Scenario of a competition program for children about theater. Game program for Theater Day “I want to be an actor”

I'm in a great mood this morning,

Theater Day, grace!

Oh my phone is ringing

Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate me!

I love performances

Everyone I know knows about this.

A theatrical mood to everyone,

And instant impressions!

The theater usually gives us

Delight and joyful feelings.

Everyone knows that the theater is like a temple,

For art lovers.

He has been bringing into our everyday life for a long time

Diversity moments.

We congratulate you, actor,

And we give you applause.

On the day of the theater, congratulations,

Friend, actor, you're welcome,

Of course I understand

That art will last forever.

You give your talent

I, as a viewer, skillfully

You live, you don't play,

That's how you love your job.

I admire you

And with your skill,

Good friend, congratulations,

Happy holiday to you!

World Theater Day! Shock!

We send our sweet congratulations to everyone,

Here he is, looking from behind the scenes

And he’s waiting for an encore!

Let all who love the scenes spirit,

Today he will speak out loud,

Let him bring flowers to the artists,

And better yet - a fragrant cake!

So that always, in all ages,

Their fate was easy!

Today to all theatergoers

We will send congratulations.

Premier. And every call

Let it gather spectators

In a beautiful, festive hall,

In which they depict

Actors are our ideal!

Let there be frequent premieres,

And every day it’s a full house!

And let the theatrical era

A beacon shines for us forever!

May the hall never be empty

There is always a crowd in the foyer from spectators.

Yes, the creative theme often comes up.

Let your native theater be a fortress.

And the viewer will not forget your success for many years.

Always so that inspiration comes.

Let the media announce you with respect.

Beautiful and new roles for you!

Different, but only pleasant things!

Success and creative cool ideas!

Theater day script

TO THE DAY OF THE THEATER. Script outlines. The seats in the auditorium are filling up. There is a hunter of spectacles everywhere. An ordinary hanger at the very beginning, January 25 ... Script for the International Day of His Majesty - THEATER! The script is educational and entertaining. It will pass... Explanatory note. The goal is to introduce the holiday World Theater as part of Children's Book Week. Tasks: ? to introduce the New Year, Birthday, Anniversary, School holidays and many others. etc. ... programs dedicated to international day Theater "Melpomene" Oct 14, 2012 ... Anniversary script for the theater. Victor Shalaev 2. Scenario of the opening (?) theater season. The foyer is decorated with theatrical... Scenarios of the day (22) · Scenarios of the New (208) · Scenarios of the New... Every year at the end of March the whole world celebrates “Theater Day”. Theater is an Information System. How to entertain guests. Internet database of congratulations and scripts. Select materials and scripts for the holiday: ...March 24, 2010 ... Party script for International Theater Day, International Cinema Day or Russian Cinema Day. Theme party...June 3, 2013 ... Theater Day script begins with the main holiday, for example, "Mask Show", its surroundings, costumes, directly...


Wo sind Deine Haxn

Video on the topic theater day script

Congratulations on Theater Day in verse March 27, 2013

congratulations on theater day in verse

Magical theater atmosphere

Captivates with incredible beauty,

And all arts have divine measure

It makes us think about pleasant things.

Today we congratulate you on Theater Day,

We would like to wish you inspiration,

We personify you with beauty,

We are to admire. Well, let you shine!

It is known that a good actor

I can handle any role, I can handle it.

But in life we ​​all measure our roles:

Either this one is wrong, or I don’t want this one...

And only the theater will help you figure it out,

How to be worthy in each role.

Thank you! Happy Theater Day!

Full houses of happiness and creative ideas to you!

Actors, theatergoers, everyone rejoices and makes noise,

The day of the theater is coming, become friendly

We will sing and have fun, break glasses, dance,

Play funny roles and kiss each other!

Who can’t live without a stage, not breathe and not sleep?

Who quotes all the plays chose this bright path?

You, actors, directors, lighting technicians, friends,

Congratulations on Theater Day, you can’t live without it!

From hanger to auditorium

Beau monde, applause and flowers...

But what is the reason that connected everyone?

And built bridges to the world of art?

Today is a holiday, and the staff is on fire

Artistic, Small and Large!..

Please accept congratulations on Theater Day:

No wonder there is peace in it! Play with all your heart!

Masters of great art here,

Inspiration and purity,

It can be funny here, very sad,

This is theater - all scenes are important!

Happy Theater Day, I congratulate everyone!

Everyone who gave their lives to the stage!

This is theater - everyone believes and knows

What a room this room is filled with feelings!

On the one hand, there are many options for celebrating a graduation, birthday or New Year, but upon closer examination there are a rather limited number. in Sevastopol you can spend it bowling, at the theater or on a hike. However, for most children, bowling is an ordinary entertainment, and the theater is not loved enough to somehow especially please the child and his friends on a special day. Going out into nature is a pleasure that lasts for many hours; not every parent is ready to accompany their child on such a holiday; not everyone will decide to let the birthday boy go under the responsibility of the parents.

The most universal children's holiday in Sevastopol is a program with animators at home or in some institution in the city. Club " Fun party» very well suited for children's event. The hall is equipped with sound amplification equipment. Lighting devices have effects even during the day, since we have dimming.

For children's parties in Sevastopol, we offer programs with a host or popular characters. Fox Alice and Pinocchio, Harry Potter, Monsters High, Winx Fairies, Spider-Man, clowns and pirates regularly play with children at birthday parties.

All these programs appeared at the request of birthday people. If you have any wishes, do not hesitate to voice them.

If you let us know in advance who you would like to see at children's party In honor of your birthday, we will compose and implement a new script.

Of course, in Sevastopol, characters are ordered for children under 10 years old. Teenagers prefer holidays with a host.

Life-size puppets make birthdays more impressive and interesting. We have dolls for kids, for primary school and for teenagers. Dormidont - big Foot and the Klava doll have successfully attracted the genuine interest of teenagers for many years.

How communication with dolls occurs, how the young public reacts to dolls can be seen in the video posted on the Children's Parties page.

