How many calories are in boiled, baked, broth chicken breast? Calorie boiled chicken breasts

Chicken breast is a high protein animal food, low in fat and carbohydrates; It is because of these characteristics that brisket is widely used in weight loss diets, and is also often used in dietary regimens typical of bodybuilding, both in the bulk phase (referred to as the volumetric phase) and in the determination phase.

Chicken breast is an extremely versatile food. It is a very nutritious food that can be prepared using various methods: frying, boiling, steaming, etc. In addition, part of the breast, the skin, is a good product both for accompaniment to first courses and for pastries.

Nutritional value of chicken breasts

Now consider the nutritional value of the product, 100 grams of which contain:

Thus, the general energy value per 100 grams is 100.0 kcal, including 93% protein and 7% lipids (1/3 saturated and 2/3 unsaturated, about 1/3 monounsaturated and 1/3 polyunsaturated).

Healthy cooking methods

The cooking method can add hundreds of calories to the final amount of fat and calories in your meat. Roasting or boiling are generally the healthiest low-calorie cooking methods.

The amount of kcal depends on the method of preparation any kind of meat. It is believed that most of the calories contain fried fillets. In addition, adding seasonings such as

  • barbecue sauce;
  • breading;
  • mayonnaise;
  • honey or dipping in syrups also increases calorie and fat intake.

In this form, the dish turns out juicy and fragrant, but unhealthy.

Therefore, a baked or boiled product is usually the healthiest type of meat with a low calorie content.

How many calories are in fried chicken breast?

Grilled brisket gives us 145 kilocalories with a high protein content of at least 22 grams, with 7 grams of fat and not one gram from carbohydrates.

breast value, grilled hardly changes, especially if spray oil is used. Calories and fats increase slightly due to the presence of oil in the pan. Approximately the total is 151 calories, with 2 grams of fat and 22 grams of protein, just like the fried or baked version. As for minerals and vitamins, they do not suffer any noticeable changes.

Boiled brisket and their calorie content:

The most useful with the least calories, you can get the product boiled. Since in the process of boiling fats are absorbed into the broth. Therefore, it is best to drain the first two broths when cooking and use the third one, this will reduce the calorie content of the meat.

A breast prepared in this way will contain only 109 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, this option is regularly used in diets.

How much protein is in boiled chicken breast?

The protein content is one of the product's appeal, making it one of the favorite protein sources for athletes who want to build muscle while dieting at the same time. This may be the only category in which chicken breast skin is an advantage (albeit a small one). Skinless breast contains 24 g of protein. This amount increases to 25 grams of protein when the chicken breast is consumed with the skin on.

In addition, white meat stimulates the rapid recovery of muscle tissue and balances the content of vitamins and minerals.

How many vitamins and minerals are in the breast?

In addition to its nutritional benefits, the breast contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals that our body needs. Skinless or not, breasts contain vitamin C, calcium, iron, and several different types of B vitamins.

It should be noted that if the meat has dietary properties, it has health benefits. low cholesterol in meat helps to digest easily. If it is regularly used, the metabolism is normalized, the immune system is strengthened. It is believed that chicken meat is an excellent preventive product for cardiovascular diseases. It helps to strengthen the nervous system, hair and nails, and has a positive effect on metabolic processes.

Remember that although chicken breast is a healthy low-calorie food for dieters, overeating any food can lead to weight gain. Use smart area management tools and strategies with these foods and on all of your meals and snacks to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Since ancient times, chicken meat has been a welcome and frequent guest on our tables. Nutritious, tasty and tender, it has always been considered not just an everyday meal, but a real delicacy. And today, chicken is a fairly common poultry, which is grown in almost every yard in the villages. Yes, and the city dweller, it is available. In the market, in any grocery store, you can buy chicken meat. And the housewives use this extraordinary opportunity, because a huge number of a wide variety of dishes are prepared from chicken meat: broths, soups, snacks, salads. But the easiest way is to simply boil the carcass. Such meat is an ideal food for those who closely monitor their health. And such people are often interested in the question: "How many calories are in boiled chicken?"

and its dietary properties

You can talk endlessly about the benefits of the product. The calorie content of boiled chicken depends on which part we are talking about. On average, it is approximately 165 kcal per 100 g of product. Each individual part has its own minimum calories contains skinless chicken breast.

