Reflections on what was read, the last bow. Analysis of the chapter “Photograph in which I am not” from V. Astafiev’s book “The Last Bow”

“The Last Bow” is a story within stories. The form itself emphasizes the biographical nature of the narrative: an adult’s memories of his childhood. Memories, as a rule, are vivid, which do not line up in a single line, but describe incidents from life.

And still " Last bow"is not a collection of stories, but a single work, since all its elements are united by a common theme. This is a work about the homeland, in the sense that Astafiev understands it. His homeland is a Russian village, hardworking, not spoiled by wealth; This is nature, harsh, incredibly beautiful - the powerful Yenisei, taiga, mountains. Each individual story in “Bow” reveals a specific feature of this theme, be itdescriptionnature in the chapter “Zorka’s Song” or children’s games inchapter"Burn, burn clearly."

The narration is told from the first person - the boy Viti Po-Tylitsyna,an orphan living with his grandmother. Vitya's father is a reveler anddrunkard,abandoned his family. Vitya's mother died tragically - drownedin Yenisei.The boy's life proceeded like everyone else's.Vienneseguys: helping elders with housework, picking berries, mushrooms, fishing, games.

The main character of "Bow" - Vitka's grandmother Katerina Petrovna - precisely because she became our common Russian grandmother, because she collected in her entirety everything that still remained in native land strong, hereditary, primordially Russian, that we somehow instinctively recognize within ourselves, as if what was shining for all of us was given in advance and forever. The writer will not embellish anything in it; he will leave behind the storm of character, the grumpiness, and the indispensable desire to be the first to know everything and to be in charge of everything in the village (one word - General). And she fights, suffers for her children and grandchildren, breaks into anger and tears, and begins to talk about life, and now, it turns out, there are no hardships for her grandmother: “Children were born - joy. Children were sick, she saved them with herbs and roots, and not a single one died - that’s also joy... Once she put her hand out in the arable land, and she straightened it herself, there was just suffering, they were harvesting bread, with one hand she stung and didn’t become a crooked hand - isn’t that not joy? This is a common feature of old Russian women, and it is a Christian feature, which, when faith is exhausted, is also inevitably depleted, and a person increasingly leaves the score to fate, measuring evil and good on unreliable scales.” public opinion”, counting the suffering and jealously emphasizing his mercy. In “Bow,” everything is still ancient Russian, a lullaby, grateful to life, and this makes everything around life-giving.

Very similar to Katerina Petrovna Astafieva Akulina Ivanovna from M. Gorky’s “Childhood” in terms of her vitality.

But in Vitka’s life comes crucial moment. He is sent to his father and stepmother in the city to study at school, since there was no school in the village.

And when the grandmother left the story, new everyday life began, everything darkened, and such a cruel, terrible side appeared in childhood that the artist for a long time avoided writing the second part of “Bow,” the menacing turn of his fate, his inevitable “in people.” It is no coincidence that the last chapters of the story were completed in 1992.

And if Vitka found his way into a new life, then we must thank his grandmother Katerina Petrovna, who prayed for him, comprehended his suffering with her heart and, from a distant distance, was inaudible for Vitka, but saved him savingly, at least by the fact that she managed to teach forgiveness and patience, the ability to see in in complete darkness, even a small grain of goodness, and hold on to this grain, and give thanks for it.


  • introduce students to the biography and work of V.P. Astafieva; show what connection the writer’s autobiography has with his story “The Last Bow”; briefly analyze the main chapters of the story; show students how the formation of the personality of the main character of the story took place, prepare students for a detailed analysis of the chapter of the story “The Photograph in which I am not”;
  • development of students’ speech, ability to reason, defend own opinion; development of artistic text analysis skills;
  • cultivate feelings of compassion, empathy, pity and love for people.

Equipment: books by V.P. Astafieva recent years, photographs, newspaper articles, computer, projector.

Epigraph on the board:

The world of childhood, parting with it forever,
There are no paths back, no trace,
That world is far away, and only memories
More and more often they return us there.
K. Kuliev

During the classes

1. Message of the topic of the lesson

Teacher: Today we have an unusual lesson, a travel lesson based on the story by V.P. Astafiev “Last bow”. During this journey, try to understand what the main character of the work felt and how his personality developed. I would like this lesson to be a lesson - a discovery, so that none of you leaves with an empty heart.

