The French characterization of the nation. The people are French. They have a double kiss in trend

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The flip side of the medal of the French character is fussiness, frivolity, insufficient restraint; in general, they prefer external gloss over solid qualities, pleasant - useful. A direct consequence of these properties is their ability to get carried away at first by any new enterprise and just as quickly cool to it, easily passing from one extreme to another.

The French, unlike the British, are brought up in such a way that, getting into a foreign country, they easily assimilate someone else's life and other people's mores.

The French are gallant rather than polite, skeptical and calculating, cunning and resourceful. At the same time, they are enthusiastic, trusting, generous. I. Kant noted that the Frenchman was "polite, polite, amiable ... inclined to jokes and easy to communicate", but he "very quickly becomes familiar." The English diplomat G. Nicholson wrote: “The French combine the subtlety of observation with a special gift of clear persuasiveness. They are noble and accurate, but also intolerant. The average Frenchman is so confident in his intellectual superiority, so convinced of the superiority of his culture, that it is often difficult for him to hide his irritation with the barbarians inhabiting other countries. It hurts ... Their delightful intellectual integrity gives them a reason to consider all the confused utterances of less clear minds insincere, and they often show irritation and arrogance at a time when it is only necessary to be a little more forgiving. "

These reviews, given many years ago, have not lost their relevance today. If, for example, in England the art of conversation is often reduced to the ability to remain silent: in this the British see restraint and correctness, then in France, where they love and know how to shine with a word, a silent person socially kills himself. If in England all hints concerning personal life are carefully avoided, then in France it is the other way around. Conversation among the French is light-hearted and proceeds with exceptional speed. Their speech speed is one of the highest in the world.

The British taught the world how to behave correctly at the table, but the French do it more skillfully. The British have introduced the handshake procedure into official protocol, but the French are shaking hands. Moreover, the handshake in England for a thousand years has taken on an almost standard form, while among the French it has endless shades. It can be hot, friendly, condescending, cold, casual, dry, etc.

Great influence on french style business communication is provided by the education system, which is focused on the education of independent and critical citizens. The upper strata of society pay special attention to the study of philosophy, art history, French history and culture.

As a result, the foreign partner is fascinated by the charm of the French, but finds it difficult to maintain business relations with them.

Personal connections and acquaintances are of great importance in the business life of France. They seek to find new partners through intermediaries connected with friendly, family or financial relations. Scrupulous French people pay attention to the conduct of business contacts at the proper hierarchical level.

French businessmen are carefully preparing for the upcoming negotiations. They love to thoroughly study all aspects and consequences of incoming proposals. Therefore, negotiations with them are proceeding at a much slower pace, for example, than with American entrepreneurs.

The modern American researcher M. Harrison, describing the French style of negotiation, emphasizes their adherence to principles, while at the same time distrustful of compromises. When solving their internal problems, the French are reluctant to resort to negotiations, preferring to ignore conflicts or look for ways to resolve them other than negotiations. The negative attitude to compromise is reinforced by the French sense of intellectual superiority.

They skillfully, even with grace, defend this or that principle or their position, but are not inclined to bargain. As a result, it turns out that the French are quite tough in negotiations and, as a rule, do not have a "fallback" position. Often, representatives of the French delegation at negotiations choose a confrontational type of interaction. Behavior can change dramatically depending on who they are discussing the problem with.

Compared to the US representatives, the French negotiators are less free and independent. In the competence of the direct participants of the French delegation are questions of negotiation tactics, where they often demonstrate a rich variety of means and techniques. Therefore, the French pay great attention to preliminary agreements, preferring, if possible, to determine in advance the issues that may arise during the official meeting, and to conduct preliminary consultations on them. French entrepreneurs do not like to face unexpected changes in positions during negotiations. The contracts signed jointly with French firms are extremely correct and precise in their wording and do not allow for discrepancies.

Since the French love their history, country, culture, language, an important factor in negotiations and during business meetings with them is the use of French as the official language. It is advisable to prepare materials for discussion during negotiations at French... It should be borne in mind that the French are quite sensitive to the mistakes of foreigners in the French language. Questions of rhetoric are given great importance... However, if your French partner suddenly speaks English or Russian, consider that you received the biggest concession on that day.

