The role of Mars in the natal chart. Mars in the horoscope

Has it ever happened that you liked a certain type of man or woman, but were not physically attracted to this person at all? Are we aware of which image of the chosen one is the most alluring and desirable for us? There is a whole section in astrology dedicated to the study of the relationship between two people - synastry astrology. However, even a novice astrologer is able to understand a lot about himself and his desires if he analyzes the positions of gender planets in the signs of the Zodiac and the elements in his cosmogram. Great importance has the fact that inMars female mapis a significator of the image of a man to which her subconscious is tuned.

Importance of Mars meanings in a horoscope

Mars in astrology speaks of the modus operandi (course of action), the method of achieving what is desired and the level of a person’s libido. In contrast to the receptive Venus, the fourth planet from the Sun represents the archetype of the active doer, fighter, protector, discoverer and initiator. Comparing the positions of Mars in the charts of partners shows how compatible their energetic and sexual manifestations are.Mars in a woman's chart symbolizes:

  • subconscious image of a man;
  • type of passion (your own and your partner’s);
  • erotic ideas of a person;
  • that quality of energy that motivates the emergence of attraction.

Thus, in a woman’s cosmogram it shows what energy type of man she is tuned to. Understanding your deepest erotic ideas, male image shed light on many of the contradictions in life. After all, if a partner is chosen purely with one’s head, without taking into account the requirements of the subconscious, such a union is possible. But there will not be complete harmony, energetic and sexual understanding, or self-satisfaction.

Important Note

Do not forget that the positions of Mars in the female horoscope work in two ways:

And here sometimes there are complications. For example, if a woman is the owner of Mars in Aries, then she will be drawn to men who are proactive, passionate, quick-tempered, and self-centered. At the same time, she herself will have a similar sexual temperament. It is very difficult to maintain such a passionate union for a long time within the framework of a harmonious partnership.

Mars positions and male types

Provisions Mars in the signs of the Zodiactalks about such nuances of a man’s manifestation as:

  • degree of readiness to act;
  • way to achieve the goal;
  • physical energy level;
  • the power of sexual attraction and passion;
  • type of sexual expression.

Depending on the location of Mars, you can tell how decisive, persistent and even aggressive your ideal should be. Or perhaps he should be peace-loving and diplomatic. Analyzing the position of Mars gives the key to understanding your image of passion and courtship. However, we add that for a detailed analysis it is also important to analyze the positions of Venus, the Moon and the Sun. They also provide a lot of information about your partner's expectations and reactions.

Manifestations of Mars and the elements

Depending on which trine of elements Mars is in, its manifestations change dramatically:

  • Being in the signs of Water, Mars expresses itself with subtlety, slowly, but persistently. It appeals to a person's deep needs and feelings. To achieve its goals, the watery Mars will use workarounds, cunning, intuition and insight. This is a diplomatic and peace-loving Mars, although somewhat passive.
  • When Mars is in the fire signs of the Zodiac, a person tries to achieve goals through initiative, demonstrative energy and physical activity. He is an impulse man. Actively uses his strength, will and authority. Thirsty physical activity and exudes enthusiasm.
  • Mars in Earth signs tends to act thoroughly, carefully, putting efficiency at the forefront. He is patient, persistent and loves specifics. Terrestrial Mars disciplined, determined to overcome difficulties, well understands the topic of duty and responsibility, conservative.
  • Airy Mars seeks to express itself through active communication, ideas and a rich imagination. He achieves goals through convincing others, trying to please them or appealing to reason.

Kaleidoscope of possible chosen ones

Having discussed the main manifestations of Mars, the planet of the male archetype, we can move on to discussing the 12 types of men. Of course, due to the need for the material in the article not to be too extensive, we will not be able to consider all the nuances. Let's talk about the most bright moments character and temperament.

Depending on the positions of Mars in the zodiac signs in a woman’s natal chart, we will highlight the following main male types. Let us remind you once again that the type here is purely your image, located in the subconscious.

Mars visiting Aries encourages the owner of this position of the planet to give preference to a man who is straightforward, ready for adventure and risk, and an independent person. An active, passionate, self-confident entrepreneur, athlete, military man is like a magnet for them.

Taurus Mars tells the astrologer about a woman’s ability to wait for years the right man. Her subconscious ideal is a financially secure and sensual man, a respectable person, an owner. She will be drawn to those who know how to be charming and gift their woman.

The ideal woman with Mars in Gemini - an inquisitive person, open to everything new and capable of entertaining his lady. He is the very soul of companies. It is very good if such a man is not only witty, but also represents some kind of mystery.

Mars visiting emotional Cancer speaks about the type of soft, romantic and domestic man. Ideally, a man should be a knight, always ready to console, help and have a heart-to-heart talk. Such a woman is drawn to a man who is not aggressive, sympathetic, and subconsciously in need of guidance.

