From what the wife of the Shufutinsky rit died. From Magadan to New York and back. The life path of Mikhail Shufutinsky. Star Trek in the chanson of Mikhail Shufutinsky

This artist has a lot of fans - he is always elegant on stage, and he performs songs soulfully and sincerely. In life, he had to go through many trials, and one of the most difficult was the death of his wife for the singer. Wife of Mikhail Shufutinsky margarita passed away in June last year, during the artist's tour in Israel. This happened unexpectedly, and therefore became a real blow for Shufutinsky. Mikhail Zakharovich lived with his wife for forty-four years, and she has always been a true keeper of the hearth and a faithful wife.

In the photo - Shufutinsky with his wife and children

Margarita gave her husband two sons - David and Anton, who have long become adult men and have acquired own families. The singer was always kind to his wife and did not like it when someone interfered in their family life. According to Shufutinsky, news about his novels and even that he was divorcing his wife often appeared in the press. The artist treats these rumors philosophically, but the fact that this can offend his wife makes him very upset. Therefore, once he even sued one of the newspapers for reporting that he was going to part with Margarita.

The wife of Mikhail Shufutinsky lived in America, in Los Angeles, and the singer himself, mainly in Russia, and this is due to his work. This marriage could well be called a guest marriage, because the spouses saw each other from time to time - when Mikhail Zakharovich had a break in performances, he went to his wife. The artist said that over so many years of married life they became so close that they understood each other from a half-word and could recognize by the tone of voice what was happening in the life of each of them.

In the photo - Mikhail Shufutinsky with his wife Margarita

Shufutinsky called his wife the kindest person- Margarita never raised her voice, but for all of them big family, consisting of children and seven grandchildren, was a real guardian angel. The children of Mikhail Shufutinsky also live in different countries- the elder David, having married Angela Petrosyan, remained in Moscow, and the younger Anton, together with his wife Brandi and his family, settled in Philadelphia. All big family Mikhail Shufutinsky often gathered together either in Moscow or in Los Angeles, and therefore, despite the long distances that separated them, they always felt strong family ties.

The artist was very upset by the death of his wife, because, as one of the close friends of the artist's family said, Mikhail Shufutinsky's wife was not just a wife for him, but also a devoted friend, the mother of their sons and the grandmother of numerous grandchildren. Their house was always cozy and hospitable, and many called Margarita the ideal of a woman who understands and forgives.

In the photo - with Svetlana Urazova

Svetlana Urazova, thirty-nine-year-old Svetlana Urazova, a participant in his show ballet Ataman, helped to get out of the severe depression that covered the artist after the death of his wife. She is almost twenty-eight years younger than Shufutinsky and has long felt sympathy for Mikhail Zakharovich. Svetlana has been working in the artist's show for fifteen years, but earlier, when Shufutinsky was married, there was no close relationship between them. When Mikhail Zakharovich, having learned about the death of his wife, flew to Los Angeles, Svetlana followed him, and from that time they became inseparable. According to friends, after Shufutinsky had an affair with Urazova, he became much calmer, new love helped the artist recover from the tragedy. Mikhail Zakharovich looked after his new darling, on tour they are always inseparable. Svetlana receives expensive gifts from Shufutinsky, and in the future they are going to rest together in Israel. Svetlana has adult daughter with whom she shares all her secrets.

Mikhail Shufutinsky is a singer whose name has long been a legend. A vivid repertoire, a soulful voice and a restrained manner of performance - all these qualities made this artist one of the most famous chansonniers in history. modern Russia. Today his name is well known on both sides Atlantic Ocean. But what allowed this extraordinary performer to reach such heights? How did it develop pop career and what was his life like before he became famous pop singer? You can find out all this by reading our biographical article today.

Early years, childhood and the family of Mikhail Shufutinsky

The future artist was born in Moscow in a Jewish family. His father - Zakhar Davidovich - worked as a doctor. He hardly knew his mother - the woman died when the boy was only five years old.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - People live

Due to the difficult work schedule of his father, the entire burden of educating the future chansonnier fell on the shoulders of his grandparents - Berta Davidovna and David Yakovlevich. It was they who became his main advisers and friends in the first years of his life. Seeing in their grandson a craving for art, grandparents advised him to develop his talent and go to study at a specialized school. Mikhail did just that and very soon began to play the button accordion in one of the music schools in Moscow. It is noteworthy that, unlike other students who studied with him, Shufutinsky always loved classes in the “musician”. Studying was easy for him, and at all concerts and performances he was almost the first star.

