Why does a person need communication? Why do people communicate with each other? Communication in modern society - network communication

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Communication is difficult process establishing contacts between individuals and entire groups. Without communication, human society simply will not exist. From the very appearance of the first man, it became the cause and guarantee of the emergence of society and civilization. Modern people cannot do without communication in any area of ​​their lives and activities, regardless of whether a person likes solitude or company, whether he is an extrovert or an introvert. Let's try together to find the reasons for this unique phenomenon as sociability, and answer the question of why a person needs communication.

The role of communication in human life

History brings us the answer to the question of why a person needs communication. primitive society. It was from communication, which among the first people was carried out through gestures, that it developed human speech, concepts and designations of objects appeared, and later writing. It was thanks to communication that society, human society, emerged, and unique rules of communication between people were established.

Why is communication necessary?

A person’s need for communication is determined by his natural life and constant presence in society, be it a family, a team of employees, a school or student class. If a person were deprived of the ability to communicate from birth, he would never be able to grow up social personality, civilized and culturally developed, would resemble a person only in appearance.

This is proven by numerous cases of the so-called “Mowgli people”, deprived of human communication in early childhood or immediately at birth. All body systems developed quite normally in such individuals, but the psyche was very delayed in development, or even stopped altogether due to the lack of experience communicating with people. It is for this reason that we understand why a person needs to communicate with other people. communication art attention empathy

The art of communicating with people

It would seem that if communication is quite natural for all people, then each of us should communicate freely and be able to do it. However, some people sometimes develop a fear of communicating with people or, in other words, social phobia. This fear usually arises in adolescence, the most difficult age in a person’s life. If the first conscious entry into society is negative, then further man will have problems communicating with people.

Communication skills with people are acquired with age, and the most important thing here is to master this art. The most ancient commandments of communication can help with this:

1. When communicating with a person, do it in the best way, in your opinion.

2. Show respect for the person you are talking to.

3. Trust the person you communicate with.

As a rule, we do not have any problems communicating with people we know; we know well how they react to certain words, remarks, news. But when talking with strangers, you should always do it on the positive side, not show any negativity, and always be friendly. Speak with a smile, but try to keep your words and phrases appropriate. Look the person in the eye with a clear and friendly gaze, show sincere interest and attention to the interlocutor. If you cannot overcome yourself and do all of the above for one reason or another, it is better to simply avoid communicating with

********The existence of many different definitions of the concept of “communication” is associated with different views scientists on this problem. A brief psychological dictionary proposes to define communication as “a complex multifaceted process of establishing and developing conflicts between people, which includes the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy and interaction, perception and understanding of another person.” A.A. Bodalev proposes to consider communication as “the interaction of people, the content of which is the exchange of information using various means of communication to establish relationships between people.” A.A. Leontiev understands communication not as an inter-individual, but as a social phenomenon,” the subject of which “should not be considered in isolation.” A.A.'s point of view Leontiev’s idea of ​​“communication as a type of activity” is supported by other authors, for example V.N. Panferov.

Communication-- connections between people, during which psychological contact arises, manifested in the exchange of information, mutual influence, mutual experience, mutual understanding.

The problem of communication is also considered in the works of philosophers (B.D. Parygin, L.P. Bueva, M.S. Kagan, V.S. Korobeinikov, etc.)

Based on this abundance of views on the problem of communication, it must be considered from the philosophical, sociological and psychological sides.

The philosophical approach is based on the fact that it is the social concept that substantiates communication as a way of implementing the internal evolution of the social structure of society, a group in the dialectical interaction of the individual and society.

In the psychological approach, communication is defined as a specific form of activity and as an independent process of interaction necessary for the implementation of other types of individual activity. Psychologists note the presence of a person’s main need - communication, as an important factor in the self-formation of personality.

Communication is characterized by: content, functions and means.

The content of communication may be different:

· information transfer

· perception of each other

Mutual assessment by partners of each other

mutual influence of partners

· interaction between partners

· activity management, etc.

The functions of communication are distinguished in accordance with the content of communication.

There are several classifications of communication functions. V. N. Panferov identifies six of them:

· communicative (implementation of the relationship between people at the level of individual, group and public interaction)

· informational(exchange of information between people)

· cognitive(understanding meanings based on ideas of imagination and fantasy)

· emotive(manifestation of an individual’s emotional connection with reality)

· conative(control and correction of mutual positions)

· creative(development of people and the formation of new relationships between them)

Other sources identify four main functions of communication:

· instrumental (communication acts as a social mechanization of management and transmission of information necessary to perform a certain action)

· syndicate(communication turns out to be a means of uniting people)

· self-expression(communication acts as a form of mutual understanding, psychological context)

· broadcast(transfer of specific methods of activity, assessments)

And additional:

· expressive(mutual understanding of experiences and emotional states)

· social control I (regulation of behavior and activity)

· socialization(formation of interaction skills in society in accordance with accepted norms and rules), etc.

Communication suffers if at least one of the listed functions is impaired or absent, therefore, when analyzing real communication processes, it is useful to first diagnose the representation of these functions, and then take measures to correct them.

Communication structure

The concept of “communication” is complex, therefore it is necessary to outline its structure. In the psychological literature, when characterizing the structure of communication, they usually distinguish its three interconnected sides: communicative, interactive and perceptual.

Communication side

The communicative side of communication consists of the exchange of information between people. Understanding a person by a person is associated with the establishment and maintenance of communication.

Sources of information in communication:

· signals directly from another person;

· signals from one’s own sex-perceptual systems;

· information about the results of activities;

· information from internal experience;

· information about the probable future.

Depending on the requirements of the moment at foreground There are different sources of information and their different contents.

A person must be able to somehow distinguish “good” information from “bad” information. How does this happen? An interesting explanation was proposed by psychologist B.F. Porshnev. He came to the conclusion that speech is a method of suggestion, or suggestion, but there is also “a counter psychological activity called counter-suggestion, counter-suggestion, which contains methods of protection against the effects of speech.”

