The worst habits you should break. Bad habit

What do you think bad habits and behavioral models do you have? How much do they influence your life and relationships? Let's check out the list below and be honest with yourself about what makes you tick. And then we’ll think about how to get rid of this in order to become a more self-sufficient and self-confident person.

1. Stop agreeing to relationships that are beneath you. Believe that you deserve better.

2. Stop putting everything off forever. Do it today, right now.

3. Don't sleep until lunchtime. You are wasting hours that could be very beneficial to you.

4. Stop not getting enough sleep. You need energy if you want to be productive.

5. Don't fall in love with the first person who gives you some attention. Your standards must remain high.

6. Stop being late. Leave the house early so as not to spoil the impression with your lack of concentration and disorganization.

7. Stop looking at your phone during a call. Pay attention to the person sitting in front of you.

8. Stop exaggerating every word spoken and every glance thrown at you. Don't overthink things.

9. Stop spending more time on the computer than on walks. Come out to Fresh air and sunlight.

10. Stop pretending you're fine. Be honest with yourself when something is wrong in your life.

11. Stop hanging out with friends who don't treat you the way you deserve. Any relationship changes and quite logically becomes obsolete.

12. Stop criticizing yourself when you look in the mirror. Focus on what you love about yourself.

13. Stop comparing yourself to others. Their beauty in no way diminishes your beauty.

14. Stop making excuses for not doing what needs to be done.: for example, working out at the gym.

15. Stop saying yes when you want to say no. Express your point of view honestly.

16. Stop waiting for the perfect moment. to perform some action.

17. Stop blaming others to avoid taking responsibility. Learn to ask for forgiveness for your unseemly actions.

18. Don't cancel plans at the last second. Keep your promises.

19. Stop turning a blind eye to the toxic behavior of loved ones. Just turn around and leave.

20. Stop spending time with those who don't value you. Let your social circle include only those people who motivate you and make you want to grow and develop.

21. Stop thinking about the past. Focus on the present and building a better future for yourself.

22. Stop gossiping. Worry about your world, not the world of others.

23. Stop doubting yourself. Believe that you are capable of achieving any goal you set for yourself.

24. Stop blaming others for all your shortcomings. You are the only one responsible for your actions.

25. Stop living the mediocre life of the average person. Live a life that makes you happier.

How much is said today about the most bad habits, about the damage they cause to human health and life. But you should know that bad habits are not only gross, but also more subtle, mental, which cause much more harm and are the basis for gross bad habits.

In this article we will look at all types of bad habits and some ways to overcome them. To begin with, I propose to understand the term “bad habit” and define what it is.

What is a bad habit?

There are many definitions of this concept on the Internet and most often it is outright nonsense. Basically, bad habits are those that are negatively assessed by society, etc. But a person has his own destiny, which does not care about the opinion of society, even if this is the majority of people.

As one said a wise man: Most often the opinion of the crowd is wrong. And today society is managed like a herd of well-known animals. This is done, by the way, through the spread of bad habits, among other things.

In our case, bad habits are habits that harm a person’s physical, mental and spiritual health.

If we have any habit and it harms our health at least on one level, this means that it is harmful and something needs to be changed. Understand that this life is very serious and any mistakes have their consequences. Don’t underestimate even small bad habits, thinking that nothing bad will come from them. It will happen, it will happen.

Well, now let's start with well-known bad habits that lead to a lack of energy, increased negative qualities character, illness, suffering and death.

List of gross bad human habits

  • Drug use (alcohol, smoking, etc.)

This is the number one bad habit among the most harmful human habits. Alcohol, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, soft and hard drugs - all this literally destroys a person, rapidly turning him into an ordinary animal in terms of consciousness and developing a wide variety of diseases in the body.

Alcohol is a poison in any form and in any quantity. There is no justification for drinking alcohol other than attachment and dependence on this poison. Alcohol is deliberately distributed throughout the world to make it easier to control the masses of people.

Smoking is one of the main causes of respiratory system diseases, including lung cancer. And if we add impotence, infertility and more, the picture turns out to be even more impressive.

