Children's literature 5 7 years old. Fiction for children. Literary adaptation by Irina Karnaukhova

What books should children 5-6 years old read?

Many parents wonder what to read to children at a given age. There are a lot of opinions on this matter.
The task of an adult is to reveal to the child the extraordinary that a book carries within itself, the pleasure that immersion in reading brings. In order to attract a child to a book, an adult must love literature himself, enjoy it as art, understand complexity, and be able to convey his feelings and experiences to children.
At preschool age, children get acquainted with Russian and world folklore in all the diversity of its genres - from lullabies, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, teasers, riddles, proverbs to fairy tales and epics, from Russian and foreign classics. With works by V. A. Zhukovsky, A. S. Pushkin, P. G. Ershov, C. Perrault, the Brothers Grimm, H. K. Andersen, S. Ya. Marshak, K. I. Chukovsky, and many others.
It is no secret that modern children read little, preferring books to watching television programs, videos, and computer films. This sad reality should make parents think and try to somehow improve the situation.
Adults should pay attention to the child’s age, level intellectual development, interest in what you read and, in connection with this, select books to read. You should not strive to read everything: you should think not about quantity, but about the benefits of what you read and perceive.
Children need to read as much as possible more books. It is very important that he loves this activity. The book may be of interest to both boys and girls, the main thing is to find an option that the child will like.
Scientists have found that a child who is systematically read to accumulates rich lexicon.
By reading with his mother, the child actively develops imagination and memory.
It is reading that performs not only a cognitive, aesthetic, but also an educational function. Therefore, parents need to read books to their children from early childhood.
It is very important to draw children’s attention to the figurative language of fairy tales, stories, and poems, attracting preschoolers to repeat the individual words, expressions, and songs of the characters that they remember.
By mastering the content of a fairy tale, children learn to convey words different heroes, repeat intonations. This lays the foundation for further independent development of intonation expressiveness at an older age.
From the age of 5 a new stage begins in literary development child. Magical Russians are becoming children's favorites folk tales with their wonderful fiction, fantastic nature, developed plot action, full of conflicts, obstacles, dramatic situations, various motives (treachery, wonderful help, opposition to the evil and good forces and much more), with bright strong characters heroes. Russian folk tales (“Morozko”, “Sivkaburka”, “The Frog Princess”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, and others). Open up space for the child’s feelings and thoughts about complex world, where the good and the good collide in an irreconcilable struggle evil forces, where children are confirmed in the indispensable, inevitable victory of good over evil, are surprised at miracles and mysteries and try to uncover and comprehend them. At an older age, a child acquires the ability to understand text without the help of illustrations. Children are already able to understand events in the book that were not present in theirs for an hour. own experience. The child develops the ability to perceive literary work in the unity of content and form, to comprehend verbal image, treat it as an author’s device. There also arises the ability not only to notice an expressive, bright word, but also to realize its role in the text.
While reading, a feeling of emotional closeness may arise between an adult and a child; try not to destroy this magical feeling.
When reading to your child, do not be distracted by phone calls, household chores, or conversations with other family members, then this process will bring pleasure to both you and your child.
How to read.
- In a quiet environment. Remove toys that may distract your child and turn off the computer and TV.
- Recite expressively and emotionally, carefully pronouncing all sounds. Speak lower, higher, faster and slower - in general, conscientiously entertain the baby.
- Show the baby pictures: it’s good if you have different variants images of the same creatures.
- Demonstrate to your child the actions described in poems and nursery rhymes. Fight for the horned goat, stomp for the clubfooted bear and growl for the tiger.
- As soon as the baby gets tired of the book, stop reading and put it aside for a day.

Recommended literature for children 5-7 years old:
Russian folk tales:Zayushkina's hut. Man and bear. Fox and crane. Boasting hare. Tails. Fox and jug. Crane and heron. Fox with a rolling pin. Cat and fox. The wolf and the seven Young goats. Cockerel - Golden comb. Masha and the Bear. Brave ram. Foxy sister and Gray wolf. A tale about a ruff. Winter quarters. Polkan and the bear. Fox and goat.
Author's tales:S.T. Aksakov " The Scarlet Flower", P.P. Bazhov " Silver hoof", tales by A.S. Pushkina, A.N. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno”. Poems by A. Barto, B. Zakhoder, S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, V. Zhukovsky.
Works about nature:Mamin-Sibiryak “Gray Neck”, A. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”.
Works foreign authors: Mark Twain “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, Y. Olesha “Three Fat Men” R. Tolkien “The Hobbit or There and Back Again”.

