Slot machines are legal in the city. Gambling zones in Russia. It's just such fun

Numerous tourists visiting Thailand are gamblers by nature. Who are not averse to entertain themselves with a variety of gambling including, of course, the casino.

However, not everything is as simple as it may seem to vacationers in this country. The fact is that it is here that the gambling industry has long been banned by the authorities. And to play openly in a regular casino, it is possible only in hidden and little-known clubs.

In other words, you will not see such advertising for such entertainment anywhere, on the contrary, there is a legal ban everywhere.

Is there a casino in Thailand or not, only those people who will never tell you about it know?

In fact, there is a gambling business here, but not for everyone and everyone, but only for “their” selected customers who know the access code and, of course, the address of the location.

Since underground games are not only prohibited, but also seriously prosecuted by the law of the country. And the law enforcement officers of Thailand tirelessly and regularly fight against such establishments.

What does a casino in Thailand look like and how to get there?

All illegal Thai clubs, where you can actually play secretly, conduct their activities very carefully and independently. There will be no signage here.

Rather be prepared to see the usual night dance club, which may have an illegal paid option in the form of a game room. In it you can find slot machines, standard card tables.

It is not so easy to become one of the lucky customers. Appearance it doesn't matter in the slightest. But at the entrance to such an institution you will definitely be asked to show your passport. Since any entertainment, even if they are available as part of tourism, is allowed only for adults.

If in neighboring countries a casino is not considered something out of the ordinary, then here it is a real taboo for everyone. And you can get into the forbidden room only with a lot of money. The most important sign of such a club is a paid and rather expensive entrance.

In addition, the client must immediately purchase at least one expensive alcoholic drink. And only after that, perhaps, classic and popular gaming opportunities will be carefully offered to him.

It turns out that a casino client can only be wealthy man ready to pay for the offer of the owner of the club, and then he will have the opportunity to get what he wants in the club. And this is the situation across the country.


If you do not have big money and desire to earn long-term problems for yourself, then it is better to go to a legal casino. It actually works legally in the border zone. which borders Laos and Cambodia.

Even the most gambling Thais themselves prefer to go for emotions and adrenaline in neutral zones, so as not to have problems with the law. After all, this definitely eliminates the risk of arrest for own desires and passion.

Myths and reality

Many locals and even the authorities believe that the entertainment industry in the game format has exhausted itself here long ago. But in fact, this is not the case, and there are still separate points that naturally work at your own peril and risk. For obvious reasons, we will not disclose them either.

Once in such a wonderful country, there is always a place to go to get new previously unexplored emotions and feelings. Admire the beauties of nature, the wonders of the history of the country and try to comprehend so far unsolved mysteries these places. So maybe you should not tempt fate, ruin your vacation and wonder if there are casinos in Thailand or not?

Leave this idea, and relax for real, and when you return home, visit your favorite institution without the risk of going to jail!

This country has wonderful parks, unusual lakes, sacred ancient places, exotic underwater world and a variety of delicious unusual fruits.

In the end, it is full of a variety of attractions, cafes, bars and discos, clean white beaches. Places where you can eat deliciously, see the wonders and exotics of the country and get real pleasure, and not just waste your vacation time.

23.10.17 71 635 8

How the casino works

And why is this an honest business in which luck is not on your side anyway

In 2009, gambling was banned in Russia.

Valeria Knysheva

worked in a legal casino

Now you can go to the casino only in four specially designated gambling zones. I worked in a legal casino for over three years. And there is no magic in it.

It's just such fun

The editors of Tinkoff-magazine warns: a casino is not a way to earn money or invest, it's just entertainment for your money. You pay constantly so that you sometimes have a chance to get big win. At the same time, you are being entertained.

All "systems" and "proven methods of guaranteed winnings" are either fraud or illegal. Spend in the casino only the money that you do not mind losing.

Do exercises in the morning and take kittens from the trees.

