Cool male surnames for VK. Beautiful surnames for VK: a list of cool names for girls in Russian and English

Every girl would like to have a beautiful surname. I really don’t want to be Tuporylova or Svinukhova! Relatives reassure: when you get married, you’ll change your last name. But if only Chervyakovs and Durakovs are looking for suitors. What to do? You can change your last name.

Beautiful Russian surnames for girls: options

  • Beautiful surnames often formed from proper names: Romanova, Vladimirov, Illarionov, Grigoriev, Pavlov, Vasilyev, Semenov, etc. They should go well with your name and patronymic. Diana Semenovna Semenova - sounds too overloaded, this needs to be understood.
  • Preobrazhenskaya, Resurrection, Rozhdestvenskaya - pronounced beautifully and nobly, in the Orthodox way.
  • You can choose a surname with meaning - Shchedraya, Moskovskaya, Slavyanskaya, Rodina.
  • Very beautiful surnames, according to many, come from the beautiful names of birds and animals - Lebedev, Strizhenov, Orlov, Sokolov, Solovyov.
  • You can borrow a surname from the count dynasties: Bestuzhev, Obolenskaya, Vorontsova, Heyden.
  • Neutral surnames are also good - Kovaleva, Vlasova, Rogozina, Krasnova, Lavrova, Svetlova, Teplova, Batalina.

Foreign surnames for girls: list

If Russian surnames do not suit you, although there are many wonderful ones among them, you can look for something suitable in the list of foreign ones.

  • Among the euphonious German surnames for girls the following can be distinguished: Mayer, Weber, Brown, Werner, Lehmann.
  • A lot of beautiful ones English surnames : Alison, Bailey, Brett, Cole, Day, Ellis, Evans, Gordon, Grant, Norman, Taylor, Stone, Ray, Mills.
  • U Poles a lot good names: Podolskaya, Kovalskaya, Valevskaya, Vitovskaya, Vitkovskaya, Vilenskaya, Troyanovskaya, Yaguzhinskaya, Levandovskaya, Koval.
  • Some Belarusian surnames also sound good: Levitskaya, Kaminskaya, Poplavskaya, Polyanskaya, Galonskaya, Chaikovskaya, Belskaya, Sokolovskaya, Dobrovolskaya, Ostrovskaya, Sobolevskaya, Savitskaya, Snezhinskaya, Gurskaya, Larchenko, Kirilenko, Kovalchuk.
  • There are many beautiful surnames Bulgarians: Apostolova, Angelova, Vladova, Danailova, Dimitrova, Blagoeva, Nikolova, Toneva, Lyudmilova.

If you have chosen a foreign surname, you should pay special attention to its compatibility with the name!

Cool surnames for girls: original selection

If you like to stand out, then this will suit you original surname from this list: Starry, Golden, Shiny, Mischievous, Cheerful, Sunny, Azure, Malinovskaya, Tsareva, Bright, Beautiful, Happy, Beloved, Rare, Plastic, Great, Southern, Fairy Tale, Rainbow, Light.

You can borrow a surname from one of the stars or famous writers, for example, Kirkorova, Boyarskaya, Koroleva, Portman, Douglas, Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova, Mayakovskaya, Dostoevskaya, Pushkina.

Literary characters are also suitable: Larina, Karenina, Bolkonskaya, Dubrovskaya.

Choosing for yourself new surname, see if it suits you well and matches your name and patronymic. Remember that by deciding to change your last name, you are taking an important step that may even change your destiny. Before you do this, think about it. Maybe yours real name and not entirely euphonious, but it connects you with your family, family.

A surname is not just an “add-on” to a person. This - business card, which allows you to win favor in advance. And if previously someone born under a dissonant surname was forced to wear it to the grave, now everyone is given the right to choose a beautiful surname. And what is important: both women and men can change it.

Russian beautiful surnames for girls

Among the billions of inhabitants of the planet, you can find bearers of both beautiful surnames and those who do not feel much joy from the sound of it. We will not talk about the long-suffering Vagins (emphasis on the first syllable), Pistrunkins, as well as the popular Smirnovs, Ivanovs and Petrovs. We propose to study the issue related specifically to beautiful surnames of Russian and foreign origin.

