Voskobovich's technology of educational games. Development of cognitive and speech activity of preschool children according to the method of V. V. Voskobovich

Our kindergarten operates according to the “Childhood” program. This program requires educational games by V. Voskobovich.We would really like to have these wonderful games in our garden. But, since we do not have the opportunity to purchase them, we made some of V.V. Voskobovich’s games ourselves! Using plywood, fabric, colored oracal, pushpins, colored rubber bands for this.

"Voskobovich Square"

This is a square fabric base with oracal triangles glued onto it. On one side it is red, on the other it is green. Folding it along the fold lines into different directions, the child can create various geometric and object shapes.

The game “Voskobovich Square” develops fine motor skills, spatial thinking, sensory abilities, thought processes, design skills, and creativity.

As in all Voskobovich’s manuals, the child can do this according to the proposed scheme or guided by his own plan. The square can be folded into various figures: kids can easily make a house with a green roof or candy in a red wrapper; older children will be able to distinguish the geometric shapes hidden in the house.

Target: development of children's constructive abilities.

GAME "Geoconstructor"

Using this tablet you can learn numbers, letters, geometric shapes, and “draw” various items, patterns, cost labyrinths, get acquainted with the concepts of big and small, teach a child to navigate in space and perform tasks according to a model, etc.

Make this game yourself!

You will need: a wooden board, power buttons, a ruler, a pencil, rubber bands.

Target: develop the ability to lay out corners with rubber bands different types according to a diagram, sample, according to a verbal task, according to one’s own plan, learn to sketch the resulting angle on an additional game paper field.

« Designing numbers"

We invite children to post numbers using an elastic band on Geocont. Children tell what number they posted and name the carnations. For example, number 2 - carnations C3, F2, B3, K2, O3, G2, G4, Z4, Z4.

All games are made for each student in the group. Play for your health!

« Flower account"

The flower is made of cardboard paper. The numbers from 0 to 9 are written on the petals of the flower, and in the middle is the number 10. There are windows on the petals where numbers (answers) are inserted.

Didactic task: improve counting skills within 10.

Game situation

Guys, look what flower we came across in the forest? (Chamomile)

Now let's play the game "Flower Counting" with number fans.

What number will we add to the numbers on the petals?

I show the number, and you calculate and paste the answer on the flower.

Conclusion: Well done! We completed the task.

teachers, MBDOU "Ishley kindergarten "Buratino"

Ishley village, Cheboksary district, Chuvashia


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Presentation on the topic: “USE OF THE DEVELOPMENTAL GAME SQUARE BY V. V. VOSKOBOVICH” Barsukova O.V. teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 51 "Teremok" Engels

Everyone knows that for children, and especially for preschool children, the best form of learning is learning through play. It is very important to provide your child with as much more possibilities for independent observations and research of the world around him, using a wide variety of educational games for children. Games are very important for the formation and development of a child’s personality, since they are not only tools for his self-expression, but also a way of understanding the world around him and adapting to it. The value of educational children's games is that they quickly and effectively allow you to achieve the desired results without tiring the child.

Educational games are integrations of psychological and pedagogical technologies that stimulate the development of the cognitive sphere and the development of certain skills and abilities. It is very important that with such a variety of tasks assigned to educational games, they remain interesting, original, provide the child with the opportunity for creativity, and do not lose their attractiveness from game to game. And now, among the variety of creative approaches and games familiar to us from pedagogical didactics, a very special, original, creative, very kind group of games appeared - Voskobovich’s Educational Games.

The basic principles at the heart of these games - interest - cognition - creativity - become as effective as possible, since the game speaks directly to the child in the kind, cheerful and sad language of a fairy tale, a funny character or an invitation to adventure.

Objectives of the lessons gaming materials Voskobovich: Development of a child’s cognitive interest and research activities. Development of observation, imagination, memory, attention, thinking and creativity. Harmonious development of children's emotional, figurative and logical beginnings. Formation of basic ideas about the surrounding world, mathematical concepts, sound-letter phenomena. Development of fine motor skills.

