The concept of patriotism in the modern world. Examples of patriotism and education of schoolchildren

Respect for one’s state, for its history, the desire to change one’s country for the better, to make it more beautiful, to cherish and appreciate one’s homeland - this is usually how the patriotism of every person is manifested. But it would be interesting to know what patriotism is like in our time, whether the same schoolchildren, if necessary, are ready to act like their great-grandfathers, who, as ordinary teenagers, rushed to the front to defend their fatherland.

In dictionaries, you can often find a definition of patriotism as love for native language, to the earth, nature and to the government that protects its people. Nationalism and patriotism are not identical, but close concepts. They have a number of differences and general characteristics. In addition, patriotism is a derivative of nationalism.

Let's consider a clear example of the manifestation of nationalism and patriotism. For example, every family loves both its home and its relatives and friends. But this love is different. If the family moves to another house, they will not grieve as much if someone close to them dies. That is, patriotism is an expansion of the definition human love to one’s home, and nationalism to one’s loved ones.

In patriotism, the main thing is the state, and in nationalism - love, sometimes too fanatical, for one’s own people. According to a survey among children school age, the formation of patriotism occurs in:

  1. Knowledge of your history, respect for the experience of older generations, its historical past.
  2. Loyalty, both to one's country and own business, ideas, views, family.
  3. Protection of state values, respect for centuries-old traditions.

It is worth noting that patriotism is manifested both in respectful attitude towards cultural values his country, and in respect for his compatriots. It is believed that instilling love for one’s Motherland should begin from the very beginning. early childhood, but, alas, patriotism is such a loose concept that it can easily turn into racism or nationalism. Behind last years one can notice the widespread popularity of various neo-fascist and other organizations. It is in such a situation that the problem of patriotism manifests itself. Every person should realize that the manifestation of patriotism is not a fanatical, wild love for both one’s country and its population, but also respect for others. By showing respect for other nationalities and cultures of other countries, a person thereby shows that he is capable of true patriotism, true devoted love for his fatherland.

True and false patriotism - differences

It also happens that a person only strives to pretend that he is ready to stand up for the values ​​of his state with all his soul, that he is true patriot. Her main goal is the achievement of personal goals or such a game for the public in order to have good reputation. This shows false patriotism.

It is worth noting that true and false patriotism differ in that the first is based on true love to the homeland. A person does not strive to inform every passerby about this, he simply knows that he is capable of standing up for his state at the right moment. Currently, you can sometimes come across such a concept as a “crisis of patriotism” caused by the low standard of living of the population and ineffective policies in the field of education and upbringing.

To avoid the emergence of new organizations with pronounced nationalism or to reduce the number of existing ones, it is necessary to remember that the feeling of patriotism should arise from a person’s family, friends, from his memory of his older generation who gave last strength for the good of his homeland. And it must be remembered that the traditions laid down by them need to be multiplied by every person.

So, patriotism must be cultivated in yourself and your children from birth. After all, because of the inept patriotic education society receives people with pronounced anti-human views.

The word "Patriot" is heard everywhere today. Russian flags are flying, calls for the integrity and unity of the nation are heard, and the people sing “Katyusha” and “Kalinka” in chorus in the metro and shopping centers. All this would be wonderful if not for one “but”. The very concept of “patriotism”, does everyone understand it correctly? Are all those who proudly call themselves “patriots” actually patriots?

- the term is new, and everything that stands behind it is bad and even dangerous.

In front of you shining example false patriotism, If:

  • You hear offensive speech addressed to other countries, peoples, cultures, against the background of which the words “Russia” and “Russian” stand out as an example of superiority;
  • You hear insults addressed to those who go on vacation abroad, or (even worse) go to live in another country;
  • You hear propaganda to use only Russian products, goods, proposals to terminate market relations with other countries;
  • You hear insults addressed to those who have entered into a marriage (relationship) with a representative of another nation.

Know patriotism is love for one’s people, culture and homeland. All of the above has nothing to do with him.

“Shame on the traitors to the motherland”

After the fall " iron curtain", Russians discovered the whole world, rich in cultures, tastes, colors and sounds. The desire to learn new things, to explore other countries is a normal desire of a literate, spiritually developed person. To learn something new from a foreign culture, leaving behind a piece of your own, beloved, is development. This is how it grew and developed human civilization, borrowing and exporting.

The trouble is that not everyone can afford to visit other countries. Everyone has their own reasons - some are economic, some are social. This problem has given rise to envy, which, as we know, will not lead to anything good. From here came angry and hateful statements addressed to traveling Russians, accusing them of lacking patriotic feelings. “Aunt Zina,” who vacations in a village or dacha every summer, is considered a true patriot of the country, and those who dare to bask on the Turkish shores are hardly traitors to their homeland.

A separate target for “psychological execution” are those who, for one reason or another, temporarily or permanently reside abroad. Here the verdict is final and not subject to appeal - treason. No one is interested in the reasons for the move. The argument from the series “The whole world is our home” is not taken into account. Statements addressed to such “traitors” are usually harsh and painful. “They ran away from problems,” “sold themselves to the West,” “faded,” “sold their homeland.” At the same time, the patriotic holiness of a certain Pyotr Petrovich is always emphasized, who lives all his life in his city, in his house on his street.

Such Peter Petrovichs are often those who, in fact, cannot stand either the city itself or their country. They do not have the slightest desire to do anything useful for their Motherland, for the people. And sometimes you just get up and go work with your hands and head. For what? They expect that the Motherland owes them. Of course you should. He's a patriot!

But in fact, it’s still worth thinking about who brings more benefit to her people: a Russian woman teaching Russian in London, lovingly bringing her culture to the world; a composer from Italy who writes good children's songs for Russian kindergartens, or the parasite Petya, who irrepressibly scolds the country, the government and the whole world? Which one is more patriotic?

Give me Russian production

A separate class of false patriots are those who call on Russians to abandon all foreign-made goods “for they are evil.” A call to renounce everything foreign - clothing, equipment, food. The same applies to everything intangible - films, language, songs, dances. They even relate to the use of borrowed words in the lexicon. True patriotism for such people it means using only domestic consumer goods. On the one hand, supporting your own production is commendable, but its development itself is necessary. It is a fact. But there is a reasonable limit to everything. A complete rejection of imported goods is simply physically impossible. Because then, to be completely fair, it must be admitted that many necessary things are inventions foreign companies. Are we giving up everything? Computers, phones, Appliances, perfumes, cosmetics, household chemicals, toilet paper - all this was not invented by us. Are “patriots” ready to give up all these benefits?

