Pelageya is woven from contradictions. Pelageya's mother does not want to hear about her new boyfriend Pelageya with her mother Svetlana Gennadievna in the voice

Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova was born in Novosibirsk into a family that was closely connected with musical art. Pelageya's mother, Svetlana, was a fairly famous jazz singer. Having lost her voice after a long illness, the courageous woman did not break down and changed music scene to the theater. Throughout her subsequent career, Pelageya’s mother worked as a director and taught acting in one of the local theaters.

The singer’s creative biography began even before school. This happened in St. Petersburg. A mother took her four-year-old daughter to an exhibition of avant-garde artists. There she fell in love with the stage forever.

At the age of 8, Khanova entered a special music school in Novosibirsk, which operated at the conservatory. Pelageya turned out to be the first vocalist in the history of the institution. It was here that the leader heard her for the first time musical group“Kalinov Bridge” Dmitry Revyakin. The musician invited the parents to bring their daughter to the capital, where the girl could participate in the competition " morning Star».

Revyakin’s advice turned out to be correct: Pelageya received the title “Best folk song performer in Russia in 1996.” After this, a series of new achievements began. The young artist successfully performed at the competitions “Young Talents of Siberia”, “New Names of the Planet”, and also appeared on the KVN stage (as part of the Novosibirsk state university) and sang for three presidents at once at the trilateral summit of Russia, France and Germany.


14-year-old Pelageya graduated from school as an external student and entered the Russian Academy theatrical arts in Moscow. Later, the singer became the lead singer of the group “Pelageya”, with which she soon released her first single “Lyubo!” Despite the very unusual musical style the composition became very popular.

In 2006, about the life and work of one of the most famous singers V modern history The autobiographical film “Prodigies” was shot in Russia.

In the period from 2006 to 2009, she toured extensively throughout Russia and the CIS countries, in the middle of this period presenting to the public her first studio album, “Girls’ Songs.” The album includes 12 songs - mostly folk compositions, covered by Pelageya.

In 2009, Pelageya released an online release, and a year later on hard copy, a new double album, “Paths,” which included Russian folk, Cossack and original songs. Recorded on two discs famous songs, performed by Pelageya: “Oh, it’s not evening”, “Roses”, “Midnight Rider”, “Bylinka”, “Steppe”, “Werewolf-Prince” and others. The group's first performance took place at the celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg and was warmly received by the audience.

In 2012, the girl was invited to the vocal talent show “The Voice” as a mentor. And two years later, the singer became a coach and mentor in the show “The Voice. Children".

Personal life

In 2010, the performer folk songs married the director of the project " Comedy Woman» Dmitry Efimovich. It is noteworthy that Pelageya met him when she was only 11 years old - at a KVN performance in 1997.

The marriage did not last long, and the couple divorced after two years.

In 2016, the press became aware of the romance between Pelageya and hockey player Ivan Telegin. Rumors and gossip fueled the couple's joint appearances in public. The singer was noticed at the 2016 World Hockey Championship in Russia among the wives and girlfriends of the national team's hockey players.

Always smiling and cheerful, Pelageya is used to keeping a respectful distance from strangers. It’s not easy to earn the trust of the girl hosting the “Voice Children” show. The owner of a beautiful voice is very shy and believes that she has no competitive spirit, so all competitions are held as the next step to achieve the desired goal.

But modesty and small stature do not prevent the singer from great biography remain the most beloved performer of our time. She always looks great and this is not surprising given such parameters: Pelageya Sergeevna’s height is 163 cm and her weight is 53 kg. But just recently the girl looked different.

The lover of high-calorie Siberian cuisine weighed 7 kg more. Helped a show business star proper diet when food is consumed in small portions 5-6 times a day.

The folk diva was born on July 14, 1986 in Novosibirsk, which is considered the third city in the Russian Federation in terms of population. According to her horoscope, she is Cancer, so she is always sensitive to people and suffers from increased emotionality. I am an introvert by nature.

