Scotsman with bagpipes. History of Scottish bagpipes. Briefly. What unites the brass of Scotland

Musical instrument: Bagpipe

Bagpipes... What associations do you have when you mention this instrument? Surely fabulous Scotland with its picturesque plains and ancient castles, a man in a checkered skirt, holding in his hands a kind of “bag” with pipes sticking out of it... Many consider the bagpipes to be a primordially Scottish instrument. However, this is not entirely true - where and when it appeared remains a mystery today. What is known is that the bagpipes are traditional instrument many peoples of Europe and Asia, but the Scottish one, which is a symbol of its country, is especially popular.

Bagpipes are a reed wind musical instrument.


Friedrich Nietzsche said: “How little is needed for happiness! The sound of bagpipes. - Without music, life would be a delusion. The German even imagines God singing songs.”

Some believe that the voice of the bagpipes has magical properties, and its sound is similar to the guttural singing of a person. The sharp, continuous timbre of the instrument, which can be heard for several miles, invariably attracts attention.

At its core, the bagpipe is a polyphonic instrument that plays a melody against the background of monotonous harmony produced by bourdon pipes. Its deep and piercing strong sound, with a nasal and buzzing timbre color, is created as follows. The bagpiper, using a mouthpiece pipe, fills the bag with air and, pressing with his elbow, moves it to the pipes, while simultaneously pressing his fingers on the sound holes of the chanter (melody pipe). Occasionally, a musician can hum to the background sound of bourdon pipes, performing tunes on the instrument during breaks. Bagpipe music is characterized by the abundant use of frioritura decorations and short trills.

Range the instrument is very limited, depending on the type of bagpipe it ranges from one to two octaves.

Playing the bagpipes is quite difficult; it was believed that only strong men with a strong physique, but nowadays women are also keen on playing this instrument.


Interesting Facts:

  • The Scots call their bagpipes “highland bagpipe,” which literally means “mountain bag with pipes.” In other countries, bagpipes are called: in Ukraine - “goat”; in Belarus - “dudoy”; Bulgaria – “guide”; in Russia - “bagpipes; in Georgia - “sviri” or “gudasviri”; in Armenia - “parkabzuk” and “tik”; in Estonia - “torupill”; in Moldova and Romania - “chimpa”; in Chuvashia - “shabr” and “shapar”; in Mari El - “shuvir”; in Germany - “zakpfeife” and “dudelzak”; in England - “bagpipe”; in Holland - “dudelzak”; in France - “cornemuse”.
  • The largest Scottish bagpipe is called the Highland bagpipe, it is the most popular by far and is used in Scottish military bands.
  • There is information that the ancient Roman emperor Nero, who was fond of playing the bagpipes, played music on the instrument during the great Roman fire.
  • Scotland does not have its own national anthem. Unofficial anthem country is considered folk song"Flower of Scotland", which is traditionally performed on bagpipes.
  • Scottish regiments always went into battle to the sound of bagpipes. Bagpipers walked in the front ranks, raising the warlike spirit of the soldiers. During the First World War, more than 500 bagpipers died on the battlefields because they were easy targets.
  • In the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, at Waverley railway station, visitors are greeted by the mesmerizing sound of bagpipes. In this city, bagpipes are played by the guard of honor at the world-famous neo-Gothic monument dedicated to Walter Scott.
  • The Scots endow bagpipes with “magical powers”, for example, they can scare away rats. There is also a belief that the piper’s instrument begins to sound beautiful only after a year, when it gets used to its owner.

  • Bagpipes were banned in Scotland in 1560 during church reform, and also in 1746 after the Jacobite rising.
  • The only copy of the Russian bagpipe, which was recreated according to descriptions in ancient documents, is kept in Moscow in the Museum named after M.I. Glinka.
  • Very significant collections of bagpipes are in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (USA), in international museum bagpipes in Gijon (Spain), the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford (UK), the Morpeth Chantry Piper Museum in Northumberland (UK) and the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix (USA).
  • The first festival of military bands “Kremlin Star”, held in Moscow in 2008 on Red Square, was attended by a combined orchestra of pipers and drummers from all over the world, consisting of 350 performers.
  • The “Bagpipes and Drums of St. Petersburg” orchestra has existed in St. Petersburg for several years. He performs at all events related to British culture.
  • Some bagpipes have mounts made of ivory, which is banned in many countries, making traveling with such an instrument very problematic.
  • International Bagpiper Day is celebrated on March 10th.
  • Queen Elizabeth of England wakes up every day at 9:30 am to the sounds of military marches. Her alarm clock is an ensemble of bagpipers dressed in dress uniform. Her husband Philip does not share the queen's love for the sound of bagpipes.
  • The development of bagpipes has led to the creation of electronic MIDI keyboard instruments, which can play different types of bagpipes.
  • The world's largest producer of bagpipes is Pakistan, which long time was a British colony. For the soldiers of the Scottish military units permanently stationed in this country, the Pakistanis have learned to make bagpipes. Having found freedom, local residents did not abandon this craft, but today good quality instruments from Pakistan are no different.