Patriotism – “yes” – Nazism – “no”

Unlike others, this example is simply false, but also dangerous. Here we are talking about what they are trying so hard to teach us from TV screens, and more often from our monitors - hostility on ethnic grounds.

“All countries that are not called “Russia” are enemies whose goal is to destroy our Motherland, and all other peoples are some kind of subhumans, clearly inferior in intelligence, talents and abilities to the great Russians” - this is the approximate meaning of armchair false patriots.

Do you think about your mothers that you consider how much other mothers give their children (money, love, freedom)? Do you stop loving your mother if she has temporary difficulties?

Now about other mothers. A lot of them. They can be more beautiful and worse. But they are all someone’s mothers, and they need to be spoken of respectfully. After all, their children are unpleasant to hear negative statements from you.

Other moms might like it too. We willingly communicate with the mothers of our friends and neighbors, sometimes recognizing their beauty, kindness and housekeeping skills. And their kitchen is wonderful, and the house is well-kept. At the same time, love for our mothers does not suffer at all. Communicating with others, admiring them, we still love our mothers more than anyone else. Because it's natural.

And we're leaving. This happens too. Loving your mother does not mean constantly sitting by her skirt. It happens that we find ourselves far from home. But does our son's feelings suffer from this? Are we them love less? Quite the opposite. Those who are thousands of kilometers from their mothers suffer doubly. And they love it doubly. This is what love for a mother is.”

Now, replace the word “mother” with the word “Motherland”. Read it again. After all, this is practically the same. This is an excellent example to understand what “love for the Motherland” is, what “true patriotism” is.

He constantly raises the topics of Russian civilization and patriotism in his materials. Evgeny Chernyshev is from Donetsk, which once again proves that the Russian world is much wider state borders Russian Federation.

Today I wanted to introduce you, dear readers, to another author from Donetsk who has written excellent material.

How to tell you about the rivers of Russia.
How to tell you about Russian land.
How can you explain that we are the only ones?
How to tell you about the Russian soul.

Song "Russia" by Ellia Rikla
from the repertoire Musical theater"Yusna"

Two coups d'etat: in 1917 and 1991, split Russia into many “sovereign” fragments. Geographical and economic disintegration was accompanied by ideological “disintegration”: with the connivance and even direct assistance of many statesmen The USSR and the CIS, Western Civilization imposed a liberal ideology alien to it on the Russian Civilization, essentially forcing our peoples to abandon their national roots. All this made us weak and dependent on a stronger enemy.

Now there is a lot of talk about ways and mechanisms of revival Great Russia. Let us note two extremes in these conversations. The first extreme: withdrawal into the purely material side of life - into the economy, into finance, into mechanisms for increasing material well-being. The other extreme: withdrawal into the ideology (religion) that dominates in certain periods of a nation’s life: paganism, Orthodoxy, monarchy, communism, etc. The first extreme does not take into account the spiritual component of the life of an entire civilization, and therefore is completely futile. The second extreme does not allow Russian patriots to unite under one banner and act on one front.

Can we isolate the main thing from this motley polyphony - something that would be understandable? to each representative of Russian Civilization and would mobilize his forces to fight for the economic and ideological sovereignty of his Motherland? Can. We'll talk about patriotism. However, it makes sense to delve deeper into this topic. For this purpose, we will try to answer five questions: what is patriotism; what hinders patriotism; what promotes patriotism; what patriotism gives, and what are the examples of patriotism.

1.) What is patriotism

1. The natural feeling of man and the wealth of the nation.

We proceed from the fact that we consider the nation to be a necessary and inevitable form of life and development of every person (at least for the foreseeable future) historical era), but there is patriotism an integral part of any nation. Let us treat patriotism as something objectively existing wealth nation. This is the same objectively existing wealth as the population of the state, its Natural resources, industrial potential, etc.

To better understand the issue, let's use the following analogy: a nation is a family; the state is the home. Normal life a person can only happen in his family and in his home. Love in the family is love for the Motherland, caring for the home is caring for the country, the development of all family members is the development of the nation as a single organism. A nation without patriotic bonds is a mass of “street children” deprived family love and your own hearth. This is exactly the kind of mass that the behind-the-scenes leaders of the West want us to see. For what? For easy enslavement. A homeless child is easier to deceive, weaken, rob, and destroy.

It is very important to clear the concept of patriotism from all artificial ideological inclusions, as far as possible. We consider a patriot to be someone who feels part of the nation, and therefore is its natural defender - no one else. But often a patriot is also considered a defender of some ideology, and in our eyes this is pseudo-patriotism. Although, we admit, it is sometimes not easy to distinguish one from the other.

A striking example of this is the civil war in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Who would be O greater patriots: red or white? The question is far from clear-cut. Who loved the Russian nation more? Who was more drawn to national roots? Who contributed more to the development of the nation?.. And the debate between supporters of “red” and “white” Russia still does not subside; weighty arguments “for” and “against” are put forward. But this dispute can be constructive only when its participants understand the difference between real patriotism and pseudo-patriotism - between defenders of the nation and defenders of a particular ideology. The task is not an easy one, but without solving it it will be not only difficult, but also impossible for us to revive the Russian nation.

For clarity, let us remember our analogy with family and home. True patriotism is caring about the condition of the house: so that the foundation is strong, the walls are strong, the glass is intact, the roof is without holes, etc. The shape of the house, its style, the interior – although important, is far from the main thing. And if, in fact, the “reds” and “whites” care only about the interior of the state structure, while massively destroying each other, then they destroy the nation, moving into the category of anti-patriots.

Yes, a state structure based on certain ideological, philosophical, religious views, a necessary aspect of the life of a nation - in fact, this is the form of its existence. This form can help identify and develop best sides nation, and vice versa, to suppress them, and in this case, of course, it is necessary to improve the outdated form. But in any case, it is extremely dangerous and insane to completely destroy a house, noticing any individual shortcomings in it, because this is a catastrophe for the nation. This is exactly what happened to Russia in the 20th century twice.