As for the content of useful elements, chicken meat is a real leader in this. It contains vitamins, amino acids, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, and if the skin is completely excluded from consumption, then the amount of cholesterol will be minimal. Due to the fact that the calorie content of boiled chicken is low, its meat is part of many diets. After all, a person who monitors his health and appearance understands that each calorie should only be useful, and not lead to weight gain. Therefore, nutritionists strongly recommend that the bird be boiled or steamed, while maintaining the maximum benefit and value.

If the diet of each person is present, then the body will always be provided with high-quality proteins, vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of a number of diseases. And after serious illnesses, given the low calorie content of boiled chicken, this light delicacy strengthens the immune system and restores human strength.

Many lovers of chicken meat simply from the unsurpassed taste of a smoked product. This is, of course, a great addition to the lunch menu. But the calorie content is slightly higher (about 200 kcal), and this should be taken into account.


Chicken is the main source of protein, which is recommended for anyone who is on a diet or actively involved in sports. Properly cooked chicken will be not only healthy, but also tasty.

100 grams of boiled chicken contains 166 kcal.

But when eating chicken, you must remember that total calorie content may vary depending on the body part of the chicken, the presence or absence of skin, as well as cooking in salt water or not:

  • chicken meat without skin is only 95 kcal;
  • raw fillet (without bone) - this is already 113 kcal;
  • fillet with bone - 137 kcal;
  • boiled breast with skin - 164 kcal.

The basis of many dishes of all cuisines of the world is chicken, including all its parts.

The benefits of this dietary product are truly great - it is not only able to saturate and be a source of protein, but also to normalize digestive processes, serve as a source of nutrients of a very different nature.

Calorie boiled chicken without skin

Most often, when cooking chicken, strongly nutritionists recommend not to eat the skin, as it is a source of fat and additional calories.

100 grams of boiled chicken without skin will contain approximately 134 kcal.

The benefits of such meat are very great, so it was classified as a dietary product that can be eaten not only by losing weight and athletes, but also by sick, elderly people, as well as young children.

How many calories in chicken breast

Chicken breast is a chicken fillet that has a bone in it. Its distinguishing features:

  • the meat is white;
  • the structure of the meat is dense, with fibers;
  • the taste is slightly dry.

It rightfully belongs to the number of useful products that suitable for all people at any age and in any state of health.

It is a storehouse of valuable compounds:

  • several groups of vitamins;
  • a large number of minerals (a lot of potassium, iron, iodine, calcium and magnesium, other mineral elements are also in abundance);
  • several important amino acids for the body;
  • protein - it is because of it that all athletes consume chicken breast regularly.

Its meat is easily digestible, perfectly nourishes and nourishes. You can cook many different delicious dishes from it, but in addition, chicken breast is a self-sufficient dish and a great addition to any side dish.

How many calories in chicken cooked with and without salt

Someone cannot do without salt at all, while someone easily ignores this product. When calculating the calorie content of boiled chicken, it often makes sense to take into account the presence or absence of salt during the cooking process.

Salt has the ability to retain water in the body. As with most foods, chicken boiled in broth without salt will have a lower calorie content than the same dish, but only with salt.

You don’t need to completely give up salt, it is also an important component in our body, but if it is possible to limit its use, it will be better, it will help you lose weight faster and begin to feel the taste of food, not supplements.

How many calories in chicken if it's a thigh

Another very nutritious part of the chicken is the thigh.

In general, chicken thighs are the most favorite part of the chicken, because their meat is very juicy, nutritious, but very tender.

However, those who are on a diet should exclude this wonderful meat from their diet - otherwise they will not see any effect from the diet. No wonder it is the thighs and wings that are considered the most high-calorie parts of the chicken.

