Developing a strong personality is better late than never. What is human strength? (power of human brain, skeleton, hands and vision)

It is not only his protection, but also a way to find happiness, joy, and the meaning of life.

Why does one always succeed in achieving his plans, while the other faces many obstacles? Someone finds a lot of reasons to abandon their plans, someone starts to act and then quits, finding many excuses. But there are also people who, having conceived something, bring it to completion.

The strength of man is an important condition for the successful implementation and completion of intended goals. If it is present, any undertaking will be successful, otherwise some obstacles will always arise.

The lack of vitality affects the quality of our life, and neither water nor food can compensate for it. Human vital forces, which are the totality of nervous and energy, contribute to our harmonious development and existence.

What powers does a person need?

Physical strength is very important for any endeavor. A healthy, productive person can do a lot.

How to develop physical strength

Any kind of sport will help with this. The main thing is that the loads are regular. In addition, proper nutrition is necessary.

It has been proven that the power of faith can have a specific physiological effect on a person. For example, when tablets that do not contain any active substances act better than real medications due to a person’s confidence in their healing properties. The mind, expecting healing, initiates physiological processes that help restore health.

What our thoughts are capable of

According to many modern researchers, human thought is material phenomenon- energy. It has been proven that at the moment of strong emotions, the thoughts that come into our heads throw vibrations into the surrounding space, which can affect the course of events. That is, when strong desire there is a chance that your plans will come true. And for greater effect, you need to learn to use the power of thought, visualizing what you want.

How the power of thought works

Thoughts that are constantly present in a person’s head become his beliefs, which, forming internal images in our brain, thereby materialize the objects of dreams.

A thought can bring not only benefit, but also harm. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to control your thoughts and not wish harm to others. The power of a person’s thought, having punished the offender, can return to the owner with the opposite effect.

We can attract more than just good things. For example, as soon as the thought of self-doubt arises, it immediately undermines our faith in our strengths, we step back. Unfortunately, people are more inclined to believe negative thoughts. Therefore, you shouldn’t get hung up on them; this can distance us from our intended goal.

Where do our energies flow?

Unfortunately, we waste a lot of vital energy. A person’s strength, his energy is spent on outbursts of both negative and depression, self-flagellation, criticism of both others and himself.

Not less strength is also spent on unnecessary chatter. It’s not for nothing that after heated arguments we feel empty. In addition, endless internal dialogues are a waste of energy.

Motor energy is hampered by muscle tension that arises from a sedentary lifestyle, heavy loads. By removing bodily pressures, we influence the psyche, harmonizing it.

How can you replenish lost strength?

The most effective remedy is proper sleep, as well as different kinds massage and thermal treatments. This cleanses internally and externally: toxins are removed, fatigue is relieved, and a boost of energy appears.

In addition to rest for the body, rest is also necessary for the soul, which will bring peace and harmony. This is facilitated by music, dancing, walking, art. Travel and new experiences are very useful. It is important to remember what brings you pleasure and joy, and turn to it more often. A person who lives to the fullest, does something that requires knowledge and skill, feels joy.

In addition, you need to try to identify the sources of fatigue and understand your own level of satisfaction with life. Most often, a lack of internal strength causes mental tension and resistance.

To gain strength, you need to make an effort and spend a lot of time. You shouldn’t think that this will happen right away; you need to work on yourself throughout your life.


Topic: “Driving forces of anthropogenesis”

Discipline: "Biology"

Moscow 2003


I . Man and monkeys 3

II . 1. Fossil apes – human ancestors 6

2. Formation of Man 8

3. Biological and social in historical development person.

Is the biological evolution of homo sapiens continuing? 12

III . Races of modern humanity 14

Bibliography 17

Scheme 18


Man and monkeys

The earth is the birthplace of man. Human body consists of the same substances and elements as our planet. Man was given birth to the animal world, in which to this day there are many species closely related to man. First of all, these are monkeys. Some of them are less human-like

(American marmosets and capuchins), others, monkeys of Africa and Asia - monkeys, macaques, are more similar to humans.

But it turns out that it is possible to establish an even closer relationship between humans and such highly developed apes as chimpanzees. In many anatomical and physiological characteristics, chimpanzees are more reminiscent of humans than monkeys, baboons or macaques. And it is no coincidence that this monkey is called a great ape or an anthropoid. Chimpanzee height is 1.4 – 1.5 m, weight – 50-60 kg. He doesn't have a tail. The structure of the brain also brings chimpanzees closer to humans.