Thus, after finishing secondary school, the young artist did not even think about who he wants to become in the future. Gathering everything Required documents, Michael went School of Music named after Ippolitov-Ivanov and very soon was enrolled in the conducting faculty. It is very interesting that during this period, another future celebrity studied in a parallel group with Shufutinsky - Alla Pugacheva.

Star Trek in the chanson of Mikhail Shufutinsky

After graduating from college, Mikhail Shufutinsky began performing in various bars and restaurants. During this period, such establishments as the restaurant "Warsaw" and "Metropol" became his permanent place of work. Here for some time the artist acted as an accompanist with various musical groups. However, some time later, he decided to change the situation somewhat and, together with other musician friends, moved to Magadan. In this place, he first began not only to play musical instruments, but also to sing. Most his repertoire at that time consisted of songs written in the genre of "thieves" chanson. Some time later, songs of this kind made up almost his entire repertoire.

Returning from Magadan in 1974, Mikhail Shufutinsky began to earn money again, performing in restaurants as a pianist. In the next few years, he often appeared on stage with the Accord group, as well as the Leysya Song vocal and instrumental ensemble. It is noteworthy that as part of the last of these teams, our today's hero even became a laureate All-Russian competition performers pop songs in Sochi.

Three years after this success, Mikhail Shufutinsky moved to the USA, where he began to work as before as a "restaurant" singer and musician. However, oddly enough, it was in the United States of America that the artist became very popular. In the period from 1982 to 1990, our today's hero recorded ten at once studio albums, which came out literally one after another. Speaking in the restaurants "Arbat", "Moscow Nights" and some others, Mikhail Zakharovich found his audience and very soon established himself as the highest paid singer among Russian emigrants.

In 1990, already as famous artist Shufutinsky came with concerts to the USSR. Since then, the chansonnier has regularly appeared with performances in Russia and other former countries Soviet Union. For some time, the popular musician actually lived in two cities, constantly visiting Moscow and Los Angeles. However, in 2003, Mikhail Zakharovich decided to finally leave the United States and move back to Russia.

Just for my long singing career Shufutinsky has released about thirty studio albums, as well as a huge number of different collections. His repertoire includes songs by such famous songwriters as Igor Krutoy, Oleg Mityaev, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Karen Kavaleryan, Oleg Gazmanov and many, many others. Having established himself as one of the most famous chansonniers on the Russian and American stage, Mikhail Zakharovich often collaborated with many famous performers, with whom he recorded songs as a duet.

M. Shufutinsky - Palma de Mallorca

Having recorded a huge number of touching and soulful songs, Shufutinsky became a real "folk" singer in Russia and Ukraine. For your contribution to musical art the famous chansonnier was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Concluding the conversation about the work of Mikhail Zakharovich, it is worth noting the fact that his track record also includes two autobiographies written and published by him in 1997 and 2004.

In addition, as an interesting and extraordinary moment in the musician's work, one can also single out the work on voicing one of the heroes of the famous Hollywood cartoon "Brave" and shooting in the film "Moscow on the Hudson", in which he played a cameo role.

Personal life of Mikhail Shufutinsky

In his life, one of the most famous chansonniers was married only once. On January 2, 1971, he married his longtime girlfriend Margarita. Within this love union two sons were born - David (David), born in 1972. and Anton (born 1976). Currently, both sons of our today's hero are married and raise their own children. So, in particular, today Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky has six grandchildren at once, two of whom are directly related to music.

Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky. Born April 13, 1948 in Moscow. Russian singer, pianist, composer, chanson performer, music producer. Honored Artist Russian Federation (2013).

Father - Zakhar Davidovich Shufutinsky - a doctor, a participant in the Great Patriotic War.

When Mikhail was five years old, his mother died, so he was raised by his grandmother Berta Davidovna and grandfather David Yakovlevich.

Graduated music school in the bayan class and the Moscow Musical College named after M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, specializing in “conductor”, “choirmaster”, “teacher of music and singing”. At the same time, she studied at the school with Mikhail Shufutinsky in the same specialties.

