English male film actors. The sexiest British actors

Published: May 28, 2014 at 6:46 pm

Representatives of the fairer sex have long known that England is not only Big Ben, football and the queen, but also the homeland of talented, sexy and charming screen heroes who last years they easily give a hundred points ahead to recognized Hollywood beauties and, it seems, are about to completely knock them off their pedestals.

There are quite a few famous British actors and actresses, but the article presents the hottest ten English male actors.

They are regular guests on “best of” lists; fashion industry sharks are hunting for them to make them the faces of their brands. IN in social networks the tag “British men” appeared.

Schoolgirls and students, businesswomen and housewives monitor public spaces and communities in the evenings, waiting latest news and fresh photographs of these beauties, because they know: “British” is a sign of quality.

10. Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield - who played the role of Spider-Man better? This can be debated endlessly. However, fans Andrew Garfield will find more interesting subjects to discuss, because the question of who is the real superhero here has long been resolved.

9. For many years we have watched the growing up and exciting adventures of the most famous wizard in the world - Harry Potter, and now we are watching with no less interest how his career and life are shaping up Daniel Radcliffe. He is reputed to be an intellectual, loves cricket, speaks out against social injustice, plays in the theater and continues to act in films to our delight.

8. Don’t discount his partner in the “Potter” series, the purebred red-haired wizard Weasley. The army of his fans is in no way inferior in size to the army of the “enemy”. And if success Rona Weasley If you can't call him brilliant in magic, Rupert Grint's success in cinema and theater is beyond doubt. Keep it up!

7. You never wanted to find yourself in Sparta until you saw King Leonidas performed by this courageous Scot. For those who have not had time to feel the stern charm of the actor in the role evil genius Paris Opera, the blockbuster “300 Spartans” provided all the opportunities to see Gerard Butler from all sides.

6. This British man, the owner of an impeccable body and a seductive smile, has been easily getting the main role in the hot fantasies of hundreds of women for many years now. We love equally Tom Hardy as the romantic rebel Heathcliff and the modern supervillain Bane.

5. Fame came to him after filming the mini-series “North and South” based on the novel by Elizabeth Gaskell. Since then, the female audience has not let this Brit out of their sight, and he has never disappointed us yet. In 2012, starring in the first part of Peter Jackson's trilogy about the adventures of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins, Richard Armitage completely revolutionized all ideas about what gnomes should really be like!

4. He is no longer the inconspicuous teenage wizard Cedric or the pale, insecure vampire Edward Cullen. Robert Pattison He has matured, matured, and is now free to choose his own films and enjoys starring in stylish Dior advertisements. Journalists who were lucky enough to interview this handsome man unanimously note his simplicity and modesty, and fans jealously monitor every rumor about his personal life. Well, his affair with Kristen Stewart remained at the stage of an open relationship, which means there are chances!

3. He denies his attractiveness and flatly refuses the title of “the most charming and attractive.” His film track record will impress the most discerning critics, but Benedict Cumberbatch started talking after he appeared in the role of a “highly active sociopath”, the most famous detective in the history of literature - the unrivaled Sherlock Holmes. And no matter what Benedict claims, his fans know exactly who the sexiest detective in the world is.

2. We saw him as Fitzgerald in Midnight in Paris and alongside Benedict in War Horse. However, only after the role Scandinavian god After Loki's deception in the blockbuster "The Avengers", the army of his fans has grown so much that now you can easily capture a small planet and call it "Mr. Tom Hiddleston"in honor of his idol.

1. You only have to see these pure blue eyes once to remember their owner forever. Tired of playing positive and reliable, James McAvoy dropped the mask of a good guy and starred in the provocative film “Dirt” as a depraved and corrupt police officer. However, this new role did not in any way diminish his popularity among the female audience.

Alas, in reality, this British handsome man leads the life of a real exemplary family man, so we can only sigh, enjoying his last job in the next part of the epic about the life of mutants “X-Men. Days of Future Past”.

English actors, men with impeccable manners, are welcome guests both in their homeland and in Hollywood. Some of them build their careers in Los Angeles film pavilions, others remain faithful to British cinema.


On the shores, film production is highly organized; film studios always work according to a predetermined plan. Each new film has a specific connection to the place of production and is classified as a British film or English. Male actors, whose photographs are available in all agencies, and they are placed in one common box, are also divided into British and English, although this distinction is conditional. Origin and place of birth do not in any way influence the director’s decision to invite a particular performer to participate in the filming.