While in the sign of Leo, Mars in the chart, women react to public, bright men standing in the spotlight. Such a man must be able to make an impression, dress well, be passionate, ardent, and generous. The man of such a woman should stand on a pedestal, but in no case should he hurt her own pride.

Mars in Virgo speaks of the type of conservative, disciplined, clean and decent man. He cannot be called particularly passionate, but he will always come to the rescue in matters of a practical nature. This is a modest man who is distinguished by intelligence, insight and quick wits.

Mars in Libra I need a man with whom I can often talk about relationships and each other. Such women like cultured, intelligent, well-mannered, smart men. Ideally, they are also beautiful in appearance. They are attracted to the image of an artistic, eloquent man, ready for equality in relationships.

Mars in Scorpio makes the owner of this position strive for self-confident, emotional, strong men. It's about about the type of man who is passionate, energetic, and openly demonstrates his feelings and attraction. He is a connoisseur of thrills and experiences. Such a man, however, can be very jealous.

Streltsovsky Mars in a woman’s chart speaks of her attraction to men who can help her in self-improvement. Such a woman wants a highly moral partner, close to the best ideals, philosophical, honest. They are attracted to energetic, optimistic men with strong bodies who have the most Napoleonic plans for the future.

Mars in Capricorn encourages a woman to pay attention to men of status and practicality. Such women like businessmen, images of people in power. They are attracted to men who are serious, ambitious, successful, secretive and reserved. This is the type of an influential but proud man, stingy with the external demonstration of his sexual desires.

Mars in Aquarius speaks of a woman for whom it is important that her need for freedom and originality is respected. She is looking for a man who is open to sexual and partner experiments, rebels, originals. At the same time, she likes men who keep up with the trends of fashion and time. We are talking about the type of modern, cheerful, sociable, charismatic and intelligent man.

Mars in Pisces speaks of the type of man who is sensitive, romantic, dreamy, creative and idealistic. He could easily be an artist, a musician, a person “out of this world.” Such women, on the one hand, like men who are introverted, dependent, melancholic and ready for self-sacrifice. On the other hand, they are drawn to rather strong personalities who are ready to actively stand up for love. Paradox.

  • an irresistible macho and a submissive, flexible husband;
  • an excellent money earner, careerist and connoisseur of home gatherings, children, and the simple joys of life;
  • a very practical person and at the same time romantic, creative, idealistic.
  • Yes, sometimes opposite qualities are present in a person. But more often a man’s character and temperament are more unambiguous. If it “sticks out” somewhere strong quality, then somewhere its opposite is in damage. An absolute “universal”, a perfectly balanced person will be a person without pronounced qualities. You need to remember this.

    What's the next step?

    Well, if you want to find out what exactly is in store for you with a man who suits your type:

    • Will he agree to marry you and how soon?
    • Will he be prone to cheating and how to prevent this?
    • What scenario will your relationship develop in?

    , where you will discover all the secrets of your relationship with the man who suits you:

    Mars in the natal chart

    By the position of Mars in the horoscope, an astrologer can judge a person’s general energy and his energy reserves. Mars also influences the formation of behavior and character, especially its dynamics and motor skills.

    By Mars one can judge those impulses of will and instinct that a person directs from the center of his personality to the outside world (the will to act). Mars characterizes a person’s ability to implement his plans and realize his aspirations in real deeds and achievements. A strong and well-placed Mars also indicates that a person is able to bring the work he has started to its logical end and completion.

    In esoteric astrology, Mars is sometimes called the “small Guardian of the Threshold.” He guards the border between internal and outer worlds. Whether it is a posthumous meeting or a mystical journey, any esotericist knows about the upcoming meeting. This is what the Apostle Paul writes about this (1 Cor. 3 13-15): “Everyone’s business will be revealed; for the day will show it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will try everyone’s work, what kind it is. Whoever's work that he built stands, he will receive a reward; And whoever’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; however, he himself will be saved, but as if from fire.” In the Western Kabbalistic tradition, for example, during the passage of the Sephira of Geburah, corresponding to Mars, the Teacher may ask his student to part with things that he has not used once during the year. A completely natural loss can also occur, for example, as a result of a fire or robbery. The point of this lesson is that, unlike inner world, in the external there is nothing that truly belongs to us.

    The Zodiac sign in which Mars is located () characterizes the dynamics and energetic pressure of outward-directed energy. Naturally, the cardinal signs of the Zodiac most closely correspond to the nature of this planet. Exactly at cardinal signs Mars gets the opportunity to act purposefully, directing all its energy towards the chosen goal. Although, of all the cardinal signs, only Aries and Capricorn contribute to the constructive manifestation of Martian tendencies. Libra, and especially Cancer, contribute to the release of Martian energy in its destructive form.

