Facial expressions what is a simple definition. Emotional facial expression as a subject of facial expressions. How to learn to understand facial gestures

What do you pay attention to when making your first impression of a person? Come to mind different variants: clothes, physique, timbre of voice, behavior and... face. Yes, it’s where people spend their gaze the longest. Facial features are distinctive business card and reveal the full range of a person’s character. Some will doubt this until they remember that the face consists of muscles. And frequently used muscles leave an imprint of lived emotions and feelings on the face.

The face will tell not only about character - it will reveal the truth if there is reason to doubt the truthfulness; will convey real emotions in the face of hypocrisy and, most importantly, the face will not deceive, unlike words. Psychology has made great progress in this direction. Now everyone has the opportunity to develop the ability to understand human non-verbal language.

To learn how to read facial and body signals, first find the answer to the questions - what is facial expression and how is it related to speech. There is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet, but not all of it is truthful and comprehensive. In this case, it is better to take lessons from professionals in the field of psychology so as not to store useless garbage in your memory.

It is worth paying attention to the German management coach - Vera Birkenbiel. She has made advances in the study of how the brain works and has developed lessons based on her research.

Her book “The Language of Intonation, Facial Expressions and Gestures” was compiled over several years, where Birkenbill voiced the results of observations and experiments with facial expressions and gestures. Therefore the book gives detailed description processes that occur with the face and body when a person experiences emotions.

Birkenbill refers to the definition of facial expressions as changes that occur on the face, including psychosomatics, head movement, direction of gaze and posture.

In an easy and understandable form, the author lays the foundation for understanding body language: the book is structured as a question and answer game. Certain information is given, and then tasks for consolidation. Vera Birkenbiel describes the types of emotions, and then suggests choosing a family photo and reading the emotions of all family members. So, with the help of this book, it will become much easier for beginners to step further and find out what secrets psychology hides.

Facial expressions and gestures in communication

The language of gestures and facial expressions is complex, so one book is not enough to understand it correctly. Often the expression of emotions is mixed - at one moment there is a signal of anger, then joy, and then a second of surprise. So, by isolating a specific emotion, all that remains is to guess what the person actually felt. Therefore, after learning the basics, you need to learn how to combine all human signals into one whole.

Let's consider the basic facial emotions that are often present in conversation:

  • Astonishment. Is a sudden and short emotion. Few people know that surprise is neutral, it does not belong to the definition of joy or sadness. The fact is that a person is influenced by the following emotion, which replaces surprise in a split second.

Signs: The emotion affects three parts of the face and is different external features. The eyes open wide, while the lower eyelid remains relaxed. The lips part slightly and the eyebrows rise high. With reserved people, surprise is expressed only by eyebrows with a neutral face.

  • Fear. Vividly experienced negative emotion, which causes changes in the human body. The skin turns pale and sweats, the pulse increases sharply, and the hands tremble. This emotion constrains a person and makes it difficult for him to move. Fear is depleting from the inside, so it cannot be experienced for a long time.

Signs: Eyes are open and tense. The lower eyelid is slightly pulled up. The eyebrows are raised, but not as much as in the case of surprise. The lips are tense and the corners of the lips droop down. If only the eyes indicate fear, then the fear is weak or controlled.

  • Disgust. People experience this emotion differently. For one it will cause nausea, and for the other it will only make a slight wince in the face. Disgust is often experienced along with anger. Anger appears at something or someone for causing disgust.

Signs: Disgust is mainly transmitted through the nose and mouth - raised upper lip, which causes the nose to wrinkle. With strong disgust, the mouth opens, sharply indicating the nasolabial folds and tense cheeks.

  • Anger. Refers to dangerous emotions because it provokes harm. During outbursts of anger, this emotion overrides the mind, and a person commits actions that he later regrets. Also, anger affects the somatic processes of the body - the skin turns red, veins on the face and neck stand out, and the body leans towards the offender. The duration of anger depends on self-control. The stronger the internal control, the less time it will take to come to your senses.