Gorillas, orangutans and gibbons are also closely related to humans (see Fig. p. 5)

One Indian legend it is said that people descended precisely from gibbons, who learned to cultivate the land, began to eat better, and then lost their hair, became taller and heavier. Of course, this is just a myth, but it indicates that people have long noticed a special similarity between monkeys and humans. (see 1 page 9)

When Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory appeared in 1859, a lot of scientifically reliable information had already accumulated about the structure of apes and other apes. Darwin wrote that man, with all his noble qualities, including humanity, with high abilities, especially intelligence, carries in his physical structure the indelible mark of origin from the animal world.

Indeed, every person, in external appearance and internal structure, has many such organs and features, the presence of which can only be explained by inheritance from animal ancestors, including monkeys.

Humans have hair on their heads and bodies, just like mammals. Although there are few of them on the body, there are up to 100 and even 150 thousand on the head. The skin patterns on the palms and soles of humans are strikingly similar to those of monkeys. Man and all the named animals with nails are united by zoologists into one group of mammals, namely the order of primates (from the Latin “primus” - primate).

Humans and large anthropoids - gorilla, chimpanzee and orangutan (see Fig. page 5) have much in common during their life cycle. After 8-9 months of intrauterine development, anthropoids give birth to a baby weighing, as a rule, about 2 kg.

Until 5-6 months, the cub is helpless and feeds on its mother’s milk for a long time.

He, like a child, develops 20 milk teeth, which are replaced by 32 permanent teeth by the age of 12-15.

Another group of evidence of the natural, not supernatural, not divine origin of man is rudimentary, i.e. underdeveloped (residual) organs. There are several dozen of them in the human body. For example, the vermiform appendix of the cecum (appendix), the shape and size of the human auricle differs little from its closest ancestors, but the muscles of the auricle have lost the ability to move the ears.

It is necessary to say about cases of return to ancestors, or atavism (“atavus” - distant ancestor in Latin), in the form and structure of various organs. The most striking example is the birth of a child with a tail.

Thus, Darwin's teaching about the closest kinship between man and anthropoids is fully confirmed by modern science.

(Gibbon) (Orangutan)

(Chimpanzee) (Diana Monkey)

1. Fossil apes – human ancestors

Over 10 million years ago, many different apes and low apes lived on the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa. The most ancient of the narrow-nosed monkeys, still close to the primitive primates lemurs from the Omomyid family, were found in the Eocene layers of eastern Algeria (about 40 million years ago). This monkey was named Biritia after the place where it was found. Already in the next period - the Oligocene, on the territory of modern Egypt and on the Arabian Peninsula, there were numerous narrow-nosed monkeys - Aegyptopithecus and close births. These were still lower monkeys, many of them spread widely throughout Asia. Even earlier, primates fell into New World probably crossed on rafts of storm-blown trees Atlantic Ocean, at that time narrow, not exceeding the width of the modern Mediterranean Sea(The American continent had not yet had time to shift to the west).

In the range of 20-9 million years. back many remains were found great apes. Back in the last century, the first to be described from the Miocene layers of Europe was Dryopithecus ( from Greek words and “dris” - tree, “pithekos” - monkey). When moving through the trees, these monkeys clung to the branches, hanging from them with their arms, while their torsos were in a vertical position and their legs were tucked. Dryopithecuses had features that allowed them to follow the path of anthropogenesis: high development central nervous system, good color binocular vision and grasping limbs - not only the front, but also the rear. The ability to move on two legs, or to walk upright, was very useful to human ancestors when the climate on Earth began to change greatly. The great Russian physiologist I. Pavlov distinguished monkeys from other animals. Thanks to 4 grasping limbs, monkeys develop more diverse relationships with environment. This, in turn, develops muscle sense, touch, and vision: monkeys see objects in volume and color. (see 1, p. 57) Among the more advanced monkeys, such as South African or East African Australopithecus(from the Latin “Australis” - southern and the Greek “Pitekos” - monkeys) was, obviously, that breed of apes about which F. Engels said that it “far surpassed all others in intelligence and adaptability.” The term “Australapithecus” was introduced by the English anatomist R. Dart, who in 1924 found in South Africa the skull of a six-year-old cub of this half-monkey, half-man. After Dart's discovery, the remains of australopithecines were found in large numbers not only in southern but also in central Africa. Australopithecus Darta lived late - about a million years ago and therefore could not count on the role of our ancestor. Now the time of formation of Australopithecines is attributed to the period from 9 to 5 million years ago. These monkeys walked upright. Why did they free their hands? The most suitable explanation: Australopithecus already used tools: sticks, clubs, stones, large antelope bones. But Australopithecines were pre-humans, because. their tools did not yet have sufficient constancy of shape like those of humans, and the surface of their skull was smooth, like that of all apes. And the species of ancient people includes Pithecanthropus, because they began to regularly make tools and use them correctly in obtaining food and in defense against enemies.


