Experience and mistakes in the novel "Crime and Punishment" and in the story "Telegram. Arguments for composing the exam on the topic: Experience and mistakes Works in which experience and mistakes

    1. Mind and feeling

    2. Sense and Sense

    Everyone in his life is faced with a choice of what to do: in accordance with reason or succumb to the influence of feelings. Both mind and feelings are an integral part of a person. If you completely surrender to your feelings, you can spend a lot of time and effort on unreasonable experiences and make many mistakes, which in turn cannot always be corrected. Following only reason, people can lose their humanity, become callous and indifferent to others. Such people cannot enjoy simple things, enjoy their good deeds. Therefore, in my opinion, the goal of every person is to find harmony between the dictates of the senses and the prompts of the mind.

    In support of my position, I would like to give an example of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace". One of the main characters is Prince Bolkonsky. Over time, he tries to be like Napoleon. This character, surrendered completely to his mind, which is why he did not allow feelings to break through into his life, so he no longer paid attention to his family, but only thought about how to perform a heroic act, but when he is wounded during the war, he becomes disillusioned with Napoleon, who defeated the Allied army. The prince realizes that all his dreams of glory are useless. At that moment, he allows feelings to penetrate into his life, thanks to which he realizes how dear his family is to him, how he loves it and cannot live without it. Returning from the battle of Austerlitz, he finds his wife already dead, who died during childbirth. At this moment, he realizes the time he spent on his career is irrevocably gone, regrets that he did not show his feelings earlier and completely abandons his desires.

    As another argument, I would like to cite as an example the work of I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The main character, Evgeny Bazarov, dedicated his life to science. He completely surrendered to reason, believing that love and feelings are a useless waste of time. Because of his position in life, he feels like a stranger and older than Kirsanov and his parents. Although deep down he loves them, his presence only brings them grief. Evgeny Bazarov disdainfully treated others, does not allow feelings to break through, dies from a trifle scratch. Being near death, the hero allows feelings to open up, after that he gets closer to his parents and, albeit for a short time, finds peace of mind.

    Thus, the main task of a person is to find harmony between reason and feeling. Everyone who listens to the prompts of the mind and does not deny feelings, gets the opportunity to live a full life, saturated with bright colors and emotions.

    3. Sense and Sense

    Probably everyone in his life was faced with a difficult choice of what to do: in accordance with reason or succumb to the influence of feelings. Both mind and feelings are an integral part of a person. I believe that there should be harmony in the life of every person. Surrendering to feelings without a trace, we can make many mistakes, which in turn cannot always be corrected. By following only reason, people can gradually lose their humanity. That is, to rejoice in simple things, to enjoy your good deeds. Therefore, in my opinion, the goal of every person is to find harmony between the dictates of the senses and the prompts of the mind.

    In support of my position, I would like to give an example of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace". One of the main characters is Prince Balkonsky. For a long time, he tried to be like Napoleon. This character, surrendered himself completely to the mind, because of which he did not allow feelings to break through into his life. Because of this, he no longer paid attention to his family, and only thought about how to accomplish a heroic feat, but when he is wounded during the hostilities, he becomes disillusioned with Napoleon, who defeated the allied army. He realizes that all his dreams of fame were insignificant and useless in his life. And at that moment he allows feelings to penetrate into his life, thanks to which he realizes how dear his family is, how he loves them and cannot live without them. Returning home from the Battle of Austerlitz, he finds his wife already dead, who died during childbirth. At this moment, he realizes the time he spent on his career is irrevocably gone, regrets that he did not show his feelings earlier and completely abandons his desires.

    As another argument, I would like to cite as an example the work of I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The main character, Evgeny Bazarov, dedicated his life to science. He completely surrendered to reason, believing that love and feelings are a waste of time. Because of his position in life, he feels like a stranger and an elder Kirsanov and towards his parents, deep down he loves them, but his presence only brings them grief. Yevgeny Bazarov disdainfully treated others, did not allow feelings to break through, dying from a trifle scratch. But being near death, he allows feelings to open up, after that he draws closer to his parents and finds peace of mind.

    The main task of a person is to find harmony between reason and feeling. Anyone who listens to the prompts of the mind and at the same time does not deny feelings, gets the opportunity to live life to the fullest.

    4. Sense and Sense

    Probably, every person at least once in his life faced a choice: to act based on rational judgments and logic, or to succumb to the influence of feelings and act as the heart tells. I think that in this situation, you need to make a decision, relying on both reason and feeling. That is, it is important to find a balance. Because if a person rely only on reason, he will lose his humanity, and the whole meaning of life will be reduced to achieving the goals. And if he is guided only by feelings, then he can make not only stupid and rash decisions, but also become a kind of animal, and it is the presence of intelligence that distinguishes us from him.

    Fiction convinces me of the correctness of this point of view. For example, in the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Natasha Rostova, guided by feelings, almost made a big mistake in her life. A young girl, who met Mr. Kuragin in the theater, was so impressed by his courtesy and manners that she forgot about reason, completely surrendering to impressions. And Anatole, taking advantage of this situation, pursuing his selfish motives, wanted to steal the girl from the house, thereby ruining her reputation. But due to coincidence of circumstances, his malicious intent was not implemented. This episode of the work is a vivid example of what rash decisions can lead to.

    In the work of I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons", the main character, on the contrary, rejects any manifestations of feelings and is a nihilist. According to Bazarov, the only thing that a person should be guided by when making a decision is reason. Therefore, even when at one of the receptions he met the charming, besides intellectually developed Anna Odintsova, Bazarov refused to admit that he was interested in her and even liked him. But still, Eugene continued to communicate with her after, because he liked her company. After a while, he even confessed his feelings to her. But remembering his life views, he decides to stop communicating with her. That is, in order to remain true to his convictions, Bazarov loses true happiness. This work makes the reader realize how important the balance between feelings and reason is.

    Thus, the conclusion suggests itself: every time a decision is made, a person is guided by reason and feeling. But, unfortunately, he cannot always find a balance between them, in which case his life becomes incomplete.

    5. Sense and Sense

    Each person throughout his life makes decisions, guided by reason or feelings. I believe that if you rely only on feelings, then you can make stupid and rash decisions that will lead to negative consequences. And if you are guided only by reason, then the whole meaning of life will be reduced only to the achievement of the set goals. This will lead to the fact that the person may become callous. Therefore, it is very important to try to find harmony between these two manifestations of the human personality.

    Fiction convinces me of the correctness of this point of view. So in the work of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Liza" the main character faces a choice: reason or feelings. A young peasant woman, Liza, fell in love with the nobleman Erast. This feeling was new to her. At first, she sincerely did not understand how such an intelligent person could turn his attention to her, so she tried to keep her distance. As a result, she could not resist the surging feelings and surrendered to them entirely, without thinking about the consequences. At first, their hearts were full of love, but after a while, a moment of oversaturation comes, and their feelings fade away. Erast becomes cold towards her and leaves her. And Lisa, unable to cope with the pain and resentment from the betrayal of her beloved, decides to commit suicide. This work is a shining example of what rash decisions can lead to.

    In the work of I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons", the main character, on the contrary, rejects any manifestations of feelings and is a nihilist. Evgeny Bazarov makes decisions relying only on reason. This is his position throughout his life. Bazarov does not believe in love, so he was extremely surprised that Odintsov was able to attract his attention. They began to spend a lot of time together. He was pleased with her company, because she is charming and educated, they have many common interests. Over time, Bazarov began to surrender to feelings more and more, but realized that he could not afford to contradict his life convictions. Because of this, Eugene stopped communicating with her, thereby unable to know the true happiness of life - love.

    Thus, the conclusion suggests itself: if a person does not know how to make decisions, guided by both reason and feeling, then his life is incomplete. After all, these are two components of our inner world, which complement each other. Therefore, they are incredibly powerful together and insignificant without each other.

    6. Sense and Sense

    Reason and feelings are two forces, equally needing each other, they are dead and insignificant without each other. I completely agree with this statement. Indeed, both mind and feelings are two components that are an integral part of every person. Although they perform different functions, the connection between them is very strong.

    In my opinion, both mind and feelings are part of the personality of each person. They must be in balance. Only in this case people will be able not only to objectively look at the world, to protect themselves from stupid mistakes, but also to know such feelings as love, friendship and sincere kindness. If people trust only their minds, then they lose humanity, without which their life will not be full and will turn into a banal achievement of goals. If you follow only sensual impulses and do not control emotions, then the life of such a person will be filled with ridiculous experiences and rash actions.

    In support of my words, I will cite as an example the work of IS Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The main character, Evgeny Bazarov, has relied only on reason all his life. He considered him to be the main advisor in the choice of solutions to certain problems. In his life, Eugene never gave in to feelings. Bazarov sincerely believed that it is possible to live a happy and meaningful life, relying only on the laws of logic. However, at the end of his life, he realized the importance of feelings. Thus, Bazarov, due to his wrong approach, lived an incomplete life: he did not have real friendship, did not let his soul in his only love, could not experience peace of mind or spiritual solitude with anyone.

    In addition, I will cite as an example the work of I.A. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet". The main character, Zheltkov, is so much blinded by his feelings. His mind is clouded, he completely succumbed to feelings and, as a result, love leads Zheltkov to death. He believes that it is his destiny - to love madly, but unrequited, that it is impossible to escape from fate. Since the meaning of Zheltkov's life was in Vera, after she rejected the attention of the protagonist, he lost his desire to live. Being under the influence of feelings, he could not use reason and see another way out of this situation.

    Thus, the importance of reason and feeling cannot be overemphasized. They are an inseparable part of each and the predominance of one of them can lead a person on the wrong path. People who rely on one of these forces, in the end, must reconsider their life orientations, since the longer they go to extremes, the more negative consequences their actions can lead to.

    7. Sense and Sensibility

    Feelings play a big role in the life of every person. They help us to feel all the beauty and beauty of our world. But is it possible to always surrender completely to the feelings?

    In my opinion, surrendering ourselves completely to sensual impulses, we can spend a huge amount of time and effort on unreasonable experiences, make many mistakes, not all of which can later be corrected. Reason, on the other hand, allows you to choose the most successful path to achieve your goals, to make fewer mistakes in your life. But by doing actions, guided exclusively by logic and rational judgments, we risk losing our humanity, therefore it is very important that both components are always in harmony, since if one of them begins to prevail, a person's life becomes inferior.

    In support of my position, I would like to cite as an example the work of I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children". One of the main characters is Evgeny Bazarov - a man who was guided by reason all his life, trying to completely ignore his feelings. Due to his life approach and an overly rational point of view, he cannot get close to anyone, as he is looking for a logical explanation in everything. Bazarov is convinced that a person should be of specific benefit, like chemistry or mathematics. The hero sincerely believes: "A decent chemist is 20 times more useful than any poet." The realm of feelings, art, religion do not exist for the Bazaars. In his opinion, these are inventions of aristocrats. But over time, Eugene is discouraged in his life principles when he meets Anna Odintsova - his true love. Realizing that not all his feelings are amenable to control and that the ideology of his whole life is about to crumble to dust, the main character leaves to his parents to plunge into work and recover from unfamiliar emotions experienced by him. Further, Eugene, having made an unsuccessful experiment, becomes infected with a fatal disease and soon dies. Thus, the main character lived an empty life. He rejected the only love, did not know true friendship.

    An important figure in this work is Arkady Kirsanov, a friend of Evgeny Bazarov. Despite the strong pressure from his friend, on Arkady's desire for logical explanations of his actions, the desire for a rational understanding of everything that surrounds him, the hero did not exclude feelings from his life. Arkady always treated his father with love and tenderness, defended his uncle from the attacks of his comrade - a nihilist. Kirsanov Jr. tried to see the good in everyone. Having met Ekaterina Odintsova on his life path and realizing that he had fallen in love with her, Arkady immediately reconciled with the hopelessness of his feelings. It is thanks to the harmony between reason and feeling that he gets along with the life around him, finds his family happiness and thrives on his estate.

    Thus, if a person is guided exclusively by reason or feelings, his life becomes incomplete and meaningless. After all, mind and feelings are two integral components of human consciousness that complement each other and help us achieve our goals without losing our humanity and without depriving ourselves of important life values ​​and emotions.

    8. Sense and Sense

    Each person throughout his life faces a choice of what to do: trust his own mind or surrender to feelings and emotions.

    Relying on our own mind, we reach our goal much faster, but suppressing feelings, we lose humanity, change our attitude towards others. But surrendering to feelings without a trace, we risk making many mistakes, not all of which can subsequently be corrected.

    There are many examples in the world literature that confirm my opinion. I.S. Turgenev in the novel "Fathers and Sons" shows us the main character - Yevgeny Bazarov, a man whose life is built on the denial of all possible principles. Bazarov tries to find a logical explanation in everything, considering any manifestations of feelings nonsense. When Anna Sergeevna appears in his life - the only woman who could make a great impression on him, and with whom he fell in love, Bazarov realizes that not all feelings are subject to him and that his theory is about to crumble. He cannot stand all this, he cannot come to terms with the fact that he is an ordinary person with his weaknesses, which is why he leaves for his parents, closes in himself and completely surrenders to work. Due to his wrong priorities, Bazarov lived an empty and meaningless life. He did not know true friendship, true love, and even in the face of his death, there was too little time left to make up for what he had lost.

    As a second argument, I want to cite as an example Arkady, a friend of Yevgeny Bazarov, who is his complete opposite. Arkady lives in complete harmony between reason and feelings, which does not allow him to commit rash acts, but at the same time he respects ancient traditions, allows feelings to be present in his life. Humanity is not alien to him, because he is open, kind in relation to others. He imitates Bazarov in many ways, this will cause a conflict with his father. But having rethought a lot, Arkady begins to look more and more like his father: he is ready to make compromises with life. The main thing for him is not the material basis in life, but spiritual values.

    Each person during his life chooses what he will become, what is closer to him: reason or feelings. But I believe that a person will live in harmony with himself and with those around him, only if he is able to balance in himself the “element of feelings” and “cold mind”.

    9. Sense and Sensibility

    Each person in his life faced a choice of what to do: submit to a cold mind or surrender to feelings and emotions. Guided by reason and forgetting about feelings, we quickly achieve our goal, but at the same time we lose humanity, change our attitude towards others. Surrendering to feelings ignoring reason, we can waste a lot of mental strength in vain. Also, if we do not analyze the results of our actions, then we can do a lot of stupid things, not every of which will be possible to correct.

    There are many examples in the world of fiction that confirm my opinion. I.S. Turgenev in the work "Fathers and Sons" shows us the main character, Evgeny Bazarov - a man whose whole life is built on the denial of all kinds of principles. He is always looking for a logical explanation in everything. But when a young beautiful woman appears in the life of the hero - Anna Andreeva, who made a strong impression on him, Bazarov realizes that he cannot control his feelings and that he, like ordinary people, is characterized by weaknesses. The main character tries to suppress the feeling of love in himself and leaves for his parents, completely devoting himself to work. During the autopsy of a typhoid patient, the hero becomes infected with a fatal disease. It was only when he was on his deathbed that Bazarov realized all his mistakes and gained invaluable experience that helped him live the rest of his life in harmony between reason and feelings.

    The striking opposite of Evgeny Bazarov is Arkady Kirsanov. He lives in complete harmony between reason and feelings, which prevents him from committing rash acts. But at the same time, Arkady respects ancient traditions, allows feelings to be present in his life. Humanity is not alien to him, because he is open, kind in relation to others. Arkady imitates Bazarov in many ways, this is the main reason for the conflict with his father. Over time, having rethought everything, Arkady begins to look more and more like his father: he is ready to make compromises with life. The main thing for him is spiritual values.

    Thus, each person during his life should try to find harmony between the "element of feelings" and "cold mind". The longer we suppress one of these components of the human personality, the more internal contradictions we end up with.

    1. Experience and mistakes

    Probably, the main wealth of every person is experience. It consists of knowledge, skills and abilities that a person receives over the years. The experience we receive during our lives can influence the formation of our views and worldview.
    In my opinion, experience is impossible without making mistakes. After all, it is they who give us the knowledge that allows us not to commit such wrong actions in the future. A person commits wrong actions throughout his life, regardless of age. The only difference is that at the beginning of life, they are more harmless, but they occur much more often. A person who has lived for a long time makes fewer and fewer mistakes, since he draws certain conclusions and does not allow the same actions in the future.

    In support of my position, I want to cite as an example, the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace". The main character, Pierre Bezukhov, is very different from people who belonged to high society in unattractive appearance, fullness, excessive softness. Nobody took him seriously, and some treated him with disdain. But as soon as Pierre receives the inheritance, he is immediately accepted into high society, he becomes an enviable groom. Having tasted the life of a rich man, he realizes that this is not his, that in high society there are no people like him, close to him in spirit. Having married Helen, under the influence of Kuragin, and having lived with her for a certain time, the main character realizes that Helen is just a beautiful girl, with an icy heart and a cruel disposition, with whom he cannot find his happiness. After that, he begins to be attracted by the ideology of the Masonic order, in which equality, brotherhood, and love are preached. The hero develops a belief that there should be a kingdom of good and truth in the world, and a person's happiness lies in striving to achieve them. Having lived for some time according to the laws of brotherhood, the hero realizes that Freemasonry is useless in his life, since Pierre's ideas are not shared by his brothers: following his ideals, Pierre wanted to alleviate the fate of serfs, build hospitals, orphanages and schools for them, but finds no support among other Masons. Pierre also notices hypocrisy, hypocrisy, careerism among the brothers and, in the end, becomes disillusioned with Freemasonry. Time passes, the war begins, and Pierre Bezukhov rushes to the front, although he does not understand military affairs. In the war, he sees how many people suffer at the hands of Napoleon. And he gains the desire to kill Napoleon with his own hands, but he fails, and he is captured. In captivity, Pierre meets Platon Karataev, and this acquaintance plays an important role in his life. He realizes the truth that he was looking for: that a person has a right to happiness and should be happy. Pierre Bezukhov sees the true value of life. Soon, Pierre finds long-awaited happiness with Natasha Rostova, who was not only his wife and mother of his children, but also a friend who supported him in everything. Pierre Bezukhov went a long way, made many mistakes, but each of them was not in vain, he learned a lesson from each mistake, thanks to which he found the truth that he had been looking for for so long.

