Topic: Development of coherent speech in preschoolers. Analytical report on the results of the thematic check “Fulfillment of program requirements for the section “Speech development”

Report on educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

In the 2014-2015 academic year, I worked in senior group No. 2.
By the beginning of the school year, a developmental environment was prepared that plays special role to strengthen the child’s health, his all-round physical and mental development, as well as for the realization of potential mental and motor capabilities.
The development of a child in the preschool period is a complex and multifaceted process. Every day a child discovers new boundaries of the world around him. A huge thirst for knowledge makes a child interested in everything and take an active part in everything, passing through himself - to give his assessment of what he understands, to invent, to create, and most importantly to develop further, rising every day to a new stage of development.
And next to the child, of course, there is an adult who acts as an object of imitation for the child; an adult for the child is an assistant, a protector, a source of knowledge. Therefore, the joint activity of an adult and a child bears fruit. Namely, the child, receiving new knowledge, learns to analyze it, systematize it, plan his further actions, predict events, control himself and manage his behavior, etc. The main condition for the development of a preschooler is his inclusion in a purposefully organized educational process. I was given the following tasks.
1. Educational area “Social communication development children":
- form friendly relations towards people, respect for elders, development good feelings, responsiveness, fostering a culture of behavior in public places;
- consolidate children’s knowledge about professions, the role of work in the life of every person;
- promote development creativity children;
- ensure the development of independence and initiative in labor activity, self-service, design;
- to form children’s ideas about the main sources and types of danger in everyday life, on the street, in nature and methods of safe behavior, about the rules of road safety as a pedestrian.
As a result of working throughout the school year, the majority of children coped with the assigned tasks: they are friendly to others, show interest in the words and actions of adults, willingly respond to requests to help, teach others, and show caution when meeting with strangers, animals, are guided by well-known generally accepted norms and rules of behavior. They are well acquainted with the professions of their parents and close relatives, they know the value of other people's labor. With some children it is carried out individual work on mastering the assigned tasks.

2. Educational area " Cognitive development children":
- to develop in children interest in independent knowledge of objects in the surrounding world, analytical perception to examine objects by properties and characteristics, the ability to reflect the results of knowledge in speech;
-classify objects;
-enrich ideas about people, their moral qualities, gender differences, rules of relationships between adults and children, about yourself, your body, your skills;
-form ideas about hometown, country, civil and patriotic feelings.
Most of the children completed the assigned tasks. They are active in different forms cognitive activity: By own initiative observe, experiment, reason, pose problems, show guesswork and ingenuity in the process of solving them; mastered the ability to use numbers and figures within the first ten, mastered measuring length, width, height using measurements of different sizes, recording the result with numbers and numbers; demonstrate the ability to establish simple dependencies between objects.
There is still more work to be done with some children.
In April, an open viewing of the OD “Paths to Knowledge” (RPM) was held.

3. Educational area “Speech development of children”:
-develop monologue and dialogic speech, the ability to observe communication ethics in conditions of collective interaction;
-enrich ideas about the rules speech etiquette;
- independently retell familiar fairy tales, with a little help from an adult;
-compose descriptive stories, show interest in language;
-hear words with a given first sound;
- maintain interest in literature, enrich children’s experience through works of more complex genres of folklore, literary prose, poetry;
- to cultivate literary and artistic taste, to promote understanding of the mood of the work, the sonority and rhythm of poetic texts; beauty, imagery and expressiveness of the language of fairy tales and stories.
As a result of work, many children have rich lexicon, use generalizing words and concepts, master the means of sound analysis of words, determine the main qualitative characteristics of sounds in a word, the place of sound in a word; independently retell short stories and fairy tales, show selective attitudes towards works, and determine the genre of the work. But some children find it difficult to argue judgments and do not use evidence-based speech; make mistakes when analyzing words soundly and dividing words into syllables.
4. Educational area “Artistic and aesthetic development of children”:
- to argue for the manifestation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world;
-develop artistic and aesthetic perception of the beauty of the surrounding world in works of art and own works, ideas about various genres of art, the desire to learn about art and master visual activities;
-teach children to analyze the means of musical expression, develop singing skills, stimulate independent activity children to improvise dances and games;
-develop cooperation skills in collective musical activities.
As a result of the diagnostics, we noted that, in general, children independently determine the concept of future work, can specify it, use mastered techniques, create images, express themselves in various types musical performance activities, have an understanding of music genres. But some children need help with scissors; experience difficulties in creating complex decorative compositions. In October, an open viewing of the literary and musical entertainment “Autumn Kaleidoscope” (RMO) was held.
5. Educational area " Physical development children":
-develop the ability to consciously perform all types of exercises, the ability to control and evaluate one’s actions and the movements of one’s comrades, physical qualities: coordination, flexibility, endurance, speed of reaction, strength; children’s independence in performing physical exercises and vital healthy lifestyle habits;
-form ideas about sports, sports games and exercises;
- to cultivate the desire to independently organize and conduct outdoor games.
We are very pleased to observe that basically all children are able to practically solve some problems of healthy lifestyle and safe behavior in physical activity, show good endurance, speed, strength, flexibility, coordination of movements, and are able to throw objects at a target. They are motivated to preserve and strengthen their health and the health of those around them, and have an understanding of some sports.
In November, sports entertainment was held together with parents:

During the school year, children, together with teachers and parents, took part in competitions: action: “ White flower", city drawing competition: "Thank you, Mom!" (2nd place), regional competition: "Winter Bouquet" (2nd place), city competition on road safety: "Green Street", exhibition of crafts "Autumn Fantasy".
Throughout the entire school year, she closely interacted with the families of the students, as this is one of the most important conditions for the development of a child’s personality and his socialization in the conditions of public and home education.
All goals and objectives set for this year were fulfilled. To solve these problems, systematic, systematic work was carried out.
For the next academic year I plan to:
1. Direct all efforts to create a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the group.
2. Establish partnerships between teachers, children and parents.
3. Provide assistance to parents in mastering psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the development of a 6-7 year old child and the ability to apply it in communication.
4. Find and apply innovative methods and approaches in your own way priority direction, continue to work to introduce a healthy lifestyle among children and parents.

“CREATIVE REPORT ON THE TOPIC Experience on the topic “Development of speech of preschool children through theatrical activities"Introduction Mastering your native language, speech development -..."


Work experience on the topic “Development of speech of preschool children through

theatrical activities"


Mastering your native language and developing speech is one of the most

important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood and is considered in

modern preschool education, as a general basis for education and

teaching children. L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “There are all factual and theoretical

there are grounds to assert that not only the intellectual development of a child, but also the formation of his character, emotions and personality as a whole is directly dependent on speech.”

Working with children, I was faced with the fact that they have poorly developed coherent monologue speech, they have difficulty talking about the events of their lives, and cannot retell literary works. Therefore, as the main topic of my activity, I chose: “Children’s speech development preschool age through theatrical activities."

Theatrical games are a constant favorite among children.

Preschoolers enjoy playing with familiar works, transforming themselves into their favorite characters. The child voluntarily accepts the character’s character traits, facial expressions and gestures. Children rejoice when good triumphs, and sigh with relief when heroes overcome difficulties and a happy ending occurs.

E.A. Flerina, a major teacher in the field of aesthetic education, saw the advantage of storytelling over reading in that the narrator conveys the content as if he were an eyewitness to the events taking place.

She believed that storytelling achieves a special immediacy of perception.

Children are especially fond of fairy tales; the language of fairy tales is very picturesque; it contains many apt comparisons, epithets, figurative expressions, dialogues, monologues, and rhythmic repetitions that help the child remember the fairy tale and enrich his vocabulary. Theater arts is close and understandable to both children and adults, primarily because it is based on a game. Theatrical play is one of the brightest emotional means that shapes a child’s personality, independent creativity, and his emancipation. In the process of theatrical play, vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, sound pronunciation, tempo, and expressiveness of speech are activated and improved. Participation in theatrical games brings joy to children, arouses active interest, and captivates them. Reflecting on the issue of increasing the level of children's speech, I came to the conclusion that theatrical activities could help.

Why theatrical activities? Theatrical activities are one of the most effective ways to influence children, in which the principle of learning is most fully and clearly demonstrated: learn by playing.

Studying psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, I came to the conclusion that theatrical play has a great influence on the speech development of a child. Stimulates active speech by expanding vocabulary and improving the articulatory apparatus. The child learns the richness of his native language and its means of expression. Using expressive means and intonations that correspond to the character of the characters and their actions, he tries to speak clearly so that everyone understands him.

In theatrical play, emotionally rich speech is formed.

Children better assimilate the content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causality.

The founder of the Moscow Puppet Theater S.V. Obraztsov once expressed the idea that every child has a natural desire for acting. And we know that acquaintance with the theater occurs in an atmosphere of magic, festivity, and high spirits, so it is not difficult to interest children in the theater.

It is known that children love to play; they should not be forced to do so.

While playing, we communicate with children on their territory. By entering the world of childhood play, we can learn a lot ourselves and teach our children. And the thought said by the German psychologist Karl Gross, which is still popular: “We play not because we are children, but childhood itself is given to us so that we play.” All of the above determined my final choice of topic for the work experience “Developing the speech of preschool children through theatrical activities.”

Relevance of work experience.

The period of preschool childhood is considered the foundation for the further development of all aspects of speech. The success of children's education for school largely depends on the level of mastery of coherent speech. Purposeful formation of coherent speech is of utmost importance in common system working with children. The formation of coherent speech of children in kindergarten is carried out both in the process of various practical activities during games, routine moments, observations of the environment, etc., and in the process of organized activities of children.

Preschool childhood is a special period of child development, the formation of general abilities necessary in any type of activity. The ability to communicate with other people, act together with them, learn new things, see and understand life in your own way - this and much more is inherent in preschool childhood.

Speech is one of the most important lines of child development. Thanks to his native language, the baby enters our world and receives ample opportunities to communicate with other people. Speech helps to understand each other, shapes views and beliefs, and also plays a huge role in understanding the world around us.

Speech, a wonderful gift of nature, is not given to a person from birth. It takes time for the child to start talking. And adults must make a lot of effort to ensure that the child’s speech develops correctly and in a timely manner.

The development of coherent speech is the central task of children's speech education. This is due, first of all, to her social significance and role in the formation of personality. It is in coherent speech that the main, communicative, function of language and speech is realized. Connected speech - highest form speech mental activity, which determines the level of speech and mental development child (T.V. Akhutina, L.S. Vygotsky, N.I. Zhinkin, A.A. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein, F.A. Sokhin, etc.).