English actors, whose photographs are signed on their behalf by the managing agent and sent to all film studios in the world, can be invited to sign a contract at any time. The star's representative is notified in advance of this, and then he decides whether to accept or decline the invitation. As a rule, English actors agree to star in Hollywood projects of such film studios as Paramount Pictures, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and 20th Century Fox. And they refuse non-prestigious productions with low-budget scripts.

However, filming American films, especially melodramatic content, does not work for everyone. It affects the presence of an accent, which is not always possible to neutralize film set. Some English actors cannot adapt their speech to American pronunciation. In this case, they need a double.

However, in most cases, English actors cope with the task; their accent either disappears completely or becomes unnoticeable. They are helped in this by professional linguists and philologists who are on staff at all major film studios.

Agent 007

English actors are also divided according to their affiliation with various genres. There are performers of comedic roles, such as the patriarch of British cinema Terry Thomas or his colleague, the world famous English comedian Rowan Atkinson.

Sean O'Connery doesn't need to be introduced; his James Bond is held in special esteem by several generations of moviegoers. The Bond films, action-packed, exciting, have long become bestsellers in cinema, they have been watched all over the world for decades.

Serial films

Since the late eighties of the last century, film stories with continuations began to appear on television. Mexico and Brazil previously held the lead in producing such films. Later, British filmmakers began to master this genre. English TV series actors are presented in a separate list, these are:

  • Rutger Hauer, Jason Flemming - The Last Kingdom series.
  • Sharon Horgan, Rob Delaney - series "Catastrophe".
  • Michelle Dockery, - serial film "Downton Abbey".
  • Lesley Manville, Stellan Skartsgard - series "River".
  • Jenny Jacques, Kieran Beau - serial film "Female Constable".
  • Mark Williams, Hugo Spear - Father Brown series.
  • Sarah Headland, Russell Tovey - series "Work is not a wolf."
  • Ellen Cassidy, Sarah Choudhury - series "No Offences".
  • Olivia Colman, "Broadchurch" series.

Cinema in the UK

The main backbone of English cinema is dramatic actors. Masters such as Anthony Hopkins, Hugh Grant, Christian Bell, Jason Statham, Daniel Craig, Laurence Olivier, Peter O'Toole, Michael Caine, Jim Broadbent, Stephen Fry, Alan Rickman and others represent the vast cinematic fraternity of Great Britain.

These English actors, the list of which is far from exhausted, belong to the older generation of performers. Many of the named actors live and film in the USA. Gradually, they are being replaced by young and promising, well-educated film enthusiasts who are capable of playing any character, be it a prince from the Middle Ages or a young executive of a large oil company today. Both characters will be convincing and credible.

Sean O'Connery

He is one of the most popular actors in Great Britain. Sir Sean O'Connery, known throughout the world as the performer of the role of agent 007 James Bond, was born on August 25, 1930 in Edinburgh. He is the owner of the most prestigious film award "Oscar", received for his participation in the film "The Untouchables", created in 1988.

The actor's filmography includes more than seventy films, the main ones of which are considered to be the Bond masterpieces based on the works of Sean.

Daniel Craig

The actor was born into a family of a worker and an artist on March 2, 1968 in the city of Chester. As a sixteen-year-old teenager, Daniel went to London, where he entered Youth Theater. His film debut took place in 1990 in the series “Anglo-Saxon Relations”. During his film career, Craig played more than fifty roles.

The actor did not receive any prizes and was not nominated for awards, but his fees look more than impressive and range from three to seven million dollars for one film. These numbers are the best proof of his professionalism.

Peter O'Toole

The British actor of Irish descent was born on August 2, 1932 in Dublin. Graduated from the Royal Academy dramatic arts. He had the undisputed role of a romantic hero. World famous came after the film "Lawrence of Arabia", in which the actor played the main role.

Then there was the role of Simon Dermot, a painting expert in the film “How to Steal a Million,” where O’Toole played along with the inimitable Audrey Hepburn. The actor had more than eighty roles in films of various genres. Peter O’Toole died in a London clinic from a serious illness at the age of eighty.

Laurence Olivier

One of the biggest actors English theater and 20th century cinema was born on May 22, 1907 in the town of Dorking, Surrey. Winner of four and many other awards. Lawrence played his first role at the age of seven on the stage of a school theater.