In an interview, the singer admits that she always starts crying when talking about her loved ones. Such an amazing feature of a strong and strong-willed star seems incredible to fans. Many people mistakenly consider the name Pelagia to be a pseudonym, but it is real and is translated as “sea”.


Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova became a world star thanks to her mother. Jazz performer Svetlana with early childhood gave her daughter the opportunity to do exclusively what she liked. But at the same time, the girl knew that there were certain prohibitions that should not be violated.

For example, Pelageya was not allowed to watch TV programs that did not carry important information. A soviet cartoons We were encouraged because we helped our daughter develop as a person.

WITH three years old The plump girl loved to dress up in her mother’s clothes and perform independently invented performances. Polya, as they used to call her at home and at work, sang songs from popular film"Goodbye, Mary Poppins!" and danced. Then mother Svetlana, who worked as a director at a local theater, decided to send Pelageya to ballet school.

But the girl was not accepted because excess weight. Therefore, it is very rare for an adult woman to dance. She talks with admiration about her mother, who, having used up her resources as a singer, managed to start everything from scratch, becoming not only a stage director, but also a teacher. acting and directing.

Interesting fact! Little Polya made her first performance on stage at the age of 3 years. Mom, who organized an exhibition of her fabric paintings in the city on the Neva, included the restless singer in the program. But Pelageya, who received enthusiastic applause from art connoisseurs, got scared and burst into tears on stage. The girl still remembers this moment, considering the performance a failure.

Pelageya managed to correct the mistake three years later. Mom Svetlana was invited to the radio for an interview. The singer, who had lost her voice, was unable to sing, and the daughter decided to take advantage of the moment and show her talents. This performance in front of a large audience of listeners with the Siberian lament song “Dropped the Ring” restored the little girl’s self-confidence.


Her creative mother, who instilled in Pelageya a love of books and art, helped her become a bright and interesting person. A young intellectual at the age of 8 read Mikhail Bulgakov’s book “The Master and Margarita”, enjoying the fantastic story of the main character.

Seeing that her daughter was not inclined to the exact sciences, Svetlana Khanova allowed her to focus on humanitarian subjects. It was this attentive parental approach that made Pelagia who she is now.

The singer admits that grades in chemistry, physics and other exact sciences were given to her simply so that she would move to the next class. But she knew literature and other subjects better than her classmates. She owes everything that Pelageya has achieved to her mother. According to the star, there was no such figure in her life as dad. And Polya’s grandmother did not live to see the birth of her granddaughter. It was in her honor that the folk music performer was named.

Carier start

A young soloist takes the stage with in a strong voice came out at the age of four. And already at 8 she became a student at a specialized school at the conservatory of the city of Novosibirsk. The girl managed to get into the course without competition. She was invited by a teacher who was fascinated by her voice.

A year later, at one of the competitions, the girl was noticed by the founder of the Kalinov Most group, Dmitry Aleksandrovich Revyakin. The composer persuaded Polya to take part in the “Morning Star” show in the capital of the Russian Federation. The performance was stunning. The gifted singer received the first significant award, becoming “Best Folk Song Performer of 1996.” But the most unexpected thing was receiving a bonus of 1000 in foreign currency.

In 1997, the aspiring pop star entered into a contract with an independent music company Feelee Records and records the first two songs: “Kozak” and “Lyubo, brothers.” Having decided to start a career as a performer of non-standard music, the gifted girl moves to Moscow with her mother and begins new life in the world of show business.

To become a professional in the pop field, Pelageya agreed to enter school No. 1113 with a musical and choreographic focus. She also attended classes at RAM. IN school years The artist distinguished herself by singing in a duet with the following world stars:

  • rock musician Garik, founder of the “Manual Sunset” groups, P.S. "Brigade C";
  • leader of the Nautilus group Vyacheslav Gennadievich Butusov;
  • legendary British rock band Depeche Mode, performing music in its own unique style;
  • Alexander Feliksovich Sklyar, founder of the Va-Bank group and organizer of the alternative music festival;
  • Inna Yurievna Zhelannaya is the leader of the folk group Farlanders and the soloist of the Alliance group.

