New Russian pop groups. The best rock groups in Russia: list, names. e years: truly Russian rock

A rather popular group with Eva Polna at the head, immediately won widespread love of the public with its good oranzhirovochki and quickly riveted many memorable hits that girls sang tearfully in almost all discos of the vast Motherland. Songs such as "Dislike", "Run From Me" and, of course, "Love Me in French" have become integral compositions in the playlist of any self-respecting bachelorette party of the 90s and 2000s.

2. Disco Crash

Even the most inveterate rapper and the hardest metal guy, no, no, he will remember the incendiary tunes of this group, well, and "Drink beer - eat meat" sounded at one time from every iron. Disco Crash, having gone through the death of one of the participants, has actually created many very good different songs about love and friendship and aram-zam-zam to the same place. Their creativity is crowned with "New Year is rushing to us, soon everything will happen" - known from the first chords and recognizable by absolutely everyone.

3. Ivanushki International

The epic boy band of our country, where the band members have become almost grandfathers, continues to sing songs about unhappy girlish love. In the turbulent nineties, there was Poplar Fluff, Bullfinches, Clouds, Dolls - it was on these hits that the all-Russian popularity of one redhead and two non-redheads was won.

4. Lyceum

A sweet girl group that changed soloists like gloves. Well, who didn’t do it - you can remember, for example, such a crazy group as Strelki, where there were about 20 different girls on vocals and dancers, replacing each other regularly once a month. The “Lyceum” against their background with the permanent Anastasia Makarevich was just a model of stability, and their “Autumn-Autumn, Years Has Cool Down and Threw the Leaves” and “And I’m a Winter Girl” have firmly and permanently eaten into the brains of all our compatriots.

5. Mirage

The mastodons of this list, who started back in the USSR. A large number of teams and girls who grew up into independent stars such as Vetlitskaya, Ovsienko or Saltykova, who traveled around the country in the 90s and collected entire stadiums. It was they who massively brought electronic music to the country, and I still remember very well how my parents lit up with "Music Tied Us Together"

6. Hands Up

Another epic and most popular mega-project named after Sergei Zhukov. If progressive youth were already listening to the western tuber, then Russian youth in the hinterland came off to the frantic rhythms of Hands Up. "Ay-yay-yay girl", "I'm 18 already" and others, still thunders at all sorts of discos in the 90s and regularly assembles the halls.


Our "European breakthrough", lesbian image and incredible drive, of course, did their job and "tattoos" became popular not only in Russia. In the beginning everything went well, really strong albums and hits - "They won't catch up with us", and at concerts they gave their best every time as the last. Then the re-singing of Western hits, songs in English began, and the Russian audience began to slowly leave, and with it the popularity began to decline.

8. Technology

The Tekhnologiya group at one time claimed the laurels of the most advanced electronic and disco collective of young democratic Russia. Copying the then insanely popular "Depeche Mode", the group with its hit "Press the button - you will get the result" still managed to break through to fame and popularity and gathered in the Luzhniki arena, which at that time were leased to anyone and anything, a record 70 thousand man, those were the times.


Perhaps the first sane boy band brought to our country four smiling guys who sang cute, not full of meaning songs about "The hat fell, fell on the floor" and gained enormous popularity among young and not so girls. They say that the group is still alive, and this is almost 20 years, and still performs on tour somewhere abroad.

10. Inveterate scammers

Reckless and hooligan talkers from Amoralov and company, of course, remember all the "clear guys" of that time. The first bright robes, pendulous pants and glasses of unimaginable shapes, as well as uncomplicated texts about how to glue a girl together, do not soar and forget about their ancestors, of course, found their way into the minds of young people after the straight, like a stick, doctrines of the Soviet Union. It was such a time - every innovation was accepted with a bang, and each, even the weakest and most unintelligible of their album, had a certain success.

Singers from Russia do not enjoy world popularity, but in Russian-speaking countries their success surpasses many Western stars. The secret is simple - they, like no one else, understand the tastes and preferences of the Russian-speaking audience. So, we present to you 10 most popular singers in Russia... Check out the 10 most popular female singers of 2015.

Like a hurricane that sweeps away absolutely everything in its path, the singer Zemfira burst into our lives. Deafening, unbridled, harsh vocals, caustic words, and at the same time the image of a charming girl. All this could not fail to attract attention to her. Zemfira bewitched us with a mirror-like shine of eyes from under dark hair.