During his film career, Olivier participated in the creation of more than eighty films, in most of which he played leading roles. He was married to Hollywood star Vivien Leigh. The marriage lasted more than twenty years. The actor died in English city Steyning at the age of eighty-two years.

Rowan Atkinson

The world-famous English film actor-comedian, creator of the character "Mr. Bean", was born on January 6, 1955 in the town of Consett, County Durham. He studied at St. Bees School in Cumbria, then at the University of New Castle. During his film career he starred in thirty films and twelve TV series. In addition to film projects, he works a lot in the theater. Counts a good family man, spends all his free time with his wife and daughters. Loves to travel to remote exotic countries.

Most handsome man in the world - what should it be like? Probably everyone asked themselves this question, wanting to understand what male beauty should be like, and trying to imagine the standard of male attractiveness and sexuality.

Male beauty- This is a truly controversial issue today. The attractiveness of a man depends not only on his appearance - beautiful face and a toned body, but also from character traits, charisma, brutality, a sharp mind and a sense of humor.

Many publications annually publish a list of the most handsome men in the world, which includes famous actors, athletes and the most successful representatives of the stronger sex today.

But the famous handsome men who are exemplary family men and representatives of the stronger sex who are in long-term relationships, which also occupied places of honor in the ranking “The most beautiful men in the world.”

We have compiled our own list of “The Most Handsome Men in the World,” which includes the TOP 50 most handsome men in the world 2019-2020, which includes the most attractive representatives of the stronger sex, whose beauty and charisma will not leave anyone indifferent.

Rating TOP 50 most beautiful men in the world 2019-2020: photo review

TOP 50: Ashton Kutcher, American actor, producer
TOP 49: Chris Evans, American actor
TOP 48: Will Smith, American actor
TOP 47: Matt Bomer, American actor
TOP 46: James Franco, American actor, film director, screenwriter, producer
TOP 45: Johnny Depp, American actor, director, screenwriter and producer
TOP 44: Jeremy Renner, American actor
TOP 43: Ian Somerhalder, American actor
TOP 42: Ewan McGregor, Scottish actor, film director
TOP 41: Jake Gyllenhaal, American producer, actor
TOP 40: Channing Tatum, American actor, producer, model
TOP 39: Robert Pattinson, British actor
TOP 38: Gerard Butler, Scottish actor
TOP 37: Robert Downey (Jr.), American actor, producer
TOP 36: Bradley Cooper, American actor
TOP 35: Matt Damon, American actor, producer, screenwriter
TOP 34: Daniel Radcliffe, British actor
TOP 33: Brad Pitt, American actor, producer
TOP 32: Justin Timberlake, American actor, composer, producer
TOP 31: Leonardo DiCaprio, American actor, producer
TOP 30: Dave Franco, American actor, screenwriter, director, producer
TOP 29: Hugh Jackman, Australian actor
TOP 28: Christian Bale, British-American actor
TOP 27: Jason Statham, English actor
TOP 26: Josh Duhamel, American actor
TOP 25: Daniel Craig, English actor
TOP 24: Jude Law, British actor
TOP 23: Colin Farrell, Irish actor
TOP 22: Benedict Cumberbatch, British actor
TOP 21: Sam Worthington, Australian actor
TOP 20: Chris Pratt, American actor
TOP 19: George Clooney, American actor, director, producer, screenwriter
TOP 18: David Beckham, English football player
TOP 17: Liam Hemsworth, Australian actor
TOP 16: Alexander Skargård, Swedish actor
TOP 15: Chris Pine, American actor
TOP 14: Orlando Bloom, English actor
TOP 13: Scott Eastwood, American actor, model
TOP 12: Michael Fassbender, Irish actor
TOP 11: Zac Efron, American actor
TOP 10: Ryan Gosling, Canadian film actor
TOP 9: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, American actor
TOP 8: Tom Hiddleston, British actor
TOP 7: Jared Leto, American rock musician, actor
TOP 6: Chris Hemsworth, Australian actor
TOP 5 Most handsome men in the world: Theo James, English actor
TOP 4 Most handsome men in the world: Ryan Reynolds, Canadian actor, producer
TOP 3 Most handsome men in the world: Tom Hardy, British actor
TOP 2 Most handsome men in the world: Jamie Dornan, British actor
TOP 1 The most handsome man in the world: Ben Affleck, American actor, screenwriter, film director, producer

This shot from the “Rebel Club” shows as many as five members of our list. Get to know them all.

