Killer clown. Clown - interpretation of a dream. Cheerful disposition and optimism

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Why do you dream of a Clown in a dream according to 25 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Clown” symbol from 25 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Clown?

Seeing a clown in a dream- an omen that you will be drawn into frivolous relationships.

Seeing an evil clown in a dream- means that someone you trust will turn out to be two-faced.

A sad clown is a sign that someone close to you will not take your intentions seriously.

If you dream that you are the clown- soon you will be humiliated by people equal to you in position.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Clown - the need to abandon the path of suffering and begin to enjoy life. Reflecting a situation when someone looks like a jester, the need to remember that behind a mask (your own or someone else’s) there may be something completely different from what is expected. A reminder that it can be good to laugh at yourself

Dream book of the 21st century

What did the Clown mean in a dream?

Seeing a clown acting in a booth in a dream- a sign that you will have rough pleasure that does no honor to your mind or heart.

If in a dream you see a clown with animals- this means that you will soon experience a feeling of disappointment in everything.

If you see that a clown is being killed in a clown show- it means you are desperately holding on to the remaining illusions.

Seeing a clown crying funny in a dream- means to feel that you do not know how to behave naturally.

If you dreamed of a lonely clown (without spectators)- you have to realize that you were not understood.

Dream book for lovers

If you dream that you are wearing a clown costume- beware of intrigue. Women will probably cause the breakup of your family.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

To see a clown is to strive to hide your melancholy and fear / to hear wise speeches / to find yourself in a funny position.

See a clown with animals- a feeling of disappointment in everything, a desire to go into “plant life.”

They kill him in the clown show- desperately hold on to the remaining illusions.

They beat him - you are annoyed with yourself.

He's crying funny- feel that you don’t know how to behave naturally.

Alone, without spectators to see- realize that you were not understood.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Clown - laugh at yourself. Be happy. Enjoy life. Are you acting like a buffoon when you need to look at things seriously?

Dream book for the whole family

If the clown in your dream imitates you and makes faces- this means you can find a job that will allow you to achieve what you want, but to achieve your goals you will have to work hard.

If you yourself are a clown in a dream- then trouble awaits you; Perhaps you will realize that you were mistaken about a loved one.

Dream book for a bitch

Clown - you will get an offer about new job, which will turn out to be very difficult, but will bring very big profits, and you will be able to relax and have fun as you have long dreamed of.

Be a clown in a dream- troubles, mistakes in business management, struggle with rivals and ill-wishers, family problems and grief.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A dream in which you see a clown- speaks of an empty enterprise or a fruitless undertaking. In fact, some of your affairs may turn out to be soap bubbles. The exact area to which such a warning relates can often be judged by the accompanying dream images. Most often, such a dream suggests that you can get something business offer or advice, because of which you risk finding yourself in a stupid position.
Looking at a clown with your family is a sign of ridiculous situations in your home.

Be your own clown- means that your affairs may soon go topsy-turvy. It doesn’t hurt you to think over and weigh your plans again, so as not to give your enemies a reason for ridicule.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing a clown performing in a circus arena in a dream- give an unprepared speech in front of people.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Clown performing in the circus arena- for entertainment events.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Clown - you will find yourself in a funny position.

Miller's Dream Book

Means that you will find hard work that will give you the opportunity to receive the promised profit and realize your plans.

If you see yourself as a clown- misfortune awaits you.

Be dressed in a clown costume- means deep delusion or encroachments of opponents on your condition and authority. It is possible that intriguing women will lure you into sinful traps.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Clown in a dream?

Seeing a clown in a dream- means in real life to get into a stupid position and be ridiculed. Talk to the clown- to an unsuccessful deal and lost money. A sad clown portends bruises and bumps, a cheerful one - hard work, which will open up the opportunity to make good money, but will undermine your health.

Seeing yourself dressed as a clown- make a mistake in calculations and suffer losses. Act as a clown in a circus arena- to misfortunes and worries in the family. Sewing a clown costume for your child for the New Year's masquerade in a dream- show sincerity towards unfamiliar people.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dreaming of a clown who imitates you- means that you will find a job that will not be easy. But it will allow you to significantly improve your well-being and implement long-standing plans.

See yourself as a clown- to misfortunes, deep misconceptions, clashes with opponents. Intrigues from women are possible.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Clown according to the dream book?

Clown - mockery, stupid position.

Universal dream book

It's easy to make a fool of yourself when you're wearing a mask. By simply painting your face, you can have fun doing stupid things that will make people laugh. Clown coloring book in your dream- an excuse to relax and have fun?

Entertaining people, clowns- bring laughter and joy into their lives. Are you also striving for this? Do you want to bring more laughter and fun into your life? Do you think you should become a little clown so that others will appreciate you more?

Clowns have huge noses, boots and an overly wide smile.- perhaps your dream means that you are exaggerating something in your life? To understand what exactly, remember where the clown was in the dream and what he was doing.

Who was the clown in your dream- perhaps your dream indicates that one of your friends or you yourself is putting on a joyful mask, while the situation is very sad.

You associate the clown with children's birthdays.- perhaps the dream expresses a desire to return to that halcyon time when you were the center of attention, surrounded by family and friends, and your main concern was making your way through the glittering holiday tinsel.

Erotic dream book

Seeing a clown perform in a dream- To unconscious desire to vivid, unusual sensations, which can lead to a rash act, for example, cheating on a loved one.

Seeing yourself in a clown suit and makeup- be attentive and careful. Your partner suspects you of insincerity and is unlikely to limit himself to a simple showdown.

Video: Why do you dream of a Clown?

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Did you dream about a Clown, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

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    I dreamed that my job was to accompany a group of people from one point to another. At first I was in some dilapidated building, near the toilets and funk flowed even down the walls. But this did not cause any feeling of disgust, nor from the rotation, I did not smell, I did not get dirty with sewage.
    I feel success, everyone looks at me, admires me, focuses on me.
    And here I am on the street. Winter is slippery, I stand firm. I see a small bus approaching, the door closes and it is ready to leave. And then everyone was alarmed, the she-wolf ran away. No one is chasing her. I turn my head towards the bus and see a wolf cub running towards this bus and on the other side, from the same place, a child is running, crying, screaming and about to hit him. I shout: “Stop!” He cries out of resentment. I help him up the steps on the ice, take the wolf in my palm and say that I’m going to take him to the zoo. I find out that the other two were shot. In front of the entrance to the zoo there was a huge dark puddle, very deep. And small planks that were fashionable to walk on, but they fell through. I’m not scared, I walk through calmly and confidently, everyone follows me. I look around, my dog ​​is running after me. They open the door for me, take the wolf cub, and say that you will let him into the forest. I was walking there.
    Then I find myself in front of a huge building, they tell me that there will be another group of people, all of them are criminals, thieves, rapists, rude people.
    I walk through a huge shopping center, I can take anything. I wear a dress with a wide skirt, white, sparkling. I go out onto the fire escape, the balcony is huge, and the stairs are at a right angle downwards. I look down, no one is there, I ask, are we late? And then a car pulls up and they tell me, get down. I’m very scared, I have a huge ring on my finger, it leaves a mark, I can’t firmly grasp the handrails. There was always someone walking next to me. I give this ring to him (or her - I can’t tell) and try it again. I'm trembling from fear of heights. And then a plump, weighty man, as if by magic, rises up to me and says that it’s very simple - just remove the fear. I pull myself together and go down. Then I’m standing in front of the same house and that man, playing the role of a mime clown, shows me a performance.

