Iron mother. Madonna's parenting rules. Biography of Madonna

Often the price of success is so high that on the way to it you have to sacrifice almost everything and lose the most valuable thing. Madonna's biography is an example of how not to deviate from your goals and leave your opponents behind.

Madonna was born on August 16, 1958 in a family where, in addition to her, there were 4 older brothers. Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone - the singer's real name - completely repeats the name of her mother. The girl was raised in a religious family, but she was never an ideal daughter - on the contrary, she was considered strange and uncontrollable.

The future singer lost her mother very early, who died of breast cancer at the age of 30, a couple of months after the birth of another child. This was a big blow for the girl, and for a long time, already as an adult, the singer fell into hypochondria, as she was sure that she had the same disease.

It became difficult for my father to cope with family difficulties, and two years later he married for the second time. Madonna immediately disliked her stepmother, because she could not forgive her father for letting another woman into his heart. In addition, she was jealous of his half-brothers and sisters, believing that they received more attention.

Despite the fact that the girl studied very well, she was unable to build friendly relations with her classmates: they were jealous of her academic performance and considered her an “alien.” After all, the future world star could not hide his shocking character.

To prove your originality, at the competition school talents 14-year-old Madonna Ciccone shocked everyone: she sang the song, appearing on stage in a revealing top and short shorts, her face painted with bright makeup. This event seriously affected the reputation future star and her Catholic family. The schoolgirl was put under House arrest, and insulting inscriptions addressed to Madonna often began to appear on the door.

At the age of 15, the singer begins to study seriously ballroom dancing. After graduating from school in 1976, she entered university to continue her dance education. This caused a serious scandal between Madonna and her father and further deteriorated their relationship, because his dreams of seeing his daughter as a lawyer collapsed. After studying for only six months, the girl realizes that she will not achieve world heights in the provinces, and decides to leave for New York.

Music career

A young girl arrived in the city of contrasts with a small budget (only 40 dollars), with a small suitcase, an extraordinary creative potential and a great desire to become a dance queen. She lived in a crime-ridden area, often worked only for food, and even posed for photographers as a nude model (later these photographs would “pop up” and end up on the pages of Playboy magazine).

Soon Madonna begins going to auditions for musicals. In one of them, she grabs luck by the tail and ends up in the troupe of artist Patrick Hernandez. While working there, the girl often hums different melodies. One day the directors notice this and ask her to perform a simple song. She sang “Jingle bells” and was right: she was invited to Paris to make her a vocal star. True, Madonna did not like this idea and, after working for only a short time, she returned back to New York.

Soon she meets Seymour Stein, the founder of the Sire Records label, who saw Madonna great opportunities and signed a long-term contract with her. The first album was a success and 30 years later was even recognized as the best debut album America. The track “Holiday” rose to the top of all US music charts and entered the top 20 best singles in America.

The second album, which was recorded in 1984, was awarded a diamond certificate. The singer becomes the queen of the world stage. Almost all of her tracks take first place in the charts.

In total, Madonna made 13 studio albums, 8 of them occupied the top line in the US charts, namely:

  • 1984 – “Like a Virgin” (1st place).
  • 1986 – “True Blue” (1st place).
  • 1989 – “Like a Player” (1st place).
  • 2000 – “Music” (1st place).
  • 2003 – “American Life” (1st place).
  • 2005 – “Confessions on Dance Floor” (1st place).
  • 2008 – “Hard Candy” (1st place).
  • 2012 – “MDNA” (1st place).

Over the years musical career the singer tried herself in many styles and directions. She is not afraid to be shocking and unlike anyone else. The artist’s costumes and dresses surprise the viewer with their unusualness and extravagance. Singer Madonna was never afraid to appear to her fans as a being “not of this world,” and they loved their idol for this sincerity.

