A teacher is an engineer of human souls. "Engineers of Human Souls II Engineers and Mariners

A person becomes familiar with the word “writer” when he is very young, without even understanding its meaning. This happens when the Book comes into his life.
Of course, a child’s very first friends in the world of literature are works that are traditionally considered folk. These are fairy tales (“Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok”, “Three Bears” and many others), tongue twisters, and counting rhymes... All those easy-to-remember lines that contain the centuries-old wisdom of the Russian people.
A little later, the baby is introduced to the first author's works. Fairy tales immediately come to mind greatest poet Russia: “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Tale of dead princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”... Pushkin’s fairy tales give the child the first idea of ​​good and evil, of betrayal and friendship, of greed and generosity. They force little man think, talk about the injustice that sometimes one has to face in the world life path, and following wise thought the author, children make the first conclusions about what is right and what is wrong, what will be beneficial and what will upset loved ones.
But not only Alexander Pushkin participates in the formation of a child’s character; it is worth noting other children’s authors, whose books still lie on our shelves, recalling that magical time when we believed in miracles, when books (and, accordingly, writers!) slowly, unobtrusively and imperceptibly made their invaluable contribution to our souls - the first gears of the future mechanism. This is Agnia Barto, and Korney Chukovsky, and Samuil Marshak, and Nikolai Nosov...
All these writers in various forms(fairy tale, story, poem) instill in the child the idea that good will always triumph over evil, that evil will inevitably be punished or, ideally, dark characters will go over to the side of the light. These works become the main assistants of parents in the process of primary, preschool, education.
When the foundations have been laid, when solid ground has been created for further development, baby is coming to school. During this period, many parents are faced with a huge difficulty - the child’s reluctance to read. Here it is very important not to explain, not to force - after all, the child is unlikely to be impressed by many hours of lectures about the benefits of reading for his future education or even career - but to get to the “right” book - the one to which the child will reach out. For me, such a book (though long before first grade) was Alexander Volkov’s “The Wizard of the Emerald City.” At first my mother read it to me, and then, seeing my interest, she began to shy away from reading it out loud: they say, I’m busy, I can’t, a little later and... (magic words!) read it yourself. It was then that I began to work diligently with the primer, poring over the stubborn thirty-three letters, which later opened the way for me to a huge and great country- Literature.
IN primary school The mechanism of the human soul is becoming more and more complicated. The number of topics covered is increasing, the range of emotions is expanding... Already from the first grade, children read the works of Leo Tolstoy (“The Lion and the Little Dog,” for example), Mikhail Zoshchenko and other authors. Here, for the first time, a resonance may arise: not all works, like those read earlier, have a happy ending, sometimes evil remains unpunished, and the weak remain unprotected. Much depends, of course, on the teacher, who must explain that such situations should not at all speak about the hopelessness and injustice of the world and that these books show the need to fight the evil of each person in particular! The author only prepares the fragile children's mind for the thorny parts of life's path.
In addition to the psychological aspects, one cannot help but note the fact that the works being studied help diversify the child’s vocabulary, lay the foundations for beautiful and competent speech and, most importantly, instill love for native language, show all its diversity.
So, to high school reading (precisely reading, because, unfortunately, not everyone manages to instill a love for this activity) children are at approximately the same level: they have developed elementary representations about morality and life values, children are able to competently express their thoughts orally and in writing.
And only now the main work of the authors on the uniqueness and exclusivity of their “creations” has begun to be read. I call human souls creations. If until now everyone has read approximately the same (or at least similar in meaning) literature, then from the moment they enter adolescence, all sorts of mixing of genres, styles and trends in literature begins in the heads of children. Of course, the basis remains in the form of the school curriculum, but in addition to it, children begin to form their own literary taste.