    I'm terribly afraid of plasticine cartoons. And I dreamed of an evil plasticine clown who killed plasticine people and spoke in poems about death. I really remember the very last part of the dream, where this clown on a bus crushed people and said: “.. and their death sounds on their lips.” Of course, this is not accurate.. And all this time, killing people and saying poems, he looked straight at me.

    I was driving somewhere, there was an accident, I see a half-broken multi-story building... everything is in dark colors... and now I’m already running up the stairs, several clowns are running after me, catching up. I’m on the edge of the balcony, they come up, one tries to push me, but he doesn’t succeed, then the others... they throw me off... but I held on... they tried to hit, but they didn’t succeed... and after that I don’t remember

    I dreamed that I was standing on the balcony and looking out the window; there were very bright landscapes there. Bright green hills with bright houses on them, I feel like I’m floating somewhere. There is a circus on one of the hills. And next to me, on the balcony, a little clown sits and talks to me.

    Hello / In my dream there was a clown who supposedly killed my loved ones. All these actions took place on some kind of playground, the clown walked everywhere with balloons and was so joyful. I was standing at the other end of the site with the police who were hunting him and suddenly I see this clown, I shout to the police and notice that somewhere at the other end my loved one is having fun, but when I shouted his name so that he would respond, then there another person turned around and I immediately understood that the clown would kill him. And strangely enough, to my to a loved one this clown with balloons came up and killed him... And this happened three more times. Before, I wasn’t afraid of clowns, or rather, I was fine with them, but now it’s somehow creepy...

    I was with my parents in a maze and somehow got everyone out of there, it was a clown’s labyrinth and he started driving everyone crazy and killing him, to defeat him you needed silver, I couldn’t kill him, I didn’t have silver

    I dreamed that it was night. Me and a few other people were on the street. Suddenly a clown appeared and started running after us. But earlier in this dream I saw him at the circus. He ran after us to the house and didn’t lag behind.

    Hello! I dreamed of American clowns, as if at night a car drove up to us and started honking and then the clowns stood near my window and frolicked, it was very creepy, I screamed and tried to wake up my mother, my mother did not get up and I ran to wake up my father, but when the family woke up there were no more clowns. We were sitting on the sofa, I was shaking all over and I was crying, dad sat next to me and calmed me down and said the following words: “calm down, the doctor said that he has a psychiatrist friend,” I: “I’m not crazy, the clowns were, I’ll prove they will come, although it’s unlikely they will most likely come tomorrow because I scared them off” we waited for a long time when dad said everything, I was tired, I went to bed and began to climb the stairs when suddenly they knocked on my window again and started frolicking just as terribly. Mom was standing in the other room (in my sister’s room, the room is opposite mine) and I approached her; one clown was running around the house, stood near the window and also began to scare us by jumping and frolicking, and in the end they were caught by the police, but I didn’t see this, but as if I heard it.

    I dreamed of an old friend of mine in the guise of a clown, he hurt me physically, I wanted to scream but I couldn’t because of the pain, I wanted to wake up but for some reason I couldn’t do it

    There were 4 people there and they were wearing the same scary clown masks, they walked around the city, with bats... they didn’t seem to touch anyone, but at the same time they were hunting for something, I was just hiding from them! I had this dream 2 times yesterday and yesterday.

    It’s a clown to me, but I have a feeling that there wasn’t just one, but like there were 2 of them. The action took place on the street, for some reason the tones were gray, there was some kind of darkness, fog, and this clown kept following me, and I kind of ran away from him.

    In my dream I was running away from an evil clown. He was with an axe, I ran through a gray city without people and hid in a school. then I woke up and went back to sleep. I have a dream about a clown again, but in a different place. I was with a friend and saw him through the window, then we went outside and I realized that it was a dream, the area was different. In the end, some guys cut off his head.

    I dream that I am in a big house and we are celebrating New Year. Then I go to bed, in fear I realize that someone is looking at me, I turn around and there is a clown with a baton and wants to beat me with it. I want to scream, help me, but no one hears me, then my husband woke me up from my screams

    Tatyana had a dream like this: I was lying in the hospital with my beloved girlfriend and sister, it was calm, then this clown walked past the room, he has no eyes, just white pupils and paint around them, big eyebrows, a checkered T-shirt, pants with shoulder straps, hair of welcoming colors and laughter, he passed by and laughed very wildly and scary, then I looked out the window and it was all dark and there was no one on the streets, then I turned and went out into the corridor and there everything was rotten, a pile of corpses, the light flashed and a small smoke settled on the floor and he killed the last victim in the hospital and he laughed terribly, his ears were already blocked, then I ran into the room and he walked loudly, trampled on the chains on his legs like in prison, he knocked out the door behind him, everything was rotting and breaking, he began to cut my girlfriend, I couldn’t do anything, I stood and watched, he laughed very loudly his face was very wild, all wrinkled, he looked like he was very old, then he started killing his sister and started laughing again, then he came up to me and said, now your time has come, and again he laughed and started killing me

    I sleep peacefully and see beautiful dreams suddenly everything turned black and the face of a clown pops up across the entire screen of my dream; his teeth were yellow and blood was dripping from them! He became smaller and smaller, and around him there was a circus playing music, I walk and look around suddenly some kind of portal, I go into it and find myself in the game! And there they defend interest from the top! 2 minutes have passed and I see red curtains! I open it and the face of this clown jumps out at me, just like at the beginning of the dream... EVERYTHING!

    Let's begin! I just went for a walk, I saw some kind of cave / abandoned house / hole! I went there, walked forward and suddenly I felt something from behind! I turned around, there was no one. I looked ahead and there was a clown without legs! That is, he had legs, but he could not walk, he flew! He had a scary face! It was dark around him, but he was very distinct! His skin was white! And on his face there was a terrible makeup in blue and red colors! Then he took some kind of thing and started throwing it at me! But I was lucky, I managed to jump in the other direction! Then he rolled some kind of barrel, but I jumped over it! Then the hardest part began! In front of me was a slot machine that I didn’t know how to play at all! And he said, “If you win, I’ll let you go!” And I cheated a little! Since it was my dream, I wished that I was in mall and the people who bought food, they helped me complete this game in the machine! And in the end, this clown was gone and I was able to get out of there, since I won in the slot machine! This dream happened today! 05/27/2015! I had 3 dreams the whole night, but I wanted to know about the 3rd dream! Which are about the Clown! It lasted approximately 3 hours! Which started from 5 am until 8 am! I want to know what this is for?