Voskobovich's games have replenished the math corner in the group

Voskobovich Square (Game Square) or “Maple Leaf”, “Scarf”, “Eternal Origami” - these are 32 rigid triangles glued to a flexible base on both sides. The square is easily transformed, allowing you to design planar and volumetric figures. Children master the design algorithm, find geometric shapes hidden in the “house”, and come up with their own object silhouettes.

Familiar with the square “Inspection of the square” - trace with your finger, walk along the sides of the square, find the corners, go down the triangles from top to bottom, climb to the top, place the square in different directions color the sides, fold a corner, etc.; “Let's play hide and seek” - find the hidden squares of smaller size, the smallest ones, circle them with your finger; “Fold the square” - in half in different ways. What shapes do you recognize? Fold the square to make a large, small triangle, rectangle, square; “Travel in a square” - walk along diagonal roads, get to know the center, travel from the center to the corners along different paths.

Getting to know the circuits

It is important to explain to children correct algorithm folding two basic forms: triangle and rectangle and then “hedgehog” and “mouse”, on the basis of which other shapes are obtained.

The square allows you to play, develop attention, memory, spatial imagination and fine motor skills, and also introduces the basics of geometry, spatial coordination, volume, is a counting material, the basis for modeling, creativity, which has no age restrictions.


What you should pay attention to when teaching a child using Voskobovich’s games: 1. Before offering the game to your child, read the methodological recommendations and the game itself. 2.Children mostly work with their hands and speak little. During classes, ask your child what he is doing, why he chose this particular figure and not another, ask him to retell the fairy tale task or come up with his own plot. 3. When playing with play materials, the child is most often in the same sitting position. Should be considered age characteristics children and promptly distract those who are “overplaying” from the game. 4. Playing with Voskobovich's manuals requires perseverance, and not every child likes or is able to do this.

Voskobovich's games are distinguished by their multi-stage nature, the ability to solve problems in several stages with their complication. For example, the games “Geokont” and “Voskobovich Square” are interesting for children aged three, seven, and older. It should also be noted that each game has multiple goals. The child remembers colors and develops fine motor skills. Another advantage of Voskobovich's games is their unlimited creative potential. From the same elements you can create different shapes: animals, butterflies, ships, etc. The studies have shown that the technique is one of the most effective and progressive techniques today.


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The main task in its development work intellectual development I see through educational games... maintain interest in learning, apply acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, believe in yourself

In our preschool institution, a playful developmental environment has been created using the technology of V.V. Voskobovich, which successfully allows you to diversify joint activities with children.

Purple Forest is a sensorimotor corner with adventures of funny characters, entertaining questions, problematic tasks, exercises for modeling and transforming objects.

The technology of educational games is implemented by us both in joint and in independent activity children. In them, on the one hand, the child imitates an adult, on the other, he shows his imagination and personal creativity.

The unique guide “Carpet” helps to introduce children to spatial and quantitative relationships and facilitates the construction of geometric contours. During the game, the carpet plotter turns into a magical carpet clearing in the Violet Forest, where various miracles happen.

Using "Funny Numbers" children easily master quantitative and ordinal counting, and subsequently come up with mathematical problems themselves.

The “Colored Squares” manual helps introduce children to spatial and quantitative relationships and provides enormous scope for creative activity both children and teachers and is suitable for individual and group lessons.

The "Plush-Plush" boat helps us develop simple mathematical skills. While playing with a boat, children develop fine motor skills, attention and visual perception.

With the game “Miracle Flower”, children are always excited to go on a journey with baby Geo, where they unravel all the mathematical secrets.

Using the miracle constructor, children enjoy bringing to life the most fantastic images.

While playing the game “Turtle,” children consolidate their acquired knowledge by performing comparison, classification, and pattern tests, and improve their modeling skills. Stimulation of independent speech activity.

With the "Game Square" children master the design algorithm, find hidden geometric shapes, and come up with their own object silhouettes.