Due to some commands from above, this or that work falls into the hands, which inspires hard, many hours mental activity, which forces you to rethink previously established stereotypes and principles... At such a moment, the first “battle” of a person (person!) with himself takes place. As a result of this “battle,” three outcomes are possible: complete rejection of literature, reading everything indiscriminately, and selective reading.
The first type of young readers requires consideration from the point of view of psychology, which I do not want to deal with in this essay, and the second type, sooner or later, fed up with all-absorbing reading, will come to the last type. I will only talk about the last type of guys who have decided what exactly they want to get from reading.
Of course, the type of literature that a person chooses for himself at this stage will model the mechanism of his soul in the future, he will impose his own characteristics on relationships with people and with oneself. Literature is capable of creating a “core” in a person that will not allow him – a person – to break under the influence of external conditions, and it is also capable of growing a Man in the broad sense of the word.
It all depends, firstly, on the author, and, secondly, on the reader. Let me give you an example from my own school experience. Reading Crime and Punishment, I felt respect and sympathy for Sonya Marmeladova, like most of my peers, but in class one boy said that people who make a living like Sonya are worthy only of censure and contempt. What Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky put into this character remained incomprehensible to my classmate. Why? Because, to return to my thought, a lot depends on WHO reads and HOW he reads. It would seem that he was an internationally recognized classic, but an ordinary boy did not understand his ideas. Whose fault? A writer?
When we come to such monolithic works as Tolstoy's War and Peace, Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, Quiet Don" Sholokhov, we should already be able to reason and justify our opinion regarding what we read. We are conducting an invisible dialogue with the author, we may disagree with him, argue, but in any case respect him, understand his idea correctly. It is this process that makes the previously created mechanism work. To work for the benefit of the reader himself, who is learning not just to read, but who is taking the first steps on the path of life. In order not to stumble along this path, we are given such serious works in the school curriculum.
The literature that we choose outside of the school curriculum, as it were, polishes an already formed machine. And, oddly enough, a lot depends on this grinding. You can study the classics listed above at school, and when you come home, grab Fifty Shades of Gray. What then will happen to this “mechanism” in life? Everything that was laid down from birth can simply be destroyed by stupidity and vulgarity extracurricular reading. But there are works that are not included in school curriculum only due to lack of time! This and Anna Karenina, which is only being reviewed, this wonderful works Goncharova " An ordinary story" and "Cliff", this is Sholokhov's "Virgin Soil Upturned", these are great creations foreign classics: Victor Hugo, Erich Maria Remarque, Ray Bradbury, these are works of modern authors that deserve attention and respect: Joan Rowling, Clive Lewis... In overall product aimed at self-development and self-education. Books that can deprive you of sleep and peace, encouraging you to make this world better, cleaner, kinder.
In conclusion, I would like to add something about the genre with which I, in fact, started - about fairy tales. A person begins his acquaintance with literature with fairy tales and sooner or later becomes old enough to read fairy tales again. This is an inaccurate quote from the author of the wonderful Chronicles of Narnia series of books, Clive Lewis. Recently I became convinced of the truth of this statement. I was able to notice in fairy tales a wisdom that does not lie on the surface, but which was clearly put there by a skilled “engineer” human souls" If “adult” authors directly express their thoughts, through the lips of the characters or simply in the text, then the storyteller hides this thought in a form “easily digestible” for children: with the help of allegories, personifications, epithets, metaphors, hyperboles and litotes, the writer lays the indestructible foundations of the Human soul.
I think that when the mechanism is already ready for action (for every person this happens in different time: for some at seventeen, for others in old age, and for others it never happens), a person must return to fairy tales in order to add the last detail to a well-oiled machine.
A writer is an engineer of human souls. I think I managed to prove this in my essay. I believe that every writer takes enormous responsibility for what he will teach in his works, just as a competent engineer takes responsibility for the serviceability of the mechanism he created.

