Ekaterina Andreeva: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Ekaterina Andreeva - biography, information, personal life Age of Ekaterina Andreeva presenter of 1 channel

The real star and beauty of Channel One, the beautiful presenter Ekaterina Andreeva, has been pleasing viewers with her appearance on the screen for many years. The age of this wonderful and feminine person has been argued for a long time. Some to this day are sure that Catherine is no more than 45, while others insist that her age does not exceed 35. But few people realize that this year this charming and forever young TV presenter will celebrate her 54th birthday. The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva is quite interesting, therefore, we will talk about the most significant and brightest moments of her life in our article.

Katya's birth and family

The future TV presenter was born in Moscow on November 27, 1961. Catherine's father was the Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Material and Technical Services. The mother of the future journalist took care of the children and kept the hearth. In the family, Ekaterina is not the only child. Together with her, her younger sister, named Sveta, grew up.

Ekaterina studied at a regular secondary school, where she became seriously interested in basketball. Her high growth pushed her to such an unusual sport for a girl. Katya even studied at the school of the Olympic reserve for some time, but for unknown reasons decided to leave her.

Catherine's education

Contrary to all interests, the future TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva, whose biography is interesting to many viewers, enters the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute (VYUZI) in the evening department. After a while, the girl changes her mind and makes a choice in favor of the Krupskaya Moscow Pedagogical Institute. In 1990, after graduating from a higher educational institution, the future TV presenter enters courses for television and radio workers. From that moment on, the name and biography of Andreeva Catherine aroused keen public interest. Even then, Igor Kirillov himself is interested in the girl, who expresses a desire to teach her voice-over skills on his own.

Work in the General Prosecutor's Office

Before working on television, Ekaterina managed to serve as the Prosecutor General's Office, in the Investigation Department, where she oversaw the most complex crime-generating areas (Stavropol and Krasnodar Territory).

Few people know that while working in the prosecutor's office, a terrible incident happened to Catherine. Then the girl was in charge of the murder of a girl, she was only 18 years old. Late at work, Catherine returned home late at night. Suddenly, several people approached her, took out a knife and began to demand a murder case. Catherine was saved by a man who suddenly came out of the corner. When the bandits were distracted, the girl strongly pushed one of them away and ran away. It was then that her athletic skills came in handy.

Television career

The biography of Andreeva Ekaterina continues on television. The first program in which she took part was “Good Morning”. After that, Katya was assigned to conduct news on economic topics. Then the presenter tried herself as an automobile expert on the “Big Races” program.

After that, the biography of the presenter Ekaterina Andreeva became the object of close attention of journalists and spectators. In 1994, the aspiring presenter was to conduct her first edition of the Novosti program on the air of ORT, where Katya was assigned the role of an announcer. But, unfortunately, she refused to act in film because of the tragedy that happened in Budenovsk. The creative biography of the announcer Ekaterina Andreeva began to gain momentum again two months later.

Since 1995, the presenter has not left the ORT screens, and since 1998 she has become the permanent host of the Vremya program.

Biography of Ekaterina Andreeva: personal life

Many people wonder how this woman can combine such hard work on television with family responsibilities, be a wonderful mother and a loving wife.

The personal biography of the presenter Ekaterina Andreeva is, in a sense, under a veil of secrecy. The TV presenter prefers not to talk about her first husband. His name and the date of their wedding are also unknown. From this marriage, the journalist brings up her daughter Natasha.

The second husband of Ekaterina Andreeva, whose biography, by the way, is also some secret, first saw his first wife on television. Through the efforts of mutual acquaintances, their fateful meeting was soon organized. Dusan (this is the name of Catherine's current husband), before proposing to the girl, courted her for three years. It should be noted that at the time of their acquaintance, the man knew no more than 10 Russian words, because just recently he arrived in the USSR from distant Montenegro. While Dusan was paying attention to Catherine, he actively began to study Russian. 3 years after their first meeting, the couple got married. “Dushan is the man I have been waiting for all my life,” says Ekaterina Andreeva herself.

The biography (daughter Natasha, by the way, graduated from MGIMO and received a law degree) of the family of the famous announcer of Channel One has been on the lips of journalists for almost 20 years. But, as you know, Catherine does not want to reveal her frank secrets and let the public into her life.