Signs Russian folk-rock singer, soloist and founder of the group " ". She has a naturally very pleasant voice with a wide range. Pelageya sings Russian folk songs.

An amazing choice for such a young girl, given that folklore is not at the peak of popularity among her peers now.

Famous Russian singer. She herself writes lyrics and composes music for them. The beginning of her musical career was the victory in the project “ Star Factory - 4". Now she is the judge herself on the show " X factor”. Irina often calls herself “ Man with cleavage", Because she is used to solving problems with male perseverance and onslaught.

Tall brunette with kind eyes. The incredibly charismatic singer Slava won the hearts of millions after her first appearance on the stage. A bright and unique image, a sparkling sense of humor, all this instantly raised the ratings of television and radio programs, as soon as she appeared there.

Today she has received national recognition. Winner of one of the most significant music awards in Russia - "Golden Gramophone", which she received in 2005 for the song " Classy».

The rise of his career began with a victory in the music competition " New Wave 2003". Her songs " River veins "," Cool "," You say "," Give me five minutes”, For a long time took leading positions in all charts. As a child, Anastasia was engaged in dancing, played the piano, trumpet and even wooden spoons?

The real name of the singer is Marina Maksimova. She was born in Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan. Her older brother and friends with whom she spent a lot of time and gave her the nickname - " ". At the age of 14, Marina graduated from a music school in piano and immediately began writing songs.

Subsequently, they were included in her debut album. While still at school, she participated in many city music competitions. The singer made her first attempts to record her own songs together with the group " Pro-Z". These were songs " Passer-by "," Alien "and" Start". The latter was very popular on local radio and became a hit in Kazan.

After the release of the song " Oh god what a man", Natalie's star rose again in the firmament of Russian show business. However, according to the singer, she never felt forgotten. All these years she has performed on tour and participated in various shows. However, we still miss her tender and lyrical song " Wind was blowing from sea", With which many have fond memories.

Elvira's story resembles the plot of the classic Cinderella tale. Elvira Tugusheva was born in Saratov. Since childhood, she dreamed of performing on the big stage. Her first song " All is decided”Spread widely on the Internet. Now Elvira's songs are played on almost all television and music radio channels in the country. She received the award " Fashion People Awards"In the category" opening of the year».

Often, in show business, a young and charismatic performer can capture the hearts of audiences of all ages at once. Her songs are greeted with joy by a young audience, and the older generation rejoices at the opportunity to make a nostalgic journey into the past with their help. Nyusha is one of the 10 most beautiful women in Russia in 2015.

« I could describe my life in one sentence: the race for popularity“- The singer once said. Become a winner at any cost. Always being the most beautiful, talented, charming and attractive was the main goal of her life.

She is not only a singer and figure skater, but also an actress. Your first hit " To the sea”She recorded together with singer Arash.

Russian singers are not only talented and successful, but also beautiful. A selection of the most beautiful Russian singers.

Roman Litvinov, better known as Mujuice, is perhaps the most prominent electronic music performer in Russia over the past decade. The artist has more than a dozen full-length releases, the smaller part of which was recorded with live vocals.

The last such album was Amore e morte, released last year. The release got lost in the stream of new music and did not become as successful as, for example, Cool Cool Death !, released ten years ago. Despite this, Mujuice is popular even now, musicians such as Zemfira Ramazanova do not hesitate to collaborate with him, and the performer himself is a welcome participant in major Russian and foreign festivals.

2. Antokha MC

"Antokha MC" is a musician from Moscow, who started with studying at a music school in the class "Trumpet", and now is one of the most promising Russian hip-hop artists.

You can find echoes of 5'nizza and Micah in Anton's work, but on the whole it is quite original - this is not hip-hop in the classical sense of the term. The music is influenced by funk and reggae, and an additional highlight is the accompaniment, which is played by the trumpet in some songs.

3. Medzhikul

The absence of the St. Petersburg group "Medzhikul" in the rotation of radio and TV is quite possibly a temporary phenomenon. Their debut album "All About Martha" has everything to please almost any listener: to the songs of "Medzhikul" you can dance both incendiary and slow dances, they want to sing along, while the music itself is very far from the sore pop pop music ...