As for other drugs, the picture is equally sad. I recommend watching a video on this topic:

  • Overeating and poor nutrition

Poor nutrition is no less dangerous than drug use, it’s just that its effect lasts over time and over a period of time. initial stage operates unnoticed by untrained eyes.

It is very important what we eat, by whom it is prepared, under what conditions, and so on. There are no trifles in nutrition, as in any other issue in life. The path to changing your life and improving your health begins with healthy eating. It is basically impossible to be healthy and happy if we do not follow.

Overeating is a type of addiction, especially often it manifests itself when a person gives up alcohol, smoking and other drugs. You should know that any excess food in our stomach is not digested and turns into toxins. Simply put, excess or unhealthy food begins to rot in the intestines.

Much depends on how active life the person is leading. If it is a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, then diseases will inevitably arise in the body. At first it will be a metabolic disorder, lack of energy and simple depression. Then more serious diseases arise.

It is extremely necessary to lead an active life, play sports, and give preference to active recreation. A healthy body means a healthy mind, and a healthy body becomes healthy when it moves and does not lie or sit.

  • Violation of the daily routine

This is the second main cause of problems in a person's life. Poor nutrition and improper daily routine are the most harmful habits for human health. In order to destroy your psyche, it is enough to periodically go to bed after midnight and get up at 9-10 am. Irritability, apathy, depression, and behind them illnesses in the physical body are inevitable.

The correct daily routine is when we go to bed at 21-22 hours and get up at 4-6 in the morning. Deviation from these hours is already a violation of the daily routine, leading to certain consequences.

Much has been written about daily routine in the following articles:

  • Drinking small amounts of liquid

The human physical body mainly consists of water, so there must be a certain water balance in the body. If there is a lack of water in the body, this leads to problems with digestion, premature aging, and the formation of toxins and waste.

Keep your body hydrated by drinking clean, raw water. The amount of water is selected individually, depending on the constitution of the body and sensations. Usually this is 1-2 liters per day, not counting soups, etc. Freshly squeezed juices from natural fruits are also great. Start with the simple habit of drinking a glass of water every morning, as described in

  • Obscene expressions (obscenities, slang, etc.)

Everything in the world consists of energy. Our speech is also energy and it greatly influences our destiny. If we use obscenities and various slang in our speech, then this lowers the level of our consciousness, and, accordingly, life in general. A person who swears literally attracts everything negative into his life.

Learn to speak beautifully, to the point, without criticizing or condemning. To do this you need to listen more wise people and read sensible books. An excellent book on this topic is

  • Drinking black tea and coffee

These beloved drinks are weak drugs and cause harm to the body. This may be bad news for many people, but that's how it is. These drinks are as addictive as alcohol and tobacco. They dehydrate the body and take away energy.

A temporary surge in activity in a person after drinking them is caused by the fact that coffee and black tea cause stress in the body. To be honest, I don’t recommend drinking and green tea from the store, since it produces approximately the same effect. Replace these drinks clean water, freshly squeezed juices and herbal teas.

You can learn about the dangers of coffee from the video:

  • Taking medications unnecessarily

Another bad news for you. The modern pharmaceutical industry is a common business and its goal is not to cure a person, but to make him a regular customer of pharmacies. Medicines cannot cure diseases, but only suppress external symptoms.

Diseases in the physical body are the last stage of the manifestation of the problem. All the roots of problems come from a more subtle mental level. Accordingly, if you want to stop getting sick, then you need to start working on your mental state, and this means improving character qualities, raising the level of consciousness, getting rid of selfishness, etc.

Medicines are needed only in extreme cases, when there are no other ways out of the problem, and the situation itself requires an immediate solution. It’s very stupid to swallow pills and antibiotics at a temperature of 37.5. You can’t even imagine how much harm drugs do to our body, primarily to the liver and kidneys.