Engineer of human souls Book. High About the writer, teacher-educator, etc. We, the readers, leave it to the writer to write the history of man in his movement, to capture him spiritual growth, to form types and the typical and thereby form a living person and his generation. This is the purpose of the engineer of human souls(A.N. Tolstoy. More creative daring). It occurred to me that it was easier and more profitable to write books myself than to classify other people’s books, and I entered the Literary Institute, which taught the craft of writing. Upon completion of it, I received a diploma in engineering of human souls intermediate qualification (F. Iskander. Beginning).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what “Engineer of Human Souls” is in other dictionaries:

    engineer of human souls- noun, number of synonyms: 1 writer (121) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    Engineer of human souls- Publ. 1. High. About the writer, teacher educator. 2. Iron. About a craftsman writer, a mediocre teacher. F 1, 224 ...

    ENGINEER- lamb carcasses. Razg. Iron. About the butcher. /i> Transfer. engineer of human souls. Osmanova 1990, 63. Engineer of human souls. Publ. 1. High. About the writer, teacher educator. 2. Iron. About a craftsman writer, a mediocre teacher. F 1, 224 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    Lamb carcass engineer- Razg. Iron. About the butcher. /i> Transfer. engineer of human souls. Osmanova 1990, 63 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    engineer- a, m. ingénieur. 1. A military architect who knows military architecture or fortification. The officer who is inventing makes drawings concerning the siege of cities, the defense or fortification of places. He must be versed in mathematics and civil... ... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

    engineer-, a, m. ** Engineers of human souls. // Expression belonging to I.V. Stalin/. pathet. or iron. ABOUT Soviet writers. ◘ Engineers of human souls, members of the Moscow Writer housing construction cooperative, live here. War... ... Dictionary language of the Council of Deputies

    engineer- A; engineers and (colloquial) engineer; m. [French] ingénieur] Specialist with higher technical education. Electrical Engineer. Gorny and. / Publ. About the writer. I. human souls. ◁ Engineer, and; m. Neglected. I don’t believe the calculations of some engineer... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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This expression is usually attributed to J.V. Stalin, who used it at a meeting with Soviet writers in the house of Maxim Gorky. But Stalin only repeated a statement he liked by the famous Soviet writer Yu. Olesha and, thus, officially introduced these words into the circle catchphrases. (Usually about writers of the Soviet era (jokingly ironic).

It is unknown who is on the Internet at the end of this reference information decided to add “playfully ironic” in brackets? In fact, behind this definition lies a tragedy that the history of Russia has never known. Very soon it will be a hundred years since it began and, it seems, is not going to end!

The Soviet government attracted military specialists from the former tsarist army, engineers, technicians, to train yesterday’s workers and peasants in military and engineering matters. And in the decision the most important issue: in the spiritual organization of society - they hoped to manage “with their own strength,” with their “engineers of human souls.” In the twenty-second year, the country's leadership sent many Russian philosophers into exile. The “Philosophical Steamer” took it to Europe the best minds Russia, its pride, its creative and spiritual potential.

These wonderful people were too Russian at heart, “indigenous”, regardless of origin.

In public relations Tsarist Russia- Russian meant not only nationality, but, above all, civic position, loyalty to traditions, recognition of Russians national values. By accepting these values ​​as your own, it was possible to create something new! I will suggest that it is in this sense that one of the passengers on the “philosophical ship”, Ivan Ilyin, wrote that “every genius is national, every greatness is soil-based”! (1)

(Several decades will pass and the writer Vladimir Voinovich will say that Dostoevsky is a provincial writer, since he constantly emphasizes his Russianness, and his concern only for Russians) (2)

Few people noticed the substitution of concepts that cosmopolitan writers like V. Voinovich made in the minds of Soviet people.

Dostoevsky showed “concern for the Russians” as a special phenomenon of world civilization, which was formed in the Russian climate, in a series of our victories and defeats, religious and social experience of thousands of years. The British with their Shakespeare, the French and Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Voltaire, the Germans with their philosophical geniuses became the same unique civilization. One of them, Hegel, argued that unity is the nation state. (3) Another, Herder believed that the strength of the people lies in the unity of spiritual culture and way of life.

A Russian could not even imagine anything like this! Taking advantage of the affirmation of Soviet ideology, the liberal intelligentsia declared concern for our Russian identity almost a manifestation of racism. This deliberate, vile distortion of the meaning of the very concept of nationality led to sad consequences. Russian history has never known such shame.

All of Europe at that time lived under the strong influence catholic church. Students of the bourgeois West learned from the writings of the “prophet-moralist” Thomas Carlyle, from his “Ethics of Life”, where he successfully combined the optimism of creation and faith in God, arguing that all real work is religious! But only the Russian people were denied the right to live according to the behests of their ancestors.

English philosopher Isaiah Berlin in his book “The History of Freedom. Russia" argued that "... the Russians were liberated by the great German metaphysicians." They removed from them... the chains of dogma of the Orthodox Church! (3)

Everything - our invaluable historical experience - is shackles that need to be thrown off! And tsarism, and the thousand-year past, and faith.

The strange “engineer of human souls” Vladimir Voinovich graciously allowed: “you can laugh at everything, including faith” (4) He and dozens of other similar “soul specialists” over the years began to behave as if they were the true masters of life V This country. Yes, they were, in fact. “They created” beyond any criticism. This “cosmopolitan camp” was guarded by numerous art historians, theater and literary critics.