With the help of the Igrovisor manual it is very convenient to perform with children graphic dictations, tests, master the spatial arrangement of objects and finally explore the paths of mysterious labyrinths.

Exciting game "Cord-entertainer". On the playing field, using multi-colored cords, the child “embroiders” various options images. The game is aimed at developing children's ability to navigate in space, improving intelligence and fine motor skills, and developing and clarifying mathematical concepts.

The “Geokont” construction game allows us to reinforce colors, sizes, and also develop children’s modeling and design skills, and develop fine motor skills.

Calendar-long-term planning of educational games by V. Voskobovich for children 5-6 years old, group No. 4

Thus, educational games V.V. Voskobovich creates favorable conditions for the development of the child’s intellectual and creative potential. Children play because they enjoy the process of playing. And due to the fact that educational play is an active and meaningful activity for the child, in which he willingly and voluntarily participates, the new experience acquired in it becomes his personal experience and heritage.


The process of modernizing the entire education system places high demands on the organization preschool education, intensifies the search for new, more effective psychological and pedagogical approaches to the process of children’s education preschool age.
The separation of the preschool education system into an independent educational level and the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is important stage modernization of the entire educational system, ensuring continuity between kindergarten and school. Having analyzed these regulatory documents, I came to the conclusion that the professional teaching community places fairly high demands on kindergarten graduates. Consequently, the child’s success in the future school life will largely depend on the extent to which the development, upbringing and education of pupils in kindergarten will be effective.
Preschool education system modern stage looking for ways to achieve high and stable results in working with children. Reacting to all changes in social conditions and requirements, preschool pedagogy searches for and creates more and more new approaches to the upbringing and teaching of preschool children. When organizing educational activities Teachers primarily pay attention to the choice of methods, techniques and technologies, and also rely on their effectiveness in practical activities.
The sociocultural situation in society and the processes of reorganization of the educational system are pushing teachers to realize the impossibility of working in the old way, using stereotypical techniques and a unified form of organizing children's activities. There is a need to use modern pedagogical technologies of education, in the light of a new perception of the realities of today.
Innovative (modern) technologies are a system of methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means aimed at achieving positive result due to dynamic changes in personal development child in modern sociocultural conditions. Pedagogical innovations can either change the processes of education and training, or improve them. Innovative technologies combine progressive creative technologies and traditional ones that have proven their effectiveness in the process of teaching.
There are several types of technologies.
1. Pedagogical technologies based on the activity approach.
Technologies of the activity approach include:
· Pedagogical technology – project method. Authors: J. Durie, W. Kilpatrick.
· Technology of developmental training.
· Pedagogical technologies of the “community” program. Authors: K. Hansen, R. Kaufmann, K. Walsh.
· Pedagogical technology for independent research activities of children.
· Pedagogical technology of children's experimentation.
2. Gaming educational technologies.
One of such technologies is the Pedagogical Technology of Developmental Games by B.P. Nikitina.
· Technology for intensive development of intellectual abilities of preschool children “Fairytale labyrinth games” Authors: V.V. Voskobovich, T.G. Kharko, T.I. Balatskaya.
· Pedagogical technology “Dienesh Blocks”
· Pedagogical technology “Cuisenaire's wands”
· Pedagogical technology of training.
3. Pedagogical technologies of training and development.
These technologies include:
· Pedagogical technology of environmental education for preschool children.
· Pedagogical technology based on triz (theory of solving inventive problems).
· Pedagogical technology for forming the foundations of safe life.
Having studied these technologies, I chose the game pedagogical technology, namely the Technology for the intensive development of intellectual abilities of preschool children “Fairytale labyrinths of games” by V.V. Voskobovich.
I was attracted by the fact that the main idea of ​​​​the technology is the basis of the games and becomes as effective as possible, since the game speaks directly to the child with the kind, original, funny and sad language of a fairy tale, intrigue, a funny character or an invitation to adventure. Its peculiarity is that this game actually builds almost the entire process of a child’s learning and it has a wide age range of participants in the game from 2-3 years to high school.