How slot machines work

The casino has rooms for slot machines. They are called slot machines or slots. It is easy to play them: symbols spin on the slot screen, the player's task is to collect a winning combination. You deposit a banknote, set the game parameters and place a bet. If you collect several symbols in accordance with the given parameters, you win. The symbols are collected by themselves according to the algorithm sewn into the slot: manual dexterity and pressing force do not affect the result.

Briefly about how a slot machine works: any slot machine is a computer with a screen and a few buttons. At the heart of this computer is a chip that decides whether you win now or not. His solution is tied to mathematics, internal tuning and a bunch of other things. The chip is made in such a way that it was impossible to predict its behavior right now, but in the long term in large numbers games, it gave a statistically predictable result.

Win or not - decides the chip in the computer

There were stories in the press about how someone hacked slot chips using special emitters. Say, they gave out some waves that confused the chip and forced to pay the winnings at a predictable moment. Even if this is true, in Russia it is a crime - if caught, they can go to jail.

There are a lot of models of slot machines. They are different firms, whose names make sense only for casino owners. Regardless of the company and origin, all slot machines must be certified to play in Russia and have custom game options that are available only to casinos.

Slot machines are also divided according to the type of case and differ in fit: upright and slant top. On the automatic machines, the monitor is installed almost vertically, at eye level; on a slant-top, it is significantly inclined. Game process automatics are the same. The decisive factor in choosing a slot machine for a player will be the game he plans to play. The casinos where I worked preferred uprights. They had the most popular games, as well as mechanical rather than electronic buttons. They are more comfortable to press.

For the player, slot machines differ in the quality of graphics, sound, execution of the body and buttons. Inside all machines are soulless semiconductors and many layers of protection. There are no “more successful” and “less successful” games on slot machines.

Uprights are slot machines with a vertical landing. image copyrightEd Gregory,
Slant-top - the monitor is significantly tilted. image copyrightNaja Potter,


Jackpot is a super prize on slot machines. If you are very lucky, you do not get the usual winnings, but "hit the jackpot", that is, a big mega prize. This is how casinos encourage players to spend time on slots. The jackpot is fixed, progressive and secret.

Fixed jackpot- this is a jackpot, the amount of which is determined in advance. To win, you need to collect a certain combination. It's just a super prize, nothing interesting.

progressive jackpot grows as the game progresses. It is easy to recognize by the scoreboard, which is placed over a group of slot machines. All machines in this group contribute a small percentage of each game to the total jackpot, then one person takes it.

Slot machine system with progressive jackpot. image copyright LetNoun,

Secret or "mystery" jackpot is a random win that can be received by any player, regardless of the bet made, the presence winning combination and compliance with any other conditions. The winner is determined randomly when the jackpot reaches a certain amount. The secret jackpot budget can be allocated by the casino management: to encourage players or to encourage them to play more.

Is it possible to win at the casino

Most of the jackpots and other winnings in the casino are not at the expense of the casino, but at the expense of other people's losses. Almost any win on a slot machine means that you take away the money that other players fed the slot machine. And if they promise to tell you how to "ruin the casino", do not believe it: either they will deceive you, or they will offer you to deceive the casino. And neither will end well.

This does not prevent you from winning honestly, just do not think that you have beaten the casino in this way.

How are casino winnings paid out?

When you win at a modern casino, a mountain of coins does not fall on you. Instead, the slot machine issues a special ticket - TITO. You can exchange it for money or continue playing on the same or another machine.

TITO (ticket-in, ticket-out) is such a ticket with a barcode and face value. You can present it at the box office and receive the amount at the face value of the ticket. Small transactions with TITO and money can be carried out in special changers. They look like ATMs, only for TITO tickets. Such machines are placed around the hall for the convenience of visitors and in order to remove some of the burden from the cash register. Through the machine, you can buy or cash out TITO tickets yourself and exchange small amounts. Usually they have an upper limit on transactions, for example, 50,000 rubles.

