Why did I start drinking marmalades? Characteristics of members of the Marmeladov family in the novel “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky

Marmeladov Semyon Zakharovich. This image is associated with one of the leading themes in Dostoevsky’s work - the theme of poverty and humiliation, in which a worthy person dies.
Marmeladov is a titular councilor, Sonechka's father. “He was a man over 50 years old... with a yellow, even greenish face swollen from constant drunkenness and with swollen eyelids, from behind which tiny, like slits, but animated reddish eyes shone. But there was something very strange about him; his gaze seemed to even glow with enthusiasm - perhaps there was both meaning and intelligence - but at the same time there seemed to be a flicker of madness.” Marmeladov lost his job due to staff cuts and has since started drinking. We learn the life story of this hero from his own lips. He told Raskolnikov that he had drunk away the belongings of his second wife, Katerina Ivanovna. Because of Marmeladov’s drunkenness and the terrible poverty of their family, Sonechka went to the panel. Marmeladov was aware of all his insignificance and deeply repented of all his sins. But at the same time, he did not have the strength to change anything. The hero presented his weakness and his vices as a drama on a universal scale. He often behaved very theatrically. “Sorry! Why feel sorry for me! - Marmeladov suddenly cried out, standing up with his hand outstretched forward, in decisive inspiration, as if he was just waiting for these words...” In the end, Marmeladov died, falling drunk under the hooves of horses.

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    One of the ideas of F.M. Dostoevsky's “Crime and Punishment” is the idea that in everyone, even in the most downtrodden person, disgraced and criminal, one can find high and honest feelings. These feelings, which can be found in almost every character in F.M.'s novel...

The author focuses on the terrible reality of Russia in the 19th century - poverty, lack of rights, a morally decaying personality, suffocating from its own powerlessness, as a result of which it rebels against an unjust environment. And so Raskolnikov challenges reality - he decides to commit a pre-planned murder in order to help disadvantaged and unhappy people. One of these heroes is Semyon Zakharych Marmeladov - one might say, an oppressed man who has reached the edge - a man truly tragic fate. His role in the work is important. It is he who, with his stories in the tavern about the sacrifice of his daughter Sonya and the poverty of the family, provokes, in addition to other circumstances, Raskolnikov’s desire to “cleanse the world” of the evil and stupid old woman in the name of justice. Thus, marmalade influences the decision - to kill - not to kill (and killed - get punished), which in fact is the entire basis of the novel.
Enough detailed description The author provides Marmeladov almost at the very beginning of the novel, immediately after the trial of the crime, however, the meeting and conversation (more precisely, confession) takes up literally a few pages of the first part, and what a role it plays! This episode draws full picture unfair life that time, the real truth that society that cannot but arouse pity.
Let's move on to the portrait description of Marmeladov. “He was a man over 50 years old, of average height and heavy build, with gray hair and a large bald spot, with a yellow, even greenish face swollen from drunkenness and with swollen eyelids, from behind which tiny, like slits, but animated eyes shone... his gaze seemed to even glow with enthusiasm - perhaps there was meaning and intelligence - but... there was also a flash of madness...” The author dwells in detail on the description of Marmeladov’s eyes and gaze, as they say, eyes are the mirror of the soul, and here, despite his entire external ugly appearance, his “greenish face”, he has kind heart, sincere character, he knows how to love and sacrifice, he remained human - this is what can be emphasized from his animated and enthusiastic look against the background of his terrible appearance (“... sticks of hay were visible on his dress and hair, ... he did not undress or wash himself for 5 days . Especially the hands were dirty, greasy, red, with black nails..."). “Dressed in an old, completely tattered tailcoat with crumbling buttons..., a crumpled and stained shirtfront was sticking out from under the vest; the face is shaved like an official, but for a long time already...; and in his grip... there was something respectably bureaucratic..." The clothes he wears speak of a man who has been pretty battered by life, who has seemingly seen everything in his path in his insignificant existence. His “respectable bureaucratic” face and disheveled, dirty appearance are an indicator that he is a person who does not care about the opinions of others; perhaps the author is even trying to show the reader such a trait of Marmeladov as pride, albeit not clearly expressed, but still some kind of pride in the fact that I am a person, and it doesn’t matter who is a drunkard or anyone else, I don’t care about the opinion of the “stupid” people, the main thing is that I am a person, even if my fate is like road dust. “There was laughter and curses..., looking only at one figure of a retired official...”; He evokes laughter from those around him with his florid speech and dignified bureaucratic bearing, which is deplorable. In my opinion, he can only evoke pity (or rather his whole image, appearance), but how can you feel sorry for a person who stole the last penny from his children? Dostoevsky makes us feel sorry for those unworthy of pity, to feel compassion for those unworthy of compassion. But Marmeladov is acutely aware of his guilt. “Doesn’t my heart hurt that I’m groveling in vain?...” “...I am a born beast!” Through portraiture, it seems to me, author's attitude is this: Dostoevsky does not justify the hero’s behavior, he speaks of a completely capable personality, but already lost, perishing and bringing torment to himself and his loved ones. “...perhaps there was meaning and intelligence...”
If, for example, we compare Marmeladov with other heroes - Luzhin, then, of course, a bright contrast emerges, the contrast between the poor and disadvantaged and those individuals to whom everything is allowed in life. Luzhin: “The whole dress was just from the tailor... his face, very fresh and beautiful, already seemed younger than his 45 years. And if there was something repulsive, it happened for other reasons.” If we compare the portraits of Marmeladov and Luzhin, we can trace the following feature: Luzhin is a man with beautiful face, appearance, but he makes a repulsive impression, the arrogant character and typicality of the “Luzhins” is immediately visible, and in relation to Semyon Zakharych he does not evoke such associations, the author says “his animated eyes shone.”
IN general conclusion: portrait characteristic the hero Marmeladov reflects the image of all the disadvantaged; Raskolnikov, seeing him for the first time and hearing his confession about Sonya’s sacrifice and the poverty of the family, rushes from edge to edge - he is tormented by terrible mental anguish, which subsequently leads to the decision that he needs to interrupt vicious circle, one might say, Marmeladov helped Rodion commit “a crime against himself,” such was Dostoevsky’s idea.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" is one of the most complex works Russian literature, in which the author talked about the story of the death of the soul of the main character after he committed a crime, about the alienation of Rodion Raskolnikov from the whole world, from the people closest to him - his mother, sister, friend. Dostoevsky rightly asserted that it is possible to return to this world, to become a full member of society again, only by resisting misanthropic ideas and purifying oneself through suffering. Reading the novel thoughtfully, you involuntarily realize how deeply the author penetrated into the souls and hearts of his characters, how he comprehended human character, and with what genius he told about the moral upheavals of the main character.