Used Books.
1. Gurovich M. M. Child and book. - Childhood-press, 2004. 2. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. - St. Petersburg, 1997.
3. Kudryavtsev V. Child’s imagination: nature and development: Psychological Journal.-2001.
4. Sinitsyna E. I. Clever fairy tales. / E. I. Sinitsyna - M.: List, 1999.

How to learn poetry.

We easily remember what we have emotionally “experienced”. With intellectual memory the situation is more complicated.

Memorizing is always difficult. The main thing is that there is no guarantee that after some time what you have learned will not fly out of your head. You can, however, try to combine these two types of memory. For example, turn memorizing poems into an interesting and useful game for the development of the child’s emotional sphere.

And achieve success in life

Here are some tips that you can follow to help your child easily “experience” and remember the content of a poetic text.

Tip #1

Read the chosen poem aloud several times in a row, each time with a different intonation and mood. After each reading, invite your child to independently determine the mood of what he heard.

Tell us that there are different moods: solemn, cheerful, joyful, mischievous, humorous, sad, sad, angry, threatening, whiny, anxious.

With this method of working, poems are memorized in their entirety after several repetitions.

Tip #2

Reading a poem in “different keys” can be used both to consolidate a text that has just been learned, and to repeat any other text known to the child.

The poem is read line by line and in turn. When you start, you set the mood that the child must pick up in order to continue reading. Each time you change your mood, and the child follows you intonationally.

Read aloud the poem “Miracle” by R. Sefa. Ask the children to choose for each line funny face with the appropriate mood and designate it with the same number as the line number.

1. Haven’t you seen a miracle yet?

2. Never seen a miracle?

3. The trouble is, I didn’t see the miracle!

So go and have a look.

4. You will see just a miracle

Amazing miracle:

Where the "Posuda" store is

Near house number three,

Through the asphalt at the intersection

A birch tree is breaking through.

The usefulness of reading together with a child is very high: the benefits are disproportionately high in relation to the time spent, although with the obligatory condition that these costs be systematic.

And the benefit is not only in the formation and development of the child’s mental and emotional potential, but also in the bookmark basic principles building relationships between the child and society in general, and with various representatives of society in particular.

Using the examples of book heroes, it is easier to explain what good and evil, bad and good deeds are.

Where else will you get so many examples?

Only books should correspond to the age interests and needs of the child. After all, they develop imagination, horizons, the ability to fantasize, teach them to be friends, love, empathize, dream, and joke.

Books should not be empty and, especially, harmful.

You can, of course, limit yourself to showing cartoons and films, but this way you will introduce the child to the director’s imagination. By reading books, you will pave the way for the development of his own imagination, and then offer to compare him with the director’s fantasy.

The meaning of fairy tales

Start introducing your child to reading from folk tales. They clearly separate the concepts of good and evil, bad and good; they are not confused, but clearly expressed and clearly outlined, which corresponds to the level of development of consciousness of children 3-4 years old.

In folk tales, the worldly wisdom of our ancestors seems to be preserved; they teach that good and evil always get what they deserve.

Of course, in life everything is more complicated; evil does not manifest itself so clearly, but often hides under the guise of good. But understanding this should come on time, do not rush time. Don't ignore fairy tales, even if they seem outdated to you. They lay down for the child the basics of concepts on which basic ideas about human feelings, about the principles of building relationships between people.

Choose fairy tales with high-quality presentation: with beautiful literary translation and literary treatment.

For example, Andersen's fairy tales without processing are not adapted to the perception of modern children. His instructive, deep fairy-tale stories without processing are suitable for older children, if the child himself can look at the story through the prism of modern reality, and if it is interesting to him.

Be sure to take note:

Some of the best and famous translators children's books:

  • Korney Chukovsky.
  • Nikolai Chukovsky (son of Korney Chukovsky).
  • Boris Zakhoder.
  • Samuel Marshak (translations of children's and other poetry).

One of the most famous retellers of fairy tales is Alexei Tolstoy.

These are classic writers. Their works and translations date back to the last century. But the concepts of good and evil can also be considered classics; they do not age. Their works will introduce the child to classical literary language and figurative artistic style writing.

And remember: books, like any knowledge, must be age appropriate.

Folk tales

Russian folk tales adapted by Alexei Tolstoy.

There are many of them, the most famous:

  • "At the behest of the pike."
  • "Princess Frog".
  • “Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what.”
  • "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka."
  • "Morozko."
  • "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf".
  • "Bubble, straw and bast shoe."
  • "The Man and the Bear."
  • "Swan geese".

Epics about heroes.