Large amounts of winnings can only be cashed out with the help of the slot hall staff. Depending on the situation and the size of the payout, a slot supervisor or a shift manager may come to the rescue. Before proceeding with the payout, they can check with the CCTV department, check the setup slot machine. They need to make sure that the payment is calculated correctly. After that, the employee accompanies the guest to the cashier and helps to receive the winnings.

How the casino makes money on slot machines

The slot industry has an RTP indicator - return to player. This is the average percentage of money that the slot machine theoretically returns to players when viewed over a long period of time. The casino earns on the difference between how much customers have deposited and how much they have withdrawn.

The minimum RTP is determined by law, in Russia it is 90%. Theoretically, if 1,000 people bet 1,000 rubles each, then the machine will receive 1 million rubles and return 900,000 as winnings.

At short intervals, large fluctuations in payments are possible: now you were paid 1,000 rubles, then nothing was paid for a long time, and then immediately 30,000 rubles. But over time, the average payout approaches the RTP.

RTP - how much the machine returns in the form of winnings. It is always less than 100%

It is in the interest of the casino that players win more often, so they set a higher payout percentage than required by law. For players in the premium sector, the RTP can be 94-96%. The remaining 4-6% of the turnover is "hold", the income of the casino. In fact, this is a commission for using the machine. People put money into the machine, the casino takes a small percentage, and gives the rest as winnings.

A special commission monitors how slot machines work in a casino: each machine must be certified, have a special seal and documents. If during the check it turns out that the slot machine had a chip changed or RTP was underestimated, the casino will have to pay a fine. For serious violations, casino activities can be suspended for up to 90 days. Therefore, in legal gambling zones, the management carefully monitors compliance with the law.

Card and other games

Roulette, baccarat, Russian poker, Texas hold'em and blackjack are popular in the casino. These are also varieties of games in which players make money bets and multiply them with some probability. There are games based on pure luck, such as roulette. Where the ball fell - that sector won. There are games in which you can apply a strategy - they are classified as adventive games. For example, in blackjack, with the right strategy, a player can change the mathematical advantage of the casino in his favor.

Dealers serve the players at the tables. This is not some glamorous mystical profession, there is no need for spy tricks and incredible sleight of hand. The main task of the dealer is to take bets, explain the rules of the game and monitor their observance. The dealer is not a friend, not a bartender, not service staff he's just playing the game.

An inspector may be near the dealer. He also monitors the correctness of the game and enters the bets and the result in special program. It is very important for a casino to collect information, because there are a lot of people who like to fool. The more information the casino has about the progress of the game, the better it is protected.

Count cards and outsmart the casino, as they do in Hollywood films, almost impossible. Multiple decks are used in one game. They are shuffled by a special shuffle machine, which is responsible for the unpredictable sequence of cards in the deck. For example, baccarat has 8 decks. They are used only once per game, then disposed of in a special room. Life in a casino is much more prosaic than in a movie.

Life in a casino is much more prosaic than in a movie

Casino cards and chips are the subject of close attention from the management. They are very expensive and there is always a risk of fraud. They are carefully counted during and after the shift and stored in strictly designated areas. The game, players and employees are monitored by a video surveillance service. Its task is to prevent the dealer's mistakes and the players' cheating.

Why the casino always makes money, even when it loses

In gambling, any bet has a certain probability of winning. For example, if you flip a coin and bet on one side, you have a 50% chance of winning. If you roll 100 times, the odds stay the same and will always be 50/50. It's an even odds game.

In gambling, the odds are initially not equal. In the gambling business, there is a concept of house advantage, or house edge. This is the percentage of the casino's income from each bet, and it is always positive. The more bets, the higher the income of the casino, regardless of who won and how.

The trick is in how the games are structured. For every bet you win, the casino pays slightly less than if the odds were even. I'll explain with an example.

How winning works

You have decided to play roulette. The biggest win will be if the bet is placed on one specific number - in this case, the winnings will be 35 times the amount wagered.