2. Formation of man

The earliest people, or otherwise archanthropes(from the Greek “archaios” - the most ancient, “anthropos” - man) lived in primitive herds. Archanthropes lived throughout the Old World, with the possible exception of only the northernmost regions; they could not penetrate into America and Australia.

Compared to Australopithecus, Archanthropus was more developed. Their brain was 750,900 and even 1300-1400 cm3. Brain enlargement was associated not only with general development, but also with greater growth than that of australopithecines. On a labor basis, a sound language was gradually formed in primitive communities. But of course it was the simplest and most primitive. Only after hundreds of thousands of years was it able to develop into articulate speech. Work and speech had a beneficial effect on brain development. They were the two main reasons that animals turned into social working creatures - into humans. Exploring the influence of nature and society on man, F. Engels, based on the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin and the teachings of K. Marx, created “genesis” - origin) in his work. It is based on the deep idea that it was work that shaped a person. We can say that labor created man himself. In 1949, thanks to the discovery near Beijing of 40 individuals of ancient people along with their stone tools (received the name Sinanthropus from the Latin “sinius” in Chinese), scientists agreed that it was the ancient people who were the intermediate “missing link” in the human ancestry. In one of the caves, the skulls and bones of these ancient people were found, who lived here for several centuries in a row. The height of men reached 1.63 cm, women 1.52 cm. Their brain was larger than that of large apes, but smaller than that of ancient people: its volume is 915-1225 cm3. Sinanthropus they already knew the fire, maintained it: maybe they knew how to make it.

Mastery of fire is a huge achievement of ancient people. It helped ancient people overcome many difficulties of existence, especially during the harsh Ice Age that followed.

To ancient people, or paleanthropes(from the Greek “palaios” - ancient), include Neanderthals. (see figure) The closest relative of man was discovered in 1856 in the town of Neadertal near Düsseldorf. The workers who found a cave with strange skulls and large bones decided that these were the remains of a cave bear, and did not even imagine what heated debate their discovery would cause. These bones, as well as bones later found in northern England, eastern Uzbekistan and southern Israel, were the remains of a human ancestor called Neanderthal - primitive man, who lived from 200,000 to 27,000 years ago. Neanderthal man made primitive tools, painted his body with patterns, had religious beliefs and funeral rituals. (see 2, p. 78)

These were people of average and short stature, but with powerful bones and, apparently, incredibly strong, athletic build. Their skulls also had ape-like features - they did not have a chin protrusion, they had a powerful supraorbital ridge and a sloping forehead. But the brain behind this forehead was not inferior to a modern one, on average it was even larger, although its frontal and temporal lobes were usually less developed.

The paleanthropists created a new stone industry and the so-called culture of side scrapers and points, made extensive use of fire, and were skillful and courageous hunters of the largest animals.

Despite their bestial features, paleanthropes thought not only about how to survive. They were already burying their loved ones, decorating the graves with mountain goat horns and even flowers. They had something like a cult of the cave bear: in many caves in Europe they found hundreds of skulls and long bones, neatly stacked in niches and “boxes” made of stone slabs.

The paleanthropes were displaced by humans modern typeneoanthropes.

38 - 48 thousand years ago, the paleanthropes, which became the subspecies Homo sapiens Neanderthal, were replaced by another subspecies - Homo sapiens. Sometimes people of the modern type are called sapiens or simply sapiens.

Until recently, it was believed that the Neoanthropus came to Europe, most likely from Asia, about 40 thousand years ago and quickly destroyed people of the Neanderthal type. But the reality turned out to be more complicated.

Modern people in the middle of the Stone Age widely used the same tools as paleanthropes, who, on the contrary, in a number of places used more advanced technology. Most likely, paleanthropes not only borrowed new technology dressings stone tools, but they could also improve theirs.

