The life and death of Muslim Magomayev. Talented people: biography of Muslim Magomayev Magomayev family

Muslim Magomayev is a whole era, the biggest star on the cultural horizon of the country at that time, a man high level culture, opera vocalist, crooner, an extraordinary composer. Until now, fans are interested in the biography, years of life and cause of death of Muslim Magomayev.

His life was so bright and full that it is quite possible that it was for this reason that it ended so early.

Many believe that this man was a real darling of fate, of course, this is so, but this is also his great merit. He multiplied and polished his natural talent with his incredible hard work, turning him into a real rare diamond.

PHOTO: Muslim Magomayev at the peak musical career

In this material we will focus on the most significant moments in the life of Muslim Magomayev. We will tell you in a brief description, based on the dates, how bright this short life was.

Let us immediately note that Muslim Magometovich was lucky enough to be born in the famous creative family Azerbaijan, which originates from his grandfather, the famous original composer, Magomet Magomayev.

The father of the future brilliant singer and composer was also an extraordinary person; he found the application of his creative potential in the applied arts.

The talented artist worked in the most famous theaters Baku as a graphic designer, however, the war interrupted his creative life, Magomet Magomayev went to fight. He was no longer able to return home; he died in Berlin a few days before the victory, when his son was already three years old.

Magomayev was born at the most difficult time for the country, it was 1942, on August 17, Aishat Magomayeva, the mother of the future celebrity, gave the world an extraordinary personality.

It should be noted that the famous singer’s mother was also a gifted person, a talented dramatic actress worked in the theater under the pseudonym “Dagger”, and was awarded a Stalin scholarship, which speaks of her creative merits.

Why did nature not be stingy and endowed the future vocalist not only with an amazing voice, the talent for a unique perception of music and the ability to compose it, but also with excellent external characteristics.

Trying to understand such natural generosity, you inevitably pay attention to the genealogy, and with great interest you learn that several peoples have left their mark on it. Russian, Adyghe, Turkish and Tatar peoples turned out to be no strangers to the future Azerbaijani singer.

However, already in mature age Muslim Magomayev, whose biography we get acquainted with, learn about the years of his life and the cause of death, said his famous phrase that “Azerbaijan is his father and Russia is his mother,” expressing all his love and devotion to these peoples.


After the war, the boy was taken in by his father’s side, deciding that he would be better off in their family; his father’s brother Jamal made a decision with which Aishat was forced to agree.

Mom missed her son, loved him very much, but understood that the boy needed a man’s upbringing and big family. Left alone, she decided to continue her creative path and left for Vyshny Volochok, where she got a job at the local drama theater.

But love for her son did not give her the opportunity to live a full life, and Aishat decided to secretly take him to her place, taking him away from Azerbaijan. For some time they lived together, it seemed that life was getting better, she felt that her son also loved her very much.

And Muslim, who was 9 years old at that time, was already quite meaningfully getting acquainted with theatrical life and its musical side. He showed organizational skills; he and his classmates created their own puppet theater, wrote plays and created characters for performances themselves.

But, a year later, Jamal insisted that the boy return to his family, and that was the end. Mom began to live her own life, got married and gave birth to two more children, Tatyana and Yuri.

Having finally moved to Baku, Muslim, who had shown musical abilities before, began to study in music school at the conservatory, piano class.

Jamal's family was highly intelligent and belonged to the elite Baku society, his uncle gave the boy everything he needed and sought to develop, obvious to everyone, musical talent child.

General education was given to the boy with with great difficulty, he was completely absorbed by music, and there was a particularly strong desire to study vocals. So, in 1956, fourteen-year-old Muslim became a student at the Baku music school named after Zeinalli Asaf.

It's already started adulthood, filled with meaning, my favorite hobby of music was completely captivating. The first public performance took place secretly from everyone; in 1957, Muslim Magomayev performed on the stage of Baku sailors.

This performance captivated him completely, probably then he accepted firm decision forever connect your life with the stage. The fears of the teachers and uncle regarding the mutation of the voice were not justified and great prospects opened up for the singer.

The rapid start of a creative journey

In 1959, Muslim graduated from music school, continued to perform at various concerts, and two years later became a soloist in a professional song and dance ensemble at the Baku Military District. Concert activities did not interfere with the continuation of professional development young artist, the filigree work on developing the voice continued.

The first awards and prizes appeared, and in 1962 Muslim Magomayev went to his first performance at an international venue in Helsinki, as part of the delegation of our country. Glory came with lightning speed and deafening, Muslim became a laureate at this festival of youth and students, performing the amazing song “Buchenwald Alarm”.

The older generation of our country remembers very well the impression of hearing the song - it was a real shock, goosebumps ran through the body, tears in the eyes and a lump in the throat.

The country, which had recently defeated a terrible evil and lost its best sons, froze at such a performance - they were proud of such a compatriot.

Immediately after this incredible success, in the same year, Muslim Magomayev performs on the Kremlin stage at the Azerbaijani Art Festival, and literally “wakes up” incredibly famous.

Muslim Magomayev with Soviet leaders that time

Magomayev literally burst into musical life country, conquered her not only with his voice, but also with his special manner of deporting himself with great dignity, while demonstrating natural modesty and intelligence.

Everyone at that time was talking only about Magomayev and Gagarin’s flight into space; these were two almost equivalent events.

Life is like a bright comet

Muslim Magomaev - not a day without music

In 1960, Muslim Magomayev, as is known from his biography, when familiarizing himself with the years of his life and the cause of death, married a classmate, about whom it is only known that her name was Ophelia. A year later they had to separate; even the birth of their daughter Maria did not save the marriage.

Muslim endured the divorce easily, he was captivated by his rapidly growing life along with music, and the singer has always enjoyed incredible popularity among women.

Awards literally rained down on Muslim Magomayev

Creativity brought more and more pleasure, contributing to the further growth of skill, and in 1963 Muslim Magomayev already had his first solo concert at one of the main venues in the country - the P.I. Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. Professional growth in chamber art continues, Magomayev becomes a soloist of the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater named after Akhundov.

In 1964, Magomayev trained abroad, honing his opera skills in Italy, at the famous Milan opera house La Scala. After Italy, Magomayev tours the country with performances “ Barber of Seville" and "Tosca", the success was simply deafening, the entire intelligentsia of the country attended his performances.

The logical result of success was an invitation to work in the troupe Bolshoi Theater, but Magomaev chose creative freedom and diverse musical activities.

The successful performance in 1966 on the stage of the Paris Olympia was also appreciated by the French; Magomayev received an offer to sign a contract for a year.

However, in those days no one could make their own decisions about working abroad, even such great and popular artists. And to make it more clear, a whole campaign was launched against Magomayev, with the involvement of government agencies that guard socialist legality.

Magomayev showed wisdom and did not go against the system, stay abroad forever, as the “Soviet dissidents” suggested to him, he also did not, being an unconditional patriot of his small homeland Azerbaijan and the country as a whole.

Muslim Magomayev - short rest

In 1969, when the campaign to discredit him ended, Muslim Magomayev, according to his biography, which we study his years of life and cause of death, was again able to perform on the Olympia stage.