Surnames go back to ancient times. In Rus', only representatives of the noble classes had the right to wear them. Peasants were granted this privilege around the same time that serfdom was abolished.

It was in those days that the surname was a “continuation” of its bearer. It was assigned based on the type of activity, profession, appearance or characteristic qualities person.

Now the surname plays an identifying role, without having an energetic connection with the owner. Therefore, if you think that it doesn’t go with your name or doesn’t suit you at all, you can safely change it to a more euphonious one.

Below is a list of Russian female surnames that are euphonious and beautiful:

  • Abramova;
  • Averina;
  • Alexandrova;
  • Andreeva;
  • Anisimova;
  • Arkadieva;
  • Arkhipova;
  • Barinova;
  • Bezrukova;
  • Belokrylova;
  • Berdinsky;
  • Berestova;
  • Bogdanov;
  • Bondarenko;
  • Bratislavskaya;
  • Vasnetsova;
  • Vershinina;
  • Vishnevskaya;
  • Vladova;
  • Volkova;
  • Volochkova;
  • Voloshchuk;
  • Vysotskaya;
  • Galaktionova;
  • Golitsyn;
  • Generalova;
  • Gorodetskaya;
  • Gronskaya;
  • Darova;
  • Dementieva;
  • Demidova;
  • Denisova;
  • Dobrovolskaya;
  • Dubrovskaya;
  • Efimova;
  • Stellar;
  • Ivanova;
  • Ivleva;
  • Ignatova;
  • Istomina;
  • Kamenskaya;
  • Kanaeva;
  • Karamzin;
  • Kovalevskaya;
  • Koval;
  • Kovalchuk;
  • Kozhevnikova;
  • Koltsova;
  • Konovalova;
  • Queen;
  • Kotova;
  • Krasnova;
  • Kruchinina;
  • Kulikovskaya;
  • Larina;
  • Lebedeva;
  • Levchenko;
  • Lenskaya;
  • Lionova;
  • Lithuanian;
  • Makarova;
  • Maksimchuk;
  • Malinovskaya;
  • Malysheva;
  • Malyarova;
  • Marchenko;
  • Maslova;
  • Matveeva;
  • Menshova;
  • Merkulova;
  • Mechnikov;
  • Minaeva;
  • Navarskaya;
  • Nazarova;
  • Novak;
  • Novikova;
  • Novitskaya;
  • Novoshinskaya;
  • Oblomov;
  • Orlova;
  • Orlovskaya;
  • Ostrovskaya;
  • Platonov;
  • Celestial Empire;
  • Polyakova;
  • Potapova;
  • Preobrazhenskaya;
  • Rare;
  • Rzhevskaya;
  • Rodochinskaya;
  • Rozhina;
  • Romanova;
  • Rubentsova;
  • Rudenko;
  • Safarova;
  • Sakharov;
  • Simonova;
  • Snezhnaya;
  • Sokolova;
  • Sokolovic;
  • Sofia;
  • Sochi;
  • Tarasova;
  • Timofeeva;
  • Tolmacheva;
  • Travnikova;
  • Tretyakov;
  • Ulyanova;
  • Fedoseeva;
  • Khovanskaya;
  • Tchaikovskaya;
  • Chernyshova;
  • Chekhov;
  • Shanskaya;
  • Shapovalova;
  • Shevchenko;
  • Shorokhova.

It is important to understand that the surname, like the name, has its own energy background. Therefore, when choosing a new one, it would be a good idea to study the history of its appearance, as well as the biographies of its most prominent bearers.

Beautiful Russian surnames can make female image more refined, elegant. They can become a lucky ticket to life: they will allow you to build successful career, personal life. But when choosing a surname, you should understand that it must be in complete harmony with both the name and patronymic. Therefore, choose wisely and carefully.