Most researchers believe that almost all stages of human origin: primitive apes from lemur-like ancestors, higher apes, apes, australopithecines, homo habilis, archanthropes and, finally, homo sapiens - both Neanderthal and sapiens - took place in Africa, although all stages , except for Australopithecines, managed to expand their range to the east, to the shores Pacific Ocean. However, only neoanthropes were able to penetrate America and Austria.

The first scientifically studied discovery of a modern human was a headless skeleton found in Wales in 1823. It was a burial: the deceased was decorated with shells and sprinkled with red ocher, which subsequently settled on the bones. The skeleton was considered female and was named “Red Lady” (100 years later it was recognized as male). But the most famous are later finds in the Cro-Magnon grotto (France), according to which all ancient people are often not accurately named Cro-Magnons.

These were tall people, practically no different from us, with large, ruggedly handsome features. broad persons.

In ancient times, humanity was no less diverse than it is now. Along with the Cro-Magnons, sometimes next to them, representatives of other forms lived in Europe and Asia.

Cro-Magnons and other people who lived at the same time in the development of higher nervous activity practically no different from us. At this level, human biological evolution is completed.

I consider natural selection for better tool activity to be the main factor of anthropogenesis. This is exactly what Engels meant when he noted that labor created man.

3. Biological and social in the historical development of man. Does biological evolution continue?

homo sapiens ?

Strictly speaking, human evolution continues throughout his existence. But she belongs to social side his life. As for biological evolution, then since man emerged from the animal world, at least it has ceased to play a decisive role. Even people with poor health, thanks to the efforts and advances of medicine, can take Active participation in the life of society. Force natural selection in the social world is weakening more and more, as social institutions, health care continually mitigates the impact of individual biological variability. For example, the decline in the mortality rate from tuberculosis in Europe from 4000 per 1 million people in 1840 to 13 people per million today indicates that selection for resistance to this disease has essentially ceased. The same can be said about many other diseases.

Today there is, on the one hand, a very slow rate of genetic change brought about by selection and great genetic similarity between different human groups. On the other hand, there is a huge diversity of cultures and ways of life, a very rapid increase in social changes, indicating the ongoing cultural evolution of humanity. Therefore, we can speak with confidence about the leading role of culture in evolution homo sapiens .

Natural selection in humans occurs mainly at the level of germ cells. Basically, children are born from genetic cells.

Physical healthier person Homo sapiens has improved significantly over the course of history. A complex indicator can be the increase in average life expectancy of the population.

Under the influence of social conditions, it increased from 20-22 years in ancient times to 30 years in the 18th century. By the beginning of the 20th century. in countries Western Europe the average life expectancy was approximately 56 years. Today in these countries it has reached 75-78 years, i.e., according to modern science, its level is approaching the average “normal” life expectancy of 80 – 90 years.

Let us now turn to the issue of development mental abilities. The English psychologist and anthropologist Galton was convinced that intelligence modern man decreases, as representatives of the lower classes, who have a low IQ, have a larger number of children. Based on this, Galton and some other scientists concluded that human species will become increasingly filled with the “worse breeds” of people and, consequently, reduce their intelligence quotient (IQ). However, this theory is now considered erroneous, since today it cannot be considered proven that IQ in people is determined genetically. (see 3, p.71)

Modern biologists and anthropologists believe that the process biological evolution man as a species has ceased since the appearance of homo sapiens. First of all, this is evidenced by the fact that during this period the human brain did not change, its morphological change was completed.

So, the development of the process of anthropogenesis ends with the cessation of human speciation, which happened 30-40 thousand years ago. Evolution is based on the development of intelligence and purposeful activity. It should also be noted that with the emergence of man and society, genetic information loses its dominant importance in his life. It is replaced by social information. And the development of the latter is determined not so much by the natural selection of the most skillful and gifted, but by social factors to which the general biological process is subject.

Races of modern man

Three main races are generally known: Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid.

Caucasians are people who typically have straight or wavy, often blond hair and fair skin. Their beard and mustache usually grow strongly, their face is narrow, with a protruding nose, the width of the nose is small, and the nostrils are parallel to each other. The eyes are located horizontally, the fold of the upper eyelid is absent or weakly developed, the jaw part of the face does not protrude forward, and the lips are usually thin. Now Caucasians live on all continents, but they formed in Europe and Western Asia.