The fifth year of life is a period of high speech activity of children, intensive development of all aspects of their speech (M.M. Alekseeva, A.N. Gvozdev, M.M. Koltsova, G.M. Lyamina, O.S. Ushakova, K.I. Chukovsky, D.B. Elkonin, V.I. Yadeshko, etc.). At this age, there is a transition from situational to contextual speech (A.M. Leushina, A.M. Lyublinskaya, S.L. Rubinshtein, D.B.



In the course of studying methodological literature and work experience, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to solve the main problem, which is the need to develop the speech of preschoolers. This problem is a key problem in the course of my teaching career.

After analyzing the initial situation and conducting examinations of the children’s speech, I realized that they do not have a rich vocabulary, they cannot fully express their thoughts, they are constrained creative imagination, poorly developed skills of coherent speech, expressive speech, motor skills, and lack of communication skills. And I came to the conclusion that in addition to classes with a speech therapist, it is necessary to use in my work such methods and techniques that would contribute to the development of children’s speech. The child is longer time in a preschool educational institution together with peers and the teacher, and it is necessary to create such a situation, a problem, in order to direct the development of speech in the right direction. During the research, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop children's speech through theatrical activities. Therefore, in the course of my innovative activities, I decided to investigate this problem and create a series of activities aimed at developing coherent speech.

Presenter pedagogical idea work experience.

Interest in children's speech has not waned for many years. A great contribution to the development of speech development methods was made by: K.D. Ushinsky, F.A. Sokhin, E.A. Flerina, A.A. Leontiev, M.M. Konina and many others.

The development of coherent speech is the main task of speech education of children.

It is in it that the main communicative function language.

Coherent speech is the highest form of mental activity, which determines the level of speech and mental development of the child - this was noted in their works:

Vygotsky L.S., Leontiev A.A., Rudinshtein S.L. and others. Mastering coherent oral speech – the most important condition successful preparation for school.

Research conducted by psychologists, teachers, linguists, E.A. Tikheeva, E.A. Flerina, F.A. Sokhina, created the prerequisites for an integrated approach to solving the problems of speech development of preschool children.

In classical preschool pedagogy, the idea of ​​combining learning with play belongs to the German teacher F. Frebel. The theory of play learning was developed in the works of many foreign and domestic scientists - M. Montessori, A.P. Usov, V.N. Avanesov, E.N. Vodovozov and others. The influence of vocabulary work on coherent speech is described in detail by E.M. Strunina and O.S. Ushakova. O.A. Shokhova. presented two areas of work with preschoolers: fairy tale therapy and classes on the development of coherent monologue speech. Domestic pedagogy has accumulated sufficient theoretical, practical and methodological material on the study and development of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech in preschool children.

Existing programs for teaching and raising children describe in detail the content and structure of frontal classes on the development of the lexicogrammatical aspect of speech.

Numerous studies have shown the importance of games as a form of learning that promotes the assimilation, consolidation and systematization of knowledge and the ability to use it in the speech development of preschool children.

To develop and experimentally test a model of children's speech development through theatrical activities.

In accordance with the purpose, object and subject of the study, a research hypothesis can be determined: the development of children’s speech in a preschool educational institution will be effective if:

The criteria, indicators and level of development of children's speech have been determined;

An education model has been developed taking into account age characteristics;

Subject to joint interaction between the educational institution and the family.

Research objectives:

To study the state of work on the development of speech in children of the middle and older groups.

Study the literature on this issue.

Conduct a diagnosis of children in the “speech development” section at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year.

Develop and test a long-term plan for working with children and parents on speech development through theatrical activities.

Create a series of scripts, games and performances.

Practical significance.

A set of scenarios, leisure activities for children and parents on speech development, as well as a selection of developments for theatrical games can be used in the work of a preschool educational institution.

The leading pedagogical idea of ​​the work experience: the development of speech in preschool children through theatrical activities. The educational possibilities of theatrical activities are enormous: its topics are not limited and can satisfy any interests and desires of the child. Their speech becomes more expressive and literate. They begin to use new words, proverbs and sayings from the script, and in everyday situations that coincide with their semantic content.

The positive emotional charge received from the performance and the acquired belief in one’s own abilities increase children’s self-esteem. Many of them cope with their complexes, learn to think, analyze their behavior and the behavior of other people, and become more attentive and tolerant of each other. Their play activity becomes more active, acquires a creative character and emotional richness.

In the soul of every child lies the desire for free theatrical play, in which he reproduces familiar literary subjects. This is what activates his thinking, trains memory and imaginative perception, develops imagination, and improves speech. S.Ya. Rubinstein wrote: “What more expressive speech, the more the speaker, his face, himself appears in it.”

The educational possibilities of theatrical activities are enormous; its topics are not limited and can satisfy any interests and desires of the child.


Develop a sustainable interest in theatrical and gaming activities;

Enrich children's vocabulary, activate it;

Improve dialogic and monologue speech.

Foster a positive attitude towards theatrical games, a desire to play with theater puppets, an emotionally positive attitude towards peers, education of will and self-confidence, respect for the traditions and culture of the people.

To promote the manifestation of independence and activity in playing with characters and toys.

Expected results:

Getting acquainted with fiction, children learn to apply grammatical skills and abilities in dialogical (answering questions, conversations) and monologue ( verbal creativity) speech, use means artistic expression language and its grammatical means.


Maintain the child's interest in theatrical activities. Whenever possible, try to attend children's performances. Celebrate achievements and identify ways for further improvement. Offer to perform the role you like at home, help act out your favorite fairy tales, poems, etc.

The development of theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions and the accumulation of emotional and sensory experience in children is a long-term work that requires the participation of parents. It is important that parents participate in theme nights in which parents and children are equal participants.

It is important for parents to participate in such evenings as role performers, authors of the text, manufacturers of scenery, costumes, etc. In any case, the joint work of teachers and parents contributes to the intellectual, emotional and aesthetic development children.

Work experience on the topic “Development of speech of preschool children through theatrical activities” was implemented at the MKDOU “Kindergarten No. 4 of a combined type” in middle group in two directions:

joint activities with children, interaction with parents.

The work was carried out in three stages: preparatory, main, final.

Stage 1 - preparatory.

At the first preparatory stage of my work, I studied the basic program of a preschool educational institution, methodological material, and the subject-developmental environment of the group. During all this work, some shortcomings were identified.

There are not enough methodological developments on the development of children's speech and little information and visual material for working with parents.

Therefore, I conducted a survey of the state of formation of coherent speech, the purpose of which was to identify the level of development of children’s coherent speech.

Analysis of the results for the middle group showed that they mainly correspond to the low and average level.

Simultaneously with diagnosing the children, I conducted a survey of parents in order to identify their pedagogical knowledge and problems in communicating with children.

Prepared: selection of games for the development of hearing, onomatopoeia, subject matter

– game actions, speech formation, finger, articulation and breathing exercises; scenarios of fairy tales, theatrical games, sketches.

After analyzing the survey, I came to the conclusion that many parents do not consider the problem important enough; they are convinced that children will eventually learn to speak on their own and learn everything as they grow up.

So, the results of the diagnostic stage allowed me to determine the following stages of work:

1.develop a system of theatrical games for children.

2.optimize work with parents this issue using a variety of methods and techniques.

To implement main goal work and solve the assigned problems, I developed a long-term plan for conducting theatrical games and entertainment and leisure with parents, which includes a variety of forms and methods.

She developed and selected games for hearing development, onomatopoeia, speech formation, finger exercises, articulation and breathing exercises.

She developed scenarios for joint entertainment and leisure activities for children and their parents, “Journey to a Fairy Tale”, “Spring Tale”.

Prepared and conducted parent meetings on the topics “The role of the family in the speech development of a 3-4 year old child”, “Theatre is our friend and helper”, a report for the parent meeting on the topic: “Speech development in preschool children”.

Prepared questionnaires for parents on the topics “Speech development of the child”, “Theatrical activities of children”, “Your child”, “Speech development of children”, developed a memo “Word games”, “Useful tips for parents”, consultations “The importance of theatrical activities on development of a child’s speech”, “Home education tool - puppet show", "Theatrical games as a means comprehensive development child”, “How to spend leisure time interestingly with your family”, “What is theater?”, “Development of children’s speech in the family”, KVN on theatrical activities for parents.

I collected a number of proverbs and sayings, tongue twisters, and a selection of fairy tales.

Stage 2 is the main one.

Techniques and methods for organizing the educational process. Widely used in organizing theatrical games practical methods teaching: game, method of play improvisation (serving as a bridge between a child’s games in everyday life and the art of an actor), exercises, method of effective analysis (sketch technique), staging and dramatization.

From verbal methods used storytelling, reading, children's stories, conversations, learning works of oral folk art.

I used all the methods and techniques in combination, developing attention, memory, imagination, and creative imagination.

1.Reading works of fiction, fairy tales, poems.

2. Playing out sketches and theatrical games.

3. Showing fairy tales in the middle group: “Zayushkina’s hut”, “Fox-sister and the wolf”, “Turnip”, theatrical performance of the fairy tale “Teremok”

Dramatization of “Telephone” by K Chukovsky.

4. Showing fairy tales for parents: ““ New Year's adventure Kolobok", "The Frog Princess".

In this case, the process of education turns out to be natural. The children's interest intensifies when strangers (teachers, parents and children of other groups) took part in the skits. The use of a variety of technical means is also of great importance. These are video and audio recordings.

Requirements for conducting theatrical games, I built them so that each subsequent one was based on the previously acquired experience and knowledge of the children.

A fairy tale must be present in a child’s life. A fairy tale that educates, entertains, calms and even heals. Therefore in Everyday life I often used fairy tales to raise my children.

To improve teaching skills:

1. Developed a long-term plan for working with children and working with parents in the middle group.

2. Developed and selected games for children to develop speech, finger exercises, articulation and breathing exercises.

3. She participated in the work of the teachers’ council on the development of children’s speech, where she presented a report from her work experience “Theatrical games based on works of art as a means of developing the speech of preschool children.”

Stage 3 is the final stage.

At the end of the main stage, children were re-diagnosed and parents were surveyed.

Repeated diagnosis of children showed a higher level of their knowledge.

In the middle group.

Level of development First Second diagnosis diagnosis High - 24.2% Average 44.2% 75.8% Low 55.8% General diagnostic indicators for the middle group high level increased by 24.2%, average by 31.6%, with a low level at the end of the year no children identified.

