Why do you dream about one white rose? Why did you dream about a bouquet of pink roses? Unusual color: blue, black, blue, green

White color is a symbol of purity and chastity.

Therefore, the dream in which you dreamed of white roses is mostly positive. Today we will talk about why white roses dream in more detail.

What do they portend?

If you dreamed of these wonderful flowers, it means that happiness awaits you in real life, difficulties will bypass you, and you will live in joy and prosperity. To a lonely person who saw similar dream, we can hope that very soon he will meet his soulmate and be happy.

You saw in a dream how someone gives you large bouquet white roses, and you even feel their subtle aroma? This is a sign that in real life you can count on receiving a small but pleasant present, a meeting with old friends, or good news from afar.

Did you see a recently blossoming bush in a dream? This is a harbinger of financial well-being awaiting you in reality, and new opportunities to earn additional profits will appear. In addition, you can count on a quick promotion, which will increase your income statement.

If in a dream you saw a bush that had dried up- this is a bad sign that promises the dreamer nothing but waste, disappointment and troubles. In addition, with such a dream, there is a high probability that you or someone close to you will have serious health problems.

A dream in which you see these flowers in a bouquet- this is a kind of projection of your emotional state. A bouquet with pleasant incense in a dream is a symbol peace of mind and harmony. If you prick yourself with thorns from a bouquet in a dream, this is a sign that an unpleasant incident awaits you due to the fault of your significant other.

Did you see white or red roses in a dream? This kind of dream is interpreted by most dream books as an expectation of an imminent meeting that can change your life forever. It's about bringing someone into your life with whom you may spend the rest of your life. However, even if you are tightly enveloped by feelings and passion, you always need to maintain a sober mind, because a lot will depend on your actions.

Why do you dream of white roses according to Miller’s dream book?

According to Miller's dream book, a dream with white roses is not at all as clear as it might seem at first glance, so it is worth paying attention to the many details of such a dream.

— If in a dream there are fresh petals with dew on them, and the weather is sunny outside, this is a good sign. For a young girl, this may promise the imminent appearance of a faithful and good friend, with whom she will soon begin to develop feelings. And in general, after such a dream, lonely people can hope for an excellent choice in their personal lives;

- if in a dream you see roses fading, hiding from the sun, or simply looking dull, this is a harbinger that you may have serious health problems.

Why do you dream of white roses according to Vanga’s dream book?

A famous Bulgarian clairvoyant believes that the appearance of living roses in a dream is a sign of great happiness and good luck in real life. White color is a sign of tender feelings and pure thoughts. If a young girl admires a beautiful bouquet of these flowers in a dream, then in reality she should expect beautiful, sincere declarations of love from her lover.

White roses in a dream according to Freud

According to Freud, the rose is a symbol of femininity, and its thorns represent phallic symbols.

“So, the appearance of these beautiful flowers in a dream is a sign of a girl’s naivety in relationships with men;

a large number of white roses indicate a hidden desire for many connections, but it can also be a signal that passion and attraction in a relationship are gradually fading away;

- such a dream for a man is a harbinger of the fact that embarrassment in bed awaits him very soon.

Why do you dream of white roses according to the Love Dream Book?

The appearance of white roses in a dream is a sign of an imminent relationship that can change your life once and for all. Moreover we're talking about not only about carnal pleasures, but also about a spiritual connection, which will make it possible to completely change your worldview and experience previously unknown sensations.

Why do you dream of white roses according to Hasse’s dream book?

According to Miss Hasse, a dream in which you see a whole bouquet of these wonderful flowers is a harbinger good choice life partner.

- If in a dream you pick these flowers, it means that you will make the right choice of the person with whom you will live the rest of your life;

- to receive a bouquet of white roses as a gift - this means that you are convinced of the sincerity and fidelity of your lover;

— seeing fading flowers in a dream is a harbinger of future difficulties in your personal life and disappointments.

White roses according to Grishina's dream book

Mrs. Grishina interprets this dream in your own way:

— the appearance of these fragrant flowers in a dream is a sign that you need to show more attention to people close to you, as they may be in danger. Also, such a dream may be a harbinger that a long separation awaits you;

- if you were given white roses in a dream, this is a sign of the appearance of a well-wisher in your life, sent to you to make your life easier. His help will be very timely and will give a psychological impetus to conquer new heights;

- if you yourself gave these flowers to someone, this means that you will already help someone in life, because this person evokes pleasant feelings in you. This act will not go without gratitude, so be prepared to accept it.

