Olga Buzova who is she dating? Olga Buzova: “I didn’t even know what could be worse!” Relationships between Buzova and Batrutdinov

The famous pop diva and TV presenter is gaining momentum in popularity and successfully making money from promotion own name. In this regard, she has many fans and subscribers on Instagram who are interested in who Olga Buzova is dating now.

The girl does not make official announcements about her personal life, firmly deciding to keep it a secret. Nevertheless, she is credited whirlwind romances with famous businessmen, a participant in the show "Dom-2" and even with Philip Kirkorov.

But recently information appeared that the owner of the BUZfood restaurant had stopped hiding her boyfriend behind a veil of secrecy.

The relationship of the popular singer with Kirkorov

Throughout June 2018, the media regularly wrote about who Olga Buzova was dating now and how her relationship with her crush was developing. But the girl did not comment on the assumptions of journalists and fans, providing the opportunity for new rumors to emerge.

Particular attention of the public was attracted by the relationship that began between Philip Kirkorov and Buzova. Artists who began working together on music project, appeared everywhere together.

The king of popular music and the aspiring pop star behaved ambiguously. But then it turned out that Kirkorov and Buzova are not connected at all romantic relationship, and the contract.

The aspiring performer found herself a rich patron who paid for her PR from a well-known Russian stage singer That is why they appear together on stage and social events.

Relationship with a show participant

Then rumors appeared that Olga Buzova was dating none other than the participant Comedy show Club Their collaboration in the film "Zomboy" only strengthened the fans' suspicions. Then the girl appeared at Timur’s birthday, heartily congratulating him on his 39th birthday. But that was all over, since for the rest of the evening the young people talked with friends and did not show feelings in public.

Then photos of them from a joint vacation in Thailand appeared on the Internet, followed by short videos. However, followers were deeply disappointed in the following months, because it turned out that all these Instagram posts were a joke.

    Do you like the way Olga Buzova sings?

Real relationships confirmed by colleagues

The girl was credited with having affairs with different men, but no one was able to guess for sure. Fans now learned about who Olga Buzova is dating directly from her colleagues.

The former director of the Tatu group told reporters that the singer was dating a famous Moscow businessman. It was he who assisted her in opening her own and helped her conclude a contract with Kirkorov.

These words were confirmed by Nikolai Baskov, who sincerely believes that the pop diva has very mediocre vocal abilities.

The intrigue increased when Buzova gave a short interview for the Sobesednik magazine. The girl admitted that she was getting married and planning to move to Europe. Then on official page Olga Buzova wrote that she is already planning a wedding that will take place not on the territory of the Russian Federation, but beyond its borders.

The event is planned for a minimum number of guests, most which will consist of relatives and close friends.

Currently, Olga Buzova has begun to devote less time to work and allows herself to vacation abroad. Followers hope to see pictures from the wedding and finally find out who stole the heart of the charming and sincere presenter. This event became the most anticipated in summer season 2018.

The singer herself came up with the project “Married to Buzova” because she wanted to find love, but on the very first day she almost ran away from it.

“When I saw all the applicants, I asked myself the question: “What am I doing? I didn’t feel anything except the desire to stop all this,” Olga admits.

– When I posted a video on Instagram in which I sing the song “Few Halves” in Tuscany (this is an exclusive excerpt that was shown only in online service TNT-PREMIER), someone wrote: “I wonder how many times it took to re-shoot for Olya to sing so beautifully?” We don't have any duplicates! This is not a series, but a reality show, everything happens in reality.

“I decided to take such a step because I felt that something was wrong in my life. Perhaps someone will perceive him as desperate. But for some reason, female happiness did not come to me. I've been waiting for him for two years and have already begun to wonder what's the matter? Young, free, beautiful girl, who has let go of the past and is ready for a relationship, but there are none. And I decided to change it myself.

Maybe men are afraid of me

“I understand that I’m contradicting myself, because I wanted to keep future relationships under seven locks and hide them from prying eyes.” And at the same time I came up with such a project and came with it to the TNT channel, where I have been working for 15 years. But I’m a girl, and we can contradict ourselves (laughs). I have experience of relationships behind me that no one knew about. Although we broke up with this young man, we still remained close friends. There is a public experience, everyone knows how it ended. Yes, I want to shout about love to the whole world, but when this Nice picture It collapses and it hurts a lot. Now I wanted quiet female happiness, but in the end I came on television and, in front of the whole country, I am building relationships with men, because in reality they do not get to know me. Why? I don't know.

