How to learn to play the guitar using the program. Useful programs for guitar and guitarists! For PC users

If you are a beginner guitarist or have no playing skills at all, then the electronic tutorials offered below will certainly help you achieve good results in a short time.

Of course, there are now many sites on the Internet - schools where they also teach this skill. But as always, there are those who want to have all the manuals on their personal PC and not waste time browsing the World Wide Web.
I am pleased to invite you to download these tutorials:

1. Guitar tutorial.
A Beginner's Guide to Playing Guitar and Electric Guitar.

3. Guitar tutorial "Guitar School"- a 126-page publication of highly digestible material from the Russian author Alexander Leonidovich Shumidub.

(DjVu file type)Size: 11.8 MB. File downloaded 19529 times

4.Guitar tutorial "Self-instruction manual for accompaniment on a six-string guitar" - electronic textbook unknown author, at least I didn’t find a first or last name.
Here is a screenshot of multiple contents:

(html file) Size 70 KB. Downloaded 7498 times

5. Self-instruction manual"The Guitar Book"(2006 Saint Petersburg) from Alexey Kofanov.

122 scanned pages of very useful educational material from the author who explains everything perfectly. I personally listened to several lessons from Alexey. In general, I advise you to type his initials into a search engine and find video lessons from this author.

The guitar tutorial consists of three parts:

1. Basics
2. Craftsmanship
3. Thoughts on music

((DjVu - file) 3.4 Mb Downloaded 9873 times)



Reviewed: Approved:

at the methodological council of MAOU DOD DOOC Acting Director of MAOU DOD DOOC on 20 15 / 2016 academic year I.N. Volkova

for the 20__/20__ academic year “____” _____________ 2015

for the 20__/20__ academic year

for the 20__/20__ academic year

Vocal and instrumental studio “BLITS”

additional education program

artistic and aesthetic orientation

"Playing guitar"

(For students from 10 to 21 years old)

Duration of the program: 3 years

Additional education teacher

Kotov Vladimir Vadimovich




Studying music promotes comprehensive development child's personality. Music lessons develop independent skills practical activities, both in the field of musical creativity and other areas where such qualities as patience, perseverance, concentration, hard work, mutual understanding and mutual respect are required. Currently, among school-age children there is extremely high interest in instrumental music, learning to play musical instruments, performing musical works. Collective creativity skills develop in students the ability to listen to music, hear other parts in musical works, rhythmically organize, and expand both musical and general horizons. A special place in musical creativity Schoolchildren are interested in playing the guitar. The peculiarity and specificity of vocal-instrumental classes lies in the fact that, within the framework of the set goals and objectives, they solve the problems of education and professional guidance of youth. The modern educational environment is the conditions in which each child develops in accordance with his abilities, interests and needs.

Purpose of the program:

This program is designed to work with children in subgroups and individual lessons. The Guitar Playing Association is visited by students from 10 to 21 years of age. The program is designed for 3 years of study. Students learn how to play the guitar and practice vocals. During the learning process, they creatively realize their abilities and acquired knowledge.

Relevance and prospects of the program:

The educational aspect lies in a more subtle perception of the beauty of the surrounding world. Students learn to be responsible in all endeavors and affairs, as well as to be neat, hardworking, respectful of elders and friends, and able to live and adapt in a team. Works by famous talented composers and performers of Russian and foreign pop music are selected for classes. Students, together with the teacher, determine the genre of music, break it down into sound parts musical instruments. They select melodies by ear, transferring them to the guitar, which activates and develops harmonic and melodic hearing.

The training uses works and songs of varying difficulty, combining them wisely, since everyone has different abilities. A lot of time is devoted to individual lessons to consolidate the material covered and develop the creative dedication of adolescents.

Teaching moment - acquiring guitar skills, getting to know each other musical notation, on the basis of which many functions are implemented educational process. Understanding the expressive features of musical language. The development of stage speech is a priority point in training. All this contributes to broadening one’s horizons, determines imaginative thinking, development of memory, flexibility of fingers - physical development, develops independence in solving various problems. Fosters activity in the performance of compositions, based on an understanding of the content and nature of the music being performed.

An original song accompanied by a guitar always excites and touches a person with its lyricism and accessibility. The children take great pleasure in learning original songs with patriotic content, which instills in them a love for the Fatherland. Students bring their favorite songs recorded on various media with them to class and an interesting lesson begins. creative work, selection and arrangement of music on guitar.

Students creative association“Playing the Guitar” actively participate in various events of the Children's Health and Education Center.

In the course of systematic classes, students, developing creatively, acquire certain skills that help them in creative self-development and successful socialization.

The program is based on the following pedagogical principles:

1. Gradual study of the material from simple to complex.

    2. Taking into account age characteristics.
    3.Taking into account individual abilities.
    4. Differentiated learning.
    5. Priority of practical activities.
    6. Inclusion of students in a variety of activities.
    7. A combination of individual and collective creative activity.

  1. Purpose of the programcreating conditions for comprehension, understanding and mastering of playing the guitar as a means of forming musical culture performer as an integral part of the spiritual culture of the individual.