It is only known that when the presenter met Dushan, she was still legally married to her first husband. A woman does not respect connections on the side, therefore, at first she preferred to dot everything in her marriage.

Catherine also claims that she forbids her current husband to watch programs with her participation, explaining that once, through the screen, the presenter felt that someone was influencing her. Seeing Dushan for the first time, she realized that exactly the same energy comes from him.

Interests and hobbies

Biography of Ekaterina Andreeva, personal life, the secrets of her beauty to this day are topics of interest to all. Therefore, further we want to tell you about what the famous announcer does in his free time.

Ekaterina regularly attends Pilates, yoga, fitness, tai chi classes. The leader devotes to each of the lessons two days a week. In the mornings, Ekaterina is sure to do gymnastics.

She is a believer who observes all Christian fasts and regularly attends God's Church.

As for food preferences, here TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva, whose biography is filled with the most interesting events, is quite picky. She has not eaten meat for more than 15 years, but at the same time she does not consider herself a vegetarian, because the TV presenter is very fond of fish, eggs and dairy products. She does not eat sweets, starchy foods and fatty foods, she prefers to eat more fruits and vegetables.

The famous TV presenter sleeps at least 8 hours a day. Catherine claims that before hard work and a sleepless night, she applies the Da Vinci method. It lies in the fact that you need to sleep every two hours for 15 minutes. After this method, forces and energy come by themselves. TV presenter Ekaterina Andreevna, whose biography has not ceased to interest the public for almost 20 years, advises to always ventilate the room and prevent the temperature in the room above 22 degrees.

Few people know that the TV presenter was once a heavy smoker. At the moment, Katerina has given up this addiction. Today she is actively promoting the fight against smoking. Katya never visits a solarium and believes that it is best to sunbathe in the sun, applying a special sunscreen.

Few people realize that Catherine always puts her makeup on her own. He tries to use only natural French cosmetics based on herbs grown in ecologically clean places.

Katya is also committed to water therapy. Every day, the TV presenter consumes more than 1.5 liters of water per day. He prefers dry wine from alcohol. He believes that a little wine a day is good for the body.

TV presenter filmography

The biography of the announcer Ekaterina Andreeva is replete with not only information projects, but also filming in several films. So, in 1990, the TV presenter played the role of a passenger in a feature film entitled "Unknown Pages from the Life of a Scout." 1991 also became significant for Katya, because she was invited to appear in the film "Fiend of Hell", where the girl played the role of Elena, the love of Georges. In 1991, the aspiring actress delighted the audience with her appearance in the film In the Mirror of Venus, in which she played the role of Chistov's wife. In 2004, Ekaterina Andreeva starred in the film "Personal number", where she played herself.

Also, the character of the TV presenter was used for the transmission of the First Channel of "Cartoon".

Awards by Ekaterina Andreeva

The famous journalist has such awards in her arsenal:

2006 - Order of Friendship;

2007 - "TEFI" in the nomination "Presenter in the information program";

In August 2014, the Ukrainian authorities added Ekaterina Andreeva to the list of journalists banned from entry.


The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva is quite interesting and varied. Charm, charm, sexuality, beauty - these are all the qualities that this fragile woman possesses. It is not surprising that Catherine does not change over the years, either externally or internally. She has long been an object of imitation for many women. So we wish the TV presenter success in her new endeavors.

Ekaterina Andreeva is the host of the Vremya program on Channel One. Probably every inhabitant of our country knows her. Many people note how wonderful Ekaterina Andreeva looks. The presenter's date of birth is November 27, 1961. Amazing, isn't it?

Study and work on television

The presenter studied at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute in the evening department.

Then she worked in the Investigation Department, as well as in the Prosecutor General's Office, under her department were the most criminogenic places - the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories. Then Andreeva heard that a competition was being held for the position of an announcer of the central television, and decided to try her hand. As you can see, everything worked out for her. After that, she studied at the Institute for Advanced Studies for Television and Radio Employees. For some time Andreeva hosted the program "Morning". In addition, she studied at the "School of Announcers", her mentor was Igor Kirillov. It is not known exactly how old Ekaterina Andreeva was at that time.

Difficult responsibilities and undoubted talent

The life of the presenter is divided into two parts: professional activity and everything else. The first is the program "Time". And the second is family, friends, travel, training and much more, which is not shown on the air. The famous presenter began working on television in 1991. Soon she was entrusted with the news. And in 1998, viewers began to regularly see her on the television show "Time", which is perhaps the most informative and interesting program of all those broadcast on Channel One. How old was Ekaterina Andreeva then? Already 37.

