manifested, who, in order to save their lives, became traitors. Surviving at any cost was the main thing for them. What kind of man and conscience can we talk about if death is near it? So they thought in those minutes, crossing the line of decency and humanity. Let's recall a soldier who was ready to hand over his officer to the Germans, just to stay alive (an episode in the church when Andrei was in captivity and killed this traitor:
“For the first time in my life I killed my own ... But what is he like? He's thinner than a stranger, a traitor. ")
In the war, the character of a person was tested. Honor or dishonor, betrayal or heroism - what a person chose, it depended on those moral principles and ideals that underlay his life position. But we won the war because there were much fewer dishonest ones. The people were united by the will to win, patriotism, love for the homeland. The fate of a person and the fate of the country, the people merged into one.

V. Bykov "Sotnikov"

The essence of a person's character is clearly manifested in difficult situations when a choice must be made, and often it is a choice between lies, betrayal and honor, between life and death. The heroes of V. Bykov's story "Sotnikov" - Rybak and centurions, also made their choice. Two fighters, brought up in one country, on the same values, found themselves in the face of the enemy. What choice to make - to die without betraying your comrades, or to commit a heroic deed.

The fisherman became a traitor. Is this an accident? The force of circumstances, a great desire to survive at any cost? Yes, and it is also. However, the author shows during the story that this hero is too selfish, and he went to get food for the partisan detachment because his former lover lived in that village, he wanted to meet her. How sick Sotnikov irritated Rybak! He could have left him, wounded and defenseless, calmly to his fate, but he understood that he would have to answer to the detachment. Rybak is looking for profit everywhere, and, being captured, decided to make a deal with his conscience. ("But after all, who does not know that in the game called life, more often the one who is more cunning turns out to win. How else?)
Honor, duty - all this faded into the background, the main thing is to survive at any cost. (“...here it's all about selfish calculation for the sake of saving your own skin, from which there is always one step to betrayal.)

How much moral steadfastness there is in Sotnikov! This is a man of honor, for him friends, the Motherland, the defense of the Fatherland are not just words - this is the essence of his character. Why did Sotnikov, sick, go to buy groceries? Because others just didn't want to do it.(“Rybak asked why he kept silent, while the other two refused, to which Sotnikov replied:“ That's why he didn't refuse because others refused. ” )
He has always been where it is difficult. Simply, quietly, modestly, he performs his human feat, without betraying anyone
. ("He was not afraid of anything, and this gave him a certain advantage over others, as well as over himself, too.")
Sotnikov does not think about the feat at all, because, perhaps, no one will ever know about his death. But he, as a man of honor, remains faith in military, human duty to the end: "... it was necessary to collect the last strength in oneself in order to meet death with dignity."
The fisherman and the centurion were on opposite sides:"Walking together, they were already on opposite sides of the line that divided people into friends and enemies."

There will never be forgiveness for traitors. Eternal memory to the heroes who gave their lives for their Motherland, people who remained faithful to their family and duty!

V. Rasputin "Live and Remember"

V. Rasputin's work "Live and Remember" is multifaceted. The author reflects on many problems, one of which is the problem of honor and dishonor. How to preserve your human dignity, not to tarnish your honor in situations in which it is sometimes so difficult to make a choice. What allows people to make this choice?

The hero of the story is Andrei Guskov, a good fighter, brave, heroically defending his homeland, who received leave home for his exploits, who was waiting for a vacation in the hospital. However, the vacation was canceled. What happens to the hero? Why does he suddenly become an outcast. A traitor, an enemy of the people? How did it happen that a brave fighter suddenly betrayed himself so much, becoming a disgrace to the family, the cause of the death of his wife and unborn child? Yes, he really wanted to go home, it was not his fault that he was not allowed to go home, that it was time to go to the unit. But the homesickness is so strong. It was she who defeated the hero, yielding to her, Andrei violated his military duty, found himself at home, but not as a hero, but as a traitor. How scary it is for the hero to realize that“Never again to visit him in his home, not to talk with his father and mother, not to plow these fields ... Now once and for all he will understand that he is going here

Sometimes such a shaky devil is a honey of honor and dishonor. The person does not even notice how he crosses it. And behind her - shame, shame, condemnation of others. How much misfortune Andrey brought to his parents, to his wife! Having crossed the line of what is permitted, he at once separated himself from people, becoming an outcast, and there was no turning back.