    As one more argument, I would like to cite as an example the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment". The main character, Rodion Raskolnikov, is a romantic, proud and strong personality. A former law student who left due to poverty. Soon Raskolnikov kills the old woman-financier and her sister Lizaveta. Because of his deed, the hero experiences a spiritual shock. He feels like a stranger to those around him. The hero has a fever, he is close to suicide. Nevertheless, Raskolnikov helps the Marmeladov family by giving her the last money. It seems to the hero that he can live with it. Pride awakens in him. With his last strength, he confronts the investigator Porfiry Petrovich. Gradually, the hero begins to realize the value of ordinary life, his pride is crushed, he is ready to come to terms with the fact that he is an ordinary person, with all his weaknesses and shortcomings. Raskolnikov can no longer remain silent: he talks about his crime to Sonya. Then he confesses everything at the police station. The hero is sentenced to seven years in hard labor. Throughout his life, the main character made many mistakes, many of which were terrible and irreversible. The main thing is that Raskolnikov was able to draw the correct conclusion from the experience gained and change himself: he comes to a rethinking of moral values: “Did I kill an old woman? I killed myself. " The protagonist realized that pride is sinful, that the laws of life do not obey the laws of arithmetic and that people should not be judged, but loved, accepting them as God created them.

    Thus, mistakes play an important role in everyone's life, they teach us, they help us gain experience. You need to learn to draw conclusions from your mistakes so as not to commit them in the future.

    2. Experience and mistakes

    What is experience? How is it related to errors? Experience is precious knowledge that a person learns throughout his life. Errors are its main component. However, there are times when, making them, he does not always get experience in the way that he does not analyze them and does not try to understand where he was wrong.

    To us, in my opinion, experience cannot be obtained without making mistakes and without analyzing them. Correction of errors is also quite an important process by which a person is fully aware of the whole essence of the problem.

    In support of my words, I will cite as an example the work of Alexander Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". The main character, Aleksey Ivanovich Shvabrin, is a dishonest nobleman who uses any means to achieve his goals. Throughout the entire work, he commits vile, vile deeds. Once he was in love with Masha Mironova, but he was refused for his feelings. And, seeing the favor with which she meets with attention from Grinev, Shvabrin tries in every possible way to denigrate the name of the girl and her family, as a result of which Peter challenges him to a duel. And here Alexey Ivanovich behaves unworthily: he wounds Grinev with a dishonorable blow, but this act did not bring him relief. More than anything in the world, Shvabrin fears for his own life, so when a rebellion begins, he immediately goes over to the side of Pugachev. Even after the uprising is suppressed, while in the courtroom, he commits his last dastardly act. Shvabrin tried to tarnish the name of Pyotr Grinev, however, this attempt was also a failure. Throughout his life, Aleksey Ivanovich committed many vile deeds, but he did not draw conclusions from one of them and did not change his worldview. As a result, his whole life was empty and full of anger.

    In addition, I will cite as an example the work of L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace". The main character, Pierre Bezukhov, made many mistakes throughout his life, but they were not empty and each of them contained the knowledge that further helped him to live. Bezukhov's main goal was to find his own path in life. Disappointed in Moscow society, Pierre enters the Masonic order, hoping to find answers to his questions there. To share the thoughts of the order, he tries to improve the position of the serfs. In this, Pierre sees the meaning of his life. However, seeing careerism and hypocrisy in Freemasonry, he becomes disillusioned and severs contact with it. Once again, Pierre finds himself in a state of melancholy and sadness. The war of 1812 inspires him, he seeks to share the difficult fate of the country with everyone. And, having gone through the pain of war, Pierre begins to understand the true logic of life and its laws: "What he previously sought and did not find in Freemasonry was rediscovered to him here, in close marriage."

    Thus, using the knowledge gained in the course of correcting mistakes, a person will eventually find his own path and lead a happy and full of joy life.

    3. Experience and mistakes

    Probably, experience can be considered the main wealth of every person. Experience is a unity of skills and knowledge acquired in the process of direct experiences, impressions, observations, and practical actions. Experience influences the formation of our consciousness, worldview. Thanks to him, we become who we are. In my opinion, experience cannot be gained without making mistakes. A person commits wrong actions and actions throughout his life, regardless of age. The only difference is that at the beginning of life, there are much more mistakes and they are more harmless. Often, young people, spurred on by curiosity and emotions, take action quickly without much thought, without realizing the further consequences. Of course, a person who has lived for more than a dozen years does much less wrong actions, he is more inclined to constant analysis of the environment, his own actions and deeds, he can predict possible consequences, therefore every step of adults is measured, thought out and unhurried. Based on his experience and wisdom, an adult can predict any action several steps ahead, he sees a much more complete picture of the environment, various hidden dependencies and interconnections, and that is why the advice and guidance of elders are so valuable. But no matter how wise and experienced a person is, it is impossible to avoid mistakes at all.

    In support of my position, I would like to cite as an example the work of I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The main character, Evgeny Bazarov, did not listen to his elders all his life, he ignored the centuries-old traditions and experience of generations, believed only in what he could personally verify. Because of this, he was in conflict with his parents, and felt like a stranger in relation to those close to him. The result of such a worldview was the too late realization of the true values ​​of human life.
    As one more argument, I would like to cite as an example the work of MABulgakov “Heart of a Dog”. In this story, Professor Preobrazhensky turns a dog into a man, by his act interferes with the natural course of nature and creates Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov - a man without moral principles. Subsequently, realizing his responsibility, he realizes what mistake he made. Which became an invaluable experience for him.

    Thus, we can conclude that mistakes do happen in a person's life. Only overcoming obstacles, we come to the goal. Mistakes teach, help gain experience. You need to learn to draw conclusions from your mistakes and not allow them in the future.

    4. Experience and mistakes

    In support of my position, I want to cite as an example, the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace". The main character, Pierre Bezukhov, is very different from people who belonged to high society in unattractive appearance, fullness, excessive softness. Nobody took him seriously, and some treated him with disdain. But as soon as Pierre receives the inheritance, he is immediately accepted into high society, he becomes an enviable groom. Having tasted the life of a rich man, he realizes that this is not his, that in high society there are no people like him, close to him in spirit. Having married Helen, under the influence of Kuragin, and having lived time with her, he realizes that Helen is just a beautiful girl, with an ice heart and a cruel disposition, with whom he cannot find his happiness. After that, he begins to listen to the ideas of Freemasonry, believing that this is what he was looking for. In Freemasonry, he is attracted by the ideas of equality, brotherhood, love, the hero develops a belief that there should be a kingdom of good and truth in the world, and a person's happiness lies in striving to achieve them. Having lived for some time according to the laws of brotherhood, the hero realizes that Freemasonry is useless in his life, since his ideas are not shared by his brothers: following his ideals, Pierre wanted to alleviate the plight of serfs, build hospitals, shelters and schools for them, but does not find support among other Freemasons. Pierre also notices hypocrisy, hypocrisy, careerism among the brothers and, in the end, becomes disillusioned with Freemasonry. Time passes, the war begins, and Pierre Bezukhov rushes to the front, although he is not a military man and does not understand this. In the war, he sees how many people suffer at the hands of Napoleon. And he gains a desire to kill Napoleon with his own hands, but unfortunately he does not succeed and he is taken prisoner. In captivity, he meets Platon Karataev and this acquaintance plays an important role in his life. He realizes the truth that he was looking for: that a person has a right to happiness and should be happy. Pierre Bezukhov sees the true value of life. Soon, Pierre finds long-awaited happiness with Natasha Rostova, who was not only his wife and mother of his children, but also a friend who supported him in everything. Pierre Bezukhov went a long way, made many mistakes, but still came to the truth, which he had to understand after going through difficult trials of fate.

    Another argument, I would like to cite as an example the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment". The main character, Rodion Raskolnikov, is a romantic, proud and strong personality. A former law student who left due to poverty. After that, Raskolnikov kills the old money-lender and her sister Lizaveta. After the murder, Raskolnikov experiences a spiritual shock. He feels himself a stranger to all people. The hero has a fever, he is close to insanity and suicide. Nevertheless, he helps the Marmeladov family by giving her the last money. It seems to the hero that he can live with it. Pride and self-confidence awaken in him. With his last strength, he confronts the investigator Porfiry Petrovich. Gradually, the hero begins to realize the value of ordinary life, his pride is crushed, he is ready to come to terms with the fact that he is an ordinary person, with all his weaknesses and shortcomings. Raskolnikov can no longer remain silent: he confesses his crime to Sonya. After that, he goes to the police station and confesses everything. The hero is sentenced to seven years in hard labor. There he realizes the whole essence of mistakes and gains experience.

    Thus, we can conclude that mistakes in human life happen, only overcoming obstacles, we come to the goal. Mistakes teach us, help us gain experience. You need to learn to draw conclusions from your mistakes and not allow them in the future.

    5. Experience and mistakes

    Throughout his life, a person not only develops as a person, but also accumulates experience. Experience is knowledge, skills and abilities that are accumulated over time, they help people make the right decisions and find a way out of difficult situations. I believe that experienced people are those people who, having made a mistake, do not repeat it twice. That is, a person becomes wiser and more experienced only when he is able to realize his mistake. Therefore, many mistakes made by young people are the result of their impulsiveness and inexperience. And adults make mistakes much less often, because they, first of all, analyze the situation and think about the consequences.

    Fiction convinces me of the correctness of this point of view. In the work of F. M. Dostoevsky, "Crime and Punishment", the main character goes to the crime in order to test his theory in practice, while not thinking about the consequences. After killing the old woman, Rodion Raskolnikov realizes that his beliefs are wrong, realizes his mistake and feels guilty. In order to somehow get rid of the pangs of conscience, he begins to take care of others. So the main character, walking down the street and seeing a man who was crushed by a horse, and who needs help, decides to do a good deed. Namely, he brought the dying Marmeladov home so that he could say goodbye to his family. Then Raskolnikov helps the family in organizing the funeral and even gives money to cover expenses. Providing these services, he does not demand anything in return. But, despite his efforts to atone for guilt, his conscience continues to torment him. Therefore, in the end, he confesses that he killed the pawnbroker, for which he was sent into exile. Thus, this work convinces me that a person gains experience by making mistakes.

    I would also like to cite as an example the fairy tale "The Wise Gudgeon" by ME Saltykov-Shchedrin. From a young age, the gudgeon wanted to achieve success in life, but he was afraid of everything and hid in the bottom mud. As the years passed, the minnow continued to shake with fear and hide from real and imagined danger. He never made friends in his entire life, did not help anyone, never stood up for the truth. Therefore, already in old age, the gudgeon began to torment his conscience for the fact that he had existed in vain. Yes, it was only too late that I realized my mistake. Thus, we can conclude: mistakes that are committed by a person give him invaluable experience. Therefore, the older a person is, the more experienced and wiser he is.

    6. Experience and mistakes

    Throughout his life, a person develops as a person and gains experience. Errors play an important role in its accumulation. And the knowledge, skills and abilities gained subsequently help people to avoid them in the future. Therefore, adults are wiser than young people. After all, people who have lived for more than a dozen years are able to analyze the situation, think rationally and think about the consequences. And young people are too hot-tempered and ambitious, not always able to monitor their behavior and often make rash decisions.

    Fiction convinces me of the correctness of this point of view. Thus, in Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace, Pierre Bezukhov had to make many mistakes and face the consequences of wrong decisions before finding true happiness and the meaning of life. In his youth, he wanted to become a member of Moscow society, and, having received this opportunity, he took advantage of it. However, he felt uncomfortable in it, so he left him. After that, he married Helen, but could not get along with her, since she turned out to be a hypocrite, and divorced her. Later he was interested in the idea of ​​Freemasonry. Having entered it, Pierre was delighted that he had finally found his place in life. Unfortunately, he soon realized that this was not the case and left Freemasonry. After that, he went to war, where he met Platon Karataev. It was the new friend who helped the protagonist to understand what the meaning of life is. Thanks to this, Pierre married Natasha Rostova, became an exemplary family man and found true happiness. This work makes the reader be convinced that by making mistakes, a person becomes wiser.

    Another striking example is the work of FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" for the protagonist, who also had to go through a lot before gaining knowledge and skills. Rodion Raskolnikov, in order to test his theory in practice, kills the old lady and her sister. Having committed this crime, he realizes the seriousness of the consequences and is afraid of arrest. But, despite this, he experiences a pang of conscience. And in order to somehow smooth out his guilt, he begins to take care of those around him. So, walking in the park, Rodion rescues a young girl whose honor they wanted to desecrate. And also helps a stranger who has been run over by a horse to get home. But upon the arrival of the doctor, Marmeladov dies of blood loss. Raskolnikov organizes the funeral at his own expense and helps his children. But all this cannot ease his torment, and he decides to write a frank confession. Only this helps him to find peace.

    Thus, a person makes many mistakes throughout his life, thanks to which he acquires new knowledge, skills and abilities. That is, over time, he accumulates invaluable experience. Therefore, adults are wiser and smarter than young people.

    7. Experience and mistakes

    Probably, the main wealth of every person is experience. It consists of knowledge, skills and abilities that a person receives over the years. The experience we receive during our lives can influence the formation of our views and worldview.

    In my opinion, experience is impossible without making mistakes. After all, it is mistakes that give us the knowledge that allows us not to commit such wrong actions and deeds in the future.

    In support of my position, I would like to cite as an example the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace". The main character, Pierre Bezukhov, is very different from people who belonged to high society, unattractive appearance, fullness, excessive softness. Nobody took him seriously, and some treated him with disdain. But as soon as Pierre receives the inheritance, he is immediately accepted into high society, he becomes an enviable groom. Having tasted the life of a rich man, he realizes that it does not suit him, that in high society there are no people like him, close to him in spirit. Having married a secular beauty, Helen, under the influence of Anatol Kuragin, and having lived with her for some time, Pierre realizes that Helen is just a beautiful girl, with an icy heart and cruel disposition, with whom he cannot find his happiness. After that, the hero begins to listen to the ideas of Freemasonry, believing that this is what he was looking for. In Freemasonry, he is attracted by equality, brotherhood, love. The hero develops a belief that there should be a kingdom of good and truth in the world, and a person's happiness lies in striving to achieve them. Having lived for some time according to the laws of brotherhood, Pierre realizes that Freemasonry is useless in his life, since the hero's ideas are not shared by the brothers: following his ideals, Pierre wanted to alleviate the plight of serfs, build hospitals, shelters and schools for them, but does not find support among other Freemasons. Pierre also notices hypocrisy, hypocrisy, careerism among the brothers and, in the end, becomes disillusioned with Freemasonry. Time passes, the war begins, and Pierre Bezukhov rushes to the front, although he is not a military man and does not understand military affairs. In war, he sees the suffering of a huge number of people from Napoleon's army. He has a desire to kill Napoleon with his own hands, but he fails, and he is captured. In captivity, he meets Platon Karataev and this acquaintance plays an important role in his life. He is aware of the truth that he has been looking for for so long. He understands that a person has a right to happiness and should be happy. Pierre Bezukhov sees the true value of life. Soon, the Hero finds long-awaited happiness with Natasha Rostova, who was not only his wife and mother of his children, but also a friend who supported him in everything. Pierre Bezukhov went a long way, made many mistakes, but nevertheless came to the truth that could be acquired only after passing the difficult trials of fate.

    As another argument, I would like to cite as an example the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment". The main character, Rodion Raskolnikov, is a romantic, proud and strong personality. A former law student who left due to poverty. After completing his studies, Rodion Raskolnikov decides to test his theory and kills the old money-lender and her sister Lizaveta. But, after the murder, Raskolnikov is experiencing a spiritual shock. He feels like a stranger to others. The hero develops a fever, he is close to suicide. Nevertheless, Raskolnikov helps the Marmeladov family by giving her the last money. The hero thinks that his good deeds will allow him to ease the pangs of conscience. Pride even awakens in him. But this is not enough. With his last strength, he confronts the investigator Porfiry Petrovich. Gradually, the hero begins to realize the value of ordinary life, his pride is crushed, he is ready to come to terms with the fact that he is an ordinary person, with his weaknesses and shortcomings. Raskolnikov can no longer remain silent: he confesses his crime to his girlfriend - Sonia. It is she who puts him on the right path, and after that, the hero goes to the police station and confesses everything. The hero is sentenced to seven years in hard labor. Sonia, who fell in love with him, goes to hard labor after Rodion. Raskolnikov is ill for a long time in hard labor. He painfully experiences his crime, does not want to come to terms with it, does not communicate with anyone. Sonechka's love and Raskolnikov's own love for her resurrect him for a new life. As a result of long wanderings, the hero still understands what mistakes he made and, thanks to the experience gained, realizes the truth and finds peace of mind.

    Thus, we can conclude that mistakes do happen in people's lives. But, only after passing difficult trials, a person comes to his goal. Mistakes teach us, help us gain experience. You need to learn to draw conclusions from your mistakes and not allow them in the future.

    8. Experience and mistakes

    He who does nothing is never wrong.I completely agree with this statement. Indeed, making mistakes is inherent in all people and it is possible to avoid them only in case of inaction. A person who stands in one place and does not receive invaluable knowledge that comes with experience excludes the process of self-development.