    They can greatly constrain the energy of Mars, especially if Mars is weak or receives negative aspects from planets such as Saturn or Neptune. This can negatively affect a person’s overall energy, making him insufficiently strong-willed and decisive. In the same time, strong Mars(located, for example, in an angular house, or in the related sign of Leo) can very favorably influence the overall destiny of a person. It is here that Martian energy is able to acquire the necessary constancy, firmness and endurance. For example, in Leo the energy of Mars, although spontaneous, acquires the ability for long-term and constant work; such Mars is able to break through walls. In mutable signs, Mars shows itself far from being the most in the best possible way. Here his energy can be subject to very little control and tends to be scattered chaotically; the person seems to be constantly scattered and changing the goals of his activity.

    Of course, under other favorable circumstances, for example, when Mercury is strong enough and Mars is in Virgo, a person’s energy can become quite elastic, flexible and at the same time strong. It is true here too that periods of passivity will be replaced by bursts of strength and vigorous activity. Of the elemental trigons, Mars manifests itself best in air signs; here the energy of this planet can realize itself most fully, especially in fixed Aquarius. Here the energy of Mars can work very flexibly and even show endurance, although it may lack the necessary sharpness and perseverance. Mars also manifests itself constructively in earth signs; one should only take into account that in this case Mars is largely deprived of flexibility and adaptability.

    Spring and summer signs most of all demonstrate the nature of Mars, aimed at extraversion and external expansion. In autumn and winter signs, Mars can lose a lot. But here it is easier to control and curb, since most of his aggressive energy will already be wasted, and the remaining energy will be easier to turn inward and direct to the creation of internal and intellectual values.

    As for the position, it has been noted that it can manifest itself most fully in corner houses and the daytime hemisphere. Mars in the X house can often be found in the horoscopes of politicians, great generals and military men, for example, in the horoscope of Frederick the Great, where it dominates. Even if this is the horoscope of such a sophisticated intellectual as Fr. Nietzsche, Mars in the X house, and in Virgo, will still indicate the warlike, offensive nature of a person, his intransigence and energy. In the angular houses of the horizontal axis, Mars, of course, will affect the sphere of relationship between the individual and his environment. In the first house, Mars endows the person with great internal energy and an irreconcilable spirit of struggle; the person is decisive and courageous, however, he is often too demanding of others and picky, and can sometimes be despotic. In the opposite seventh house, Mars directs its energy towards its surroundings - its partners. Acting most often recklessly and thoughtlessly, a person may find himself drawn into long-term conflicts with society. In his relationships with other people, such a person may be prone to violence and coercion. His fate may turn out to be quite difficult and threatening with all sorts of troubles. The following houses (except VIII) give Mars the opportunity to express himself very well, especially if he does not receive unfavorable aspects. Mars in these houses gives people-shepherds, informal leaders who are inclined to be the inspirer of some affairs, but rarely become heads and official leaders. Many of them are engaged in intellectual work; these are scientists, writers, philosophers, and esotericists.

    Mars in cadent houses gives a person a feeling of himself as an individual forced to accept, realize, adapt, but who will be faced with tough tasks (during his life, progressive Mars will move through the angular houses). Often points to losers in their field, adventurers who, as a rule, are expected to fail. Having taken a leading position, they are very inspired and rejoice, although they do not believe their luck, and subsequently, when faced with problems, they cannot overcome them, as a result they form complexes - fear of defeat, fear of behind-the-scenes and hidden processes. Having reached the top, these people are overcome by pessimism. Mars in cadent houses can indicate health problems and illnesses, and the diseases are acute, rapid, and inflammatory in nature. This does not apply, of course, to the IX house, where Mars will simply indicate a person ardently devoted to some new idea, most often reformist and religious. Moreover, this person, as a rule, very ardently and energetically defends these ideas, often falling into fanaticism.

    Even if they are harmonious, they will always indicate various difficulties and conflicts in those areas of life that will be indicated by the houses of the aspecting planets. Moreover, a person will have a tendency to solve these difficulties and conflicts directly, acting more by force than by reason, and even resorting to direct violence and brute force. Critical aspects often lead to the fact that a person’s energy can turn against himself, acting destructively; this becomes especially noticeable when Mars is in cadent houses, giving rise to rapid and acute diseases.

    Mars aspects to Jupiter can push a person onto the path of ideological or religious confrontation. Moreover, this struggle can be quite difficult. In this case, a person is inclined to solve problems by force, resorting to coercion and violence. People with a less developed inner life may have a tendency to engage in sports or technology, for example, design or modeling.

    Saturn can, sometimes, have a very favorable influence on Mars, providing a person with endurance, willpower, and the necessary perseverance and perseverance. In other favorable constellations, these aspects can give a person the ability to make his own way in life. A person acquires a firm and decisive character. If the aspects are unfavorable, then this energy of Mars turns against the person himself and begins to act destructively, for example, such aspects are not uncommon in suicides. In any case, they will have a rather adverse effect on human health, acting in the spirit of those houses and signs where these planets are located. Favorable aspects, on the contrary, direct a person’s internal energy to the immediate environment.