But from them you can cook a very tasty barbecue or make a wonderful roast.

How many calories in a chicken leg

100 grams of chicken drumsticks contain 158 kcal.

The benefits of eating this dish are obvious - due to the excellent vitamin and mineral complex, chicken drumsticks are able to normalize digestive processes, but also keep your weight stable.

By the way, it is worth noting that the nutritional value of chicken drumsticks, which are cooked in unsalted broth and eaten without skin, is equal to the dietary value of chicken breast:

  • protein - 27 grams;
  • fat - 5.6 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 0 grams.

This is a completely carbohydrate-free meat containing a large amount of protein, which is easily digested and satiates well.

Please note that the method of cooking a dish greatly affects the total calorie content of the dish. If chicken drumsticks are fried, this is not just a high calorie content, but also an excess of cholesterol, as well as a serious burden on the stomach and liver. Therefore, do not abuse fried foods.

Chicken meat is the most commonly eaten food. Of all types of meat, it is not only the most affordable, but also the most dietary, therefore it forms the basis of many diets. As you know, in boiled form, it is the least high-calorie, but not everyone knows how many calories are in boiled chicken.

Useful properties of boiled chicken

Chicken meat, being tasty, nutritious and low in calories, in addition to being easily absorbed by the body, is also good for health. The amount of proteins in it reaches 22%, while fats are present no more than 10%. The meat of this bird is rich in micro and macro elements (copper, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, etc.), as well as vitamins E and A, which are so necessary for the body. However, not only this makes chicken meat dietary and useful for a healthy diet. The fact that how many calories are in chicken in general is also important, but now we will consider its boiled version.

Calorie boiled chicken

The high taste and dietary properties of this bird's meat have been known since ancient times and are still used to restore the body after serious illnesses, as this product is able to strengthen the immune system and restore strength. People who eat it during a diet are primarily interested in the question of how many calories are in boiled chicken, because in this form it is the least calorie-dense. So, the calorie content of boiled chicken fillet per 100 g of the product is 135 kcal, and the fattest option, meat with skin, which can reach 195 kcal in calories.

How to boil chicken meat correctly?

Due to the fact that the calorie content of chicken fillet is minimal, it is used in all kinds of diets. At the same time, it is not forbidden to combine it with other products. In addition, other parts of the bird can be eaten. If using chicken legs or breasts, after washing them, put them in a pot of water and bring to a boil. It is recommended that after 5 minutes of cooking, drain the water, pour the meat with cold clean water and only then continue cooking it. As a result of such actions, you will be able to get rid of hormones and antibiotics if they were used in raising poultry. After that, the meat should be salted and boiled until tender, then cut into small pieces. A great addition to boiled chicken meat, including in the diet menu, is rice, washed and boiled in salted water.

Low calorie boiled chicken will not add kilograms

Since ancient times, chicken meat has been a welcome and frequent guest on our tables. Nutritious, tasty and tender, it has always been considered not just an everyday meal, but a real delicacy. And today, chicken is a fairly common poultry, which is grown in almost every yard in the villages. Yes, and the city dweller, it is available. In the market, in any grocery store, you can buy chicken meat.

And the housewives use this extraordinary opportunity, because a huge number of a wide variety of dishes are prepared from chicken meat: broths, soups, snacks, salads. But the easiest way is to simply boil the carcass. Such meat is an ideal food for those who closely monitor their health. And such people are often interested in the question: "How many calories are in boiled chicken?"

Chicken meat and its dietary properties

You can talk endlessly about the benefits of the product. The calorie content of boiled chicken depends on which part we are talking about. On average, it is approximately 165 kcal per 100 g of product. Each individual part has its own energy value. A minimum of calories contains chicken breast without skin.

Poultry calorie table per 100 g

As for the content of useful elements, chicken meat is a real leader in this. It contains vitamins, amino acids, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine, potassium. And if you completely exclude the skin from consumption, then the amount of cholesterol will be minimal. Due to the fact that the calorie content of boiled chicken is low, its meat is part of many diets. After all, a person who monitors his health and appearance understands that each calorie should only be useful, and not lead to weight gain. Therefore, nutritionists strongly recommend that the bird be boiled or steamed, while maintaining the maximum benefit and value.