There are 37 sectors on European roulette with numbers from 0 to 36. To get a 100% chance that your bet will pass, you bet 1 chip on each sector. It turns out that you bet 37 chips, and get 36. According to the rules of the game, the dealer will pay 35 to 1 and the amount of your bet. The amount of one unpaid chip is the advantage of the casino, or house advantage.

The amount of house advantage in each game is different. In English roulette it is 2.7%, in American roulette it is 5.26% due to two zero sectors: you will get back 36 chips out of a possible 38. This is the mathematical advantage of the casino. The same advantage is in any other games.

The casino earns on every bet, regardless of your winnings

House advantage is inherent in the very rules of the game. In games with an element of luck, it will not be possible to influence it. IN card game, such as blackjack, house advantage depends on the specific rules, the number of decks used, and is usually less than 1%. Players use special strategies to increase the chances of success, but in any case, the house advantage will be positive. Even if you win, the casino does not lose.

Casino loyalty program

In a good casino, everything is aimed at exceeding the expectations of guests. Therefore, they do not spare money for entertainment. The management arranges large-scale show programs, holds big draws where you can win a car or a large sum. All for the sake of people coming and playing - after all, what more people and games, the more the casino earns.

Every casino has a loyalty program. It is based on the gaming activity of the guests and is usually a system of bonus savings. When registering for a guest, a plastic card is started, on which bonuses are accrued as the game progresses. The longer you play, the more bonuses. Then they can be exchanged for additional free games or other casino entertainment offerings.

In addition to bonuses, the casino encourages active players with so-called compliments: it can pay for food and drinks, a night in a hotel, and even a plane ticket. Everything is very individual. For especially important players, there is a whole hospitality department, where each guest can be assigned a personal manager.

Is it possible to deceive the casino and is it deceiving you

Casinos are a place of increased attention for scammers and the state. Therefore, there is a lot of attention paid to personal and financial security, legality and purity of relationships.

At the entrance, guests are checked with a metal detector, the bag is passed through a scanner. You will need to present your passport at the front desk. The guests' data is entered into the database, checked through the lists of various security services.

If a person is convicted of cheating during the game, he can be permanently blocked from accessing the casino.

When a person does not play, but simply regularly withdraws money, employees of the financial monitoring department begin to monitor his operations. Such a guest will also be blacklisted, and data on his transactions will be sent to Rosfinmonitoring. The casino is one continuous exposed financial nerve, and it reacts very sharply to any manipulations, even seemingly innocent ones.

The casino is an exposed financial nerve. Only banks are more careful about money (and even then not all)

Some believe that the casino deliberately deceives visitors. For example, they are afraid to use bonus cards because they think that someone controls the game process through them. This is not true. Randomness of winning, like expected value, is set in the game itself, which is purchased by the casino and provided as a service.

Casino attracts players good service and provides an area for entertainment. In gambling, pure mathematics is on his side. Therefore, if you go there, it is better not to "hit the jackpot", but just for fun.

Russian legislation introduces numerous changes in the field of gambling, which leads to various issues. In this article, we will try to uncover this issue, as well as analyze what changes have been made to the gambling business.

What should be understood as a gambling zone

Under the gambling zone, you need to understand the territory that stood out and approved by the government body of the Russian Federation for the creation of casinos and entertainment gambling establishments. There are still gaming active zones in Russia. Currently, gambling business can be created in 4 legal places:

  1. In "Azov City" Krasnodar Territory.
  2. In the "Siberian coin", located in the Altai Territory.
  3. In "Primorye", which operates in the Primorsky region.
  4. In the Yantarnaya zone, created on the shores of the Baltic Sea.

Government Russian Federation considering opening additional zones, which, according to preliminary calculations, should open next year:

  • on the Crimean peninsula;
  • in Sochi;
  • in Buryatia;
  • in Golden Sands.