Technology for intensive development of intellectual abilities of preschool children “Fairy tale labyrinths games”
(V.V. Voskobovich and others)
Voskobovich's original method is highly effective and accessible. It is easily and quickly mastered by both teachers and parents of preschoolers. During the game, a special atmosphere of trust is created between the child and the adult, which has a beneficial effect on the harmonious development of the baby.
The first games by V.V. Voskobovich appeared in the early 90s. More than 40 game aids have now been developed. The advantage of these educational games is the wide age range of game participants and their versatility. Children of three and seven years old, and sometimes even students, can play the same game high school. This is possible because simple physical manipulation is accompanied by a system of ever-increasingly complex developmental questions and cognitive tasks.
Games can be used to solve a large number of educational tasks. Unbeknownst to yourself, the baby masters numbers or letters; recognizes and remembers color or shape; learn to count, navigate in space; trains fine motor skills of the hands; improves speech, thinking, attention, memory, imagination. Each game has a large number of different game tasks and exercises aimed at solving one educational problem. This variability is determined by the design of the game and the combination of materials from which it is made.
Educational games give both children and adults the opportunity to invent and implement their plans into reality. The combination of variability and creativity makes games interesting for a child for a long period of time, turning game process into “long-lasting delight.”
Goals and objectives gaming technology V.V. Voskobovich:
1. Development of a child’s cognitive interest, desire and need to learn new things.
2. Development of observation, research approach to phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality.
3. Development of imagination, creativity, thinking (the ability to think flexibly, originally, to see an ordinary object from a new angle).
4. Harmonious, balanced development of emotional, figurative and logical beginnings in children.
5. Formation of basic ideas (about the world around us, mathematical ones), and speech skills.
6. Development of fine motor skills and all mental processes.
Let's take a closer look at the games of Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich.
A visual representation of how these general provisions manifest themselves in practice, can be obtained by familiarizing yourself with at least two of the most famous games- "Geokont" and "Voskobovich Square".
Geokont - popularly this game is called “a board with nails.” But for the guys, this is not just a board, but a fairy tale “Little Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava” (the word “geometry” is encrypted in the title of the fairy tale), in which plastic nails attached to plywood (the playing field) are called “silver ". A coordinate grid is applied to the Geokont playing field. “Spider webs” (multi-colored rubber bands) are pulled onto “silver” nails, and the contours of geometric shapes and object silhouettes are obtained. Children create them following the example of an adult or according to their own ideas, and older children - according to a sample diagram and verbal model.
Voskobovich square ("Game square")
This game has many “folk” names - “Maple Leaf”, “Klondike”, “Eternal Origami”. All this is essentially true. The "game square" consists of 32 rigid triangles glued to a flexible base on both sides. Thanks to this design, the square can be easily transformed, allowing you to design both planar and volumetric figures. In the fairy tale "The Mystery of the Raven Meter" the square comes to life and turns into images: a house, a mouse, a hedgehog, a shoe, an airplane and a kitten. Two-year-old children, with the help of an adult, put together a house with a red or green roof and a piece of candy. Older children master the design algorithm, find geometric shapes hidden in the “house,” and come up with their own object silhouettes. A square can be cut in a certain way. For example, a cross cut gives unusual three-dimensional shapes. It is possible to manipulate its elements - a kind of finger theater. Games with the "Voskobovich Square" develop fine motor skills of the hands, spatial thinking, sensory abilities, thought processes, and design skills.
An indispensable condition for the development of children's intelligence is an enriched subject-spatial environment; this technique pays great attention to this issue.

The Purple Forest is a methodical, educational environment in the form of fairy tales. Tales of the Violet Forest contain stories with wonderful transformations, adventures of funny characters and at the same time entertaining questions, problematic tasks, exercises in modeling and transforming objects. In essence, the Purple Forest is a sensorimotor corner in which the child acts independently: plays, constructs, trains the skills that he acquired in joint activities with an adult; engaged in research and experimentation.