Mongoloids most often have rigid, straight and dark hair. Their skin is darker, with a yellowish tint, and their beard and mustache grow weaker than those of Caucasians. The face is wide, thickened, the cheekbones protrude strongly, the nose, on the contrary, is thickened, the nostrils are located at an angle to each other. The eyes are very characteristic: they are often narrow, the outer corner of the eyes is slightly higher than the inner corner. The upper eyelid is closed by a fold of skin, sometimes right up to the eyelashes. Lips are medium in width. This race predominates in Asia.

Negroids are people with curly hair, very dark skin and brown eyes. The beard and mustache grow weakly. The face is narrow and low, the nose is wide. The eyes are wide open, the fold of the upper eyelid is poorly developed. The lips are usually thick, often swollen. Classic Negroids live in Africa. (see 1, page 16)

However, not all groups of humanity can be divided into 3 main trunks. The first to drop out are the Indians. According to tradition, they are often classified as Mongoloids. But they also have something European. Therefore, a separate race of Amerindians is distinguished. The same can be said about the inhabitants of Australia and nearby islands. They are dark-skinned, but have typical hair Australian Aboriginals not curly, but wavy, the beard and mustache grow abundantly, and in terms of the structure of the teeth, blood composition, and finger patterns, they are closer to the Mongoloids.

Thus, not three, but five main races should be distinguished.

The appearance of man is a huge leap in the development of living nature. Man arose in the process of evolution under the influence of laws common to all living beings.

In the first stages of evolution, natural selection was crucial. However, subsequently, the ability of a person to inherit non-genetic acquisitions in the form of various scientific, technical and cultural information, as the volume of knowledge increased, increasingly removed a person from the cruel control of natural selection and increased dependence on society. Therefore, when studying human biology, we must always remember that man occupies a very special position in nature and is qualitatively different from other organisms. Man is both a biological and a social being. Ignoring social role and exaggeration of biology is a serious scientific error.


1. Encyclopedia. Human; A.N. Leontyev; ed. Pedagogy; 1975

2. Concepts of modern natural science; V.N. Lavrinenko, ed. UNITY; 2002

3. Concepts of modern natural science; K.L. Solodov; ed. M; 1996

4. Textbook “General Biology”; A.O.Ruvinsky; ed. M. "Enlightenment"; 1993

5. Concepts of modern natural science; M.R. Zakharov; ed. Saint Petersburg; 1998

6. Textbook “General Biology”; D.K. Belyaeva; ed. "Enlightenment"; 1992

7. Reference materials"Biology"; D.I.Traytak; ed. "Education"; 1994

8. Textbook “Biology”; Yu.I. Polyansky; ed. "Education"; 1987

Cellular organisms Nuclear


Multicellular organisms

Chordata; vertebrates







Homo sapiens

When I first started studying psychology, I realized how strong we humans are internally, but we tend to be unaware of it. I realized that a truly enormous strength lies hidden in a person, this is the strength of his spirit. However, since childhood, they have been trying to suppress this power of ours. This is understandable, because depressed, morally weak person, very easy to operate. The human psyche is designed in such a way that he initially feels superior to others. The behavior of children is direct confirmation of this. The child's psyche is geared towards suppression, this is the same as that of animals who are trying to get ahead of their brothers and sisters in the fight for mother's milk.

We don't know who we are and why we are here, we can only guess about it. But we see that for our survival in this world, we have the most necessary qualities for this. But in social environment, humility, humility, and fear have been instilled in us for generations, so that it is deposited at the genetic level. Thus our inner strength for many generations. The word “impossible” is just for such people with a depressed psyche. Ancient rituals, shamanic rituals, all of them were aimed at training the psyche. North American Indians, was finally destroyed only when all the shamans were destroyed. It was the shamans who made the warriors invincible, they pumped up their psyche so much that they were not afraid of anything, and if a person is not afraid of anything, it is impossible to defeat him.

In sports, in business, in any type of activity, strong character and fortitude are needed everywhere. This is everything, a person’s mental state, which can be trained or suppressed. Manipulation of people is the skillful use of psychological knowledge for the purpose of obtaining personal gain. And although I have been convinced more than once that all people can be manipulated, regardless of their mental state, yet people with weak psyches are much more susceptible to this to a greater extent. You can find a key for any person, but a weak-willed person is just an open door. But a person with a well-pumped psyche is an insurmountable wall. Character needs to be strengthened, the psyche needs to be trained.