While living, a person must remember that he is responsible for his every step, deed, and especially responsible for loved ones who may suffer from an ill-considered step. To remain a man of honor in any situation, not to lose his dignity - this is the only way a person should live, this is the law of life among people.

A. V. Kaverin "Two Captains"

V.Kaverin's story "Two Captain" was written in 1944, when the countries were waging a terrible war with the Nazis. The concept of honor, dignity, the need to defend them in any situation - all this was more relevant than ever at that time. And today the story of Kaverin is one of the favorite books, especially of young people who are looking for their own life, form moral attitudes and values.

Two captains - Sanya Grigoriev and Tatarinov. They are united by decency, moral purity. As a boy, Sanya became interested in the fate of Tatarinov's missing expedition. Subsequently, he tries to find out the truth about her, to restore the more honest name of the captain. He learns that Tatarinov's team discovered a new Northern Land, that the captain's cousin, Nikolai Antonovich, was the culprit in the death of people. It was he who unscrupulously prepared the equipment for the expedition, which caused the death of people.

Sometimes it is not so easy to restore an honest name. With his truth, Grigoriev practically kills Tatarinov's widow, pushes away his daughter - Katya, whom he loved so much. However, Grigoriev goes all the way:

publishes the navigator's diary, finds the captain's body, reads a report on the expedition at a meeting of the Geographical Society.

Alexander Grigoriev went to the end in search of the truth. Tatarinov's wife trusted her husband. This work teaches to go to the end, when the goal is righteous, when it comes to restoring honor and justice. And dishonest people will also wait for their punishment, as Sani's imaginary friend, Camomile, was punished, imprisoned for his atrocities, as Nikolai Antonovich was expelled from science. In any test, it is necessary not to lose human dignity, remain a man of honor, overcome obstacles and move forward.

Suppose you were transplanted into business for your literary achievements, for your beautiful voice, for your good looks.

Let's assume. He himself did not take part in this. My plane does not reach Vladivostok, and even more so from Vladivostok it will not reach Moscow.

Let's assume. Why tell everyone about it? Flying in business as an achievement. Achievement? Is it? Recognition of your services? I doubt.

We managed to beg for a place, someone fell for your persuasion, in violation of the instructions, under the amazed glances of real business class passengers who paid their hard-earned money; and there was a transformation, from asking and begging just a minute ago you turned into a business class passenger. We need to tell everyone about this as soon as possible. Business already knows. The economist guesses. The rest will know about it immediately:

After a few minutes, the message was deleted and the twitter link was empty:


On request https://twitter.com/dzhigurda12/status/259736374935166976 nothing found

Why mention me on twitter if only Aeroflot is mentioned in the post to the photo on instagram ?:

Excuses began:

“You can't get rich by trading in honor,” said the great Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in the 19th century. And now the XXI century, but the relevance of this statement is obvious: in our century there are people for whom the word "honor" is an empty phrase. Fortunately, there are those who “preserve honor from their youth,” choosing the path of truth and justice, realizing that the path of dishonor is the road to nowhere. Fiction convinces me of the correctness of this point of view. (68 words) I am sure that civil servants, endowed with power, like no other, must abide by the code of honor. After all, they are the servants of the people. Alas, sometimes this does not happen. Let's remember Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General". Many modern officials in their actions and behavior are similar to Gogol's heroes. So, the mayor Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky is a bribe-taker who started his service from the lowest ranks, but managed to rise to the position of mayor. He knows how to adapt to any situation ("the transition from fear to joy, from rudeness to arrogance is quite fast") and from everything to benefit for himself. It doesn't matter to him how things actually go in the city. In the first place - personal benefit, as well as a good opinion of the authorities, because the mayor is "a smart person and does not like to miss what floats into his hands." The hero knows that his word is the last thing that will happen as he says. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky treats his subordinates downright, he is often rude to them and often unfair. But with the superiors Anton Antonovich - the very courtesy and attentiveness. For this person, the word "honor" means nothing. Agree, in Anton Antonovich the features of some of our mayors are easily recognizable ... Fortunately, those who sincerely love their Motherland, the nature around them, who are ready to give their lives for harmony to reign in the world, do not want to trade in honor. I think everyone knows Yegor Polushkin, the hero of Boris Vasiliev's story "Don't Shoot White Swans." He is in love with the forest, with the river, with nature in general. He is characterized by the poetry of feelings, the ability to empathize. Yegor is surprisingly susceptible to everything beautiful, he is used to doing any work conscientiously. He doesn’t know how, and he doesn’t want to be cunning, trick, take advantage of everything. Yegor realized that he must fight for the preservation of natural beauty, for the awakening of human souls deaf to this beauty. He tries to awaken in people a craving for the good and the beautiful, therefore, the dormant conscience in some. Yegor sets out his moral credo as follows: “We are with you in a good deed, but a good deed asks for joy, not gloom. Malice breeds malice, we often remember this, but that good is born of good is not very good. But this is the main thing! " People like Yegor will never trade in honor! (342 words) And in conclusion, I would like to say that the concept of "honor" is based on the pursuit of a moral ideal. Unfortunately, many people have forgotten how to distinguish between the words "honor" and "dishonor". You have to understand: the loss of honor leads to negative consequences: either a person is disappointed in himself, or becomes an outcast in society and harms people. But as long as a person is alive, honor is also alive. The famous American philosopher Benjamin Franklin said this very accurately: “The real honor is the decision to do, under all circumstances, what is useful to most people.” (494 words) Angelina Yashchenko, grade 11

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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Slide Description:

Official comment: The direction is based on polar concepts associated with the choice of a person: to be faithful to the voice of conscience, to follow moral principles, or to follow the path of betrayal, lies and hypocrisy. Many writers have focused on depicting various manifestations of a person: from loyalty to moral rules to various forms of compromise with conscience, to the deep moral decline of the individual.

2 slide

Slide Description:

From the explanatory dictionary: Definition of concepts: 1. "Honor is a moral or social dignity, that which causes, maintains respect (to oneself or from others). || Chastity, integrity (women; outdated.) (D.N. Ushakova) 2. "Disgrace is any action contrary to honor, inflicting dishonor, shame, disgrace, shame, reproach, desecration. Dishonest, in whom or in what there is no honor, honesty, truth. "(Dictionary of V. I. Dal)

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"Honor is the dignity of a morally living person." (DS Likhachev) "Who is not ready to die for his own honor, he gains dishonor." (Blaise Pascal) "If you want to be successful in this world, then promise everything and do nothing." (Napoleon) "Honor cannot be taken away, you can lose it" (A.P. Chekhov) "Trading honor, you will not get rich" F.M.Dostoevsky "It is easy to be called a man, it is more difficult to be a man" (proverb)

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Approximate Topics 1. How do you understand the meaning of the proverb "Honest eyes do not look sideways"? 2. How do you understand the meaning of the proverb "Honor is on the road, and dishonor is on the sidelines"? 3. How do you understand the meaning of the proverb "Death is better than dishonor"? 4. How do you understand the meaning of Fyodor Dostoevsky's statement “Trading honor, you won’t get rich” 5. A work about honor and dishonor that worried you ... 6. Being called a man is easy, being a man is more difficult (proverb). 7. How are the words "honor", "honesty", "purity" similar? 8. Why has honor been valued at all times? 9. Is it appropriate to talk about honor and conscience in our time? 10. How do you understand what is "honor" and "dishonor"?