The star's acting career was less successful than her musical one. In total, there are more than 20 films with Madonna, but most of them were not even released. Here are some facts:

  • Released in the early 90s documentary, telling about the life of the singer.
  • 4 years later she performed main role in the filmed musical "Evita".
  • In 2000, the actress received a role in the film “Best Friend.”
  • In 2004, a second documentary about the singer appeared on the screens.
  • In 2015, she tried her hand as a director.

Madonna's personal life

Madonna in her youth was not deprived of male attention, and she was not at all shy about showing off her intimate life publicly. The singer had many affairs, about which there were various rumors.

The first man in the singer's life was actor Sean Penn. This love arose very beautifully: the young man saw his future wife descending in a beautiful long dress On the stairs. In 1985, Madonna and Sean Penn exchanged rings and became husband and wife. But their union did not last long.

After that, the singer had affairs with many famous and respectable men from the sphere of show business: among them, for example, Lenny Kravitz, Anthony Kids. All this continued until she fell in love with her fitness trainer Carlos Leon, whom she offered to become a father. Madonna asked her lover to take tests and conduct healthy image life for birth healthy child. Soon their daughter Lourdes Maria Ciccone-Leon was born (at that time the singer was 38 years old).

The next relationship - with director Guy Ritchie - began unusually romantically. At first, Madonna mistook her future husband for an ordinary provincial boy. But soon all the cards were revealed, and the singer could not resist the advances of the young director. Their wedding took place in December 2000.

Madonna and Guy Ritchie lived together for 8 years. The fruit of their love was a son named Rocco, and an adopted boy from an African family also appeared in the family. Soon, Madonna adopted another girl, Mercy Jame, and in 2017, two African twins: Stella and Esther. This became known after the singer shared photos with children in in social networks, in which she hugged her daughters.

Madonna's children are main pride and joy in the singer’s life. Thanks to them, the singer even tried herself as a writer and published the children's book “English Roses” in 2004. Eldest daughter Madonna Lourdes decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps and, at the age of 19, is already the media face of various advertising companies.

In 2013, the star began an affair with basketball player Denis Rodman. Madonna wanted to give him a son, but this did not happen, and their union soon collapsed.

Today, everyone in the world knows the name of Madonna; her image is an icon of pop music, the personification of sexuality, shockingness and creative originality.

How old is Madonna and how does she manage to look so young? This is the question everyone asks when they see the star’s chiseled figure and her energetic dances during performances. Any girl can envy her external beauty - with a small height of 164 cm, the singer’s parameters are ideal: 90-60-90. The personal account of the Queen of Pop on Instagram contains many photographs that give fans the opportunity to see their favorite in different images and scenery. Author: Anastasia Kaykova

Madonna, whose photo from 2017 you will be able to see later, has existed as a world-class star in the show business firmament for a very long time. And her popularity is not hampered by either advancing old age, the presence of huge and “younger” competition, or constant criticism. music experts. Yes, fame presupposes both a large number of fans and an equally significant army of anti-fans. But, despite all the vicissitudes of fate and the eternal “putting a spoke in the wheel,” this brave and courageous woman never ceases to shock the public and develop her activities in various directions. Now she can be called with complete confidence a singer, actress, producer, dancer, film director, screenwriter, entrepreneur, writer and even a mother of beautiful children.

Celebrity biography

This is not just a goddess of pop music, but also a name that has become a label. The brand with this sonorous name is one of the hundred most expensive in the world. Full name Queen - Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone. This one was born famous woman in the middle of the last century, or more precisely, on August 16, 1958 in the not very developed state of Michigan at that time. In her family, in addition to this little girl, there were five more brothers and sisters. At the age of five, Louise Veronica lost her mother - the woman died suddenly, and her stepmother took her place, who chose not to burden herself with the burden of other people's children and raised only her own. The constant feeling of deprivation gave birth to the little girl’s dream of becoming famous and rich at any cost. And only 9 years later she was able to begin realizing her goal.

Finest hour for a teenager it is participation in school competition talents, where she managed to shock her teachers with the power of her voice and talent as an actress. The girl appeared on stage in a tank top and shorts, for which she was subsequently placed under house arrest by her own father. After this day on the fence family nest every now and then inscriptions appeared characterizing young Ciccone from the best side.