    In my opinion, making mistakes is a process that brings a useful result to a person, that is, provides the knowledge he needs to solve life's difficulties. Enriching their experience, people improve every time, thanks to which they do not commit wrong actions in similar situations. The life of a person who does nothing is boring and dull, since she is not motivated by the task of improving herself, knowing the true meaning of her life. As a result, such people waste their precious time on inaction.
    In support of my words, I will cite as an example the work of IAGoncharov "Oblomov". The main character, Oblomov, leads a passive lifestyle. It is important to note that such inaction is a conscious choice of the hero. The ideal of his life is a calm and peaceful existence in Oblomovka. Inaction and a passive attitude towards life devastated the person from the inside, and his life became pale and dull. In his heart, he has long been ready to solve all problems, but the matter does not go beyond desire. Oblomov is afraid to make mistakes because of which he chooses inaction, which is not a solution to his problem.

    In addition, I will cite as an example the work of Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace". The main character, Pierre Bezukhov, made many mistakes in his life and, in this regard, received invaluable knowledge, which he used in the future. All these mistakes were made for the sake of knowing their purpose in this world. At the beginning of the work, Pierre wanted to live a happy life with a beautiful young lady, however, having seen her true essence, he became disillusioned with her and with all of Moscow society. In Freemasonry, he was attracted by the ideas of brotherhood and love. Inspired by the ideology of the order, he decides to improve the lives of the peasants, but does not receive approval from his brothers and decides to leave Freemasonry. It was only when he got to the war that Pierre realized the true meaning of his life. All his mistakes were not made in vain, they showed the hero the right path.

    Thus, a mistake is a stepping stone to knowledge and success. It is only necessary to overcome it and not stumble. Our life is a high staircase. And I would like to wish that this staircase would only lead up.

    9. Experience and mistakes

    Is the saying “Experience is the best mentor” true? After reflecting on this question, I came to the conclusion that this judgment is correct. Indeed, throughout his life, a person, making many mistakes and making wrong decisions, draws conclusions and gains new knowledge, skills and abilities. Thanks to this, a person develops as a person.

    Fiction convinces me of the correctness of this point of view. Thus, the protagonist of Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace, Pierre Bezukhov, made many mistakes before he found true happiness. In his youth, he dreamed of becoming a member of Moscow society, and soon received such an opportunity. However, he soon left him, as he felt like a stranger there. Later, Pierre met Helen Kuragina, who charmed her with her beauty. Not having time to find out her inner world, the hero married her. He soon realized that Helen was just a beautiful doll with a cruel hypocritical disposition, and filed for divorce. Despite all his life disappointments, Pierre continued to believe in true happiness. So, having entered the Masonic society, the hero rejoiced that he had acquired the meaning of life. Brotherhood ideas interested him. However, he quickly noticed careerism and hypocrisy among the brothers. Among other things, he realized that it was impossible to achieve the goals set, so he severed ties with the order. After some time, the war began, and Bezukhov went to the front, where he met Platon Karataev. The new friend helped the protagonist understand what true happiness is. Pierre overestimated the values ​​of life and realized that only his family would make him happy. Having met Natasha Rostova, the hero discerned kindness and sincerity in her. He married her and became an exemplary family man. This work forces the reader to be convinced that mistakes play a huge role in gaining experience.

    Another striking example is the protagonist of the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky, "Crime and Punishment", Rodion Raskolnikov. In order to test his theory in practice, he killed old money-giver and her sister, without thinking about the consequences. After what he had done, his conscience tormented him, and he did not dare to confess to the crime, as he was afraid of exile. And in order to somehow smooth out his guilt, Rodion began to take care of those around him. So, walking in the park, Raskolnikov saved a young girl, whose honor they wanted to desecrate. He also helped a stranger who was run over by a horse to get home. Upon the arrival of the doctor, the victim died of blood loss. Rodion organized the funeral at his own expense, and helped the children of the deceased. But nothing could ease his torment, so the hero decided to write a frank confession. And only after that Raskolnikov was able to find peace.

    Thus, experience is the main wealth that a person accumulates throughout his life and allows him to avoid many mistakes. Therefore, it is impossible to disagree with this statement.

    1. Honor and dishonor

    In our cruel age, it seems that the concepts of honor and dishonor have died. There is no particular need to preserve honor for girls - striptease and viciousness are paid dearly, and money is much more attractive than some ephemeral honor. I recall Knurov from AN Ostrovsky's "Dowry": "There are boundaries beyond which condemnation does not go: I can offer you such a huge content that the most evil critics of someone else's morality will have to shut up and open their mouths in surprise."

    Sometimes it seems that men have long ceased to dream of serving for the good of the Fatherland, protecting their honor and dignity, and defending their Motherland. Probably, the literature remains the only evidence of the existence of these concepts.

    The most cherished work of A.S. Pushkin begins with the epigraph: "Take care of honor from your youth" - which is part of the Russian proverb. The whole novel "The Captain's Daughter" gives us the best understanding of honor and dishonor. The main character Petrusha Grinev is a young man, practically a youth (at the time of his departure for the service he turned "eighteen" years old according to the testimony of his mother), but he is so determined that he is ready to die on the gallows, but not to tarnish his honor. And this is not only because his father bequeathed to him to serve in this way. Life without honor for a nobleman is like death. But his opponent and envious Shvabrin acts in a completely different way. His decision to go over to the side of Pugachev is determined by the fear for his life. He, unlike Grinev, does not want to die. The outcome of the life of each of the heroes is logical. Grinev lives a dignified, albeit poor, landowner life and dies with his children and grandchildren. And the fate of Alexei Shvabrin is understandable, although Pushkin does not say anything about this, but most likely death or hard labor will cut off this unworthy life of a traitor, a man who has not retained his honor.

    War is a catalyst for the most important human qualities, it shows either courage and courage, or meanness and cowardice. We can find proof of this in the story "Sotnikov" by V. Bykov. The two heroes are the moral poles of the story. A fisherman - energetic, strong, physically strong, but courageous? Once captured, on pain of death, he betrays his partisan detachment, betrays its deployment, weapons, strength - in a word, everything in order to eliminate this hotbed of resistance to the Nazis. But frail, sickly, puny Sotnikov turns out to be courageous, endures torture, and resolutely ascends to the scaffold, not doubting the correctness of his deed for a second. He knows that death is not as terrible as the remorse of betrayal. At the end of the story, Rybak, who escaped death, tries to hang himself in the outhouse, but cannot, since he cannot find a suitable tool (the belt was taken from him during his arrest). His death is a matter of time, he is not a completely fallen sinner, and living with such a burden is unbearable.

    Years pass, in the historical memory of mankind there are still samples of acts of honor and conscience. Will they become an example for my contemporaries? I think yes. The heroes who died in Syria, rescuing people in fires, in disasters, prove that there is honor, dignity, and there are bearers of these noble qualities.

    2. Honor and dishonor

    Every newborn is given a name. Together with the name, a person receives a history of his kind, the memory of generations and an idea of ​​honor. Sometimes the name obliges to be worthy of its origin. Sometimes you have to wash off your actions, correct the negative memory of your family. How not to lose your dignity? How to protect yourself in the face of the emerging danger? It is very difficult to be prepared for such a test. Many examples of this can be found in Russian literature.

    In the story of Viktor Petrovich Astafiev "Lyudochka" there is a story about the fate of a young girl, yesterday's schoolgirl, who came to the city in search of a better life. Growing up in the family of a hereditary alcoholic, like frozen grass, she has been trying all her life to preserve honor, some kind of female dignity, trying to work honestly, build relationships with people around her, without offending anyone, pleasing everyone, but keeping her at a distance. And people respect her. Respects for her reliability and hard work her landlady Gavrilovna, respects poor Artyom for her severity and morality, respects in her own way, but for some reason is silent about it, stepfather. Everyone sees her as a person. However, on her way there is a disgusting type, a criminal and a scum - Strekach. He does not care about a person, his lust is above all. The betrayal of the "boyfriend-friend" Artyomka turns into a terrible ending for Lyudochka. And the girl is left alone with her grief. For Gavrilovna, there is no particular problem in this: "Well, they broke the plonba, you think, what a disaster. But this is not a flaw, but now they get married at random, ugh, now for these things ..."

    The mother generally withdraws and pretends that nothing has happened: an adult, they say, let her get out of it herself. Artyom and "friends" are calling to spend time together. And Lyudochka does not want to live like this, with a soiled, trampled honor. Seeing no way out of this situation, she decides not to live at all. In her last note, she asks for forgiveness: "Gavrilovna! Mom! Stepfather! What is your name, I did not ask. Good people, forgive me!"

    The fact that Gavrilovna, and not her mother, is in the first place here, testifies to a lot. And the worst thing is that no one cares about this unfortunate soul. In the whole world - no one ...

    In the epic novel "Quiet Flows the Don" by Sholokhov, each heroine has her own idea of ​​honor. Daria Melekhova lives only with the flesh, the author says little about her soul, and the heroes in the novel do not perceive Daria at all without this base beginning. Her adventures, both during her husband's life and after his death, show that honor does not exist for her at all, she is ready to seduce her own father-in-law, just to satisfy her desire. It is a pity for her, because a person who has lived his life so mediocre and vulgar, who has not left any good memory of himself, is insignificant. Daria remained the embodiment of a base, lustful, dishonorable female gut.

    Honor is important to every person in our world. But especially the honor of women, girlish remains a visiting card and always attracts special attention. And let them say that in our time morality is an empty phrase, that “they will marry at random” (according to Gavrilovna), it is important who you are for yourself, and not for those around you. Therefore, the opinions of immature and narrow-minded people are not taken into account. For everyone, honor has been and will be in the first place.

    3. Honor and dishonor

    Why is honor compared to clothing? “Take care of your dress again,” a Russian proverb demands. And then: "... and honor from a young age." And the ancient Roman writer and poet, philosopher, author of the famous novel "Metamorphoses" (A.S. Pushkin wrote about him in the novel "Eugene Onegin") states: "Shame and honor are like a dress: the more worn, the more careless you are towards them." ... Clothing is external, and honor is a deep, moral, internal concept. What common? They meet according to their clothes ... How often, behind the outer veneer, we see a fiction, and not a person. It turns out that the proverb is true.

    In NS Leskov's story "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" the main character Katerina Izmailova is a beautiful young merchant's wife. She got married "... not out of love or any attraction, but because Izmailov got hold of her, and she was a poor girl, and she did not have to go through with suitors." Life in marriage was torment for her. She, not being a woman gifted with any talents, even faith in God, spent time empty, wandering around the house and not knowing what to do with her idle existence. Suddenly, suddenly impudent and desperate Seryozha took over her consciousness. Surrendering to his power, she lost all moral guidelines. The murder of the father-in-law, and then the husband, became something commonplace, unpretentious, like a chintz dress, shabby and out of use, suitable only for a floor rag. So it is with feelings. They turned out to be rags. Honor is nothing compared to the passion that possessed her completely. Finally dishonored, abandoned by Sergei, she decides on the most terrible act: suicide, but in such a way as to take away from life the one that the former lover found to replace. And they were both swallowed up by the terrible icy haze of the winter freezing river. Katerina Izmailova remained a symbol of stupid immoral dishonor.

    Katerina Kabanova, the main character of the drama "The Thunderstorm" by A.N. Ostrovsky, has a completely different attitude to her honor. Her love is a tragic feeling, not vulgar. She resists her thirst for true love until the last second. Her choice is not much better than Izmailova's choice. Boris is not Sergei. He is too soft, indecisive. He cannot even seduce the young woman he loves. In fact, she did everything herself, because she also very much loved the handsome metropolitan, not dressed in a local way, with a different speaking young man. Barbara pushed her to this act. For Katerina, her step towards love is not dishonorable, no. She makes a choice in favor of love, because she considers this feeling sanctified by God. Having surrendered to Boris, she did not think to return to her husband, because this was dishonor for her. Living with an unloved person would be dishonorable to her. Having lost everything: love, protection, support - Katerina decides to take the last step. She chooses death as deliverance from a sinful living next to the vulgar, sanctimonious bourgeoisie of the city of Kalinov, whose morals and foundations never became her own.

    Honor must be protected. Honor is your name, and the name is your status in society. There is a status - a worthy person - happiness smiles at you every morning. And there is no honor - life is dark and dirty, like a dark cloudy night. Take care of honor from a young age ... Take care!

    1. Victory and defeat

    Probably, there are no people in the world who would not dream of victory. Every day we gain small victories or failures. Striving to achieve success over yourself and your weaknesses, getting up thirty minutes earlier in the morning, doing the sports section, preparing lessons that are poorly given. Sometimes such victories become a step towards success, towards self-affirmation. But this is not always the case. An apparent victory turns into a defeat, and a defeat, in essence, is a victory.

    In Woe From Wit, the main character, AA Chatsky, after a three-year absence, returns to the society in which he grew up. He is familiar with everything, he has a categorical opinion about every representative of the secular society. “The houses are new, but the prejudices are old,” a young, ardent man concludes about a renewed Moscow. Famus society adheres to the strict rules of the times of Catherine: "honor for father and son", "be bad, but if there are two thousand souls of kin, he and the groom", "the door is open for invited and uninvited, especially from foreign", "not that, to introduce novelties - never "," judge everything, everywhere, there are no judges above them. "

    And only servility, honor, hypocrisy rule over the minds and hearts of the "chosen" representatives of the upper class of the noble class. Chatsky with his views turns out to be out of the way. In his opinion, “ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived”, it is low to seek protection from those in power, one must achieve success with intelligence, not servility. Famusov, barely hearing his reasoning, plugs his ears, shouts: "... on trial!" He considers the young Chatsky to be a revolutionary, "Carbonari", a dangerous person; when Skalozub appears, he asks not to express his thoughts out loud. And when a young man nevertheless begins to express his views, he quickly leaves, not wanting to be held responsible for his judgments. However, the colonel turns out to be a narrow-minded person and only catches reasoning about uniforms. In general, very few people understand Chatsky at Famusov's ball: the owner himself, Sophia and Molchalin. But each of them makes their own verdict. Famusov would forbid such people to drive up to the capital for a shot, Sophia says that he is "not a man - a snake," and Molchalin decides that Chatsky is simply a loser. The final verdict of the Moscow world is madness! At the climax, when the hero makes his keynote speech, no one in the audience listens to him. We can say that Chatsky is defeated, but this is not so! IA Goncharov believes that the hero of the comedy is the winner, and one cannot but agree with him. The appearance of this man shook up the stagnant Famus society, destroyed Sophia's illusions, shook the position of Molchalin.

    In the novel by IS Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" two opponents face in a heated dispute: a representative of the younger generation - the nihilist Bazarov and the nobleman P.P. Kirsanov. One lived an idle life, spent the lion's share of the allotted time on love for a famous beauty, a socialite - Princess R. But, despite this way of life, he gained experience, experienced, probably, the most important feeling that overtook him, washed away everything superficial, arrogance and self-confidence knocked down. This feeling is love. Bazarov boldly judges everything, considering himself "self-styled", a man who made his name only by his own labor, mind. In a dispute with Kirsanov, he is categorical, harsh, but observes external decency, but Pavel Petrovich breaks down and breaks down, indirectly calling Bazarov a "blockhead": "... before they were just idiots, but now they suddenly became nihilists."

    Outward victory of Bazarov in this dispute, then in a duel turns out to be a defeat in the main confrontation. Having met his first and only love, a young man is not able to survive defeat, does not want to admit failure, but he cannot do anything. Without love, without lovely eyes, such desired hands and lips, life is not needed. He becomes distracted, cannot concentrate, and no amount of denial helps him in this confrontation. Yes, it seems, Bazarov won, because he is stoically going to death, silently fighting his illness, but in fact he lost, because he lost everything that was worth living and creating.

    Courage and determination in any struggle are essential. But sometimes you have to reject self-confidence, look around, re-read the classics, so as not to be mistaken in the right choice. After all, this is your life. And when defeating someone, think about whether this is a victory!

    2. Victory and defeat

    Victory is always desired. We are waiting for victory from early childhood, playing catch-up or board games. We need to win by all means. And the one who wins feels like the king of the situation. And someone is a loser, because he doesn't run so fast, or the chips just fell out the wrong ones. Is victory really necessary? Who is the winner? Is victory always an indication of true superiority?

    In Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's comedy "The Cherry Orchard", the conflict is centered on the confrontation between the old and the new. The noble society, brought up on the ideals of the past, stopped in its development, accustomed to receive everything without much difficulty, by birthright, Ranevskaya and Gaev are helpless before the need for action. They are paralyzed, unable to make decisions, to budge. Their world is crumbling, flying to hell, and they are building rainbow projectors, starting a holiday that no one needs in the house on the day of the estate's auction at the auction. And then Lopakhin appears - a former serf, and now - the owner of the cherry orchard. Victory intoxicated him. At first he tries to hide his joy, but soon triumph overwhelms him and, no longer hesitating, he laughs and literally shouts: “My God, Lord, my cherry orchard! Tell me that I am drunk, out of my mind, that all this seems to me ... "

    Of course, the slavery of his grandfather and father may justify his behavior, but in the face, according to him, of his beloved Ranevskaya, it looks at least tactless. And here it is already difficult to stop him, as the real master of life, the winner demands: “Hey, musicians, play, I wish to listen to you! Come all to see how Yermolai Lopakhin has enough ax in the cherry orchard, how the trees will fall to the ground! "

    Perhaps, from the point of view of progress, Lopakhin's victory is a step forward, but it becomes somehow sad after such victories. The garden is cut down, without waiting for the departure of the former owners, Firs is forgotten in the boarded-up house ... Does such a play have a morning?

