Will mila bloom come to? What happened to the participants in the second season of the show "Vacations in Mexico

Beauty Mila Blum, participant scandalous show"Vacations in Mexico", told the site the whole truth about reality and about her personal life.

By the way, there was a case. I tried to get on "Miss Russia". I did not have time to go through the casting in Moscow, but I went to St. Petersburg and passed there, I was even approved. But then, apparently, some girl was taken by pull and I was dismissed. I remember then I was very upset.

After that, did you decide to go to auditions again?

No, this never happened. I did not go to them - there was no time for that. I went to the casting for "Holidays in Mexico" quite by accident. I was in a bad mood, they made me angry, and I thought: "And it all went!", Dressed up and went to the casting.

That is, there was no such thing that at some point you wanted to become famous and decided to start moving in this direction?

There weren't even such thoughts. She graduated from legal, worked in her specialty. It's just that my young man, with whom I lived for three years, ruined my mood. We had a fight, and I decided to run away somewhere to end it all.

Then you don't even need to ask if you miss your past life.

I've always had a good life, it hasn't changed that much. I began to enjoy my work. It's more interesting than sitting in pieces of paper.

Did you have a way to escape so that you could return in case of something? Or did you burn the bridges?

I went to the project without thinking that I would change something there. There was no such goal - I just wanted to escape from my old life, to check myself if I could. The thought that I would become famous at that moment was not at all.

And then, when they already told you that you were going, there were no such thoughts and long-term plans? After all, you got on television, which means you will become famous, especially if you work there for more than one or two weeks, but more?

I didn't think about it then, I just wanted to try myself. I've always been attracted to reality shows. I watched " Big Brother"," Behind the Glass ", and I was always interested in how everything happens there. As for fame, I don't think that someone who just took part in a reality show becomes a star. Someone was shown on TV, but someone is not there - that's all. For me, a star is, for example, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva.

You can tell from your Instagram that you are a party girl. You are at one event, at another, at the third, with oysters, with something else. As if you say to the world: "We are not afraid of the crisis, we are fine!" Is this a false impression?

Earlier, before the project, I was interested in parties, then my age was just conducive to this. Now I go to a minimum: only for work or for friends' birthdays. I just don't go to any clubs. I get tired of filming and events that need to be attended.

What do you think are your shortcomings?

Disadvantages? As my mother says, I am the nicest, the most beautiful (laughs). Of course they are. I quickly forgive everything, naive, trusting.

What can you say about the fact that many anti-fans accuse you of arrogance?After watching one of your next videos, they begin to say: "Here, this Mila thinks that she is the best!"

I was brought up like that, my mother told me from childhood that I was the best, the smartest. Probably, their own complexes are to blame for this. Those people who communicate with me and really know me can hardly say that.

That is, in fact, they see what they want to see?

Here, I think, some personal complexes of these people pop up. Maybe they want to see me like that. I am certainly confident in myself, but this is not self-confidence. Moreover, I myself do not really like self-confident people. Usually life punishes them. I hope that this is not in me.

Do you have a girlfriend? And then "Vacation in Mexico" for the most part showed that female friendship is not that it does not exist, but it is rather shaky.

There were friends on "Vacation". We were friends with Katrin, with Amina and now we continue to communicate. There is female friendship. In Moscow, I have a friend with whom we have been friends since the age of sixteen. But it really becomes more difficult to communicate with girls with age, there is some kind of competition. It's absurd, I don't understand it. I have a lot of boy friends, they help me in everything, it's easier to communicate with them. Best friend I also have a. And my best friend is my mother. I am always in touch with her, 24 hours a day.

Usually, by the end of a project, people become close-knit, communicate a lot and closely, and then it comes to naught, like after a shift in the camp. Does the same thing happen after the end of "Vacation"?

No, this is a different situation. On the project we were long time, we had no connection with our parents, with friends, with any of outside world... Therefore, inevitably, I had to choose from those people who were nearby, the closest and most interesting. We communicated in our own isolated world. When you get here, reality changes a little, everything becomes somehow different. This is a different world with different interests. I talked with Katrin and I still do. I keep in touch with everyone who was interesting to me there even after the project.