Flower dream book

According to the flower dream book, the appearance of white roses in a dream may not always mean a good omen. So:

- a dream with white roses can be interpreted as a harbinger of some disease;

- however, if there is dew on the flowers, this is a favorable sign that indicates that health problems have gone away and there is no need to worry anymore;

- if a girl cuts these flowers in a dream, this is a sign that her lover is not sincere with her, and it will be quite difficult to figure him out;

- the appearance of dried roses in a dream is a sign that your soulmate has left forever, and it is not possible to return them;

- if you inhale the smells of fragrant flowers - this is a harbinger of great joy and happiness;

- a bush of pinkish flowers that has recently blossomed is a sign of financial stability in business;

- to see a dried bush in a dream - to sad news associated with the illness of one of your relatives;

- if in a dream you were given a large bouquet of roses white, which you injected yourself with - this is a sign that you are experiencing some kind of serious shock, possibly associated with betrayal by your significant other.

Chinese imperial dream book

For most peoples, the Queen of Flowers is a symbol of harmony and spirituality. A white rose in a dream is a desire to rush to the sky, the personification of the immortality of the human spirit and joy. However, much depends on the details of the dream, since such a dream can be interpreted in different ways:

- if in a dream you received a bouquet of beautiful roses as a gift, this is a sign that you should do an act in response to such a gesture in real life, make some sacrifices;

- if in a dream you yourself give flowers to someone - this is very important sign that with roses you are ready to give a piece of yourself for the sake of another person;

- if a girl gives roses in a dream - this is a sign that in real life she is ready to be the first to take an important step towards strengthening the relationship, but if a man does this in a dream - this is a symbol that he is ready to give all of himself for the sake of the union;

- if it’s autumn in a dream, and you walk among these flowers and inhale their aromas, this means that you have accumulated enough necessary energy to give a piece of yourself to another person, but if it’s a different time of year, to receive it;

- if the person who is suffering serious illness, sees himself in a dream surrounded by white roses - this is a sign that very soon his life may end;

- if you saw these flowers in a solemn atmosphere, this is an act that requires you to collect everything in yourself mental strength and get support in your sleep;

- if in a dream white roses do not bring you any positive emotions, this means that in real life you will not be able to correctly manage the signs of Heaven sent to you.

Thus, the appearance of white roses in a dream, with rare exceptions, is a favorable sign, symbolizing spiritual harmony and happiness in your personal life.

Basically, all dreams in which white roses appeared have a positive interpretation. To obtain detailed information, you should carefully analyze the dream, taking into account all the details. In addition, it is necessary to compare the interpretations received and the events that occur in reality.

Why do you dream of white roses?

Most often, such dreams promise a happy and carefree life in reality. In the future, there will come a period when there will be no problems, and there will be complete mutual understanding with the people around you. For single people, such a dream foreshadows a meeting with a soulmate. Another dream book offers a completely opposite interpretation. According to his information, in the future you may expect losses and disappointments, as well as illness.

A dream in which white roses appeared predicts loneliness with your lover. If you saw a bush of flowers blooming, it means that a stable financial situation awaits you ahead. At this time, you can find a new source of income or advance in career ladder. If you were given white roses in a dream, this is positive sign, soon you will feel immense joy, which can be caused by completely different events. A dream in which you put white roses in a vase promises new romantic relationship that will bring a storm. For a young girl, a dream about such flowers portends a happy marriage. Flower buds portend positive changes in life. A dream in which you see a lot of white roses symbolizes the onset of a joyful period without problems and adversity.

When white roses are given in a dream, it means that in reality you are surrounded by there is a person who cares about your happiness. Thanks to his support, you can achieve what you want without special effort. If a person you know gives flowers, it means that in real life he is sincere. A dream in which you smell white roses is a symbol of mental torment. A dried bush of white roses can be interpreted as a symbol of sadness and illness, and this applies not only to you, but also to relatives.