    Mars in aspects to Uranus greatly increases a person’s level of self-awareness, endows him with a propensity for freedom, strong independence in all actions and actions. These aspects are often found in the horoscopes of people selflessly devoted to the struggle for justice, freedom, equality and brotherhood. The person is very independent, does everything in his own way, but can be quite tactless, prone to various scandals and squabbles. In any case, there will be a love for technology and some kind of craft. A person can be a pretty good designer, innovator, and innovator. The negative side of these aspects may be painful sensitivity, which, under other unfavorable circumstances, can push a person to suicide.

    Mars in aspects to Neptune greatly influences the world of a person’s feelings, endowing him with a very lively imagination and power of desire. These people have a very developed imagination, they often begin to fight not so much with direct enemies, but with imaginary ones, plunging headlong into the world of intrigue, scandals and squabbles. These aspects manifest themselves harmoniously only if the horoscope is mostly positive, but even then, a person rarely manages to avoid various bad temptations. Otherwise, one should always take into account the possibility that a person will forever be dissatisfied with everything and prone to whims. In particularly unfavorable cases, the formation of antisocial behavior is possible. If this is confirmed by other constellations of the horoscope, one should also take into account the tendency of such a person to commit suicide.

    Any aspects between Pluto and Mars endow a person with very strong endurance and willpower. The man shows courage and aggression. He may also be endowed with very great ambition. Such a person is often very demanding of those around him, and sometimes even petty picky. Sometimes he can look quite charming and attractive, but even in this case his attractiveness is based on directness and spontaneity. Subsequently, tactlessness and lack of restraint begin to be noticed behind this person. A person strives to be the first in everything and to set a record in something, then his actions become reckless, he falls into a rage, etc. capable of breaking wood. In addition to sports, such a person may have an aptitude for chemistry, technology and some areas of medicine, such as surgery.

    When working with Mars, it must be remembered that Mars, as the planet of libido, is in close connection with a person’s sexual and erotic impulses. If he is in a woman’s horoscope, then he can be used to judge the type of man who attracts a woman most of all. And in a man’s horoscope, Mars can be used to judge how this man treats women and how they accept him. Dominant Mars forms a schizoid-choleric type of temperament.

    A strong and harmonious Mars indicates energy, courage, determination, toughness, belligerence and aggressiveness of spirit.

    A strong and disharmonious Mars leads to a waste of vitality, thoughtless, reckless courage and recklessness, rudeness, hasty decisions and actions, impulsiveness and increased aggressiveness.

    Weak and disharmonious Mars can cause a lack of vitality, cowardice, excessive softness, lack of will, indecision and conformism.

    Mars in angular houses creates best conditions to demonstrate physical or political activity.

    “Which planet interested you first?”

    then he's in the lead Moon.

    In second place - Venus, on the third -Sun,

    on the fourth (with a large lag) – Mars.

    We have already become acquainted with the Sun, Moon and Venus and, I think, many have discovered a lot of new and interesting things with the help of these planets.

    But it's not over yet solar system. There are many more planets that are as informative as the Sun, the Moon, and Venus, only in their own area.

    What characterizes Mars in your horoscope?

    Mars– these are our actions, their power of manifestation, the realization of our individual motives (according to the Sun) in accordance with our desires (the choice of our Venus).

    Mars represents the external manifestations of a person.

    Mars- this is the lever with which we turn the world upside down. Depending on whether your Mars is weak or strong, your leverage will be the same. We will definitely discuss this in the topic of Mars in the signs of the zodiac.

    In addition, where in your map it is Mars, You invest the most energy.

    Girls choose their own way Mars your ideal man.

    And men Mars characterizes directly what kind of “macho” he is and what he can boast about without fail.

    Yes, it's no less interesting planet and Mars is quite worthy for us to get to know him better.

    To start, each of you must find out, What Zodiac Sign was he in? MARS on the day and hour of your birth. This task is not easy, but it is doable.

    Eat special astrological tables “Ephemeris” , where the coordinates of MARSA are written for each day in the Zodiac Signs.

    In addition, there is astrological programs , where you just need to enter your date, place and time (if you know) of birth, and in a second the program will build for you a map of the sky at the moment of your birth with all the planets in their corresponding Zodiac Signs.

    How to find out which Zodiac Sign MARS was in when you were born:

    FIRST METHOD: The easiest way to write to me DATE, PLACE (city, region) and approximate TIME of your birth. I will look at the astro program and write to you in which Zodiac Sign you have MARS.

    Write your details in " comments"
    or email me sovetastrologa

    click on the table to enlarge it

    SECOND METHOD: For those who want to figure it out themselves, I suggest downloading it for yourself. astrological tables "Ephemeris". It’s a little difficult to figure them out the first time, but if you dig a little, you’ll figure it out for sure.