    I dreamed that I was about 7 years old and I was in some kind of cave. There was only a single source of light that I did not see, but it illuminated dimly warm light almost the entire cave. There was only one way out - a magic mirror that opened at a certain time. Next to the adjacent wall stood a gray computer desk with an old computer and a chair on which a clown often slept. Next to the other wall there was a shabby sofa on which lay the skeleton of a child, and I was also lying on it, covered with an old red blanket.
    But we were not alone in this cave. The clown had an assistant - exact copy clown, only it was a robot, he did only one thing - checked if I was sleeping when the clown was sleeping. He just came up and tried to grope me on the sofa, and if I wasn’t there, then he most likely raised the alarm (I don’t know exactly, because I was always in bed so as not to anger the clown). The double was leaving some other “room”, but there was no light there anymore.
    Of course, I tried to escape, since the prospect of a second skeleton on the sofa didn’t really suit me, especially since I don’t remember how he fed me or anything else, but I didn’t feel hungry either (I was still dreaming).
    One day, when he was sleeping in his chair, with his feet on the table, and when the double was not yet about to come out, I plucked up the courage and attacked him. I thought that nothing would come of it, but he turned out to be somehow weak for a man. I beat him, twisted his legs, arms, he resisted, but I could cope with it, I needed to knock him out as quickly as possible, because I knew that soon the passage would open, and when it opened, the double would come to check on me.
    I managed to put the clown on the ground and I had a garland in my hands! Naturally, I decided to tie it around his arms and legs, but even though it was a dream, the garland was tangled and so I had to tinker. Then I saw that a double was approaching the bed and as soon as he found out that I was gone, the passage would close and the alarm would sound. In general, this was my last chance.
    I quickly finish my job and run to the mirror (it’s also a passage) and the double is already reaching for the place where I should be... There’s only a second left and I already know that I can’t get out, but I touch the mirror and feel no resistance. I quickly jump outside.
    So, I jumped out into the street and it was already dark, there were trees around me, I knew that I was in the park, then I woke up.
    The whole dream was very vivid, I remembered many details that were very blurry in ordinary dreams, the dream was also silent, I don’t remember any sounds, the clown never spoke, neither did I, and there were no sounds from walking or a fight either, although in previous dreams everything was fine.

    A lot of piglets ran into my house. Then I performed like a clown on stage and ate in the dining room where there were a lot of happy people, the food was delicious, apparently I ate everything and then I listened to songs since I have good hearing, not a lot of singers were out of tune, well, just a little bit at this time I was still in a clown costume.

    I had a dream that my friend and I were kidnapped by a clown. He was wearing bloody clothes. We tried different
    ways to escape from him. I don't know what happened to her. He was so strong that the police could not cope with him, 1 policeman died before my eyes. In the end, I ran away from him.

    We were standing in a group, then a car pulled up and a man in a dog costume came out, his head was big and he started looking intently at me, if I’m not mistaken, someone asked me, do you know him, I said no, my right leg is injured and the girls and I played a game, like I had to hold on to their shoulders. Example: one is standing on one side, the other is on the other, and I had to grab the stairs by their shoulders and let them give me a ride, but when I started to climb, he still stood there and looked, I was scared and did not climb, this happened to me at my dacha, then I suddenly find myself in my room with a friend, we are sitting at the table that is in my room and I don’t remember exactly what, but what it was lying on my table and this object began to move on its own. Then I looked at the TV and there was a reflection of a clown, then the dream ended. If anything, I’m not afraid of clowns. Please tell me what this could mean?

    I was driving a car with friends, I don’t remember exactly with whom, or even with my stepfather, the car stopped because of something, it just wouldn’t go, I got out of the car, and it turned out that it was my birthday and there was a table on it with drinks, etc. d. I saw a clown, he was entertaining the children and then I was called to this clown or he called me himself, it felt like he didn’t want to harm me, but on the contrary, to cheer me up, and then I had no time for fun because I didn’t understand why the clown was there and there were a lot of friends I looked around to find out what was happening and the clown was looking at me as if he wanted to say don’t worry everything will be fine, then there was a competition where I held a girl on my back and she threw it into a ball, then she held me and I got into the ball and I was not happy because I didn’t hit the ball, and if I did hit it, it was only once, then I ran with my friends from the clown because he was throwing darts at us and some girl jumped on me and they hit me with a dart and I felt this pain. and I woke up. after this dream, I realized that I felt this dream. It’s not just like other dreams and that’s it, but this dream had a feeling.

    Today I dreamed that I was in some kind of room like a costume room. She put on a yellow-red clown costume and went out into another very bright room, where either a dress rehearsal or the performance itself was taking place. I was supposed to “play” there too, and then I woke up.

    I first dreamed of my father that I was with him in a room not in an apartment familiar to me, after that I don’t remember how I ended up in another room on the sofa, in this room there was a wardrobe and a plasma TV standing on some kind of box from under household appliances and along the perimeter of the room there were mechanical toys about 40-50 cm tall on the floor, I don’t remember exactly the toys in this room, then a clown who didn’t look evil came out from behind the plasma, I turned my gaze to the other two rooms opposite me and saw that there along the walls there are toys at intervals of about half a meter, looking into the room I saw the 2nd clown waving his arms while standing in place, it took my breath away, looking into the 3rd room I saw a plush dog, she was standing sideways to me, standing on two legs. And I saw how slowly her head turns 180 degrees and the toys fall to the floor, no one touched them, I was enveloped in fear and I wanted to shout to my father, but as soon as I wanted to shout sharply, all the toys began to perform the actions for which they were programmed, the monkey began to knock on plates dog lying down walk and bark, in general everyone began to perform some kind of action at once, and then I want to scream but I can’t, I know that my father is in the other room and I can’t scream, I just speak a little louder than a whisper, I try, I try, then I gather my courage and I screamed, but from my own scream I woke up and woke up the whole house.

    Hello Tatiana! My name is Alena. Happy New Year to you!! I had a dream in black and white, I don’t remember anything else except: some adult man, a window and this scary clown, he looked out the window and smiled scary, I jumped up, I felt scared, and I live alone and I have a large plasma hanging in my room TV, I was afraid that he would appear there in the reflection, I was afraid to fall asleep, turned on the lights everywhere, I was shaking all over

    The world around me is dark, the trees are burning. I am sitting on a stone throne, and behind me are the ruins of old houses. The sky is all overcast and dark. Suddenly 4 people (4 is my lucky number) approach me as travelers. Suddenly, a cheerful clown mask appears from the clouds, and black smoke comes from behind it. I fly up and hit the mask, it turns away and turns sharply, and for some reason it is damaged, cracked everywhere, ugly and very old. Instantly the mask grows in and I wake up. (Is this due to the fact that when I was born I was not breathing?)

    In a dream, I am in a dark labyrinth, a maddened clown with a bloody knife is chasing me, laughing disgustingly. The running continued for a long time and ended with me falling into the abyss while listening to his evil laughter.

    I dreamed that I was a clown in a circus walking with a huge aluminum ladder to the doors behind which auditorium and sit in the farthest rows. I walk along the stairs along which the audience enters, the doors to the auditorium are open and a clown acts opposite me, and my climb up the stairs is part of the performance, and we exchange phrases with the second clown.

    My dream: I, my sister, my friend were in some kind of dungeon. Then we opened the box, which was in the ground and there lay dead man and a clown (the clown was alive). So this dead man began to climb the wall. And the clown ran after us. We quickly closed the door and ran outside. We ran into the garden and closed the door. We sat there for about 1 minute. Then we found out that we forgot my friend. And then she comes running all in tears and says that this clown is already in the garden. We climbed over the garden fence and ran away from the garden. And that's where my dream ended. I want to know what this dream means.

