The spool is small and expensive - the meaning of the proverb, explanation and meaning. Russian sayings and their meaning (1 photo)

Study of the level, purposefulness of thinking, the ability to understand and operate with the figurative meaning of the text, differentiation and purposefulness of judgments, the degree of their depth, the level of development of speech processes.

The technique can be used both in the study of adolescents and adults.

Test instructions

The subject is given several metaphors and proverbs and asked to explain their abstract figurative meaning.


  • Can be used this test in another version, asking the subject to compare phrases with each other and find among them similar or opposite in meaning. This will allow you to diagnose level of formation of associative processes And flexibility of thinking.
Test material
  1. Strike while the iron is hot.
  2. Don't sit in your own sleigh.
  3. There is no smoke without fire.
  4. All that glitters is not gold.
  5. The forest is being cut down and the chips are flying.
  6. Murder will out.
  7. Still waters run deep.
  8. If you like to ride, you also like to carry a sled.
  9. What goes around comes around.
  10. Every day is not Sunday.
  11. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
  12. There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.
  13. The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.
  14. The quieter you go, the further you'll get.
  15. I picked up the tug - don’t say it’s not strong.
  16. Seven times measure cut once.
  17. They meet you by their clothes, they see them off by their intelligence.
  18. Not a hat for Senka.
  19. As it comes back, so will it respond.
  20. Small spool but precious.
  21. Leopard change his spots.
  22. There is safety in numbers.
  23. Prevaricate.
  24. The cat cried.
  25. The voice of one drinking in the desert.
  26. The gut is thin.
  27. Two of a Kind.
  28. Get it into your head.
  29. Garden head.
  30. My tongue is my enemy.
  31. Make a fool pray to God - he will break his forehead.
  32. Well done among the sheep.
  33. Goosebumps.
  34. One with a bipod, seven with a spoon.
  35. Like a blow to the head.
  36. A mosquito won't hurt your nose.
  37. The fifth wheel in the cart.
  38. Further into the forest there is more firewood.
  39. Like a bolt from the blue.
  40. Chickens don't eat money.
  41. My soul sank into my heels.
  42. Throw a shadow on the fence.
  43. Pound water in a mortar.
  44. Let the goat into the garden.
  45. You must register

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As is the case with catchphrases many Russian proverbs and sayings have lost their original meaning. Most often, although not always, this was due to the loss of their ending.

For example, everyone famous saying: “Hunger is not an aunt”, continues as “he won’t slip a pie” (there is different variants endings).

Both in the truncated and in the full version the meaning is the same: hunger is a cruel test that will not be regretted, like a relative, but on the contrary, can push anyone to commit a crime.

But today we will analyze exactly that part of the Slavic heritage that has reached us in a distorted form.

The fish looks for where it is deeper, and the man - where it is better

The generally accepted meaning of the proverb is that any person is looking for a place where he will feel good and comfortable. However, there is a version that the original meaning was different:

The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and man is looking for where it is better to serve the Motherland.

That is, it was not about a person’s mercantile feelings, but, on the contrary, about the noble impulses of the soul. Of course, I won’t say that this is true, but the theory itself looks beautiful.

Poverty is not a vice

They say this to show that poverty is nothing to be ashamed of. However, the original:

Poverty is not a vice, but twice as bad, hinting that it is better to have some vices than to be poor. Moreover, attention should be focused not on the fact that there is some benefit in vices, but on the fact that poverty is a very difficult and negative phenomenon that it is better not to encounter.

Goal like a falcon

Nowadays they say this about a person who has nothing in his soul. The Slavs by this meant not just a poor person, but also a savvy, disruptive person, saying:

Goal is like a falcon, and sharp as an axe.

You made the mess, it’s up to you to sort it out

Initially, this proverb was understood literally: a peasant who came to visit a neighbor and received an invitation to dine, out of politeness, refused and responded with precisely these words.

Now we understand it in a figurative sense: each person must cope with his own problems.

Whoever remembers the old - look out

The proverb teaches that we need to forget past grievances and forgive people who have done us harm. However, in the original it sounds like:

Whoever remembers the old is out of sight, and whoever forgets is both.

That is, you don’t need to sharpen your grudge against the offender, however, you shouldn’t forget about the harm done to you either - you need to be prepared for repeated meanness from this person.

Leopard change his spots

It is impossible to correct an adult who has formed as a person. It's hard to disagree with this. Our ancestors said differently:

The grave will correct the hunchback, but the stubborn one will be a club.

They meant that the physical imperfection of the human body can no longer be corrected (yes, there were no plastic surgeons and the opportunity to install, for example, a prosthetic leg), but spiritual and moral qualities can and should be corrected in better side.