My hypothesis was confirmed, as the children’s speech improved. In my work, in the joint activities of children and the teacher, I systematically carried out theatrical play. Theatrical games are games of performance. In them, with the help of such expressive means as intonation, facial expressions, gesture, posture and gait, specific images are created.

Thanks to theatrical games, children develop their emotional sphere, their experience of cooperation in both real and imaginary situations expands and enriches. In addition, theatrical activities contain enormous opportunities for the development of children’s speech.

In my work experience, I achieved my goals and objectives. I have shown in my work that through theatrical games you can improve

UDC 37.011.31 BBK 74.00 Garkusha Natalya Sergeevna candidate pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Belgorod State University, Belgorod Garkusha Natalia Sergeyevna Candidate of Pedagogics, Assistant Profession...”

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Explanatory note

Play is undoubtedly the leading activity of a preschooler. It is through play that a child learns about the world and prepares for adult life. In this game, the basic needs of a child – a preschooler – are expressed, and children’s speech is also developed.

Speech development is a unique, complex, individual process.

The game has a positive effect on speech development. During the game, the child talks aloud to the toy, speaking both for himself and for it. Imitates the hum of an airplane, a car, the voices of animals, etc.

Among the variety of children's games highest value has a plot-based role-playing game. It differs in that its action takes place in a certain conventional space. The children's room suddenly turns into a hospital or a store. And children playing take on appropriate roles (doctor, salesperson) and get used to these roles. In a role-playing game, these are always paired or additional roles, since every role presupposes another participant: a child can be a doctor only if there is a sick person nearby, a buyer only if there is a seller, etc. Therefore, role-playing game is a collective activity: it necessarily involves the presence of other participants and, above all, peers.

However, the ability to play role-playing games presupposes a fairly high level of speech development of the child. Children who have poor speech skills have a hard time communicating in games: they cannot plan a plot, cannot take on a role, their games are primitive in nature (mostly manipulation of objects) and disintegrate under the influence of any external influences.

The plot-role-playing game has a specific effect on the development of speech. In its process, children should be constantly encouraged to communicate with each other and comment on their actions, which helps to consolidate the skills of using initiative speech, improving spoken language, enriching the vocabulary, and forming the grammatical structure of speech.

Working with children, I came to the conclusion that many children need speech correction. And since play is the leading activity of preschool children, the easiest way to do this is in the process of role-playing play.

The purpose of my work was to study the features of speech development in children of middle preschool age in play activities.

Based on the goal, the following tasks were defined:

  • develop coherent dialogical speech;
  • cultivate the desire and ability to play together;
  • expand and activate the vocabulary of children 4-5 years old;
  • strengthen dialogue skills;
  • develop a long-term plan for holding games by age group;
  • promote creative and social self-expression of preschoolers;
  • develop the ability to listen to your interlocutor and communicate in pairs, in a group, in a team.

To solve the problems, I identified methods and techniques that I used to enrich the content of role-playing games:

  • teacher's participation in the game (minor role);
  • use of a multi-character plot (2 doctors, 2 drivers);
  • individual play between the teacher and the child, with the teacher playing the main role;
  • introducing figurative toys;
  • parallel game technique;
  • role-playing game with continuation;
  • activating communication between an adult and children during their play, aimed at awakening and independent application by children of new ways of solving a game problem, at reflecting new aspects of life in the game;
  • telephone game;
  • playing out scenes of life in kindergarten with the help of dolls;
  • playing out imaginary situations with children.

First of all, my work was aimed at creating a favorable, comfortable atmosphere in the group: establishing contacts with children, relieving emotional stress in the game, building partnerships. Much attention was paid to updating and filling the subject-development environment, designing games and manuals.

It is advisable to organize games with children in which all children participate. Examples of such games in my practice are: "Shop" , "Family" , "Kindergarten" , Hospital, Hairdresser.

I started working in the following areas:

  • literature study
  • working to create a developmental environment
  • activities with children
  • interaction with parents.

During the school year, I studied relevant literature on this topic:

  1. Bykova N.M. “Games and exercises for speech development” . SPb.: LLC Publishing House "Childhood-Press" , 2010.
  2. Gerbova V.V. “Speech development in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations" . -2nd ed., rev. and additional., M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2010.
  3. Dyachenko V.Yu. “Speech development: thematic planning of lessons” Teacher, 2007.
  4. Pimenova T.M. “Formation of artistic and speech skills in children 5-7 years old: classes on epics, heroic games and nursery rhymes.” , Teacher, 2013.
  5. Stepanenkova E.Ya. "Game Methodology" , M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2009.

During the year I prepared and carried out:

  • Conversations with children about professions.
  • Board-printed games (“What is made of what?” , "Professions" )
  • Games and exercises for speech development
  • Organization of independent role-playing games ("Polyclinic" , "Family" , "Theater" , "Shop" , "Beauty saloon" , "Kindergarten" and many more etc.).
  • Compiled creative stories, stories from personal experience children using hint diagrams (“What I saw at the construction site” , "My dad is a driver" , "Hairdresser" , "My mom (dad) doctor" ) and so on.
  • Watched videos on the topic "Professions of adults" .
  • A reading of fiction on the topic was organized "Professions" .

And also, undoubtedly, thanks to the implementation of projects "Autumn in the Forest" , “Together we play together” , the children gained extensive experience communicating with each other, independently distributing roles in the game, and showing initiative in it, which, in general, contributed to their speech development. This is evidenced by the results of monitoring at the end of the 2015-2016 academic year in the educational field "Speech development" , where the high level of development was 10%, average 75%, and low - 15%, which parents were familiarized with at the parent meeting.

During the year, a lot of work was done with the parents of the students:

  • Consultations (“We form a child’s ability to communicate” , “The role of play in the life of a preschooler” , "Playing with a child" ) . Parents were invited to play at home Board games (to strengthen children’s ability to take a leading role), presented speech games and exercises used in kindergarten to form the speech of preschoolers.
  • Test survey for parents “Can your child be called sociable?” .
  • Held Parent meeting at the end of the 2015-2016 academic year on the topic “Speech development of preschool children” , where I gave a presentation on the topic.

And also throughout the year, parents actively took part in the production of various attributes for role-playing games (masks, costumes, tablecloths made together with children, crafts).

In the process of role-playing play, all aspects of the personality of a preschool child develop, including speech development. Role-playing game has a specific effect on the development of speech. In its process, children constantly communicate with each other and comment on their actions, which helps to consolidate the skills of using initiative speech, improving spoken language, enriching the vocabulary, and forming the grammatical structure of speech.

Thus, role-playing games are the basis for the development of speech and the formation of communication skills, which are so necessary for every child in the future.


Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of development of coherent speech in preschool children

1.1. Psychological and pedagogical aspect of studying coherent speech in preschool children……………………………………………………………….

1.2. Specifics of speech development in preschool children……………..

1.3. Methods of work on speech development in preschoolers………

Chapter 2. The use of diagnostic tools in the development of preschool children

2.1. Features of psychodiagnostics of preschool children

2.2. Diagnosis of the level of development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age………………………………………………………………

Chapter 3. Experimental work on speech development of preschoolers

3.1. Determining the level of speech development of preschool children using psychodiagnostics………………………………………………………...…





Speech is a great gift of nature, thanks to which people receive ample opportunities to communicate with each other. However, nature gives a person very little time for the emergence and development of speech - early and preschool age. During this period, favorable conditions are created for the development of speech, the foundation is laid for written forms of speech - reading and writing, and the subsequent speech and language development of the child.

The role of a child’s speech development in preschool age is difficult to overestimate. Mastering speech rebuilds the processes of perception, memory, thinking, improves all types of children's activities and the “socialization” of the child. In psychological, linguistic, psycholinguistic studies of children's speech by such scientists as Vygotsky L.S., Zaporozhets A.V., Lisina M.I., Shakhnarovich A.M., Zhukova N.S., Filicheva T.B., it was proven that any disturbance in the development of speech affects the activities and behavior of children.

In a modern preschool educational institution, a lot of attention is paid to the development of children's speech. The speech development of older preschoolers is characterized by a fairly large and varied vocabulary, which continues to expand, most children correctly pronounce the sounds of their native language, and the stage of mastering the grammatical system of the language is basically completed. The tasks of speech development continue to be enriching the vocabulary, forming grammatically correct speech, nurturing the sound culture of speech, and developing coherent speech. All these tasks are quite successfully implemented in the preschool educational institution. But the ultimate goal is mastery of speech as a means of communication.

According to research, children of senior preschool age achieve a relatively high level of development of coherent speech. The formation of coherent speech allows preschoolers to successfully engage in various forms of communication (business, cognitive, personal). But all this can be realized through the organization of effective forms, methods and techniques, due to the use of the most rational means of teaching. However, in order to build correct and effective work, first of all, it is necessary to identify violations and deficiencies in the child’s speech development, which is carried out in the process of diagnostic research. Corrective and preventive work must begin with diagnosis, which is initial stage work.

Diagnosis of the speech development of preschool children involves the selection of tools and methods that can be used to objectively assess the speech capabilities of preschool children.

The problems of diagnosing the development of speech in preschool children were considered in the studies of P. Davidovich, O.S. Ushakova, A.I. Maksakova, G.V. Chirkina and others.

An object research – speech development of preschool children.

Item research – diagnostics of children of senior preschool age.

Target research: to identify the features of diagnostic activities to identify the level of speech development of older preschoolers.

Tasks research:

Conduct an analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the study of the problem of the development of coherent speech in preschool children;

Determine the features of speech development in preschool children;

To identify the specifics of diagnosing the development of preschool children;

Conduct a diagnostic study to identify the level of speech development in children of senior preschool age;

Analyze the results and offer methodological recommendations.

Research methods: theoretical analysis of literature on the research problem; observation; testing; mathematical data processing.

Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of development of coherent speech in preschool children

1.1. Psychological and pedagogical aspect of studying coherent speech in preschool children

As you know, the development of speech is closely related to the development of consciousness, knowledge of the surrounding world, and the development of personality as a whole. The central link with which a teacher can solve a variety of cognitive and creative problems is figurative means, or more precisely, model representations. Proof of this is many years of research conducted under the leadership of L.A. Venger, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonina, N.N. Poddyakova. Effective way The solution to the problem of developing a child’s intelligence and speech is the method of modeling. Thanks to modeling, children learn to generalize the essential features of objects, connections and relationships in reality. A person who has ideas about connections and relationships in reality, who owns the means of determining and reproducing these connections and relationships, is necessary today for society, in whose consciousness events take place. significant changes. Society is trying to comprehend and rethink reality, which requires certain skills and certain means, including the ability to simulate reality.