We begin our acquaintance with the work of the wonderful Russian writer V.P. Astafieva. IN modern literature V.P. Astafiev is one of the consistent supporters of reflecting the truth of life in his works, conflicts, heroes and antipodes.

Today in class we will talk about the feelings that the writer embodied in his autobiographical story “The Last Bow” in order to be ready to analyze one of the chapters of the story “The Photograph in which I am not.”

2. Getting to know the writer’s biography

Teacher: Two students will introduce us to the most striking episodes of the writer’s life and work. (One of them sets out the facts of the biography, the other is the author’s voice in time.)

(Students are introduced to the biography and personal life impressions of the writer. At the same time, a presentation is shown about the life path of V.P. Astafiev.)

3. From the history of the creation of the story “The Last Bow”

Teacher: Creativity of V.P. Astafiev developed further in two directions:

  • First- poetry of childhood, which resulted in the autobiographical cycle “Last Bow”.
  • Second- poetry of nature, this is the cycle of works “Zatesi”, the novel “Tsar Fish”, etc.

We will take a closer look at the story “The Last Bow,” created in 1968. This story is a kind of chronicle of people's life, from the late 20s of the twentieth century to the end of the Patriotic War.

The story was not created as a whole; it was preceded by independent stories about childhood. The story took shape when its penultimate chapter, “War is thundering somewhere,” was created. That is, the story appeared as if by itself, this left its mark on the peculiarity of the genre - the story in short stories.

And stories about childhood and youth are a long-standing and now traditional theme in Russian literature. L. Tolstoy, I. Bunin, and M. Gorky turned to her. But unlike other autobiographical stories, in each story-chapter by Astafiev feelings are boiling - delight and indignation, happiness and grief, joy and sadness, above all feelings.

Question to the class: Remember how in literature they call works that are imbued with the feelings and experiences of the author? (Lyrical.)

Teacher: Therefore, we can talk about the advantage of the lyrical beginning in the story. In each chapter, the author expresses what he feels strongly and sincerely at the moment, and therefore each episode turns into something containing an idea about the time in which the main character lived, and about the events that he experienced, and about the people with whom fate brought him together.

4. Journey through the story

The teacher reads out the words of V. Astafiev: “So I began, little by little, to write stories about my childhood, about my native village, about its inhabitants, about my grandparents, who were in no way fit to be literary heroes of that time.”

Teacher: Initially, the cycle of stories was called “Pages of Childhood” and K. Kuliev’s wonderful epigraph preceded it.

(The teacher draws the students’ attention to the epigraph and reads it.)

Teacher: The first chapter of the story is called “Distant and close fairy tale" Tanya Sh will tell us about the events described in this chapter.

(Retelling and analysis of the chapter by a student. During the story, Oginski’s “Polonaise” is heard quietly. (a computer is used))

Question to the class:

– What feelings did the melody played by Vasya the Pole evoke in Vitya? What feelings did the writer fill this story with? With what means of expression does the author manage to convey all the feelings of the hero?

The teacher reads a quote from the story:“At those moments there was no evil around. The world was kind and lonely, nothing, nothing bad could fit in it... My heart was pinched by pity for myself, for people, for the whole world, fraught with suffering and fear.”

Question to the class: How did you understand what this chapter story was about? (About the art of being humane.)

Teacher: Both the melody and the feelings allowed the artist to turn this story into an introduction to a vast and diverse narrative about Russia.

The next chapter we will focus on is “Dark, Dark Night.” Andrey K. will tell you about the events of this chapter.

(Retelling and analysis of the chapter by the student.)

Question to the class:– What events caused the difficult experiences of the lyrical hero of the story? What did these events teach him?

Teacher: But the most charming, most significant, captivating image that runs through the entire story is the image of grandmother Katerina Petrovna. She is a very respected person in the village, a “general”, she took care of everyone and was ready to help everyone.

The chapter “Grandma’s Holiday” is imbued with the author’s special feeling. Marina N. will introduce us to its contents.