Program objectives:


    development imaginative thinking, attention, memory, imagination of students;

    development of their musical and creative abilities;

    development of rhythm, musical ear and voice of students;

    development of sustainable, deep interest and love of students for musical creativity.


    formation of the musical culture of students, their civic position;

    education of musical taste;

    instilling in students true life values, high spiritual ideals, guided by which they could direct their creative aspirations for the benefit of society.


    mastering by students the technical complexes of playing the guitar;

    developing students’ independent work skills;

    formation in students of ideas, knowledge, skills and abilities to perform various musical works on the guitar;

    familiarization with the basics of using computer technology in working with musical material;

    identification of gifted children and their career guidance.

UsProgram implementation area:

For the successful implementation of the program, the following conditions are necessary:
- solving real, practically significant problems;
- motivation (personal, social);
- individualization of the learning process;
- taking into account age characteristics;
- activation of imagination;
- the ability to see beauty.

Special exercises have been prepared for the successful implementation of the program.

Purpose of the exercises- equip students with technical techniques that will help them expressively perform compositions of varying nature and degree of difficulty.

1.Work on diction.
2.Work on sound production.

3. Finger technique when playing the guitar.
4.. Exercises to develop finger fluency.

Throughout the learning process, students must master:
1. Exercises for daily activities. Execution instrumental compositions.
2. Accompaniment and performance of pop and bard songs.
3. Location and name of bar chords on the guitar.
4. Basics of musical literacy.

The results obtained are assessed during various types of classes:

■ combined;
■ attending concerts;
■ classes - improvisation;
■ holidays as forms of collective work.

Training according to the program comprises:

1. Theoretical parts (introduction to the instrument (guitar), musical


2. Practical part. (Learning to play the guitar, practical study of topics).

1. Musical literacy.

Musical scale. Chord placement on guitar. Musical system. Semitone. Whole tone. Letter designation. Letter designation of alteration.

2. Bard song.Studying texts and analyzing them. Listening to famous pop groups and performers.

3. Working with an instrument (guitar).

Introduction to minor and major. Learning instrumental compositions. Exercises for the fingers of the left and right hands. Correct placement of the fingers of the left hand on the fingerboard. Learning scales. Exercises for stretching the fingers of the left hand. A game of brute force. Techniques of playing with various combats. Listening to famous bards, selecting their songs and transcribing them to guitar.

Spiritual and moral education.

The educational process is planned and built in the interrelation of a single complex of musical and spiritual qualities: playing the guitar, singing, vocal and vocal abilities, artistry.

Educational goal of the program: professional orientation and self-determination of the child.

The content of the program is aimed at educating highly moral, creative, successful citizens of Russia, capable of active self-realization in social and professional activities, skillfully using the values ​​of musical culture. This program creates the most favorable conditions for the disclosure and development of not only the musical, creative, but also the spiritual abilities of the child, his self-determination, and the achievement of personal results.

When implementing this program, along with solving specific problems musical education(development of musical ear, development of vocal abilities, development and improvement of guitar playing skills), the personality of a person as a whole is formed, i.e. At the same time, mental processes, mental operations, moral qualities(collectivism, conscious discipline, honesty), aesthetic tastes (the ability to understand, evaluate, feel the beauty of a musical work).

Universal learning activities, formed during the implementation of this program:

Personal UUD.

Value and semantic orientation of students.

The action of meaning-making.

Communicative UUD.

The ability to express your thoughts.

Conflict resolution, question posing.

Managing your partner's behavior: control, correction.

Planning collaboration with the teacher and peers.

Regulatory UUD.

Goal setting.

Volitional self-regulation.

Assessing the quality and level of mastery of the material.

Control in the form of comparison with a standard.

Planning intermediate goals taking into account the result.

General educationUUD.

Ability to structure knowledge.

Identification and formulation of educational goals.

Search and highlight the necessary information.

Object analysis.

Synthesis is the making of a whole from parts.

Classification of objects.

Practical activities.

Program of the first year of study. In the first year, the initial stage is carried out.

Training tasks:

1. Satisfying and supporting students’ interest in mastering knowledge, guitar playing skills, and working on vocals.
2. Teaching guitar playing skills.
3. Formation of skills in the fundamentals of performing arts.
4. Teaching musical terms.
5. Involving students in active creative activities.

For the purpose of successful learning, it is advisable not to burden students with an excessive amount of knowledge, take into account individual abilities, study the material sequentially, moving from the simplest to the most complex, whenever possible, provide a variety of training and artistic material.

In the second half of the first year of study Further development of performing skills continues, and students develop the skill of performing pop compositions and bard songs.
They must accurately perform the original lyrics of the song, constantly taking care of the sound quality of the guitar, sound attack, intonation, rhythm, dynamics, etc. Scales, exercises and compositions are played using various dynamic shades and rhythmic patterns. The range is expanding.

In the second and third years of study The main focus of the association's activities is the preparation of concert performances.
The most successful student learning requires constant supervision. Therefore, at the end of the second half of the first year of study, a knowledge test is carried out:
♦ a final lesson is organized on the material covered;

a reporting concert performance by students is held;
♦ Parents and friends are invited.

The program is designed for 3 years of study.

1 year of study:

Development of musical-auditory perceptions of sensitivity to music. Introduction to the instrument (guitar). Learning to play the guitar.


2 times for 1 academic hour. There are 84 hours in a year (including individual hours).

