How to know if a person is telling the truth or not

As a Russian proverb says: "The less you know, the better you sleep." It's true. But not in all cases. Sometimes it is the ignorance of the truth that prevents you from falling asleep and even living a full life.

Is the desire to know the truth maddening? Are you ready to find out the necessary information by any method? Then read the conspiracy of truth, maybe it will help you find out what is being hidden from you.


Fast for three days, after which arm yourself with a long black cloth and make a pentacle out of it. With a burning candle, draw two circles so that one is in the other. In a small circle, write the name: Raphael. Then draw crosses in the corners of the pentacle. Turn the rag over and draw the same circles on it, writing your name in the small circle, and drawing crosses in the corners of the rag. You can't talk to anyone until morning. Going to bed, read the spell below, and put the pentacle under your pillow. Important! One should sleep alone. Spell:

Oh, the glorious name of the Lord the living God,
Which from the creation of time.
Everything earthly belongs.
And I, Your slave (name).
O Eternal Father,
I pray you to send down to me
Your angel
Whose name is written in a circle
So that he shows me everything
What I want to see and know
Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
May it be so. Amen".


Looking at the bridge of a person's nose, you need to repeat this conspiracy to yourself three times:

“Go, Judas, don't be cunning. Go, Jesus, and keep me, The head of the servant of God (name) is a crumb, His arrogance and cunning is a fig. Sly (name), I won't buy it! Amen".


When the person hiding the truth from you falls asleep, stand next to him, and, crossing his mouth, whisper a conspiracy from lies:

“I fly lies with the banner of the Cross,
I will wean you with the banner of the cross (name of the spouse) from lies.

Not in the morning, not during the day, not in the evening, not at night
You will not say a word that is cunning and unrighteous.
And if you want to lie
Let your tongue go numb
And in your eyes it will darken.
The Lord Himself will be your judge.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


“For those who wish to know the truth,
Who longs to open hearts and minds.
From now on until the memory runs out.
Those who are in this house,
Let them hear the truth from other lips. "


Repeat the following conspiracy three times, which will help to recognize the true nature of a person and his deeds:

“The Lord who exists in heaven, who lives in me, open my heart, open my clear eyes and be able to see in the true light what is hidden behind the curtain of darkness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


This ritual helps to identify the cause of your problems and troubles, and also, if there is a negative program, to completely neutralize it. For the ritual you will need: a rimless mirror (30 x 40 cm), a new black fabric slightly larger than the mirror, dry wormwood (2 tablespoons), dried sage (1 tablespoon), a lock of your own hair, a candle, a metal pot, a box new matches.

The ritual should begin on the full moon. A candle is lit, herbs and hair are thrown into the pot, which are burned to ash, while the conspiracy is read:

“Burn the candle, burn the grass, burn not the body, but black deed. On the guilty person the hat is on fire, the mirror tells the truth. Exactly!"

The mirror is evenly covered with ash, and a balance is drawn on it with the index finger of the right hand. After that, the mirror is covered with a black cloth and the reflective side is turned to the east and left in this position for 9 days, after which the cloth is removed.

If, having opened the mirror, you see the scales in balance, there is no damage to you, if the image has changed, then the damage can be easily removed by simply washing the mirror. If additional signs appear on the mirror, then it is you who are the cause of your troubles and misfortunes, for example, your constant lies. Look for answers in symbols and yourself, this will help open the truth to the state of your affairs today.

Find out the truth or how to find out when the truth is being told. Let me remind you that I have a medical education, and in the psychology of communication the grade is excellent. It's easy to recognize a lie. Psychologists have long deduced several basic gestures and behavioral characteristics of liars. By paying attention to them, you can easily expose the liar.

Watch your emotions. If there is a break between words and their emotional confirmation, then you are probably lying. For example, you were told that your dish was incredibly tasty, and only after a few seconds they vigorously nodded their heads in confirmation of the words. In addition, in a liar, the expression of emotions will occur more clearly: the smile is the widest, the joy is too feigned, the indignation is too violent. A person who speaks the pure truth will have an emotional reaction without delay, simultaneously with what is said.

A person, without saying something, will not be able to portray sincerity. That is, facial expressions will not be involved in the expression of emotions on the whole face, but only on a part of it. For example, he can only smile with his mouth, while the muscles of the cheeks, eyes and nose remain motionless. Learning to control and subordinate your tasks to the expression of the eyes is almost impossible. Therefore, if in front of you is not a talented actor, but an ordinary person, then by the eyes you can easily guess whether he is telling the truth, the more he will avoid meeting your eyes.