With the help of numerous means of propaganda and force, almost all of it was removed from the state-forming people. historical memory, its national identity. Everything that has been developing in his genetic memory for centuries. And he found himself defenseless, like a weakened organism without immunity against the “viruses” of moral diseases of the twentieth century.

For those who now rely too much on the political action of the “Immortal Regiment”, on patriotism, I would like to recall the short history of the existence of man - the Soviet type. Capable of fighting well and building well, such a person did not have any spiritual “shield” from the continuous attacks of the petty-bourgeois elements in everyday life, which in many of its features remained philistine. In it, at the everyday level, little changed: often and hidden from public attention, such qualities as self-interest, vanity, and materialism manifested themselves in people! Every day commodity-money relations in millions public relations“restored”, revived, in fact, bourgeois morality, bourgeois values. Political actions that unite us are wonderful. But we also need an army of creative intelligentsia to educate us spiritually! I would strengthen this unity with my creativity.

While the Bolsheviks looked with relief at the “philosophical steamer” that had set sail from the pier, institutes, museums, newspaper and magazine editorial offices, and book publishing houses in Petrograd and Moscow began to be taken over by figures who would then decisively begin to eradicate Russian culture.

And socialist transformations in culture - this “fifth column of culture” will be carried out formally, without soul and real creativity. How spoiled society ladies its leaders will be offended for every reason, and secretly hate collectivism, communist ideology, the “dark” (in their opinion) mass of former cab drivers and loaders who have come to the authorities. (What a horror!)

For seventy years, none of the politicians seemed to notice this contempt for their “subjects”! Everyone pretended that such “engineers” were “their own”! They will definitely debug the “mechanisms” of our souls, set them up to work to implement the decisions of the Communist Party. But, but, but... without love, you can give birth to a person, but you won’t be able to raise a bright spiritual personality! The efforts of the writers Mikhail Sholokhov, Leonid Leonov, Vasily Shukshin and other patriotic writers and “soil people” were clearly not enough to rebuild the consciousness of an entire people.

Without a sufficient number of true spiritual educators in all spheres of culture and art soviet man as a new spiritual and social phenomenon - did not take place! He remained a “rough sketch” of a new type of person! The “front” part of this creature, facing the public, was more or less similar to the Soviet one. Huge masses of people were distinguished by their labor feats and dedication in performing common tasks! But in everyday life - these same people behaved like confused ordinary people who had left the old order, but had not yet invented new ones! Mikhail Zoshchenko laughed at them in his stories. But his laughter was evil! Like Ilf and Petrov.

Take a closer look at the heroes of the works of these satirists. They speak Russian, but their nationality cannot be determined. These are city dwellers without family or tribe. The petty-bourgeois world, like a huge incubator, kept in its storage houses samples of such people - ordinary people who were “circumcised” of their Russianness.

Seventy years later, the chicks of this incubator - stronger and more modernized - greeted with delight the “restructuring” of Russia in a capitalist way!

But the “engineers of human souls” of the liberal trend even under capitalism began to behave like a capricious bride! No matter what the groom-people does for such a “lady”, everything is not nice to her! He placed the media at her disposal. All book publishers, almost all magazines! Radio and television. Take everything into your own hands, teach the former “scoop” about market relations! Give him a new positive ideal, as Hollywood did, literally “sculpting” the image of a real American with the help of thousands of films. He is noble, persistent and strong - physically and mentally! He believes in success and achieves it. He will not spend his money intended for the auction of chairs on a restaurant, like our Kisa Vorobyaninov. He will not steal change on the tram, like Shura Balaganov, when he has several thousand rubles in his pocket. But to create positive hero you need one “little thing”: you need to love the people among whom you live. But the liberal “bride” and the market Russian “groom” were not satisfied! “Our liberal writer is no longer a Soviet “engineer of human souls,” but an “engineer for our souls.” Lucifer sent them in large numbers with a task: to twist all of our necks so that we could not see anything except our own navel!

Or maybe this is the retinue of the future Antichrist on the ship of modernity?

Where will a ship with such a crew go?