B.F. Porshnev highlighted 3 types of counter-suggestion: avoidance, authority and misunderstanding. Avoidance implies avoidance of contacts with a partner (the person is inattentive, does not listen, does not look at the interlocutor, finds a reason to be distracted). Avoidance is manifested not only by avoiding communication with another person, but also by avoiding certain situations. For example, people who do not want their opinions or decisions to be influenced simply do not show up to meetings or appointments. The effect of authority is that, having divided all people into authoritative ones, a person trusts only the first and refuses to trust the second. Many reasons can be found for appropriation to a specific person authority (status, superiority in parameters, attractiveness in specific situations, etc.) The grounds are determined own history and core values. The effectiveness of communication will depend on the nature of the formation of ideas about authority among the interlocutor. Sometimes dangerous information can come from people we generally trust. In a quiet case, we can defend ourselves with a peculiar misunderstanding of the message itself.

For almost all people it is important to be listened to and heard. It is important for anyone interested in effective communication to be able to overcome psychological barriers, i.e. be able to manage attention.

There is a whole group of techniques for attracting attention:

· reception “ neutral phrase" At the beginning of communication, a phrase is pronounced that is not related to the main topic, but has meaning and value for everyone present.

· reception “z” attractions“- the speaker at first pronounces very quietly, very incomprehensibly, unintelligibly, which forces others to listen attentively.

· reception making eye contact- looking closely at a person, we attract his attention; By moving away from gaze, we show that we do not want to communicate. But in communication it is important not only to attract attention, but also to maintain it.

The first group of techniques for maintaining attention are techniques of “isolation” (isolating communication from external factors- noise, lighting, conversation or be able to isolate yourself from internal factors - instead of listening, he thinks about his remarks or simply waits for the end of the speech to enter into the conversation himself).

The second group of techniques is related to “imposing a rhythm.” A person’s attention constantly fluctuates, so by changing the characteristics of voice and speech, we do not give the interlocutor the opportunity to relax and miss the necessary information.

And finally, the third group of maintenance techniques is accentuation techniques. You can draw attention to the necessary information using certain words (“please pay attention to...”), “it is important to note that...”, etc.) or through contrast with the surrounding background.

Interactive side

To properly understand the communication process, it is important to imagine the actions of your partner, which are carried out in certain situations. The second side of communication is interactive, which consists in organizing interaction between individuals, i.e. sharing not only knowledge, but also actions.

One possible way to understand a communication situation is to perceive positions relative to each other. The approach to analyzing a situation depending on positions was developed by E. Berne in line with transactional analysis and his followers (T. Harris, M. James and D. Jonjeval, etc.) From E. Berne’s point of view, when people come into contact, they are in one of basic states: child, adult or parent. The child's state is the actualization of attitudes and behavior developed in childhood (emotionality, mobility, playfulness or depression, etc.). The adult’s state is focused on reality (attentiveness, maximum focus on the partner). A parent is a state of the EGO whose feelings and attitudes relate to the role of a parent (criticism, condescension, arrogance, concern, etc.). The success of communication depends on whether the egos—the states of the communicants—correspond to each other. Thus, pairs of ego-states such as “child - child”, “adult - adult”, “parent - child” are favorable for communication. For success in communication, all other combinations of ego states must be brought to the above.

Perceptual side

Third important side communication is perceptual. It means the process of communication partners perceiving each other and establishing mutual understanding on this basis. From a perception point of view, it is important to form a correct first impression. Psychologists have discovered that the image of another person can be built according to different standard schemes. A perception scheme based on the type of overestimation of people’s qualities is often used. When we meet a person who is superior to us in terms of an important partner, we evaluate him more positively. And if we are dealing with a person whom we are superior to, then we underestimate him. You should know that superiority is recorded in one parameter, and underestimation occurs in several parameters. This error in perception has its own name - the superiority factor.

An equally important parameter when perceiving another person is whether we like this person’s appearance or not. If we like a person outwardly, then we tend to consider him more intelligent, interesting, etc. This error in perception is associated with an overestimation or underestimation of a person’s properties and is called attractiveness factor.

The following diagram is associated with the so-called “attitude towards us” factor. Those people who treat us well seem better to us than those who treat us badly.

When forming first impressions, these patterns of perception of people are called the halo effect. Halo effect manifests itself in the fact that when forming a first impression, a general positive impression of a person leads to a re-evaluation unknown person. It follows from this that our initial impression is always wrong. But that's not true. Special studies show that an adult with experience in communication is able to accurately determine the characteristics of a partner; this accuracy occurs only in neutral situations. IN real life There is always some percentage of errors present.

During long-term communication, the results of the first impression continue to apply. In constant communication, a deeper and more objective understanding of the partner becomes important. It is known that the ability to adequately perceive other individuals different people various. Why? Some believe that it depends on life experience (but there are young people who can see in a partner and understand what is happening to him, etc.)

Psychological studies show that the entire external appearance (a person’s face, his gestures, facial expressions, gaits, manner of standing, sitting) carries information about his emotional states, his attitude towards others, and his attitude towards himself.

In order to understand a partner in communication, not only knowledge and experience are needed, but an orientation towards him is needed (the desire to understand what he is thinking about, why he is worried, etc.) The mechanism of this type of perception of another is empathy. It is based on the ability to put oneself in the place of another, to feel his state and position and take all this into account in one’s behavior.

It is important in communication to take into account the ways and mechanisms of building interaction. How does a person explain the behavior of other people in practice? A whole direction has emerged in psychology: the study of the processes and results of causal attribution (attribution of causes) of behavior. When does causal attribution occur? Then, when difficulties arise joint activities. For example, an employee is providing work. And he can interpret the reason for being late in different ways - this is connected with attribution (you can see the reason for being late in the circumstances, i.e. motivate by external attribution; you can look for the reason in yourself, i.e. motivate by internal attribution). An important issue in understanding the essence of communication is the question of the means and mechanisms of influence of communication participants on each other.

Communication means

The main means of communication is language. “Language is a system of signs that serves as a means of human communication.” A sign is any material object (object, phenomenon, event). General content, which is embedded in a sign, is called its meaning. By learning the meanings of signs and ways of organizing them to convey a message, people learn to speak a particular language.

All signs are divided as follows:

· intentional - specially produced to transmit information

· non-intentional-- unintentionally giving away this information.

Signs of emotions can act as non-intentional signs (shaking hands indicate excitement), features of pronunciation, accent can become an indicator of the place of origin, social environment person. These signs speak about the person himself, so it is important to learn to notice them and correctly decipher them.

The main mechanisms of knowing another person in the process of communication are: identification, empathy and reflection.