2. “Natural” ideology of the state.

We said that patriotism should come from the natural desire of a representative of a nation to defend it, and not from an ideology imposed by someone. But this does not mean that we are against any ideology. But we will distinguish between an ideology based on the natural laws of the existence and development of a nation, and an ideology based on some abstract philosophical schemes, utopian theories that ignore the laws of the development of a nation and force us to act contrary to these laws. Of course, this is a very non-trivial topic, but we must strive to identify the fundamental differences between the ideology that makes it possible successful development nation (state), and ideology that deprives it of this opportunity.

Let us add that such a “natural” ideology of the state is largely conservative. In what sense? In the sense that she always adheres to her national roots. We need to learn such “healthy” conservatism from an ordinary tree. We will answer: What allows a tree to change its crown from season to season, produce fresh flowers, produce more and more fruits? Root! Which nourishes and renews. Cut off the root and there will be no renewal. There will be no life at all. This is the law of life of any living organism: only by sticking to your root (starting from it, without changing it), can you grow. This is the meaning of conservatism, which provides viable dynamics. And not in vain Russian word, applied to the history of a people - “antiquity” contains the root “tree”...

It is gratifying to see that in Russia such healthy conservatism is finding an increasing response among intellectual elite. Most recently, in September 2012, it was created Izborsk Club, where the intellectual forces of Russia gather and discuss the issues of the revival of the Russian World in a conservative patriotic key.

Now let's figure out why such a natural thing as patriotism has become a rare commodity in Russia? After all, thoughts about patriotism should be accepted by a person a priori, on an instinctive level, with his heart. Yes, in a healthy society this is true, but you and I live in a sick society. Let's try to understand the causes of this disease.

2.) What interferes with patriotism

1. Liberal ideology.

We have already touched on the first reason - our “geopolitical friends” spend huge amounts of money to wash our brains, infected with the bourgeois spirit back in Soviet times. That is why so many people in our country persistently reject (or belittle) the ideas of patriotism, emphasizing other ideas - liberal ones. But let’s find out the ins and outs of this ideology.

What is liberal ideology? They want to present it to us as concern for human rights and freedoms. It sounds nice, but behind these in beautiful words their complete inconsistency is hidden. After all, how can you care about freedom and human rights without caring about the freedom and rights of the nation of which a person is a part? But liberals are generally silent about nations - as if they do not exist at all, or as if all nations have come to such an agreement that they can no longer be noticed. I hope that such a happy future will really come someday. But open your eyes, gentlemen liberals! Continuous bloody, economic and ideological wars, behind which there are thousands and millions of human victims - is this “harmony between nations”?..

Therefore, let us bring maximum clarity to this issue. Liberalism is the ideology of those who are interested in “ignoring” the obvious disagreements and wars between the main geopolitical players. Liberalism is the ideology of a handful of super-rich, whose outpost today is in the USA and England. It’s not enough for them to rob their own countries - they need to rob the whole world. Liberalism is the bloodless opening of state borders. This is a peaceful seizure of foreign territories. Any patriot of the state, a fighter for the sovereignty of his country, for Western super-rich people is enemy number one, who must certainly be destroyed, either ideologically or physically. Which is what they have been doing for many years.

For the West: liberalism is a weapon of the external enemy against Russia.

In Russia: liberalism is either a) a dangerous delusion, or b) pathological hostility towards one’s own nation, or c) a means of livelihood - with the money of Russia’s external enemies (the second does not exclude the third).

Let us add: the liberal idea is fundamentally anti-spiritual, because it does not recognize the spiritual roots of the nation, its spiritual life, seeing only the material in everything. The liberal idea is aimed at satisfying the desires of the body and mind, but not the Spirit. The liberal idea is poison for the Spirit.

By the way. In the early Soviet period, the dominant ideology was somewhat similar to the liberal one - communist internationalism. What is its similarity? In destroying the concept of patriotism, or at least tearing out the national context from it. What is the difference? The ideal state of internationalists resembles a barracks, the ideal state of liberals resembles a stable. As they say - what is closer to whom... For the sake of fairness, we note that Stalin partially corrected this dangerous tilt of the party, and in the Great Patriotic War people fought not for the ideas of communism, but for their own native land

2. Anti-spiritual scientific worldview.

In addition to the infection of liberalism, there is another, deeper reason for low patriotism in Russia (and not only in it), which few people talk about. The fact is that patriotism is a spiritual category, and therefore not considered natural science. Let's trace the connection between patriotism and science.

Many experts have started talking about a systemic crisis in modern science. In my opinion, this crisis is due to the reliance of science on the rotten foundation of a crude materialistic worldview. Since the 17th century, science has instilled in us one idea: nature, the cosmos, consists exclusively of gross matter. Science did not consider the issues of the Spirit, giving this area to religious or philosophical schools. But our society is still built on the postulates not of faith or philosophy, but scientific knowledge. Look into school books, and you will understand what I'm talking about. All our education, and O Most of the culture is permeated with the ideas of a scientific materialistic worldview. Therefore, we are accustomed to viewing both man and nation from a purely materialistic position. When it comes to spiritual and cultural phenomena and values, we are forced to move from the strict and objective language of science to a language full of subjective concepts and categories. For clarity, one example.

There is no need to explain to anyone: in order for a person to live, he must develop physically and intellectually. Everyday experience teaches us this, materialistic science teaches us this. For us this is an obvious thing. But how many people know which grade Is development and spirituality important for life? Yes, priests and philosophers talk about this, but not natural scientists. Therefore, this issue in our “materialistic” society is easy to obscure, distort, talk about, or even remove from the agenda. It is difficult for a mere mortal to prove something that is not in school textbooks. And if there is, then in a very declarative manner, without relying on knowledge of the objective laws of Nature and Space.

And it is no coincidence that the post-Soviet Constitutions of Russia and Ukraine included ban on state ideology, and therefore ban on patriotism- on what is the core of any national ideology - and this ban people began to notice en masse only today – 20 years after their adoption! Although, let us note that in our republics there live far from stupid, highly educated people.