A bouquet of white roses in a dream is a symbol state of mind. If the flowers smelled good, it means you feel peace and tranquility. Night dreams in which you cut roses and make a bouquet of them symbolize what you are sympathetic person, and always help those in need. Seeing white roses in a dream and giving them to someone means that in reality you wish harm to some person, and it can also be a symbol of the destruction of existing hopes.


The rose is a symbol of love, mystery, bliss. Dreams where the queen of flowers was present are interpreted differently by interpreters. The accuracy of reading images from dreams depends on who dreamed of the roses, what they looked like and other nuances.

Rose represents love and happiness

The rose is a popular symbol of poetry, painting, and dreams. Dream interpreters pay a lot of attention to this flower.


Vanga defines a rose as a good sign. If you smelled its delicate aroma, it means you will fall in love. Withered flowers given by someone are interpreted as follows: the person who gave them is a hypocrite, he will easily set you up. And if you happen to prick yourself on thorns in a dream, your secret or deception will soon be revealed.


This interpreter insists that the beauty, splendor and delight personified by the rose are only an empty shell, an appearance, and not the essence. That is, the image of this flower in a dream indicates that the handsome man encountered in reality will turn out to be “rotten” from the inside.

The dream book of lovers describes the rose as a symbol of the unity of the spiritual and physical, masculine and feminine.


Miller also considers a rose to be a good omen, especially one that is blooming and fragrant. The dream promises a joyful event soon. If you not only looked at a beautiful flower, but also inhaled its aroma with pleasure, then your joy will be cloudless. Nothing can ruin your mood at that moment.

A bud that has not fully opened promises wealth and prosperity. Dry, crumbling roses serve as a warning about the illness of someone in the household.

According to Miller, fading roses warn of health problems in someone close to you.


Freud associates the rose with sexual symbolism. For example, being pricked by a thorn is interpreted by him as sexual harassment towards you. Giving these flowers in a dream means someone will be inflamed with passion for you. If you yourself hand them over to someone, this speaks of you as a passionate, enthusiastic person who knows a lot about love affairs; erotic games are of great interest to you.


The interpreter sees in dreams involving these flowers deep meaning. In life, we often admire them, enjoying their beauty, receiving pleasant emotions from it. Therefore, the image of a rose in a dream also means only the most beautiful things: love, harmony, joy, beauty, sincerity.

But a dry rose means sadness, fear of something or shock, emotional distress, and not just an illness, as in other interpreters.

First of all, however, Hasse advises the dreamer to pay attention to the emotions experienced in the dream, and then transfer them to the realities of his life.

Other interpreters

And here is how other dream books interpret dreams about roses:

  • American - a dream about a flower indicates that the dreamer is pure and innocent, open, and does not harbor any grudges against anyone;
  • English - you attract people with your charm and love of life;
  • Apostle Simon the Canaanite - the work begun will be successful, they expect happy times;
  • Armenian - a cloudless existence, exclusively joyful chores;
  • Female - happy love;
  • An imperial dream can mean either a good omen or disappointment in someone close to you;
  • Icelandic - fate favors you, everything will come easy;
  • Lunar - a happy period, material well-being;
  • Medea - the rose is a symbol of the dreamer’s virtue, his beautiful inner world;
  • Newest - a date awaits you;
  • Russian - get ready to meet great love, which will be crowned wedding celebration;
  • Russian folk - a loved one is crazy about you;
  • Family - good news, guests;
  • Modern - you are ready to start a new relationship, romance, dates and words of love are ahead;
  • French - happy times;
  • Healers Akulina - difficult love, for which you will have to fight: not necessarily with an opponent. There can be many obstacles to the reunion of lovers: distance, hostile relatives, and so on;
  • Gypsy - courage, a feeling of boundless delight;
  • XXI century - luck and prosperity.
  • Woman or man

    For a girl, a dream about a rose (as well as its petals) promises fast wedding or meeting with attractive man, which will subsequently lead to a strong alliance. If there were a lot of roses - to a rich and generous groom. If she gave roses to her lover, then joy awaits ahead. For another girl or woman - to squabbles and misunderstandings.

    If a girl dreams that she decorates her hair with scarlet roses, then in reality she will be deceived by her beloved

    For a woman, a dream predicts great love, which occurs once in a lifetime. At the same time, the dream warns of envious people. If a stranger hands you flowers, it means a successful purchase or a gift from fate. An acquaintance - he has tender feelings for you. Ex-boyfriend- he wants to restore the relationship, thinks about it all the time. Another woman - efforts will be rewarded, and problems will be solved. The chosen one gives white roses - night vision assures you that there is no double bottom in his words and actions.