In the literary adaptation of Alexander Afanasyev:

  • "Alesha Popovich".
  • "Ilya Muromets and the Serpent."
  • "The story of the glorious hero Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber."
  • "Nikita Kozhemyaka."
  • “The Feather of Finist the Clear Falcon.”
  • "Ride the peas."

Also, many famous Russian folk tales: about Elena the Beautiful, and about Koshchei the Immortal, and about Ivanushka the Fool - were retold by Alexander Afanasyev.

In the literary adaptation of Irina Karnaukhova:

  • "Volga Vseslavevich."
  • "Mikula Selyaninovich."
  • "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich."
  • “About Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmey Gorynych.”
  • “How Ilya from Murom became a Bogatyr.”
  • "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber."
  • "About beautiful Vasilisa Mikulishnu."
  • "Svyatogor the hero."

In this treatment, the epics are presented in a language that is simple and accessible to children.

Tales of the peoples of the world.

  • Tales of Slavic peoples:
  1. Ukrainian;
  2. Belarusian;
  3. Moldovan.
  • Tales of the peoples of the north.
  • Tales of the peoples of the East, the most famous of which are presented in the series of tales “A Thousand and One Nights”.
  • Scandinavian fairy tales.

Complete your introduction to folk tales by watching cartoons. For example, animated fairy tales from the series “Mountain of Gems” will introduce a child to a modern interpretation of not only Russian fairy tales, but also fairy tales of other nations.

Stories in verse

Poems are easily perceived and recorded in children's memory. Try to learn the most interesting passages by heart with your child.

  • For younger children.

Korney Chukovsky. Fairy tales in verse:

  1. "Aibolit".
  2. "Fly Tsokotukha".
  3. "Cockroach."
  4. "Stolen Sun"
  5. "Moidodyr".
  6. "Fedorino's grief."

Samuel Marshak. Children's poems:

  1. "Children in a cage."
  2. “He’s so absent-minded.”
  3. "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse."
  4. "Baggage".
  5. "Fun ABC".
  6. "Fun account."
  7. "A lesson in politeness."
  8. English and Scottish ballads and poems. One of the most famous is “The House That Jack Built.”

Sergey Mikhalkov. Children's poems and fables:

  1. “What do you have?”
  2. "Uncle Styopa."
  3. “Like an old man selling a cow.”

Alexander Pushkin. Fairy tales:

  1. "The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes."
  2. "The Tale of Tsar Soltan."
  3. "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel."
  4. "The Tale of the Goldfish."
  5. "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda."
  6. "Lukomorye has a green oak tree."

Extend the pleasure of getting to know Pushkin’s work with animated film adaptations of these fairy tales, and then they will remain in the child’s memory for a lifetime.

World classics

  • For younger children.

Charles Perrault. Fairy tales:

  1. "Cinderella or the glass slipper."
  2. "Puss in Boots".
  3. "Sleeping Beauty".
  4. "Tom Thumb".
  5. "Donkey skin."
  6. "Little Red Riding Hood".

Brothers Grimm. German folk tales in the literary adaptation of the Brothers Grimm:

  1. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".
  2. « The Bremen Town Musicians».
  3. "Brave Little Tailor"
  4. "Mistress Blizzard."
  5. "King Thrushbeard."
  6. "Rapunzel."
  7. "The wolf and the seven Young goats".
  8. "A pot of porridge."

Hans Christian Andersen. The most famous fairy tales:

  1. « The Snow Queen».
  2. "Thumbelina."
  3. "Wild Swans".
  4. "Mermaid".
  5. "Princess on the Pea".
  6. "Flint".
  7. "The Steadfast Tin Soldier".
  8. "Swineherd".
  9. « ugly duck».

Carlo Collodi"The Adventures of Pinocchio. The history of a wooden doll" in the literary adaptation of Alexei Tolstoy:

  1. "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio."

Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino"

Rudyard Kipling. Fairy tales:

  1. "Rikki Tikki Tavi."
  2. "Baby elephant".
  3. "The cat that walked by itself."
  4. “Where does a rhinoceros skin come from?”
  5. "Where did armadillos come from?"
  6. “Why does a camel have a hump?”
  7. “Where does a whale get such a throat?”

Many of these fairy tales have not only animated film adaptations, but also their own film versions. Interest in the fairy tales of the world classics does not disappear; modern film adaptations are also appearing, for example, the fairly new cartoon “Rapunzel”.

Adventure stories

Start introducing adventure story cycles to your child closer to 5 years of age, when the level of perception, the ability to remember and analyze, is already more developed. With them you can start teaching your child to read independently.