Enrichment educational environment junior group kindergarten with Voskobovich’s games leads to the solution of several problems in organizing the teacher’s activities:

1. The subject space of the group room is enriched, while it becomes developing;

2. The process of motivating students is optimized in the process of organizing direct educational activities for children, both independently and together with the teacher;

3. Systematic, stage-by-stage use of gaming technology invariably produces sustainable positive results in the development of preschool children.

Three-year-olds do not confuse colors. They call yellow yellow, and red is exactly red, not confusing it with orange. By the end of the year, children distinguish Orange color from yellow, blue is not confused with green or violet, cyan is distinguished from blue and gray colors. Children have almost no problems with counting, knowledge of geometric shapes, or the ability to navigate on a plane.

Indeed, it’s not bad when children, one might say, develop understanding before their eyes and form a fairly high level cognitive development, since the full development of the intellectual abilities of preschool children always remains relevant. It is known that the comprehensive development of the intellectual sphere in preschool age increases the success of children's education and plays a big role in the education of an adult.

Preschoolers with developed mental operations, processes and functions remember material faster, are more confident in their own abilities, and adapt more easily to a new environment. Play, as the leading activity of a child in preschool childhood, helps turn learning into an exciting process, and therefore allows for the necessary natural development in the most attractive type of activity for preschoolers.

Important dignity play activity- this is the internal nature of her motivation. Children play because they enjoy the gameplay itself.

Developing gaming technologies make learning an interesting activity for a child, remove motivational problems, generate interest in the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities, and therefore help in realizing the main goal of the educational activity of any teacher - creating conditions for the full development of the student.

Zvereva Olesya Borisovna,


MBDOU kindergarten “Childhood”

combined type

kindergarten No. 160

Nizhny Tagil


1. Brazhnikov A. Mind games as a way to encourage children to read. Moscow: Chistye Prudy, 2008.

2. Voskobovich V.V. Technology of intensive intellectual development of preschool children 3-7 years old “Fairy tale labyrinths games”. St. Petersburg: Scientific Research Institute “Girikond”, 2000.

3. Doubtful S. I., Doubtful K. E. Home school Montessori. Moscow. “Karapuz Didactics”, 2005.

4. Tolstikova O.V., Savelyeva O.V., Ivanova T.V. Modern pedagogical technologies for the education of preschool children: a methodological manual. Ekaterinburg: IRO, 2013.

Voskobovich's technique is not just games. This is a flight of fancy fairy tales and excellent preparation for school. Make it yourself using a board...

Most modern toys are disposable and useless; a child quickly gets bored with them and turns out to be a waste of money. It's just Voskobovich's game! Created by a loving father for his own children, they are multifunctional, interesting to children of almost all ages, and allow them to create and imagine. Voskobovich's method is extremely popular both among teachers of children's development institutions and among ordinary parents who are not indifferent to the development of children.

Of course, this does not mean that you can just buy games and wait for the baby to begin to develop before your eyes. For them to “work” you need to know their features and follow the author’s recommendations.

A few words about Voskobovich

Vyacheslav Vadimovich is a physicist by education. He was forced to plunge into pedagogy by vital necessity and love for his own children. He raised them in Hard times“perestroika”, when it was impossible to afford to buy high-quality educational toys, and there was still no assortment. Realizing that he had two options - to let the children’s development take its course or to create something himself, he chose the second option. And, inspired by the works of Zaitsev and Nikitin, Vyacheslav Vadimovich developed his own set of games, which can provide not only leisure for children, but also their full development.

Three pillars of gaming technology

Today, Voskobovich’s method includes about 50 games. Each of them is a universal creative tool that makes a child's learning fun and relaxed. This is achieved thanks to the fairy-tale orientation of all games, in which the main characters help children remember numbers, shapes and letters.

In addition, the games are quite multifunctional and are aimed at comprehensive development personality. They make it easy to learn reading and counting, while at the same time promoting the development of logic, thinking, memory, and training fine motor skills.