    1.Look for a table with your year and month of birth.
    2. In this table, in the very first column, find your birthday, and in the very top horizontal row of the table, look for the image of Mars (usually the eighth column from the left). Mars is depicted as a circle, and above it there is an arrow up and to the right.

    3. At the intersection of the line with your date of birth and the Mars column there will be the coordinates of Mars on your birthday.

    4.If there is no Zodiac Sign icon next to the coordinates, then you move your finger up the column with the image of Mars and after a few lines you come across the Zodiac Sign icon. This is your Mars Zodiac Sign.

    Ephemerides tables can be downloaded on the Internet.
    For those who want to seriously study Astrology, it is better to buy this book (price 500-700 rubles). They are usually published for a period of 90 years (for example, from 1930-2020)

    THIRD METHOD: Install any astrological program on your computer (any paid program offers a free Light version).

    On my blog in the section “Interesting sites on Astrology” (to the right of this article) there is a link to the astrological program ZET. Go there, select the “Files” page at the top and then follow detailed instructions on the ZET website. Having installed it for yourself, you will enter the program, in the “Initial Data” section, enter your birth data and your horoscope will immediately appear. Look for the Mars icon and see what Zodiac Sign it is in.

    There are many sites on the Internet, where you enter your birth data and the Zodiac Sign of your Mars is written to you. I cannot vouch for such data, because... I don't know where the information comes from. And in the three above options, the data will be accurate.

    While you're figuring out

    What Zodiac Sign is your Mars in?

    I will be preparing the first article on this planet.

    IN ancient greek mythology, Mars is the god of war and battles. It has long been believed that this deity patronizes battles. Warriors turned to him when they went to the battlefield. Many years have passed since then. God Mars became interesting myth, but the planet of the same name did not let him go down the drain. She became the personification of the active masculine principle in astrological forecasts, and its influence is difficult to ignore.

    Mars is responsible for a person’s ability to fight for his ideals, to resist public opinion, achieve your goals and show willpower.

    For yours physical characteristics The planet Mars is somewhat similar to the Earth, however, it completes a full circle in its orbit in about two years (687 days).

    A person in the birth horoscope with Mars present is characterized by increased activity. He cannot sit in one place and is ready and constantly finds something to do. Any of his actions is filled with passion and the desire to achieve victory, which makes the person a little rude in communication and assertive. The planet is responsible for the manifestation of male libido. In its highest manifestation, the planet is considered the patron of heroes - people capable of performing a feat.

    But on the other hand, with all its positive characteristics, Mars has dark side. In its lowest manifestation, the planet contributes to the manifestation of aggression, unreasonable rudeness and rudeness. A person under her protection becomes like a wild animal, which at any moment can show the instincts of a predator, which include cruelty and violence. It is noted that people under the influence of Dark Mars are prone to sadism.

    The first astronomers, in particular Ptolemy, said that Mars is a night planet. And in classical astrological teachings, Mars was considered nothing more than a “star misfortune.” At night, Mars's home was Aries, and during the day, Scorpio.

    So, how is a planet designated?

    Graphically, Mars is depicted as a circle with an arrow pointing to the right and upward. This image is a symbol of a weapon (spear) and a shield - the main attributes of valiant warriors. In astrology, this image symbolizes the supply of vital energy and its release.

    The planet also has its own symbolism in astrobotany and astromineralogy. In nature, Mars rules the trunks and branches of trees, as well as grass stems. Plants that are ruled by Mars have distinctive characteristics such as thorns, poisons, acids and spices. Animals of this planet: predators, poisonous insects, reptiles. It is especially worth noting such representatives of the fauna as the wolf, vulture, hawk, stingray, and falcon. The metal of the planet is strong steel, the color is bright red. The stones of Mars are ruby ​​and diamond, the day of greatest influence is Tuesday.

    Levels of Manifestation and Arc Aspects

    In conjunction with other planets, Mars begins to actively interfere in their affairs and enhances energy. The planet guarantees creative manifestation, ability to work and leadership qualities. But this is only the case when the connections have a positive manifestation.

    The quality of a planet’s influence can be determined thanks to its arc aspects. Arc aspects mean the part of the circle that is allocated to the corresponding planet.

    For example, a sextile is 1/6 of the zodiac circle.