These fabulous adventures will give your child a long trip into an imaginary world fascinating stories from the lives of heroes.

Some of the stories could well have happened in his children's world, and for each character it is easy to select a prototype from the child’s environment, including himself.

While reading all the stories from one cycle, the child will definitely become attached to some favorite character, whom he will empathize with and rejoice with.

This is very reminiscent of friendly affection. The child will want to return to the world of adventures of his favorite characters again and again, and this will help to give birth to another desire - to quickly master independent reading (from personal experience).

  1. Yurie Genevieve. A series of adventures “Once upon a time there were rabbits” with very “live” illustrations by Loïc Juannigo. Therefore, it is suitable for teaching a child to read independently.
  2. Eduard Uspensky. A series of adventures "Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka."
  3. Alan Milne. Fairy tales " Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all” with translation by Boris Zakhoder.
  4. Astrid Lindgren. "The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof."
  5. Joel Harris. The series of adventures of Brer Rabbit “The Tales of Uncle Remus” is a collection and literary treatment of Negro folklore.
  6. Rudyard Kipling. A series of stories about Mowgli from The Jungle Book.
  7. Tove Jansson. A series of adventures “All about the Moomins.”

After reading books, do not forget to introduce your child to their animated adaptations.

Russian classics

Getting to know the works of Russian classics will be very educational and educational for your child. Through their works, like through a “window”, a child will be able to look into past centuries, get acquainted with the life of people of that time and hear fabulous, and not only, stories told by classical artistic language. He will plunge into the atmosphere of those times, imbued with the same feelings as the children of many generations. After all, the main feelings and concepts do not change over the years, or even over centuries; they are understandable even to the children of our time.

The proposed works are designed for preschool children, so start introducing them to your child at the age of 5.

Lev Tolstoy. Parables, fables and fairy tales. Notable stories:

  • "Lion and Dog"
  • "Two brothers".
  • "Shark".
  • "Kitty".

Sergey Aksakov. "The Scarlet Flower".

Vsevolod Garshin. The most famous fairy tale- "Frog traveler".

Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak. The most famous fairy tale - “Gray neck.”

And your joint ones are warm literary evenings will remain a kind and bright memory in his heart. This is the main magic of books.

Hello, friends!

It's standing on our street beautiful weather— I want to walk, ride a bike, roller skate, climb trees and slides. And I'll tell you about what we have read so far over the long autumn-winter period and What, in general, can you read to a 5-6 year old child?. :)

At this age, many children are already reading on their own. It’s a pity that some mothers and fathers then stop reading. After all, he already knows how to do it himself! The logic is usually like this: I’ll stop reading, he’ll want to and will “reach out” himself. But I still think this is not the age and not the thing when you can throw it into the water and either it will come out and learn to swim, or you will be unlucky...

A common problem: a child can read, but does not read and asks his parents. On the one hand, the child does not like to read because of the low reading speed, on the other hand, in order for the speed to increase, he must read. Contradiction. But, by the way, it can be solved quite easily TRIZ methods. It is necessary to separate these two processes in time: There is a time when a child reads on his own, and there is a time when his parents read to him.

Gleb has been reading himself for a long time. I have already read several thick books from little tales and stories. I wrote about our first books. But now the interests of the child lie much further than the possibilities. You want to read or listen to 10-15 pages, but you can only read one! Yes and font in books that are truly captivating small child— definitely not for preschoolers or even first-graders.

But it's important not only continue reading, but also know what to read to your child. You can often hear parents complaining “the child used to love it when they read to him, but now it’s somehow not so much.” And it turns out that they still read to him the Adventures of Dunno and the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. (This wonderful books, but still the library needs to be updated and the repertoire constantly expanded.) Books should “grow” with the child or at some point they will become boring, like the pyramid and the tumbler.

I'll tell you about some books we have read in the last 6-8 months. Of course, this is not all - there was still a lot New Year's stories, encyclopedias, ordinary fairy tales, educational stories.

I read this book when I was in 3rd grade. We lived in a village and dug up mole crickets more than once when we planted potatoes; fought aphids on apple trees; Colorado beetles were collected from leaves. That's why This book made a huge impression on me then. After all, I saw all these insects, held them in my hands, and now I was talking about them, and in such an unusual form.

For Gleb it was a “doubly” new world. A city child doesn’t even see an ant very often. Literally after each chapter, we looked for the mentioned insects on the street, if possible, or at least photographs in encyclopedias.

And of course, This book is just for this age: exciting, dynamic, educational. It's hard to imagine better.