    In the story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet", the focus is on the fate of a young man who dared to fall in love with a woman not of his circle. G.S.Zh. has long and devotedly loves Princess Vera. His gift - a pomegranate bracelet - immediately attracted the woman's attention, because the stones suddenly lit up like “lovely deep red living lights. "Precisely blood!" - thought Vera with unexpected anxiety. Unequal relationships are always fraught with serious consequences. The anxious forebodings did not deceive the princess. The need to put in the place of a presumptuous villain at all costs arises not so much from the husband as from the brother of Vera. Appearing in front of Zheltkov, representatives of the high society a priori behave like winners. Zheltkov's behavior strengthens them in their confidence: "his trembling hands ran, fiddling with buttons, pinching his light reddish mustache, touching his face unnecessarily." The poor telegraph operator is crushed, confused, and feels guilty. But only Nikolai Nikolayevich recalls the authorities, to whom the defenders of the honor of his wife and sister wanted to turn, how Zheltkov suddenly changes. Over him, over his feelings, no one has power, except for the object of adoration. No authorities can forbid loving a woman. And to suffer for the sake of love, to give his life for it - this is the true victory of the great feeling that G.S.Zh. was fortunate enough to experience. He leaves silently and confidently. His letter to Vera is a hymn to a great feeling, a triumphant song of Love! His death is his victory over the insignificant prejudices of the miserable nobles who feel they are the masters of life.

    Victory, as it turns out, is more dangerous and disgusting than defeat if it tramples on eternal values, distorts the moral foundations of life.

    3. Victory and defeat

    Publius Cyrus - a Roman poet, a contemporary of Caesar believed that the most glorious victory is a victory over oneself. It seems to me that every thinking person who has reached the age of majority should gain at least one victory over himself, over his shortcomings. Perhaps it is laziness, fear, or envy. But what is victory over oneself in peacetime? So petty struggle with personal flaws. But the victory in the war! When it comes to life and death, when everything around you becomes an enemy, ready to end your existence at any moment?

    Aleksey Meresiev, the hero of Boris Polevoy's "The Tale of a Real Man", withstood such a struggle. The pilot was shot down on his plane by a Nazi fighter. The desperately courageous act of Alexei, who entered into an unequal struggle with a whole link, ended in defeat. The downed plane crashed into the trees, which softened the blow. The pilot who fell on the snow received serious injuries to his feet. But, despite the unbearable pain, he, overcoming his suffering, decided to move towards his own, taking several thousand steps a day. Each step becomes a torment for Alexei: he “felt that he was weakening from tension and pain. Biting his lip, he continued walking. " After a few days, the blood poisoning began to spread throughout the body, and the pain became more and more unbearable. Unable to get to his feet, he decided to crawl. Losing consciousness, he moved forward. On the eighteenth day, he reached the people. But the main test was ahead. Alexey had both feet amputated. He lost heart. However, there was a man who was able to restore his faith in himself. Alexey realized that he could fly if he learned to walk on prostheses. And again torment, suffering, the need to endure pain, overcoming our weakness. The episode of the return of the pilot to the ranks is shocking, when the hero tells the instructor, who made a comment about the shoes, that his feet will not freeze, since they are not there. The instructor's surprise was indescribable. Such a victory over oneself is a real feat. It becomes clear what the words mean, that the strength of the spirit ensures victory.

    In the story of M. Gorky "Chelkash" in the center of attention are two people, completely opposite in their mentality, goals in life. Chelkash is a tramp, a thief, a criminal. He is desperately brave, impudent, his element is the sea, true freedom. Money is rubbish for him, he never seeks to save it. If they are (and he gets them, constantly risking freedom and life), he spends them. If not, he is not sad. Gavrila is another matter. He is a peasant, he came to the city to work in order to build his house, to get married, to start a farm. In this he sees his happiness. Having agreed to a scam with Chelkash, he did not expect that it would be so scary. It is clear from his behavior how cowardly he is. However, seeing a wad of money in Chelkash's hands, he loses his mind. The money intoxicated him. He is ready to kill a hated criminal, just to get the amount necessary to build a house. Chelkash suddenly regrets the unfortunate, hapless failed killer and gives him almost all the money. So, in my opinion, the Gorky tramp overcomes the hatred for Gavrila, which arose at the first meeting, and takes a position of mercy. It seems that there is nothing special here, but I believe that conquering hatred in oneself means defeating not only oneself, but also the whole world.

    So, victories begin with small forgiveness, honest deeds, with the ability to enter the position of another. This is the beginning of a great victory, the name of which is life.

    1. Friendship and enmity

    How difficult it is to define such a simple concept as friendship. Even in early childhood, we make friends, they somehow spontaneously appear at school. But sometimes the opposite is true: former friends suddenly become enemies, and the whole world exudes hostility. In the dictionary, friendship is a personal unselfish relationship between people based on love, trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. And enmity, according to linguists, is relations and actions imbued with hostility and hatred. How does the complex process of transition from love and sincerity to dislike, hatred and enmity take place? And to whom is there love in friendship? To friend? Or to yourself?

    In the novel by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" Pechorin, reflecting on friendship, claims that one person is always the slave of another, although no one admits this to himself. The hero of the novel believes that he is not capable of friendship. But Werner shows the most sincere feelings towards Pechorin. And Pechorin gives Werner the most positive assessment. Seems what else is needed for friendship? They understand each other so well. Starting an intrigue with Grushnitsky and Mary, Pechorin gets the most reliable ally in the person of Dr. Werner. But at the most crucial moment, Werner refuses to understand Pechorin. It seems natural to him to prevent the tragedy (on the eve he predicted that Grushnitsky would become Pechorin's new victim), but he does not stop the duel and allows the death of one of the duelists. Indeed, he obeys Pechorin, falling under the influence of his strong nature. But then he writes a note: "There is no evidence against you, and you can sleep well ... if you can ... Goodbye."

    In this "if you can" one hears a refusal of responsibility, he considers himself entitled to reproach his "friend" for such a misconduct. But she no longer wants to know him: "Goodbye" - sounds irrevocably. Yes, a real friend would have acted differently, he would have shared responsibility and would not allow tragedy not only in thoughts, but in deeds. So friendship (although Pechorin does not think so) turns into dislike.

    Arkady Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov come to the Kirsanovs' family estate to rest. This is how the story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" begins. What made them buddies? Common interests? Common cause? Mutual love and respect? But both of them are nihilists and do not take feelings for truth. Maybe Bazarov goes to Kirsanov only because on the way home it is convenient for him to travel half the way at the expense of a friend? .. In his relationship with Bazarov, Arkady every day discovers some new character traits in his friend. His ignorance of poetry, misunderstanding of music, self-confidence, boundless pride, especially when he claims that "no gods burn pots", referring to Kukshina and Sitnikov. Then love for Anna Sergeevna, with which his "friend-god" does not want to be reconciled in any way. Self-esteem does not allow Bazarov to admit his feelings. He would rather give up friends, love, than admit himself defeated. Saying goodbye to Arkady, he says: “You are a nice fellow; but still a little liberal barich ... ”And although there is no hatred in these words, the dislike is felt.

    Friendship, true, real, a rare phenomenon. The desire to be friends, mutual sympathy, common interests are only prerequisites for friendship. And whether it will develop to become time-tested depends only on patience and the ability to abandon oneself, on self-love, in the first place. Loving a friend means thinking about his interests, and not about how you will look in the eyes of others, whether it will offend your self-esteem. And the ability to get out of the conflict is worthy, respecting the opinion of a friend, but not sacrificing one's own principles, so that friendship does not grow into hostility.

    2. Friendship and enmity

    Among the eternal values, friendship has always occupied one of the very first places. But everyone understands friendship in their own way. Someone is looking for benefits in friends, some additional privileges in obtaining material benefits. But such friends before the first problem, before the trouble. It is no coincidence that the proverb says: "friends are known in trouble." But the French philosopher M. Montaigne argued: "In friendship there are no other calculations and considerations, except for itself." And only such friendship is real.

    In FM Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment", an example of such friendship can be considered the relationship between Raskolnikov and Razumikhin. Both law students, both living in poverty, both seeking additional earnings. But at one fine moment, infected with the idea of ​​a superman, Raskolnikov drops everything and prepares for "business." Six months of constant self-examination, searching for ways to cheat fate knock Raskolnikov out of the usual rhythm of life. He does not take translations, does not give lessons, does not go to classes, in general, does nothing. And yet, in difficult times, his heart leads him to a friend. Razumikhin is the complete opposite of Raskolnikov. He works, spins all the time, earning a penny, but these cents are enough for him to live and even have fun. Raskolnikov seemed to be looking for an opportunity to leave the "path" on which he had embarked, because "Razumikhin was still remarkable because no setbacks ever embarrassed him and no bad circumstances, it seemed, could crush him." And Raskolnikov is crushed, driven to an extreme degree of despair. And Razumikhin, realizing that a friend (although Dostoevsky insistently writes "friend") in trouble no longer leaves him until the very trial. And at the trial he acts as a defender of Rodion and cites evidence of his spiritual generosity, nobility, testifying that "when he was at the university, from his last means he helped one of his poor and consumptive university friend and almost supported him for six months." The term for double murder was cut by almost half. Thus, Dostoevsky proves to us the idea of ​​God's providence, that people are saved by people. And let someone say that Razumikhin was not a loser, having got a beautiful wife, a friend's sister, but did he think about his own benefit? No, he was completely absorbed in caring for a person.

    In IA Goncharov's novel Oblomov, Andrei Shtolts is no less generous and caring, who has been trying all his life to pull his friend Oblomov out of the swamp of his existence. He alone is able to lift Ilya Ilyich from the sofa, to give movement to his monotonous philistine life. Even when Oblomov finally settles with Pshchenitsyna, Andrei makes several more attempts to lift him off the couch. Having learned that Tarantiev and the manager of Oblomovka actually robbed a friend, he takes matters into his own hands and puts things in order. Although this does not save Oblomov. But Schtolz honestly fulfilled his duty to a friend, and after the death of an unlucky childhood comrade, he takes his son for upbringing, not wanting to leave the child in an environment that is literally dragged into the mud of idleness, philistinism.

    M. Montaigne argued: "In friendship there are no other calculations and considerations, except for itself."

    Only this kind of friendship is real. If a person who calls himself a friend suddenly starts asking for help, currying favor, or for the service rendered, he starts to settle scores, they say, I helped you, but what did I do for me, give up such a friend! You will not lose anything except an envious look, an unfriendly word.

    3. Friendship and enmity

    Where do enemies come from? It was always incomprehensible to me: when, why, why do people have enemies? How does enmity, hatred arise, what is in the human body guiding this process? And now you already have an enemy, what to do with him? How to relate to his personality, actions? To follow the path of retaliatory measures, on the principle of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth? But what will this enmity lead to. To the destruction of personality, to the destruction of good on a global scale. Suddenly all over the world? Probably, everyone in one way or another met with the problem of confrontation with enemies. How to defeat hatred of such people?

    V. Zheleznyakov's story "Scarecrow" shows a terrible story of a girl's collision with a class that boycotted a man, on false suspicion, not understanding the justice of his own sentence. Lenka Bessoltseva is a compassionate, open-minded girl - once in a new class, she found herself alone. Nobody wanted to be friends with her. And only the noble Dimka Somov stood up for her, extended a helping hand. It became especially scary when the same reliable friend betrayed Lena. Knowing that the girl was not to blame, he did not tell the truth to his rabid, embittered classmates. I was afraid. And he allowed her to be poisoned for several days. When the truth was revealed, when everyone found out who was to blame for the unfair punishment of the whole class (the cancellation of the long-awaited trip to Moscow), the anger of the schoolchildren now fell on Dimka. Thirsty for revenge, classmates demanded that everyone vote against Dimka. One Lenka refused to declare a boycott, because she herself went through the horror of the persecution: “I was at the stake ... And they drove me down the street. And I will never persecute anyone ... And I will never persecute anyone. At least kill! " With her desperately courageous and selfless act, Lena Bessoltseva teaches the whole class nobility, mercy and forgiveness. She rises above her own resentment and treats her tormentors and her traitorous friend equally in the same way.

    The small tragedy of A.S. Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri" shows the complex work of consciousness of the recognized greatest composer of the eighteenth century - Salieri. The friendship of Antonio Salieri and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was based on the envy of a successful, hardworking, but not so talented composer recognized by the whole society, rich and successful towards a younger, but such a sparkling, bright, extremely talented, but poor and not recognized person during his lifetime. Of course, the version of the poisoning of a friend has long been debunked, and even a two-hundred-year veto on the performance of Salieri's works has been lifted. But the story thanks to which Salieri remained in our memory (largely because of Pushkin's play) teaches us not to always trust our friends, they can pour poison into your glass, only out of good intentions: to save justice for the sake of your noble name.

    A friend is a traitor, a friend is an enemy ... where is the border of these states. How often is a person able to go to the camp of your enemies, change their attitude towards you? Happy is he who has never lost friends. Therefore, I think that Menander was still right, and friends and enemies should be judged by an equal measure, so as not to sin against honor and dignity, against conscience. However, one should never forget about mercy. It is above all the laws of justice.

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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Final essay. Thematic direction Experience and mistakes. Prepared by: A.P. Shevchuk, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Bratsk

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Recommended reading: Jack London "Martin Eden", A.P. Chekhov "Ionych", M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don", Henry Marsh "Do No Harm" M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" "A Word about Igor's Regiment." A. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"; "Eugene Onegin". M. Lermontov "Masquerade"; "A Hero of Our Time" I. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"; "Spring Waters"; "Noble Nest". F. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"; Anna Karenina; "Resurrection". A. Chekhov "Gooseberry"; "About love". I. Bunin "The gentleman from San Francisco"; "Dark alleys". A. Kupin "Olesya"; "Garnet bracelet". M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog"; "Fatal eggs". O. Wilde "Portrait of Dorian Gray". D. Keys "Flowers for Algernon". V.Kaverin "Two Captains"; "Painting"; "I'm going to the city." A. Aleksin "Mad Evdokia". B. Ekimov “Speak, Mom, Speak”. L. Ulitskaya "Kukotsky's Case"; "Sincerely yours Shurik."

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Official comment: Within the framework of the direction, it is possible to reason about the value of the spiritual and practical experience of an individual, people, humanity as a whole, about the cost of mistakes on the way of knowing the world, gaining life experience. Literature often makes one think about the relationship between experience and mistakes: about experience that prevents mistakes, about mistakes without which it is impossible to move along the path of life, and about irreparable, tragic mistakes.

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Methodological recommendations: “Experience and mistakes” is a direction in which, to a lesser extent, a clear opposition of two polar concepts is implied, because there is no and cannot be experience without mistakes. A literary hero, making mistakes, analyzing them and thereby gaining experience, changes, improves, takes the path of spiritual and moral development. By assessing the actions of the characters, the reader acquires his invaluable life experience, and literature becomes a real textbook of life, helping not to make his own mistakes, the cost of which can be very high. Speaking about the mistakes made by the heroes, it should be noted that a wrong decision, an ambiguous act can affect not only the life of an individual, but also have a most fatal effect on the fate of others. In literature, we also encounter such tragic mistakes that affect the fate of entire nations. It is in these aspects that one can approach the analysis of this thematic area.

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Aphorisms and statements of famous people:  You should not be shy for fear of making mistakes, the biggest mistake is to deprive yourself of experience. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargue  You can make mistakes in different ways, you can act right in only one way, that's why the first is easy, and the second is difficult; easy to miss, difficult to hit. Aristotle  In all matters we can only learn by trial and error, by falling into error and correcting ourselves. Karl Raimund Popper  He is deeply mistaken who thinks that he will not be mistaken if others think for him. Aurelius Markov  We easily forget our mistakes when they are known only to us. François de La Rochefoucauld  Benefit from every mistake. Ludwig Wittgenstein  Shyness can be appropriate everywhere, just not in admitting one's mistakes. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing  It is easier to find error than truth. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

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As a support in your reasoning, you can turn to the following works. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Raskolnikov, killing Alena Ivanovna and confessing what he had done, does not fully realize the entire tragedy of the crime he committed, does not recognize the fallacy of his theory, he is only sorry that he could not transgress, that he cannot now classify himself as one of the elect. And only in hard labor, the soul-worn out hero not only repents (he repented, confessing to the murder), but takes the difficult path of repentance. The writer emphasizes that a person who admits his mistakes is able to change, he is worthy of forgiveness and needs help and compassion. (In the novel, next to the hero is Sonya Marmeladova, who is an example of a compassionate person).

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M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man", K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram". The heroes of such different works make a similar fatal mistake, which I will regret all my life, but, unfortunately, they will not be able to fix anything. Andrei Sokolov, leaving for the front, pushes his wife hugging him away, the hero is annoyed by her tears, he is angry, believing that she is "burying him alive", but it turns out the other way around: he returns, and the family dies. This loss for him is a terrible grief, and now he blames himself for every little thing and with inexpressible pain says: "Until my death, until my last hour, I will die, and I will not forgive myself that I pushed her away!"

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The story of K.G. Paustovsky is a story about a lonely old age. The grandmother Katerina, abandoned by her own daughter, writes: “My beloved, I will not survive this winter. Come just for a day. Let me look at you, hold your hands. " But Nastya reassures herself with the words: "Since the mother writes, it means she is alive." Thinking about strangers, organizing an exhibition of a young sculptor, the daughter forgets about her only loved one. And only after hearing warm words of gratitude “for taking care of the person,” the heroine remembers that she has a telegram in her purse: “Katya is dying. Tikhon ". Repentance comes too late: “Mom! How could this have happened? After all, I have no one in my life. No and will not be dearer. If only to be in time, if only she saw me, if only she would forgive ”. The daughter arrives, but there is no one to ask for forgiveness. The bitter experience of the protagonists teaches the reader to be attentive to those close to him "before it's too late."