30 to 30: thirty young actors from the British Isles

After much debate, we chose thirty young actors under 30 from the British Isles, whose careers we will closely follow.

Before making this list, we agreed on three things:

  • firstly, we take only those actors who were under thirty at the time of compiling the list. So, with tears in our eyes, we did not include Ivan Rheon, who turned thirty a month ago; We were horrified to learn that Andrew Garfield and the Treadaway twins were also scarier than the magic number.
  • secondly, we only take actors from the British Isles. That is, Britain, Ireland, Jersey and others, almost five thousand.
  • thirdly, we discussed for a long time, but finally decided not to include Daniel Radcliffe (and the other good guys from Harry Potter) and Robert Pattinson. We love and appreciate them, don’t think anything bad; but you already know them, right?

Well, let's get started. In alphabetical order, age at the time of publication of the list is indicated in brackets.

1. Aaron Taylor-Johnson (25)

Aaron has managed a lot in less than ten years of his film career: playing in two superhero franchises (Kick-Ass and The Avengers), a summer blockbuster (Godzilla) and close to arthouse projects (from historical history about cross-dressing “The Mysterious Albert Nobbs” to “Anna Karenina” built on the theatrical stage). During this time, Aaron managed to get married, change his last name (now he and his wife both bear the last name Taylor-Johnson), become the father of two daughters - in general, not bad achievements for a 25-year-old guy, don’t you think?

2. Alex Lowther (19)

After “The Imitation Game,” he began to be called nothing less than “the actor who played young Benedict Cumberbatch.” Agree, a good debut on the big screen. Soon we will see Alex in a film about an autistic mathematician with another participant in our rating and we will already be able to draw conclusions about what the future awaits this 19-year-old Briton. But personally, we really liked him in the role of young Alan Turing - the antics and looks that we could see in the adult Alan were very touching and youthfully naive.

3. Aneurin Barnard (28)

Welshman Barnard is known for his role as Richard III in The White Queen, where, by the way, his brother was played by another member of our list, Max Irons. With Max Irons they play together in “The Devil's Harvest” - family history about the Ukrainian Holodomor (let's bet that they won't show it here).

Like all British actors, Barnard also plays on stage - and in 2010 received theater award Laurence Olivier for Best Performance in a Musical: He played Melchior in Spring Awakening.

4. Dev Patel (25)

The first member of our list who came to the big screen from the TV series Skins, a real forge of talent for British youth. Moreover, Dev ended up in the series almost by accident - his mother saw a casting ad in the newspaper and advised him to go. Patel beat the other contenders, got the role, and the rest is history - Danny Boyle’s daughter saw him in “Skins” and recommended that her father, who was just looking for the main character of “Slumdog Millionaire,” take a closer look at the young man. Well, that’s how it started.

Recently, Patel became a member of the American Film Academy and will now also vote for those films that will ultimately receive an Oscar. We believe in you, Dev!

5. Jamie Bell (29)

Having gone from Billy Elliot to spy in the American War of Independence, this summer the 29-year-old actor will appear before us in completely in an unexpected way Creatures from the Fantastic Four reboot. During his 15-year career, Jamie starred in more than 20 films, voiced the legendary Tintin and managed to start a family (unfortunately) with Evan Rachel Wood. IN Lately Jamie pleased admirers of his talent with his participation in the controversial “Nymphomaniac,” where he truthfully played a cruel and cold-blooded dominant, and in the film adaptation of “Snowpiercer,” where he joined Chris Evans and John Hurt. After his role as Ben Grimm, Jamie may return to voicing Tintin, which we would be very happy about.

6. Jamie Campbell Bower (26)

Remember little boy from Sweeney Todd? The boy grew up, starred in a couple of the most sensational franchises - "Harry Potter" and "Twilight" - was involved in a truly Shakespearean tragedy in "Anonymous", and became the main character of the new franchise "City of Bones". And although the last film was not as successful as expected, and it is unknown whether there will be a sequel, this 26-year-old Briton's wheaten curls are driving girls all over the world crazy. If so, then let him continue to delight us.

7. Jack O'Connell (24)

And here is the second actor from “Skins” - unlike Patel, he appeared in the series only in the third season in the “second generation” of heroes. O'Connell initially occupied the niche of a “bad guy” in British cinema - he played a gopnik in “Paradise Lake”, and in “Harry Brown”, and in “Skyscraper of Death”. Jack lived up to his screen image: parties, alcohol, being taken to the police, to the point that he couldn’t play in Hollywood because he couldn’t get a work visa.