    Such configurations have a direct impact on a person’s character, and depending on which part Mars affects, the goodness of this influence is determined:

    • Sextile. If sextiles of Mars are traced in a person's natal chart, this means that the creative energy has wise guidance. In a person’s life, there are many chances to express himself, and he also has enough perseverance to overcome life’s difficulties.
    • Quadrature . In this position, Mars becomes a source of unreasonable indignation and aggression. A person under such leadership is quick-tempered and impulsive. His actions are rash, and very often such rashness causes harm to others. People of this nature need to learn patience and also acknowledge the existence of other people. The square has a connection with great ambition, and if a person is able to cope with the aggression of Mars, then many prospects will open up before him.
    • Trin. Creation in pure form. The man is simply in love with life. Such people have high ideals, they have creative abilities and philosophical mindset, often participate in charity events.
    • Opposition. A person in opposition to Mars is clearly aware of his own and other people’s needs, understands their motives, but this does not prevent him from constantly having difficulties in communication. Such a person is prone to violent struggle, conflicts and fights. Because of his hasty actions, relationships with other people do not work out, but if he pulls himself together, then best friend and no support to be found.
    • Sesquiquadrat. Such people often suffer from imperfection environment. They actively react to aggression (and not always adequately). Small irritants can be ignored for a long time, but after the “last straw” an explosion on a cosmic scale will certainly occur.

    The properties of the planet appear at several levels of elaboration. Depending on the level of the karmic program a person occupies, Mars has a corresponding influence on him.

    1. First (lowest) level. At this level, only raw energy is available to a person, and even then he is mostly controlled by it, and not vice versa. Such a person is like an adult child who easily submits to a force that is superior to him. At the first level, a person expresses himself only thanks to direct action and effort. He enjoys physical labor and strength training.
    2. Second level. A person can partially control strong emotions. His willpower allows him to resist pressure from others, and he can direct energy in any chosen direction. For such people, a comfortable state is when they feel superior in strength. The ideal representative of the second level is a person who is able to subordinate his feelings and direct his forces to achieve one goal. Success will definitely await him in his chosen field of activity. It is also worth noting that for such people in the love sphere it is important to feel their superiority over their partner or to feel their power over themselves.
    3. Third level. The abilities of such people lie in minimal control of their emotions and behavior in a state of passion. However, their suppression often leads to neuroses and a feeling of dissatisfaction. A person is aware of more subtle energy spheres and shows the ability to manage a team. Very often, people of this type consciously come to conclusions about the existence of a more subtle and harmonious world. They try to reveal all its secrets, and therefore sublimate primitive instincts (in the signs of the Zodiac, this behavior can often be observed in Scorpios of the highest level).
    4. Fourth level. The nature of energy awareness changes qualitatively. A person understands that energies are nothing more than varieties of one thing and therefore learns to transform one energy into another with the help of thought.

    Manifestation and influence

    Mars is the owner in the horoscope houses of Aries and Scorpio, although if you specify whose planet according to the horoscope, it will still be Aries, since Mars manifests itself most strongly here.

    Aries-Martians are the real warriors of our time. They will always go ahead, wage an irreconcilable struggle and show such pressure that even the mountains will give way to them. They are able to concentrate large amounts of energy and have truly iron willpower.

    At the same time, in Scorpio this planet manifests itself in a more meaningful form. Representatives of this sign are not so impulsive and always act rationally. The role of Mars is more evident in the intellectual sphere. If Aries-Martians sweep away everything in their path, then Scorpios can take control of their emotions and lie low, waiting for the most opportune moment to win with just one blow.

    Mars also tends to manifest itself in Capricorn. People of this sector are characterized by unbending willpower and perseverance; they achieve their goals, not just at any cost, but in spite of everything.

    In the signs of Libra and Taurus, Mars is the exile planet. His presence is hidden deep inside, but his external manifestations are strange. For example, Libra with Mars are hysterical and quickly burn out without finishing what they start. In addition, you should not rely on their words and promises; they rarely keep them. Mars in Taurus characterizes a suspicious person who sees threats everywhere. He has only 2 types of people: useful and dangerous. And he strives not to avoid the latter, but to destroy them. He often acts on the stupid principle of “beat your own so that others don’t interfere.” IN extreme conditions You will never get an honest act from them.

    Manifestation of Mars in Cancer Vedic astrology considers it as the desire to oppress the weak and the ability to adapt to the strong. These are people with a well-developed social instinct who clearly see the place in the social hierarchy that is destined for them. They want to appear strong, but this is expressed only on the physical level.

    An important aspect in considering the significance of Mars is its sphere of influence, which is relevant in any period:

    • Mars and sexuality. In the case when the cycle of movement of the planets merges Mars and Venus in a stable sign, the sexual attraction will be so strong that it will completely subjugate the person. Although Mars itself craves exclusively strength, at a higher level it gives a person self-discipline and abstinence, opening the way to the spiritual realms.
    • Mars is strong and weak. A person’s temperament directly depends on how strong the influence of the planet was. If the horoscope shows the strong side of a planet of a favorable location, then the bearer will be energetic, independent and self-confident. A weak Mars will show aggressiveness and conflict in a person.
    • Character. Almost all qualities of Mars are of fiery origin, and everything depends on the level at which the planet manifests itself. A Martian can either burn everything clean or give warmth to those in need, it all depends on the desires that control him.
    • Health. Diseases of “tired Mars” are epilepsy, fever, high blood pressure, tumors, diseases respiratory tract, but most often accidents. A striking example, the hero of the film “Loser”, everything constantly fell out of his hands, he got burned, hit, stumbled, etc. This is a typical Martian with afflicted Mars. For men, the planet is responsible for sexual potency, so if Mars is afflicted, there is a high probability that problems will arise in this area.