Much attention is paid to Voskobovich technology and development creativity child. Performing unusual tasks forces him to use his imagination and be creative.

Thus, all games are developed on three important principles: interest - cognition - creativity.

What is the secret of the popularity of games?

When creating his games, Voskobovich was primarily guided by the interests of the child himself, and only then solved educational problems.

From fairy tale to fairy tale

Knowing how children love fairy tales, he used them in special methodological manuals. Reading them with their parents, the children plunge into the extraordinary adventures of their favorite characters.


To cope with evil, children need to perform various interesting tasks. So, unnoticed by the children, the games turn into learning, where the properties of geometric shapes are studied with the Unmelting Ice Pieces and the rubber webs of the Yuk Spider, and fractions are comprehended with the Miracle Flower and Baby Geo.

Age is not a barrier

Such games will captivate even adults, although they are designed for children from 2 to 7 years old. Depending on age, the task simply becomes more complicated and the number of actions to solve it increases. The same game will be beneficial for several years.

Structural elements

The materials used for construction are not entirely traditional for games: dynamic elastic in “Geokont”, plastic elements glued to fabric in “Kvadrat”.

Imagery and versatility

The game is intriguing and captivating for little ones. To achieve results and get emotional satisfaction, he has to think, imagine, analyze, and select solutions. And the adult, not as a leader, but as an equal partner, participates in the game, directing learning in the right direction. The simplicity and originality of the exercises allows you to use Voskobovich’s technology at home, in classes in kindergarten, and in a development group.

This is amazing, but the disadvantages are like negative reviews, the methodology does not. Many people have tried it preschool institutions, and there is hardly a child who is not captivated and benefited by them.

About the most famous

All Voskobovich’s games can be divided into several types:

  • developing logical and mathematical abilities (“Geokont-constructor”, “Voskobovich Square”, the boat “Plyukh-Plyukh”, “Digital Circus”, etc.);
  • teaching reading (“Voskobovich’s Teremki”, “Reader on Balls”, “Snowman”, “Letter Constructor”).


It is a plywood board on which a coordinate grid is depicted and 33 plastic nails are nailed. The game also comes with “webs” - multi-colored rubber bands and an illustrated manual with multi-level tasks and extraordinary journeys of the heroes.

This game is an excellent tool for training fine motor skills, and also helps to remember colors, shapes, develops the ability to model, navigate a coordinate system, compare diagrams, and teaches you to think outside the box.

It’s easy to do it yourself using any board and push pins.

It is also called the “Game Square”, “Maple Leaf”, “Eternal Origami”. This is a flexible field on which 32 plastic triangles are glued in two or four colors (depending on the difficulty of the game).

The unique design allows you to transform a square into a huge number of flat and volumetric figures with different patterns. Two-year-olds can easily assemble a house or a hedgehog, while older children work according to the schemes suggested in the application or invent their own images.

Together with mother Trapezium and a whole family of geometric figures, the child learns to design, model, think abstractly and navigate in space.

The ship "Plush-Plush"

Made in the form of a model of a five-masted ship, “Plyukh-Plyukh” will appeal to children aged 2 years. Instead of sails, it has colored flags that can be strung on wooden yards. This alternative to the pyramid will teach you to count, distinguish colors, and fine motor skills"will sort it out."

He also has a brother “Splash-Splash” - the idea is the same, only in this case the boat is glued to the carpet and the sails are with Velcro.


For kids 2-3 years old it will be an excellent lacing trainer, and for older children it will help them form words. By the way, you can come up with up to 200 of them! It's so simple, but entertaining game.

"Letter constructor"

It is one of the best tools for successfully memorizing letters. Consists of a plywood base and rubber bands that hold the elements of the letters. A fun way to take a fresh look at learning the alphabet.


Another great simulator for learning to read. The set includes cubes representing vowels and blocks with consonants. To get a syllable, you need to place a vowel in the tower. And if you connect the towers, you can form a word.