    If a loved one in a dream presents a woman with a bouquet in the shape of a heart, this is a sign that you are made for each other.

    Expectant mother awaits a love confession, as well as joy, gifts and surprises. Motherhood will make you happy and bring a lot of troubles, but only pleasant ones.

    The dreaming rose advises a man to take a closer look around: among his acquaintances there is a girl who will make him truly happy. He also needs to be attentive, but to the mood of his companion, if in a dream he receives a gift of roses from a representative of the fair sex. You will have to try to maintain the relationship. And if in a night vision the rival showers the dreamer’s beloved with flowers, in reality he will be jealous of her and make ugly scenes for her. When a man gives roses to his beloved himself, then in reality there is harmony in the relationship, the couple’s hearts are connected by tenderness and mutual trust. Hands it to a stranger - something may disrupt plans, you will have to deal with other people’s problems.

    If a man is given flowers by a person of the same sex, it means the dreamer is on the wrong path. Ahead lies failure in business, trouble, a feeling of helplessness and loss of strength.

    If a man gives his beloved roses in a dream, then in reality this symbolizes a wonderful relationship. People around you consider you perfect couple

    For married people, the flower promises changes. At first they will throw you off your usual rhythm of life, but gradually you will adapt to the changes and begin to enjoy them. In the near future, many new, surprising and even breathtaking things await you. Dreaming of pink petals assures the fidelity of the spouse.

    What did the roses look like and how many were there?

    Try to remember how many roses you saw in your dream, their size, color, and some amazing features.

    An armful of flowers promises a meeting with the love of your life or fateful events. Roses without thorns - a mutual feeling or a successful outcome of some undertaking. Artificial ones warn of anxiety, stress and loss of faith in oneself and people. Chinese are a symbol of wisdom, promise long years life. Broken - separation and tears.

    Promises a secret admirer pink bouquet, but if you throw it away in a dream, then in reality you are unhappy. The reason for this condition must be sought within yourself: try to understand what exactly is preventing you from realizing your professional and personally.

    They will give you a bouquet in a dream Red roses in spring - fortunately, in winter - to vain waiting.

    The buds portend luck and success in business. Just starting to blossom - a constant increase in income. Never blossomed - childlessness. Opened - suddenly fallen wealth, crumbled - cash expenses, losses.

    Damask is a symbol of timid love. On a tall stem - stormy passion.

    Rose bushes dream of profit, a happy event. One bush - to implement your plans, you will need self-discipline. Covered with snow - to sadness and longing due to separation from a loved one. A lot - wonderful changes and gains await you useful connections. With flowers in full bloom - a new addition to the family.

    Video: why do you dream about a bouquet?


    If there was only one rose, then your life will gain meaning. Will you be traveling soon or meeting someone? amazing person. Good luck in business awaits you. You may receive news of the engagement of one of your friends or relatives.

    Three flowers warn: you will find yourself in a difficult situation. However, do not despair - a solution will be found.

    Dreaming of a rose tattoo on your own skin is a symbol of mutual love. On the chest - sincerity of feelings, fidelity. On the body of someone else - you will be jealous out of nowhere

    A lot - you have powerful and rich defenders who will never refuse to support you.

    Even number- you will be shocked by lies or betrayal loved one. It won't take long to recover from this blow.

    Dreaming of a million scarlet roses portends Lucky case that will radically change your life

    Color: red, pink, white, yellow and others

    Depending on the color of the petals, the interpretation of night vision can vary greatly:

  • scarlet dreams mean fulfillment of a dream, comfort and harmony will reign in the family;
  • white is a sign of purity and defenselessness, a symbol of aspiration to heaven, the immortality of the soul. You are having a wonderful time with your loved one, getting to know each other better, strengthening your harmonious relationships. At your union excellent prospects. For a patient, such a flower dreams of recovery;
  • burgundy - you are bathed in admiration and frantic passion, a devoted heart overflowing with love is given into your hands. Don’t drop it, carried away by momentary desire;
  • yellow ones warn of a situation when you will be jealous, suspect your partner of infidelity - perhaps not without reason;
  • red, rich shade - a strong and deep feeling awaits you: passionate love, ardent friendship. Women's dream book indicates that you have harmony and love in your relationship with your partner. The Imperial sees in red roses a symbol of flesh and blood, life inseparable from sadness: after all, people are not eternal;
  • creamy - beware of deception and flattery;
  • orange - the one who is nearby now is your soulmate. You are connected by the red thread of fate. By breaking up, neither of you will find happiness. According to Fedorovskaya’s dream book, this stage of your life can be called cloudless, every day is filled with vivid impressions, your heart experiences a whole range of wonderful emotions;
  • pink ones symbolize tenderness and fidelity, as well as material well-being.
  • Tangerine-colored roses, appearing in a dream, assure: you have met your one (or only)

    If you bought flowers in a night dream, also pay attention to their color. Whites characterize you as a sympathetic, kind-hearted person, and fate will repay you for this a hundredfold. Yellow warns of disappointment in a friend. Green means that you may get sick. Black - about bad news. Reds promise success in business and wealth.

    About the origin of red roses in different countries There are many legends: the petals were stained with the blood of a nightingale pricked on the thorns or a poet who pressed the flowers too tightly to his heart. Or the girl pressed them to her chest before placing them on the grave of her loved one.

    Unusual color: blue, black, blue, green

    Blue - now nothing prevents you from enjoying life to the fullest, your problems are left behind. Problems that prevented you from enjoying life are a thing of the past. Fate gives you a chance to start over.

    Green ones dream of money, prosperity, opening a new profitable business, and multi-colored ones - of a hectic life full of amazing events.

    Blue - some strange incident will change your worldview. Also, among your acquaintances, someone may appear who will begin to sing your praises in order to use you for their own selfish purposes. Be aware of your surroundings.

    Violet - the unpredictable behavior of your partner, his mystery and eccentricity certainly do not let you get bored. Roller coaster seven days a week. But you want peace and stability at least occasionally, try to convey your desires to your loved one.

    Black - sadness and loss, mental suffering, death. Modern dream book warns of the likelihood of deterioration in health, traumatic experiences, injuries, or getting into an accident. If you couldn’t stop looking at a black rose in a dream, this promises you a fatal passion.

    Gray roses or white ones, turned gray due to shadows, promise a serious illness

    Where were the flowers located?

    When interpreting a dream, it is also taken into account where exactly you saw the roses:

  • in a vase - to unexpected joy. If the vessel was cracked or chipped, the surprise will be sad. Broken - to the loss of something dear to you;
  • in a flower pot, on the windowsill - you will receive a precious gift. This dream also advises living in the present, and not waiting for the return of happy times lost for some reason or tormented by mistakes made in the past;
  • in the garden - to hard work to achieve the goal. Perhaps you will find a patron, a sponsor in the person of a powerful person who will be interested in your ideas and provide support. But be careful: he puts his own interests first. Do not agree with what he offers or even demands if this means going against your conscience;
  • on the floor - you will find yourself in a precarious position, which will make you nervous. A quarrel with a loved one is likely;
  • in the snow - hopes and plans are not destined to come true;
  • a red rose under the pillow - a second honeymoon will begin in your relationship with your partner. Something unusual will happen, after which love will break out... new strength, so don’t rush to give it up.
  • If you happened to see these flowers in a cemetery in a dream, the spirits of your ancestors will favor you, endowing you with luck, energy, and strength. But this is only if the roses were blooming. The dead have the opposite meaning, the reason for this may be incorrectly carried out funeral rites.

    Your actions in a dream

    If in a dream you planted roses, then a discord with your partner is coming, the initiator of which will be you yourself.

    They broke it - to a big scandal. Another meaning: while traveling, an accident may occur to you. Try to reschedule your planned trip to another time.

    Found a withered rose - to disappointment, futile attempt revive old feelings.

    If you bought it, wait for your financial situation to improve. Peace and harmony will reign at home.

    Sold - your dreams will come true, a promotion awaits you at work. There will be a chance to improve relations between quarreling relatives.

    If you received a bouquet of roses from a deceased person in a dream, you are under the protection of the spirits of the departed.