"Medzhikul" is perhaps the first group in Russia to perform music in the rhythm and blues genre of the 70s - the so-called Motown Sound. Petersburgers skillfully combine the features of this genre with modern musical techniques and funny texts in Russian, as a result, their compositions sound fresh and familiar at the same time.

4. Harajiev Smokes Virginia!

A group from Kazan, which started in 2009 with downhole mat-rock, now performing indie rock with elements of pop music. The group has six full-fledged releases, each of which, probably, forever settled in the memory of my smartphone.

There are only three members in the group, the main instrumental backbone is drums, bass, guitar and vocals. Other instruments are used in HSV recordings, but this minimum set is sufficient for performing songs at concerts. If you love perky and romantic guitar music, do not understand English lyrics and have no prejudices about high male vocals, then Harajiev Smokes Virginia! you will like it.

5. Motorama

Rostov-on-Don gave the hip-hop lovers "Casta", and the fans of modern independent music - the couple Vlad and Irina Parshin, who stood at the origins of the projects Motorama, "Morning" and "Bergen Kremer" ("Summer in the City"). The main project of the musicians is considered to be Motorama: the discography of the collective includes four full-length and two mini-albums, and the tour map extends far beyond the borders of Russia.

Motorama's work is usually classified as post-punk and twi-pop. Unpretentious progressions and melodies, 4/4 time signature and minimalistic accompaniment make Motorama music simple and enjoyable.

6. Thank you

"Musical group from Moscow" - this is the full text of the annotation in the "Thank you" community "VKontakte". Participants do not try to trump a variety of style tags and do not compare themselves with the hegemon of genres. The band's style is really hard to describe without resorting to boring musical terms. In simple terms, "Thank you" is a perky and sometimes experimental guitar rock with clever lyrics in your native language.

7. BCH

BCH is a project of the Moscow musician Viktor Isaev. It all started with the album "Mignon", released in 2014, unusual both in form and content. High-quality R&B and soul are not very common in Russian music, and BCH has not only become a good alternative to James Blake, but also released an original experimental release. Mignon is an album where very non-Russian music is combined with the most Russian lyrics - the poems of the Silver Age poets.

The latest release of the BCH "Hellenic Secret" has already been recorded with the author's texts. The music itself has also undergone changes: the songs are unlike each other and combine echoes of many directions - from trip-hop to retro wave.

8. Pinkshinyultrablast

Pinkshinyultrablast is a shoegaze band from St. Petersburg and the only Russian band that Pitchfork likes to write about. Shoegaze is an alternative rock genre that originated in England in the late 80s. The music of this style is characterized by a specific work with guitar effects and the detached behavior of musicians on stage, absorbed in this work.

In Russia, the boom of shoegaze music in the 80s and 90s went unnoticed, so this genre is still not popular with a wide audience. Pinkshinyultrablast do not count on success with the Russian audience: they give concerts abroad much more often than in Russia.

9. On-The-Go

A group from Togliatti, which began in their hometown with a downhole dance-rock and later changed both genre and place of residence. After moving to the capital of Togliatti, he took over the label Xuman Records, and the very first release In The Wind marked the beginning of the band's creativity in a new style. Now On-The-Go is a Moscow band working in the indie-pop genre and sounding not at all in Russian.

10. Sirotkin

Moscow bard Sergei Sirotkin, year after year, proves that in Russia you can become a popular performer simply by playing beautiful music. The pursuit of fashion, the desire to turn creativity into, bold experiments - this is not about Sirotkin. Here - only a guitar and a young man with a beautiful voice.

Modern domestic show business is a special world, in some way separated from the rest of civilization, in which slightly different people live, with their own worries, deeds and quirks. Russian performers are, in most cases, persons, albeit without a world name, but rather glorified in the vastness of their land and within their native state, and maybe within the neighboring countries too. This article will tell you about the popular and in-demand Russian performers over the past decade.

First echelon

So, let's begin, Russian performers will be described below. The list is opened by the old-timers of the national stage. Leonid Agutin, Nikolai Baskov, Oleg Gazmanov, Valery Leontyev, Alexander Rosenbaum, singer Slava, Lolita, the group "Para Normal", "Mumiy Troll" were quite popular at the beginning of the 2000s and were famous for their armies of loyal fans, but with the onset of the second decade of the century their the glory faded a little. Today, these artists can only be seen at the most traditional concerts and musical evenings. The same cannot be said about Philip Kirkorov, Valeria Meladze, singers Natalie and Anita Tsoi, the Zveri and Splin groups. These artists are in demand and loved by the audience even today. Their concerts continue to attract millions of fans. And all this despite the fact that they also have the right to call themselves “old-timers of the stage”.

