Cowardice takes away. Cowardice and courage. Materials for the essay. We are faithful to this memory...

The statement belongs to Friedrich Engels - the great mind of the 20th century, the author of the ideas of Marxism, a philosopher, a man who left a significant mark on the history of mankind. And this idea can tell us a lot about a person, about his character and thoughts. To leave your name in history, to make a significant contribution to the treasury of knowledge and ideas of humanity, you need to work long and hard. Moreover, this work should be non-linear, not according to a script. This work must be primarily on oneself. And that's courage. This is a victory over your cowardice.

To set off on a long, unknown voyage with no confidence in a successful result, you need a certain courage, because everyone is ready to take risks with the condition of a low probability of success. And in the end, when courage overcame cowardice, reason triumphed. The smart idea of ​​new discoveries and dealing with one's fears has borne fruit. If cowardice had taken over, the result would not have been the one planned when setting the goal, but something in the spirit of “it will do.” After all, it is difficult for a coward to take risks, to discover something new, to expand the boundaries of the mind. Cowardice makes a person be content with what he has. The fear of loss is more important than the sweet taste of victory. Therefore, the cowards remained just ordinary “citizens”, lived their lives, did not fully open their minds. And those from whom cowardice could not take away their intelligence wrote their names in history and confirmed the veracity of this statement.(215)
« How to distinguish cowardice from prudence, and courage from recklessness?

How often do we think about the true meaning of words? It would seem that what could be simpler than to explain the concepts of “courage” and “cowardice”? Anyone who is able to risk his life is, of course, a daredevil, not a timid fellow. And if a person retreats in case of danger, he is most likely fearful and cowardly...

But is it really that simple? Is it courage or stupidity that drives those who ride on the roofs of speeding trains in search of strong emotions? Should we see indecision or prudence in the actions of a doctor who sends a patient for examination before surgery? It seems to me that courage and cowardice are qualities that can only be defined in the light of the ultimate goal of an action.

Literature has given us many heroes, whose courage or cowardice is interesting to speculate about. Let's look at the characters wonderful novel A.S. Pushkin « Captain's daughter» . It is difficult to argue with the fact that Shvabrin, who saves his miserable life by betrayal, is a coward. The courage of Pyotr Grinev, who is ready to give his life for what is dear to him, is also understandable.

And Masha Mironova? Is she a “coward”, as her mother calls her? Or is she a sensible girl, as her lover thinks she is? To answer this question, you need to read the work to the end. We remember that the timidity of the captain's daughter disappears when Peter is threatened the death penalty: Masha boldly goes to the Empress herself for mercy.

You can also refer to the novel by L.N. Tolstoy " War and Peace". Let us remember the cold-blooded and cruel Dolokhov, capable of challenging a person to a duel for no reason. Fedor risks his life, but the purpose of this risk is self-affirmation, not self-sacrifice. In my opinion, this is not courage, but the reckless pranks of an egoist who thinks nothing of killing a person.

What can be said about Kutuzov’s decision to retreat the Russian army? Can this be called cowardice? No, great commander showed wisdom and prudence by giving devastated Moscow to the French. While Napoleon's soldiers turned into marauders, the Russian troops replenished supplies and became stronger, which decided the outcome of the war.

Each of us perceives courage in our own way. For some, it is an opportunity to overcome all kinds of difficulties without much difficulty; for others, courage is fearlessness in all areas of life. Someone begins to consider himself brave after an ordinary street fight, and sometimes even the most fearless person does not have the strength to simply admit to himself the mistakes he has made. And yet, what qualities should a brave person have? It seems to me that the first and most basic indicator of courage is absolute and unshakable determination. Only a truly brave person, imbued with the situation, will not instill fear in himself and come up with some kind of excuses. Courage helps a person to act quickly and decisively, choosing a short path to the result. In other words, what is the point of being afraid of something that will happen anyway?

The hero of the novel M.A. Sholokhov’s “The Fate of Man” is for truly strong and brave people. He has such a quality as faith in his own strength, and therefore he fights to the last on the battlefield, listening to the whistle of bullets, the sound of exploding grenades, but snatching victory from the hands of the enemy. In addition, Andrei Sokolov respects himself and his choice, and therefore understands perfectly well that cowardice will lead to disrespect both from his fellow soldiers and from himself. Therefore, the hero goes to talk with Miller with a clear understanding that the result will be either death or mercy, but not cowardice or betrayal. And, indeed, some desperate audacity and fearlessness of the Russian soldier aroused respect even among the Germans, and they, in turn, expressed this by giving Andrei Sokolov some food. And finally, the most striking indicator of the hero’s courage was his determination during the extreme escape from captivity. Realizing that he needs to act very quickly, Andrei takes the uniform from the drunken non-commissioned officer and prepares a weight, with which he later stuns the German major and brings the “gift” to the front to his soldiers. For his courage, the hero was nominated for a state award.