Of course, there are people who are okay with this, these are not depressed people who are adjusted to life. They are like uncut stone; nothing is impossible for them. Everything in this life can be trained, and the psyche is no exception. If you were humiliated, suppressed, oppressed as a child, it’s not a problem, believe me. You can become strong man, you can change and move away from your past if you just stop putting up with your weakness and start working on yourself. You can do this yourself or with the help of a good specialist.

The historical development of man occurred under the influence of the same factors of biological evolution as other species of living nature. However, for anthropogenesis, the action of biological factors——it is also accompanied by social factors.

Factors of anthropogenesis



1) mutations,

I) work activity,

2) population waves,

2) public Lifestyle,

3) genetic drift,

3) speech,

4) insulation,

4) thinking,

5) struggle for existence,

5) culture.

6) natural selection.

In the early stages of human evolution, biological factors predominated. driving forces. Of decisive importance was selection for better adaptability to changing environmental conditions, the selection of individuals capable of making primitive tools, allowing them to obtain food and defend themselves from enemies. Later (at the Australopithecus stage), gregariousness and the relatively developed forms of communication associated with it become the object of selection. In the struggle for existence, groups of individuals (families) survived, which together could withstand unfavorable environmental factors. Individual selection based on selective elimination (death) shaped the morphophysiological characteristics of the organization of the human type (upright posture, developed hand, large brain), and group selection improved social orientation, i.e., forms of relationships in the herd.

The main driving force of human evolution, from the emergence of the earliest people to the appearance of modern man, was work activity. F. Engels drew attention to this feature of human evolution in his work “The Role of Labor in the Process of Transformation of Ape into Man.” Freeing the hand from the function of support, according to F. Engels, was a necessary condition its further improvement. The hand has become a completely special organ of defense and attack, acting at a distance with the help of various items. Besides, ancient man gradually began to use his hand to make tools. In the process of making and using tools, the hand improved functionally and morphologically, which had an impact on the entire organism. The result labor activity morphophysiological characteristics of humans appeared, a highly developed central nervous system, separation of functions of the lower and upper extremities, unspecialized hand. In addition, labor contributed to the unification of ancient people into groups, that is, the creation of a society to replace the herd.

Social work had a great influence on the development of the brain and senses. In the course of joint work, a vital need arose for the exchange of information. In the process of evolution, the ancestors of modern humans underwent changes in the vocal apparatus and brain that contributed to the appearance of speech.

Labor activity, collective work and the articulate speech associated with it have made the transfer of accumulated experience to subsequent generations a necessary condition for people's lives. An advantage over others was given to tribes that not only supported physically strong individuals, but also retained elderly members of society - keepers of information about methods of survival and activity in various conditions (hunters, craftsmen in tanning skins, making tools, connoisseurs of medicinal plants, etc. .). If the structural and physiological features of a person are inherited on the basis of genetic information, then social information is transmitted through words and learning and determines the spiritual appearance of the individual. Each adult generation passes on experience, knowledge, and spiritual values ​​to the younger generation in the process of upbringing and education.

In modern human society, the action of biological factors of evolution has undergone significant changes. In it, the intraspecific struggle for existence is completely excluded, natural selection, which mainly performs a stabilizing function (maintains the characteristics of the Homo sapiens species), has lost its leading significance. Population waves can only affect sparsely populated regions, since the size of the human population is not subject to significant fluctuations. Isolation is also losing its meaning - violation of isolation barriers leads to enrichment of the gene pool of populations.

The mutation process has retained its significance. Mutations change the genotypic composition of the population and, together with combinational variability, provide polymorphism of populations. The weakening effect of natural selection can contribute to the accumulation of harmful mutations in populations, leading to a decrease in the viability of individuals. This circumstance must be taken into account in various areas of human activity, and above all in environmental protection.

Source : ON THE. Lemeza L.V. Kamlyuk N.D. Lisov "A manual on biology for those entering universities"

We remember about raising a strong personality only when we notice that we ourselves have not developed into a strong personality. Nevertheless, we are full of hope: maybe it will still work out? Or maybe it will come from our children? For there are numerous examples of strong personalities before our eyes - so what is stopping us and our children from becoming just like them? Are there secrets to human spiritual power? And what does this spiritual power consist of?