Identification means the simple fact that one of the ways to understand another person is to liken yourself to him. In an interaction situation, people often use this technique when the assumption about internal state partner is built on the basis of an attempt to put oneself in his place.

Empathy is the ability to comprehend the emotional state of another person. A person can identify himself with a communication partner and accept. The process of understanding each other is complicated by the phenomenon of reflection. This is not just knowledge or understanding of a partner, but knowledge of how a partner understands me, a kind of process of mirror relationships with each other.

Communication includes certain ways influence of partners on each other. These include: infection, suggestion, persuasion and imitation.

Infection is an unconscious susceptibility to certain mental states. It manifests itself through the transmission of a certain emotional state (for example, “sickness” in stadiums during sports competitions)

Suggestion is a purposeful, unreasoned influence of one person on another. Suggestion is an emotional-volitional influence. Suggestion depends on age and fatigue. The decisive condition for effective suggestion is the authority of the suggestor.

Belief- reasoned impact on the consciousness of the individual.

Imitation-- it involves reproducing the behavioral traits of another person, i.e. we are talking about assimilating the proposed patterns of behavior.

Types and levels of communication

The following types of communication are distinguished in the scientific literature:

· “ Contact masks” - formal communication, when there is no desire to understand the interlocutor, the usual masks are used (politeness, modesty, indifference, etc., a set of facial expressions, gestures that allow one to hide true emotions, attitude towards the interlocutor).

· Primitive communication- when they evaluate another person as a necessary or interfering object. If a person is needed, they actively come into contact with him; if he interferes, they push him away. When they get what they want, they lose further interest in the interlocutor and do not hide it.

· Formally-- role-playing communication is such communication when both the content and means of communication are regulated. Instead of knowing the partner's personality, they make do with knowledge of his social role.

· Business conversation takes into account the personality characteristics of the partner, his character, age, but the interests of the business are more significant.

· Spiritual, interpersonal communication is possible when each participant has an image of the interlocutor, knows his personal characteristics, can anticipate his reactions, and takes into account the interests and beliefs of the partner.

· Manipulative communication is aimed at extracting benefits from the interlocutor, using different techniques (flattery, deception, demonstration of kindness, etc.) depending on the personality characteristics of the interlocutor.

· Social communication- it is characterized by pointlessness (people say not what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases). This communication is closed, since people’s point of view on a particular issue does not matter and does not determine the nature of communications.

When entering into communication, a person enters into an infinite number of relationships, i.e. communication occurs at different levels.

There are several points of view on the existence of levels of communication.

American psychologist E.T. Shostrom believes that there are two main levels and two types of communication - manipulation and actualization. Manipulation is the attitude and treatment of people as things. Actualization is the recognition of the independence of the other and his right to be different; this is naturalness; the fullness of personal, emotional life at a given moment.

Soviet researcher V.N. Sagatovsky defines four levels of communication:

· Level of manipulation.

· Level " reflective game” means that the interlocutors, in general, recognize that each of them has their own goals and plans for the relationship, but in communication they strive to “beat” the partner and show the failure of his plans.

· Level of legal communication. The main thing here is the coordination of behavior based on norms and rules that must be followed by partners.

· Level moral communication . At this level, interaction occurs on the basis of the unity of internal, spiritual principles. American psychologist E. Berne believes that six main ways of communication can be identified: “zero communication” - withdrawal into oneself: for example, a silent queue at the doctor’s office, passengers on the subway. No one speaks during such communication, but everyone looks at each other (likeable - unlikeable, who it is, etc.)

Rituals- these are the norms of communication formed by society (say hello, thank you, say goodbye, etc.)

Job- everyone knows what fruitful working communication is.

Entertainment-- there is also a lot of formalization in this type of communication. Everyone knows what tone is adopted for meetings with loved ones, what tone is adopted for communicating in unfamiliar company.

Games-- this is repeated communication on two levels, when a person pretends to be one thing, but in fact means something completely different, for example, a conversation between a doctor and a patient.

Proximity-- This highest level communication. A person turns to another “with all the strength of his soul.” E. Berne believes that intimacy can also be one-sided (“blindness of the senses”). Thus, modern man Those who strive to learn to understand themselves and others must know what communication is, its structure (structure), in order to take into account the difference in levels in communication, the discrepancy in positions and be able to reorient themselves in the course of interaction, “hear” the other, find a “common language” with him.

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Communication is a connection between people, as a result of which one person influences another. In communication, the need for another person is realized. Through communication, people organize various types of

practical and theoretical activities, exchange information, develop an appropriate program of action, and mutually influence each other. In the process of communication, interpersonal relationships are formed, manifested and implemented.

Communication plays a huge role in personal development. Without communication, personality formation is impossible. It is in the process of communication that experience is acquired, knowledge is accumulated, practical skills are formed, views and beliefs are developed. Only in it are spiritual needs, moral, political and aesthetic feelings formed, and character is formed.

Communication is of great importance in the development of not only the individual, but also society as a whole. In the process of communication, both personal and public relationships are formed and implemented.

The development of human society and communication between people is a complex dialectical process. Communication opportunities expand with the development of society. At the same time, the very development of a particular society depends on contacts, on communication with other people and societies.

Society is a society characterized by production and social division of labor. Society can be characterized by many characteristics: for example, by nationality: French, Russian, German; state and cultural characteristics, territorial and temporal, method of production, etc.

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An open society - according to K. Popper - is a type of society characterized by a dynamic social structure, high mobility, the ability to innovate, criticism, individualism and a democratic pluralistic ideology (here a person is given the opportunity to choose his own worldview, moral values. Absent state ideology, and at the level of the constitution the principles of spiritual freedom that a person actually uses are fixed. That is, he himself is trying to find the core values).

A closed society tends to specialize, while an open society tends to creativity.

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Lecture 4.1. Introduction to the psychology of communication

The ability to communicate with people is a commodity bought for money, like sugar and coffee. And I am willing to pay more for this skill than for any product in this world.

J. Rockefeller

    Communication concept. Communication in the modern world

Have you ever thought about the role of communication in the lives of each of us and society as a whole? How long can we live without communication? Can a person exist without communication at all? Communication is the natural habitat of humans. This is a complex process in which people interact, exchange information, influence each other, and strive to understand each other.