When a person begins to lie, he psychologically shrinks, that is, subconsciously tries to occupy as little space as possible. He can hunch over, cross his legs or squeeze his legs tightly, squeeze his arms or cross them, tilt his head strongly, pulling it into his shoulders. He seemed to be preparing to "defend". In a moment of insincerity, a person unconsciously can put some object between you, as if creating a "protective barrier".

Involuntary hand movements can also betray a liar. The hand itself will reach out to touch the tip of the nose or to the earlobe, rub the eye or forehead. A person can begin to strongly gesticulate, as if reinforcing the truthfulness of his words with gestures.

The liar often asks clarifying questions, unconsciously giving himself time to think: "What do you mean?", "Where did you get this?", "Why are you asking about this?" At the same time, having formulated his thought, the person will either not give a clear answer, evade the topic, or he will unnecessarily detail his story, say more than is required, filling in the pauses in the conversation. A person telling a lie can get confused in their own details, instantly forgetting the already voiced fantasies. In addition, he will most likely start to formulate grammatically incorrect sentences.

How to determine the truth

Few people like it when they lie to him or hide part of the truth. Some, after talking with a suspicious interlocutor, begin to double-check the information they have received, others simply turn a deaf ear to words. In the meantime, you can still find out if a person is telling the truth in the process of communication.

Often employers use this technique when interviewing candidates. First, they ask a question, to which their interlocutor gives an affirmative answer, then a question implying a denial, and record the rate of breathing, dilated pupils, fine motor skills for both answers. In further dialogue, if the applicant lies, the employer will notice his lie, since the physical reaction will not match the answer.

Try this same method before starting a serious conversation. For example, you can ask your interlocutor whether today is Wednesday, to which he will answer in the affirmative, and after a while, referring to forgetfulness, ask if his sister is in the tenth grade, to which he will answer that you are wrong, and she's in the eleventh. You saw the reaction of the interlocutor to a positive and negative answer and now you can start a dialogue.

If you suspect the interlocutor of insincerity, ask him a clarifying question about any fact that he told you about a few minutes ago. In the event that the speech was invented, it will take your opponent a lot of time to remember what he wrote.

Watch the tempo of the speech of the person whose honesty you are unsure of. The liar may speak too quickly, as if he is afraid that you will interrupt him or ask a tricky question that will ruin his story. Or, on the contrary, his speech will be unnecessarily slow. This means that a person comes up with on the go, and it takes time for him to decide whether to tell you or not.

Pay attention to your opponent's gestures. Excessively violent gestures, constant scratching of the nose, touching the mouth should alert you. A liar can shift from foot to foot, twirl small objects in his hands, trying to hide his excitement. However, remember that these gestures may have another explanation: the person is worried, he needs to leave, but he does not dare to interrupt the conversation, or his nose is simply itchy.

How to identify a lie by looking

The behavior of a lying person is always different from that of a sincere person. A small detail, sometimes noticeable only to an experienced psychologist, still betrays the deceiver, no matter how he disguises himself: it can be facial expressions, pantomime, posture. The look of the interlocutor can also tell if he is telling the truth.

If a person is lying, then it is possible to recognize the deception. There will still be small inconsistencies between words and gestures (including the expression in the eyes), even if it will be difficult to distinguish them. The main thing is to determine whether the interlocutor has prerequisites for lying and you have suspicions.

The first sign of a lie is averted gaze. But this is not an absolute figure. Some people, even with ordinary, sincere speech, do not look at the interlocutor, but turn to the side, so it is easier for them to find words and gestures. Such people, deceiving, on the contrary, can look you in the eye and look even with some challenge.

Change in the expression of the eyes. As a rule, a lying person is still afraid of being revealed, hence the slightly frightened expression. However, do not confuse the fear of disclosing deception and the usual embarrassment in front of a stranger or an unusual situation.

How to tell a lie from your eyes

Sometimes people lie. This can be about little things - like moods, likes, or hobbies. You can ignore this, because not everyone wants to reveal their souls. But sometimes the lie can concern important things as well. And you need to be ready to recognize it. One way is to detect lies in the eyes.

When a person is lying, the eyes most often give him away. You can learn to control movements, you can learn to come up with a plausible lie. But it is very, very difficult to control eye movement. At the moment of lying, the person feels uncomfortable, so he looks away from the eyes of the interlocutor. Look where the interlocutor's gaze is directed, if he stubbornly does not look you in the eye - this is the first sign of a lie.

People who know this trait sometimes do the opposite. That is, they look a person in the eye. And the second sign of a lie is a direct, unblinking gaze straight into the eyes. As a rule, people at this moment are trying to whitewash themselves, so their look is too honest.