Andreeva is forced to notify the country about a variety of events, including very sad ones. She informed us about the city of Budennovsk, about the explosions of buildings in the capital and Volgodonsk, about the invasion of militants into Dagestan, about Beslan, about "Nord-Ost", as well as about "Kursk". You need to be able to speak with restraint and calmness, and Catherine always succeeded.

Feeling of time and age of the TV presenter

The presenter has been working on television for 20 years, we have seen her on the screen for 15 years, and in the program "Time" she has been appearing for a whole decade. But Catherine did not even notice how time passed. She feels it differently from other people. Perhaps this is the secret of why the presenter has not changed at all over the years. Many are interested in how old TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva is. Surprisingly, she is now 52.

How good is the TV presenter's memory?

Anyone would say that 20 years on television is a huge period of time, but not Catherine. She is surprised that for some people, even four years is already a long time. She doesn't think so at all. She is not accustomed to counting the time: minutes, hours, days ... Most likely, for this reason, she does not have any memorable dates in her head, for example, the name days of her friends.

And she sometimes forgets about her memorable dates. However, none of the relatives takes offense at her, everyone is aware of such a small feature of Catherine. Despite the fact that she does not remember the dates, she always easily dials phone numbers from memory. She doesn't need to peek at a notebook to call someone. In addition, it is enough for her to read the text once to memorize it, so she does well without the prompter.

The illusion of immutability

No one will argue with the fact that Ekaterina Andreeva, whose year of birth you already know, has been on television for a long time. Her bosses have changed more than once, and Russia is already completely different. And the presenter remains the same as twenty years ago. Many are interested in how she does it. And Ekaterina agrees that everything has changed, she believes that time is generally difficult to understand. It lives according to its own laws that are not subject to ordinary people. The same, in her opinion, can be said about the program "Time".

Sometimes one gets the impression that this project chooses the hosts on its own. And about her immutability, Andreeva says that this is just an illusion. She, too, is already completely different.

What has changed over time?

Catherine established strong contacts with people who began to play a significant role in her life. She also became much more self-confident, calmer, stronger. Looking at the photo of Ekaterina Andreeva, you understand that this is a reliable person with a stable psyche.

Iron endurance

Many people might notice that live broadcast is always a lot of stress. He can hardly make a person more calm. Ekaterina says that this is really stress, but she learned not to react to it too sharply. Nevertheless, the presenter says that she still experiences some kind of tension, only the audience, of course, does not notice. And you have to face unpleasant consequences. For example, sometimes after work she sees that small vessels have burst on her hands. Of course, the reason is rather strong tension. It is difficult for Catherine to talk about very sad incidents. It happens that a plot is shown on the screen, and the presenter is trying with all her might to control herself, throws her head back so that tears do not run down her cheeks, and after a few seconds she appears again in front of the audience in excellent shape.

She belongs to the category of people who can control themselves. The presenter can only allow herself to relax in a calm atmosphere, for example, forgetting the key in the apartment, leaving an umbrella somewhere, etc. And when she is in the studio, she has everything under control. All TV presenters should be like that. Ekaterina Andreeva is no exception.

The twists and turns of fate

The girl could become an actress, historian or lawyer. But she wanted to be the presenter.

Initially, Catherine entered the Faculty of Law, but soon realized that this specialty was not suitable for her, and switched to history, because she thought that this industry was quite close to her.

We can say that fate smiled at the future presenter when she came to refresher courses for radio and television employees, because it was thanks to them that she got on the screen. But Catherine never thought that she would become famous, as she was constantly criticized. According to the professors, the girl seemed too proud and unapproachable, like the Snow Queen. By the way, the celebrity studied with Igor Kirillov, she was among the last lucky to go through his school.

Then Ekaterina became the announcer of the Central Television and the Ostankino company, then viewers regularly saw her in Good Morning. And after that, she switched to ORT and became an editor and news presenter. Then came Vremya, a TV show everyone watches. By the way, in 1999, a poll was conducted - they wanted to find out which leading viewer considered the most beautiful. As you might guess, Ekaterina took the first place.