That is why we want to talk about patriotism as clearly, convincingly and conclusively as we speak about laws clearly, convincingly and conclusively material Nature. But for this we are forced to oppose all modern scientific school. But there are no other options, because We forced rely on the following scientific postulate: man and nation are not only matter, but also Spirit. The spirit of any person and any nation is an objective reality that does not depend on anyone’s subjective view, opinion, theory or ideology. We believe that this postulate will soon enter the heads of natural scientists, and then into school textbooks.

Strange as it may sound, but it is science story can greatly help natural science move to a new – spiritual-materialistic scientific paradigm. More on this below.

3.) What promotes patriotism

1. Updated science history.

As we have already said, learned historians can help overcome the crisis of the scientific worldview. Why? Because they, analyzing huge historical layers, unraveling the most complex event knots, creating complete picture interactions between nations, inevitably come to the conclusion that the Spirit of a nation is an objective concept, although not material (i.e., they come to our postulate). Moreover, this intangible in many cases is not some minor factor in the behavior of a nation that can be neglected, but is key to understanding this behavior. And therefore the historian will have every reason to consider the following reasoning strictly scientific:

Each tree has its own seed - code, each tree has its own root (material). Similarly: each nation has its own seed - a code, each nation has its own root (spiritual). A nation is formed over centuries and millennia, passes through different stages of maturation, but the root (code) remains unchanged, thanks to which the nation has its own individuality and produces its own special fruits. Of course, like any tree, a nation will someday use up its resource, perhaps by giving growth to other young nations. But it can also die before its time, under the influence of various negative factors, without reaching its maturity and without fulfilling its natural tasks.

From the same spiritual, natural-scientific positions, the historian can argue further. What is nationality? This is an individual’s belonging to a specific national tree. Each leaf on a tree has an important purpose - the survival of the tree - because if the tree dies, so does the leaf. Likewise, a representative of a nation is “doomed” to care not only about his personal well-being, but also about the well-being of the entire nation. In other words, nationality is duty man to maintain the vitality of his nation. Therefore, his personal freedom must be limited by the framework of his national duties. (Let us note here the wry, and even bitter, grin of the liberal...)

Now, looking at science history in this new scientifically, we can say: history is not just a statement historical facts, and not even a connection of these facts into a single logical chain, but a study of the life of the tree of the nation - its growth, “productivity”, the influence of friends and foes on it, its health and illness. And then science can strictly prove that the worst, most shameful pages in the history of the state occurred precisely in those periods when the nation, under the influence of certain forces, broke away from its roots and betrayed its code.

Of course, history will be better known (understood) by the person who belongs to this nation, grew up in his native lands, absorbed native culture, became a conscious unit of his people, i.e. - a patriot.

The historian of the new formation must appeal not only to the mind of a person, but to his Spirit, awakening patriotic feelings in him. He must expound So historical realities, so that his listeners not only “knew” them, but their empathized. They empathized with all the crucial moments of their past - starting from the most primordial periods. Then we will developing, strong nation. It’s like a person - after all, he doesn’t just “know” his biography, but experiences it, and only thanks to this he grows, gains experience, develops his unique individual path. Not a single period of our Russian (Slavic) history, starting from the most ancient Vedic times, should be missed, and all periods should be permeated with one fastening core - the core of the Russian Spirit. When they cheated on him, they became weaker, when they followed him, they grew stronger. If a person sees the whole picture, feels it, is imbued with the beauty and power of the Russian Spirit, then our nation will rise. And no “isms,” much less alien cultures, will be imposed on her.

The natural conclusion from what has been said: the history of one’s nation is food of the Spirit, The spirit of every person. Therefore, a good historian is always, to a great extent, a spiritual mentor.

2. Russian language, oratory, art, institutions of state power.

In our spiritual and material vein, we can touch upon another scientific discipline directly related to the topic of patriotism - linguistics. A Russian language specialist must feel his spiritual strength, his sacred meaning– and transfer this knowledge to people. We need to instill a love for the Russian language. Language is one of the most important carriers of the cultural code of a nation, and therefore it needs to be protected more than any other cultural and material conquests. Why should we protect national nature reserves? architectural monuments, objects high art, but the language shouldn’t? Must! But what do we see? On television, on the radio, on the Internet, in public places - this national wealth we not only do not protect, but We destroy it in the bud! At the same time, we prohibit smoking and drinking alcohol in public places, but we continue to mock the native language on all public floors. Therefore, laws are needed to protect the most important national heritage- Russian language. The health of a nation, its spiritual and material strength depend not only on whether a person drinks or smokes, but on how he relates to his native language and how he speaks it.

Alive, bright, deep, figurative speech, coming from the heart - this is the speech now Very in demand. After all, over 20 years of “independence” of the mass media, we were weaned off human language and instilled in us with a bird’s language - tweet– the language of primitive emotional and mental cliches. Today the time has come for the Russian Language, in which every word (not foreign origin) has its own deep natural meaning. The Russian Language itself is not only a storehouse of Russian culture, but a formidable weapon against idle talkers, fools, vulgarities, hypocrites, liars and all other obvious and secret, conscious and unconscious enemies of Russian Civilization. The specificity of the moment is such that the main battles today are being waged in the information and ideological field, and the most striking battles with our opponents take place in live conversations and dialogues. That's why we need it so much national speakers, caring about the nation, not those who have multiplied today "rootless" showmen, caring only about their image.

Thought about art. All art, as well as history and linguistics, must be imbued with national spirit and patriotism. And for this it is necessary to strengthen and develop expert communities that would give a professional assessment of certain cultural (or anti-cultural) phenomena and thus influence the development of the Russian nation and protect it. Such communities are much more important than the so-called “societies for the protection of human rights”, which in fact have long been destroying Russian statehood, and therefore destroying those people for whom they so care in words. Such expert communities would replace “rating companies” (foreign and domestic), which in fact destroy our culture, sowing vulgarity, dullness, bitterness, and indifference in people’s minds.

A parallel with art suggests itself Soviet period, when the state was vitally interested in the development of those areas where the theme of love for the Motherland was touched upon - in its most varied manifestations of life. And this, undoubtedly, produced significant results. Especially during the Stalinist period: the restoration of the country after the First World War and civil war, the hard times of the Second World War, and again the restoration and rise of the state. Now the situation is also critical - no one should have any doubts about the aggressive plans of the West to further dismember the Russian World, unleash local bloody wars, and seize our natural and human wealth.