It must be said that 1968-1969 were especially successful in creative career, Cannes Golden Disc award and first prize at International festival in Sopot.

A new stage, both in my personal life and in my musical career.
In 1972 it happened significant event in the singer's personal life, he met his future wife Tamara Sinyavskaya in Baku, at the festival of Russian musical art.

The young people were seized by a feeling of attraction, they were united by many things, both were incredibly popular and recognized by both society and the authorities, young and beautiful, but the main thing, of course, was music.

Magomayev was a free man, although he is spoiled by female attention, but Sinyavskaya decided not to change her status unmarried woman and left for an internship in Italy, with the firm intention of forgetting everything.

As follows from her story, what was her surprise when she learned that she and Magomayev, who at that time also happened to be in Milan, were placed in the same room. The incident, of course, was settled, but Sinyavskaya decided that this was a sign of fate and did not resist the surging feeling with renewed vigor.

The Italian atmosphere and music itself united these two talented people even more tightly. According to the stories of Pakhmutova and Dobronravov, many people were worried about this couple; the song “Orpheus” was written specifically for the situation, which became the anthem of their joint happiness. In 1974, they got married and lived together until the very end of the great artist, despite the fact that the relationship was difficult.

In the meantime, everything was going incredibly well, the year 73 became especially significant in the biography of Muslim Magomayev; in his years of life, before his death, the most high rank « National artist THE USSR". You have to understand that the 70s were simply a fantastic period of popularity for the artist, both in the country and abroad.

Continuing to tour the country, Magomayev did not leave the republic and in 1975 created a pop-symphony orchestra there. Becoming artistic director created orchestra, it remains so for long years, up until 1989. In those days, not a single event took place without the participation of Muslim Magomayev. festive concert in the country, he is invited to all government events.

Stormy creative life didn’t let me relax even for a minute, Magomayev performs with different musical works, he is equally good both in opera and on the stage, arias, symphonies, followed by romances and pop compositions.

It is impossible to even imagine how densely his life was filled with music. Moscow attracted more and more and did not want to let go, so in 1989 Magomayev, tired of constant moving, settled in Moscow for good.

Life becomes less decorated, and the woman you love is always nearby, but stressful life makes itself felt. Problems with the heart and blood vessels no longer allow him to work as before, Muslim Magomayev appears at concerts less and less, not missing even the most prestigious ones.

But after 4 years, at the age of 60, Magomaev decides to leave concert activities, but he is still active and does not quit his job. Together with Tamara Sinyavskaya, they devoted more time to rest, traveled, but there was less and less strength left. After 6 years, Magomayev died from an ischemic attack, next to him was his muse and the love of his life.

The beloved artist has passed away, but he will be remembered for a very long time with surprise from such a bright and talented personality, and with great gratitude. Muslim Magomayev and his biography, bright years life, the tragic cause of death will forever remain in our hearts.

Muslim Magometovich (Magomet ogly) Magomayev (Azerb. Müslüm Məhəmməd oğlu Maqomayev). Born on August 17, 1942 in Baku - died on October 25, 2008 in Moscow. Soviet, Azerbaijani and Russian opera and pop singer (baritone), composer. People's Artist of the USSR (1973).

Father - Magomet Magomayev, artist, son of the famous Azerbaijani composer, founder of the Azerbaijani classical music Muslim Magomayev (his name now bears musical philharmonic in Baku). My father's mother (Baghdagul-Jamal) was a Tatar.

Mother - Aishet Akhmedovna (stage name - Kinzhalova), dramatic actress. Her father was Turkish, and her mother had Adyghe and Russian roots.

Muslim Magomayev considered himself an Azerbaijani. He said: “Azerbaijan is my father, Russia is my mother.”

Muslim Magomayev hardly remembered his father - he died at the front near Berlin, three days before the end of the war.

The mother, having lost her husband, chose a theatrical career and went to Vyshny Volochyok, then to Murmansk, where she worked in the Murmansk regional drama theater and got married again. On his mother's side, Muslim has a brother Yuri and a sister Tatyana.

Muslim grew up in the family of his uncle Jamal Muslimovich Magomayev.

The singer said about his childhood: “Mom’s post-war fate turned out to be such that she found another family. I can’t blame her for anything. She is a dramatic actress, always wandered around the cities of Russia, never working for a long time in any theater.

Brother father Jamaletdin Magomaev and his wife Maria Ivanovna became real parents for me. These were smart people who read amazingly a lot. The rules in our family were strictly observed. My uncle was a convinced communist, honest and incorruptible. At a time when my teacher held high government positions, the unworthy nephew at school was from time to time asked not to wear a pioneer tie. This did not upset me: the tie seemed to me, first of all, an inconvenient thing, it choked me and constantly tried to get its ends into the inkwell.

Despite the fact that my uncle was a high-ranking man, I was not spoiled. I had toys, normal conditions for studying and playing music, but no frills. I remember when I started begging my aunt for money, she refused: “When you grow up, you’ll earn money yourself, then you’ll understand how you get money.”

He studied at the music school at the Baku Conservatory (now the secondary special music school named after Bulbul) in piano and composition.

The talented student was noticed by a professor at the conservatory, cellist Vladimir Anshelevich, who began giving him lessons. Anshelevich did not put on a voice, but showed how to fillet it. The experience gained in classes with a cellist professor later came in handy when Magomaev began working on the role of Figaro in The Barber of Seville.

Since the school did not have a vocal department, Muslim was admitted to the Baku Music College named after Asaf Zeynalli in 1956, studied with teacher Alexander Milovanov and his long-term accompanist Tamara Kretingen, from which he graduated in 1959.

His first performance took place in Baku, at the House of Culture of Baku Sailors, where fifteen-year-old Muslim went secretly from his family. The family was against Muslim's early performances due to the risk of losing his voice. However, Muslim himself decided that his voice had already formed and he was not in danger of losing his voice.

In 1961, Magomayev made his debut in the professional Song and Dance Ensemble of the Baku Military District. In 1962, Magomayev became a laureate of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Helsinki for his performance of the song “Buchenwald Alarm.”

All-Union fame came after his performance in Kremlin Palace congresses at the final concert of the Azerbaijani art festival in 1962.

Muslim Magomayev's first solo concert took place on November 10, 1963 at the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky.

In 1963, Magomayev became a soloist at the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater. Akhundova continues to perform on the concert stage.

In 1964-1965, he trained at the La Scala Theater in Milan (Italy).

In the 1960s, he performed in the largest cities of the Soviet Union in the plays “Tosca” and “The Barber of Seville” (among his partners was Maria Bieshu). He did not accept the offer to join the Bolshoi Theater troupe, not wanting to limit himself to opera performances.

In 1966 and 1969 with great success Muslim Magomayev's tour took place in famous theater Olympia in Paris. Olympia director Bruno Cockatrice offered Magomaev a contract for a year, promising to make him an international star. The singer seriously considered this possibility, but the USSR Ministry of Culture refused, citing the fact that Magomayev had to perform at government concerts.