It is advisable to start teaching modeling in preschool age, since, according to L.S. Vygotsky, F.A. Sokhina, O.S. Ushakova, preschool age is the period of the most intensive formation and development of personality. As the child develops, he actively masters the basics of his native language and speech, and his speech activity increases. Children use words in a wide variety of meanings, express their thoughts not only in simple but also in complex sentences: they learn to compare, generalize and begin to understand the meaning of the abstract, abstract meaning of a word.

The assimilation of the abstract meaning of linguistic units, conditioned by the mastery of the logical operations of generalization, comparison, juxtaposition, and abstraction, makes it possible to use modeling not only to solve problems of the development of logical thinking of a preschooler, but also to solve problems of speech development, especially coherent speech. The degree of development of the problem and the theoretical basis of the study. Features of children's mastery of language and speech in a variety of aspects: the connection between language and thinking, the connection between language and objective reality, the semantics of linguistic units and the nature of their conditionality - have been the subject of study by many researchers (N.I. Zhinkin, A.N. Gvozdev, L. V. Shcherba). At the same time, researchers call text mastery as the main result in the process of mastering speech. Features of the development of coherent speech were studied by L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A.M. Leushina, F.A. Sokhin and other specialists in the field of psychology and methods of speech development.

According to the definition of S.L. Rubinstein, a coherent speech is a speech that can be understood on the basis of its own subject content. In mastering speech, believes L.S. Vygotsky, the child goes from part to whole: from a word to a combination of two or three words, then to a simple phrase, and even later to complex sentences. The final stage is coherent speech, consisting of a number of detailed sentences. Grammatical connections in a sentence and connections between sentences in the text are a reflection of connections and relationships that exist in reality. By creating a text, the child models this reality using grammatical means.

The patterns of development of children's coherent speech from the moment of its emergence are revealed in the studies of A.M. Leushina. She showed that the development of coherent there's talk from mastering situational speech to mastering contextual speech, then the process of improving these forms proceeds in parallel, the formation of coherent speech, changes in its functions depend on the content, conditions, forms of communication of the child with others, and is determined by the level of his intellectual development. The formation of coherent speech in preschool children and the factors of its development were also studied by E.A. Flerina, E.I. Radina, E.P. Korotkova, V.I. Loginova, N.M. Krylova, V.V. Gerbova, G.M. Lyamina.

The methodology for teaching monologue speech is clarified and supplemented by the research of N.G. Smolnikova on the development of the structure of coherent utterances in older preschoolers, research by E.P. Korotkova about the peculiarities of preschoolers’ mastery of various functional types of texts. Methods and techniques for teaching preschoolers coherent speech are also studied in many ways: E.A. Smirnova and O.S. Ushakov reveal the possibility of using the series plot paintings in the development of coherent speech, V.V. writes quite a lot about the possibility of using pictures in the process of teaching preschoolers storytelling. Gerbova, L.V. Voroshnina reveals the potential of coherent speech in terms of the development of children's creativity.

But the proposed methods and techniques for the development of coherent speech are more focused on the presentation of factual material for children's stories; intellectual processes that are significant for the construction of the text are less reflected in them. Approaches to the study of coherent speech of a preschooler were influenced by research carried out under the guidance of F.A. Sokhina and O.S. Ushakova (G.A. Kudrina, L.V. Voroshnina, A.A. Zrozhevskaya, N.G. Smolnikova, E.A. Smirnova, L.G. Shadrina). The focus of these studies is the search for criteria for assessing the coherence of speech, and as the main indicator they highlight the ability to structure a text and use various methods of connections between phrases and parts of different types of coherent statements, to see the structure of the text, its main compositional parts, their interrelation and interdependence .

Thus, the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allowed us to discover a contradiction between the characteristics of the speech development of a child of senior preschool age and the theoretical justification for the use of modeling in teaching senior preschoolers coherent speech, between the needs of practice in the use of modeling in the development of coherent speech and the lack of pedagogical technologies oriented on modeling in the work on developing text skills in preschoolers.

1.2. Specifics of speech development in preschool children

Every year, life makes increasingly higher demands not only on adults, but also on children: the amount of knowledge that needs to be passed on to them is steadily growing. In order to help children cope with the complex tasks awaiting them, you need to take care of the timely and complete formation of their speech. This is the main condition for successful learning. After all, through speech the development of abstract thinking takes place; with the help of words we express our thoughts.

At preschool age, a child’s speech acquires new qualitative features. Along with the rapid growth of the vocabulary (from 1000-1200 words for a three-year-old child to 3000-4000 words for an older preschooler), there is practical mastery of more complex sentence forms and the grammatical structure of the native language.

The development of speech occurs in the process of communication between the child and others, which becomes richer and more diverse in preschool age thanks to the knowledge accumulated by the child and participation in various collective games and activities. Improving speech is inextricably linked with the development of a child’s thinking, in particular with the transition from visual-effective to reasoning, logical thinking, which begins to take shape in preschool age.

All this encourages the child to master the means of language and move on to new, more complex forms of verbal statements. The relationship between the two signaling systems changes, the relationship between the word, on the one hand, and visual images and direct actions, on the other. If the child's speech early age is connected mainly with what he perceives and does in this moment, then the preschooler, in addition to this, begins to understand and himself conduct conversations about things that are more distant, which he can only imagine, only mentally imagine. This happens, for example, when a preschooler listens to a fairy tale or himself coherently describes what he previously observed or learned from the stories of adults, from a book read to him, etc.

It is easy to understand how the requirements for coherent speech, for the ability to construct sentences grammatically correctly and connect them with each other, grow under these conditions.

The child must learn to correctly use function words - negative particles not, nor, prepositions, conjunctions; he must learn to understand and use diverse suffixes that change the meaning of a word; he must learn to correctly coordinate words in a sentence in accordance with gender, number and case.

Throughout preschool age, when proper organization During educational work, the child practically learns the basic rules of the grammar of his native language and uses them in his oral speech.
However, the way a child learns grammar in preschool age is very unique and differs significantly from the one followed in school.

A preschooler does not memorize grammatical rules, does not memorize their definitions, he does not even know what a conjunction, preposition, gender, case is. He masters all this practically, listening to the speech of adults, talking with others in everyday life, in games and activities. As the child accumulates experience in verbal communication, unconscious empirical linguistic generalizations are formed, and the so-called sense of language is formed.

The child not only begins to speak correctly himself, but also notices the slightest error in the speech of others, although he cannot explain why it is impossible to speak this way.

Thus, a five-year-old child, hearing a two-year-old say: “Petya walked,” edifyingly corrects him: “I must say, he walked, but did not walk.” But when they ask him why they can’t say that, he answers in bewilderment: “They don’t say that, it’s wrong.” He is not yet sufficiently aware and does not know how to formulate the rules that he already practically uses in his speech.
The physiological basis of the sense of language is a dynamic stereotype that develops at the level of the second signaling system under the influence of the experience of verbal communication with others. Such a stereotype is a system of generalized temporary connections between verbal stimuli that correspond to the grammatical features of the language. When a child observes similar language phenomena, for example, the same type of agreement of verbs and adjectives with the gender of a noun, generalization and generalization of the corresponding neural connections occurs in his brain. As a result, he begins to change and coordinate new words by analogy with how he did with old words already known to him.

Practical speech generalizations help the child speak correctly. However, due to excessive generalization and insufficient differentiation of grammatical relations, young children often make characteristic mistakes. Thus, having learned the expression “to knock with a hammer” in the third year of life, the child, by analogy with it, says “to eat with a spoon”, “to wipe with a rag”, etc. Only later, as a result of experience in communicating with people around him, does he begin to differentiate the ending of nouns in the instrumental case , considering their gender.

Forming a sense of language has a very great importance in the development of children's speech. It is an essential condition for the correct construction of oral speech in a preschooler and creates the necessary prerequisites for the conscious acquisition of grammar during schooling.
In the process of speech development, a child must learn not only new words, but also their meanings. The meanings of words, as already indicated, are generalizations of a number of similar objects or phenomena. Therefore, mastering the meaning of a word is challenging task for a preschooler who still has limited knowledge and insufficient ability to generalize. Sometimes it happens that a child, having mastered a word, does not yet understand its real meaning and interprets this word in his own way, in accordance with his limited experience.

Veresaev describes how, as a child, he was surprised when the man who was called the cook's son turned out to be a big man with a red mustache. He thought that only a little boy could be a “son,” thus giving this word its own special meaning.

The teacher must ensure that, while learning a new word, the child at the same time correctly understands its meaning. A child’s speech takes on a different character at different stages of preschool childhood. The speech of children of primary preschool age has many more features characteristic of the speech of a young child.

To a large extent, the direct connection of children's utterances with perception and action is preserved. Kids talk mainly about what they perceive and do at the moment. Thus, when listening to a story from a book with pictures, they focus more on what is drawn in the picture than on the text they listened to. Younger preschoolers usually express their thoughts in short sentences, without connecting them with each other. When answering the teacher’s questions, children find it difficult to construct a coherent story.

The sound pronunciation of the youngest preschooler is still imperfect. Many three-year-olds do not yet pronounce the sounds “r”, “l”, “sh”, “zh” or replace them with others (for example, they say “Zenya” instead of “Zhenya”, “luka” instead of “hand”). Syllables in words are sometimes replaced or moved (for example, "hasir" instead of "sugar"). This is partly explained by the inability to control one’s vocal apparatus, and partly by insufficient development of speech hearing.

Under the influence of properly organized educational work, everyday communication with adults, games and special activities, children move on to more advanced forms of speech construction and master correct sound pronunciation.

The speech of children of middle preschool age becomes richer in content and acquires a more complex structure than that of children. The child's vocabulary increases significantly. Children's conversations often refer no longer to data, directly perceived circumstances, but to what was perceived earlier or told by parents and educators and other children. This expansion of speech communication leads to changes in the structure of children's speech. Along with the names of objects and actions, children begin to widely use various definitions.
The child connects sentences and subordinates them to each other in accordance with the nature of the phenomena described. This change in the structure of speech is closely related to the emergence of reasoning, logical thinking. At the same time, in the speech of a child of middle preschool age, along with new features, the features of the previous stage of development are preserved. Despite the fact that his speech acquires greater coherence than that of a baby, it still often contains replacements of missing nouns with instructions like this, this, there, etc.