When using large dolls at children's parties in Sevastopol, not only the dolls themselves are important, but also their presentation. The doll is designed not only to surprise children and adults with its appearance. The appearance of Klava or Dormidont once again convinces children that it is necessary to study so as not to be funny and not look stupid when you grow up.

Despite all the fun of the holiday, parents find in our work more than just fun and pleasure. Our customers are parents who take raising their children seriously. They care who will be with the child for the whole two hours of the holiday, what the children will talk about and what games they will play.


Script about the theater

Theater spring (grades 5-9)

Music is playing. The hall is festively decorated. If the holiday is held for several classes, then each of them must come up with a name for themselves. theatrical theme, and if for one class, then the class is divided into teams, which also come up with names for themselves. Prizes are prepared in advance for the winning teams and for the participants who will give the correct answers. The curtain is closed. The presenter comes out.

Leading: Hello, dear children and dear adults! When we open the door to the theater building, we find ourselves in a magical
festive atmosphere with sparkling chandeliers, comfortable chairs, where the air itself smells of holiday. But the theater is not only a building. These are, first of all, those performances that we see on TV, listen to on the radio, and sometimes read in the form of plays. Guys, please remember what performances and plays you know.

  • A “Theater Auction” is held. The guys must take turns naming the ones they know. dramatic works, performances, and it is desirable that the author’s last name be mentioned.

(Music sounds. The Muse of Tragedy and the Muse of Comedy come out.)

Muse of Tragedy: The theater was predicted to die more than once, but it survived each time - it withstood competition with cinema, television, and the computer. Art that serves the audience is destined to have a long life.

Muse of Comedy: Overcoming borders and language barriers, it reveals new discoveries to the world. Visit good performance- whether it is performed in a famous theater or on a small studio stage - it always brings spiritual pleasure and brings a real holiday.

Muse of Tragedy: Today you are in magical land, whose name is Theater. Love the theater. He will make you kinder, more honest, fairer.
Today at our holiday we dedicate everyone present to the audience and give you the basic rules of life in the country of Theater, which
will be useful to you when visiting any theater, because you become residents of this country. Theater.

(Memos are prepared in advance. They can be printed on postcards or colorfully designed sheets of paper.)

Memo for a young viewer

Dear friend!

  • You came to us today (at concert hall, to the theater, to the circus), come here more often and remember: the doors are always open for you.
  • You must arrive no later than 10 minutes before the start of a concert, performance, or other event.
  • Necessarily outerwear you need to take it off and put it in the wardrobe.
  • I entered the hall: everything around was beautiful and clean. Don't litter here, don't break chairs.
  • Watch and listen carefully. If during the action you want to say something to your neighbor, be patient or do it as quietly as possible.
  • By talking, you disturb both the audience and the artists.
  • You, of course, are polite and will definitely thank the person who spoke by clapping your hands or giving a bouquet of flowers. Your applause is gratitude for the artist, because he tried to please you.

Muse of Comedy: We remember the words of Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky that theater begins with a hanger, we know that the success of any performance consists of many people: playwrights, directors, artists, composers, make-up artists, decorators, stage workers, lighting technicians, sound engineers, etc.

Muse of Tragedy: But still, the tip of this iceberg is crowned by the actor. And on our holiday main character- His Majesty the Actor. Maybe,
Some of you will become an actor in the future, but today each of you has the opportunity to try to discover the actor in yourself. To do this, we invite one participant from each team to the stage.

(Music sounds. The muses open the curtain.)

Competition “In the stationery store”

Leading: Imagine that you are a salesperson at an office supply store. Buyers have come to you, and it will be you and me. Each seller must talk about the item they choose so that the buyer cannot refuse.

(Stationery or pieces of paper with their names are laid out on the table. Each of the participants chooses an item or
pulls out a piece of paper with its name and receives this item.)

Muse of Comedy: I won this competition....

Muse of Tragedy: The participants of the first competition showed excellent acting skills. I think that a little actor lives for each of you.
And we can easily check this. Let's have another competition.

Competition "Pop Star"

Leading: We invite one participant from each team to our stage again. They will have to imitate the singing of famous pop singers to the soundtrack.

Muse of Tragedy: This competition was won...

Muse of Comedy: At the next competition, the teams will be presented with their completed homework for our judgment.

Competition "Ball literary heroes»

Muse of Tragedy: Each team had to choose a hero from any famous literary work, make a costume for him and teach him short excerpt from this literary work with which this literary hero will appear before us.

Muse of Comedy: A team is invited to the “Ball of Literary Heroes”...

(The results of the competition are summed up.)

Muse of tragedy: In our next competition, fans will be able to bring points to their teams. 5 fans are invited to the stage
from each team. Every theater has an orchestra. There are many instruments in the orchestra, many of them are well known to you. Exercise: In 1 minute, write down all the names of musical instruments you know on a piece of paper.
One title is one point for your team.

Muse of Comedy:

We know a lot about the theater.
Let's find out about your knowledge now.
And with you rank after rank
We'll hold a theater quiz.