After graduating from school, the beauty entered the University of Michigan. She dreamed of becoming a ballerina that the whole world would talk about, which greatly angered her father, who saw her as a lawyer or medical specialist. But after a short amount of time, the young lady realized that the province was not the place for a brilliant start.

And a few days later, this brave girl goes to New York, where she begins to climb upward with all her might. For a long time she had to work only for food and rent a kennel in the most criminal area. In 1979, she went to a casting to find girls for backup dancers. Professional dancers saw talent in her and decided to turn her into a singer. Madonna did not like such changes, because being a pop singer did not appeal to her at all. She even tried to create her own rock band, but this project failed miserably.

Personal life

Already a rapidly growing star, Madonna never hid either the number of her lovers or their own husbands. It was as if with her whole being she was calling people to a sexual revolution, showing off her many fans for all to see.

At the age of twenty, Great Marge (as her fans called her) entered into romantic relationship with famous producers John Benitez. It is to him that the singer owes her fame - he gave her acquaintance with influential people and promoted her tracks in nightclubs.

Having played enough with Benitez, she fluttered into the arms of Jean-Michel Basquiat. But this romance did not last long. The most memorable celebrity man was Sean Penn, with whom she lived for four years.

After the high-profile divorce proceedings, journalists stopped focusing on the star’s companions, because they did not stay in her life for long. Particularly memorable were Lenny Kravitz, who at that time was recognized as a pop icon, and Anthony Kiedis, the lead singer of RHCP. But Madonna decided to have a child only during an intimate relationship with the Latin American Carlson Leon. As a result of their romance, a daughter, Lourdes, was born.

The record holder for the amount of time spent married to the goddess of the pop industry is Guy Ritchie. In 2000 happy couple became the parents of a boy, Rocco. After 8 years of marriage, the boat of love still crashed on the rocks of everyday life. Soon after this, Veronica went on a rampage again. Her last companion was her ballet dancer Brahim Zaibat. In a fit of feeling, he even proposed marriage to the singer.

According to media reports, on this moment Madonna is raising not only her own children, but also two adopted black twins - Mercy James and David Banda. After some time, you will learn about a big change in the singer’s life. Which one? A little patience...

For the past few years, the pop goddess has been in litigation with ex-husband for the right to guardianship of her son Rocco, who has been living under the supervision of his father for a long time. As you know, at the end of 2016 a meeting was held during which the parents did not come to an agreement.

Advice!You've probably already guessed what the secret of such popularity among men is. No, it’s not a matter of wanting to be as close to the world Olympus as possible. The whole secret lies in the incredible sense of style and natural charisma of the star. I must say, her image is an example to follow. Carefully study her taste preferences and try to embody this in your daily looks.

Awards and achievements

There is no point in listing the hits she sang along the way and the films she starred in. Five years ago, her name was included in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The singer has repeatedly received all existing music awards, the Golden Globe and even a Grammy. There has long been a personal star with her name on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Latest news from the life of Madonna and her children

Despite enough mature age, woman with maiden name Ciccone continues to shock the audience. Let's take a look at some of the eccentric things she did this year.

  • January. At a rally against the inauguration of new President Donald Trump, the singer expressed to an audience of half a million her desire... to burn The White house to the ground! She did not choose her expressions and often switched to abusive language during her speech. She should have been arrested for such statements, but the star came to her senses in time, saying that such manipulations would not change anything anyway.

  • February. Madonna adopted twins from Malaysia. Stela and Esther from Malawi became orphans shortly after their birth. For some time, their grandmother looked after them, but her extremely poor financial situation was the reason for transferring the babies to the shelter. For their sake, the singer refused litigation with Guy Ritchie for custody of his son.

  • March. The Star decides to build the first pediatric surgery and intensive care center in Malawi. This is not the first project implemented under her leadership. Madonna is the founder charitable foundation help this country. Over the ten years of its existence, dozens of schools, hospitals and orphanages for local children were built.