Krasnodar "Azov-City"

The gaming zone in the Krasnodar Territory - Azov-City - is currently considered the largest of the four operating ones.

This zone includes three active casinos:

  • "Oracle", whose area is approximately 4500 square meters. m;
  • "Shambhala", located on 1450 sq. m;
  • casino and hotel complex called "Nirvana", covering an area of ​​1350 square meters. m.

The Nirvana complex was opened just 3 years ago and is considered the newest gambling establishment in the Russian Federation. The construction of the hotel, which will be awarded 5 stars (with a casino inside), is nearing completion. The construction of additional gaming complexes is also coming to an end.

Altai game zone "Siberian coin"

The legal gaming zone "Siberian Coin" is located in Altai, construction work on the first complex is currently being completed. The cost of the project is 30 billion rubles, it includes the following facilities:

  • 30 hotel complexes that can simultaneously accommodate 3,000 people;
  • 15 gambling casinos;
  • about 10 gambling entertainment establishments.

In addition, the construction of large energy facilities that will help service the legal gambling zone is nearing completion.

Game zone "Primorye"

Not far from Vladivostok, in the Primorsky Territory, there is another legal Russian gaming zone called Primorye. Currently, construction is ongoing, which should be completed in 6 years. The gambling zone occupies 625 hectares, where it is planned to open:

  • 16 hotel complexes;
  • entertainment centers and casinos;
  • ski slope and several additional facilities.

To improve Primorye, its construction was divided into three stages, the first of which should be completed this year. According to preliminary estimates, the project will cost $1.9 billion.

Game zone "Yantarnaya"

On the Baltic coast, in the Kaliningrad region, the "Amber" Russian gambling zone is being built. 480 thousand hectares were allocated for the construction of facilities. Approximate investments are estimated at 650 billion rubles.

Upon completion of construction on the territory will operate:

  • gaming entertainment halls;
  • casino and concert hall;
  • sport complexes;
  • several hotels.

The construction process is a little difficult, as there is not enough free space near the zone. An additional 100 hectares of land, which were added by the Russian government to the previously allocated 480 hectares, helped to change this situation.

Play area on the Crimean peninsula

The President of the Russian Federation made a proposal to open another zone on the territory of the Crimean peninsula. The current Crimean government assured that the territory for the construction of facilities will be allocated in the most famous resort town - Yalta. If the project is approved, then, according to the expert commission, it will help increase the state treasury by about 27 million rubles.

Sochi gambling zone

At present, the issue of creating a gaming zone in Sochi is only being considered. According to preliminary drafted projects, the construction of gambling establishments will be carried out near the sites that were previously involved in the placement of facilities used during the Olympic Games. Financing of the project and construction will be carried out by private investors, who will allocate for this event. cash.

The government of the Russian Federation is waiting for initiatives from the authorities Krasnodar Territory to create a play area. If the authorities show it, then, most likely, the gambling and entertainment complex will begin to be built on the territory of the previously existing recreation center called "Mountain Carousel" in the Krasnaya Polyana area. At present, the entire infrastructure has been prepared in Sochi, which will simplify the construction process:

  • roads have been completely repaired;
  • several modern hotel complexes have been built;
  • new restaurants and cafes were built.

It remains only to wait for the opening of the Sochi casino, which for various reasons is constantly postponed. However, some sources claim that the opening is planned for the end of this year, and the selection of personnel has even begun to service gambling establishments, restaurants and hotel complexes that will be part of the gambling zone.

If it is possible to simultaneously open gaming zones in the world-famous Black Sea resorts of the Russian Federation, then, according to analysts, they will be able to overshadow the casinos and gambling establishments of Las Vegas in a short time and, of course, will significantly replenish the state budget.

What is the current situation with gambling establishments

The current situation with Russian online casinos is completely incomprehensible. After all, a ban has been officially introduced on the activities of such institutions. However, here too, explanations should be given: only the organization of gambling entertainment falls under the ban, but gambling on the territory of the Russian Federation, it turns out, is allowed. You will also have to take into account that if the casino server can be placed in permitted gambling zones, another problem will come up - there is simply no permission to officially open a gambling establishment now.