The hero of the novel A.S. also possesses these same qualities. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". Once in Belogorsk fortress, Peter from the very first days becomes “one of his own”, falls in love with the captain’s daughter and finds an enemy in the person of Shvabrin, who also desired Mary’s favor. Was Peter afraid of rivalry? Of course not, he understood perfectly well that everything was in his own hands, and therefore, when Shvabrin challenged our hero to a duel, Peter agreed without delay, because the fear of death was much weaker than the desire to show his courage. Peter showed it at the moment when Pugachev and his people burst into the fortress. Having seen how his closest ones died, Peter, it would seem, understood perfectly well that only going over to the side of the enemy could save him from certain death, but self-respect did not allow him to do so. Between betrayal and death, he confidently chooses the second, unlike, for example, cowardly Shvabrin. The most important indicator of Peter’s courage is, of course, his decision to single-handedly save his beloved from the bosom of the enemy. Having gone to the neighboring fortress for help, Peter does not find like-minded people who want to break into Pugachev’s fortress with him, after which he takes a horse and rides alone through all the obstacles, not fearing anything except that Maria might get hurt.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that a brave person must respect himself and his choice, believe in his own strengths and not be afraid to act directly, and also be able to make quick and correct decisions.(514)

Cowardice takes away the mind. Friedrich Engels

A coward dies a hundred times, a brave man dies once, and not soon. Alexander Alexandrovich Bestuzhev

The timid one is afraid in advance, the cowardly one is afraid at the moment of danger, and the brave one is afraid afterward. Jean Paul

Cowardice is the mother of cruelty. Michel de Montaigne

There are several ways to deal with temptation; the truest of them is cowardice. Mark Twain

A coward is more dangerous than any other person; he should be feared most of all. Karl Ludwig Börne

Lying out of fear is cowardice. Nikolai Platonovich Ogarev

A coward is a person who, in a moment of danger, thinks with his feet. Joseph Addison

The most cowardly person in the prison is its director. George Bernard Shaw

Courage without prudence is only special kind cowardice. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (younger)

There is no room for happiness in cowardly souls. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

And the coward gains courage, seeing that the enemy is running away. Prosper Merimee

A cowardly person who has lost all shame can agree to any nasty thing. Jean de La Bruyère

People who want to inspire fear thereby show that they are cowards. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Cowards usually do not realize the full force of their fear. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

After courage, there is nothing more beautiful than admitting cowardice. Claude-Adrian Helvetius

To trample what has fallen is a vile coward’s initiative. Publius Ovid Naso

Cruelty is the product of an evil mind and often a cowardly heart. Ludovico Ariosto

Those who shout the most are especially cowardly. Publius Cornelius Tacitus

Courage is already a religion; Without religion we are all cowards. George Bernard Shaw

The secret of power is to know that others are even more cowardly than us. Karl Ludwig Börne

Slander is the revenge of cowards. Samuel Johnson

Courage gains its gains from the cowardice of others. Yakov Borisovich Knyazhnin

Cowardice comes only from the absence of a certain hope or desire. Rene Descartes

Cowardice is very harmful because it keeps the will from useful actions. Rene Descartes

Cruelty is always the result of fear, weakness and cowardice. Claude-Adrian Helvetius

Backing away out of cowardice and fear is still considered a skillful maneuver. Honore de Balzac

Indifference - yes extreme cruelty(M. Wilson).

Indifference...Cruelty...What do we mean by these words? I think that indifference is an indifferent, passive attitude towards everything that happens, and cruelty is the highest manifestation of inhumanity, the desire to cause suffering to any living being. Then what is the meaning of these words? It seems to me very important: indifference is most often a sign of selfishness that causes heartache to people. Is it still relevant today, amid the bustle and transience of life, to turn to such evil vices? Certainly. This is what M. Wilson said: “Indifference is the highest cruelty.” And how can one disagree with this statement when the evidence of what has been said is the plots works of art!