  • April. Loudres made it to the main pages of the tabloids thanks to the skillful work of the paparazzi. The girl was vacationing in Miami at that time. In several frames of the photo collage presented by journalists, the public was able to see... the unshaven armpits of the young heiress to millions of fortunes. Millions of ordinary network users savored the information received, scattering reproaches and insults. It must be said that the girl had no less defenders. They often spoke out that a girl has the right to choose how she looks. In general, a serious stir was provoked, and perhaps not without the work of black PR people who wanted to stir up interest in Madonna’s family.

Advice! If you are not trying to prove to the whole world the fact of equality between men and women, it is better not to carry out such experiments. Modern people are not yet ready for such manifestations of individuality, so your vacation at sea may cause a wave of indignation and gossip.

  • May. The star decided to make style icons out of her adopted children. She is actively preparing her girls for World Fashion Week, which will take place in Milan. The sisters, it must be said, have long been showing an active interest in cameras and cameras, showing off suits and outfits from their mother’s collections.

  • June. Rocco has been known to use drugs. The singer's son was recently found in an unsightly state. At a party on the occasion of the next premiere of one video Hollywood star, whose name we will not pronounce, he behaved too provocatively and even frighteningly. The arriving police officers forced the young man to undergo a test for the presence of narcotic substances in his blood. It is not yet known how this scandal will turn out, in fact, just as the reasons for this behavior are not known, because as far as the media knows, Madonna raised her offspring in strictness.

Whole life in cinema

Madonna recently received an offer to make a film about her life. The film's producers even announced they were looking for actresses suitable for the main role. A few days ago, information appeared that the celebrity would be played by Paris Jackson. From the point of view of external data, she is ideal for this matter. Yes and with acting skills, as the creators of the project assure, everything is fine with her.

So far there have been no comments from Paris, which cannot be said about Madonna. She reacted violently to the director’s desire to make a film telling about her life in the distant 80s and 90s. The singer is confident that not a single living woman on this planet can play this role, because no one is able to convey the range of feelings and emotions that pushed the aspiring goddess of the pop scene to the heights of success. The producers assure that they will definitely find a girl who will please the expressive and outrageous star. But negotiations with Paris continue. They hint that it would be good to take a closer look at Jackson. As it became known recently, Madonna admires talent young talent and her positive answer will be perceived as a gift from heaven.

Madonna is a very provocative character. Throughout her life, she proved to those around her that only through true zeal in realizing her goals can she achieve real success and national fame. Surprisingly, she always managed to behave defiantly and frankly, which forced millions of fans to closely observe her activities. Maybe some people don’t like her songs and music, but you can’t argue with the fact that she is simply amazing in every way. We wish her further development in your profession and other areas and simple female happiness!

Madonna (Ciccone Louise Veronica, Madonna, Louise Veronica Ciccone) was born in 1958, in the month of August, on the 16th in the city of Bay, Michigan. On this hour height 162 cm, weight 54 kg. Bust (figure) parameters and dimensions (girth): chest volume 92 cm, waist volume 61 cm, hips volume 87 cm. Shoe size feet 39. Eye color green. Hair color is light brown. By religion she is a Kabbalist, formerly a Catholic.

Ciccone's father Silvio is an engineer at Chrysler and General Motors. After the death of his wife (Madonna Fortin), citizen Ciccone married the maid Gustafson Joan, who subsequently gave birth to two children.

Ciccone's mother Madonna Fortin (Madonna Fortin Ciccone, born in 1933) technical engineer in the X-ray room. She is a French Canadian by nationality. By religion she is a Jansenist (French Catholic movement). She died in 1963 from breast cancer (probably due to radiation exposure at work).

There are five brothers and sisters.

Studied at St. Andrew's, St. Frederick's, Western high school(West), in higher school Adam in Rochester (Adams), at the University of Michigan. Since 1973 she studied ballet and choreography.