On you, God, what is not good for us

In those distant times, people would hardly have shown such disrespect for God. They spoke:

For those, oh my God, that are of no use to us.

The word “nebozhe” comes from “neboga” - this is how the poor and wretched were called in the old days. That is, the orphans and the unfortunate were given something that the giver did not need.

Lucky, as a drowned man

Now this means that a person is terribly unlucky. In ancient times, the proverb looked different and was understood almost literally:

You're as lucky as a drowned man on Saturday - you don't have to heat the bathhouse!

Like, luck smiled on the man: he washed himself, and he didn’t have the hassle of lighting the bathhouse.

Ate the dog

This is what they say about a person who is a master or specialist in some field. He “ate the dog” on this matter.

Our ancestors said differently:

He ate the dog and choked on his tail.

This meant that someone, in general, did a good job, but not perfectly, having stumbled on some small detail.

The master's work is afraid

Phraseologism means that the master is able to cope with any task perfectly. But the continuation of this proverb refutes this statement:

The master's work is afraid, and another master of the work is afraid.

Repetition is the mother of learning

Teachers tell us this, trying to prove that repetition is an important part educational process. Based on the meaning of the original, this can be regarded as a mockery of the students:

Repetition is the mother of learning, the consolation of fools (or, alternatively, the refuge of donkeys).

That is, the smart ones understand everything at once, and the stupid ones only through cramming.

birds of a feather flock together

This is what they say about kindred spirits or people who have common interests, which allows them to get closer.

In the original, the expression sounded like this: A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar, that’s why he avoids

And it was taken literally.

He goes for other people's goods with a bucket

As it may seem, we are talking about greedy people here. And, as usual, the original meaning of the proverb is completely opposite. Poor peasants receiving financial assistance from more prosperous compatriots, they tried to thank them in some way: for example, by bringing them water from a well.

Uma chamber

Many people say this about intelligent, educated individuals who are distinguished high level intelligence. But it is more correct to use the saying in an ironic way, because the full version of the phrase sounds different:

The ward is crazy, but the key is lost!

Business before pleasure

Now we understand this “cannibalistic” expression as a necessity most Give time to work and less time to rest and entertainment.

In ancient times, the word “hour” served as a synonym for the word “time”. When the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1629-1676) wrote these words in “Uryadnik”, he meant that you need to evenly distribute your time and spend it both on work and on rest.

Hold your chicken by the wing, and pinch someone else’s

And again we're talking about not about human greed, but, on the contrary, about generosity. In Rus' there was such an unusual fun when two people took a chicken in their hands and plucked feathers from the bird that a neighbor was holding.

My house is on the edge

Nowadays they say this when they want to show indifference and indifference to something. In ancient times, on the contrary, the one who lived in the hut on the edge was responsible for the general security of the village. That is, being the first to see the attacking enemy, such a person had to warn everyone else about the danger.

Not yours - don't mind

A stereotype has been ingrained in our minds that no one cares about other people’s and government property. Therefore, people treat such property irresponsibly.

The drunken sea is knee-deep

Do you think our ancestors wanted to say that a drunk person doesn’t care about anything? No, they meant that, despite all the “bravery” that a drunk person exudes from himself, he can “break” when he encounters the smallest obstacle:

For a drunk, the sea is knee-deep, and the puddle is up to his ears.

When you do something for someone else and the day never ends

It would seem that the proverb means that working “for an uncle” is long and useless work. But the original meaning of the phrase was different: when you work for the common good, and not just for your own pocket, you manage to do much more.

The first damn thing is lumpy

In today's understanding, it means that a person fails to do something the first time. In ancient times the proverb went like this:

The first one is for KomAm, the second one is for acquaintances, the third one is for distant relatives, and the fourth one is for me.

She taught how to behave towards other people.

And comas are bears, which the Slavs have honored since ancient times. Any owner first of all had to offer a treat (figuratively) to them.

Horses are dying from work

Now they say this, hinting that a person should not “tear his navel” at work. The original saying sounded different:

Horses die from work, but people grow stronger.

What was meant is that work is useful and ennobles a person.

Work is not a wolf, it won’t run away into the forest

Another one folk wisdom, which now serves as an excuse for lazy people and slackers. In ancient times it was understood differently. The peasants believed that there was no escape from everyday work, so they needed to do it now, and not wait until they “run away into the forest”:

Work is not a wolf, it won’t run away into the forest, that’s why it must be done, damn it.

An old horse won't ruin the furrow

An older person has experience and is able to cope with any task no worse than a younger one. However, if you hear the full version:

An old horse won’t spoil the furrows, and won’t plow deeply, then you can understand that you shouldn’t expect “miracles” from older people in terms of work.

My mouth is full of trouble

The proverb meant a bunch of things that needed to be resolved. But there is an apt continuation:

My mouth is full of trouble, but there is nothing to eat.