Video for thought:

Computer games are a big problem of our century. Many children, teenagers and adults suffer from this addiction. In short, the psyche is destroyed by the passion for computer games, a person is disconnected from real life, wastes time in his life, leads a sedentary lifestyle, etc.

This is another of the many ways to manipulate people. What this “gamer” needs is new games with exciting special effects or updates to existing games. And he will no longer be particularly interested in everything that happens around him, including in his life.

  • Passion for gambling (casinos, slot machines, bookmakers)

Excitement, the desire to get money “for free”, without giving anything in return and without bringing benefit to the world is a real disaster today. People go crazy trying to get as much as possible more money. They do not want to realize themselves, become useful and necessary for others. For them, the main thing is money to satisfy their insatiable selfish desires.

Gambling and everything connected with it have an extremely negative impact on a person’s character. And according to Eastern psychology, changes in a person’s destiny begin with a change in character. Gambling develops greed, greed, selfishness, lust and other vices in a person. If character deteriorates, then life will deteriorate in the future.

Better make an effort to find your purpose in your activity and begin to realize yourself in it. This is what brings benefits to everyone around us, and to us happiness and satisfaction. This article will help you find your purpose:

  • Promiscuous and illicit sex

Sexual energy is the most important energy and it is important to be able to manage it harmoniously. Having sex with an unloved person or even with a random partner takes a lot of energy and defiles the consciousness. Excessive passion for sex also negatively affects a person’s energy and health.

If a man constantly loses seed (sperm), then he becomes weak and it is much more difficult for him to achieve success in life, and a woman carries a certain energetic memory of all her past sexual partners.

The ideal option is pure sex in goodness with your beloved husband or wife without any perversions. In terms of the amount of sex, everything is individual, but wise men advise striving to have sex no more than once a week, even better - once a month, ideally - only for conceiving children.

  • Masturbation and addiction to pornography

These manifestations in a person’s life are also not beneficial. Pornography is especially dangerous, passion for which can close the future and make life miserable. All pornographic and even erotic scenes carry the energy of lust, debauchery, lust and violence. What then can a person who voluntarily comes into contact with these energies expect?

First of all, you need to reduce your lust. To do this you need to create a family and be faithful to it. It is also necessary to raise sexual energy from lower energy centers to higher ones and be realized in creativity, work, and service to others.

How to give up gross bad habits?

Initially, you need to understand why you want to give them up, why it is important for you. When you clearly understand all the harm from a bad habit, you can give it up quite easily.

Let's say you have this or that bad habit and you want to give it up. At first study materials about it, why it is harmful. Just look for adequate sources, not those criminal materials that say that alcohol is “healthy”, etc.

Start playing sports, develop your creativity, work on yourself spiritually, listen to lectures on self-development, read intelligent books. Choose books from those I make

This standard set actions to change your life. Act and remember that our life in this world is very short and there is no time for various nonsense.

We have sorted out the most bad habits on a gross level, now let’s move on to more subtle ones.

Subtle (mental) bad habits

  • Greed

Greed means the desire to consume more than to give. In today's consumer society, the idea is cultivated that the more you have material goods, the happier you will be. But the facts suggest the opposite: the more greedy and greedy a person is, the more unhappy he is. Such people cannot have normal relationships with others, since no one wants to communicate closely with greedy people. And in general, greed and the other vices listed below are a sin.

  • Anger

Anger arises when we do not get something we want or our expectations are not fulfilled, or someone spoils or criticizes what we have achieved at great cost. great effort. That is, we become angry, judgmental, or irritated as a result of the destruction of our attachments to material things, lifestyle, moral principles and so on.

Anger is only acceptable in certain situations when it is really needed. For example, when a boss needs to reprimand his subordinates for misconduct. In this case, anger appears outwardly, but internally you need to remain calm and detached from the situation.

  • Lust

Lust is expressed primarily in sexual attachments. The highest material pleasure is sex and it is very easy to become heavily dependent on it. Attachment to sex gives rise to attachment to everything else. If a person indulges his lust in every possible way, looking for sex always and everywhere, then he will destroy his life. Lust makes us do, sometimes, terrible things. This is a huge separate topic for discussion.