Due to an unpleasant situation, the eyes of a lying person change. And it is generally impossible to control this. The pupil decreases sharply in size. Look the other person in the eye. If the pupil is constricted, chances are good that it is lying.

When a person is lying, the blood rushes a little more to the face. Microscopic red spots appear around the eyes. Sometimes it is possible to notice it with the naked eye. Look closely at the skin around your opponent's eyes. If you see small spots that appear, then most likely the person is not telling the truth.

Look in which direction the person is looking when he speaks. If he looks to the right, he is lying. If a person looks to the right and up, at that moment they come up with an image, a picture. If he looks to the right and straight ahead, then he scrolls sounds in his head, picks up phrases. If he looks to the right and down, it means that he has finished thinking about the situation and is ready to tell it.

Apply these rules if you are confident that the person is right-handed. If he is left-handed, then he will look to the left when telling a lie. Consider this when declassifying a person.

Sometimes a lie can be identified in another way. Watch your opponent's eyes. If his gaze began to quickly move from one object to another, he, too, can be suspected of lying.


For thousands of years, people have been forced to live next to lies and deceit. And all this time they are trying to find the truth, as they say, to separate the wheat from the chaff. You can go to the truth in different ways: by breaking through and by roundabout ways, and there are no ready-made recipes for this for all occasions. For as many people and specific situations exist, there are so many ways to expose deception. All that we can - is to disassemble typical methods of revealing the truth.

The first is perhaps direct impact... It can be expressed in psychological or physical impact. In the latter case, we are talking about torture as a means of clarifying the truth. Often, psychological and physical measures of influence are combined, sometimes pharmacological drugs are added to them, weakening the will and making a person more outspoken. Various types of hypnosis and suggestions in general adjoin here.

Methods of detecting deception based on bodily manifestation emotional reactions, the so-called non-verbal. A classic example of this group of methods is a lie detector. But it should be noted that this group of methods allows only to expose the deception, but not to find out the truth. These are precisely the "determinants of the lie", but not the truth.

The third group of methods is based on logical analysis incoming information. The deductive way of the legendary Sherlock Holmes better illustrates the merits and limitations of such an analysis. In the future, a wide field of activity opens up here for using a computer, but at the same time one should remember one important detail: a person is full of emotions and this can make his behavior unpredictable.

The fourth group of methods can be conventionally designated as " provocations"This includes completely different ways of influencing the human psyche, which are united by one principle: active manipulation of consciousness. In order to find out the truth, a person must be placed in special conditions. These conditions are created on purpose, forcing the deceiver to reveal his cards. There are many similarities here. a combinative style of chess in which a piece is sacrificed in order to eventually checkmate. This includes tricks such as " lulling vigilance", "applying surprise effect", "bluff", "feigned doubt about the veracity of an opponent"and other methods of revealing the truth.

Finally, the fifth group of methods reflects an individual approach to the "client" and is based on use of personal qualities of a person, his weaknesses and character traits.

Let's start illustrating the methods with direct exposure. Studying the history of legal proceedings shows us how many mistakes and misconceptions people had to go through along the way. The first ways to find out the truth in litigation in Russia are described in Russkaya Pravda, a manuscript set of laws introduced by Yaroslav the Wise and supplemented by Vladimir Monomakh. As N.I.Kostomarov writes in his "History ..."

The oath was called "company". But although it was pronounced in church, in a solemn atmosphere, under the cross, it sometimes turned out to be false. The testimony of "rumors" - witnesses was of great importance. If there were doubts about the truth of the testimony, the so-called "divine judgment" was used, which was rather cruel and did not guarantee justice. The accused was forced to take a red-hot iron in his hands, and then, by the nature of the burns, they judged whether he needed to be acquitted or accused. In Russia, in the old days, there was a proverb: "You cannot tell the real truth, you can tell the inside story."

The original meanings of these words are largely forgotten, and now few of the contemporaries will be able to explain how the true truth differed from the inside story. It turns out that in medieval courts, torture began with sticks ( longnikov)... The speeches made by the tortured under the sticks- under the lengths, called genuine- it was "the real truth." After the true truth, the tortured person was tortured again to tell the truth. ins and outs- for this they hammered iron nails under his fingernails. Torture has long been common in Russian legal proceedings. Alexei Tolstoy, who specially studied the materials of interrogations of the 16th-18th centuries, described the methods of interrogation in Russia in Peter the Great times: “In fourteen dungeons, the archers were raised on a rack, beaten with a whip; the man came to life, and again pulled up on twisted hands, trying to find out the names of the main breeders ... "