A talented girl is repeatedly invited to interesting and bright projects, but they all take place during the holidays. The girl’s mother does not allow her to leave school for a long time. In 1997, the aspiring artist became a member of the KVN team of her hometown.

Working in a humorous group helped Polya open up and realize the significance of the scene in her life. But then the girl realized that KVN is not what she wants to spend time and energy on. Therefore, Pelageya left the team, maintaining warm friendly relations with its members.

In 1988, the girl spoke at the G8 Summit in front of the heads of foreign countries.

In 1999, a crisis ensued and the artist was forced to terminate her contract with the creators of alternative music, Feelee Records. Svetlana Khanova becomes her new producer. Fascinated by non-standard melodies, the daughter and mother gather a company of virtuoso musicians and become the organizers of the Pelageya group.

The first performance of the group performing folk-rock music takes place at the Central House of Artists. A crowded hall and completely sold out tickets - this is the first resounding success, followed by a series of performances at the cult club “Chinese pilot Zhao-Da”. The group gains its first loyal fans.

Rise, popularity

The artist admits that the real tour life for her it began only in student life. Living in a metropolis, Pelageya often took part in competitions and recorded her first albums. But Svetlana’s mother believed that her daughter should not be distracted from her studies.

Having graduated as an external student high school, the girl goes to receive higher education at GITIS at the faculty pop vocals. Folk music has repeatedly attracted the attention of the government. Pelageya and her team are invited to important events for the country.

And in 2001, the aspiring star received an apartment under the patronage of the government of the Russian capital. In 2003, the group's first album was released and solo songs recorded in childhood were released.

Small changes are taking place in Pelageya's team. Instead of two solo guitars, there is a solo and bass. Young people led by leader Pavel Deshura receive an invitation to the main square of Moscow. The unusual sound attracts the attention of new fans, and alternative music performers are awarded the title “Discovery of the Year” by the popular magazine FUZZ.

According to the press and critics, the Pelageya group has become a symbol of the revival of Russian alternative rock and roll. A strong team managed to make a breakthrough in the world of music, returning people's love for folk and folklore motives. Every time they perform in front of an audience, members of the group give their fans an unusual fairy tale.

That is why Pelageya always attracts full houses, and tickets for her concerts are sold out several days before the start of the performance.

Personality and character

Pelageya admits that fame forced her to change and become more closed to the public. IN certain moment the girl stopped liking that her friends and strangers prying into her personal life.

The artist never allows herself to make rash decisions. The girl considers every proposal from people famous in show business, weighing all the pros and cons. The talented performer doesn’t consider herself ambitious either. She cares about the opinions of her family and not strangers who know her only from press interviews.

The star loves solitude and regularly travels to Israel to devote his free time to meditation and take a vow of silence. Even when going on tour to other cities and countries, the artist prefers to spend time in her room and only occasionally has dinner with the team.

But despite her isolation, Polya loves to travel and always expresses emotions without hiding behind masks. She lives with her heart, and is very reasonable, but not restrained. Previously, in her youth, Pelageya was amorous and expressed her contradiction to everything.

So she became a blonde when she heard that light hair color would not suit her. But, having repainted her hair, the girl realized that she had become more feminine and soft. After all, hair color plays a role in personality development. great importance. Like nature with a strong emotional background, Pelageya suffers from frequent mood swings and admits that she should have been born under the sign of Libra.

She is not afraid to look ugly or ridiculous, and does not play to the public. The charming girl does not give interviews to dubious publications and does not seek to promote herself.

Pelageya is a wonderful psychoanalyst. She always tries to help her friends understand themselves. For their sake, the folk diva is ready to leave the walls of her own apartment, as she believes that she is responsible for her loved ones.

Personal life (novels, marriages, children)

Biography of Pelageya is open book. The young woman does not hide her emotions from the public and talks with pleasure life stories. She is open to fans and family, but does not want strangers to meddle in her personal life. Therefore, the artist always keeps silent about her novels. But some details still became known to fans.