Young people

Russian performers are also representatives of a new generation. Their popularity today is at their peak, their discs are selling faster than others, their tours are scheduled for five to seven years in advance. Young Russian pop singers are quite numerous. Their list includes several hundred names and pseudonyms, the most famous are Dima Bilan, Sergey Lazarev, rapper Timati, his protégés - Yegor Creed, Andrey Grizzly, Alexey Vorobyov, Dan Balan, Dominik Joker, Irakliy, Max Korzh, Denis Maidanov, Tamerlane, Vyacheslav Basul, Ani Lorak, Ivan Dorn, Nyusha, Pelageya, Yulia Savicheva, Anna Sedakova, Vera Brezhneva, Tati, Elena Temnikova, Polina Gagarina, Elvira T, Maxim, Loya, Svetlana Loboda, Stas Kostyushkin, Noise MC, Yuliana Karaulova, "Pizza "," Silver ", M-Band," 23:45 "," Banderos "," 30.02 ", Quest Pistols," Degrees "," Heroes "quartet," China "," VIA GRA "trio and many others.


Russian performers today also come from many popular television shows. The project with the highest ratings on domestic television is the Voice show. This platform has released wonderful singers such as Gela Guralia, Elina Chaga, Nargiz Zakirova and many others.

Russian show business replenishes and Victoria Petrik can be called a striking representative of this separate group of domestic stage. The girl is the winner of the world famous Children's New Wave festival. This is, of course, a worthy replacement for the old-timers of Russian show business. Now you know which Russian performers are most in demand at the present time.

Who are the best rock bands of all time? 50 best bands in front of you.


The most famous rock group was formed in 1973 in Sydney. Now, probably, there is no person who is not even keen on rock music, who has never heard this name - AC / DC. Unfortunately, in 2016, vocalist Brian Johnson was given a disappointing diagnosis. Doctors strongly advised the musician to give up performing, otherwise he would face complete hearing loss. As a result, the singer decided to leave the band for health reasons. Axl Rose was invited to take his place.

Arcade fire

A unique indie rock project from Canada from the first album found its listeners thanks to its unusual and authentic sound. Their third LP won a Grammy for Best Album of the Year.

Arctic monkeys

Possibly the best British band in the millennium. At least the guys from Arctic Monkeys themselves have no doubt about it!

Biffy clyro

It took many years of hard work for Scottish rockers to gain recognition. In 2007, their album Puzzle reached "gold" status, and songs from it hit the best music charts.

Bloc Party

The British group was formed in 2003. From the first album to this day, the musicians are tearing the charts and hearts of fans with new hits.


Who doesn't know one of the most successful rock bands of the 1990s? The musicians are still "on top" - in 2015 the album The Magic Whip was released, which was appreciated by both fans and critics.


Another British alternative on the list of the best. Recognition came to them after the release of the second album Yellow, which exploded the charts in the USA and Great Britain. The group has sold over 80 million albums to date.


British musicians immediately made a powerful statement about themselves. The band's first two albums - St. Jude and Falcon - burst into local music charts and immediately reached the top ten places.


In the 90s, the group was quite popular. Despite the fact that since 2010 the musicians have been on sabbatical, we do not forget them.


The musicians' first two platinum discs have sold over 2 million copies. Many rock fans will remember their amazing performance at the Glastonbury Festival, after which Editors' second album topped the UK Albums Chart.


From the very beginning of their musical career, the band received strong support from music critics. They were called "the smartest group in Great Britain", their third disc was dubbed "a masterpiece". Many musicians are their fans, among them such stars as R.E.M., U2.


The indie rock band was born in 2005 in the UK. Their work was influenced by such directions as mathematical rock and dance punk.

They can deservedly be called the best rock band of the 21st century. As simple as that.

Green day

With the release of the single American Idiot, the punks boldly expressed their opinion. And, of course, September for a real rocker will not be complete without listening to Wake Me Up When September Ends.