It should be noted that torture and other methods of physical pressure are effective if investigators need to break the will of a person, force him to obey the orders of the torturers without complaint, but if we are talking about the search for the truth, then in this regard, physical torture does not always lead to the desired result. Here is what the military counterintelligence officer O. Pinta wrote on this issue: “Bodily torture has one serious drawback. Under its influence, an innocent person often confesses to crimes that he has never committed, and only in order to get a respite. Bodily torture in the end is force anyone to speak, but not necessarily the truth. "

The perseverance of a person in hiding the truth is modified by the action of certain chemicals. Everyone has probably heard of the so-called "truth serum" - a substance that reduces volitional control, the introduction of which into a person's blood makes him more frank. However, many experts believe that pentazole did not live up to the expectations placed on it: firstly, they get used to it, so that it may not have its effect, and, secondly, the "client" may be previously subjected to a hypnosis session, so that the introduction " serum of truth "will only make him give out another, previously" embedded "legend in him.

But, if few of us have dealt with pentazole, then of course, everyone has come across another drug that loosens tongues - with ordinary alcohol. "What a sober man has on his mind, a drunk man has on his tongue," says a popular proverb, and indeed, in a state of intoxication, a person becomes more frank and can blurt out his most cherished secrets.

Drunken people are known to dislike the sober members of their company. Perhaps one of its reasons is that a drunk person is sometimes too frank, which more sober drinking companions can take advantage of. The historian V. Kostomarov gives an interesting episode on this topic, which concerns Count Pyotr Andreevich Tolstoy, a famous figure of the Petrine era. He was a rather clever and cunning person. During the reign of Tsarevna Sophia and Ivan Miloslavsky, he became involved in a streltsy revolt and narrowly escaped execution, repenting in time for his transgressions before Peter. Subsequently, the tsar repeatedly used him for the most secret and delicate assignments - in 1717, the count deceived Tsarevich Alexei from Naples and brought him to Russia to certain death.

Somehow, in order to find out the necessary information, he decided to pretend to be drunk, but was exposed by the king. Here is how the historian tells about this case:

“Once, at a feast with the ship's masters, after playing around and feeling merciful, the guests began to easily lay out to the tsar what each lay at the bottom of the soul. meanwhile, swaying, he listened attentively to the frank chatter of the tsar's interlocutors.Peter, walking up and down the room out of habit, noticed the trick of the cunning man and, pointing at him to those present, said:

Look, the head is hanging down - as if it didn’t fall off the shoulders.

Do not be afraid, your majesty, - Tolstoy suddenly woke up answered. - She is still faithful to you and is firm on me.

A! So he only pretended to be drunk, - continued Peter. - Bring him three good flin glasses (warmed beer with cognac and lemon juice). So he will catch up with us and he will also rattle like a magpie. "

However, this method of "pumping alcohol" into your opponent in order to find out the truth is not always perfect. After all, an intoxicated consciousness, clouded by alcohol vapors, does not distinguish reality from drunken fantasies, and therefore it is not at all easy to distinguish truth from lies in the words of a drunk person.

In Nikolai Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" the mayor, in order to get more out of Khlestakov, solders him at dinner. But he is lying drunk from three boxes, which confuses the owner:

City And I'm not glad I got drunk. Well, what if half of what he said was true? (Thinks.) But why not be true? Having played around, a person carries everything out. What's on the heart is on the tongue. Of course, a little bit. Why, without lying down, no speech is spoken. He plays with the ministers and goes to the palace ... "The mayor did not know what kind of unrestrained braggart he was dealing with. After all, Khlestakov, having drunk, sincerely believed in what he was talking about. And therefore, the mayor, who had become skilled in deception, took everything at face value.

Whatever substance is used in order to "loosen the tongue" of a suspect in a lie, in itself it does not guarantee the discovery of the truth. "Serum of Truth" is useless without the use of active methods of suggestion, therefore pharmacological and psychological methods of influence, as a rule, are used in combination. However, the use of hypnotic suggestion alone often gives good results.

The old but tried and tested trick with two investigators - "good" and "bad", remains effective. As O. Pinto writes in his book "Spy Hunter", "... one of them plays the role of a brute - shouts, threatens and bangs on the table. The tension reaches its climax when the "rude" shouting insults and the worst threats are unexpectedly called somewhere. The interrogation continues to be conducted by the "handsome" investigator. He calms the suspect in a friendly tone and offers him a cigarette. good results - the suspect admits everything. "

Now let's move on to another method of revealing the truth, which is very effective in capable hands - provocation, especially if it is used taking into account the personality characteristics of the suspect. Tradition says that the legendary King Solomon, whose deeds are described in the Bible, was a great master of revealing the truth among the intricacies of lies. The third Book of Kings of the Old Testament describes the judgment that the wise Solomon performed over two women who turned to him for justice. Each accused the other of stealing the nursing infant. One of them claimed that her neighbor at night changed her stillborn child for hers, while the second woman denied all this.