"I consider myself a musician from the age of five. Dad once brought home a trophy accordion, he wanted me to study music. He himself played the trumpet, and the guitar, and sang beautifully. I immediately liked the instrument: bright mother-of-pearl keys, velvety sound with hoarseness ... They invited a teacher, and he advised me to send me to a music school: "The boy has a good ear, we must continue to study." But the accordion was considered a bourgeois instrument, it was not taught in any music school. The closest to him is the button accordion. My father carved out of modest budget of 620 rubles and bought me, as I remember now, a Tula button accordion, which I hated from the first second. It was kept in a heavy wooden box, pasted over with calico. And I, a boy, had to carry it from Shabolovka, where we lived, to Yakimanka, to a music school. And this is about two kilometers ... On Sundays, I enjoyed performing in front of our huge Moscow courtyard. My grandfather and I sat on chairs in the front garden in front of the house, and I played everything I wanted on my favorite accordion, "the artist recalled about the beginning his musical career.

IN adulthood began performing with various ensembles in Moscow and Magadan. In restaurants, he also sang songs by Peter Leshchenko. Later he became the head of the VIA "Leysya, song", which mainly performed the songs of Vyacheslav Dobrynin.

"At the Metropol, I played large orchestra, sixteen people. Basically, we were involved in banquets - for Americans or Chinese. On the music stands they put notes of some kind of light jazz music and Russian songs, we played them. Nobody ordered anything beyond the program. At the end of the evening they brought a tip - a tray with currency, but this had nothing to do with us, they were taken by a special person. But in such a hot place as the Warsaw restaurant, with a secret billiard room, gamblers coming from all over the Union, other rules were in effect. Musicians there earned very decently. I could even afford to buy blocks of American Marlboro Lights, which were traded by barmaids at the Metropol," he said.

In 1981 he emigrated to the United States with his family.

"I was 32 years old when I decided to use the chance and get to America through Israel. In 1981, there was no other way to leave the USSR. I really wanted to go to New York! See musicals with my own eyes, hear real jazz", - the artist recalled.

In the USA, the singer Nina Brodskaya, whom he had known since the Mosconcert, offered to go with her and her husband on a tour of the immigrant centers of America. "$ 100-150 for a concert! Of course, I immediately agreed. Because I understood: it's much better than working as a taxi driver. From the first earnings, I bought sheepskin coats for my sons, because it was winter on my nose, and an electric piano for myself," Mikhail said .

In 1983, already as an arranger, keyboardist and producer, he released Anatoly Mogilevsky's album “We don't eat it in Odessa”, and in 1984 - the album “I love you, madam”. For about ten years he played in various ensembles in restaurants, created his own show group "Ataman - band", as well as the restaurant "Ataman".

Once he came to Los Angeles with a concert, he liked this city. It was at that time that the Russian restaurant boom in Los Angeles fell. Michael, as famous singer and a musician, were invited to work in the Hollywood restaurant "Arbat". For an emigrant performer, such popularity came as a surprise - in the USA he could only count on former compatriots.

In 1990, for the first time after emigration, he came to the USSR and gave several concerts. Since then, Mikhail Shufutinsky has constantly come to Russia on tour.

In 1997 he wrote an autobiographical book "And here I stand at the line ...".

In 1997, he received the Silver Galosh Award "for the most dubious achievements in the field of show business" in the category "For Concrete Contribution to Art".

Mikhail Shufutinsky - Tattoo

Mikhail Shufutinsky - Taganka

In 2003 he moved to Russia for permanent place residence.

The repertoire of Mikhail Shufutinsky includes songs by such authors as: Vyacheslav Dobrynin (“Two Candles”, “Cubes”), Igor Krutoy (“September 3rd”, “Palma de Mallorca”, “Moscow Taxi”, “Moscow Does Not Tears believes”), Oleg Mityaev (“The Night Guest”, “Moskvichka”), Alexander Rosenbaum (“Khreshchatyk”, “Come to us for a light”, “Gop-stop”), Nikita Dzhigurda, Alexander Novikov (“Take me, cabman ”, “Portovaya Street”), Oleg Gazmanov, Igor Zubkov, Igor Kisil (“You are far from me”), Vatslav Lisovsky, Olesya Atlanova, Karen Kavaleryan, Mikhail Zvezdinsky, Kirill Krastoshevsky, Ivan Kononov (“I love you, I love you” , “And above the Don there are golden domes”, “The Left Bank of the Don”, “Old Man Don”) and many others.

The growth of Mikhail Shufutinsky: 187 centimeters.

Personal life of Mikhail Shufutinsky:

Wife - Margarita Mikhailovna Shufutinskaya. They got married on January 2, 1971 in Magadan, where the singer worked by distribution.