One and a half hours after the start of the negotiations, all participants can be offered a typical French breakfast with an aperitif. Any enthusiastic comments about the quality of food and drinks on the table are possible, since for the French, cuisine is a subject national pride... During a business reception, business is only discussed after coffee is served; up to this point, the French prefer to talk about culture and art. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the French do not like to touch upon the issue that interests them the most in a conversation. They approach him gradually, after a long conversation around the bush on various neutral topics and touch on the main issue as if in passing, without pressure, that is, by the end of lunch. Doing the opposite is considered a sign not only of bad taste, but also of a small mind: by demonstrating your interest, you find yourself in the role of a supplicant, and when you run into a negative answer, you put yourself and your partner in an uncomfortable position.

The French are not precise and punctual. At receptions, they follow the rule: the higher the status of the guest, the later he comes. If you are invited to dinner with the president of a French company, you risk sitting down at the table half an hour later than the appointed date.

An invitation to dinner is an exceptional honor for the French. You should arrive for dinner a quarter of an hour later than the appointed time. Of the gifts that are customary to bring with you - chocolate candies, champagne, flowers (but not white and not chrysanthemums, which in France are considered a symbol of sorrow). The most important requirement is moderation in the use of alcoholic beverages.

Attach great importance to different forms courtesy. When you are received and, leading you into the room, they let you in ahead, do not scuffle in the doorway, go first. But during important meetings, meetings, the leader of the highest rank enters first.

Requirements to appearance a business person in France is basically the same as in other European countries. But there is one important rule: clothes must be of high quality from natural materials.

In general, speaking of French national character and the style of business communication, one cannot but emphasize the diversity of behavior, way of thinking, perception of the French. One of the modern researchers of the French, T. Zaldin, writes that, perhaps, the most characteristic feature of the modern French nation is the uniqueness of its individuals: “There are no two Frenchmen who would equally define their essence and who would have a similar combination of such elements as education, culture , aspirations. The differences between the French are constantly growing. "


Every nation has its own social and cultural characteristics that are completely unique.

The basic features of the mentality of Russians are: the predominance of moral components and, above all, a sense of responsibility and conscience, as well as a special understanding of the relationship between the individual and society.

The mentality of the Russian people is often associated with the concept of the "Russian soul". “Russian soul” is a symbol of openness, simplicity, a certain gullibility and generosity. To give the last shirt for the good of another person is precisely what characterizes the traits of the Russian national character in full measure.

Reflecting on the future of Russia and Russians, A. Solzhenitsyn writes: “The long-standing traits of the Russian character, which good ones are lost and which are vulnerable have developed, they made us defenseless in the trials of the twentieth century. And our everlasting openness - hasn't it turned into an easy surrender to someone else's influence, spiritual spinelessness? " But it is not enough just to restore people's health, Solzhenitsyn believes, “in order to mean something among other nations, we need to be able to rebuild our character to the expected high intensity of the 21st century. And we in our entire history - oh, we are not used to intensity. "

The main sign of our time is the weakening of the role of the state in determining the national ideal and the path of further development of Russia. All major processes and decisions occur at the level of the individual. Everyone chooses ideals and values ​​himself, he determines for what and how he should live and work. This is an extremely important and hidden process from the eyes of contemporaries, the results of which can be seen in the new generation that has matured in the last decade of the twentieth century.

For any Frenchman, it is very important for them to be, that is, not just anyone, but a True Frenchman. After all, they are so confident in superiority over other peoples - both social and individual. The French are very proud of their culture and history, they are passionate patriots. They are in love with their country and consider it the best in the world; they are insanely proud of their culture. To win over a Frenchman, it is enough to speak to him not in English, but in French, even if you only know a few words in it.

The characteristic French sense of taste, the prevalence of the aesthetic over the material is manifested in many things, for example, in the culinary arts, when small portions, and sometimes very tiny pieces of food are served for a long time, laid out in cardboard boxes, tied with a ribbon - if only it looked stylish and beautiful! The desire for innovation is perfectly combined with a love of strict norms of behavior. The French are very "correct" people, they try to comply with all norms, regulations and rules. They sacredly honor the Law, the Law, the Constitution, and love to introduce any unwritten rules in all spheres of life - literature, art and etiquette. But at the same time, the French do not tend to exaggerate the importance of anything and never take things too seriously.

It is important to emphasize that the mentality, when expressing a national character, acts spontaneously, without being aware, manifesting itself in a set of principles and habits that are reflected in character traits. Thus, the structure of mentality is a complex multi-level pyramid of mechanisms and methods of action directly related to the centuries-old culture of the people.

To understand, preserve and enhance the traits of each national character means preserving all the uniqueness of your people. This does not require much effort and effort. You just need to respect your cultural values, maintain traditions, remember national holidays, be a patriot of your country and live for the benefit of its development. Only then will the mentality of any people develop harmoniously in parallel with the development of the country, and be a support cultural property people.