In a broad sense, this means that hard work and hard work does not always guarantee the availability of “food” - decent pay.


It turns out that folk wisdom turned out to be even wiser than it might seem at first. Therefore, if you want to show off your erudition, then in order not to get into trouble, use proverbs and catchphrases Right.

A competent and self-respecting person is characterized by a beautiful figurative speech, especially if he treats you well native language and takes inspiration from Russian folklore. Such a speaker can always interest others, and you will want to listen to him more than once.

People who have scarce lexicon On the contrary, it is much more difficult to gain the authority of the audience, so knowing the language you speak and understanding the wisdom of your ancestors, collected over centuries, is simply necessary for everyone. Often, to decorate speech, a person uses phraseological units, sometimes without even noticing it, in order to more accurately express own feelings, sensations and thoughts.

Meaning of the expression

For the first time this stable expression was recorded in 1853 and entered into Dictionary living Great Russian language Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl. The phraseological unit was classified in one of the sections of the dictionary called “many - little.”

As a rule, this phrase refers to a modest, inconspicuous, rather unprepossessing person or small object, which in fact may turn out to be very valuable, interesting, worthy of attention and respect. That's what they say about people vertically challenged, but having mass good qualities and special value to society.

What does the word "spool" mean?

IN Tsarist Russia this was the name of the standard (measure of weight) for weighing precious metals. It was equal to 4.26 grams, so the most common weights at that time for measuring the mass of silver and gold weighed exactly that much. At that time it was a very small measure of weight, but it had especially valuable qualities.

In addition to this, in Kievan Rus A spool was a small gold coin that weighed 1/741 of a pound. But in last years of its existence it reached 1/96 of a pound.

When the Great happened October Revolution The new government rejected such weight measures and replaced them with new ones, which are still used to this day.

Explanation of the proverb

The meaning of this expression is precisely that you should not judge the character and value of an object by its outer shell, because first you need to look into it “ inner world" Often judged by “clothes” - It’s a very thankless task, and sometimes it’s even harmful.

It can be argued that the purpose of this saying is to emphasize the value and importance of the subject, not by its physical strength or large dimensions, but in its significance for others.

Synonyms sayings

It's funny that as an ironic antonym of this phrase, it is often used popular expression“Small bug, but stinky,” meaning the opposite meaning of the proverb about the spool, which does not need to be explained.

For students

School program often offers tasks based on description such phraseological units as “Small spool but expensive”, it happens that you need to find synonyms, antonyms of this phrase or write an essay on the topic folk sayings.

Then the student must present a case from own life or come up with a situation where the meaning of such an expression is revealed and convey your understanding of the phraseological unit.

It turns out that this wise proverb can be used in any area human life and has not lost its relevance to this day!

Each culture of the most diverse nationalities has elements unique to it. Some elements are expressed in the language of a given people. And they convey accumulated experience and knowledge, parting words for subsequent generations, memories of any specific events that were of significant significance for the history of this culture. There are a huge number of such linguistic means of expression. However, we will analyze specific representatives from this mass of folk linguistic means.

Contents [Show]

What are proverbs and sayings

Proverbs and sayings are short sayings about the life and way of life of the people in whose language they were born. They relate to small form poetic creativity. A proverb is a fairly laconic phrase with a rhythmic sound. Its meaning is to teach future generations. It carries within itself an experience that has been passed through many times, passed on from older generations to younger ones in the form of a kind of conclusion. The saying is no different either big amount words Represents a speech pattern with an underlying meaning. Often this meaning is humorous. The main difference between a proverb and a saying is that the first is a sentence with a deep meaning, and the second is a phrase or a combination of several words.

The history of the appearance of these speech genres

Not a single person can tell you the exact date of birth of the first proverbs and sayings. With the advent of language as a means of communication and transfer of experience, people sought to capture and transmit to the future all the phenomena they saw. In ancient times, writing and access to it were imperfect. Just a few centuries ago, many people in Rus' were illiterate. But what about more distant times? The solution became popular oral creativity, memorable phrases and expressions that, in their short presentation, carry a global meaning, and most importantly, are well remembered and pass along the chain from mouth to mouth. This is how the experience and wisdom of many centuries has reached our days.

Using proverbs and sayings in speech

Russian proverbs and sayings and their meaning are firmly entrenched in culture and history. There is not a single person who does not know at least one of them. Being small literary genre, they have deep meaning. Without losing their relevance in completely different time periods of history, they are still used in oral speech, in funds mass media, completely different printed publications and books. This entire area of ​​use speaks of the importance of the information conveyed by the proverbs of the Russian people and their meaning. Cultural value and folk wisdom simply will not allow them to be forgotten and disappear.