(Retelling and analysis of the chapter “Grandma’s Holiday.”)

Question to the class: What heroine of the work does Katerina Petrovna remind you of with her character and life views? (Alyosha Peshkov’s grandmother from M. Gorky’s story “Childhood.”)

Teacher: The final chapters of the story tell about the hero’s visit to his 86-year-old grandmother and her death.

The teacher reads the words of the writer:

“The grandmother died, and the grandson could not go to bury her, as he promised, because he had not yet realized the enormity of the loss. Then I realized, but it was too late and irreparable. And lives in the heart of wine. Oppressive, quiet, eternal. I know grandma would forgive me. She always forgave me everything. But she's not there. And it never will be... And there is no one to forgive..."

Teacher: If the entire story “The Last Bow” was called “farewell to childhood,” then the chapter “Love Potion” is the culmination of this work. Anya N. will introduce us to the contents of this chapter.

(Retelling and analysis of the chapter “Love Potion”.)

Teacher: Astafiev said: “I am writing about the village, about my small homeland, and they - big and small - are inseparable, they are in each other. My heart is forever where I began to breathe, see, remember and work.”

And the chapter “The Feast After the Victory” ends the story. Dima K. will introduce us to the events described in this chapter.

(Retelling and analysis of the chapter “Feast after the victory.”)

Teacher: The most important thing in this chapter is that it raises the question of the hero’s moral awareness of his high purpose in life, in history, and his intransigence towards shortcomings.

Question to the class: What feelings in this chapter torment the soul of Vitya Potylitsyn? (Indecisiveness, doubts, new knowledge of the world, sincerity, humanity)

Teacher: Vitya Potylitsyn expresses his “concept of personality” in this chapter: “I wish peace and joy not only for myself, but for all people.”

He feels responsible for all the evil that is happening in the world, and cannot come to terms with any humiliation of a person.

Vitya Potylitsyn has traveled a long way - from early childhood to the significant feast after the victory, and this path is part of people’s life, this is the story of the spiritual formation of the main character, like Alyosha Peshkov from M. Gorky’s story “Childhood”.

“The Last Bow” is the most “cherished” book in creative biography V. Astafieva.

5. Lesson summary

Teacher: We have completed a short journey through the story “The Last Bow”. How did you understand what this story was about? (About the realization by the main character in the process of his formation of the triumph of kindness and humanity over the dark forces of evil)

6. Conclusion

Teacher: V. Astafiev creates works that are imbued with a sense of human responsibility for everything that exists on earth, the need to combat the destruction of life.

This is his novel too.” Sad detective” (1986), story “Lyudochka” (1989). In them the author analyzes many troubles modern world. In the novel of the last years of his life, “Cursed and Killed,” he again turned to military theme, his story “Obertone”, written in 1996, is devoted to the same topic.

What is new in these works is the author’s desire to tell the truth about these tragic years, the depiction of the events of the war from the position of Christian morality.

7. Homework

One of the works related to Russian classical literature, became the story of V. P. Astafiev “The Last Bow”. Summary of this work of art quite small. However, it will be presented in this article as fully as possible.

Brief summary of Astafiev’s “Last Bow”

Despite the fact that even in the original the work can be read in just a few minutes, the plot can still be described in a nutshell.

Main character summary“Last bow” Astafiev is a young guy who spent several years in the war. The text is narrated on his behalf.

In order for everyone to understand what and how, we will divide this work into several separate parts, which will be described below.


The first thing he decides to do is visit his grandmother, with whom he spent a lot of time as a child. He doesn't want her to notice him, so he walked around the back of the house to enter through the other door. While the main character walks around the house, he sees how much it needs repairs, how everything around is neglected and requires attention. The roof of the bathhouse had completely collapsed, the garden was completely overgrown with weeds, and the house itself was leaning on its side. Grandma didn't even keep a cat, because of this all the corners are in small house chewed by mice. He is surprised that during his absence everything fell apart so much.

Meeting with grandma

Entering the house, the main character sees that everything in it remains the same. For several years the whole world was shrouded in war, some states were wiped off the face of the Earth, others appeared, but in this small house everything was the same as the young military man remembered. Still the same tablecloth, still the same curtains. Even the smell - and it was the same as the main character remembered it as a child.