Guns N "Roses

One of the most famous bands of the 1980s. Their influence on rock music can hardly be overestimated.

Joy division

The musicians were among the first to focus on mood, paving the way for alternative rock.


The British have an impressive number of awards. Over the years, they won the nominations for "Best Performance of the Year" and "Best Group of Our Time".

Kings of leon

The group owes its name to the name of the father and grandfather of its members. Both were called Leons. The famous song Sex On Fire was ranked ninth on the UK's 40 Best Songs list.

The group is considered one of the most popular in rock: in total, more than 300 million copies of albums have been sold. Having created their own innovative sound style, the members of the band have made a huge contribution to the development of music.

Manic street preachers

The guys started out as a punk band, but then they started playing rock. Lyrics have always been politicized.

Mumford and sons

In 2013, the musicians won the prestigious Grammy Award, their album was recognized as the album of the year.


During its musical career, the group has released 11 albums, 7 studio and 4 live albums. Record sales exceeded 15 million. More than once the group has been awarded various prestigious awards, including Grammy, MTV Europe Music Awards.


(In the main photo.) The group's history was interrupted by the suicide of its leader Kurt Cobain in 1994. However, thanks to the cult of the musician's personality, the collective is still popular. Over 75 million albums have been sold.


Is one of the most commercially successful rock bands of the 90s.

Pink floyd

The British ensemble is known for its acoustic experiments, philosophical lyrics and massive live shows. One of the most popular rock bands of our time.


The group had a notable impact on the rise in popularity of the alternative in the 1990s. The world tour of the team is still very popular.


The famous British alternative group was created by B. Molko and S. Olsdahl in 1994. The depressing thrust of the lyrics and music hit the target. The group still releases albums and tours.

Primal scream

The musicians showed a fresh sound thanks to the combination of different directions of rock music.


The popularity of the group did not come immediately, the musicians achieved success only in the 1990s.


The group has existed since 1985. It is noteworthy that since then its composition has not changed. Radiohead have sold over 300 million copies of their albums and have significantly influenced the formation of modern rock.


The Anglo-Swedish group appeared in 2002. She is mostly only popular in her home countries.

Red hot chili peppers

One of the most famous rock bands of our time, it has sold over 80 million albums. RHCP ranked 30th in the Top 100 Rock Musicians, and in 2012 the group was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.


The group had a very important influence on the development of alternative rock music.

The rolling stones

Everyone has probably heard about this group. More than 250 million copies of albums have been sold worldwide. The Rolling Stones are inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Also, Rolling Stone magazine placed the group in an honorable fourth place on the list of "50 Greatest Artists of All Time".

The snow patrol

The alternative rock band consists of Scots and Irish. They have received prestigious awards more than once, and their singles can be heard in famous TV shows and films.

The stereophonics

For a quarter of a century, the group has released ten albums, the circulation of which has exceeded 10 million copies.

The stone roses

The band's debut album became a classic before it was released.

The team was formed in 1998 in the USA. The musicians play a mixture of indie and garage rock.

The suede

The group appeared in the capital of Great Britain in 1989. Included in the "big four" of British pop, along with Blur, Pulp and Oasis.

The beatles

Many musicians mention the influence of the Beatles on their work. The collective is considered one of the best-selling and most popular in the 20th century.

The charlatans

The band, which originated in England, played Britpop. The musicians have released ten studio albums, three of them became the winners of the British charts.

The clash

One of the first known punk rock bands. The Sex Pistols played an important role in its appearance.

The cure

Over a thirty-year musical career, the group has released 13 albums, which have sold 30 million copies.

The jam

The Jam played hard rock combined with American rhythm and blues.

The killers

If you've never danced to the hit Mr. Brightside, then you have lost a lot.

The libertines

The group was created by two friends in 1997. After the release of the second album, as a result of a quarrel between colleagues, the team broke up.

The smiths

It was formed in 1982 in England. After criticism, they noted the influence of the group on the formation of indie rock in the 1980s.


The Irish rock band was formed in 1976. Is one of the most successful and well-known bands in the history of rock. During their careers, the musicians have received as many as 22 Grammy awards - this is more than any other band in the world.

The white stripes

The last three albums have received a Grammy for Best Alternative Album.

The who

Considered one of the greatest rock bands of all time. The band became widely popular thanks to their unusual live performances.

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