Below you will find only a small part of the beautiful surnames that Russian men bear:

  • Yartsev;
  • Sviridov;
  • Yarov;
  • Yaguzhinsky;
  • Yuryev;
  • Chesmensky;
  • Yumatov;
  • Julian;
  • Efron;
  • Emin;
  • Hellenic;
  • Shestinsky;
  • Chernyshevsky;
  • Khmelevsky;
  • Florinsky;
  • Firsov;
  • Fog;
  • Trubetskoy;
  • Yaropolsky;
  • Tarasov;
  • Yampolsky;
  • Satellite;
  • Speransky;
  • Spassky;
  • Slavinsky;
  • Scythian;
  • Siberian;
  • Preobrazhensky;
  • Savransky;
  • Rostov;
  • Ross;
  • Romanovsky;
  • Rozin;
  • Filatov;
  • Sollertinsky;
  • Rodionov;
  • Paradise;
  • Radov;
  • Putin;
  • Polonsky;
  • Firebloom;
  • Pokrovsky;
  • Pechersky;
  • Ostrovsky;
  • Orlovsky;
  • Oleinik;
  • Ozerov;
  • Odoevsky;
  • Trinity;
  • Oginsky;
  • Obolensky;
  • Oblonsky;
  • Novgorod;
  • Upland;
  • Mikhailovsky;
  • Theological;
  • Bogatyrev;
  • Meshchersky;
  • Metelsky;
  • Ice;
  • Lanskoy;
  • Ladomirsky;
  • Crimean;
  • Kovalevsky;
  • Scribe;
  • Zlatoumov;
  • Zlatopolsky;
  • Zlatogorsky;
  • Yezersky;
  • Dumov;
  • Danilevsky;
  • Rzhevsky;
  • Gronsky;
  • Gratian;
  • Granin;
  • Gramar;
  • Gradov;
  • Goncharov;
  • Glinsky;
  • Glinka;
  • Glagolev;
  • Gilyarovsky;
  • Gedianov;
  • Garanin;
  • Vortex;
  • Vilensky;
  • Verkhovsky;
  • Vertogradsky;
  • Vertinsky;
  • Angelic;
  • Amursky;
  • Vereshchagin;
  • Veltists;
  • Lebedinsky;
  • Larin;
  • Varlamov;
  • Valevsky;
  • Vagankov;
  • Vavilov;
  • Bulgakov;
  • Borisoglebsky;
  • Bolkonsky;
  • Bisarov;
  • Bestuzhev;
  • Domansky;
  • Dolinin;
  • Berkutov;
  • Belsky;
  • Belogradsky;
  • Belinsky;
  • Bakurin;
  • Bagirov;
  • Akhmatov;
  • Arsky;
  • Aristov;
  • Apraskin;
  • Annensky;
  • Admirals;
  • Avrorin.

If you read carefully, you were able to notice that many of the names presented in the list belong to literary or historical figures. Therefore, when choosing a surname, it is worth considering whether you can meet its, albeit conditional, but high requirements.

List of the most beautiful foreign female surnames

Having said that many representatives of the fair sex dream of a foreign husband, we will not discover a new planet. But for most ladies, dreams remain dreams.

Fortunately, you can change your own last name to any one, and therefore to one that has foreign origin. The most popular are foreign surnames with English, American and German roots.

When “trying on” a foreign surname, you should be concerned with the question of how it is translated. Not all of them carry beautiful meaning, despite the audible euphony.

The surnames USA will help representatives of the fair sex try on the image of an American lady.

They are formed, most often, according to one of three principles:

  • Relation to relatives, most often along the father-son line: Wilson, Robinson, Nelson, Watson. These surnames indicate that its owner is the son of Will, Nelson, etc.
  • Indication of place of work or field of activity: Clark - secretary; Taylor is a tailor; Smith is a blacksmith; Cooper is a cooper; Walker is a man on foot; Scott is a devotee.
  • Note on distinctive feature in character or appearance: Thompson is a double; Brown - brown; Harris - lucky; Allen – wonderful; Rogers is nice.

Foreign surnames are good because they have no gender distinction.

Accordingly, the surname Kaufman can be worn by both a woman and a man.

Therefore, if you are choosing a beautiful surname for the strong half of humanity, feel free to see the selection principles in the text above.

Interesting ideas for social networks

Of course, you shouldn’t make doubles of stars or start a page for a long-dead idol. But trying on your new second “I” is the first place to try it there. Read more on the site: Greek male names: a list of beautiful modern and ancient names of Greek origin

And since we are on the topic of beautiful surnames, we cannot help but mention those that have been the most common for many years. What can I say, Belinsky modern society much less than the Smirnovs and Ivanovs.

