What are global problems? Ways to solve global problems of our time

Solving global problems is a task of extreme importance and complexity, and so far it cannot be said with confidence that ways to overcome them have been found. According to many social scientists, no matter what individual problem we take from the global system, it cannot be solved without first overcoming the spontaneity in the development of earthly civilization, without moving to coordinated and planned actions on a global scale. Only such actions can save society, as well as its natural environment.

In the current situation beginning of XXI century conditions, humanity can no longer function spontaneously without the risk of catastrophe for each country. The only way out- in the transition from self-regulating to controlled evolution of the world community and its natural environment. It is necessary that universal human interests - prevention nuclear war, mitigation of the environmental crisis, replenishment of resources - prevailed over the private economic and political benefits of individual countries, corporations and parties. In the 1970s last century, various types of programs were introduced, local, national and transnational organizations began to work. Currently, to achieve this goal, humanity has the necessary economic and financial resources, scientific and technical capabilities and intellectual potential. But realizing this opportunity requires new political thinking, good will and international cooperation based on the priority of universal human interests and values.

Globalist scholars suggest various options solutions to global problems of our time (Fig. 4):

change of character production activities- creation of waste-free production, heat-energy-resource-saving technologies, use of alternative energy sources (sun, wind, etc.);

creation of a new world order, development of a new formula for global governance of the world community on the principles of understanding modern world as an integral and interconnected community of people;

confession universal human values, attitude towards life, man and the world as the highest values ​​of humanity;

renunciation of war as a means of resolving controversial issues, searching for ways to peacefully resolve international problems and conflicts.

Figure 4 - Ways to solve global problems of humanity

Only together can humanity solve the problem of overcoming the environmental crisis.

First of all, we must move from the consumer-technocratic approach to nature to the search for harmony with it. For this, in particular, a number of targeted measures are needed to green production: nature-saving technologies, mandatory environmental assessment of new projects, and the creation of waste-free closed-cycle technologies. Another measure aimed at improving the relationship between man and nature is reasonable self-restraint in the consumption of natural resources, especially energy sources (oil, coal), which are of utmost importance for the life of mankind. Calculations by international experts show that, based on the current level of consumption (late 20th century), coal reserves will last for another 430 years, oil - for 35 years, natural gas - for 50 years. The period, especially for oil reserves, is not that long. In this regard, reasonable structural changes in the global energy balance are necessary towards expanding the use of nuclear energy, as well as the search for new, efficient, safe and maximally harmless to nature energy sources, including space energy.

The Planetary Society today is taking specific measures to solve environmental problems and reduce their danger: they are developing extremely acceptable standards emissions in environment, create waste-free or low-waste technologies, use energy, land and water resources, save minerals, etc. However, all of the above and other measures can produce a tangible effect only if all countries unite the efforts to save nature. Back in 1982, the UN adopted a special document - the World Conservation Charter, and then created a special commission on environment and development. In addition to the UN, a non-governmental organization such as the Club of Rome plays a major role in developing and ensuring the environmental safety of humanity. As for the governments of the world's leading powers, they are trying to combat environmental pollution by adopting special environmental legislation.

Global problems require compliance with certain moral standards, allowing us to correlate ever-increasing human needs with the planet’s ability to satisfy them. A number of scientists rightly believe that a transition of the entire earthly community from a dead-end technogenic-consumer one to a new spiritual-ecological, or noospheric, type of civilizational existence is necessary. Its essence is that “scientific and technological progress, the production of material goods and services, political and financial-economic interests should not be a goal, but only a means of harmonizing relations between society and nature, an aid for the establishment of higher ideals human existence: endless knowledge, comprehensive creative development and moral improvement."

One of the most popular points of view for solving this problem is to instill in people new moral and ethical values. Thus, in one of the reports to the Club of Rome, it is written that new ethical education should be aimed at:

1) the development of global consciousness, thanks to which a person realizes himself as a member of the world community;

2) formation of a more thrifty attitude towards the use of natural resources;

3) development of such an attitude towards nature, which would be based on harmony, and not on subordination;

4) fostering a sense of belonging to future generations and a willingness to give up part of one’s own benefits in their favor.

It is possible and necessary to successfully fight for the solution of global problems now on the basis of constructive and mutually acceptable cooperation of all countries and peoples, regardless of differences social systems to which they belong.