Strength is the result of effort

Strength is not the first thing that is given to us, as a quality of character or property of the body, it is a consequence or result of our work, our own efforts. Only thanks correct actions either ourselves or our parents in childhood we receive at our disposal, as a gift from above, spiritual power. A strong personality arises as a result of 1) proper upbringing in childhood, 2) the efforts that we consciously make in adulthood. This is a common misconception when they believe that a person can be strong by nature, and since you initially do not have this strength, it means that this is not given to you at all and it is useless to strive to become strong. And there is another misconception, which is that you can supposedly convince yourself that you are strong - such self-hypnosis also, of course, does not give anything. On the contrary, it’s better to even think that you are weaker than everyone else and cannot master something that your friends can easily learn, for example foreign language. Then a person’s efforts to take this easy level and become like everyone else really help him gain spiritual strength. Thus, spiritual strength is the result large quantity small victories over yourself and your weakness.

Raising a strong personality from childhood

The first thing that can be done is to help a person become strong in childhood. Very few parents really want this, and if their children grow up strong, it is most often not thanks to the upbringing they received, but in spite of it. They just really don’t want to be equal to their parents, and this resistance, if they don’t break you, sometimes helps you develop your own strength.

What needs to be done to make children grow up strong?

Few people ask this question; usually parents, on the contrary, want to make it easier for their child. life path. They prepare him in advance for some position or profession that will allow him to take a place without much difficulty, having adapted to life already with early age. For example, they teach him music so that he learns to play the guitar, or the violin, or the cello - and thus would always be in demand as a musician who knows how to make money with his skill. Or they try to teach him any other profession: computer programming, construction, modeling, etc. This is all good, but such preparation for any science or professional field prescribed by parents sometimes makes young man not that it is stronger, but on the contrary - weaker. Most of these children grow up completely unfit because their parents forgot about the spirit.

Why is it so important to strengthen a child's free spirit?

Because it is important for a young spirit not to find himself, but to try. Try yourself in mathematics, try yourself in literature, try yourself in painting, etc. Personal strength is given not by the fact that you liked doing something, but by the fact that you try and feel what you receive from the world feedback as an achievement. For example, I tried my hand at blacksmithing and forged a product that you are proud of and admire. Or you tried your hand at embroidery, and you feel joy just by looking at the pattern you embroidered. Or you tried yourself in the 100-meter dash, and you are happy about taking first place. We need to get as much joy as possible from all these attempts and trials! You are free to choose, and the more sciences, crafts, professions and games you try, the better for you, and the more independent and stronger you will be later in adulthood.

Waldorf education.

It gives a growing person the opportunity to try himself in a wide variety of activities and arts. He receives not only an idea about the subject, for example, about philosophy, that there were such and such philosophers who comprehended the truth, but he also receives the experience of what it means to be a philosopher. He receives a wide variety of experiences from school: how to invent, how to travel, how to build, how to cook, how to look after, how to fight, how to compose music, fairy tales, poems, etc. - that is, he gains experience in every vital matter. The important thing is not that he learned or comprehended something well (he ate the dog at something), but that he went through it. And in later life he will continue to go through new professions, up to 25 - 30 years old.

Time until the age of 28 is allotted to a person for professional experiences: he must experience different areas life, different life roles, as well as ups and downs, successes and failures, the ability or inability to work together with other people, he must expand his entrepreneurial horizons as much as possible in various kinds of affairs. I tried one thing and got the result. I tried something else and got another result. Life begins with the fact that you continue what you started at school, but in a more practical way and now without a teacher: you try the work yourself and draw your own conclusions. This time of conclusions gives a person the necessary vitality, a variety of experiences, as well as employees and friends with whom you will work in the future, when in your 40th or 50th year you really find your favorite thing. This is how far Waldorf pedagogy looks!

Self-education in adulthood

A strong personality does not arise just like that, but only as a result of the fact that the corresponding shoots were laid in childhood or adolescence. Whether she was brought up on negative examples or positive ones does not really matter, but what is important is the life wisdom or maturity that begins to manifest itself in you and requires that some of the sprouts planted in childhood develop into a powerful tree. This can happen at 40, 50, and even 70 years old, and only then will a strong personality be able to fully realize himself. If something has not worked out for her for decades, then this even has a positive value, because previously experienced weakness, inability to find herself, temporary defeat, all kinds of difficulties and illnesses are then the reason why a strong personality begins to manifest itself.