Back in 2005, Russian linguist A.F. Zhuravlev identified a list of the most common or, as it is fashionable to say now, top names. We will present them in alphabetical list to make it easier to find the option you need.

We present the TOP 20 most common Russian surnames:

Alekseev0,36460 13
Vasiliev0,4948 4
Volkov0,3636 12
Egorov0,3229 16
Ivanov1,0000 1
Kozlov0,3139 18
Kuznetsov0,7011 3
Lebedev0,3431 14
Mikhailov0,3955 8
Morozov0,3639 11
Nikolaev0,3005 20
Novikov0,3743 9
Pavlov0,3226 17
Petrov0,4885 6
Popov0,5334 4
Semenov0,3345 15
Smirnov0,7412 2
Sokolov0,4666 7
Stepanov0,3016 19
Fedorov0,3662 10

Surnames have very great importance in the life of every person. If they are consonant with the name and are very pleasant to the ear, then this can play an important role, for example, in building a career. Today we will talk about what are cool names, and also how they should be selected.

A little history

Surnames are integral part the names of every person, regardless of where he was born, who he is, what place he occupies in society. From time immemorial, it was customary to give people surnames that would help create clans and groups, as well as determine membership in a particular clan. First names were received important people- rulers, their main subordinates, and only then this feature became available to mere mortals, but even here there was a certain condition. Initially, surnames were given only to men, and women inherited them from their fathers and husbands, and then only several decades after the introduction of this innovation.

So the first truly cool surnames for guys were determined by the type of their occupation, for example, the one who worked in the forge received the surname Kuznets, who sewed clothes - Kravets and the like. But surnames were given out only in Christendom, Muslims had a different hierarchy. Their surnames depended on their fathers' names. For example, if the father's name was Magomet, then the son had the surname Magometov, if Ibragim - Ibragimov, but this only applied to boys, girls received the surname of their husband, not their father. But this does not mean that all residents had surnames. This distinction meant that a person belonged to at least the middle class. Slaves and lower servants did not even have a name, let alone such a higher type of title.

In modern world

Today, cool surnames are not as rare as they once were. You can receive them not only “inherited” from your parents or from your husband, but you can also choose them yourself. Cool surnames for girls are not a problem; it’s much more difficult for guys. For a representative of the fair sex to get a beautiful surname, it is enough to either get married or change it at the registry office at her own discretion. For guys, only the last option is possible.

Why change your last name?

The last name may not always match the first name. As funny as this may sound, it really is a problem that needs to be solved. According to psychologists and numerologists, a surname may not always suit a person, which, in turn, will lead to problems and constant failures.

Cool surnames that will suit you can be easily calculated using special formulas, but for this it is better to turn to specialists. Thanks to this, you can not only get a more beautiful surname, but also attract good luck. Cases have been observed more than once when, after changing one of the parts of his name, a person completely changed - good luck accompanied him, life was directed towards the right direction, the changes were visible both externally and internally, the happy person became more positive, depression and nervous disorders disappeared, and even health improved. But it has also happened that choosing the wrong last name made matters worse, so changing it should be taken more seriously.

Surnames for social networks

Cool surnames for “Contact”, “Odnoklassniki” and “Facebook” have become something of a peculiar feature that no one can do without. It is by how the page is signed and what its content is that young people decide whether to get to know a person or not. This is why we need cool surnames for VK. Because social media do not require documentary proof of identity, you can register under any name, which is very profitable and convenient, especially if a person does not want to indicate his real data.

You can even introduce yourself with the name of a celebrity, and perhaps there will be people who will believe you (for example, now you can often see the profiles of Selena Gomez, Alexey Vorobyov, But if the option with a fake page disappears, then cool surnames for VK can be come up with your own, you don’t have to borrow them from someone. To do this, just select several options that are consonant with your name, and only then choose the most suitable one.

Originality should be natural, so when creating a nickname for yourself, you need to remember a few rules. Firstly, the contrast of letter combinations. If the number of letters in your name does not exceed four to six, then the surname can be chosen from five to ten to twelve (very rarely) letters, and vice versa - long name will go well with a short surname. For example, Anna Gievskaya, Max Korneev. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule without sudden jumps - this is when both the first and last names have approximately the same number of letters with a maximum difference of one or two characters - Ekaterina Loginova, Anastasia Andreeva, etc.