  • Pride and selfishness

Thinking of yourself as the most worthy or considering yourself better than others is selfishness and pride. Such a person strives to live for himself, at most for his family. He is very proud of his achievements and brags about them at every opportunity.

Selfishness and pride bring a lot of suffering to a person, forcing him to consider himself a mortal physical body. They bring a lot of worries about everything accumulated in life, give rise to fear and fill a person’s life with constant worries. Diseases also come mental disorders, problems at work and in personal relationships.

How to give up mental bad habits?

The main way to get rid of greed is through selfless acts, including donating at least 10% of your income to charity. It is important not to expect anything in return and not to tell anyone about what a great benefactor you are.

To cope with anger, reproaches, insults and others need to understand that in this world, anything can happen at any second, and against our will and contrary to our expectations. We must remember that everything is God’s Will and learn to accept our fate without complaints.

Developing love for God will help you cope with lust., the ability to live in the present moment and the ability to periodically step back from the everyday hustle and bustle, from relationships and experiences, reflect on the meaning of life and strive for the main thing

You can get rid of selfishness and pride only by realizing your true spiritual nature, the essence of which is selfless service to all living beings. You need to switch your attention from yourself to others and start doing something for them, without expecting anything in return.

The most bad habits of men

Many of the above gross and subtle bad habits occur in men and women as well. As for men, it is especially worth highlighting:

  • Addiction to drugs (alcohol and tobacco included);
  • Tendency to debauchery;
  • Tendency to gambling;
  • Plebeian speech (with obscenities);
  • Addiction to computer games;
  • Passion for pornography;
  • Greed;
  • Irresponsibility;
  • Laziness;
  • Envy;
  • Condemnations and criticism;
  • Lack of goals in life;
  • Portraying oneself as a victim of fate.

A man needs to work on eradicating all these very bad habits. How to do it - this too big topic. But I think that these articles can help you with this:

The most harmful human habits: summary

So, in this great article you have learned a huge number of bad habits that bring problems into our lives. And we can safely say that these are not all of the most harmful human habits. If desired, these lists can be continued.

But you need to start working on at least what was discussed in this article. For this you will need more than one year. If you decide to leave everything as it is, then in the future do not be surprised that illnesses, suffering, misfortunes, etc. come into life.

Once again I will list the most bad habits that have harmful effects on the human body and life.

Gross bad habits:

  1. Drug use (alcohol, smoking, etc.);
  2. Poor nutrition;
  3. Inactive lifestyle;
  4. Incorrect daily routine;
  5. Drinking insufficient amounts of fluid;
  6. Dirty and empty speech;
  7. Drinking tea, coffee, soda;
  8. Taking medications unless absolutely necessary;
  9. Computer games;
  10. Excitement;
  11. Illicit sex;
  12. Pornography and masturbation.

Mental bad habits:

  1. Greed;
  2. Anger, reproaches, condemnation, irritation;
  3. 20 most harmful habits leading to degradation and death

Bad habits prevent a person from successfully realizing himself as an individual. Most of these habits negatively affect either the person with the habit or the people around him. In any case, you need to try to deal with this problem as quickly and efficiently as possible, so that it never bothers you or those around you again. In this rating we will talk about the most bad habits and addictions.


To some, profanity may not seem like such a bad habit, but just an element of the language that is Lately are being used more and more often large quantity of people. Even on the air of many programs you can hear the “beeping” of obscenities. The use of obscene language not only shows disrespect for those present, but can also become a habit when obscene words slip through every 5-6 words. Such behavior is unacceptable in a cultural society, and even more so in the presence of children who repeat everything after adults.


Coffee is a very popular and beloved drink by many, but its frequent use can also be called a bad habit. Coffee can aggravate hypertension and some gastrointestinal diseases; it is absolutely unacceptable for most cardiovascular diseases and damage to the retina. But all this is true only when the coffee is clearly overdone. You definitely shouldn’t drink coffee with alcohol or mixed with tobacco smoke. This is a big blow to the cardiovascular system. In general, as with any other food, you should not overdo it with coffee. Everything is good in moderation.