Solving global problems is only possible through the joint efforts of all countries coordinating their actions at the international level. Self-isolation and developmental peculiarities will not allow individual countries stay away from economic crisis, nuclear war, the threat of terrorism or the AIDS epidemic. To solve global problems and overcome the danger that threatens all of humanity, it is necessary to further strengthen the interconnection of the diverse modern world, change the interaction with the environment, abandon the cult of consumption, and develop new values.

Conclusion: Without appropriate human qualities, without the global responsibility of each person, it is impossible to solve any of the global problems. All the problems are too large and complex for one country to cope with; the leadership of one power cannot ensure a stable world order and solutions to global problems. Complex interaction of the entire world community is necessary.

Let's hope that the main wealth of all countries in the 21st century will be the preserved resources of nature and the cultural and educational level of people living in harmony with this nature. It is likely that the formation of a new - information - world community, with humane goals, will become the highway of human development that will lead it to the solution and elimination of major global problems.

Every person has problems. Relationships with loved ones are not going well, there is not enough money to fulfill any desires, failures in school and work, etc. But on a global scale, these are trifles. At this level, there are completely different issues - these are global problems of society. Is it possible to solve them?

History and origin

Global problems have been troubling humanity in one way or another throughout its development. But those that are not resolved today became extremely relevant relatively recently, in the last third of the 20th century.

According to most researchers, all global problems of the modern world are closely interconnected, and their solution should be comprehensive, and not isolated. Perhaps it’s all about the concept of humanity’s relationship to its home - planet Earth. For a very, very long time it was purely consumer. People did not think about the future, about what kind of world their children and more distant descendants would have to live in.

As a result, we have come to an extreme degree of dependence on the contents of the earth's bowels, unwilling to fully use renewable energy sources. At the same time, these global problems acquired a truly catastrophic scale simultaneously with the demographic explosion, which aggravated them. It can also be said to be the reason why there is a shortage of resources, forcing us to dig deeper into the earth’s crust, closing this vicious circle. All this is accompanied by an extreme degree of social tension, which gives rise to misunderstanding between different states, and ignoring this problem inexorably leads to an increase in the likelihood of a global armed conflict.

Levels of human problems

Without a doubt, the scale of pressing issues varies. There are problems:

  • individual, i.e. affecting the life of one person and, possibly, his loved ones;
  • local, regional, which are related to the development of the district, region, etc.;
  • state, those that are important for the entire country or most of it;
  • international, affecting a macroregion, which may include many territories;
  • global, planetary scale, affecting almost everyone.

Of course, this does not mean that one person's problems are unimportant and not worth paying attention to. But on a planetary scale they are truly insignificant. What is a conflict with your superiors in comparison with the hunger and poverty of a billion people or the threat of nuclear war? Of course, we can say that the happiness of each individual person leads to general well-being, but without solving the global problems of humanity, this cannot be achieved. And what are these questions?


Global problems primarily involve human impact on nature. Yes, this is truly one of the most important issues, because people are literally destroying their home. Air, water and soil pollution, extinction of animals and plants, destruction of the ozone layer, deforestation and desertification. Of course, some of this is natural processes, but human contributions are also visible.

People continue to ravage the bowels of the earth, pumping oil and gas, extracting coal and metals necessary for their lives. But irrational use these resources, the reluctance to switch to renewable energy sources may in the foreseeable future become the cause of a real collapse.

Megacities are places of terrible noise and light pollution. Here people almost never see the starry sky or hear birds singing. Air polluted by cars and factories causes premature aging and health problems. Progress has made people's lives easier and faster, but at the same time, consumer society has made waste disposal more important than ever before. It is worth considering that every day is the most a common person generates just an insane amount of garbage. But there is also radioactive waste... In these conditions, it is simply vital to stop solving problems alone and start thinking more globally.

Economic problems

The global division of labor has allowed the world community to produce goods and services more efficiently and has developed trade to its current level. But at the same time, the problem of poverty in some regions has become acute. Lack of necessary resources, low development, social problems- all this one way or another slows down progress in regions such as Africa and Central and South America. The most developed countries are prospering and getting richer, while the rest lag behind, living only by selling some valuable resources. This gap in income of the world's population is simply enormous. And charity in in this case not always a solution.

Economic global problems may also include potential overpopulation of the planet. The point is not that people may not have enough space - there are areas in the world where almost no one lives. But the number of people is growing exponentially, and the growth of food production is only arithmetic. This leads to the problem of poverty and its possible further spread, especially taking into account the environmental situation.

The issue is also that the foreign policies of some countries simply do not allow them to unite and think globally. Economic problems meanwhile they accumulate and influence ordinary people.