In sound pronunciation, a child of middle preschool age achieves great success. Only sometimes, usually as a result of an insufficiently attentive pedagogical approach to the child, do five-year-old children make mistakes in pronouncing certain sounds (most often “r” and “sh”).
Conversations between the teacher and children, listening to fairy tales and other works of children's literature, and children's conversations during group games and activities are a necessary condition for the development of children's speech at this age.
In children of senior preschool age, speech further develops. The child’s vocabulary increases significantly (up to 3000-4000 words). Communication with other people, which becomes more complex due to new types of educational activities, group games, and work assignments, leads to the enrichment of the child’s vocabulary and mastery of new grammatical forms of the native language.

At the same time, enriching the child’s experience and developing his thinking influences the change in the structure of his speech, which in turn encourages him to master new, more complex forms of language.

The phrase contains main and subordinate clauses. Words expressing causal (because), target (in order to), and investigative (if) connections between phenomena are widely used by preschoolers. New aspects appear in the child’s attitude to his own speech. Older preschoolers are not only guided in the practice of verbal communication by a sense of language, but also make their first attempts to understand the underlying linguistic generalizations.

The child tries to justify why it is necessary to say this and not another, why this is said correctly and this is incorrect. Thus, a six-year-old child states: “You can’t say: the girl was sitting on a chair; they say that about a boy or an uncle.” Or: “You can’t say: I’m going to the forest tomorrow; I went when I talked about yesterday, but I’ll go here, I must say.”

With the correct organization of educational work, when conducting special classes in their native language, older preschoolers not only learn to coherently express their thoughts, but also begin to analyze speech and become aware of its features. This ability to consciously treat one’s own speech, to make it the subject of one’s analysis, is of great importance for preparing children for school education and for subsequent mastery of literacy.

Further development of children's speech takes place in the context of educational activities. If at earlier stages of development the child acquired the language mainly practically, communicating with others in everyday life, in games and activities, now he is given the special task of mastering all the richness of his native language and learning to consciously use the basic rules of grammar.

1.3. Methods of work on speech development in preschoolers

An analysis of pedagogical literature revealed conflicting points of view on teaching coherent speech to preschool children, its content and the sequence of introducing different types of coherent utterances. Most authors indicate that training should begin with retelling and description (A.M. Borodich, V.V. Gerbova, A.A. Zrozhevskaya, E.P. Korotkova, etc.). A number of studies have proven the possibility of teaching narrative speech to children 4-5 years old (T.I. Grizik, G.M. Lyamina, L.G. Shadrina, O.S. Ushakova). They develop such signs of text coherence as completeness of the topic, integration between sentences and parts of the story. But the methodology for developing coherent speech in children of the fifth or sixth year of life has not been sufficiently developed.

To determine the place of work on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers in the pedagogical process, it is important to develop an adequate methodology for studying the coherence of children’s speech, to identify the most effective methodological techniques for developing the coherence of children’s statements.

Studying the state of work in preschool institutions, it was revealed that practice reflects the same picture that is revealed when analyzing scientific and methodological literature.

Most preschool institutions work according to the methodological recommendations of V.V. Gerbova or O.S. Ushakova.

Analysis of plans for educational work in preschool institutions using the methodology of V.V. Gerbova shows that classes on the development of coherent speech are planned 2 times a month. This represents 24% of the total number of classes. During the school year, 7 classes are held on retelling fairy tales and stories and 11 classes on teaching storytelling (describing toys, paintings), i.e. - 9.4% are occupied by retelling activities and 14.6% by storytelling from pictures and toys (writing descriptions).

Analysis of plans in preschool institutions using the O.S. methodology. Ushakova, showed that classes on the development of coherent speech are planned 3 times a month. During the school year, 4 classes are held on retelling fairy tales and stories and 24 classes on teaching storytelling (describing toys, objects, paintings; compiling plot stories for a set of toys).

This represents 87.5% of the total volume of classes. Of these, 12.5% ​​are classes in retelling and 75% in storytelling based on pictures and toys (composing descriptions - 65.6%; composing plot stories based on a set of toys - 9.4%).

Individual work with children is also reflected in the plans, which contributes to the development of skills in writing a description and retelling a literary example. So, on average, 2 times a week didactic games and exercises are planned to consolidate the skills acquired in class. Once or twice a month, tasks for writing descriptive stories are included in other speech development classes (as part of the lesson).

As an analysis of the documentation showed, in those preschool institutions where they work according to the O.S. Ushakova, much attention is paid to teaching storytelling. Already in the middle group (second half of the year), they begin to develop the ability to make coherent narrative statements and introduce a series of story-based pictures into work with children. The share of storytelling classes throughout the year is much higher than in preschool institutions using V.V.’s methodology. Gerbova, whose methodological recommendations provide only for the formation of description skills in children of the fifth year of life. In teaching storytelling, series of plot pictures are not used at all; individual plot pictures are used extremely rarely. The sources of the utterance are a toy, an object, less often a picture, and the speech pattern of an adult that accompanies the display and examination of visual material. The clarity offered by this technique is monotonous.

Traditionally, the following techniques are used in the development of coherent speech in preschool institutions: speech patterns, questions, explanations, motivated assessment of children’s actions and responses, dramatization games, etc.

Thus, an analysis of the state of practice convinces of the relevance of developing methods for teaching children coherent speech.

The search for a methodology for studying coherent speech can be determined by the characteristics of the latter. The nature of coherent speech largely depends on the tasks and conditions of communication. It was important to select situations in which the expansion, coherence, and compositional completeness of children’s statements were better ensured.

The psychological and pedagogical literature describes the most typical methods for studying the coherent speech of preschoolers. Children are offered tasks at the reproductive (retelling a literary example) and productive (creating an independent coherent statement) levels. Productive tasks are usually offered based on a picture or toy.

Retelling is widely used in the formation of coherent speech in preschoolers. At the same time, some authors believe that retelling, due to low communicativeness, does not allow identifying the features of a coherent statement (A.G. Arushanova).

A number of studies (Z.M. Istomina, T.A. Repina) have proven that the simultaneous use of a literary sample and illustrations significantly improves the quality of children's retellings. Pictures have a positive effect on understanding the text and allow the child to present it more accurately, meaningfully, and consistently.

The scientific and methodological literature contains conflicting data about the possibility of using story pictures in teaching storytelling to children of the fifth year of life. Thus, a number of teachers believe that children of this age when teaching storytelling, it is necessary to offer only one story picture, since telling a series of story pictures is not available to them (A.M. Borodich, V.V. Gerbova, E.P. Korotkova, etc.). In the studies of O.S. Ushakova, as well as work carried out under her leadership, proves that already in the middle group of kindergarten it is possible to use a series of plot pictures when teaching storytelling, but their number should not exceed three.

When teaching storytelling to children of the fifth year of life, one toy is often used. On the other hand, there is data indicating the possibility of using toys and play material, since in stories about games and play actions the coherence and context of children's statements increases (G.M. Lyamina). A number of studies have proven that at the beginning of teaching storytelling, ready-made game situations should be given, which are played out by an adult (M.M. Konina, L.A. Penevskaya, E.A. Flerina).

Considering the presence of different points of view on the study and development of children’s coherent speech, cross-sectional experiments should test the features of children’s coherent utterances depending on the communication situation.

Chapter 2. The use of diagnostic tools in the development of preschool children

2.1. Features of psychodiagnostics of preschool children

It should be emphasized that the study of the developmental characteristics of preschool children differs significantly from the study of adults and older children, both in the methods used and in the way the work is carried out. The main principle adhered to by the developers of diagnostic methods is the principle of natural behavior of the child, which provides for minimal intervention by the experimenter in the usual everyday forms of behavior of children. Often, to implement this principle, various methods are used to encourage the child to play, during which different age characteristics children's development.

Various varieties are very popular development scales children, providing for conducting analytical standardized observations of the child and subsequent comparison of the data obtained with age-related development norms. The use of these developmental scales requires specialized experience and should be performed by mental health professionals. But since the psychologist has much less opportunity observe the child in a natural setting than the teacher, then it is advisable to organize cooperation between the psychologist and the teacher - by cross-comparing the psychologist’s own assessments and observations with the assessments and observations of the teacher

Since preschoolers are already mastering speech and reacting to the personality of the experimenter, it becomes possible to communicate with the child and, in the course of it, conduct developmental diagnostics. However, a preschooler’s speech is still in its infancy, and sometimes this limits the possibilities of using verbal tests, so researchers give preference to nonverbal methods.

The most important for diagnosing the development of young children are their motor and cognitive spheres, speech and social behavior(A. Anastasi, 1982, J. Shvantsara, 1978, etc.).

When conducting and evaluating the results of diagnostics of the development of a preschooler, one should take into account the characteristics of personal development at this age. Lack of motivation and interest in tasks can reduce all the efforts of the experimenter to nothing, since the child will not accept them. This feature of preschoolers was pointed out, for example, by A.V. Zaporozhets, who wrote: ... even when a child accepts a cognitive task and tries to solve it, those practical or playful moments that encourage him to act in a certain way transform the task and give it a unique character direction of the child's thinking. This point must be taken into account in order to correctly assess the capabilities of children's intelligence. And further: ...differences in solving similar intellectual problems of younger and older preschoolers are determined not only by the level of development of intellectual operations, but also by the originality of motivation. If younger children are motivated to solve a practical problem by the desire to get a picture, a toy, etc., then among older children the motives of competition, the desire to show intelligence to the experimenter, etc., become decisive.

These features should be taken into account both when conducting tests and when interpreting the results obtained.

The time it will take to complete the test should also be taken into account. For preschoolers, a period of time for testing within an hour is recommended, taking into account the establishment of contact with the child (J. Shvantsara, 1978).

When conducting examinations of preschool children establishing contact between the subject and the experimenter turns into a special task, the successful solution of which will determine the reliability of the data obtained. As a rule, to establish such contact, an experienced psychologist conducts an examination in a familiar environment for the child in the presence of the mother or some close relative, teacher, etc. It is necessary to create conditions under which the child will not experience negative emotions from communicating with a stranger (fear). , uncertainty, etc.), for which you can start working with the child with a game and only gradually, imperceptibly for the child, include the tasks required by the test.

Of particular importance is the implementation of constant monitoring of the child’s behavior during the examination - his functional and emotional state, manifestations of interest or indifference to the proposed activity, etc. These observations can provide valuable material for judging the level of development of the child, the formation of his cognitive and motivational spheres. Much in the child’s behavior can be explained by the explanations of the mother and teacher, so it is important to organize the cooperation of all three parties in the process of interpreting the results of the child’s examination.