The purpose of proverbs and sayings

As already mentioned, the most important thing about these tools is linguistic expressiveness— description of surrounding phenomena. Thus, our ancestors described the world and passed on to subsequent generations. Russian proverbs and sayings and their meaning are, first of all, history. They reflect the everyday life and everyday problems of society occurring at the moment when they were born. These phrases and phrases received an emotional connotation, the frequency of origin of this phenomenon and the cause-and-effect relationship were noted, and a solution to the problem that arose was laid down. It was in this composition that Russian proverbs and their meaning passed further through the pages of history and were firmly imprinted in the culture of the people. That is, we can conclude that the original purpose was to describe the phenomenon for posterity and resolve issues related to it.

The place of proverbs in modern life

Russian proverbs and their meaning are firmly entrenched in the culture of our people. They - an integral part of Everyday life, everyday conversations, literature. Most proverbs do not lose their relevance; they reflect the essence of things, not limited by the time frame of existence. Their meaning remains as significant as it was centuries ago. The types of human character and the laws of the universe change little over generations. Russian proverbs and their meaning have not changed their place in the life of society. Their task is still to teach and warn.

Recent generations have moved away greatly from literature; many Russians folk proverbs and their meaning is unknown to modern children. For them it is a meaningless set of words. However, on life path they will have to face these statements more than once. And even without reading literary classics, they will eventually recognize this part of folk culture.

Famous Russian proverbs and sayings, their meaning

Let's give some examples of proverbs. A remarkable bright representative of their society is the proverb “ old friend better than the new two.” How many times in our lives have each of us encountered this statement? And we all know why that is. An old friend has been tested over the years, he will not betray, he has become something like family, there is so much in common between old friends, so many memories! Can new friends offer something like that?

Cheek brings success. This proverb talks about the importance of making decisions and implementing them. Often, to fulfill a desire, there is not enough willpower to take risks. Courage in starting a business is already half the success. Fear has always been, is and will be. It is absolutely natural for a living person, but you need to be able to overcome it. Then many things will seem not as complex and impracticable as initially.

The first step is difficult. The meaning is similar to the previous one. In order to do something, you first need to start working. And then things will move forward much easier.

Seven times measure cut once. This emphasizes the need for careful planning and anticipation of possible outcomes. For all actions you have to pay and sacrifice something. It is necessary to clearly understand whether it is worth it or not. Otherwise, it will be excruciatingly painful or even embarrassing for causeless impetuosity.

Sources of proverbs and sayings

The original source, of course, was oral speech. Phrases were passed down from person to person, from generation to generation. Afterwards they began to appear in popular literary creativity: in fables, fairy tales, legends and so on. Proverbs and their meanings in Russian fairy tales were supposed to admonish and teach the wisdom of life to children, for whom these fairy tales were intended. Nowadays, proverbs are also found in oral speech, in literature, and in printed publications. Vast collections of books have appeared, and the Internet is also rich in proverbs and explanations of their meaning. Culture cannot throw away such a huge part of itself into nowhere.

The meaning of proverbs and sayings

In order to be civilized people, you must first of all remember your history, the wisdom of your predecessors, and be familiar with the art and culture of the people to which you belong. The memory of the past provides a huge perspective for development. Many situations have already been passed and are precedents. This means that history has already recorded multiple options for their solution. So are Russian proverbs and their meaning. When used skillfully, they will help avoid many mistakes and unpleasant consequences in the lives of individuals and in on a global scale society.

Very often we pronounce phrases addressed to friends, colleagues, strangers, etc. meaning that we do not understand or interpret incorrectly... We suggest that you check your understanding of them with the true meaning.


Misinterpretation: When we fail to do something the first time, we say: “The first damn thing.” That is, it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out, it was crumpled.
But the origin of the proverb is actually quite different. Yes, and it sounds a little different - “first damn comAm.” And there is no spelling error here. It’s just that the meaning here is completely different - first damn... to the bears.
Why do bears get the first pancake? Many peoples, including the Slavs, had a custom of giving the first pancakes to comas (in ancient Slavic comas - bears). After all, the ancient Slavs revered the Komoeditsa holiday, dedicated to the awakening of bears, whom they considered the ancestors of people. The first pancakes that the hostess baked were brought to the den by bears who were waking up from hibernation and were as hungry as wolves.
Original source: “The first pancake is for the comatose, the second pancake is for acquaintances, the third pancake is for distant relatives, and the fourth pancake is for me.”