Often the terms “communication” and “communication” are used as equivalent and synonymous. However, according to other researchers, communication is a connection during which information is transferred. In this case, the object receiving information can be not only a person, but also a machine or an animal. Communication is always a two-way process based on the interaction of equal partners - subjects of communication. Let us accept the first point of view and consider the terms “communication” and “communication” as synonyms, since in human communication communication in its pure form practically does not occur, because the transfer of information, as a rule, in society is a two-way process, speech interaction.

Communication - the process and result of establishing contacts between people or the interaction of subjects through various sign systems; “This is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy for interaction, perception and understanding of another person.”

The development of communication in the world is determined by the development of all social processes. Communication is changing not only due to the constant improvement of technical means of communication between people, but also due to changes in some social functions of a person as an individual, personality and subject of activity. Features of communication in the modern world are associated both with the values ​​that social control brings into the life of every person, and with changes in lifestyle and its relative standardization in connection with the development of mass culture.

1. If several centuries ago direct communication between people prevailed, then the last century has donedominant mass and mediated communication .

Ψ Internet, mobile phones

2. As for direct interaction, it should be noted that the number of forced contacts between people has increased . This is especially noticeable in large cities, where the very way of life determines the inevitability of contacts completely strangers together. Traveling to work on public transport, shopping for goods in a store, watching performances - all these are ways of spending time that involve numerous contacts. The peculiarity of such contacts is that, firstly, they are numerous; secondly, they are superficial. Both are not criteria for quality communication:

Ψ Proteins in a cage

3. Over the past few decades, various educational communication technologies . People are increasingly aware that many of their problems stem from poor communication skills. The development of civilization, which determines the constant improvement of communications and diverse channels of information, leads to the contradiction between the form, means of communication and its content, depth. On the one hand, a person can easily establish contact even with those subjects who are far from him; on the other hand, the improvement of communication means does not ensure the quality and depth of communication. There is such a phenomenon as loneliness in a crowd - loneliness among people , especially in large cities.

Ψ Vishnevsky “Loneliness on the Internet”

4. Many media create illusion of communication . Working at the computer or watching late-night television programs promotes a sense of interaction with others. For example, sociologists have determined that the average urban modern person spends about 5 hours a day watching TV (!). This is a very dangerous tendency, since a subject watching an information program that is interesting to him creates the illusion of the presence of another person and communication with him. But in reality no communication occurs. This quasi-communication, those. imaginary communication, imaginary, apparent. Console quasi(from Latin -quasi) is used before a word to express the doubtfulness, imaginary nature of the designated phenomenon. If an individual systematically watches a program, he creates the illusion of familiarity with the presenters, the feeling that he knows them well, although in fact he only has some stable idea of ​​​​the television image (image) of the presenters. Increasing the share of quasi-communication in the interaction of a person with the world around him is also one of the features of modern communication.

Conclusion. It is quite clear that superficial, shallow, forced contacts between people with their diversity, an increase in the share of quasi-communication, as well as the predominance of dominant mass and mediated communication reduce its quality everywhere. How can the quality of communication be determined? Firstly, the level at which interaction occurs; secondly, the number of needs that a person satisfies in the process of communicating with other people; thirdly, opportunities for personal self-development.

    Communication functions

Communication fulfills a number significant functions:

    perceptual function - communication partners’ perception of each other and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis;

    informative function - transfer of information, provision of necessary information;

    interactive - organizing interaction between people, for example, coordinating actions, distributing functions, influencing the mood, beliefs, behavior of the interlocutor through the use of various forms of influence;

    motivational function (incentive) - encourages employees to better perform tasks using beliefs, requests, orders, etc.;

    expressive function - promotes the emotional expression of feelings, experiences, attitude towards what is happening and allows you to satisfy social needs;

    control function - tracking employee behavior in various ways based on hierarchy and subordination.

    Levels and types of communication

Communication, along with communicative (transfer of information), also performs other functions: regulatory (serves to regulate behavior), perceptual (promotes the interlocutors’ perception of each other), suggestive (suggestion function), etc.

Types of communication

1) official – unofficial (private, private);

2) oral - written;

3) dialogical - monological;

4) interpersonal – public;

5) direct – indirect;

6) contact – distant.

Levels of communication:

Communication can occur at different levels. Levels of Communication are determined, in turn, by the general culture of interacting subjects, their individual and personal characteristics, characteristics of the situation, social control and many other factors. The value orientations of those communicating and their attitude towards each other are especially influential.

The most primitive level of communication is phatic (from Latin fatuus - stupid). It involves a simple exchange of remarks to maintain a conversation in conditions where the communicants are not particularly interested in interaction, but are forced to communicate. Such communication is somewhat automatic and limited. Its primitiveness lies not in the fact that the remarks are simple, but in the fact that there is no deep meaning or content behind them. Sometimes this level is designated as conventional (convention - agreement). If the word phatic indicates its simplicity, then the word conventional determines its standardization. Standardization of communication, in turn, occurs in such social situations that are ordinary, well known to individuals and therefore interaction occurs at the level of simple habit. Such communication does not require any comprehension, does not contain any positive or negative aspects: it is not a source of human activity. At the same time, he should not be underestimated. Phatic communication is necessary in standardized situations. If it is not adequate to the situation, then the person may face negative social sanctions. Often this level of communication is determined by the etiquette norms of the social layer, the representatives of which are the subjects of interaction. The peculiarity of this level of communication also lies in the fact that the subject does not receive any new information.

The next level of communication is informational. At this level, new information that is interesting to the interlocutors is exchanged, which is the source of some type of human activity (mental, emotional, behavioral). The information level of communication is usually stimulating in nature and prevails in conditions of joint activities or when old friends meet. It should be noted that the information level is not related only to the content of the conversation. This may also be paralinguistic, contextual information. In any case, this level contributes to the active inclusion of a person in the communication process. Often levels of communication change during the course of a single conversation. For example, a dialogue begins as informational, but gradually moves to a phatic level or vice versa.

Personal the level of communication characterizes such interaction in which subjects are capable of the deepest self-disclosure and comprehension of the essence of another person, themselves and the world around them. This level of interaction occurs in special situations and under certain conditions, when a person experiences inspiration, insight, a feeling of love, a feeling of unity with the world, a feeling of happiness, etc. These are special situations of spiritual uplift and personal development, therefore this level can also be defined as spiritual . The personal level is deeply moral: it removes all restrictions on interaction precisely because they become completely unnecessary. The personal level of communication is largely determined by the identity of the value orientations of the interacting subjects and the ability of those communicating to comprehend the essence of the phenomena of the surrounding world through illumination (insight) in the process of interaction.