She later lived in the US and Russia, dividing herself into two sons, five grandchildren and two granddaughters. The whole family often gathered together in Moscow and Los Angeles. She died June 5, 2015 in Los Angeles.

The wedding of Mikhail Shufutinsky and Margarita (1971)

The couple have been married for 44 years. TV presenter Oksana Pushkina said: “In 1993, I lived in San Francisco and filmed a series of programs about “our” celebrities abroad for Leningrad television. That’s how I met Misha and his charming Margarita. We became friends very quickly and talked closely while I "she lived in America. In the house of the Shufutinskys it was always delicious, cozy and warm. Rita was the standard of femininity for me. She could be trusted with secrets, she sincerely empathized and helped in any way she could. She knew how to forgive ... For Misha, this is a huge loss."

The eldest son is David Shufutinsky (born August 29, 1972), married to Angela Petrosyan. Lives with his family in Moscow and produces sound in films. Grandson - Andrei Shufutinsky (born 1997); granddaughter - Anna Shufutinskaya (born 2006); grandson - Mikhail Shufutinsky (born 2009).

Younger son- Anton Shufutinsky (born December 1974), was a field medic navy USA. Married to African American Brandi. Anton and his family (wife, three sons and daughter) live in Philadelphia, where Anton teaches at the university and is finishing his doctoral dissertation. Grandson - Dmitry Shufutinsky (born 1996), plays the saxophone in the school orchestra; grandson - Noy Shufutinsky (born 2002), is fond of singing; grandson - Zakhar Shufutinsky (born 2009); granddaughter - Hanna Rene Shufutinskaya (born September 13, 2012).

At the beginning of 2016, it became known about working in his show ballet "Ataman".

Urazova's friend Irina Savina told reporters that Mikhail was very upset by the death of his wife, and Sveta consoled him after the loss of his wife. Allegedly, Urazova was in love with famous artist chanson.

Svetlana Urazova

Discography of Mikhail Shufutinsky:

1982 - "Escape"
1983 - "Ataman"
1984 - "Gulliver"
1984 - "Ataman - 2" (not published in the USSR)
1985 - "Amnesty"
1986 - "Ataman-3"
1987 - "White Stork"
1988 - "No Problem"
1989 - "You are my only one" (together with Suzanne Tepper)
1990 - Moscow Evenings
1991 - "My life"
1992 - Quiet Don
1993 - "Kitty - kitty"
1994 - "Walk, soul"
1995 - "Oh Women"
1996 - " Good evening, gentlemen"
1998 - "Once Upon a Time in America" ​​(songs by Igor Krutoy)
1999 - "Well, for God's sake"
2001 - "I was born in Moscow"
2002 - "Nakolochka"
2003 - Boom Boom
2004 - "In Half" (together with Irina Allegrova)
2005 - "Solo"
2006 - Duets different years»
2007 - "Moscow-Vladivostok"
2009 - "Brato"
2010 - "Duets of different years 2"
2013 - "Love Story"
2016 - "I just love slowly"

Collections of Mikhail Shufutinsky:

1991 - "Mikhail Shufutinsky in Moscow"
1994 - "Stars of the Russian emigration sing the songs of Ilya Reznik"
1994 - “Love is like a dream. Creative evening Igor Krutoy"
1994 - "Thank you, Sasha Rosenbaum!"
1995 - Russian Stars of New York
1997 - “Let's help each other relax ...” (songs by Alexander Morozov)
2000 - "Chanson" (BRME)
2001 - "Best"
2002 - "Pour, let's talk"
2002 - "Candles" (series "Legends of the Genre")
2003 - "Grand Collection" (2 CDs)
2003 - "Let's talk for life"
2004 - "Series "Chanson Mood""
2004 - "I'll go south"
2008 - "The Best"
2008 - Golden Album
2008 - "Bridges" (songs by Alexander Morozov)

Filmography of Mikhail Shufutinsky:

1984 - Moscow on the Hudson - episode

Voiced by Mikhail Shufutinsky:

2012 - Brave ( cartoon) - King Fergus (original voice - Billy Connolly)
2014 - Little Nicolas' vacation - headmaster (original voice - Francis Perrin)

Bibliography of Mikhail Shufutinsky:

1997 - And here I am standing at the edge ...
2004 - Best songs. Texts and chords.