In the late 1960s, having learned that the Rostov Philharmonic was experiencing financial difficulties, and the Song and Dance Ensemble Don Cossacks did not have decent suits for the planned tour in Moscow, Magomayev agreed to help by performing in Rostov-on-Don at a crowded local stadium that could accommodate 45 thousand people. It was planned that Magomayev would perform in only one part, but he spent more than two hours on stage. For this performance he was paid 606 rubles, instead of 202 rubles, which were then required by law for speaking in one department. The administrators assured him that such a rate was completely legal and approved by the Ministry of Culture, but this turned out not to be the case. This the speech became the reason for initiating a criminal case through the OBKhSS line.

When Magomayev, who spoke at the Olympia in Paris, was informed about this, emigrant circles invited him to stay, but Magomayev chose to return to the USSR, since he could not imagine life away from his homeland and understood that emigration could put his relatives in the USSR in a difficult situation.

Although the investigation did not reveal any guilt of Magomayev, who signed for the money received in the official statement, nevertheless, the USSR Ministry of Culture prohibited Magomayev from performing on tour outside Azerbaijan. Using his free time, Magomayev passed all the exams and graduated from the Baku Conservatory in the singing class of Shovket Mamedova only in 1968. Magomayev’s disgrace ended after the chairman of the KGB of the USSR personally called Ekaterina Furtseva and demanded that Magomayev perform at a concert on the occasion of the KGB anniversary, saying that Magomayev was all clear on the KGB line.

Muslim Magomaev - Wedding

In 1969, at the International Festival in Sopot, Magomayev received the 1st Prize, and in Cannes in 1969 and 1970 at the International Festival of Recordings and Music Publishing (MIDEM) - the “Golden Disc”, for multimillion-dollar records.

In 1973, at the age of 31, Magomayev received the title of People's Artist of the USSR, which followed the title of People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR, which he received in 1971.

From 1975 to 1989, Magomayev was the artistic director of the Azerbaijan State Symphony Orchestra, which he created, with which he toured extensively throughout the USSR.

In the 1960s and 1970s, Magomayev’s popularity in the USSR was limitless: stadiums with thousands of people, endless tours all over Soviet Union, frequent appearances on television. Records with his songs were released in huge numbers. To this day, he remains an idol for many generations of people in the post-Soviet space.

He toured a lot abroad: France, Bulgaria, East Germany, Poland, Finland, Canada, Iran, etc.

IN concert repertoire Magomayev had more than 600 works (arias, romances, songs). Muslim Magomayev is the author of more than 20 songs, music for plays, musicals and films. He was also the author and host of a series of television programs about the life and work of stars of the world opera and pop stage, including - American singer Mario Lanza wrote a book about this singer.

He starred in several films.

Muslim Magomayev in the film "Nizami"

In 1997, one of the minor planets was named in honor of Magomaev after 4980 Magomaev solar system, known to astronomers under the code 1974 SP1.

In 1998, Muslim Magomayev decided to stop creative activity. He lived the last years of his life in Moscow, refusing concert performances. He was engaged in painting and corresponded with his fans through his personal website.

Regarding the cessation of performances, Magomayev said: “God has assigned a certain time to each voice, each talent, and there is no need to step over it,” although there were never any problems with the voice. For many years he was close friends with Heydar Aliyev, whose death in 2003 was hard for him, became very withdrawn and began to sing even less often. In the last years of his life he suffered from heart disease, since his youth he had been bothered by his lungs, despite this, according to Tamara Sinyavskaya, the singer sometimes smoked three packs of cigarettes a day.

During the life of Heydar Aliyev, Magomayev said that thanks to him (Aliyev), art is flourishing in Azerbaijan. However, after the death former president Magomayev’s relations with the then Minister of Culture of Azerbaijan Polad Bulbul-ogly (he was in this post until 2006), with whom Magomayev was once friends, completely deteriorated. Magomayev began to sharply criticize the policy pursued by the minister in cultural sphere country, and in 2005, in connection with this, he renounced Azerbaijani citizenship, receiving Russian citizenship, but despite this he still considered himself an Azerbaijani. In 2007, Magomayev, recalling that Heydar Aliyev assigned him and his wife Tamara Sinyavskaya a pension greater than that of the soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, said that Heydar Aliyev took care of the especially talented people of Azerbaijan, and his son Ilham Aliyev, the president of the country, continues this tradition .

Muslim Magomayev was a member of the leadership of the All-Russian Azerbaijan Congress.

One of the last songs of Muslim Magomayev was the song “Farewell, Baku” based on the verses of Sergei Yesenin, recorded in March 2007.

Muslim Magomayev died on October 25, 2008 at the age of 66 from coronary heart disease., in the arms of his wife Tamara Sinyavskaya. Farewell to the singer took place on October 28, 2008 in Moscow, at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall.

On the same day, the coffin with the singer’s body was delivered by special flight to his homeland, Azerbaijan, and on October 29, 2008 at the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic named after. Farewell ceremonies for the singer were held in Baku for M. Magomayev. Magomayev was buried in the Alley of Honor in Baku next to his grandfather. Thousands of people came to say goodbye to Magomayev. The coffin with the body of the deceased was carried out to the sounds of the song “Azerbaijan” written and performed by him. The funeral procession was attended by the country's President Ilham Aliyev, the singer's widow Tamara Sinyavskaya and daughter Marina, who flew in from the United States.

On October 22, 2009, a monument to Muslim Magomayev was unveiled at his grave in the Alley of Honor in Baku. The author of the monument is folk artist Azerbaijan, rector of the Azerbaijan State Academy of Arts Omar Eldarov. The monument was made in full height, and the white marble for it was delivered to Baku from the Urals.

On October 25, 2009, the concert hall was opened Crocus City Hall" named after Muslim Magomayev on the territory of Crocus City in Krasnogorsk. In October 2010, the first international competition vocalists named after Muslim Magomayev.

On July 6, 2011, in Baku, a memorial plaque was installed on the house where the singer lived, and one of the Baku schools was named after Muslim Magomayev.

On December 18, 2014, a commissioning ceremony for the ship named after Muslim Magomayev took place in Baku. The ceremony was attended by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, his wife Mehriban Aliyeva and Muslim Magomayev's wife, Tamara Sinyavskaya.

In August 2017, on the occasion of the singer’s 75th birthday, Channel One showed.

Muslim Magomayev (documentary film)

Height of Muslim Magomayev: 186 centimeters.

Personal life of Muslim Magomayev:

The first wife is Ophelia, an Armenian, his classmate. They got married in 1960. The marriage produced a daughter, Marina. But family life lasted only a year.

"What can I say? An 18-year-old boy fell in love with a woman for the first time... My first reaction was to get married! Now it’s funny for me to even talk about this frivolity of mine. I am grateful to those times - that our short marriage, it lasted only one year, gave us daughter. I have a very good daughter, Marina, for which I thank Ophelia very much. But I don’t even want to remember what I endured in that family,” Magomayev later said.

Daughter Marina lives in the USA, is married to Alexander Kozlovsky, and has a son, Allen.

The singer had many novels.