The personal or spiritual level characterizes only such communication, which is aimed at activating the positive attitude of the subjects of interaction themselves towards themselves, other people and the world around them as a whole. Therefore, the personal level is a prosocial level, i.e. useful for society, because a side effect of such communication is the moral improvement of people. As for the phatic and informational levels, they can have a socially positive (prosocial) and socially negative (antisocial) context. Thus, the phatic level can be implemented with etiquette norms (prosocial) and vulgar (antisocial). The same can be said about the information level. It should also be added that the information level can be either business, or emotional, or emotional-business. Moreover, each of the three subtypes of this level can be both prosocial and antisocial.

In the modern world, people cannot do without communication; people spend most of their time in society: at work in the office, with family, with friends. And for effective and rich communication there is speech. Any social activity can’t do without it, there are also many professions where communication skills with people are needed: teachers, lawyers, journalists and politicians, etc.

A conversation involves two people: the one who listens and the one who speaks. Moreover, the peculiarity of communication is that people constantly change roles for a more effective conversation. A successful conversation always requires a topic and knowledge of the language.

A person’s personality develops in the process of communication, upbringing, and education; that is why its importance is so great. With the help of speech, we can discuss our goals, plans, dreams, and share our experiences. Communication is the air for a person. It helps to organize working together, build a person’s personal life, enjoy intelligent conversation. Humanity began to progress along with the development of speech.

A person's personality is formed through communication. Through other people, developed, educated, erudite and emotionally mature, we receive important information about the world around us, which shapes our worldview and helps us become cultured, educated, morally developed and civilized people. From birth we develop our cognitive skills. There are many examples when a person is not brought up in the society of people. Children who find themselves in wolf packs and raised there for a long time will no longer be able to adapt to human society. Outwardly, of course, they look like a person, but internally they are more like an animal, they are mentally undeveloped and it is no longer possible to re-educate them. Successful socialization– another invaluable function of communication.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • communication is an integral part of human life. The influence of public opinion on us proves this. There are also many ways to influence people on each other, for example, hypnosis, blackmail, fashion, suggestion.
  • communication is a need, it is the goal of relationships with other people.
  • communication is a source of knowledge and understanding of others.

If a person’s communication is complete, then he feels satisfied and happy, this contributes to the development of his capabilities, self-realization and success. If, on the contrary, a person communicates little and withdraws into himself, then he develops an inferiority complex, deprives himself of useful information and new opportunities, general mental condition the person is deteriorating. Thus, the importance of communication in human life is very great.

Features of communication

  1. Communication undoubtedly brings joy and happiness, communicating with your loved ones, your soulmate, interesting creative people- all this makes our life full. Communication with nature and art gives us harmony and peace of mind.
  2. There are two sides to the coin. Communication can bring disappointment, sadness, and depression. That is why so many dramas have been written dedicated to the feelings and experiences of the hero.
  3. Neutral communication, which cannot be avoided, is a significant part of everyday life. But there is an alternative - festive communication, without which it is difficult to imagine the life of any person.

Now you see that communication plays a huge role in our lives and therefore it is necessary to have effective communication skills. Learn to understand people and adequately perceive their positions without prejudice or bias. The circle of people with whom you communicate directly depends on your psychological and emotional maturity.





Specialty: 150700.62 - Mechanical Engineering


in the discipline “Psychological workshop” on the topic:

“Communication, its importance in human life. Functions. Types and levels of communication"

Completed by: 3rd year correspondence student

departments of group 4331-z

Checked by: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Burganova N.T.

Naberezhnye Chelny


)Communication, definition

2) The importance of communication in human life

)Communication functions

2) Types of communication

)Types and forms of communication

2) Phases and means of communication


List of used literature


communication communication person

Communication plays a big role in people's lives and activities. IN different forms communication, people exchange the results of their activities, accumulated experience, there is a mutual exchange of knowledge, judgments, ideas, perceptions, interests, feelings, the aspirations, needs and goals of people are coordinated, a psychological community is formed, and mutual understanding is achieved. In the process of communication, a common program and a common strategy for joint activities are formed. Thanks to communication, a person’s horizons expand and the limitations of individual experience are overcome. Communication also plays an important role in human development.

With the help of communication, relationships and interactions can be regulated, but their regulation is not limited to the use of communication. Specific means of communication are speech and non-verbal, and specific means of building relationships and interaction are different. Relationships and interaction, in turn, influence communication, but their functioning is not limited to this influence, and their regulation is a special task. If we try to give a comprehensive definition of communication in small groups, then communication in a group is the exchange of information between its members to achieve mutual understanding while regulating relationships in the process life together and activities.

Communication is inextricably linked with people's activities. This is recognized by all psychologists who consider communication from the perspective of an activity approach. However, the nature of this connection is understood in different ways. Some authors (A.N. Leontyev) consider communication to be a certain aspect of activity: it is included in any activity, its elements, conditions.

Communication, definitions

Communication is a complex process of interaction between people, consisting of the exchange of information, as well as the perception and understanding of each other by partners. The subjects of communication are living beings, people. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living beings, but only at the human level does the process of communication become conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts. The person transmitting information is called a communicator, and the person receiving it is called a recipient.

Communication is of great importance in the formation of the human psyche, its development and the formation of reasonable, cultural behavior. Through communication with psychologically developed people, thanks to ample opportunities for learning, a person acquires all his higher cognitive abilities and qualities. Through active communication with developed personalities, he himself turns into a personality. If from birth a person was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people, he would never become a civilized, culturally and morally developed citizen, and would be doomed to remain a half-animal until the end of his life, only externally, anatomically and physiologically reminiscent of a person. There are numerous testimonies to this; facts described in the literature and showing that, being deprived of communication with his own kind, the human individual, even if he, as an organism, is completely preserved, nevertheless remains a biological being in his mental development. As an example, we can cite the conditions of people who are found from time to time among animals and who for a long period, especially in childhood, lived in isolation from civilized people or, already as adults, as a result of an accident found themselves alone, isolated for a long time from their own kind ( for example, after a shipwreck). Especially great importance For the mental development of a child, his communication with adults in the early stages of ontogenesis plays a vital role. At this time, he acquires all his human, mental and behavioral qualities almost exclusively through communication, since until the start of school, and even more definitely before adolescence, he is deprived of the ability for self-education and self-education. The mental development of a child begins with communication. This is the first type of social activity that arises in ontogenesis and thanks to which the baby receives the information necessary for its individual development.