Three principles for developing a strong personality

Man, as the spiritual science of anthroposophy teaches us, consists of three systems: 1) the head system or nervous system, 2) the respiratory and circulatory system (the so-called rhythmic system) and 3) the limb and metabolic system. In short, there is a top, middle and bottom person. The body is strong and holistic only when all three of these systems - head, chest and limbs - are equally well developed, and this three-part principle operates not only in the body, but also in society. Social life the same three-membered as organic. And a strong personality will grow into society in three directions at once: 1) in spiritual world, 2) to your immediate environment (family) and 3) to your distant environment, that is, in external world. Here's how to formulate these 3 principles for the successful development of a strong personality, starting from the distant:

  1. If you want a lot of money, learn to create an outgoing flow from yourself to the external human world.

  2. If you want a lot of health and strength, learn to receive energy from your immediate environment.

  3. If you want to develop a great desire, will, learn to create an outgoing flow into the spiritual world.

A strong person radiates light in two directions: to the rest of humanity and to the spiritual world. And he takes the power to shine from his immediate environment, for example, a man from a woman, and a woman from a man. Weak people do the opposite - they feed on what they get from their distant environment and from the spiritual world, and they want to feed their immediate environment, relatives and family with this. Everything they have earned and learned in the outside world, they bring into their home. But the truth is that a strong personality finds the strength to turn these flows in the opposite direction. At first, this is as difficult as making a river turn back, and not just one river, but three at once. If earlier two weak streams flowed into you and one flowed out, now you make it so that the first two flow out of you into the outer world (human and spiritual), and the third flows in from your immediate environment, from what you do. By doing what you love, you seem to discover a source within yourself, and this internal source is so strong that it turns the flowing streams into two powerful streams. These are the three pillars on which the world of a strong personality rests—let’s look at them separately:

Outgoing flow into the outer human world

It is important not to hope for help from the outside world, but to give it from your source. Insects flock to the candle flame because the candle is burning. It doesn’t matter how it is constructed, whether it is made of wax or paraffin, what expensive candlestick it stands on, etc., but what matters is the power of light that this source emits into the outside world. People see this light and they are attracted to it. These can be employees, clients, and visitors, and thus our outgoing flow creates, in turn, an incoming flow, which brings more money to the enterprise, the stronger the first outgoing flow. It is important to concentrate on what comes from you outside, and not shine inward. Internal reorganization, any improvements and changes within the enterprise, if the goal is to make it big and strong, do not give as much as strengthening the outgoing flow. Currently, there are no closed communities that get rich on their own. IN modern world, if you want to have money, you need to shine. The stronger the outgoing light, the greater the profit. The point is that you must first give to the outside world - your benefit, your wisdom, your expertise - in order to receive something material in return.

Energy interaction with your neighbor

The relationship between a man and a woman in the family is a topic to which we will devote more than one article. Here is the very root of the development of a strong personality. A man will then be strong when he receives a lot from a woman, and vice versa; we are not talking about sex, but about conscious spiritual work in relation to each other. Strong man And Strong woman unite together to enter a state of development, and then the power invested in their relationship reaches a colossal magnitude. This can be called either a perpetual motion machine, or the secret magic of the masculine and feminine principles. But we won’t talk about this here, and if you have a question, please ask it through our website. Any question you have will be very relevant, and we will try to answer it as quickly as possible in one of the subsequent articles. Paradoxically, when talking about the relationship between husband and wife, people very rarely ask how this relationship can be brought into a state of development so that both he and she receive in abundance the energy necessary for healthy life souls.

Outgoing flow into the spiritual world

This is a fundamental point, without which no leader, no society will be able to achieve great goals. You simply don’t want to put them in place, and if you do put them in, you’ll constantly put off implementing them until later, because your personality doesn’t have enough will (or desire) to take them on. The desire must be passionate and strong, so that nothing can stop you - and in order to develop such a desire, you need to engage in spiritual work, shine into the spiritual world, support your spiritual leaders. This is very important, and we will also talk about this in subsequent articles, because there are many forms of spiritual work - in particular, reading Rudolf Steiner's lectures in a group - but this should be work, not prayers and not the expectation that the spiritual the world will help us. Just as in the case of the outgoing flow into the outer world, we ourselves must create the outgoing flow so that the spiritual world becomes interested in us and enters into our will. The stronger this flow emanating into the spiritual world is, the stronger the will will be - and this is, perhaps, the most important thing on which the spiritual strength of the individual is based.

Here is a brief summary of what spiritual science says about the development of a strong personality, and this topic will be continued in upcoming publications on the Waldorf school website.

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