Signs: Usually all parts of the face are involved. The eyebrows move and form folds on the forehead. The eyes may be squinted or wide open. The mouth is either tightly clenched or tense, as if the person wants to scream.

  • Joy. A positive emotion that makes people feel good. The meaning of joy is different for everyone and is caused in four cases: Pleasant sensations; relief; improvement; excitation.

Signs: Lips are stretched and the corners are raised up. The cheeks are tense, the nasolabial folds are clearly marked, and wrinkles are formed on the temples.

  • Chagrin. Caused by three reasons - disappointment, loss and a feeling of hopelessness. It proceeds passively. The face turns pale, the shoulders droop, the head hangs on the chest, and the lips and cheeks droop under the influence of their own weight. The effects of grief or sadness can last from a few minutes to several years.

Signs: The inner corners of the eyebrows are raised, the eyelids are relaxed, the corners of the mouth are downturned or trembling.

Some human emotions can intertwine with each other and form mixed ones. For example, anger can appear simultaneously with sadness and disgust. Then you should pay attention to the facial expressions and gestures that appeared last.

Depending on the sincerity of these emotions, types of facial expressions are distinguished:

  • involuntary (caused reflexively);
  • arbitrary (conscious or as an element of art).

Gestures and facial expressions of a man in love

A person who shows sympathy changes his facial expressions, gestures, intonations, posture and movement. A man himself does not understand his non-verbal signals of sympathy, but the female nature is very receptive to them, so the woman is the first to figure out what these signals mean.

  • When a man is next to a woman he finds attractive, his body unconsciously turns towards her. He wants to appear better, so he smooths his hair, adjusts his watch, tie, or brushes off non-existent specks of dust from his clothes.
  • One of the most striking gestures of sympathy is putting your thumb in the belt of your trousers to give meaning to your gender. He also emphasizes physical strength in front of the woman, due to the space he occupies, he keeps his hands on his hips or stretches his legs forward.
  • In conversation, his intonations will become lower and chesty, and eye contact will increase. Sympathy will also affect facial expressions. The man will smile more often, sometimes even intensely, his eyes will open wider and his lips will part.

Female psychology is much more complex, so she uses more enticing techniques, from straightening her hair to swaying her hips and intimate glances.

TV series "Lie to Me"

For such fans, the scientific series “Lie to Me” was filmed, based on the research of Professor Paul Ekman. This series is a complex work, where the key thread is the psychology of people and solving crimes, through reading facial expressions and gestures. If you read Paul Ekman's book on The Theory of Lies, you can better understand what certain moments that characterize the series mean.

Main character I am sure that the definition of a lie is visible in every person. Based on barely noticeable signs - facial expressions, intonation and gestures, the doctor and assistants help in police investigations. They analyze what posture, rapid breathing and heart rate indicate. The series clearly shows what human psychology hides and how to detect a lie through careful observation.

The ability to understand facial expressions and gestures will change your life. You will improve your relationships with colleagues and become closer to your relatives. Learn to distinguish truth from lies and achieve success in career ladder. It's surprising that one in three people don't value these skills.

Moreover, there are many ways to obtain information - books, magazines, the Internet, films, documentary programs and even TV series. You don't have to make sacrifices to make your life better - discover new page books, and life will open a new page for you!

Facial expression is a classic area of ​​study for the physiognomist. Not knowing her data means being subject to serious physiognomic errors. Often we happened to change, using the data of facial expressions, the diagnosis made by studying the forms.

Facial expressions are the main indicator of the speaker’s feelings.

Facial expressions help you better understand the person with whom you are communicating. Facial expressions are also very important in relationships, as they allow you to understand what feelings people experience towards each other. For example, raised eyebrows, wide open eyes, downturned lips are signs of surprise; drooping eyebrows, curved wrinkles on the forehead, narrowed eyes, closed lips and clenched teeth indicate anger.