To memorize letters faster, Vadim Vyacheslavovich created each one with its own unique image. For example, vowels are marked fairy-tale characters- jesters.

Learning to read occurs in three stages: memorizing letters - adding syllables - composing words.

Voskobovich's technique is not just games. This is a flight of fancy, fabulous stories and excellent preparation for school. Together with your child, come up with new adventures for heroes, and let development bring you only joy.

In the article you can get acquainted with the prehistory of the emergence of these games, goals, objectives and methods of solving them in the development of a child’s intelligence.

Games that develop spatial thinking, imagination, geometric and stereometric thinking

    Geocont. This is a plywood board with plastic pins. Each carnation has a different colored head. The set contains multi-colored elastic bands. Using a coordinate grid, the child creates shapes, numbers and letters.

    In the title of the fairy tale accompanying the game you can read the word “Geometry”. The main character's name is boy Geo, fabulous raven Meter, and there is also Uncle Slava - Voskobovich himself. It is called I. So the science of geometry, the foundations of which are taught in this game, receives a new creative interpretation in it: this is the science of measuring the earth by me, I - main participant games, science, life.

    The game is accompanied by a fairy tale. Everything that little Geo sees, the child must recreate from drawings using multi-colored rubber bands. Then the fairy tale continues and leads to new adventures. If creative parents do not like the content of the fairy tale (it is far from folk tales), it is very easy to change. On elastic bands you can depict either “Teremok” or “Kolobok”.

    Voskobovich square. It comes in two colors for babies and four colors for preschoolers. The square consists of 32 triangles, which are glued to a fabric base. You can make three-dimensional figures from triangles, and this is not as easy as it seems. The folding of the figures is accompanied by a fairy tale about the transformations of the square. And not only in a house or candy, but also in a kitten, and a hedgehog, and other objects. Schemes of the figures are given in the game description. If you cut the square along the lines, there will be more options for figures.

    Miracle crosses. This game has three difficulty levels (these are three different progressively more difficult games). "Miracle crosses 1" consists of 4 multi-colored crosses, "Miracle crosses 2 and 3" - of 6 multi-colored crosses. Each cross is cut into separate figures, from which you can assemble anything you want. You get wonderful applications from plywood. Each game comes with a Figure Album. To complicate the task, you can turn the crosses over with the white side.

    Logo molds. Using a special ruler, children construct new figures from standard figures. Construction is accompanied by fascinating tales.

    Set of cards " Rainbow gnomes» This is the same as Fun Letters, but for colors. Each gnome has its own color and name, consonant with the color (Kohle - red, Ohle - orange, etc.). Cards help you remember images of flowers.

    Transparent square. Various figures are depicted on transparent film. There are 30 such square films in total. Animal figures are obtained by superimposing films on top of each other. The game is accompanied by a fairy tale about ice that never melts.

    Pyramid turtle. This game is intended for children aged 2 years and older. It consists of 21 plywood figures in seven colors and two sizes. They can be collected in different ways depending on desire or imagination. The resulting picture is outlined on paper.

Games that teach reading, sounds, letters

    Folding boxes. This game is based on the syllabic principle of Russian writing. It is a book, each spread of which is dedicated to all possible syllables with a certain consonant letter. On the same page there are pictures of animals and songs in which stressed syllables are highlighted. Folds are an improved syllabic alphabet. For the little ones there is a CD with songs included.

    Teremki Voskobovich. These are cubes based on the syllabic principle of Russian writing. The tower cubes are made of wood. There are 12 of them in total (2 of each color: white, gray, brown, purple, yellow, blue). Consonants are written on their edges. The tower cubes have windows. In these cubes you need to put cardboard chest cubes with vowels. Blue cubes are for the letters A, O, U, E, Y, indicating the hardness of the consonants, green - for the letters Ya, E, Yu, E, indicating the softness of the previous consonants. The same colors for hard and soft consonants are also preserved in folds.