    Watered - there will be obstacles on the way to achieving your goal, but don’t give up: your perseverance will be rewarded. Family dream book warns that a dear person will need your help.

    Trampled - you can’t realize your talents, this causes disappointment and dissatisfaction. While you are not able to somehow solve this situation, there is no need to give up - everything will get better soon.

    When you have a disturbing dream, dream interpreter Galina Vrublevskaya advises first to wait to see if it literally comes true. If this does not happen after three to five days, you can begin interpretation.

    Pricked by thorns - emotional tossing and suffering, betrayal await. Perhaps you will quarrel with one of your relatives or colleagues. Holding thorny roses in your hands means problems, pain, tears.

    They pulled out rose bushes- you will find yourself in a difficult position. To resolve the situation, you have to analyze it and accept the truth as it is.

    They tore it down - you yourself are the creator of your own happiness.

    They cut and made bouquets of roses - for a joyful event, hobby, light flirting.

    If you put it on the grave, you will experience remorse and be tormented by a feeling of guilt.

    Walking among roses at any time of the year means good luck, but only if you experienced positive emotions in a dream. The flowers had a bright red color - to the intensity of passions, life in a tense rhythm, a storm of emotions, among which you can forget about unresolved issues. Not everyone can withstand such a frantic pace; as a result, relationships with others can deteriorate and business will be neglected. Occasionally saturated color buds in such a dream prepares the dreamer for some responsible task involving risk.

    Video: why do you dream of roses?

    Dreams about roses are very beautiful and most often promise love, romance, pleasant gifts, but they can also negative meaning, warning of impending troubles. Remember as many details as possible: color, number of roses, where exactly they were, etc. Then it will be possible to understand as accurately as possible what the subconscious wanted to convey to you.

    Why do you dream White Rose

    Miller's Dream Book

    A white rose that has withered or withered - sadness, anxiety, unexpected expenses, health problems for the mother or daughter. Seeing a white withered rose in a dream is a bad sign. Drastic changes in family life, treason or betrayal of a loved one.

    Dreaming of a white rose covered with dew drops means prosperity and success in business. Right choice partner, a marriage proposal is possible in the coming days.

    Why do you dream about a white rose?

    Freud's Dream Book

    According to Freud, the white rose symbolizes blossoming love relationship and well-being. A thorn, as a phallic symbol, can warn of unfounded mistrust of a partner, his betrayal (pricked by a thorn). Being pricked by a thorn in a dream can also warn you that in reality you will soon be subjected to sexual harassment.

    Why do you dream about a white rose?

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Interpretation of the dream: a white rose is a symbol of fidelity, devotion, innocence. Being pricked by a white rose thorn means betrayal, the desire to conceal a bad deed, pangs of conscience.

    Why do you dream about a white rose?

    Azar's Dream Book

    White rose - happiness in marriage, the ideal choice of a soul mate, pure love.

    Why do you dream about a white rose?

    Noble dream book by N. Grishina

    White rose - mystery, surprise, unpredictable outcome.

    Why do you dream about a white rose?

    Modern dream book

    A white rose for the elderly means recovery, a favorable offer from friends or relatives. For the wedding of children or the appearance of a granddaughter.

    A widow dreams of a white rose as a sign of fidelity to her deceased husband. It symbolizes the strength of their marriage and eternal love.

    For a remarried widow - as the approval of the late husband, his consent to the union.

    Why do you dream about a white rose?

    Dream Interpretation of Nancy Wagaiman

    A dream about white roses in the warm season is always interpreted as prosperity. And in the cold season the interpretation has the opposite meaning. Blooming white roses in dreams foreshadow lovely events, as well as the receipt of cheerful news. Sometimes a dream with such a plot foreshadows a marriage proposal. Receiving a white rose as a gift in a dream speaks of good luck in work and improved health. The only thing is, if such roses given to you have a shabby appearance, you should expect betrayal of your loved one. Weaving this flower into your hair portends happiness and reliability in love, strengthening tender feelings. Breaking a white rose means a quarrel. Throw it out - break off a relationship with a loved one.

    Why do you dream about a white rose?

    Women's dream book

    White Rose? Admiring a blooming rose - the fidelity of a lover, good news in the near future.

    Picking a blooming white rose means you will soon receive a marriage proposal, a sign of mutual love that will develop into strong marriage bonds.