Since each of the women stubbornly defended their rights to the baby, Solomon ordered to cut the child into two parts and give each woman a half. One of the women agreed with this harsh sentence, saying: "Let it be so - neither to me nor to her!" Wise Solomon, of course, was not going to execute an innocent child - he only wanted to find out which of the two women values ​​him more, and by the cold-blooded reaction of the false mother revealed a lie.

Solomon was a born psychologist. He knew that under stress a person behaves differently than at rest, and that is when he is prone to make mistakes. Sherlock Holmes resorted to this technique - to place a person in extreme conditions and observe his reactions - to find out where Irene Adler is holding a photograph that compromises the King of Bohemia.

"Holmes sat up on the sofa and began to writhe like a man who lacks air. The maid rushed to open the window. At the same instant Holmes raised his hand; at this signal I threw a sword into the room and shouted:" Fire! " my lips, as the whole crowd caught him in. Raggers and gentlemen, grooms and maids - all in one voice shouted: “Fire!” Thick clouds of smoke billowed in the room and burst out through the open window. I saw people rushing about there, inside; a minute later, Holmes's voice was heard, claiming that this was a false alarm ...

You did it smartly, Doctor, said Holmes. - Never better. Everything is fine.

Have you gotten the photo?

No, but I know now where it is hidden.

How did you know that?

She herself showed me as I predicted.

I do not understand anything.

And I'm not going to make a secret out of this, ”he said, laughing. - Everything is very simple. You probably guessed that all these onlookers on the street are my accomplices. I hired them for the evening.

I guessed it.

I had some red paint in my hand. When the dump began, I rushed forward, fell, pressed my hand to my face and appeared in a deplorable state. An old trick.

I also understood that.

They bring me into the house. She is forced to agree - what can she do? I find myself in the living room, in the very room that I have on suspicion. The photo is somewhere nearby, either in the living room or in the bedroom - I decided to find out. They put me on the couch, I pretend that I don't have enough air, they have to open the window, and you get the opportunity to do your job.

And what have you achieved by this?

A lot. When the house is on fire, instinct forces a woman to save what is most dear to her. A married woman rushes to the child, an unmarried woman grabs a jewelry box. It was clear to me that there was nothing more dear to our lady than photography. She rushes to save her. The fire was well played. There was enough smoke and screaming, and nerves of steel would have trembled. She did exactly what I expected. The photograph is in a cache, behind a pull-out panel, just above the bell string. She instantly found herself there and half pulled out the photo - I even saw the edge. When I shouted that the alarm was false, she put the photo back, glanced at the saber and ran out of the room. I never saw her again. "

Truly, skillful provocation is a tried and tested means of finding out the truth. As long as a person is calm, collected and determined to keep a secret, it is difficult to get anything out of him. But if, with skillful actions or words, you take him out of mental equilibrium, put him in a difficult position, force him to take ill-conceived responses, the necessary information will float out on its own. The unforgettable Balthazar Gracian wrote about this in his "Pocket Oracle". The two hundred and thirteenth paragraph of his guide to novice intriguers is called: "Skillfully contradict."

"The best method to probe is to unravel the other without getting involved yourself. An excellent master key, releasing other people's passions from imprisonment, feigned distrust - an emetic for secrets, a key to a forbidden heart. With special subtlety you make a double test of feelings and thoughts. Deliberate neglect in response to the mysterious you will lure out of the depths the most cherished secrets and, gently leading them by the bridle, direct them to the tongue - and there in the nets set by your crafty intent. was impenetrable. Feigned doubt is the best key with which curiosity will reveal whatever it wants. "

Another way to test someone's loyalty to themselves is to get them to take action. This is how the Persian ruler Khosrov Parvez tested the loyalty of his vassals. When he saw in his environment two courtiers, tied by bonds of friendship and sympathy, he told one of them fictitious things about the other. Under great secrecy, he said that he had decided to execute his friend on suspicion of treason. If after this the second courtier did not change his behavior in any way, it was clear that the secret was preserved. Then the courtier who was tested was awarded and promoted. To close the issue with an alleged betrayal, Khosrov informed the courtier that the suspicions about his friend had not been justified. If the second courtier, falsely accused by Khosrov, abruptly changed his behavior, avoided meeting with the king, behaved fearfully or anxiously, then it became clear that he knew about the king’s imaginary plans in relation to him. In this case, the courtier who could not stand the test was subjected to disgrace and was forced to go into exile.