Course project “National character of Russian and Frenchmen” by Nadeeva K., third-year student, DGL-301.

The course project is devoted to studying of Russian and French mentalities, revealing the basic features of their national characters. This course project consists of introduction, main part, which consists of three chapters, conclusion, annotation and the list of literature.

The Russian national character often associates with the concept of “Russian soul”. It is a symbol of an hospitability, naivete, a trustfulness and generosity. To give last shirt for the good of other person is the gesture which characterises the Russian national character to the full extent.

Frenchmen have the reputation of cheerful, fast and, light-minded people as they recognize. The delicate taste, sense of proportion, grace, wit are considered as truly French traits.

In this course project I tried to highlight the main features of Russian and French national characters. I think it will be interesting not only for students of humanitarian specialties, but also for the people who speak Russian and French languages, who wants to visit these countries.


  1. A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Russia in the Landslide", chapter 29 "The character of the Russian people in the past." M .: Russian way, 1998.
  2. BUT. Lossky "The Character of the Russian People". M .: Klyuch, 1990.
  3. K. Kasyanov "On the Russian national character." Moscow: Institute of National economic models, 1994.
  4. Article by S.L. Frank "Die Russische Weltanschauung". 1926.
  5. F. Engels “The Situation of England. Eighteenth century ". T. 1.
  6. F. Engels "The Situation of the Working Class in England." 2.
  7. V.A. Iontsev, N.M. Lebedeva, M.V. Nazarov, A.V. Okorokov "Emigration and Repatriation in Russia". M .: Trusteeship for the needs of Russian repatriates, 2001.
Annotation ………………………………………………………………… ..p.31
References ………………………………………………………… p.32

According to tourist guides, the French do nothing but dress in red berets with vests and eat baguettes with croissants, washed down with chilled Bordeaux. But in fact - what are they?

Instead of greeting, they immediately ask: "How are you?"

The standard French dialogue begins with an exchange of remarks: “Ça va? - Ça va! " Translated: “How are you? - Things are good!" These are non-binding phrases that replace the usual greeting. Nobody takes them seriously, so you shouldn't expect that in response to such a question, the interlocutor will really tell about his life. This is just a prelude to the conversation.

They have a double kiss in trend

Speaking of greetings, let us recall another tradition of the French: when they meet, acquaintances immediately kiss. Both men and women greet each other with a kiss on the cheek - this is called "faire la bise". The number of kisses depends on the region. The most common kiss is a double kiss, but in some places you can be smacked on the cheek three or even four times.

They drink tap water

Just because they can afford it: in France good system water purification. The quality of treatment varies from region to region, but in general, the authorities monitor this, and companies offering the most effective treatment methods receive tax incentives... The French themselves pay a lot for such a pleasure: they spend about € 220 a month on utilities. But you do not need to spend money on bottled water. Therefore, you can drink for free in French cafes: they will definitely bring you a decanter of clean tap water.

They run around during lunch

In most French offices, banks, and government offices, lunch breaks are two hours long to give employees a good meal. The tradition of long family dinners is widespread among the French, and they try not to neglect it even on weekdays, going home in the middle of the day. And the adherents healthy way life enjoy a long lunch break to go jogging. Of course, with the advent of the digital age, life and the pace of work have accelerated in France too: now some people have a quick lunch in front of the computer. But so far they are in the minority.

They go on vacation en masse

Holidays for the French are the envy of many. They last 25 working days, that is, five full weeks. And those employees whose workweek is 39 hours instead of the usual 35 (there is also something to envy), receive extra days for relax. At the same time, the French go on vacation almost all over the country - as a rule, in August. At this time, real heat comes to French cities, and everyone tries to escape to the sea or somewhere cooler. (By the way, very similar to Italy, which we already wrote about.) So, if you come to France in August, in many shops and private companies you will find closed doors. This does not apply to large retail chains. It is worth adding that in 2016, the French Ministry of Labor developed a labor reform that jeopardized such attractive vacation conditions and working hours. Millions of French people took part in protests against the reform, accustomed to a convenient schedule.

They come to visit with their bottle of wine

If you are going to visit your French friends, take a bottle of wine with you - you will not go wrong. Party hosts can alert guests of what will be served. In this way, the guests will be able to choose the right wine for the meal (yes, the French really know which dish this or that drink is suitable for, and they cannot be persuaded). You can also give flowers to the owners, but it's better not to choose yellow ones: in France, they symbolize infidelity.