The best option would be about five to seven letters for both the first and last names - not too many and not too few. Secondly, belonging to one’s nationality. The originality of a surname lies not in having something in common with a foreign culture, but in being beautiful. This mistake is most often made by girls, believing that foreign surname will make them cooler in front of their peers. But in reality this is far from the case. Yes, there are cases when the foreign part of a name not only suits a person, but even makes him better, but all this does not happen so often. Therefore, if you want a foreign-language surname, think carefully about all the options. But whatever the fashion trends, give preference to your native language.

Famous surnames

Most famous names the world are main goal those who want to change something in their lives. These include not only the names of show business stars, but also those that previously belonged to famous family families, for example Hugo, Chekhov, Boleyn, Giza, Tudor, etc. There have become so many hunters that in some countries they even passed a law that prohibits taking surnames that previously belonged to a historical family, since there were cases when, having appropriated a noble name, a person tried to prove his involvement in one or another clan.

The coolest surnames in the world

People have become so obsessed with their names that they create rankings of the best around the world. To date, about twenty are known in one territory or another. As statistics show, cool surnames from such lists are so common that it even creates problems for law enforcement agencies, since there are completely identical names. Therefore, beautiful surnames can sometimes cause many problems, and not just delight.

Let's sum it up

After reading this article, you already know about how people got their surnames, how to choose them, adhering to some rules, and also what to avoid. If you also decide to change your surname, then before you officially do it, select several options, consult with your family and friends, you can even go to a numerologist so that he can calculate the code for your name and the appropriate surname code. The main thing is not to rush into making a choice. Of course, everything can be fixed, but you can do without unnecessary problems.

No one will argue that some surnames are considered funny. There were several boys and/or girls in each class who were teased about this. Kozlovs, Durakovs, Petukhovs... We can say that they were not very lucky: their “middle name” was successfully transformed into an offensive nickname. How many boys and girls received serious psychological complexes just because they were born into the Korytkin or Trusikhin family? Many people even strive to start a family as quickly as possible just to change their last name, and one of the main criteria for choosing a “soulmate” is the euphony of his “middle name.” This is especially true for girls: some of them are ready to forgive their chosen one for many shortcomings just because he is the bearer of a noble or beautiful foreign surname.

The most beautiful surnames in the world, euphonious and giving confidence, will be listed in this article.

What is a surname?

The word "surname" literally translates as "family". That is given value indicates that a person belongs to a certain clan. In Russia most of surnames come from the profession or village where the family lived. The ancestors of the Kuznetsovs were the most skilled blacksmiths, the Popovs were clergymen, and the Tolmachev family was probably started by a translator with Tatar language- interpreter List similar examples you can endlessly: Rybakovs, Goncharovs, Melnikovs... If you are the bearer of such a generic name, it’s worth thinking: maybe the genes of your ancestors are dormant in you and you should change your occupation, focusing on your own middle name?

Surnames that come from the name of the founder of the family are very popular in Russia: Ivanovs (Ivan), Semenovs (Semyon), Zakharyevs (Zakhar) and so on.

Initially in Russia there was no such distinction - there were only first names and patronymics. In the 14th century, the first owners of surnames were noble people - boyars and nobles. Peasants received the right to a “second name” only after the abolition of serfdom.

Beautiful Russian surnames

It is interesting that the most beautiful surnames for Russians are those that once belonged to nobles: Vyazemsky, Orlovsky, Obolensky. This is not surprising, because it emphasizes belonging to the aristocracy, giving its owner an indescribable charm. However, surnames ending in -skiy can also belong to people whose ancestors came from Poland.

By the way, the surname Romanov, which was borne by representatives of the last ruling dynasty Russian Empire, considered one of the most beautiful in the world. This is not surprising, because Rome has always been one of the most powerful powers, which created a unique cultural heritage. In Russia, she is considered not only one of the most beautiful, but also crowned.

Naturally, Russians make a rather positive impression male surnames, derived from the names of animals. Of course, we are not talking about banal roosters, cows or even pigs. Volkov, Orlov, Lebedev are male surnames that evoke associations with sublime, noble animals and, of course, seem beautiful and pleasant. Likewise the best female surnames- those associated with beauty, tenderness, kindness, motherhood. These could be: Krasnikova, Mariinskaya, Rucheikova, Tsvetkova.