The central figure of the novel is, of course, Rodion Raskolnikov. But there are many others in Crime and Punishment characters. These are Razumikhin, Avdotya Romanovna and Pulcheria Alexandrovna, the Raskolnikovs, Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin, Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov, the Marmeladovs.

The Marmeladov family plays special role in the novel. After all, it was Sonechka Marmeladova, her faith and selfless love Raskolnikov owes his spiritual rebirth. Her great love, a tormented but pure soul, capable of seeing a person even in a murderer, empathizing with him, suffering with him, saved Raskolnikov. Yes, Sonya is a “harlot,” as Dostoevsky writes about her, but she was forced to sell herself in order to save herself from starvation stepmother's children. Even in her terrible situation, Sonya managed to remain human; drunkenness and debauchery did not affect her. But in front of her was shining example a fallen father, completely crushed by poverty and his own powerlessness to change anything in his life. Sonya's patience and vitality largely come from her faith. She believes in God, in justice with all her heart, without going into complex philosophical reasoning, she believes blindly, recklessly. And what else can an eighteen-year-old girl believe in, whose entire education is “a few books of romantic content,” seeing around her only drunken quarrels, squabbles, illnesses, debauchery and human grief? Dostoevsky contrasts Sonya's humility with Raskolnikov's rebellion. Subsequently, Rodion Raskolnikov, not accepting Sonya’s religiosity with his mind, decides with his heart to live by her beliefs.

But if the image of Sonya appears to us throughout the entire novel, then we see her father, Semyon Zakharych and stepmother Katerina Ivanovna with her three small children only in a few episodes. But these few episodes are incredibly significant. The first meeting of Semyon Zakharych Marmeladov and Rodion Raskolnikav occurs at the very beginning of the novel, precisely when Raskolnikov decides to kill, but has not yet fully believed in his “Napoleonic” theory. Rodion is in some kind of feverish state: the world exists for him, but as if in unreality: he sees and hears almost nothing. The brain drills only one question: “To be or not to be?”