Furrowed eyebrows, dull eyes, slightly downturned corners of the lips indicate sadness, calm eyes and raised outer corners of the lips - about happiness, contentment.

For any participant in communication, the ability to decipher the facial expressions of the interlocutor is very important. But at the same time, no less important is the ability to master facial expressions yourself, to make them more expressive, so that the interlocutor better understands the intentions and motives. This skill is especially necessary in the practice of business interaction.

While the morphological type is created by investigation, facial expressions are the result of education. If the Jupiterian in our example had spent his childhood in an environment where he was taught to want to express himself, he would not have become a neuropath and his facial expressions would have expressed a strong nature. This statement is a powerful support for those who observe signs of moral weakness in themselves. By improving our mental culture, we improve our nature, and this is a worthy goal.

People who are not subject to strong passions have calm facial expressions.

On the faces of always trembling people, as well as on the faces of always busy people, wrinkles often appear already in youth. The deeper the wrinkles, the more they emphasize the ideas they represent.

“The depth of the fold of any material indicates its frequent and daily use,” noted Delestre.

Of course, you need to be able to distinguish mental wrinkles from those that appear from rapid weight gain.

The movements of the forehead are closely related to the movements of the eyebrows.

"Forehead kind person“,” says Delestre, “brings the clarity of his conscience.” If the forehead is without wrinkles, it is the forehead of weak-willed, indecisive people. The forehead rises above their light brown arched eyebrows, which are usually thin and emphasize the simplicity of their owner and the lack of reactions on the part of their passions.

Neuropaths have horizontal wrinkles on the forehead that are the result of frequent raising of the eyebrows - a well-known gesture of constant surprise. The smallest work causes them to wrinkle their foreheads.

Balanced natures have the smallest number of horizontal wrinkles on their foreheads, because they do not wrinkle in surprise: their foreheads are wrinkled vertically in the area where intense, volitional attention is expressed, that is, between the eyebrows at the root of the nose. So, vertical wrinkles go hand in hand with horizontal and thick eyebrows. The depth of the vertical wrinkle and wrinkles generally determines the size of mental control.

If the vertical wrinkle about which we're talking about, is very deep, it means a capricious and even violent will. In this case, it is accompanied by thick and unruly eyebrows. This type of forehead and eyebrows is found in people who are not amenable to any discipline. Delestre saw many such faces in prisons.

Man is so interesting creation that all manifestations of his essence, personality and feelings are perceived with interest. Facial expressions, for example, can tell a lot of interesting details about people, even if they themselves are silent. Gestures can also reveal someone else’s state. By observing people, you can learn many interesting details that will help you understand the truth or lies, emotions, mood and other characteristics of those around you. The psychology of facial expressions is truly extensive. To study it fully, one article or even a book is not enough. Nevertheless, some rules and tips will help you learn at least basic psychological “tricks” for use in the future.

General information and definitions

Physiognomy is the art of reading a person by his external signs, in particular by the face, its expression, features and facial expressions. You can define it as personal traits and some psychological data and health status. This method cannot be called completely scientific, but many are very seriously interested in it due to its certain validity.

Facial expressions are facial expressions in which a person reveals his inner feelings, experiences, and other spiritual qualities.

Gestures are body movements, most often with the hand/hands, that accompany or replace the words of the individual performing them.

Posture is the position of the body. A person sits, stands or lies the way he likes/convenient/comfortable.

Gestures, postures, facial expressions - all this plays an important role in people's lives. Not a single person can live without them, and therefore, if you learn to recognize them correctly, life will become easier and more interesting. Facial expressions and gestures in communication are used everywhere and automatically; not everyone is able to control them. Thanks to this, more observant and attentive individuals have the opportunity to study people.