Great love Magomayeva in the 1960-1970s was the music editor of the All-Union Radio Lyudmila Kareva (Figotina). Their life together lasted 15 years. In fact, they lived in a civil marriage.

Mila Kareva (Figotina)

“We lived in Baku in two rooms of a communal apartment, and in Moscow mostly in hotels, sometimes we rented an apartment. Muslim was a wonderful person in all respects: a fantastic singer, a talented artist, good friend, a luxurious lover like no other, and a brilliant man,” recalled Kareva.

They didn’t even think about registering their marriage. Kareva said: “On tour they refused to put us in the same room. Once Magomaev at a banquet told about his problem to the Minister of Internal Affairs Shchelokov. He issued a certificate with the following content: “I ask that the marriage between citizen Muslim Magomedovich Magomaev and Lyudmila Borisovna Kareva be considered factual and allowed they share accommodation in a hotel. Minister of Internal Affairs Shchelokov."

Muslim Magomaev and Lyudmila Kareva (Figotina)

Another love of the singer is the young (at that time) singer Tata Sheikhova (later People's Artist of Azerbaijan Natavan Sheikhova).

Tata Sheikhova - Muslim Magomaev's mistress

Magomayev was credited with novels with actresses Natalya Kustinskaya and. Also, according to rumors, he wooed her, moreover, when she was married to Alexander Bronevitsky. They said that Piekha’s husband, out of jealousy, allegedly came to visit her on tour in Paris and looked for Magomayev under the bed. “In principle, it would be possible to “marry” with Edita. But I really respected Sasha Bronya and knew that Piekha was his creation,” Magomaev himself said.

He had an affair with the singer Svetlana Rezanova, popular in the 1970s (performer of the hit “I want to invite you to dance, and only you!”). “How can you not fall in love with him? How can you resist such a person? Handsome, talented, generous,” - . According to her, their romance was not hindered by the fact that she knew the artist’s common-law wife Lyudmila Kareva (Figotina).

In addition, Svetlana Rezanova expressed confidence that the child whom Lyudmila Kareva (Figotina) gave birth to is the son of Muslim Magomayev. “After Mila became pregnant, Muslim broke up with her and refused to recognize his son. I didn’t want to interfere in their relationship, but I constantly heard some stories. I know that the child that Lyudmila gave birth to really looks like Muslim. But then this baby he simply didn’t need him, he lived happily with Tamara Sinyavskaya and didn’t want unnecessary problems, and Mila called him at home very often,” said Rezanova.

Filmography of Muslim Magomayev:

1962 - “Autumn Concert” (concert film)
1963 - “Blue Light-1963” (concert film) (performs “Love Song”)
1963 - “See you again, Muslim!” (musical film)
1963 - “Loves or doesn’t love?” (performs the song “Gulnara”)
1964 - “Blue Light-1964” (musical film)
1964 - “When the song does not end” - singer (performs the song “Our song does not end”)
1965 - “In the first hour” (performs the songs “Be with me” and “Intoxicated by the Sun”)
1966 - “Tales of the Russian Forest” (performs the songs “Stasera pago io”, as well as “Song of the Birds” with L. Mondrus)
1967 - “I love you, life!..” (short film) - singer
1968 - “White Piano” (performs the song “Let it shine for everyone, like Magic lamp in the night...")
1968 - “Smile at your neighbor” (performs the songs “Larissa”, “Love Triangle”)
1969 - “Moscow in notes” (performs the songs “Along St. Petersburg”, “Ferris Wheel”)
1969 - “Abduction” - artist Muslim Magomayev, cameo
1970 - “Margarita is raging” (performs a song)
1970 - “Rhythms of Absheron” (concert film)
1971 - “Concert program” (concert film)
1971 - “Muslim Magomayev Sings” (concert film)
1971 - “In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians” (Troubadour, Chieftain, Detective)
1972 - “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (vocals)
1973 - " Incredible adventures Italians in Russia" (vocals)
1976 - “Melody. Songs of Alexandra Pakhmutova" (short film) (performs the song "Melody")
1977 - “Composer Muslim Magomayev” (documentary)
1979 - “Interrupted Serenade” - artist
1979 - “The Ballad of Sports” (documentary)
1981 - “Oh sport, you are the world!” (vocals)
1981 - “The Singing Land” (documentary)
1982 - “Nizami” - Nizami
1984 - “Pages of the life of Alexandra Pakhmutova” (documentary)
1985 - “Battle for Moscow” (song “Front Edge”, composer Alexandra Pakhmutova, lyrics by Nikolai Dobronravov)
1988 - “Needle” (the song “Smile” is used in the film)
1989 - “Song of the Heart” (documentary)
1996 - “Rashid Behbudov, 20 years ago” (documentary)
1999 - “Streets of Broken Lanterns. New adventures of the cops" ("Beauty Queen", episode 7)
2000 - “Two Comrades” (vocals)
2002 - “Muslim Magomaev”

Music by Muslim Magomayev for films:

1979 - “Interrupted Serenade”
1984 - “The Legend of Silver Lake”
1986 - “Whirlpool” (“Country Walk”)
1989 - “Sabotage”
1999 - “How beautiful this world is”
2010 - “Istanbul Flight”

Discography of Muslim Magomayev:

1995 - Thank you
1996 - Arias from operas, musicals (Neapolitan songs)
2001 - Love is my song (Dreamland)
2002 - Memories of A. Babajanyan and R. Rozhdestvensky
2002 - Muslim Magomayev (Selected)
2002 - Arias from operas
2002 - Songs of Italy
2002 - Concert in the Tchaikovsky Hall, 1963
2002 - Great Russian performers of the 20th century (Muslim Magomaev)
2003 - With love for a woman
2003 - Performances, Musicals, Movies
2004 - Rhapsody of Love
2004 - Muslim Magomayev. Improvisations
2005 - Muslim Magomayev. Concerts, concerts, concerts
2006 - Muslim Magomayev. Arias by P. I. Tchaikovsky and S. Rachmaninov

Songs of Muslim Magomayev:

“Azerbaijan” (M. Magomayev - N. Khazri)
“Atomic Age” (A. Ostrovsky - I. Kashezheva)
“Bella Ciao” ​​(Italian folk song - Russian text by A. Gorokhov)
“Take care of your friends” (A. Ekimyan - R. Gamzatov)
“Thank you” ((A. Babajanyan - R. Rozhdestvensky))
“Be with me” (A. Babajanyan - A. Gorokhov)
“Buchenwald Alarm” (V. Muradeli - A. Sobolev)
“Evening on the roads” (V. Solovyov-Sedoy - A. Churkin)
“Evening sketch” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
“Give me back the music” (A. Babajanyan - A. Voznesensky)
“The Return of Romance” (O. Feltsman - I. Kokhanovsky)
“Wax Doll” (S. Gainsbourg - Russian text by L. Derbenev)
“On the road” (“E-ge-gay-hali-gali”)
“Time” (A. Ostrovsky - L. Oshanin)
“Heroes of Sports” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
“Voice of the Earth” (A. Ostrovsky - L. Oshanin)
“Blue Taiga” (A. Babajanyan - G. Registan)
“Once upon a time” (T. Khrennikov - A. Gladkov)
“Far, Far Away” (G. Nosov - A. Churkin)
“Twelve months of hope” (S. Aliyev - I. Reznik)
“The girl’s name is a seagull” (A. Dolukhanyan - M. Lisyansky)
“Dolalay” (P. Bul-Bul ogly - R. Gamzatov, trans. Y. Kozlovsky)
“Donbass Waltz” (A. Kholminov - I. Kobzev) (in duet with E. Andreeva)
“Flowers have eyes” (O. Feltsman - R. Gamzatov, trans. N. Grebneva)
“Make a Wish” (A. Babajanyan - R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Star artificial ice"(A. Oit - N. Dobronravov)
“The Fisherman’s Star” (A. Pakhmutova - S. Grebennikov, N. Dobronravov)
“Winter Love” (A. Babajanyan - R. Rozhdestvensky)
“Horses-Beasts” (M. Blanter - I. Selvinsky)
“Beauty Queen” (A. Babajanyan - A. Gorokhov)
“Queen” (G. Podelsky - S. Yesenin)
“Who will respond” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
“Moonlight Serenade” (A. Zatsepin - O. Gadzhikasimov)
« Best city land" (A. Babajanyan - L. Derbenev)
“Quiet words of love” (V. Shainsky - B. Dubrovin)
“Beloved Woman” (I. Krutoy - L. Fadeev)
“Beloved City” (N. Bogoslovsky - E. Dolmatovsky)
“Small Land” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
“Maritana” (G. Sviridov - E. Askinazi)
“March of the Caspian Oilmen” (K. Karaev - M. Svetlov)
“Masquerade” (M. Magomaev - I. Shaferan)
“Melody” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
“Peace to your home” (O. Feltsman - I. Kokhanovsky)
“I can’t understand you” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
“My House” (Yu. Yakushev - A. Olgin)
“We were born for a song” (M. Magomaev - R. Rozhdestvensky)
“We can’t live without each other” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
“Hope” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
“The Beginning of the Beginning” (A. Ostrovsky - L. Oshanin)
“Our destiny” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
“Don’t rush” (A. Babajanyan - E. Yevtushenko)
“No, it doesn’t happen like that” (A. Ostrovsky - I. Kashezheva)
“Every cloud has a silver lining” (Yu. Yakushev - A. Domokhovsky)
“New Day” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
“Nocturne” (A. Babajanyan - R. Rozhdestvensky)
“Fire” (O. Feltsman - N. Olev)
“The Enormous Sky” (O. Feltsman - R. Rozhdestvensky)
“The bell rattles monotonously” (A. Gurilev - I. Makarov) - duet with Tamara Sinyavskaya
“From village to village” (A. Bykanov - A. Gorokhov)
“Snow is falling” (S. Adamo - L. Derbenev)
“The cutting edge” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
“Song of the Ingenious Detective” (G. Gladkov - Yu. Entin)
“Song Lepeletye” (T. Khrennikov - A. Gladkov)
“Song of Paganel” (I. Dunaevsky - V. Lebedev-Kumach)
“Believe my song” (P. Bul-Bul ogly - M. Shcherbachenko)
“Song of Friendship” (T. Khrennikov - M. Matusovsky)
“Song of Forgiveness” (A. Popp - R. Rozhdestvensky)
“Moscow Evenings” (V. Solovyov-Sedoy - M. Matusovsky)
“Late Happiness” (Yu. Yakushev - A. Domokhovsky)
“Call me” (A. Babajanyan - R. Rozhdestvensky)
“Sing, guitar” (“From dawn to dawn, from dark to dark” from the film “Songs of the Sea”)
“Understand me” (N. Bogoslovsky - I. Kokhanovsky)
“As long as I remember, I live” (A. Babajanyan - R. Rozhdestvensky)
“Because you love me” (P. Bul-Bul ogly - N. Dobronravov)
“A country as beautiful as youth” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) - duet with Tamara Sinyavskaya
“Dream Song” (M. Magomaev - R. Rozhdestvensky)
"Goodbye, Baku!" (M. Magomaev - S. Yesenin)
“Farewell love” (A. Mazhukov - O. Shakhmalov)
“Isn’t that the man” (O. Feltsman - R. Gamzatov, trans. Y. Kozlovsky)
“Thinking” (P. Bul-Bul ogly - N. Khazri)
“Romance of Lapin” (T. Khrennikov - M. Matusovsky)
“With love for a woman” (O. Feltsman - R. Gamzatov, trans. Y. Kozlovsky)
“Wedding” (A. Babajanyan - R. Rozhdestvensky)
“Heart in the Snow” (A. Babajanyan - A. Dmokhovsky)
“Don Quixote’s Serenade” (D. Kabalevsky - S. Bogomazov)
"Serenade of the Troubadour" ("Ray of the golden sun...") (G. Gladkov - Yu. Entin)
“Blue Eternity” (M. Magomaev - G. Kozlovsky)
“Say to your eyes” (P. Bul-Bul ogly - R. Rza, trans. M. Pavlova)
“Listen, heart” (A. Ostrovsky - I. Shaferan)
“Intoxicated by the Sun” (A. Babajanyan - A. Gorokhov)
“Stadium of my dreams” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
“Green Twilight” (A. Mazhukov - E. Mitasov)
“Sons of the Revolution” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
“Solemn song” (M. Magomaev - R. Rozhdestvensky)
“You won’t come back to me” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov)
“Smile” (A. Babajanyan - A. Verdyan)
“Colorful Dreams” (V. Shainsky - M. Tanich)
“Ferris Wheel” (A. Babajanyan - E. Yevtushenko)
“What made you sad” (M. Blanter - I. Selvinsky)
“Why is the heart so disturbed” (T. Khrennikov - M. Matusovsky)
“Scows full of mullet” (N. Bogoslovsky - N. Agatov)
“My native country is wide” (I. Dunaevsky - V. Lebedev-Kumach)
“There was a letter” (V. Shainsky - S. Ostrovoy)
“Elegy” (M. Magomaev - N. Dobronravov)
“I sing about the Motherland” (S. Tulikov - N. Dorizo)
“I’m very happy, because I’m finally returning home” (A. Ostrovsky)

The roles of Muslim Magomayev in the opera houses of the USSR:

“The Marriage of Figaro” by W. Mozart
“The Magic Flute” by W. Mozart
"Rigoletto" by G. Verdi
“The Barber of Seville” by G. Rossini
"Othello" by G. Verdi
"Tosca" by G. Puccini
"Pagliacci" by R. Leoncavallo
"Faust" by C. Gounod
“Eugene Onegin” by P. I. Tchaikovsky
“Prince Igor” by A. P. Borodin
“Aleko” by S. V. Rachmaninov
“Korogly” by U. Hajibekov
“Shah Ismail” by A. M. M. Magomayev
“Vaten” by K. Karaev and D. Gadzhiev

Songs to the music of Muslim Magomayev:

“The Ballad of a Little Man” (R. Rozhdestvensky)
“Eternal Flame” (A. Dmokhovsky)
“Sadness” (V. Avdeev)
“Far and Close” (A. Gorokhov)
“The Road of Separation” (A. Dmokhovsky)
“If there is love in the world” (R. Rozhdestvensky)
“If there is love in the world” (R. Rozhdestvensky) with V. Tolkunova
“My life is my Fatherland” (R. Rozhdestvensky)
“Once upon a time” (E. Pashnev)
“Earth is the birthplace of love” (N. Dobronravov)
“Bells of Dawn” (R. Rozhdestvensky)
“Lullaby of Falling Stars” (A. Dmokhovsky)
“Masquerade” (I. Shaferan)
“We were born for song” (R. Rozhdestvensky)
“Song of the Horseman” (A. Dmokhovsky)
“The Last Chord” (G. Kozlovsky)
“Dream Song” (R. Rozhdestvensky)
“The Dawns Are Coming” (R. Rozhdestvensky)
“The Snow Princess” (G. Kozlovsky)
“Farewell, Baku” (S. Yesenin)
“Rhapsody of Love” (A. Gorokhov)
“Jealous Caucasus” (A. Gorokhov)
“Blue Eternity” (G. Kozlovsky)
“The Nightingale Hour” (A. Gorokhov)
“Old motive” (A. Dmokhovsky)
“Solemn song” (R. Rozhdestvensky)
“The Fisherwoman’s Alarm” (A. Gorokhov)
“At that window” (R. Gamzatov)
“Hiroshima” (R. Rozhdestvensky)
“Scheherazade” (A. Gorokhov)
“Elegy” (N. Dobronravov)

Calling Russia his mother, Muslim Magomayev considered himself an Azerbaijani, although Turkish, Adyghe and Russian blood were mixed in his veins. Everyone loved him and for representatives of any people of Russia he was real folk singer. The creative activity of this wonderful artist, singer and composer, covered classics and pop, national and foreign art. His whole life was entirely devoted to the stage. The cause of death of Muslim Magomayev was heart disease.

He was born in 1942 in Baku. His grandfather was Abdul-Muslim Magomayev, a famous Azerbaijani composer. My father died in the war, just 15 days before the Victory. His mother, actress Aishet Kinzhalova, left for the Far East, where she got married, and the boy remained in the family of his grandfather and uncle. Since childhood he had excellent musical ear And in a strong voice. First public speaking The 15-year-old singer took place in the House of Culture of Baku sailors, despite the prohibitions of his relatives, who were worried about his voice.

Then, in 1961, followed by work in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Baku Military District and the first prize of the laureate in Helsinki at the World Festival of Youth and Students for the performance of the song “Buchenwald Alarm”. The singer's first solo concert took place in 1963 at the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky. Becoming opera singer, Magomayev did not stop performing on stage and in the late 60s, after his second performance at the famous Parisian Olympia Theater, he received an offer of a contract there. The Soviet government did not give him such an opportunity.

Once he was almost put on trial for performing in Rostov and was banned from touring outside Azerbaijan. He used this time to graduate from the Baku Conservatory, and then was again called to perform in Moscow: they could not do without him. In 1973, after many victories and awards at home and abroad, Muslim Magomayev was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

His popularity in the 60-70s broke all records. He made endless tours with his orchestra, released thousands of records, participated in all government concerts, and traveled abroad. His repertoire included more than 600 songs and 20 of them were written by the singer himself. One of the minor planets of the solar system received his name. In 1998, Magomayev ended his life concert activities and began to live private life in Moscow. His wife, Opera singer Tamara Sinyavskaya recalled that he smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day.

Many experts argue that smoking weakens the body and puts it at risk for a variety of diseases. The singer had coronary heart disease, which develops unnoticed and does not like tobacco abuse - that’s why Muslim Magomayev died at the age of 66. It’s hard to say whether they are right or wrong: in the life of this great artist there was a lot of excitement that could tear the heart. Magomayev died in October 2008 in the arms of his wife.

He is buried in Baku on the Alley of Honorary Burials next to his grandfather.


The unique voice of Muslim Magomayev - a ringing and clear baritone - is recognized from the first sounds by listeners of the older and middle generation, born and lived in the USSR. Opera and pop star, composer, People's Artist of the USSR delighted with his creativity in the 60s, 70s and 80s. His concerts attracted stadiums of thousands, and his records were released in millions of copies. Muslim Magomayev's repertoire included 600 works, including arias, romances, and pop hits.

The Soviet star's tours in France, East Germany, Finland, Poland and Bulgaria brought millions in profits to the country. He was applauded at the famous Parisian Olympia and invited to stay in the prosperous West, but Magomayev did not give in to temptation and returned to his homeland.

In 1997, the minor planet of the solar system was given the name 4980 Magomaev, paying tribute to the terrestrial star.

Childhood and youth

Muslim Magomayev was born on August 17, 1942 in Baku. Father Magomet Magomayev died at the front before he great Victory 15 days. Before the war, Magomet Muslimovich worked theater artist. Muslim Magomayev’s mother Aishet is a dramatic actress who took the pseudonym Kinzhalova. Turkish, Adyghe and Russian blood flowed in her veins. Muslim considered himself an Azerbaijani and Russia as his mother. The grandfather of the future artist is the Azerbaijani composer Abdul-Muslim Magomayev, the founder of national classical music.

After the war, Muslim Magomayev and his mother went to Vyshny Volochek, where the actress Kinzhalova was thrown creative destiny. The boy studied at a music school for a year and became friends with his classmates, infecting the children with the idea of ​​creating puppet theater. Muslim made the puppets for performances himself. But Aishet sent her son to Baku, where, in her opinion, the musically gifted boy would receive the best education.

In Baku, Muslim Magomayev grew up in the family of his uncle Jamal Muslimovich. Mother from Vyshny Volochok moved to Murmansk, where she worked in a local drama theater. Aishet married a second time and Muslim had a brother, Yuri, and a sister, Tatyana.

IN hometown the guy immersed himself in music. Muslim Magomayev spent hours listening to the “trophy” records of Enrico Caruso, Mattia Battistini and Titta Ruffo.

Next door to his uncle lived the family of the famous Azerbaijani singer Bulbul, and Muslim listened to the star singing in the mornings. Magomayev became friends with Bulbul’s son, Polad.

The boy’s successes at the music school at the Baku Conservatory, where his uncle took him, turned out to be half-hearted: in piano, solfeggio and choir lessons, Muslim was given the highest scores, but in physics, chemistry and mathematics, according to Magomayev, his brain “switched off.”

Cellist and professor Vladimir Anshelevich noticed a capable student and took him under his wing. The mentor showed the young vocalist how to sharpen his voice. Soon, the experience gained helped Muslim Magomayev in his work on the role of Figaro in the opera The Barber of Seville.

At the Baku Music College, the singer improved his vocals. His mentors were Alexander Milovanov and accompanist Tamara Kretingen, who devoted free time to the student. Magomayev was awarded the diploma in 1959.


The artist’s creative biography began in his hometown at the House of Culture of Baku Sailors. Magomayev’s family was afraid for his voice and forbade Muslim to perform in full force, but the 15-year-old boy went on stage secretly from his family, receiving the first applause. He managed to avoid teenage voice mutation.