The planet is torn apart by constant conflicts. The constant threat of war, social tension, racial and religious intolerance - society seems to be constantly on the brink. Unrest breaks out here and there. Revolutions last decade showed how terrible wars within a country can be. Egypt, Syria, Libya, Ukraine - there are enough examples, and everyone knows about them. As a result, there are no winners; everyone loses in one way or another, and first of all, the common population.

In the Middle East, women are fighting for their rights: they want to study in schools and universities without fear for their health and lives. They want to stop being second-class citizens - it’s scary to think, but in some countries this still happens. In some countries, a woman is more likely to be raped than to learn to count. Can we really assume that these are not global social problems? And if so, then we need to deal with them together.


Of course, we cannot say with a high degree of confidence that the above-mentioned global social problems, economic and environmental issues will soon lead to the self-destruction of humanity. But it’s hardly worth denying the fact that such a possibility exists.

Solving global problems is a very difficult matter. You cannot simply limit the birth rate or find an unlimited source of energy - a complete spiritual rebirth of humanity is necessary, which would change our attitude towards nature, the planet and each other.

Some global problems of countries and the whole world have already been solved to some extent. Racial segregation has disappeared, so that now all people in civilized countries, regardless of skin color, have equal rights. Everyone else strives for the same position, trying not to evaluate people based on their religion, orientation, gender, etc.

Organizations and figures

There are several supranational bodies in the world that deal with various issues. One of these organizations was the UN, created in 1945. It includes several special commissions, whose work in one way or another deals with global problems of humanity. The UN is involved in peacekeeping missions, protecting people's rights, developing international legislation, social and economic issues.

In addition, individuals are also involved in activities aimed at solving global problems. Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Indira Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Eisaku Sato and others fought for the future they wanted for their descendants. Among our contemporaries, many public people are engaged in similar activities. Shakira, Angelina Jolie, Natalia Vodianova, Chulpan Khamatova and many others founded charities, become UN Goodwill Ambassadors and do other things that make the world a better place.


For contributions or even courageous attempts to change the world for the better public figures various awards are presented. The most prestigious of them is the Nobel Prize. In 2014, its winner was Malala Yousafzai, a 16-year-old girl from Pakistan who, despite the fact that her life was constantly in danger, attended school every day and wrote a blog in which she talked about life under the Taliban regime, which had own views on the need for education for women. After surviving the assassination attempt, she ended up in the UK, but decided to return to her homeland. She was awarded the prize for fighting for her interests and defending her own rights. After the award, Malala released her autobiography, the Taliban’s reaction to which was a promise to kill the girl.

Why should it matter?

Of course, we can say that global problems are not our business, because the consequences of ignoring them will not hit us. Overpopulation, poverty, war, environmental disaster - even if all this is inevitable, it will not happen here and now. But you should think not only about yourself, but also about your children, loved ones and friends. Even if global problems of society cannot be solved alone, you can start small: try to use less packaging, recycle garbage, do not waste water, save electricity. It's not hard, but if everyone did it, maybe the world would be a little better.

Humanity has passed long haul from savage ignorance to the historical landing on the Moon, the conquest of the Red Planet. Surprisingly, with the growth of scientific thought, technology has not brought benefits to ordinary citizens of our planet. On the contrary, they entail a reduction in jobs, crisis and war phenomena. Let's consider global problems of our time and ways to solve them.

In contact with

Fundamental Concepts

Global problems of our time (GP) are critical phenomena affecting interests of every person, society and world states generally.

The term became popular in the 60s. XX century. To prevent negative consequences We need a joint action plan of all countries.

The classification of modern GPs is a system that takes into account the origin, level of danger, possible consequences every danger. Structuring makes it easier to focus on solving pressing problems.

Like any phenomenon, ours has a number of properties that form the concept:

  1. Independence of time - risk groups have a destructive impact on the planet, but their speed is significantly different. For example, the demographic crisis of humanity takes longer to develop than natural disasters that occur overnight.
  2. Affects every state - the integration of world powers has led to mutual responsibility between them. However, it is important to attract the attention of the entire world community to a constructive dialogue.
  3. Threat to humanity - all types of global problems of our time question the integrity and life of world society, planets.

Attention! Until the mid-20th century, scientists did not think about brevity global issues humanity. Relationship between human society and nature rose only on a philosophical level. In 1944 V.I. Vernadsky introduced the concept of the noosphere (the area of ​​activity of the mind), arguing for the scale of human creations.