Face and facial expressions

What tells you best about a person? Of course, the face. It is this that is capable of giving away a person when he experiences some emotions, reacts to something, lies or tells the truth, etc. The language of facial expressions is rich and varied. It can be difficult to remember absolutely everything, but elementary features of sincere joy, for example, or disappointment can be retained in memory. And also learn to hide your own feelings.

Despite the fact that human facial expressions and gestures are closely interrelated, they will be considered separately. So, let's go.


Human facial expressions manifest themselves in different ways, and most often they can be seen in human emotions. The latter, in turn, are shown in reactions. Depending on their manifestation, you can find out what a person experiences from the information received. The difficulty is that some are afraid, others don’t want to, and still others are embarrassed to show their own emotions. Because of this, you will have to have time to notice the quick, involuntary reaction that appears very first. It is often almost impossible to completely control it, especially for an unprepared person. Therefore, you can identify the interlocutor, which he will most likely remove from his face in seconds, if you act quickly and extremely carefully.


So let's continue. As mentioned just above, facial expressions in communication are manifested through the expression of emotions emanating from a reaction. Below are the most striking and significant of them, as well as ways of expressing them:

  • Joy happiness. The eyebrows and lips are relaxed, the corners of the latter are raised on both sides, the cheeks are also raised, and there are small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes.
  • Anger, irritation. The eyebrows are tense, brought together and lowered, the mouth is tightly closed. Often the teeth are brought together, as are the lips, the corners of which look down during anger or strong dissatisfaction.
  • Contempt. Smirk. The corner of the mouth is raised on one side and a slight squint is visible in the eyes.
  • Astonishment. The lips and face are generally relaxed, the eyes are rounder than usual, the eyebrows are raised up, and the mouth is slightly open.
  • Fear. The eyebrows and upper eyelids are raised, and the lower ones are tense, like the whole face as a whole, the eyes are wide open.
  • Sadness, disappointment. Slightly lowered upper eyelids and raised eyebrows, relaxed lips with corners looking down, as well as an empty, dull look.
  • Disgust. The upper lip is tense and raised, the eyebrows are brought together, forming a small fold, and slightly lowered, the cheeks are also slightly raised, and the nose is slightly wrinkled.

Among other things, pictures will help you deal with emotions. Their facial expressions are depicted well, which clearly demonstrates inner feelings and the experiences of the people depicted. Smiles, by the way, were also not invented in vain. Their facial expressions are often quite good, which is why they are in demand when trying to convey emotions via the Internet. After all, communication here mainly takes place in letters, which are not always able to convey the sensations experienced at one time or another.

Human condition

Sometimes it is enough to observe people a little to see what they are like. Facial expressions affect a person, and not only “one-time”, but for the rest of his life. The more clearly your interlocutor showed himself, the more you can find out about him.

Most people have a large forehead smart people. This does not mean that their knowledge is great in everything. Sometimes it happens that a person knows a lot of information in one area, but is completely ignorant in another. If your friend has a large forehead, but does not show any signs of special intelligence, perhaps he simply has not yet found his business.

Brilliant eyes and a lively look mean that a person is passionate about someone/something. This usually happens to curious children who are interested in everything in the world. On the contrary, if a person’s gaze is dull and indifferent, it means that he is depressed, perhaps close to depression.

If a lot of wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes when laughing, this means that the person is kind, cheerful and cheerful.

Bitten lips mean that a person likes to think and is most often nervous when making a decision. Sometimes people automatically begin to act this way right in front of their interlocutor, because they cannot decide something.

A firm, developed chin (often square) shows a person’s strong will. Because people, when achieving their goals (even in an argument), tense the lower part of the face, it begins to develop. With frequent victories, the chin becomes strong and firm, which proves a person’s ability to achieve his goals. Based on this, if the lower part of the interlocutor’s face is soft, weak and undeveloped, it can be assumed that he is easy to break. He will not go to the end if a serious obstacle appears ahead.

The more various bulges, irregularities, “hollows”, “protrusions”, etc. on the face (sunken cheeks, prominent cheekbones, for example), the more emotional and hot-tempered a person is. He is easily able to fall into and brightly and vividly throw out his experiences on those around him.