The past two years were finally a leap into big cinema for O'Connell: at festivals with great success The films "71" (about a British soldier in Belfast during the IRA riots) and "From Bell to Bell" (about a young criminal and a special security prison) were released. The second part of the film "300" collected more than 300 million at the box office. played the main role in "Unbroken", a film about the American runner Louis Zamperini, who was captured by the Japanese during World War II. In all interviews, Jack talks about how he pulled himself together, thought about life and will no longer allow himself various excesses.

8. Jack Raynor (23)

Raynor proudly represents Ireland on our list. The young actor burst into cinema with the drama “What Richard Did” (at our Irish film festival it was presented as “That Night in Dublin”), where he played the captain of a football team who accidentally found himself guilty of the death of a man and, in general, a golden boy - and we told you , how cool he is, . Since then, Raynor has had "Transformers," which had a successful run at Sundance's "Land of the Glass," and now we're eagerly awaiting "Macbeth," where the young Irishman will play Prince Malcolm.

And in general, here it is, the support and hope of the future of Irish cinema.

9. Jeremy Irwin (25)

At 20, star in Steven Spielberg, and at 23, win a prize at the Cannes Film Festival? Easily. Fasting for two months for a role in a film? Please. It seems to this young talent everything is subject to control. Add to this British charm and the charm of blue eyes and you will get the perfect young actor. Of the future works, special mention should be made for the role of Percy Bysshe Shelley in the biopic about the author of Frankenstein, Mary Shelley.

10. John Boyega (23)

Bye bye to the young Briton Boyega! — could be seen in few places, except perhaps in the comedy thriller “Aliens on the Block.” Boyega once again proved that in a fight between a gopnik and an alien, there is no need to bet on the alien. And now his next project is entirely in space; we are, of course, referring to the new Star Wars.

We believe that this time too the enemies will not fare well.

11. Josh Bowman (27)

Briton Bowman became famous not in British cinema, but in the American TV series: for several years on the ABC channel he was a participant in the play “Revenge”. Yes, we were also surprised when it turned out that Josh was British; at the age of 18 he played a little professional rugby, but due to injuries he was forced to prefer a much quieter profession.

12. Douglas Booth (22)

Handsome Douglas Booth, it seems, has been known to everyone for a very long time - and he is not even twenty-three years old. In recent years he seems to have picked his dose of British classics, from Romeo and Juliet to Great Expectations; Next up now is Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

At the same time, he is not alien to non-classical works: for example, in “Jupiter Ascending” his Titus Abrasax was, it seems, the best (albeit still not positive) member of the family of intergalactic rulers.

In addition to his acting career, Douglas has worked as a model (somehow we're not surprised), representing Burberry with Emma Watson, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Lily Donaldson.

13. Kit Harington (28)

Show us a person who doesn't know what Kit Harington looks like. We don't believe he exists. But he calmly continues to ride the London Underground and rejects all questions from journalists about his affair with his co-star in the series, Emilia Clarke. In between filming, Keith managed to star with another co-star in the series, Sean Bean, in Silent Hill 2, several action films and dramas. But we are most impressed by his role in the Coldplay musical Game of Thrones. Because there he personifies the actor we all want to see - modest, charming, able to laugh at himself, Jon Snow.

Keith has “7 Days in Hell” ahead, an HBO mockumentary about tennis players. We wait, we hope, we believe.

14. Colin Morgan (29)

Northern Irish actor Morgan is best known to us for his role as Merlin in the BBC series of the same name; the young wizard tried to help Prince Arthur cope with the burden of power and save Britain.

It must be said that in addition to serial roles, Morgan has quite a few roles in the theater: you could see him in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” at the Globe Theater, the performance was broadcast on movie screens.

We are waiting for Morgan to appear on the screen in “Legend” with Tom Hardy about the criminal Kray twin brothers; In addition to Morgan, two other members of our list, Taron Egerton and Aneurin Barnard, will play roles there. The British Isles are still very cramped.

15. Craig Roberts (24)

Remembered for Richard Ayoade's Submarine, the Welsh actor is building a very multifaceted career. On the one hand, these are American comedies like “Macho and Nerd 2” and “Neighbors”, where his type is used; on the other, “The Double,” based on Dostoevsky, and the upcoming “Kill Your Friends.”

And he also, say, has a role in the video for the song Killers, which was directed by Tim Burton.