The emergence of global issues

The causes of humanity's global problems do not appear in a vacuum. We bring to your attention a list of factors shaping the current problems of our time:

  1. The globalization of the world - the economy and relations between states have reached a new level. Now every participant on the world stage is responsible for the well-being of their neighbors (and not only).
  2. The widest field of activity is “conquerors of the world”, this is how modern society feels. Today there are no areas where no human has set foot.
  3. Irrational consumption of resources – The planet's safety margin is not unlimited. Research earth's crust indicate that the energy sector (gas, oil and coal) will collapse in 170 years. I hope you understand what this means.
  4. Environmental destruction – this includes the rapid development of technology. After all, multi-million dollar projects require tons of minerals. Hence deforestation, unsystematic destruction of the gifts of the World, pollution of the atmosphere and outer space.
  5. Morality and Society – common man are not interested in current problems of our time. But carelessness at the “lowest” level is fraught with relaxation among the ruling circles and the scientific elite.
  6. Uneven socio-economic development - “young” states are significantly inferior to the powerful, which allows them to manipulate the weaker. This situation is fraught with increasing global tension.
  7. Weapon mass destructionnuclear warheads threaten the very existence of humanity. However, this is also a reliable (for now) deterrent.

The global issues facing humanity today testify to the incompetence of world leaders and aggressive policies towards nature.

Important! Scientists have long identified the causes of the difficulties of our time, but their solution has not yet brought visible results. To restore the lost heritage, humanity will need tens, hundreds of years.


The best minds of our time are working to structure global dangers for humanity.

Some order them by origin, others by destructive impact, and still others by importance for world civilization. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with each option.

The first group includes factors associated with foreign policy states, their contradictions and mutual claims. To resolve global problems, it is necessary to provide political prerequisites.

The second group is the globalization of relationships between man and society, the state. This includes ethnic, religious, and terrorist confrontations.

The third group is the link between world civilization and the nature of the planet. The solution to these problems must be of a scientific and political nature.

Let's sort it out GP classification, based on the direction of impact:

  1. The global threat - the development of modern technologies requires a resource base, the formation of which pollutes the surrounding space. Most of modern industry throws out decay products into the air. Environmental protection includes not only reducing the emissions of harmful substances, but also the development of new, “clean” technologies. Similar projects are already being created in economically developed countries, but transnational companies are slowing down their implementation (fabulous income from gas and oil).
  2. Overpopulation - according to scientists, a population of 12 billion people will lead to to the destruction of the planet's ecosystem. In short, we will have to “get rid” of more than 5 billion in order to restore natural balance. Cruel way reduction – Third World War, more humane - birth control, fantastic - colonization.
  3. Energy resource shortage – no minerals (gas, oil, coal) human civilization collapse awaits. Loss of electricity will lead to a shutdown of production, degradation of communication systems, and limitation of information space. Alternative energy sources will help humanity to save itself, but the mighty of the world this is not interested in this.

Social aspect

Development modern society led to a sharp decline in the values ​​of humanity, which had been formed over hundreds of years.

The desire to provide for loved ones has grown into greed and uncompromisingness, and developed countries live at the expense of the main “raw material base” - their less developed neighbors.

Let's voice it obvious problems modernity in the social sector:

  • degradation public morality– legalization of drugs and prostitution contributes to the establishment of new values. Selling your own body and smoking drugs is the norm of modern life;
  • crime – with a decrease in the level of spirituality in society crime and corruption increases society. The formation of the moral principles of humanity has always been entrusted to the family, the church, educational system;
  • prostitution and drug addiction - global problems of our time in society include the spread of psychotropic substances. They not only enslave a person’s will, but also reduce his social activity - making him an easy target for manipulation and propaganda.

Remaining types of global problems modern times are listed below:

  1. Disarmament - the main item of expenditure for most states is the defense industry. Money could improve the world's environment, reduce illiteracy, and stop hunger.
  2. Use of the World Ocean - in addition to catching huge amounts of fish and other seafood, many nuclear tests are carried out in the sea. There is no need to talk about harm to the environment.
  3. Global problems of our time are emerging in human exploration of space. The government of each country is trying to conquer or take a dominant position in undeveloped spaces.
  4. Overcoming backwardness - the infringement of the rights of citizens of developing countries has reached its limit. Strong neighbors interfere in every possible way in the internal and foreign policy"partners". This is heating up the situation on the world stage.
  5. Infection control – the social and humanitarian aspects of global problems may disappear after several waves of infectious diseases. Therefore, it is important to respond to the emergence of new strains and viruses.