Both facial expressions and gestures in communication make it clear what and how a person says:

  • Open palms signify trust and openness. If a person periodically exposes himself to you inner side brushes, it means he has nothing to hide from you, and he feels good in your company. If the interlocutor constantly hides his hands in his pocket, puts them behind his back, or makes other similar “secretive” movements, he is probably not very comfortable. This could be either dislike towards you or guilt/shame for past actions.
  • Hands placed near the cheek mean thoughtfulness. Usually at such moments a person thinks intensely about something, tries to figure out what to do in a given situation, etc.
  • When nervous or, more likely, lacking self-confidence, a person begins to touch either his neck or objects on it such as a pendant, chain, etc. In addition, he may begin to chew on the handle.
  • A nod of the head signifies agreement. Sometimes people nod uncontrollably, thereby communicating on a subconscious level that they like someone else’s opinion. Shaking your head, on the contrary, means that the person does not agree with you. Just like nodding, sometimes it happens automatically.


Open facial expressions and gestures in communication are, of course, good, but we must not forget about the postures a person takes during a conversation:

How to recognize truth and lies from a person

That’s why many people are interested in the details of our article - everyone wants to know how to read a person’s facial expressions, how to see when they are blatantly lying to you, and when they are telling the pure truth. Some ways to expose a liar are given below, but remember that, perhaps, the liar has known about such tricks for a long time and therefore uses them skillfully and dexterously, deceiving others in such a way that

  1. When a person tells a lie, his pupils involuntarily constrict. If you have previously noticed the initial state of the interlocutor’s eyes, then you will understand that he is being disingenuous after the pupils become smaller.
  2. When a person lies, he looks away. This happens because he is subconsciously ashamed of the false information he says.
  3. When a person is lying and knows about the previous method, he looks intently into the eyes. Most often, he gets so “played” that he barely even blinks. This can also reveal a liar.
  4. The gaze of a lying person moves from one object to another, without stopping at one thing. Sometimes it's just a sign of nerves, but more often it's a sign of lies.
  5. Thanks to the compression of the zygomatic muscles, a kind of half-smile, half-grin appears on the face of the lying person.
  6. The direction of your gaze will also tell you whether you are hearing the truth or a lie from your interlocutor. If a person looks to the right, most likely, you are being presented with a lie, if to the left, the truth. However, this rule applies provided that the speaker is right-handed, otherwise read backwards.

Features of foreign language of facial expressions and gestures

Not everywhere they communicate in the same ways as here. Of course, this does not mean human language, but the language of gestures, postures and facial expressions. The list below, indicating specific countries and incorrect actions, will help you avoid getting into trouble with foreigners.

Asia. Watch your arms and legs. You should not be the first to touch someone else’s head and hair, because for Asians this is the most sacred thing in a person. The legs, in turn, also don’t need to be loosened, though not at all. Even an accidental touch (to any part of the body) can cause panic and even anger on the part of Asians. This is because, unlike the head, the legs are considered the “lowest” thing in the human body.

Near East. Lift up thumb- it's the same as sending a person to his ass. Children, however, often show this gesture, thereby trying to tease others.

Brazil. The “everything is OK” gesture (the thumb is connected to the index finger, forming a zero, and the remaining fingers stick out “out”) here has approximately the same meaning as our middle finger.

Venezuela. The gesture “everything is okay” here denotes homosexuality.

Italy. The “Goat” gesture from rock music here signifies betrayal and failure. That is, if you show this sign to someone, you are hinting that you consider him a complete loser who is being cheated on by his other half. In northern Italy you are also not allowed to touch your chin, as this means you are giving the person the middle finger.

Fiji. A handshake is considered a trademark of the republic, which is why you should not be afraid if the interlocutor holds your hand tightly and for a long time in his. This is just a sign of politeness, and it can really last a considerable amount time until the end of the conversation.