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Universal introduction: Honor is that high spiritual strength that keeps a person from meanness, betrayal, lies and cowardice. This is the core that strengthens the personality in choosing an action, this is a situation when conscience is the judge. Life often tests people, putting them before a choice - to act according to honor and take a blow on themselves, or to be cowardly and go against their conscience in order to get benefits and get away from troubles, possibly death. A person always has a choice, and how he will act depends on his moral principles. The path of honor is difficult, but the retreat from it, the loss of honor is even more painful. Being a social, rational and conscious being, a person cannot but think about how others treat him, what they think of him, what assessments are given to his actions and his whole life. At the same time, he cannot help but think about his place among other people. This spiritual connection between a person and society is expressed in terms of Honor and Dignity.

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Work Personalia Situation Quote A.A. Akhmatova Poem "Not with those who abandoned the land ..." Anna Andreevna Akhmatova (1889 - 1966) - poetess, translator, literary critic. After the revolution, Anna Akhmatova faced a choice: stay in ruined and hungry Russia or emigrate to prosperous Europe. Many of Anna Andreevna's acquaintances left Russia, fleeing the upcoming repressions. Anna Andreevna also had such an opportunity, but the poetess refused it, although she assumed that life in Russia would be extremely difficult. Until the mass repressions, acquaintances repeatedly offered Akhmatova to emigrate, but she refused each time. In 1922, the border was closed and the arrests of people disliked by the authorities began. At this moment A.A. Akhmatova will write a poem "Not with those who threw the land ..." I will not listen to their rude flattery, I will not give them my songs ”. (A.A. Akhmatova)

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Work Personalia Situation Quote A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Pyotr Grinev, Shvabrin, Emelyan Pugachev A.S. Pushkin often referred to the theme of honor and dishonor in his work. In the work "The Captain's Daughter" this theme will become central. This is also indicated by the epigraph of the work: "Take care of honor from your youth." Yes, and the father of the protagonist gives instructions to his son not to achieve any ranks, but to serve honestly, not to please the authorities, but to protect the honor of a nobleman. Pyotr Andreevich Grinev swears allegiance to the Empress and the Fatherland, he is ready to give his life for the Empress. The hero finds himself in the center of terrible events - the Pugachev rebellion. Pyotr Andreyevich refuses to swear allegiance to the false sovereign in the name of saving his own life “My parents blessed me. Father said to me: "Farewell, Peter. Serve faithfully to whom you swear allegiance; obey the chiefs; do not pursue their affection; do not ask for service; do not excuse yourself from service; and remember the proverb: take care of your dress again, and honor when you are young." (A.S. Pushkin)

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Work Personalia Situation Quote A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Shvabrin, Emelyan Pugachev There is another hero in the work - Aleksey Ivanovich Shvabrin, who forgot about his noble honor and went over to the side of Emelyan Pugachev. But this does not earn Pugachev's respect. Pushkin shows that even Pugachev understands that a person who has betrayed once can commit a betrayal both a second and a third time. The concept of honor is not alien to Yemelyan Pugachev himself. He is able to appreciate someone else's nobility and someone else's honor, and he himself is true to his word “I was again brought to the impostor and put on my knees before him. Pugachev held out his sinewy hand to me. “Kiss the hand, kiss the hand!” - they said near me. But I would prefer the most cruel execution to such a dastardly humiliation. ”(AS Pushkin)“ He who is not ready to die for his own honor gains dishonor. ”(Blaise Pascal)

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AS Pushkin "Dubrovsky" Senior Dubrovsky is a hereditary nobleman, whose honor comes from his position and the history of the family, for Troyekurov it is wealth and power. For Dubrovsky's son, Vladimir, like Grinev, the main aspect of the honor motive is his duty, first of all, to his father, which makes him take revenge on Kirila Petrovich. Later, the debt to the father is reborn into a debt in relation to the object of his love, the daughter of Troekurov.