I suggest recalling L. Kulikova’s story “We Met.” Long years main character, Tolik, arranging his personal life, did not remember his mother at all. Yes, he knew that she lived somewhere in a distant village in a run-down house, but how she lived, with whom, and, most importantly, with what, did not interest him. And only the idyll of the family hearth prompted the thought of a mother. He came and saw her, but she pretended that she didn’t know, saying offensive words to him that she didn’t have a son, because if she had, he would have taken care of her, as she once did of hers. own child. This desperate and courageous act of the mother is a response to Tolik’s indifference, to his loss of the ability to love and appreciate loved ones, to cherish them, to help them, to express concern. How right Guy de Maupassant was when he once said: “An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother!”

I also want to consider the plot a short story B. Vasilyeva " The Magnificent Six" Due to the irresponsible attitude of managers and educators children's camp there was a murder of beautiful thoroughbred horses, which long years kept with tenderness and love by a local groom, a war veteran. Six teenagers, having decided to play cowboys, drove the animals into the nearest forest without permission, then, fearing punishment, abandoned them there, tied to trees, without food or water. The director of the camp was not at all worried about the fate of the horses and their owner; during the investigation, she saved her reputation by defending the honor of her charges. And it all ended tragically: the animals died, the groom died from anxiety and separation from his pets. But the adults, seemingly educated and intelligent people. Their indifference, it seems to me, will lead their other pupils to cruel treatment, I suspect not only towards animals. And I would like for the words of B. Yasinsky to always appear before the eyes of the younger generation: “Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent There is betrayal and murder on earth.”

Yes, life is arranged in such a way that any of us can be surrounded not only by kind, but also by callous, selfish people, those who are indifferent to others, who do not want to spend mental strength on someone else's life. And these qualities, unfortunately, are among modern people are developing faster and faster. But B. Shaw also said that “indifference is the essence of inhumanity,” read “cruelty.”


Is the beauty of appearance better or the beauty of fidelity?

The Mongolian proverb actually goes like this: “Better is the beauty of fidelity than the beauty of appearance.” And I completely agree with this saying. What is beauty? IN explanatory dictionary Ozhegov gives two definitions to the word “beautiful”. In the first place is “full of inner content, highly moral.” On the second - “delivering pleasure to the eye, pleasant appearance" So it's beauty inner world more important, say, in trouble, in Hard time we seek support from family and friends not on the basis of external attractiveness, but on the basis of responsiveness, the ability to compassion, generosity, and nobility. And once we see a flower of divine beauty, we assume that it smells the same as it looks? And it will give off such a stench that the external attractiveness will immediately fade. Do you know what I mean? Likewise, a person, I am convinced, must first of all be beautiful in soul.

And I hope the plots and characters of works of fiction will help to understand my reasoning on this matter. And one of the most striking examples and proof, in my opinion, is I. Kuramshina’s story “Filial Duty.” Rena, having gotten rid of the hated name Raisa, spent her life carefree and frivolously. "Cute" appearance expensive clothing, an attractive smile - all this aroused admiration among men, they idolized the girl. And the newly born son turned out to be an obstacle on the road to happiness, which is why, without hesitation, Rena assigned him first to a 24-hour boarding school, and then to Orphanage. Fluttering through life like a light butterfly stopped time; the external gloss disappeared, the realization of one’s own worthlessness both as a woman and as a mother came. And then fate returned Max to her, an adult, calm, reasonable son, who remained faithful to his mother all his adult years. He understood one thing: no matter what the woman who gave birth to him was, she was the only dear and most close person, and he could not betray her, especially in difficult times. These “flowers of life” teach us, young and inexperienced, a worthy lesson!

Or here’s another... In L. Ulitskaya’s story “...And They Died on the Same Day” there is no description of the appearance of the main characters; probably, once upon a time the spouses Alla Arkadyevna and Roman Borisovich were young and beautiful, and now she is “an elderly lady with a fluffy head”, and he is a “bald, pink, with a wicked smile” man. External beauty is a temporary thing, but the heroes remained faithful in their relationships, they even dreamed of dying together, on the same day. And so it happened: first the wife left, and then, in the hospital corridor, without knowing about the death of her beloved, the husband dies. And even nature was amazed by such devotion: on the day of the funeral, a double rainbow appeared in the sky, as a symbol of the beauty of fidelity. Like these ones real stories dispels any doubts about the question in the essay topic.

In conclusion, I would like to say that we will all go our own way through life, and I really wish that on this path we would not have to choose - what to take with us: a beautiful outer shell or loyalty and nobility in the soul? And although I believe that the beauty of fidelity is more important, let us grow into a fragrant, lovely bud, living in harmony with our appearance and with ourselves. And we will be happy!