By that time, Andreeva had already graduated from the Institute for Advanced Studies and wrote a dissertation on the topic How old Ekaterina Andreeva was then, you can calculate, knowing the date of her birth.

Excitement and fatigue

The presenter said that during the first broadcast, her heart beat so that she was gasping for breath. But now nothing can frighten her, she always tries to remain calm and can carry news in any conditions. The work of the host is hard, you can't argue with that.

Manner of dress

Ekaterina does not have a stylist, she chooses her own clothes on her own.

Everyone notes how impeccable her taste is. Andreeva is dressed better than all the other presenters, there is no doubt about that. Ekaterina loves a business-like but elegant style. This applies to everything - things, cosmetics, and behavior. The presenter buys clothes for the broadcast herself, dyes and brushes her hair without any help. People calculate how old Ekaterina Andreeva is, and are surprised when they find out her true age, because she looks very young. Many women are jealous of the presenter, because few manage to survive so well. Most likely, heredity and proper self-care played a role here. Ekaterina understands cosmetics and always carefully monitors her appearance. The profession obliges, and one just always wants to be young and beautiful.


The presenter is very fond of visiting antique shops. She says that some invisible force attracts her to antiques. At the same time, the presenter has never been deceived, she is excellently versed in antiques. If she really likes the thing, she can always bargain for it at a lower price.

Now you know how old the leading Ekaterina Andreeva is, and you also know some facts from her biography.

For more than 15 years, Ekaterina Andreeva has been the “face” of the Vremya program for many of us. And it seems that time has no power over this woman: at first glance, no one can name the age of the TV presenter. However, this does not really matter. The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva is quite interesting and is not limited to one television project.


The future star of Russian television was born in Moscow. The girl's parents were quite wealthy: Catherine's father held one of the leading positions in the USSR State Committee for National Security, while her mother devoted herself entirely to raising her daughters. In addition to Catherine's family, the youngest daughter Svetlana also grew up.

As a child, Katya was a fairly calm, obedient child. The girl studied well, went in for sports. For a long time, she even was a pupil of the Olympic reserve school. At the same time, Catherine did not plan to connect her life with sports. She wanted to get a pedagogical or legal education. After leaving school, the girl became a student at the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Law (VYUZI), enrolling in the evening department.

However, it took quite a bit of time for the girl to understand: jurisprudence is not her path. Nevertheless, for some time she even managed to work in the prosecutor's office. From VYUZI Andreeva went to study at the Krupskaya Pedagogical Institute. Studying here, or rather the 5th year of the university, Andreeva later preferred to forget as a bad dream. The fact is that she was always proud of a beautiful, slender figure (her sports past helped), but while writing her thesis she literally “let herself go”.

And then one day, getting on the scales, Katya was simply horrified to learn that her weight had already exceeded 80 kg. She decided to pull herself together: a strict diet, active training in the gym - and after just a few months she lost about 20 kg. After this incident, Andreeva began to follow the figure very closely - and it must be said that even pregnancy and the birth of a child did not affect her.

After graduation, the girl faced a serious choice: go to work in her specialty or study further? Andreeva chose the latter, remembering her old dream of working on television. She took courses in television and radio workers. Many of those around her, including teachers, doubted that the girl would be able to succeed. It was her appearance that was to blame.

Despite her beauty, Andreeva always looked too serious, even cold. For which she received the nickname "The Snow Queen". But it was this natural severity that played an important role in the future. I must say that only one teacher was able to discern Katya's hidden talent. The famous announcer Igor Kirilov, who devoted most of his life to television production, began to personally teach the girl. Having mastered the profession, she went to television.


In 1991, Ekaterina Andreeva got a job at the Ostankino television company as an announcer. The talented girl was soon noticed by the management of the TV channel, and she was entrusted with leading the Good Morning program. Since 1995 she has been working for ORT as a news program editor.

A little later, in 1998, Ekaterina became the host of the Vremya program on Channel One. The girl's serious appearance was in her hands: the channel's management believed that it was such a face that the presenter should have. After all, she has to report not only joyful, but also tragic news.

However, appearance was not the main factor - Ekaterina Andreeva was a professional and in any, even the most difficult situation, she knew how to control herself. As the TV presenter admitted in an interview, this quality was very useful to her, because sometimes she had to report really terrible news.