“This universe is full of things that are necessary
figure out, that is, examine in terms of their biteability, and
also, perhaps, devouringness; full of mysterious
places where you can produce entertaining experiments For
clarifying the question of where is the best place to make puddles.”

Some might say that these are “strange tales” or “not for everybody.” It seemed to me that this almost philosophical tales who ask deep questions to think about the eternal. And don’t think that the topics here are “too mature”, and children need something simpler. This is wrong. He begins to think about many things that a child would not have thought about for a long time. His understanding of the world and people expands at lightning speed. Much faster and more efficient than when reading the same encyclopedias.

And of course, for everyone who wants but doesn’t know how to develop a sense of humor in children- I warmly recommend it. There is something funny or ironic in almost every line.

The story is about a doctor who has magic pills to cure cowardice and sadness. And these pills, along with the suitcase in which they were located, are “lost” and a series of adventures and “strange” events begin.

In my opinion, this is one of those books when baby can't tear himself away, and somewhere deep, deep, a solid foundation is being formed - reading is an incomparable pleasure. Unfortunately, this foundation does not appear on its own; its place can easily be taken by playing games on an iPad or watching cartoons.

This year we read a lot of history books. It all started last summer with legends about the flying Dutchman . Gleb and I read this book in 7 days while we were on a water kayaking trip. And then it started: King Arthur and knights Round table, Iliad, Odyssey, twelve labors of Hercules. Of course, we didn’t read them in a row. After every book you need a good break: you get tired of the language and style of storytelling.

But I'm glad that in classes at theater studio Gleb can “show” (depict with gestures or body movements) King Arthur. But often children easily show “cars”, “luntik” and fall into a stupor when they hear the task of showing the knight of the Round Table.

The story is about a red-haired boy who lived quietly in a village near Leningrad, and then was forced to move with his mother to the other side globe- to Kamchatka.

This is not a fairy tale or adventure novel, and not historical story , and at first it seems like it won’t hook modern child, who doesn’t understand what it’s like to get a haircut while wearing cologne, or why you should date a sailor, and what’s so special about this sailor in general. But Gleb really liked it(maybe because he also dreams of meeting, but only with the driver :))). AND there was a lot to discuss: and about Soviet Union, and about travel, and just about the lives of other people.

I talked a little about this book in an article about unexpected children's thinking . This book is a treasure trove of all kinds of TRIZ questions and problems. Anyway, the three Naxitralls are very inventive, and your child can become the same, just by watching them and trying to help with every “difficult” problem.

I cannot recommend all the stories in this book openly. On the one hand, it is interesting that the main character, an already adult father who talks about his childhood, has a lot of pressing childhood problems. Anyway, Gleb “found” many of his problems: touchiness, selectivity in food. And awareness of the problem, even through the main character, is a reason to work on oneself, sometimes even unconsciously. Maybe, of course, Gleb simply “outgrew”, but, to my happiness, after some time after reading the book we stopped hearing: “I’m offended by you!” But some of the conclusions the author makes and the straightforward morality in some of the stories turned me off. But this again gave a lot of reasons for discussion - which in itself is good.

I didn’t know about such an author - Vangeli Spiridon Stepanovich, nor about the book, of course. But enjoyed immersing ourselves in the unfamiliar world of the Moldavian village. I will not tire of repeating: it is important for children not only to know wild animals, types of transport, rivers in Africa, capitals of Europe, or count to n-twenty. These are the books, which tells about such an unusual, completely different life, starting from food, ending with the daily routine and views on the meaning of life, truly expand our understanding of the world.

She left the book with me double feeling. On the one hand, Gleb understood the boy’s feelings - our grandmothers also live far away, they come 1-2 times a year for 5-10 days. On the other hand, it begins to seem that the boy has a “strange” relationship with his parents. It’s as if something is missing in them, and so the poor boy makes up for this lack with fantasies in a tree or communication with an elderly neighbor. The more loving adults around a child, the better.. But still if There is loving parents , there cannot be such an urgent need for a “caring adult.”

But, in any case, an interesting, calm, reverent story.

Like this impressive list for the summer I did it. Now you know, what to read to a 5-6 year old child.
Good luck in choosing books and enjoy reading!

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    I found inaccuracy in the article: the book “Sunny Boy” - You cite an illustration of a Book for parents raising special children by O. Stepanova, but you apparently mean this book author S. Sakhorov.

    Ksenia Nesyutina


    My children love books. My son has been able to read for three years now, but we still continue to read together. This is already like a tradition or even a ritual before bed. Sometimes only I read, sometimes I take turns with him, then we discuss what we read together. Last summer we started reading a series of books about the adventures of Karandash and Samodelkin; both our eight-year-old son and our five-year-old daughter like these books. We all want to laugh together.