Each nation's bagpipes have a different design, but the principle of the device is always the same. This is a reservoir made of animal skin or their bladder, and several tubes - one for filling the fur with air and several playing tubes to create polyphony.

  • The air reservoir is called a bag and is usually made from the skin of a calf, goat, elk, sheep, cow and even kangaroo. The bag must be airtight and hold air well.
  • The mouthpiece tube (injection) is designed to fill the bellows chamber with air. It is inserted into the bag from above and attached to it with wooden cylinders - drains. The blower tube is equipped with a shut-off valve that prevents air from escaping backwards.
  • A melodic pipe similar in appearance to a flute is called a chanter, on which the bagpiper plays the main musical theme. A tube with several playing holes is attached to the bag from below. It has a reed inside, which is hidden in the drain and begins to vibrate when exposed to air.
  • Bourdon pipes or drones create a constant background sound and are tuned to the tonic and dominant of the key in which the main melodic theme sounds. The number of drones in the instrument varies from one to four, and they are also inserted using drains in which reeds are hidden, inserted into the tubes.


Bagpipes are very popular folk instrument There are an incredible variety of it all over the world. Almost every country has its own version of the instrument, which is made from all kinds of materials, with a different number of tubes. The principle of the bagpipe is always the same, but each nation has its own design features, for example:

  • Irish – distinctive feature The instrument consists in filling the bag with air through bellows.
  • Spanish – a special feature of the instrument is a chanter with double cane and drones with single. The chanter has eleven holes - eight playable, one of which is on the back side and three that cannot be closed at the bottom of the bell.
  • Bulgarian - differs from other instruments in that there is a hole in the bag, which the performer closes with his index finger.
  • Mari - has two melodic tubes, which makes it possible to perform a two-part melody. The air reservoir is made from a bull's bladder.
  • Mordovian - the pitch of the bourdons on the instrument can be changed during the game, since there are three playing holes on the bourdon tube. The playing tubes are removable and can be used individually musical instruments.
  • Chuvash - all bagpipe pipes are made not of wood, but of metal.


Black Bear (listen)

Highland Laddie (listen)

Flower of Scotland (listen)


The bagpipe was initially used as a solo instrument, but later it began to be used in ensemble and orchestral music playing. Today the bagpipes are the official instrument of military and police bands in countries such as Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Canada. In orchestras, bagpipes are played accompanied by drums.

An ideal musical instrument for performing ceremonial melodies, bagpipes are traditionally played during ceremonial royal dinners in the UK.

Due to the growing popularity of the instrument, bagpipes are increasingly used at weddings, holidays and dance parties.

Using bagpipes in an ensemble with other instruments is very problematic: firstly, it has a very loud sound; secondly, the tuning of the bagpipes does not coincide with the tuning of the piano, violin and wind instruments. However, the sound of the instrument is sometimes used to decorate compositions in such musical genres like metal, hip-hop, punk and rock.

The Scottish big bagpipe, or highland bagpipe as it is also called, is the most common bagpipe in the world. Many are absolutely sure that such an instrument as the bagpipe is a Scottish invention. But in fact, it came to Europe from the East.

The history of bagpipes goes back several thousand years. It was known back in ancient times. The first musical instrument, called the bagpipe, was found during excavations of the ancient city of Ur in the kingdom of Sumer.

The big or highland bagpipe began its development in the 16th – 19th centuries in northwestern Scotland. In those distant centuries, the bagpipe was used as a functional instrument. The Highlanders of Scotland then had the position of “clan piper”. His duties included sound accompaniment for all celebrations and events, including ritual processions. At the same time, the first competitions in performing skills among bagpipers began to be held.