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M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". The hero of the novel, M.Yu. Lermontov. Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin belongs to the young people of his era who were disillusioned with life. Pechorin himself says about himself: "Two people live in me: one lives in the full sense of the word, the other thinks and judges him." Lermontov's character is an energetic, intelligent person, but he cannot find application for his mind, his knowledge. Pechorin is a cruel and indifferent egoist, because he causes misfortune to everyone with whom he communicates, and he does not care about the state of other people. V.G. Belinsky called him "a suffering egoist" because Grigory Aleksandrovich blames himself for his actions, he is aware of his actions, worries and does not bring him any satisfaction.

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Grigory Alexandrovich is a very smart and reasonable person, he knows how to admit his mistakes, but at the same time he wants to teach others to confess to their own, as, for example, he kept trying to push Grushnitsky to admit his guilt and wanted to resolve their dispute peacefully. But the other side of Pechorin immediately manifests itself: after some attempts to defuse the situation in a duel and call Grushnitsky to conscience, he himself proposes to shoot at a dangerous place so that one of them perishes. At the same time, the hero tries to turn everything into a joke, despite the fact that there is a threat to both the life of the young Grushnitsky and his own life.

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After the murder of Grushnitsky, we see how Pechorin's mood has changed: if on the way to the duel he notices how beautiful the day is, then after the tragic event he sees the day in black colors, in his soul there is a stone. The story of the disenchanted and dying Pechorin soul is set forth in the hero's diary entries with all the mercilessness of introspection; being both the author and the hero of the "magazine", Pechorin fearlessly speaks about his ideal impulses, and about the dark sides of his soul, and about the contradictions of consciousness. The hero realizes his mistakes, but does nothing to correct them, his own experience does not teach him anything. Despite the fact that Pechorin has an absolute understanding that he destroys human lives (“destroys the life of peaceful smugglers,” Bela dies through his fault, etc.), the hero continues to “play” with the fate of others, thereby making himself unhappy ...

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L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". If the hero of Lermontov, realizing his mistakes, could not take the path of spiritual and moral improvement, then the experience gained helps Tolstoy's beloved heroes to become better. When considering the topic in this aspect, one can turn to the analysis of the images of A. Bolkonsky and P. Bezukhov. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky stands out sharply from the high society for his education, breadth of interests, dreams of accomplishing a feat, wishes great personal glory. His idol is Napoleon. To achieve his goal, Bolkonsky appears in the most dangerous places of the battle. The harsh military events contributed to the fact that the prince was disappointed in his dreams, realizing how bitterly he was wrong. Seriously wounded, remaining on the battlefield, Bolkonsky is experiencing a mental breakdown. In these minutes, a new world opens up in front of him, where there are no selfish thoughts, lies, but only the purest, highest, just.

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The prince realized that there is something more significant in life than war and glory. Now the former idol seems to him petty and insignificant. Having survived further events - the appearance of a child and the death of his wife - Bolkonsky comes to the conclusion that it remains for him to live for himself and his loved ones. This is only the first stage in the evolution of a hero who not only admits his mistakes, but also strives to become better. Pierre also makes a number of mistakes. He leads a riotous life in the company of Dolokhov and Kuragin, but he understands that such a life is not for him, He cannot immediately assess people correctly and therefore often makes mistakes in them. He is sincere, trusting, weak-willed.

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These character traits are clearly manifested in the relationship with the depraved Helen Kuragina - Pierre makes another mistake. Soon after the marriage, the hero realizes that he was deceived, and "recycles his own grief alone." After breaking up with his wife, being in a state of deep crisis, he joined the Masonic lodge. Pierre believes that it is here that he "will find a rebirth for a new life," and again realizes that he is again mistaken in something important. The experience gained and the "thunderstorm of 1812" lead the hero to drastic changes in his outlook. He understands that one must live for the sake of people, one must strive to benefit the Motherland.

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M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don". Speaking about how the experience of military battles changes people, makes them assess their mistakes in life, one can turn to the image of Grigory Melekhov. Fighting on the side of the whites, then on the side of the reds, he realizes what a terrible injustice around him, and he himself makes mistakes, gains military experience and draws the most important conclusions in his life: "... my hands need to be plowed." Home, family - that's the value. And any ideology that pushes people to kill is a mistake. A person who is already wise by life experience understands that the main thing in life is not war, but the son who meets at the door of the house. It is worth noting that the hero admits that he was wrong. This is what caused his repeated throwing from white to red.

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M.A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog". If we talk about experience as “a procedure for reproducing some phenomenon experimentally, creating something new under certain conditions for the purpose of research”, then the practical experience of Professor Preobrazhensky for “clarifying the question of the survival rate of the pituitary gland, and later on its effect on rejuvenation organism in people "can hardly be called successful in full. Scientifically, he is quite successful. Professor Preobrazhensky is performing a unique operation. The scientific result turned out to be unexpected and impressive, but in everyday life, it led to the most disastrous consequences.

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The type who appeared in the professor's house as a result of the operation, "small in stature and unsympathetic appearance", behaves defiantly, arrogantly and arrogantly. However, it should be noted that the emerging humanoid creature easily finds itself in a changed world, but does not differ in human qualities and soon becomes a thunderstorm not only for the inhabitants of the apartment, but also for the residents of the whole house. After analyzing his mistake, the professor understands that the dog was much more "human" than P.P. Sharikov.

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Thus, we are convinced that the humanoid hybrid of Balls is more a failure than a victory for Professor Preobrazhensky. He himself understands this: "An old donkey ... Here, doctor, what happens when a researcher, instead of walking in parallel and groping with nature, forces the question and lifts the veil: here, get Sharikov and eat him with porridge." Philip Philipovich comes to the conclusion that violent interference in the nature of man and society leads to disastrous results. In the story "Heart of a Dog" the professor corrects his mistake - Sharikov again turns into a dog. He is content with his fate and with himself. But in life, such experiments have a tragic effect on the fate of people, Bulgakov warns. Actions should be deliberate and not destructive. The main idea of ​​the writer is that naked progress, devoid of morality, brings death to people and such a mistake will be irreversible.

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V.G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera". Arguing about the mistakes that are irreparable and bring suffering not only to each individual person, but also to the people as a whole, one can turn to this story of the writer of the twentieth century. This is not just a work about the loss of a home, but also about how erroneous decisions entail disasters that will surely affect the life of society as a whole. The plot of the story is based on a real story. During the construction of the hydroelectric power station on the Angara, the surrounding villages were flooded. Resettlement has become a painful phenomenon for the inhabitants of the flooded areas. After all, hydroelectric power plants are being built for a large number of people.

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This is an important economic project, for the sake of which it is necessary to rebuild, not to hold on to the old. But can this decision be called unambiguously correct? Inhabitants of the flooded Matera move to a settlement that was not built in a human way. The mismanagement with which huge money is spent hurts the soul of the writer. Fertile lands will be flooded, and in the village, built on the northern slope of the hill, nothing will grow on stones and clay. Rough interference with nature will certainly entail environmental problems. But for the writer, they are not so much important as the spiritual life of people. For Rasputin it is absolutely clear that the collapse, the disintegration of a nation, people, country begins with the disintegration of the family.

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And this is due to the tragic mistake that progress is much more important than the souls of old people who say goodbye to their home. And there is no remorse in the hearts of youth. The older generation, sophisticated by life experience, does not want to leave their native island, not because they cannot appreciate all the benefits of civilization, but primarily because for these conveniences they are required to give to Matera, that is, to betray their past. And the suffering of the elderly is an experience that each of us must learn. A person cannot, should not abandon his roots. In discussions on this topic, one can turn to history and those catastrophes that were entailed by the "economic" human activity. Rasputin's story is not just a story about great construction projects, it is a tragic experience of previous generations for the edification of us, people of the XXI century.

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Writing. “Experience is the teacher of everything” (Guy Julius Caesar) As he grows up, a person learns, drawing knowledge from books, in school studies, in conversations and relationships with other people. In addition, the environment, the traditions of the family and the people as a whole have an important influence. While studying, the child receives a lot of theoretical knowledge, but the ability to apply it in practice is necessary in order to acquire a skill, gain personal experience. In other words, you can read the encyclopedia of life and know the answer to any question, but in reality, only personal experience, that is, practice, will help to learn how to live, and without this unique experience a person cannot live a bright, full-fledged, rich life. The authors of many works of fiction depict heroes in dynamics to show how each person develops a personality and traverses his own path.

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Let us turn to the novels by Anatoly Rybakov "Children of the Arbat", "Fear", "Thirty-fifth and other years", "Ashes and Ashes". The difficult fate of the main character Sasha Pankratov passes before the reader's eyes. At the beginning of the story, this is a sympathetic guy, an excellent student, a high school graduate and a freshman student. He is confident in his righteousness, in his tomorrow, in the party, his friends, he is an open person, ready to come to the aid of those in need. It is because of his sense of justice that he suffers. Sasha is sent into exile, and suddenly he turns out to be an enemy of the people, completely alone, far from home, convicted of a political article. Throughout the trilogy, the reader observes the formation of Sasha's personality. All his friends turn away from him, except for the girl Varya, who selflessly awaits him, helping his mother overcome the tragedy.

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In Victor Hugo's novel Les Miserables, the story of the girl Cosette is shown. Her mother was forced to give her baby to the family of the thenardier innkeeper. They treated someone else's child very badly. Cosette saw how the owners pampered and loved their own daughters, who were smartly dressed, played and played naughty all day. Like any child, Cosette also wanted to play, but she was forced to clean the tavern, go to the spring for water in the forest, and sweep the street. She was dressed in miserable rags and slept in a closet under the stairs. Bitter experience taught her not to cry, not to complain, but to silently follow the orders of Aunt Thenardier. By the will of fate, Jean Valjean snatched the girl from the Thenardier's clutches, she did not know how to play, did not know what to do with herself. The poor child was learning to laugh again, to play with dolls again, passing his days carefree. However, in the future, it was this bitter experience that helped Cosette become humble, with a pure heart and an open soul.

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Thus, our reasoning allows us to formulate the following conclusion. It is personal experience that teaches a person about life. Whatever this experience, bitter or blissful, it is our own, experienced, and the lessons of life teach us, forming a character and educating a personality.

  1. Composition "Experience and mistakes".
    As the ancient Roman philosopher Cicero said: "It is human nature to make mistakes." Indeed, it is impossible to live life without making a single mistake. Mistakes can ruin a person's life, even break his soul, but they can also give a rich life experience. And let us make mistakes, because everyone learns from their mistakes and sometimes even the mistakes of other people.

    Many literary characters make mistakes, but not all try to correct them. In the play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" Ranevskaya makes a mistake, since she refused the offers to save the estate, which Lopakhin offered her. But you can still understand Ranevskaya, because by agreeing, she could lose the legacy of the family. I believe that the main mistake in this work is the destruction of the Cherry Orchard, which is a memory of the life of the past generation and the consequence of this is a break in relations. After reading this play, I began to understand that it is necessary to preserve the memory of the past, but this is just my opinion, everyone thinks differently, but I hope that many will agree that we must protect everything that our ancestors left us.
    I believe that everyone should pay for their mistakes and try to correct them at any cost. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "crime and punishment" character mistakes cost two innocent lives. Raskolnikov's erroneous plan took the life of Lisa and the unborn child, but this act radically influenced the life of the protagonist. Sometimes someone can say that he is a murderer and should not be forgiven, but after reading about his condition after the murder, I began to look at him with a different look. But he paid for his mistakes with himself and only thanks to Sonya he was able to cope with his mental anguish.
    Speaking about experience and mistakes, I come across the words of the Soviet philologist D.S. Likhachev, who said: “I admire the skaters' ability to correct mistakes during the dance. This is an art, a great art ”, but in life there are many more mistakes and everyone needs to be able to correct them, immediately and beautifully, because nothing teaches like the realization of their mistakes.

    Reflecting on the destinies of different heroes, we understand that it is the perfect mistakes and their corrections, the eternal work on ourselves. This search for truth and the pursuit of spiritual harmony leads us to gain real experience and to find happiness. Folk wisdom says: "Only the one who does nothing is not mistaken."
    Tukan Kostya 11 B

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  2. Why is it necessary to analyze the mistakes of the past?
    Let the introduction to my thinking be the words of Haruki Murakami that "mistakes are like punctuation marks, without which there will be no meaning in life, as well as in the text." I saw this statement a long time ago. I reread it many times. And only now I started thinking. About what? About my attitude to the mistakes I made. Before, I strove to never be wrong, and I was very ashamed at times when I still stumbled. And now, through the prism of time, I fell in love with every opportunity to make a mistake, because then I can correct myself, which means I will get an invaluable experience that will help me in the future.
    Experience is the best teacher! "It takes, however, expensive, but explains clearly." It's funny to remember how a year ago I was - as a child! - just prayed to heaven that everything would be fine with me: less suffering, less mistakes. Now I (although I have remained a child), I do not understand: who and why did I ask? And the worst thing is that my requests have come true! And here is the first answer, why you need to analyze the mistakes of the past and THINK: everything will backfire.

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  3. Let's turn to the literature. As you know, in the works of the classics, answers are given to questions that excite a person at all times: what is true love, friendship, compassion ... But the classics are also visionaries. We were once told in literature that the text is just the "tip of the iceberg". And these words somehow strangely echoed in my soul after a while. I re-read many works - from a different angle! - and instead of the previous veil of misunderstanding, new pictures opened up in front of me: there was philosophy, and irony, and answers to questions, and reasoning about people, and warnings ...
    One of my favorite writers is Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. For that I love him, that the works are tiny in volume, but capacious in content, moreover, for any occasion. I like the fact that the teacher in literature lessons fosters in us, students, the ability to read "between the lines." And Chekhov, without this skill, well, you can’t read! For example, the play "The Seagull", my favorite play by Chekhov. I read and reread avidly, and every time new insights came and come to me. The play "The Seagull" is very sad. There is no habitual happy ending. And suddenly - a comedy. It is still a mystery to me why the author defined the genre of the play in this way. Some strange bitter aftertaste left in me the reading of "The Seagull". Many heroes are sorry. When I was reading, I just wanted to shout to some of them: "Come to your senses! What are you doing ?!" Or maybe that's why it's a comedy because the mistakes of some characters are too obvious ??? Take Masha. She suffered from unrequited love for Treplev. Well, why should she marry an unloved person and suffer doubly? But now she has to carry this burden for the rest of her life! "Dragging your life along like an endless train." And the question immediately arises "how would I ...?" What would I have done in Masha's place? You can understand it too. She tried to forget her love, tried to go headlong into the household, devote herself to the child ... But running away from the problem does not mean solving it. Non-reciprocal love must be realized, experienced, suffered. And all this is alone with myself ...

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  4. He who is not mistaken does nothing. "Not to be mistaken ... This is the ideal that I was striving for! Well, I got my" ideal "! And what's next? Death during my lifetime, that's what I got! Greenhouse plant, that's who I almost became! And then I discovered Chekhov's work "A Man in a Case." Belikov, the main character, all the time created a "case" for himself for a comfortable life. If it didn't work out! "- Belikov said. And I wanted to answer him: your life did not work out, that's what!
    Existence is not life. And Belikov left nothing behind him, and no one will remember him in centuries. Are there a lot of such squirrels now? Yes, a dime a dozen!
    The story is both funny and sad at the same time. And very relevant in our XXI century. Hilarious, because Chekhov uses irony when describing Belikov's portrait ("I always wore a hat, sweatshirt, galoshes and dark glasses in any weather ..."), which makes him comical and makes me laugh as a reader. But it becomes sad when I think about my life. What have I done? What did I see? Absolutely nothing! Echoes of the story "The Man in the Case" I find with horror in myself now ... Does it make me think about what I want to leave behind? What is the ultimate goal of my life? What is life anyway? After all, to be dead in life, to become one of those little white, people in a case ... I don't want to!

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  5. Along with Chekhov, I fell in love with I.A. Bunin. What I like about him is that in his stories, love has many faces. This love is for sale, and love is a flash, and love is a game, and the author also talks about children growing up without love (the story "Beauty"). The end of Bunin's stories does not look like a hackneyed one "and they lived happily ever after." The author shows different faces of love, building his stories according to the principle of antithesis. Love can burn, hurt, and the scars will ache for a long time ... But at the same time, love inspires, makes you act, morally develop.
    So, Bunin's stories. All different, unlike each other. And the heroes are all different too. Who I especially like from the Bunin heroes is Olya Meshcherskaya from the story "Easy Breathing".
    She really burst into life like a whirlwind, experienced a bouquet of feelings: joy, sadness, oblivion, and grief ... All the brightest beginnings burned in her, and a variety of feelings boiled up in her blood ... And then they burst out ! How much love for the world, how much childish purity and naivety, how much beauty this Olya carried in herself! Bunin opened my eyes. He showed what a girl really should be. There is no theatricality in movements, words ... No mannerisms and cutesyness. Everything is simple, everything is natural. Indeed, light breathing ... Looking at myself, I understand that I often cheat and wear the mask of "ideal myself". But perfect, then, they do not exist! There is beauty in naturalness. And the story "Light Breathing" confirms these words.