“Cool” Russian surnames are very popular, the bearers of which have left their mark on history Russian state. For example, the Mamontovs, Tolstoys, Dostoevskys, Golitsins, Trubetskoys, Yusupovs, Potemkins. Usually their carriers really belong to noble family: Such “middle names” were given to high-ranking people, while others had to be content with a surname derived from the profession or name of their great-grandfather.

The most beautiful foreign surnames

As polls show, the most popular surname in the world - this is Rodriguez. She seems beautiful and very euphonious. Maybe that's why actor Antonio Rodriguez managed to achieve his popularity?

By the way, a huge number of people have this surname: it is very common in the world. Interestingly, it came from the name Rodrigo, which, in turn, comes from the ancient Germanic name Rodrigue. The first part of the name - "genus" - is translated as "glory", and the second - "rig" - has the meaning of "strength", "power". This means that the Rodriguezes are simply doomed to great fame And inexhaustible energy.

In second place on this list is Francois. The sound of this word evokes associations with a leisurely walk through the quiet streets of Paris, the aroma of coffee and croissants and beautiful French chanson. Yes, and by ear it is perceived easily, unusually soft and euphonious.
Fitzgerald is rightfully in third place. This “middle name” was taken as a pseudonym by writers, musicians and artists: apparently, it contains a creative charge that fuels creators and gives them strength for new works. This surname is a transliteration of a Norman phrase, which can be translated as “son of Gerald.”

Another beautiful foreign generic name is Werner. It has German origin and translates as “to protect and arm.” However, there is another, very prosaic hypothesis: some researchers believe that the word “Werner” means a banal stye on the eye. Therefore, it is possible that the ancestors of all living Werners had a common physical defect. Of course, this does not exclude the possibility that they were brave warriors. But be that as it may, the name sounds simply great: it is associated with the “gloomy German genius,” pedantry and accuracy.

Beautiful English surnames - Buckingham, Clifford, Mortimer, Lincoln, Cornwall, Wiltshire. As you can see, English illustrious family names are associated with the aristocracy.

This list must include oriental motifs. Japanese surname Yakamoto is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. When you hear it, associations arise with cherry blossoms, medieval Japanese engravings and laconic, succinct haiku. And this is no coincidence, because it is translated as “the foot of the mountain.” Probably, the ancestors of all Yakomoto lived near the famous Fuji and, admiring its peak, wrote magnificent poems.

American residents prefer the hereditary name King. They find it very beautiful and, so to speak, prestigious. Indeed, “king” is translated from English as “king”. This is the generic name that the recognized king of horror Stephen King bears: it is possible that worldwide fame and it was his beautiful surname that brought him luck. At the very least, it is difficult to imagine that the king was a shy and insecure person.

The surname Miller is extremely popular in the English-speaking world. This is what is usually chosen by people who decide to change their “middle name”. Miller indicates the nature of the occupation of the ancestor of the family, as it is literally translated as “miller”. In England you can find a huge number of Millers: the profession of a miller in this country was very in demand. Very often, American citizens are also Millers.

Lehmann completes the list. This surname sounds quite beautiful. In addition, psychologists have found that its carriers inspire trust in business partners. Therefore, if you are planning to do business abroad, you should start collecting documents to change your passport, as Lehmann will become a real talisman for you!

Should I change my last name?

A natural question may arise: maybe you should just change your last name? After all, people automatically treat owners of beautiful surnames a little better, giving them certain qualities associated with their second name. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine that Durakov and Vyazemsky will be treated equally. Should I change my last name? The answer to this question will be ambiguous.

On the one hand, people really respond to the sound of your name. If it evokes pleasant associations, then those around you will subconsciously perceive you a little better. However, it is known that people are greeted by their clothes and seen off by their minds. Before becoming Dostoevsky or Romanov, it is worth thinking about whether you will fit the chosen big name.