The conditions for selecting children for the creative association “Playing the Guitar” are: their desire to practice the guitar and their ability to practice systematically. During classes it is possible natural selection children who are capable of engaging in this type of creativity, but not based on their talent, but due to various, including organizational, circumstances.

Possibility is provided individual lessons with students, as well as in small groups. Time allotted for individual work, the teacher can use for additional classes with newly admitted children.

The program provides a combination of both group and individual lessons, teaching methods, a complex educational activities: evenings of relaxation, meetings with interesting people, museums and other cultural institutions; working together teacher, parents and children.

The program assumes various shapes control of intermediate and final results.

Methods of control and management of the educational process - this is the observation of a teacher during classes, analysis of preparation and participation of students in associations in city events, evaluation of spectators, jury members, analysis of the results of performances at various events and competitions.

first year of study



Number of hours





Learning chords

Learning the basics of guitar playing technique

Working with a metronome

Finger switching exercises

Mastering basic searches

Playing with a pick





2nd year of study:

Development of musical and auditory perceptions, sensitivity to music and emotional responsiveness to it, based on the further accumulation of musical impressions and expansion of the circle musical images. Rhythmic development musical memory and imagination. Acquiring new knowledge. Consolidation and development of musical performance skills acquired in the first year of study, improvement of public speaking skills.
Improving guitar playing skills.

Classes are held 2 times a week:

2 times for 2 academic hours. In total there are 84 classes per year, 168 hours (including individual ones).

Educational and thematic work plan of the creative association “Playing the Guitar”

second, third year of study



Number of hours




Safety briefing

Learning chords

Improving guitar playing technique

Studying fighting techniques

Selecting a song by ear

Playing with a pick

Work with repertoire, accompaniment

Working with a metronome

Vocal skills training


Learning simple and easy songs


Finger switching exercises


Working with an electric guitar


Playing with a pick





Topics of the program for 1, 2 and 3 years of study.

Topic No. 1.Introductory lesson:

Checking musical and vocal data.

Familiarization with the guitar and its parts, skillful handling and careful storage of the instrument.

Staging of playing the instrument: position of the body, arms, fingers and legs.


Topic No. 2.Finger technique when playing the guitar:

Structure and function of arm muscles, meaning correct setting fingers to develop playing technique.

Special exercises to develop finger fluency.

Topic No. 3.Musical certificate:

The arrangement of chords on the guitar and their names.

Learning chords A m, D m, E. Letter designation.

Learning barre chords.

Topic No. 4.Brute force game:

Exercises for the fingers of the left hand.

Initial exercises.

Topic No. 5.Sound production on a guitar:

- Musical sounds and their properties.

Basic techniques of sound production (apoyando, tirando, apogandos).

Finger stretching exercises.

Topic No. 6.Learning simple and easy songs:

Mastering text and melody.

- Work on breathing.

Working on the image.

Working on diction.

Songs with guitar for memory.

Topic No. 7.Final lesson. Questioning students using the “Results of the Year” questionnaire :
- what we learned;
- what we have achieved;
- what difficulties arose and why;
- what was successful;
- what failed and why;
- What would you like to learn in the new school year?

Topic No. 8. Preparation for the reporting concert. Report concert :

Contents of work on p implementation of the 2, 3 year study program.

Events of a cognitive and educational nature.

Collective visits to music events and concerts. Participation in activities of preschool education center, Active participation in social and patriotic youth actions. Meetings with interesting people, musicians.

Basics of musical literacy.

Theoretical course:
Major and minor as a reflection of “light” and “shadow” in music; lad as the most important means musical expressiveness. Key: definition of key as the pitch position of the fret; major and minor keys; names and designations of keys; key designation of keys; sharp and flat keys; emotional expressiveness of tones; correspondence of tonality to the character and content of a musical work.

Practical course:

Learning to play the guitar.

Consistent study and practical development positions of the guitar neck in connection with the gradual expansion of the sound - the highest range of performed musical works. Study of new elements and performed techniques of harmonic and melodic technique of the right hand. Work on sound based on improving sound production techniques (tirando and apoyando).

Development of performing technique of the left hand: work on finger stretching, technique of changing positions; development of fingering and technical guitar techniques - bar. Development of coordination of movements of all parts of the performing apparatus. Development of skills in the artistic performance of a musical work based on expanding the range of musically expressive performing means performed.

Development of musically imaginative thinking based on the complication of the musically imaginative content of the studied musical works, enrichment of musical impressions. Further development of rhythm, all types of musical ear, musical memory. Deepening and expanding knowledge in the field musical art. Improving musical performance skills acquired in the first years of education.

Development and complication of practical skills in solo and ensemble playing a musical instrument, necessary for solving more complex musical performing tasks. Formation of initial skills of independent performing work on a musical work.

Expanding the practice of public speaking. Development of performing guitar technique based on the qualitative improvement of previously studied and mastered technical elements and playing techniques and their synthesis into more complex technical complexes necessary for the performing implementation of more complex musical and artistic tasks. Study and practical mastery of special methods of sound production and techniques of playing the classical guitar: technical legato (ascending and descending), natural harmonics, vibrato, portomento, glissando, arpeggiato.

Study of the timbre-sound properties and capabilities of the classical guitar and practical mastery of methods and techniques for changing and varying the timbre sound on the guitar. Work on sound quality based on improving musical and sound concepts and sound production techniques.