Yes, you want to shout about love to the whole world, but when this beautiful picture collapses, it becomes very painful

When I was talking with my friend Timur Batrutdinov the other day, he asked me: “Ol, do you really believe that you will find love?” I answered: “Yes!” It may sound naive, but that’s what I thought. Maybe in Everyday life men are afraid of me, listen to my songs, and it seems to them that I hate them, won’t let anyone in, or that I’m an avid careerist. With my appearance on the reality show, I showed them that despite all my busyness and publicity, I want a relationship. I had a bad experience, but it's behind me. Timur and I talked a lot about this. He said that in the same way he went to the “Bachelor” project for love, but it didn’t work out. We laughed together because he hasn’t been able to meet the one for so many years, and I haven’t gone on a date for two years. I thought that since, unlike “The Bachelor,” where the girls didn’t know who the hero would be, in my project the guys understood who they were going to, it means that a priori they should at least be interested in me. But the conclusions are sad.

– I always went on dates with an open soul and heart. I even dressed up for the person I least wanted to spend time with. Smiled when you met, set yourself up positively, because often the first impression is deceptive, and it may turn out that you were mistaken at first. Thanks to the management of TNT for being able to prove to me that I am still capable of experiencing feelings.

Lied about bad habits

– Before the casting began, I met with the producers of the show and talked about important moments for myself. Eye and hair color didn't matter. I would like a man to be taller than me, but the main thing is that he is free! Married people are taboo. On someone else's misfortune happiness can not be built. She also set some age restrictions. I understand perfectly well that you can fall in love with a 20-year-old, but still I would like a person next to me, not just older, but accomplished, mature. Although I know cases where at 23 years old a man is mature and reasonable, but at 40 years old he is childish. As a result, we determined the age to be at least 25 years old. Since I have experience in a relationship with a person who previously had a family (for Dmitry Tarasov, marriage with Olga is the second; his daughter is growing up from his first union. - Antenna’s note) I wanted not only freedom, but also without obligations. At the same time, I understand that if a man was not married at the age of 35, then something is wrong, because good guys are now being snapped up like hotcakes. So I'm ready to make compromises.

If a man has not been married at 35, then something is wrong, because good guys are now being snapped up like hot cakes

Each of us has a past. Me too. I asked all the guys who came to the project how they broke up with their women. Some have two divorces behind them, and this is already alarming, because some kind of pattern can be traced, a frivolous attitude towards marriage. If we talk about valuable personal qualities, then these are loyalty, devotion, and a sense of humor. It is also important for me that a person does not drink alcohol, does not smoke, healthy image life. The guys who came to the project knew about this, but, as it turned out, many were deceived. They pretended that they didn't have bad habits, and then it turned out that there was.

I didn’t admit that I really liked you

When I saw all the contenders for my heart, I asked myself the question: “My God, what am I doing? What show? And so they all come, and I feel nothing except the desire to just run away and stop it all. I asked all the men why they didn’t meet me in reality, they answered: “How will we approach? You will immediately turn away from the gate.” Maybe they really couldn’t find a way to see each other in person or they thought I had someone. By the way, for some reason many people think so. I asked everyone the same question and in the end I answered it myself, acquitting everyone, as always. So I thought: since it all started, the rocket was launched, why run? She completely cleared her schedule, left only concerts that had been planned for a long time, relieved herself of the workload on the Dom-2 project and flew to Italy not to film, but to meet men to get to know them. For me this is a personal story. I remember my mother said at some point: “Daughter, relax, have fun. Why can’t you admit that you really like him?” And really, why? I am a beautiful girl, I always look gorgeous, I smile even at those with whom there was initially some kind of barrier.

I wanted to go on a first date with one of those men who interested me when we met, but I went with Andrei Naumov. He won this right in a competition. I made up the rules myself and didn’t break them. Gave him a chance. But I quickly felt that everything was going wrong. When you're in Venice on a date, and the man next to you emphasizes that he's riding a gondola with Olga Buzova and constantly reminds you who you are, that says a lot. Everything I felt was written on my face. She correctly explained to Andrey that it was time to end the meeting.

- IN modern world there was some substitution of concepts. When 10-15 women are after a guy, it's not right. It is not girls who should run after young men, but men who should fight for women.