For Raskolnikov, Marmeladov is just a drunken regular at the tavern. But, at first inattentively listening to Marmeladov’s monologue, Raskolnikov soon becomes imbued with curiosity and then sympathy for the narrator. This dirty one, who has lost everything human dignity a retired official who robs his own wife and asks his prostitute daughter for money for a hangover somehow touches Raskolnikov and sticks in his memory. In Semyon Zakharych, through his repulsive appearance, something human still peeks through. One feels that his conscience is tormenting him, that his current situation is painful and disgusting to him. He does not blame his wife for the fact that she, perhaps, unwittingly ("this was not said in common sense, but with excited feelings, in illness and with the crying of children who had not eaten, and it was said more for the sake of insult than to in the exact sense..."), pushed Sonya out into the street. Marmeladov’s daughter generally considers him a saint. Semyon Zakharych repents of his “weakness”, it is hard for him to see hungry children and consumptive Katerina Ivanovna, in his temper he shouts: “...I am a born beast!” Marmeladov is a weak, weak-willed person, but, in my opinion, he is better and more honest than those who laughed at him in the tavern. Semyon Zakharych is able to acutely feel other people's pain and injustice. His soul did not harden, and, in spite of everything, did not become deaf to the suffering of people. Marmeladov loves his wife and her small children. Particularly touching are the words of Katerina Ivanovna at Marmeladov’s wake that after his death a mint cockerel was found in her husband’s pocket. Marmeladov may be ridiculous and pathetic with his plea for forgiveness, but he is sincere in it, and this unfortunate man doesn’t need much: just to be listened to without ridicule and at least tried to understand. Sonya was able to understand the murderer Raskolnikov, which means Marmeladov deserves, if justification, then at least compassion.

Katerina Ivanovna is a completely different person. She is of noble origin, from a bankrupt noble family, so it is many times harder for her than for her stepdaughter and husband. The point is not even in everyday difficulties, but in the fact that Katerina Ivanovna does not have an outlet in life, like Sonya and Semyon Zakharych. Sonya finds solace in prayers and in the Bible, and her father forgets himself at least for a while in a tavern. Katerina Ivanovna is a passionate, daring, rebellious and impatient person. The surrounding environment seems like a real hell to her, and the human meanness that she encounters at every step hurts her painfully. Katerina Ivanovna does not know how to endure and remain silent, like Sonya. Her strongly developed sense of justice prompts her to take decisive action, which leads to a misunderstanding of her behavior by those around her.

The author of “Crime and Punishment” talks about the plight of the Marmeladov family, the death of Katerina Ivanovna and Semyon Zakharych so that the reader feels that stuffy, cramped, unbearable atmosphere of St. Petersburg in the sixties of the nineteenth century, in which the lower classes of society were forced to live.. But after all The main character of the novel belonged to them, and the theory of the “superman” was born precisely in such a situation.

The term "Dostoevsky's Petersburg" is widely known. In "Crime and Punishment" "Dostoevsky's Petersburg" is entertainment establishments, taverns, drunken suicidal women, meanness, anger and cruelty of most people, petty quarrels, terrifying external living conditions: "dust, brick and mortar, the stench from shops and taverns ...", rooms - "coffins" in dilapidated houses.

The Marmeladov family is one of thousands of poor families like it. The history of this family is, as it were, the prehistory of Raskolnikov’s crime. However, the role of the Marmeladov family is not limited to just creating the background against which the tragedy of Rodion Raskolnikov’s crime developed. F.M. Dostoevsky, by contrasting the characters of Marmeladov and Luzhin, Raskolnikov and Razumikhin, Svidrigailov and Dunechka Raskolnikova, emphasizes the contrasts between his contemporary reality and its social inequality, oppression of some and wealth, permissiveness of others. And, perhaps, the most important thing is that in the depiction of the Marmeladov family, the reader clearly sees Dostoevsky - a humanist with his love for “little people” and the desire to understand the soul of even the most terrible criminal.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky always managed to endow minor characters its character and significance. They complemented each other wonderfully, revealing problems modern world. We see in the work Crime and Punishment how the role of Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov is huge and multitasking.

Writers of those times paid great attention to people like Marmeladov. He was a little man in Russian literature of the 19th century. People like him ordinary people with problems then hard times there were many. His main problem in life there was drunkenness, which is an original Russian disease.

As we learn from the work, Semyon Zakharovich, before the beginning of his difficult life, was an official and adviser. He was educated, knew how to speak and present himself correctly. At first glance, a certain nobility was felt in him. Due to failed foundations political system, namely due to budget cuts, he was fired and caught off guard. Poverty filled his life. All these hardships in life forced him to look for some way out to calm his nerves, which he found in alcoholism. But not only this darkened his life, but also the lack of money forced him to take the last piece of bread from his children. His family consisted of three adopted children and a beautiful daughter, Sonya. My eldest daughter he sent me to work that was embarrassing to talk about out loud, let alone even think about. By engaging in prostitution, Sonya helps support the family, but the father, knowing how and how his child earns money, does not hesitate to drink away his last money.