    Hello, my company and I went to a country house and a small scary clown appeared there, like in horror films, with teeth like a shark, etc. the size of a smartphone. For some reason he constantly chases me, tries to bite me, I think I’ll kill him, since he’s small, I constantly catch him, tear off his head, throw it in different directions, hide it, but after some time he appears again, I wanted to lock him in a cage and constantly watch how he will break out of it, but for some reason he didn’t, in the end he also broke out, but became bigger more than a person and turned into some kind of girl and then I woke up. In the dream, I was sure that I had already seen this clown before and already had such a dream

    Children dressed in clown costumes killed their parents with a smile. They wanted to kill me too, but I fought and cheated with them. All this happened mainly in dark and scary rooms.

    I dreamed of a clown with scary teeth, an evil clown followed me, ran and looked for me, but hid, and when I got tired of it, I decided to kill him, I killed him either with a knife or because I was greedy, I don’t remember, I woke up with a feeling of fear

    The clown was at our house. On the balcony. And only I saw him. And several other people unknown to me. I didn’t know how to get rid of him and looked for these people who also see him. And I found it. I don’t remember any more about them. But he was evil and he killed. And the last thing I remember is that he said: “This is a game, and only one of us can win” and tried to get out of the balcony and harm his loved ones. We have 2 doors on our balcony. And in my dream I managed to close both. And he began to mock him, excuse me, showing him middle finger. And it was as if I was pulled back and I woke up. And every night, in reality, I close them. And the door that connects my room and the balcony, I go out onto the balcony from it to smoke. And now, when I woke up and went out to smoke again, I saw that the other door was open.

    Hello, I had a dream. Since I have clouphobia, I am very afraid of clowns. At the beginning of the dream, everything was fine and nothing meant trouble. But after I went somewhere in the dream with my boyfriend, it was a strange place, artists were performing on the stage and there were people sitting in the hall, and some of them were painted like clowns. I asked the guy to ask them to take off their masks, after which he answered me that they were not masks. He started talking to one of the repainted clowns. That guy began to paint himself in front of me. I became terribly scared and closed my eyes, I remember that he was a little creeping on me.

    The clown ran after me with a knife and tried to stab me, then a mermaid appeared, I ran to the water, there was a gnome, he gave me a potion so that I would turn into a mermaid, but instead my hair grew and choked me in the water, I woke up from that I couldn't breathe

    A scary clown like from a horror movie with a crazy smile was in my room. As I ran into another room, his head began to appear from the wall, still with the same smile. I ran into the bathroom, where I found my sister, but it was not my sister. And something that looked just like her, but also with an incredibly evil, terrible grin, and when I turned around, the clown was already standing behind me. I woke up from my own scream

    Was winter evening, but it wasn’t very dark, and there wasn’t much snow either. I didn’t look like myself and was dressed in old, frayed, patched, multi-colored clothes. For some reason my nose was red, but I didn’t feel cold. Everything was calm, the snow was falling very slowly, I slowly rode on a small carousel like on a playground for children, but there were no more swings around. I looked up at the gray sky and high buildings, and I saw people sitting in the windows at their computers, I saw them messaging with someone, I saw their nicknames that were written right on the windows. And I was skating and thinking about what to call myself. But then, I felt that someone was approaching me as planned, someone was chasing me. I quickly got off the swing and felt a little dizzy, but at the same time I had the thought: “I need to get away.” I turned around and saw two clowns approaching me. They looked back so that no one would follow them, making sure that there was no one else, they looked at me, then looked at each other and smiling evilly, looked at me again and began to move closer. Just as I was about to leave, a not high cliff appeared behind me, about 3 meters high, it was not steep and smoothly descended to the water frozen to the shores that surrounded this cliff. I immediately jump from this cliff onto the ice, thinking: “I’d rather die myself than these freaks get to me.” One of the clowns jumped after me. I decided to jump into the water where the ice ended, then dived under the ice itself, although I understood that I would no longer be able to emerge and take air into my lungs. I looked like there was a clown standing above me on the ice and he couldn’t reach me, and that consoled me. But then I lost consciousness under water and began to be carried away smoothly, warm current, however, I could think, my motionless body swam across the veil of ice and began to float up where the ice ended. I swam further and further from these clowns who could not reach me, I saw their pitiful, painted faces... and I realized that the current was carrying me to a safe, warm place and that I was still alive...

    I had a dream in which a clown wanted to kill me and my friend, I think it was because of the film “It” that came out not long ago. I remember that I constantly woke up then fell asleep and dreamed that the dream continued and everything was very real, this clown followed me everywhere, and even when he was no longer visible, but the thing that I or a friend was holding in our hands became a little larger, we wanted kill the clown, but they couldn’t.

    I dream of a clown that only my friend and I can see, he appears out of nowhere, we warn everyone about his location, we try to defeat him, the action takes place in an abandoned school, a scary clown tries to kill us, but we defeat him

    A woman brings me to a house, where I see a woman and a child hanged (apparently in the dream they were very dear to me because hysterics began). Having shown all this to me, she pointed to the yard where stood a creepily smiling clown with an ax, guilty of the death of those people. Without hesitation, I rushed at him, during the fight he wounded me several times with an ax, but I held on. I grabbed the ax from him, I swung it, but didn’t hit him, then he caught me and started tickling me, which I couldn’t bear because the tickling was accompanied by pain.
    Then I woke up suddenly

    My name is Anya.
    Tonight I dreamed of mine ex-boyfriend, with whom I recently started communicating live, I like him very much and I would like to start a relationship with him again, but this moment I don't know how he feels about me.
    The dream was that we were in the building, his friends were there.
    Soon his friend began to pester me, and my ex helped me and then, when we were walking, he kissed me on the ear, and in response I kissed him on the lips.
    We were like a couple.
    We stood and hugged and kissed, then we’ll lie down together.
    But I also had someone’s one-year-old child in my arms, we looked after him, the child was happy and did not act up.
    This dream was very happy and I would like us to get along with this guy again in real life.
    I hope I communicate with him and all this is not in vain.
    I told him about my feelings, to which he replied that time will tell.

    In the dream, we were driving with friends in a car and on the way we saw a clown performance, we decided to go in, but it turned out there was a competition going on and we decided to participate, we ran around looking for something, the clowns were running after us, my friends passed the competition and I stayed, I found one thing, the clowns scared me, then I refused keep playing

    In a dream, I was on an excursion with my class. I sat down on a chair, and when I got up I looked at the teacher coming out of the corner. According to legend, you can’t do that, because a clown will come to you. He started stalking me. The whole dream I felt him near me. My roommates and I sat in a circle (there were three of us in the room) and I saw him, throwing his head back above me. Then I saw him near the chair, he stands not around the corner, but right next to it and says: “I’m following your gaze” to everyone who sits on this chair. I sat down and closed my eyes, and when I got up, I was able to leave him. The dream was slightly illogical

    Hello! This morning in my dream I had a dream with a clown. In the dream, my sister met me in her car at the station. (In general, she doesn’t have a car in her life) and so we were driving home, it was dark outside already at night and on the road we saw a clown vertically challenged. He ran after the car and I told my sister to drive a little slower, and opening the window, I greeted him cheerfully and he talked to me, but then I wanted to say goodbye to him, he told me not to leave, that he seemed to already love me. But without saying anything, I close the window, when he immediately runs after it and catches up with us. And gets into the car. His face was scary. And his smile was frightening. And so I woke up when he looked at me.