Therefore, it is absolutely obvious: everything state institutions, headed by the Head of the country, are obliged to carefully monitor the preservation of the patriotic spirit of the population and keep it at the proper level. Low level patriotism is an alarming signal to the country's leadership, giving it the right to take emergency measures in the field of ideology and education of the population.

4.) What does patriotism give?

1. Spiritual growth person, nation.

Our reasoning goes further: patriotism is a sign of the health of the human Spirit. The absence of it is a sign of illness of the Spirit. Therefore, in my opinion, behind the avalanche-like national insight of the Russian people, there will be an equally rapid spiritual and moral insight. Patriotism and sacrifice for the sake of the Fatherland are very fertile soil for cultivating the Spirit.

Now many people in the post-Soviet space are carried away by various spiritual practices, often borrowed either from the East (ancient) or from the West (modern), not realizing that the most powerful “practice” is the cleansing of one’s Russian soul from everything that is not characteristic of it. This thought took the following form for me:

Russian Soul loves:

Not wealth, but Lad,

Not power, but Justice,

Not permissiveness, but Service to the Motherland,

Not bodily pleasures, but a Song of Love.

So what happened?

Foreign adversaries invaded the holy of holies - the Russian Soul,

To disrupt it, distort it, smear it with dirt.

And they forced us to waste our lives on empty, alien, nasty things,

With a tragic outcome:

We wanted wealth and became poor,

We wanted power and became subordinates,

We wanted freedom and became prisoners,

We wanted happiness and became unhappy.

So what now?

The sacred duty of every Russian person:

Drive out the adversary from our lands, from our minds,

To cleanse the Russian Soul from everything alien, not inherent in it,

If patriotism were a kind of physical quantity and if there were a unit of its measurement, then the emissions of the average Russian patriot would undoubtedly have the highest rates. Well, the range of different directions in which a “real” Russian patriot should show this same patriotism is enormous! For an ordinary American, in order to testify to his love for his Motherland, it is enough to dine on a tablecloth in the colors of the American flag and, in a sad case, be buried in a coffin wrapped in the same flag. Every day and at the everyday level this is quite enough, but not for a Russian. A Russian must love everything Russian! Imagine - that's it! Or he's not a patriot. On “slanderous”, foreign criticism Russian government, the Russian must respond with a wave of high-temperature indignation, otherwise he is again not a patriot. On ten-day trips to the countries of narrow-eyed Asia, he must sing “swan” in a group and feel a lump in his throat as a necessary attribute of longing for his native fields, forests and fields..

Well, it goes without saying that it is Russian patriots who are responsible for many of the “innovations” and “advancements” in post-perestroika Russia. Standing on the edge of the rational and irrational worlds, to maintain a sense of pride in the fatherland, they came up with many motor, exciting phrases. One of them is “It has no analogues in the world”! Such a definition of any nonsense fills it with meaning and instills hope in the hearts of ordinary workers that all is not lost and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

And so he dreams, this same worker, rolling out the old crippled VAZ from the garage with his hands in order to put freshly pickled cucumbers in the cellar, that someday he will put his tired, middle-aged body in something “unparalleled in the world” and go on a journey through the vast birch and crimson expanses...

By the way, the auto industry... This is a separate and favorite topic of patriots.

UAZ Bukhanka

By channel NTV is on program, I don’t remember its name exactly, since I rarely watch NTV and TV itself, generally something about the highway.

The presenter talked about the advantages of the UAZ-452 car, which people called “loaf” and which the plant has been producing since 1957 and until now without any major changes. He talked about it as if it really had no analogues in the world. Although the latter may be true.. They don’t make such crap in the world anymore. All the action on the screen was somewhat strange. First of all, because the presenter himself moved to the “loaf” from his Toyota land cruiser . It is from a Land Cruiser and not from an UAZ or Volga.

While driving on a fairly well-trodden dirt road, which does not at all symbolize Russian off-road conditions, there was an amazing story that the Japanese, shocked by the quality, cross-country ability and price (by the way, not cheap at all, $37,000), decided to buy a “loaf” for their national economic needs. Being like a true patriot, with half of his brain in the outlands, the presenter said that the transmission units and assemblies of this fossil still have no analogues in the world and that this car is repaired with the help of “a sledgehammer and such and such a mother”, unlike “ parquet" jeep, by pure misunderstanding, of which he is the owner.

I was able to observe the highest manifestation of patriotism in the recent past when accepting a “domestic” supercomputer. This time, the release of patriotic protoplasm descended from the body of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev during his time as an accidental president of Russia.

Medvedev receives the Lomonosov supercomputer

A little about the super computer... Computing nodes are combined into blocks and then connected into separate modules using a network interface with a bandwidth of 160 GB/s per chip. Roughly speaking, this is a cluster consisting of identical parts and it is assembled in accordance with the requirements and financial capabilities of the customer and does not depend in any way on the intellectual capabilities of the country in which it was assembled.

For fifteen minutes, Dmitry Anatolich listened attentively to the specialists’ explanations of why a country in which there are old women in abandoned villages and by chance

the surviving old people are waiting for a truck shop with bread and matches, they need a supercomputer, suddenly he smiled stupidly and suggested calling it Lomonosov. What kind of convinced patriot do you have to be to name a computer, completely filled with Intel and other overseas wonders of electronics, after a Russian scientist?

However, despite all the bewilderment of those present, the idea was accepted, as evidenced by long, sincere applause. It’s good that Atatolich didn’t visit the VOLVO screwdriver production facility somewhere near Kaluga. Otherwise, you look and all sorts of “Dobrynichi”, “Rusichi” and, of course, “Svyatogory” would be rolling around Russia.

It is obvious that in one article it is impossible to describe all the examples of the love passion that the Russian soul shows for its Motherland. But still, your heart clenches sweetly when you watch a TV story about a ninety-year-old WWII veteran who, sitting in a dilapidated kennel, hungry, wrapped in some rags, continues to believe in a bright future and whispers - “there was no more war...”