Improvement of work over the artistic side of performing a musical work based on a deeper and more detailed analysis
studied musical works and the use of newly mastered musical expressive performing means. Formation of skills for independent performing work on musical works based on acquired knowledge and skills in the field of analysis of musical works, performing skills and accumulated experience in classroom work on the repertoire. Development of guitar accompaniment skills using complex harmonies, types of textures and tones.

Consolidation and further development performance skills based on increasing the complexity of the material being studied.

Information and methodological support

List of equipment and visual aids:

    Guitar, electric guitar.

    Music center, computer.

    Recording phonograms in “+” and “ modes- ».

    Tables, diagrams.

    Electrical equipment.


    Selection of repertoire.

    Video recordings, CD format, MP3.

    Recordings of performances, concerts.

Regulatory and legal framework:

1.1. Federal level:

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” as amended from July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 (as amended on November 10, 2009 No. 260-FZ).

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 142 of February 24, 2009. “Rules for the development and approval of Federal State Educational Standards.”

    SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions"

1.2.Regulatory legal acts at the regional level:

1.3. NPA at the municipal level:

    Prevention of violations in the territory of the Karpinsk municipality for 2014-2016;

    Municipal program for the development of the education system in Karpinsk for 2014-2020.

Used Books:

    Agafoshin P. School of playing the six-string guitar. M., 1993

    Arievich S. A practical guide to playing the bass guitar. M., 1993

    Brand V. Fundamentals of guitarist technique variety ensemble. M., 1979

    Braslavsky D. Arrangement for pop instrumental and vocal-instrumental ensembles. M., 1993

    Bril I. Practical course in jazz improvisation. M., 1979

    Galoyan E. Rhythmic etudes and variations for snare drum and ensemble with bass drum. M., 1972

    Zinkevich V. Course of playing percussion instruments. M., 1997

    Saulsky Yu. Arrangement, (variety specialization). M., 1997

    Kopen V. The Birth of Jazz. M., 1994.

10.Kupinsky K. School of playing percussion instruments. M., 1984

11. Mukhina O. Developmental psychology. M., 2000

12. Timonin Yu. Games on a six-string guitar. Publishing house "Art-service". M., 2012

Guitar tutorial

Guitar tutorial for beginners

Well, dear readers, so we have come directly to the beginning of your learning to play the six-string guitar.

Now you already know the history of the guitar, its structure and the name of all its components (I hope). The tool has been purchased and configured.

Let's just agree on some things right away.

  • I made this site to help beginning guitarists gain basic playing skills and perhaps discover something new for hobbyists.
  • I myself am quite passionate about the art of playing the guitar, and believe me, I made a lot of mistakes during the learning process.
    Therefore, try to be careful guitar lessons which I offer you. There is not a single extra word in my course.
    Brevity and clarity even for a child - this is the meaning of this guitar tutorial.
  • Everything I am going to talk about was not invented by me. This is just my understanding of the essence of what is happening and the result of translating incomprehensible texts from textbooks and tutorials, of which I have read a considerable number.
  • I write articles myself, so if you want to use my material for yourself, then the link to mine guitar lessons required. I will do the same.
  • Don't jump from lesson to lesson. I understand that the desire is great, but this will not achieve anything. Be patient, and in a few days we will learn the first piece.
  • In order for you to fully learn to play the guitar, you will need to devote at least 1-2 hours a day to it.
  • Take your time!!! - This is the most main mistake which I admitted. As soon as you learn a part of a piece, you just want to play it back at the speed of light, so that the fretboard starts to fire. I beg you, don’t fall for this, although it’s probably inevitable - such is human nature;)
  • At the beginning of class, stretch your hands by clenching them into a fist to increase blood flow. Before playing serious pieces, spend some time on scales and simple pieces.
  • For successful learning, you can use special guitar programs, which can be downloaded in the section of the same name.

Well, that's basically it. You will learn the rest as you read my self-instruction manual. Some lessons will be accompanied by videos for a better understanding of the material. Click the link to the FIRST guitar lesson and go!

This section contains the most useful and free programs for guitar, which every self-respecting guitarist should have on their computer. Here you will find programs on a PC for, as well as for playing the guitar through a computer using special sound effects. You can download all guitar software for free from the link at the end of each article. Enjoy it and share it with your friends on social networks!

Date: 2016-04-23 / Category: / Comments: /

Any musical instrument requires special care. The correct setting is very important, especially when a person first starts playing music. An incorrectly tuned guitar can lead to distorted sound perception, which will lead to a decrease in the level of musical hearing.

Date: 2016-02-04 / Category: / Comments: /

Surely many of you have banged in before Guitar game Hero on your computer, and therefore if you like it, it will obviously not be superfluous on yours Android smartphone or tablet. Just below you can download it for free, and now a short review for this game.

Date: 2016-02-03 / Category: / Comments: /

A cool app for those who don't have it on hand real guitar, but I want to play. The Solo app will help you pass the time when your favorite instrument is far away. If you get good at it, you can surprise your friends at a party. Well, now in more detail.