16. Christian Cook (27)

Christian on our list is one of the few actors who appeared on screen not as a teenager, but as a child: in a burger commercial. Since then, he has played extensively and often on British TV. His career in cinema did not go so well - after the brilliant “Town of Semetri” he had to wait several years for his next strong role. However, the next role turned out to be Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet, it’s a shame to complain.

In addition to British television, Cook’s list of works also includes American TV series “City of Dreams” and “Witches of East End”.

17. Luke Pasqualino (25)

Luke, a Briton of Italian descent, is another hero of our list who came out of Skins. She and Jack O'Connell played best friends in the "second generation" of the series.

Pasqualino now plays D'Artagnan in the BBC series The Three Musketeers.

18.Max Irons (29)

Max jumped on our train “for those who care” in last minute- he turns 30 in the fall. However, if he successfully manages to defend the honor of his family name (and with his father Jeremy Irons - try it), then participation in our ranking will be easy. On screen, Max is always different, but what unites almost all of his characters is revealed in the title of one of his latest films, “The Rebel Club.” Max's characters are always different from everyone else, they always need more, they only strive forward. And Max is exactly the same. And even though he doesn’t yet have as many roles as his father, we know that everything is still ahead.

19.Matthew Beard (26)

One of Matthew's first roles was in the film “And When Are You last time Have you seen your father?" biographical picture O difficult relationships poet Blake Morrison with his father. Matthew played the main character in his youth - and the main character in our time was played by Colin Firth; and Matthew was in no way inferior to his on-screen adult self.

This year you may have seen Matthew in British National Theater broadcasts, starring alongside Bill Nighy and Carey Mulligan in High Lights and, of course, The Imitation Game.

20. Nicholas Hoult (25)

Last in alphabetical order, but not least, is the Skins hero on our list: Nicholas Hoult was in the series from the very first episode, and was probably the most memorable hero of the “first generation”. Unlike his colleagues in the series, he had previously had a big movie - for example, “My Boy” with Hugh Grant and “The Weatherman” with Nicolas Cage.

So after the series, his film career did not begin, but continued - and then, of course, the zombie rom-com about Romeo and Juliet “The Warmth of Our Bodies”, and the Beast in the new “X-Men”, and, of course, “Mad Max: The Road” rage."

What a day, what a wonderful day.

We are eagerly awaiting “Dark Secrets” with him and Charlize Theron.

21. Richard Madden (29)

Richard was lucky with at least one wedding. And we're not talking about Red. Having just appeared on the starry Olympus, to play Prince Charming, so that all the girls in the audience melted with delight - Richard coped with this perfectly.

Recently, Richard took part in the festival with Jeremy Irvine Old Theater Vic, starring in Four Play, a play about the lives of four gay men.

22. Sam Claflin (29)

We first saw Sam in Pirates Caribbean Sea” and thought with horror what this boy was doing in the movies. Because he was too soft, unreal, and did not at all resemble everyone’s adored Will Turner (ah, Will). But the first opinion is often deceptive. And we were glad to be deceived. In The Hunger Games, we are already faced with a man, even if at first he is comically beautiful - in latest films Finnick, with the help of Sam, becomes on a par with the main characters of the franchise. Therefore, now, with our fingers crossed, we are waiting for confirmation of his participation in the Star Wars spin-off so that we can fully enjoy his unique smile. And acting, of course.

23. Tom Sturridge (29)

In a few days, “Far from the Madding Crowd” will be released, and you will unanimously join that part of our editorial team that already dotes on Tom. Better yet, watch On the Road, where he plays Alex Ginsburg with Garrett Hedlund and Sam Riley. Then to look forward to all his subsequent projects, including the next film by Terrence Malick.

24. Tom Holland (19)

Here he is - ours the new Spiderman. Needless to say, Tom woke up as a celebrity one day even before the film was released. Yesterday you were the boy from “The Impossible”, and today you occupy first places in search queries. It is still unknown which Peter Parker will emerge from Tom, but the fact that now we will be following this actor’s career more closely is absolutely certain.

25. Thomas Brodie-Sangster (25)

It's very strange to realize that the boy with the evil face from " Real love“—he’s no longer a boy, but quite an adult dude. After children's roles, he moved on to more adult roles - not only Reed from Game of Thrones (however, the book hero was a teenager), but also one of the leaders of the Gladers in The Maze Runner.