    Hello, I’ve been dreaming about an evil clown for 7 days now, this is happening in the spring, I’m walking with Karina and Nastya after school, I don’t know how, but I gave them headphones, they stuck them in the ground and there were the voices of a clown, a few seconds later I saw a clown, he was chasing us Nastya fell and he killed her and then I always wake up

    I dreamed that I was on a playground next to my house, and a clown was sitting in front, at first he didn’t pay attention to me, but then when I took a step back he ran at me with a knife while laughing, I tried to run away, but I didn’t succeed, this is where the dream ends

    I dreamed that my dance group and I went to a performance, but we didn’t have a dance, we were given costumes with a clown wig and nose, a blue short skirt made of some transparent fabric and a nautical top. we started improvising, danced a dance, went off stage and everything started all over again. the same costume, everything the same, except for the song and dance, and so on all the time.

    Since yesterday I have been dreaming of a clown. First they were letting off fireworks, and then a clown appeared. He looked at me and said something, and then started smiling. Then he came to my house and took me to the place where they were letting off fireworks, the place was as I understood amusement park. I rode the carousel for free.
    Today, as I understood, the dream continued. It started with fireworks, then he came to me, but they didn’t let me go.

    The dream was located in 2 parts, 1 I dreamed of a clown, he had a scary face and he was chasing me. Part 2 is that I was cursed and I need to apologize to someone. Something to do with the black bride.
    To be honest, this is the first time I have dreamed of such nonsense, but everything was so believable that I woke up wet and my heart was ripping out of my chest. Before this, I had never watched anything like this from horror films. Help me what is this all about...


    The dream was wonderful, vivid, as I remember now, I dreamed about how I was spending time with a guy and the feeling as if this was happening in reality, and suddenly a clown pops out from around the corner with a grin on his face, maybe you know this clown exactly like from the movie “It” “I don’t understand why I dreamed about it, because I didn’t even watch it

    I dreamed of an evil clown. He killed everyone and hunted me. His jaw can open up to large sizes and there are a lot of sharp teeth in it. The clown hid in the basement, sometimes came out to the top. His height was about that of a dwarf. In the dream, for some reason, I was a guy and there was a girl, also with such a mouth, but normal, I liked her. And Because of this, the clown began to threaten and attack me, but I successfully remained alive. At the same time, my father or the father of that girl, I don’t remember, was against it too, I also don’t remember why. In general, he bought me a lot computer games children's (brother) and took mine (I don't remember about what). I resisted and did not play. I dreamed everything from Saturday to Sunday. The night from January 13 to 14

    My friends and I ended up in an abandoned theater with 7 floors. On the 4th floor the door was open, we went in. There was a pyramid there and when we climbed into it there was money (coins), after we took one coin each this pyramid began to close .we ran out of this room and tried to get out of this building. I turn around, and 2 clowns are running after us, they were dressed in blue and red suits... in this theater there were something like bridges and I started going down them... that's all. it broke off and it was as if I was waking up (in a dream), I went to the closet, opened it and 2 of these clowns jumped out at me....after that I woke up

    The dream was colorful, but not bright. My friend and I walked along some roads, of which there were many and they were intertwined. We were looking for something, but I don’t remember what. There were also people, but not obviously, just as a presence. And suddenly I saw a clown! He was wearing makeup, a very bright yellow jumpsuit and a red clown wig. Very bright green trees appeared along the road. For some reason everyone was afraid of him, but my friend and I started running towards him to catch him, and he began to walk away from us. Feeling in a dream: surprise, overcoming apprehension, but not fear. Some kind of drive, enthusiasm.

    I was sitting at home, and two clowns stood from the window of the building opposite. They called me, looked at me and said that I good girl, but apparently they wanted to kill me. When one clown approached my window, a terrible hurricane arose and everything was demolished. After this, I will close the curtains well so that no one can see me.

    I don’t remember it exactly, but it was connected with my move to another city, and the friends I lost. And there was also a train driving there and it stopped near a small cliff that went into the water. There was a clown standing nearby who was trying to scare those who were on this train, but he didn’t succeed and guys got out of the train and started beating him, and then he suddenly disappeared and turned into black dust and this scared everyone very much

    I was standing near the fence and behind the fence I saw a bright clown, then my friends immediately ran home, too, I let them in and tried to lock the house with a key, but the latch jumped out and the clown came in, at first he led everyone out to the threshold and began to say what to whom what I have to do is look for the item, if I don’t find it I’ll die...

    Now I had a dream, woke up at 3:36 am. I dream that children are playing a game on the phone in which you press and a clown appears, the clown begins to scare the children. The children are afraid, the clown gets from them what he wanted, like money, and disappears. Then this game gained popularity. And I accidentally pressed play myself. And then a huge clown appears, I start to run away while he is busy with someone else, I shout to people, stop putting up with this, let’s destroy the clown. And we start tearing wires and cables. And gradually the clown gets smaller and disappears. And I woke up

    I was in the store with my family and several guys. Each of us got weapons, each had his own, I had a gun. Then a clown appeared and he had an ax and I screamed, I wanted to shoot, but another woman shot and missed. He appeared in another place, closer to me (he needs me so that he can kill me). I started shooting at him, several bullets hit him, but he didn’t hit any, then I shouted: “whoever has an ax, kill him.” Then a boy of about 11 years old came out with a strange face, and with his ax he cut through the clown’s head, one would think that in such a situation anyone would already be lying dead, but not the CLOWN. I ran to my parents and we started getting ready to go home. Here the situation changed again. I found myself at home, my sisters were in the room, dad was already falling asleep, mom was getting ready, I went to the door to lock it, when I saw a large motionless shadow, it was a clown, there is no doubt. I went to the window to look, but nothing was visible, I told my dad and mom that the CLOWN is there, then I get up and see that the door is open again, and I closed it, I go to close it and see the silhouette of EGO again. I go into the room, come back and the door is open again. I decided to go out and look, then I went out a few meters, I saw this clown, he was swinging his ax and I ran home, I barely made it, and then I woke up. these clowns came one by one and tried to kill us. In the end, only me and my classmate survived. they killed the rest.

    I was sitting in a room with my friends and parents (by the way, my parents were not my parents, they were other people) watching some movie, then my friend suggested playing cards, brought them and there they looked like tarot cards and everyone with grimaces of different clowns like good and bad. And suddenly all the toys (they were also only clowns) began to move, and from behind the mirror a silhouette began to appear, such a small one and began to laugh evilly, we began to throw cards and pears at him and he I became more and more, I don’t remember the rest of the dream

    At first I dreamed that I was running away through my hotel deceased grandmother from some killer, and I saw my dead grandmother. Then suddenly I dreamed that I was running with some girl through the forest, hiding, and there on the other side a scary clown was running, and we started to run away

    In a dream, I was getting ready for September 1st, and a man came up to me and said that there was a clown in my area. And when I was walking with this man in one direction, we saw him and hid in the bushes. I was late so I decided to run away, but he noticed me and ran after me. So he ran all the way to school with me and that’s where the dream ended..