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    in the natal theme, we can see Various types temperaments.

    Mars in Aries

    In the first sign of the zodiac - Mars is at home. This means enthusiasm, inspiration of the first desire for life and the future.

    A person with Mars in the sign of Aries has certain traits that are common to all people born under this sign. This is not only enthusiasm and inspiration, but also a daring, impulsive temperament, inflamed by a restless and endless thirst for action.

    Self-affirmation is his vital necessity, so strong that if some factors contradict or interfere with this process, then a person’s internal energy reaches extreme limits, burning him over low heat. He is often inconsistent in his actions. He is an individualist who takes risks and does not see the obstacles that may arise in his path.

    Keywords : ability to act boldly, individualism, outbursts of anger, self-assertion, carelessness.

    Mars in Taurus

    Mars in Taurus reveals to us a person who has a certain calm strength and ability to act - understandable, attentive, constant, unhurried, realistic, cautious, but very assertive. He can show extraordinary persistence, stranglehold, a combination of patience and courage, and gradually overcome all difficulties and obstacles. It has all the advantages and disadvantages stubborn person who is not afraid of anything. In this regard, it is generally difficult to convince him. His self-affirmation often takes the form of conquest or certain achievement in material life. He acts only when he feels safe. There are times when he becomes impatient, takes a one-sided and inviolable position, refusing to change his mind even in small things.

    Keywords : constructive ability to act, efficiency, perseverance, perseverance, courage, calm strength, intolerance, signs of anger.

    Mars in Gemini

    In the zodiac sign ruled by Mercury, Mars is present as an excellent stimulant. mental abilities. A person who has this configuration has a pronounced ability to skillfully express and actively convey his ideas, theories and concepts. But since his ability to act is limited to the sphere of thinking, he is more successful in intellectual self-affirmation than in attempts to physically influence other people. He has valuable skills in conducting a discussion, actively communicating, polemicizing, and is often very persuasive. He has a taste for caustic witticisms, lightning-quick remarks, and loves to fight over ideas. But sometimes he becomes a victim of his own incessant mental activity, which leads him to nervous exhaustion.

    Keywords: ability for mental work, ingenuity, belligerence, intellectual self-assertion, eloquence, sensitivity.

    Mars in Cancer

    The ability to act of a person whose Mars is in the sign of Cancer takes the form of refined self-defense, which, however, does not save him from sudden outbursts of internal violence. Nevertheless, such a person most often neglects the possibility of forceful self-affirmation or simply refuses it. And then it is very important for him to feel external support or encouragement from certain people from his immediate environment in order to master the situation, act and take action. In such cases, he compensates for his fear and his inaction with exceptional restraint, fierce conservatism and a stubborn, almost fanatical refusal of any prospect of change. This condition often develops into long-term anger.

    Keywords: refined self-defense, refusal of forceful self-assertion, need for external support, restraint, conservatism, refusal of change.

    Mars in Leo

    In this sign, where the ruler is the Sun, Mars stimulates the instinctive will of man. She becomes dominant and actively dominant. We are dealing with a very energetic, open person, whose ability to act is often the main form of self-expression. This person is clearly aware of the moment in which he is, feels like a master, and therefore acts as he breathes. He does not allow the idea that someone can challenge his right to impose his will on others with that confidence and nobility that does not exclude certain excesses in the form of impudence, inflexibility, or even simply abuse of power. His courage sometimes turns into arrogance.

    Keywords : ability to take energetic action, ardor, courage, tendency to show off, authoritarianism and sensitivity, impatience and inflexibility.

    Mars in Virgo

    Here, in the second house of Mercury, Mars shows that a person's ability to act is used only in cases of extreme necessity. This person cannot stand empty efforts, and at the same time any possibility of changes in his lifestyle and behavior. Under this sign, self-affirmation is restrained, pondered, analyzed. A person feels the need to justify his every action. Before acting, he calculates, weighs, evaluates all his chances and waits for his moment. This strategy can be very effective, but it also makes a person overly skeptical, demanding, petty and meticulous, even manic.

    Keywords: prudence, inability to take risks, conservative, depressive temperament, gift or inclination for subtle work, underestimation of self-affirmation, guilt complex for one’s actions.