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A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" "But your honor is my guarantee, and I boldly entrust myself to her," - lines from a letter from Tatyana Larina from the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin", completing a declaration of love, do not just express the hope of a young girl for the decency and dignity of the chosen one. There is also a belief in them that the honor of the heroine herself will not be outraged. For Larina, the concept of honor, moral purity is the basis of her worldview. Guided by her concept of duty, she remains faithful to her husband, rejecting Onegin's love. It is possible to sacrifice love, but not to sacrifice honor.

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Leo Tolstoy's novel “War and Peace. The Bolkonskys are an old aristocratic family. They are justly proud of their services to the Fatherland. The old prince inherited the high concept of honor, pride, independence, nobility and sharpness of mind by inheritance and to his son, Prince Andrey. Both despise upstarts and careerists like Drubetskoy, Kuragin, Berg, for whom there is no concept of honor. Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky does not think of any other path for his son, except for the path of honor. The pain that the news of the death of Prince Andrew will bring, he will accept. But the news of dishonor ... "I will be ... ashamed!" Think about it: shame is worse than death. For the Bolkonsky family, the category of honor and moral purity is fundamental.

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Leo Tolstoy's novel “War and Peace. Tolstoy shows honor and dishonor by painting the images of two generals - the defender of the Fatherland Kutuzov and the invader Napoleon. The invading enemy cannot be honest. The essence of his action is the capture of someone else's, not belonging to him, and murder. Napoleon is depicted in the novel as selfish and narcissistic, arrogant and arrogant. The opposite of Napoleon is the figure of Kutuzov. He is depicted as the leader of a just people's war, as a man of honor and high morality.

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V. Bykov "Sotnikov" The problem of preserving honor and literature about the Great Patriotic War does not pass by. Rybak makes a choice to become a coward, dishonor himself with betrayal and continue to live with it. He agrees to serve as a policeman, knocks out the support from under the feet of a former fellow soldier and becomes an executioner to the one with whom he fought shoulder to shoulder yesterday. He remains to live and suddenly catches a glance full of hatred. Hatred for him, a coward and a traitor, a dishonest person. Now he is an enemy - both for people and for himself too ... Fate deprives Rybak of the opportunity to commit suicide, he will live with his brand of dishonor

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The defender of popular ideas about honor and dignity is the merchant Kalashnikov in the famous "Song of the merchant Kalashnikov ..." M.Yu. Lermontov. Putting a real event as the basis of the plot, Lermontov fills it with a deep moral meaning. Kalashnikov goes out to fight "for the holy truth - mother", for family values, for honor. Who, if not he, should save his wife from dishonor? Alena Dmitrievna is faithful to her husband, does not hide her misfortune, she asks for protection from shame. The image of the merchant Kalashnikov is close to the popular ideal. Just like the heroes of folk epics and legends, Stepan fights for honor and justice, defends eternal values ​​.. Stepan Paramonovich is calm and ready to accept death, because at stake is the honor of his family, the honor of the Kalashnikovs. It is noteworthy that all his brothers are on the square, ready to follow Stepan to defend the truth-mother. Note that Kiribeyevich delivers the first blow. Daring or meanness again? .. And now the battle is over. The winner holds an answer to the king. The answer, IN CONSCIENCE, touched Grozny. Stepan Paramonovich was executed "with a fierce, shameful death" and buried between three roads, in an unmarked grave. Not like a good Christian at all. But the royal court was at odds with the people's court. Buried as a robber, the merchant Kalashnikov became a truly national hero

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VARIANTS OF CONCLUSION: And in conclusion, I would like to say that the concept of honor implies the pursuit of a moral ideal. But, unfortunately, many people have lost the line between honor and dishonor. In any case, the loss of honor leads to negative consequences - either a person is disappointed in himself, or becomes an outcast in society and harms people. But as long as a person is alive, honor is also alive. The famous American philosopher Benjamin Franklin said this very accurately: "The real honor is the decision to do, under all circumstances, what is useful to the majority of people."

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2) Choose one of them for writing an essay 3) Formulate the main idea contained in this topic, that is, formulate a thesis. 4) Pick up arguments for one of the topics on which you will write the essay. 5) Fill in your material in the table Selected topic Main idea Planned arguments

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