    That’s right, Ksenia, we need to keep reading)) My daughter is 11 years old, and we very often read to each other and sometimes distribute dialogues according to roles. You can have a lot of fun reading together))
    For some reason, “The Muff” didn’t work for us, maybe we started working on this book too late.


    Ksenia, interesting review. We have also started reading “The Adventures of Gugutse” now; we recently finished another book by the same author, “Chubo from the village of Turturik”. I really liked these books, they are so unusual. There are such non-trivial decisions, such unpredictable turns of events. I agree, such books teach you to think outside the box, expand your boundaries, and break molds.
    We are not yet five years old, but I keep many of the books from your review on my radar; I already have a whole shelf at home to grow on. There is still something to read for our age.
    And from Dunno we have so far only read “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, but we have not yet gotten to the Sunny City and the Moon, although we read a lot. So, at the age of five, children are no longer interested in this?

    Ksenia Nesyutina

    Dunno on the Moon - you can read it at 8-10 and it will be interesting. We started a year ago, but it seems it was too early. I meant that Dunno is enough popular work and parents fall into the trap of rereading it and rereading it. Many people still try to remember books from their own childhood - this is wonderful, but reading with my children, I understand how much I missed in childhood! What I mean is that sometimes you just have to look interesting books. Perhaps you just haven’t read them, but your child will be a little luckier)

Children aged 5 to 6 years are already ready for big books, for the process of reading with continuation. They actively react to the content of the work, sympathize literary heroes. They willingly enter into a dialogue about what they read, answering questions, retelling what they heard from the book, and enthusiastically illustrating the plot they liked.

Children aged 5 and 6 years old listen with great pleasure to and discuss works of different genres on topics of morality, the lives of their peers, surrounding nature and heroic events described in books. They begin to show great interest in scientific, educational and research literature.

List of books for children aged 5 and 6 years

Riddles, fables, teasers, counting rhymes, boring tales, proverbs and sayings, fairy tales of the peoples of the world
Tolstoy L. Shark. Fire dogs. Filipok. Bulka. Milton and Bulka
Pushkin A. Fairy tales: The Tale of Tsar Saltan. The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel. The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish
Andersen G. X. The Ugly Duckling. The Snow Queen. The Steadfast Tin Soldier. Magic Hill. The king's new outfit. Road comrade. Princess on the Pea. Daughter of the swamp king. Galoshes of happiness. Little Klaus and Big Klaus. Mermaid. Flint. Airplane chest. an old house. Sausage stick soup. Thumbelina. Darning needle. Wild swans (and others)
Ershov P. Little Humpbacked Horse
Mayakovsky V. Tuchkin's things
Mikhalkov S. Fidgets. What do you have? If. Thomas
Marshak S. Circus. The Ballad of the Royal Sandwich. Funny siskins. Baggage. old lady
Kipling R. Tales
Aksakov S. Scarlet Flower
Kataev V. Seven-flowered flower
Yasnov M. Morning song. Landscape with the moon. Suitable angle. Thank you! Hamster
Grozovsky M. Marmot
Kovalenkov A. Why does a bear sleep in winter
Pivovarova I. My brave lion. Magic wand. About the hat
Sapgir G. The gardener was walking. Cloud. My family. Night horror stories. Month
Plyatskovsky M. Like a donkey, Alphabet learned to respect his elders. Mom's song. How the cat fell for the bait
Lunin V. When I become an adult
Usachev A. Merry mouse. How many legs does an octopus have?
Harris D. Tales of Uncle Remus (How to bring a fairy tale to life. Brother Fox and Brother Rabbit and others)
Dragunsky V. Childhood friend. Enchanted letter. It's alive and glowing...
Moshkovskaya E. I sing. Boot doctor. So what, so what... What kinds of gifts are there?
Tsyferov G. Big dandelion. Hail. Lonely donkey
Oster G. Bad advice. Grandma boa constrictor. Beloved aid
Bianki V. There were forest and fables
Stepanov V. What kind of bird. Small stature. Who's the boss?
Ginger dog. Bullfinch. Pelican Islands
Berestov V. Acquaintance. hare trail
Barto A. Clueless Ryzhik
Ivanov A. About Thomas and the gopher
Brothers Grimm. The Bremen Town Musicians. The wolf and the seven Young goats. A pot of porridge. Grandma Metelitsa. The Frog King, or Iron Henry. Thumb Boy. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Blue Beard
Rodari D. The Adventures of Cipollino. Journey of the Blue Arrow
Kharms D. Poems for children. Plikh and Plyukh
Bulychev K. The Adventures of Alice (Alice's Journey.
Reserve of fairy tales. A million adventures. The end of Atlantis. underground boat. Alice and the Crusaders. War with the Lilliputians
Lindgren A. Pippi Longstocking. Emil from Lönneberga
Westley A. Mom, Dad, Eight Kids and a Truck
Milne A. Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all. The Ballad of the Royal Sandwich
Volkov A. The Wizard of the Emerald City. Oorfene Deuce and his wooden soldiers. Seven underground kings. Fire god of the Marrans. Yellow fog.
Tales of a Thousand and One Nights (Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor. The Tale of the Wanderings of a Prince Who Became a Mendicant Dervish. The Story of the Copper City. Abdallah of the Earth and Abdallah of the Sea. Abu Kir and Abu Sir. The Story of Ala ad-Din and the Magic Lamp. Stories of the egg of the roc bird and the treasures of the pyramids and others)
Hoffmann E. The Nutcracker and the Mouse King
Schwartz E. The Tale of Lost Time
Perrot S. Puss in Boots. Sleeping Beauty. Cinderella, or the Glass Slipper
Lagerlof S. Wonderful trip Nilsa with wild geese
Balint A. Gnome Gnomych and Raisin
Panteleev L. The letter “you”. Fenka. Two frogs (and others)
Zhitkov B. What I saw. Stories
Chaplina V. Vaygach. Zoo pets
Babich I. My familiar animals
Golyavkin V. Notebooks in the rain
Aleshkovsky Yu. Kysh and Dvaportfolya
Nosov N. Dreamers. Entertainers. Adventures of Dunno and his friends. Dunno in Sunny city. Dunno on the Moon. The Adventures of Kolya and Misha
Collodi K. The Adventures of Pinocchio
Tolstoy A. The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio
Gubarev V. Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors
Khait A. The Adventures of Leopold the Cat
Popular science encyclopedias for children