If boiled chicken is present in the diet of each person, then the body will always be provided with high-quality proteins, vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of a number of diseases. And after serious illnesses, given the low calorie content of boiled chicken, this light delicacy strengthens the immune system and restores human strength.

Many chicken meat lovers simply go crazy for the unsurpassed taste of a smoked product. This is, of course, a great addition to the lunch menu. But the calorie content of smoked chicken is slightly higher (about 200 kcal), and this should be taken into account.


To always have freshly cooked chicken meat on hand, it must be stored properly, especially if you buy from the market. What do they do for this? The carcass is thoroughly washed and dried. Then cut into portioned pieces, it will be easier to work with them later. They are put in separate bags, and even better in special containers, placed in storage in the freezer. And for 2-3 months, the chicken will calmly retain all its useful and gustatory qualities.

Eat a bird for health, because the low calorie content of boiled chicken will never add extra pounds to you.

Chicken breast boiled

Calories, kcal: 137 Proteins, g: 29.8 Fats, g: 1.8 Carbohydrates, g: 0.5

Chicken breast is the bone-in sirloin. Chicken breast meat differs from whole chicken meat in white color, dense, harsh structure and dryish taste.

Calorie boiled breast

The calorie content of boiled breast is 137 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of boiled chicken breast

Boiled chicken breast contains: vitamins A, B9, B12, C, E, F, PP, H and minerals: potassium, iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, cobalt, manganese, sodium, copper, sulfur, phosphorus, fluorine, chromium, chlorine, zinc, as well as amino acids, protein.

Useful properties of boiled chicken breast

Boiled chicken breast in its composition is suitable for the nutrition of people of all ages from small children to the elderly. An indispensable source of vitamins and nutrients, it serves athletes and dieters.

Cooked chicken breast

Delicious, nutritious and easily digestible low-calorie chicken meat is in great demand in cooking (kalorizator). A special place is occupied by the chicken breast. From it you can cook a lot of delicious incredibly beautiful and healthy dishes. For example: chops, rolls with vegetables or mushrooms, chicken fingers, kebabs, meatballs, sausages. This meat has an excellent taste in boiled, fried, marinated and smoked form.

Boiled chicken breast is the leader in diet food. Boiled chicken breast is used to prepare various salads, stews, vegetable soups, pates, minced meats. Garnish with chicken breast are suitable: fried, baked and boiled vegetables, all kinds of cereals, cheeses, mushrooms, legumes and even fruits.

how many calories are in boiled chicken?


135 kcal per 100 grams
1.35 kcal per gram


One chicken is one kilocalorie
It is measured in grams. If you need to lose weight
not a whole chicken.

Vladimir Ptokhov

Boiled chicken 170 kcal / 100 g


How many calories in chicken

Domestic chicken is the most numerous and widespread type of poultry. Over the long history of existence, a large number of various breeds have been bred. Chickens are bred for meat and eggs. Cooked chicken is considered one of the most dietary types of meat.

So, how many calories are in boiled chicken? On average, 100 grams of boiled chicken is 135 kcal. If we take the fattest parts of the chicken, for example, meat with skin, then the nutritional value will be 195 Kcal.

How many calories are in fried chicken? It is believed that when frying, the calorie content of chicken meat increases to 210 kcal per 100 g of the product.


it's hard to say, you need to know what part of the chicken you eat!
breast is dietary meat .. there are 100 kcal
but the thigh is the fat part and there is 3 times more!

Approximately how many calories in boiled chicken meat (legs) are approximately 150-200g.

Alexander Alexandrov

dietary chicken meat)))) you won’t get fat .... all the calories are in the skin ....)))

Volodya aka diesel

the question has already been asked before here is a quote for you
On average, 100 grams of boiled chicken is 135 kcal. If we take the fattest parts of the chicken, for example, meat with skin, then the nutritional value will be 195 Kcal. You can test it while on a diet!!!