She spoke the truth, they threw mud at her

According to the rules, every week I said goodbye to one of the young people, some not even at the end of the day at the ceremony, but during dates, because I didn’t want to deceive myself and them. If I understood that a man was not interested in me or I was interested in him, I behaved extremely sincerely and preferred to immediately put an end to it. This decency played with me cruel joke. It turns out that if you tell a man that you are uncomfortable, you automatically become bad, and then they throw mud at you behind your back. Should I really lie? When you don’t torment people, don’t play with them, but honestly explain: “I’m sorry, I don’t feel it,” no one needs such truth. Neither men nor TV viewers like her. Many young people have fans who consider it their duty to say offensive things to me.

The date with Evgeniy actually lasted six hours, if not more, and during that time I understood everything. And they only showed five minutes on air.

When my mother watched the episode in which I asked Zhenya Pesennikov to leave, she said: “Daughter, I understand you, I feel you and fully support you. You realized that this was not your person, and did not mislead an adult man.” The date with Evgeniy actually lasted six hours, if not more, and during that time I understood everything. And only five minutes were shown on air. When they reproach me and say: “She’s such a capricious person, she doesn’t like it, that’s not right,” I don’t deny it. But I didn’t promise that it would be easy. Yes, there is a certain imprint from past relationships, mistrust. I am demanding, but I treat myself the same way. She spoke frankly about her fears, that before I had any emotions, I had to get to know the person, feel that his interest was in me. Of course, there is little time for this on the project. And it’s a pity that I didn’t see everything that was happening behind my back. I play in the theater, but the acting abilities of some men amazed me. They tell me one thing, but behind the scenes something else happens.

Men left and started relationships

– I am convinced that if a girl is interesting, young man will not stop the only “no” she says. I said goodbye to the guys, but the project continued, I came to Moscow. I had concerts and I was available for communication, but none of those who left tried to meet again. It turns out that if I told them “no” within the show, they didn’t feel the need for me outside of it. When this realization came to me, it became painful and offensive. I said goodbye to many warmly and kindly, because I am grateful for our good moments. And none of them showed any initiative after that. This means that they did not come to me, but to television.

It turns out that if I told them “no” within the framework of the show, outside of it they did not feel the need for me

Some started relationships the very next day after leaving. An inscription appeared on their pages on social networks: participant in the reality show “Married to Buzov”! What kind of real sympathy for me can we talk about? I had many barriers in my life, how many times I was denied a profession, but I didn’t give up halfway and went towards my goal. So now I automatically conclude: if men immediately gave up, it means they weren’t coming to me. When I look at all this from the outside and see the issues that are coming out, I get to know the guys again. I didn’t see everything, I didn’t hear what they said in my absence. In many situations I was mistaken, as a gullible person who, unfortunately, is easy to deceive.

I came up with the idea of ​​checking with money and fame

I think the camera is not an obstacle to feelings. But I ask myself: did I feel good on the dates or in this atmosphere? Valentin Korobkov and I spent the whole day on a yacht and went to the island of Capri. How can you not be impressed? They chatted, laughed, swam. We just sailed there for four hours and talked the whole time. The same thing happened with other participants on dates. But after a while, moving away a little from meetings with them, I thought: is it not in Italy itself? After all, in ordinary life everything is different: there are no administrators, assistants and the TNT channel, which made and came up with dates for the guys, there is only a man. What is he ready for without all the paraphernalia of the project? Only reality will show this.

I noticed when a person tried to catch me and not get into the frame

On dates I pay attention to everything. The little things are very important. The cameras are always with us, we are never alone. Sometimes the shooting would end, and that was it, I was on my own, a man on my own. I noticed when a person tried to catch me and not get into the frame.

The project includes not only my choice, but also that of the participant. I didn’t want there to be guys there who realized that I was not their person. Therefore, my team and I came up with a provocation: before I announce who stays and who leaves, offer men an alternative - me or money. What tests people? Money, fame, power. I can’t say what will happen next, but I’m wondering whether the contenders for my heart will be able to pass the test of fame and the opportunity to make good money.

I want children to be born in marriage

I am not fed up with freedom, I want a relationship in which it will remain with me. And, by the way, I sing about this in my song “Accept Me.” I don’t promise a man that I’ll give up some of the work, shirts will be ironed at home, breakfast in the morning, and borscht in the evening. I want to be accepted with all my fears and difficult schedule. The guys on the project saw that I could be emotional, and stomp my foot, and get angry, but at the same time they understood that I was open, honest, and with a sense of humor. I am responsible for every word and I am not pretending to be anyone. I am often asked the question of whether I am ready to get married again. Marriage and stamp are not the main thing. A family is based on love, trust and respect, when people accept each other completely and do not change. You can adjust in some small things: in the schedule, in everyday life. But I don’t want to be broken; I am a mature person with a clear position. And my man should be who he is. I also talk about this in my song “Take Me,” a video for which we have already shot, and my show at Crocus, which will take place on November 18, is called the same.