    Seeing a white rose bud means the birth of a female child.

    The reality and meaning of dreams

    Sleep from Friday to Saturday

    The dream contains encrypted advice, a hint on how to act in the future for the sleeper or his loved ones. A bright and pleasant dream foretells good luck in current affairs and endeavors. Pictures that contain barriers or restrictions have the opposite meaning. Dreams for this day of the week are prophetic.

    Almost every woman loves flowers, especially roses.

    Red, yellow, white - they delight many representatives of the fair sex.

    Why do you dream about roses? And what can you expect after such a dream?

    It all depends on what exactly happened in the dream and in what form the flowers appeared. Did someone give them to you or did they just grow in nature? Let's look at each individual case.

    Red: colors of passion

    Receiving a bouquet of red roses as a gift means subconsciously wanting sex with married man. And putting them in a vase means dreaming of a romantic adventure.

    If in a dream you trim the stems, then in reality you will be given a long-awaited proposal.

    • Feeling the aroma means a date.
    • Red roses in the trash can mean parting.
    • Giving it to a friend means unfounded accusations from your partner.
    • Long red roses - an attempt to assert oneself.
    • If they were broken, it means uncertainty in relationships with the opposite sex.

    If you dream of a huge bouquet in the hands of your young man, then you will soon go on an exciting journey.

    And if your parents give them to you, this means that you should pay more attention to your loved one. Large red buds symbolize a feast, and small ones symbolize a love affair.

    Yellow: to separation or happiness?

    One yellow rose symbolizes an unpleasant conversation with your loved one. A large bouquet warns of possible betrayal.

    Seeing them in the garden means peace. And cutting it from a bush means searching for an answer to a complex question that worries you.

    Flowers in a car dream of a showdown. And on the train - to a pleasant meeting.

    • Giving yellow flowers means changes in your personal life.
    • Receiving as a gift is a joyful event.
    • A bouquet on the bed means jealousy.
    • Fading buds - to new ideas.
    • A yellow bouquet in a vase means a thrill.

    As the dream book explains, roses yellow color on the windowsill they talk about a secret admirer. If in a dream you take them and put them in water, then now you should not start a new relationship. And if you throw a bouquet out the window, then you are quite ready for a romantic relationship.

    Unopened yellow buds dream of a desire to leave for another country. And fallen petals mean looking for a new job.

    White: symbol of pure love

    But most often the question arises: why do you dream of white roses?

    If in a dream you saw someone giving you a luxurious bouquet, try to take your mind off work and rest a little.

    One flower dreams of betrayal, and three or five mean an attempt to prove one’s right.

    • Buy white bouquet– to confident advancement up the career ladder.
    • A white rose in a bouquet of daisies - for a passionate romance.
    • Large buds signify the completion of important work.
    • Small white buds - for a successful business trip.
    • Being pricked with a thorn means a valuable find.

    If you dream of a wedding bouquet of fresh white roses, you will soon be declared in love. And artificial flowers speak of false feelings.

    Many white petals on the bed promise joy and fun. And worries and troubles are foreshadowed by the bushes planted under your window. Watering them means cash receipts. And cutting buds from a bush is an unexpected insult.

    Did you dream about something else?

    In a dream a person can see roses different colors. For example, black flowers dream of a holiday, and blue flowers – a meeting with friends.

    Live black roses in a vase can be seen before an exam or interview. They mean that you will definitely succeed.

    And if you had a dream about trampling a bouquet of black roses, then be more restrained in life. And don't trust your secrets to strangers.

    • A cream-colored bouquet - for moving to a new place of residence.
    • Pink flowers in a vase - for a trip to another city.
    • Pink petals - for reciprocity in love.
    • Green flowers - for the continuation of an old novel.
    • Brown - to get rid of complexes.

    If you dream that you are filming or photographing roses of unusual colors, you will soon be able to receive a financial reward. And drawing them means work that will delight the soul.

    Multi-colored bouquets dream of frivolity and frivolous relationships. And one bud with petals of different colors means attention from a handsome man.

    To determine what roses mean in your dreams, it is very important to remember their color and what you did with them in your dream. These beautiful flowers in a dream will help you find out what awaits you in the near future. Author: Vera Drobnaya

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