The importance of communication in human life

As noted earlier, communication and interpersonal relationships consist of processes that are often intertwined and reciprocal. Each process can be considered separately, since it has its own characteristics. These processes are the exchange of information between people (the communicative side of communication), the organization of interaction, influence on other people (the interactive side of communication), the perception and mutual understanding of each other or knowledge of oneself and the other (the perceptual side of communication). Let's consider them separately.

Communication as an exchange of information. The main goal of any communication process is to ensure understanding of the information being exchanged. The significance of the information plays an important role, thanks to which the partners try to develop a common meaning, the same understanding of the situation. It should be noted that information in communication is not simply transferred from one person (who is called the communicator or sender) to another (who is called the recipient or addressee), but is exchanged. The main goal of such a communication process is to ensure an adequate understanding of the information that is being transmitted.

A message can be considered a method of communication intended to convey information. With its help, certain information is transmitted from one person to another, both during direct communication (thanks to language, gestures, facial expressions), and through various means of mass communication. At the same time, it is useful to remember the commandment: “Don’t start talking until you start thinking.” In addition, it is advisable to comprehend not only the idea itself, but also how it will be perceived by people who become familiar with it.

Communication as interaction. With any act of communication, there is an exchange of not only knowledge, opinions, ideas, that is, information, but also actions, in particular, a general interaction strategy will be adopted. Interaction is a process of direct or indirect influence of subjects on each other, giving rise to the causality of their actions and interconnection. This process requires activity and mutual orientation of the actions of those people who take part in it.

There are many types of interaction, and therefore several of their classifications. One of the most famous is the division into cooperation (cooperation) and competition (rivalry). There is a well-known classification where the number of subjects communicating is taken as the basis for interaction. If there are two subjects, then this is a pair interaction (in a dyad). If there are many subjects, then they can interact in a group (group interaction), between groups (intergroup interaction) or the subject can act with a group (subject-group interaction). This subject can be the leader or any member of the group.

Communication as perception and understanding of each other.

Perception is the mental state of a person’s reflection of objects and phenomena as a whole in the totality of all their qualities and properties with their direct impact on the senses. This is a process of mutual perception and understanding of interlocutors, their knowledge of each other. IN in general terms we can say that the perception of another person means displaying his external signs, correlating them with the personal characteristics of the individual and interpreting his actions on this basis. Considering the process of cognition of one person by another during communication, the famous psychologist S.L. Rubinstein wrote: “In everyday life, when communicating with people, we are guided by their behavior, since we, as it were, “read” a person, that is, we decipher the meaning of his external data and reveal the meaning of the text thus obtained in a context that has its own internal psychological plan. This “reading” happens quickly, because in the process of communicating with the people who surround us, we produce a certain, more or less automatically functioning subtext to their behavior." The image of another person is often formed based on the first impression, and this can lead to errors in her perception. No wonder they say, don’t judge by clothes - judge by your mind. It is important to realize that the mistake will be not so much an inadequate impression of a person, but rather the use of this inadequate impression in subsequent interpersonal relationships with him.

Communication functions

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities.

Communication is one of the most important concepts in psychology. It reveals more diversely individual characteristics all participants in this process.

Communication has its own functions, means, types and types, channels and phases.

Research by psychologists and sociologists shows that up to 70% of management decisions are made verbally by managers in the process of business interaction. Without exaggeration, we can say that the nature of business contacts has a decisive influence on the effectiveness of joint activities, on the success of conversations, business meetings and negotiations, press conferences, trades and presentations.

Even in the age of computers, the main instrument of communication between people is the word. Anyone who has perfectly mastered the skills in the process of communication gets the opportunity to live according to the principle “I came, I saw, I persuaded.” Communication is an extremely subtle and delicate process. It talks about direct and indirect communication, direct and indirect.

Direct communication is understood as natural contact “face to face” using verbal (speech) and non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, spatial (distance, approach, distance, turns “to” and “from”), time (earlier, later )). The practical importance of the ability to “read” nonverbal information should be emphasized. Rate of speech, volume, change in pitch and tempo of voice coloring - all these are means of conveying a person’s emotional state, his attitude to the message being conveyed. A person cannot consciously control the entire sphere of his communication, therefore often even what he wants to hide appears, for example, through hand movements, leg position, eye expression, etc. Only by taking into account all the accompaniment that accompanies speech can you correctly perceive your communication partner.

Indirect communication can be considered as incomplete mental contact with the help of written or technical devices that make it difficult or separate in time to receive feedback between participants in communication. It is obvious that the emergence of various technical communication devices has significantly increased the number of sources of human experience, but has also greatly complicated the system of human communication.

Communication is multifunctional in its meaning. There are five main functions of communication.

Connecting role - the most important condition bringing people together in the process of any activity.

Formative role. Here, communication acts as the most important condition for the formation and change of a person’s mental appearance (especially in the early stages).

Confirmation function. In the process of communicating with other people, a person gets the opportunity to, as it were, confirm himself, to establish himself in what he is. Even W. James noted that for a person “there is no more monstrous punishment than to be introduced to oneself in society and remain completely unnoticed.” This human state is captured in the concept of “disconfirmation.” Moreover, in contrast to denial, which can be expressed by the words “You are wrong” or “You are bad” and presupposes a certain amount of confirmation, albeit with a negative assessment, non-confirmation means “You are not here”, “You do not exist”.

Everyday experience of human communication is replete with procedures organized according to the principle of the simplest “confirming therapy”: rituals of acquaintance, greeting, naming, and providing various signs of attention. They are saying scientific language, are aimed at maintaining a “minimum confirmation” in a person.

The fourth function is to organize and maintain interpersonal relationships at the level of defined emotional contacts.

The fifth function of communication is intrapersonal, i.e. communication between a person and himself.

Types of communication.

Communication at the level of social roles (role communication) - boss-subordinate, seller-buyer, teacher-student, dictated role played, the place that a person occupies in the system of public social relations is recorded.