Since 1978 she has lived in New York. She worked as a dancer for Pearl Lang. She worked part-time in eateries and as a model for filming. In 1979, she was noticed by producers Perrelin and Van Lieu and collaborated with them in Europe for a year.

She was a drummer in the band Breakfast Club. Then, in 1980, she founded own group"Madonna and the Sky" and later "Emmy". Since 1981, Barbon collaborated with Camille, who became her manager.

Since 1982 he has been collaborating with Stan Seymour. As a result, cooperation with Warner Brothers continued right up to 2009. The first album, entitled “Madonna,” was released in 1983. She received all kinds of Grammys (as many as 7!) and Golden Globes. There were also golden raspberries. The song of the same name, from the second album, “Like a Virgin,” was included in the two hundred most iconic songs in the Rocknroll Hall of Fame. “Like a Prayer” from the third album of the same name was ranked 3rd in the history of popular music by the British magazine New Music Express, and 2nd by VH1.

And always some song from her subsequent albums, like “Bedtime Stories”, “Ray of Light”, “Music”, “American Life”, “Confessions on a Dance Floor”, “Hard Candy” and “MDNA” took pride of place a prize place in some chart.

She starred in Specific Victim, Visual Search, Desperate Search for Susie, Who's That Girl, Dick Tracy, and the documentary Madonna. Truth or Dare" (in our box office "In Bed with Madonna"), in "Dangerous Game", in "Body as Evidence", "Best Friend".

In 2007, she filmed “Dirt and Wisdom” with the vocalist of the group “Gogol Bordello” Nikolaev Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, better known under the pseudonym Evgeniy Gudz (his mother’s maiden name). In 2010 she filmed “We. We believe in love." In 2013, the short film “SecretProjectRevolution”.

In 1973 she dated Long Russell (born in 1956).

In 1979, she lived with Dan Gilroy (the head of the little-known rock band Breakfast Club).

In the same 1979, she lived with Stephen Bray, a drummer.

In 1983, she lived with John Benitez, nicknamed “Marmalade.”

From 1985-08-16 (this is her birthday, by the way) until January 1989, she was married to Penn Sean.

According to unconfirmed information, in 1988 she had a relationship with Bernhard Sandra (Sndra Bernhard, 1955-06-06).

In 1990, she lived with Beatty Warren (Henry Warren Beatty, 1937-03-30, director), but refused to marry him.

In 1992, she had a relationship with Van Winkle Robert Matthew (1967-10-31), better known as Vanilla Ice.

In 1996, in October, on the 14th day, actor and fitness instructor Leon Carlos gave birth to a daughter, Leon Lourdes Maria Ciccone (to put it simply, Lola Leon).

In 1998, she lived with Andy Bird, an actor and screenwriter from the UK.

From 2000 to 2008 behind Richie Guy. In 2000, in August, on the 11th day, she gave birth to her son, Richie Roco. There is also Richie Ciccone's son, David Banda, adopted on 2008-05-28 (born 2005-09-24) and Ciccone Cifundo's daughter, Mercy James, adopted on 2009-06-12 (born 2005).

Since 2010, he has also been cohabiting with break performer Zeba Brahim.

If you pronounce the word “Madonna” and ask your interlocutor about the association that it evoked, most likely the answer will be that this is an American pop diva, and only then will the divine meaning be remembered. Alas, these are the realities of life. We know better what the tabloids regularly write to us about, what screens and monitors show us.

Superstar Madonna, born in 1958, will turn 59 in August 2017. Her life has changed over the years of ascension and stay on the modern musical Olympus. Today there is less shocking imagery, although she is still eccentric. Age takes its toll, and of course not last role plays the fact that she is the mother of four children.

Madonna herself (Louise Ciccone) grew up in large family and lost her mother early. In the confrontation with her stepmother, many of her character traits were strengthened, which allowed her to become a bright star, staying afloat for decades in the turbulent sea of ​​show business.