The first husband of the ethno-music performer was the director of a TV show Comedy Women Dima, whose marriage began in 2010 and ended in 2012. The man and woman kept silent about the reasons for the divorce, tightly closing the door to their personal lives.

A quiet wedding with family and the same divorce without a scandal in the press still caused a lot of gossip in the journalistic community. But interest in ex-husband Pelagia quickly faded away.

In 2016, Ivan Telegin and the folk diva announced their upcoming wedding, and along with this, rumors appeared that the singer had destroyed the hockey player’s family. A man in love not only divorced his wife, but also abandoned his newborn baby. Long time Pelageya continued to sing on stage and behave as if nothing had happened. This behavior caused new wave rumors

Then, on June 16, 2016, the marriage of the singer and the hockey player took place, and in 2017, the woman refused to participate in the jury on the TV show “The Voice.” The reason for the increased secrecy was the star’s pregnancy and the birth of her daughter Taisiya Sergeevna Telegina on January 26, 2017.

Then the couple appeared in the program “One Evening”, telling a love story and devoting fans to interesting details of their personal lives. The drastic change in Pelageya’s behavior was received with delight by fans. The secretive singer has finally stopped being afraid to reveal personal details.

But the woman once again surprised fans when she came out on television documentary“Pelageya. Happiness loves silence" (2017). In it, the artist said true story about divorce, the birth of a daughter and the beginning of a new life.

Lifestyle (sports, diets, hobbies)

The main and main occupation of the star is music. From early childhood, passionate about performing on stage, Pelageya devoted her life to the revolution in Russian stage. But this did not stop her from coming up with her own at some point. buckwheat diet which helped me lose weight.

A special diet from the star is fruits combined with fermented milk products and buckwheat. It is mandatory to consume 1 to 2 liters of still mineral water daily.

The actress accepts Active participation in charity events, helping children. She practices yoga and loves cooking according to eco-friendly recipes.

Polya has a special craving for chic dresses with long trains. She loves to go shopping, buying beautiful clothes, and is proud to know Yana Diaghileva.

Participation in various projects

Artistic Pelageya loves to laugh and does not hide her emotions. Accustomed to the stage from early childhood, she regularly takes part in interesting musical projects:

  • In mid-summer 1999, she performed in the French resort town of Evian-les-Bains at music festival on a global scale.
  • 2003 was a significant event in the life of the artist, who was invited as a performer to celebrate the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg.
  • In 2009 she took part in the show “Two Stars”, singing a duet with two-time Nika Award winner Daria Moroz.
  • She became the host of the mini-festival “Pole-mmusic” and took part in the production American singer in the jazz style of Bobby McFerrin Bubble.
  • She was invited to the “Salt” program conducted by Our Radio to record the song “Oh, in the meadow, in the meadow” in collaboration with the legendary M. Gorshenev.
  • In 2011 she performed a song in the play famous composer Nikolai Sergeevich Borisov "Winter's Tale".
  • In 2015 she was invited to KVN as an honorary member of the jury.
  • From 2012 to 2017 she acted as a mentor in the shows “The Voice” and “The Voice. Children" in the company of the charming Dima Bilan.

Life today

In February 2018, Pelageya was invited to celebrate the anniversary of Nikolai Rastorguev. The woman agreed to sing in front of the guests of honor even though she became a mother a month ago.

Currently, the artist’s personal life is surrounded by rumors that she is divorcing her husband Ivan Telegin, but the woman does not comment on this information.

The long silence is quite in the style of the singer, who did the same in 2013, when there were rumors about her breakup with her husband Dima.


The first full-length album entitled “Pelageya” was released in 2003. Before that there was only the single “Lyubo” (1999), which became the most favorite song of many military personnel. Then the singer pleased fans with the following music discs:

  • the song “Single”, released in 2006;
  • studio album “Girl Songs” (2007);
  • concert recording “Siberian Drive” (2009) in collaboration with folklore theater"Transbaikalia";
  • album “Paths” (2010), recorded in two parts;
  • in 2013, the artist announced the imminent release of a new album “ The Cherry Orchard", but the release was delayed indefinitely.