Date: 2016-02-02 / Category: / Comments: /

Introducing Guitar Pro for Android - a mobile tablature editor. Quite an interesting application that allows you to always have the necessary tablature at hand. This is especially true at a rehearsal, when there is no desktop PC with Guitar Pro installed nearby.

Date: 2016-02-01 / Category: / Comments: /

Who hasn't used Guitar Pro yet? Yes, most likely, every second person has already used this program. There is also a similar app for reading tablature and chords on Android called Ultimate Guitar Tabs. This is a useful thing, so don’t be lazy to download and install it on your device.

Date: 2016-01-31 / Category: / Comments: /

Today we will get acquainted with another interesting application for mobile devices on the Android platform - Ultimate Guitar Tools. This program includes three features that will be very useful for every guitarist. What these functions are, you will now find out.

Date: 2016-01-30 / Category: / Comments: /

Guitarists who own Android devices can now be happy, since a unique application has been developed for them, which can always be at hand and will help you quickly tune the guitar. Today we will briefly talk about a guitar tuner called DaTuner Pro for smartphones and tablets.

Date: 2016-01-29 / Category: / Comments: /

Explanatory note

In adolescence, interest in an instrument such as the guitar is especially pronounced. Playing the guitar and in an ensemble is the most mass form active involvement in music. Due to the popularity of this type of art, a social order has been formed for fast and high-quality training.

Traditional methods of teaching guitar are not effective enough for club use. Filling requirements require classes in groups rather than individually, which reduces the speed of learning. All interested children are accepted into the club; teenagers are recruited into the association without special selection. State of the art musical abilities sometimes it comes down to the level of inclinations.

The novelty of the methodology lies in the use of modern computer technologies, teaching techniques that promote musical, creative development teenagers, taking into account their individual capabilities, abilities, safety of the contingent:

  • selection of works taking into account the interests and hobbies of students.
  • studying tablature, the most convenient recording for learning melodies
  • mastering the musical computer program “Guitar pro” for learning parts in an ensemble

Goal and tasks

Target: accelerated learning to play the guitar using the Guitar Pro program


  • teach how to use the Guitar Pro program
  • develop internal ear for music, sense of rhythm, ability to improvise and create
  • cultivate diligence, perseverance, independence, responsibility, ability to work in a team

Psychological and pedagogical explanation of the specifics of perception and mastery of educational material by students in accordance with age characteristics

Features of this age are associated with the peak of puberty. This is the period when there is a desire to break free from the control of adults and assert oneself as an individual. At this time, the teenager needs communication among peers, which brings the teenager into companies, sometimes even unfavorable ones. At this moment, the effectiveness of group classes manifests itself, where children are brought together by common interests, common causes, and there is an opportunity to realize their strengths and express themselves in the creative field. Thinking becomes more systematized. It is characterized by a transition to highest level development - theoretical, formal-logical. Main core cognitive development at this age, thinking in concepts begins: the formation of abstract concepts takes place, making it possible to reveal deeper connections between objects and phenomena of reality, to understand the patterns that govern reality.

A distinctive feature of adolescence is an internal inclination towards creative expression, an internal tendency towards productivity, this manifests itself in the form of composing poems, songs, diaries, etc., in the creation of a certain love ideal.

The fantasy of a teenager is more creative than the fantasy of a child, although less productive than the fantasy of an adult.

What is essentially new in the development of fantasy in adolescence is precisely that the teenager’s imagination comes into close connection with thinking in concepts, it is intellectualized, included in the system of intellectual activity and begins to play a completely new function in the new structure of the teenager’s personality.

We can say that creative images created by a teenager’s fantasy perform for him the same function that works of art performed for an adult. This is art for yourself.

The free participation of everyone and the encouraging atmosphere of preparation for the fight awaken ingenuity and humor in those students who seemed to have none. Many show themselves as organizers: students, as a rule, themselves select performers and establish the order of summing up results, find necessary materials. Carrying out this kind of games turns out to be not just entertainment for students, but one of the most exciting things.

Their disposition to improvise is very noticeable. For example, in the first year of study, in order to convey the character of a piece of music or some image, they try to theatricalize their performance. And in the third year of study, when the children have already mastered basic course and have perfected their playing technique, they enjoy improvising in solo parts and compose melodies and songs themselves.

However, the inability to realize one's creative potential, turning your ideas into reality can lead to the manifestation of other qualities characteristic of a given age period, for example, stubbornness, selfishness, isolation, withdrawal, and outbursts of anger. That's why it's so important to take care of spiritual world, manifestation of teenagers' feelings.

Creating conditions for creativity, the opportunity to discover new things for creative search and self-expression, as social factors, play an important role in the development of creative abilities of adolescents. They (these conditions) can either slow down, block creativity, or contribute to its manifestation.

Throughout the entire educational process, children learn not only professional skills, but also the ability to be friends, help each other, respect and appreciate both themselves and those around them, and most importantly - to love each other, love the beautiful, love their HOMELAND, Formation of youth, how patriotic personality is important and necessary today. Therefore, a lot of attention in the program is paid specifically to Russian, Soviet and modern Russian music.