For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

2. What is a proscenium? (Front of stage.)

3. In the ballet " Swan Lake» Odile performs 32 fouettés. What is she doing? (32 turns.)

4. How musical size are marches written? (Two quarters.)

5. Where does the first violin sit in the orchestra in relation to the conductor? (Left.)

6. What are the names of the seats in the auditorium that are located behind the stalls? (Amphitheater.)

7. How many film frames are there in one second when showing a film? (24.)

8. How many lines of poetry are there in Japanese haiku? (3.)

9. What is the name of the play or concert, the proceeds from which go to the participating actors? (Benefit.)

10. In what genre is it written? magical flute"Mozart? (Opera.)

11. How many dancers perform a pas de deux? (2.)

12. What is the name and patronymic of Stanislavsky? (Konstantin Sergeevich.)

13. In what genre was Minkus’ “Don Quixote” written? (Ballet.)

14. In what city is the Prado Museum located? (Madrid.)

15. How many lines of poetry are there in a limerick? (5.)

16. What are the names of products that replace real objects on stage? (Props.)

17. What was the name of Hamlet's father? (Hamlet.)

18. What is the name of the border between auditorium and the stage? (Ramp.)

19. In what country did Kabuki theater originate? (Japan.)

20. How many strings are there in a violin? (4.)

21. Who said that the whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors? (William Shakespeare.)

22. Where does Romeo and Juliet take place? (In Verona.)

23. In what art form are the Grammy Awards awarded? (Music.)

24. Name one of the domestic films that won an Oscar? ("Moscow does not believe in tears".)

25. The museum of which Russian writer is located in Tarkhany? (M.Yu. Lermontova.)

26. Name the brothers who invented cinema. (Lumiere.)

21. What is the creator called? ballet performances? (Choreographer.)

28. Who performs main role in Terminator films? (Arnold Schwarzenegger.)

29. What is it common to call animation in Russia? (Animation.)

30. What is the name of the role of an actress who plays children? (Travesty.)

31. How many lines of poetry are there in a sonnet? (14.)

Muse of Tragedy: So our theatrical holiday ends. We ask the jury to sum up the results of our competitions and name the winning team.

(The results are summed up. Awarding of all participants of the “Theatrical Spring”.)

Muse of Comedy: Our holiday is over. We are grateful to all its participants. And now we invite actors from our school theater to our stage. In their performance you will see (name of the performance).

Goals and objectives:

  1. Bring children together creative process, reveal to them interesting world theatrical art.
  2. To intensify the activity of each child in searching and conveying a stage image using a variety of expressive means.
  3. Cultivate a willingness to be creative.


Hello kids, girls and boys!Hello, friends!

It's so good that there is a theater!
He was and will be with us forever,
Always ready to assert
Everything that is human in the world.
Everything is beautiful here - gestures, masks,
Costumes, music, acting.
Our fairy tales come to life here
And with them a bright world of goodness!

(fashion theater, costume show)


— Tell me, what kind of theaters are there? (puppetry, drama, operetta, opera and ballet.)

- That's right, well done. What theaters do we have? ( Musical Theatre, puppet, dramatic.)

— There are a lot of people working in all theaters. Who works in the theater?

Children (theatrical and play fairy tale therapy) read poetry:

In all theaters throughout the country
Different jobs are important.
But still, no matter how you spin it,
A main man- artist.

Also, of course, the director,
Artist, prop maker, make-up artist;
Will show you where everything is,
Responsible for props.

The choreographer will choreograph the dances,
The choirmaster will take care of the voice,
The orchestra is looking for talent,
What a conductor, what musicians,
And there are simply no equals in the world

Such artists are dedicated to the world.

They always lead the performances
A worker with a stage driver.
The suit will be adjusted to size
With love, our costume designers.
Correct wheezing, hissing, whistling
The hosts of the performance are radio operators.
Watches everything with an eagle's eye
Our friend is an assistant director.

There are mechanics and carpenters here,
Plumbers and painters, cleaners and ticket takers,
Both commandants and watchmen;
Will keep an eye on everything in the world
Head of post, head of supply, supply manager, filler.
That the teacher is an erudite,
The fireman on duty does not sleep,
Barmaids and cooks
Cutters and doctors,
Cashier, accountant and driver,
But the most important thing is the viewer!
(Vasilenko V., “ Preschool education”, № 9, 2001.)


Do you like to read fairy tales?
Do you want to become an artist?
Then tell me, friends,
How can you change yourself?
To look like a fox?
Or a wolf, or a goat,
Or the prince, Yaga,
Or the frog in the pond?

(You can change your appearance using a costume, makeup, hairstyle, etc.)

Invite the children to take scarves.

To the music they depict:

  1. princess
  2. fox
  3. bear
  4. rooster


And children can go without a suit,
Turn into, say, the wind,
Or in the rain, or in a thunderstorm,
Or into a butterfly or wasp?
What will help here, friends? (Gestures and of course facial expressions)

- What is facial expression? (These are body movements, no words)

The host conducts the game

“As soon as we entered the forest, mosquitoes appeared.
“Suddenly we see: a chick has fallen out of the nest near a bush.
We quietly take the chick and put it back in the nest.
— We go into a clearing, we find a lot of berries.
Strawberries are so fragrant that you can’t be too lazy to bend over.
— A red fox is looking out from behind a bush ahead.
We will outwit the fox and run on tiptoes.
— There are two girlfriends in the swamp, two green frogs
In the morning we washed ourselves early, rubbed ourselves with a towel,
They spanked with their paws, they clapped with their paws.
Paws together, paws apart, paws straight, paws at an angle,
Paws here and paws there, what a noise and what a din!

7. Well done. What is facial expression? (Our facial expression).


Here's the news! I almost fell off the porch!
Everyone has a facial expression!
I’m frightened and wondering, what am I expressing on my face?
Probably courage, probably intelligence!
What if I don’t boom-boom in my facial expressions?

Let's try to check. Let's all go to the mirror.

There are, no doubt, different moods,
I will call it, try to show it.

Show: sadness, joy, calm, surprise, grief, fear, delight, horror, happiness.

And now the time has come
Communicate with gestures, yes, yes!
I tell you my word
In response, I expect gestures from you.

“Come here”, “go away”, “hello”, “goodbye”, “quiet”, “don’t spoil”, “wait for me”, “you can’t”, “leave me alone”, “I think”, “understood”, “no” ", "Yes".

(fashion theater)


— To become an artist you need to learn a lot, be able to do a lot.

— What should an artist be able to do?

(Speak well, clearly, clearly; breathe correctly; move beautifully, etc.)

— Do you want to become an artist?

- I suggest you try to become artists today. Let's imagine that we are in a theater workshop.

Let's start by restoring proper breathing. Sit down, everyone, straighten your back, put your hand on your stomach. The child performs breathing exercises.

2. Breathing

  1. Inhale through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth.(1 time)
  2. Inhale - exhale with the sound s-s-s-s-s(that's how the wind whistles).
  3. Inhale - exhale with the sound sh-sh-sh-sh(that's how the trees make noise).

Let's imagine that there is a feather on the palm of your hand. Inhale and exhale slowly so that the feather remains on the palm.

3. Now we will do gymnastics for the lips and tongue.(The child does the gymnastics.)

For lips.