In ancient times, bagpipe players played drawn-out melodies with a hard-to-understand form. This kind musical works received the name "Piobaireachd" ("Pibroch"). Today it is textbook material that has ever been written for this musical instrument. Later, various dance and marching forms were invented for the big bagpipe.

Also, the sounds made by bagpipes, in ancient times, were used to intimidate enemies and raise the spirit of the highlanders from Scotland. Therefore, for a long time, bagpipes were under the strictest ban of the Kingdom of England.

The Scottish highland bagpipe gained worldwide popularity in the second half of the 20th century. Orchestras began to be organized both in the countries of the British Dominion and in other states. Such orchestras are called pipe bands (pipe bands). Pipe bands even appeared in Japan and United Arab Emirates.

Bagpipes gained such popularity after the international brass band festival Edinburgh Military Tattoo. This festival has been held since 1947 every year. It is held in Scotland on the grounds of Edinburgh Castle.

In addition, Scottish bagpipes gained popularity thanks to the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Pipes & Drums military band, consisting of Scottish bagpipers.

The Great Scottish Bagpipe passed a long way evolutionary development. Over time, the structure, appearance, mode and tonality of the instrument changed.

On this moment, this type of bagpipe is widespread: B flat major chanter of the Mixolydian mode and three drones aimed at the sky.

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What does your imagination draw to you when you hear the sounds of bagpipes? Most often, we associate this instrument with a large man in a kilt, a big fan of scotch tape, and an incomprehensible headdress. In general, with a classic Scotsman. It may be surprising to some that the bagpipes are not a Scottish instrument at all! Actually exists a large number of There are many varieties of this instrument, although undoubtedly the most popular today is the Scottish bagpipe called the Great Highland Bagpipe.

It is believed that the history of bagpipes originates in the East. Obviously, the prototype of this instrument was the wind instruments - the predecessors of the oboe or horn. Many musicians combine the sounds of bagpipes with these instruments in their works. The first mention of bagpipes dates back to 400 BC. V written works Aristophanes. However, there is no information about who exactly decided to add bellows to wind instruments. The bagpipe significantly diversified the sound of melodies, since, unlike ordinary similar instruments, it is characterized by bourdon polyphony.

Bagpipes are made from ox, calf or goat skin. It is completely removed from the animal, sewn together in the form of a waterskin, to which a tube is attached to fill the furs with air. One or more tubes are attached below, which create a unique sound.

There is still no clear opinion about exactly when and how bagpipes appeared in England. Some believe that it was introduced by the Romans. Scottish bagpipes are significantly different from English or Irish. It is equipped with an additional blow tube with eight playing holes, as well as a tube through which air is blown. A musician playing a Scottish bagpipe blows into one tube, then presses it with his elbow to move air into another, which produces sounds. It is interesting that the Scots loved the bagpipes so much that they became a family instrument, and each family performed its own unique melodies in its own peculiar manner. By the color of the fabric with which it was trimmed, one could determine its belonging to one or another owner.

In the XII-XIII centuries, at the height of crusades, bagpipes became increasingly famous in European countries. In general, the geography of distribution of this tool is quite extensive. The bagpipe was an outdoor instrument, and only since the 17th century could its sound be heard indoors.

But in Rus' the bagpipes did not take root, either as a folk instrument or among the upper strata of society. Her sound was considered boring and inexpressive, which is actually difficult to disagree with. In the 19th century, the bagpipes were replaced by more complex instruments - the accordion and button accordion, which are still loved by the Russian people today.

Almost every country has its own variation of bagpipes. Different nations modified the instrument in their own way, adding certain elements or making it from other materials. Italy, France, Belarus, Spain, Armenia, Ukraine, Mordovia and Chuvashia have their own version of bagpipes. In the latter, for example, a cow or bull bladder was used for production, and the tubes were made of bones or metal.

But, probably, in no other country has the bagpipe had such a significant historical and cultural significance, as in Scotland, where it became a symbol of unity and power. During battles, the sounds of the instrument raised the morale of the Scots, which, by the way, subsequently served as the reason for its ban in the British Kingdom, although only for a while.

Historically, the bagpipe has become an exclusively male instrument, since to play it you need to have very strong and developed lungs. In Scotland, bagpipers are highly respected as they represent the national spirit. Even today, not a single holiday in Scotland is complete without bagpipes.