Sleep is a vital necessity. Its absence leads to serious health problems. Symptoms of lack of sleep can be: dark circles under the eyes, slight swelling of the face and loss of skin tone throughout the body, the occurrence of unreasonable irritability, low concentration and absent-mindedness. You may also experience spikes in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, loss of appetite, and stomach problems. A person completely loses an adequate reaction to what is happening around him. weakens protective function body, there is a delayed reaction to external factors, which causes low productivity. Gastritis, stomach ulcers, hypertension, and sometimes even obesity – these are the companions of those who are forced to stay awake for a long time.


The harm of diets is that after spending some time on them, the body will rearrange its work and slow down metabolism, and when a person starts eating again, fat is deposited not only where it was before, but also in new places, in organs, which harms them . It happens that a person goes on a diet without taking into account his health, thereby harming his body. Due to the body's constant adjustments to our diet, the functioning of the heart, joints and immune system can be affected. Diets often result in increased spending on food and time spent preparing it. In terms of psychological stress, diets are also very harmful. Possible suffering from failure, associated feelings of guilt and shame, pain caused by the ridicule of colleagues and family, a feeling of weakness, inability to pull oneself together. All this is difficult to experience and sometimes leads to depression in to a greater extent than the mere presence of excess weight and the inconveniences associated with it.


More than 30 thousand people die every year from various resistant diseases. Unjustified use of antibiotics leads to an increase in mortality, as the number of severe forms and complications of infectious diseases increases due to the developed resistance of microorganisms to antimicrobial drugs. Essentially, antibiotics simply lose their effectiveness. For example, at the beginning of the antibiotic era, steptococcal infections were treated with penicillin. And now streptococci have an enzyme that decomposes penicillin. If earlier it was possible to get rid of some diseases with one injection, now a long course of treatment is required. Disease resistance to antibiotics is caused by the fact that these drugs are available and cheap and are sold without a prescription. Therefore, many people buy antibiotics and take them for any infection.

Many people interrupt the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor immediately after the symptoms are relieved, and those microorganisms that have become resistant to these antibiotics remain in the body. These microbes will multiply rapidly and pass on their antibiotic resistance genes. Another negative side of the uncontrolled use of antibiotics is the uncontrolled growth of fungal infections. Since the drugs suppress the body’s natural microflora, those infections that our immunity had previously prevented from multiplying begin to run rampant.


Computer addiction is a broad term that refers to a large number of behavioral problems and impulse control. The main types that were identified during the research are characterized as follows: an irresistible attraction to visiting porn sites and engaging in cybersex, addiction to virtual dating and an abundance of acquaintances and friends on the Internet, playing online gambling and constant shopping or participating in auctions, endless travel on the Internet in search of information, obsessive playing of computer games.

Gambling addiction may seem like a bad habit for teenagers, but it is not. Adults are equally susceptible to it. Network reality allows you to simulate a creative state due to the endless possibilities of searching and making discoveries. And most importantly, surfing the net gives you a feeling of being in the “flow” - complete immersion in the action while switching off from external reality with the feeling of being in another world, another time, another dimension. Since there is no official diagnosis of computer addiction yet, criteria for its treatment have not yet been sufficiently developed.


This disease is associated with addiction to all kinds of gambling, somehow, a casino, slot machines, maps and interactive games. Gambling addiction can manifest itself as a disease and, which happens much more often, as one of the symptoms of another mental illness: depression, manic states, even schizophrenia. The main symptoms of gambling addiction are an obsessive desire to constantly play. It is impossible to distract a person from the game; most often he forgets to eat and becomes withdrawn. The circle of contacts is sharply reduced and changes almost completely; human behavior also changes, and not in better side. All sorts of mental disorders often appear. Usually, initially a person experiences a feeling of elation, but later they are replaced by terrible depression and decadent moods. Gambling addiction, like other diseases, is curable. Although it is incredibly difficult to get rid of it. This may even take years. After all, gambling addiction has similar psychological nature with smoking.