One of the regular authors of my blog, Evgeny Chernyshev, constantly raises the topics of Russian civilization and patriotism in his materials. Evgeny Chernyshev is from Donetsk, which once again proves that the Russian world is much wider than the state borders of the Russian Federation.

Today I wanted to introduce you, dear readers, to another author from Donetsk who has written excellent material.

How to tell you about the rivers of Russia.
How to tell you about Russian land.
How can you explain that we are the only ones?
How to tell you about the Russian soul.

Song "Russia" by Ellia Rikla
from the repertoire of the Musical Theater "Yusna"

Two coups d'etat: in 1917 and 1991, split Russia into many “sovereign” fragments. Geographical and economic disintegration was accompanied by ideological “disintegration”: with the connivance and even direct assistance of many statesmen of the USSR and the CIS, Western Civilization imposed a liberal ideology alien to it on the Russian Civilization, essentially forcing our peoples to abandon their national roots. All this made us weak and dependent on a stronger enemy.

Now there is a lot of talk about the ways and mechanisms of the revival of Great Russia. Let us note two extremes in these conversations. The first extreme: withdrawal into the purely material side of life - into the economy, into finance, into mechanisms for increasing material well-being. The other extreme: withdrawal into the ideology (religion) that dominates in certain periods of a nation’s life: paganism, Orthodoxy, monarchy, communism, etc. The first extreme does not take into account the spiritual component of the life of an entire civilization, and therefore is completely futile. The second extreme does not allow Russian patriots to unite under one banner and act on one front.

Can we isolate the main thing from this motley polyphony - something that would be understandable? to each representative of Russian Civilization and would mobilize his forces to fight for the economic and ideological sovereignty of his Motherland? Can. We'll talk about patriotism. However, it makes sense to delve deeper into this topic. For this purpose, we will try to answer five questions: what is patriotism; what hinders patriotism; what promotes patriotism; what patriotism gives, and what are the examples of patriotism.

1.) What is patriotism

1. The natural feeling of man and the wealth of the nation.

We proceed from the fact that we consider the nation to be a necessary and inevitable form of life and development of every person (at least in the foreseeable historical era), and patriotism is an integral part of any nation. Let us treat patriotism as something objectively existing wealth nation. This is the same objectively existing wealth as the population of the state, its natural resources, industrial potential, etc.

To better understand the issue, let's use the following analogy: a nation is a family; the state is the home. A person’s normal life can only happen in his family and in his home. Love in the family is love for the Motherland, caring for the home is caring for the country, the development of all family members is the development of the nation as a single organism. A nation without patriotic bonds is a mass of “street children” deprived of family love and their own hearth. This is exactly the kind of mass that the behind-the-scenes leaders of the West want us to see. For what? For easy enslavement. A homeless child is easier to deceive, weaken, rob, and destroy.

It is very important to clear the concept of patriotism from all artificial ideological inclusions, as far as possible. We consider a patriot to be someone who feels part of the nation, and therefore is its natural defender - no one else. But often a patriot is also considered a defender of some ideology, and in our eyes this is pseudo-patriotism. Although, we admit, it is sometimes not easy to distinguish one from the other.

A striking example of this is the civil war in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Who would be O greater patriots: red or white? The question is far from clear-cut. Who loved the Russian nation more? Who was more drawn to national roots? Who contributed more to the development of the nation?.. And the debate between supporters of “red” and “white” Russia still does not subside; weighty arguments “for” and “against” are put forward. But this dispute can be constructive only when its participants understand the difference between real patriotism and pseudo-patriotism - between defenders of the nation and defenders of a particular ideology. The task is not an easy one, but without solving it it will be not only difficult, but also impossible for us to revive the Russian nation.

For clarity, let us remember our analogy with family and home. True patriotism is caring about the condition of the house: so that the foundation is strong, the walls are strong, the glass is intact, the roof is without holes, etc. The shape of the house, its style, the interior – although important, is far from the main thing. And if, in fact, the “reds” and “whites” care only about the interior of the state structure, while massively destroying each other, then they destroy the nation, moving into the category of anti-patriots.

Yes, a state structure based on certain ideological, philosophical, religious views is a necessary aspect of the life of a nation - in fact, it is a form of its existence. This form can both contribute to the identification and development of the best sides of the nation, and vice versa, suppress them, and in this case, of course, it is necessary to improve the outdated form. But in any case, it is extremely dangerous and insane to completely destroy a house, noticing any individual shortcomings in it, because this is a catastrophe for the nation. This is exactly what happened to Russia in the 20th century twice.

2. “Natural” ideology of the state.

We said that patriotism should come from the natural desire of a representative of a nation to defend it, and not from an ideology imposed by someone. But this does not mean that we are against any ideology. But we will distinguish between an ideology based on the natural laws of the existence and development of a nation, and an ideology based on some abstract philosophical schemes, utopian theories that ignore the laws of the development of a nation and force us to act contrary to these laws. Of course, this is a very non-trivial topic, but we must strive to identify the fundamental differences between an ideology that provides the opportunity for the successful development of a nation (state), and an ideology that takes away this opportunity.

Let us add that such a “natural” ideology of the state is largely conservative. In what sense? In the sense that she always adheres to her national roots. We need to learn such “healthy” conservatism from an ordinary tree. We will answer: What allows a tree to change its crown from season to season, produce fresh flowers, produce more and more fruits? Root! Which nourishes and renews. Cut off the root and there will be no renewal. There will be no life at all. This is the law of life of any living organism: only by sticking to your root (starting from it, without changing it), can you grow. This is the meaning of conservatism, which provides viable dynamics. And it’s not for nothing that the Russian word used in relation to the history of the people - “antiquity” contains the root “tree”...

It is gratifying to see that in Russia such healthy conservatism is finding an increasing response among the intellectual elite. Most recently, in September 2012, it was created Izborsk Club, where the intellectual forces of Russia gather and discuss the issues of the revival of the Russian World in a conservative patriotic key.

Now let's figure out why such a natural thing as patriotism has become a rare commodity in Russia? After all, thoughts about patriotism should be accepted by a person a priori, on an instinctive level, with his heart. Yes, in a healthy society this is true, but you and I live in a sick society. Let's try to understand the causes of this disease.