    Tatyana, Hello)
    I’ll go straight to the description... I was returning home along my usual road and 20 meters away I saw three clowns. They laughed and fooled around, when I came closer they noticed me, fell silent for a couple of seconds and I felt their gaze on me, then they continued communicating with each other, and I moved on. I felt uncomfortable because I don’t like clowns. I continued walking, then I felt that someone was following me, turning around a little, I realized that one of the clowns had followed me. There was still 100 meters left to the house, I understood that I would not have time to get there, since it was already very close. As I walked, I quietly pulled out a sharp pencil from my bag and was ready to strike, I wanted to kill him or seriously cripple him. I initially knew that he was coming after me to kill me (I felt negative). And then I woke up. The dream took place without dialogues or words.

    Initially, I was walking with a friend, went to the store, then I got to school, and by some miracle there was a store there. then we were choosing purchases, and the man who was standing at the checkout paid with a card, then an announcement was heard throughout the entire store that the person who was now paying was a maniac and a murderer. After which we ran away, and miraculously, high school students joined us, then a guy with no skin chased us, then we ran into the school, came out with unfamiliar girls and a friend, one of them was a bitch. when we approached the gate, we were chased by a clown who looked like something from the movie it, the gate was closed, they started trying to open it and I distracted him, then they ran away, and I climbed onto the garages, there he told me that he was killing because of that that someone died a wise man and that he learned the colors that he would know in his next life. at this moment I woke up.

    I was in some 3-story house, me and a couple of people (I don’t remember who) went to the basement and there we saw or heard someone, we went there towards the sound, then we saw 2 clowns coming towards us, you ran, you saw 1 ran into the house when he ran into the house behind us there was a man dressed in a clown costume and wearing a strange mask, I lifted the mask and saw scary person he closed and ran, I kicked him off, he passed out, and the second one was the same shock with a different color, I beat him with my fists

    Clown from the movie It ( last film), I watched the film itself a long time ago, as soon as it came out, before this dream I didn’t even think about clowns and hadn’t seen them in other films. The dream was very realistic, there was a feeling that I was awake, lying on the bed, I was aware of everything, but I couldn’t open my eyes and move (there were many such dreams), and I felt like this clown was standing next to my bed, and I screamed to him “ Go away,” or rather I’m trying, because the sound doesn’t come out and I can’t open my mouth, and after a few attempts I manage to shout “Go away” and I wake up from my own scream “Go away.” I used to dream that they were trying to kill me and I couldn’t move, then I opened my eyes and could move, blink, I realized that I was no longer sleeping, but I continued to see a dream like a movie and I saw such a dream twice in different conditions and even in different cities .

    I dreamed of the village where I was born, I was in the form of a magician, I gave a performance with disappearance in the fire, but at some point, 500 meters away, I saw our village club, and by the wall I saw a clown, he laughed at first, they were with me my brother and my wife, then this clown began to smile so much that it seemed strange to me, I got nervous and told my friends, after that the clown disappeared, but for some reason I saw his plan, how he wanted to kill us when we went to bathhouse, he wanted to use a drain pipe, nails, gunpowder, fire for this, but in Okontsovo, I noticed him with these tricks and he began to set it all on fire, but I put out the fire that he lit, after that he began to run away, he ran and on the way he threw a burning torch to my neighbors from the village, after that I caught him, and my brother began to kick him, his head came off along with his neck, and his brother began to trample him into the ground, but after we went home, I collected everything that he wanted to kill us and took it with me, turning back I saw his pupils roll up and he came to life.

    Hello! I fell asleep in the afternoon after school, and I dreamed of school, half of my friends, a guy I like, a football court and a trampoline on it, where there are a lot of clowns. I dream what I think about, but not to that extent. The dream was scary and funny.

    I dreamed that a terrible clone was chasing me, I was very scared inside and I ran from him, got on public transport, there was a feeling of insecurity, I felt that he wanted to kill me, then I met an acquaintance (friend) she told me that there is no need to run, the more I run, the more scared I will be, she said to stop and the feeling of fear will go away, I drove a little and stopped, he found me and killed me and it was like letting me go, it became very easy for me

    I dreamed of my grandmother’s house and I was in it, I was sitting in the nursery, then I wanted to go into the hall, I saw a clown in white makeup and eating my grandfather’s face with blue stripes, then I ran back into the nursery out of fear, I wanted to jump out the window and run away, but I heard the clown speaks to my grandmother, he told my grandmother, “I WILL NOT KILL YOU BECAUSE I DON’T SEE THE MANIFESTATION OF SUICIDE IN YOU,” so I realized that he would not harm me either, I walked away from the window, lay down on the bed, and then that clown came into my room and jumped on and pinned me down, saying, “THIS IS YOUR TURN, THERE WILL BE NO MERCY.” I couldn’t move, he slowly began to bite my hands with his razor-sharp teeth, then he began to work on my face, then everything suddenly darkened and I woke up.

    I dreamed of clowns, they cut off my heel, and my brother in a dream, although I don’t have sibling, I have a cousin, and this brother was unknown to me, my brother went to the basement, but then my heel appeared again, leaving the apartment I saw my brother, and he abruptly went to the basement, seeing me, I shouted to him “no go there” but he didn’t hear me, and I went to the basement and saw these clowns, I threw a lighter at them and I don’t remember what happened next..

    My friends and I feel like we're in an escape room. We need to sit and the clown Pennywise from the movie “It” comes out of the elevator towards us. I have a very big fear, when I’m afraid I usually never close my eyes, but then I tried closing them, I opened them and he was right in front of me. But he didn’t touch me or anyone else. Gone. Then he came several times, I hid from him everywhere, and he found me. And there I had to go down a very high staircase, and heights are one of my biggest fears, I constantly stand and cannot move, because I often dream about high places. I couldn’t wake up, but as soon as I woke up, I fell asleep and somehow it was difficult to breathe because I couldn’t sleep properly

    At first I dreamed that I was near the church and met 1 guy, he was supposedly a priest in the church and we fell in love with 1 one. He went to show his room, I followed him. Then clowns burst into us from all sides as if they were waiting for us, we killed them, we then killed everyone like that, then this priest (my favorite) went about his business, and he had supposedly an assistant and when I asked how are you feeling? I noticed that 1 clown looked at me and I got scared and I woke up scared, then I fell asleep again and then I saw that there were a lot of these clowns and they just walked around very nicely, scared people but didn’t kill us, we found out that these clowns are controlled by 1 and that’s all The clowns are resigned to the fact that they are only scary, but 1 clown is not. And my beloved and I decided to find him because he killed people. We found him and in our guesses it was a girl about 14 years old and then my mother woke me up. End

    I bought tickets to the circus, but the circus director gave them to me for free. Very expensive tickets so that I could go there with my nephew (his dad, my brother, died a little over six months ago). During the performance, we were sitting quite high and a clown came up to us and took me onto the stage, we walked down the stairs for a long time. But the clown just sat me closer. I was worried and nervous all the time that the child was left alone. In the end I went to the child...

    I was in my room with a friend with whom I no longer communicate (we just don’t text each other, but everything is fine) and her boyfriend, suddenly we began to prepare for a clown attack. We hid behind my bed, then her boyfriend stood behind the door, and later a clown came and since it was dark, he held a lit candle, said something (I don’t remember) and looked at me, eventually the door opened and I woke up

    Hello, as a child I dreamed that a clown was chasing me. I was running from him on the roof of multi-story buildings, and I ran for a long time, then the houses ended and I jumped down. That's how I woke up screaming. And this dream still haunts me.