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  6. I could (and I would like to!) Reflect on many more works of Russian and foreign, as well as modern classics ... You can talk about this forever, but ... Opportunities do not allow. I will only say that I am infinitely glad, because the teacher has nurtured in us, students, the ability to selectively approach the choice of literature, be more anxious about the word and love books. And the books contain centuries of experience that will help the young reader grow up as a person with a capital letter, who knows the history of his people, not to become an ignoramus, and most importantly, to be a thoughtful person who knows how to foresee the consequences. After all, "if you made a mistake and did not realize it, then you have made two mistakes." They, of course, are punctuation marks, which you cannot do without, but if there are too many of them, there will be no meaning in life, as in the text!

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      What a pity that there is no rating higher than 5 ... I read and think: my work has responded in children ... Many, many children ... You have grown. very. Yesterday I wanted to tell you, addressing by your last name (just by your last name, because you are always nervous, but it makes me so funny! Why? You have a beautiful surname: completely sonorous and vowels, which means euphonious!): "Smolina, you are not only beautiful, you are also smart. Smolina, you are not only smart, you are also beautiful. " In my work, I saw a thinking, thinking deeply!

  • As the saying goes, "A person learns from mistakes." This proverb is known to everyone. But there is also another well-known proverb - "The clever learns from the mistakes of others, and the stupid - from his own." Writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have left us with a rich cultural heritage. From their works, from the mistakes and experience of their heroes, we can learn important things that will help us in the future, having knowledge, not to commit unnecessary actions.
    Each person strives in his life for happiness at the hearth and all his life looking for his "soul mate". But it often happens that feelings are deceptive, not mutual, not constant, and a person becomes unhappy. Writers, perfectly understanding the problem of unhappy love, have written a large number of works that reveal various facets of love, true love. One of the writers who opened this topic was Ivan Bunin. The collection of stories "Dark Alleys" contains stories, the stories of which are vital and relevant for the consideration of modern man. I liked the story "Light Breathing" the most. It reveals such a feeling as nascent love. At first glance, it may seem that Olya Meshcherskaya is an arrogant and proud girl who, at the age of fifteen, wants to seem older and therefore goes to bed with a friend of her father. The boss wants to reason with her, to prove to her that she is still a girl and should dress and behave accordingly.
    But this is actually not the case. How can Olya, whom the lower grades love, be arrogant and arrogant? Children cannot be fooled, they see Olya's sincerity and her behavior. But what about rumors that she is windy, that she is in love with a schoolboy and is changeable with him? But these are only rumors spread by girls who envy Olya's grace and natural beauty. The behavior of the headmistress of the gymnasium is similar. She lived a long, but gray life, in which there were no joys and happiness. She now looks youthful with silver hair and loves to knit. She is contrasted with the life of Olya, full of events and bright, joyful moments. Also the antithesis is the natural beauty of Meshcherskaya and the "youthfulness" of the boss. Because of this, a conflict flares up between them. The headmistress wants Olya to remove her “female” hairstyle and behave more dignifiedly. But Olya feels that her life will be bright, that there will definitely be a happy, true love in her life. She does not answer rudely to the boss, but behaves gracefully, in an aristocratic manner. Olya does not notice this female envy and does not wish her boss anything bad.
    The love of Olya Meshcherskaya was just incipient, but did not have time to reveal itself due to her death. For myself, I learned the following lesson: you need to develop love in yourself and show it in life, but be careful not to cross the line that will lead to sad consequences.

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  • Another writer who explored the theme of love is Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. I would like to consider his work "The Cherry Orchard". Here I can divide all the characters into three categories: Ranevskaya, Lopakhin and Olya and Petya. Ranevskaya personifies in the play the noble aristocratic past of Russia: She can enjoy the beauty of the garden and not think about whether it benefits her or not. She has such qualities as mercy, nobility, spiritual generosity, generosity and kindness. She still loves her chosen one, who once betrayed her. For her, the cherry orchard is a home, memory, connection with generations, memories from childhood. Ranevskaya does not care about the material side of life (she is wasteful and does not know how to do business and make decisions on pressing problems). Sensitivity is also characteristic of Ranevskaya. Through her example, I can learn mercy and spiritual beauty.
    Lopakhin, who personifies modern Russia in his work, has a love of money. He works in a bank and tries to find a source of profit in everything. He is practical, hard-working and energetic, achieves his goal. However, the love of money did not ruin human feelings in him: he is sincere, grateful, understanding. He has a gentle soul. For him, the garden is no longer cherry, but cherry, a source of profit, not aesthetic pleasure, a means for obtaining material benefits, and not a symbol of memory and connection with generations. By his example, I can learn to develop primarily spiritual qualities, and not love for money, which can easily ruin the human principle in people.
    Anya and Petya personify the future of Russia, which scares the reader. They talk a lot, but do not get carried away with anything, they strive for an ephemeral future, shining, but fruitless, and a wonderful life. They easily let go of what they don't need (in their opinion). They are not at all worried about the fate of the garden, not about anything. They can be confidently called Ivans who do not remember kinship. By their example, I can learn to appreciate the monuments of the past and keep the connection between generations. I can also learn that if you strive for a brighter future, then you need to make an effort, and not engage in boltology.
    As you can see, many useful lessons can be learned from the works of writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and experiences can be gained that in the future will shield us from mistakes that can rob us of joy and happiness in life.

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  • Each of us makes mistakes and gets a life lesson and often a person regrets and tries to fix what happened, but, alas, it is impossible to turn back the clock. To avoid in the future, you need to learn how to analyze them. In many works of world fiction, the classics touch on this topic.
    In the work of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", Evgeny Bazarov is by nature a nihilist, a man with completely unusual views for people who denies all the values ​​of society. He refutes all the thoughts of the people around him, including his family and the Kirsanov family. Repeatedly, Evgeny Bazarov noted his convictions, firmly believing in them and not taking into account anyone's words: "a decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet", "nature is nothing ... Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person is a worker in it." Only on this was his life's path built. But is everything true what the hero thinks about? This is his experience and mistakes. At the end of the work, everything that Bazarov so believed in, of which he was strongly convinced, all his life views, are refuted by him.
    Another striking example is the hero from the story of Ivan Antonovich Bunin "The Lord from San Francisco". In the center of the story is the gentleman from San Francisco, who decided to reward himself for his long work. At 58, the old man decided to start a new life: "He hoped to enjoy the sun of southern Italy, the monuments of antiquity." All the time he spent only on work, pushing aside many important parts of life, leading the most valuable - money. He enjoyed drinking chocolate, wine, taking baths, reading newspapers every day. So, he made a mistake and paid for it with his own life. As a result, equipped with wealth and gold, the master dies in a hotel, in the worst, smallest and dampest room. The thirst to saturate and satisfy one's needs, the desire to rest after the past years and start life anew, to turn out to be a tragic end for the hero.
    Thus, the authors through their heroes show us, future generations, experience and mistakes, and we, the readers, should be grateful for the wisdom and examples that the writer puts before us. After reading these works, you should pay attention to the outcome of the lives of the heroes and follow the right path. But, of course, personal life lessons have a much better effect on us. As the well-known proverb says: "Learn from mistakes."
    Mikheev Alexander

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  • Part 1 - Osipov Timur
    Essay on the topic "Experience and mistakes"
    It's human nature to make mistakes, that's our nature. Smart is not one who does not make mistakes, but one who learns from his mistakes. Mistakes are what helps us to move on, taking into account all past circumstances, each time developing more and more, accumulating more and more experience and knowledge.
    Fortunately, many writers have touched on this topic in their works, deeply revealing it and passing on their experience to us. For example, let us turn to the story of I.A. Bunin "Antonovskie apples". “Treasured alleys of noble nests”, these words of Turgenev perfectly reflect the content of this work. The author recreates the world of the Russian estate in his head. He is sad about the times gone by. Bunin so realistically and closely conveys his feelings through sounds and smells that this story can be called “fragrant”. “The fragrant smell of straw, fallen leaves, mushroom dampness” and, of course, the smell of Antonov apples, which are becoming a symbol of Russian landowners. Everything was good in those days, contentment, homeliness, well-being. The estates were built reliably and forever, the landowners hunted in velvet trousers, people wore clean white shirts, indestructible boots with horseshoes, even the old people were "tall, big, white as a harrier." But all this fades over time, ruin comes, everything is no longer so beautiful. Only the subtle smell of Antonov apples remains from the old world ... Bunin is trying to convey to us that it is necessary to maintain a connection between times and generations, preserve the memory and culture of the old times, and also love our country as much as he does.

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  • Part 2 - Osipov Timur
    I would also like to touch upon the work of A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard". It also tells about the landlord's life. The characters can be divided into 3 categories. The older generation is the Ranevskys. They are people of the outgoing noble era. They are characterized by mercy, generosity, subtlety of the soul, as well as extravagance, narrow-mindedness, inability and unwillingness to solve pressing problems. The attitude of the heroes to the cherry orchard shows the problem of the whole work. For the Ranevskys, this is a legacy, the origins of childhood, beauty, happiness, a connection with the past. Next comes the generation of the present, which is represented by Lopakhin, a practical, enterprising, energetic and hard-working man. He sees the garden as a source of income, for him it is more cherry, not cherry. And finally, the last group, the generation of the future - Petya and Anya. They tend to strive for a bright future, but their dreams are mostly fruitless, words for words, about everything and about nothing. For the Ranevskys, the garden is the whole of Russia, and for them the whole of Russia is a garden. This shows the very disembodiedness of their dreams. These are the differences between the three generations, and again why are they so great? Why is there so much controversy? Why does the cherry orchard have to die? His death is the destruction of the beauty and memory of his ancestors, the ruin of his home, it is impossible to cut the roots of the still blossoming and living garden, for this punishment will certainly follow.
    It can be concluded that mistakes should be avoided, because their consequences can become tragic. And after making mistakes, you need to use it to your advantage, learn from this experience for the future and pass it on to others.

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  • For Lopakhin, the (present) cherry orchard is a source of income. “… The only wonderful thing about this garden is that it is very large. Cherries will be born every two years, and there is nowhere to go. Nobody buys ... ". Yermolai looks at the garden from the point of view of enrichment. He busily offers Ranevskaya and Gaev to split the estate into summer cottages, and cut down the garden.
    Reading the work, we involuntarily ask ourselves questions: is it possible to save the garden? Who is to blame for the death of the garden? Is there no bright future? The author himself gives an answer to the first question: it is possible. The whole tragedy lies in the fact that the owners of the garden are not able, according to their temperament, to save and continue to bloom and savor the garden. There is only one answer to the question of guilt: everyone is to blame.
    ... Is there no bright future? ..
    This question is already being asked by the author to the readers, which is why I will answer this question. A bright future is always a huge work. These are not nice speeches, not a vision of an ephemeral future, but this is persistence and the solution of serious problems. This is the ability to be responsible, the ability to respect the traditions and customs of ancestors. The ability to fight for what is dear to you.
    The play "The Cherry Orchard" shows the unforgivable mistakes of the characters. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov gives an opportunity to analyze so that we, young readers, have experience. This is a deplorable mistake for our heroes, but the appearance of comprehension, experience among readers in order to save a fragile future.
    The second piece for analysis, I would like to take Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin "Women's Conversation". Why did I choose this particular story? Probably because in the future I will become a mother. I will have to grow from a small person - a Human.
    Even now, looking at the world with children's eyes, I already understand what is good and what is bad. I see examples of parenting, or lack thereof. As a teenager, I have to set an example for the younger ones.
    But what I wrote earlier is the influence of parents, family. This is the influence of education. Influence of adherence to tradition and, of course, respect. This is the work of my close people, which will not be in vain. Vicki, on the other hand, has no way of knowing love and importance for her parents. “In the village with her grandmother in the middle of winter, Vika was not of her own free will. At sixteen I had to have an abortion. I got in touch with the company, and with the company even to the devil on the horns. I dropped out of school, began to disappear from the house, started spinning, spinning ... while they missed it, snatched the already acquired one from the merry-go-round, already shout the guard. "
    "In the village, not on their own ..." is insulting, unpleasant. It's a shame for Vika. Sixteen years old, this is still a child in need of parental attention. If there is no parental attention, then the child will look for this very attention on the side. And no one will explain to a child whether it is good to become another link in a company in which only "to the devil in the horns." It is unpleasant to understand that Vika was exiled to her grandmother. "... and then my father harnessed his old" Niva ", and, until she came to her senses, to exile to grandmother, for re-education." Problems committed not so much by the child as by the parents. They didn't see, they didn't explain! Indeed, it is easier to send Vika to her grandmother, so as not to be ashamed of her child. Let all the responsibility for what happened fall on Natalia's strong shoulders.
    For me, the story "Women's Conversation" first of all shows what kind of parents you should never be. Shows all the irresponsibility and carelessness. It is scary that Rasputin, looking through the prism of time, described what is still happening. Many teenagers today lead a wild lifestyle, although some are not even fourteen.
    I hope that the experience gained from Vicki's family does not become the basis for building her own life. I hope that she will become a loving mother, and then an empathetic grandmother.
    And the last, final question I'll ask myself: is there a connection between experience and mistakes?
    "Experience is the son of difficult mistakes" (A. Pushkin) Do not be afraid to make mistakes, because they temper us. By analyzing them, we become smarter, morally stronger ... or, more simply, we acquire wisdom.

    Maria Dorozhkina

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  • Each person sets goals for themselves. All our lives we have been trying to achieve these goals. It can be difficult and people endure these difficulties in different ways, someone, if it does not work out, immediately throws everything and gives up, and someone sets new goals and achieves them, taking into account their past mistakes and possibly the mistakes and experience of other people. It seems to me that in some part the meaning of life is the achievement of your goals, that you cannot give up and you need to go to the end, taking into account your own and others' mistakes. Experience and mistakes are present in many works, I will take two works, the first is Anton Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard".

    I think that it is necessary to analyze the mistakes of the past in order to prevent the same mistakes again. Experience is very important and at least "learn from mistakes." I do not consider it right to make mistakes that someone has already made, since you can avoid this and figure out how to do it so as not to do the same that our ancestors did. Writers in their stories try to convey to us that experience is made up of mistakes, and that we get experience without making the same mistakes.

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    "There are no mistakes, events that invade our lives, whatever they may be, are necessary for us to learn what we need to learn" Richard Bach
    Often we make mistakes in certain situations, small or serious, but how often do we notice this? Is it important to notice them, so as not to step on the same rake. Perhaps each of us thought about what would have happened if he had acted differently, is it important that he stumbled, will he learn a lesson? After all, our mistakes are an integral part of our experience, life path and our future. One question is to be wrong, but it is quite another to try to correct your mistakes.
    In the story of A. P. Chekhov "A Man in a Case", the teacher of the Greek language Belikov appears before us as an outcast of society and a lost soul with a life wasted in vain. Boxing, closeness, all those missed moments and even your own happiness - a wedding. The boundaries that he created for himself were his "cage" and the mistake he made, the "cage" in which he locked himself. Fearing "something might happen," he did not even notice how quickly his life, full of loneliness, fear and paranoia, passed.
    In the play by A. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" this is a play in the light for today. In it, the author reveals to us all the poetry and richness of the lordly life. The image of the cherry orchard is a symbol of the outgoing noble life. It was not in vain that Chekhov connected this work with the cherry orchard, through this connection we can feel a certain conflict of generations. On the one hand, people like Lopakhin, who are incapable of feeling beauty, for them this garden is only a means of extracting material benefits. On the other hand, Ranevskaya are types of a truly noble lifestyle, for whom this garden is a source of memories of childhood, hot youth, connection with generations, something more than just a garden. In this work, the author tries to convey to us that moral qualities are much more valuable than love of money, or dreams of an ephemeral future.
    Another example is the story of I. A. Bunin "Easy Breathing". Where the author showed an example of a tragic mistake made by a 15-year-old gymnasium student Olga Meshcherskaya. Its short life reminds the author of the life of a butterfly - short and easy. The story uses the antithesis between the life of Olga and the headmistress of the gymnasium. The author compares the lives of these people, which, but rich in every day, full of happiness and childishness of Olya Meshcherskaya, and the long, but boring life of the head of the gymnasium, who envies Olya's happiness and well-being. However, Olya made a tragic mistake, with her inaction and frivolity she lost her innocence with her father's friend and brother of the headmistress of the gymnasium, Alexei Malyutin. Finding no excuse or pacification for herself, she forced her to kill her officer. In this work, I was struck by the insignificance of the soul and the complete absence of male moral morality Milyutin, she is just a girl, whom he had to protect and instruct on the true path, because this is the daughter of your friend
    Well, and the last work that I would like to take is "Antonov apples", where the author warns us not to make one mistake - forget about our connection with generations, about our homeland, about our past. The author conveys that atmosphere of old Russia, life in abundance, landscape sketches and musical evangelism. Well-being and homeliness of village life, symbols of the Russian hearth. The smell of rye straw, tar, the aroma of fallen leaves, mushroom dampness and linden flowers.
    The authors try to convey that life without mistakes is impossible, the more you realize your mistakes and try to correct them, the more wisdom and life experience you will accumulate, we must remember and honor Russian traditions, preserve natural monuments and the memory of past generations.

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  • But the future generation does not at all inspire optimism in Chekhov. "The eternal student" Petya Trofimov. The hero has a desire for a wonderful future, but everyone can learn to speak beautifully, but Trofimov is unable to back up his words with actions. The cherry orchard is not interesting to him, and this is not the worst thing. More frightening is the fact that he imposes his views on the still "pure" Anya. The attitude of the author to such a person is unambiguous - "idiot".

    This extravagance and inability to accept, to solve the problem of the past generation led to the loss of the key to beauty and memories, and on the other hand, the obstinacy and perseverance of the present generation instilled in the loss of an amazing garden, to the departure of the entire noble era, because Lopakhin, in fact, cut down the root, then what this era was based on. The author warns us, because with the change of generation, the wonderful feeling of seeing beauty weakens, and then disappears altogether. There is a degradation of the soul, people begin to value material values, and less and less something elegant and beautiful, less and less the value of our ancestors, grandfathers and fathers.