Great Scottish Bagpipe Great Highland Bagpipe plaid fabric

History of the Great Scottish Bagpipe Great Scottish Bagpipe or Great Highland Bagpipe – Great Highland Bagpipe– the most famous and popular bagpipe in the world. Many people strongly associate the word “bagpipes” with the image of a Scotsman, dressed in tartan, holding a musical instrument that produces very loud and mesmerizing sounds. Many people believe that the bagpipe is a purely Scottish instrument and is a Scottish invention. In fact, bagpipes, like many other musical instruments, came to Europe from the East. According to one of the existing versions, bagpipes came to Scotland thanks to the Vikings. It was brought there by the Normans, whose detachments carried out sea voyages throughout Europe and reached british isles. Another version says that bagpipes were brought to Scotland by the ancient Romans.

The bagpipe is a wind instrument known since antiquity. The history of bagpipes probably dates back several thousand years. The first instrument identified as a bagpipe dates back to 3000 BC. It was found during excavations ancient city Ur in the territory of the kingdom of Sumer. The Roman Emperor Nero was known as a master of playing various musical instruments, including the bagpipes. Different kinds bagpipes were widespread in the lands of the ancient Slavic states, some of these bagpipes have survived to this day. “Bagpipes and a whistle - assemble our house,” says the Russian proverb-chorus. The history of the instrument called the “bagpipe” includes an extensive collection of archival materials: chronicles, frescoes, bas-reliefs, figurines and popular prints depicting bagpipes from various periods of time. For more details, see the bagpipe gallery.

The big Scottish bagpipe developed in the 16th-19th centuries in the north-west of Scotland. During the Middle Ages, the Scottish bagpipe was used as a functional instrument. In the clans of the Scottish Highlanders there was a special position “clan piper”. The duties of the clan piper included providing sound accompaniment for all ceremonies and events (including ritual ones), special dates, sea otter gatherings and various household signals. Around the same time, the first championships began to be held performing skills among the bagpipers. In the old days, Scottish bagpipers played drawn-out melodies with a subtle form. This type of music is called "Piobaireachd"(“Pibroch”) is still a textbook material written for Scottish bagpipes. Later, marching and dance forms of music for the big Scottish bagpipe appeared.

The sound of Scottish bagpipes terrified enemies and raised the morale of the Scottish highlanders. Therefore, it is not surprising that for a long time bagpipes were banned by the British Kingdom. However, later it was the British who formed the regiments of Scottish Highlanders, who traveled half the world with bagpipes, participating in the colonial campaigns of Great Britain. The great mountain bagpipe gained its worldwide popularity in the second half of the 20th century. Pipe orchestras began to be formed not only in the states that were part of the British Dominion (Canada, Australia, New Zealand), but also in other countries. Pipe bands (pipe bands) appeared in Germany, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Japan, the United Arab Emirates, etc. Such a large-scale increase in interest in Scottish bagpipes was largely due to international festival military brass bands Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Since 1947, this festival has been held annually in Scotland on the plateau of the medieval Edinburgh Castle. The ceremonial appearance of the combined bagpipe band of the Royal British Forces is recognized as one of the largest and most colorful shows of military brass bands in the world. This bright event could not go unnoticed in different parts Sveta. Huge contribution One of the best military pipe bands in Scotland, famous for its joint works with Paul McCartney, Mark Knopfler, as well as many rock and pop stars from Great Britain and Hollywood, contributed to the development of world interest in Scottish bagpipes. Exactly Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Pipes & Drums performed “Amazing Grace” on the bagpipes for the first time on British radio. This work at one time broke all records of popularity, and then became an unfading classic. The song “Amazing Grace” was once performed by the King of Rock and Roll himself, Elvis Presley.

Scottish bagpipes today are made in the key of B flat major, and the mode is Mixolydian. The sound pressure power is 108 dB, in the mountains or in open space the sound range radius can reach 6 km. The tuning of modern Scottish bagpipes is 446 Hz, unlike all classical musical instruments, which are tuned to 440 Hz. It turns out that the tonality of the Scottish bagpipes is located almost in the middle between B flat and B becar, which gives the feeling of the appearance of a 25th key, in addition to the 24 classical ones known to us. This acts on the listener as the “25th frame effect.” The fact is that since childhood, from all television, radio and compact media, we have heard any of the 24 tonalities of a well-tempered system. We are accustomed to these harmonies. The 25th key sounds to us as news or as a signal that attracts our attention on a subconscious and conscious level. Once you hear it, you will never confuse this sound with anything else. Some craftsmen today make a version of the Scottish bagpipe with an authentic, low tuning A = 440 Hz. The magic of the sound of Scottish bagpipes lies in the piercing timbre, volume and constant accompaniment of the main melody with a bourdon tone that comes from three pipes lying on the performer’s shoulder. Another feature is the natural tuning within the scale of the chanter (melodic pipe) of the bagpipe. A well-tempered tuning would give a flat consonance of intervals relative to the bourdon tone; a natural tuning gives a very strong feeling chanting. All these qualities make the Scottish bagpipe an ideal musical instrument for ceremonies, parades and creating a festive mood, as well as for psychic attack. Scottish bagpipes have taken part in every military campaign of the British Army over the past 300 years.