The list of books for children 5-6 years old is given by

Fiction serves as a powerful, effective means of mental, moral, aesthetic education children, it has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of the child’s speech. (Teacher of Russian language and literature V. G. Rodkina)

Fiction for children 5-6 years old: a review of the best books for preschoolers

Victor Dragunsky "Deniska's stories"

A whole generation of parents has grown up on Deniska’s good stories, filled with humor, and they are looking forward to the moment when they can introduce their children to Deniska Korablev. The heroes of the book are always ready for new adventures and discoveries. The story is told in the first person, so the stories are understandable and interesting to a preschooler. The book teaches goodness; it will help kids learn useful lessons, learn to think about their actions and make the right choice.

Annie Schmidt "Sasha and Masha"

The book by the Dutch writer is very popular among Russian children. It contains stories about Everyday life two friends Sasha and Masha. They play together, they learn together the world, but sometimes they quarrel and upset their parents. Five-year-olds easily project these stories about their peers onto themselves. Together with the heroes they explore the world.

Ian Larry "The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Valya"

All the amazing adventures of two children, Karik and Valya, full of discoveries and even dangers, are the result of their disobedience, because of which they shrunk and ended up in the world of insects. This book can be called an encyclopedia for a novice entomologist. The child learns a lot interesting facts about the life of insects. While reading, a child's imagination can take him far from real world and immerse him in that atmosphere where he travels on bumblebees, sails on a boat made of oak leaves, and enjoys nectar mixed with honey.

Dick King-Smith "Babe the Pig"

In Dick King-Smith's books, the main characters are those who, at first glance, are not at all suitable for this role. So, for example, Babe the pig became a real hero, but for this he had to learn a lot. This book teaches children mutual respect, kindness, politeness, and the ability to commit heroic deeds and improve yourself.

Andrey Usachev “Smart Dog Sonya”

The book consists of funny short stories, in which there is morality. Together with the charming dog Sonya, the child learns to explore the world around him. For example, a child in a fun way gets acquainted with the concept of electric current and learns why he should not touch a socket with his fingers.

Alexander Raskin “How Dad Was Little”

Should you always tell the truth? Do you need to restrain yourself if it hurts? Is it possible to misbehave and make mistakes? What happens if you stop studying? The boy Sasha, the main character of the collection of stories, has to look for answers to these and other questions. The author talks about his studies at school, as well as about Sasha’s relationships with classmates and adults. Of course, children will have to explain some of the realities of the Soviet past, but on the whole, both the child and even the parents can learn useful lessons from this book.