At some point I was categorical about marriage. But then I realized that I was still conservative. I want a family, children born in marriage. I want a man to appear who will want to take me as his wife. I won't insist. For me, the main thing in a relationship is love.

“Married to Buzova”, Sunday, 20:00, TNT

Olga Buzova’s heart is now free, and she is desperately trying to find her chosen one. Who will be next is unknown. But let's remember what kind of men were in Olga Buzova's life, and how the relationship with them developed.

Roman Tretyakov (participant of "House-2")

Olga Buzova met Roma at Dom-2. Their relationship lasted three years, after which Roman could not stand life under the cameras and left the project. Buzova did not follow him, preferring, according to Tretyakov, to remain in her comfort zone. Of course, who would trade a free sausage for any project!
Interestingly, the romance between Buzova and Tretyakov was recognized as the most romantic on the project. However, years later, Tretyakov spoke harshly to Olya in an interview and called their love at “House-2” a staged game. But we, stupid ones, didn’t know!
Tretyakov also told publications more than once about why Buzova is still alone after her divorce from Tarasov. According to him, it is now beneficial for Olga to be alone so that everyone feels sorry for her. Roma, what are you talking about, Olya just can’t find her prince!

Alessandro Materazzo (participant of "House-2")

In order to forget Roman Tretyakov and continue putting on a show on the project, Olga Buzova began a relationship with Alessandro Materazzo. The romance did not go well: the couple had constant quarrels and conflicts. Materazzo himself spoke about his relationship with Buzova only after leaving the project:
“I was persuaded to court Buzova. Nothing could ever happen between us. Because she is the “six” of the producer of the Mikhailovsky project.”
Alessandro also admitted that Buzova was actually head over heels in love with him. However, they were constantly pitted against each other and invented conflicts out of thin air for the sake of ratings.

Alexander Anyukov (football player)

Olya, while still on the project, was already looking at the football players. She met Alexander Anyukov at a club. Buzova’s sister Anna introduced him to the athlete. According to Olga, that same evening they exchanged phone numbers and began to correspond.
The relationship did not develop, since neither she nor he had enough time for meetings. Of course, after all, Olya had to build love on “House-2”, but they don’t pay for what happens on the project!

Alexey Mitrofanov (deputy)

Years go by, but still no dear! But here Olya was very lucky - Duma deputy Alexei Mitrofanov drew attention to her. Buzova often appeared with him at events. There were rumors that a member of the LDPR faction was giving the star expensive gifts.
The connection with the “daddy” was not interrupted even after Buzova began dating Tarasov. By the way, the press said that Buzova went to Mitrofanov in Ukraine after he had to urgently leave Russia to avoid justice. Tarasov found out about this and the couple began divorce proceedings.

Dmitry Tarasov (football player)

Finally, Olya managed to get married, and to a football player at that. Their relationship became public in 2011. The newspapers learned that Lokomotiv football player Tarasov divorced his wife for the sake of new girl. Later it turned out that his new passion is Olga Buzova.
The couple met in a restaurant. The relationship began to develop rapidly. A month after they met, Buzova flew to Germany to support her lover during the operation.
The Tarabuzik relationship is a whole era on Instagram. It was then that Olya began posting videos and photos almost around the clock about her life with Tarasov, coming up with original hashtags (#myamoy) and sharing all her family secrets with subscribers.
At the beginning of November 2016, it became known that Buzova and Tarasov were breaking up. The exact reasons are still not clear. Some say that the issue is Buzova’s infidelity, others accuse Tarasov of infidelity.
Fans did not guess, but created a petition addressed to Federation Council member Mizulina, asking them to save the marriage of Buzova and Tarasov.

This stupid letter did not reach Mizulina, since only 180 people signed it.

Dmitry Nagiyev (actor and TV presenter)

After breaking up with Tarasov, Olga sought solace in correspondence with Dmitry Nagiyev. Love may not have happened between them, but everything could have happened if their secret correspondence had not become public knowledge.