They know how to carry things

The innate sense of style of the French is not a myth. This is not to say that they were wearing ultra-fashionable clothes. But it seems that they can put together a stylish outfit from the most basic things that in any other combination would look just boring. There is no British dandyism in them, and there is no Spanish brightness. This is something else. Charm in negligence. French men often wear scarves and hats - it would seem, what is so special about that? But you can immediately see from them: the French. It's the same with women. If you ask a French woman how to diversify her outfit, she will answer you: add perfume, some red lipstick and a smile. (This is confirmed by the Russian-French presenter of “My Planet” Cecile Pleget, saying that “in France, people should not know how you left home so beautiful. that no one sees their efforts. " Full version interview - here.).

They don't fit in bars

And not because they don't get through the door. It's just that in French bars, as a rule, there is very little space. A bar counter, a couple of tables - and everyone wants fun. Those who do not fit go outside with glasses of wine. Therefore, on Friday nights, whole crowds gather at the doors of French bars. People chatting merrily, drinking wine and cocktails, singing. Oddly enough, the coolness of the street can make a conversation very warm.

For them, cheese is not a snack.

The French treat cheese with incredible trepidation. Whichever French refrigerator you open, cheese will be there, and you will never guess what it will taste like: French cheese makers produce about 400 varieties of cheese, and there is a lover for everyone. Cheese is not a snack, how can such blasphemy be tolerated? Cheese (or rather cheeses) is a separate dish that must be served before desserts, preferably with fruits and nuts.

According to tourist guides, the French do nothing but dress in red berets with vests and eat baguettes with croissants, washed down with chilled Bordeaux. But in fact - what are they?

Instead of greeting, they immediately ask: "How are you?"
The standard French dialogue begins with an exchange of remarks: “a va? - a va! " Translated: “How are you? - Things are good!" These are non-binding phrases that replace the usual greeting. Nobody takes them seriously, so you shouldn't expect that in response to such a question, the interlocutor will really tell about his life. This is just a prelude to the conversation.

They have a double kiss in trend
Speaking of greetings, let us recall another tradition of the French: when they meet, acquaintances immediately kiss. Both men and women greet each other with a kiss on the cheek - this is called "faire la bise". The number of kisses depends on the region. The most common kiss is a double kiss, but in some places you can be smacked on the cheek three or even four times.

They run around during lunch
In most French offices, banks and government agencies, lunch breaks are two hours long to give employees a good meal. The tradition of long family dinners is widespread among the French, and they try not to neglect it even on weekdays, going home in the middle of the day. Healthy lifestyles use their long lunch break to go jogging.
Of course, with the advent of the digital age, life and the pace of work have accelerated in France too: now some people have a quick lunch in front of the computer. But so far they are in the minority.

They drink tap water
Simply because they can afford it: France has a good water purification system. The quality of treatment differs from region to region, but in general, the authorities monitor this, and companies offering the most efficient treatment methods receive tax incentives. The French themselves pay a lot for such a pleasure: they spend about € 220 a month on utilities. But you do not need to spend money on bottled water. Therefore, you can drink for free in French cafes: they will definitely bring you a decanter of clean tap water.

They go on vacation en masse
Holidays for the French are the envy of many. They last 25 working days, that is, five full weeks. And those employees whose workweek is 39 hours instead of the usual 35 (there is also something to envy here), receive additional days for rest. At the same time, the French go on vacation almost all over the country - as a rule, in August. At this time, real heat comes to French cities, and everyone tries to escape to the sea or somewhere cooler. (By the way, very similar to Italy, which we already wrote about.) So, if you come to France in August, in many shops and private companies you will find closed doors. This does not apply to large retail chains.
It is worth adding that in 2016, the French Ministry of Labor developed a labor reform that jeopardized such attractive vacation conditions and working hours. Millions of French people took part in protests against the reform, accustomed to a convenient schedule.

They come to visit with their bottle of wine
If you are going to visit your French friends, take a bottle of wine with you - you will not go wrong. Party hosts can alert guests of what will be served. In this way, the guests will be able to choose the right wine for the meal (yes, the French really know which dish this or that drink is suitable for, and they cannot be persuaded). You can also give flowers to the owners, but it's better not to choose yellow ones: in France, they symbolize infidelity.