It turns out, "Vacation in Mexico" turned up at the right moment in your life. Could you just as well go to another reality show, say, "Dom-2"?

Dom-2 is another story. Love had to be built there. And in "Vacation" there were no such restrictions, we did not have to deliberately start novels. If we had any love stories, they started quite by accident. Just vibes, sun, ocean, smiles. Other topics: young people, a beautiful picture.

What do you think attracted attention at the casting?

I went there quite decisively. My boyfriend then pissed me off, and I set out to get into the project. I didn't even stand in line. I just dressed up properly, put on almost an evening dress, put on makeup, came in with a smile - and that's it.

What, no one but you thought of dressing up, getting your hair done? Everyone came in what they were, and you alone appeared as beautiful as the queen of the ball?

Do not know. I was a black sheep there, people looked at me suspiciously. I did it on purpose. V Everyday life I wear ordinary leggings and T-shirts.

That is, you hooked it with yours appearance? Maybe she said something else, did something?

Didn't do anything special. Someone came in almost naked, kissed, swore, shocked. There were psychologists, they still see people. On the contrary, I behaved calmly, I was even asked if I was always so restrained. Apparently, they figured out that in fact I am very emotional. And, probably, they were attracted by my openness.

It is believed that girls go to TV to become famous and thus attract rich and beautiful fans. Did you get them after participating in the project?

Never complained about the lack of fans. I'm not in a relationship now. I will not say that something has changed in this regard.

You don't even go out with anyone, you don't post photos with boys - all alone, but alone.

I am selective, I don’t want to meet with just anyone. I had a long-term relationship, and after that I have not yet met such a man with whom I would like to be together all the time and show him. Now I'm all in work, in business, and somehow I have no time for relationships. The period is probably like this.

How can you explain the fact that all the couples that formed on "Vacation in Mexico" eventually break up? It seems that these are really project stories that exist there and literally a week or a month are enough for them, but outside this space there are no more couples? How many there were: Katrin and Seryozha, Amina and Seryozha, Jackson and Amina, whoever was not there. Even Val and Nalivalkina eventually admitted that they were a project couple, they just grabbed each other to exist there.

To be honest, Polina and Val are cheating. They had a sincere relationship, and they lived in Moscow together after their return. What kind of PR are you talking about if it lasted a whole year?

They say they got together just for the sake of the project.

It seems to me that it is now convenient for them to say that. As for me, when I went to the project, I did not plan any relationship.

Who plans them? "I will come now and I will have a relationship there!"

Someone came there for this very purpose. They chose the first one they came across and built a relationship. There is a different world. You choose from what is. After returning, emotions and feelings remain, but everyday problems and everyday life are added to them. There we are fed and clothed, but here you have to do everything yourself. And people appear from a completely different side. On the project, human qualities come to the fore, and in ordinary life the main thing is whether you can survive or not. Jealousy appears, someone has a better career. And yet there are many such common factors. Probably because of this they disperse.

It turns out that, compared to others, your couple lasted long enough? Except for Val and Polina, they are generally champions.

Yes, after arriving in Moscow, Timur and I met for another three months.

Why did you break up?

Because he is young, very young. I had to pull it. On the project, I felt like a child, I didn't have to think about anything. Nice guy, poetry, guitar, songs, dances.

A holiday romance?

He probably returned to Katya again.

No, he did not return to her. I started dating some other girl.

Are you not interested in what happened to him now?

No, we parted on a normal note, not enemies. Good, pleasant memories.

But judging by what was on "Vacation", we can assume that in Moscow you almost destroyed an apartment, fired books at each other and left?

The most interesting thing is that these three months in Moscow were wonderful. On "Vacation" he was afraid of cameras, Katya, something else. And in Moscow this was not, we did not even swear much. And they parted peacefully.

Have you never played the part of the homewrecker again?

I was not a housewife.

But it looked like this. At least that's how he put it. "Oh my God, I have someone, no, you can't, Mila, go away, just not that!"