Some men and women are not at all ashamed of being sexually active, so they, by all means, try to get sensual pleasure by having sexual intercourse with different partners. One researcher studying adolescent sexuality noted that in personal conversations with many teenagers who are promiscuous, it turned out that, in their opinion, they live without a purpose and are not very happy with themselves. He also found that young people who were promiscuous suffered from “self-doubt and lack of self-esteem” the next morning. Often those who have had illicit sexual intercourse change their relationship with each other. The young man may discover that his feelings for her have cooled somewhat and she is not even as attractive as he thought. In turn, the girl may feel that she was treated like a thing.

Messy sex life quite often the reason venereal diseases. The vast majority of patients become infected as a result of their own sexual promiscuity, engaging in casual sexual relations, promiscuity, that is, in violation of established norms of socialist morality. As a rule, a person prone to premarital and extramarital sexual relations is not demanding of himself in other respects: he abuses alcohol, is selfish, and indifferent to the fate of loved ones and to the work performed.


For many people, overeating is a real problem. In case of severe food addiction, consultation with a nutritionist is sometimes not enough; the support of a psychologist, supervision of a therapist, endocrinologist and other specialists are required. The causes of overeating are often difficult to identify and diagnose. Overeating leads to the fact that all organs and systems are overstrained. This leads to their wear and provokes the development of various diseases. Overeating and gluttony always results in gastrointestinal problems. Overeating inevitably affects the condition of the skin, on which acne and acne appear. Needless to say, an overeating person is useless not only to those around him, but also to himself. As a result, the desire to move and talk disappears. There can be no talk of anything. I just want to go to bed and nothing else.


Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to health. However, every smoker thinks that the consequences of smoking will not affect him, and he lives for today, without thinking about the diseases that will inevitably appear in 10-20 years. It is known that for every bad habit, sooner or later you will have to pay with your health. Smoking is associated with up to 90% of deaths from lung cancer, 75% from bronchitis and 25% from coronary heart disease among men under 65 years of age. Smoking or passive inhalation of tobacco smoke can cause infertility in women. Atrophy and destruction of white matter of the brain and spinal cord in multiple sclerosis is more pronounced in patients who have smoked for at least 6 months during their life compared to patients who have never smoked.

Smoking addiction can be both psychological and physical. With psychological dependence, a person reaches for a cigarette when he is in a smoking company, or in a state of stress, nervous tension, to stimulate mental activity. With physical addiction, the body's demand for a nicotine dose is so strong that all the smoker's attention is focused on finding a cigarette, the idea of ​​smoking becomes so obsessive that most other needs fade into the background. It becomes impossible to concentrate on anything other than a cigarette, apathy and reluctance to do anything may set in.


Alcohol is present in the life of almost every person. Some people drink only on holidays, some like to relax with a portion of alcohol on weekends, and others constantly abuse alcohol. Under the influence of ethanol, which is found in alcoholic drinks, everything collapses, primarily the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Weak muscles, blood clots, diabetes, a shrunken brain, a swollen liver, weakened kidneys, impotence, depression, stomach ulcers - this is only a partial list of what you can get from regularly drinking beer or something stronger. Any portion of alcohol is a blow to the intellect, to health, to the future.

A bottle of vodka, drunk in an hour, can literally kill you on the spot. Next time, before you drink 100 grams, imagine your body slowly dying under the influence of ethanol while you have fun. Imagine that your cells are slowly suffocating, that the brain, trying to escape, blocks many brain centers, which causes incoherent speech, impaired spatial awareness, impaired coordination of movements and memory lapses. Imagine how your blood thickens, forming deadly blood clots, how your blood sugar level goes through the roof, how the brain structures responsible for intelligence and acumen die, how alcohol burns through the walls of your stomach, forming non-healing ulcers.