They know how to carry things
The innate sense of style of the French is not a myth. This is not to say that they were wearing ultra-fashionable clothes. But it seems that they can put together a stylish outfit from the most basic things that in any other combination would look just boring. There is no British dandyism in them, and there is no Spanish brightness. This is something else. Charm in negligence. French men often wear scarves and hats - it would seem, what is so special about that? But you can immediately see from them: the French. It's the same with women. If you ask a French woman how to diversify her outfit, she will answer you: add perfume, some red lipstick and a smile. (This is confirmed by the Russian-French presenter of “My Planet” Cecile Pleget, saying that “in France, people should not know how you left home so beautiful. that no one sees their efforts. "

They don't fit in bars
And not because they don't get through the door. It's just that in French bars, as a rule, there is very little space. A bar counter, a couple of tables - and everyone wants fun. Those who do not fit go outside with glasses of wine. Therefore, on Friday nights, whole crowds gather at the doors of French bars. People chatting merrily, drinking wine and cocktails, singing. Oddly enough, the coolness of the street can make a conversation very warm.

For them, cheese is not a snack.
The French treat cheese with incredible trepidation. Whichever French refrigerator you open, cheese will be there, and you will never guess what it will taste like: French cheese makers produce about 400 varieties of cheese, and there is a lover for everyone. Cheese is not a snack, how can such blasphemy be tolerated? Cheese (or rather cheeses) is a separate dish that must be served before desserts, preferably with fruits and nuts.

They have a centuries-old history, and local residents have already developed stable and definite concepts in relation to certain things and events. Tourists who decide to visit this "pearl of Europe" need to know some of the peculiarities of life in the country and the character of its inhabitants.

Every Frenchman prides himself on being French. They love and respect their country very much. Moreover, they believe that their country is better than the rest, and this has created a charm peculiar only to the French. In addition, every inhabitant of this country is certainly aristocratic in habits and follows fashion trends. They are thoroughly imbued with manners, and in everything, it concerns the choice of clothes or a pet, furniture in the house or a car.

With school bench French people are taught that they are independent. There is restraint in the character of every French citizen, but at the same time, prudence and wisdom. Politeness is in their blood, so do not expect to hear from the Frenchman in the eyes that he does not like you or that you have something wrong with the suit. They will never say that they really think that Americans are deceitful snobs, Russians are ill-mannered, and the British are incredibly boring and proud.

With mother's milk, every native of France has absorbed a dislike for foreign languages, and especially for English. When speaking to a Frenchman in English, remember that you run the risk of offending him. Therefore, take the trouble to learn at least a few of the simplest phrases in French before your trip. Besides, locals can be so harmful that they will simply pretend that they do not understand your messages in English. If this happens, you'd better just say that you came from Russia - they are more loyal to us.

Adventurism sits inside every Frenchman, they are great inventors. This is the highlight of the nation! They are able to transform any perfection into something less elegant, for them there are no absolute concepts. Starting any business, they are not carried away by the result, to which they are going, but by the process itself. They are very fond of novelty in its various manifestations. Moreover, experiments are being performed even on such serious scientific concepts like nuclear energy, democracy and so on.

The French take the fleeting nature of life for granted. They, like matches, live brightly and are not afraid that life may be too short! Everything that they strive for today (fashionable, modern, exclusive) may become the property of history tomorrow. And they are ready for it. The word "passe" (past) is one of the main words in the French language.

But for all his "secularity" every Frenchman at heart remains a romantic, a lover of nature and its natural beauty. They love village life and by all means go to the villages on weekends and holidays.

Empathy is another characteristic of the French nationality. They are against the torture of animals, and even organize protests on this matter.

How to behave around these difficult people? It often happens that tourists get confused in an unknown area, there is a risk of simply getting lost in a strange city. In this critical situation be sure to contact the policeman - he will help you find your way to the hotel.

All this information is very important so that your vacation in France is not overshadowed by force majeure situations, and your vacation does not go down the drain.

France is a country of love and romance, sung in many works of literature, art and cinema. And many people think that these same princes live there. Is it so? Ukrainian women who live in Paris told the editors of the "Edinstvennaya" several interesting facts.

Several qualities of French men were named by the model who lives in Paris.

Not intrusive

If the girl says no, then the man wishes have a good day and walk away with a smile, without any insults or grudges.


The style of the typical Frenchman depends on the region of residence - in Paris, men prefer clothes famous brands, but without catchy labels, they love shoes very much - girls can even envy the collection of sneakers and shoes of a typical Parisian.


The French love to compliment and courteous, even if it means nothing - he just wanted to have a good time with the girl or make her feel good. But few girls will wait for flowers and gifts from the Frenchman.

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