After his dismissal, Marmeladov softened and became powerless. I stopped taking care of myself and taking care of my appearance. In the story, Dostoevsky presents him to us as dirty, shaggy and with swollen eyes. His red eyes and yellowed skin are disgusting. And the rags that once were expensive suit, have holes and only one button. Marmeladov's marriage to Ekaterina Ivanovna only worsens the financial situation in the family. Without shame, he takes money from Katerina Ivanovna without asking. And the author portrays death as very stupid. The main character is hit by a horse while walking drunk, swinging down the street. On the day of the funeral, his wife remembers that in the pocket of his old caftan he found a cockerel candy, which he was carrying for his children.

If you look at the images of drunkards in Russian literature, you will notice that almost everyone is tormented by remorse, but they cannot do anything about their lack of freedom. Therefore, there is only one ending in such works.

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Marmeladov has a daughter from his first marriage, eighteen-year-old Sonya. His second wife, consumptive Katerina Ivanovna, has three children. Due to his addiction to wine, Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov lost his position as a provincial official, and his family is in complete poverty. Having gone to the capital Petersburg, he again managed to get a job, but he can no longer do without wine, he has no serious desire to work, so he soon finds himself out of work again. He steals the salary given to his wife, hangs out in taverns, and turns into a worthless person who has no means of subsistence. This aging drunkard skillfully extracts money for drinks from Sonya, who is forced to earn money by selling her body. However, Marmeladov, who looks like an example of an insignificant drunkard, has features that distinguish him from an “ordinary” alcoholic.

In the novel “Crime and Punishment,” Marmeladov has an ineradicable desire to tell people about his insignificance and vices. Of course, he is an outsider who does not want an active life and seeks to find oblivion in wine, but he is not the type to get drunk alone under a fence. He needs listeners at all costs, and if he sees someone who is even remotely suitable for this role, he grabs him by the sleeve and picturesquely talks about how insignificant he is. Without any shame or embarrassment, with colorful gestures and playing with his voice, he, dripping with sweat, tells his detailed story. Katerina Ivanovna - from good home, she is an honest woman, and he torments her; she was so happy when he managed to get a job again, and he so cruelly crushed her hopes; his family's life is so poor, and he even drank away his wife's stockings; his daughter has " yellow ticket"and engages in prostitution... Feeling that his listener is imbued with contempt and interest, Marmeladov becomes even more ecstatic and sits down at a dirty tavern table real theater one actor. As he tells all this not for the first time, his skill as a storyteller grows. Marmeladov in the novel “Crime and Punishment” gives the whole narrative a peculiar liveliness. He doesn’t want to work, but his stories about his own insignificance captivate him completely.

Marmeladov, of course, is a drunkard. A real drunkard feels his loneliness, he wants to show what he has own pride, he is proud of something that is hardly worth being proud of. But Marmeladov in the novel “Crime and Punishment” is not just a drunkard. Behind the eloquent and proud confessions of one’s own insignificance and worthlessness, another desire is hidden.

By blaspheming himself with fervor, he turns himself into a humiliated man, and therefore must be forgiven - such is Marmeladov’s hidden logic. He doesn't think he has anything to be proud of. If he became good father and a reliable husband, he would no longer be able to achieve salvation. His train of thought is this: precisely because I am so insignificant and there is no pride left in me, nothing needs to be done, and Last Judgment God will take pity on me and forgive me - even if he is the least of all people. This is how this cunning and selfish drunkard reasons. He has no desire to improve, he expects to be forgiven, being what he is. He dreams of being forgiven the last nonentity that he is. His desire to leave everything as it is is unshakable.

The surname Marmeladov is “sweet”, all these hot speeches of the hero about his forgiveness also smack of “sweetness”. In coming up with such a surname for his hero, Dostoevsky may have been filled with bitter irony. Dostoevsky is critical of his hero, but the idea of ​​a dissolute personality that insignificant person, which unconditionally admits its insignificance and worthlessness, will be forgiven by God, was not alien to the writer himself. Emelya from “The Honest Thief” also grows from this root. The same can apparently be said about Myshkin from The Idiot and Snegirev from The Brothers Karamazov.

But no matter how much the drunkard Marmeladov, immersed in his dreams, talks about “forgiveness” in the novel “Crime and Punishment,” real life he has no prospects. No matter how much he talks about the Last Judgment, in this cruel world it is not so easy for a loser and a nonentity to find consolation. And Marmeladov’s life is real torture.

On an evening street, a drunken Marmeladov runs out onto the roadway, falls under a luxury carriage drawn by two horses and dies. His wife Katerina Ivanovna suspected his secret desire to commit suicide, and when she finds out that her husband was in such trouble, she exclaims: “I achieved it!”

The hardships of life haunt the drunkard Marmeladov and, in the end, he runs away from the arena.

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