    I have a normal dream, then at the end of this dream a small old TV appears out of nowhere and turns on. It shows a clown standing under the stairs, then sticks his head between the steps and says: I'm back.

Our subconscious mind uses the language of symbols and signs in dreams, so dreams cannot be taken literally. Every dream is a signal for something, often very distant from what we saw in the dream.

Lethargy - imaginary death or an involuntary attempt to hide from problems

Is lethargy a fake death, a terrible disease, or another mysterious property of the human mind? For centuries simple people This disease was feared as a terrible curse, and many great doctors tried to find the answer to this question, but even in our time, despite enormous progress in the study of human psychophysiology, the state of lethargy is still fraught with many mysteries.

Science beyond reality: discoveries made in dreams

The progress of mankind took place not only in stuffy scientific laboratories, but also outside of consciousness. Dozens of discoveries were made in a dream, and the most sensational of them became the heroes of this article.

One dream for two - the highest level of interpersonal communication

The human subconscious is fraught with many hidden abilities, and one of them is communication with another person in a shared dream. One sleep for two is highest level lucid dream, which, nevertheless, can be achieved by every person, following a special technique and opening up to their hidden abilities. Joint dreaming - special kind interpersonal communication in the reality created in a dream.

Why do you dream about the Clown?

Clown in a modern dream book

A dream about a clown is a warning that your new acquaintances will try to involve you in some dubious business. If you do not listen to the voice of reason and succumb to persuasion, you will not only lose your own money, but also risk attracting attention to yourself law enforcement. Also, a clown in a dream may mean that after some time you will decide to ignore moral standards and enter into a love affair that discredits you, but very soon you will regret that you could not resist the temptation. If you yourself were a clown in a dream, get ready for the fact that some people you know who are on the same social level as you will want to assert themselves at your expense. They will decide to publicly ridicule or humiliate you, but if you show restraint and wit, you will be able to successfully repel the blow. A dream in which a scary or evil clown was present is evidence that one of the people you consider your friends is actually vile and hypocritical person. Soon he will expose himself with a base act, and this fact will bring you a feeling of disappointment that your trust was so vilely abused. A sad clown seen in a dream, on the contrary, means that you do not trust your family enough, so you often cannot ask for help. necessary assistance. Such mistrust insults your loved ones, because they only want the best for you.

Clown in Miller's dream book

Seeing a clown in a dream who makes you laugh and teases you is a sign that you will soon find a way to earn the money you need to make your dreams come true. This work will be hard and exhausting, but as a result you will not only receive the necessary amount of money, but also gain experience that you will need in the future. Trying on a clown costume in a dream is a warning about your excessive trust in unfamiliar people and the desire to notice only positive features those around you. Taking advantage of your naivety and openness, ill-wishers will try to mislead you in order to deprive you of your honestly earned money or to denigrate you in front of society. This dream also warns that you should beware of slutty women, otherwise relationships with them will have a bad effect on your reputation. A dream in which you were a clown and entertained a large crowd of people is a bad omen, promising misfortunes and a streak of failures in life.

Seeing a clown in a dream means in real life you will find yourself in a stupid position and be ridiculed. Talking to a clown means a bad deal and lost money. A sad clown portends bruises and bumps, a cheerful one - hard work, which will open up the opportunity to make good money, but will undermine your health.

Seeing yourself dressed as a clown means making a mistake in your calculations and suffering losses. Performing as a clown in a circus arena means misfortune and worries in the family. Sewing a clown costume for your child for a New Year’s masquerade in a dream means showing sincerity towards unfamiliar people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Clown

Seeing a clown imitating you in a dream means that you will find a job that will not be easy. But it will allow you to significantly improve your well-being and implement long-standing plans. Seeing yourself in the role of a clown is a sign of misfortune, deep delusions, and clashes with opponents. Intrigues from women are possible.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dreams in which a clown appears cannot be interpreted unambiguously, because circus clowns are not only cheerful, bright and funny, but also evil, terrible and sad, with terrible grimaces instead of the usual clown smile on their faces. In general, the appearance of such a character in a dream does not bode well, but it’s not all that scary.

Why do you dream about a clown according to Miller’s dream book?

Seeing a grimacing clown in a dream is a sign that hard work is soon ahead, which will significantly improve your financial situation and even self-realization. But such hard work will not affect your health. in the best possible way. Anyone who sees himself in the role of a clown will be haunted by misfortunes and troubles. But this streak of bad luck will end soon.

Dressing up in a clown costume and applying the appropriate makeup means that you are very mistaken about something. If the dreamer happened to see himself in a clown outfit in a circus arena, then there is a chance of losing his fortune or losing his authority. Who entertains children in a dream? children's party dressed as a clown, he risks in reality falling into the whirlpool of passions and going into all serious troubles.

Clown in a dream. Vanga's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a fair buffoon performing in public, then this character symbolizes some person well known to the dreamer whom he trusts. And in vain, because this acquaintance is two-faced, deceitful and envious, so you should break off all relations with him, so as not to become a victim of intrigue and an object of discussion.

When cute and funny clown kills someone in cold blood right in the arena, this means that the dreamer’s actions are not entirely clear to others. Seeing yourself in a clown costume in a dream is a warning that before making any responsible decision, you need to think it over carefully, especially if it concerns financial issues.

What does it mean: to see a clown in a dream. Freudian interpretation

To be present in a dream at a clown performance, a clear sign that the dreamer is striving for new sensations. This desire cannot be called commendable, since it can lead to committing a very bad act that will greatly offend sexual partner. It is possible that this will be betrayal or coercion to have sex in a sophisticated form.

Seeing yourself in a clown costume and makeup means you have to be careful. The other half has doubts about the dreamer’s loyalty and sincerity, so a simple showdown is the easiest and “bloodless” scenario for the development of events. Everything could end much worse - a scandal or a complete break in relations.

Why do you dream about a clown according to Grishina’s dream book

A dream about a clown foretells a visit to some event where you will have to listen to someone’s wise speeches. Perhaps this will be a lecture on the dangers of smoking or a meeting of representatives of a religious denomination.

If a clown in a dream cries not with water tears, but with real ones, then it is worth learning the basic rules of decency so that the dreamer’s behavior does not go beyond what is permitted. Contemplating the performance of a clown in the circus arena means that in reality you will become an active participant in entertainment events.

Dressing up in a clown costume and performing in the arena yourself is a clear sign that the dreamer is very afraid of becoming an object of ridicule.

Why do you dream of a clown according to Medea’s dream book?

A clown seen in a dream is a harbinger of a fun weekend or well-celebrated holidays. If a funny and positive clown performs in the arena, then such a dream promises good news. A sad clown, dressed in a dirty and torn suit, foreshadows the beginning of a dark streak in the dreamer’s life. Perhaps he will receive bad news that will throw him off track in life for a long time.

Playing the role of a clown yourself is a bad sign. Such a dream suggests that you will soon have to perform in front of large mass people with speech that will be confused and incomprehensible. A poorly polished language will cause a wave of indignation in the crowd, and the speaker himself will become an object of ridicule and mockery from ungrateful listeners. An evil clown who appears in a dream is a symbol of future troubles and shocks that will soon fall on the head of the sleeper.

Why do you dream of a clown according to the dream book of the gypsy Seraphim

If a person sees a clown in a dream, it means that in reality he is trying to hide his sadness and Bad mood. A clown that repeats exactly all the movements of a sleeping person (mockingbird) is dreamed of by those who have a broad outlook.