Many stars, thinking about their careers, do not give birth to children, but Madonna decided to become a mother at 38 years old. In October 1996, her daughter Lourdes was born. The father was the Cuban coach Carlos Leon, but there was no marriage with him. Two years later, in 1998, Madonna got together with British director Guy Ritchie, and in August 2000 the couple had a son, Rocco.

Madonna’s own children are almost adults today: in 2017, Lourdes will turn 21 years old, and Rocco will be 17 years old. They grew up under the close attention of their mother, who, apparently remembering her early deceased mother’s commitment to religion and family values, raised them lovingly, but not spoiling them. Madonna did not stay with any man for long, but her children are friends with their fathers.

In what the real reason: in compassion, in love for kids or in the desire to get people talking about herself again (journalists suspect her of this) - it is unknown, but Madonna adopted two black children. In 2006, David Banda, who was barely more than a year, and in 2009 - Marcy James. They both come from the poorest African state of Malawi, where, by law, children cannot be given up for adoption to foreigners. Madonna had to make an effort to achieve her goal.

The star is still popular. New romances arise, but children are the most important thing in her life. The grown-up relatives Lourdes and Rocco choose their own path in life, their mother helps them, despite the fact that not everything goes smoothly in the relationship. Together with their daughter, they released a clothing line, their son is interested in modern dances and has already performed as a dancer with Madonna. The black kids have grown up, today they are 11 and 10 years old, they participate in the creative ideas of their adoptive mother, and Macy is quite successful in gymnastics for her age.

In 2016, the media actively discussed the topic of Madonna’s adoption of four-year-old twins from Malawi, Esther and Stella, trying to understand why the pop diva needed this and what awaited the children in a family with difficult relationships. But many stars do this, proving that orphanhood is perhaps the worst thing that can happen to children in life.

Madonna Louise Ciccone was the third child in the family of Italian-American Tony and his wife Madonna. The girl was named after her mother, and soon the name became her only memory of herself. a loved one in the world. 30-year-old Madonna died of breast cancer - due to another pregnancy, she refused to treat the disease, and the issue of abortion was not even raised. Her daughter was only 5 years old at the time.

The widowed father will marry another in two years, and Madonna Louise will finally become a loner in own family. Unlike her brothers, she studied roughly, obeyed her father, tried to attract his love and attention, but to no avail. Tony Ciccone took all his daughter’s successes for granted until she pulled a real trick.

For school concert 14-year-old Madonna prepared a dance number and went on stage in bright shorts and a revealing top, all smeared with paint different colors. The teachers were shocked, the father was furious, and the words “Madonna is a whore!” appeared on the walls of their house. Thus was born an image that would one day make her a star.

Mistakes and lessons from New York

At the age of 15, Madonna began studying ballet and experienced her first serious love - with her choreographer, who was not only 30 years older, but also adhered to gay. It was he who advised her to quit her studies at the University of Michigan and move to New York to join the troupe of the famous choreographer Pearl Lang.

She had a suitcase with her things and 35 dollars. So Madonna became a tramp.

She was accepted into the troupe, but only into the second cast, so she had to earn a living at the counter of eateries, from where Madonna was quickly kicked out for her harsh treatment of customers. She spent the night with random acquaintances, some of whom became her friends or lovers. There was a desperate shortage of money. Then Madonna decided to take a bold and desperate step - she went to work as a model in an art studio and pose nude for photographers. One day she would regret it, but at the moment it didn't seem like the worst way to get money.

This continued until she met Dan Gilroy - talented musician and also her lover, he was the first to see in Madonna not a dancer, but a singer. He taught her to play the drums and accepted her into her group, from which she soon fled, taking several members with her. Collective creativity was not for her - Madonna wanted personal success.