A. Ignatenko, from whose book "How to live and rule" this example is taken, writes that "to check those close to him, Khosrov used women from his own harem. duties and forgetting about loyalty to the king, he was subjected to shameful punishment. "

To obtain information about a certain person, it is possible to involve a third party - the only task is how to provoke this "third" person to report the information of interest. In the anecdote below, the "key" for revealing the truth is strong emotional arousal combined with a knowingly false accusation:

An American and a Russian are talking about married life.

When I leave, - the American shares his experience, - I leave the switched on tape recorder and video camera in the bedroom. And when I arrive, I find out if my wife cheated on me in my absence.

And when I return from a business trip, - says the Russian, - I just go to my neighbor and ask her: "Why are you cheating on your husband, bitch?" She answered: "Am I cheating? What then can I say about your wife?" And for a long, long time he tells me who, when and how much my wife has ...

Above, we analyzed the biblical story of the judgment of Solomon. It turned out that the Jewish king had imitators, and no less talented. Revealing the truth by stimulating a person's negative qualities, not without success, was applied by the old rabbi in the story of V. Veresaev, which is called the "Judgment of Solomon". I am abbreviating it.

Until recently, patriarchal Jewish townships still existed in the western region, where the rabbi was not only a mediator between people and God for the local population, but was also a judge and general advisor. In all disputes and quarrels, the pious Jew resorted to his judgment.

Two Jewish women who lived in the same house quarreled: they were drying linen in the attic, one of them lost several pieces, she blamed her neighbor for the loss, and in response she began to accuse her. Shouting, shouting, no one could make out anything. The women went to the rabbi.

The old rabbi listened attentively to both of them and said:

Go and bring every one of your linen here.

The women brought it. The rabbi announced:

Let it lie with me until the morning, and in the morning come, and we will try to figure out what the matter is.

In the morning, women came, and many other Jews came - everyone was interested to see how the rabbi would judge this tricky business. The rabbi said:

Rosa Solomonovna! Rebekah Moiseevna! I know you both as venerable women and devout Jewish women. It cannot be that any of you went to theft. But maybe one of you absent-mindedly took off a couple of neighbors' underwear from the rope. Go over again, each, here, in front of our eyes, its own pile and see if someone else's linen has accidentally fallen into it.

Rosa Solomonovna proudly and confidently began to disassemble her pile. She took out the sheet - she suddenly turned pale, then blushed and lowered her head.

It's ... It's not mine, ”she said with shame.

Here's how! Not yours? - Rebekah Moiseyevna exclaimed triumphantly. - And what a scandal you made, how you dishonored honest people!

Red with excitement and shame, Rosa Solomonovna put aside the towel and the man's shirt and said in a fallen voice:

This is not mine either.

Not yours either? Mr. Rabbi, you can see for yourself now.

The rabbi interrupted the second woman dispassionately.

Now go through your pile and see if you also have someone else's underwear.

Excuse me. But I guarantee in advance: you won't find someone else's underwear. I'm not one of those, I don't need someone else's, but it would burn my hands. And of course! Here. Nothing is foreign. All is mine.

Is it all yours?

Only my.

The judge turned to the first woman who was sadly awaiting the shameful condemnation, and ordered:

Go through a bunch of your neighbor and select your underwear from her.

Everyone was amazed. The first woman took several pieces from the heap and happily said:

This is mine. And this is mine.

Take it. It really is yours.

The second woman yelled in indignation:

How - her ?! Let me ...

But the judge said sternly:

I put several pieces of my own linen in each pile at night. Rosa Solomonovna was not even afraid of condemnation and honestly admitted that the underwear was not hers. And you, Rebekka Moiseyevna - if you declared my linen as yours, then it means that it would be even easier to declare Rosa Solomonovna's linen as yours.


Make the person worry to find out the truth. What he hides in a calm state, he can give out, being at the mercy of emotions. Somewhere play along with him a little, somewhere you anger him a little, in one place show a feigned distrust, in another - pretend that you are sure of his sincerity. Adrenaline is a bad advisor to the mind ...

And techniques to help you hear the truth.

Reception "Surprise"

The question on the subject of your interest should be asked unexpectedly, contrary to the previous logical chain of dialogue. For greater efficiency, a deliberate channel of conversation is created in a friendly mood, with a soft and kind smile, repeatedly emphasizing their own trust in the interlocutor. Lulling suspicion increases the chances of your surprise. And if you worry in advance that your opponent will not take the opportunity to keep silent or laugh it off, or in another way to avoid answering (for example, ask a question so loudly that other people interested in the answer will hear it), then a high percentage of probability will provide you with a truthful answer. ...