Sofya Prokofieva “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase”

Books by Gianni Rodari for children 5-6 years old

"Journey of the Blue Arrow"

IN New Year's Eve all the toys came to life and ran away from the Fairy's store, who was going to deliver them to the children. What is the reason for the escape? All the toys went to the boy Francesco, whose mother was very poor and could not afford to buy for her son New Year's gift. The fairy tale teaches the ability to sympathize and empathize, to provide assistance to those who find themselves in difficult situation. She teaches a real lesson in kindness.

"Tales on the Phone"

Small stories that are supposedly told over the phone. A book can surprise a child and help him begin to think about many things.

Literary works by Astrid Lindgren for children 5-6 years old

"Pippi Longstocking"

All parents, without exception, know this heroine, and everyone secretly dreams of introducing their child to her when the time comes. Positive, kind, cheerful girl Pippi will not make you bored. She is a loyal friend, it’s so easy and cozy to be with her. The book teaches goodness, teaches the ability to be friends.

"The Adventures of Emil from Lenneberga"

Stories about the cheerful antics of the mischievous and cheerful boy Emil. But, besides his tricks, for which Emil was punished, he did many more good deeds. This book will give your child an unforgettable immersion into the world of a cheerful boy, as well as other inhabitants of the Katkhult farm.

"Emil and Little Ida"

The main characters of the book are the mischievous Emil and his younger sister Ida. And although Emil still does not stop playing pranks, and Ida learns “everything” from him, all the stories are very kind, imbued with the spirit of the village. All stories are written with humor; they will be understandable to every child.

Christian Malesier "Uncle Fistus or Secret Agents from the Magic Land"

A boastful but unlucky wizard, together with a little girl, goes in search of a manuscript that can save magical land. A truly exciting book that will help your child discover the adventurer in himself. While listening to stories, the child will fantasize and vividly imagine what is described in the book.

Irina and Leonid Tyukhtyaev “School of Zokov and Bady. A guide for children on raising parents"

Funny stories about mysterious creatures. Bada, a cow whose hobbies are breeding bees and collecting honey, organizes a school for the ugly zoos, and they do a lot of ridiculous, funny things. With this book, the child will not be bored, in addition, it will help him expand his vocabulary.

Anna-Katrina Westley "Dad, Mom, Grandma, Eight Children and a Truck"

One big family they had to live in one small apartment, but it didn’t matter because they all loved each other very much. Still, they managed to buy a house, everyone was very happy about this event, although the children had to go to school through the forest. The conclusions that the child comes to after reading: you need to live together, love your family and be happy, rejoicing in what you have.

Lyman Baum "The Wizard of Oz"

The girl Dorothy and her dog Toto find themselves in a magical land, where she finds many good and faithful friends, helps them fulfill their cherished dreams, and also saves the Magic Land from evil sorceresses. The book teaches you to overcome all difficulties in your path, cope with fear and help others.

Diana Sabitova “The Glyceria Mouse. Colored and striped days"

Funny stories about the life of the mouse Glykeria. You shouldn't look for high morals in a book. She will be a good “friend” for a pleasant evening reading.

Artistic works by V. Kataev for children 5-6 years old

"Seven-flowered flower"

In this work, the author talks about a little girl, Zhenya, who received a wonderful flower as a gift. Tearing a petal from it, the girl makes wishes, and they come true. Not all fulfilled wishes bring real benefits to the girl and the people around her. However, Zhenya used the last petal to fulfill a truly worthwhile desire. This fairy tale teaches you to take care not only of your own needs, but also to help others.

"The pipe and the jug"

Fascinating fairy tale story will teach kids how important it is to be hardworking and diligent. The girl Zhenya and her family went into the forest to pick berries, but picking berries is not an easy task. Zhenya quickly gets tired and she meets an old boletus man who gives her a magic pipe. And then the old man, with the help of this pipe, teaches the girls an important lesson.

E. Blyton "The famous duckling Tim"

The funny adventures of Tim the duckling will not leave any child indifferent. He is brave and fair, so children will definitely like him.

List of books for the development of preschoolers: educational books for children 5-6 years old

Having opened this book, the child will find in it answers to many of his questions: how do clouds and rainbows appear, why do the leaves change their color in the fall, and why do birds fly to warmer climes for the winter? Thanks to this book, the child gets acquainted with the basics of physics, chemistry, and biology. In addition, the book contains many experiments and crossword puzzles that a child can do independently.

HE. Zemtsova “Tests for children 5-6 years old”

The book covers all the necessary aspects for the development of a preschool child. Tests are a great way to teach and develop the horizons of preschoolers.

On our website for children under 6 years old is presented, as well as and.

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