We are faithful to this memory...

We all know that loyalty is a personality quality, the essence of which is that a person, having determined for himself some kind of constancy in thoughts and life, will steadily follow this, no matter how difficult it may be at times. And this immutability can be present not only in generally accepted categories: loyalty to one’s word, friend, duty, Motherland, but also in relation to our memory. Of course, in the lives of each of us there are memories of some special events, days, periods. But there is a tragedy in the hearts and souls of the inhabitants of our country that does not allow anyone to forget about itself - this is the Great Patriotic War. And the heroes of modern works of fiction tell us about how our grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived through these difficult times, what selective memory did not leave them for many years.

What was so special about the hero of N. Evdokimov’s story “Styopka, my son” that all his life he returned in thoughts and feelings to the most formidable and difficult war in which he was a participant? And the worst thing happened - his Stepka, his unborn child, died. Yes, in war, fortunately, in addition to perseverance, heroism, and feat, there is also a place for love, strong, devoted, proven. But only one small fragment of an enemy mine can destroy it. His beloved Anka, a medical instructor who saved so many of his fellow soldiers, could not save herself. She dies, and with her, dreams of family, happiness, and son Stepka die. And for the rest of my life, in my dreams, thoughts, and heart, this irreparable loss reminded me of itself. The love of the heroes was short and long, endless - years passed, but they were all together, always together, in memory...

The hero of another work never forgot about the stormy forties. A. Kachalov told about it in the story “Fatal Meeting”. A young German officer, ragged, pitiful and hunted, on the last day of the war, seeing a Russian soldier, wanted to shoot himself in a destroyed, broken building, but Yegorych, very young, excited and happy from the realization that the war had come to an end, saved the Fritz, who was trembling in horror, Walter took it away and sent him home, saying: “There is no more war, which means you are not a soldier.” And all his life the German was looking for a meeting with his savior, and this desire was so strong that he looked for a noticeable cross-shaped scar on the faces of all the Russians he met during his travels. The meeting took place many years later, when age and health spoke volumes. But memory immediately restored their first, unforgettable, only meeting during the war years. This is how one day of war overshadowed five years of grueling, brutal battles!

And everyone wants to finish their thoughts in famous words: “Let’s, people, never forget about this!” About war, about grief, about death, about people who went through this hell. Let's remain faithful to this memory, just as the heroes of the books we have read have remained faithful to it.


425 words

Why are not only goals important for a person, but also means?

I have heard the expression more than once: “The end justifies the means.” Are all means really good to achieve your plans? Or do you still need to be able to correctly correlate these concepts and think about the moral side? This is exactly what the topic proposed for the essay makes me think about. I would like to note that in many literary works characters are shown who deliberately choose immoral means to achieve their goals.

For example, the hero of a poem in prose by I.S. Turgenev “ Satisfied man“I achieved what I wanted - I lifted my spirits, being in a blissful state, because I composed a slander against a friend, spread it, and having heard it from someone else’s lips, I believed in what was said and remained terribly pleased with my action. The author himself described him very accurately: “A promising young man!” And we, the readers, understand that we would not want to let such a slanderer and gossip into our social circle, because he chose an unpleasant means to achieve his petty desire.

And the hero of the prose poem by S.P. Baudelaire “The Counterfeit Coin” chose, as everyone initially thought, a good goal: to help the poor, to give to the poor. In fact, this plan served only as a cover for his true plans. So, the hero gave a counterfeit coin, prepared in advance, as alms to a poor man with the eyes of a hungry dog, thereby wanting to receive the title of “benefactor” from people and God for free. The author called the hero’s immoral tricks “criminal entertainment,” and we understood how important it is to think through not only the purpose of the goal, but also to choose the right means for its implementation.

Thus, my thoughts led to only one, wise, as it seems to me, decision: you need to make your way to the light that beckons in the night through a thorny but righteous path. That is why ask yourself: “Do the means I have chosen justify the goal to which I am heading?”


“Cowardice takes away reason” (F. Engels).

I know that cowardice is one of the most negative traits character of a person. This is a person’s state when he is afraid of literally everything: a new environment, changes in life, meeting new people. Fear fetters all his movements, preventing him from living with dignity and joy. However, a coward is especially terrible during difficult trials for the people and the country. It is cowardly people who become traitors, because they think first of all about themselves, about their lives. Fear pushes them to crime and takes away their reason.