As soon as the main character steps outside the threshold, he sees his grandmother, who, just like many years ago, sits by the window and winds yarn. The old woman immediately recognizes her beloved grandson. Seeing his grandmother's face, the main character immediately notices that the years have left their mark on her - she has aged very much during this time. For a long time, the grandmother does not take her eyes off the guy who has a Red Star shining on his chest. She sees how grown up he has become, how he matured during the war. Soon she says that she is very tired, that she feels death is approaching. She asks the protagonist to bury her when she passes away.

Death of a beloved grandmother

Very soon the grandmother dies. At this time the main character found workplace at a plant in the Urals. He asks to be released for just a few days, but he is told that he is only released from work if it is necessary to bury his parents. The main character has no choice but to continue working.

The main character's feelings of guilt

At the neighbors deceased grandmother he learns that the old woman has not been able to carry water home for a long time - her legs hurt badly. She washed the potatoes in the dew. In addition, he learns that she went to pray for him at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, so that he would return from the war alive and healthy, so that he would create his own family and live happily, without knowing any trouble.

Many such little things are told to the main character in the village. But all this cannot satisfy the young guy, because life, even if it consists of little things, includes something more. The only thing that the main character understands well is that the grandmother was very lonely. She lived alone, her health was fragile, her whole body ached, and there was no one to help. So the old woman managed somehow on her own, until on the eve of her death she saw her grown and matured grandson.

Awareness of the loss of a loved one

The main character wants to know as much as possible about the time when he was at war. How did the old grandmother cope here alone? But there was no one to tell, and what he heard from his fellow villagers could not really tell about all the difficulties that the old woman had.

The main character is trying to convey to every reader the importance of the love of grandparents, all their love and affection for the young people whom they raised from an early age. The main character is unable to express his love for the deceased in words; he is left with only bitterness and a feeling of guilt that she waited for him for so long, and he could not even bury her, as she asked.

The main character catches himself thinking that his grandmother - she would forgive him anything. But the grandmother is no more, which means there is no one to forgive.

Full name: Kulagina Liliya Ilmurzovna

Position: teacher of Russian language and literature

Place of work: average comprehensive school № 18 Kirovsky district Ufa

Teaching experience: 32 years
LESSON TOPIC: “Bow good people"(based on the story by V. Astafiev "The Last Bow")

Grade: 9th

Number of hours: 2 hours
EPIGRAPH:"I will never forget that happy morning." (V.P. Astafiev)

  1. To introduce students to the life and work of V. P. Astafiev.

  2. Fostering in students a sense of love for the Motherland, the surrounding world, and people.


1st hour

I. introduction teachers about V.P. Astafiev.

I would like to start the lesson with the words of the writer’s grandfather on his father’s side, Pavel Yakovlevich Astafiev.

Someday a grandfather will say about his grandson:

“You are happy, however... Not by fate, but by heart. To see something beautiful and good, maybe this is where happiness lies.”

Grandfather looked into the water. The writer V.P. Astafiev was precisely such a person, vigilant, attentive, noticing the beauty of human relationships, the beauty of the surrounding world.

II. Biography of the writer (student message).

The name of V.P. Astafiev is known throughout the world. He was born in May 1924 in the village of Ovsyanka, on the banks of the mighty Yenisei, not far from Krasnoyarsk, “into a working, huge, sedate and melodious family.” He lost his mother early - she drowned when her scythe caught on a floating boom in the river. He was given to the care of his grandparents - Siberian peasants.

In 1934 he was forced to leave his native village along with new family father, was soon abandoned to the will of fate. Having gone through orphanhood and homelessness, at the age of 15 he ended up in an orphanage in the polar city of Igarki. Before the war, he worked as a train compiler near the city of Krasnoyarsk. In the fall of 1942, he volunteered for the front. He served as a driver, artillery reconnaissance officer, and signalman. He was seriously injured.

After being demobilized in 1945, he lived for 18 years in the Urals, in Chusovoy. He worked as a loader, mechanic, foundry worker, and at the same time studied at evening school.