Adding to the evidence that the British Isles are very close: the role in The Adventures of Tintin went from Sangster to another member of the list, Jamie Bell; and Sangster played with Aaron Taylor-Johnson twice - in the mini-series “Feather Boy” and the film “Becoming John Lennon” (Sangster played the role of Paul McCartney).

26. Taron Egerton (25)

If after watching “Kingsman” you did not fall in love with Eggsy, then we have nothing further to talk about. A quintessential rags to riches case, with a street accent but an innate sense of how to wear a tuxedo and flirt with the ladies. Therefore, we are looking forward to the continuation of this sharp action film, but for now we will admire Taron in “Legend”, where he played with the twins Tom and Thomas Hardy (aren’t there two of them?)

27. Will Poulter (22)

A funny teenager from “We are the Millers” yesterday, today he is already a performer leading role in the film adaptation of the legendary King's "It". And although the fate of the film after Cary Fukunaga dropped out of the project is still in question, Will still has many projects ahead that are worth watching and waiting for.

28. Freddie Highmore (23)

Another young man who has grown up from childhood roles - we recently saw him in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “Arthur and the Minimoys”, and now he is a completely grown-up Norman Bates from “Bates Motel”.

29. Freddie Fox (26)

A boy from an acting family: his father is actor Edward Fox, his sister is actress Emilia Fox - in general, it is clear where he was headed. His first notable role was the TV movie “Worrying About Boy” about Boy George, where Fox played a neighbor dressing up as a girl. The talented guy was noticed, and now he is already playing in Parade's End with Benedict Cumberbatch and The Mystery of Edwin Drood.

You might remember him as King Louis in Poul Anderson's American The Three Musketeers; Now we are waiting for “Victor Frankestein” with him.

30. Asa Butterfield (18)

The youngest participant in our rating, and who started his career earlier than anyone else, he can already compete with his older comrades in the number and quality of roles. A little naive, with his huge blue eyes, Eisa, meanwhile, shows incredible strength and courage in his characters. Therefore, we are looking forward to the film “X + Y”, where he played a math prodigy who is trying to establish a connection with society. And we are sincerely sorry that he did not become Spider-Man. Do you hear, Asa, we were on your team!

We are absolutely sure that British Isles There are much more young and young talents than are included in this top thirty. Therefore, we are happy to wait for your suggestions, and we ourselves begin to work on the same list - but this time from actresses!

English actors made a huge contribution to the development of world cinema. Colin Firth, Keira Knightley, Ewan McGregor, Kate Winslet, Sean O'Connery, Laurence Olivier - this list can be continued for a very long time. What unites these famous people? talented people? They are all English actors. Today our story is about the brightest and most talented stars of British cinema.

English actors: men

In Great Britain a large number of talented actors. Each of them has their own theatrical agents who help to conclude the most profitable contracts for filming. They work most often with Hollywood film studios such as Paramount Pictures and 20th Century Fox. Famous directors they love filming them because the English actors are convincing and charismatic. The films they star in are easily recognizable for their intellectual content and peculiar British humor. We bring to your attention interesting facts from the life of some English actors.

Sean O'Connery

All over the world he is known as James Bond. What was Sean Connery interested in as a child? His favorite pastimes were football and books. At the age of thirteen, Sean was forced to leave school to help his parents. He was a butcher's assistant, sold newspapers, delivered milk, and was involved in bodybuilding.

He has more than seventy paintings under his belt. But the most famous are the films about Agent 007. The actor’s unsurpassed skill helped create a bright, strong, sexy image.

Hugh grant

The charm of this man is so great that as soon as you watch a film with his participation once, you begin to look for other films in which he starred. The most interesting thing is that acting career Hugh Grant never thought about it seriously. He wanted to be an art critic. He first appeared in films at the age of twenty-two. Spectators and critics noted that a new, very capable actor had appeared. Many of the films Hugh Grant has starred in wear romantic character, but despite this, not only women, but also men love to watch them. What can you say about his hobbies? He likes to read books on esotericism and psychology, plays football and cricket.

Keith Harington

The most famous films in which he starred are Pompeii and Game of Thrones. The young actor’s performance was loved not only by the audience; critics also spoke positively about him. His mother instilled a love for art in him; she worked as a playwright. Keith did not intend to become an actor, although in his youth he often played in the school theater. He graduated from the most prestigious educational institution England, where he studied stage speech and theater skills.