Expected results

I year of study

  1. mastery of the basic techniques of playing the instrument
  2. feeling the sense of rhythm
  3. emotional responsiveness to the piece being performed
  4. mastery of technical playing skills acoustic guitar

II year of study

  1. ability to perform repertoire works, accompany
  2. possession of technical skills in playing the electric guitar
  3. sound purity
  4. knowledge of the basics of musical literacy

III year of study

  1. ability to improvise, accompany, play in an ensemble
  2. ability to speak in front of any audience
  3. mastering the skills of collective creativity
  4. independent songwriting

Conceptual Framework

Work with teenagers in the musical association “Voice Strings” is based on general humanistic and artistic-pedagogical principles:

  1. The principle of humanization. Personality is nurtured by personality. Humanistic pedagogical interaction involves personal growth teachers and students, their joint personal development, creating favorable conditions for identifying and cultivating individually specific elements of general and special talent in each child.
  2. The principle of harmonization of personality and environment. Development of interests, abilities, formation of a personality that will be in unity with the world, people and with oneself.
  3. The principle of activity and consciousnessis expressed in the fact that it is necessary to accustom the child to pose questions, both in front of the teacher and for independent answers and solutions.
  4. The principle of visibilityis based on the peculiarities of the development of a child’s thinking, which develops from the concrete to the abstract. Visualization increases the child’s interest in knowledge and makes the learning process easier.
  5. Accessibility principleis expressed in the need to take into account age and individual characteristics students in the learning process and the inadmissibility of its excessive complexity and overload, in which mastery of the studied material may be overwhelming.
  6. The principle of systematicity and consistencylearning involves students’ deep understanding of the logic and system in the content of the knowledge being acquired, as well as systematic work on repetition, systematization and generalization of the material being studied.
  7. The principle of the strength of learning and its cyclical natureassumes that the child performs during the learning process full cycle educational and cognitive actions: perceived and comprehended educational material, memorizing it and repeating it.
  8. The principle of motivationthe development of internal motivation involves awareness of the need for learning for later life, the learning process as an opportunity for communication, praise from significant persons, and the desire to be in the center of attention.
  9. The principle of educational, developmental and educational functions of training:
  • careful preparation of the teacher for classes, selection of material;
  • choosing teaching methods that would activate children's thinking;
  • the connection between theory and practice, teaching with the productive work of students, the formation of their views and beliefs.
  1. Principles of interaction:
  • at the level of the relationship between the teacher and the teenager during the lessons;
  • interaction of students as partners in creative activity.

Methodological support



Forms of classes

Techniques and methods for organizing the educational process

Didactic material, technical equipment classes

Summing up forms

I year of study

Getting to Know Guitar Pro


Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, frontal

Laptop, Guitar Pro program

Test lesson

Studying the technical capabilities of the program

Combined classes

Test lesson

Practical lesson

Laptop, Guitar Pro software, acoustic guitar

Test lesson

Practical lesson

Practical, reproductive, individual-frontal

Laptop, Guitar Pro program, acoustic guitar, tablature in gtp format

Test lesson

Test lesson


Acoustic guitar

II year of study

Fifth chords

Combined lesson

Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, frontal

Rhythmic notation

Combined lesson

Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, frontal

Laptop, Guitar Pro program, electric guitar, tablature in gtp format, guitar processor, combo amplifier, mediator

Simple rhythms with syncopations

Combined lesson

Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, frontal

Laptop, Guitar Pro program, electric guitar, tablature in gtp format, guitar processor, combo amplifier, mediator

Complex rhythms

Combined lesson

Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, frontal

Laptop, Guitar Pro program, electric guitar, tablature in gtp format, guitar processor, combo amplifier, mediator

Rhythms with jamming

Combined lesson

Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, frontal

Laptop, Guitar Pro program, electric guitar, tablature in gtp format, guitar processor, combo amplifier, mediator


Combined lesson

Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, frontal

Laptop, Guitar Pro program, electric guitar, tablature in gtp format, guitar processor, combo amplifier, mediator

Learning the rhythm part

Practical lesson

Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, frontal

Laptop, Guitar Pro program, electric guitar, tablature in gtp format, guitar processor, combo amplifier, mediator

Open lesson

Left hand technique.

Combined lesson

Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, frontal

Laptop, Guitar Pro program, electric guitar, tablature in gtp format, guitar processor, combo amplifier, mediator

Learning a solo part

Practical lesson

Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, frontal

Laptop, Guitar Pro program, electric guitar, tablature in gtp format, guitar processor, combo amplifier, mediator

Open lesson

Mediator technique.

Combined lesson

Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, frontal

Laptop, Guitar Pro program, electric guitar, tablature in gtp format, guitar processor, combo amplifier, mediator

Combined lesson

Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, frontal

Bas-guitar. Right hand technique

Combined lesson

Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, frontal

Laptop, Guitar Pro program, bass guitar, tablature in gtp format, pick, combo amplifier for bass guitar

Learning the bass part

Practical lesson

Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, frontal

Laptop, Guitar Pro program, bass guitar, tablature in gtp format, pick, combo amplifier for bass guitar

Open lesson

Open lesson


Reproductive, individual

III year of study

Learning different parts

Practical lesson

Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, individual-frontal, practical, instrumental-training exercises

Laptop, Guitar Pro program, bass guitar, tablature in gtp format, pick, bass guitar combo amp, guitar processor, combo amp, electric guitar

Playing in an ensemble


Laptop, Guitar Pro program, bass guitar, tablature in gtp format, pick, bass guitar combo amp, guitar processor, combo amp, electric guitar