France. The “everything is okay” gesture here denotes homosexuality, and scratching the chin is the same middle finger.


So, now you know what role facial expressions play in a person’s life, as well as gestures, postures and other physiological features that are difficult to control. Of course, professionals like FSB or FBI agents will not show themselves in sensitive situations, but if your environment does not consist of such “cool” acquaintances, then you can always “read” a person and learn a lot of new things about him.

It often happens that trust in people disappears when their insincerity is suspected. When the interlocutor begins to “evade” the truth during communication, only people who have some knowledge about the peculiarities of transmitting information can discern this. After all, facial expressions non-verbally communicate your true state to another person.

The psychology of human behavior is limitless. To fully study the secrets of facial expressions as one of its sections, it will take more than one year. Meanwhile, you can learn to understand your interlocutor by a glance or a hidden grin if you know about some nuances.

Firstly, the key to a correct understanding of what a person would like to say is an objective assessment of everything he reproduces, taking into account the relationship between speech and facial expressions. Secondly, people are able to express emotions that arise in the soul in two ways:

  • conventionally;
  • spontaneously.

This means that if the partner wants not to reveal his true attitude to the information being communicated, he can limit himself to the simplest hint. But more often than not, this method is more misleading than effective.

How to determine the truth of information by facial expressions?

Before saying something, in most cases a person thinks about his words and tries to keep his facial expressions under control as much as possible. At the same time, it can be extremely difficult for the interlocutor to keep track of several reactions at once. Psychology will come to the rescue, teaching you how to properly develop the ability of facial “language” or identify a sincere attitude towards something by facial expressions.

Reactions that appear spontaneously or involuntarily in the interlocutor can be correctly read only if there is a long-term relationship with a partner. If you do not take this point into account, there will always be a possibility of critical self-deception in the process of deep recognition of your partner.

Identify by facial expression human face The degree of personal expression is not difficult, but it is extremely important to take into account the many associated factors. It turns out that women have a much harder time managing their emotions than men. It is difficult for representatives of the fair sex to hide their existing experiences, so their face more clearly reveals its owner in a given situation. In addition to gender, other factors also play a role in the success of withholding information:

  • temperament (it is easier for a phlegmatic person to protect his feelings from prying eyes than, for example, for a choleric person);
  • additional related circumstances;
  • experience of the receiving party.

How to learn to understand facial gestures?

Facial expression, as psychology says, is predetermined by the influence of experienced feelings, which provoke controlled contractions and relaxations of muscles. Many people want to master the ability to control their emotions by performing special facial exercises. However, all the measures taken to teach the subtleties of facial expressions will not be successful if you do not know about other important points.

For example, facial symmetry in displaying feelings helps to recognize a lie much faster. In addition, lips can give away a person’s desire to disguise.

For example, increased facial expressions in the mouth area allow us to conclude that the speaker is worried about something. Lips curved in one direction indicate a skeptical or mocking attitude towards what is happening.

Facial expressions in acting

Correct and beautiful facial expressions are especially important for an actor. A professional in this field, before going on stage, must perform his usual exercises aimed at warming up his facial muscles. The simplest and most common training scheme takes no more than 5 minutes, however, the results of its influence on a person’s facial abilities are colossal. To warm up, you need to follow step by step instructions:

  • In front of the mirror, concentrate your attention extremely on all the moving facial elements.
  • Do it one by one (with eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, lips) simple exercises with each part of the face, lowering and lifting up.
  • A few minutes after completing a simple set of exercises, pay attention to the mobility of all facial muscles.

Human psychology confirms that the viewer during a performance will be able to delve into what is happening and become interested in the plot of even the most uninteresting performance only if he detects a clear expression of emotion on the actor’s face. Clearly readable facial expressions serve as a means of additional effective messaging to the audience. Thanks to her, the essence of what is happening on stage comes to the audience.