Firstly, I am not familiar with this Katya, and secondly, I do not believe in all his stories about their relationship, it sounded ridiculous. Lord, it was so long ago, and you make me think about it (laughs). I do not consider myself a homeless person, because they did not have a serious relationship, they did not live together. What he was talking about cannot even be called a meeting. In general, if I wanted something, then I cannot be stopped. I took a boy for myself (laughs).

I do not show my body, I have no photos in a swimsuit. It's even more interesting when I'm closed. Concerning MAXIM. First, it is a world magazine. I didn't just undress somewhere, but just for the magazine. Secondly, even where I am naked, nothing is visible. We had a condition that everything would be covered, there would be only guesses. Therefore, I am not ashamed.

Do they still recognize you, take pictures, take autographs? Don't let you walk down the street calmly?

Of course, now there is no longer the excitement that was immediately after the return. But they still recognize me, take autographs, take interest. It's nice to hear reviews about yourself.

That Mila, who was on "Vacation", is somehow different from Mila in ordinary life?

It’s different now, because I’ve matured. "Holidays" taught me a lot. I became less open. It seems to me that I was such a child at the "Vacation", I believed everyone. When I watched myself on TV, I was shocked. Seemingly not stupid girl, with higher education- but so naive! I still don't understand how it was possible to be like that.

On "Vacation" you fought a lot with girls. What was the reason? You don't look like a girl who basically solves her problems this way.

I could not imagine that I was able to prove myself so. I'm not making excuses, I was wrong about that. In my life, I would never meet these people, our paths would not converge. And there I had to find with them mutual language... I was completely shocked by some of their actions. It seems that some people were not told in childhood what is good and what is bad, and they have no idea about it. And I had youthful maximalism: only black and white, I did not know any other colors yet. In addition, we were in a confined space, and it increases any tension.

That is, you were shocked by their actions and, when the arguments ended, did not find any other way out?

The arguments did not end there. I never started the first fight at all - they climbed up to me. And for the girls with whom I fought, this is the norm, they behave this way in ordinary life.

Do you have to admit that you were a bit of a provocateur too? Didn't beat him herself, but forced the person to take such measures?

Mila Blum: I wanted to look at myself from the outside, to test myself for strength. Still, a closed space, people on a project with certain characteristics. In ordinary life, we choose with whom we communicate, and with whom - not ... On the project, everything is not so: a common language must be found with everyone. I'm interested.

- Wasn't it scary at first?

Mila Blum: No, it wasn't scary. There was interest, curiosity. I wanted to know what it was like: to be 24 hours a day under the sight of TV cameras. They say that I have a strong character... But my parents protected me from a lot, and I decided to see what real life is.

- Have you watched the first season of the project "HOLIDAYS IN MEXICO"? Which of the participants made the greatest impression?

Mila Blum: Yes, I did. In the first season, I liked Timur because he is very creative. I liked Roma - for his kindness and sincerity. He reacted positively to the world, admired everything.

- Did observing the heroes of the first season help you or in reality everything turned out differently?

Mila Blum: No, they didn't. In our season, people are completely different. It's already perfect new project... I got the feeling that the characters were kinder in the first season. In any case, it seems to me that you can only learn something from your mistakes.

- What is the most difficult thing on the project for you?

Mila Blum: The hardest part turned out to be isolation from the parents. We are very close, and here there is no connection with them. There is no way to accumulate positive energy. It is impossible to go somewhere. In ordinary life, we go about our business. We can disappear for a day, read a book. There is no such possibility here. And when there are some conflicts, you cannot retire. We have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same table. If any unpleasant moments happen, then they have to be solved right there.

Mila, you have an extensive fan group "Vkontakte" vk.com/kanikulyvmexice. Your fans have asked you a few questions. For example, something like this: in what relationship are you now with Vanya, Demid, Marcel and Pasha?

Mila Blum: I have no relationship with Demid, Marcel and Pasha. I communicate with people who are pleasant to me. This is Katrin and Vanya.

- Another question from your fan group. With whom of the guys in the show will you communicate after the project, and with whom not?

Mila Blum: I will communicate with Katrin, Seryozha, Ramaz, Vanya. One hundred percent will not communicate with Demid, Olya and Jackson.