Vladimir Flakov

Product name Calories per 100 grams
Lamb fat316
Lamb meat206
Boiled lean beef110
Fat boiled beef205
Roasted goose490
Diabetic sausage254
Krakow sausage382
Amateur sausage291
Moscow sausage463
Separate sausage193
Ukrainian sausage404
Raw smoked loin469
Rabbit meat183
Fried chicken210
Fat boiled chicken195
Boiled lean chicken 135
Beef liver87
Beef kidneys59
Beef sausages215
Pork sausages332
Pork fried275
Fat pork390
Lean stewed pork245
Dairy sausages266
Fried veal150
Boiled veal115
Roasted duck345
Chicken egg (1 pc.) 157

juan antonio

Count carbs, not calories! And you will be happy!

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It is known that chicken, especially breast meat, - it is the most low-fat dietary product which, at the same time, contains a lot of protein. 100g of boneless and skinless chicken breast contains approximately 35g of protein. In addition, chicken meat contains calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium, very good for the heart.

Calorie content of individual parts of the chicken

Parts of the chicken carcass are heterogeneous in calorie content. In ascending order, the calorie content of individual parts is arranged as follows:

  • calories chicken breast (fillet) - 115 kcal per 100g;
  • calories chicken legs - 160-190 kcal per 100g;
  • calories chicken thigh - 180-210 kcal per 100g;
  • calories chicken wings - 180-190 kcal per 100g.

Calorie content of chicken by-products:

  • calories chicken stomachs - 100-130 kcal per 100g;
  • calories chicken liver - 140 kcal per 100g;
  • calories chicken hearts - 150-160 kcal per 100g.

Weight of individual chicken parts

For the convenience of counting calories in portions, the average weight of individual parts of a chicken carcass is given below:

The dependence of calories on the method of preparation

The cooking method naturally affects the calorie content of the dish.

  • calories boiled chicken - 200-220 kcal per 100g;
  • calories braised chicken - 200-230 kcal per 100g;
  • calories fried chicken - 240 kcal per 100g;
  • calories smoked chicken - 210 kcal per 100g;
  • calories chicken - grill - 210-260 kcal per 100g.

How to reduce the calorie content of chicken meat

A few ways to help you reduce the calorie content of chicken meat:

  • the largest amount of fat is found in chicken skin, before cooking remove the skin from the chicken and remove all fat;
  • in relation to chicken broths and soups - cook dishes on the second broth, after boiling, drain the water, pour in a new one and cook until tender;
  • you take correct cooking method- boiled and baked chicken in foil are considered the most dietary products;
  • cook yourself- when buying ready-made grilled chicken, one cannot exclude the use of additional additives, sauces, fats, which significantly increase the calorie content of the chicken;
  • serving chicken meat is recommended with herbs and vegetables, the fiber contained in them contributes to the rapid absorption of fats;

Probably, no other product of the meat group appears on the tables as often as chicken. She is the constant center of the composition with potatoes in the oven for a big dinner: despite the calorie content, grilled chicken is loved by many. She is one of the main dishes in the company with apples among the festive dishes. It is the basis of a diet soup with vegetables: its calorie content allows everyone to use boiled chicken. She is an almost indispensable product, loved by the majority. It is difficult to say what would happen if she suddenly disappeared from all the shelves. What would a person go for? Indeed, in addition to the fact that not everyone can afford pork and beef, unlike poultry, the load on the digestive tract and bile ducts from red meat is stronger, which not everyone is able to endure well. And a significant part of the diets is based on chicken and fish, sweeping aside pork, beef and lamb. Of course, we are not talking about mono-diets: only about relatively complete nutrition systems for weight loss.

In this case, several questions arise regarding how many calories are in the chicken, how they are distributed, where they go, what they include. And, of course, one of the most important points is the question of the possibility of inverting these calories. Make sure that the “weight” of the chicken goes for the good, and is not deposited in problem areas. So that you can eat a dish and not think about how much you will now have to cut the rest of today's menu. Moreover, this applies not only to boiled chicken, the calorie content of which is a priori the lowest, but also to other cooking variations.