  1. Pull your closed lips forward, like the heels of a pig; stretch your lips into a smile without exposing your teeth.
  2. Closed lips (patch) move up and down; then to the right, then to the left.

For the tongue.

  1. “Injections.” Use a sharp tongue to touch alternately inside left and right cheek. The lower jaw is motionless.
  2. “Chatterbox.”

Children talk with different intonations (tell me something interesting).

- Well done. Now let's remember the tongue twisters.

4. Children stand in a circle. They hand over a theater ticket and say tongue twisters one by one.

- Tongue Twisters.

  1. The bull is blunt-lipped, the bull is blunt-lipped, the bull has a dull lip.
  2. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
  3. There is a priest on a head, a cap on the priest, a head under the priest, a priest under the cap.
  4. Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.
  5. The Greek was driving across the river, he saw the Greek - there was a cancer in the river. The crayfish put the Greek's hand in the river behind the Greek's hand.
  6. Karl stole corals from Clara, Clara stole a clarinet from Karl. Clara severely punished Karl for stealing the coral.
  7. Prokop came - dill was boiling, Prokop left - dill was boiling. And with Prokop the dill boils, and without Prokop the dill boils.
  8. The heron wasted away, the heron was withered, the heron was dead.
  9. A weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.

5. It's time to make the task more difficult. A child comes out and reads a poem.

One two three four five -
Do you want to play?

A game “Theatrical warm-up.”

  1. You need to walk along a narrow path, pressing your backs to each other.
  2. Through the swamp.

skit "What happened?" (Appendix No. 1)

The warm-up has come to an end...
You tried now.
And now for a surprise, guys!
I invite you to a fairy tale.

(fashion theater)

There are many different fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
But to live in the world
We can't live without them.
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead
A fairy tale will knock on the door -
Let's say to the guest: “Come in.”

Sketch - Ulya and Filya, (Appendix No. 2)

Sketch - Thomas and Fedul (Appendix No. 3)

Sketch - Yaga and Chur (Appendix No. 4)

Today I am a forest fairy. I am very glad to see you in my domain, but you are not children, forest dwellers. Which…. We will go to the magical land of Tili-Mili-Tryam, for the flower of joy. (Ride by train)

- I have a flower of joy. He will definitely help you fulfill all your wishes. Let's take a piece of this flower into our hands, carefully so as not to lose it. Let's apply it to the heart. You feel that now everyone has a kind, warm, pure flower of joy. Let's give our flower of joy to each other.

— I see many people are smiling. Why? (answer)

“Now we all have a warm, joyful mood.” I just want others to see the flower of joy. How to do it?

Draw, design, sculpt, as our guys did, and now you did.

(master class on manufacturing)

Flower children run out:

1 How much sun, how much light Spring has brought for everyone!

2 Flowers of unprecedented beauty are blooming in the clearing near Spring!

3 Nature wakes up and washes itself with dew!

4 And, of course, all the animals wake up in the spring!

Poem "Hedgehog"


Picking flowers is easy and simple
Small children
But to the one who is so tall,
It's not easy to pick a flower!



Snowdrop peeked out
In the twilight of the forest -
Little scout
Sent in the spring.
Let it still be above the forest
The snows rule,
Let them lie under the snow
Sleepy meadows,
Let on the sleeping river
The ice is motionless -
Once a scout came -
And spring will come!

E. Serova

Lily of the valley.

Lily of the valley was born
On a May day,
And the forest protects him.
It seems to me that he is assed -
It will ring quietly.

E. Serova


On the sunny edge
The violet has blossomed
Lilac ears
She raised it quietly.
She's buried in the grass
Doesn't like to climb forward
But everyone will bow to her
And he will take it carefully.

E. Serova


There is no point in calling him to us, -
He himself will come;
Will blossom trustingly
Right at the gate -
Golden buttercup.

E. Serova

Water lily

A water lily lies on a leaf,
Like on a green raft;
And I would float down the river
To distant girlfriends,
But the trouble is - the raft is tied,
He won't float anywhere.
And when evening comes,
The flower will fold its petals:
"Until morning! Before new meeting!” -
And the light will go out.

E. Serova


They are visible and invisible,
You can't count them!
And who just invented them -
Cheerful, blue?
Must have been torn off
A piece of the sky
We did a little magic
And they made a flower!

E. Serova


Wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress;
When he grows up, he will dress up
In a little white dress:
Light, airy,
Obedient to the wind.

E. Serova


Look, look,
What is this red light?
This is a wild carnation
The new one celebrates the day.

E. Serova


Golden mean
And the rays go around -
This could be a picture
Sun in the blue sky?
No, not the sun on a piece of paper,
Chamomile flower in the meadow.

E. Serova


blue bell
Bowed to you and me;
Very polite...
And you?

E. Serova

Quiet, guests, you are sitting!
Don't scare away our fairy tale!
There are miracles here, where are they hiding?
We will now tell the tale, and tell it and show it.

Host: Today we have gathered in this room because we love fairy tales very much. No wonder they say “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows- lesson". How does a fairy tale differ from other literary works?

(In a fairy tale, good always defeats evil, there may be various heroes, magical transformations).

- Today the guys will show how well they know various fairy tales.

Scene "The Three Little Pigs"

II. Competitions.

1. Warm up.

“Do you know fairy tales well?”

Illustrations from fairy tales are shown, teams take turns determining where they are taken from (illustrations are taken randomly).

2. Task

“Name the fairy tale” (who can identify the fairy tale faster).

—Which fairy tale contains a recipe for preparing an outlandish dish, unique in its taste, from carpentry tools? (“Porridge from an ax”)

— Which fairy tale tells about how a hare became homeless, and a red-haired cheat took possession of all the hare’s real estate and only the intervention of a person helped restore justice? (“ Hare Hut”)

— What is the name of Russian folk tale, which tells the story of the long journey of a baked goods product to the consumer? (“Kolobok”)

sketch "Dunno"

3. Competition for the best knowledge of fairy tales(task for teams).

- What song did Kolobok sing?

—What did the Goat sing to her seven kids?

- Who can call Sivka-Burka?