Yes, in the face of death a person becomes what he really is. Here the depth of his convictions and civic fortitude are tested. This idea can be seen in V. Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember.” The heroes of the story Nastena and Guskov face a problem moral choice. The husband, who became a deserter by accident: after being wounded, leave followed, but for some reason he was not given it, he was immediately sent to the front. And, driving past his home, the soldier who fought honestly cannot stand it. He runs home, succumbs to the fear of death, becomes a coward, dooming to death everyone for whom he went to fight, whom he loved so much: his wife Nastena and the child for whom they had been waiting for ten years. Fear, fear for one’s future took away the mind, the ability to predict the consequences of what was done. And it is not only to the deserter that Rasputin addresses his “live and remember.” He addresses us, the living: live, remembering that you always have a choice.

In my opinion, to live and tremble all your life, to be afraid that something might not work out, that something terrible might happen, is terrible! But this is exactly how the hero of the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin lived his whole life “ The wise minnow" He learned well his father’s words: “...if you want to chew your life, then keep your eyes open!” So the gudgeon kept an eye on him, didn’t invite anyone to his place, isolated himself from everyone, was afraid of everything, lest a big fish might eat him. But life has already passed. In the end, Piskar himself realized that it was a “painful existence.” So he is waiting for death, when will it finally free him from all this. To live, cowardly looking out of your hole at night - what could be more terrible? “Gudgeon” - from the word squeaks, the hero squeaks, hiding in a hole. This vital and spiritual cowardice will never make people happy. It’s scary if repentance comes to them, like to the minnow, at the end of life, or rather not even repentance, but the realization that life was lived in vain. And it’s good if he comes...

Thus, I realized: in order to maintain reason, you need to remain human even in inhuman conditions, be able to overcome your fear, showing courage, bravery, and not become a coward and a traitor. And this is it moral rule, which a person simply must follow, no matter how difficult it may be.


Why is a soulless society dangerous?

There are two principles inherent in a person: material and spiritual. It is important that both material and spiritual world was developed in each personality.. So what is lack of spirituality, and how is it dangerous for modern society? Lack of spirituality is a real problem of our time. It is expressed in mundaneness, immorality, low culture. Without spirituality, a person becomes callous, cynical, incapable of empathy and compassion. The aggressiveness and cruelty of the individual also increases. For the sake of personal gain, unspiritual people are ready to commit many serious crimes, even murder. Loss of spirituality is loss of spirit, soul. And the heroes of works of fiction can confirm my point of view.

In the works of L.N. Tolstoy we find a gallery of heroes filled with spiritual thirst and desire for spiritual development. This is Natasha Rostova, one of the main heroines of the epic novel “War and Peace”. This girl did not think about her development, did not study hypotheses and theories, did not “philosophize.” She lived guided by her inner moral law, her innate spirituality. Of course, Natasha made many mistakes, there were many temptations along her path. But the eternal desire for “kindness, beauty and truth” saved her and led her to the right path. As a result, Rostova found herself, her happiness. But I'm sure her way spiritual development It didn't end there.

And E. Zamyatin’s novel “We” is about something completely different. He immerses us in a society where all material problems are solved, where all life, work and even love, is subject to rules and schedules. All people are the same, like ants, life is mechanically measured and numbered. Everything and everyone is ruled by a machine for suppressing dissent - the “Bureau of Guardians”. The novel “We” is a warning about what lack of spirituality can lead to in human society. The writer, revealing important problems, showed how destructive it can be totalitarian state and how tragic are the lives of those who happen to be a part of it, because the lack of compassion and empathy, individuality can lead to what the writer depicted in his work.

Lack of spirituality is one of the biggest problems of modern society. And I can illustrate what I said above with the statement of R. Emerson: “The true indicator of civilization is not the level of wealth and education, not the size of cities, not the abundance of harvests, but the appearance of a person raised by a country.”


Alexander Pushkin himself knew firsthand numerous examples of courage and cowardice, because he lived in an era when it was almost impossible to hide manifestations of character. Duels, military service, hunting, cards - all the entertainment of the nobility required a demonstration of courage and defense of honor. Maybe that is why the writer invested his energy in creating a historical mirror of a bygone era, where the moral virtues and imperfections of man were even more obvious. On the pages of the work, he tried to give a lesson to his generation and those who would come to replace him, to teach people the true virtue of the soul. In particular, in “The Captain's Daughter” you can find convincing arguments on the topic “Courage and Cowardice”, which will help graduates in writing the final essay in this area.