If the dreamer is not offended by these clown antics, then he will be able not only to discover some rare talent in himself, but also to realize it in life. But trying on a clown costume is very bad. This means that the dreamer will face major troubles, financial losses and family problems.

When several clowns entertain the respectable public in the circus arena, then in reality there is a risk of being involved in some kind of adventure. Perhaps it will be financial Pyramide or real estate fraud. One thing is clear: this will not end well.

Why do you dream about a clown - variations of dreams

  • evil clown - to be deceived in a person who inspired trust;
  • a funny clown is an opportunity to earn money at the risk of health;
  • scary clown - get into a stupid position;
  • black clown - cause distrust of loved ones;
  • sad clown - imminent illness;
  • circus with a clown - the desire for something new and unknown;
  • talking to a clown means losing money as a result of a bad deal;
  • act as a clown - a real performance on stage, which will not be very successful;
  • make a clown costume for your baby - straight Talk with a stranger;
  • dress up in a clown costume - become a victim of other people's intrigues;
  • Harlequin - deception;
  • a crying clown - behavior that does not cause approval from others;
  • clown without spectators - to be misunderstood;
  • hitting a clown - a feeling of annoyance or anger at oneself;
  • kill a clown - become a victim of your illusions;
  • a clown training animals - a desire to go to a desert island or settle in the remote taiga;
  • clown on stilts - someone’s arrogance and arrogance will cause a major conflict;
  • a clown in a mask is a surprise.

Every person spends a third of his life in a state of rest. While some people are simply relaxing, others are using this time to look into the future. It is thanks to dreams that you can find out, for example, what events will happen in the coming days, whether they will be positive or whether you should be afraid of something.

Today there are a colossal number of dream interpreters who are able to correctly decipher night dreams. However, before turning to them, you need to try to remember the smallest details seen in a dream. Only in this way will there be a chance to interpret the vision as accurately as possible. We invite you to find out why clowns dream.

Miller's Dream Book

If the clown you saw in a dream made faces and tried to imitate you, then you will have to put in a lot of effort at work. You may spend a lot of effort, but the result will exceed all expectations and bring you satisfaction. The funds received will be enough to implement all plans.

A dream in which you were dressed as a clown is considered unfavorable. Most likely, you will find yourself in a situation that will negatively affect not only your authority, but will also hurt your pride. You should not follow the lead of women who want to use you in another affair, using their sexuality for this.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

This source is also able to explain why clowns are dreamed of. If you happen to meet a circus jester in a dream, in life you are constantly trying to hide your inner experiences, some fears or sadness from others. The clown communicated with you and at the same time said the right things, words of wisdom? you will become central character the most ridiculous life situation.

To see a clown surrounded by circus animals - in reality you experience severe disappointment not only in people, but also in life in general. Grishina's dream book knows why clowns and the circus are dreamed of. If one of the clowns is killed during a performance, then this is a symbol of the fact that in reality you are trying to grab with both hands the illusions that are crumbling before your eyes. A clown is being beaten - you are so dissatisfied with yourself that you even get annoyed by your reflection in the mirror.

If the circus jester cried, and every now and then you wanted to laugh, in life you try to hide under hundreds of masks, but you just need to learn to behave naturally. Watching a clown performing in an arena where there is not a single spectator is the realization that in some situation you were simply not understood. A harlequin seen in a dream is a symbol of betrayal and deception.

Vanga's Dream Book

The old soothsayer also knew why clowns were dreamed of. Seeing a fair jester who is trying in every possible way to keep the interest of onlookers is a rather unpleasant dream, symbolizing lies and betrayal. As a rule, such a dream indicates one of the dreamer’s acquaintances, whom he completely trusts. Vanga's dream book warns that this person is two-faced. He feels only hatred and envy in your direction, waiting for the moment when he can deliver an unexpected stab in the back.

The dream book is also able to explain why a killer clown is dreamed of. If you happen to see how a clown, who not so long ago amused the crowd, begins to brutally deal with people, this is a sign that many of your actions are absolutely incomprehensible to others.

Seeing yourself dressed as a jester is a warning that should not be ignored. In the near future, you should step back from making important decisions, for example, do not sign securities.

Freud's Dream Book

This source tells us that a dream in which you saw yourself in the form of a clown is a symbol of the fact that you are in search of new emotions and sensations. Such a desire cannot be called harmless, since your further actions may harm your loved one, who will have to endure betrayal.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

The dark sorceress Medea can tell you why you dream of clowns. A harmless clown is usually considered a harbinger of the upcoming holidays, which you will have a good time in the company of family and friends. To see a funny clown performing in a circus arena - good news awaits you. If the clown was dirty and dressed in rags, difficult times will come life period, which will take a lot of energy from you.

Being in the image of a jester is a bad sign. Such dreams indicate that you will not be able to cope with your immediate responsibilities, and you will find yourself in ridiculous situation, after which you will become an object of ridicule.

Also, Medea’s dream book is able to tell why you dream of an evil clown who is extremely aggressive towards you. As a rule, such a dream foreshadows a number of troubles for the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation of Seraphim

Meeting a clown in a dream means in reality you are trying to hide your depressive state from others. If a dreamed clown deliberately repeated all your movements, you look at life through a broad lens. open eyes. If you are not at all affected by the antics of the jester in your dream, then in the near future you will have a certain gift that you did not even know about.

If in a dream you decide to change clothes and go out in public in a clown costume, this is a bad sign. It will come in your life black line, which will last quite a long time. You will have problems both at work and in your family. Perhaps you will experience an acute shortage of money, which is why you will break a lot of wood. Watching several clowns fool around in the circus arena, amusing the audience with their antics - in reality you will participate in some kind of adventure that will definitely not end well for you.

Esoteric dream book

Watching in a dream how a red-haired clown entertains the crowd - a rather favorable period awaits you ahead, which will allow you to relax a little and live an idle life. Why do you dream of clowns whose performances are watched by people without emotions, with stone faces - I’m ready to answer esoteric dream book. You need to be extremely careful. Give up unnecessary entertainment, because it will not end well.

If you happen to see yourself in a clown costume and with bright makeup on your face, this is a bad sign. Perhaps you have lost the trust of a loved one who suspects you of cheating. Get ready for a huge scandal and remember that this will not end with a simple skirmish.

Modern dream book

This source knows why a scary clown dreams. Such a dream indicates that the enemy, who is a two-faced person, has gained your trust and intends to trample you as a person. Try to stay away from such a “comrade”. If you happen to see an ordinary clown on the street, there is a high probability that you will be drawn into frivolous relationships. The clown was sad or even cried - in reality, close people do not always understand your actions. Seeing yourself in the role of a clown - in the near future you will find yourself in a critical situation, you will be humiliated, trampled.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

You can interpret a dream based on what day you dreamed it:

  • On Monday night - positive news or event awaits you ahead.
  • On Tuesday - to the fulfillment of a cherished desire.
  • On Wednesday - in reality you will meet a girl who will become your true friend.
  • On Thursday - to difficulties.
  • On Friday - be on your guard and don’t trust anyone, especially old acquaintances.
  • On Saturday - to good health.
  • On Sunday - to recovery.

Can be used in conjunction with the interpretation of dream books.

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