All diagnostic methods developed for preschoolers should be administered individually or to small groups of children attending kindergarten and having experience teamwork. As a rule, tests for preschoolers are presented orally or in the form of practical tests. Sometimes a pencil and paper can be used to complete tasks (provided they are simple to operate).

Actually, much fewer test methods have been developed for preschoolers than for older children and adults. Let's consider the most famous and authoritative of them.

J. Švancar suggests dividing the available methods into two groups: the first includes methods aimed at diagnosing general behavior, and the second includes individual aspects that determine it, for example, the development of intelligence, motor skills, etc.

The first group includes the method of A. Gesell. A. Gesell and his colleagues developed development tables that received his name. They cover four main areas of behavior: motor, speech, personal-social and adaptive. In general, Gesell tables provide a standardized procedure for monitoring and assessing the developmental progress of children aged 4 weeks to 6 years. Children's play activities are observed, their reactions to toys and other objects, facial expressions, etc. are recorded. These data are supplemented by information received from the child's mother. As criteria for evaluating the data obtained, Gesell provides a detailed verbal description of the typical behavior of children of different ages and special drawings, which facilitates the analysis of survey results

When studying preschoolers, a variety of aspects of development can be diagnosed - from motor to personality. For this purpose, the second group of techniques is used (according to the classification of J. Švantsara).

More recent in creation is the Adaptive Behavior Scale (ABC), developed by the American Association for the Study of Intellectual Disability. It can be used to study emotional or other mental disorders. Like the Vineland social maturity scale, it is based on observations of the behavior of the subjects, and its forms can be filled out not only by a psychologist, but also by a teacher, parents, doctors - everyone with whom the child comes into contact.

To study some abilities of children from 2.5 to 8.5 years old, the McCarthy scale was developed. It consists of 18 tests grouped into six overlapping scales: verbal, perceptual, quantitative, general cognitive ability, memory and motor.

To assess the level of mental development of preschoolers, the Stanford-Binet scale, Wechsler test and Ranen test are most often used (they are written about in sufficient detail in 3.4 and 3.5). Piaget's methods can also be used for the same purposes. They represent scales of order because development is assumed to pass through a series of successive stages that can be described qualitatively. Piaget's scales are intended primarily for studying the cognitive, rather than the personal, sphere of the child and have not yet been brought to the level of tests in terms of formal parameters. Piaget's followers are working to create a diagnostic complex based on his theory and intended for diagnosing the developmental psychology of children of different ages.

J. Piaget proposes a method for clinical research into the formation of a child’s cognitive sphere, introducing the concept of a sensorimotor scheme, that is, a class of motor tasks that contribute to achieving a goal when performing actions with objects.

To diagnose motor development, the motor test of N. I. Ozeretsky (N. I. Ozeretsky, 1928), developed in 1923, is often used. It is intended for persons aged 4 to 16 years. The tasks are arranged by age level. The technique was intended to study motor movements different types. Used as stimulus material simple materials, such as paper, thread, needles, spools, balls, etc.

Evaluating the scales discussed above, one cannot help but note the lack of a strict theoretical justification for the use of each of them for diagnosing the characteristics of the mental and personal development of preschool children. The exception is Piaget's methods, which are based on the concept of development he created. Unlike foreign ones, domestic researchers strive to build a diagnostic system based on provisions developed in developmental and educational psychology about the characteristics, stages and driving forces of mental and personal development (works of L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin, etc.). For example, the most developed from this point of view is a set of methods for diagnosing the mental development of preschool children, created under the leadership of L.A. Wenger.

Special diagnostic techniques were developed to study the characteristics of figurative and logical thinking.

So, for example, the child was asked to trace in the drawing the path to the house, which was depicted with. using tangled lines. Analysis of the child’s actions made it possible to determine the level of formed imaginative thinking.

To diagnose logical thinking, a table with geometric figures arranged in a certain sequence was proposed. Some squares were empty, and they needed to be filled in, revealing the patterns of the logical series.

A number of authors are making attempts, based on a generalization of existing diagnostic methods and their own developments, to create a system of diagnostic examination of preschool children, which would not only allow identifying different levels of development, but would also provide long-term observations of the development of children.

Along with those described above and intended for study different aspects development of preschoolers, quite a lot of methods have been developed to diagnose the readiness of children to study at school.

As a result of the examination of preschoolers, children are identified who need correctional and developmental work, which allows them to form the necessary level of readiness for school. During the examination, children with advanced development are also identified, for whom the psychologist should formulate recommendations for an individual approach.

2.2. Diagnosis of the level of development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age

Systematic control over how children acquire speech material is important to establish continuity between kindergarten and school. By the time they enter school, children should have approximately the same level of speech development.

Knowledge of the criteria and methods for identifying the state of children’s speech development will help heads of preschool institutions monitor the activities of educators and determine the quality of their work.

An individual comprehensive examination helps to most accurately determine the level of development of a child’s speech, but it requires a lot of time. To reduce the testing time, you can, in addition to a sample survey, combine a number of tasks, simultaneously identifying the state of formation of different sections of speech. Thus, when establishing a child’s knowledge of fiction and inviting him to tell a fairy tale (or read a poem), the examiner simultaneously records sound pronunciation, diction, and ability to use the vocal apparatus; When a child compiles stories based on a picture (identifying the development of coherent speech), the examiner notes which sentences are used (identifying the development of the syntactic aspect of speech), which lexical means (identifying vocabulary), and so on.

Some methodological techniques and tasks can be used to test the mastery of material simultaneously by a whole group or subgroup of children, for example, knowledge of the genre.

When identifying the state of children’s speech development, a special place should be given to special observations that are carried out in the process of educational work in everyday life: a teacher or inspector not only observes for a certain time, but also records the children’s speech, noting both its shortcomings and positive ones. shifts, as well as difficulties that children experience when mastering program material.

Speech examinations can also be carried out during control and testing classes, when the teacher or examiner sets the task of finding out how children have mastered this or that speech material.

If there are serious deviations in the speech development of children, conversations are held with parents, during which possible reasons for the child’s lagging are identified.

The most important condition for the development of speech culture in preschool children is work on the word, which is considered in conjunction with solving other speech problems. Fluency in a word, understanding its meaning, and accuracy of word usage are necessary conditions for mastering the grammatical structure of a language, the sound side of speech, as well as developing the ability to independently construct a coherent statement.

Research in recent years has proven the need to highlight a special section in the methodology of speech work, which includes, firstly, familiarizing children with the polysemy of words, with synonymous and antonymic relationships between them; secondly, the formation of the ability to accurately use the lexical means of the native language. Discovering the semantic richness of polysemantic words contributes to the expansion of the vocabulary, not by increasing it quantitatively, but by understanding other meanings of already known words.

A feature of the work on enriching and activating the vocabulary, which occupies a significant place in speech work, is its connection with all types of activities of preschoolers. Learning the world, they learn the exact names of objects and phenomena, their qualities and relationships, deepen and clarify knowledge and ideas. Thus, by developing in children the skills, abilities and knowledge necessary to perform physical exercises, visual arts, design, etc., the teacher expands their vocabulary, teaches them to understand and use words that denote the objects, actions, and movements used in this activity. Exploring the world around him, the child learns verbal designations of objects and phenomena of reality, their properties, connections and relationships.

The practice of verbal communication confronts children with words of different meanings, with synonyms and antonyms. In preschool children, orientation towards semantic content is very developed. First of all, the speaker is guided by semantics when choosing one word or another when constructing a statement; It is semantics that the listener seeks to comprehend. Therefore, the search for a word is based on its meaning, and the correctness of the statement depends on how accurately the selected word conveys the meaning.

To identify older preschoolers’ understanding of the meaning (meaning) of a word, they are offered various tasks. First, their characteristics are given (what a particular question reveals, in what context it is presented), then the features of performing each task and options for their assessment are revealed.

In the process of diagnosing one of the aspects of speech, the results obtained are analyzed:

Pronunciation side of speech.

The following is noted: the poem was read loudly enough;

Speed ​​(tempo) of speech: moderate;

Intonation expressiveness: the poem is read expressively.

In the process of reading the poem and talking with the child, it was established:

Clarity (diction) of the child’s speech: clear ability to comply with literary norms of pronunciation (spelling): no deviations;

Sound pronunciation – the child pronounces sounds quite well.

Deviations in the speech development of older preschoolers manifest themselves at various levels:



Lexico-grammatical (predominant violation of morphemic and morphological analysis, i.e. difficulties in distinguishing parts of a word and parts of speech, violation of inflection and form changes, violation of a coherent statement, planning, predicting speech).

Communication disorders.

To determine the strategy for correctional speech work, the teacher first of all observes children in the process of their natural communication, speech accompaniment of productive activities, activities, and games. Observation makes it possible to form a preliminary idea about the capabilities of each child in the field of coherent utterance, about initiative and the ability to enter into a conversation and maintain a dialogue, about the composition of phrases, the correctness of composing simple and complex sentences, about the correctly executed syllable structure, about vocabulary, about grammatical design phrases, about the phonetic filling of words, about the features of expressive means and tempo-rhythmic coloring.

It is important that the data obtained as a result of observations are compared with information about the child’s speech development outside kindergarten. For this purpose, the teacher can invite the child’s family and friends to answer a number of questions.

What is the child's relationship with other family members? Who does he prefer? Doesn't he lack attention to him? negative attitude, overprotection? Does the child have a negative attitude towards any family member? Who is raising the child?

Does he communicate easily with other children and adults? Are you selective in your communication? What do his parents think his relationships are like with other children? Is he a leader?

Does he use verbal means when communicating - exclamations, intonation, individual sounds, chains of sounds and syllables, words, phrases? Are there any lines of dialogue?

What books and at what age should children be read? How long can he listen to the reading? What interests him more - illustrations, content, or both? Do you have any favorite films or records?

Does your child like to draw, sculpt, or play with construction sets at home? Does this activity accompany speech means? Does it play on its own? Does he turn to adults for help in difficult situations?

What are its emotional manifestations: adequate, restrained, indifferent, stormy? How does a child react to a new toy? Are emotional manifestations accompanied by verbal means?

What is the child’s character – friendly, obedient, affectionate; hot-tempered, capricious, aggressive? How does he behave at home?

Does he have the opportunity and need for psychological release? How does this manifest itself: does it scream, retreat into seclusion, become quiet, “communicate” with toys, trying to reproduce the situations that have excited it, listens to music, draws, designs?

Does the child have animals, birds, plants? How does he feel about them? How does he communicate and play with them?

How does the family spend their leisure time, weekends, vacations?

The parents' answers complement the teacher's understanding of the child and the characteristics of his speech development.