- Who can call Ivanushka’s sister Alyonushka?

4 . Auction.

“Whose team can name more fairy tales that talk about the Wolf or the Fox, Baba Yaga or Ivanushka.”

- Who is this?

a) Fairy-tale heroine, owner of the first aircraft? (Baba Yaga)
b) A fairy-tale creature, a forest dweller, the so-called Spirit of the Forest? (Leshy)

-Who says that?

a) “Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red one? (Morozko)
b) “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, pieces will fly through the back streets.” (Fox)

—For what reasons did the kings send their sons on their journey? (For the bride, the firebird, rejuvenating apples, etc.)

Objects that someone supposedly lost are taken out of the black box. (Golden key, crystal slipper, little red riding hood, golden egg, liquid apple, ball).

Scene “Thumbelina”

5. Competition

1 team

Walking to school with an ABC book
Wooden boy
Gets to school instead
In a linen booth.
What is the name of this book?
What is the boy's name?

A girl appeared
In the cup of a flower,
And there was that girl
A little bigger than a marigold
Who has read such a book?
Knows a little girl.

2nd team

Let's talk now
About another book -
There's a blue sea here
Here is the seashore...
The old man went to the sea
He will cast a net,
Will anyone get caught?
And will he ask for something?

Someone for someone
He grabbed it tightly:
- Oh, I can’t pull it out!
- Oh, she's stuck tight!
Who is stuck so tightly?
Maybe this …

The “postman” enters the hall and hands the presenter several telegrams. The teams must find out who sent the telegrams: “He left his grandfather, he left his grandmother. I’ll be with you soon.”

“Save! We were eaten by the Gray Wolf."

“A simple egg has already been laid.”

“I live without any glory among the green oak groves of seven heroes.”

6. Show homework.

1 team – Scene "The Princess and the Pea"

Team 2 – Scene “Puss in Boots”.

Today we will take a trip to the theater. And we will get to fairy world- Puppet Theatre. What is a puppet theater? (children's statements)

Puppet Theatre - this is a type of theatrical performance in which puppets act, controlled by actors - puppeteers, usually hidden from the audience by a screen. The dolls differ in their design and control system.

Now it is impossible to say exactly when the world's first doll appeared. From archaeological excavations and those that have come down to us historical sources we can conclude that at all times dolls have been constant companions of humans.

Art puppet theater is folk in nature. Puppet theaters are now everywhere: in schools, in recreation centers, in large families, mugs.

Let's remember our childhood. Each of you probably had your own puppet theater. There was no screen, decorations, or specially made dolls. He simply existed in the world around us and a little in our imagination. But how rich and varied it was! While playing in the sandbox, you built fortresses, their steep walls were stormed by tin soldiers. In fast, cheerful streams, the simplest paper boats float competing, but now these are high-speed schooners, frigates, caravels... Puppet theater begins with these games. Playing with an object.

The simplest puppet theater is a tabletop one. Where the scenery and characters are displayed on the table. This theater resembles a child’s drawing come to life.

From the simplest theater on the table we now move on to more complex forms puppet theater

According to the control method, dolls are divided into two main types - RIDE and FLOOR.

The horse ones are those that the actor-puppeteer controls from below from behind a screen and the viewer does not see him.

Floor ones, unlike horse ones, are located below the actor, right on the floor. The actor is nearby and sets the dolls in motion right in front of the audience.

GLOVE - In Rus', there have long been parsley players - actors who performed with dolls - Parsley, worn on their hands. The basis is the body, such a doll is a glove sewn according to the actor’s hand.

FINGER - the basis is the body, such a doll serves as a finger. An image of a character is created on each finger.

SHADOW - the basis of these dolls is the silhouette (showing the outline drawing)

CANE - dolls are controlled by special mechanisms using canes. The basis of such dolls is a wooden gapit structure. Canes for controlling the doll's arms are attached to its hands.

Puppets are dolls controlled from above, most often using strings. The puppets are set in motion with the help of vags. This is a wooden cross from which a doll is suspended by strings.

We got acquainted with many interesting puppet systems for puppet theater and were convinced that their variety is endless. But this diversity has its own patterns and strong connections. Yes, from glove puppet a reed was born at one time, and from a puppet - a LARGE FLOOR DOLL. Outwardly, these dolls resemble “parents”, only they are larger in size and they do not have any threads. Working with such dolls is very interesting. They are led “in the open” by one, and most often two, performers. But then huge dolls appeared on the stage. Big doll heads, huge palms, huge boots... And what’s most surprising is that there are no puppeteers next to them. But the dolls jump, dance, and dance in circles with the audience. These are DOLL PEOPLE. The actor puts on a huge head mask and turns into a living doll.

(Fashion Theater)

ditties (application no. 5)

In conclusion, the children say the words:

Hold hands, friends, and take a deep breath,
And what we always say, now you will say loudly to everyone:
I swear from now on and forever to cherish the theater sacredly,
To be honest, kind person and worthy of being a spectator.

It’s very good to live in this world,
So that the sun shines during the day and the moon at night.
They must be friends, they cannot quarrel,
Then everyone will be happy, kindness will win.

This world is so beautiful, this world is so beautiful.
We grow happily under the sun, we sleep peacefully under the moon.

The world is so colorful, beautiful and big.
There is enough room for everyone under the sun and moon.
What if you suddenly quarrel, friends?
You will remember the fairy tale, and know that it is not in vain.

Scenario for an event on the theme “Journey to the Country of Theatralia”

Target: introduce the rules of behavior when visiting the cinema, theater, clarify the concept of tolerance

Equipment and material : imitation theater hall(the chairs are in several rows, theater tickets, the dictionary is posted in advance so that the children get to know it and get ready for the lesson

Progress of the lesson.

Warm-up “I was born a man”

Children are given cards with traits of a tolerant personality: for example, respect, patience, kindness, politeness, confidence, curiosity, mutual assistance, sociability, generosity, humor, good manners, perseverance, responsiveness, sensitivity, tact, wit, resourcefulness, friendliness, sincerity, loyalty, modesty, courage , justice, organization, activity, tenderness, responsibility, determination, honesty, caring, wisdom, hard work, etc.