“Even if you gouge out your eyes,” “pitch darkness,” “Egyptian darkness,” and “you can’t see anything”—this is how we can figuratively talk about thick, impenetrable darkness. But what is “zga” that is never visible? Not many people know this. By the way, even linguists are still arguing about the origin of this word. Some believe that “zga” is the name of the metal ring on the horse’s arch, and that when they said “no zga is visible,” the Russian people wanted to say: it’s so dark that even this ring is not visible.
Others argue, and more convincingly, that “zga” is nothing more than the word “stga”, which has undergone a number of changes, that is, a road, a path. In some dialects, the word “stitch” is still used in the meaning of “road”, from which, in particular, the diminutive “stitch” is formed. Remember, there is even a song that begins like this: “The stitches and paths are overgrown...”
So it turns out that the expression “you can’t see anything” means: “it’s so dark that you can’t see the path or path.” And then the meaning of such a proverb, for example, which supporters of the “ring on the horse’s arch” could not explain, becomes clear: “The blind leads the blind, but both do not see.”
In the picture: 1 - Bit; 2 - Bridle; 3 - Arc; 4 - Rein with a lanyard; 5 - Zga; 6 - Saddle; 7 - Interlace; 8 - Harness: a) longitudinal belt, b) transverse belts, c) slope belt, d) rim belt, e) lobe; 9 - Shaft: a) comb, b) strand; 10 - Subabdomen; 11 - Girth; 12 - Guzh; 13 - Clamp; 14 - Supon; 15 – Reins


In fact, the meaning of the saying is not at all to put things off. On the contrary, in the old days, when a wolf came running into a village, the peasants hid and waited for the wolf to get tired and run away into the forest. But work won’t go anywhere. Therefore, there is no need to wait - we need to start working.


Misinterpretation: “Working is harmful, so work less.”
Full version The saying goes like this: “Work makes horses die, but people grow stronger.” Wise people I wanted to say with these words that work is harmful only for unreasonable animals who do not understand the joy of work. For a person, work is not only useful, but also necessary for a healthy and happy life.


Previously, villages were located in a long line of houses along the road. And the people who lived on the edge had a special responsibility - to be the first to meet any danger and, if necessary, to repel any danger. Therefore, by declaring “my hut is on the edge,” the peasant was actually saying: “I am ready to protect the peace of my village with my life.”


Incorrect interpretation: “My interests are dearer to me.”
Let's remember, when were these words spoken? Of course, at the funeral of a comrade who fell in battle. When the soldiers took their shirts off their bodies and threw them into the grave - closer to the body of the deceased. In this way they showed how dear he was to them.


Misinterpretation: “Your problems don’t bother me.”
Let's remember when these words were spoken? When a peasant came to visit a neighbor, he was treated to porridge. In such cases, a polite peasant would refuse porridge - they say, you need food more. “You made the mess, it’s up to you to sort it out.”



Misinterpretation: “Everyone is looking only for their own benefit.”
This stupid fish is looking for something deeper. Human, man of sense, is looking for where he can better serve his country.

This spicy story dates back to the 12th century. Boyar Sidor Kovyla-Vislov, a personal friend of Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich, was distinguished by an extravagant habit: “tearing” goats. That is, in medical terms, to copulate with goats.

WHILE THE WINNER FLYS FROM THE OVEN, SEVENTY SEVEN MINDS WILL CHANGE HIS MIND. About women's ability to foresee everything, think about everything and quickly choose the right one from several decisions.

GRANDMOTHER SAID AGAIN (wondered). 1. It is unknown whether what is expected or desired will come true. 2. It is unknown whether what is being said is true.

WITHOUT NAME SHEEP RAM. That which has no name is difficult to distinguish.

WITHOUT SALT THE TABLE IS CURVE. It is said when salt is not served at the table.

HARD WORDS BREAK NO BONES. Curses, offensive, insulting words are forgotten, they can be tolerated.

PAPER WILL STAND EVERYTHING. You can write anything you want.

A BIRD WILL NOT BE BORN WITH ONE FEATHER. Not all people are the same in their qualities.

VARVARA IS MY AUNT, AND REALLY MY SISTER. The truth is more expensive than anything.

IN SPRING THE DAYS ARE LONG, AND THE THREAD IS SHORT. Outdated I don't want to work in the spring.

THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER. Everyone praises what is close and dear to him.

THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE IS THE VOICE OF GOD. Outdated The opinion expressed by the people is undeniable and must be taken into account.

THE MOUNTAIN GAVE BIRTH TO A MOUSE. Huge efforts yielded insignificant results.

THE THUNDER WILL NOT CLASH, THE MAN WILL NOT CROSS himself. A careless person will not do what is necessary in advance, before circumstances force him to do so.

THINGS ARE GOING ON, THE OFFICE IS WRITING. Jokingly about hectic activity, unrelenting activity, etc.

GOOD FAME LIES, BUT BAD FAME RUNS. Notoriety spreads quickly, but good things about a person may remain unknown.