Timur Batrutdinov (artist)

For the New Year 2018, Olya Buzova went to Thailand and accidentally met Timur there. The singer’s entire Instagram was immediately filled with photos of them together. Subscribers immediately thought of the novel.
After the trip, Buzova appeared with Batrutdinov at events more than once, starred in commercials with him, and even came to visit the Comedy Club. However, to the chagrin of many, this couple did not plan a serious relationship. They were and remain friends. Although, who knows what happened on those Thai New Year's nights...

And yet Buzova has someone!
On this moment Olya is free. She is being courted by Dom-2 participant Roman Gritsenko, but this relationship can hardly be called promising. IN Lately Buzova contradicts herself: at events and on Instagram she publicly declares that she is waiting for her prince, and in interviews she says that she has a boyfriend. Let us remind you that in the fall of 2018, the reality show “Married to Buzova” will be aired on TNT, in which 16 men will fight for Olya’s heart.

Olga Buzova is an incredibly versatile media person. The celebrity has successfully proven herself on television, radio, in the fashion industry, cinema, music and even in publishing.

She became known to the general public in 2004, becoming a participant in the television project “Dom-2”. And in 2008 she “retrained” as its presenter.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Olga Buzova originates in the city on the Neva. The future TV star was born in January 1986. Nationality: Russian. Her parents are far from show business. Igor Dmitrievich and Irina Aleksandrovna were military personnel at that moment.

Little Olga Buzova developed very rapidly: she acquired reading and writing skills by the age of three. At the same age, the girl began to study English language. Olga’s abilities prompted parents to send their child to school at the age of 5. The little girl brilliantly coped with all the difficulties of studying, brought home A's and quickly found mutual language with classmates.

Already at the age of 13, Olya worked part-time as a counselor at a children's camp, and at the age of 15 she got a job in a modeling agency.

In 2002, the girl graduated from high school with a silver medal. She dreamed of becoming an actress, but her strict parents asked her to throw this “frivolous profession” out of her head. Soon she entered St. Petersburg University, where she chose the faculty of geoecology and geography. During these years, the blonde plunged headlong into the world of show business.

"House 2"

Buzova appeared on the television project “Dom-2” in 2004 as a participant. Here she was engaged in “building her love” for 4 years. At the same time, the parents insisted that their daughter receive higher education. And Olya managed to do this with honors.

At Dom-2, Buzova began dating a showman. The charming girl received the nickname Buzyonysh and an army of fans from the young man. The affair with Tretyakov lasted two years. In 2005, Olga and Roma began hosting the talk show “Romance with Buzova” on TNT.

In 2006, Roman Tretyakov said that he was tired of the “aquarium” life and left the project. The young man settled in Moscow, rented an apartment and waited for his Buzenysh to join him. But Olga was in no hurry to leave the show, where she still felt comfortable. The relationship between Buzova and Tretyakov soon faded away. And the girl decided to continue her career in television.

In 2007 in capital museum wax figures two wax copies of Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov appeared. This honor was given to them as the most popular couple of the project.

The girl remained in “House-2” until 2008. At this time, she had short affairs with Stas Karimov and Alessandro Materazzo. But in December she announced that she wanted to leave the show. The producers highly valued the last star from the “golden cast” of the show, so they invited Olga Buzova to become the co-host of “House-2”. At that time they were and. Olya accepted the offer.

Olga Buzova in the show "Dom-2"

Thus, in December 2008, Olga Buzova not only changed her status as a participant in the project to the host of this reality show, but also acquired the additional position of chief editor of the Dom-2 magazine.


On this wave, the celebrity became interested in writing and published two original books: “It’s about the hairpin. Tips from a stylish blonde" and "Romance with Buzova." The pages of the latter were saturated with the beauty’s favorite perfume aromas.

In addition to her literary talent, the blonde discovered her love for singing: since 2011, Olga Buzova began to actively develop as a singer, and her songs were included in the collection “Stars of the House-2. Laws of love." Her first work as a singer was the single “Don’t Forget,” released together with the popular rapper. A video appeared for the song.

With the growth of popularity, Buzova began to be regularly invited to various television shows. In 2011, Olga played the role of a bride on the “Let's Get Married” show on Channel One. And in 2012, the girl competed in flexibility and plasticity on the “Dancing with the Stars” project. Her partner was a professional dancer. But the contestant did not last long in the show. She left the project with a scandal, saying that the jury members were too biased towards her and gave her low marks.

On the popular TV shows “Dancing on TNT” and “ Comedy Battle“Buzova was repeatedly present as a member of the jury, becoming a kind of “voice of the people.”

