Glasses for the computer ... Is it true that they help?

Computer goggles are a newfangled accessory that is widely advertised by some companies. These miracle glasses allegedly help save your eyesight from the terrible negative factors of many hours of work at the computer. Is it really? Read in this lesson.

There is an erroneous opinion that if you work at a computer wearing special protective computer glasses, you can protect your eyesight, protect your eyes from radiation, get rid of the headache that haunts people who spend several hours at the computer every day. Manufacturers sometimes describe Computer glasses, almost as a panacea for all conceivable and unimaginable diseases.

Why do my eyes and head hurt? Why does vision deteriorate?

The answer will immediately become clear if, as an experiment, you quietly observe a person working at a computer from the side. Just don't tell this person you're watching him. Didn't notice anything? Then read on for this lesson.

For reference. In the usual, so to speak, "mode", a person lowers and raises his eyelids (blinks his eyes) on average once in 15-20 seconds. He does this unconsciously, as they say "on the machine." The human brain independently controls this process. At the same time, the cornea of ​​the eye receives a life-giving portion of moisture, the cells of the cornea do not dry out and the eye works normally.

Now back to our "experimental" user... And what do we see?... Sits concentrating on the monitor screen, blinking his eyes once every... 2-4 minutes! Naturally, with such an emergency mode, after a few hours, the eyes begin to protest, expressing their protest in the form of pain, watery, inflamed.

If nothing is done about it, after 5-6 hours of continuous work, the brain joins the protesting eyes and a headache appears. After a couple of years of such a disrespectful attitude to the eyes, you can play out to cataracts - by the way, a professional disease of programmers. It is not for nothing that all avid computer scientists who do not follow the elementary rules of working at a computer are called "red-eyed".

"Well scared!" - You say. "What to do? Change jobs? Throw away the computer? No, I will answer! Try good advice.

In the store, to give you an impression of the quality of a computer monitor, its brightness, contrast and color are usually wound up to the maximum limit. Most users, especially beginners, both brought a purchased monitor from the store and use it, that is, with utterly twisted settings. Instead of adjusting the monitor for themselves, they do everything exactly the opposite, trying to adjust their vision to the monitor - “get used to it”, in other words.

First, adjust your monitor. Alternatively, ask someone in the know to help you adjust your monitor to a level that is acceptable to your eyes. You can also adjust your monitor yourself by reading the instructions that came with it (everything is described in detail there). Set the brightness and contrast values ​​so that your eyes feel comfortable looking at the picture. For example, the contrast can be reduced a little more and the brightness a little less, but for each these values ​​are individual.

Learn to control yourself - force yourself to blink your eyes at least once every 30 seconds. Over time, this will become easy for you. Stop your work at least once an hour, look out the window, move your eyes from side to side, or even better, stand up, stretch, bend, do some light gymnastic exercises. Do not be shy, in the end it's your health!

"But what about glasses?" - You ask. “He helps people!” I explain simply and popularly: take any glasses in your hands and look at them. Between the lenses there are clips on the bridge of the nose, thanks to them the glasses are kept on the nose. When you put on glasses, the clips slightly squeeze the bridge of your nose, causing slight discomfort (this is especially noticeable for those who have not worn glasses before).

The brain reacts to this discomfort, preventing you from fully concentrating on the monitor screen. In addition, the presence of glasses near the eyes affects - a protective reaction to a foreign body is triggered. As a result, you do not focus on the monitor screen completely and your eyes continue to work normally.

Undoubtedly, the banal self-hypnosis of users, supported by massive advertising on the Internet, as well as “reviews” on various forums and blogs, also plays a huge role. Just keep in mind that the Internet is a tricky thing. The same seller of computer glasses can register on the forum under different names, ask himself questions and answer them himself. Naturally, reviews in this case will only be positive.

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