The same qualities are written on the board so that the children can name them and the game will be lively.

The game is similar to famous game“I was born a gardener.” Having received a card, children try to try this trait on themselves, to feel it, while the contents of the card are kept secret.

Oh! - What happened to you? - I like the trait! - Which? - Kindness. The one with “kindness” continues the game.

The presenter generalizes that such traits are necessary for every person; these are the qualities of a tolerant person.

Conversation “The theater is already full. The lodges are shining The stalls and the chairs - everything is in full swing...”

You hear in these Pushkin lines the rustling rustling of silk, revealing mysterious depth scenes? You see the fading lights of elegant chandeliers and the darkness of the auditorium, filled with breathing and rustling beautiful clothes? Do you feel the joyful anticipation of a great miracle, whose name is Art? Our stop this time is in the country of Theater.

Do you know how easy it is to ruin this wonderful meeting for yourself, your neighbors, and the artists. It largely depends on ourselves whether visiting the theater will bring joy or cause feelings of annoyance and grief.

    Has anyone visited the theater before?

    Do you need to think about your appearance when visiting the theater?

    Have you thought in advance how and in what time you will be able to get to the theater?

    How long before the start of the performance should I arrive?

Guys, have you already guessed what we will talk about today? And we will talk about the theater and the topic of our lesson is “School of Etiquette, or have you come to the theater.”You've probably been to the theater more than once? If not, today we will introduce you to this special beautiful world art. And in this world everything is unusual.And where else if not in the theater can you show off? good manners and knowledge of etiquette rules.Vocabulary work What is etiquette? (a slide with vocabulary words appears).Etiquette translated from French means “rules of conduct.”Guys, today's lesson will require one more vocabulary word. The word is "manners". Who knows the meaning of this word?Manner is a feature of behavior. And since the theater is a special place, it is necessary to behave in a special way. And now we will get acquainted with these rules, and for those who are already familiar with the rules of cultural behavior in the theater, we will consolidate this knowledge.The theater is a public place where there are many people. And what public places do you know yet?Children's answers (library, cinema, circus).Let's see how well you know the purpose of these public places.Exercise.Connect the words in the left and right columns with arrows.Cinema

Imagine that you came to the theater and took a seat in the auditorium. The lights go out, the curtain opens, and a magical spectacle begins on stage, characters from fairy tales, favorite books, familiar or unfamiliar to you, come to life... (quiet, mysterious music sounds). And now we will hold a “Find out the subject” competition with you. Which fairy tale hero these items belong to.

    umbrella (Ole-Lukoe)

    Pea (Princess)

    sled (Kai)

    shell (Thumbelina)

    nettle (Elsa)

    washcloth (Moidodyr)

    golden key (Pinocchio)

    basket with pies (Little Red Riding Hood) (For each correct answer the student receives a chip)

Theater is a kind, unusual fairy-tale world that gives us a fairy tale, good mood, joy and pleasure. People work in the theater different professions and we must respect their work. And our respect lies in observing the rules of etiquette.

We will find out what rooms there are in the theater by solving the crossword puzzle.

Crossword questions.

    The room where the audience sits during the performance.

    The room where spectators are present before and after the performance.

    Where can I store my clothes?

    Where can spectators have a snack during the break?

The hall, foyer, wardrobe, buffet are the premises of the theater.Who will tell you about the wardrobe? Why do you need to handle your license plate carefully?

What haven’t we mentioned yet? Hint – we buy tickets for the performance there.

Rules of conduct in the theater
    When you are in the theater, you must always remember that you are not alone here and you must behave in such a way as not to disturb others. During intermission, speak quietly so that only your interlocutor can hear you. You must arrive at the theater on time so as not to interfere with the start of the performance by being late. Don't get up until the curtain comes down. Not only because it is insensitive towards the actors and other spectators, but also because last words plays are important. Don't tap your foot to the beat of the music - it may disturb your neighbors. Don't shout after the end of the encore.

Now listen to a short excerpt from the story about how Sergei and Lena went to the theater.

Reading and discussing the story

The doors are wide open. The ticket taker is standing at the door:

    Your tickets. Please pass. Take off your clothes quickly.
Sergei and Lena went to the cloakroom, gave their coats to the cloakroom attendant and took the numbers.

    Where are our seats? – Lena asked. - Let's sit next to Vova. Three is more fun. Wow! Here we are! – Sergei shouted.

    How do you think the guys needed to find their seats in the auditorium? (The row and seat are indicated on the ticket).

    Is it possible to shout or talk loudly in the auditorium before the performance starts?

But let’s continue the story about how Lena and Sergei went to the theater.

The light turned off. The performance will begin now. The children became silent. Suddenly a voice was heard:

    Grandma, I'm thirsty. Give me some water.

People around laughed.

    Why do you think they laughed? -Is it possible to talk when the performance starts? (You cannot talk during a performance or film screening: this prevents others from listening. You can talk about everything during intermission or after the performance or film).

So, it's time for intermission. Lena and Sergei went out into the foyer. There were already many children there. They vied with each other to tell each other about their impressions. And then Sergei saw a large wide staircase. Before Lena had time to look back, Sergei was upstairs. He sat down on the railing and quickly slid down. Lena felt embarrassed. She looked at her brother and said quietly: “You can’t do that, Sergei... You’re in the theater.”

Why did Lena feel ashamed? How should you behave during intermission?

Game situation “We are in the theater”

Children are divided into two groups: some are “actors”, others are “spectators”.

There is a “cashier”, “controller”. The actors will perform a play, show concert numbers, and the audience must behave correctly.

Discussion follows. Participants note what was done correctly and what was not.

Listen to A. Barto’s poem “At the Theater” and answer the question: did the girls behave correctly at the ballet? Several people read a poem.

When I was
eight years,
I went to watch the ballet.

We went with my friend Lyuba.

We took off our fur coats in the theater,

They took off their warm scarves.

To us in the theater, in the locker room,

They gave us numbers.

Finally I'm in ballet!

I forgot everything in the world.

Even three times three

I couldn't do it now.

Finally I'm in the theater

How I was waiting for this.