They wrote the Madonna album together with DJ and guitarist Jellybean Benitez. Both were in love and dreamed of the same thing, their record received positive reviews and gradually gained higher and higher positions in the charts. The idyll ended when Madonna realized she was pregnant. It was not the time to give birth to a child: the producers were pushing the recording of the second album, she herself was full creative plans and was not going to give them up for the sake of the child. She had an abortion without her lover's knowledge. Having learned about everything, Benitez never came to the recording studio again. This page of her life was in the past; triumph lay ahead.

The second album Like A Virgin instantly topped the US charts. Madonna shot her first video for the song Material Girl and went on tour. Her career developed the way she wanted, but the same could not be said about her personal life.

Sean Penn

When we met, the young actor was not at all intimidated in the presence of popular singer, but, on the contrary, showed himself to be as much a rebel as she was. Madonna was captivated by this. Their relationship was full of passion - they fought and made up equally violently and quickly became the desired prey of the paparazzi.

During their wedding, photographers sat in the trees, several helicopters circled the site, and Sean Penn fired a pistol at them. Such a marriage was quite in the spirit of Madonna.

But it was not only the paparazzi who became the object of the actor’s rage. Soon Penn began beating her during a stormy showdown. For some time, Madonna endured. She even dedicated the album True Blue to her husband, which became her most commercially successful record. Patience ran out when drunk Sean tied her to a chair at night and abused her as best he could for half the night. A divorce followed, followed by a series of lovers that would be too numerous to list. Madonna’s name was tossed around in the press, accused of blasphemy and participation in pornography (someone published her nude photographs - that’s when she regretted working as a model), but, by and large, she didn’t care.

She achieved her goal - she became a star and the “queen” of pop music. Now we could think about children.


One day, while jogging in the park, a muscular cyclist caught her attention. Madonna approached him herself and invited him for a cup of coffee. The athlete's name was Carlos Leon, he dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion, but in the meantime he worked as a fitness instructor.

He never became a champion, but he became the father of Madonna’s own child - in 1996, she gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes, from him.

They really had a passionate affair, but the singer did not see her future next to Carlos, which she immediately admitted to him. When she became pregnant, she put forward a condition: the child should stay only with her, although the girl would see her father. Carlos did this too. “The press wrote that I became pregnant for PR. Only men can think this way. Getting pregnant and giving birth to a child is so difficult that no one will do it for some stupid reason,” Madonna brushed off further attacks after the birth of her daughter. Lourdes changed her. After 1996 (the year the baby was born), scandals involving Madonna became fewer and fewer, the style of music changed and appearance singers. It was as if she knew that fate was preparing for her a meeting with a representative of one of the most conservative nations in the world, from whom she would lose her head. It was English director Guy Ritchie.

An attempt at family life

They met at a party at Sting's house. Madonna, with her characteristic directness, asked Guy to teach her how to eat lobster. As a result, they ran away from both the guests and the singer’s guards to spend the whole night in pubs. For the first time in her life, Madonna lost her head. “I was sure that a long-distance relationship, he in England, me in America, would cool my head. But no, it didn’t work out. I thought that the stubbornness characteristic of Guy and me would interfere with the development of our love. You know, a collision, a struggle between two strong personalities- these are not toys for you! Again, no... It really blew my mind then,” she later recalled. In 2000, she moved to London with him and gave birth to a son, Rocco. A few months later, the couple got married - and it was not at all like her first wedding to Penn. Ricci took care of complete confidentiality; the press did not get a single photograph from the celebration.

For her part, Madonna made sure that people called her “Mrs. Richie” and not “Mr. Madonna.” At that time, Guy had only two notable films to her credit; she was a superstar, although for the first time in her life she wanted to be just a wife and mother. “In general, I now believe that home is where your children go to school,” she said in an interview and sported a T-shirt with the inscription “Mrs. Richie.” Was the singer overdoing it in her quest for “normalcy”, or was Guy tired of the gossip that family life with Madonna killed the director in him, but in 2008 the couple filed for divorce.

In 2016, the singer ceded custody of their son Rocco in court - the guy now spends more time in new family father than with mother. But Madonna made an effort and accepted his desire for freedom - once she herself would have done the same.

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