Prizes "Chanson of the Year" by Mikhail Shufutinsky:

2002 - for the songs "Nakolochka", "Topol" and "Alenka"
2003 - for the song "I will go one day in Rus'"
2004 - for the song "New Year's Dreams" (Duet with Irina Allegrova)
2005 - for the songs "Solo" and "Taganka"
2006 - for the songs "Fly away the crows" and "Loss"
2007 - for the songs "Moscow - Vladivostok" and "Crossroads"
2008 - for the songs "Good evening, gentlemen!" and "You love me, love"
2009 - for the songs "The Soul Hurts" and "Kruchina"
2010 - for the songs "Solo" and "Island"
2011 - for the songs "For lovely ladies!" and "I'm going south"
2012 - for the songs "I'll go out on deck" and "Uncle - Pasha"
2013 - for the songs "Kruchina" and "Boys"
2014 - for the songs "Lost Summer" and "Tanya - Tanechka"
2015 - for the songs "Solo" and "Song of the Old Tailor" (Duet with Alexander Rosenbaum)
2016 - for the songs " french chanson and "I just love slowly."

Shufutinsky was on tour in Israel when he was told the terrible news. On June 4, his 66-year-old wife Margarita died. Mikhail canceled all concerts and flew to Los Angeles to say goodbye to his beloved.


“We are all in shock. I still can’t believe that Rita is no longer with us. We saw each other just a month ago, everything was fine. Now Shufutinsky is very hard, because she was everything to him.: and the mother of the sons of David and Anton, and the grandmother of six grandchildren and two granddaughters, and a devoted friend, and a loving wife who devoted herself to her husband. I sent Michael a letter of condolences. Margarita has already been buried, there were the closest people," chansonnier friend Iggy Kisil told Starhit.

Mikhail and Margarita were happy together for almost half a century. “In 1993, I lived in San Francisco and filmed a series of programs about our celebrities abroad for Leningrad television. That’s how I met Misha and his charming Margarita,” recalls TV presenter Oksana Pushkina. “We became friends very quickly and talked closely while I "she lived in America. In the house of the Shufutinskys it was always delicious, cozy and warm. Rita was the standard of femininity for me. She could be trusted with secrets, she sincerely empathized and helped in any way she could. She knew how to forgive ... For Misha, this is a huge loss.".

Recall, on June 5, the Israeli media reported that Shufutinsky, after the first concert in Ashdod, was forced to interrupt the tour in Israel and fly to Los Angeles in connection with the sad news of the death of his wife Margarita. The information was confirmed by the organizers of the concerts and apologized. All money for tickets for Mikhail's failed performances in Beersheba, Haifa and Tel Aviv was returned.

Mikhail and Margarita got married on January 2, 1971. The couple raised two sons - David (born in 1972) and Anton (born in 1974), who gave them eight grandchildren and granddaughters. David lives in Moscow with his wife Angela and children and produces sound in films. Anton served as an officer special forces US army. Married to an African American Brandi, who bore him three sons and a daughter. Spouses with children live in Philadelphia, where Anton teaches at the university and is finishing his doctoral dissertation.

Our today's hero is the famous chansonnier Mikhail Shufutinsky, a biography whose personal life is of interest to many fans. Do you also want to know where he was born and studied? How did you get on stage? Why did you leave for the USA? Then we recommend that you read the contents of the article.

Mikhail Shufutinsky (biography): family

He was born on April 13, 1948 in Moscow. He has Jewish roots. In what family was the future singer brought up? His father, Zakhar Davidovich, took part in the Great Patriotic war. IN Peaceful time he got a job as a doctor. The man spent very little time at home.

Michael's mother died when he was 5 years old. The boy was raised by his grandmother Berta and grandfather David. It was they who instilled in Mikhail a love of art. And when the grandfather noticed that his grandson was showing interest in music, he began to teach him how to play the accordion.

School years

At the age of 7, Misha entered a music school located not far from home. The boy signed up for the button accordion class. Our hero attended every lesson with pleasure. Teachers predicted a bright future for him. And they were right. In just a couple of years, Mikhail mastered this musical instrument. He became a regular member of school ensembles and orchestras.

At the age of 15, our hero became interested in something new Soviet country direction of music - jazz. He played only on jazz. Only over time, the citizens of the USSR approved and fell in love with jazz.

student body

At the end high school Mikhail already knew what profession he would choose. He was going to connect his life with the stage. Having received a certificate in his hands, the guy submitted documents to the music school. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova. Shufutinsky successfully passed the exams. For several years, he mastered such specialties as a choirmaster, a singing and music teacher, and a conductor.