Strategy for exiting the crisis

Global problems of our time and ways to solve them are a priority task for the world community.

The tasks to solve these problems can be very diverse and related to different areas society.

They require not only huge financial investments, but also great effort, both mental and physical.

Let us briefly list such tasks.

All of the above dangers require prompt resolution:

  • increasing the productivity of the agricultural sector, new arable land;
  • reducing the consumption of electricity and resources in general. Industrial optimization will reduce fuel consumption and material costs. Reducing harmful emissions is a priority;
  • free assistance to developing countries, humanitarian missions to combat poverty and hunger;
  • peaceful disarmament - renunciation of chemical and nuclear weapons. Limited use of the “peaceful atom”, development of alternative energy sources;
  • The global problem of humanity is the decline of the moral and ethical principles of society. Coming painstaking work on introducing new values, cultivating good habits, improvement of the educational system;
  • outer space needs to be rid of garbage; neutrality can be called a feature.

Attention! The financial market does not apply modern sources global danger, the impact of funds on the environment or the educational system is insignificant.

Global problems of the world and ways to solve them

World ecological problems


The main features of humanity’s global problems include scale, interconnection components, destructive consequences. The difficulty of solving such problems lies not so much in cash, much to do with the reluctance of a number of countries to change the established picture of modernity.

Humanity are those situations on the solution of which the further existence and development of civilization directly depends. The emergence of such problems is due to the uneven development of various areas of life and knowledge of people and the emergence of contradictions in the socio-economic, political and natural system of relations.

Thus, global problems are understood as those that affect the lives of all people on the planet, and the solution of which requires the joint efforts of all states. As for the list of these situations, it looks like this:

  1. Poverty.
  2. Food difficulties.
  3. Energy.
  4. Demographic crisis.
  5. Development of the World Ocean.

This list is dynamic, and its structural elements change as civilization rapidly develops. As a result of this, not only its composition changes, but also the level of priority of a particular problem.

Note that every global problem of humanity has its causes, these are:

  1. Increased use of natural resources.
  2. Deterioration of the environmental situation on the planet, bad influence development of industrial production.
  3. Increasing disparity between developed and developing countries.
  4. Creating weapons that can destroy masses of people, thus threatening the existence of civilization as a whole.

In order to become more familiar with this issue, it is necessary to study in detail the existing global problems of humanity. Philosophy deals not only with their study, but also with the analysis of the possible influence that they will have in one case or another on society as a whole.

Note that this situation can only be resolved if certain requirements are met. Thus, preventing a world war is possible when the pace of development of the arms race is significantly reduced, and a ban on the creation and demand for the elimination of nuclear weapons is adopted.

Also, some global problems of humanity can be resolved by overcoming cultural and economic inequality between the populations of Western and Eastern countries, which are developed, and other, underdeveloped states. Latin America, Africa and Asia.

Note that very great importance will have overcoming the crisis that has arisen between man and nature. Otherwise, the consequences will be catastrophic: complete depletion of natural resources. Thus, these global problems of humanity require people to develop measures aimed at more economical use of existing resource potential and the reduction of water and air with various types of waste.

Also important point that will help stop the looming crisis is to reduce population growth in less developed countries economic system, as well as an increase in the birth rate in developed capitalist countries.

Remember that the global problems of humanity and their Negative influence can be overcome by reducing the consequences scientific and technological revolution in the world, as well as strengthening the fight against alcoholism, drug addiction, and smoking. AIDS, tuberculosis and other diseases that undermine the health of nations as a whole.

Let us note that these problems require an immediate solution, otherwise the world will fall into a persistent crisis that could lead to irreparable consequences. Don't think that this won't affect you and me. We must remember that changing the situation depends on the participation of each person. You shouldn’t stand aside, because these problems affect each of us.

Global problems of humanity affect our planet as a whole. Therefore, all peoples and states are engaged in solving them. This term appeared in the late 60s of the XX century. Currently, there is a special scientific branch that studies and solves global problems of humanity. It is called global studies.

Scientific specialists from various fields work in this area: biologists, soil scientists, chemists, physicists, geologists. And this is no coincidence, because the global problems of humanity are complex in nature and their emergence does not depend on any one factor. On the contrary, it is very important to take into account the economic, political, and social changes taking place in the world. Life on the planet in the future depends on how correctly the modern global problems of humanity are solved.

You need to know: some of them have existed for a long time, others, quite “young”, are associated with the fact that people began to negatively impact the world. Because of this, for example, environmental problems of mankind have arisen. They can be called the main difficulties of modern society. Although the problem of environmental pollution itself appeared a long time ago. All varieties interact with each other. Often one problem provokes another.