    Mars in Libra

    Under the influence of Mars, a person is picky in his actions, and at the same time behaves extremely confidently and strictly. Despite the fact that Mars is in exile in this sign, it does not lose its power, which leads to the best results. A person who has Mars in this configuration is able to show prudence and restraint, as well as prudent determination. Under the guise of benevolent gentleness, he hides the ability to firmly hold the sword of justice in his hands, use it decisively and show mercilessness. This person is able to behave rather sternly, avoid excesses and wait for the moment to achieve the desired result. However, such behavior often borders on indecision, and can also lead to fanaticism of unjustified cruelty.

    Keywords : the ability to act prudently, prudence, a tendency to select, thoughtfulness, the ability to choose the right moment to take action, a heightened sense of justice, indecisiveness, outbursts of aggressiveness.

    Mars in Scorpio

    The person in whose natal horoscope such a configuration is presented can become a formidable adversary. He is distinguished by a secretive manner of behavior. Outwardly he is quiet and calm. In fact, he is a calculating provocateur and a bold experimenter who is ready to take only reasonable risks. Difficulties, obstacles, critical situations give rise to the desire to surpass himself, to show courage and readiness for battle - qualities whose existence is difficult to guess. This person is capable of both the most passionate feeling and boundless indifference. Therefore, he is able to act and react very harshly, coolly, decisively and categorically. These people are full of self-confidence and courage, but unlike Mars in Aries, Mars in Scorpio is more judicious and calculating. These people achieve their goal at any cost and by any means. They are attracted to everything secret and dangerous; it seems that they have no fear at all.

    Keywords: secretive behavior, depth of feelings, provocation, courage, tendency to take reasonable risks, belligerence, stamina and perseverance, lack of ardor, cold cruelty.

    Mars in Sagittarius

    The ninth sign of the zodiac symbolizes the flourishing and natural development of personality. With this position of Mars, a person’s strength and energy is complemented by his belligerence and readiness to compete. He feels a constant need to impose his will on others. He behaves directly, enthusiastically, and innocently, but sometimes he sins with excessive zeal. Wanting to do the best or bring benefit, he often achieves the exact opposite result. Such a person loves physical activity, but sometimes wastes his energy in vain, tends to complicate simple things and is not always able to look from the outside at the events in which he participates. He's building own worldview not only on knowledge and experience, but also on the ability to foresee upcoming events. He defends his opinion in disputes, from which he almost always emerges victorious.

    Keywords: generosity, belligerence, competitiveness, readiness for physical activity, optimism, sincerity, frivolity in actions, impatience, idealism, the desire to impose one's will.

    Mars in Capricorn

    Thanks to Mars being in the sign ruled by Saturn, the person has strong determination, insight, clarity of mind and perseverance, but lacks ardor, passion and energy. This is a reasonable person who strives to achieve maximum results. He is capable of long and continuous efforts rather than of ardent, inspired impulses or spontaneous actions. This person is reserved, careful, resilient and so stubborn that he does not give up until he achieves a certain goal. He is able to detach himself from the world of feelings and emotions and, as a result, become tough, adamant and indifferent, but at the same time gain self-control. He has great reserves of patience and endurance. His tenacity, perseverance and great ambition guarantee a prosperous old age and early achievement of a high social position.

    Keywords: self-defense, firm determination, perseverance, insight, correct assessment of one’s capabilities, careful and leisurely actions, rigidity, indifference.

    Mars in Aquarius

    The active energy of a person in whose natal horoscope this planet is present is subordinated to reason. He shows some aptitude for physical labor or inventive abilities that help him express himself. He is extremely energetic, but his strength lies not in his muscles, but in his psyche. He is very mobile, able to boldly and successfully deal with several things at once, make decisions quickly, act on time and without delay.

    He reacts correctly to the situation. At the same time, he can be undisciplined, unstable, impulsive and a categorical opponent of any authority or demonstrate intolerance in his views. He puts all his energy and enthusiasm into any business, especially if it is based on his own idea.

    Keywords : dynamism, ability to work with hands, aptitude for technique, excellent reactions, ability to choose the right moment, exhaustion nervous system, waste of energy, indiscipline, dangerous impulsiveness.

    Mars in Pisces

    Under the influence of Mars, which is in the sign ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, a person strives to ennoble all his actions. He is either exalted or broken and suppressed by his violent emotions, which can break out at any, most unexpected moment and manifest themselves with extremely cruel, primitive and destructive force, like a true flood that sweeps away everything in its path. Often, thanks to his generosity, emotional sensitivity and intuition, such a person is ready to take on a challenge. He is capable of making the most incredible dreams come true. He uses psychic power so that no one feels it. An agreement is often reached through cunning, diplomacy or secret ways; the fight against competitors and enemies is carried out mainly secretly, but decisively. However, he can be very touchy, react out of control of his emotions, or use his powers very poorly.

    Keywords : secretive behavior, depth, subordination to emotions, the desire to ennoble one’s actions, the desire for the absolute, touchiness.

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