Training to improve facial expressions

An experienced actor often has no problems with mastering his own facial expressions. The psychology of facial communication he has learned and mastered allows him not to monitor the work of his muscles. His face in moments of anger, sadness or joy clearly conveys internal simulated experiences and emotional mood. But in order to correctly perceive acting on stage, you must first study your facial gestures in detail.

  • Group classes on control and management of facial expressions are especially relevant in creative circles. The exercises performed by participants in such training are coordinated by the leader. He occupies a central place in the circle of students. Thus, the teacher is able to monitor the quality and compliance with the rules of each exercise performed.
  • As students build a facial “picture” in a group, the leader must promptly orient each of them if corrections are necessary: ​​some need to squint their eyes more to complete the image, while others need to relax the corners of their mouth and not frown. The psychology of facial expressions can be mastered much faster during a group discussion of each exercise.

Years of creativity and painstaking work above themselves allow the actor to have no doubt about how his face looks at a particular moment. Without resorting to the help of a mirror, a person who has undergone long-term training in controlling personal facial expressions can portray this or that sensual mood.

Facial expressions in accordance with feelings

The psychology of facial expressions is understood in stages. To begin with, it is important to learn about how the appearance of a person experiencing different emotions changes:

  • with joyful, inspiring feelings, the lips curl, their corners gravitate back, and fine wrinkles appear around the eye line;
  • surprise or interest is shown on the face with raised eyebrows and slightly widened eyes, the mouth may be rounded and slightly open;
  • disgust and contempt are reflected in appearance a person in different ways: in the first case, you can observe a wrinkled nose and drooping eyebrows, the lower lip is slightly protruded, it seems as if the person has choked on something; in the second case, the interlocutor’s face will be elongated, eyebrows raised, and a “down” look is typical;
  • It is easy to determine whether a person is scared or not by his widened eyes and eyebrows shifted inward; in addition, a slightly open mouth and pulled back corners indicate internal tension and stiffness;
  • anger and anger manifest themselves in the same way: the forehead is furrowed, the eyes are threatening, the nostrils are widened, the lips are clenched, the skin may turn red;
  • Feelings of shame are reflected in appearance by looking away, looking down, or shifting eyes, slightly closed eyelids.

It is important to perform exercises for the development of facial expressions regularly - only then the psychology of communication and facial expressions will become faithful assistant. The duration of the workouts varies from person to person, but most often they are performed for 10 to 15 minutes a day. The set of classes can be divided into morning and evening sessions. In addition, there is no urgent need to carry out gymnastics strictly according to the schedule.

Any exercise aimed at mastering facial expressions should be performed in front of a mirror. It is extremely important to take the correct body position. It is most convenient to train your facial muscles while sitting, keeping your back and neck straight. It is worth considering that exercise is a considerable strain on the muscles and can negatively affect the elasticity of the skin in the future. Proper facial care and moisturizing will help prevent wrinkles.

Exercises for beautiful and controlled facial expressions

The development of facial expressions occurs rapidly: after a couple of weeks of classes, with a diligent and persistent approach to learning, the changes will become noticeable and tangible not only to the student, but also to members of his social circle. Simple exercises look like this:

  • Lips should be closed, but not squeezed. The entire muscular system of the face should be as relaxed as possible. Place your middle fingers at the corners of your mouth and press a little. The main task This exercise involves stretching your lips “into a tube” and attempting to kiss the air. The nasolabial triangle should be tense for at least 10 seconds, then relax the muscles and repeat 5-6 times.
  • With your mouth wide open, you need to raise your eyes up and blink constantly for 30–40 seconds. This exercise will not only tone your facial muscles, but also give your eyes a rest.
  • You should clasp your cheeks with your hands so that your little fingers are in the corners of your lips. You need to make a wide smile without opening your mouth, and maintain it for some time (10–15 seconds). Gradually, returning to the starting position, relax for 10 seconds and repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

Mastering a perfect level of facial expression control is much easier than it might seem at first glance. The psychology of facial expressions will teach you to manage your emotions and determine the degree of their truthfulness in your interlocutor.