1) I. Zolotussky. Goodbye, 20th century. part 2. M, OJSC "Moscow Textbooks". P. 59
2) there.
3) I. Berlin. "The History of Freedom. Russia", UFO, 2014, p. 15
4) ibid., p.23

Engineers of human souls

Engineers of human souls
Usually attributed to J.V. Stalin, since he used this expression (October 26, 1932) at a meeting with Soviet writers in the house of Maxim Gorky.
But Stalin only repeated a statement he liked from the famous Soviet writer Yuri Karlovich Olesha (1899-1960) and thus officially introduced these words into the circle of popular expressions of his time. It is no coincidence that Stalin sometimes used this image
clarified: “As Comrade Olesha aptly put it...” (According to the memoirs of literary critic Viktor Shklovsky, which he shared with the writer Yuri Borev in 1971 in the dacha village of Peredelkino near Moscow.)
Allegorically: usually about writers of the Soviet era (jokingly ironic).

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “Engineers of human souls” are in other dictionaries:

    engineer-, a, m. ** Engineers of human souls. // Expression belonging to I.V. Stalin/. pathet. or iron. About Soviet writers. ◘ Engineers of human souls, members of the Moscow Writer housing construction cooperative, live here. War... ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies

    engineer- a, m. ingénieur. 1. A military architect who knows military architecture or fortification. The officer who is inventing makes drawings concerning the siege of cities, the defense or fortification of places. He must be versed in mathematics and civil... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    The critic is a man who has sold his appetite. Karol Izhikowski Critic: a person who, for the sake of a piece of bread, takes away the appetite of others. “Pshekruj” A critic is a person who writes about what he doesn’t like. The critic lulls him to sleep with chloroform of praise, and then operates... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Engineers of the human soul- (ru. Engineers of human souls) (Chinese: 人类灵魂的工程师) a concept of culture promoted by Joseph Stalin. The phrase was originally coined by Yury Olesha and then used by Joseph Stalin, firstly during his meeting with the Soviet writers in preparation … Wikipedia

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    Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Eidinov. Semyon Eidinov Full name Semyon Grigorievich Eidinov Date of birth June 28 (July 11) 1911 (1911 07 11) ... Wikipedia

    Alexey Andreevich Gravitsky Date of birth: December 9, 1978 (1978 12 09) (34 years old) Place of birth: Moscow, RSFSR Occupation: writer, screenwriter. Awards: Silver Arrow ... Wikipedia

    School No. 65 Founded 1965 Director Generalova, Valentina Yurievna Pupils About 1000 Address Magnitogorsk, Druzhby Street 33 Phone Work20 35 09 20 35 01 ... Wikipedia

    Tajik SSR cinematography- “Dohunda.” Directed by B. Kimyagarov. (Egdor T. M. Sabirov.) 1956. Tajik SSR cinematography. It arose in October 1929, when the delegates of the 3rd Extraordinary Congress of Soviets of Tajikistan were shown the first newsreel filmed by three enthusiasts... ... Cinema: Encyclopedic Dictionary

    RSFSR. I. General information The RSFSR was founded on October 25 (November 7), 1917. It borders on the north-west with Norway and Finland, on the west with Poland, on the south-east with China, the MPR and the DPRK, as well as on the union republics that are part of the USSR: to W. from... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Fronde. The brilliance and insignificance of the Soviet intelligentsia, Konstantin Ervantovich Kevorkyan. Intelligentsia is a purely Russian concept that has little take root in other languages, implying a certain caste educated people, to one degree or another, caring about the public good. Once upon a time...