I started writing out of a feeling of protest, I wanted to write about the war what I saw myself, “I cared most of all that everything was accurate, that everything was as it was.”

In 1958 he was accepted into the Writers' Union, and in 1959 he was sent to the Higher Literary Courses in Moscow, where he studied until 1961.

The writer's pen includes such wonderful works, as a story in the stories “The Last Bow”, a narrative in the stories “The King Fish”, the novel “The Sad Detective”, tragic theme war sounds in the story “The Shepherd and the Shepherdess” (the author defines it as a modern pastoral). About the war - a novel written in the 90s - “Cursed and Killed”, the story “So I Want to Live”.

The leading themes of the writer’s work: childhood; nature and man; war and love.

In 1968, the first book of the story in stories “The Last Bow” was published. In subsequent years, Books II and III were published.


Work based on the story “The Last Bow”.

  • From whose perspective is the story told?
The story is autobiographical. And yet, the cycle of these stories cannot be called an autobiography of the writer himself, since in the story there are many other main characters who discovered little boy huge, invisible to the eye the world of human relations.

  • Who is the main character of the story?

  • Think about the title of the work. “Last bow.”

  • Last bow to whom?
(To all those kind people who met the writer on the roads of childhood, who in one way or another influenced the formation of the teenager’s views).

  • What 2 themes run through the entire work?
(Theme of childhood and homeland).

These themes are very closely intertwined in the story, which opens up childhood memories - “A Far and Near Fairy Tale.”

1). “Far and Near Fairy Tale.”

  • Tell us about Vasya, a Pole.
Play “Oginsky’s Polonaise”.

Selective reading by the teacher of a passage from the words “But because of the ridge, from the deep interior of the earth, music arose...” to the words “wounded for life by music.”

  • What was the music talking about? Why is Vitka so anxious and bitter? Why do you want to cry like he has never cried before?
(About love for the Motherland, for the native land. Read the words of Vasya the Pole about the author of the music.)

  • What mark did Vasya the Pole leave on the boy’s soul with his violin playing?
(The best feelings are memories of my mother, love for my native land.)

  • How did your fellow villagers treat Vasya the Pole?

  • Can Vasya the Pole be called a life teacher for Vitka Potylitsyn? Why do you think the chapter “Far and Near Fairy Tale” is the first in the book “The Last Bow”.
(It's about the homeland.)

  • Who left Vitka the most precious childhood memory?
The writer gave all the love and tenderness of which a man’s heart is capable, first of all, to his grandmother. He is the first to send his deepest respects to her with his story.

  • Tell me about your grandmother.
(Portrait of a grandmother from the chapter “Monk in New Pants.”)

  • What role did she play in the development of character and in the fate of her grandson?

  • The grandmother teaches her grandson to love and understand nature, passed on her everyday and moral experience to him, taught him to love the earth and all living things around him.
2). Work on the chapter “Zorka’s Song”. (Brief summary).

  • Which chapters tell how a grandmother teaches her grandson to see the beautiful, teaches a careful and reverent attitude towards the earth, and gives the first lessons in labor.
(4). “Trees grow for everyone” - a condensed retelling).

  • What other lessons given by his grandmother did Vitka remember?
(5).“Horse with pink mane” – how many years have passed since then, but this lesson of kindness given by the grandmother was forever remembered by the grandson).
2nd hour

    What new did we learn about grandmother in the chapter “Guardian Angel”? How did your grandmother teach her family to endure difficulties?
(Grandmother is the keeper of the home. She supports the family in difficult moments of life. From any difficult situation will find a way out. Grandmother - kind soul, picks up an abandoned puppy).

  • Wise thoughts grandmothers.

  • The chapter is called “Guardian Angel” - why?
7). The story “The Last Bow” contains many pictures of peasant labor and peasant life. Let us dwell on the chapter “Pestrukha”.

  • What interesting things did you learn about the life of peasants? folk traditions, rituals?
A). - Why were children protected from the sight of blood?

b). Stop on stage as grandparents gather children to show a recently born calf and together come up with a name for the newborn.

V). Evening milking of cows.

G). “What a good evening this is coming! I want to share my bread, milk, salt and heart with my neighbors and all the people in the world.”

d). Evening prayer grandmothers.