- And why?

Mila Blum: We are people of completely different flight. In ordinary life, we will never meet.

- What brings you closer to those with whom you want to communicate after the project?

Mila Blum: Katrin is a very cheerful, open, sincere girl. Vanya is good kind guy... I am attracted to such sincere people... I think we have something in common.

- The next question is from a fan group. Bywhat do you use a pseudonym for?

Mila Blum: Name - not an alias. My name is really Mila. And Blum - this is the name of my parents. Yes, according to my passport I have a different surname. I just didn't bother much about the exchange of documents. All my life, since childhood, I have been Bloom.

- How did your relatives react to your decision to participate in the project? Was it a surprise to them?

Mila Blum: The parents were shocked! It is simply impossible to call it in another way. Probably, before that they perceived me a little differently. I am a lawyer, I worked at the Ministry of Justice. Those close to me were very surprised at my decision to try myself in a reality show. But then they began to support me. You can write letters to Mexico. Grandparents write that they have become younger with this project. But at first they did not want to let go!

- While participating in the project, do you think about whether your behavior will be pleasant to your loved ones?

Mila Blum: I think our parents know who we are. On this project, a person is fully revealed. The scales and shell are washed off. Only what really is remains. My parents raised me exactly the way everyone saw me.

- For something ashamed?

Mila Blum: Yes. I am ashamed of the mat. But this is life. The principles that I have, I do not violate.

- Do you get what you wanted from the project?

Mila Blum: I do not regret anything. Probably, on the screens, our Mexican life really looks like a vacation. But this is daily work and a great emotional burden.

- You spent almost four months on the project. Has anything changed in you during this time?

Mila Blum: Yes. Everyone says that I have matured. I guess I needed it. I began to look at the world differently.

- Aren't you afraid of criticism? After all, there are many negative reviews about "HOLIDAYS IN MEXICO".

Mila Blum: At first I was afraid ... But now I know that there are many positive responses from people. This is great! Well, maybe someone doesn't like my hot temper ...

- And what, in your opinion, do “HOLIDAYS IN MEXICO” teach the audience?

Mila Blum: The project tests people for strength, teaches them to interact. Everything that happens on the project, after all, happens in ordinary life: betrayal, love, friendship ... It's just that we on the project are experiencing all this in a short period. I think it is useful for the audience to “practice” in such a way as to protect themselves from negative experience ... Personally, the project opened my eyes to many things, I learned a lot and took off my rose-colored glasses.

Irina Kapustina

Date of birth: 12.02.1989
Place of birth: Moscow
Instagram account:

Mila Blum is a participant in the reality show "Vacations in Mexico". Thanks to the project, Mila has become a popular model, despite her “non-model” parameters. Mila Blum's height is 167 centimeters, weight is 58 kilograms. Mila was born in Moscow on February 13, 1989.

In 2013, Mila Blum returned to the project "Vacations in Mexico", on the project Mila Blum began a relationship with Timur Chikovani. In 2013, Mila starred in Timur Chikovani's video - in the third phase of sleep. After the end of the project, the couple was in a relationship for a year. After breaking up, Mila and Timur remained friends.

Mila's education and career

Mila studied at school number 1319, after graduation she entered the Financial University (former VGNA) at the Faculty of Law. Graduated from the university in 2008. During her studies at the university, Mila studied ballroom dancing, and even became the winner of several competitions. Mila never worked in her specialty. In 2013, after taking part in the "Vacations in Mexico" project, Mila began her modeling career.

Mila Blum is from a wealthy family, in her interviews Mila often admitted that she never tried to make money, work for Mila is just a hobby. In 2015, Mila opened her confectionery chain in Moscow.

Instagram Mila Blum

Instagram Mila Blum began to lead in 2012. After taking part in the TV show "Vacation in Mexico", the number of Mila's subscribers increased. Mila is one of the brightest participants in the TV show. She fell in love with the viewer, after the end of the TV show, Mila was often invited to various programs as a guest. Mila has attended the Let Them Talk program more than once.
In 2017, Mila was invited to the Instagram program. After taking part, Mila became more popular. Today Mila Blum has more than two hundred thousand subscribers.