Daniel Radcliffe

He has a huge number of fans around the world, who do not separate him from the most famous wizard Harry Potter. The actor embodied this role throughout a series of films. Together with his character, he grew up and fell in love, and the audience enjoyed the brilliant performance of Daniel Radcliffe.

Since childhood, the actor dreamed of acting in films. But since the boy had impaired coordination of movements, the parents did not give their consent. His debut took place at the age of nine years. It was the film "David Copperfield". Critics and audiences were very enthusiastic about the game young actor. Fans of Daniel will be interested to know that thousands of people auditioned for the role of Harry Potter.

Ben Barnes

Ben Barnes excelled at school and then at university, receiving a degree in English language and drama. For several years he played National Theater, but left there after an invitation to film “The Chronicles of Narnia”. He plays piano and percussion instruments beautifully.

Alan Rickman

His death shocked millions of fans around the world. He created images completely similar friend on a friend. German terrorist Hans Gruber (Die Hard), Professor Severus Snape (Harry Potter), literary editor (The Lunch Song). The actor was awarded a large number of professional awards and prizes, including the Golden Globe for his work on the series “Rasputin”.

Robert Pattison

He is talented and incredibly handsome. The actor has a whole army of fans who are in love with Edward from Twilight. In his youth, Robert Pattinson did not even dream of stardom. He participated in theatrical productions and attracted the attention of an agent, with the help of whom he began to attend various castings and auditions for films.

What more can be said about this actor? He has a very pleasant voice, he sings and plays well. Favorite instruments are guitar and piano.

Timothy Dalton

English actors (the list of which will be impressive) can be real stars even in Hollywood. Timothy Dalton does not need any special introduction; it is difficult to find a person who has not watched at least one film with his participation. Among the impressive list of his filmography are such films as “Jane Eyre”, “Cleopatra”, “Hercules”. He also played the role of Rhett Butler in the film Scarlett. He loves listening to opera and jazz, and collects antiques.

Colin Firth

After the film "Pride and Prejudice" the actor was recognized as a sex symbol in Great Britain. As a child, he loved theater and dreamed of becoming a professional actor. Fate fulfilled all his wishes and dreams: he is in demand and famous, elegant and charming. The list of his awards has been supplemented with the most prestigious - an Oscar for his role in the film The King's Speech!

Jude Law

This actor showed his talent early. He was six years old when he first appeared on stage, and at 12 he was already accepted into the theater troupe of the National musical theater. The personal life and work of the actor is constantly in the center of attention of a large army of fans and admirers. He loves football and his children, of whom Jude Law has four.

Orlando Bloom

His name is inscribed on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He not only creates interesting images in films, but also plays in the theater. The most famous paintings with the participation of the actor: "The Lord of the Rings", "The Hobbit", "Pirates of the Caribbean". Bloom loves to engage in extreme sports: surfing, snowboarding, skydiving. He is interested in photography and loves cars.

English TV series actors

Public favorites also star in long-term television projects. Let's list just a few:

  • "Downton Abbey" - Dan Stevens, Michelle Dockery;
  • "Jane Eyre" - Timothy Dalton, Zila Clark;
  • "The Last Kingdom" - Jason Flemming, Rutger Hauer;
  • "Pride and Prejudice" - Colin Firth, Jennifer Ehle;
  • "Father Brown" - Hugo Speer, Mark Williams.

The most famous English actors are not only men, but also women. Let's remember them.

Keira Knightley

Her parents were also actors, and the baby got her name in honor of the Soviet figure skater Kira Ivanova. At the age of six, the girl already had her own acting agent. All the films in which she starred are known and loved by viewers. The first book she read was Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Years later, the girl starred in this film. The actress has a wonderful voice.

Kate Winslet

Her collection of awards includes six nominations and one Oscar statuette. Kate was born into an acting family, and her grandparents were the founders of repertory theater. As a teenager, she starred in commercials and took lessons acting. Her role in the film Titanic brought Kate Winslet great success and a large number of fans.

Emma Watson

Despite the fact that this charming and talented actress born in France famous actress she became in Great Britain. The girl has already won 20 different awards in the field of cinema. Her role as Hermione in the film "Harry Potter" brought her fame and success.

To summarize the above

English actors (photos of some of them are presented in the article) are famous not only in their homeland, but throughout the world. They are beautiful, charming, talented. Some of them work in Hollywood, some in their homeland. It’s great that we have the opportunity to enjoy their impeccable play and versatility of talent. Unfortunately, not all talented English actors are represented in this article.

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