FRIENDLY IS NOT BAD, BUT SEPARATE IS AT LEAST GIVE UP. It is not difficult to work together and in concert, but it is difficult to work separately.

I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE TASTE, BUT IT WILL BE HOT AND WET. It is said jokingly when someone is cooking or offering to eat something hot.

THERE IS NO MONEY FOR ASKING. Asking about anything does not oblige you to anything.

A CROW FLY INTO THE HIGH (BOYARS') MANSION. Outdated It is said to or about someone who has found himself in a higher society or environment that is alien to him.

THE CAT KNOWS WHOSE MEAT IT EATS. She understands that she is to blame.

KNOW THE EDGE, DON'T FALL. Know your limits, do not cross the boundaries of what is permitted.

GOLD SHINES IN DIRT. Those with great dignity are always noticeable.

AS IS THE POP, SO IS THE PARISH. As is the boss, so are the subordinates.

WHO IS NOT A SINNER WITH GOD IS NOT GUILTY FOR THE KING? Outdated All people are sinners, not all are without sin.

WHO TOOK THE STICK IS THE CORPORARL. Outdated Whoever has the strength has the power, and he gives the orders.

WHO DARES EATS TWO. About an enterprising, dexterous, cunning person who knows how to get settled.

THE STAIRWAY SHOULD BE PLACED FROM THE TOP, NOT FROM THE BOTTOM. Order in anything needs to be brought from above.

THE TROUBLE HAS BEEN BEGIN. Starting any business is difficult, but continuing will be easier.

A SMALL FISH IS BETTER THAN A BIG COCKROACH. Better a little useful than a lot, but unnecessary, useless.

SMALL DOG ​​TO OLD AGE PUPPY. A short person always seems younger than his age.

THEY DO NOT CARRY DEAD FROM THE GRAVEYARD. You can't bring back the past.

MOSCOW BURNED FROM A PENNY CANDLE. And insignificant reasons can cause major events.

FOR THE MASTER'S SIN THERE IS NO. Trouble, trouble, misfortune can happen to anyone; anyone can commit a crime.

THEY CARRY WATER ON THE ANGRY. The angry one gets more.

THAT'S WHY THE PIKE IS IN THE SEA, SO THE CRUCCIAN WON'T SLEEP. Dangers force us to be on our guard.

THERE IS NO DRIPPING OVER US. There's no need to rush.

STARTED FOR HEALTH, AND FINISHED (reduced) FOR REST. About the discrepancy good start to a bad end (in words, actions, etc.).

THERE WAS NOT A PENNY, AND SUDDENLY ALTYN. It is said when there is unexpected success or joy after bad luck.

NOT ANYONE - DON'T LISTEN, AND DON'T INTERFERE WITH LYING. He speaks to someone, interrupts the speaker, expressing distrust and disagreement with him.

NEED JUMPS, NEED DANCES (cries), NEED SINGS SONGS. Outdated Poverty forces you to do things you wouldn’t want to do.

BURNED ON MILK, BLOWING ON WATER. Anyone who has suffered failure or trouble becomes overly cautious.

ONE HEAD IS NOT A TROUBLE, BUT A TROUBLE IS ONE. It is easier for a lonely person, not burdened with worries about his family, to endure any difficulties and deprivations.

YOU CAN'T TIE A KNOT WITH ONE HAND. You can't handle anything alone.

THE HUNT IS DEADLY, AND THE FATE IS BITTER. ABOUT strong desire if it is impossible to implement it.

ERROR IS NOT PUT INTO FALSE. The error is not considered intentional deception.

FOOLS LIKE WORK. It is said jokingly or with disdain to someone whose diligence is not approved.

CUT THE TREE BY YOURSELF. 1. Choose your equal (when getting married). 2. Take on what is within your strengths and capabilities.

THE FISH ROTS FROM THE HEAD. Disintegration, decomposition in any environment or collective begins primarily from above.

DO NOT DRINK WATER FROM YOUR FACE. Beauty is not important. It is said when choosing an ugly bride or groom.

SEVEN VERSTS TO HEAVEN AND ALL THE FOREST. About a long and incomprehensible speech.

THE SPOKEN WORD IS SILVER, THE UNSPEAKED WORD IS GOLDEN. The word is silver, and silence is gold.

DRIVING CATTLE IS WALKING WITHOUT YOUR MOUTH. If you keep livestock, there is no time to idle.

THE FULL ONE DOES NOT KNOW THE HUNGRY. About someone who does not understand the needs, inconveniences and desires of another.

FEDOT, NOT THAT ONE. About who really is worse than that who he is mistaken for or who he pretends to be.

DO NOT COUNT YOUR CHICKENS BEFORE THEY ARE HATCHED. Anything is judged only by its final results. It is said when one judges the results of something prematurely.