I'm about to see a fairy

In a white scarf and wreath.

I sit, I don’t dare to breathe,

I'm holding the number in my hand.

Suddenly the orchestra burst into trumpets,

My friend Anya and I

They even shuddered slightly.

Suddenly I see that there is no number.

The fairy is spinning on stage -

I don't look at the stage.

I searched my knees -

I can't find the number.

Maybe it's under a chair somewhere?

I have no time for ballet now!

The trumpets are playing louder and louder,

Guests are dancing at the ball.

My friend Anya and I

We are looking for a number on the floor.

He rolled off somewhere...

I crawl into the next row.

The guys are surprised:

-Who's crawling down there?

A butterfly fluttered across the stage -

I didn't see anything:

I was looking for the number below

And finally I found him.

And just then the light came on,

And everyone left the hall.

– I really like ballet, -

I told the guys.

Lesson analysis. Issues for discussion.

    Our lesson has come to an end. I would like to know how you learned the rules of behavior in the theater. Repeat what actions are unacceptable while watching a performance? Words appear on the slides - applaud, rustle, push, look, be upset, run, laugh out loud, smile, chew, talk. Exercise. Find extra words. (Children complete the task)

    Is it possible to enjoy visiting the theater if no one follows the rules of conduct?

    Who are these rules for?

We successfully passed the tests in this wonderful country: we remembered the laws of the country of Theater and took part in the performance. Our path lies to the Land of Wheels.

Homework . Draw up rules of behavior in the theater.


Theater dictionary

Act - theatrical action, part of the performance. Actors act, of course; your activity is to watch and listen. Tap the rhythm with your foot, suggest words famous words not worth it.

Applause – a form of expressing gratitude to the artists, authors and other creators of the performance. If you liked the acting, give it a round of applause. Just don't clap your hands when everyone else has stopped: it will be awkward to attract everyone's attention.

Theater binoculars – it is brought from home or taken from theater workers for a fee. Even with the greatest inquisitiveness, you should not unscrew and disassemble a piece of glass. Binoculars are not used during intermission; they are for the stage. Binoculars are not needed if there is a choir or orchestra on stage, because they are listening.

Buffet - when you watch how some boys and girls rush to the buffet and excitedly push for juice or soda, as if last days they spent in the desert, you begin to think: maybe the buffet is the most important place in the theater?

Wardrobe - a place where the most “cultured” part of the public begins to gather before last time the curtain will close, believing that getting a coat without standing in line is much more important than watching the performance.

A curtain - not only separates the stage from the auditorium, it separates the bustle, conversations and eating cakes from why we came to the theater. The curtain opens. Quiet! Art begins.

Place, Where you should sit is indicated on the ticket. Even if not all the seats are occupied by the beginning of the concert, you should not make short dashes as soon as it gets dark to travel around the hall. If there were two tickets for one seat, arguing and swearing never turned one seat into two. The hall attendant will sort things out.

Ice cream, carried into the hall - The best way ruin your suit and your neighbors' mood.

Flowers for actors, singers, musicians - Giving is one of the most ancient and most beautiful customs.

On this day you can hold a competition " Theater stage" This event helps students develop activity, independence, and the ability to quickly navigate. To participate in the competition, 5 people are determined in advance, they prepare a presentation of themselves (other students can help), they also bring with them any waste material for making a costume, and they learn about the rest of the competitions at the event itself.

Evening “Theater Stage”

Progress of the evening

(The presenters exit to the sound of the song “Ah, this evening...”.)

Presenter 1: Hello, dear spectators, fans and those who just looked into our cozy hall.

Presenter 2: Today, on International Theater Day, we announce the start of the “Theater Stage” competition.

Presenter 1: The host of this evening is...

Presenter 2: And... (the presenters introduce each other)

(Before the competition starts, the presenters can talk a little about what theater is in general, when it arose, etc.)

Presenter 1: We traditionally begin by introducing our participants - these are the five most daring, creative students our school. They cooked business card about ourselves - this will be our first competition. We are the first to invite you to this stage...

(Participants are being introduced.)

Presenter 2: We met our participants, you know us too, but we still forgot someone.

Presenter 1: Of course, we forgot, we have not yet introduced our arbiters of destinies - a fair and respected jury.

(Presentation of the jury.)

Presenter 2: Well, now everyone is introduced, and we move on to our second competition. It's called "Questions".

Presenter 1: We invite all participants to the stage and give them cards with questions. While they are reading the questions and thinking about how to answer them, I will explain to you that the questions were taken from literary works that you know.

(Participants take turns reading the question out loud and answering it.)

Sample questions:

1. Which Russian writer and to which work gave the epigraph “There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.” (N.V. Gogol “The Inspector General.”)

2. What silk fabric were the dresses of the merchant’s daughters made from in the fairy tale? The Scarlet Flower"? (Atlas.)

3. Which Russian writer wrote three novels whose titles begin with the letter “O”? (I.A. Goncharov “Breakage”, “Oblomov”, “Ordinary History”.)

4. The works of which English economist did Eugene Onegin read? (Adam Smith.)

5. What event happened between Uncle Fedor and his parents that caused the departure to Prostokvashino? (Argument.)

Presenter 2: Great, the jury made notes about who answered the question correctly and we move on to the third competition, which is called “The Chewing Man.”

Presenter 1: It is often important for an actor to perform a pantomimic, non-objective sketch. Now our participants are asked to eat the item in such a way that it is immediately clear to everyone that you are eating. Each participant receives a card with the items that he needs to eat.

Presenter 2: Each participant has three items. As soon as the music starts, you begin to “eat” the first item, as soon as we say that the item is changing, you move on to the second dish, and then, when we give the command, you move on to “eating” the third dish.

(Music plays, participants perform a pantomime, the following items can be used for the task: sunflower seeds, a wormy apple, bony fish, ripe watermelon, melting ice cream, undercooked kebab, spaghetti, semolina, castor oil, ripe pear, banana, rice porridge Chinese chopsticks, plum, hot baked potato, candy.)

Presenter 1: Great, you ate so deliciously that I wanted to have a snack too.