Observing the behavior of a child, an adult gets an idea of ​​how he talks; what vocabulary does he use; whether elements of autonomous, childish speech characteristic of an early age remain in his vocabulary.

A teacher, observing children in natural conditions, during classes, on a walk, while performing routine tasks, has the opportunity to create a fairly objective picture of the characteristics of the child’s speech activity and, in difficult cases, recommend contacting a speech therapist. The teacher clarifies the main indicators of speech development individually.

In a group, during collective communication, the teacher, first of all, must note whether the child is proactive in verbal communication and can ask questions; Does his vocabulary include the interrogative words “which, which, what, where?” He should also pay special attention to the presence/absence of interrogative words “why, why”, showing a well-formed understanding of cause-and-effect and target relationships.

Indicative for speech development is the ability to correctly ask a question about the content of a conversation or fairy tale; a question addressed to someone selectively; a question whose answer changes the course of the conversation. It is important to pay attention to whether the degree of speech activity depends on who and where communicates with the child.

It must be remembered: during a conversation, a child without deviations in speech development is able to maintain communication with remarks, voice modulation, intonation, facial expressions, gestures and other non-verbal means.

It is also important to observe the child during role-playing games, because this allows one to identify a number of features. Children with speech development disorders cannot maintain interest in playing in a group for a long time, in the actions of other children, and experience difficulties in unfolding the plot, in analyzing the role behavior of the players in predicting the outcome, in coordinating their actions with the actions of other children. Difficulties are associated with speech and mental operations: children have a hard time making out of the whole - the plot of a fairy tale, everyday plot– highlight the particulars (agree on who will play what role, what they will do, say); and vice versa, to combine particulars (the role and behavior of each player) into a single plan.

The possibilities of using substitute words and the variability of vocabulary can be studied during a game that confronts the child with the need to use various objects and substitute words.

It is also necessary to check whether the child can reproduce “living and non-living” sounds, imitate different voices, and whether he can change the pitch and strength of his voice. For this purpose, questions are usually asked: “How does the plane sound? What voice does the bear speak in? and so on.". In order to answer them correctly, the child is forced to imitate various sounds and choose emotional and expressive means (intonation, facial expressions, gestures).

It is important for the teacher to be sure that the child correctly perceives the spoken speech, that he is attentive to the spoken word and sound. Lack of auditory attention affects not only sound pronunciation, but also the understanding of the meaning of words, the perception and understanding of sentences in general, the understanding hidden meaning, subtext. In addition, this will affect the child’s mastery of written language. For this purpose, we can propose a number didactic games: “Guess what it sounds like?”; “How and where does the bell sound?”; "Echo". You can offer the following tasks: “Show, repeat and complete”; “What is a puddle? What are skis? etc. To attract attention to a sounding word, it is good to use the game of “flip words”.

To work on speech development, it is extremely important for the teacher to determine whether the child knows what common categorical names, generalizing words, synonyms, antonyms, paronyms are, and whether he knows associative connections.

Lexical exercises and tasks perform the following functions:

Contribute to the development of attention to changes in the meaning and significance of words depending on grammatical categories, word-formation and formative features;

They strengthen the formation of connections between words, thereby forming a coherent statement.

Associative connections

Contribute to the development of speech-mental operations (the ability to select, select and accurately use words);

They assume the development of variability in the use of vocabulary and fluency in grammatical categories.

In the coherent utterance of children, not only lexical and grammatical features are manifested, but, above all, difficulties in planning and correctly structuring the utterance; it is possible to replace the text with paralinguistic means - facial expressions, gestures, expressive movements, accompanied by emotional exclamations - interjections.

When determining deviations in a child’s speech development, it is important to understand the attitude of the child himself to the difficulties he experiences. In case of tempo-rhythmic deviations, carefully monitor under what conditions the state of speech improves or deteriorates (in a familiar, unfamiliar, unfamiliar environment), whether the child reacts to a “new” interlocutor, with whom it is easier to communicate - with an adult or a peer. In communication, the teacher must not only analyze the state of the question-answer system, dialogue, rhythmic forms, possibilities for compiling a retelling, speech accompanying productive activities, but also determine what forms and types of speech activity are available to the child.

Timely identification of deviations in speech activity will make it possible to provide early corrective assistance by a speech therapist, carry out preventive and developmental work by a teacher, and correct the personal characteristics of children.

Chapter 3. Experimental work on the development of speech in preschool children

3.1. Determining the level of speech development of preschool children using psychodiagnostics

To determine the level of speech development of older preschoolers using psychodiagnostics, a confirmatory experiment was conducted. The study was conducted on the basis of the preschool educational institution “Firefly”. The experiment involved 10 children aged 5-6 years.

The purpose of the experimental work is to diagnose the speech development of children and study the communication skills of children.

Communicative and rhetorical skills are associated, firstly, with the ability to analyze and evaluate communication and, secondly, with the ability to communicate, when the ability to navigate a situation is assessed.

Indicators for assessing children's speech:

Ability to navigate different situations communication, taking into account who is speaking, to whom the speaker is addressing, for what purpose, what - about what, how, etc.;

The ability to analyze and evaluate one’s own speech behavior and the speech behavior of another, what the speaker said, what he wanted to say, what he said unintentionally, etc.;

Mastering the culture of listening, listening carefully to the interlocutor, responding adequately to the speaker’s speech;

It is appropriate to use the rules of speech etiquette and conduct an etiquette dialogue;

Correlate verbal and nonverbal means of communication, mastery of nonverbal means (facial expressions, gestures, body movements).

To identify the level of speech development in older preschoolers, the “Speech Development according to the Rainbow program” diagnostic was used.

Diagnosis of children in the senior group for speech development was carried out in the following areas.

1. To diagnose the sound culture of speech, it was determined whether the child had speech defects. Which?

The following tasks were proposed:

a) The child was asked to name any words with a sound With.

“For example, I remembered now,” says the teacher, these are the words: pine... aspen... sowed... . It's your turn. Continue!"

b) A game was offered. You are given a sheet of paper with a grid to determine the position of a sound in a word and a counter. The rules of the game are explained: “Repeat the word after me.” river. Do you hear the sound R in this word? Is it heard at the beginning of a word or in the middle of it? Place the chip in the first window, as in the word river sound R stands at the beginning of a word. Listen to another word - rhinoceroses. Where is the sound heard? R? Place the chip in the second window. Let's say the word together fire. And I put a chip in the third window. Am I right or wrong? Now work on your own. I will say the word, you say it after me and put the chip in the right box: cancer... lilac... cheese.”

2. To examine speech understanding and the level of active vocabulary, the following was proposed.

a) The teacher says: “The little puppy’s ear hurts a lot. He whines. Needs your sympathy. What do you tell him? Start like this: “You are mine...”

b) The children were asked to look at the picture. The question was asked what happened to the chickens. It was suggested to come up with a title for the story.

The teacher asks to take a closer look at the hen who saw not yellow, but black and grimy chickens; describe her condition. She… .

3. Fiction.

a) The child is asked to read his favorite poem

b) They offer to name fairy tales that the child is ready to listen to more than once. If he cannot remember the name of the fairy tale, let him start telling it, you can suggest the name.

c) The child is asked to remember the writers whose books they read in kindergarten and at home; artists who made beautiful drawings for children's books.

Assessment of task completion:

9-12 points (high level) – answers all tasks correctly, without prompting from adults, answers quickly and willingly.

5-8 points (average level) – at most Answers questions correctly, but uses an adult’s prompt, answers slowly but willingly.

1-4 points (low level) – answers most of the questions incorrectly, even with prompting from an adult, answers few and reluctantly.

The analysis of the data obtained was entered into the child’s individual card (see Appendix), where data about the child was indicated. Below is a summary table of test subjects' data for all three types of tasks (see Table 1).

Table 1.

Sound culture of speech

Speech understanding, active dictionary


1. Marina V.

2. Artem B.

3. Slava T.

4. Roman S.

5. Diana N.

6. Konstantin D.

8. Sveta V.

9. Daniil Zh.

10 Alina L.

As a result of summing up the data obtained, the results presented in Diagram 1 were revealed.

Diagram 1.

Thus, in the process of diagnosing the speech development of children of senior preschool age, it was found that only 2 out of 10 children had high, i.e. normal level of speech development, 5 children have an average (satisfactory) level, and 3 children have a low level.

Work to determine the characteristics of coherent speech in older preschoolers has shown that children of this age make many mistakes in word usage and the construction of not only complex, but also simple sentences; use uniform ways of connecting sentences in the text. Some preschoolers violate the sequence of presentation of thoughts; it is difficult for them to start or finish a statement. Often their stories contain elements of narrative and description. Most often, children turn to the help of an adult; they cannot always cope with the task on their own. This indicates the need for special training in order to master an active vocabulary, the formation of a sound culture of speech, the development of skills in transferring knowledge on fiction, and constructing a coherent monologue statement.

Parents often do not pay attention to the formation of speech in preschoolers. But at school, even small deviations in speech development can lead to specific errors in mastering writing. Parents themselves can resolve problems with speech skills, but sometimes they cannot do without the help of a speech therapist. Children who did not go to kindergarten must be tested for speech readiness. If the baby visited preschool, then there children are prepared for school according to a certain program. But often the teacher focuses on the average level of development of children, so it is still worth checking certain speech skills of the baby. It is no secret that the better a child’s speech is developed, the easier it is for him to master writing and reading.

1. First of all, you need to pay attention to whether the child can pronounce all sounds clearly. Otherwise, the child will write words exactly as he pronounces them, i.e. with grammatical errors.

2. The child must determine by ear how many letters there are in a word. For example, the word “cat” has three letters or three sounds. To test such skills, you need to ask your child to write the word that you pronounce. But replace all letters with sticks or circles. For example, the word “cat” is three sticks, the word “tree” is six sticks.

3. You need to pay attention so that the child understands which sound is a letter. Children often confuse letters that sound similar. For example, B and P or Z and S. Therefore, when writing words, children cannot choose the correct letter and make mistakes. You can test your ability to distinguish sounds by using images of two different objects that differ only in one letter.

4. Parents and educators need to pay attention to the child’s vocabulary. It must be at least 2000 words. You can determine whether a child knows so many words using several tasks:

Exercise 1. Ask your child to name a group of objects in one word. For example, cup, spoon, plate, pan -...? T-shirt, T-shirt, pants, dress -...?

Task 2. The child must name as many names as possible that belong to one group or another. For example, names of animals, flowers, trees.