Many people dream of becoming owners of a foreign surname. After all, it has always been customary in Russia to treat foreigners with some reverence. But there is no need to rush to change documents. "Cool" foreign surnames beautiful in combination with foreign names: It’s worth thinking about how this combination will turn out in your case. Owners of international names, such as Elena or Maria, are lucky: they can safely take foreign surnames. But for girls “Love King”, “Nadezhda Francois” or for guys “Sergei Rodriguez”, “Vasily Miller” sounds quite ridiculous.

In addition, your last name has some influence on you. It's about that the full name contains some information about your family. Do you want to erase this information and record new information? This question should concern girls who are getting married: fortunately, in our society there is no need to take the husband’s surname. In extreme cases, you may well become the owner double surname. By the way, they seem especially beautiful and noble to many people.

This list is subjective. Each family name is beautiful in its own way, because they are all evidence of the history of our country and your family!

Almost every day we pronounce, read, hear and write the names of relatives, friends, and acquaintances. Every citizen of Russia has his own last name. They are recorded in birth certificates, marriage certificates, passports and other documents. But not everyone thinks about how their last name came about and how long it has existed. We perceive it as something given, but very significant.

Why do you need a last name?

The word “surname” itself entered our language quite late. Translated from Latin language it means "family". The main purpose of a surname is to designate a single family name, which refers to the entire family, not excluding the most distant relatives.

A little history

Every person who lives in Russia has a first name, patronymic and, naturally, a last name. Of course, this was not always the case. First the name appeared, then the patronymic, and only in the 14th - 15th centuries did the first surnames appear. Naturally, the boyars and princes were the first to acquire them, then in the 16th century - XVIII centuries they appeared among the nobles. In subsequent centuries, they were received by service people, merchants and church ministers. The peasants acquired surnames only end of the 19th century century.

Origin of surnames

Most often, the surnames of the wealthy classes came from the names of their estates. For example, Zvenigorodsky, Vyazemsky, Tverskoy. Since the lands were inherited, accordingly, they were passed on from father to son and family name.

Many people purchased them based on their place of birth and residence. For example, Arkhangelsky, Moskvin and others.

The names of the clergy: Zvonarev, Popov, Molitvin and others. A beautiful Russian surname appeared based on the names of churches and church holidays: Rozhdestvensky, Uspensky, Trinity. You can hear the origins in the surnames Russian army: Soldiers, Cadets, Captains. Very often they were given by the name of the head of the family: Ivanovs, Pavlovs, Mikhailovs. In addition, Russian surnames are a real storehouse of history of life and professions, the meaning of which we sometimes don’t even know. For example, the Melnikovs, Bochkarevs, Telegins, Argunovs (“argun” - carpenter).

Each surname is a mystery, which is sometimes difficult to solve.

Original Russian surnames

Undoubtedly, the most beautiful surname in Russia should be sonorous, impressive, and memorable. And they are rightfully considered as such royal families, for example Rurikovich. They cause a certain thrill in the soul.

The surname Vasiliev is no less sonorous, which means “king” in Greek.

Smirnov is the most common beautiful Russian surname. Why does it occur so often? Previously, there were many children in families, and the birth of a calm, obedient child was a rarity. Therefore, such children were called Smirny or Smirna. Gradually church name was lost. Now in this surname the emphasis is on the last syllable.

Another equally common surname is Ivanov. Several centuries ago, the name John covered almost all men, especially among peasants. In fairy tales, Ivan the Fool always wins. Now some owners of this surname insist on pronunciation with an emphasis on the letter “a”. This gives the surnames a certain nobility and sonority.

The beauty of rare surnames

The history of each surname is unique in its own way. Sometimes thousands of people bear the same surname, and sometimes it is unusual for us to hear any surnames. Of course, there are relatively few of them, but they exist, and they have their own origin stories. For example, very rare one-letter surnames: O, Yu and E. There are also those that consist of one syllable: An, En, To and Do. Rare beautiful surnames are consonant with geographical names: Moscow, Astrakhan, America and others. Some surnames were obtained by merging two words. Some of them sound quite funny and make you smile: Dobryden, Zacheshirivu, Khvataimukha, Shchiborshch, Nepeyvoda, Eybogin and others. Perhaps the most beautiful Russian surname is the one that is considered legendary. For example, Pozharsky, Grozny, Karenina and other famous ones.