8). – What is said in the story “Autumn Sadness and Joy”?

(“Labor is not labor, but pleasure, a holiday. They salted the cabbage with a song.”)

9). Chapter “Grandma’s Holiday.”

  • What holiday is this chapter talking about?

  • How is this holiday celebrated?
(The song awakened good feelings for each other and forever left a memory of their home).

  • How does Ilya Evgrafovich remember the grandfather from his grandson?
(Student message). (Student message).

  • In what key are all the stories from this work written?
(Give the floor to students who have done research work in advance).

  • The leitmotif of Book I is the words: “I will never forget that happy morning.”


“Last bow” is a conversation about childhood and about those people who warmed this childhood with the warmth of their hearts and the caress of their working hands. The meaning of this work is in the emotional and moral charge that can awaken the brightest feelings in readers: the joy of life, love for the homeland, native land, work, people living next to you.

The last chapter of the work is “The Last Bow”. This is where the author conveys main idea works.

(Expressive reading by the stage teacher last meeting grandson and grandmother).


Write an essay on the topic: “Lessons of kindness from grandmother Katerina Petrovna.”

Viktor Astafiev’s book “The Last Bow” expresses the writer’s desire to show the origins folk character, such components as compassion, duty, conscience, beauty. There are many heroes in the story, but in the center of our attention are two destinies - the grandmother and her grandson, because it is under the influence of the grandmother that the formation of young hero.
The boy Vitya is an orphan, so he lives with his grandmother Katerina Petrovna. Grandmother is a strong and powerful woman, but at the same time, how much warmth, kindness and love are hidden under its external severity! The image of Katerina Petrovna is a generalized image; she is one of the characters who embody not just the essential features of the way of life of the Russian village, but also the moral foundations of the nation. The grandmother makes fun of her grandson, but at the same time she is kind and very caring.
For Astafiev, it is important to show the relationship of his hero with friends, because, in his opinion, “true friendship is a rare and precious reward for a person. Sometimes it is stronger and truer family ties and influences human relationships much more strongly than the “team”.
The chapter “Photograph in which I am not present” reflects all the moments that concern Astafiev. It all starts with a photographer from the city coming to the village specifically to photograph children studying at school. Among them is the hero of the story, Vitya. The guys decide how they will stand in the photo and come to the conclusion that “ diligent students they will sit in the front, the average ones in the middle, the bad ones in the back.” But Vitya and his friend Sanka have never been diligent, so they should be left behind. To prove that they were lost people, two friends went to the ridge and “began to ride off a cliff like no other man of sense I’ve never ridden.”
As a result, they rolled around in the snow. In the evening, the young hero received retribution for his revelry - his legs hurt. The grandmother made her diagnosis - “rematism”. From unbearable pain the boy begins to moan and then howl. The grandmother, wailing and swearing (“if I were you, it would sting your soul and liver, didn’t say: “don’t get cold, don’t get cold!”), but still goes for medicine to treat her grandson.
From the very beginning of the chapter, the relationship between them becomes clear - the grandmother loves her grandson, although she grumbles at him and mimics him. But you can hear tenderness and love in this too:
“Where are you, Tutoka?
“Here,” I responded as pitifully as possible and stopped moving.
- Here! - Grandma mimicked me and, groping for me in the darkness, the first thing she did was slap me on the wrist. Then she rubbed my feet with ammonia for a long time.”
Katerina Petrovna takes care of her grandson, although she is strict towards him. She also sympathizes with Vita because her grandson is an orphan: “ could such a misfortune happen, and why would they break the little orphan like a thin tali-and-Inka...”.
Because the boy's legs hurt, he misses most important event– photographing. The grandmother consoles him, promises that the photographer will come again or they themselves will go to the city, to see Volkov, the “best” photographer: “... he will take pictures either for a portrait, or for a patchport, or on a horse, or on a plane, or whatever.” Vitya’s friend, Sanka, comes for him and, seeing that he cannot walk, also does not go to be photographed:
"- OK! – Sanka said decisively. - OK! – he repeated even more decisively. - If so, I won’t go either! All!"
He, like a true friend, does not leave Vitya to grieve alone. Sanka, despite the fact that he can walk and that he even has a new padded jacket, remains with his friend, convincing himself and him that he is not in last time a photographer comes to see them and that everything will be “nice.” Of course, in this story, friendship is considered at a child’s level, but still this episode is very important for the further development of the personality of the young hero, because not only the grandmother, but also good relations Friends influence a person's attitude towards the world.
The chapter “The Photograph in which I am not in” deeply reveals the image of the grandmother. In villages, windows are insulated for the winter, and every housewife wants to decorate it: “A village window, sealed not in winter, is a kind of work of art. By looking at the window, without even entering the house, you can determine what kind of mistress lives here, what kind of character she has and what her daily routine is like.”
Katerina Petrovna lives without frills, neatly, her window is neat, and she thoughtfully insulates it: “The moss sucks in the dampness. An ember prevents the glass from freezing, but a rowan tree prevents frost.”
In the scene when the teacher comes to Vita’s house, we see another side of the grandmother’s character - she is hospitable and friendly to people. Katerina Petrovna treats the teacher to tea, puts on the table all the treats that are possible in the village, and conducts conversations.
It is important that the teacher is a very respected person in the village, he is literate and teaches children. The teacher also helps the adult residents of the village - he corrects Uncle Levontius, helps him write necessary documents. For his goodwill, he does not remain without gratitude - they help the teacher with firewood, and Katerina Petrovna charms their navel small child.
Thus, this chapter helps us better understand the images of the grandmother and grandson, see their souls and life values. We will also learn why village photography is so important - it is “a unique chronicle of our people, their wall history.” And no matter how pompous and funny they are, they do not cause laughter, but a kind smile.