Task 3. Test your knowledge of adjectives. For example, what kind of dress is it - beautiful, red; what a hat – warm, blue; what a sun – bright, warming.

Task 4. The child must know not only the names of objects, but also what is done with them. For example, a toy - buy, play; flowers are planted, watered, books are read, examined.

Task 5. The opposite of the fourth. There is an action - you need to figure out what object it happens with. They draw – a house, a car, a picture; ironing – clothes, a kitten; cook - dinner, soup.

Task 6. We select words - synonyms. For example, big - huge, gigantic; light – snow-white, sunny.

Task 7. We select anonymous people. For example, big - small, slow - fast, beautiful - terrible.

5. Even if a child pronounces all words clearly, has a large vocabulary and does not confuse sounds, this is not all. The child must correctly form phrases and words themselves. As a rule, there are no problems with this if adults themselves speak correctly. But sometimes even a schoolchild can hear such words as “I got there by meter”, “run faster”, “hot coffee”, etc.

6. Little schoolchildren should be able to express their thoughts. Mastering coherent speech is necessary for them, since it will be impossible to answer in class without certain skills. To help your baby master this last and difficult step, ask him to retell the story. This could be a story about today, about a trip to the circus, or ask them to retell a new fairy tale.

Diagnosing a child’s speech development is not a matter of one day. But if deficiencies in the speech development of a preschooler have nevertheless been identified, then it is necessary to help the child master this science.


Summarizing the results of this study, it should be noted that the relevance of the problem of children's speech health has increased significantly over many years. With the increase in neuropsychic and somatic diseases of preschool children, the formation of all mental functions in children is delayed and, as a result, more and more children are appearing with speech disorders, while at present the requirements for the speech development of children of senior preschool age have increased significantly. In normally developing preschoolers, by the beginning of school, speech is separated from direct practical experience, and it acquires new functions.

Prevention of speech disorders in children of senior preschool age in the educational work of preschool educational institutions, the formation of correct speech acquires special importance, since the readiness or unpreparedness of the child to start school depends on the level of speech development.

Diagnosis of the characteristics of coherent speech in older preschoolers showed the presence of the following typical errors for children of this age:

In word usage, construction of not only complex, but also simple sentences;

Using uniform ways of connecting sentences in the text;

Violation of the sequence of presentation of thoughts; it is difficult for them to start or finish a statement;

The predominant presence of narrative and description elements in stories;

Frequent recourse to adult help, inability to complete a task independently, etc.

All this indicates the need for special training in order to master an active vocabulary, form a sound culture of speech, and construct a coherent monologue utterance.


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2. Belkina V.N. Child psychology. – Yaroslavl: YaGPU im. K.D. Ushinsky, 1994.

3. Wenger L.A. Diagnostics of mental development of preschool children, M., 1998.

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5. Voroshnina L.V. Features of constructing descriptive stories by children of the 5th year of life // Problems of studying the speech of preschoolers: Sat. scientific works / Ed. O.S. Ushakova. – M.: Publishing house. RAO, 1994. – pp. 104–108.

6. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech // Collection. op. – T. 2. – M., 1986.

7. Gvozdev A.N. Issues in studying children's speech. – M., 1991.

8. Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development in the middle group of kindergarten. M.: Education, 1993.

9. Gerbova V.V. Composing descriptive stories // Preschool education. - 2006. - No. 9. - p. 28-34.

10. Glukhov V.P. Methods for developing coherent monologue speech in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. – Moscow, 1998.

11. Grizik T.I. Speech development in children aged 6-7 years. – M.: Education, 2007.

12. Diagnostics of mental development of preschool children / Ed. L.A. Venger, V.M. Khomlovskaya. - M.: Pedagogy, 2005.

13. Erastov N.P. Processes of thinking and speech activity (Psychological and didactic aspect): Author's abstract. dis. ... Dr. Psy. Sci. – M., 1971.

14. Yolkina N.V. Formation of coherent speech in preschool children: Tutorial. – Yaroslavl: Publishing House YAGPU im. K.D. Ushinsky, 2006.

15. Zaporozhets A.V. Selected psychological works. – M., 1986.

16. Leontyev A.A. A word about speech activity. – M.: Nauka, 1965.

17. Methods for examining children’s speech: a guide for diagnosing speech disorders / Ed. G.V. Chirkina. - 2nd ed., add. – M., 2003.

18. Nechaeva O.A. Functional and semantic types of speech (description, narration, reasoning). – Ulan-Ude: Buryat Book Publishing House, 1984.

19. Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of general psychology: In 2 vols. APN USSR. – M.: Pedagogy, 1989.

20. Sokhin F.A. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of speech development // Mental education of preschool children / Ed. N.N. Poddyakova, F.A. Sokhina. – M.: Education, 1984. – P. 202–206.

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22. Tkachenko T.A. In first grade without speech defects. – St. Petersburg, 1999.

23. Ushakova O.S. "Diagnostics of speech development of preschool children." – M.: RAO. Research Center for Family and Childhood, 1997.

24. Ushakova O.S. Speech education in preschool childhood (development of coherent speech): Author's abstract. dis. ... Dr. ped. Sci. – M., 1996. – 40 p.

25. Ushinsky K.D. Selected pedagogical works. – M.: Uchpedgiz, 1984.

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Analysis of the received data

Last name, first name of the child ____________________________

Exercise 1

Task 2.

Beginning of the year

The end of the year

a) How many consoling phrases did the child say?

b) Write down the title of the story. From your point of view:

Well answered

Worse than eloquent peers

Few and reluctantly

Methods for examining children's speech: a guide for diagnosing speech disorders / Ed. G.V. Chirkina. - 2nd ed., add. – M., 2003. – P. 31.

Fotekova T.A. , Akhutina T.V. Diagnosis of speech disorders in schoolchildren using neuropsychological methods: a manual for speech therapists and psychologists. – M., 2002.

Report on the work on the project “Guests have come to us...” based on folklore material on the development of connected speech of children in group No. 25 of a general developmental orientation from 1.5 to 3 years.

Made up

teacher Elena Ivanovn Plyusnina

The goal of my project: the development of connected speech of children called “Guests have come to us...”

When I started working in the first junior group, I set myself the following goals.


  • To teach children to listen to short, accessible works of oral folk art.
  • Encourage children to repeat after the teacher words and phrases from works of oral folk art.
  • Form the grammatical structure of speech.
  • Develop monologue and dialogic speech of children.
  • Develop children's fine motor skills.
  • Develop a sound culture of speech.
  • To form the prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative, and a positive attitude towards organized educational activities.

To cultivate aesthetic feelings when getting acquainted with examples of oral folk art

During the academic year 2016 - 2017, to implement these tasks in our work, we used:

  1. Didactic games:

di: "Family", "Tell me about the toy", "Collect a picture", "Who where?"

"Big small", “Who lives with whom?”, “What’s missing?” etc.

Games for the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns. Exercise: Yellow…. (Sun) Fluffy (clouds) Car...what?

Learn to use nouns with prepositions. Exercise: Bunny (under the table, above the table, on the table) Crow (over the roof, on the roofs) Ball (under the table).

In games with didactic material, children consolidate knowledge about the size, shape, color of objects, develop memory, attention, tactile sensations, and fine motor skills. Cognitive speech activity of children develops directly educational activities;

  1. Game situations: “Mom feeds the doll Masha”, "Let's take the dog for a ride in the car", "Preparing lunch for Little Bear", "Bunny is sick", “Let’s tie a bow for the cat”, "The kids are getting dressed" etc.
  2. Outdoor games, musicalgames:
  1. Theatrical activities

Table theater "Turnip", "Kolobok", etc.

Staging of Russian folk fairy tales: "Teremok", "Ryaba Chicken" etc.

  1. Fiction

Reading, learning and acting out nursery rhymes: “Water, water, wash my face”, “Grow the braid to the waist”, “The horned goat is coming”, etc.

Narrating a poem by A. Barto:

"Horse", "Bull", "Bear", "Bunny"

Reading Russians folk tales : "Zayushkina's hut", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Turnip", "The Wolf and the Little Goats", "Three Bears", "Masha and the Bear"

  1. Entertainment, events.

“Visiting the fairy tale “Turnip””, entertainment based on the fairy tale “Teremok”, “Visiting the Matryoshka”, physical education leisure “Visiting Mishutka”,

Much attention was paid to the development of dialogic speech. Involving children in conversation while looking at objects and illustrations; observations of living and inanimate nature; after watching cartoons and plays.

Sound culture of speech. Objectives: To improve children’s ability to clearly pronounce vowel sounds in words (a, y, i, o, e, s) through game situations "The doll is crying" “The doll is singing”, “The little bear is sick”, “Who is crying, who is laughing?”

We taught the children to independently describe the toy. For this need to: put the toy, look, then ask questions: 1. What is this? or who is it? 2. What color? 3. What is this from the bunny? (show ears, tail, paws) What can you call a bunny?

They also used articulatory and facial gymnastics, finger games, and self-massage in poetic form. Through these forms of work, speech, attention, memory and reaction speed were developed, and funny poems helped relieve nervous tension.

Of great importance for the development of a preschooler’s speech is the enrichment of vocabulary based on knowledge and ideas about the surrounding life and in the process of observations in nature. During the walk, a lot of work was done to develop children’s connected speech through observation, conversations and…….


As a result of targeted and systematic work on the development of connected speech

Much attention was paid to the organization of the subject-development environment.

Creating conditions for conducting didactic games

The group designed the spatial environment in such a way as to provide space for all types of children’s activities. Diversity, availability of all kinds of gaming and didactic material for sensory development, fine motor skills, imagination, active speech.

The location of gaming and didactic material in the child’s field of vision.

As a result of targeted and systematic work on the development of connected speech, we achieved positive results in work on this topic; children easily understand speech, answer the teacher’s questions, and willingly enter into verbal contacts with teachers and loved ones. Children play together, develop small stories, actively get involved in the game and begin to finish the text of the game, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, some try to perform them on their own, most children have become interested in reading books.

This project helps to effectively solve this problem, starting with young children.

In conversation with them, we recall familiar episodes, interesting situations, and encourage them to speak out. We support children's desire to speak and communicate with each other, encouraging them to express in words a request addressed to their peers. We help children come to an agreement by using words that express a request, a promise, a desire to give in to each other. As a result, the semantic side of speech, the function of comparison and generalization, grammatical structure, and articulation are intensively developed.

Thanks to the project “Guests Came to Us...”, the level of development of children’s connected speech increased by 38% compared to the beginning of the year and amounted to 55%.

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