Under interpersonal attitude implies (the most common model of communication) the participation of two specific individuals with unique qualities that are revealed to the other in the course of communication and the organization of joint actions.

Business communication can be easily distinguished from functional-role communication. Business communication is a type of interpersonal communication aimed at achieving some kind of substantive agreement. In business communication (unlike, for example, social communication) there is always a goal.

Types of communication are determined by those rules, the implementation of which is implied. So, if the rules of “secular” communication are based on a code of politeness, then the basis of business relations is a code based on the principles of cooperation. It contains the following rules:

Types and forms of communication

There is practically no period in a person’s life when he is out of communication. Communication is classified according to content, goals, means, functions, types and forms. Experts identify the following forms of communication.

Direct communication is historically the first form of communication between people. It is carried out with the help of organs given to man by nature (head, hands, vocal cords, etc.). On the basis of direct communication, in the later stages of the development of civilization, various forms and types of communication arose. For example, indirect communication associated with the use of special means and tools (a stick, a mark on the ground, etc.), writing, television, radio, telephone and more modern means for organizing communication and information exchange.

Direct communication is a natural “face-to-face” contact, in which information is transmitted personally by one interlocutor to another according to the principle: “you - to me, I - to you.” Indirect communication involves the participation in the communication process of an “intermediary” through whom information is transmitted.

Interpersonal communication is associated with direct contacts of people in groups or pairs. It implies knowledge of the individual characteristics of the partner and the presence of joint experience in activities, empathy and understanding.

Mass communication is multiple connections and contacts of strangers in society, as well as communication through the media (television, radio, magazines, newspapers, etc.).

Trade and service professionals face interpersonal communication problems in their daily activities.

In psychology, there are three main types of interpersonal communication: imperative, manipulative and dialogical.

Imperative communication is an authoritarian (directive) form of influence on a communication partner. Its main goal is to subordinate one of the partners to the other, to achieve control over his behavior, thoughts, as well as coercion to certain actions and decisions. IN in this case a communication partner is viewed as a soulless object of influence, as a mechanism that needs to be controlled; he acts as the passive, “passive” side. The peculiarity of imperative communication is that forcing a partner to do something is not hidden. Orders, instructions, demands, threats, regulations, etc. are used as means of influence.

Dialogical communication is an alternative to imperative and manipulative types of interpersonal communication. It is based on the equality of partners and allows you to move from a focus on yourself to a focus on your interlocutor, a real communication partner.

Dialogue is possible only if a number of rules of relationship are observed:

psychological attitude to the emotional state of the interlocutor and one’s own psychological state (communication according to the “here and now” principle, i.e., taking into account feelings, desires, physical condition that partners experience at this particular moment); trust in the partner’s intentions without assessing his personality (principle of trust);

perception of a partner as an equal, entitled to own opinion and your own decision (the principle of parity);

communication should be aimed at common problems and unresolved issues (principle of problematization);

the conversation must be conducted on one’s own behalf, without reference to other people’s opinions and authorities; you should express your true feelings and desires (the principle of personification of communication).

Dialogical communication involves Attentive attitude to the interlocutor, to his questions.

In the process of communication, there is no desire to understand a person, his individual characteristics are not taken into account, therefore this type of communication is usually called formal. During communication it is used standard set masks that have already become familiar (severity, politeness, indifference, etc.), as well as a corresponding set of facial expressions and gestures. During a conversation, “common” phrases are often used to hide emotions and attitudes towards the interlocutor.

Primitive communication. This type of communication is characterized by “neediness,” that is, a person evaluates another as a necessary or unnecessary (interfering) object. If a person is needed, they actively come into contact with him, interfere with him and “push him away” with sharp remarks. After receiving what they want from a communication partner, they lose further interest in him and, moreover, do not hide it.

Formal-role communication. In such communication, instead of understanding the personality of the interlocutor, they make do with knowledge of him. social role. In life, each of us plays many roles. A role is a way of behavior that is set by society, therefore it is not typical for a salesman or a savings bank cashier to behave like a military leader. It happens that during one day a person has to “play” several roles: a competent specialist, a colleague, a manager, a subordinate, a passenger, loving daughter, granddaughter, mother, wife, etc.

Business conversation. In this type of communication, the personality characteristics, age, and mood of the interlocutor are taken into account, but the interests of the case are more important.

Social communication. Communication is pointless, people say not what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases. Politeness, tact, approval, expression of sympathy are the basis of this type of communication.

Communication is carried out using verbal (verbal) and non-verbal means.

The study of the communication process showed how complex and diverse this phenomenon is and made it possible to identify a communication structure consisting of three interconnected parties:

communicative, which manifests itself in the mutual exchange of information between partners in communication, transfer and reception of knowledge, opinions, feelings;

interactive, which consists in organizing interpersonal interaction, i.e. when participants in communication exchange not only knowledge, ideas, but also actions;

perceptual, which manifests itself through people’s perception, understanding and assessment of each other.

During communication, a person strives not just to perceive the interlocutor, but to get to know him, to understand the logic of his actions and behavior. People's cognition and understanding of others and themselves occurs in accordance with psychological mechanisms perception.

Identification is likening oneself to another. To understand a communication partner, you need to put yourself in his place, since you cannot truly understand a person until you have been in his “skin.” This mechanism allows you to understand the values, habits, behavior and norms of another person.

Empathy (sympathy) is not a rational understanding of the problems of another person, but an emotional response, feeling, empathy. Empathy is based on the ability to correctly imagine what is happening inside a person, what he is experiencing, how he evaluates events. It has been established that the ability to show empathy increases with the acquisition of life experience. Elderly people, who have seen and experienced a lot, understand a person who finds themselves in certain circumstances better than young people.

Highest form empathy is effective, characterizing the moral essence of a person. For example, you can simply sympathize with a fellow student who “failed” an exam, or you can help prepare for a retake.

Attraction (to attract, attract) is a form of cognition of another person, based on the emergence of positive feelings towards him: from sympathy to love. The reason for the emergence of a positive emotional attitude between communication partners is often their internal similarity. For example, young people (boys, girls) understand each other much better than the adults who surround them (parents, teachers, etc.).

To correctly understand a communication partner, it is important to know his attitude towards us, how he perceives and understands us. In this case, the mechanism “works”, which in psychology is called reflection.