A writer, according to Olesha, is an engineer of human souls. But here’s the problem: no one needs such engineers these days. You won’t find any advertisements in any newspaper saying that writers are needed somewhere.
Nice girls required. They are immediately promised high salaries and housing for non-residents. Drivers with personal cars are needed to work in taxis. Loaders without bad habits. A barbecue cook in a suburban cafe, a bartender, waitresses... And not a word about the engineers of human souls!
And then I myself advertised in the newspaper: “Writer on call. Urgent writing of highly artistic texts, composing poetry, editing.” He indicated his mobile phone number and began to wait. I wait a day, a second, a third - no reaction. If only someone had called for a laugh - nothing like that. True, it later turned out that the newspaper where I submitted my ad on Monday was published only once a week, on Fridays.
On Friday they called me:
- Good afternoon! Is this a writer on call?
- Yes talking. - Hello! What do you want?
“Come and we’ll talk,” a female voice answered, laughing.
And so I went. What to do with it: if you call yourself a load, get into the back. It’s good that it’s still not far to go: three stops by trolleybus.
A middle-aged lady opened the door:
- Come on in, take off your clothes! This is the first time I’ve seen a living writer. May I be curious what you wrote?
“Of course,” I hastily took out two of my previously prepared books from my briefcase. – The novel “The Party Bureau Makes a Decision” came out when I was still Soviet power. And this collection of stories “The Last Refuge in Cyprus” is already in our days.
The hostess took the book and, looking through it, asked:
- About what?
“Well, how can I tell you,” I filled in the price. – About life... About love... About our contemporaries...
“This is what we need,” the customer perked up. – My high school student was given an assignment at school to write a review of some modern book. And he doesn't have one modern author doesn’t know, and neither do I, to my shame. Write something about your stories within three to four notebook pages - and I will pay you a thousand rubles. Agreed?
“We need to think about it,” I thought, afraid of selling myself short.
- And we’ll buy your book, whatever it’s called... “Autumn in Malta”!
“The last refuge in Cyprus,” I corrected. – By the way, it’s already a rarity!
- That is great! Let's leave it as a souvenir with the author's autograph!
When the fourth page in the school notebook was nearing completion, my cell phone suddenly started ringing. I realized that someone needed a “writer on call” again.
“We’re following an ad,” I heard on the phone. – Are you really a writer?
“Member of the Writers’ Union since 1978,” I said with dignity.
- What’s your last name?
- Geranin... Andrey Borisovich Geranin... Did you hear?
- No. Do you have any books?
- Certainly. Last year, a collection of my stories, “Last Refuge in Cyprus,” was published. A very interesting book!
- You suit us - come!
And I arrived. Straight to the Polennitsa cafe, where senior students Kira and Hera celebrated their student wedding. To wipe the noses of their acquaintances, instead of the “wedding generals” from the mayor’s office and the dean’s office, they decided to invite “ modern writer" From surprise, I was even somewhat embarrassed.
“Sorry, Andrei Borisovich, but we won’t be able to pay more than a thousand rubles for your presence at the wedding,” Hera noted guiltily.
I pretended to think.
“Well, you’ll drink, of course, and eat at the table, whatever God sent you to do,” Kira added.
- Okay, I’ve persuaded you, so be it, I’ll stay.
And I stayed. And he came on the second day, even though he wasn’t invited. I’m sitting and telling the girls next door how I took Sergei Mikhalkov’s autograph at the theater, how I met Zakhar Prilepin, how I went to Igor Guberman’s concert... But they haven’t heard anything about Prilepin or Guberman. They just pour and drink, drink and pour.
- Yes, what are you doing, girls! - I say. – Haven’t you really heard anything about Sergei Mikhalkov?
- We heard something, but not about Sergei, but about Nikita...
“So this is his son,” and let’s tell them about Mikhalkov Sr.
And then the call came again. A man with a Caucasian accent urgently wants to see a “writer on call.”
- What kind of fire is this? – I grumble dissatisfied, not wanting to leave the wedding feast. - Let me come to you in two hours?
- There is a separate fee for urgency! - the Caucasian shouts. – Tell me where to come, I’ll send a car for you now.
And he sent it. So I drove up to the Edelweiss restaurant in a Volvo with air conditioning.
- Writer? – the Caucasian asked me.
I nodded.
“Here, brother, I urgently need to write a novel,” the restaurant owner began to fuss.
- Novel?
- Well, if not a novel, then a story... You know better... Will you write it, dear?
- It depends...
- The plot is very interesting, I swear by my mother... Listen here... One man decided to open his own business, took out a loan from the bank, and then bam - and there was a crisis! No profit, only losses! Can you imagine?
- I imagine...
- So write it down, write it all as it is! And write about my restaurant “Edelweiss” so that the bailiffs will understand once and for all that I have no money, no... I will bring them your book - they will read it and cry...
“Writing is not a problem,” I became wary. “But to publish it, you need money.” And not small...
- So you’re talking about money! – the Caucasian soared. - I’m telling you that I don’t have money... But I’ll find two thousand for you so I can write a story urgently!
- For two thousand, only a story will turn out, and even then it will be satirical...
- Even if it’s satirical, the main thing is that you write in it about my loan and mention the name of the Edelweiss restaurant. Is it coming?
“It’s coming,” I answered, putting away the money. And two days later I wrote this story.

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