Prizes and awards

Pelageya is an extraordinary person who evokes enthusiastic statements from politicians and world-class stars. She is often invited to important events for the country. The artist began receiving awards from early childhood:

  • in 1994, the schoolgirl was a member of the special fund “Young Talents of Siberia” and deservedly topped the list of “New Names of the Planet” at UNESCO;
  • in 1996 she reached the finals of the “Morning Star” competition and received the “Best Folk Song Performer” award;
  • in 2007 she received an award for “ Best Rock Album of the Year", nomination "Discovery of the Year" from the Muz TV channel and the award "For Best Mixing";
  • in 2008 she was awarded the Triumph Prize for her significant contribution to cultural heritage countries;
  • in 2009 - an award from Our Radio for skillful music in the rock and roll style and the Soloist of the Year award.

He continues to collaborate with world-class stars and never stops surprising fans with new concerts and songs.

Social media accounts (links and activity)

Pelageya does not tend to share personal photos in in social networks and PR at the expense large quantity subscribers. That's why official pages is not on any popular network, but her fans run her Instagram page.

All possible options accounts are fake. In past years, the artist regularly visited the forum on the website, but now it is practically inactive.

It is no secret that Pelageya’s mother raised her very strictly. Svetlana Khanova used to be a budding jazz singer. But suddenly she lost her voice: they say after love drama. Therefore, having given birth to a daughter, Svetlana dreamed of making a star out of the baby. Having clearly structured Polya’s life, her mother did not allow her to take even a step away from the “master plan.”


Allegedly, Svetlana took an active part in her daughter’s personal life. They say that Khanova did not like Pelageya’s lover Dmitry Efimovich. If you believe people around the couple, quarrels among the newly-made relatives happened often. Moreover, inspired by deep feeling, Pelageya often took her husband’s side. Sometimes she even raised her voice to her mother. Then Svetlana and Pelageya did not speak for several days. But in the end, the domineering mother still achieved her goal: less than a couple of years after registration, the couple divorced.

Now Pelageya is dating hockey player Ivan Telegin. According to rumors, the artist’s mother is again not happy with her boyfriend. When the journalists called her, she didn’t even want to hear about him, saying that they were in the wrong place, Express Gazeta competently reports.

Let us remember that the romance between Pelageya and Telegin became known at the end of April. Reporters had at their disposal a video in which the star of the show “The Voice.Children”, after a tiring filming, spends the evening in the company of her lover in a Moscow restaurant. Over a meal with a hookah, the hockey player carefully fed Pelageya from his hands while she gently stroked his shoulders. The couple spent about four hours in the restaurant and left at three in the morning. Telegin got behind the wheel of Pelageya’s car, and the lovers went home. Reporters also noticed that the singer’s ring finger is decorated with a ring.

Pelageya is a popular performer of Russian folk songs in modern processing, born in cold Novosibirsk on July 14, 1986.


Its own unique Creative skills The girl inherited it from her mother. Svetlana Khanova showed great promise in her youth and was a fairly popular jazz singer. But, unfortunately, a serious illness prevented her from continuing her singing career, about which she was very worried.

When her daughter was born, Svetlana was overtaken by another blow of fate - she broke up with her father, and he completely disappeared from the sight of her and little Pelageya. By the way, on the birth certificate the girl was registered as Polina.

The registry office employees did not find such a name in the official dictionary and entered it in their own way. Upon receiving her passport, the girl corrected this inaccuracy. So Pelageya is not a pseudonym.

Mom soon remarried and it is her stepfather, who officially adopted her, that Pelageya considers her father. He brought her mother back to life, giving them both touching care and love. And Svetlana completely switched to her daughter, who showed early musical talent and other versatile abilities.

Already at the age of three, the girl read fairy tales to herself on her own. But she especially loved evening songs before bed, which she sang with her mother. Instead of lullabies, Svetlana sang Russian songs to the child folk songs, so we can say that Pelageya absorbed her love for them with her mother’s milk.