Example brave man is the main character of Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter". He shows his courage in defending the fortress when it is attacked by rebels. Peter was eager to fight and did not disgrace the honor of the nobleman. But what is much more shocking is his refusal to swear allegiance to Pugachev, which promises martyrdom. However, Grinev is not one of the timid, and he does not consider himself a traitor. Even his enemy respects this trait in him. Therefore the next heroic deed falls to his lot after liberation from the fortress. The young man helps Masha out, and at the same time disobeys the command. As a result, they want to condemn him for formal “treason.” But even in this situation, Grinev does not make excuses and does not regret his action, because courage in a person often coexists with conscientiousness, honor and dignity.
Pushkin portrays phenomenal cowardice in his story “The Captain's Daughter.” Shvabrin becomes a traitor to the core due to his all-consuming fear. Alexey is ready to do anything to avoid danger. For example, he loses his dignity by using dishonest tactics in a duel with Peter. To avoid competition from him, he also acts vilely: he denigrates Masha in the eyes of his gentleman. But his lowest act was the oath to the rebel Pugachev, for which he had prepared in advance, anticipating defeat. So, cowardice became the reason moral decay personality.
Shvabrin demonstrates cowardice in love, trying to win Marya's heart through cunning and dishonest behavior. He is afraid to appear before her as he is, without falsehood and endless meanness. The hero is not capable of frank confession. He only hurts the girl in every possible way, instead of showing attention and care. His feelings are also saturated with fear, like himself, and the heroine feels this, so she gives preference to another person. It is not surprising, because people quite rightly do not like a person’s fearfulness and uncertainty in actions, words and feelings. Therefore, lack of courage can harm not only on the battlefield, but also in your personal life.
Cowardice is to some extent manifested in the behavior of Grinev's father, who denies his son a blessing. His fear can be understood: his son could have been deceived for selfish reasons. Still, Marya’s condition was incomparable to Peter’s wealth. The girl hardly had any reason to claim such unequal marriage. The hero was afraid that she was just a selfish and hypocritical person who wanted to get out “from rags to riches.” But he feared for the fate of the heir - this feeling can be understood and justified, so it cannot be said that this or that cowardly act is always dictated by the baseness of a person. Sometimes such behavior is quite forgivable, because we're talking about about the people dearest to the heart.

(381 words) Man is a multifaceted creature. It rarely contains only positive or only negative sides. More and more halftones, smooth transitions from one state of mind to another. Some character traits appear only in extreme situations and serve as excellent indicators of true personality traits. These traits can easily be called courage and cowardice. In a difficult situation, a person is capable of either decisively taking matters into his own hands and going ahead, or running away with his tail between his legs, leaving only a question mark behind him.

A similar opposition is described by L.N. Tolstoy in his work “War and Peace”. There's courage here individual heroes borders closely on heroism. Tushin, setting an example for his soldiers, himself stands at the gun with complete readiness to give his life for native Fatherland, and Prince Bolkonsky supports the morale of his comrades, proudly carrying the banner forward and suppressing the enemy morally. On the other side are characters such as Zherkov and Dolokhov. The first experiences terrible fear when carrying out Bagration's order and is cowardly in the face of danger, like a boy, and Dolokhov, having killed the Frenchman, expects indispensable praise, as if he had accomplished an outstanding feat. But the whole point is that such feats were performed by soldiers every minute, and they, caring for their Motherland with all their souls, did not seek recognition. This was their courage, which manifested itself in an extreme situation, when it was most difficult to fight the fear for their lives.

B.L. also spoke about the true heroes in his story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” Vasiliev. The heroism of Sergeant Major Vaskov and his girls under his charge is truly amazing. These desperate people were heading towards certain death and were fully aware of their actions, but they didn’t even think about retreating or saving their own skins: “Don’t give the Germans a single scrap... No matter how hard it is, no matter how hopeless it is, to hold on...”. They were driven forward by patriotism and holy faith in victory. And for the sake of such great goal without regret they are ready to give away the most precious thing they had. In a situation where even men sometimes left their combat posts, Vasiliev’s heroines showed true courage and did not retreat. Their valor has been tested by mortal risk, so no one can doubt its authenticity.

Ultimately, true courage is a trait that manifests itself in circumstances that pose a real threat to life. If a person is capable of a feat, obscurity and fear of death will not stop him. A coward, in any case, will shirk responsibility and find a more comfortable place for himself, where nothing will disturb him, even if this means betraying what is smart, bright, eternal and going over to the side of the enemy.

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