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  4. The beauty of man. What is she like? Human beauty can be external and internal. After reading V. Astafiev’s story “The Photograph in which I am not”, I became interested inner beauty, the beauty of a country man. Astafiev's story describes the people of a simple village. They live poorly, their life is very simple. Read More......
  5. M. Sholokhov is a writer of great talent who dedicated all his work to his native land and his native people - Don Cossacks. In the 20th century, the Russian people (and the Cossacks are no exception) suffered many terrible trials. About the life of the Cossacks in “hard times” Read More ......
  6. Quiet Don” Sholokhov - an epic novel depicting life common people at a turning point historical development countries. A significant part of the work is occupied by scenes from military life, but the central image is the image of Cossack life, a farm, and the soul of a Cossack worker. It is here that all the motives of the novel are collected, here the action Read More ......
  7. “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy is a novel on the pages of which a complex inner world many heroes. Each of them has a life filled with events that, according to the author’s idea, necessarily have an impact on a person, leading him on the path of self-improvement. And Read More......
  8. In his novel “Virgin Soil Upturned” Sholokhov with great artistic skill and accurately describes the events taking place in Russia in the 30s. The writer is not afraid of controversial topics; he depicts both the bad and the good. Thus, the author allows the reader to decide for himself who Read More ......
Analysis of the chapter “Photograph in which I am not” from V. Astafiev’s book “The Last Bow”
Editor's Choice
Light tasty salads with crab sticks and eggs can be prepared in a hurry. I like crab stick salads because...

Let's try to list the main dishes made from minced meat in the oven. There are many of them, suffice it to say that depending on what it is made of...

There is nothing tastier and simpler than salads with crab sticks. Whichever option you take, each perfectly combines the original, easy...

Let's try to list the main dishes made from minced meat in the oven. There are many of them, suffice it to say that depending on what it is made of...
Half a kilo of minced meat, evenly distributed on a baking sheet, bake at 180 degrees; 1 kilogram of minced meat - . How to bake minced meat...
Want to cook a great dinner? But don't have the energy or time to cook? I offer a step-by-step recipe with a photo of portioned potatoes with minced meat...
As my husband said, trying the resulting second dish, it’s a real and very correct army porridge. I even wondered where in...
A healthy dessert sounds boring, but oven-baked apples with cottage cheese are a delight! Good day to you, my dear guests! 5 rules...
Do potatoes make you fat? What makes potatoes high in calories and dangerous for your figure? Cooking method: frying, heating boiled potatoes...