Another group of rare surnames that did not receive suffixes, but remained consonant with nouns, verbs and adverbs. For example, Frost, Magpie, Pan, Bite, Tron, Peck, Generous, Nothing, Sideways and many others.

Sounding surnames for men

The man is the head of the family. And it is through the male line that the surname is passed on from generation to generation. Naturally, each male member is proud of his last name, especially if it sounds beautiful. Beautiful Russian male surnames are associated with aristocratic surnames, that is, those borne by tsars or nobles. For example, Romanov. This surname comes from the name Roman (translated from Latin as “Roman”), and Rome, in turn, is an example of the great and lofty. Therefore, bearers of this surname can be proud. Aristocratic surnames include Pechorsky, Vyazemsky, Lermontov, Shuisky and others. Kostomarov - from the word kostomarov. So in ancient Rus' were called strong, big-boned and strong people. Some “animal” ones can also be classified as majestic surnames. Surely, surnames such as Lvov, Sokolov or Orlov were given to people with strong character and will, to those who were respected. The surname Vinogradov was highly valued in Rus'. It was not given to everyone. It went only to those who especially distinguished themselves. Another category of euphonious surnames is the military. After all, serving people always personify discipline, smartness, beauty, neatness and precision. Such surnames sound solemn: Mayorov, Gusarsky, Polkovnikov and others.

Sounding surnames for girls

Nowadays, a girl's last name is of great importance. Some even seek to change it. What beautiful Russian surnames for girls are the most harmonious? They can be found in "animal" or "bird" surnames. Zainkina, Zaichik, Zaichikova - the diminutive form of the word indicates that a person bearing a similar surname is treated with tenderness and well.

Lebedeva, Lebedushkina. Most likely, such surnames were given to people who distinguished themselves by their loyalty, grace and slender figure.

Kitty, Koshechkina - suitable for affectionate and gentle people.

The beautiful Russian surname also comes from the names of plants. Rozanova, Rozochkina - associated with the chic and graceful character of the rose. Berezkina, Topol, Topolek - suitable for slender, tall girls. Aspen - such a surname was given to modest people.

The surname, derived from Lyubim, delights without any explanation. For example, Lyubimova, Beloved.

Surnames for girls

Surely every girl is proud of her unusual or rare surname. Belenkaya - the surname suits blond girls. which come from female names. For example, Mashechkina, Anechkina, Tanechkina and others. Some beautiful surnames for Russian girls speak for themselves. These include the surnames Milaya, Krasavina, Dobraya. Good - personifies the good and sympathetic person. For girls, surnames such as Zhemchuzhina or Droplet are quite suitable. They sound quite unusual, but at the same time very cute and cute.

Beautiful combinations of first and last names

Many parents, while expecting a baby, choose a name for their child that goes with the surname. Indeed, it is worth thinking about whether the name is compatible with the surname. They should be harmonious and not hurt the ears. For example, the combination Adelaide Pupchik can cause confusion or a smile. In order to beautiful names and Russian surnames were combined, it is necessary to adhere to some rules.

  1. TO noble families fit beautiful rare names.
  2. If the surname is long, then the name should be short. And vice versa.
  3. Maintain harmony of sounds for easier pronunciation (at the junction male name and the surname should not be combinations or a large cluster of consonants).
  4. Rare names are not combined with discordant surnames(Gloria Kozlik).
  5. You shouldn’t turn your child into a complete namesake famous people(Eugene Onegin, Ivan the Terrible). Often such children become the subject of ridicule.

There are also wonderful surnames that come from the names military ranks and professions. Many people will like, for example, the names Generals and Kuznetsov. But there is no need to hide that in this case some incidents may occur. The surname Zolotarev sounds beautiful and resonant, but its origins are, as they say, “with a scent” - it is a well-known fact that people like goldsmiths did what they did in Rus'. And someone may consider such famous names as Diaghilev, Nabokov, Tsvetaeva beautiful. No matter how much we would like to, it is simply impossible to mention all the beautiful Russian surnames in this article. We no longer mention foreign ones, such as Montmorency, Lamborghini, Poisson. This is a matter of taste and preference for each individual. We don’t choose our surnames, just like our parents. Unless a representative of the fair sex can be capricious when choosing a groom.

In any case, whatever your last name is, appreciate it and love it!

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