In 1961, Muslim Magomayev made his professional debut in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Baku Military District. A year later, he performed the song “Buchenwald Alarm” and his talent was noted at World Festival youth in Helsinki. In the same year, in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, the vocalist won all-Union fame by performing at the festival of Azerbaijani art.

In 1963, in the concert hall named after P.I. Tchaikovsky hosted the singer's first solo concert. In Baku, Magomayev becomes a soloist at the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater named after Akhundov. In 1964, the vocalist went on an internship at Milan's La Scala theater for 2 years.

In the mid-60s, Muslim Magomayev with musical performances“The Barber of Seville” and “Tosca” are touring the cities of the Soviet Union. The talented vocalist is invited to perform on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, but Magomaev does not want to limit himself to opera.

In the mid-60s, the singer toured in Paris. Admired by Magomayev’s talent, the director of the famous Olympia, Bruno Cockatrice, offered the singer a contract for a year. They predicted world fame for him, and Muslim Magomayev thought about the proposal. But everything was decided by the USSR Ministry of Culture: the Azerbaijani vocalist is indispensable at government concerts.

In Paris, the artist learned that a criminal case had been opened against him in his homeland. To help the Don Cossack Song and Dance Ensemble, in the late 1960s the singer performed in Rostov-on-Don at a 45,000-seat stadium. Instead of one planned part, Magomayev spent more than two hours on stage. They paid him triple his salary, assuring him that there was no violation of the law and that the rate was approved by the Ministry of Culture. The singer was informed about the criminal prosecution through the OBKhSS during a concert at Olympia. Not wanting to put his family at risk, Muslim Magomayev did not succumb to the persuasion of the emigrants and returned to the USSR.

Eventually legal proceedings Muslim Magomayev was banned from performing outside Azerbaijan. The singer took advantage of the free time he had and graduated from the Baku Conservatory in singing. The disgrace ended after a call from the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Yuri Andropov to the Minister of Culture Ekaterina Furtseva: Magomayev was invited to anniversary concert departments.

In Sopot in 1969, Muslim Magomayev won first prize at the International Festival; in Cannes, the International Festival of Recordings and Music Publishing awarded him the “Golden Disc” for millions of records sold. At the age of 31, the singer becomes not only the People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR, but also the People's Artist of the USSR.

Since 1975, Muslim Magomayev has led the established pop-symphony orchestra for 14 years. He toured with musicians until 1989 throughout the USSR and foreign countries. Magomayev managed to popularize modern Western trends, which in those years was not approved by the highest party leadership of the USSR. The singer performed the Beatles hit “Yesterday” for the first time in the Soviet Union.

Songs performed by Muslim Magometovich to the verses of Arno Babajanyan occupy a special place in the star’s work. The compositions “Wedding”, “The Best City on Earth”, “Ferris Wheel”, “Illuminated by the Sun”, “Nocturne” are so bright and expressive that the listeners remembered them “right away”.

Magomayev's hit "Beauty Queen" Babajanyan was inspired by a Yerevan beauty contest held in the 60s. Song based on the results of the competition " Best Song 1965" was in the lead.

The verses for the poignant song “Blue Eternity” were written for the singer by a friend, Baku resident Gennady Kozlovsky, who moved to Moscow in 1971, and since 1979, at the suggestion of Magomayev, worked as director of the Azerbaijan Variety Symphony Orchestra.

The fate of some songs performed by Magomayev turned out to be difficult. The hit song “The Best City on Earth” with lyrics by Leonid Derbenev and music by Arno Babajanyan was broadcast on the radio for a month, but Nikita Khrushchev saw in the song “the pernicious spirit of the West” and with the words “Twist about Moscow? Ban! gave instructions to take the hit off the air. The song was “rehabilitated” shortly after Khrushchev’s removal from the post of First Secretary of the Central Committee.

In 2013, at the celebration of the 866th anniversary of the capital, Magomayev’s hit became the leitmotif of the celebration.

The song “We can’t live without each other” to the words of Alexandra Pakhmutova, performed by Muslim Magomayev, is still a hit these days. The same can be said about the hits of the 70s “Snow is Falling” and “Ray of Golden Sun”. The last composition is heard in the sequel to the animated film " The Bremen Town Musicians", where it is presented as a Troubadour serenade.

The peak of Muslim Magomayev's musical career was in the 60s and 70s. The singer gathered stadiums in the cities of the USSR, he was received with admiration by concert and opera scenes peace.

In 1998, Muslim Magomayev stopped performing on stage. He stated that each talent has its own time, which cannot be overstepped. Last decade the artist devoted himself to painting, lived in Moscow, communicated with fans through the website.

For decades, the artist was friends with the President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev. After the death of a friend in 2003, Muslim Magomayev became isolated. A sick heart and lungs worried the star more and more often. But according to Tamara’s wife Sinyavskoy Muslim Magometovich smoked three packs of cigarettes a day. The singer quarreled with Polad Bulbul-oglu, who took the post of Minister of Culture of Azerbaijan, and criticized his policy in the cultural sphere of the country. In 2005, Magomayev accepted Russian citizenship, but considered himself an Azerbaijani and was part of the leadership of the all-Russian public organization, which united the Azerbaijani diaspora of the Russian Federation.

In 2007, Magomayev wrote his last song, “Farewell, Baku!” to Yesenin's poems.

Personal life

Young students of the Baku Music College sighed for the handsome, vociferous Muslim Magomayev, but he gave preference to the young Armenian Ophelia. The hasty marriage turned out to be a mistake: the couple separated after a year of marriage. Even the little daughter Marina could not save the young family.

In 1972, Muslim's romance with singer Tamara Sinyavskaya began. They met and fell in love in Baku, during the decade of Russian art. Tamara was a married woman, but the bonds of marriage turned out to be a weak obstacle for the flaring up of feelings. The love of Magomaev and Sinyavskaya withstood the test of separation: after Tamara’s year-long internship in Italy, the couple met and never parted.

In November 1974, Muslim Magomayev married the singer: the couple planned a modest celebration, but family and friends gave them a banquet in a restaurant in the capital.

The couple’s personal life turned out to be like a “roller coaster”: Magomaev and Sinyavskaya - two bright stars With strong characters, it was not easy for spouses to give in to each other. But love cemented the marriage forever, and after stormy quarrels and short separations, the lovers wrote new page relationships.

The last years of the singer’s life were spent next to the woman he loved. Muslim Magomayev and Tamara Sinyavskaya often vacationed in Baku and barbecued on the shores of the Caspian Sea. In the spring and summer, the couple lived at a dacha near Moscow, where they grew a picturesque garden and built an alpine hill. Muslim Magometovich painted, composed arrangements and music.

Daughter Marina inherited her father’s musical gift: the girl graduated from a music school with a degree in piano, but chose another profession not related to music and vocals. Marina maintained a warm relationship with her father until last days life. She lives in America with her husband Alexander Kozlovsky (the son of Gennady Kozlovsky, who wrote the poems for Magomaev’s song “Blue Eternity”). Marina gave her grandson Allen to her father during his lifetime.