Olga Buzova on the TV show "Dancing with the Stars"

The charismatic St. Petersburg resident also excelled as an actress. In 2008, she made her film debut in cameo roles. Appeared in the projects “Zaitsev +1”, “Bartender”, “Elena from Polypropylene” and “Univer”.

The acting biography of Olga Buzova continues on theater stage. The artist made her stage debut in 2010 in the play “Honeymoon” with the participation of Tamara Tsatsanashvili and.

In 2016, Olga Buzova starred in the TNT series “Poor People” as herself. In the same year, the star played with and in Ara Hovhannisyan’s comedy “Take the Blow, Baby!”

During the same period, fans of Olga Buzova were able to read it new book called "The Price of Happiness".

As expected socialite, the celebrity is keenly interested in the fashion industry. Therefore, the girl tried her hand as a fashion designer. Olga Buzova's clothing collection was shown at Estet Fashion Week, where the TV personality demonstrated not only her design, but also her DJ talents - she independently played a DJ set for the show.

It is known that Buzova worked on this clothing line together with the Italian company C&C.

Since 2013, Olga Buzova and her sister have been the owners of the Bijoux jewelry brand and the Bijoux Room chain of stores.

Personal life

For many years, Olga Buzova’s personal life was built publicly, under the gun of television cameras. But after the girl changed her status as a participant to a TV presenter, she began to decide for herself what to talk about and what to keep silent about. True, to a greater extent she still “spoke.”

In 2011, rumors spread that the blond beauty was having an affair with a Lokomotiv football player. What made the situation more piquant was the fact that he was married at the time he met Buzova. A daughter grew up in the marriage.

Soon the lovers stopped hiding their relationship. It is noteworthy that the football player tried to protect the girl from attacks and accusations that Olga Buzova allegedly “stole” Tarasov from the family. The young man stated that no one “led him away”; supposedly, the prerequisites for divorce arose long before meeting Olga.

Two months after they met, Dmitry took his beloved on vacation to Dubai, where he proposed to her. Buzova agreed. The wedding took place in June 2012. The ceremony took place in the circle of relatives and best friends of the couple. Olya took her husband’s last name, but left her own as a creative pseudonym maiden name.

Olga Buzova has repeatedly said in interviews that she dreams of becoming an ideal wife, so she devotes a lot of time to her husband. The girl abandoned some of her projects and began to appear less often in TV series, films and entertainment TV shows.

For some time, their couple was compared to the Beckhams. They were also called by the funny nickname Tarabuziki. But after 4 years the fairy tale came to an end. The subscribers of the couple’s Instagram pages were the first to guess about the sad ending of the novel. They noticed that the spouses no longer show off their cute joint photos. When fans asked the athlete to comment on this, he advised everyone to turn to Olga, who supposedly “loves to comment on everything.”

Family life couples ended at the end of 2016. Soon Dmitry Tarasov had a new lover, whose name is. She is the second vice-miss of Russia 2014. In January 2018, young people. In addition to the traditional marriage ceremony, the couple underwent a wedding ceremony. And in July 2018, Anastasia gave Buzova’s ex-husband a daughter.

Of course, there was active discussion on the Internet possible reasons divorce of Dmitry and Olga. There were different versions expressed. First they started talking about Tarasov’s infidelities, then about the fact that during 4 years of marriage the girl never gave birth to the child that the man asked her for.

Later it turned out that a marriage contract was signed between the spouses. According to its terms, during a divorce, everyone remains “to their own.” A lawyer knowledgeable in legal matters said this.

And Tarasov himself did not deny the existence of the agreement, but it states that half of their property goes to Olga. According to him, it was especially difficult to share a house with Buzova, in which he invested so much of his own money and effort.

And soon it struck new scandal: someone leaked Olga Buzova from . Some skeptics claim that it was allegedly published by the angry beauty herself in order to “annoy” her husband. Screenshots of the correspondence date back to the time when Buzova and Tarasov were married. But most likely, the photos and correspondence were stolen by hackers by hacking into the TV star’s phone, since conversations not only with Nagiyev, but also with her, were leaked online.

One way or another, Buzova had a hard time going through her divorce from Tarasov. In the interview, for the most part, she cried and accused her now ex-husband of betrayal. And then, as if to spite him, she became strong and even more popular. The blonde changed her hair color to a brunette. In addition, some suspect that Olya resorted to plastic surgery.