Spring of this year Russian government approved a new bill that should streamline tax government fees from different kind sweepstakes and lotteries. According to the new law, it is now customary to consider any organization that pays a player a cash prize in excess of 14,000 rubles as a tax agent. That is, not only gamblers and creators of entertainment establishments fall under the new bill, but also payment aggregators through which funds are withdrawn or deposited. And if earlier the owner of the winnings independently indicated the amount for declaring, now the operator is obliged to withhold the percentage. No tax is charged on winnings, the amount of which does not exceed 4 thousand rubles.

The vast majority of people have no doubt that it is possible to secure a decent standard of living only by constantly and persistently working. But there is a certain percentage of our fellow citizens who believe in their lucky star and do not lose hope big score and live happily ever after. Basically, they pin their hopes on winning at online casinos.

Many in this place will grin condescendingly and mentally twist a finger at their temples. Quite a lot has been written and said about the fact that it is impossible to win at a casino, and everyone has learned this truth well. But not less people now they also write about how to beat the system, moreover, they give ready-made recipes for enrichment. So where is the truth? Is it really impossible to make money by playing? Or is it still a very real thing?

It is to this topic that we have devoted this article. Let's try to figure out whether it is worth relying on a "freebie" or is it better not to waste time and money and do something less easy, but more profitable and reliable.

For whom is a casino a really reliable source of income?

First of all, it is, of course, the owners of the institution. And a lot of manuals with schemes for a successful game are the work of their hands, no matter how strange it sounds. However, strange given fact It seems only at first glance, but upon closer examination, everything is very logical. After all, there will always be enough users who are ready to test the effectiveness of one or another method of beating the casino. They, for the most part, will naturally lose, but who cares except themselves? The goal is achieved, customers are attracted, their money has moved into the pockets of the owners. And this is not the worst outcome for the player. It is worse if, at first, he is allowed to win several times, thereby instilling confidence in the possibility of a positive result and “addicting” to the game, and then he is robbed to the skin. After all, many simply can not stop in time.

In addition to the owners of gambling establishments, their partners are also interested in spreading "fairy tales" about the opportunity to get rich by gambling. These are the so-called referrals, that is, people who attract participants through their referral links. You most likely noticed that very often in articles concerning ways to make money on gaming services, there are links to a casino where, according to the author, you can successfully apply his methodology. That's how referrals are recruited. And having recruited a sufficiently large team, the referrer receives deductions from each account replenishment by the user attracted by him and receives a stable source passive income without risking your own funds.

What you should pay attention to if you still decide to try your luck

The main thing to remember is that any online casino is “sharpened” to some extent to deceive participants. You will not find a single absolutely honest gambling establishment, although some of them have earned a good reputation among users.

Before risking money, carefully read what conditions it offers. gaming service your customers, because you have to play by these rules. Especially pay attention to the points that allow the establishment to close your account for some reason of their own, which may not even be explained to you. For you, this will end in the loss of funds, and everything will be done quite “legally”.

An unpleasant surprise for gambling comrades can be a scheme used in many gambling establishments when at first the participant is allowed to win, and then his account suddenly begins to melt, like snow on a spring day. This means that fair play is over for you, and the casino has applied one of the many algorithms that are beneficial to you. It may also be that in the demo version you will be constantly lucky, and when you switch to a real account, luck will suddenly turn away from you. These are all tricks of the developers aimed at preventing you from winning.

There is different ways check the honesty of the institution. For example, roulette fans can draw conclusions about whether they are being deceived or not, based on several hundred bets (you need to bet on equal chances and around). If the number of defeats and victories is approximately equal, they don’t cheat with you, but if losses prevail, then a divorce is obvious. Of course, this will take both time and money. To warn you that you need to play at a minimum, we think it will be superfluous.