How many calories in chicken

If you do not disassemble the bird into separate components, trying to find out the exact values ​​\u200b\u200bof each part: breast, thighs, wings, neck, then you can name the total figure for the chicken itself. Its calorie content will show 238 kcal per hundred grams, despite the fact that the whole carcass weighs about one and a half kilograms. Undoubtedly, even the hungriest person will not eat such a volume at a time, therefore there is no need to panic because of the "weight" of the bird. But also to get involved in it uncontrollably - too. Regarding the distribution of its energy value, the picture does not look too rosy: 70% of the total calorie content of chicken is given to fats and 31% to proteins. Moreover, if you look at the same indicators, for example, in the breast, the ratio will be reversed. The bottom line is that most of the fat and, therefore, the calorie content of chicken - especially fried chicken - falls on the skin, which contains a lethal dose of cholesterol. Absolutely in all diet recipes, regardless of what the diet is tied to: weight loss or medical restrictions, it is strongly recommended to remove the skin from the bird. It does not carry any useful substances, but skillfully overloads the pancreas. Not only can this trigger an attack in people with weak bile ducts and livers, but overactive, burst-like pancreas work eventually leads to high blood sugar and diabetes as the final stage.

However, do not assume that there is nothing of value in the chicken itself. Firstly, of course, this bird is one of the best sources of protein, moreover, easily absorbed by the body. The same turkey, slightly fatter, is no longer so digestible, although there is no doubt that it is lighter than any red meat. To maximize the preservation of all useful properties, in particular, the protein component, which will not be interrupted by the jumped figure of fats, it is recommended to eat boiled chicken, the calorie content of which is lower than any other option. When frying, grilling or baking, the proportion of fat in the dish itself increases greatly. And if you make a dish beloved by many with potatoes and mayonnaise, the calorie content of grilled chicken in the oven will cross the bar of 250 kcal per hundred grams.

Secondly, in addition to protein, this meat category product contains a lot of vitamin A, which is required for a good condition of the skin, leveling the effect of free radicals, protecting the mucous membranes in the body, improving vision and even guarding the prevention of cancer. In addition, it is called growth hormone and is considered a source of positive effects on the reproductive system. In particular, on the synthesis of progesterone. This vitamin is best absorbed with fats - butter or sour cream, therefore, from a similar point of view, it is permissible to combine them with poultry meat, but then try to add vegetables. Ideally, it should be stewed chicken: the calorie content of the dish will then show about 122 kcal per hundred grams, beta-carotene will be completely absorbed, but the meat will not bring a strong load on the pancreas.

As for fried chicken, its calorie content will be 210 kcal per hundred grams, and the greatest part of the harm, as expected, will be concentrated in the skin. It is difficult to somehow protect yourself here, since the very process of heat treatment in a large amount of oil implies an increase in the proportion of fat and an increase in the load on digestion. Therefore, it is not the calorie content in fried chicken that should scare, but its effect on the gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts. For those who have a sensitive stomach or a weak liver, this cooking method is definitely not suitable. It is better to choose a low-calorie, oil-free chicken stew or a baked version that is also fat-free.

Chicken in the diet of those who follow their figure

In addition to trying to determine how many calories are in chicken, it will not be superfluous to find out the tricks of its heat treatment and combination with other products. But first of all, it is important to mention the moment that precedes absolutely any cooking process: it does not matter whether the meat is stewed, baked, fried or boiled. Due to the fact that on poultry farms, from which carcasses are supplied to store shelves, poultry is actively chipped with various chemicals, it already contains a fair amount of antibiotics during the sale. It doesn’t matter if a person has an intolerance to them: there is no benefit in taking them without urgent need. But the harm is the sea. Therefore, before subjecting the carcass to any heat treatment, soak it in cold water for two to three hours. Moreover, it is advisable to change the water every hour. In addition, it will help to remove some of the fat.