Recording music in Guitar Pro

Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, individual-frontal, practical, partially search

Laptop, Guitar Pro program, bass guitar, tablature in gtp format, pick, bass guitar combo amp, guitar processor, combo amp, electric guitar

Improvisation, writing

Practical lesson

Visual, verbal, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, individual-frontal, practical, partially search, research

Laptop, Guitar Pro program, bass guitar, tablature in gtp format, pick, bass guitar combo amp, guitar processor, combo amp, electric guitar

Creative meeting

Bass guitar, pick, bass guitar combo amplifier, guitar processor, combo amplifier, electric guitar



Reproductive, individual-frontal, practical

Bass guitar, pick, guitar processor, electric guitar, spotlights, vocal microphones, amplifier, mixer, speaker system, microphone stands

Description of the Guitar Pro program

Guitar Pro program well known to guitarists all over the world. The amazing opportunities that this program provides for musicians cannot leave indifferent even “old people” who cannot master modern computer technologies.

What is the program?

Guitar Pro is a sheet music and tablature editor designed for guitarists. This program has become widespread due to the fact that there is a huge library of almost all guitar music on the Internet. Unlike other music editors, which are mainly designed for printing music text, Guitar Pro gives the maximum visual understanding of the guitarist's playing.

The guitarist can see both standard notes, tablature indicating which frets to play certain notes on, and the guitar neck where these notes are reflected. The program has introduced the RSE function, which provides exceptional sound for this type of program. Notes can be set either from a midi keyboard (or guitar synthesizer), from a regular computer keyboard, or using a mouse, pointing notes on the guitar fretboard. Dialing is quick and easy.

For studying famous plays, you can reduce the tempo and simply analyze all the nuances of the virtuoso’s play, bar by beat.

The Guitar Pro program interface is quite simple and easy to use. At the top of Guitar Pro there is the main, so to speak, remote control for working with the program, on which there are various buttons, such as key signs, reprises, note duration, tablature tempo and others. Also, in the same upper part of the program, there is a guitar neck and a piano keyboard, on which, during the playback of tablature, there are indicators that tell you which string, keys on which fret, to take in a given beat.

In the middle part of the program, there is a notation and tablature stave, in which the typing and editing of the tablature itself is carried out. At the bottom of the program Guitar Pro guitar effects and a track panel are located, for creating parts for several instruments, such as bassguitar , drums and many others.


  • Multi-track recording of guitar and bass guitar parts in the form of tablature; simultaneously with the creation of tablature, a corresponding recording in sheet music is created;
  • A powerful MIDI sheet music editor that allows Guitar Pro to be used not only by guitarists;
  • Builder of tablatures for percussion instruments;
  • Adding lyrics and linking them to the notes of tracks with vocals;
  • Powerful built-in guitar chord builder and finder;
  • Export of created scores into various graphic and text formats, printing;
  • Import from MIDI, MusicXML and others, export to MIDI, WAV;
  • A virtual guitar fretboard and piano keyboard that displays the notes currently being played. They can also be used to create and edit guitar parts;
  • Built-in metronome, guitar tuner, track transpose tool;
  • A variety of instruments for reproducing the notes and sound of typical guitar playing techniques;

Working with Guitar Pro

After loading, there will be a white field with six horizontal lines - this is the designation of the strings, the first from above, the second from below, and all together this is called a track.

As a rule, the composition consists of the harmony of many musical instruments (guitar, bass guitar, drums, etc.). Each instrument produces sounds, the order in which these sounds are played on the working field is indicated by a series of numbers (frets) on six horizontal lines (strings), this is a track, it should be noted that there can only be one for each instrument.

At the bottom, on the left, there is a window, “track properties”, here the track number, name (by clicking on the name, you can change it), instrument (you can also change it in

any time, for example, replace an acoustic guitar with an organ, and so on), here you can also change the volume, balance, etc.

At the top of the work field there are toolbars with shortcuts:

  • Standard. Create, open, save.
  • Settings. Here you change the settings of the program itself, that is, appearance, starting music on boot, etc.
  • Print, preview, cut and copy.Here the program asks from which bar, at which bar it is necessary to insert, add a track