Physiognomy is the science that studies reflection psychological characteristics and a person's emotions on his face.

IN modern world people are increasingly interested in psychology and study books on techniques that help reveal the inner content of their interlocutor.

Facial expressions, gestures, and posture that a person takes during communication much more accurately convey the real thoughts and feelings of the opponent. Knowing how to read them, you can easily determine what a person is thinking about and how close he is to you. And if you use your knowledge correctly, you can adapt to a person and achieve what you want from him.

Psychology of Gestures


In case of danger or unwillingness to show one's internal state, a person tries to hide from everyone, instinctively closing himself off from outside world. This can be seen by the hands on the chest or the cross-legged position. When a person takes such a pose, there can be no talk of any open feelings; he does not trust his interlocutor and does not want him to interfere in his space.

An additional barrier to communication can be an object that the interlocutor holds in front of him, for example, a folder or papers. He seems to distance himself from the dialogue, keeping his distance.

Clenched hands into fists indicate the opponent’s readiness to enter into an open conflict and it is better not to provoke this person.

2. Openness and predisposition

Managers or training presenters often resort to these gestures to instill confidence in the client.

When talking, a person smoothly gestures with his hands, open palms up, or connects his fingers at a short distance from the chest, in the form of a dome. This all speaks about the openness of a person, that he is ready for dialogue, he does not hide anything and wants to finish off the interlocutor’s predisposition towards himself.

About the fact that a person is relaxed in this moment, evidenced by unbuttoned top buttons on clothes, leaning towards the interlocutor during communication.

3. Boredom

Such gestures are aimed at conveying information about the lack of interest in the conversation, and perhaps it is time for you to move the conversation to another topic, or end it altogether.

Boredom is indicated by shifting from one foot to the other, hand supporting the head, tapping the foot on the floor, looking at the situation in the area.

4. Interest

When showing affection for opposite sex, women, for example, correct their makeup, hairstyle, finger a lock of hair, sway their hips while walking, a sparkle appears in their eyes, a directed long gaze when talking with their interlocutor.

5. Uncertainty

The interlocutor’s doubts can be indicated by moving an object in his hands or fingers between each other, a person rubbing his neck, or fingering a piece of clothing.

6. Lies

Sometimes a person speaks very confidently about something and it seems to be true, but intuition suggests that there is a catch somewhere. When a person lies, he subconsciously rubs his nose, earlobe, and may even close his eyes for a short time. Thus, he himself tries to isolate himself from this information by transmitting signals to you.

Some children cover their mouths when they lie in an attempt to stop the lie. As they grow up and gain experience, they can veil this gesture with a cough.

Psychology of facial expressions

1. Joy, happiness

The eyebrows are relaxed, the corners of the lips and cheeks are raised, and small wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes.

2. Irritation, anger

The eyebrows are brought together in the center or pubescent, tense, the mouth is closed and stretched into a single straight line. The corners of the lips look down.

3. Contempt

The eyes are slightly narrowed, the corner of the mouth is slightly raised on one side, the lips are frozen in a grin.

4. Surprise

The eyes are rounded and bulging slightly, the eyebrows are raised, the mouth is open, as if it wants to say the letter “o”.

5. Fear

The eyelids and eyebrows are raised, the eyes are wide open.

6. Sadness, grief

Empty look, extinct. The eyes and eyelids are drooping, wrinkles form between the eyebrows, the lips are relaxed, the corners look down.

7. Disgust

The upper lip is tense and raised, the eyebrows are practically joined together, the cheeks are slightly raised upward, the nose is wrinkled.

This is, of course, only a small part of facial gestures; the rest can be studied independently by reading books on physiognomy. Psychology is a very interesting science that never ceases to amaze with its discoveries in the field of studying people.

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