And it is also important that you have everything ready for withdrawing money. Of some foreign services, you will not be able to do this without a driver's license or a foreign passport. So once again we focus your attention - carefully read all the rules and conditions.

So is it really possible to win at the casino?

Basically, it's real. But only if they play fair with you. And still, no casino will let you withdraw from it more money than you put into it. Moreover, you can arm yourself with the most advanced strategies and schemes, they still won’t work and, in the end, you will be the loser.

Then is it appropriate to talk about the reality of winning? You will be surprised, but we will answer this question in the affirmative. Yes, it is appropriate if the outcome of the game depends on you or if there is an undeniable control of fairness.

As for the first condition, this is possible if you play with real person and the institution acts as an intermediary. An example is a poker game where people compete, and the outcome of the game depends only on their skills and abilities.

As for the control of honesty, here we can recall the bets on sports sweepstakes. Agree, no one can determine the winner in advance, you can only assume the result, based on some of your conclusions and analysis of previous competitions. It is almost impossible to influence the outcome of the game.

By the way, a few more remarks about honesty control. If you really choose a casino, then only the one where the md5 control system is present. The essence of this system is that at the beginning of the game, the service provides you with an encoded file with the specified order of cards (numbers). And at the end of the process, you have the opportunity to analyze whether the real sequence matches the one contained in the file (you will decrypt it using a special code).

However, even here, some establishments scam, presenting the presence of md5, although in reality there is nothing of the sort. And without starting the game, you will not be able to verify the operation of the honesty control system. So always start with minimum rates so as not to lose a lot by being a victim of scammers.

And one more nuance. If you have already decided to make money by playing in a casino, then still develop some kind of strategy (just do not use the infamous martingale, more than one thousand players have already burned themselves on it). Pay attention to periods of ups and downs in the game, as a rule, they alternate for all players. If you see that you are close to another "drawdown", cut your bets or play on a demo account, and when things go uphill, you can risk larger amounts.

Perhaps our first advice will seem paradoxical to someone, but, nevertheless, we advise gamblers to stay away from gambling. In any case, do not rely on them as a way to earn money. The fact is that the desire to “recoup”, inherent in all overly gambling citizens, leads to nothing more than to the loss of all funds. After all, such people cease to adequately think and assess the situation, their decisions are dictated, as a rule, by emotions, and not by reason, and making money in such a state is simply not realistic.

The second tip should become an immutable rule for you. It consists in the fact that your game should never adversely affect your standard of living and the standard of living of your family. In other words, you can only spend as much on the casino as you can safely afford to lose. We, of course, wish you only a win, but anything can happen and no one is safe from failure.

Having chosen the game as a way to ensure your existence, keep in mind that here you can not do without certain skills and knowledge. Do not rely only on fortune and, moreover, on the effectiveness of some strange rituals and signs. Nothing will replace the experience that will come only with time and, unfortunately, with losses.

And finally, the last thing I would like to draw your attention to. Approach the game in the casino systematically and soundly from a scientific point of view. Excitement must be on last place, yielding leading positions to strategies based on probability theory and mathematical calculations. Winning will not ensure this, but will make it more likely. In addition, you will learn to think strategically, control the process, develop your analytical skills, etc. And all this will not be superfluous in any other field of activity.

So what's in the bottom line?

Can you make money playing in a casino? Yes, you can. But no one has yet succeeded in turning this type of activity into a source of stable income, and it is unlikely that you will succeed either. After all, winnings will sooner or later be replaced by losses, which, most likely, will return back to the institution everything that you previously won from it, or even more.

Gambling establishments exist because this whole system is set up to lose customers. Especially online casinos. Here it is almost impossible to check how random the events generated by the service code are.

It is worth recognizing that the probability of hitting a big jackpot (jackpot) still exists, albeit a very small one. And if you decide to prefer this ghostly chance to the possibility of stable earnings in some other area, it's up to you. We can only wish you good luck!

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