Ekaterina Andreeva won the hearts of TV viewers with her first broadcast on the Vremya program. After just a year, she was recognized as the most beautiful presenter on domestic television. And even after many years, the situation has not changed.

But despite her dedication to the television profession, the screen star continued to develop professionally. Already being famous, Ekaterina Andreeva graduated from the history department and wrote a dissertation on the Nuremberg trials.

Few people know that the famous presenter has repeatedly acted in films. "Unknown Pages from the Life of a Scout" - the first film in which she got a role - was released back in 1990. And it is with him that the filmography of Ekaterina Andreeva begins. After that, she worked in several more paintings. And in 2000, the star was invited to star in a film dedicated to the terrorist attack at the musical "Nord-Ost".

At the beginning of 2018, alarming information appeared: Ekaterina Andreeva was fired. But the presenter reassured the alarmed fans by answering that she would simply broadcast the program in a different time zone, not in central Russia.

A family

The beautiful and charming TV presenter has always attracted the attention of men. For a long time, the personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva was a secret for many: the presenter does not like to talk about her own experiences and love dramas too much. And, unfortunately, they were.

So, for example, the presenter flatly refuses to talk about her first husband. In fact, nothing is known about him: no name, no wedding dates, no reason for the divorce. From her first marriage, Catherine left a daughter, Natalia.

The second serious relationship of the TV presenter was fundamentally different from the first. Ekaterina Andreeva and Dusan Petrovich met in 1989. The man, a Serb by nationality, did not know the Russian language at all. But this did not stop him: the businessman fell in love with the presenter at first sight and decided to win her heart by all means. They soon got married. Ekaterina Andreeva and her husband have been happy for many years and are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful couples.

Beauty and habits

Attractive and slender Ekaterina Andreeva is a role model for many. She is one of the women who have proven that age is not the main thing. At 56, the TV presenter looks just fine. And in many ways this is the result of proper nutrition. Andreeva does not like culinary delights, preferring simple and healthy food.

Her favorite cuisine is Japanese. The presenter claims that the dishes of this particular cuisine are as healthy as possible. For a long time, she has not eaten meat, but at the same time does not consider herself a vegetarian. Her diet consists of fish, cereals, eggs, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, Andreeva is actively involved in sports. Gymnastics, fitness, yoga - the presenter tries to train every day.

The beauty secret of Ekaterina Andreeva is quite simple: you need to carefully monitor what you eat, sleep at least 8 hours a day and exercise regularly. Author: Elizaveta Petrova

Member name: Andreeva Ekaterina Sergeevna

Age (birthday): 27.11.1961

Moscow city

Education: MGOU VYUZI

Family: married, have a daughter

Found an inaccuracy? Correct the profile

Read from this article:

Catherine's father was an influential and respected person, he served as chairman of the USSR State Supply, and his mother was a housewife, a keeper of the hearth. Andreeva and her younger sister Svetlana were brought up in severity and discipline. The girl grew up tall, thin, so her parents enrolled her in the basketball section. Thanks to her excellent performance, Catherine was sent to the school of the Olympic reserve.

Having received a certificate of maturity, Andreeva entered the evening department of VYUZI (now the Moscow State University of Law), where she mastered the intricacies of jurisprudence.

Ekaterina completed her internship at the Investigative Committee of the General Prosecutor's Office. She got Stavropol and Krasnodar, where the maximum crime rate was recorded.

After one incident involving the murder of a little girl, Andreeva decided to put an end to the failed profession.

To receive a second education, Ekaterina went to the pedagogical university named after Nadezhda Krupskaya. In 1990 she received her diploma and decided to take courses in radio and television broadcasting.... Igor Kirillov, a teacher of voice-over art, noted a talented and beautiful student from the first lessons.

TV debut

In 1991, Andreeva first appeared on the "Central" channel as an announcer. Since 1995, the girl has been the editor and presenter of the Novosti news block on the ORT channel. In 1997, Ekaterina changed her job at Channel One and became the permanent host of the Vremya program.

In 1999, she was recognized as the most beautiful presenter according to the results of a poll of TV viewers.... She was remembered by many fans for her simple hairstyle, reminiscent of a school teacher. In addition to her career as a TV journalist, Andreeva managed to play in popular films: "Fiend of Hell", "In the Mirror of Venus", "Personal Number".