Drug use leads to severe disorders, primarily of mental and physical functions of the body. IN modern society few people do not know about the dangers of drugs, but despite this, they still attract people, becoming destructive for many. People who use drugs experience insomnia, dry mucous membranes, nasal congestion, trembling in the hands, and the pupils become unusually wide, not responding to changes in the light of the eye.

A drug is a poison; it slowly destroys a person’s brain, his psyche. They either die from a ruptured heart or because their nasal septum thins, causing fatal bleeding. When using, for example, LSD, a person loses the ability to navigate in space, he has the feeling that he can fly and, believing in his abilities, jumps from the top floor. All drug addicts do not live long, regardless of the type of drug used. They lose their instinct of self-preservation, which leads to the fact that about 60% of drug addicts attempt suicide within the first two years after starting to take drugs. Many of them succeed.

The film does not look like American cinema (the kind we are used to), rather like European cinema. And although nothing special happens in it, you immediately want to watch it again. When remembering this picture, a stupid smile appears, and one that no one sees because it is inside.

Michael Mills is credited with authoring only two feature films: « Bad habit» his debut and “Beginners”. “Novichok” seems to be not young - he is now 45 years old. However, the reality modern world are such that age stereotypes lag behind the growth in the quality of life and the development of medicine. 200 years ago at this age they died with a bouquet of senile diseases, surrounded by children and grandchildren; 100 years ago they reached the maximum in creativity and career, being the sedate head of the family. Nowadays, at the age of forty, many people are just growing out of short pants and are beginning to timidly think about family and their place in life.

The author addresses the “bad habit”, first of all, to his peers, and not to teenagers, as one might think based on the age of the main character Justin. You live with the hope that you still have everything ahead, but your adult son, although he calls you by name and not “mom” or “dad”, is a sign that it’s time to show the world some results and answers, but their you don't have “How Can I Be the Parent When I`m the Kid?”

Despite the fact that the director is a “beginner” and not very prolific, we can already talk about his individual style.

This usual life ordinary people, shown with love and sympathy for them.

These are ordinary interiors, city streets and landscapes in which you begin to “live” with the characters.

This is a pastel color scheme, haze in the air. In one of the reviews, “Bad Habit” was called a gray film so Mills’s gray is not gloomy and boring, but a noble color, so beloved by the British aristocracy as a counterbalance to vulgarity and vulgarity.

This is melodic music, unusual and beautiful, creating a special emotional mood.

It's sadness, similar to the feeling you get when reading Japanese poetry gratuitous and pleasant.

This is humor, akin to English, slightly delusional and causing not laughter, but an inner smile. The scene of the stash being taken out of Matt Schram's ass is funny not so much because of the place where Tilda Swinton's character had to pick out the drugs from (she works in a rehabilitation clinic), but because of the discrepancy between the teenager's ideas about what his mother and the TV star are doing with what he does. what's really happening.

The director somehow manages to get not just good and talented artists into his low-budget films - he invites the most charming ones, those who, in the short time of the film, manage to become almost close to the viewer. All the characters are cute - teenager Justin, his parents, his teacher, his nerdy peers with pigtails and glasses, a girl in search of sexual experience, and even a dentist guru. None of them are perfect, but there are no “bad guys” or serial villains either.

Everyone is lonely in their own way and is looking for ways to connect with other people. And sometimes they manage to take a step towards each other: father to son, wife to husband, boy to girl, teacher to student

And then someone will shake the kaleidoscope, and the picture will take shape in a new way, and everything will have to start all over again.

Often representatives of the older generation remember with nostalgia the times Soviet Union. Like, back then sausage was tastier and bread was much cheaper. But along with the memories in new era Old habits have also passed. And many of them turned out to be completely negative.

1. Collect trash

Poverty, total shortages, as well as the need to get everything, standing in unimaginable queues, were imprinted in the consciousness of all mature Soviet citizens. Things obtained with such hard work could not simply be thrown away as unnecessary. And if something broke, then it was sent to the pantry or to the balcony, waiting for an hour until hands came to fix it. That is why storerooms, balconies, and dachas over time turned into a dump of “necessary” and “valuable” things. It is not surprising that the older generation passed on the habit of collecting to the younger. However, the times of total shortages and austerity are long gone. It's time to clear out the rubble and replace everything that's broken with something new that's beautiful and functional.