Presenter 2: The jury gives marks, and we hear the results for three competitions.

Presenter 1: The first results are clear and we continue with the competition tasks. For the next competition, called “Theater begins with a hanger,” the participants brought with them junk material.

Presenter 2: Now the participants will be given cards with the names of the characters, a costume that they will have to make. Their friends may help prepare the costume backstage.

(To the music, the participants go backstage and prepare the costumes of the following fairy-tale characters: The Snow Queen; Koschei the Deathless; Baba Yaga; Water; Leshy. The costume can be demonstrated by both the participant himself and his assistant.)

Presenter 1: While our participants are behind the scenes, we will play a game with the audience.

(The audience, together with the presenter, pronounces the words and repeats his movements:

They came - they came

(We walk on the spot.)

Hedgehogs - hedgehogs

(We open our palms, squeezing and unclenching our fingers.)

Forged - forged

(We hit fist on fist.)

Scissors - scissors

(We show scissors with our hands.)

Running in place - running in place

(We run in place.)

Bunnies - bunnies

(Show ears.)

Come on, together! Come on, together!

(All the girls shout loudly “Girls!”, all the boys shout “Boys!”)

The game is usually played 2-3 times.

As soon as the participants are ready, the presenters call to the music fairy tale character and participants show off costumes. You can offer to demonstrate the costumes, and the jury and the audience should recognize the character.)

Presenter 2: While our participants take off their costumes, we will listen to the results of past competitions, which the jury will announce to us.

Presenter 1: We have prepared another competition for our actors - “Mannequins”. We invite all actors to the stage to participate in it.

Presenter 2: They are asked to imagine the following situation: the glass of a clothing store was broken and all the mannequins were damaged. The administration of this store turned to the theater for help, asking the actors to stand in the window until new mannequins arrived. Our participants need to freeze in various poses.

Presenter 1: Great, as long as you cope with this task. But that's not the difficulty. While our actors are standing in the windows, new mannequins are brought in and they begin to change places and change clothes. The task of the competition participants is to hold out in the chosen position, no matter what the circumstances.

Presenter 2: If the actors are ready, then we invite movers to our store.

(Music sounds, a group of stronger guys appears on the stage, dressed as movers and having a certain imagination. They drag frozen figures of actors around the stage, put outerwear on them, it is possible to create entire compositions from “mannequins.”)

Presenter 1: Excellent, our actors successfully coped with the role of mannequins.

Presenter 2: Our next competition is “Pattern Talkers”. Professional actors must be able to speak quickly and clearly, so our participants need to pronounce the tongue twister that is written on their card.


The snakes are already in a puddle.

A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya scarves.

Frol was walking along the highway to Sasha’s place to play checkers.

The water truck was carrying water from the water supply system.

The courier overtakes the courier into the quarry.

Presenter 1: We realized that our participants are excellent at pronouncing tongue twisters, and now we will find out what the jury thinks about the talents of the participants.

(The jury sums up the results of past competitions and announces the total score for all competitions.)

Presenter 2: Let's applaud those participants who are in the lead and support those who still have few points, don't be upset, there are still many competitions ahead.

Presenter 1: Very often actors have to dub various radio plays or films, so our next competition is “Voice Acting”. Participants will have to depict in their voice the phenomena that are indicated on their cards.

(Participants receive cards containing two tasks:

Mooring motor boat;

Drainpipe during rain;

Car engine starting;

Boiling kettle;

Sirens wail;

Storm at sea;

Braking car;

Horse tramp;

The noise of a plane taking off;

The cry of seagulls.)

Presenter 2: All the actors did a great job with the voice acting and we continue our competitions.

Presenter 1: Competition "Situation". For an actor, the ability to read poetry is important. But reading with a certain intonation is quite difficult. Participants must read the well-known poem by Agnia Barto “Our Tanya is crying loudly” in the proposed situations, which are indicated on the cards.

(You can use the following situations - for each participant there are two situations: it is minus forty on the street, and you are standing barefoot; you are chewing a hot potato; you are a speaker who is listened to by humanity; you are a police officer drawing up a report; you are a three-year-old child reading a poem in front of guests; you are a priest giving a sermon in a church; at rush hour you take a minibus; you are a concert participant: working without a microphone in big hall; you find fault with small child; you have a heavy load on your back.)

Presenter 2: We move on to the next competition. The most difficult thing about being an actor is playing an animal. After all, for this you need to be very observant, especially since you cannot use words, but you need to accurately recreate sounds and movements. After all, animals know how to communicate with each other.

Presenter 1: And now, two animals will meet here and before our eyes they will talk to each other through the fence. Our participants will portray all this in the “Animal Conversation” competition.

(To conduct the competition, it is necessary to put up a screen so that the actors do not see each other. Each participant has the names of two animals written on a card. The presenters take turns naming the bunks that will communicate; they can be the following: a rooster and a chicken; a small dog and a big angry dog ; lion and kid; ram and goose; pig and goat.)

Presenter 2: We’ve got a wonderful zoo, but now we’ll find out what our jury thinks about it.

(The jury announces the results for all competitions.)

Presenter 1: The next competition is very serious, it is called “Helpline”. Now there will be a recording of a telephone call from a person who asks for help in a particular situation, and the participants’ task is to get their bearings and give good advice to the caller.

The following situations can be used for the competition:

"I am ten years old. We have a kitten at home. I got a bad grade in math, and my mother promises to throw my kitten out into the street for this. What should I do, because I can’t quickly correct this deuce?”

“I am seventeen years old, I am in the eleventh grade, but I have not yet decided what to do next - where to study or work. They say you have to choose what you love, but what should I do if I only like sausage?”

“I’m already twelve years old, but my grandmother continues to accompany me to school, my classmates laugh at me! What should I do?"

“I really like one boy from a parallel class, but he doesn’t pay any attention to me. What should I do?"

“I was betrayed by a friend. We have been friends for eight years, and when he had to choose who to sit at his desk with, he chose a girl. What should I do?"

Presenter 2: Unfortunately, our competition is coming to an end and we ask the jury to sum up the results and name the winners.

(Summing up, awarding the winners - 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.)

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