    Another remarkable work - "Antonov apples" by I.A. Bunin. The writer tells about the peasant, noble life and in all possible ways fills his "fragrant story" with various ways of conveying that atmosphere, those unique smells, sounds, colors. The narration comes from the perspective of Bunin himself. The author shows, reveals our Motherland in all its colors and manifestations.

    The prosperity of peasant society has been demonstrated to the reader in many aspects. The village of Vyselki is an excellent proof of this. Those old men and women who lived for a very long time, white and tall, like a harrier. That atmosphere of the home that reigned in peasant houses, with a warming samovar and a black-burning stove. This is a demonstration of the contentment and wealth of the peasants. People appreciated and enjoyed life, unique smells and sounds of nature. And to match the old people there were also houses built by their grandfathers, brick, strong, for centuries. But what about the man who poured apples and who ate them so succulently, with a bang, dashingly, one by one, and then at night, carefree, gloriously, he will lie on the cart, look into the starry sky, feel the unforgettable smell of tar in the fresh air and, perhaps he will fall asleep with a smile on his face.

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      The author warns us, because with the change of generation, the wonderful feeling of seeing beauty weakens, and then disappears altogether. There is a degradation of the soul, people begin to value material values, and less and less something elegant and beautiful, less and less the value of our ancestors, grandfathers and fathers. Bunin teaches us to love our Motherland, in this work he shows all the indescribable beauty of our Fatherland. And for him it is important that through the prism of time the memory of a bygone culture is not dispelled, but is preserved "Seryozha, a wonderful work! It reveals a good knowledge of the text by you. no CONCLUSION, clearly formulated, NO !!! I specially highlighted those parts of the essay. because it is here the "grain." The question in the subject - "why?" ... not to lose ... not to turn ...

  • Rewritten introduction and conclusion.

    Introduction: The book is an invaluable source of the wisdom of inimitable writers. A warning and warning to us, modern and future generations, through the mistakes of their heroes, was one of the main messages of their work. Mistakes are inherent in absolutely all people on earth. Everyone is mistaken, but not everyone tries to analyze their mistakes and extract the "grain" from them, but thanks to this understanding of their own mistakes, the way to a happy life opens.

    Conclusion: In conclusion, I would like to note that the modern generation needs to value the creations of writers. Reading works, a thoughtful reader draws and accumulates the necessary experience, gains wisdom, over time the piggy bank of knowledge about life grows, and the reader must pass on the accumulated experience to others. The English scholar Coleridge calls these readers "diamonds" because they are actually very rare. But it is precisely thanks to this approach that society will learn from the mistakes of the past, derive fruits from the mistakes of the past. People will make fewer mistakes, and more wise people will appear in society. And wisdom is the key to a happy life.

  • Noble life was significantly different from peasant life, serfdom was still felt, despite the abolition. Entering the estate of Anna Gerasimovna, first of all, you can hear various smells. Not felt, but heard, that is, recognized by sensation, an amazing quality. Smells of an old medal of mahogany, dried linden blossom, which has been lying on the windows since June ... It is hard for the reader to believe, a truly poetic nature is capable of this! The wealth and prosperity of the nobles is manifested at least in their dinner, an amazing dinner: all through and through pink boiled ham with peas, stuffed chicken, turkey, pickles and red, strong and sweet, sweet kvass. But there is a desolation of estate life, cozy noble nests disintegrate, and there are fewer and fewer estates like Anna Gerasimovna's.

    But in the estate of Arseny Semyonich, the situation is completely different. Crazy scene: the greyhound climbs onto the table and begins to devour the remains of the hare, and suddenly the owner of the estate leaves the office and fires a shot at his pet, playing with eyes, with shining eyes, with excitement. And then in a silk shirt, velvet trousers and long boots, which is a direct proof of wealth and prosperity, he goes hunting. And hunting is the place where you give free rein to emotions, you are seized by excitement, passion and you feel almost merged with the horse. You come back all wet and trembling with tension, and on the way back you can smell the forest: mushroom damp, rotted leaves and wet wood. Permanent smells ...

    Bunin teaches us to love our Motherland, in this work he shows all the indescribable beauty of our Fatherland. And for him it is important that through the prism of time the memory of a bygone culture is not dispelled, but preserved, and remembered for a long time. The old world is irrevocably gone, and only the subtle smell of Antonov's apples remains.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that these works are not the only options for demonstrating that culture, that life of the last generation, there are other creations of writers. Generations change, and only memory remains. Through such stories, the reader learns to remember, honor and love his Motherland in all its manifestations. And the future is built on the mistakes of the past.

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  • Why is it necessary to analyze the mistakes of the past? I think many people are pondering this question. Every person makes mistakes, a person cannot live life without making a mistake. But we must learn to think about the mistake and not make it in later life. As the common people say: "You need to learn from mistakes." Each person should learn from his own and others' mistakes.

    In conclusion, I want to say that a person can be very bad because of a mistake he has made, he can think about committing suicide, but this is not an option. Each person is simply obliged to understand what he did wrong or someone did wrong, so that in the future he does not repeat these mistakes.

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      Finally. Seryozha, add an introduction, since the answer "why?" Has not been formulated. In this regard, the conclusion must be strengthened. And the volume is not kept (at least 350 words). In this form, the essay (whether it is an exam) will have a NON-score. Please take the time and finish. You are welcome...

  • An essay on the topic "Why is it necessary to analyze the mistakes of the past?"
    Why is it necessary to analyze the mistakes of the past? I think many people are pondering this question. Every person makes mistakes, a person cannot live life without making a mistake. But we must learn to think about the mistake and not make it in later life. As the common people say: "You need to learn from mistakes." Each person should learn from his own and others' mistakes. After all, if a person does not learn to think about all the mistakes he has made, then in the future he will, as they say, “step on a rake” and will constantly commit them. But because of mistakes, everyone can lose everything, from the most important to the most unnecessary. You always need to think ahead, think about the consequences, but if a mistake is made, you need to analyze and never commit again.
    For example, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in his play "The Cherry Orchard" describes the image of a garden - a symbol of the outgoing noble life. The author tries to tell that the memory of the past generation is important. Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna tried to preserve the memory of the past generation, the memory of her family - the cherry orchard. And only when the garden was gone, she realized that with the cherry orchard all the memories of the family, of her past were gone.
    Also, A.P. Chekhov describes a mistake in the story "The Man in a Case". This mistake is expressed in the fact that Belikov, the main character of the story, is closed from society. He, as if in a case, is an outcast of society. His closeness does not allow him to find happiness in life. And thus, the hero lives his lonely life, in which there is no happiness.
    Another work that can be cited as an example is "Antonov Apples" written by I.A. Bunin. The author, on his own behalf, describes all the beauty of nature: smells, sounds, colors. However, Olga Meshcherskaya makes a tragic mistake. The fifteen-year-old girl was a frivolous girl flying in the clouds who did not think she was losing her innocence with her father's friend.
    There is another novel in which the author describes the hero's mistake. But the hero understands in time and corrects his mistake. This is Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. Andrei Bolkonsky makes the mistake of misunderstanding the values ​​of life. He dreams only of fame, thinks only of himself. But at one point, on the Austerlitz field, his idol Napoleon Bonaparte becomes nothing to him. The voice is no longer great, but like "buzzing of a fly." This was a turning point in the life of the prince, he nevertheless realized the main values ​​in life. He realized the mistake.
    In conclusion, I want to say that a person can be very bad because of a mistake he has made, he can think about committing suicide, but this is not an option. Each person is simply obliged to understand what he did wrong or someone did wrong, so that in the future he does not repeat these mistakes. The world is built in such a way that no matter how we want, no matter what we do, mistakes will always be made, you just need to come to terms with it. But there will be fewer of them if you think about actions in advance.

  • Seryozha, read what he wrote: "Another work that can be cited as an example is" Antonov apples "written by IA Bunin. The author, on his own behalf, describes all the beauty of nature: smells, sounds, colors. However, he makes a tragic mistake Olga Meshcherskaya. A fifteen-year-old girl was a frivolous girl flying in the clouds, who does not think she loses her innocence with her father's friend "- THESE ARE TWO DIFFERENT (!) WORKS AND, BUNINA:" ANTONOVSKIE APPLES "WHERE SPEECH IS ABOUT SMELLS, SOUNDS, AND EASY BREATH "ABOUT OLYA MESHCHERSKAYA !!! Do you do it as one thing? There is no transition in reasoning, and one gets the impression that porridge-malasha is in the head. Why? Because the sentence starts with the word "however". VERY weak work. There is no complete output, only faint hints. Conclusion according to Chekhov - it is not worth cutting down the garden - this is the destruction of the memory of ancestors, the beauty of the world. This will lead to the inner devastation of the person. Here is the conclusion. Bolkonsky's mistakes are an experience of rethinking oneself. And the opportunity to change. here is the conclusion. and so on and so on .... 3 ------

  • PART 1
    Many people say that the past should be forgotten and everything that happened should be left there: “what happened, that was” or “why remember” ... BUT! They are wrong! in the previous centuries, centuries, a large number of different types of figures made a huge contribution to the life and existence of the country. do you think they were not wrong? Of course, they were wrong, but they learned from their own mistakes, changed something, did something, and everything worked out for them. The question arises: since this was in the past, can we forget about it, or what to do with all this? NO! Thanks to various types of mistakes, actions in the past, now we have a present and a future. (Perhaps not the way we would like the present, but it is, and just that, because much is left behind. The so-called experience of past years.) We must remember and respect the traditions of past years, because this is our History.
    Through the prism of time, most writers, and they seem to foresee that little will change over time: the problems of the past will remain similar to the present, in their works they try to teach the reader to think deeper, analyze the text and what is hidden under it. All this in order to avoid similar situations and gain life experience, without passing it through your own life. What mistakes are concealed in several of the works I have read and analyzed?
    The first piece I would like to start with is a piece by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard". You can find quite different problems in it, but I will dwell on two: breaking the connection between a generation and a person's life path. The image of the cherry orchard symbolizes the noble era. You cannot cut the roots of a still blooming and beautiful garden, for this will certainly follow the reckoning - for unconsciousness and betrayal of the ancestors. The garden is a tiny subject of the memory of the life of the past generation. You might be thinking, “I've found something to be upset about. This garden has surrendered to you, ”and so on. And what would happen if instead of this garden they razed the city, the village to the ground ?? According to the author, the cutting down of the cherry orchard means the disintegration of the homeland of the nobles. For the main character of the play, Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya, this garden was not only a garden of beauty, but also memories: childhood, home, youth. Heroes like Lyubov Andreevna have a pure and bright soul, generosity and mercy ... Andreevna's love was: wealth, family, happy life, and cherry orchard .. But at one point she lost everything. The husband died, the son drowned, two daughters remained. She fell in love with a man with whom she was clearly unhappy, because knowing that he used her, she would return to him again in France: “And what is there to hide or keep silent, I love him, it's clear. I love, I love ... This is a stone on my neck, I go to the bottom with it, but I love this stone and I cannot live without it. " Also, she carelessly spent all her fortune “she has nothing left, nothing ..” “yesterday there was a lot of money, but today it is very little. My poor Varya, out of economy, feeds everyone with milk soup, and I spend so pointlessly ... " EARN them. The garden needs care, but there was no money for this, as a result of which the reckoning came: the cherry orchard was sold and cut down. As you know, you need to properly manage your money, otherwise you can lose every last penny.

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  • "Why is it necessary to analyze the mistakes of the past?"

    “A person learns from mistakes” - I think this proverb is familiar to everyone. But few of us have thought about how much content and how much life wisdom is in this proverb? After all, this is really very true. Unfortunately, we are arranged in such a way that until we ourselves see everything, until we ourselves find ourselves in a difficult situation, we will almost never make the right conclusions for ourselves. Therefore, making a mistake, one must draw conclusions for oneself, but after all, one cannot be mistaken in everything, therefore, one must pay attention to the mistakes of others and draw conclusions, following their mistakes. Experience and mistakes are present in many works, I will take two works, the first is Anton Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard".
    The Cherry Orchard is a symbol of noble Russia. The final scene when the knocking of the ax "sounds" symbolizes the disintegration of the noble nests, the departure of the nobles from Russia. For Ranevskaya, the knock of the ax was the finale of her whole life, since this garden was dear to her, it was her life. But also the cherry orchard is a beautiful creation of nature, which people must preserve, but they could not do it. The garden is the experience of previous generations and Lopakhin destroyed it, for which he will receive retribution. The image of the cherry orchard involuntarily connects the past with the present.
    Antonov apples is a work of Bunin, in which a similar story is like in the work of Chekhov. The cherry orchard and the clatter of the ax at Chekhov's, and Antonov's apples and the smell of apples at Bunin's. With this work, the author wanted to tell us about the need to connect times and generations, to preserve the memory of a bygone culture. All the beauty of the work is replaced by greed and greed.
    These two works are very similar in content, but at the same time, they are very different. And if in our life we ​​learn to correctly use works, proverbs, folk wisdom. Then we will learn not only from our own, but also from the mistakes of others, but at the same time live by our own mind, and not rely on the minds of others, everything in our life will be better, and we will easily overcome all life obstacles.

    This is a rewritten composition.

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    An essay on the topic "Why is it necessary to analyze the mistakes of the past?"
    Mistakes are an integral part of any person's life. No matter how prudent, attentive, painstaking, everyone makes various mistakes. It can be either an accidentally broken circle, or a wrong word at a very important meeting. It would seem, why is there such a thing as "error"? After all, she only brings people in trouble and makes them feel stupid and uncomfortable. But! mistakes teach us. They teach life, teach who to be and how to act, teach everything. It's another matter how each person individually perceives these lessons ...
    So what about me? You can learn from mistakes both from your own experience and by observing other people. I think that it is important to be able to combine both the experience of your life and the experience of observing others, because a great many people live in the world, and it is very stupid to judge only from the side of your actions. Another person could have done something completely different, right? Therefore, I try to look at different situations from different angles, so that from these mistakes I get a versatile experience.
    In fact, there is another way to gain experience based on mistakes made. Literature. The eternal teacher of Man. Books convey the knowledge and experience of their authors ten and even centuries later, so that we, yes, it is we, each of us, went through that experience in a couple of hours of reading, while the writer gained it in his entire life. Why? And so that in the future people do not repeat the mistakes of the past, so that people finally begin to learn and not forget this knowledge.
    To better reveal the meaning of these words, let us turn to our Teacher.
    The first piece that I would like to take is the play by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard". Here, all events unfold around and about the Ranevsky cherry orchard. This cherry orchard is a family treasure, a storehouse of memories from childhood, adolescence and already adulthood, a treasure trove of memory, the experience of past years. What will the difference in attitude to this garden lead to? ..

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    If, as a rule, in works of art we more often meet two conflicting generations, or the break of one into "two fronts," then in this one the reader observes as many as three completely different generations. The representative of the first is Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna. She is a noblewoman of an already outgoing landlord era; by nature, incredibly kind, merciful, but no less noble, but very wasteful, a little stupid and completely frivolous in relation to pressing problems. She personifies the past. Second - Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich. He is very active, energetic, hard-working and adventurous, but also understanding and sincere. He personifies the present. And third - Anya Ranevskaya and Pyotr Sergeevich Trofimov. These young people are dreamy, sincere, look to the future with optimism and hope and reflect on their daily affairs, while ... they do absolutely nothing to accomplish anything. They represent the future. A future that has no future.
    As the ideals of these people are different, so is their attitude to the garden. For Ranevskaya, he, whatever is, is the same cherry orchard, a garden planted for the sake of cherries, a beautiful tree that blooms unforgettably and beautifully, which is described above. For Trofimov, this garden is already cherry, that is, it is planted for cherries, berries, for their collection and, probably, further sale, a garden for money, a garden for material wealth. As for Ani and Petit ... For them the garden means nothing. They, especially the “eternal student,” can infinitely beautifully talk about the purpose of the garden, its fate, its meaning ... only they don't care deeply whether there will be something with the garden or not, they just need to leave here as soon as possible. After all, "all of Russia is our garden," right? After all, you can simply leave every time, as a new place gets tired or is on the verge of death, the fate of the garden is completely indifferent to the future ...
    The garden is a memory, an experience of past years. The past cherishes him. The present is trying to use for the sake of money, or, to be more precise, to destroy. And the future doesn't care.

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    At the end, the cherry orchard is cut down. The clatter of an ax is heard like thunder ... Thus, the reader draws the conclusion that memory is an irreplaceable wealth, that apple of an eye, without which a person, a country, the world will be empty.
    I would also like to consider "Antonov apples" by Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. This story is a story of images. Images of the homeland, Fatherland, peasant and landlord life, between which there was almost no difference, images of wealth, spiritual and material, images of love and nature. The story is filled with warm and vivid memories of the protagonist, the memory of a happy peasant life! But we know from history courses that for the most part the peasants did not live in the best way, but it is here, in the Antonov Apples, that I see real Russia. Happy, rich, hard-working, cheerful, bright and juicy, like a fresh, beautiful yellow liquid apple. Only now ... the story ends on very sad notes and a dreary song of local men ... After all, these images are just a memory, and it is far from a fact that the present is as sincere, pure and bright. But what could have happened to the present? .. Why is life not as joyful as it was before? .. This story at the end carries an understatement and some sadness for the one who has already passed away. But it is very important to remember this. It is very important to know and believe that not only the past can be beautiful, that we ourselves can change the present for the better.
    So, we come to the conclusion that it is necessary and important to remember the past, remember the mistakes made, so as not to repeat them in the future and in the present. But ... do people really know how to learn from their mistakes? Yes, it is necessary, but are people really capable of it? This is the question I asked myself after reading classical literature. Why? Because the works written in the XIX-XX centuries reflect the problems of that time: immorality, greed, stupidity, selfishness, devaluation of love, laziness and many other vices, but the point is that after one hundred, two hundred or three hundred years ... nothing has changed. All the same problems stand above society, people succumb to the same sins, everything has remained at the same level.
    So, is humanity really capable of learning from its mistakes? ..