To reduce the calorie content of boiled chicken, she needs two pans: in the first, the meat is scalded, and in the second, it is already brought to readiness. This helps to get rid of the possible harmful chemicals that she was stuffed with as much as possible, and reduce the proportion of fat. The latter, of course, will fall even more if you cook the bird without the skin. Then the calorie content of boiled chicken will show approximately 135 kcal per hundred grams.

For stewed chicken, calories can be reduced by not using butter and mayonnaise. Those who, at the mere thought of giving up fats, the meat seems to be dry in absentia, simply did not try to make a bird with tomatoes and peppers, adding lemon juice and water. Tomatoes will give extra juice by soaking the meat. And to normalize metabolism and better assimilation, the finished dish can be sprinkled with herbs. Then the stewed chicken calorie content will be only 57 kcal. The figure is indeed dietary. If you spice up such a dinner with a clove of garlic, fat burning will accelerate.

A healthy, nutritious diet is not complete without chicken breast. Without it, the drying of athletes and people who form their muscles does not go away. The boiled breast contains a solid protein, so necessary for the formation of muscle mass. How many calories white boiled meat contains will help to make a diet for the day.

Nutritional value of boiled chicken breast

Energy value per hundred grams of boiled breast:

  • 135 calories (no skin, up to 170 with skin)
  • 30 grams of protein;
  • 1.8 grams of fat;
  • 0.5 grams of carbohydrates.

There are practically no fats and carbohydrates in the chicken breast. The calorie content for the meat product is low, therefore it is actively used in dietary nutrition. White meat generally does not contain too many calories, but skinless breasts provide the least. It is exactly how much fat and protein is in the composition that attracts the attention of diet food fans, and not just the low calorie content of the product.

Drying for athletes is a very wild period when only protein products with the lowest carbohydrate content and a minimum of fat are eaten. On protein foods, fats disappear very quickly, leaving only muscle mass. Drying periods are necessary for body shaping when playing sports. And chicken breast becomes one of the staple foods at such moments. On boiled chicken breast, you can quickly lose weight for those who do not seek to actively form muscles, but simply want to lose weight.

But this product will not help to fill the muscles with the necessary energy. Therefore, if physical activity is planned for the day, you need to compose your diet in such a way that you can get carbohydrates and the calories necessary for vigorous activity.

Composition and benefits

The composition of boiled chicken breast includes:

The breast contains many useful elements and vitamins necessary for the body. She also has a lot of positive properties. This is not only a product with a small amount of calories, but also an almost indispensable product in the diet of a modern person. Without protein, the normal functioning of the human body is impossible. How many vitamins and carbohydrates do not use, but protein is vital. White meat boiled chicken breast is one of the best ways to get animal protein.

The product is perfectly absorbed, it is recommended for nutrition even for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Boiled chicken without skin or with it is one of the key elements of the correct therapeutic diet for gastritis, liver diseases, and the cardiovascular system. And how many calories this white chicken breast meat contains allows you to actively eat it while losing weight.

Possible harm to the product

Meat plays an important role in building and repairing muscle tissue. However, fatty meats contain a fairly large amount of calories, so chicken breast is the best option for it. This is perhaps the most valuable part of the chicken, which combines a number of undeniable advantages. Chicken breast has become an effective tool for weight loss due to its low fat content. The basis of the chicken breast is protein, it makes up 84% of the energy ratio. The low calorie content of boiled chicken breast allows it to become the basis of many modern diets. Chicken breast can be found in any store or market. This product is much cheaper than analogues, for example, turkey fillet. However, chicken fillets cooked through conventional cooking such as boiling, frying, or roasting will taste quite dry.

Calorie content of chicken fillet depending on the method of preparation

Chicken fillet or breast contains 113 kcal per 100 grams of the product. If the fillet is on the bone, then the calorie content increases to 137 kcal. Chicken breast with skin contains 164 kcal.

The calorie content of boiled chicken breast is very low - only 95 kcal. All other calories of boiled chicken breast remain in the broth itself.