Reception "Blackmail"

Photo: Depositphotos

Yes, this is a dirty but effective trick. Seeking the truth from a child, promise him, in the worst case, a ban on access to the computer. From a lying husband, fast nights are the surest remedy. From the crafty wife - a delay in the purchase of a fur coat. And a friend who has recently been afraid to look you in the eyes may threaten to quarrel. Etc. and so on. There are many means, but only one method. The main thing is that blackmail touches really "sore spots" of the opponent. And one should always keep "promises" in case of refusal to tell the truth. Because next time, this technique will not help you at all.

Reception "I know everything"

It works great if your confidence in your own suspicions is high. If you are in doubt, the trick will not help, even if you are actually right. Let's say you're a bad actor, then confidence will work for you - verbal and non-verbal cues, tone of voice, gestures, look. " I know everything, but it will be better if you tell everything yourself! " - this phrase simultaneously saves you and your opponent. Thanks to such a solution to the conflict, family ties can still be preserved, friendship can be strengthened, and the partner business can be taken over by one hand without the services of a killer.

Reception "Good"

It is effective if the lie did not lead to a global catastrophe or revolution, if the north and south poles remained each in their place, and also when the planet Earth has not yet left its orbit. This trick is because he does not recommend boring torture " so do you say or not?". He also denies swearing, swearing, drooling, and gnashing of teeth. But you should pick up such human qualities as sincerity and kindness, the desire to understand the interlocutor. The opponent, seeing you as a friend, will lose the support conditions for lying - why lie when you can simply explain the motives of the deception?

Photo: Depositphotos

Reception "emergency" (extreme strangeness)

Usually, a lie needs a leg of rationale. Truth does not need "truth" as much as it does! And if at the moment of a conversation about a subject of interest something unusual and absurd slips out from your side, then the whole logical chain of your opponent collapses. Moreover, the more extreme the strangeness, the more honest the answer. Laughter instead of anger, an unreasonable outpouring of gratitude, an intimate question, concern about the health of relatives (especially if you don't know them and have never been interested in their health before), etc. - a complete revelry for your imagination and creativity!

I will paraphrase a well-known saying: "We are responsible for those who have been exposed!" So, friends, be careful in the fight for!

The conspiracy "tell the truth" will help you learn the truth from a person who, for reasons you do not understand, is hiding it. Sometimes, knowing the truth is "dear to yourself", but in most cases this is the only way to solve the problems that have arisen and restore justice.

How it works

That sometimes the truth means to us. Knowledge is true, helps to understand how you are treated in a team, whether your loved one is faithful and honest with you. And how many sometimes, not knowing the truth, we make mistakes in raising children. Such problems are solved with the help of psychologists who help people understand themselves and find out the true state of affairs.

But what to do if the person from whom you expect the truth and an honest attitude towards himself does not compromise. To correct the situation, magic is involved, which acts more gently and does not put pressure on the human psyche. With her conspiracies and rituals, more than one difficult problem has been solved since ancient times. And in this case, there is also a whole arsenal of ways that will help bring anyone "to clean water."

The people have one proven way to tell the truth. It is necessary to give a drink to a person, as they say: "What is in the head of a sober, then a drunk on the tongue." But this method of finding out the truth is not suitable for everyone and everyone. Therefore, the rituals proposed below will make it possible to find out the truth without pressure.

Such rituals should be carried out very carefully. If a person starts from “a bitter truth is better than a sweet lie,” then one must be prepared for someone that one can hear such facts that will not fit in the head. Usually this leads to a break in relations, to major scandals and simply not a desire to live with such a "truth."

But there are also positive aspects of learning the truth. The information received helps people to understand each other better, which greatly strengthens the relationship. A husband who has wanted a child for a long time, and his wife is silent, for some unknown reason, may learn about it secretly.

As a rule, conspiracies for a person to tell the truth are quite simple to carry out at home. Without drawing on the strengths of magic.

In what cases are rituals performed to obtain the truth

  • For information on competing firms that are trying to bankrupt your firm with the help of full-time employees;
  • To resolve the conflict in the work team;
  • If the wife suspects her husband of his campaigns "to the left";
  • When children, especially adolescents, often hide the truth from their parents;
  • When friends are silent about the truth, which can be very upsetting or even unsettling in life.

To find out the truth in a dream

When it is necessary to find out certain information, and the person does not make contact, then perform the ceremony and read the conspiracy to the truth.