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  • An essay about
    "Why is it necessary to analyze the mistakes of the past?"

    I would like to start my essay with a quote from Lawrence Peter "To avoid mistakes you have to gain experience, to gain experience you have to make mistakes." You can't live your life without making mistakes. Each person lives life in his own way. All people have different characters, a certain upbringing, different education, different living conditions, and sometimes what seems to one person to be a big mistake is quite normal for another. This is why everyone learns from their own mistakes. It's bad when you do something without thinking, relying only on the feelings that overwhelm you at the moment. In such situations, you often make mistakes that you will later regret.
    One must, of course, listen to the advice of adults, read books, analyze the actions of literary heroes, draw conclusions and try to learn from the mistakes of others, but alas, they learn most convincingly and most painfully from their own mistakes. It's good if you can fix something, but sometimes our actions lead to serious, irreversible consequences. Whatever this happens to me, I try to comprehend, weigh the pros and cons, and then only make decisions. There is a saying "He who does nothing is not mistaken." I disagree with this, because idleness is already a mistake. In support of my words, I want to refer to the work of A. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard". Ranevskaya's behavior seems strange to me: what is so dear to her is dying. “I love this house, I don’t understand my life without a cherry orchard, and if you really need to sell, then sell me along with the garden ...” But instead of doing something to save the estate, she indulges in sentimental memories, drinks coffee , distributes the last money to the crooks, cries, but wants nothing and cannot do anything.
    The second work to which I want to refer is the story of I.A. Bunin "Antonovskie apples". After reading it, I felt how the author was sad about the old days. He really enjoyed visiting the village in the fall. With what delight he describes everything that he sees around him. The author notices the beauty of the surrounding world, and we, the readers, by his example, learn to value and protect nature, to value simple human communication.
    What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above. We all make mistakes in life. A thinking person, as a rule, learns not to repeat his mistakes, and a fool will step on the same rake over and over again. Going through life's trials, we become smarter, more experienced and grow as individuals.

    Silin Evgeniy 11 "B" class

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    Zamyatina Anastasia! Part 1!
    "Experience and mistakes". Why is it necessary to analyze the mistakes of the past?
    Each of us makes mistakes. I ... often make mistakes, not regretting them, not reproaching myself, not crying into my pillow, although sometimes it is sad. When at night, in insomnia, you lie, look at the ceiling and remember all that was once done. At such moments, you think how good everything would be if I acted differently, without making these stupid, meaningless mistakes. But you cannot return anything back, you will receive what you received - and this is called experience.

    The tragic end of the girl was foretold at the beginning, because the author began the work from the end, showing Olino a place in the cemetery. The girl involuntarily lost her innocence with her father's friend, the brother of the headmaster of the gymnasium, a 56-year-old man. And now she had no other choice but to die ... With ordinary ease, she set up a Cossack, plebeian-looking officer, forcing him to shoot her.

    He who has never been wrong has never lived. Through the prism of time, most writers, through their works, try to teach the reader to think deeper, analyze the text and what is hidden under it. All this in order to avoid similar situations and gain life experience, without passing it through your own life. Writers seem to foresee that little will change over time: the problems of the past will remain similar to the present. What mistakes are concealed in some works?
    The first piece I would like to start with is a piece by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard". You can find quite different problems in it, but I will dwell on two: breaking the connection between a generation and a person's life path. The image of the cherry orchard symbolizes the noble era. You cannot cut the roots of a still blooming and beautiful garden, for this will certainly follow the reckoning - for unconsciousness and betrayal of the ancestors. The garden is a tiny subject of the memory of the life of the past generation. You might be thinking, “I've found something to be upset about. This garden has surrendered to you, ”and so on. And what would happen if instead of this garden they razed the city, the village to the ground ?? According to the author, the cutting down of the cherry orchard means the disintegration of the homeland of the nobles. For the main character of the play, Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya, this garden was not only a garden of beauty, but also memories of childhood, home, youth.
    The second problem of this work is the life path of a person. Heroes like Lyubov Andreevna have a pure and bright soul, generosity and mercy ... Lyubov Andreevna had wealth, a family, a happy life, and a cherry orchard .. But at one point she lost everything. The husband died, the son drowned, two daughters remained. She fell in love with a man with whom she was clearly unhappy, because knowing that he used her, she would return to him again in France: “And what is there to hide or keep silent, I love him, it's clear. I love, I love ... This is a stone on my neck, I go to the bottom with it, but I love this stone and I cannot live without it ... "She also carelessly spent all her fortune" she has nothing left, nothing. . "," Yesterday there was a lot of money, but today it is very little. My poor Varya, out of economy, feeds everyone with milk soup, and I spend so pointlessly ... ”Her mistake was that she did not know how, and she didn’t have the desire to solve pressing problems. She could not stop spending, did not know how to manage money, did not know how to EARN it. The garden needs care, but there was no money for this, as a result of which the reckoning came: the cherry orchard was sold and cut down. As you know, you need to properly manage your money, otherwise you can lose every last penny.

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    After analyzing this story, we can change our attitude towards loved ones, preserve the memory of the outgoing and already gone culture. ("Antonov apples") Therefore, it has become a tradition that a samovar is a symbol of home and family comfort.
    "this garden was not only a garden of beauty, but also memories: childhood, home, youth" "The Cherry Orchard"). I quoted from your essay, from the arguments. So, maybe this is the problem here? The question WHY is in the subject !!! Well, formulate the problem and draw a conclusion !!! Or will you order me to redo it for you ??? Read the recommendations to S. Nosikov, who also completed the work, only did it mobile, took the composition seriously. I get the impression that you are doing everything in a hurry. as if you don't have time to do all sorts of nonsense like composing ... there are more important things to do ... in that case, no luck and ... that's it ...

    In fact, all people make mistakes, there are no exceptions. After all, each of us at least once failed any test at school, because he decided that he would succeed without taking up preparation, or he offended the person most dear to him at that time, with whom communication grew into a huge quarrel, and thus, he said goodbye to him forever.
    Errors can be trivial and large-scale, one-time and permanent, age-old and temporary. What mistakes have you made, and with which have you gained invaluable experience? Which ones did you get acquainted with in the present tense and which ones swept to you through the centuries? A person learns not only from his own mistakes, but also from others, and in many problems a person finds an answer in books. Namely, in the classical, for the most part, literature.
    The play by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" shows us the life of a Russian nobleman. The characters in the play are especially interesting to the reader. All of them are associated with a cherry orchard growing near the house and each of them has its own vision. For each of the heroes, this garden is something of his own. For example, Lopakhin saw this garden only as a means of extracting material profit, not seeing anything “light and beautiful” in it, unlike the other heroine. Ranevskaya ... for her, this garden was something more than just cherry bushes, from which you can profit. No, this garden is all her childhood, all her past, all her mistakes and all her best memories. She loved this garden, loved the berries that grew there, and loved all her mistakes and memories that were lived with him. At the end of the play, the garden is cut down, "the sound of an ax is heard like thunder ...", and all of Ranevskaya's past disappears with him ...
    In contrast to Olya, the author showed the head of the gymnasium where the main character studied. A boring, gray, youthful lady with silver hair. All that was in her long life was just knitting at her beautiful table in a beautiful study that Olya liked so much.
    The tragic end of the girl was foretold at the beginning, because the author began the work from the end, showing Olino a place in the cemetery. The girl involuntarily lost her innocence with her father's friend, the brother of the headmaster of the gymnasium, a 56-year-old man. And now she had no other choice but to die ... She framed a Cossack, plebeian-looking officer, and he, in turn, shot her in a crowded place, not thinking about the consequences (all this was on emotions).
    This story is a warning story for each of us. It shows you what you shouldn't do and what you shouldn't. After all, there are mistakes in this world, for which, alas, you have to pay with your whole life.
    In conclusion, I would like to say that I, yes, I, too, make mistakes. And you, all of you, do them too. Without all these mistakes, there is no life. Our mistakes are our experience, our wisdom, our knowledge and LIFE. Is it worth analyzing the mistakes of the past? I'm sure it's worth it! After reading, identifying mistakes (and, most importantly, analyzing) from the works of literature and the lives of other people, we ourselves will not allow this and will not survive everything that they have experienced.
    He who has never been wrong has never lived. The first piece I would like to start with is a piece by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard". You can find quite different problems in it, but I will dwell on two: breaking the connection between a generation and a person's life path. The image of the cherry orchard symbolizes the noble era. You cannot cut the roots of a still blooming and beautiful garden, for this will certainly follow the reckoning - for unconsciousness and betrayal of the ancestors. The garden is a tiny subject of the memory of the life of the past generation. You might be thinking, “I've found something to be upset about. This garden has surrendered to you, ”and so on. And what would happen if instead of this garden they razed the city, the village to the ground ?? And for the main character of the play, Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya, this garden was not only a garden of beauty, but also memories: childhood, home, youth. According to the author, the cutting down of the cherry orchard means the collapse of the homeland of the nobles - a culture that is leaving.

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  • conclusion
    Through the prism of time, most writers, through their works, try to teach the reader to avoid similar situations and gain life experience without passing it through their own lives. Writers seem to foresee that little will change over time: the problems of the past will remain similar to the present. We learn not only from our mistakes, but also from the mistakes of other people, of another generation. It is necessary to analyze the past in order not to forget our homeland, the memory of a passing culture, to avoid generational conflicts. It is necessary to analyze the past in order to walk the right path in life, trying not to step on the same rake.

    Many successful people, when they made mistakes, and it seems to me, if not for these same mistakes, then they would not be successful. As Steve Jobs said - “There is no such thing as a successful person who has never stumbled or made a mistake. There are only successful people who made mistakes, but then changed their plans based on these very mistakes. " Each of us made mistakes, and received a life lesson, from which each one endured life experience for himself, by analyzing the mistakes he made.
    Many writers who have touched on this topic, to their great happiness, have deeply revealed it and tried to convey to us life experience. For example, in the play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard", the author is trying to convey to the present generation that we are obliged to preserve the monuments of past years. After all, it is in them that the history of our state, people and generation is reflected. By preserving historical monuments, we show our love for our Motherland. They help us to keep in touch with our ancestors through time.
    The main character of the play, Ranevskaya, tried with all her might to preserve the cherry orchard. For her, he was more than just a garden, first of all it was the memory of her family nest, the memory of her family. The main mistake of the heroes of this work is the destruction of the garden. After reading this play, I realized how important memory is.
    I.A. Bunin "Antonovskie apples". “Treasured alleys of noble nests”, these words of Turgenev perfectly reflect the content of this work. The author recreates the world of a Russian estate. He is sad about the times gone by. Bunin so realistically and closely conveys his feelings through sounds and smells. "The fragrant smell of straw, fallen leaves, mushroom dampness." and of course the smell of Antonov apples, which are becoming a symbol of Russian landowners. Everything was good: contentment, homeliness, well-being. The estates were built reliably, the landowners hunted in velvet trousers, people wore clean white shirts, even the old people were "tall, big, white as a harrier." But all this goes away with time, ruin comes, everything is not so beautiful anymore. Only the subtle smell of Antonov apples remains from the old world ... Bunin is trying to convey to us that it is necessary to maintain a connection between times and generations, preserve the memory and culture of the old times, and also love our country as much as he does.
    Each person, passing along the path of life, makes certain mistakes. It is human nature to make mistakes in the way that only through miscalculations and mistakes he gains experience and becomes wiser.
    So in the work of B. Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet". Far from the front line, Sergeant Major Vaskov and five girls distract German troops until help arrives to preserve an important transport artery. They carry out the task with honor. But without military experience, they all die. The death of each of the girls is perceived as an irreparable mistake! Sergeant Major Vaskov, fighting, gaining military and life experience, understands what a monstrous injustice it is, the death of girls: “Why is this so? After all, they do not need to die, but give birth to children, after all, they are mothers! " And every detail in the story, starting with the wonderful landscapes, descriptions of the journey, forests, roads, suggests that lessons must be learned from this experience so that the sacrifices are not in vain. These five girls and their foreman stand as an invisible monument, standing in the middle of the Russian land, as if poured out of thousands of similar destinies, exploits, pain and strength of the Russian people, reminding that unleashing a war is a tragic mistake, and the experience of the defenders is priceless.
    The protagonist of A. Bunin's story “a gentleman from San Francisco” worked all his life, saved money, and multiplied his fortune. And so he achieved what he dreamed of, and decided to rest. "Until that time, he did not live, but only existed, it is true, very good, but still pinning all hopes on the future." But it turned out that life had already been lived, that he had only a few minutes left. The master thought that life was just beginning, but it turned out that he had already finished it. The gentleman himself, having died in the hotel, of course, did not understand that his whole path was false, that his goals were erroneous. And the whole world around him is false. There is no true respect for others, there is no close relationship with his wife and daughter - all this is a myth, the result of the fact that he has money. But now he is already swimming below, in a tarred soda box, in the hold, and above everyone is also having fun. The author wants to show that such a path awaits everyone, if he does not realize his mistakes, does not understand that he serves money and wealth.
    Thus, life without mistakes is impossible, the more we realize our mistakes and try to correct them, the more wisdom and life experience we accumulate.

    Answer Delete
  • Often in his life, a person commits moral mistakes: in the choice

    life partner, in choosing a profession, in relations between relatives and friends.

    But, having made a mistake, having experienced the bitterness of failure, tries to never do that.

    the same as before. However, there are also those who do not admit their mistakes, do not understand them.

    immoral nature and repeats the wrong actions over and over again. But

    can a person draw conclusions based not on his own experience? I think,

    Yes. And the popular wisdom "A man learns from the mistakes of others" says the same thing.

    To gain some kind of life experience for yourself and learn from strangers

    mistakes, a person must see and understand exactly where the other committed

    blunder, chose the wrong one from all possible solutions. You must be able to see why

    it all led to the future. Only then can everyone do the right ones.

    conclusions for yourself and in a similar, analogous situation to act differently.

    For example, in Boris Yekimov's story "The Night of Healing" the boy Grisha

    unexpectedly for himself, realizes that his mother is making a mistake, that her way

    shout: "Silence!" - does not help grandmother to get rid of old, still military

    experiences. Therefore, he decides to try something else - not with a shout, but with an affectionate one,

    quietly talk to calm the grandmother, to dispel her old, already sunk into

    the time of the tragedy. He does not know if this will help Baba Duna, but his kind

    understands in her heart that it is cruel to follow my mother's path. And most importantly, the words

    mothers did not heal Baba Dunya, did not alleviate her suffering. So this

    wrong way.

    The second argument to this thesis, I think, can be approached

    the moral result of Astafiev's story "Belogrudka". When the boys

    intervened in the life of the marten, taking her cubs and killing them, Belogrudka, as

    a loving mother, decided to brutally take revenge on the villagers for her children. She

    caused huge damage to the village. Many years have passed since that incident, but the inhabitants

    still remember the harsh lesson: do not touch young birds and animals,

    you cannot interfere with the life of nature. They realized the mistake they made

    their predecessors saw what all this led to and forever remembered that

    in no case should you do this.

    If in life we ​​learn not only from our own, but also from others' mistakes,

    but at the same time live only with your own mind, and not rely on the mind of others, everything in

    When we are just starting our life path, we get to know the world from the words of our relatives and friends. It is they who tell us that a neighbor's boy had an accident crossing the road, or that in childhood they tried to put a light bulb in their mouths for an argument and could not pull it back out without assistance, drawing our attention to the serious consequences of these rash actions. We learn from the mistakes of others and no longer repeat them. Any learning is based on this principle: we are told what is already known and verified by hundreds of trials and errors, and we apply ready-made information in practice and do not repeat the path of their creators. Therefore, I believe that a person can and should learn in this way.

    Examples confirming this idea can be found in Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina. Konstantin Levin sees how his brother Nikolai got drunk and degraded. From a kind and decent person, he turned into an insignificant and repulsive drunkard, whose days are numbered. The younger brother turned out to be smarter: he carefully monitored his health, did gymnastics, avoided wine and corrupt women, did the housework away from the vain and vicious city world. To understand that intemperate and irresponsible behavior in combination with alcohol destroys the soul and body of a person, Constantine does not try this himself, he just needs to analyze his brother's mistakes and try not to repeat them, which he did, as we know.

    We can find another example in Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. Marmeladov became an alcoholic and let his family go around the world. His own daughter Sonia was forced to sell her body in order to feed the adopted children of her father and his sick wife. Although prostitutes are known as women who are addicted to alcohol and pretty much abuse it, Sonya did not touch him. Such grief, like hers, is often poured over with alcohol in order to forget, but the girl firmly learned that drunkenness is the source of troubles and vices. It was not for nothing that the author said that a dirty occupation did not stain her soul: she did it in order to survive, but from her father's mistakes she learned not to come to terms with vice and not favor him. Therefore, Sonya was able to get out of the pool of poverty, unlike Marmeladov, and live an honest and virtuous life.

    Can you learn from other people's mistakes? Of course, yes, even necessary. Without taking into account the experience of previous generations, humanity will not be able to move forward and develop, because it will forever remain on the same rake. Comprehending the world, we should not try on ourselves all the nonsense and absurdities, they have already been done in abundance before us. We must take into account this bitter experience of other people and move on, treading the path of progress for our descendants.

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