The girl first appeared on stage completely by accident. Her mother brought her with her to the opening of an exhibition of avant-garde artists and there, noticing that the girl was humming something quietly, they asked her to sing from the stage. Pelageya really liked feeling like a real artist, and she now performed at every opportunity.

First steps

Her singing career actually started with kindergarten. When the girl turned eight, it became clear that she needed to take up singing seriously, and her parents took her to music school at the conservatory. There she also very quickly became one of the best and performed at all events.

At one of the concerts she was invited to participate in the All-Union Children's vocal competition"Morning Star" director of a popular Moscow ensemble folk singing Dmitry Revyakin.

The girl’s parents also liked the idea, and they sent a video entry to the competition. Yuri Nikolaev personally invited them to come to record the program. Pelageya performed brilliantly and brought home a prize from Moscow as the best performer of folk songs. At that time she was only 9 years old.

After the release of the program, she was often invited to perform at the Kremlin Palace in front of important foreign guests. Boris Yeltsin and many other famous politicians listened to the girl.

Blessings on further development The girl received creativity from the Patriarch of All Rus' himself. Soon she took part in international program, organized by a special fund at the UN.

Ensemble "Pelageya"

Frequent visits to Moscow from Novosibirsk became increasingly difficult. In addition, both the mother and the girl herself understood that she needed to learn singing from the best professionals. In Novosibirsk, vocal teachers were afraid to demand too much from the young talent, so as not to spoil the unique voice with a range of 4 octaves.

The mother filled in some gaps, but she could not give her daughter a complete music education. The family decides to move to Moscow, and Polina enters Gnesinka, which she successfully graduates at the age of 14.

Having successfully passed entrance exams at RATI, Polina creates her first team, named after the girl. The group successfully tours throughout the country and abroad. She has already recorded seven full-length discs and is loved by many thousands of fans of Russian music in the near and far abroad.

Pelageya herself, in addition to being successful vocal career She has proven herself well as an actress and TV presenter. Her screen debut took place in the TV series “Yesenin”, where the girl created a bright and memorable image. And then she took part in the show “Two Stars”, where after several episodes she became one of the leaders of the program, but for personal reasons she was unable to continue participating in it.

Personal life

The personal life of a girl raised in traditional Russian family values, could not be stormy by definition. Her first serious relationship was an affair with the director of “Comedy Vumen” Dmitry Efimovich. But for reasons unknown for certain, this marriage fell apart quite quickly.

The singer’s second husband was Russian national team hockey player Ivan Telegin, with whom the singer had a relationship for a long time hid it - at the time of their acquaintance, Ivan was not free. He was in civil marriage, and the family was expecting an addition. However, just three months after the birth of the baby, Telegin leaves his ex-wife, giving rise to numerous gossip.

With Ivan Telegin

After waiting until the noise around their relationship subsides, Pelageya and Telegin register their marriage in one of the Moscow registry offices and almost immediately fly off on a honeymoon to sunny Greece. In January 2017 the couple became happy parents– Pelageya gave her beloved husband a daughter, Taisya.

Pelageya is a Russian folk singer, the lead singer of the group that bears her name, and the owner of a four-octave voice. The girl has her own style of performance, unlike anyone else, a unique style that distinguishes her from other representatives of this musical direction.

Pelageya’s biography is very unusual, because she became famous when she was barely 9 years old, and a year later she signed her first contract with a major recording company. Wikipedia contains the following personal information about the singer:

  • Singer Pelageya, real name is Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova. Pelageya's married name is Telegina.
  • Born on July 14, 1986 in Novosibirsk. Russian nationality. Zodiac sign – Cancer.
  • Discography – 6 albums. IN this moment Another one is being prepared for release, called “The Cherry Orchard”.


Pelageya Khanova was passionate about music since childhood; she could not imagine life without a song. Her parents supported this girl’s aspiration, because Pelageya’s entire family was directly connected with music. Pelageya's mother, former jazz singer Svetlana Khanova, who lost her voice due to illness, had the most serious influence on her daughter’s work. It was she who taught the girl to sing folk songs and brought the four-year-old girl onto the stage for the first time.