Reflection (turning back) is a person’s ability to imagine how he is perceived by a communication partner. This is no longer just knowledge of the other, but also knowledge of how the other understands us: our mental capacity, individual personality characteristics and emotional reactions. At the same time, our attention is transferred from the communication partner to ourselves and a kind of doubling occurs. mirror reflections each other.

Understanding another person is very important for successful communication with him. We are often interested in what makes the interlocutor act this way and not otherwise, that is, what are the reasons for his actions. After all, knowing them, you can predict the further behavior of your communication partner. If a person always had complete information about the people around him with whom he enters into communication, then he could accurately build tactics for interacting with them. But in everyday life, we, as a rule, find ourselves in conditions of information deficiency, without knowing true reasons another person's behavior. This ignorance forces us to attribute to others a wide variety of reasons for their behavior and actions. They are based on the similarity of the interlocutor’s behavior with some in a known way or the analysis of our own reasons, which are revealed in a similar situation. Attributing reasons for behavior to another person is called causal attribution (that is, I give and give a reason, I endow). Research shows that every person has habitual explanations for other people's behavior. Some people always find the culprit of what happened and attribute the cause of what happened to a specific person, but not to themselves.

Phases and means of communication

Of all the phases of communication, the most critical phase is preparation, if it turns out to be possible. Communication needs to be planned, the right place and time must be chosen, and the expectations for the results of communication must be determined. The first phase of communication is making contact. Self-tuning is important here, it is important to feel the state, the partner’s attunement, and get comfortable yourself. It is important to win over your partner and ensure a smooth start. This period ends with the establishment of psychological contact.

Next comes the phase of concentrating attention on something, some problem, task of the parties and developing topics, then - motivational sounding. Its purpose is to understand the motives of the interlocutor and his interests. Then comes the phase of argumentation and persuasion if there are differences of opinion. And finally, the phase of fixing the result. This is always a critical moment in a relationship. In contrast to a break, a breakup is the end of contact. And a mistake in this phase can sometimes completely change the outcome of a long-hour conversation. We must always end communication in such a way that there is a prospect of continuation.

In business communication, it is the exchange of information that is significant for the participants in the communicative act that is the most important aspect. The means to do this most effectively are divided into verbal (speech) and non-verbal.

It would seem that nonverbal means are not as important as verbal ones. In fact, this is not so: we receive and transmit more than 65% of information using non-verbal means. With their help it is revealed inner world person. Information received or transmitted verbally may not always be reliable. And it is correct to understand nonverbal cues, which are much less amenable to conscious control, allow us to determine the degree of frankness of our interlocutor.

All nonverbal means of communication are divided into the following groups:

kinetic, i.e. visually perceived (facial expressions, posture, gestures, gait, gaze);

prosodic, i.e. rhythmic and intonation aspects of speech (pitch, volume, timbre, stress) and extralinguistic - inclusion of pauses, sighs, laughter, crying, etc. in speech;

takesenic, i.e. dynamic touches in the form of a handshake, pat, kiss;

proxemic, i.e. orientation of partners at the moment of communication and the distance between them (distancing).

The use of a number of non-verbal means of communication is quite strictly limited by the national, cultural and religious traditions of a particular people. If facial expressions give a clear and distinct idea of emotional state person is interpreted in the same way regardless of nationality and culture, then the specific meaning of such non-verbal signs as posture, gestures, distances or norms of approach is different in different cultures.

Nonverbal means of communication help in creating the image of a communication partner, serve to clarify and sometimes change the meaning of a verbal message, to add or enhance the emotional coloring of what is said.

Despite the importance of non-verbal methods of transmitting information, the meaning of the message, its content is still transmitted verbally, or speech, in a way.

The ability to speak correctly, or oratory, was taught back in Ancient Greece. Currently dedicated to him a large number of publications, so I will briefly dwell on the most significant points that allow you to make your speech more beautiful and convincing:

speech should be clear, tone should be moderate;

it is necessary to strengthen intonationally, highlight important words and subordinate unimportant ones to them;

changing the tempo of speech will give it expressiveness;

Before and after important thoughts you need to pause.

The hardest part is usually the beginning of the performance. It should be short, one or two sentences are enough, and sometimes you can do without it altogether.

The ending of a speech is the element of a speech that is remembered most. Therefore, you can end your speech with either a quote appropriate to the occasion or a brief summary of the points made.

When delivering a speech, it is important to look not at the floor or above the interlocutor, but at him. The presentation should be clear, specific; If the fact being presented is quite abstract, use examples. To reinforce the main point in the material presented, these thoughts can be repeated, but do not use the same phrases every time. Don't try to cover too many issues at once. Try to avoid verbal cliches, hackneyed words and expressions.


Communication is a multifaceted process of developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities. Communication includes the exchange of information between its participants, which can be characterized as the communicative side of communication. The second side of communication is the interaction of those communicating - the exchange in the process of speech not only of words, but also of actions and deeds. And finally, the third side of communication involves the perception of those communicating with each other.

Social and psychological knowledge and skills in analyzing situations that arise in the process of communication are of great importance for building effective relationships between people. On the one hand, they help a person better understand himself, his inner world, and realize the socio-psychological aspects of his “I”: social attitudes, stereotypes, strategies of behavior and interaction, communication style, the ability to listen effectively, control one’s emotions and adequately understand other people. On the other hand, such knowledge allows us to better understand people, create such a situation of communication with them, individually tuning into their internal mental state, which would most fruitfully contribute to their creative development, would give a feeling of security.

Business relationships develop mainly in small group, of which a specific individual is a member. The people around him play a huge role in the formation of the values ​​of any person, and knowledge of the socio-psychological laws of life, groups, and the ability to analyze them is the most important part of an individual’s life.

Using various types and forms of communication, groups of people can most effectively interact with each other and with the outside world, achieve desired results, make decisions, develop and satisfy the needs of joint activities.


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2.Kovpak D., Kamenyukin A. “Safe communication” 2012.

.Kuzin F.A. "Culture business communication» Practical guide. Practical guide. - M.: 2000.

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.Nakamoto S. “A communication genius, how to become one.” 2013.

.Rytchenko T.A., Tatarkova N.V. - Psychology of business relations - MGUESI, M., 2001

.Sukharev V.L. Ethics and psychology of a business person. M.: 2003


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