In the track record of one of the most famous TV presenters in the post-Soviet space, there are such prestigious awards as: "Order of Friendship" and the "TEFI" statuette in the category "News program presenter". According to the analytical agency TNS Russia in 2010, Ekaterina entered the Top 10 most popular presenters. In addition, Andreeva is an honorary citizen of Montenegro. Only neighboring Ukraine included Ekaterina on the list of Russian non-entry journalists.

Favorite man of Andreeva

Catherine was married twice. She prefers to remain silent about her first wife, it is only known that she has a daughter Natalya (born August 19, 1982), who decided not to follow in the footsteps of her famous mother and graduated from MGIMO.

In 1989 Andreeva met the Montenegrin citizen Dusko Perovich... For more than three years, the man sought the location of the inaccessible careerist. Realizing that Catherine is special and cannot be bribed with expensive gifts, Dushko tried to win her heart with his actions.

At one point, Andreeva felt that this was the only man with whom she was ready to live to a ripe old age. In her interviews, Catherine never tires of thanking God for bringing her to this ideal person. The presenter believes that it was her husband who taught her to use her time rationally, to be tolerant, patient, loyal to people, even if they do not deserve it.

To stay in great physical shape at 56 years old Ekaterina regularly attends fitness, yoga, pilates, and tai chi workouts... Every morning the diva's body begins with gymnastics and breathing exercises.

Photo by Ekaterina

Ekaterina Andreeva often records videos with recipes for her instagram, as well as short videos from travel and everyday life.

Ekaterina Andreeva is well known and loved by the viewers of Channel One. Since 1997 she has been a permanent host of the Vremya news program. Fans admire the imposing, beautiful and beautiful diction of the woman.

Catherine's husband - Dusan Perovich

The star has said more than once that she was lucky with her husband. She married a second time to a businessman from Montenegro, Dusan Perovic, and is very happily married.

They met in 1989. Dusan came to Moscow on business issues, and accidentally saw Andreeva on the air of the Vremya program. It was love at first sight. Through familiar journalists, he found out who this beauty was, and began to actively look after her.

It is interesting that at the time of the meeting with the girl, the businessman knew only a few words in Russian.

For the sake of his beloved, he began to actively study a difficult language, gave bouquets and gifts. And a few months later, Catherine agreed to marry him. They got married in the same 1989, and have lived happily together for many years.

Photo: Instagram @ekaterinaandreeva_official

The couple loves to visit theater and opera, but Dusan is indifferent to social events. In addition, the TV presenter tries not to advertise her personal life, and very rarely uploads joint photos to the general public.

Daughter of Ekaterina Andreeva - Natasha

Natalia is the daughter of Ekaterina Andreeva from her first marriage. Who is her father and how long the star was married - nothing is known about this. But it is well known that Natasha is very similar to her mother.

Photo: Instagram @ekaterinaandreeva_official

In 2017, Andreeva's daughter turned 35. She graduated well from school, studied at the law faculty of the Moscow Institute of International Relations, where she studied finance and law. After graduating from the university, Natalia went to work in her specialty.

The girl prefers to make a living on her own. As she herself once said: "It is unacceptable to sit on the parent's neck."

With her mother's second husband, Dusan Perovich, Natalia immediately developed an excellent relationship. She considers him to be her father. According to the girl, Dusan constantly gave her gifts, but this is not the main thing. Much more important is that he was always ready to listen to her and, if necessary, give advice or help.

Photo: Instagram @ekaterinaandreeva_official

The three of us love to travel. Favorite vacation spot - Africa. In this state, they spend all vacations, as well as holidays and long weekends.

Unexpected confession of Ekaterina Andreeva

The famous TV presenter in a frank interview said that she often forgets dates. According to her, her family and friends know this feature, and they are not offended if Catherine forgets to congratulate them on their birthday. The star does not even know how many years she has been married to Dusan Perovich. As she herself said: "I just don't count the years."

The presenter told about the peculiarities of working on television, revealed a couple of her beauty secrets and talked a little about her relationship with her husband. “He's a wonderful person. Just perfect. He taught me patience, listen and hear other people, ”said Ekaterina.

Ekaterina Andreeva is a woman worthy of admiration. At 55, she looks wonderful, actively works and rests, while managing to be a caring wife and mother. The star does not often post photos of her family on Instagram, she does not like to show her personal life to the public.

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