2.) What interferes with patriotism

1. Liberal ideology.

We have already touched on the first reason - our “geopolitical friends” spend huge amounts of money to wash our brains, infected with the bourgeois spirit back in Soviet times. That is why so many people in our country persistently reject (or belittle) the ideas of patriotism, emphasizing other ideas - liberal ones. But let’s find out the ins and outs of this ideology.

What is liberal ideology? They want to present it to us as concern for human rights and freedoms. It sounds beautiful, but these beautiful words hide their complete inconsistency. After all, how can you care about freedom and human rights without caring about the freedom and rights of the nation of which a person is a part? But liberals are generally silent about nations - as if they do not exist at all, or as if all nations have come to such an agreement that they can no longer be noticed. I hope that such a happy future will really come someday. But open your eyes, gentlemen liberals! Continuous bloody, economic and ideological wars, behind which there are thousands and millions of human victims - is this “harmony between nations”?..

Therefore, let us bring maximum clarity to this issue. Liberalism is the ideology of those who are interested in “ignoring” the obvious disagreements and wars between the main geopolitical players. Liberalism is the ideology of a handful of super-rich, whose outpost today is in the USA and England. It’s not enough for them to rob their own countries - they need to rob the whole world. Liberalism is the bloodless opening of state borders. This is a peaceful seizure of foreign territories. Any patriot of the state, a fighter for the sovereignty of his country, for Western super-rich people is enemy number one, who must certainly be destroyed, either ideologically or physically. Which is what they have been doing for many years.

For the West: liberalism is a weapon of the external enemy against Russia.

In Russia: liberalism is either a) a dangerous delusion, or b) pathological hostility towards one’s own nation, or c) a means of livelihood - with the money of Russia’s external enemies (the second does not exclude the third).

Let us add: the liberal idea is fundamentally anti-spiritual, because it does not recognize the spiritual roots of the nation, its spiritual life, seeing only the material in everything. The liberal idea is aimed at satisfying the desires of the body and mind, but not the Spirit. The liberal idea is poison for the Spirit.

By the way. In the early Soviet period, the dominant ideology was somewhat similar to the liberal one - communist internationalism. What is its similarity? In destroying the concept of patriotism, or at least tearing out the national context from it. What is the difference? The ideal state of internationalists resembles a barracks, the ideal state of liberals resembles a stable. As they say - what is closer to whom... For the sake of fairness, we note that Stalin partially corrected this dangerous tilt of the party, and during the Great Patriotic War people fought not for the ideas of communism, but for their native land...

2. Anti-spiritual scientific worldview.

In addition to the infection of liberalism, there is another, deeper reason for low patriotism in Russia (and not only in it), which few people talk about. The fact is that patriotism is a spiritual category, which means it is not considered by natural science. Let's trace the connection between patriotism and science.

Many experts have started talking about a systemic crisis in modern science. In my opinion, this crisis is due to the reliance of science on the rotten foundation of a crude materialistic worldview. Since the 17th century, science has instilled in us one idea: nature, the cosmos, consists exclusively of gross matter. Science did not consider the issues of the Spirit, giving this area to religious or philosophical schools. But our society is still built on the postulates not of faith or philosophy, but of scientific knowledge. Take a look at school textbooks and you will understand what I'm talking about. All our education, and O Most of the culture is permeated with the ideas of a scientific materialistic worldview. Therefore, we are accustomed to viewing both man and nation from a purely materialistic position. When it comes to spiritual and cultural phenomena and values, we are forced to move from the strict and objective language of science to a language full of subjective concepts and categories. For clarity, one example.

There is no need to explain to anyone: in order for a person to live, he must develop physically and intellectually. Everyday experience teaches us this, materialistic science teaches us this. For us this is an obvious thing. But how many people know which grade Is development and spirituality important for life? Yes, priests and philosophers talk about this, but not natural scientists. Therefore, this issue in our “materialistic” society is easy to obscure, distort, talk about, or even remove from the agenda. It is difficult for a mere mortal to prove something that is not in school textbooks. And if there is, then in a very declarative manner, without relying on knowledge of the objective laws of Nature and Space.

And it is no coincidence that the post-Soviet Constitutions of Russia and Ukraine included ban on state ideology, and therefore ban on patriotism- on what is the core of any national ideology - and this ban people began to notice en masse only today – 20 years after their adoption! Although, let us note that in our republics there live far from stupid, highly educated people.

That is why we want to talk about patriotism as clearly, convincingly and conclusively as we speak clearly, convincingly and conclusively about the laws of material Nature. But for this we are forced to oppose all modern scientific school. But there are no other options, because We forced rely on the following scientific postulate: man and nation are not only matter, but also Spirit. The spirit of any person and any nation is an objective reality that does not depend on anyone’s subjective view, opinion, theory or ideology. We believe that this postulate will soon enter the heads of natural scientists, and then into school textbooks.

Strange as it may sound, but it is science story can greatly help natural science move to a new – spiritual-materialistic scientific paradigm. More on this below.

3.) What promotes patriotism

1. Updated science history.

As we have already said, learned historians can help overcome the crisis of the scientific worldview. Why? Because, analyzing huge historical layers, unraveling the most complex event knots, creating a holistic picture of the interaction of nations, they inevitably come to the conclusion that the Spirit of a nation is an objective concept, although not material (i.e., they come to our postulate). Moreover, this intangible in many cases is not some minor factor in the behavior of a nation that can be neglected, but is key to understanding this behavior. And therefore the historian will have every reason to consider the following reasoning strictly scientific:

Each tree has its own seed - code, each tree has its own root (material). Similarly: each nation has its own seed - a code, each nation has its own root (spiritual). A nation is formed over centuries and millennia, passes through different stages of maturation, but the root (code) remains unchanged, thanks to which the nation has its own individuality and produces its own special fruits. Of course, like any tree, a nation will someday use up its resource, perhaps by giving growth to other young nations. But it can also die before its time, under the influence of various negative factors, without reaching its maturity and without fulfilling its natural tasks.

From the same spiritual, natural-scientific positions, the historian can argue further. What is nationality? This is an individual’s belonging to a specific national tree. Each leaf on a tree has an important purpose - the survival of the tree - because if the tree dies, so does the leaf. Likewise, a representative of a nation is “doomed” to care not only about his personal well-being, but also about the well-being of the entire nation. In other words, nationality is duty man to maintain the vitality of his nation. Therefore, his personal freedom must be limited by the framework of his national duties. (Let us note here the wry, and even bitter, grin of the liberal...)