Sometimes it happens that global problems of humanity can be solved and completely gotten rid of them. First of all, this concerns epidemics that threatened the lives of people all over the planet and led to their mass death, but then they were stopped, for example, with the help of an invented vaccine. At the same time, completely new problems appear that were previously unknown to society, or existing ones grow to a global level, for example, depletion of the ozone layer. The cause of their occurrence is human activity. The problem of environmental pollution allows us to see this very clearly. But in other cases, the tendency of people to influence the misfortunes that happen to them and threaten their existence is clearly visible. So, what problems of humanity that have planetary significance exist?

Environmental disaster

It is caused by daily environmental pollution and depletion of earth and water reserves. All these factors together can accelerate the onset of environmental disaster. Man considers himself the king of nature, but at the same time does not strive to preserve it in its original form. This is also hampered by industrialization, which is proceeding at a rapid pace. Negatively affecting its habitat, humanity destroys it and does not think about it. It is no wonder that pollution standards have been developed and are regularly exceeded. As a result, humanity's environmental problems may become irreversible. To avoid this, we must pay attention to the preservation of flora and fauna, and try to preserve the biosphere of our planet. And for this it is necessary to make production and other human activities more environmentally friendly so that the impact on the environment is less aggressive.

Demographic problem

The world's population is growing rapidly. And although the “demographic explosion” has already subsided, the problem still remains. The food situation is worsening natural resources. Their stocks are decreasing. At the same time, the negative impact on the environment is increasing, and it is impossible to cope with unemployment and poverty. Difficulties arise with education and healthcare. The UN has taken upon itself the solution to global problems of this nature. The organization created a special plan. One of its points is the family planning program.


After creation nuclear bomb, the population tries to avoid the consequences of its use. For this purpose, non-aggression and disarmament treaties are signed between countries. Laws are being adopted to ban nuclear arsenals and stop the arms trade. The presidents of leading states hope in this way to avoid the outbreak of the Third World War, as a result of which, as they suspect, all life on Earth could be destroyed.

Food problem

In some countries, the population is experiencing food shortages. Residents of Africa and other third countries of the world suffer especially from hunger. To solve this problem, two options have been created. The first is aimed at ensuring that pastures, fields, and fishing areas gradually increase their area. If you follow the second option, you should not increase the territory, but increase the productivity of existing ones. For this purpose, the latest biotechnologies, methods of land reclamation, and mechanization are being developed. High-yielding plant varieties are being created.


Despite the active development of medicine, the emergence of new vaccines and drugs, humanity continues to get sick. Moreover, many diseases threaten the lives of the population. Therefore, in our time, the development of treatment methods is actively underway. Substances are created in laboratories modern style for effective immunization of the population. Unfortunately, the most dangerous diseases of the 21st century - oncology and AIDS - remain incurable.

Ocean problem

IN Lately this resource is not only actively researched, but also used for the needs of humanity. Experience shows that it can provide food, natural resources, and energy. The ocean is a trade route that helps restore communication between countries. At the same time, its reserves are used unevenly, and military operations are ongoing on its surface. In addition, it serves as a base for the disposal of waste, including radioactive waste. Humanity is obliged to preserve the riches of the World Ocean, avoid pollution, and rationally use its gifts.

Space exploration

This space belongs to all humanity, which means that all peoples must use their scientific and technical potential to explore it. Created for deep space exploration special programs, which use all modern achievements in this field.

People know that if these problems do not go away, the planet may die. But why do many people not want to do anything, hoping that everything will disappear and “dissolve” by itself? Although, in truth, such inaction is better than the active destruction of nature, pollution of forests, water bodies, destruction of animals and plants, especially rare species.

It is impossible to understand the behavior of such people. It would not hurt them to think about the fact that their children and grandchildren will have to live, if, of course, it is still possible, on a dying planet. You shouldn’t count on anyone being able to rid the world of difficulties in a short time. Global problems of humanity can only be solved together if all of humanity makes an effort. The threat of destruction in the near future should not be frightening. It is best if it can stimulate the potential inherent in each of us.

Don’t think that it’s difficult to cope with the world’s problems alone. This makes it seem like it is useless to act, and thoughts of powerlessness in the face of difficulties appear. The point is to join forces and help at least your city prosper. Solve small problems of your habitat. And when every person on Earth begins to have such responsibility towards themselves and their country, large-scale, global problems will also be solved.

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