The calorie content of steamed chicken breast is also low, and is only 113 kcal. This cooking method is suitable for those who follow their figure.

Energy indicators are also low in smoked chicken breast. They are equal to 119 kcal per 100 grams of product, but it should be borne in mind that this cooking method cannot be classified as healthy food due to various additives and preservatives used in the preparation of smoked meat.

It is not recommended for people who want to lose weight to eat fried chicken breast. The calorie content of such a dish will be 197 kcal. Thus, boiled chicken breast has the fewest calories, so this cooking method is best for people who want to correct their figure.

Composition of chicken breast

Chicken breast is 84% ​​protein, which is approximately 23 grams in 100 grams of the product. 15% fat, equal to 2 grams and only 1%, or 0.4 grams of carbohydrates. The inclusion of chicken breast in the diet allows you to properly balance nutrition, aimed at increasing muscle mass and burning fat. From chicken, you can get the required amount of protein, and replenish the body with carbohydrates with the help of other products, such as cereals and vegetables.

The composition of the chicken breast includes a large amount of minerals and vitamins. Vitamins are necessary for participation in all processes occurring in the human body. They are a catalyst for many processes, including protein synthesis. Thus, without the intake of the required amount of macro- and microelements, weight loss and muscle building will be impossible.

Vitamins support natural immunity, which is simply necessary during physical exertion. Chicken breast contains almost all of the components of group B, as well as A, C and PP. It contains choline, which directly affects the functioning of the adrenal glands and kidneys. In addition, choline helps cleanse the liver of unnecessary fats. The potassium found in chicken breast regulates blood pressure and acts as an electrolyte. It promotes the transmission of nerve impulses. Chicken breast contains many macro- and microelements, such as sodium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, chlorine, phosphorus and others, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

Let's start a new section of our website by finding out the calorie content of boiled chicken breast. After all, it is this topic that is increasingly being raised in our comments by Dear Guests and Dear Regular Readers of our site.

Chicken breast is an incredibly healthy dietary product. A democratic, easily accessible source of not only wonderful rich taste, but also health in general.

Breast or chicken breast is called the part of the chicken, which is located on both sides of the sternum, ending in cartilage in the shape of a triangle. The breast itself is very similar to a stylized heart (the so-called Valentine).

At the same time, the color of meat in this part of the carcass is easy to distinguish from its other fragments by a light pink tint, which, when cooked, goes completely white. For this reason, boiled chicken breast is classified as white meat.

Useful properties and composition of chicken breast

For those who came only for the numbers, we immediately note that calorie content of one hundred grams of boiled breast - 93 kcal. For those who want to learn how to use these numbers correctly, we will continue ...

Chicken breast is considered a champion among other types of meat popular in our country. This is due to its percentage of fats and proteins, because only 2% of fats account for 25% of easily digestible protein. This makes this product ideal for athletes who only need to increase muscle mass by consuming protein without adding fat.

Boiled chicken breast contains such useful substances:

Harm of boiled chicken breast

It should be noted that this product, like all chicken in general, can cause an allergic reaction. This is why nutritionists and doctors recommend boiling skinless chicken.

How to lose weight with chicken breast?

The calorie content of boiled chicken breast is so minimal that it was this part of the bird that became the basis of a special protein nutrition system (diet) developed by athletes for athletes. By following this diet, a person receives so much easily digestible protein that its excess goes into muscle building. Such popular nutrition systems today as the Diet of ballerinas, Atkins and the Dukan diet use low-calorie boiled chicken breast in their menus.

How to cook boiled chicken breast

The cooking process itself, as a rule, does not take more than twenty-five to thirty-five minutes. And then, this is only on condition that the breast will be cooked completely.

So, rinse the breast with cold water, then remove the skin from it and trim off excess unnecessary fat. Now pour the meat with cold purified water and bring it to a boil over medium heat. The next step is to drain the first broth. We do this without pity, because it is this decoction that contains additives and harmful substances, which suppliers often “pump” chicken meat with.

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