Armchair “experts” are sure that the TV presenter has enlarged her lips, but admit that she did it carefully, without a “duck” effect. They also suspect her of rhinoplasty. But comparing before and after photos rather refute the arguments about nose surgery than confirm them. The most that Buzova did was adjust its shape. Many noticed that after the divorce the girl lost weight. Now, with a height of 179 cm, her weight is 54 kg. There is no need to argue, Olga has clearly gotten prettier.

Be that as it may, Olga plunged headlong into her work. She shot a video for her new hit “To the Sound of Kisses” and toured almost all the provincial cities of the country with concerts. And in 2017, she presented her debut album of the same name, which included the songs “Not enough halves”, “I’m getting used to”, etc. From now on, tours and armies of fans - an integral part of her life.

Olga Buzova - "To the Sound of Kisses"

She also has haters. Perhaps she is criticized as often as she is praised. For example, in the summer of 2017, a scandal erupted on the Internet when, in an interview, she spoke unflatteringly about the audience who listens to Olga Buzova. The TV presenter did not remain silent and dedicated a post to the artist "Instagram". She said that she is devoted to her fans, just as they are to her. And she asked Loboda to henceforth refuse such loud, unfounded and untruthful statements.

Olga Buzova now

In February 2018, news was published on the Internet that Buzova was suing a Comedy Club resident due to insults. This surprised many, since the artist is a frequent guest comedy show and was never offended even by the sharpest jokes from its participants. It turned out that her abuser was in the form of his alter ego, rapper Glebati.

Olga Buzova - "Not enough halves"

Soon, Olya stood up for him and promised to resolve the issue with his colleague on his own. By the way, by a happy coincidence, Olga celebrated New Year 2018 with Timur. The guys accidentally ended up on vacation in the same place. Subscribers immediately “married” them. But despite the wishes of the fans, their joint vacation did not lead to anything serious.

Buzova continues to storm new areas of activity. In April 2018, the TV presenter announced the release of her own cryptocurrency, which was called Buzcoin. In June 2018, the celebrity opened a restaurant in the center of Moscow - Buz FOOD.

Of course, such an attractive and self-sufficient businesswoman has plenty of admirers. But after breaking up with Tarasov, she never started a relationship with anyone. On the Dom-2 project, Olga also has a boyfriend among the participants -. The young man tried to win the favor of the TV presenter more than a year. Buzova either flirted with Roma or staged scenes of jealousy, but it was clearly evident that she was pleased with his advances. But on the other hand, she didn’t give the guy any hope.

Olga Buzova - “Accept Me” (Premiere 2018)

In August 2018, it became known that Roman began a romantic relationship with a participant in Dom-2. Olga was shocked by this news and left the set with tears in her eyes.

The singer pays a lot of attention to Instagram; over 13.5 million subscribers are subscribed to her microblog (as of August 2018). Olga regularly publishes new photos and stories, often posting pictures in a swimsuit from various photo shoots for glossy magazines. She appears on her account without makeup. On vacation, Buzova prefers not to overload her skin with unnecessary cosmetics.

And many of her fans are interested in what her hand gesture means, with which she so often appears in the frame. Buzova holds her palm up, raising her index and ring fingers. “L – Love. Love rules the world!” the girl proclaimed on her Instagram page, thus dispelling all speculation and deciphering secret meaning gesture.

On August 27, the singer announced the release of her new album “Take Me,” as well as her new concert show, which she will perform on November 18 at Crocus City Hall.

Today Buzova is one of the most influential representatives of Russian show business. In 2017, according to Forbes magazine, Olga earned $3.9 million. The publication notes that 90% of her income comes from advertising on Instagram.

"Married to Buzov"

In August, it started on the TNT channel new project with the participation of the TV personality - “Married to Buzova”. Essentially, it's the female equivalent popular show"Bachelor". Olya had to choose the man of her dreams from 15 candidates presented, and Buzova’s “suitors” were selected “for every taste and color.” The girl herself has repeated more than once that for her this is not a show, but real life.

Its filming has long been completed. Olga frankly admitted that the project literally turned her life upside down, and the TV presenter finally found her man.

Of course, after the first episode was shown, they started talking about the favorites of the project. Most of the singer's fans believed that this was the owner of a cheese factory. The paparazzi have already caught Olga several times in the company of her supposed chosen one.

In October 2018, Buzova wrote on Instagram the whole truth about her relationship with the cheese maker. According to the girl, she did not believe the rumors for a long time, but the facts began to emerge one after another.