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Many young guys and girls were lucky enough to "light up" on the screen, but not all managed to become really popular. Today we decided to find out what happened to the most bright participants show after project and what they are doing now.

Catherine Rviza

This Ukrainian woman with African roots became the winner of the second season. According to many, it was she who deserved the victory, because Catherine more than once showed honesty and justice. The winnings, which amounted to 2 million rubles, the girl shared with her boyfriend Sergey Kravchuk, and donated a considerable amount to charity.

After the project, however, the relationship Katrin and Sergei did not last long, despite the fact that the couple got married. The girl was worried about the breakup, but soon she began a new relationship, which she prefers not to talk about. Today Catherine is a vj on the channel "Music of the First" and works as a model, maintaining a warm relationship with Sergei... She also starred in the video Alexandra Panayotova "Sami" .

Sergey Kravchuk

After the project Sergey decided to make an offer Catherine... It seemed to everyone that everything would work out for the couple. However, after parting, they stopped communicating for a while. Sergey first went back to his native Kiev and then returned to Moscow... Today in his Instagram Sergey often shares joint cute photos with a little girl, and fans are interested in whether this is his daughter. But Sergey does not stop explaining that this is a nephew.

While he does not talk about his personal life, however, he is happy to talk about that he communicates with Catherine... He is also in business with Demid Rezin.

Ramaz Gogitidze

This hot guy touched more than one woman's heart. Despite his aggressive disposition, Ramaz was remembered by the audience as a kind and fair person who, if he is already going to achieve a girl, will go to the end to the end. It was rumored that some of the winnings Catherine gave away Ramaz(like a best friend).

After the project, he briefly disappeared from sight, and then became a party organizer. Today Ramaza can be seen in many Moscow clubs. And he is still free and in search of a second half!

Yana Sukhova

We all remember the romantic and tender Jan, who came to the project and immediately attracted male attention. She did not weave intrigues and, perhaps, that is why she was so fond of the fans of the show. On the project Yana met with Pasha the Enemy, there were rumors that the guys were going to get married. By the way, they really played an impromptu wedding to appease the strict father Yana... But the love story ended with the project.

Yana could not forget the ex young man, a Pasha came to grips with a career. Today Yana successfully engaged in the modeling business, starred in commercials and is a real star Instagram... The girl is in love, but hides her chosen one. By the way, with Pasha they communicate periodically!

Paul the Adversary

Before "Vacation" Pasha was famous in the club party St. Petersburg- he worked as a face controller and developed his own design studio. And he also managed to attend the casting. "House-2", but did not stay in the project for a long time. Pasha always honestly admitted that he was going to the project to become popular. And he did it!

After returning from the villa Pasha sang and even shot a video for the song "I won't forget" ... True, the young man's singing career did not work out, but he still works in music industry as a producer and event organizer.

Zhenya Kozhukhov went on a project to get revenge on his ex-girlfriend who left him for the first season, Nastya Smirnova... And I was not mistaken. There he developed a relationship with Amina, in which, it seems, that only was not! The guys parted a hundred times and got back together, and after the project they were together for a very long time.

From time to time they are still seen together, although the couple broke up two years ago. Today Evgeniy tries himself as a TV presenter, and also directs small videos on the channel in YouTube VogueMenProject... He is also fanatical about sports. So he can easily be called a real athlete.

Val Nikolsky

This guy is hard to forget! Val(Valery) achieved real popularity after returning from Mexico... A guy like Robert Pattinson, and worked as a model, and as a singer (at Vala his team, he often speaks at corporate parties), and an actor and a presenter. He can be seen in a variety of talk shows, where he loves to philosophize and give good advice.

Have Vala there is a whole army of fans who adore him. Only recently he had a girlfriend, and his popularity suddenly faded away. Was someone able to pacify the guy's temper? Let's see! So far, he increasingly appears at various events with his companion.

Nita Kuzmina

Nita produced strong impression to all project participants. If you remember, she was called "Cherry" because of the tattoo on the priest ... After the project, they began to invite her to various talk shows and to shoot as a model.

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