2. Worry about what people will say

Absolutely all Soviet citizens depended on the opinions of others. Before doing, putting on, constructing or saying something, you had to think a hundred times, estimating the reaction of relatives, neighbors and even random passers-by. Of course, every educated person is obliged to observe moral standards, but pleasing others to the detriment of oneself or giving up what one wants for fear of being judged is stupid.

Previously, it was customary to give advice left and right, even when not asked for. Well, times have long since sunk into oblivion, but the habit remains. It is worth remembering that giving advice and teaching to unfamiliar people is at least uncivilized. In addition, do not forget that by giving advice, you are making yourself responsible for the actions of the other person.

4. Store until better times

Another bad habit of the past is putting things off until better times. So, completely new beautiful sets were stored in sideboards, awaiting a wedding or other big celebration, new clothes was only worn special occasions, same with bed linen, towels and other small items. Why use new ones? Let them lie down, because the old ones are still quite good. Don't put off life until tomorrow, start living to the fullest today.

5. Storing unnecessary items

A bag of bags, a pile of holey tights, old children's clothes and a host of other unnecessary things - all this could easily be found in everyone's home Soviet man. Times have passed, but the habit remains. But think about why you keep all these things. Over the past years, the quality of life has stepped far forward and most people are already able, if necessary, to buy a bag, new tights and other household items.

Another habit, the fault of which was the need and shortage of everything. Most Soviet citizens feared for their future, and therefore actively took advantage of their official position, taking home everything they could. However, if in those days such a habit caused tenderness and even pride, now such behavior gives rise to thoughts of stinginess and mental deviations. Think about why you need another ream of paper if you don’t even have a printer. And the corporate calendar, the hundredth pen with the company logo and other junk that we habitually drag home.

7. The cult of food

And again we will talk about scarcity and poverty, which forced people to treat food with great respect, eating everything to the last crumb. But life does not stand still, times have changed and most of The population can afford to buy fresh food as needed, and if something is not to their liking or has gone bad, it can be thrown in the trash without unnecessary torment.

8. Low self-esteem

The vast majority of the female population former USSR had low self-esteem. As a result, they were completely unable to accept compliments. Any praise caused embarrassment and a desire to justify myself. Soviet women They didn't like to attract attention to themselves. Modern girls it is simply necessary to eradicate the habit of underestimating your importance, if any. Believe me, you deserve attention, praise and worthy assessment of your qualities.

9. Shortcuts

A girl in a short skirt is a prostitute, a young guy is a drug addict, a lonely woman is a divorcee, an unemployed man is a loser, a quiet, faithful husband is henpecked. This list can be continued indefinitely. Despite their outward modesty and feigned good manners, Soviet citizens simply loved to judge and label people. This habit has taken root and become so ingrained that it has become part of our mentality. Modern people It's time to eradicate this trait. Cultivate a sense of tact and learn not to judge people without getting to know them better.

10. Banks

Surely, you still store empty glass jars in one of the drawers in your kitchen. Answer the question for yourself: why are they needed if you have not been involved in conservation for many years. If you don't need them, get rid of them without any qualms.

11. Home clothes

In Soviet times, clothes with stains, small holes and other defects were automatically turned into clothes for the home or garden. And this is not surprising, because buying a quality item was not at all easy. But now there are no such problems with buying clothes and everyone can pick up a couple of inexpensive, but high-quality and clean things for the home.

12. Jack of all trades

Soviet citizens were not used to asking for help anywhere. The vast majority tried to do everything with their own hands. Men who are unable to fix a faucet or drag a sofa to the 9th floor evoke condemnation and surprise from our grandmothers. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the fact that, if necessary, you seek help from specialists in certain matters who will do everything efficiently and wisely.

Video bonus:

But you shouldn’t think that everything was so categorical in the Soviet Union. Continuing the topic

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