The time for the ceremony when the moon is in the rising phase. The chosen night for finding out the truth must be clear so that moonlight can penetrate the room. After the person is sound asleep, go to the window, open the curtains and say:

“I call upon you, our Lord our God, glorious and praised. Giving life to all living things and guiding it. I ask you, Lord, open the lips of your servant (name), put a true petal in them, so that it blooms with the flower of the truth that I want to hear. Amen"

After the spoken words, go to bed. As soon as a person starts talking, be sure to wake up and hear what he will talk about. Be sure that the person will not even know that they talked last night in a dream.

Conspiracy for conversation

In order to find out the truth and challenge your opponent to a frank conversation, a conversation conspiracy will help with this. Before. How to call a person to a conversation, prepare for him.

The night before, write the name of the person you are planning to meet on a piece of paper. Light a church candle and holding a sheet of paper high above the flame so as not to set it on fire, read the conspiracy:

“The servant of God (name) will tell the whole truth, and let the Servant of God (name) lay out the truth to me. Let him not be afraid to open his mouth and talk to me with his soul. Your Lord is true on a universal scale and among her is a drop of truth of my interlocutor. Let us conduct a conversation with hearts open to the truth, and not with false thoughts. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Fold the charmed sheet of paper and put your own at the head. After the conversation, burn the ash in the wind to scatter. You need to know that the ceremony works in two directions, that is, the person who performs it is also exposed to it. Which makes the future conversation honest and frank from both sides.

Conspiracy from the one who lies

The conspiracy that is proposed has great power and in the future the person will no longer have to doubt the truth of the words spoken by the interlocutor. It is read at home when:

  • Feel that the child ran away from the lesson, or received a bad grade, while carefully hiding the truth;
  • Bring out a person who for a long time pretended to be a friend, who actually started nasty things against you;
  • So that colleagues at work do not lie and do not deceive, thereby substituting for the failure of any business;
  • So that your husband is frank and honest with you.

“If someone goes against me and decides to lie to me, let his mouth close in a sore bite, and it will remain so. Let it be".

If a person intends to tell a lie, then say the following conspiracy:

"As soon as you lie, you immediately stutter and choke on saliva."

“On the way, along the path, the satellite will not deceive, it will not decorate the conversation with a lie. Truth will be in his words and truthfulness. "

How to get someone to tell the truth

A magical conspiracy and ritual that is held on the eve of the meeting will help to find out the true purpose of a conversation with colleagues, friends or acquaintances.

You need to prepare for this ceremony. What do you need:

  • Medium-sized round mirror with a clean, crack-free and scratch-free surface;
  • A sheet of white paper;
  • Church candle;
  • A box of matches.

Lead a piece of paper with the name of the opponent of tomorrow's conversation written over the flame of a candle, make it so that everything is reflected in the mirror and read:

“Lord God, help me to open my heart, and open my eyes so that I can see the truth, hidden behind a black curtain of lies. Amen".

Roll the sheet and hide it in an inaccessible place. As the conversation takes place, it must be destroyed.

So that the husband does not lie

In order for a person not to lie. And even more so if this is a husband, you must read the following conspiracy:

“I conjure you (name), to tell me (name) only the truth, in the name of our Lord, who will not tolerate a lie and knows the whole truth. Forever and ever. Amen".

When your spouse goes to bed, cross his mouth and say:

“Lord help me your servant (name), from lies and lies to save your servant (name). So that neither in the morning, nor in the evening, nor during the day nor at night, the words of lies were not spoken. And if he tells a lie, let his tongue stick to the sky, let his mouth grow numb, and his eyes darken. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy on a liar

A conspiracy uttered on a liar in order to fence off his lies is a good alternative to medical methods of treatment. The fact is that in medicine they use pills that help the liar to correct his situation. They act on the subconscious, and the eternal liar begins to speak the truth. But this is a radical way that can affect human health.

Therefore, it is enough to arm yourself with a photo of a liar and learn the words of the conspiracy:

“Lying to you is bad. From the truth. That sits inside you, it turns you inside out. You live well without her and you can live more calmly. But as soon as you look into my eyes, the truth will pour out of you in a frenzied stream that has sat in you for years. And you will free your soul from your lies and it will be easier for me to live with your truth. Let this be the only way, and not the other way. Amen".

Thereafter. The person will start telling the truth as soon as they look you in the eye. Direct eye-to-eye contact always causes a person to be frank, especially since he is backed up by a conspiracy.

As the people say: "Trust in God, but do not make a mistake yourself." This also applies to the fact that before demanding truthful words and honest attitude from someone, look at your behavior. conclude if you are honest enough with people and always tell the truth. Therefore, before demanding from someone to speak the truth, try to speak it yourself always and everywhere.

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