Pelageya's real father left her mother during pregnancy, believing that family life It's unlikely to work out. A year after the birth of her daughter, Svetlana met new love– Andrey Khanov, famous artist, who became a real dad for the girl. Andrei adored the girl, but the marriage did not last long, the reason for this was the difficult character of his wife. Talking about her father in an interview, Pelageya noted that she was grateful to this man for his help and support.

It is noteworthy that the singer’s birth certificate indicated a completely different name - Polina. This happened due to an error made by the passport officer, which Pelageya corrected only when applying for a passport. However, the whole of Novosibirsk remembers her as Polina, who, despite her tender age, could masterfully and accurately sing the most complex opera arias.

When the girl turned 8 years old, her mother took her to a music school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory. The successes of the young talent delighted vocal teachers. Soon the girl’s talent attracted the attention of the leader of the Kalinov Most team, who helped her get to children's competition"Morning Star". The girl took first place in this competition and received the title best performer folk song.

Some time later, the rising star took part in two more prestigious song competitions - “ Young talent" and "New names of the planet", where she also took prizes. Then there was a performance at a government reception in front of three presidents, after which Boris Yeltsin thanked the aspiring singer and wished her success.

In the second half of 1999, the girl graduated from school ahead of schedule and was able to enter the vocal department of the Moscow Academy of Theater Arts the first time. Then she created a group called “Pelageya”. The group's first work was the song "Lyubo", which immediately brought success to the group and its soloist. Then constant touring began: the musicians gave concert after concert in different cities. Despite the fact that such music was unusual for mass listeners, the group attracted full houses.

In the same year, the great Mstislav Rostropovich invited the young singer to take part in the music festival in Evian (France). There Pelageya performed on the same stage with the most famous musicians modernity. Galina Vishnevskaya herself would later say about the girl: “She is the future of world opera!”

Since 2003, the singer began releasing albums with her best songs, and also release individual singles. The album “Siberian Drive” turned out to be especially successful: the girl performed in ice palace“live”, and accompanied her Cossack choir. The singer occupied the top lines of the charts for a long time, was nominated for several awards and received first place in the ratings of Russian-language radio stations.

Soon the singer was invited to take part in the television project “Two Stars”, where she became the actress’s mentor. Together with Dasha, they performed several compositions, but then the singer left the show due to problems with her voice. For several seasons, the famous Russian folk singer has been a member of the jury of the adult project “The Voice,” where representatives of her team have repeatedly won prizes. Pelageya agreed to participate in the TV show “The Voice. Children” and was able to bring two participants who took third place to the final round.

Personal life

Pelageya - very unusual girl, therefore, her biography, as well as her personal life, are always under the close attention of others. Khanova’s first husband, director Dmitry Efimovich, is filming the famous TV show “Comedy Woman”.

For the first time he saw future wife at the KVN student competition in 1997, then she was just a girl with an impressive voice and incredible talent. In 2010, the young people got married, but two years later Pelageya began performing again under her own name. maiden name, and news appeared on the pages of newspapers about the couple’s separation.

Pelageya’s personal life improved again in the second half of 2016 after her meeting with a young hockey player. Then all the tabloids published photographs in which Pelageya and Ivan Telegin were holding each other’s hands. Future husband Pelagei was not at all afraid that the star was several years older than him. After meeting his beloved’s relatives, he asked her to marry him. The athlete already had children from his first unofficial marriage - a baby named Mark, whom a dancer in a fashionable nightclub gave birth to.

Pelageya and Ivan Telegin got married, and soon it became known that the singer was pregnant. During a period of wonderful anticipation, Pelageya decided to focus on herself, she refused to film a TV show and concerts, and she and her husband went on vacation.

Pelageya’s daughter was born on January 21, 2017 - the singer’s husband found out about the birth of the child right during the match held in Ufa. Now Pelageya is married to a hockey player, she spends a lot of time with her daughter and family. At the beginning of 2018, Pelageya reported last news that wants to renew musical career and collects material for recording the seventh studio album. Author: Natalya Ivanova

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