The Scottish bagpipe has gone through a long evolutionary path of development - over time, the tuning and mode have changed, the tonality of the instrument and its appearance have changed. In the old days there were Scottish bagpipes with a double chanter, with varying numbers of drones. The final version of the well-known and now popular Scottish bagpipe appeared in the 17th century. B flat major chanter of the Mixolydian mode and three drones directed into the sky - in this form the large Scottish bagpipe has survived to this day practically without external and technological changes.

When it comes to Scotland, what immediately comes to mind are men in plaid woolen skirts, gloomy mountains, moors, a piercing icy wind, strong whiskey and, of course, loud and sonorous bagpipes. For some, it irritates, worries and brings anxiety into the soul, for others its sounds remind them of something elusive, but very close and dear. For the Scots themselves, the sound of bagpipes is echoes of history, the past, a connection with roots that is not lost over the centuries, but becomes stronger with each new generation. For the common man, one thing remains the same - Scottish bagpipes leave no one indifferent.

Scottish bagpipes

Bagpipes are Scotland's most popular and iconic element. Although it is not a native Scottish musical instrument (the bagpipe was introduced by the Vikings), it was this “bag of pipes” that made Scotland famous along with the kilt.

Like all Scottish musical instruments, bagpipes are made from scrap materials. Most often it is made from goat meat or turned inside out. A kind of bag is made from leather, which is tightly sewn up with five tubes inserted into it. Air is supplied to the bagpipes through one top one. On the bottom there are holes for changing sounds. The top three make these very sounds.

The sound of the bagpipe is unlike any other musical instrument. Maybe that's what makes her so unique.

In the old days, each clan had its own bagpiper, who accompanied all the holidays, events and campaigns of the leader.

Medieval Scottish bagpipers played drawn-out melodies with an elusive form. This type of musical work is still called Piobaireachd and today is textbook material written specifically for the Scottish bagpipes.

Through the centuries

Not everyone knows, but Scottish musical instruments are not limited to just bagpipes. This tool is only more popular, advertised and used more often on national holidays. It is logical to assume that the population of this region also invented other musical instruments that not only raised morale during battle, but also had signaling and entertainment properties.


A rather rare Scottish folk musical instrument is the carnyx. Unfortunately, they don't play it now. Last time he sang almost 2000 years ago. Now the exhibits found by archaeologists are stored in national museum Scotland. Carnyx, like bagpipes, has a very melodic sound. But if the bagpipe sometimes irritates with its “squeaky” quality, then the carnyx has a very gentle, velvety sound. It is also sad, but in it you can hear the sound of the wind that lives in the Highland mountains, the smell of a fire and the taste of the salty northern sea. Just like bagpipes, carnyx was made from natural materials, or rather from deer antler. Its main purpose was to give a combat signal.


Another Scottish wind instrument is the whistle. In appearance, and in its sound, it is more reminiscent of a flute. The time frame of its origin is not precisely known. It seemed like he was always there. Unlike the carnyx, the whistle is still used today. He is especially loved in Irish folk art. The whistle is a very distinctive Scottish musical instrument. Its name translated means “tin whistle”.

What unites the brass of Scotland?

All Scottish musical instruments have an unusual magic of sound. The famous bourdon (stretching) tone was formed as a result of the use natural materials. And the century-long transformation is like appearance, and material led to the fact that, say, the same bagpipes became so native to the Scottish population that over the past 300 years not a single military parade or any significant event took place without it.

Scottish musical instruments, among which the bagpipe occupies a dominant position, are distinguished by their simplicity and melodic sound. In addition, they all had a practical purpose. They transmitted signals, raised morale, or simply brought joy in moments of despair.

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