At the age of 60, Magomayev left the stage: his illness worsened. The soloist could not lead his old lifestyle, perform on stage or tour.

On October 25, 2008, Muslim Magometovich Magomayev passed away; he died in the arms of his wife Tamara Sinyavskaya. The cause of death of the great singer was coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.

The farewell ceremony for the great artist took place at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in the capital. According to the will, Magomayev’s ashes were taken to his native Baku and buried in the Alley of Honor, where the famous grandfather Abdul-Muslim Magomayev rests.

Muslim Magomayev is a Soviet, Russian and Azerbaijani singer and composer. He was the brightest star on Soviet stage. Thanks to his excellent vocals and unique performance style, he has become an unsurpassed idol for millions of fans. About the fate of this wonderful person will be discussed in this article.


Magomaev Muslim Magometovich, whose biography interests many, was born in 1942, on August 17, in the city of Baku. His father, Magomet Magomayev, worked as a theater artist and died at the front fifteen days before the Victory. The mother of the future singer, Aishet Magomayeva, was a dramatic actress and Stalinist scholarship recipient. She performed on stage under the creative pseudonym Kinzhalova. The boy's grandfather, Abdul-Muslim Magomayev, is a famous composer in Azerbaijan. The name of this talented person is the Azerbaijani State Philharmonic. Thus, the biography of Muslim Magomayev has been connected with creativity since birth.


The mother of the future celebrity had Russian, Adyghe, and also (on her father’s side) Turkish roots and was very beautiful woman. The boy’s grandmother on his father’s side was a Tatar by nationality; no one knows the origin of her husband. Muslim Magometovich himself always called himself an Azerbaijani and asserted: “Azerbaijan is my father, Russia is my mother.”


After the death of her husband, Aishet Magomayeva chose acting career and moved to Vyshny Volochek, and then to Murmansk, where she joined the local theater and got married again. After this, Muslim had a sister, Tanya, and a brother, Yuri. After the end of the war, the future singer lived with his uncle, Jamal Muslimovich Magomayev. The boy attended a music school at the Baku Conservatory, where he mastered playing the piano and the basics of composition. The talented student was noticed by the conservatory professor V.Ts. Anshelevich. He began to study with Muslim, taught him to finesse his unique voice. These lessons were later very useful to the singer while working on the role of Figaro in the famous “The Barber of Siberia.”

The music school the boy went to did not have a vocal department, so in 1956 the biography of Muslim Magomayev was marked by a new event: he became a student at the Baku Music College named after Zeynalli Asaf. He had the opportunity to study with teacher A. A. Milovanov and accompanist T. I. Kreiting. Muslim graduated educational institution in 1959.

First successes

The creative biography of Muslim Magomayev the singer began in 1957 in the city of Baku, where, secretly from his family, he performed on the stage of the House of Culture of Baku sailors. The boy's relatives were afraid that the fifteen-year-old performer could damage his unique voice with excessive stress. However, Muslim was sure that his vocals were already fully formed. Four years later, the singer began performing as part of the professional Song and Dance Ensemble at the Baku Military District. In 1962, Magomayev became a laureate of the International Festival of Youth and Students in Helsinki, where he performed the song “Buchenwald Alarm”. The whole country recognized the singer after his performance on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses in 1962, during the final concert of the Azerbaijani art festival. The young artist shocked the audience not only with his unique voice, but also with his extraordinary appearance. Its popularity began to quickly gain momentum.

Career development

The singer's solo concert took place for the first time in 1963, on November 10, on stage concert hall named after Tchaikovsky. The performance was a great success. In the same year, the biography of Muslim Magomayev was decorated with new important event: he became a soloist of the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater named after Akhundov. At the same time, the artist continued to perform pop compositions.

In 1964-1965, the talented vocalist was sent for an internship at the Italian theater La Scala (Milan). In the 1960s, Magomayev actively toured the USSR, performing in the most major cities countries in the performances "The Barber of Seville" and "Tosca". The singer was offered to join the Bolshoi Theater troupe, but he refused because he did not want to limit his repertoire to the performance of classical arias.

Temporary difficulties

The biography of Muslim Magomayev is associated with constant success. WITH youth he was revered and loved. The official authorities favored the singer in every possible way; he was constantly sent on tours abroad, where he captivated the enthusiastic public with his talent. So, in 1966 and 1969, Muslim Magometovich performed on stage Parisian theater"Olympia". However, even this favorite of fortune was overtaken by temporary difficulties. The director of the theater, Bruno Cockatrice, offered the talented artist a one-year contract, intending to make him a world-famous star. However, the USSR Ministry of Culture did not like this idea. Magomayev started having problems in his homeland - the OBKhSS became interested in his earnings. The news about the initiation of a criminal case found the singer in Paris. Local emigrant circles tried their best to persuade the artist to stay in France, but he could not imagine his life away from Russia and chose to return. The USSR Ministry of Culture temporarily banned Muslim from performing outside Azerbaijan. The artist took advantage of his free time and graduated from the Baku Conservatory in vocal class in 1968.

Peak of popularity

After temporary oblivion, Magomayev became famous again. In 1969 he won first prize at the International Festival in Sopot. In 1968 and 1970 he received the Golden Disc award at Cannes. In 1973 creative biography Muslima Magomayeva reached a new level: the singer was awarded the title "People's Artist of the USSR." For many years (from 1975 to 1989), the vocalist was the artistic director of the Azerbaijan State Symphony Orchestra, with which he toured the Soviet Union several times. The artist's popularity in the 1970s was truly limitless. His records sold in huge quantities; even today he remains an unsurpassed idol for many people living in the post-Soviet space. The singer's repertoire includes more than six hundred works, including arias, romances, and pop songs.

Last years

In 1998, the artist left his creative activity and settled with his family in Moscow. Being a sensitive person, he understood that he needed to leave the stage on time and with dignity. He was engaged in painting and carried on lively correspondence via the Internet with fans in last years Muslim Magomaev. The singer’s biography and cause of death still concern numerous admirers of his talent. According to friends, the performer suffered from heart and lung disease, but did not know how to take care of himself at all - he could smoke three packs of cigarettes in a day. One of the artist’s last songs was the composition “Farewell, Baku,” recorded in 2007. Muslim Magomaev died in 2008, October 25, at the age of sixty-six. The biography and cause of death of the singer is not a secret to anyone. The singer died of coronary heart disease.

Personal life

The artist was married twice. In 1960, he married a girl named Ophelia. Muslim Magomayev, biography, his children have always been the subject of discussion among the people. The singer’s first marriage broke up a year later, but his wife managed to give him a daughter. The girl was named Marina. This is the singer's only child. Currently lives in the United States with her husband and is raising a son named Allen, daughter of Muslim Magomayev

The singer's biography in 1974, November 23, was marked by remarriage. He married Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya, a singer and People's Artist of the USSR. Muslim Magomedovich lived with her until his death.

This is the biography of Muslim Magomayev. His life's journey was unforgettable and vibrant. He became a symbol of an entire generation and still lives in the memory of his many fans.

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