Now, looking at the science of history in this new scientific light, we can say: history is not just a statement of historical facts, and not even a connection of these facts into a single logical chain, but a study of the life of the tree of a nation - its growth, “productivity”, influence on his friends and enemies, his health and illness. And then science can strictly prove that the worst, most shameful pages in the history of the state occurred precisely in those periods when the nation, under the influence of certain forces, broke away from its roots and betrayed its code.

Of course, history will be better known (understood) by the person who belongs to this nation, grew up in his native lands, absorbed his native culture, and became a conscious unit of his people, i.e. - a patriot.

The historian of the new formation must appeal not only to the mind of a person, but to his Spirit, awakening patriotic feelings in him. He must expound So historical realities, so that his listeners not only “knew” them, but their empathized. They empathized with all the crucial moments of their past - starting from the most primordial periods. Then we will developing, strong nation. It’s like a person - after all, he doesn’t just “know” his biography, but experiences it, and only thanks to this he grows, gains experience, and forges his unique individual path. Not a single period of our Russian (Slavic) history, starting from the most ancient Vedic times, should be missed, and all periods should be permeated with one fastening core - the core of the Russian Spirit. When they cheated on him, they became weaker, when they followed him, they grew stronger. If a person sees the whole picture, feels it, is imbued with the beauty and power of the Russian Spirit, then our nation will rise. And no “isms,” much less alien cultures, will be imposed on her.

The natural conclusion from what has been said: the history of one’s nation is food of the Spirit, The spirit of every person. Therefore, a good historian is always, to a great extent, a spiritual mentor.

2. Russian language, oratory, art, institutions of state power.

In our spiritual and material vein, we can touch upon another scientific discipline directly related to the topic of patriotism - linguistics. A specialist in the Russian language must feel its spiritual power, its sacred meaning - and pass on this knowledge to people. We need to instill a love for the Russian language. Language is one of the most important carriers of the cultural code of a nation, and therefore it needs to be protected more than any other cultural and material conquests. Why should we protect national natural reserves, architectural monuments, works of high art, but should not the language? Must! But what do we see? On television, on the radio, on the Internet, in public places - we not only do not protect this national wealth, but We destroy it in the bud! At the same time, we prohibit smoking and drinking alcohol in public places, but we continue to mock the native language on all public floors. Therefore, we need laws that protect the most important national heritage - the Russian language. The health of a nation, its spiritual and material strength depend not only on whether a person drinks or smokes, but on how he relates to his native language and how he speaks it.

Lively, bright, deep, figurative speech coming from the heart - this is the kind of speech now Very in demand. After all, over 20 years of “independence” of the mass media, we were weaned off human language and instilled in us with a bird’s language - tweet– the language of primitive emotional and mental cliches. Today the time has come for the Russian Language, in which every word (not of foreign origin) has its own deep natural meaning. The Russian Language itself is not only a storehouse of Russian culture, but a formidable weapon against idle talkers, fools, vulgarities, hypocrites, liars and all other obvious and secret, conscious and unconscious enemies of Russian Civilization. The specificity of the moment is such that the main battles today are being waged in the information and ideological field, and the most striking battles with our opponents take place in live conversations and dialogues. That's why we need it so much national speakers, caring about the nation, not those who have multiplied today "rootless" showmen, caring only about their image.

Thought about art. All art, as well as history and linguistics, must be imbued with national spirit and patriotism. And for this it is necessary to strengthen and develop expert communities that would give a professional assessment of certain cultural (or anti-cultural) phenomena and thus influence the development of the Russian nation and protect it. Such communities are much more important than the so-called “societies for the protection of human rights”, which in fact have long been destroying Russian statehood, and therefore destroying those people for whom they so care in words. Such expert communities would replace “rating companies” (foreign and domestic), which in fact destroy our culture, sowing vulgarity, dullness, bitterness, and indifference in people’s minds.

A parallel arises with the art of the Soviet period, when the state was vitally interested in the development of those areas where the theme of love for the Motherland was touched upon - in its most varied life manifestations. And this, undoubtedly, produced significant results. Especially during the Stalinist period: the restoration of the country after the First World War and the Civil War, the hard times of the Second World War, and again the restoration and rise of the state. Now the situation is also critical - no one should have any doubts about the aggressive plans of the West to further dismember the Russian World, unleash local bloody wars, and seize our natural and human wealth.

Therefore, it is absolutely obvious: all state institutions, headed by the Head of the country, are obliged to carefully monitor the preservation of the patriotic spirit of the population and keep it at the proper level. A low level of patriotism is an alarming signal to the country’s leadership, giving it the right to take emergency measures in the field of ideology and education of the population.

4.) What does patriotism give?

1. Spiritual growth of a person, a nation.

Our reasoning goes further: patriotism is a sign of the health of the human Spirit. The absence of it is a sign of illness of the Spirit. Therefore, in my opinion, behind the avalanche-like national insight of the Russian people, there will be an equally rapid spiritual and moral insight. Patriotism and sacrifice for the sake of the Fatherland are very fertile soil for cultivating the Spirit.

Now many people in the post-Soviet space are carried away by various spiritual practices, often borrowed either from the East (ancient) or from the West (modern), not realizing that the most powerful “practice” is the cleansing of one’s Russian soul from everything that is not characteristic of it. This thought took the following form for me:

Russian Soul loves:

Not wealth, but Lad,

Not power, but Justice,

Not permissiveness, but Service to the Motherland,

Not bodily pleasures, but a Song of Love.

So what happened?

Foreign adversaries invaded the holy of holies - the Russian Soul,

To disrupt it, distort it, smear it with dirt.

And they forced us to waste our lives on empty, alien, nasty things,

With a tragic outcome:

We wanted wealth and became poor,

We wanted power and became subordinates,

We wanted freedom and became prisoners,

We wanted happiness and became unhappy.

So what now?

The sacred duty of every Russian person:

Drive out the adversary from our lands, from our minds,

To cleanse the Russian Soul from everything alien, not inherent in it,

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