First appearances

Where did Mikhail Shufutinsky go after graduating from college? His biography as a performer began in Magadan. There he, together with his orchestra, performed at the Severny restaurant. The local public took them with a bang.

Later, our hero returned to Moscow. IN different time he performed as part of such groups as Leysya Song and Accord. At some point, Michael wanted creative development. But there were no opportunities for this.


In the early 1980s, Shufutinsky and his family left for permanent residence in America. And all due to the fact that he had a serious conflict with representatives of the Soviet government.

In the United States, Mikhail Zakharovich did not sit idle. He organized his team. Performances were held in New York restaurants. The talented performer was noticed and invited to Los Angeles. Many Soviet immigrants and Russian-speaking citizens lived in this city.

Mikhail Shufutinsky managed to become a chanson star. His songs were listened to on both sides of the ocean. Such compositions as “Third of September”, “Night Guest”, “For Lovely Ladies” have become truly popular.

In 2003, the famous chansonnier returned to Russia. He bought a house in Moscow and continued musical career. Between 2003 and 2013, 8 studio discs were released.

Mikhail Shufutinsky: biography, personal (family) life

WITH young years talented musician was popular with girls. Some saw him as a thin and vulnerable soul, while others looked at him as an idol. Mikhail often had affairs with beautiful girls. But they did not go into a serious relationship. Everything is very simple: feelings faded away as quickly as they flared up.

When did you meet your true love Mikhail Shufutinsky? Biography indicates that this happened in the early 1970s. The beautiful Margarita conquered his heart and deprived him of peace. After long and persistent courtship, the girl agreed to become the second half of Michael.

In January 1971, the marriage of Mikhail and Margarita Shufutinsky was registered in one of the capital's registry offices. Then the celebration "moved" to the restaurant. The guests at the celebration were close friends and relatives of the bride and groom.

Loving husband, caring father and exemplary family man- all this is Mikhail Shufutinsky. The biography of the singer in August 1972 was replenished with another joyful event - the first-born was born. The son was named David. The young father could not stop looking at the heir. He himself bathed him, swaddled him and laid him in the crib. Mikhail even tried to sing a lullaby to his son. But due to his low voice, he failed to do so.

In December 1974, another replenishment took place in the Shufutinsky family. Beloved wife gave the singer a second son. Boy got spread Russian name- Anton.

Today, the children of Mikhail Shufutinsky are adults and accomplished people. David is married to Angela Petrosyan. They have three children - two sons and a daughter. The family lives in Moscow. The singer expected that the elder son will go in his footsteps. But David is far from show business. He is a producer.

The youngest son (Anton) lives in the USA. He married an African-American woman named Brandi. They had 4 children. A few years ago, Anton worked as a physician at a US naval base, and now he teaches at one of the universities in Philadelphia.


Most pop stars who gained popularity in the 80s and 90s try to hide their personal lives from prying eyes and ears. Mikhail Shufutinsky was no exception. Biography, the wife of a chansonnier - all this continued to interest his fans. And in the summer of 2015, print media and popular online resources reported the sad news. On June 5, the wife of Mikhail Zakharovich, Margarita, passed away. She was buried in one of the cemeteries in Los Angeles.

New love

Mikhail Shufutinsky, whose biography we are considering, was very upset by the death of his wife. Still, because they lived together for 44 years. She always surrounded her husband with affection and care.

During this difficult period, the famous chansonnier was supported by a dancer from his show-ballet "Ataman". 39-year-old Svetlana Urazova was next to Mikhail Zakharovich, helped him around the house and gave valuable advice. At some point, the singer realized that their relationship had already outgrown the framework of friendship. He offered the woman cohabitation. There is no mention of any marriage. Mikhail Zakharovich had only one wife - Margarita. And no one can take her place. Sons understand and do not condemn their father. After all, they cannot see him as often as they would like. And loneliness is a terrible thing.

What is known about Svetlana Urazova herself? More than 15 years ago, she came to Russia from Ukraine. She has a choreographic education. Almost immediately, the blonde was accepted into the Shufutinsky show troupe. If you carefully watch the video from the concerts, you will notice that Svetlana always dances in right hand from chansonnier. Many can envy her natural flexibility and ability to stay on stage. It is impossible not to fall in love with such a beauty.

Currently, the singer has serious health problems. It became difficult for him to walk. Svetlana is literally a support for him.


Now you know what path to popularity did Mikhail Shufutinsky. Biography, family, photo of the singer - all this is contained in the article. We wish him good health and for long years life!

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