DRINKING TEA IS NOT CUTTING WOOD. Usually said in response to an invitation to drink tea.

AT HOURS WITH KVASS, SOMETIMES WITH WATER. Poor, hand to mouth. Often as an answer to the question: “How are you living?”

Zhukov, V.P. Dictionary of Russian proverbs and sayings. / V. P. Zhukov. – M.: “ Modern Encyclopedia", 1967 - 537 p.

The meaning of proverbs and sayings is best explained with an example. In the series short stories L.N. Tolstoy provides narratives that very accurately convey the meaning of proverbs and sayings. They are listed below. Not many examples are shown; only those proverbs are taken that teach intelligence and are useful in life situations and will suit many. Try to explain the meaning of other proverbs and sayings that are not here, by analogy with the examples given.

Cricket know your nest
The boy took the scythe and decided to mow the grass. He cut off his leg and cried. Baba saw and said:
- It’s not for you to mow. You just have to bring breakfast to Father. Cricket know your nest.

Dog in the manger
The dog was lying under the barn in the hay. The cow wanted some hay, she came under the barn, stuck her head in and just grabbed a piece of hay - the dog growled and rushed at her. The cow walked away and said:
- I wish I could eat it myself, otherwise She doesn’t eat herself, and she doesn’t give it to me.

The cat knows whose meat it ate.
A girl without a mother went into the cellar and drank milk. When her mother arrived, the girl looked down and did not look at her mother. And she said:
- Mother, the cat somehow climbed into the cellar, I kicked it out. She wouldn't eat the milk.
Mother said:
- The cat knows whose meat it ate.

As you look, so you see.
The boy lay on the ground and looked at the tree from the side. He said:
- The tree is crooked.
And the other boy said:
- No, it’s straight, but you look crooked. As you look, so you see.

If you believe in a penny, they won’t believe in a ruble.
The merchant borrowed two hryvnia. He said:
- I'll pay tomorrow.
Tomorrow came, he didn't pay. He wanted to borrow a hundred rubles. They didn't give it to him. If you believe in a penny, they won’t believe in a ruble.

Don't die twice.
The house was on fire. And there was a baby left in the house. No one could enter the house. The soldier came up and said:
- I will go.
He was told to:
- You'll burn!
The soldier said:
- You can't die twice, you can't escape once.
He ran into the house and carried out the baby!

Bread is made with iron.
The boy took the iron hook and threw it. The man said:
-What are you throwing away?
The boy said:
- What do I need iron for, I can’t eat it.
And the man said:
- Bread is made with iron.

The family porridge is boiling thicker.
Once upon a time a boy lived as an apprentice and came home for a holiday. We sat down to porridge. The boy said:
- What a thick porridge you have, the owner doesn’t have such porridge.
And his mother told him:
- The family porridge is boiling thicker.

And the bee flies to the red flower.
The girl and her mother joined the ranks. And they began to choose ribbons. Mother asked:
- Which one do you want?
The daughter said:
- I'm blushing.
And the bee flies to the red flower.

The raven flew overseas, but did not become any smarter.
The master traveled abroad. I came to my place and started planting rye with my hands. The men said:
- The raven flew overseas, but did not become any smarter.

Ours were spinning, and yours were sleeping.
There were two men, Peter and Ivan, they mowed the meadows together. The next morning Peter came with his family and began to clean up his meadow. The day was hot and the grass was dry; By evening there was hay. But Ivan didn’t go to clean, but stayed at home. On the third day, Peter took the hay home, and Ivan was just getting ready to row. By evening it started to rain. Peter had hay, but Ivan had all his grass rotted away. Ours were spinning, and yours were sleeping.

A stupid bird doesn't like its home.
The girl loved to play outside, but when she came home, she was bored. Mother asked:
- Why are you bored?
- It's boring at home.
Mother said:
- A stupid bird doesn't like its home.

They teach the alphabet, they shout at the whole hut.
There lived an old man and an old woman. It was quiet in their hut. They let a school into their house. The guys started screaming so much that the old men's ears hurt. They teach the alphabet, they shout to the whole hut.

A playful sheep is a gain for the wolf.
The sheep walked under the forest; two lambs ran away from the flock. The old sheep said:
- Don’t be naughty, lambs, get into trouble.
And the wolf stood behind a bush and said:
- Do not believe, lambs, the old sheep; she says this because her legs cannot move from old age and she is envious. Why are you bored? Run more.
The lambs listened to the wolf and ran, and the wolf caught them and killed them. Playful sheep - wolf's gain.

The drop is small, but the stone is chiseling.
A man started digging a ditch and dug all summer. I dug three miles. The owner came and said:
- You dug a lot. A small drop, but the stone is chiseling.