  • Change sound settings.Here you can change the instrument, volume, balance, etc.
  • Tact. Each composition is characterized by the organization of sounds in time. At the same time, the obligatory quality of sounds is their forceful emphasis - emphasis or not emphasis. The periodic alternation of strong and weak sounds, perceived by our ears, makes it possible to dismember musical composition into parts. These parts are called measures; the boundary of a measure in the working field (as on the staff) is marked by a vertical line - a bar line.
  • Time signature. The beat size is indicated by two numbers, which are written one below the other. The top number indicates the number of beats, and the bottom number indicates the duration of each beat of the measure. Open/close reprise. Mark the places from where and to where you need to repeat the playback.
  • Rearrange views.Move the "track properties" field above/below the working field.
  • Note duration.The note duration symbols are indicated here. The basis for determining the duration of sounds is a conventional unit of time, for example one or several seconds. Sounds of various durations are recorded using notes that have different kind. Let's take one second as a conventional unit of time.
  1. A whole note. The duration of a whole note is measured in four conventional units of time - therefore, equal to four seconds (the METRON is responsible for tapping these conventional units in Guitar Pro), it is depicted by an oval circle.
  2. Half note. The duration of a half note is half as long as a whole note - therefore, it will be measured by counting "one, two". This means that the count of “one, two, three, four” produces two half notes. A half note is represented by an oval circle with the addition of a vertical stick (calm).
  3. Quarter note. The duration of a quarter note is half as long as a half note, that is, equal to one count, which means that the count “one, two, three, four” will account for four quarter notes. A quarter note is represented by a black oval circle with an added stem.
  4. Eighth note. The duration of an eighth note is half as long as a quarter note, which means the count of “one, two, three, four” is eight eighth notes. The eighth note is represented by a black oval circle with the addition of one tail (flag) to the stem.
  5. Sixteenth note. "One, two, three, four" - sixteen sixteenth notes. It is depicted as a black oval circle with two flags added to the calm.
  6. Thirty-second. Similarly. It is depicted as a black oval circle with three flags added to the calm.
  7. Sixty-four. Similarly. It is depicted as a black oval circle with four flags added to the calm.
  • Playback. Play from the beginning, the current measure, from the current position, go to the beginning, to the end, one step back/forward (play the previous/next sound (note)), loop playback (after finishing playing the melody, it will sound from the beginning), metronome.
  • Pace. It is possible to reduce/increase the playback tempo.

The "File" menu has two buttons "Export" and "Import". You can export and import both Midi files and ASCII tablature.

  • Export. When exporting, the recording made in GP is saved in Midi format (all tracks are exported, and a full-fledged Midi file is obtained) or ASCII tablature (they are opened with any Windows text editor).
  • Import.
    When importing Midi files, a window will pop up in which you can listen to all the tracks, each one separately. It is possible to import quick method, GP will simply transfer each track from the Midi file and correctly determine the pitch and duration of the sound. And also in step-by-step mode, title, tracks (one at a time), and you can also import several tracks into one.

Between the “Bookmarks” and “Sound” buttons there is a “Helpers” button, by clicking on which a number of useful functions appear:

  • Speed ​​trainer.Allows you to practice a new battle or more accurately select the tempo.
  • Transpose. Allows move notes one or more semitones.

Using Guitar Pro throughout the course

I year of study

Introduction to the program

Studying in the program melodies of varying complexity on an acoustic guitar, depending on individual characteristics, which allows you to perform more complex accompaniment in musical works

II year of study

Practicing technical techniques for playing electric instruments (rhythm guitar, lead guitar, bass guitar) using exercises recorded in the program

III year of study

Studying rhythm parts, solo parts, bass parts of various musical works in the program.

Learning to play in an ensemble.

Learning to record your own music in the program.

Independent work with the program at home.

Using the Guitar Pro program to develop technique

Learning melodies using the Guitar Pro program

Test lesson

II year of study

Fifth chords with root on the 6th string

Fifth chords with root on the fifth string

Rhythmic notation.

Simple rhythms with syncopations

Complex rhythms

Rhythms with jamming


Learning the rhythm part

Left hand technique. Hamer and pool techniques

Left hand technique. Bendy.

Left hand technique. Vibrato.

Left hand technique. Slides.

Learning a solo part

Mediator technique. Variable stroke

Mediator technique. Moving from string to string

Mediator technique. Using "hammers" and "pools"

Mediator technique. Stroke when using rhythmic figures

Bas-guitar. Left hand technique

Bas-guitar. Right hand technique. Finger play

Bas-guitar. Right hand technique. Using a pick

Learning the bass part

Open lesson

III year of study

Learning different parts

Playing in an ensemble

    1. Laptop
    2. Operating system Windows 7 (XP, Vista)
    3. Sheet music and tablature editor Guitar Pro
    4. Printer
    5. Acoustic guitar
    6. Electric guitar 2 pcs.
    7. Bas-guitar
    8. Combo amplifier
    9. Combo amplifier for bass guitar
    10. Effects processor 2 pcs.
    11. Speaker wires
    12. Capo
    13. Mediator
    14. Vocal microphones – 2 pcs.
    15. Amplifier
    16. Mixer
    17. Acoustic system


    1. Vygotsky L. S. Selected psychological research. – M., 1956.
    2. Vygotsky L.S. Imagination and creativity in child development. – St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 1997.
    3. Grinshpun S. S. Education creative personality in the process of additional education // Bulletin. 2001. - No. 1.- p. 5-7.
    4. Kryukova V.V. Musical pedagogy. – Rostov n/d.: “Phoenix”, 2002.
    5. Leites N. S. Age-related talent and individual differences: selected works. – M.: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: Publishing house NPO "MODEK", 2003.
    6. Mikhailova M.A. Development of children's musical abilities. – Yaroslavl, 1997.
    7. Petrov P.V. Self-instruction manual for playing the guitar on chords and songs: noteless method / P.V. Petrov. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2009.
    8. Puhol E. Guitar school. – M., 1980.
    9. Rigina G.S. Music lessons. – M., 1979.
    10. Sukhanov V.F. Guitar for everyone. - Rostov n/d, 1997.
    11. Teplov B.M. Selected works: In 2 volumes. Volume I.- M.: Pedagogy, 1985.
    12. Yashnev V., Volman B. School of playing the six-string guitar. – L., Leningrad, 1979.

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