“At the moment, Denis and I are not together, and in the future we won’t be able to be together either! Because I can’t be with a person who deceives, cheats, uses, betrays and sells me! Unfortunately, everything that the media has been exaggerating for so long is turned out to be the bitter truth!” said Olga.

Lebedev commented on the situation. He admitted that the share in the business is not that large, everything is at the development stage. He actually borrowed money from his partners to court Buzova, so as not to disappoint his beloved. All these points do not affect his attitude towards Olga. He is still in love and hopes that their story will continue.


  • 2017 – “To the Sound of Kisses”
  • 2018 – “Accept Me”

Today Olga Buzova is one of the most popular personalities in Russian show business. It is not surprising that many are interested not only in her creative endeavors, but also in her personal life. In addition, the girl loves everyone's attention, so she often shares new events on her microblog. It is from there that most subscribers can find out who the aspiring star is dating and what’s new in Olga Buzova’s life.

Does Buzova have a boyfriend?

It is known that after a divorce from a football player, Olga Buzova’s personal life did not work out. The girl has completely stopped trusting men and treats all suitors with caution. However, she believes that a worthy man will appear in her life who will accept her for who she is.

Not long ago, Buzova provoked rumors about her affair with a resident Comedy club Timur Batrutdinov. As it turned out, they went on vacation to Thailand in a common company of friends, so they often spent time together. Many also noted that new joint photos appeared on their microblogs from time to time.

After returning to Moscow, the guys admitted that there could only be friendship between them, since they had known each other for more than 12 years.

After some time, Olga admitted that a completely different man was courting her. She noted that her heart was beginning to thaw a little, and the pain of parting with ex-husband no longer so noticeable. Insiders immediately began to speculate about who was able to gain her attention. As it turned out, a businessman named Mikhail became her secret admirer.

But the girl never confirmed that they were dating. In addition, Roman Gritsenko, a participant in the television project Dom-2, has been seeking favor for several months famous TV presenter. While Olga Buzova does not reciprocate his feelings, she also does not miss the opportunity for a little flirtation.

For several months now, information has been appearing in the media about the star diva’s new relationship. Despite this, Olga is in no hurry to talk about the fact that she is dating someone. Fans can only guess about her new hobby.

Last news

Attempts to become a happy and beloved woman led Olga to a new grandiose project - “Marry Buzova.” For a long time the girl diligently remained silent about the show and only in April officially confirmed that she would again look for her love on television. The casting of applicants has already started, so all men from 18 to 40 years old can send their profiles to compete for her heart.

According to the artist, she is tired of putting her personal life on the back burner. Now Buzova does not have a man with whom she would date, but she really hopes that she will soon find her ideal.

It also became known that showman Stepan Menshchikov could become one of the participants in the new project. They met Olga back in 2004, when they took part in the filming of House-2. Even then, Stepan showed interest in future star, but in the end the guys decided to remain friends. Now Menshchikov dreams of confessing his love to the TV presenter and making her truly happy. Well, whether he succeeds or not, only time will tell.

Let us remind you that the popularity of Olga Buzova is growing every day. In a famous social network The singer already has more than 12 million subscribers on Instagram. This only means that she is moving towards her goal in the right direction.

Despite a large number of ill-wishers, the girl arouses constant interest among a huge audience. It is quite possible that after a while she will become great competition for many media personalities.

Ideal man

Recently Olga Buzova gave frank interview“StarHit”, in which she spoke in detail about her life. The girl shared new achievements in her career:

  • opening a restaurant;
  • recording a new album;
  • song presentation, etc.

In addition, the artist touched on personal topics. Journalists managed to find out what kind of man she would like to see next to her. Olga said that she was ready to date a man who would be less popular than her. In a relationship, what is important to her is not material goods, but what her chosen one will be like and what emotions he can give her.

Buzova noted that she really wanted the man to be able to provide her with reliable protection and support. And most importantly, his feelings must be sincere.

In fact, the casting will take a long time and the participants will have to endure a tough selection process. The list of requirements for candidates has already been announced. According to the scriptwriters, the following should apply for the role of groom for the most enviable bride in Russia:

  • ambitious guys;
  • accomplished men;
  • reality show participants;
  • creative individuals;
  • athletes.

After this, all participants will go on a trip to one of the most romantic countries in the world, where they will wait for a long-awaited meeting with the incredible Olga Buzova.

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