Bulat does not cut iron and jelly.
There was one strong one angry dog. She chewed all the dogs except two: she did not chew the small puppy and the large wolfhound. Damask steel does not cut iron and jelly.

The wolf is not beaten because it is gray.
The wolf ate the sheep; The hunters caught the wolf and began to beat him. Wolf said:
- It’s in vain that you beat me: it’s not my fault that I’m gray.
And the hunters said:
- They beat a wolf not because he is gray, but because he ate a sheep.

I chased the ax handle and missed the axe.
A man saw a log floating along the river. He began to get it from the shore with an ax. The ax caught on a log and was torn out of his hand. Chased the ax handle, missed the ax.

The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.
One student asked for a book; they gave it to him. He said:
- It’s unclear!
They gave him another one. He said:
- Boring!

They do not seek good from good.
The hare ran from the dogs and went into the forest. He felt good in the forest, but he had gained a lot of fear and wanted to hide even better. I started looking for where better place, and climbed into the thicket in the ravine - and ran into a wolf. The wolf grabbed him. “It’s true,” thought the hare, “that from there is no need to look for good. I wanted to hide better and disappeared completely.”

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. To achieve success, you need to make an effort and patience. Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age. From childhood we are taught goodness and justice, to distinguish lies from truth, good from evil, selflessness from envy, how to act correctly in life, to defend honor and dignity. A damaged new dress cannot be made the same as it was originally - it can be sewn up, washed, repaired, but it will be noticeable that it is damaged. Also, honor cannot be restored if the reputation is damaged and trust is lost. Those around you remember past events and actions, and a residue of what happened remains in their memory. They are greeted by their clothes and escorted by their intelligence. When meeting people, they first pay attention to a person’s appearance; the first impression is formed based on appearance. Only after communicating with him is a general impression formed about what a person is like. And it can change and differ from the impression in appearance. Learning to read and write is always (forward) useful. A person always needs to develop mentally, for this he must constantly study, learn new things. This will help a person in life, in school, at work. Learning is never superfluous; it broadens one’s horizons and expands the horizons of knowledge. As it comes back, so will it respond. How you treat people is how they treat you. Strike while the iron is hot. Do the work while you have the opportunity and the conditions are favorable. Take advantage of the current situation to do what you have planned. The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge. The earth needs the sun, thanks to the sun there is life, everything grows and exists. In the same way, knowledge for a person helps to develop and learn. The sun makes the world bright, knowledge enlightens the human mind. It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn. A person cannot know everything in life. And that's okay. The main thing is for a person to study and get to know the world. When a person does not strive for knowledge, he stops developing and becomes ignorant. And it's a shame. Repetition is the mother of learning. The process of forgetting what has been learned is inevitable. Repetition promotes memorization of information, consolidation of previously learned material, and creates the prerequisites for acquiring new knowledge. You can't hide the truth in a bag. The secret always becomes clear. No matter how much we lie or deceive, the lie will still come out. Seven times measure cut once. Before doing anything, you need to think carefully and check so as not to do it again and not regret what was done incorrectly. The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it. Before you say anything, you need to think. Rash words can turn against the speaker, you can regret what was said, but the words cannot be returned. You need to be responsible for your words and think in advance about the consequences. Cheek brings success. Courage helps you achieve results, reach new heights, and do something that previously seemed impossible. The morning is wiser than the evening. It is said when it is better to make a decision on any issue in the morning: with a fresh head, when your thoughts have come into order overnight, your mind is clear and sound. A bad peace is better than a good quarrel. It is better to live in peace than in strife. We must try to do everything possible to maintain peace and tranquility. What you can do today, don’t put it off until tomorrow. You should do things right away, don’t be lazy. By postponing things for later, we accumulate them and, subsequently, will not do them or will do them with with great effort. What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe. What is written (stated) on paper (documents). This information has been read by people; it cannot be changed or erased in any way. Bread is the head of everything. The proverb requires a special, respectful attitude towards bread as a symbol of labor expended. The importance of bread in a person’s life is difficult to assess; not a single meal is complete without bread. He is the “head” on the table, that is, the main one. No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest. If a person has set himself a goal, then no matter how much you convince him or persuade him, he will still look towards his goal and its achievement. Do not drink water from your face. Appearance is not the most important thing in a person. The real beauty of a person lies in his heart, character, soul, actions, and not in his facial features. One wolf chases a regiment of sheep. A person with pronounced leadership and strong-willed qualities manages or commands others. The eye sees, but the tooth numbs. When you want to touch something, but you can’t reach it. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. The success and results of any business can only be discussed after the work has been completed. The apple never falls far from the tree. Children are often similar to their parents in many ways. Children learn strengths and weaknesses from their parents. The proverb can be applied to a teacher and a student. What the teacher put into the student, the student will manifest.

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