    Kids can play with the blocks as houses with windows. In each tower you can put pictures of animals (or small toys) on the letter drawn on the cube. To learn to read syllables, you need to put a chest cube in the tower cube, pronounce or sing the syllable.

    funny letters. These are 10 cards representing vowels. All of them are depicted in different poses Harlequin. They are called wittily: Harlequin, Urlekin, Orlekin, etc. They help develop imagination and remember the image of a letter.

    Reader on marbles. This is a square that you need to bend along the lines while reading the words. You can read up to 130 words.

    Lacing games for teaching reading: “Apple Tree”, “Snowman”, “Chamomile”. These are lacing of different shapes that connect letters into words. A child who does not know letters can play with them, just like lacing.

    Letter constructor introduces the “appearance” of each letter. There are rubber bands attached to the plywood base. Under these rubber bands, children insert the parts from which they make letters. There are 15 parts in total, different shapes. The creation of letters is accompanied by a fairy tale about adventures in the Violet Forest. It is the fairy tale that establishes the connection between letter and sound.

Games that teach numbers, counting, multiplication and other mathematical operations

    The ship "Plop-Plop". This is a three-dimensional plywood boat with wooden masts, numbered from 1 to 5, on which you need to put flags of the same color on each one. The game is accompanied by a fairy tale about a captain and a sailor, Goose and the Frog.

    Ship "Splash-Splash". This is a flat boat on a carpet playing field with a deck glued on it. Each mast corresponds to a number from 1 to 7. It must be attached to it with Velcro different colors flag sails.

    Boat "Bul-bul". It is also flat, but it has ten masts. Accordingly, you can learn counting up to 100, four mathematical operations. The boat comes with tasks of varying difficulty.

    Math baskets. This game happens different levels difficulties. You can put up to 10 mushrooms in each basket. A child collects mushrooms along with number animals. He must estimate how many mushrooms need to be added up to a dozen, and compares who has more mushrooms. The game gives an idea of ​​the composition of numbers and teaches mathematical operations.

    Set of cards " Funny numbers" Each number has the image of some animal. Cards develop imagination and help remember the image of a number.

    Transparent figure. This game consists of stripes on a transparent film. The child must create numbers from them. , combinatorics. Somewhat similar to the “Letter Constructor”, but made from different materials.

    Miracle flower. The game consists of plywood flowers, divided into parts. The child puts together a whole from parts, as well as figures according to the instructions.

    Lacing « Accounting car» teaches addition and subtraction to up to 20 children from 4 years old. Can be used simply as lacing.

    Planet of multiplication. This is a game for a group of preschoolers or primary schoolchildren. During the game you can learn multiplication. Need to get to spaceship along your mine, alternating moves. Multiplication will be needed when counting votes.

How to play Voskobovich games

You need to carefully study the rules of the game and its fairy tale basis (after all, you will have to read the fairy tale or tell it to your parents). Best to follow methodological recommendations, complete the task one by one, gradually making the game more difficult. There are parents who don't like to read instructions. They can play with the child as they please, and this will also be interesting and useful, but it is unlikely that the full potential of the game will be used.

If you are going to play Voskobovich’s games, it is better to purchase at least three games: educational, teaching reading and mathematics.

Voskobovich's games do not develop speech if the child plays them independently. Therefore, it is better to take part in his games and ask about the order and purpose of his actions, ask him to retell the plot of the fairy tale.

Games can be classified as board games (or "wall games"), so they do not contribute physical development child, but only intellectual and psychological. Parents themselves must take care of physical exercise. Remember that even a six-year-old child cannot concentrate on anything for more than 15 minutes.

Disadvantages of Voskobovich's games

And there are no shortcomings. There are always children for whom a certain technique is not suitable. Voskobovich's games are suitable for everyone. And this can be explained: in preschool age, play is the main activity of a person; in play he lives, grows, develops and learns. Therefore, the game is suitable for everyone.

Children studying according to the Voskobovich method usually show good level development of memory, thinking, attention, as well as the ability to concentrate on the task at hand and bring it to the end. These children have a well-developed desire to learn and explore something new, which is important for the learning process at school.

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